Right for the back at home minds for children. Put the right molding in the children: put it right for the back. Causes of the curvature of the ridge

Children will require constant exercise of the back muscles. It is especially important for schoolchildren, even if they have to sit at a desk for an hour of lessons, and then work at home.

Get on the charger!

Shoranka needs to get children to physical rights. Good, as if it would be a family tradition, even a child did not understand why she can work right, but she has grown up. Yakі have the right to recommend for zmіtsnennya m'yazіv back?

Nahili forward

Try to straighten the body, stretching up the hill, and then heal yourself, pushing your toes.


Swing pres korisno not only for the stomach, ale and for across. Lie on your back and bend your body, trying not to break your feet. Colina bent.

Twisting the body

Put your hands on your belt and turn your whole body right-handed and left-handed.

Quilt wrap

Put your feet shoulder-width apart and roll in circles with your pelvis. You can speed up with a hoop to strengthen the effect: tse trenuє like a back, and th press.


Lie on your life and lift your legs at once and pull your arms forward. Stay in this position.


The gut is evil and good. Evil intestines twist their backs, but good ones bend their backs.

Video clip

Sit on the bench. Pull the knee up to the chin and round the back. M'yako roll over from a sitting position on the back and back.

healthy ridge for a person of any age, and especially a child, one of the head minds of a normal development.

It is practically a day for a schoolboy to spend in a sitting position from 3 to 7 years.

In addition, you need to carry an important backpack and a bag on your shoulders every day. Similar factors are severely negative for the formation of a m'yazovy corset to an organism that develops.

In times of disruption of this process, in children, scoliosis begins to develop, or other pathologies of the spinal column, which will lead to significant improvements in health in an adult.

In addition, children, who may have a wrong position, often suffer from colds, bronchitis, gastritis and constipation. Prote, as soon as you get used to the necessary visits, you can avoid such problems. For whom it is necessary to conduct regular visits, so exalted physical education, special right to help improve the pain of the back and the abdominal press..

Korist exercise therapy for the musculoskeletal apparatus of children

The process of molding the bone-m'yazovogo corset of the ridge in Persh Cherg is considered to be the camp of the child's m'yazovo system, the task of which is to lead up to the effective support of the ridge stovp in the natural camp.

Systematic occupations with jubilant physical culture help to warm up the child's organism, develop yoga m'yazi, and improve them to allow the ridge to be trimmed in a physiologically correct position.

The melancholy in the form of a jubilant physical culture for a child is manifested in the attack:

  • health-improving and vital activities, normalization of activity of all systems of the body, boosting immunity, stabilization of work nervous system;
  • activation of exchange processes;
  • perfect ruhovychok and coordination of ruh, zbіlshennya zagalno ї іzicheskoї ї vitrivalnostі;
  • zmіtsnennya musculature of the back, press, torso (m'yazovogo corset), m'yazіv hands, nіg and shiї as a whole;
  • usunennya imbalance, which is to blame for insufficient equal, as well as insufficient molding and stretching of ties and m'yaziv;
  • znyatya podvischennogo navantazhennya on the ridge;
  • put correction, prevention of curvature (scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis).

Occupation with jubilant physical culture from the very early century vymagayut vіd batkіv patіnnya na poluglivostі, but z znachennosti it is impossible to overestimate how prophylaxis of problems with your back, yakі inevitably appear in children pіd hour of training at school.

Showing up to take exercise therapy

If you want to win a complex of special physical rights to improve the back of a bula, a child is split from a child, then school rocks Through the rіzke zbіlshennya navantazhennya on the ridge, with respect for the behavior of the schoolboy, the fathers can remember a number of signs that indicate the need for preventive measures.

Until the sign of problems starting with the development of the ridge:

  • shvidka stubbornness;
  • roughness and unruliness of ruins;
  • vidmova children grati at ruhlivі іgri;
  • scars on the head and soreness on the ribs;
  • bіl at kіntsіvkah, scho z'yavlyayutsya after walks;
  • sitting posture with emphasis on hands;
  • foldable for an hour of tribal perebuvannya in one position;
  • the characteristic crunch of snow, which is moonlight at the hour of ruhiv.

Batkam, yakі pomіtili wanting to one or two of the names of the symptoms, sіd yaknaishvidshe turn to fahіvtsya. Only a doctor can correctly prescribe medications and sign the procedures necessary for the correction of the disorder, put what they have appeared.

