How to cook eggs from a sprat of colors. Yak farbuvati eggs with grub barvniks. How to grow on the eggs of the vizierunok

Otzhe, vimiєmo that good dangling eggs. If you have dry leaves of roslin and flowers, then pour hot water into a small kitchen and throw herbarium into it, and after a couple of quills the leaves will become gnuchki and it is easy to work with them. As if the vicorist is fresher than leafing, put it in cold water, so it sticks to the egg.

Now we apply a leaf to the egg, it is tightly covered in gauze or a bandage on the egg on one ball and tied at the knot. Do not forget the trim sheet, so you won't get your VIN anywhere with us. Likewise, you could wrap them in kapron scarves or tights, then cut their scarves and put them in your “bag” egg, and tie a vuzol with threads. Weide is like a string bag.

Follow this procedure with smaller eggs. For the skin method, I vicorated one or two eggs each. That's why I didn't start to eat all the eggs, I'll have a reshta in a different way.

The first way - lushpinnya tsibuli

This way is the widest and dearly loved by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, for them it is not the only option for farboating eggs. Go about the lushpinnya tsibuli.

Then, in the pot, put blue and white husks, eggs, a teaspoon of salt and pour in such an amount of water, so that the eggs will be completely covered. We put it on fire and bring it to a boil, then we change the fire and boil eggs with lushpinnyam for 10 more quills. The water has already turned into a bright ruddy, a troch of a reddish color. Vimikaєmo fire, zakrivaєmo krishkoy and let the eggs stand for the stilki, stilki vvazhaemo for the needs. The more the stench lies by the water, the more bright and richer will be the color of the eggs. I got close to 10 whips. For additional noise, we remove one egg at a time and transfer it to a saucepan with cold water. In this rank, we will seal the farbuvannya and the eggs will be more cool.

Now we have a lot of gauze eggs, as if we were farbowed for the same method, like I am, and we love the result.

I have a wonderful color of great eggs! I miraculously misplaced the first little one, it will be visible on the other (for example, statistics).

Another way

The next way made me happy. Vin we need 5 tbsp. l. meleno kawi. I have a bula of kava in grains at home, so I shvidenko її ran over.

We churn the kava into a saucepan with cold water. We add a teaspoon of salt and put eggs. Bring to a boil, mix it on a medium fire and cook for about 10 quills. After that, it is possible to make fire, close it with a lid and leave it for 15-20 strands. Here it’s just like that, like a vipadku with lushpinnyam tsibuli: what is better, what is better. I got 15 quills.

Shumіvkoy far away eggs, vityagaєmo from gauze, the photo already shows the color of the reception, and what a flavor!

It was hotter than gauze, but I endured it. Only a little later I washed it with cold water, what was in me! Lower cream color of the egg. The leaf may not be strongly pressed to the scale, but the effect of non-balance can be more worthy. Just be amazed!

Another way - turmeric chi kari

Unfortunately, the turmeric ran out of health, and I was embarrassed to beat the curry. Having read on the Internet that turmeric can be easily replaced in curry, I trusted, and for the recipe, I brewed eggs.

Otzhe, for whom we need to boil eggs, dorimuyuchis my delights, and add 1 tbsp. to boiling water. l. otstu and 2 tbsp. l. curry. Cook 10 quills, turn the stove down and leave the eggs for at least 30 quills. The stink of a lower yellow veil, and if you leave it on the dove - yaskravy, a sleepy color of viide.

I needed a saucepan, and I transferred the egg with part of the water to the flask.

The axis is out, near the center!

Fourth way

The fourth way was pleasantly surprising to me. For something we need: a plastic mold or a clean bottle of sour cream or mayonnaise, with a lid that closes strongly, give 2-3 teaspoons of rice or barley porridge (like I have) and two grub barvniks for your taste. Ah, so, it’s too late to open a white egg, without the usual viserunks and bandages.

In the evening, we add cereal and a couple of drops of one barvnik, for example, yellow, mix it with a spoon, put an egg, close it with a lid and carefully shake it. Vіdkrivаєmo ta іstaєmo egg. Add a couple of spoonfuls of rice or barley porridge (it’s dry and easily sticks to a scarlet, which I took away) and add a sprat of another grub barvnik, for example, green. We put it again in the same egg: we close it with a lid and shake it.

Distant egg, wiped with paper towels. NEVER EVER NEED Mitya! The axis is like a charіvne testicle in me! It’s textured (short on a dotik) and naming bright, different colors. For bajannyam you can cook yoga in the third color.

The fifth way is Captain Galactica!

Ninja hour farb. I marveled at, and the idea of ​​the creation of galactic noble eggs was born in me. Insanely, on the Internet, the stench has long been є, for whom the price is not new, but my raptom will make you innovative. Let's go!

The photo I have is only a final one, not once through thorns until dawn! ;) Robiti such eggs - as easy as shelling pears!

