Self-closing laser signalization. Laser security signalization from the vkazіvka. Description of laser signaling

Dana signaling from a laser pointer, as you can choose with your own hands, similar to tієї, as we can watch in different films. Signalization vikoristovuє laser promin for the protection of your valuables that lane.

In fact, if we change the sensor and it appears to be a change (a person or a creature), the photodiode will increase and, as a result, a high voltage level will appear at the output, which then can activate the siren or the siren.

The priming strum is set to close to 10 mA. The laser pointer and receiver can be placed at the main body, and the laser pointer can be directed to the photodiode for an additional mirror.

Description of laser signaling

On the scheme, there is an operational switch TL072 (IC1.A) for adjusting as a voltage comparator. Vіn porіvnyuє voprіvnyuє prіvnyuє prіvnjuє prіvnyuє vkhіd vіd vіdі, sho іnvertuє, op-amp (visnovok 3), sho go from the regulated resistor dilnik on P1, R4 and the voltage go to the direct input of the op-amp (visnovok 2) from the dilator, which is added from the photodiode D1 and the constant resistor R3 .

If the laser break is interrupted, the voltage on the displayed comparator 2 falls below the reference voltage on the output 3. As a result, a high level on the output of 1 operational substation. As a bulo is assigned, the whole signal can be turned on by turning on a lilac, a computer or a searchlight, which, possibly, can be streamed by a bugler.

Resistor R2 provides hysteresis to prevent circuit instability if the voltage at both inputs of the comparator is equal. Capacitor C1 is used for ignoring a non-trivial override, for example, with coma that fly. If you want the sensitivity of the signaling to be more important, you can change the capacitance of the capacitor C1 to 1 microfarad.

The scheme is simple and can be selected on a small piece of a mock-up board. After the folding of the lancet and the test, you are guilty of placing it in the upper case, in which you open the photodiode. Insert the photodiode in the front into the black color tube in order to avoid the hit of a third-party light bulb.

Vikoristovuyuchi toy with a laser, like a cost, as you know, a penny, you can create an alarm and install it at the entrance to an apartment, garage, door. Vitrat mayzhe not, and the vigoda is inconceivably great.

To choose a design, you need a laser pointer and a piece of radio components. The principle of signalization is based on the sensitivity of the photoresistor, which reacts to the laser promin.

This video shows how to choose a laser signaling. For whom you need a statement of that piece of details. I will attach the circuit to the timer 555. To show the laser vibration, we need a photoresistor. Vіn z'єdnany with another resistor, schob otrimati dilnik naprugi. Opir another resistor can be paired with a photoresistor. Our breath has a good 100 ohms. If the photoresistor is not upgraded, it is upgraded. It is necessary to bring up the voltage increase by 6 lower microcircuits. As a result, a logical zero appears at the output of the microcircuit and the buzzer is turned on.

You can turn off the speaker and throw off the system, transfer the logical analysis of the speaker to trigger. Having jumped back, we turn the scheme in the ready mode.

For re-verification, we take the scheme on the layout. If everything is right, we take it on payment. We can change the photoresistor on long legs to adjust the position after installation. Attach the battery pack to pay with a glue gun. Vіlnі droti zakrіpimo nakolo pay with an elastic band. It's time to install the system. In the simplest way, it will be more likely to be similar to the stretching, which is known for one beck of doors. Roztashovani one opposite one. Let's close the signaling on the back. With a sticky line we will fix the insertion button at the switched on station. We mount a vkaz_vka on the job. Nalashtuvannya shorter exactly on the center of the photoresistor. Let's raise the system. Whether any input will activate the alarm. Alone stretching is practical. For the help of a few mirrors, you can cover the entire room with a change. Let's close the vkazіvka on one of the surfaces. Promin straightening on one zі stіn. Continue adding a mirror. Golovne, so that the rest sent the promin to the photoresistor.

