Scenery before the new fate at the school. How to embellish the class to a new rock. Modern embellishments for a school setting

In front of the street, the boudinkas are decorated with colorful garlands, wild yalinkas, and bright illumination. The teachers and teachers are trying to remake the school, even if for the boys it is so important to consider the proximity of the most blessed saint. Don’t look at the decoration of the class, you see bones, you often learn this from the fathers and teachers New river vikoristovuyut self-decorated. For the help of fantasy and creativity, you can create a real winter fairy tale in the walls of your own school.

How to embellish the class to New Rock?

A good idea for an unusual design is the victories of the scientists, like the stench is happy to build up to the holy. The boys can show their talents and, if they are satisfied, they will be engaged in a creative work.

Read also: (master class, instructions, photo, video)

The new decor at the school is not to blame, but it’s overused and screaming. Do not forget that you are embellishing the light, and not the water of the room. For Christmas garlands, there will be white, green, red flowers. Following the tradition, on a class window, you can glue white paper cuts or vicorist special stencils, for the help of which you can see garlands of winter babies.

To forgive the boss, guess the whole concept, embellish the class, for example:

  • New fairy tale;
  • Yalinka toys;
  • Gingerbread house;
  • Dіd Moroz i Snіguronka;
  • new calendar;
  • The symbol of the coming fate.

Main stages of work:

  1. Choose style. You want so much to buy a richly colored paper, rhinestones, bliskitok, stitches, yalinkovyh igrushka, and a classy way to say farb from the old-timers. But it is necessary to pay attention to those who do not combine many elements of decor one by one, and as a result, we will see a heap of embellishments that do not match the style. Bazhano zupinitsya on a minimalist style: the decor is not to blame but it’s too rich.
  2. Select colors. After the style is chosen, the main color embellishments are selected. Bazhano vikoristovuvati 2-3 colors, for example, red from green and gold, blue from silver, gold from red.
  3. decor class. Before the hour of preparation, it’s important to remember that the class has lessons, that schoolchildren can be free, on the heads of children it’s not the fault of hanging garlands and redundant sacks, shafi and racks are left without tinsel and toys.
  4. Yalinka ornament. As a class, they put up a new beauty, it’s more likely to see a place for her at the hut, so that the yalinka does not stand by the aisles and does not curl up the class board. Decorate the tree with an eggplant in the same style with a different color class. You can build a school with joy, and you can also put a symbol of offensive rock - a figure of a pretty scour (they can also work with different materials with their own hands).

When to start embellishing the class?

At the fall of the leaves, you can already add a new embellishment to shop windows and office spaces. In schools, Christmas decorations start around 15-20 pm. It is necessary to give an hour to learning, so that the stench overtakes the self-made yalinkovy toys and other decorative elements. It’s not necessary to embellish the class too early, but it’s not necessary to drag it out: children check on new holy holidays, it’s better for a couple of tizhnіv to create a kazkovo atmosphere near the school walls.

How to embellish vikoristati for zustrich 2020?

According to the Chinese calendar, the onset of the river passed under the intercession of the White Metal Shchur. You can win the ideas of feng shui, zgіdno s what kind of space is divided into the main segments, which show parts of the light. So that the process of learning from the class passing easily and quickly, rob the concept of a new decor, tied with a little information, and also straightened out on a folding friendly friends between teachers and mentors. A small piece of yalinka on the teacher's table can become a symbolic sign that will create a welcoming atmosphere in the classroom.

How can you decorate with Feng Shui?

  • figurines of pretty squints, embossed with paper, felt, salty dough thin;
  • decor from white metal;
  • cuts from silver foil;
  • kuli from glittery yarn;
  • there was a fluffy yalinka (put an egg in a similar zone of the class).

Garland "With New Rock!" - Vіdmіnniy variant to embellish the class or the corridor at school:

Vidpovidnі kolori, like lords of advancing rock:

  • white;
  • metalevium;
  • Syria;
  • popelisty;
  • turquoise;
  • light bright.

A piece of white yalinka or a pine tree can be embellished with glittering sacks or brightly colored toys, or rather, in a decorated vicorist, 2-3 main colors can be added. Hang a sprig of light cuts from cardboard and foil on the Christmas tree, and let the figurine of a light bear flaunt in a prominent place. A girl can sew a toy from fabric or knit it from glittering threads.

What is required to cover the hour of the classroom design until 2020:

  • For Feng Shui, I choose to live a yalinka, but in the class you can put a small tree of a white or metal color.
  • Sob the coming river will be far away for teachers and teachers, wink at the decor bliskuchi golden chi sreblyasty sacks.
  • In 2020, the school team will be vigilant about their health, at the central part of the office to place a winter composition with yalina chicks and a bag.
  • I’ll shine the tinsel more quickly in the middle part of the class in order to start the peace here, that friendship is spiritually warm.

Zgіdno s feng shui, embellishment of the yalinka to fall in the vіd її roztashuvannya in the place.

Decoration of windows, doors and walls

Ninі і trenіdі decor vіkonі vіkonі vіnіchіchnіy tematі. You can also have classic paper cuts, figurines of Father Frost with a snowman and a snowman, shaggy yalinkas, images of bears, winter vizierunki. Holy decoupage is created behind the help of openwork servets and new little ones.

You can decorate windows in this technique as follows:

  1. The image on the server should be carefully viewed, glued to the fold, with PVA glue.
  2. Cover the picture with a ball of glue, sip the beast with bliskitkami.
  3. With a thin pencil, soaked in color gouache, circle the outline of the little one.

At the windows of the school audience, the new vise-runs, embossed gouache look beautifully. You can apply PVA glue on the slope of the little ones, sip the beast with color blisks. If everything is caught, on the vіknі vіdі vіdі vіdіvіy vіzerunok, nіbi dіd Frost chimerically embellishing mistakes.

Blisters and traces of glue are easily taken from the glassy surfaces as a great way for the mitt viscons.

New embellishments for vicons:

On the door of the auditorium, you can hang a new wreath made of yellow needles, cones, embellishments with a string, sacks, and yellow toys. What else can you decorate the doors with?

  • figurine of Dida Frost, embroidered in the technique of application;
  • new poster;
  • a self-contained calendar from a humorous horoscope for the coming river.

Instead of the traditional yalinka on the wall of the country, you can put, igrushok, tinsel, chick, cones, photographs. So on the wall hang humorous innovative posters, or to the wall newspaper, consecrated to the saint, what is it now.

How can you decorate an office:

  • paper garlands;
  • likhtariki from colored paper;
  • "snіzhkami" wati;
  • spools of yarn;
  • volumes of paper stars;
  • pom-poms corrugated paper.