Let's boil the eggs in the water of the village, then let's put them in cold water, as I already wrote more, dry with a towel and now respect!

Let's take two grub barvniks: red and blue. Cutaneous 5-6 drops each in a glass of warm water, 1 tsp. otstu that 1-2 tsp. sonyashnikova olії. We need Oliya for the "dawn saw", for the white spots. Everything is mixed.

Now it is wrapped with hair bunks, or with penny bunks on an egg, so that the rings come out, like Saturn, and we put an egg in a flask. Zalishaєmo yoga there for a few minutes 10 and viymaєmo. Axis that can be seen. Yaskrava, cosmic Easter egg. Chi is not true, beauty?

For helping the kandurin, that penzlika, for the bajans, you can add a trio of golden smears. And if you succeed, that there are few “stars” on the egg, then soak the penzlik at the white farba and carefully run your finger over it, in this way you will powder the farba on the egg. Wyde is great!

And the axis of the very same cracked egg, as if I were led and that I killed it with a grain of salt.

At two flasks with warm water, and a couple of drops of blue barvnik, I zanuril (half) the egg and patted so khvilini 3, no more. Let's sweat in another flask, just with a red barn, I soaked another bunch of eggs and ate 2 more quills there. And then, in one of the two bottles, I added a little more than a barvnik and soaked the egg again, it didn’t turn out particularly well. Nothing foldable, but miraculously I disguised yoga! Wonder what happened.

Two space eggs.

Smoothly, I moved on to the recent options.

Buryak. About farbuvannya eggs with beetroot juice, I chula richly developed, but I didn’t care about everything, and the hour has come. I’ll tell you honestly, I was disappointed, but it was necessary to cook for a long time beetroot, (obov'yazkovo with otstom!) And the color comes out pale-bleed-erysipelas.

Oddly, as you see, like me, a novice at the right farming eggs on Great Day, otherwise you don’t have a lot of time in stock, rather don’t take on such a method. And yet they tried it anyway, and just like that, like me, they ate in a khalepa, vyhid є - farbi. We just put an egg in a red grub barvnik, finishing the instructions on the packaging, and pouring it into a sprat of whilin.

Like among you, dear readers, those who love to make eggs with a beetroot, share a twisted recipe. I'll be very drunk!

In the photo, the lion-hander is a red barvnik, which tucked into my beet egg, and the right-hander is poached for lushpinnyami tsibuli.

Rest not far away green tea. I wouldn’t boil skilki and wouldn’t leave eggs in tea - it’s already a dark color. And I drank tea decently. I do not recommend! Just take green tea mate and try it in a new farm. I don't think he will have such problems.

How to fix it on the right - you already know, learn;) Wanting one for the butt, I still left it out, I’ll show it below.

The axis of wines, my tea friend, is the first in the bottom row!

The axis is like eggs in me. The lower, cosmic ones are simply beautiful. How stink you?

The Holy Great Great Day is approaching, the Resurrection of Christ. What day will end great pіst That's why you can boldly put different strikes on the table. Traditionally, gastronomic symbols of the Great Day are paska, Easter sirns and, mindful, farbovani eggs.

Farbovani eggs on Velikden: symbolism

Easter egg - tse "a symbol of trouble and vindication of life in yoga napkins." Traditionally, eggs are boiled in red color, which symbolizes the rebirth of the “blood of Jesus Christ”. According to the legend, Mary Magdalene came to the Emperor Tiberius and brought a chicken egg with her, saying: “Christ is Risen!”. The emperor hesitated, saying that no one could be resurrected, as I would not become a red egg. And then it became a miracle: the egg was filled with a bright red color. From that hour, it is customary to “christen”: give one egg to one and say: “Christ is Risen!” Obviously, now it’s not only the red colors that are victorious - at the store you can get anonymous barbers in different colors, spitting and farb for decoration.

Rozpovidaemo, how to cook eggs on Great Day at home minds in a different way.

How to cook eggs for Easter for additional products: 5 ways

Tsybuleva Lushpayka: orange color

The classic way of farbuvannya eggs on Great Day at home minds, which passed to us only in the form of our great-great-grandmothers. All you need is whole cibules, water and eggs.

Lay the lushpinnya by the water, bring it to a boil and boil it with a broiler. Let the vіdvar infuse, and then put the sirі eggs there and cook until ready. 10-15 quills. After that, leave the eggs for a while by the water, and if they are cool, remove them and lightly blot them with a paper towel. Garni krashanki are ready!

Now you know how to cook eggs in shellfish. Yak bachite, tse duzhe is simple. The garni of the egg of a dark yellow-hot color will emerge. It is possible to regulate the brightness of the color, the vicorist more or less the amount of lushpinnya.

