Garn security signalization. Basic recruitment of the defender of the zamіsky booth. Installation of signalization booth - characteristics and description of the process

Control over the current situation in the middle of the booth can not only protect the living space, but also control the systems of scorching, heating the water, air conditioning, some kind of electric butteries, supplying gas. The gsm signaling system for the booth has been fired, including a varied range of accessories that can be used to implement any level of control in the simplest way, up to the “Smart House” system.

Complex gsm signalization for home

Sets of security gsm alarms for houses and dachas, apartments - security, anti-burning outbuildings, which tell about the alarming situation behind the additional channel of the style call. The SIM card of any operator is inserted into the module. Under the hour of registration is a sign of unauthorized penetration, smoke, drive slowly. the control appli- cation sends text messages to the object's supervisor. When the video is connected, the dialing number is displayed, by switching to which one you can look at the current situation online.

You can connect a small number of mobile numbers to one priymalnoy outbuilding, on which you can immediately receive notifications about the alarm. Tse allow you to promptly react in an emergency situation, go to the aid of law enforcement agencies for consumption.

Standard equipment transfers the presence of the receiving module, sensors in the hand, door openers, remote controls. remote care, Sometimes a faulty antenna, a reserve block of life. With this system, it is possible to add additional installation of the necessary sensors to control the application.

When bazhanni, vminni, you can create a security complex for the house with your own hands.

How to choose a gsm signalization for protection

The primary official, which is often chosen is the signaling system for living space, є varst. The value of the indicator is to be deposited depending on the parameters of the complex: єmnіsny obsjag of the installation of the additional property, functionality, wireless connection and etc.

Asking for food, how to choose, first for all the next needs for the current moment. Small accommodation, apartments have a standard basic complex with a motion sensor, door openers. If necessary, they can be supplemented with sensors for dima, temperature increase, water coil, broken rock, video camera. The number of additional possessions depends on the capabilities of the receiving module.

In addition, it is possible to install temperature sensors for regulating the opalization, air conditioning, etc. butt fittings that support this option.

Security complexes can be conductive, bezdrotovy. The drotova gsm signalization costs less, but the installation will take more effort, an hour, it is necessary to lay the cable to all sensors. A droto-free complex with a gsm module is more expensive, it is easier to install, there are no problems with the installation of wires, and their conflict before the stormy influx.

Fire alarm

Go often security alarm from fire. Tse zruchno, oskolki keruvannya vіdbuvaetsya behind the help of one control outbuilding. Okremo anti-burning system is rare. For the connection, there is also a necessary priymalny attachment, which sensor and overpower the information signal.

The sensor type depends on the specific application. Often installed dimovy spovischuvach, which reacts with an increase in the optical width of the field. Also, thermal, sensory extensions of half a day can be installed.

Protipozhezhna signalization for a booth with a module of stylistic connection for the same principle, as well as security.

Bezdrotov GSM signalization: a complex for guarding a booth

Advantages of a wireless signaling system for a private living space: autonomy, independence from electrical energy, trouble-free installation, easy maintenance when replacing batteries of sensor devices.

Signaling gsm wifi via the Internet for data transmission about the plant of the object, as well as the steel channel of the merezhі. Do not need a great Internet traffic, do not lie in the quality of a mobile connection. Such outbuildings lie Guard Smart GSM. In addition, the security complex can be used at low temperatures (up to -40⁰ C). Other features of a wireless wi-fi system:

  • Low battery warning;
  • presence of a reserve block of life;
  • Anti-vandal protection of the primal block;
  • Connecting 3 rooms to one module;
  • Warning about the loss of the Internet signal, stylnikovy zv'yazok;
  • The staging was done, the funeral was taken.

Smart GSM Guard is the new generation's possession. Bіlshіst systems vikoristovuyut stіlnikovy zv'yazok. To the extensions with some Internet connection, for example, a gsm alarm system for the ZTA 110 booth.

Zont ZTA 110 for the protection of such indicators:

  • Connection of 5 mobile numbers;
  • Cost-free Internet service;
  • The awakening of the microphone allows you to listen to the reception;
  • Complete set with a siren;
  • Handy web interface.