Stele decor

Ideas, how to decorate the stele of a class office in an original way:

  • Ready-made decor from colored paper. Decorate with thin material are sold at a folded look, but in a few seconds the stench transforms into large, round figures: yalinki, snowmen, kuli, pomponi. Nevagom garlands are moving up to the stele on the lines.

Ready to decorate and absolutely safe. I’ll learn how to navitly attach the decor on my head, nothing terrible will happen, even if the garlands are of little importance.

  • Lines with thematic figures. Wide stitches are fastened to the hanging stele, new toys, bear figures made of felt, Santa Claus caps are attached to them.
  • Paper slips. Threads are attached to the plastic cross-like stand, which hang, embellished with glittering circles or cuts, embroidered in the quilling technique. Instead of threads, you can attach a colorful paper serpentine.
  • Pomponi from corrugated paper. Lightweight option for decorating a classy stele.

What can you do at the corridor?

Rule the competition for the best selection among students. Place bulk copies on the ceilings or near the foyer, hang new posters and wall newspapers on the walls near the corridor. What else can you use to embellish the school corridors:

  • gleaming tinsel;
  • fluffy organzi chi tulle;
  • paper cuts;
  • strіchki іz tied with yalink sacks;
  • new panel;
  • compositions from yalinovykh volok.

Features of decorating the assembly hall

For the conduction of new entrances, call the victors of the assembly hall. It is necessary to think ahead of time about those, how to decorate that Svyatkovo yoga in an original way. Before I create a robot it is necessary to connect as teachers, as well as uchniv. In the assembly hall, you can see well the volumes of the sack, the great snowmen with thread, the image of Snow Maiden and Dida Frost. The scene looks beautiful and fabulous, as if embellishing with glimmering garlands, compositions from worn bags, drapery from worn fabrics, as if making a winter kurtovin.

Self-made decor

In order to create new embellishment with my own hands, I need a little creativity, fantasy and the simplest materials.

What kind of decor learners can create on their own:

  • new wreath from yalynovy hilok;
  • paper cuts for vikna;
  • soft toys: Snіguronka, Dіda Frost, snowman, bear;
  • decorative fireplace made of cardboard and colored paper;
  • yalinka with handy materials: dart, paper, thin snowflakes;
  • garlands of colored paper, mittens, thread sacks;
  • new wall newspaper and poster;
  • postal screenshot of Dida Moroz;
  • a calendar at the sight of a snowman;
  • Yalinka toys.

Garland from salty dough

The students of the younger classes can make new figurines from salty dough, like they are chosen from an unnatural garland.

To prepare salty dough, you need:

  • 1 bottle of dry kitchen salt;
  • ½ bottle of cold water;
  • 2 bottles of wheat boroshn;
  • 10 ml of sonyashnikova oli.

Sequence dіy:

  1. Mix in deep bowls with a boar.
  2. Add roslinna oliya, mix it up.
  3. Then gradually pour in the water, do not stop vimishuvati, the docks of the masa will not become elastic and soft.
  4. At the process of mixing, add kharchov barvniki schob masa for lіlennya vyyshla vіznih kolorіv.

    You can save the dough no more than you can get it, burning at the grub plіvka and placing it in the refrigerator.

  5. Rozkotіt firmly with a rocking chair, make molds for baking figurines, make an opening, where to stretch a line or a skein for fastening.
  6. Ready to dry the figurines in a natural way. To speed up the process, it is permissible to place in the oven up to 50-70 ° C.
  7. Hang a garland of figurines on the wall near the classroom.

Yalinkovі toys with felt

From the different-coloured material, marvelous toys emerge, as if to become the color of a classy yalinka.

Pokrokov's instruction, how to prepare a zirka, a novice kul, a yalinka from felt:

  1. Apply patterns of figurines to the fabric, cut two identical blanks.
  2. Sew the two halves with a seam forward, filling the opening in order to fill it with a padding polyester.
  3. Sew on a loop, on which toys hang on Yalints.
  4. Decorate the skin with namistins, sequins, beads, gudziks.

Do-it-yourself Christmas wreath

A fashionable accessory is made quickly and simply from handy materials. It is recommended to make garniy wreaths with tinsel and cardboard.

Required materials:

  • different color tinsel;
  • cardboard;
  • jalink bags and other toys;
  • gold cord;
  • scotch;
  • scissors.

Let's get to work:

  1. From the cardboard, draw the template of the future wine - you are to be blamed for the "donut" of the required expansion.
  2. Lay out on the original basis of the yalink, embellish it with any sequence, seal it with adhesive tape.
  3. Glue the end of the green tinsel with adhesive tape to the back side of the cardboard template.
  4. Wrap the cardboard with tinsel around the stake.
  5. So wrap the tinsel of another color yourself. Obov'yazkovo to seal the ends with adhesive tape.
  6. Decorate the wreath with a golden cord, a stitch, and a bright plank.
  7. Close the loop of the cord so that it can be hung on the door of the classroom.

Remember about safety

In the process of embellishing the school premises, there is a trace of memory about the head: the decor can be absolutely safe and do not hurt children.

Basic rules:

  1. Like for virobiv, you need farbi, choose the name gouache. Stained-glass farbi wine buti without a strong smell, rather than vicarious vinaigrette, to be smelt in a quality.
  2. Elements of decor can be butiyno attached.
  3. Put embellishment on the walls and the stele of the guilty, even if one handless hand can cause injury to that clogged place.
  4. In the classes it is not guilty to have glassy toys, so that the children are not injured by fragments of the sack, which they broke.
  5. There are no candles at the school decor, so that you can die later.
  6. Electric garlands are due, but they are more appropriate, and they are appropriately supplied in the form of singing accessories.

Sob new embellishments do not zip up the walls, vikoristovyte double-sided tape or gachki, to be self-adhesive. At the soft trellis, stationery carnations can be inserted, so as not to fill the tracks. So that the new laminate does not inflate against the back of the vologa, do not put a yalink without a stand on the basis. Water, like a watering tree, can be spent on a laminate, which will become the cause of the establishment of vaping traces and sounding pidlogs.

On the walls, covered with varnish, for fixing the embellishment, it is better to vikoristovuvaty special hacks, as they are sold at the health shops. This is the best and last option, which shows off not less than a garland, but the second important decor.

A class audience can be beautifully embellished to the New Rock, vicarious creativity and imagination of scientists, fathers and readers, as well as simple materials, from which marvelous Christmas decor is prepared. You can come ready to embellish, but more richly, you can create the elements of a novel fairy tale with your own hands.