A life hack for the quiet, who loves to beat the cue ball: eggs poached for lushpinnyami tsibuli, richly mіtsnіshe quiet, sho pofarbuvani grub barvnikami.

Turmeric: golden yellow color

As you could guess, the spices of these spices can be taken from the magnificent eggs of golden-yellow color. The recipe is simple: add in hot water, boil eggs in some way, 2-3 st.l. turmeric, and the need to be listed on the scale!

Buryak: erysipelas color

There is such a way to farm eggs on Great Day, it is necessary to stock up on eggs yourself white color. As a result, a miraculous erysipelas appears.

Take 2-3 the average rosemary of beetroots, clean it and rub it on the great third. add 1 tsp. otstu, boil 5-10 quills, cool off at the room's minds. Then put some boiled eggs there. The more stench the retailer will have, the more rich the colors will be.

Greens: green colors

To take away the eggs of the green color, but not to beat the barniki, to buy more parsley and spinach.

Put the greens near the water, bring to a boil, then we will boil the eggs at the other place. Ready!

Red cabbage: blue color

Like a bachite, for the help of the most significant products, you can choose whether it’s some kind of blue color.

To make eggs in a blue color, take 2 heads of minced cabbage, soak in 500 ml of water and add 6 tbsp. canteen otstu. We have enough boiled eggs for the whole night. Vrantsі your svyatkovy stіl embellish the blue testicles!

Kharchov barvniki for eggs: how to choose

If you are still overwhelmed with food barns, then we will hurry to reassure you: there is nothing nasty in anyone, most of them are absolutely safe for healthy people. Sob not to hurt yourself and the members of this family, and also not to be afraid of being tainted with eggs by barvniks, it’s better to have more vibrkov at the store.

How to choose a grub farbnik for farbovannya eggs on Velikden? Everything is simple. Irrespective of those that barvniks stand a penny and are holy to hang in front of the main bіla kasi, spodіvayuchis, so you buy a couple of packages at the same time with other products, we take the packaging and build a warehouse. What can we do there?

  1. E100 (curcumin) and E140 (chlorophyll)- Tse additives, like giving eggs a red and turquoise color. The stench is not harsh for the human body, so you can boldly collapse to the hustle.
  2. E122 (azorubine or carmoisine)- fenced in some countries, but not in Russia. Give when farbuvanni red color. People who are sensitive to aspirin should be better advised.
  3. E124, E128- recognized by unsafe additives and categorically fenced. if you still knew one of these components at the warehouse, you can submit a scarga to the harvesting company.
  4. E102- Give a yellow color. Earlier it was fenced, but later it was allowed to be sold. It is doubtful that you can trust a synthetic barvnik with a “wet reputation”.
  5. E132, E133- food additives for the possession of yellow, blue and green colors, which can provoke an allergic reaction right up to Quincke, especially in asthmatics.
  6. E142- Additive, fenced in some countries. Viklikaє allergy. Give green color.

Now you know more about the warehouse of grub barvniks for farbuvannya eggs. And how to cook eggs with barvniks, read in the instructions before the product.

Magnificent egg decor

Possibly, in front rows, we put under sumniv your bazhannya to farbovat eggs in a fire. Let’s hope that it’s not so, but it still happened, because you just don’t want to fool around with the eggs, and there are other options - a twisted embellishment. You can embellish already poached eggs - so the stench will look sublimely beautiful and beautiful, or you can embellish the zvichayn.

We offer you a sprat of ways to decorate the eggs.

watercolor design

You need:

  • hard boiled eggs;
  • artistic penzlik;
  • watercolor farby.

Vlasne kazhuchi, on whom the instruction will end, to that everything that you have worked for is your creativity! Paint green leaves, flowers, try to draw patterns.

Respect! Such eggs vikoristovuyut only for a gift chi embellish Christmas table. It is not recommended.

Farbuvannya with vizerunkami

Neobov'yazkovo put in a little monogram, sob garno to make an egg for Great Day. You can win and simple methods.

For example, before farbuvannyam eggs wrap around the skin z egg parsley leaf or crop, put yogo in the panchokha and lower it into the water for farbuvannya. If you take away the zabarvlene egg and take out the leaves, you will sing that under them the shell is not bogged down. You take off the garni and leaves on the surface of the egg without any zucile.

Decorative embellishments

How to cook eggs on Great Day, you know, but remember about decorative elements, how can you wink? To embellish the magnificent eggs, you can vicorate whether: beads, namistini, paper appliqués. You can just tie a bow from a bright stitch.

Mouline threads

Did you know that you can create an extraordinary design with the help of extraordinary floss threads? For whom it is necessary to take more sire egg, wrap a different color with threads and put it on boil for 10 quills. We need an egg, we know the threads, as if we already abused the shells, and we take a different-colored egg. Nasty, isn't it?

Fabric "shifters"

How to cook eggs in an original way for the Great Day? For additional fabrics, it’s easy and simple!