Chinese GSM signalization for home

GSM signalization for home in China is popular among people who live at low temperatures, especially because of the climate in Russia and Europe. Feedback from buyers is different: positive and negative. To the minuses, those who have no instructions to attach the Russian mine are brought to minus.

As a butt, you can set an alarm for the booth G2b, G3b with a motion sensor, door openers, a sound siren, a built-in battery, a control key fob. Vіdsutnіst drotіv easier installation. Zastosovuyutsya for budinkіv, dachas of small rosemіrіv. It is possible to additionally install up to 99 different sensors (for safe, for storage). The call from the Vlasnik is installed at the mobile phone.

Possibility of calling the complex as a telephone for roaming with a person in the middle of the premises, which can also reach the koristuvach systems.

The best gsm alarm system for home

A selection of the shortest signaling systems for the protection of the zamіska booth includes a rich variety of subjective officials, with individual likenesses of coristuvachiv. The prote rating of popular search engines is Jablotron, Optex, Visonic, LifeSOS, Texecom, Ajax, Strazh. Attachments for the protection of the gsm module for the shelter of the rehabilitated pickers are respected by the nadіynymi, yakіsnimi.

In addition, among Russian buyers of complexes for protection, there is a growing popularity of GSM signaling for a private booth Sapsan (China).

SAPSAN GSM PRO 5S is standardly equipped, suitable for a small apartment outside the area. Perevagami є v_dstrochena arming, as well as automatic arming for the presence of signals and sensors. Adaptation to the Russian climate, working in the temperature range -40⁰С - +60⁰С. Support up to 10 numbers of mobile subscribers. Poednuє without darts, wired alarms (13 zones without darts, 2 wires).

In addition, gsm signaling for home with a video camera - Sapsan GSM 3G CAM - is issued by this operator. Like a call to vikorist's stylnikovy channel. Possession of a steel, militant body. Wide temperature range, which suits the Russian climate. The complex with a camera allows you to monitor the situation that occurs after the disturbing notification of the object's supervisor.

The best security system is the one that optimally approaches the features of a particular location, object. You can build the simplest complex of protection for the house with your own hands. Ale tse will require singing skills, decrease. For sale, inexpensive standard security complexes for a reasonable price (4000 thousand Russian rubles) are transported at all great places (for example, EKb).

Friends! More tsіkavі materials:

Spheres of zastosuvannya of security systems GSM alarm systems

The current security system can be of an absolutely different type. On this day, the increasing popularity of integration of the system of systems, which gives the ability to control all the future, they allow you to prevent the over-the-top podia or, like the stink of vinickle, shvidko v_dreaguvati.

Such systems can show that there are several warehouses in them: protection of the perimeter of the houses, control over the facades of the houses, protection of all premises, as well as signalization of the fire character. Without a fire alarm today, it is impossible to know any kind of security system, shards for a private booth and the technology is simply stupid.

All subsystems use special sensors, which are connected to special control devices. The stench guarantees the setting of an object for the funeral, as well as the transmission of an alarm signal, which is the cause of the inconvenience. Sob the Vlasnik is instantly mittevo and without zusil zorientuvatisya, the entire territory that is being protected, is divided into a well-taken region, as well as a zone of anxiety. Crimson, control attachments supply voltage to the sensors.


The security signalization is based on sensors, so that they can be found in all areas, where penetration is possible. The stinks come to the alarm, and if there is an intrusion, the alarm goes off.

Use different types of sensors:

  • sensors of infrared character;
  • sensors that are grounded on radio wires;
  • vibration sensors;
  • єmnіsnі structures of sensors;
  • magnetic type systems;
  • promenev tipi;
  • when rozbittі skla spratsovuyt acoustic systems of sensors;
  • impact sensors;

Okrіm tsgogo, the protective possession is distributed in the fallow land, depending on what type of yogo support:

  • autonomous support;
  • subtrim, which is connected to the guard control;
  • also a sub-trim can be connected to the central control panel;
  • buvaє that the response is connected to the telephone line;
  • Ісnuє also signalization type GSM;

By radio signal

Radio signaling– this is the type of signaling that causes the transmission of an alarm signal by a radio channel.