In addition, it is right to prescribe for the reduction of the ridge to children with offensive indications.:

  • zagalna zatrimka rosette;
  • rickets;
  • dysplasia hip joint;
  • displacement of spinal discs;
  • flat feet;
  • cliché-footedness;

Right for reducing the back of children

Fallow in the age of a child, її emotional state and other physiological indications, the doctor shows the valor to take a jubilant physical culture, directed at the ridge stupa.

For the average, trivality vikonannya is rightly pronounced like this:

  1. nemovlyat until pіvroku will be korisnі right, scho vykonuyutsya vіd 10 to 20 hvilin per day;
  2. for babies from 6 to 12 months old, bring measles to thirty-fifty gymnastics;
  3. children in roku up to three roki can take care of physical rights up to 30-40 hours a day.

The best, the first lesson was carried out by a professional massage therapist, how can you show the fathers the correct vikonanny technique

Likuvalno-zmіtsnyuyucha gymnastics for m'yazіv backs is guilty to be carried out with singing frequency. Start busy next 3 times a day. With a positive reaction of the child to the challenge, their frequency can be brought up to good training.

From the look of the technique of vikonanny, it is important to remember that, be it as a training, you can start from the warm-up. Behind her, the main complex of rights is to blame, as if obov'yazkovo include a light stretch. At the process, take the next uniqueness of the same type of rights.

So turn off the right, like crying out in a child for pain and unacceptability. Occupation with jubilant physical culture, like the occupation of any other kind of sport, is most pleasant when carried out for 50-60 minutes before or after the day.

Take an hour to do physical culture with a jubilant method of reaching maximum cost and reduce the risk of injury, avoid the appearance of side effects, in addition to low inconvenience, but obov'yazykovykh to vykonannya rules:

  1. The complex of special rights is to blame for the breakdown by the doctor strictly for individual indications on the basis of early diagnostics. The recommendations given by the fahivtsy about the technique of vikonannya are right, it is necessary to take it seriously. Under the hour to take up jubilant physical culture, respectfully follow the postavuyu child, with which position of the back can be as close as possible to the physiological state.
  2. Classes of jubilant physical culture are carried out at the office, which may be special. Tse mozhe be like a clinic, so wash at home. It is important that the child was always victorious in the right under the sight of grown-ups.
  3. On the cob of the regular to take up the jubilant physical culture of a child at once with one or both of the fathers, you can go through training at the senior office of the clinic.
  4. Your skin needs to be busy with massage and warm-ups.
  5. It is right to need to beat at a non-standard pace, including cutting hair, haircuts. You can not vmikati elements of acrobatics.
  6. An important rule is the contra-indication of increased physical tension with tight fitting, including barbells, kettlebells, dumbbells, put them on when damaged.
  7. At the process, take the blame but turn on, be it anyhow, induce the least pain.
  8. Special wraps are right, or the spinal column is also not recommended for training. It is permissible to vinyatkovo passively vytyaguvannya, with some kind of underfoot obov'yazkovo present support.
  9. Increased navantage can be done in a proper way, from simple to folding elements, unique forcing.
  10. When the complex is folded, it is right to transfer the training for different groups of minds, the inclusion of dihalic gymnastics after training.

Video: "How to hit the back of a child on a gymnastic ball?"

Preparation and drawing

And you know what...

offensive fact

The cob has the right to lіkuvalnoї physical culture can include such diї:

  • stroking;
  • rubbing;
  • rozminannya m'yazіv;
  • vibrations.

Whenever it is necessary to add special attention to the preparation of the child before the procedure.

Self-perceived children can be good, normal mood, vrіvnovazheny, wine is to blame for feeling good and having died. Before the start of training, the application needs to be well ventilated. The most optimal temperature for taking is 18-22 degrees.

For children, to the very beginning of the right, sing good help helping to spread the m'yaziv for additional massage, or take a warm soul. Occupation must be carried out regularly in the same year. During the varto training, turn on quiet music, as if helping the child to relax and tune in to work.

How right the warm-ups are going to come:

  • inhaling with the belly through the mouth from the advancing zatrimkoy sigh for a few seconds and the onset of seeing through the nіs;
  • the wraparound ruhi is shouldered at once and in black;
  • nahali heads in different sides;
  • wave your hands;
  • nahili tuluba in different sides from the “hands in the castle” position;
  • wrapping with quilts;
  • nahil down, poking around at whom they bump with their hands with the tip of their fingers;
  • walking on a mіstsі with a high pіyom kolіn;
  • big on the mist;
  • deep vdikh and povny vivid.