Buy a stencil and a wonderful gouache - and literally in a couple of years, chimeric winter viziers will appear on the windows. As an option, instead of farby vikoristovuvaty piece snig: at the light of the lamps, the wines sparkle and overflow, there is no clear frost.

Paint everything that dazzles the soul: chimerical ornaments and gum peaks, snowflakes and twinkles with yalinkas. Get to the process of embellishing the vicon in the class and ditlakh! Instruct them to get rid of the messenger at Novyi Rik: let them zanurize their leather at the farb, and then push their hands to the fold. Widbitki p'yatiren can be signed - with toothpaste (if miraculously seen) or by looking at the colored paper with words.

New decoupage in handmade style

As if you were given a standard type of factory-made toys, stuffed with an eye-catching replication of plastic Santi and metal reindeer, it’s time to switch to embellishment manual robot. Felt angels, gingerbread zvіryatka, compositions of cones and twigs, knitted kulі – simple, heartfelt.

  • Fabric figurines to embellish the class on Novy Rik can be made by the boys on their own - at the same practical lessons. The reader, or the father, to make blanks, the schoolchildren are left with only sewing vodka. For volume, it is recommended to place some foam rubber in the middle of the toy. So yangolata, birds and hearts, mittens and little stars, bunnies and bunnies can be hung in all the classrooms: white boards, those walls on the door. They look unobtrusive in originality and spontaneously.

  • We will not let handmade embellishments show up and knit kuli. For schіlnyh figures, a frame is required (threads of different colors are wound on it). As there is no frame, wick a simple piece of cardboard: cut a colo, make a hole in the middle and then cover the papyrus with threads. Cut out the original design and cut out the cardboard - you have a fluffy pompom.

  • As if under the hand, there are thin needles (for example, pussy willow), you can make bags from a tree.
  • Originally look different compositions, vykonany from natural materials (cones and yalynovyh holok, orange and measles tree). Ideally, put one such virib on the table of the teacher. And if the children want to, then let them at the skin at the desk show up little souvenirs from Santa Claus. You can also use wooden stands for pens or felt snowflakes - bookmarks for books.
  • Vіdmіnnoy embellishment shkіlnoї doska chi doors at the class camp wreaths. For a new one, it’s not obov'yazkovo to take yalina needles - to place materials under the hand as the basis of the original design. For example, clothespins. Farbuvavshi їх u green colors, fasten clothespins on a round frame from an old hanger.

Dear days

Just as you brighten up the class before the New Year for the little ones, hang it here in a prominent place on the advent calendar. Yaskraviy, the Barvisty calendar is no less than a suggestion to children, how many days have lost to the holy day, and to help you remember the days of tyzhnya, figures.

You can make such a pattern for anything: just paint the numbers from 1 to 31 on paper, or sew felt bears on self-made yalinka. Having installed 31 small boxes into a chimera large-scale composition, or simply moving the balls-bears to the stele above a row of desks.

In the middle of the box with numbers you can put together a symbolic blessing for the day of breastfeeding.

Don't forget the yalinka

The main attribute of the future saint is, obviously, yalinka. Ideally, put a small amount, but I live beautiful, as I can see the enchanting aroma of pine needles. However, you can make a yalinka on your own:

  • Licorice option - sprout z tsukerok.
  • Budget option - from paper.
  • The original version is from childish palms.
  • The standard option is from the board.
  • Shkіlny variant - іz books.

Didn't they forget our gifts?

What is holy without gifts? Tim more, how to go about the new wonder! Stay home with your fathers and rule for your children at school for a whole month of surprises! Tse not obov'yazkovo mayut but expensive presents. Children are much more likely to receive small, but good gifts. Per garnu robot at the lesson, for vikonan homework, for a wonderful presentation, for an additional report .... Abo navit for garna behavior!

Let them bring surprises from fairy tale characters: elfs and dwarfs, deer chi ... the one who is always welcome! Interested for lads and girls, the helpers of Dida Frost will wear in personal mittens and giant scarpets, signed to the children's names. As a variant of the replacement, the writing can be sewn onto the felt surface of a photograph of a child.

Children with impatience to take a big time to school - even more so, the skin wants to cheer the devil's message of the kazkovo hero.

Dekilka slіv about those, how to decorate a classy room before the New Rock in the style of a fairy tale

Little children swear by the diva. And to create a unique atmosphere of chaklunism - as simple as that. Varto just want to, show your imagination, report a little zusil - and the main walls of the class until the New Rock will be covered with glimmering pamoroz, snow buds of fairy tales will bloom at the windows, and the white of the dosh will be left watching the majestic sleigh of Father Frost!

Svyatkovo ozdoblennya not maє on uvazі great financial contributions, the fathers have the strength to create a fairy tale with their own hands until the New Rock. Golovna - nominated for the chosen motives.

As a basis, a different story about Luskunchik is taken as a basis, it is necessary to make a figurine of the same name lyalka from cardboard, yoga image of Mary, as well as their sleeping opponent - Misha's King.

Children more to the soul " snow queen"? Miraculous! Put on the windows with white gouache cunning viserunki, decorate the teacher's styl with white slit fabric, put the dots on the papa mache "krizhan krizhan". Before speech, kazkovi motifs can be transferred to the initial process. Let the children practice reading and writing: instruct them to put together propositions from krizhin letters. Children will be happy to wait, even if the letters are found at the palace of the Snow Queen!

And how should you learn from the heroes of the cartoon "Prostokvashino"? Kit Matroskin, Sharik, uncle Fedir, it’s not enough to create the right working mood, and help to embellish the class in a non-trivial way. Who-who-who, and what are the heroes known in preparation for the New Rock! Inherit their butt: put a yalinka in a temple and replace it with toys, hang “old-fashioned speeches from the mountain” on it: a year-old without a winding mechanism, drops of a breath, broken binoculars ... Let the children bring to school one such “speech from history in leather” - sing sіm'ї naydetsya shchos obediently!

The students of the younger classes, singly, will be captured, having played the figures of Petson and Findus at school. The heroes of popular comics at once are an indisputable hit among boys and girls, and the new history of comic heroes of a child is remembered for a riddle. Then why not stick posters from the images of these characters on the wall? You can build a cardboard fireplace for the doshka, put a field with candles-lichtariks on the teacher’s table, place weaving cats with smashed apples near the hut.

Do not want to be creative, would you like to work on the second track? Todi your choice - to embellish the class to the New Rock for the motives of old fairy tales. About three little pigs and their kids, a bun and a teremka, a mitten and Red Hat. Here is a flight of fantasy of non-circumstances.

How to embellish the class before the New Rock at school: play, but don’t overplay

If you want to bring in the idea of ​​innovative decor for your school office, don't forget about the smut. I'm safe about the child.