Є kіlka obov'yazkovyh minds, yakі novіnі dotrimuvatisya in order to zrobiti installation of this type of signalization:

  1. May be a radio channel, which is functional.
  2. The object, which is known to be under protection, is guilty of roztashovuvatsya in the field of covering radio communications.
  3. It's not your fault if you have changed the code for transmission to the radio signal.

One of the pluses of this kind of signaling is those that the speed of transmission of the signal is high, and the radio channel is supported to varying degrees of acoustic character.

Security system type GSM

This type of security signalization is a set of outbuildings, which are used for the protection. You can install all possessions of the vlasnik on your own without outside help. The principle is even simpler: under the hour of penetration, or after the signalization, call and overpower the notification of information about those who were trapilos with the sack on a mobile phone. This type of security signaling is considered to be the newest and most popular.

Є low signalization of the most type:

  1. The installation is pretty simple. You can install this signalization by stretching 15 minutes without third-party help.
  2. Signalization works without a subscription fee.
  3. In order for the attachment to work, there is no need for a telephone line, so this type is indispensable for such disputes, and there is no need to conduct a telephone line of a human nature.
  4. Security signaling behind the telephone line.

This type of signalization is based on a connection with a telephone line. The object to be protected is equipped with sensors and a model for signal transmission. The skin from the annex is attached to the central panel. As one of the sensors in use, a special device is activated, which calls.

For the help of a new one, increase the voice type on the phone numbers. The text of the notification, as if I take it off the phone, is dialed back. You can turn off or turn off such an alarm with the help of a special keyboard or a special keychain.

satellite channel

Danish view є vyazok on the satellite channel. The range, as far as possible for this kind of signalization, is not fenced.

Video about how to create a GSM signaling system on the phone with your own hands:

Installation steps

Project design

Under the hour of designing, I will build a private house for a private booth, it is necessary to insure a number of nuances. In addition, the project will be competently put together, deposited away from the robot outbuildings.

The connection is made up of anonymous different subsystems:

  • video warning;
  • access control;
  • control of the entire perimeter;
  • fire system;
  • control over the team, so that there was no gas coil and water;

When designing, the impersonal parameters are covered, starting from architectural features and ending with an electrical parameter. Under the hour of the project, those are being rozpodilyaetsya, by which order a video warning will be installed, and as a spratsovuvatim svіshchennya. Krіm tsgogo, those who are able to develop a future system are insured.

When designing, you can go a few ways:

  1. Development of the project at the complex.
  2. Vybіr obladnannya that yogo installed.
  3. I'll build a rozrobka, which I give you for the video warning.
  4. Rozrahunok disk, on which pod_gatimutsya in the archives.
  5. Choose the quality of the image, as if it will be displayed on the screens of the funeral.
  6. Raztashuvannya senator_v usіh subsystems.
  7. Implementation of possible scenarios for the development of approaches.


The installation takes place in two stages: the laying of line cables and the installation of all necessary sensors in that central. If you go to fakhіvtsіv, then laying cables in a loan is only a few years. With whom everything is victorious without being involved in the design of that interior room and that place.

So you can vvіmknuti nalashtuvannya. Depending on what type I’ll build, I’ll make sure that I’m making a difference. In addition, as a matter of fact, it will be possible to improve the efficiency of robotics and security.

At the next hour, it is necessary to change the sensitivity, I will attach that yogo sensors. It is especially necessary to spend it in quiet wakes, when domestic creatures linger. Adzhe pristosuvannya of our hour, may be called to call on this fact.

After all the resurfacing works, the master is guilty of instructing the sergeant. Vlasnik of the house, and as a legacy of the security system, you can behave in the right way.

Best picks and prices

Under the hour when such a possession comes, it is necessary to protect all factors and nuances. You should appoint a varto on the back, which type is better to buy for yourself for this booth. Wine can be conductive, bezdrotovym, you can add a simple signalization (sooner for surveillance) or a complex of outbuildings and subsystems.

Axis small perelіk themselves best pickers defensive possession:

  1. Honeywell Security(USA). New kit close by 2500 dollars.
  2. Bosch Security Systems(Nimechchina). Varity of one set - close 2000 dollars.
  3. Safran(France) You can get such an attachment for 1600 dollars.
  4. Hikvision Digital Technology(China). You can buy such a possession for 1150 dollars.