You need:

  • a small piece of old fabric with a baby or a visor (perfectly suitable for this human cravat);
  • threads;
  • kapron panchih or bila bavovnyana fabric.

We take a small piece of cloth with a little one, which we have become worthy, we burn it in a new egg and stitch it through the sides. For strong fixation, you can place the egg in a kapron pancho or wrap it with a white cloth.

We add water 3 tbsp. l. 9% octu (for 1.5 liters of water) and boil eggs cool. Let's sweat the water, let's get rid of the eggs and fabrics, that's sweet!

Let your imagination run wild and don't forget. Holy Great Day!

Even in ancient times, people respected the egg itself as a symbol of the all-world, it was respected that the whole world was born from it. Tsya version knew its own vidbitok among people and peoples of rich peoples. Among Christians, the egg was associated with faith, renewal and renewal. Christians could show their faith at their Resurrection by giving one krashanka.

Why do eggs on Velikden farbuyut at the red color?

Sound farbovati eggs are often tied with the Roman Emperor Aurelius. On the eve of the yogo people, one of the chickens at the court laid an egg, pissed with red specks. Tsya sign vitlumachili, like the people of the new emperor. Unforgettably after that, the Romans had a tradition of gifting one to one with stuffed eggs. The Orthodox people adopted this sound, having given it another zmist: the red color has magical power in itself, for on the Holy Great Day wine is a symbol of the blood of Christ.

Farbi variants of the great eggs are impersonal. Vіd svechaynogo farbuvannya lushpinnyam tsibuli, before painting with acrylic farbs i .

How is it better to farbowati eggs?

First, choose the way of farbuvannya, think about how you will bake eggs after the end of the Great Day. If you choose to get used to them, then for a direct confession, then you can paint them with acrylic not varto. Well, if you want to paint, if you don’t pick up beautiful eggs, then go ahead, at the art store. In the best way, I will divide the eggs into two parts, for zhі and for decorative embellishment.

When farbuvanni tієї part of eggs, if you want z'їsti, you can vikoristovuvat lushpinnya tsibulі and savory savory barvnik (sound before the Great Day, you can sell it in a leather shop). Surely, in the same place you can find special stickers for eggs consecrated to the Holy Great Day. The stench is not real, but it is easy to know. So it's very simple to use thermal stickers, stink with thermal labels.

It is enough to dress such a sticker on the egg and lower it for a while in the okrip. With this, the eggs look even nicer.

Yak cook eggs with grub barvniks

On the eve of the bright holy Great Day, the counters of shops and supermarkets are simply rearranged with different modern supplies for farbing great eggs, and among them are special fry powder farbi. How to cook eggs for the help of such barniki, peacefully lower in our small, but even reporter master class.

Father, for robots we need


  • powder barvniki,
  • table ocet,
  • cooked cool hot chicken eggs,
  • glass jars, volume of pivlitra,
  • paper towels,
  • tablespoons,
  • okrop.

Cooking process:

Pokrokov's instruction

First crock. In clean and dry glass jars, the volume of pivlitra neatly hangs one bag of powdered fry farbi. Robimo is careful, so that the powder is not used on hands or steel, it is easy to finish it later. The replacement of cans can also be victorious plastic balls, Only a few of them in front of them were opened, so that the capacities of the required size appeared. Farther, we fill the barvniks for eggs with sprinkles and, in the capacity of zakrylyuvach, the barvnik is added to the skin jar for one tablespoon of octa.

Another crochet. Then we take a hot boiled chicken egg, put it on a tablespoon and carefully put it in a jar with one of the barrels.

Third crock. After about ten minutes, the egg is carefully lifted from the jar with farboi and placed on a dish, covered in front with three balls of paper towels, or with magnificent servets. Important! For farby egg for skin color farby vikoristovuvat okrem tablespoon and do not put eggs in a different color on one plate.

Fourth crochet. Give the egg a fresh dry, after which the stuffed eggs can be additionally rubbed with olive, so that it shone.

Let’s hope you need our help, how to make krashanka with dry barvniks.

It’s just that the eggs of different colors will not come out to you, they can be additionally embellished with the help of great gel pens.

Another way, perhaps, the widest, by which the main mass of our grandmothers was koristuvala (that and rich gentleman so farbuyut eggs until this day), is farbuvannya s vikoristannya lushpinnya tsibuli. The recipe is simple: at once with eggs, put more lushpinnya tsibuli into boiling water, check until the eggs remember the color and leave. The color comes out more narrowly, from golden yellow to deep ore. Up to your respect Pokrokove photo recipe from one of our authors Svitlana Kislovskaya.