  • Respectfully read why the materials are broken, what are vicorated for decoration. It is unacceptable to stop toxic fumes, as well as those that see a strong smell.
  • Do not win in embellishment, where children are born, hospitals and thorny objects.
  • Nadiyano to fasten large-scale constructions: kazkovy budinochki, tall yalinka, figurines of heroes.
  • Reconsider, that all new tinsel does not respect the free movement of children in the class.

You have everything! Creativity of decorations up to the New Rock class obov'yazkovo to create a Christmas mood and additional motivation to the beginning of the boys and girls.

It is not without reason that the new rіk is venerated as one of the most beloved saints by people of all nationalities and age categories. The charming mood ahead of the day before the cleansing of the urochistity stuns the heart in front of you, and everyone checks on the radio, fun gatherings, and the Kazakh diva. Zvichayno, most of the New Rock will wake up children. For lads and girls, the time has come, and at the hour of which you can choose from high school turbos, playing in the snow with friends and wildly fresh to see.

Absolutely, the main attribute of the New Rock is all-round decor. On the streets of the towns and villages, various colors of fireworks are laid out, the windows of cafes and shops are transformed into illustrations to fairy tales, they sound from the sides, and majestic yalinkas are installed on the central squares. Do not get left behind and school class, even if children spend most of the day with them. Himself in initial mortgages, like in apartments, a few days before the new fate, the preparations for the New Year are celebrated.

Children are guilty, take a part in embellishing the class and revealing your creativity!

- is it a fun process, even if you can be sincere and beautiful for toys, made with your own hands? Creativity brings a lot of positive emotions, a whimsical aesthetic relish, bringing you to sleepy practice, and bright decorations create a quiet homely atmosphere in the classrooms. Let's talk about those how you can quickly, beautifully and without special stains turn the school class into a right new fairy tale!

Embellishment of the windows in the classroom

The simplest solution is. In the end, painted with thematic little ones, shouting a chuckle like in children, like sitting in the lessons, so in grown-ups, like hurrying up to school on their right. Obviously, it’s necessary to paint so that after the completion of new urochistas, you can easily get thematic decor. The material is guilty of being safe, inexpensive and allows you to create long-lasting and beautiful little ones.

Babies on the school day to spread the apparition in the right way of Svyatkov

The best tools for window painting are toothpaste and gouache farby, which allow you to create in a number of "styles" - negative ornamental painting. Another of the designated types of painting is noted by the fact that the sub-bag image is similar to photographic pling - the emphasis is placed on unmarked areas, and the painted lines are less likely to signify between pictures. To create pictures for the help of toothpaste, you need:

  • shmatochki sponge from foam rubber;
  • sprat bowls with water;
  • ganchirki;
  • scissors;
  • olives;
  • paper

Order dіy

An example for painting vicons on Novy Rik with toothpaste and color gouache
  • Krok 1. Get innovative or. Call for the painting of the windows to choose snowmen, snowflakes, rіzdvyanі dzvіnochki, schematic yalinki, Dіdіv Morozіv, deer and kazkovі budinochki. The stencils are turned in such a way that the empty spaces were left empty, as if it were necessary to make a farbow.
  • Krok 2. Think over the future composition, distribute stencils to the children. Wet the templates with water, smearing the surface with a sponge, and then stick them on the windows.
  • Krok 3. Wet templates should be glued to the windows with the intended composition. It is necessary to blot the papyrus with a piece of dry flannel, so that the little ones do not sweat.
  • Krok 4. Dilute the skin with water toothpaste at the mistress, at home, so that the masa guessed the consistency of sour cream.
  • Krok 5. Instruct the children to apply the little ones for such a technique: take on a sponge a troch of a divorced mouth and apply it to the stencils of the virizium. After that, like a little baby, the troch has died, the stencil needs to be taken.

For such a scheme, you can create not just white pictures, but right-colored masterpieces, just remember toothpaste for gouache, and foam rubber - soft penzlik. If your children have an artistic talent, then you can encourage them to fantasize or paint the pictures that you have adorned by decorating them with yellow needles, snowflakes, animals, sacks and buds. After the end, the holy little ones are swept away by the miraculous water.

DIY paper garlands

One of the most beautiful new attributes is є. For the preparation of the sample, you will need a little time and the simplest materials. With this garland, you can hang it on the walls, at the window openings, decorate with them a board, doors and wardrobes with curtains and didactic materials. For the preparation of various garlands, I learn to need:

  • colorful paper;
  • different color cardboard;
  • paper with little ones (packaging or for scrapbooking);
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • felt-tip pens;
  • namistini;
  • neck;
  • a skein of twine or a long lace.

For the help of these speeches, it is possible to create unimaginable and yaskra newborn garlands. We encourage you to speed up with our ideas!

Option 1. Bright light bulbs

A garland of paper light bulbs is an even simpler version for the younger classes

On a white paper there is a pattern of a schematic light bulb in two examples, one of which needs to be cut into two parts: a flask and a base. The cones are transferred to colored cardboard, and the base to black. The blue template is transferred to the white paper. They gave us the need to make colored and white blanks, stretch the strings of twine, and then glue the colored details with a white base. You can skip the twine between the base and the colored parts, gluing the torch, or attach the light bulbs to the skein for the help of a glue gun.

Option 2. Happy birds

Paper birds can be used to embellish the window, open it, or classy doshka

Download 2-3 bird templates from the Internet, transfer them to a white paper and print the figures. To transfer the templates to the obgortkovy papyr with a bright visor, so that the skin figurine was small in color for a couple. Paint spouts on color templates, vіchka that krilltsya for help with a felt-tip pen. Stick or string the birdie on the skein, filling the empty space between them with namistins.

Option 3. Stylish yalinkas

Create a uniquely simple Christmas garland from a colorful cardboard!

Paint a schematic yalinka on an arch paper, design a template and transfer it onto an arch paper of colored cardboard. Harvest 10-15 yalinkas. For the help of Tovstoy, open up the goats on the lower part of the stovbur and the upper part of the yalinok. String the figurines on a thread so that a vertical garland emerges.

Option 4. Charming Likhtar

Barvy likhtariki is a classic garland, known to everyone from the hours of the SRSR.

Distribute colored paper to the children of Arkush. Propone bend the leaves across, tightly squeezing the space of the fold, so that you can take a narrow rectangle. They gave the children the responsibility of naming the house to bend the point through the skin of a centimeter and see the smuga with a width of 1.5 div of the protilazhny sheet. Behind the designated points, roam the gaps, as if the fault is to reach the designated line.