If we talk about the Russian market, then the Ademco company is especially popular here. The largest extended model of the company is Vista. Also dosit popular outbuildings є DSC, which is being prepared on the territory of Canada.

In the rest of the hour, you can choose the garne of the obladnannya in the middle of the virobniks. If you want more of the analogues of the imported one, but the price is much lower. Ale varto vrakhovuvati, that their functionality is also lower, lower the possession of foreign virobniks.

A modern burglar knows impersonal ways to get to your booth, to a warehouse or an office. Until then, the wines are equipped with the necessary tool for penetrating not only through the door, but also through the wall.

In such a time, the Vlasnik’s appointment is not only to waste mine, but he knows the damage through the need to repair the structures.

That is why more and more often people come to visnovka, which is simply necessary at home.

Criteria for system selection

The most important guardians of the security alarm should try to penetrate before the villain can commit theft. Installed in the cottages, it allows you to save mine and the integrity of the structures. How about choosing a different system? On yakі її parametri slіd zvratati respect when buying. How can spіvvіdsheshnya varnostі and efficiency can be considered optimal?

The current market promotes impersonal models of possession, how not to have mercy on the choice? First thing to think about -.

There are two main types of signaling:

  1. Drotova
  2. Bezdrotova

Von raznyatsya for the principle of broadcasting the signal. Bezdrotova security alarm for the house, which is chosen for the house, is due to simple installation. Sound for such systems does not require the laying of cables, but the variability of the second one is different, the lower one is for the dart models. If your booth has an expensive repair and there is no need to repair the building, a rootless system will be the ideal choice.

We marveled at the video about the dartless security system:

It is impossible to deprive the posture of respect of the rіven zahist. For whom it is necessary to designate as a place to be protected, with whom special respect is attached to the places, where penetration can be. As if there are creatures in the booth, choose a system from outside of them. It’s a good idea to think about the possibility of expanding the basic signaling, in order to be able to protect the safe from the evil one or add one more sensor. Light-sound outbuildings can protect a malice by inciting a burglar, so their installation is also necessary.

It is important that the security alarm, which is installed in the booth, was summed up with the remote control, and the battery is also small in the configuration, which is necessary for the operation of the electric power.

New in the middle of security buildings

On the signalization market, the most popular are the possession of such virobniks, like:

  • Jablotron
  • Optex
  • Visonic
  • LifeSOS
  • Texecom
  • Guardian

Their products are considered one of the most important and most efficient and are established as systems for the security of housing and other facilities. The possession of the flooring is richly functional, which can ensure 100% protection of the lane against the encroachment of villains. Ale, vibirayuchi, it is necessary to designate it as a task, first of all, and therefore bathe the model.

In the rest of the hour, the greatest drink can be made without a dart system. First, the stench appeared in the 1990s. Behind the cordon, their popularity has grown at a rapid pace, just as in Russia the stench began to appear not so long ago.

Watching the video, robots and GSM signaling model Strazh:

Bigness modern systems vikoristovuyut at robots GSM calls. This is connected with the development of mobile telephone networks and it is convenient for the Vlasniks, allowing you to receive prompt assistance from the time of penetration to the house of third-party systems.

These can be used for notifications by dialing up or sending SMS, and most of the time they are equipped with security cameras that allow you to send photos in MMS notifications. GSM signalization is not able to exchange a mobile phone call, which allows you to choose the best tariff for paying for services.

One of the latest developments in this gallery is NeoVizusGSM attachments. It can be at home, a car and installed in a city, it’s easy to show it. As for the most important sensors, they are to be installed in the visibility zone, and their attachment is miraculously working in the most unfamiliar place. Transmission of information from a new zdiisnyuetsya GSM channel.

To collect wraps and ranks of hybrid systems of protection, in which they interact with attachments with different technologies. Such a signalization is important as one of the rapidly developing segments in the market. They have common wires and wire-free accessories and the possibility of expansion according to different needs.