How to cook eggs in a lushpinnya tsibuli

On the miracle of the Holy Great Day, I’m going to farb the eggs in the lushpinnya of the tsibuli. I don't like barvniki - that's all! My mother has always taught us, her little ones, how to rob us like that. Everything is simpler, the result is miraculous, and smut without chemicals, everything is natural. If you want to burst eggs when cooked, then there is nothing terrible in it, you can sprinkle them in a salad. I will propagate even a simple recipe for farbuvannya eggs. Naygolovnіshe - you are to blame for the zazdalegіd pіdkopiti tsgogo lushpinnya, and the more yogo will be, the more bright and the richer will be the color of the furred eggs.
We need:
  • Eggs 8-15 pieces,
  • Tsibuleva lushpinnya - kіlka zhmen,
  • Water,
  • Strength.

How to cook cibulny vodvar

Opolіskuєmo Lushpinnya tsibuli under the water. It is possible not to rob someone, as if she is clean. Then we put it in a saucepan and fill it with water. It’s better to take an old saucepan for such purposes, so that we’ll be “colourful” for another hour. The color is changed by the year.

We put it on the stove and check it, if everything boils. The water began to boil, the fire changed, and the sprats of fluff were boiled. Previously, I used to make eggs out of shells at the same time. Ale remembered that if you put eggs in lushpinnyam in cold water, then the stench comes out stinky. If you don’t bent you, you can prepare it like that. So rich swidshe. But at the same time, I prepare myself for such a way, which is the present day's ideas. At the beginning, we cook cibulny vіdvar, and then we can already (you can sprout the coming day, if the water is cool), you can boil it with a new egg.

Also, if the water has boiled ten times, turn off the stove and let the water cool down again. Cool, it is not recommended to lay eggs in hot water, so that the stench does not crackle. If the water is farbovana cooled, it will vibrate pir'ya lushpinnya and we'll see it, you won't need more stink. Ring out ready cibulny vіdvar ahead of the day, for the night, and vranci, or else I’ll farbuy the new eggs for Great Day during the day.

We lay eggs at a cold natural barvnik and cook them like a fire on the stove, after that, how to boil, five minutes - sim. Boiled boiled eggs are placed in another cup and filled with cold water so that the stench from far away is cleaned well. We urge him not to shy away, but at that moment, while the eggs are hot, smear them with a dewy olive for the help of a cotton pad or servets.

You can embellish with different stickers for the gift of a generous farbuvannya, which even robiti children love. This is how we prepared ourselves until the glorious Holy Great Day!

Eggs can be cooked not only in the bushy cybules, you can vicorate infusions of spring herbs. It’s even more beautiful to see the farbovanized marmur eggs with vicarious husks, cybuls and greens. Or you can make them in one of the two, wrapping them in front with colorful threads.

All ways can just get stuck on the road, but the stench can give someone a trifle boring. At the same time, try rozfarbuvati eggs with farbs. Today on the market there are different kinds of grub barvniks, which you can paint. This option is especially pasuvatime sim'yam, de є children. It’s worth it, and you can also help in the development of creative abilities.

And even for the help of acrylic farb, beads, decoupage, you can create masterpieces. Stop all your imagination at the right. To complete the effect, you can add rhinestones or glitters. You can give such eggs to friends that you know, or distribute them on the streets in honor of the Holy Great Day.

Povіr'ya that pokmeti pov'yazanі z great eggs

There were a lot of rituals and rituals tied with a great egg. For example, it was unforgivable to eat an egg, and I’ll spit it out at the window, or I’ll fence it. Christ Himself, as apostles, walks in the streets, and one can dine in them.

The villagers believed that the Easter egg had the power to lighten the souls of the departed in that world. For whom it was necessary to die three times with Christ, and to give an egg to scour the “free” birds, and out as a sign of vydachnosti, we died and we ask God for them. We also live to help the Easter egg, relieve their ailments and illnesses. An egg, taken away by a human being as a priest, must be saved for the gods for 3 years, and it will bring sickness to the sick.

And with special trepidation, the villagers believed in those who help the egg in farming. It would be necessary to bury a great egg in grains and vikhati for sowing, and then a good harvest would be ensured. It was also accepted to respect that the katanna was born with the earth with the sprit of kinship.

Bagato z tsikh zvichaїv and povіr'їv have been preserved until our time. How rich it is to make people and until that day they cook eggs ahead of the Great Day, and on the day of Christ's Resurrection they give them one to one, shouting the phrase "Christ is risen!".

Paski, eggs, sirna Easter is the main attribute of Holy Sunday.

Choose recipes on our site at a special distribution and get ready for the Great Day at once from our Notebook!

Good luck, Anyuto.

Much trouble to you ahead of Great Day!

For the roots of ancient times, if in the last, most recent day of Great Lent, on Pure Thursday, Christians resolutely cleaned up the houses and prepared chastovannya on the Holy Great Great Day - paska, paska, that egg, like they made the beginning of a new life. The first egg on Great Day was often a great egg.