The slicing leaf unfolds and rolls into a cylinder. The edges of the sheet need to be smeared with glue and lightened with light (you can carefully creak it with scotch tape). The handle for the lighter is made from paper bags with a width of about 1 centimeter. Such a lighter can be made from colored cardboard.

Option 5. Paper slips

The lancet is ideal for embellishing the vіkon, pіdvіkon and stele.

For the preparation of the garland, it is necessary to cut a swirl of colored or packing paper with a width of 1-2 centimeters and a length of 5-7 centimeters (everything should be laid out in the bagan rosemary of the lansyug). Farther, a paper line is glued together in a ring, through it a friend’s wife is stretched and also glued together with kintsy. The process is trivaє doti, the docks of the garland are not reachable by the bazhanoi dozhina.

Option 6. Garland from a bag

Bags made of colored paper swirls vіdmіnno urіznomanіnіyut іnter'єr klasu

Before the preparation of the garland, the tail is approximately the same, as in the front version - from the leaves of the colored paper, it is necessary to cut the fold of the hem 1 and the length of 10 centimeters. It is necessary to make a small bag on the back of one's husband, then "wrap" it with another husband, having made a bag "rib", and glue it at the upper part. Let's try to fight for the third and fourth "ribs", as it is necessary to place them in such a way as to fill the empty ones. Ready bags need to be strung on twine.

Nastіnna yalinka to the class

The wall in the classroom can be embellished with a pretty yalinka from paper swarms

The first association, as we blame it for the first hour of the word "New River" - a chain of yalinka, decorated with colorful toys. Zvіsno, far from the skin class, you can put the right fox beauty. But for creating a new atmosphere, which is not necessary! Trochs of fantasy - and a stylized tree will appear in you, albeit a viconuvatime its functions are not worse. For the preparation of real yalinka, you will need:

  • yaskravy obgortkovy papir;
  • scissors;
  • scotch;
  • paper confetti;
  • threads.

Order dіy

Pokrokov's instruction for the creation of a wall-mounted yalinka
  • Krok 1. Lay on the wall a plate for a yalinka near a tricutnik.
  • Krok 2. Draw the same paper lines and glue them at the sight of specks so that the eels are filled with a white shmatochok.
  • Krok 3. Attach the droplets with adhesive tape to the wall, filling the expanse of tricot with tiers that sound.
  • Krok 4. Take two rectangular sheet a colorful paper, make an accordion and spread the blanks so that the viyshov sighed. Attach two veils to the upper part of the yalinka, forming a round top.
  • Krok 5. Create mugs from colored cardboard (or take ready-made confetti) and glue them on a thread near a garland. Hang the garlands on the yalinka.
  • Krok 6. Store under a yalinka box, decorated with a gift paper, or other gifts for lads (for example, zukerkas).

We will decorate the yalinka from paper swarms, you can make some more, for example, attach and decorate a photo of the fox beauty, make a yalinka from the woods and go to the plank, paint a crade on the doshtsi, make a panel with toys, photographs of lamp garlands. Axis of a spearhead of ideas:

Yalinka can be painted on arkush plywood or painted on a poster
Tsіkava ideya - yalinka in the style of minimalism with Christmas namistivs and a toy
To build a wall panel of chicks, behind the back of a tree chosen by detlachs in the park
Yalinkovі kuli ta kola z paperu to become a wonderful material for creativity
Whether natural materials can be vicorated for the creation of a yalinka

Snіgovіchok on the table to the teacher

It’s not enough to embellish the pіdvіkonnya and vіkna, but the teacher’s style!

Snowy winter is a miraculous ghost, to make faceless cute snowmen. It's a pity, in the warm class, the stench would immediately change into a kalyuzhka. However, there is a way to build a long-term snow man, replacing the snow with polystyrene. For making figurines you will need:

  • shmatok schіlny polystyrene;
  • gostry clerical lower;
  • packing paper;
  • acrylic farbi;
  • bliskitki;
  • board;
  • small buboes;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • decorative stars and plastic cuts;
  • drіt;
  • piece snow;
  • small black beads;
  • small box;
  • rhinestones.

Order dіy

Pokrokov's instruction for the creation of a snowman with polystyrene
  • Krok 1. Divide the pieces of styrofoam into three squares and trim with a clerical knife, having pressed the shape of the kuli. The sacks are made in diameter - from a larger to a smaller size.
  • Krok 2. Introduce a small gostry trikutnik into the foam plastic and give the shape of a carrot.
  • Krok 3. String the kuli on the drіt. Cover the snowman with a ball of piece snow.
  • Krok 4. Glue the snowman to the bottom. Look for orange colors.
  • Krok 5. With black namistins, make eyes and a smile from vuglinkivs, in front of them with a toothpick, small burrows at the kuli-head.
  • Krok 6. Twist a knitted piece of packing paper, twist it into a cone shape, gluing the edges. Decorate the snowman's hat with a board, rhinestones and decorative snowflakes.
  • Krok 7. Glue the snowman's hat.
  • Krok 8. Paint a blush with acrylic farbs and drown a snowman white color with a small house of Blakitny.
  • Krok 9. Attach bubonts on the glue so that the stench mimics the gudziks.
  • Krok 10. Add a sprig of smog to the packing paper, fold it with an accordion and glue it so that you make a round corrugated backing. Attach the figurine to the prepared base.
  • Krok 11. To build a hand with a dart, in a yak you can put a club with snizhinki and stars. After that snowman, you can stick with silver blisks.
  • Krok 12

Paper star for decorating windows and walls

Paper's 3D-zirka - the best idea for embellishing the class on Novy Rik

Christmas stars, wicked papers, become a miraculous color of the cabinet - make the difference in the volume of the composition, like right there in the class vineyard the atmosphere of the right chaklunstva. For the preparation of zirok, it is necessary for the mother to use such objects and materials with hands.

The modern decor of the booth is the only thing you want to do from early morning until nightfall? So do not make yourself happy with anyone! Like a skin day, starting from today, you will be offal, then on the eve of the New 2020 fate you will lean in a kaztsi, and not just at your own booth and apartment)

"Khrestik" will show you the idea of ​​a new decor with your own hands, as if you could really get into life without the cost of hours and penny stains. For now, you’ve been working on a robot for a long time, and you don’t plan to spend money on buying NG embellishments of the countryside, but you can still decorate your booth to a long-awaited saint!

Doors of the booth of the apartment: entrance at the kazku

At one glance at the embellished entrance doors and gank zamіskogo booth it looks like it’s sacred that it’s close at hand. That is why it is right for us to embellish the entrance doors, the front doors, the terrace, the porch of the ganok, otherwise it seems, the entrance to the booth.