The advantages of these systems rely on the possibility of installing droto-free sensors in areas, but there is no possibility of laying a cable. And although it is not possible to know the droto-free systems on objects so far, the hybrids are often-thick.

Greatly expanded in the last hour to know the systems, the radius of which is increased by repeaters. Fallow types of extensions between points can reach 500 m. shopping malls and other similar objects.

The price of food, how many products are included:

For an apartment chi cottage pid_yde be-yak a security signalization, ale first n_zh buy it is necessary to depend on the zavdannyami. It is autonomously possible only to act as a villain, even as a remote control to transmit notifications to the phone of the spymaster and the guardian's office. Moreover, for whom you can win a radio channel, a telephone line or a GSM network.

What products to choose?

If the largest one will drink the rest of the hour to work without drotovy systems, then we can look at the most popular brands of such models. Іz zakordonnyh - tse Sokil. The signalization on the basis of її is recognized for the protection of the dacha or the castle booth, garage. It is easy to install, does not involve moving furniture at the premises, does not require an interior.

Vitchiznyan products are represented by systems:

  • watchman
  • Granite
  • Avalanche

The stench is richly functional, may be small in size, practical for low temperatures and universal in vikoristanni. The stench was automatically sent a notification by the koristuvach about a decrease in the balance on the SIM card.

We looked at the video review of the Granit model:

It is possible to tell about the artiness innumerably, to that the price of a certain difference. The stinks lie down due to the recognition of the possession, yoga maker, the features of the installation, the folding of the system itself, and to inspire the design of the fixtures. The minimum set of two sensors will cost between 100 - 120 $, and the simplest system for a private booth from 300 to 700 dollars. It is easy to name the upper boundary, because it is worth lying in the form of anonymous components, which are victorious in the system. Well, and the one who found the cupuvati is not varto - it’s unlikely that you can become the most important defender of your lane.

How to choose a brand?

On the vіtchiznyany market of the largest expansion, the possession of Ademco firms and especially the Vista model range has emerged.

It allows you to build up the security complex for practical purposes, right up to the installation with the usual systems installed in the house: from the fire to watering the lawn. The control panel of the brand gives the opportunity to work, to control low-cost models, which have been fixed for a small amount of time.

Not less popular is the possession of DSC, as it is issued by a Canadian company. The model range of this company includes a wide range of outbuildings with rich functional capabilities. The stench can be compared with your equal, but the products of the Ademo company fall into a larger sector of the market of security buildings.

At Rest of the Rocks Russian accessories have also appeared, which often repeat beautiful imported designs. The stench may lower the price, but for its functionality, it will signifi- cantly sacrifice foreign analogues.

The installation of the Israeli Visonic virobnik can also drink chimali. It is oriented to the needs of the zamіskogo dwelling, and it has gained the most breadth in the cottage villages.

Great and drіbnі, zarubіzhnі and mіstsevі firms proponuyut spozhivachevі their best protective possession. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to carefully consider the complete set of the future system.

If you don’t get knowledge from this gallery, trust the choice of fakhivtsy. Put in front of them the task of choosing and completing the system.

Such a pіdkhіd will allow you to get rich troubles like in the present with the choice and installation of possessions, and in the future in the process of yogo exploitation. Even if all the turboti take on the company's spivrobitniki, and you will only have to pay for their services and enjoy a quiet life, not worrying about saving the lane.

For the security of safety, a lot of resources are zastosovuetsya. One of them is a security system for a private booth. It will allow not only to protect the people who live, but also to save the mine and other material values ​​in integrity. Actions from the systems are more foldable, for which reason penetration to the booth is practically impossible.

Narazі vypuskayut zabeki for the security of houses, offices, banks. For skin application, it is equal to zahistu. Schob vyznachitisya іz vyborom, nebhіdno vyvchiti inspecting the security systems for the home.


What is a security system for a private booth? Tse complex of zahisnih zasobіv, yakі zabezpechuyut bezpeku pіschennya. Before them, the systems of video warnings are sent, alerting the Lord's booth about the penetration test. It is connected to the possession of different methods, but at any time, after the system is installed, it works without interruption.

At the same time, 3 variants of systems are released:

  • "Reasonable house".
  • Conduct.
  • Bezdrotov.