Main rights

To the main rights of likuvalnaya physical culture, call it like this:

  1. Riding a bike. From the stands lying on the back, the legs sway at the periphery of the circles with obvious pedals.
  2. knives. Mahi with straight legs at a horizontal straight line with crossings.
  3. Kolobok. Pulling up the bent legs at the knees, choking with their hands that rod on the back with a handy trajectory.
  4. Mist over the road. Tsya is right to move from the position lying on the back, with which the legs of the guilt are bent at the knees, and the feet are spiraling on the bed, the hands are left in the toe-bag. It is necessary to bend the pelvis and bend over, lifting the yacomo more. At this position, the slide will stay for 5 seconds, after which you will turn to the left position.
  5. Acrobat. Vikonuetsya from the stand lying on the back, hands lie on the bridle of the coat. It is necessary to lift straight legs, pushing the paddles behind the head with scarpets.
  6. Koshenya. Bend your back down and uphill from the position of standing crustaceans.
  7. Cat yagid. Lying on their stomachs, the child hoists both hands with brushes, and they try to pull themselves up to a position similar to a large cat.
  8. Swimmer. Three camps lying on their stomachs are swinging with straight arms and legs in a imitation of swimming.
  9. Chauvin. Lying on your stomach, the child is guilty of trying to break his arms and legs, and die in front of him, leaving the position of the yakomog more.

Video: "Right to fix the pain in the back"

On the edge, it’s unbearable to see the training in the її rose, moving to the usual right, through the high level of the risk of injury to the growing pains.

For example, training will improve the pace, which will allow the body to be completed to the complex.

With whom, one loses one’s strength and vigor.

It’s also a good idea to go to water procedures.

Contraindication before exercise therapy in children

Vikonannya likuvalnoy physical culture, as well as any other sports rights, is not recommended for filthy self-confidence, skargs for fever or a severe overrun of any pathology.

Contraindications for taking є also be like a disruption of the heart rhythm, insufficiency of breathing. Vikonanny right fenced in case of obvious evil pathologies, severe forms of rickets and tuberculosis, hepatitis, inflammation of the marshes, brushes and soft tissues.

With the appearance of whether or not there were listed ailments, the training was due, but they were covered until the period of full dressing of the child.


In the opinion of doctors, the back is a mirror of the health of the human body as a whole. For reasons of turbot about the correct delivery, we can start from the early century.

To engage in jubilant physical culture to bring melancholy, be it a child, dopomogayuchi izmіtsnit yogo kistkovo-m'yazovy corset, which allows you to save the ridge from the natural physiological position, preventing yogo curvature in the period school age, injury and other unacceptable changes

It is possible to recognize the need to take an ear of regular exercise with a jubilant physical culture for low indications, which lie shvidka stomlyuvannost of a child, skarga on a bіl at a dilyantsі shiї, heads, if a sign of the wrong put, parts of colds

It is important that the complex of juridical rights is prescribed by the doctor for the purposes of diagnostics and for individual indications.

When vikonannі has the right to follow the rules and techniques recommended by the doctor.

Training always follows start with drawing and finish up the pace.

Occupation with jubilant physical culture fenced for any illness of a child's body, especially when filthy self-confidence, disruption of the heart rhythm, insufficiency of breathing

To learn how to do jubilant physical culture at home, it is necessary hour after hour to show the doctor and listen to his recommendations.

The pace of life of the average statistical child of the preschool and school age is contrary to its intensity. The ridge of a child knows the strongest vanity that can lead to a twist. Today's site for moms is a site of rozpovіst, yakі need to work right for the right place in children, as well as її damage. Important is not only the correction of already detected defects, but also their prevention. Aje scoliotic setting is a serious problem on the path of shaping the harmonious body of a child.

Why is the sense right?

The main task of health-improving gymnastics for correct shaping is the strengthening of the back of the abdomen, as well as the development of the ridge. On the other side, it is right to help the body of the child to form symmetrically.

Remembering that accumulative result can only be achieved by a different student of a complex approach, if the occupations take part in all the groups of m'yaziv: back, torso, shoulder girdle, stegon, shiї.

Gymnastics helps children to keep upright, to put them in a straight line, to tighten them up, to make the sounds floppy. With a systematic vikonannі the right child ceases to take an obvious pathological posture for an hour of sitting at the table. It is positively signified at the yoga stagnation station: head pain passes, breathing becomes deep, vaga normalizes, vitality grows.