Like a bachite, nothing foldable: and іnshі єmnostі, yalinovі gіlki, cones and kulі zroblyat their right:

You can create such a simple, but effective composition (it’s better to buy decorative apples):

If there is a dacha near the courtyard, then give them the opportunity to take part in the new decor 🙂

All these ideas can be realized even to the baggies of Moscow apartments.
Embellish the front, not the front group

Since there is not enough time in the front for such large-scale compositions, you can always make them bigger miniatures. Abo OK embellish windows! If you turn back home, wake up in a holy mood, marveling at the calm in the end 🙂

Catch an idea! Miniature polishes can be put on the podium

You can add yalin cones to the chicks, fastened on skewers for barbecue, as well as chicks with red berries (viburnum, thorns, elderberries, wild apple trees):

Nezabar for sale are decorative needles with red berries, which are ideal for storage:

Channel CULINARY IDEAS share ideas for decorating a booth with berries and berries:

Just as soon as you install yalinks in the yards of rich-apartment houses, hurry up to pick up broken yalinks. Let me not bless you, look, your task is to score a tick for soulful new compositions!

If it is possible to take a needle with cones, then the bouquet will look even more beautiful:

Svyatkovy dishes and textiles for the kitchen

The kitchen is the place where the whole family spends most of the Christmas and Christmas days. If you have dishes with a new decor, then start slowly removing yoga from the closet and placing it on open police stations:

Buying a new service is not cheap satisfaction, but it's not obov'yazkovo work for 1 time. Most stores sell dishes from one series by the piece. Choose your collection step by step.

To the point of seeming, the dishes can be kept as a whole, and even if you add a whole bunch of themed plates or cooks, then the mood will immediately change to squishy and greyly:

І navіt yakshcho vyddaєte outweigh the crockery of neutral colors (not reddish), wine as a whole can become a part of the new decoration - put new figurines, yalinka, svyatkovy textiles on the shelves.


How to decorate the folds of looking neat envelopes, to marvel at the woolless master class Aunt Maksimenko

As soon as you beautifully arrange if you want a part of the new decoration, your kitchen will immediately change, and you will want to decorate the houses in the distance 🙂

Bedding whiteness, pillows, pillows, pillows ...

Have you ever wondered how you can literally lift the holy atmosphere from your head for the help of a bed of whiteness? I didn't even think...

... but now, having shown how children will be the joy of bedtime whiteness with snowmen, yalinkas and snowflakes, I seriously thought about what I would need to bring)

New home textiles, especially for grown-ups:

Since buying a few new kits was not included in your plan, you can buy just one for the most part. If you have come up with this idea, then before the coming fate you will plan a bunch of kits to be rejected before the coming fate.

And don't forget pajamas! But to buy only pajamas - it will be cheaper, but not less atmospheric!

Blankets serve as an alternative to bedding. If you still haven’t pried your own, but if you want to do it for a long time, then repair one or two fates and continue in the coming ones.

Traditional new colors: red, white, green.
Printy: a varied cell, innovative ornaments.
Fabrics: bavovna, lyon, piece smartly, knitted canvas

It is possible to make a homemade blanket with Svyatkov for help with bags, so that you can sew it around the perimeter of the blanket. Awesome idea, cheers!)

Ah, yaks! New compositions with candles

Splits can be not only round, but also oval. Krіm them as the basis of pіdіyde and straight doshka, and navіt cramps:

At the video Vekoria Handmade yak base - piece of measles tree:

You can supplement the composition with dried flowers, figurines of creatures, all natural materials:

Do you want creative ideas for a new decor with your own hands? Please!

How folding compositions are chosen, marvel at the video on the channel Tsvoric:

Charming! New garlands

Garlands are associated with New Rock from the very nursery. This does not mean that the appearance at the house of new garlands is hardly possible to cope with, as it is holy, which is worn out. Crimea of ​​impersonal electric garlands, which are for sale, you can add a new decor with garlands, crushed by your own hands.

How to dry oranges marvel at the video channel AmyFamily DIY:

Split wood, not everyone is able to zastosuvat as the basis for a garland. Now, can you take this idea into account?)

As a pіdvіski for a garland, you can vicorist scho zavgodno: textile toys ( , ), twines and bubonts, i , yalina needles, those wood splits, and a lot of other things:

Simple at the folded garland in the channel Ideas for creativity:

Choose a collection of snow and nozzles. Just to show, what an enchanting atmosphere your booths will be like for a long winter!

If you have a suitable curtain, then you can create such a wonderfully embellished booth before New Rock:

Rіzdvyanі vіnki, prostі vіkonanna

Abroad budinki cannot be seen without a large number of old vines. Understandably, and we would like to decorate the entrance doors with wine, or at least give stained pennies or an hour and take your own practice to those who are “nasty” to lie. That's safer.

Three simple options, which do not require special materials and skills, so:

A simple wreath with a decor of paper stars

Vіnok, like a basis for a mobile phone and a miniature vіnochok-pіdvіska

Tetyana Abramenkova show how to make wine from such a flat wooden blank, like in the photo above (you can also use cardboard):

Embroidery hoop - what is not the basis for a wedding wreath!?)

Having taken a photo, you will become another place to marvel at the lips 🙂

Rіzdvyanі shkarpetki and ways їх rozvіshuvannya

Far from everything is ready to rozvіshuvati razdvyanі shkarpetki ready. Surprised beautiful pictures From foreign sites, many people think that a right fireplace is needed for shoe shawls. Ale tse zovsіm negarazd. Just marvel at the ways in which you can grow them!

Hang the scarpets on a hanger at the front, or go down, or instruct from it:

If you want to expand the white of the fireplace (and there is nothing), then make some improvisations:

For scarves pidide absolutely be a hanger with gachkas, a mitzna motuzka and just a tovsta head:

Shkarpetki do not embroider, but later sew (not to love everything and to be shy). Shkarpetki can be linked and navіt buy zvichaynі, but with new prints.

Wonderful idea with photos!

One more way of non-standard stosuvannya lizh)

Shkarpetki can be shaped, rozmіru that color

You can knit not only scarves, but mittens!

Scarpets hung on the bodice

Shkarpetki on the neck - minimalism in a clean look

For me, self-made decorative parkanchiki became the right "voice" for me;

And if you want to sew your own scarves, then you can help me master-class

Decorative stovp or trimach for new scarves - tse vzagali namovіrno klasna rіch!

You can prepare a vlasnik at the carpenter’s workshop:

And if you don’t want to fool around with different kinds of gifts, then knit / sew a giant scarf for gifts and shove it under a yalinka:

Wow! Creative Yalinka

What can't they think of creative people(I respect my obov'yazkom to show you my knowledge)! Maybe some of the readers of Khrestik would like to settle such a creative tree at home?)