The skin is subject to technical characteristics, types of curing and installation. As if the security system for a private booth was not taken away, it would take care of the safety of the lane and the safety of people.

Obladnannya, scho zastosovuetsya

All types of systems are based on the necessary elements:

  • Visual warning system.
  • Alert function.
  • Blocking the intruder.
  • Central control panel.
  • Uninterrupted living block.

Such systems are necessary for the safety of not only a private booth, but also an office, business. With them, the nadiy zahist of people that lane is taken care of. The safety steps vary depending on the type of application.

A lot of sights of security systems for a private booth include more than roo sensors. Before them, one can add infrared passive attachments with a reaction to thermal vibration. Also zastosovuetsya іnshі vidi priladіv:

  • Promenevі infrachervonі.
  • Contact.
  • Vibrations.
  • Combinations.

"Smart Dim" system

At the same time, the security system for a private booth is considered one of the best. She is transmitting an integrated installation, that may be revenged as a signalization. Sounds like a system. For example, the protective function works for autonomous care.

Complexes can replace video security systems for a private booth. The stench is equipped with ruhu sensors, for controlling attachments. Notification options are also different. These systems are completely autonomous, but the masters can bring them to specialized services.

If there is a signal about an alarm, a professional team will be on the lookout. Z'yasovuєtsya, what happened. As soon as a test of penetration into the life was revealed, then they get used to it, come in whenever you see it. Such a system has only one minus - the high price of the possession of the firm's services.


The droid security system for the booth is simple and affordable. Before the emergency, those who are in the sensors that work, do not need to regularly change the batteries and charge the batteries.

For an hour of turning on the electricity, a special unit is to blame, which ensures uninterrupted life. The system has next to combine sensors and cameras. Nabіr funktsіy to fall in vіd bazhannya hospodarіv.


Wireless systems for a private booth are handy, there are no wires. Restoring such a possession, you won’t have to go to the repair shop. The stench is ideal for a private booth and an office.

Security systems for a GSM booth may have a sprinkling of features of the robot. Sensors or IP-cameras function as a single unit with a key block for the help of Wi-Fi or radio frequency. If you have problems with registration with the system, the phone number will receive an SMS. Ale, such a possession is richly richer for the conduct.


In order for the security alarm system for the house to work properly, it is necessary to choose the right one. Fakhіvtsі proponuyut koristuvatisya such joys:

  • Do not choose the cheapest option, the shards in the security signalization are important.
  • Bazhano zazdalegіd choose a security organization to allow the rozrahuvat, de roztashovuvatimetya system.
  • Choose a signalization to a specific object, a consultant will help you.
  • The installation is to be done by professionals, shards without special knowledge will not work correctly.

If a company is selected, then the fahivtsy will recommend possession, fold a map of the object, possible insecurity on the basis of the nature of the mist and crime situation. Also, you need to install the alarm response function. If it’s less than a hairdresser to tell about the problem, then it’s unlikely that you can get used to it negainally. Bazhano, the firm was chasing after the cym.

Security firms are engaged in the sale of the installed property. Also, they are serviced. Spіvrobіtniki pіdbryat vіdpovіdnu system for maximum zakhistu.


In order for the possession to work correctly, it is necessary to regularly check this revision. And the correct operation will save you from the appearance of rich warehouses:

  • It is important to establish an alert scheme for those who help in emergency situations.
  • If you don’t know how to help guard the alarm, then you need the maximum complexity of the system, which will intrude on the evildoers.
  • It is necessary to constantly reconsider the work of the mechanisms, only to win over the specialists.
  • It is necessary to follow the changes in the gallery of the security systems, fully possessing the new functions.
  • Bazhano koristuvatisya with a combined signalization, which is formed from the radio of the wired channels, which will allow for easier penetration to the object of the territory.


Technical maintenance is necessary for any kind of possession, and security systems are not to blame. Tse allow me to suddenly reveal nedolіki and suck them. Revisions continue the term robot and adjustment. Serving the transfer of the elimination of defects, the replacement of the technique of chi її parts.