Set the right complex for molding correctly

Preventive right to call in front of the development of a scoliotic child. By proponing the site, the site has the right to set the vikonann for the children, but miraculously cope with their tasks:

  1. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms extended at the waist. For a "time" try to close the elbows so that the shoulder blades close. On "two" turn the hands in the outward position. Repetitions - 5.
  2. The back is straight, the hands are spread apart. Rush your hands on the stake, try not to lower them. Whose body can be left untouched. Repetitions - 10.
  3. Spread your legs wide, spread your arms on your shoulders so that the lungs marveled sternly at the protruding sides. On "one" - he was sick forward, on "two" - at the turning point. The back of trimati is straight. Repetitions - 5.
  4. Chain your hands behind your back to the castle. Earn 5 nahil in the offending sides.
  5. Pick up the gymnastic chick for the kicks with both hands, straighten them in front of you. On "one" - squatting, on "two" - turning at the back pose. Repetitions - 5.
  6. With the same mace and in the same position, pull up on the mountain with all your strength, pushing on your backs. Feel the pressure - turn back. Repeat 5 times.
  7. Take the position "lying on your back, hands at your sides." Raise the back of one leg 30 degrees in front of the line of the leg, fix it for 5 seconds, then repeat to the right with the other leg. Hit 5 steps on hurt legs.
  8. Move to live, pull your hands forward. To build a classic chovnik, lifting legs and arms at once. Enough 3-4 approaches.
  9. Roztashuvavshih hands on the belt, walk on the stake, through the skin 3 crocks of the roblyach pіdskok.

Finish the occupation with the inspiration of the breath: 3 times raise your hands up in the air, and then lower them in the sight. For an hour, it’s right not to slouch - the back is always guilty to be left straight. Qi is right for putting it down for children for zmіtsnennya m'yazіv back, arms, abdomen, nіg.

The complex is right for the improvement of my back

To add to the first dobirka the right is a complex, which is purposefully straightened out of the back. For skin care, you may need half of up to 3 hairs.

  1. Lying on your back, move both legs to the right: on the back "bike", then "knives" in a horizontal plane.
  2. Sitting on the floor, wrap your arms around your bent legs in knees. Ride on your back, and then, without opening your hands, try to sit back.
  3. Lie on your back, pull your arms to the brace of your body, bend your knees. Raise the pelvis and yaknaydal in the direction of the logs, stretch the pose for 5 seconds and turn correctly to the outward position.
  4. The position is similar to the front. With your straight legs closed, try throwing it over your head and reach with your fingertips to the fold.
  5. Change to live. Obhopit both with the hands of the brush and with all the body stretch up the mountain.
  6. Get down on the hands of that column. Alternately bend your back uphill (the head also stretches uphill) and down (lower your head).
  7. Walking on the hands is even more effective, if the grown-up man holds the baby with his hands by the brushes.

The data is right to put the correction on the children, so that the ridge has the correct physiological shape for the correction of the easy step. The fathers need to keep pace, so that the child’s hour of training does not hinder the breath.

How can I fix it for help in gymnastics?

The offensive complex is right to correct it with a method of correcting it already pathologically put:

  1. In the position lying on your back, put your hands into the castle near the area of ​​the potilice so that the litters stick together one by one. On "one", without breaking the lock, open your arms as much as possible on all sides. On "two" I will call the letters at once. It is recommended to do 5 repetitions.
  2. Lying on your back, try to lift your head and shoulders, with which the body can be left indestructible. Repeat 5 times.
  3. Let's sweat from this position, curl up into a ball, lifting the knee up to the breasts. The shoulder blades may get stuck on the bottom. Let's lower the knee. Repeat 5 times.
  4. Roll over on your life, spread your arms so that the arms rested on the underbelly on a equal footing above the waist. Now, at once, raise your offended legs, and use your hands to help yourself in the face of pidlogs. Enough 3-4 repetitions.
  5. Sit on the bed, trim your back straight. Rise on hands and feet. And now you can see the right foot at the same time left hand, utrimuyuchi jealousy. Change sides. Repeat 5 times.
  6. Get down on the knee of that hand, that back is quilted, but in one horizontal line. Zrobіt 5 Vіdzhiman.