Yalinka from old planks

Yalinka from vintage lines

Yalinka from the roots of vintage books

Yalinka z retro cat

Yalinka from wooden plinths

Yalinka can be built from foam plinths

Yalinka is clearly for a person)

“I її pissed off the one that was…”

Different ideas for new decor, varty respect

Simplicity of vikonannya and remarkable result - the very same ideas underlie most of the articles of Khrestik. We want you not to suffer, creating the same chirp, and so that the results you have turned out to be really classy handicrafts. That’s why it’s better to catch more ideas, you goddamn respect!

Self-made icebox with thread

(3 no-cost master class)

New river It is not for nothing that people of all nationalities and age categories are honored as one of the most beloved saints.

The enchanting mood ahead of the day before the cleanliness of the urochistity stuns the heart in front of you, and everyone checks on the radio, fun gatherings, bagan gifts and the Kazakh diva. Zvichayno, most of the New Rock will wake up children. For lads and girls, the time has come for winter holidays, at which time you can enjoy school turbos, playing in the snow with friends and reveling in fresh weather.

Absolutely, the main attribute of the New Rock is all-round decor. On the streets of the towns and villages, different colors of fires are sleeping, the windows of cafes and shops are transformed into illustrations to fairy tales, from the sides you can hear the sound of deep mellows, and on the central squares the majestic yalinkas are being erected. Do not get left behind and school class, even if children spend most of the day with them. For the same reason, at the beginning of the mortgages, like in the apartments, a few days before the new fate, the preparations for the New Year are made.

Creating a new decor - is it a fun process, even if you can be sincere and beautiful for toys, made with your own hands? Creativity brings a lot of positive emotions, a whimsical aesthetic relish, bringing you to sleepy practice, and bright decorations create a quiet homely atmosphere in the classrooms. Let's talk about those how you can quickly, beautifully and without special stains turn the school class into a right new fairy tale!

Embellishment of the windows in the classroom

The simplest solution is the final painting. In the end, painted with thematic little ones, shouting a chuckle like in children, like sitting in the lessons, so in grown-ups, like hurrying up to school on their right. Obviously, it’s necessary to paint so that after the completion of new urochistas, you can easily get thematic decor. The material is guilty of being safe, inexpensive and allows you to create long-lasting and beautiful little ones.

Babies on the school day to spread the apparition in the right way of Svyatkov

The best tools for window painting are toothpaste and gouache farby, which allow you to create in a number of "styles" - negative ornamental painting. Another of the designated types of painting is noted by the fact that the sub-bag image is similar to photographic pling - the emphasis is placed on unmarked areas, and the painted lines are less likely to signify between pictures. To create pictures for the help of toothpaste, you need:

  • shmatochki sponge from foam rubber;
  • sprat bowls with water;
  • ganchirki;
  • scissors;
  • olives;
  • paper

Order dіy

An example for painting vicons on Novy Rik with toothpaste and color gouache

  • 1. Get new stencils and templates. Call for the painting of the windows to choose snowmen, snowflakes, rіzdvyanі dzvіnochki, schematic yalinki, Dіdіv Morozіv, deer and kazkovі budinochki. The stencils are turned in such a way that the empty spaces were left empty, as if it were necessary to make a farbow.
  • 2. Think over the future composition, distribute stencils to the children. Wet the templates with water, smearing the surface with a sponge, and then stick them on the windows.
  • 3. Wet templates should be glued to the windows with the intended composition. It is necessary to blot the papyrus with a piece of dry flannel, so that the little ones do not sweat.
  • 4. Dilute the leather with water toothpaste at the mist, while at home, so that the masa guessed the consistency of sour cream.
  • 5. Encourage children to apply little ones for such a technique: take on a sponge a troch of a divorced mouth and apply it to the stencils. After that, like a little baby, the troch has died, the stencil needs to be taken.

For such a scheme, you can create not just white pictures, but right-colored masterpieces, just remember toothpaste for gouache, and foam rubber - soft penzlik. If your children have an artistic talent, then you can encourage them to fantasize or paint the pictures that you have adorned by decorating them with yellow needles, snowflakes, animals, sacks and buds. After the end, the holy little ones are swept away by the miraculous water.

DIY paper garlands

One of the most beautiful new attributes is a garland. For the preparation of the sample, you will need a little time and the simplest materials. With this garland, you can hang it on the walls, at the window openings, decorate with them a board, doors and wardrobes with curtains and didactic materials. For the preparation of various garlands, I learn to need:

  • colorful paper;
  • different color cardboard;
  • paper with little ones (packaging or for scrapbooking);
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • felt-tip pens;
  • namistini;
  • neck;
  • a skein of twine or a long lace.

For the help of these speeches, it is possible to create unimaginable and yaskra newborn garlands. We encourage you to speed up with our ideas!

Yaskra light bulbs

A garland of paper light bulbs is an even simpler version for the younger classes

On a white paper there is a pattern of a schematic light bulb in two examples, one of which needs to be cut into two parts: a flask and a base. The cones are transferred to colored cardboard, and the base to black. The blue template is transferred to the white paper. They gave us the need to make colored and white blanks, stretch the strings of twine, and then glue the colored details with a white base. You can skip the twine between the base and the colored parts, gluing the torch, or attach the light bulbs to the skein for the help of a glue gun.

merry birds

Paper birds can be used to embellish the window, open it, or classy doshka

Download 2-3 bird templates from the Internet, transfer them to a white paper and print the figures. To transfer the templates to the obgortkovy papyr with a bright visor, so that the skin figurine was small in color for a couple. Paint spouts on color templates, vіchka that krilltsya for help with a felt-tip pen. Stick or string the birdie on the skein, filling the empty space between them with namistins.

Stylish Yalinka

Create a uniquely simple Christmas garland from a colorful cardboard!

Paint a schematic yalinka on an arch paper, design a template and transfer it onto an arch paper of colored cardboard. Harvest 10-15 yalinkas. For the help of Tovstoy, open up the goats on the lower part of the stovbur and the upper part of the yalinok. String the figurines on a thread so that a vertical garland emerges.

Charming Likhtar

- a classic garland, known to everyone from the hours of the SRSR

Distribute colored paper to the children of Arkush. Propone bend the leaves across, tightly squeezing the space of the fold, so that you can take a narrow rectangle. They gave the children the responsibility of naming the house to bend the point through the skin of a centimeter and see the smuga with a width of 1.5 div of the protilazhny sheet. Behind the designated points, roam the gaps, as if the fault is to reach the designated line.