Everyone remembers the religious basis of the tradition of tradition, but rather, having become forgotten, what a sensory process of furnishing eggs is for the fact that children, together with grown-ups, reached the preparation of the saint, took order and listened to history.

Praises, carried out with children for creativity, are absolutely priceless, to that there is a direct sensation of whether you should be able to take satisfaction from the process and the result. Ways of farbuvannya eggs are rich, leather is robbed of that, which guarantees the best result in the fall due to the obviousness of the presence of artistic talent. Let's help those who are able to paint only a few days and to propagate a sprinkling of ideas to talented artists.

Regardless of the method used, it is necessary to prepare the eggs before the farbuvannya - take them out of the refrigerator a year before the work, thoroughly dry them (for acrylic).

The most accessible, traditional and in no way possible way is to use the lushpinnya. To prepare a lot of vodvar, lushpinnya can be rich, ideally - a full pan (better take the metal or dark in the middle). Pour lushpinnya with water, bring to a boil and cook on a small fire for 30-40 quills, then cool and strain. Whoever lays eggs right into the pan with lushpinnyam, then feeds a lot of eggs and expands the pan - richly eggs cannot physically fit in the middle of the pan at once with lushpinnyam.

You can lay the eggs in a bowl at the preparations of the roses, and make them unique, embellishing them with natural decor. In a quality, decorate the vicarious leaves and dry the flowers or. Apply the vibranium decor to the egg, burn it with a piece of kapron tights and golf, tightly pressing it and seal it with banking gums. Boil the eggs in a variety of cibules 7-9 quills, transfer to cold. Eggs are ready to be served with a glimmer of protection, rubbed with a vicarious paper servlet.

One s simple ways But here it is possible for a farbi to fall on an egg white (it’s better not to live in a hedgehog), for this it is necessary to carefully place the eggs in front. As a rule, the way to farb for all barvniks is to dilute dry farba with water (skin in a small container), add it and lower it. Treat them at the barvniks until they feast, until you reach the bagan vіdtinka.

The same way you can do it well - lower the eggs not in full, but in parts, then - in another farba, so that different colors of abstract little ones come out. Or stick on the eggs vіzerunki, smugi, tsatki for the help of paper tape, and then lower it into the barn.

For this method, add extra floss threads, with which it is necessary to wrap the eggs quite well. Gently put the eggs in cold water, bring to a boil and cook 8-10 quills, transfer to cold water, let cool and remove the threads.

Nezvichaynaya zabarvlennya yaєts vyydut with vikoristanny old cholovіchih cravats or hustok. It is necessary to wrap the eggs in cloth, so that the front bik will be in the middle, fasten for additional threads or bank humok. Pour water into a saucepan, add ocet (3 tablespoons per liter) and boil eggs 10 quills after boiling. Cool down, take the cloth.

From natural barrens often vikoristovuєtsya, rozchin, mіtsno brews and zvareny. Eggs poached by one of the proponated methods are called farbuvannya, and tі, on some little ones to be applied for additional penzlikiv - Easter eggs. Eggs are rozfarbouyut not only with farbs, but with wax crade, permanent markers and felt-tip pens for childish creativity.

Mayuchi even a little bit of artistic talent, a collection of grub farb, thin penzlik and bazhannya to create, you can create a masterpiece with your hands. In front of the boiled egg, for clarity, place it at the stand and apply the baby bajan, vicorist tubes with farboi. Let the skin color dry, then turn the eggs over and continue on the other side.

Yak farbuvati eggs with acrylic farbs.

The principle of working with acrylic is the same as in the previous method, only it is necessary to remember that the eggs are due to be absolutely healthy, so that the farby gets inside the middle.

For the more sedulous creative masters, there is a wonderful way to saturate your own energy - decorating eggs for the help of legumes, cereals and cereals. For tsієї meti pіdіdut be-yakі small sipki produkt - , i , ta іn. Like a vicarious wood plastic blanks, then glue the decor on the best with PVA glue, and like chicken eggs, then make a paste - a rare sour s and i (you can vicorate). Coat the eggs with glue and apply visor for additional tweezers.

Samy Swedish way decorating great eggs - thermal stickers, which are more convenient for them, that eggs can be packed in them, that the crumbs cracked during cooking. It is necessary to boil the eggs, pack them with thermal stickers, boil water and lower the eggs one at a time for a few seconds. It is handy to beat the noise, a spoon with dirks or a metal sieve, so that the water gets angry and does not scorch.

Another modern way to cook eggs is to cook them with varnish. Ale, just spray it with varnish, not tsikavo, it’s recommended to spray it with varnish on water. For whom it is necessary to drip on the specks of fresh varnishes near a bottle of water. With a toothpick, grind the vizerunki with varnish. Zanurit the egg near the water and pick up the whole baby on the egg. Better cerebrate in mittens. Dry with a hair dryer. So, like a varnish can penetrate a cracked shell, then it’s a good idea to fill the eggs in such a rite purely for decoration, so that the front of the egg blew in place, piercing a hole in the shell with a syringe.