Rechecking is necessary for the diagnosis of robotic and visual examination. Fahіvtsі control the position of regulators, indicators and other details. Retelna perevіrka ensures uninterrupted functioning of the possession. If the robot is vibrated irregularly, it may be incorrectly used by the sensors.

If you want to get out of the way, you need a professional update or a replacement. The security signalization is above the guardian's booth. It’s better to choose the required option, after which you can get the job done.

Burying Variety

The price of security systems is determined by the wealth of officials. Chim more features tim more expensively cost the servants. For example, if you want to secure a security booth, or if there is less territory, then the varity will be minimal.

The most expensive option would be to secure the complex, as it includes all the elements of protection. But such a system is best respected, even if for help, the nadiy zakhist will be provided with help.

Video warning

Too many owners of private booths rob video warnings. Tse possession is also a security system. It allows you to control the booths of that territory in real time. You can create access to rich dealers. All information is collected, so you can look over again.

Tsya security system for a private booth buvaє 2 types: analog and based on digital technologies. Other types of video warnings are the most respected. Possessed by creation on the basis of modern technologies, this would be an ideal case.

Digital video warning may be the following:

  • Ability to control your computer, tablet or phone.
  • A rich view of the possession of various functions.
  • Connection to intellectual image analysis.
  • Control over the introduction of third parties.
  • Automation of the process of re-checking the system.
  • Shvidky montage

If the presence of such functions is not necessary, then analog warnings are needed. Want to stink for functionality, but go for better video surveillance.

It is required to zazdalegіd virіshiti, de razmіschuvatimutsya cameras. Obov'yazkovo need to control enter to the booth and at the door. It is even quicker to install an intercom and a remote lock on the door. It is necessary to follow the missions, through which the evil-doers can lead to the territory. Bazhano transluvati the place of the front entrance.

Under the hour to choose the possession for the video warning, follow the respect for the spot I look around that focal length of the camera lens. Tse signifies the breadth of the open space. The next to choose the possession for the old victorious, the shards out of practice for the influx of the weather minds.

The visibility of the infrared light ensures the visibility of the darkness. If the function is weak, it is necessary to install an infrared searchlight. Cameras are carefully installed at the most important objects. If the possession is correctly installed, it will be an overpowering booth, it is only necessary to trim the system under control.

In order to save your apartment or keep your house safe and sound, you should install a video warning system. Choose a trace so that it served as a miraculous zahist in the form of penetration. However, with the simplicity of such a task, there are deeds of folding. І nagolovnіsha - impossibility of response. For example, if a villain steals, it’s impossible to get ahead, you can only correct it. For the sake of not shopit the villain on mischief, the security gsm system was created. Simplicity and, at the same time, efficiency of management allow you to take warnings off at the same time.

Features and main functions of the security GSM-system for summer cottages

Before the signs of home systems with a gsm-module, the following points should lie:

  • Modernity and increased functionality of the entire possession.
  • The appearance of supratemporal zakhistu from illegal penetration.
  • All the work will be done on the roztashuvannі sensors.
  • You can put a budinok on guard at the guard station.

Warning about evil should be at the sight of a short notification on the phone, or for the help of a short call.

The main functions will be:

  • New control of the application with the possibility of receiving different types signaling.
  • Automatically increase the alarm signal to the phone of the sergeant or the remote control of the guardian.
  • Works of re-calibration of robots and other devices for water, gas and energy supply.
  • Connecting a microphone to listen to all sounds from the host on the street.
  • Possibility of making a photo and video recording from a mustache booth.

On the video - security gsm systems for a private booth and dacha:

In other words, the gsm system is completely aware of the whole situation in the middle of that ringing in the house.

Look around and different models

Basic classification of types of GSM systems:

  1. For the type of protection.
  2. The presence of vikonuyuchih outbuildings.
  3. For the name of the sensors.
  4. For the type of connection.
  5. For a notification method.

For the type of protection

  • fire
  • protective
  • zmishana

Fire system

The message was sent to the signal less at the time of the fault, if the least sign of smoke appeared. Particularly popular.

The system is necessary at times, if at home it’s worth it, and if it’s possible to blame it on the temple.

