Martial arts for children at the school "Meu-Dam": program, active support, support until the beginning. Kung fu baby Grad kung fu baby

Description of flash games

Baby Kung Fu

Digital Baby Kung Fu V2.0

Busy Lover of today's children - all computer games, so many of them appeared at once. The skin is suitable for a singing vіku, and it flows into the development of deyaky zdіbnosti. "Child of Kung-Fu" is a game for children, aimed at the development of logic and swedish thinking. She can play two or two supercomputers, so the child can ask his friend for help. Leather gravel can choose your hero and be some kind of mischief, which is the most appropriate. The skin of these heroes can be able to fight with the hard miracle, as if it is impossible to overcome without a singing word. In the Crimea, the participants of the Grim can take away various bonuses to increase their fighting strength, defend their body against the blows of the opponent, as well as take away the increase in Russia and so on. From the skin level of gravel, new cards are shown, as if they could increase the severity of the morbidity and increase even more cicada and hoarseness. Peremagaet that participant, which is the best way to defeat the opponent and vikonati all the tasks set. It’s important to call for an hour, even if it’s like a new one, it would be too late to lie down at this gr. Take a part in the fighting battle right now and show your ability to the enemy!
Another version of the digital child is out! Povnistyu new combat dosvіd, new

The life of the great pandy changed hostilely, if the wines leaned in a vipadkovo on the square of the order with Shalenoy P'yatirka Voiniv. The Great Meister is unstoppable for everyone by becoming a Dragon Warrior. From a simple sin lokshina vin becoming a great master of Kung Fu. However, such a transformation cannot be easily given to anyone, especially to a tovstoy, a slightly lazy panda, as a trio suffers from impatience. Tim is not less, a firm character, a will to win, and at the same hour, a cheerful good-natured gift allowed him to reach splendid successes. Vіn zmіg to trust the truth of the Great Maister and shy away the wisdom of the Dragon scroll. Zavdyaki tsyumu, the new soldier of Kung Fu in the tension of the essence of the health of the mighty, but evil Tai Lung. Do you want to take a part in the amusing facilities of pandy Po and at once master all the wisdom of Kung Fu? Then play at the bezkoshtovna online games about something new on our website!

Kung Fu Panda is a 2008 American animated rock project produced by the DreamWorks studio, created by directors Mark Osborne and John Stevenson. In the English version, the cartoon character speaks with the voices of Jack Black, Dustin Hoffman, Angelina Jolie, Lucy Liu, Jack Chan.

Pandy's history

Diya is found in the Valley of the World - the ancient region of Ancient China, inhabited by human-like creatures. Panda As long as you live with your name Father Gus, work to become a master of kung fu. Marveling at Po, it is impossible to believe in those who, if anything, transform into reality: a panda tovst, clumsy and unhandled. However, the share is ordered otherwise ...

Kung fu master Oogway є odkrovennya, in a way that the evil snow leopard Tai Lung runs іz v'yaznennya that attacks the Valley of the World. Sensei conveys future troubles and starts a shukati war, built to resist the strong and domineering Tai Lung. Vtіm, far shukati hero is not needed, even at the order of Maistra - five of the best warriors of kung fu. In order to appoint the one who fights with the leopard, Meister and teacher Shifu stun the tournament. To come to the tournament and then, not in order to declare yourself as a warrior, but in order to have a look at the great masters of kung fu with one eye.

Having missed the tournament, You wrap yourself with fireworks, fly over the fence and land right in the middle of the arena. On the heels of success, Oogway chooses Po herself, and the panda begins preparations for the fight.

Smiley take the place

Irrespective of the mockery of his colleagues, the panda will turn around and step by step transform from an unassailable medical officer into a right superhero. The new one has one advantage in front of other warriors, no one can guess about the yak until the singing hour: By insensitivity to combat tricks - Tai Lung's head armor. Together with your friends By experiencing impersonal conditions and, zreshtoyu, overcoming the approaching Tai Lung, double the secret suviy and ryatuє Valley of the World.

Reception by film critics

From the moment the animated film Kung Fu Panda appeared, having received a lot of positive reviews. According to the Rotten Tomatoes rating system, the film received 88% positive reviews from 163 submissions. The film was warmly received by 76% of professional critics and 83% of journalists of the thematic site. For pіtuvan's pіtuvan, the picture took the mark 73 out of 100.