Let's say that the fantasy of our gentlemen cannot be between, for this purpose, for the decoration, the eggs are also wickered, and the servets for decoupage are roslinna oliya for "marmur" effect. Golovna - farbovat eggs from satisfaction, in a garni mood and faith in the light is holy.

And you can find out the recipes for preparing paska and pasta from ours.

Farbuvati eggs on Great Day - a tradition that has been established for a long time. The gentleman's skin is holyly smeared with fragrant scents and preparing sirn paska. I also often run into the problem of formalizing the testicles before Great Day. We would like to sprout those unique and original great eggs from the gifts, potishivshi like grown-ups, so ditlakhiv.

In these articles, we will tell you about those ways that cunning is used to create unique and beautiful Great eggs in domestic minds. For the help of them, you can not only please the household, but also greet dear guests that you know.

Preparation before farbuvannya

Open chicken white eggs. After that, as you finish with the brews, it is necessary to cool them down. Enough, that the stench was at room temperature. With overworldly hot, crying eggs, we can’t get enough. Let's sweat, wipe the eggs in the water, see the ford (like є).

  1. Cracked eggs are brought to the surface - so for drawing a picture, you can’t do it anymore. How do you choose a vicorist method of brewing with lushpinnyami tsibuli - pokayte with varinnyam.
  2. As if they were brewing the eggs with the little one on the holy, mix the starch paste (glue) in advance - the wine is absolutely non-shedding, to that for the preparation of the Great eggs.

At the store you can buy ready-made starch, ready to work. Starch visipte in a bowl, after which add warm water, not higher than room temperature. Soak yoga there, then mix well. If anything, you need hot water, but if it doesn’t swell - we pour hot water in portions into the mass, along the way roaming the starch mass. As if the breast was not far away from being mixed up - take a gauze net and add glue to the breasts. Great, the glue is ready!

Differently colored eggs with a rainbow little one - in the distance, a simple and ideal way to embellish your magnificent menu.

For the creation of color scales, you can vikoristovuvat ready-made kharchov farby (which you can know in any store), so and pigments, created independently, with your own hands. For whom you can vicorate red cabbage, beetroot, blackberry, turmeric, tea, husk tsibuli, kava grains, as well as fresh greens.

Natural barvniks will give you egg shells, succulents, rich vodka. Hovered lower pokrokovy recipe from the photo of preparing great eggs for the help of red cabbage. Zavdyaki to a bright and natural color, even after 10-14 years, the blank is filled with a receiving buzkovo-blue color. Obviously, the natural pigment does not lie evenly (on the vіdmіnu vіd stuchnyh farb), but tse give the preparations an authentic, natural look.

And also a sprig of other cibula ways to make a budinka on Velikden, vicorist cibula, ready barvniks and stickers. And to embellish the krashanki with a beautiful and original little one, beat the paper servlets or a piece of cloth. Let's take a look at the most famous ways to farbow the eggs before the Great Day - as popular as they are, and to finish them unnoticed.

Farbujemo krashanki natural barvniki

How to cook eggs on Great Day with red-headed cabbage in a black color

With the creation of great eggs, the following recommendations should be made. Sob the eggs were yakіsnimi, thoroughly wash them before harvesting. When brewing, add salt to the homeland, and pour ocet into the natural infusion. All the same, help you to grow your Easter festivities, not only for Saints, but also for Christmas.


  • eggs (3-4 pieces);
  • cabbage (200-250 g);
  • ocet (2 st. arc.);
  • sіl (1 tbsp. arc.).


We lay eggs at the cold motherland, we gather strength. It seems that the water covered the whole shell. Gotuyemo 8-10 quills (after boiling).

Let's start preparing infusions: pour water into the container (800-1000 ml). Zinc red cabbage with fried pieces and put it in a saucepan.

Poured into a jar. We cook the vegetable mass 8-10 quills.

After that, if you become soft like cabbage, and the motherland turns into a purple color, we drop eggs into it. Stezhimo, so that the thick mass covered the whole shkaralup.

We will prepare a great day for 10-14 years. We lay eggs on a servette.

In addition, as the product is completely dried up, it is worth yogo to the authorities' judgment. When bazhannі embellish the frame with magnificient stickers.

How to farm eggs for Great Day at the cibulin

You need:

  • water;
  • lushpinnya cibuli;
  • eggs;
  • strength;
  • for glossy effect: oliya;
  • for visorunkiv: roslin leaves, threads, nylon / gauze, etc.