Oskіlki the system is composed of one non-stop laser, if there is a price change, turn on the alarm.

The reception center of such a signalization and the building of the city will look for a significant place, as if supplementing it with a system of mirrors. Promin peretinatime expanse through the anonymous canals, controlling the smallest villages of the Maidanchik.

In order to increase the valority of the robot, replace the batteries with more strained ones or batteries.

Maybe you want to learn how to understand the principles of robotics and electrical circuits on the butt?

The market of systems for the protection of objects from evil and non-transferring sub-ranges of sensors, as if to apply the installation of universal control over the dwelling. However, it is far from the skin extensions of the building to ensure the security of the guard, but the connection of a non-existent cheap possession to lead to unforeseen problems. As an alternative to traffic sensors, it is simple and silent laser signaling, as it works when an object enters the spectrum of change.

What is the principle of robotic signalization from the laser exchange?

Signalizations with a laser exchange sound to be bought from a ready-made kit, but you can prepare them independently, without using a lot of forces and zasobiv. The whole principle of the operation of laser signaling is based on a special infrared exchange, which is directly under the front wall to the opposite wall of the room, de fixing the photocell.

Be it an object, which consumes a spectrum in tasks, creates a break, send a signal to a special messenger. After the filing of notifications about the damage, the speakers wake up to inform the bagmen about the protection of the penetration.

The laser guide kit includes the following construction materials:

  • Relay;
  • The simplest microcircuit in the form of a lighter;
  • Photocell;
  • Living block;
  • Resistor;
  • Spovishchevach;
  • Generator.

Because the laser light does not rise and constantly directs in one beat, for the help of the system of vibrations it is possible to create brilliant little ones, which is impossible to pass. Like a vіdbivachі zastosovuyut small little pieces of mirrors, ruffled under the song kut near different kіntsy kіmnati.

The process of folding elements and laser parts

The principle of folding is formed from the subsequent soldering of four signaling elements before payment. We will need to be assigned to the place where a laser signaling device and a photocell will be installed. Most often, such mechanisms are mounted at the lower part of the fireplace on a level of 30 cm from the underlays, which allows attaching attachments to third-party eyes.

On the video - an experiment with laser signaling:

The laser is installed from one side of the wall to the relay and the living block, and in the prolezhny area, at a distance of no more than 10 m, a photocell with a rosewood is attached, so that it falls straight on the lens. When an object enters the spectrum, the photocell starts to heat up, the relay transmits a signal to the resistor, and the rest - to the signal.

Opovishchuvach acts as a vigilante, seeing a signal of tension up to 100 decibels, which can be felt on the vіdstanі close to 100 m-code.

As an element of life, the next stop is a sizable lithium battery, the shards of it will save the minimum energy consumption and are practically necessary for seeing an alarming signal.

For the functionality of the system, the modern radioamatori will introduce a call module, which will allow you to send SMS or voice notification to the song number, which will allow you not only to sound a robber, but to try to catch yoga.

Modern security systems are developing at a rapid pace in connection with the developments of the critical crime situation in the world. Pasivnі zasobi - zavіdmcha chi special protection - already irrelevant, and with a method I will defend myself, my mine and business will be widely promoted modern systems zakhistu vіd zlovmisnikіv i stink stіyno voskonalyuyuyutsya. And the complex integration of various systems allows for the effective improvement of food security and, at the same time, does not overpay for the pennies.

This type of signalization is based on the transmission of a radio signal, similar to the standard that is used for mobile communications. The kit includes a basic or control block, connections to any operator of a stylnikovy zv'yazku, that bezdrotovі sensors. On the SIM card, inserted into the unit, and an alarm call is coming.

For greater arrogance, the virobniks transfer victories two and three sim cards- on the vapadok, as the main leaning posture is the access zone. Drone-free sensors are connected to the station, which allow for a better control over the reception. The system is controlled by additional SMS or keyfob buttons. For the presence of the connected video camera, a signal will be sent to the e-mail at the hour of the signaling.