To complete the complex by walking on the back and the “wild walk” (on the outer sides of the feet), as well as to revitalize the breath. Propionation is right for correction, put in children to require seriousness, systematicity and consistency. Only in this way can you effectively fight against damage to the healthy back of the spine.

Rozpodіl navantazhennya

The optimal complex of exercising gymnasts and prevention of the curvature of the ridge of the head can heal the age, the physical ability of the child and the її camp. Even if you are suffering from illnesses, or you are experiencing a period of acute chronic illnesses, training may be of minimal intensity, or of course, you will be affected. So that the children were engaged in jubilant and preventive physical education from satisfaction, occupations may be subsequent and regular.

Non-trials and low-intensity have the right to go to children up to 6 years of age: pre-schoolers, not respecting their activity, not ready for great adventures. The stench is fast moving through the heart-vessel system that has not yet been fully formed. For shaping the correct form of the ridge and the stump of the back, it is recommended to work on the right day at 2, go 15 strands a day, rather than a day. Evening busyness can ruin a child, and it will be difficult to get out of the blues.

Schoolchildren should have more trivality and intensity of training in proportion to the current age and physical development.

It is right for children with disabilities to help to fix defects and in a short term for the minds of regular borrowers. But first, start fighting with the damage to the ridge, curl up to the doctor: the optimal level of physical commitment to improving the age of your child can only be indicated by wines.

Article taken from the site: http://massageonline.ru/?p=882

Aug 25 2011


In order to achieve nutrition, your little one has enough strength in meats and that you can get the ruhovy veins that you need from yoga. Try to protest m'yazi back.

To the main m'yazіv back one can see:

A trapezium-like m'yaz, which starts in the political region and occupies the upper part of the back and moves on the placement of the shoulder blades and the extension of the head.

The widest m'yaz, which occupies the lower part of the back and the flank part of the breasts, quickly, lowers the hand, or lifts the toenail to the ends.

M'yaz, which straightens the ridge, which expands the backbone and wins the function for its name.

Testing is carried out from the 6th month of the month. The child, who is lying on his stomach, is lifted above the surface of the table, or podlogs, stretching him with his hands around his waist. Malyuk is guilty of hovering over, straightening his back to the position of a dove.

Now proceed to training, in the process of which you can periodically turn to the prescribed test, evaluating the results of your work with the child.

Right for my back

=== For zmіtsnennya m'yazіv pochnіt trenuvati child at the moment, if you have it in your arms. For whom to wear a baby for a day with his back to himself, take it with his hand in the pelvic area and nig. Try at once from him to heal a troch forward and to prostate.

With this pragnet, schob vin learned to trim the upper half of the toelub in a vertical position independently. Repeat right 3-5 times, do not forget to back up the baby.

Korisnі for m'yazіv back right on the gymnastic ball. Put the child on the ball on his life with his feet to himself. Practice yoga on the cob of the inguinal region. Let's run a roll at a straight line in front of ourselves, then we'll go to ourselves. It is necessary to reach the child, bend in the back at the look of a clerk. In this situation, it is necessary to trim up to 8-10 seconds. Repeat right 3-5 times.

Let's sweat, change straight from the side to the side, we gave a stake for the year's and the anti-year's arrows. Cі ruhi robimo so itself 3-5 times.

Like the front right of the child, it began to come out well, to make it easier. For whom, try to take the little one not in the smelly space, but in the stegon space. To carry out the ruhi, to roll it, directly in front of yourself and tremble in order for the child to try to independently trim the overhanging upper half of the coat up to 3-5 seconds. Turn around at the exit for a child's recovery. Repeat right 3-5 times.

back massage

Massage of the back is necessary to improve the mind. Tse is especially important, because. the little one at this century's interval is able to sit independently. It is necessary, so that the veins were smoothly trimmed evenly on the back, so that the tension on the ridge was correctly spread and helped to shape the physiological ridge veins.

Lay the little one on his life with his feet to himself.

First stroke stroke. To be held up the ridge with the hands straight uphill and down. Repeat 3-5 times.

Then stroking is carried out with fingertips in the ridge along the ribs at the bik.

The offensive reception of strife. With the pads of your fingers, with progressive spiral-like movements, pass the white of the ridge along the sides of the bottom of the hill.

Repeat reception 2-3 times.

In this case, the area of ​​​​the ridge is not recommended for massage. They gave a direct change to the rubbish that they were rubbing. Now your fingers are guilty of collapsing along the ridge along the intercostal spaces.

Repeat 2-3 times from the skin side.