Richard Corliss of "Time Magazine" gave the film a positive assessment, voicing that in the picture, the vinyatka yak_k_k_k_k_k_k_k_k_t_ and rozv_zhalna warehouse intertwined in the picture. In one of the critical articles instructed by The New York Times, such a characteristic appeared: "Firstly, in view of the fuzzy concept and the obviously box-office directivity of the project, it quickly changes due to the fact that the film knows the way to the very heart."

Chris Barsant is a professional critic for the website, commenting on the appearance of the film as follows: "Kung Fu Panda" visibly amazes other contemporary films with pure artistic beauty. If you marvel at the film, then you understand that it is a classic, and you know the analogies with the Disney cartoons of the Golden Century. Michael Phillips, from the Chicago Tribune, said that Kung Fu Panda is one of the worst comedies of 2008 rock, you know what to play on the screen.

The critics and streamers sang. Tom Cherity from CNN, saying that the film is a whirlwind of chaos, in which it is impossible to disentangle, and shrugged off the essence of the comprehended plot. Behind the words of Cherity, the creators of "Kung Fu Panda" let loose into the world, as if not to be quiet.

Tsіkavo, that the film was accepted more warmly by China. The cash fee from this country was 110 million yuan. Chinese director Lu Chuan said: “From the vantage point of the film, the film is thorough. Yogo American authors have shown a broader focus on Chinese culture.

In essence, the story about the fighting panda is the history of the formation of specialness, the history of how it dazzles children and believes in one’s own strength and collapses to the set mark, no matter what. The film won official recognition: it won nominations for Oscar and Golden Globe, winning eleven Annie Awards.

  • Most of the main characters in the cartoon lie down to the sights that are on the borders: the great panda (Po), the red panda (Shifu), the Chinese tiger (tigress), the gold-bearing mavpa (Mavpa), the Snow Leopard (Tai Lung) and the Rhino Island)
  • The scene in the cartoon, if By tying fireworks to the style, so that you can fly and marvel at the tournament is already similar to the real one historical fact about those who, as one of the members of the Ming dynasty, committed the same way to fly to the Moon.
  • Behind the words of director John Stevenson, all the characters in the cartoon are vegetarians. Among them there is no single hut
  • The code name of the film in the middle of the studio is Mrijnik
  • Two pigs, with whom they clash On at the gatherings of the palace - they are called the Sho brothers, who are the brothers of Shaw, who knew the nameless fighters about Kung Fu in the 70s.
  • Baseball player of the San Francisco Giants Pablo Sandoval played Kung Fu Panda.
  • In the art but the Mystery of Kung Fu Pandy is guessing what outside of im'ya To sound yak Po Ping (Po Ping) and translate as “dear light”.
  • If, according to the opinion, there are no special merits on the part of the five members of the Pyatirka, the wines of the zocrema guess that the new one has no pazurov, like the Tigress, wanting in reality to help the great pandy to get the help of trees, they help she is protected from enemies.
  • Zgіdno with the comments of the members of the significant group on DVD seen, beloved by the fighter P'yatirka for Poe the Tigress, without regard for the dislike shown on the side of the її side, that vіdsutnіst povagi to the new.
  • In the first shots of the film (in the dream of Po), the vins are corrected with their supers with quick blows on the outside. At the other part of the cartoon, the wines really got stuck with this trick. By calling yoga "Leg of the fierce."
  • For, Shifu and Shalena P'yatirka were parodied in one of the episodes of the MAD show.
  • The only newly born panda in the United States, the yak appeared at the Atlanta Zoo in 2010, the bula was named Po.

With games about Kung Fu Panda, you will not get bored - not a day you hope to be able to overcome Tai Lung for help "Paws Lyut" or "Fiery Kіgtіv" and then we'll play our favorite dumplings! Do not wait for the hour - forward to the future!

Busy fighting arts - the guarantee of a successful life for a child!

At the Gathering, the art of combat of the old schools of kung fu from long ago and until that day was transmitted "live" for the help of the institute of tutoring, after a hundred years, suvori rituals were formed in exchange "teacher - learner". The teacher is a master, taking care of his knowledge in the most perfect mystery and trusting them to the most worthy of uchniv, yak podolil low suvorih reverberations and testing.

In the distant past, absolutely all theories, systems, doctrines, accept and see combat mystics have a single foundation and basic principle, a single concept and light, a single "gong fu" (an old term). Law kung fu - law Vsesvitu. The master of kung fu is a human being, as if he lives according to the laws of the All-World, the scientist is the one who grows in his master through the underworld robot - live that read.

Martial arts for children at the school "Meu-Dam": program, active support, support to start

The school of similar martial arts "Meu-Dam" teaches children from three directions:

    kung fu - group and individual occupation;

    thai boxing for pidlіtkіv (read more on the page "thai boxing");

    self-defense / combat training for special group. (Read the report on the side of self-defense).