The great plus of these outbuildings is the number of wires and the need to carry out their installation.

Vikoristovuyutsya ts_ alarm_zatsiї for the protection of dachas, booths, apartments, garages, warehouses, offices, be it unruly.

Important! Before that, how to select a GSM-alarm signalizer, it is necessary to determine, for which temperature it is necessary to operate and keep the building in the mode, which does not fall due to the uninterrupted supply of electricity.

Perimeter security complex

Such systems make it possible to detect and in advance the penetration of the evil-doers into the fenced-in territory in the distance. The principle of their work is based on the recognition of vibrations or changes in the electric field.

Set of outbuildings includes:

  • different types of sensors;
  • sensory cable;
  • notification subsystem;
  • object movement analyzer;
  • computer from special software.

Perimeter extensions can be combined with access control systems and video warnings. Different types of stationary systems necessary fence for attaching sensors to that cable.

The most popular perimeter lines:

  • vibration;
  • єmnіsni;
  • radiofrequency;
  • radiopromenev.

Important information for the system to be installed:

  • covering the lines of the territory and the number of dead zones;
  • zahist I will build a kind of climatic minds;
  • vіdsutnіst near the protected territory of the falcons and trees;
  • possibility of grounding.

For the defense of the most victorious spratsovuvan, a meteorological module is installed, which allows you to protect the influx of atmospheric phenomena on the obladnannya.

Read the report about perimeter signaling systems.

Autonomous systems of protection

This is a compact system, as it may alert the magistrate about illegal entry into the territory. The stench is suitable for small and weakly stolen objects, as well as for objects that do not make a line link. easy to manage, inexpensive, do not pay subscription fees yak umova roboti that do not take into account the participation of the operator for keruvannya system.

The attacker is not able to turn on the autonomous signalization on his own, the shards are not connected to the by-button electric line. Zhivlennya I will build a house for additional batteries of a different type.

Sensors that are vikorated every hour of the work of the autonomous security system are:

  • acoustic;
  • infrachervoni;
  • vibration;
  • reed switches (which react to changes in the magnetic field).

The principle of operation of the autonomous system of protection: when installed around the perimeter of the object, which is being protected, at the development of the object, which is collapsing, the sensors transmit information to the central controller, which produces a sound signal.

These alarms are divided into two types:

  • centralized - transmit information from sensors to the central point of protection;
  • Autonomous - praise decisions about notification independently, without interaction with controllers.

Three minuses of these systems can be seen irritability for electronic signals for the minds of the metropolis that pereshkod, stvoryuvanih cast concrete structures.

Laser attachments

The principle is extremely simple and based on a photoelectric relay: when an intruder breaks a laser switch, directed to a special photocell, a break occurs, after which the relay switches on that control sensor, then a signal is sent to a special signaling device. The system can be additionally equipped with a siren, but more often, when spratsovvanni, an alarm signal should be sent directly to the control panel of the guard police, not like an intruder. Tse allow you to win the hour and evil of evil on the mischief of evil.

Vikoristovuyutsya such signalization for the protection of the land, garden plots.

Advantages of the laser security system:

  • mobility;
  • the possibility of masking.

Three minuses can be named I will build a high vartist that great vіdsotok hibnih spratsovuvan(Birds, creatures). It is not easy to pick up such a system for support.

GPS signaling

This type of defense system is based on the principles of robotic systems of global positioning or satellites. The accuracy of determining the location of the object is measured from 3 to 20 meters.

The device itself is compact, it is often used to control living objects: children, summer relatives, domestic creatures. And with this help, you can protect a picture, furniture, a book from stealing valuables.

Wide-width nabula in rozrobtsі security systems for zahistu auto vіd roztin and theft.

To protect the premises, a video camera and a video transmission channel to a mobile phone were transferred to the set, as well as the possibility of voice communication and the visibility of infrared transmission for recording from a dark room.