An offensive reception of a rozminannya. The m'yazi of the bіchnі ї surfіnі of the tulub at a straight line from the bottom of the hill are mined. At the same time, your hands hoot and the trochs exude m'yaziv. Let's put on the S-like rіznosravovanі ruhi, protruding the bridle of the coat. Repeat 2-3 times from the skin side.

Complete the back massage by repeating the stroking technique.

By Doctor Gorelikova http://massageonline.ru/?cat=6, Tags: http://massageonline.ru/?tag=massag

For which one is a special test for the musculature of the back - lie before it:

  • trapezium-like m'yaz, which takes the cob in the politic area and is ruffled at the upper part of the back. Vaughn vіdpovіdaє for rozginannya head and usunennya shoulder blades;
  • the widest m'yaz, ruffled in the lower part of the back and suffocating the flank part of the breasts. At the girl’s place, the tulub is brought closer to the ends, and it’s pulled back for lowering the raised hand;
  • m'yaz, which straightens the ridge. Vaughn is ripped out of the line of the ridge stovp.

Rules for preparing to take

Before testing, you can proceed after reaching the baby of the six-month-old age. For whom it is necessary to lay the baby on his life, and then we lift the little one, raising his hands in the waist. At the rate of wines, it is guilty of hovering over, with which you bend your back to the so-called “Lastivka”. Tsya has the right to help you determine if you need to relieve pain in the back of children.

After that, yak rіven the development of muscles and that m'yazova strength is determined, you can proceed to training. Before the induced test, it will also be necessary to periodically turn around in order to analyze the result of the training, indicating the result of that achievement.

Complexes for training

Use a special right for the back for children of the chest:

  1. It is necessary to stretch the back of the little one at those moments, if the wine is being held in the arms of a grown-up one. For this reason, it is necessary to carry the baby with his back to himself, lifting his ass with his hand. So you can try yoga in this position, troch nachilitsya forward and straighten up. This way helps the child to learn how to independently trim the upper part of the coat vertically. It is right to repeat periodically throughout the day. Obov'yazkovo is necessary to insure the absence and clearly control the camp of the body.
  2. good help in the development of muscles. How to mark the back of a child for help? It is necessary to put the little one on the ball to live, with which the legs may be straightened up to a grown-up. On the cob, yoga training should be done in the groin area. Guide the movement that will roam, directing the child now to yourself, then to yourself. In this way, the little ones, independently from the vіku, vchitatsya back from looking like a clerk. Do not force, especially at the cob stage of training, the child is strong, it is sufficient to repeat qiu to the right three-chotiri razi. If so, you can directly change the turn by turning the baby on the stake (for otherwise, against the straight turn of the year's arrow).
  3. If in the front the child has the right to begin to easily give in, try something to make things easier. With this method, lift the baby not in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bpuffy depressions, but behind the quilt. So the little one will independently hung his back on his back for a few seconds, then the hour will be more and more steadily.

Massage and yoga role in the physical development of a baby in the first fate of life

In addition, it is important for children. Vіn is also necessary, little children for six months learn to sit on their own. It’s important to him that he didn’t move until the last century, evenly trimming his back. Tse dopomozhe correctly rozpodіlit navantazhennya on kіstjak, became a garnoy prophylaxis of various curvatures of any segment of the vertebral stovp.

Massage technique for a child of the first rock of life

How to treat the back of a baby for additional massage? For the cob, put the child on his life. Yogo's legs should be straightened up to a grown-up.

Massage is applied at the dekilka of receptions:

  1. Stroking. With the hands, draw the ridge straight up the hill and down. After that, stroke with the pads of your fingers at the straight edge of the ribs from the ridge to the back.
  2. Roztyrannya. In a spiral with the pads of your fingers, stretch the area of ​​the white of the ridge, collapsing at the bottom of the hill, then along the growth of the ribs.
  3. Rozminannya. Rozminati need to m'yazi on the sides of the coat, straight ruhi from the bottom uphill. When I use my hands, I should hoot that lightly pull the m'yazi. І to complete the massage, it is necessary to relax the m'yazi baby with a path of stroking.

Regardless of the fact that the level of physical development will be manifested in children at the cob stage of training, regular employment of fathers (or a professional instructor for massage in children) will help to catch up with “successful” one-year-olds. When there is a significant start on the cob, it is necessary to consult the little one with a qualified orthopedist-traumatologist, and start with a qualified instructor.

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