Fermenting process:

The most famous, classic way of farbuvannya eggs, which is passed on to us by grandmothers and mothers, lying at the magnificent lushpinn tsibuli. The simplest way, but even more smut and smut is environmentally friendly. Prepare ahead of time the necessary ingredients and cook the eggs well, so that the stench was put in the refrigerator.

To ferment the eggs for the lushpinnya tsibuli, it is necessary to fill the lushpinnya with dill in a saucepan for 2 years. As soon as an hour passed, we salted the water, put eggs there and boiled the water. After the water boils, change the fire to a minimum and cook 10 quills. If you want eggs with a beautiful visor, then it is necessary to apply a visor on the back, after which you cook with lush pins.

For the creation of little ones on the great eggs, you can vicorate the leaves of parsley or croup, threads or croup. Soak an egg, apply to a new leaf, or roll it around the cereal. You can reach an invisible vizierunka, if you add a thread or wrap it around an egg with thread. Wrap the design, which was made, in gauze or in nylon (for example, a type of tights) and cook in cibulnium water for an hour.

Yaki kolori you can cook eggs with natural barvniks (table)

Foods that can be vicorated when fermenting eggs for Great Day (Infographics)

Farbujemo with vikoristannyam shop grub barvniks

You need:

  • white chicken eggs;
  • water;
  • tablespoons 9%;
  • kharchovі barvniki bazhanykh kolorіv.

Farbuvannya instruction:

For this method, you need to bring grub barvniks. The shops sell bezlіch grub barvnikіv, including special kits for the Great Day.

This way is the most simple, the oscillators of the virobnik most often apply instructions to the barn. The same kind of information you need and need to know. For lack of information, repack approximately one packet of barvnika per 200-300 ml of water.

Let it cool the chicken eggs. While the boiled eggs are cooling, you can take up the barn. Take a saucepan or a large and deep bowl. Pour 50 ml of warm water into it, give it a savory bar of the necessary color, add table otstu (9%).

Otherwise, mix and add water in portions to reach the required drink, or follow the instructions on the package (as a rule, 200 ml per small sachet). At the ready barvnik, lower the testicles along the cheeks. With a stretch of 3-5 strands, turn them over, after which remove it to hang.

Do not vicorize the fabric for drying, so that the farbuvannya and stickiness disappear - it’s better to go paper servlets.

Video: How to cook eggs beautifully with barvniks in home minds

Do-it-yourself Easter eggs with little ones from servets

You need:

  • chicken eggs (bіlі);
  • paper servettes (choose servets with bright colors and beautiful pictures, if you would like to place it on the surface of the testicle, and not look without a picture!);
  • starch glue.

Pokrokov's instruction:

  1. Take the servers. As a rule, viserunkov's servets are sold in triball format. We need only the upper ball. Choose small ones, little ones, or details on the server, as you like. Tse mozhut buti kviti, little ones with characters, creatures like tsіkavі vіzerunki.
  2. Gently fold or cut off the little thing with a small little one (you can make it compact and fit on the testicle).
  3. Then put an egg in front of you, or take it in your hand, put a picture on a new one, and start covering it with a starch paste right on the surface of the picture. Apply glue over the picture and the folds to stick to the Great Eve. This way you can plant a sprat once on the same egg.

Axis and that's all, the little ones will be left on your testicle! In case of excess starch, you can use a dry sponge, excess servets or ganchirochka. Ready for the Easter egg, you can bring it as a gift on the Great Day, or to treat your relatives and loved ones.

Vikoristovuёmo for farbuvannya ready-made kits for farbuvannya

At the stores at the same time, there are anonymous kits for brewing eggs until the Great Day. It is also an option for the design of your testicles. Before the skin kit, as a rule, there is a barvnik, stickers or “linings” for eggs. reporting instruction for embellishment.

The great minus of these sets is that the visor and the pictures in them are the same and it is more difficult to know. A great plus for a short time of preparation and the need for additional materials.

Video: Barvy and unimaginable eggs on Great Day 2018 without barbies

Non-Velicious Great Eggs with a textile visor.

You need:

  • chicken eggs (no matter what color);
  • starch glue;
  • uncommon, but pure fabric with visor, or other images that were worthy, and little ones.

Yak farbuvati:

Prepare the fabric and choose the visor or the image, as if you want to place it on the testicles before the Great Day. In one of the previous ways, we already figured out how to place the image on the eggs - here we need knowledge.

We need a picture from fabric. In order to glue the fabric babies on the eggs, you need to apply a starch paste on the egg itself with a penzlik, attach a picture and farbovat on top of the fabric, like a bulo with a servlet.

As if the fabric was wrinkled, or lay down crookedly - enough hot water to glue the visor and attach it again. After that, as soon as the pictures are placed on the eggs, wipe the excess starch. Garne an egg with little ones before the Great Day is ready!

Video: Marmur eggs for the Great Day. How to cook cibulin eggs and greenery

May you have a great day of creative creativity!
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