The slicing leaf unfolds and rolls into a cylinder. The edges of the sheet need to be smeared with glue and lightened with light (you can carefully creak it with scotch tape). The handle for the lighter is made from paper bags with a width of about 1 centimeter. Such a lighter can be made from colored cardboard.

Paper lances

The lancet is ideal for embellishing the vіkon, pіdvіkon and stele.

For the preparation of the garland, it is necessary to cut a swirl of colored or packing paper with a width of 1-2 centimeters and a length of 5-7 centimeters (everything should be laid out in the bagan rosemary of the lansyug). Farther, a paper line is glued together in a ring, through it a friend’s wife is stretched and also glued together with kintsy. The process is trivaє doti, the docks of the garland are not reachable by the bazhanoi dozhina.

Garland іz kul

Bags made of colored paper swirls vіdmіnno urіznomanіnіyut іnter'єr klasu

Before the preparation of the garland, the tail is approximately the same, as in the front version - from the leaves of the colored paper, it is necessary to cut the fold of the hem 1 and the length of 10 centimeters. It is necessary to make a small bag on the back of one's husband, then "wrap" it with another husband, having made a bag "rib", and glue it at the upper part. Let's try to fight for the third and fourth "ribs", as it is necessary to place them in such a way as to fill the empty ones. Ready bags need to be strung on twine.

Nastіnna yalinka to the class

The wall in the classroom can be embellished with a pretty yalinka from paper swarms

The first association, as we blame it for the first hour of the word "New River" - a chain of yalinka, decorated with colorful toys. Zvіsno, far from the skin class, you can put the right fox beauty. But for creating a new atmosphere, which is not necessary! Trochs of fantasy - and a stylized tree will appear in you, albeit a viconuvatime its functions are not worse. For the preparation of real yalinka, you will need:

  • yaskravy obgortkovy papir;
  • scissors;
  • scotch;
  • paper confetti;
  • threads.

Order dіy

Pokrokov's instruction for the creation of a wall-mounted yalinka

  • 1. Lay on the wall a place for a yalinka near a tricutnik.
  • 2. Draw the same paper lines and glue them together in a look of specks so that the eels are filled with a white shmatochok.
  • 3. Attach the droplets with adhesive tape to the wall, covering the expanse of tricot with tiers that sound.
  • 4. Take two straight-cut sheets of colored paper, make an accordion and straighten the blanks so that the wind blows. Attach two veils to the upper part of the yalinka, forming a round top.
  • 5. Draw mugs from colored cardboard (or take ready-made confetti) and glue them on a thread near a garland. Hang the garlands on the yalinka.
  • 6. Store under a yalinka box, decorated with a gift paper, or other gifts for lads (for example, zukerki).

You can make other thematic panels, for example, attach and embellish a photo of a fox beauty, make a yalinka from a tree or a plank, paint a crade on a board, make a panel with toys, photographs of lamp garlands. Axis of a spearhead of ideas:

Yalinka can be painted on arkush plywood or painted on a poster

Tsіkava ideya - yalinka in the style of minimalism with Christmas namistivs and a toy

To build a wall panel of chicks, behind the back of a tree chosen by detlachs in the park

Yalinkovі kuli ta kola z paperu to become a wonderful material for creativity

Whether natural materials can be vicorated for the creation of a yalinka

Snіgovіchok on the table to the teacher

It’s not enough to embellish the pіdvіkonnya and vіkna, but the teacher’s style!

Snowy winter is a miraculous ghost, to make faceless cute snowmen. It's a pity, in the warm class, the stench would immediately change into a kalyuzhka. However, there is a way to build a long-term snow man, replacing the snow with polystyrene. For making figurines you will need:

  • shmatok schіlny polystyrene;
  • gostry clerical lower;
  • packing paper;
  • acrylic farbi;
  • bliskitki;
  • board;
  • small buboes;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • decorative stars and plastic cuts;
  • drіt;
  • piece snow;
  • small black beads;
  • small box;
  • rhinestones.

Order dіy

Pokrokov's instruction for the creation of a snowman with polystyrene

  • 1. Divide the styrofoam pieces into three squares and cut them with a clerical knife, having pressed the shape of the kuli. The sacks are made in diameter - from a larger to a smaller size.
  • 2. Vіdіzhte vіd pіnoplastu a small gostry trikutnik і give the shape of a carrot.
  • 3. String the kuli on the drіt. Cover the snowman with a ball of piece snow.
  • 4. Glue the snowman to the bottom. Look for orange colors.
  • 5. From the black namistins, make eyes and a smile from the vuglinkivs, in front of them with a toothpick, small burrows at the kuli-head.
  • 6. Roll in a knitted piece of packing paper, twist it into a cone shape, gluing the edges. Decorate the snowman's hat with a board, rhinestones and decorative snowflakes.
  • 7. Glue the snowman's hat on.
  • 8. Paint a blush with acrylic farbs and drown a snowman in a white color from a small black house.
  • 9. Attach bubonts on glue - so that the stench imitated gudziks.
  • 10. Add a sprig of smog to the packing paper, fold it with a ribbed accordion and glue it so that you make a round corrugated backing. Attach the figurine to the prepared base.
  • 11. Raise your hands with darts, in yak you can put a club with cuts and stars. After that snowman, you can stick with silver blisks.
  • 12. Fold the box into a packing paper and attach it to a new snowman.

Paper star for decorating windows and walls

Paper's 3D-zirka - the best idea for embellishing the class on Novy Rik

Christmas stars, wicked papers, become a miraculous color of the cabinet - make the difference in the volume of the composition, like right there in the class vineyard the atmosphere of the right chaklunstva. For the preparation of zirok, it is necessary for the mother to use the following objects and materials:

  • scissors;
  • olive;
  • line;
  • stapler;
  • paper (white or colorful).

Order dіy

Pokrokov's instruction on how to create an overall innovative vision

  • 1. Draw 6 squares from paper. The larger the side of the square will be, the larger the result will be widde zirka.
  • 2. Rotate the squares along the diagonal of the two, to take the tricots. Line one side of the smuga with a width of 1 centimeter, filling 1 centimeter to the edge of the other side of the tricot (it is not necessary to cut the side, as I will die). Grow incisions.
  • 3. Razgornіt trikutnik, turning the shape of the square.
  • 4. Give the sprat of the inner husbands one to one, and the other turn at the return beak. Glue the pershy and the rest of the swag to fix the shape of the pellet. For the same principle, to create blanks for zirka.
  • 5. Glue together three blanks at a time, behind them with flanks and at the bottom (the upper prominences will be filled with free ones).
  • 6. Scrape offended parts of the mirror for additional glue and that stapler.
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