Skin training with kung fu for a child is the ability to learn about oneself, to harmonize and recognize oneself, one’s psychophysiological potential, to learn rationally and to make life difficult, to get a positive message. healthy way life is that self-perfection.

For children, the teachers of the supplementary education system, the instructors of the Meu-Dam club, have created children with advanced development and special training programs in disciplines - fighting art for children. These programs have been approved and recommended before implementation by the Department of Education of the Moscow City and the Moscow Institute of Education, and also may be more successful in practice. In addition, in Chernivtsi 2018, the kung fu program for children and grown-ups gained prestige in the city, and the teacher Oleksandr Viktorovich Tardov, becoming the laureate of the 2nd stage, at the All-Russian competition in the field of educational education

Ready to start

Teach a child to fight awkwardly. You should understand that the main meta to take Kung Fu is not only weak and not so good in the mind, like a rich-faceted and varied development of yourself as special. Martial arts for children are even more difficult - they help to improve and save health, to add to the self-confidence in oneself and adequate self-esteem - and there is little misfortune for a person who is instilled in oneself. reach.

How to pass kung fu training

The transfer of knowledge - learning from the school of kung fu - is carried out using the "kata" method. Tse spetsialna sukupnіst right suvoroї form, scho visually guess "bіy z tinnyu" on the chotiri side. Learned the technique of learning “dodoskonalyuyut”, practicing all kinds of technical elements at the same time: blocks and hits, ways to transfer and link elements, take and fight and combat acrobatics, styles and tactics of combat on the paws, bears, makіvarah, special dummies already "real" zastosuvannya. Also, at trainings in kung fu, children learn to work with weapons: training nunchucks, club, knives, sword (boken). In addition, special respect for training is given to the right to bend and stretch.

Similar martial arts for children at the summer training camp on the Black Sea coast.

Another option for summer doswell will be to introduce a summer training camp to the club Meu-Dam on the sea, with a 2.5-year-old training camp for kung fu and Thai boxing for two years, as well as a different cultural program.

How to give kung fu training to children

and what a stench is corisnі

Physical development

Fighting art for children, so the very same as a kind of sport, to take an intensive physical development. Ale, as team games develop more than a little child’s strengths, then martial arts, for example, kung fu or Thai boxing, positively add to vitrality, flexibility, coordination, spritnistnost and, which is even more important - to strike links, tendons, shape put it right. The stench is laying the foundation for the correct functioning of the musculoskeletal apparatus, so that the future will allow the rich ailment and destruction to disappear.


Kung fu is inextricably linked with philosophy, discipline and pogo to its vikladach. Helping children to step over between infantilism and childishness for others to win and conquer the maximum brown information. Vіdpovіdno th psihologichіchnogo vyzvitі vіn znachno viperedzhayut their odnoletkіv.

logical thought

Similar martial arts to start thinking about children is logical: correctly assess the situation, independently make a decision and bear the responsibility for them. A child can be protected less on himself and his own strength. A duel with kung fu in the singing world can be matched with a party with a Shahi - here you need to think and play at once. What can you say, how many children are intellectually born, who are engaged in combat arts?!

Take care of yourself

First wins to relieve the child of fears and add to your self-worth, and the first blows teach you not to be angry and improve your results. Vidkritіst and zdatnіst stand up for yourself allow you to feel inspired in new situations and groups.

Knowing yourself

Busy fighting mystics in the middle, and themselves. Do not be afraid of experiments and everything new, so children know better their way in life and go inspired.

Preparation before school

It’s better to start learning combat sciences for a pik-two before school. For the whole hour, a child can learn concentration, vibrance, discipline and vitality, shards of military art can be, as it were, developed into a child transferred more vigor. Vidpovidno and the cob of training at the school will be for the new student and we will accept it. Well, rozpochinati navchannya kung fu can be at any vіtsі - naygolovnіshe with whom bazhannya child, discipline and systematization to take.

Success in life

Also, physical, psychological and intellectual development, building up to concentration, respect, discipline, self-recognition and self-confidence. I think, you wait with us, what kind of charms are there for leaders and successful people!

Sign up for combat training

Section "Shіdnі single combat for children" with the joy of accepting a skin child to your love. In order to sign up for kung fu or thai boxing classes, check out our training schedule. Trial employment - FREE. For more information, just call the instructor-teacher Tardov Oleksandr Viktorovich by phone: 8-915-191-68-26.

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