Danish type of security alarm do not transfer cable laying, and also supervise other systems for security notification of the spy scho to rob її even more pleasantly. From the minus one can name the fallowness in the form of an uninterrupted stylnikovy tie and high vartist.

Infrared signalization

Diya tsієї system ґruntuєtsya on vikoristannі іnfrachervonih tsentrivіv. In case of interruption by the IF-changer, the sequence of impulses that are sent to the receiver, the lancet flickers, and an alarm signal is sent to the control panel.

Attachment is made up of:

  • infrared transmitters and receivers;
  • living block;
  • blocks of indication and signaling.

ІH-supporters are subdivided according to the principle into:

  • active;
  • passive,

according to the type of zone of manifestation - on:

  • volume;
  • superficial;
  • linear.

Infrared protection system, fallow type of model, equipped with a temperature sensor, a built-in microphone, a wine or a built-in chamber, Guchnomov, shock sensors, movement sensors, door openings.

Infrared signaling systems are most often found in the "Smart House" system.

The correct choice of a security signal is dictated by both objective minds and the technical characteristics of the application to the space that requires protection, as well as the diversity and richness of other factors. Consultation fakhіvtsya additionally will be appointed with the choice of an attachment and become a guarantee of peace of mind.

This type of signalization is one of the modern warehouse security systems. It’s goodness at arrogance - the stench practically doesn’t break, it’s impossible to bypass it. Zavdyaki laser signalization of the level of protection of any object, in pairs with traditional methods and outbuildings, move.

Laser security systems have a lot of advantages:

  • Mobility: modules can be easily carried from place to place, they can be moved from place to place;
  • Lasers are easy to understand so that the evildoer does not know about their presence until the appearance of the guards;
  • Elements that enter the system of protection will easily get along with any kind of interior, do not show your presence;
  • Possibility to use sirens, to send a signal to the remote control.

Before їх nedolіkіv lie down great vartіst; їх it is easy to install and install them.

The basis of the signalization is a laser, which enters the security system. Stop trying to reach the highest level, which is dear to him. It’s not a good idea to look at them - it’s necessary to try out the laser signaling with your own hands. How to show the distribution of miltsiv, you will need a lot of attachments and components, so you can get it cheap. The result is an effective signalization of laser control.

At self-contained signalization, a laser and a photodetector should be installed. From the laser, go out promptly, which is received by a photodetector. At this point, the rest is close to zero. As soon as it intersects, then the support of the photocell grows rapidly. It is necessary to produce until the balance of the electronic circuit, until the connection of the offending accessories, the inclusion of the auxiliary devices and the application of the signalization.

For the task of generating a laser signalization with your own hands, follow the following steps: a laser pointer, as a generator of a laser prompt; a photocell, in which the opir changes under the light flow; relay, which is connected, for example, a sound siren. Do not try the system without tools and materials for soldering, wires, body parts, mounting hardware.

The laser signaling scheme can be inspired on the basis of the NE555 timer, which can be used as a robot.

The "plus" lansyug from the zherel zhivlennya goes to the "plus" of the sound lilac; "minus" - on the 1st turn of the timer. Between them, a jumper is connected through the resistor R2 and the photoresistor R3. The jumper between the remaining elements is entered until the 6th timer output.

Dali along the “plus” lance, the power inputs: through the resistor R1 to the 2nd output of the timer and through the switch to the “minus” of the lilac; until the 4th, then until the 8th exit of the timer. In addition, the 3rd output of the timer is connected before the overflow switch.

If the laser pointer falls on the photoresistor, which is not significant, then the electric jet flows through the first jumper circuit through the resistor R2 and the photoresistor R3. If the promin grows, the photoresistor opir grows strongly and the strum is interrupted at the request of the jumper, it is pinned - you go to the timer and go to the siren, as if with your sound to tell about those who want to overturn the pointers.

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