Defense system

Razrakhovan on the installation of the guard like a middle house, so on the steps to the new one. This is a miracle decision, if there is no one at home, and control over the situation is needed. For the help of special outbuildings, you can avoid any penetration into the booths. About the video intercom for a private booth with an electromechanical lock.


Turns on and protection, and warning about smoke. Samy short version, the shards allow you to absolutely be in front of the situation in the booth and on the street.

Warehouse: key fob, motion sensors, remote control

The key fob allows you to activate or disable the system. You can only use one or two buttons and that is handy for constant wear.

The distance of giving a signal is a few meters. Vіn buvaє zvichaynym i radio remote control. Let's stop, you can mimic and vimikati signalization on the great highway.

The control panel allows you to adjust the robot of the entire system, make changes to it and switch the mode.

Use the following categories of sensors:

  • Magnetic sensor.
  • Ask for vibration.
  • Ultrasonic.
  • Radiokhvilov.
  • Electrical sensors from the possibility of photographing.
  • Helping to damage the integrity of the warehouse.
  • Infrared detectors.
  • Alarm buttons.

On the video - the best gsm signalization for the house (look around):

Magnetic sensors vіdpovіdat for control over the vіkon ta vіkon vіkont doors. You can see two types: calling and joining. The first ones remember whether they are people, and the others become invisible. The stench is formed by the magnet of that reed switch. Find out about video recorder with ruhu sensor for home.

Vibration sensors react to the test of zapodiyati shkoda zovnіshnіm walls budіvlі. Your reaction will last until the attacker penetrates into the territory of the booth.

Ultrasonic sensors react to the smallest balls and immediately give an alarm signal. With this vipad, it is possible to learn that sounds are harmless.

Radiohvilov building a transition, be it a signal, a zocrema of moving third-party bіla boudinka.

Electrical sensors Mayut bezkontaktne zastosuvannya. The stench nadiyano block the doors at the booth, as well as the gates. However, they effectively protect the outer territory and the inner territory against any illegal penetration.

Opportunities about the integrity of the warehouse react to the smallest number of vicons. The strength of the alarming signal rises after breaking the rock.

Infrared detectors react to the behavior that looks like a person. Naidokonalisha and bezpomilkova system of caution and advance. Lacking the unmarked, you will immediately get ahead of the ruler about the penetration of a foreigner into the territory.

For connection type

Drotova climb for additional wires and cables, and a friend will do all the work for additional signal transmission. Dart connection, regardless of its relevance, is absolutely protected from radio transmissions and does not tamper with the robot of the entire system.

For notification method

  • SMS notification
  • call

SMS simply overpowers the notification of the ruler and how many people.


Since there is no money for such a system, you can argue on your own. Who needs the presence of an old push-button telephone, a magnet, a reed switch, and wires that vimikacha. Let the robots go like this:

  1. For the cob, there is a swedish dialing, which is added up from the number of the sackmaster and how many people - for the baggage - for the help of one of the buttons.
  2. Dali v_dbuvaєtsya outside the phone number to the mother's payment.
  3. At the time of the battle, that vikliku at the sight of one button, one end of the dart is soldered to it, and the other to the digital panel.
  4. As if the given buttons are different, one more dart is soldered to it.
  5. For skin irritation, a reed switch is used with triple contacts.
  6. A magnet is installed on the door and a reed switch is installed.
  7. In order to signal about the penetration of messages to the addressee, it is necessary to install a magnet in such a way that it reacts to the opening of the doors unknown.
  8. Vimknennya signalization zdiisnyuєtsya for help vimikacha.
  9. It is necessary to charge the phone hourly. The best time to work at the hour of the presence of the lords, the shards at the hour of charging, the signalization becomes silent.

Video: do-it-yourself installation of a home alarm system

On the video - do-it-yourself gsm signalization for the house:

Virobniki and prices

Up to the largest varieties you can see the steps:

The price of Crow Swan products is 600 to 800 rubles.

In order to choose the best signalization for myself, it is necessary to respect the following criteria:

  1. Chi іdealne spіvvіdnoshnja tsіni and vigor. Vartist can be from medium to high.
  2. Presentation of technical capabilities and additional functions.
  3. The intensity of signal transmission.
  4. Yak preparing corps
  5. Areas of congestion.
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