Fasting diet for eating today. Veliky Pist: Eating daily with recipes and the latest list of fresh food products. What can you eat during the hour of Great Lent

Fasting - tse suvora fence or obmezhennya on vzhivannya їzhі or less okremih produktіv, for example, meat or dairy produktіv.

Veliky Pist - all the way to the Holy Holy Great Day, through what kind of people it is necessary to go through the faith, trembling to yourself in suvorost. The fence is superimposed not only on the living, but it is also fenced off to spend the whole hour at the fun and in the air. Great Lent - one of the most important fasts church calendar, Vіn pochinaєєtsya for sіm tizhnіv before the Great Day and is folded from forty days (Chatiridesyatnitsі) and tizhn before the Great Day (Pristrasny tizhnya). Chotirokhdesyatnitsa commemorates the fact that Jesus Christ fasted in the wilderness for forty days, and the Holy Week is a memory of the life of Christ in the rest of the days of his life, of Joy's rose and resurrection.

At Veliky Pist, it is not recommended for people to live in a creaturely adventure - all meat, eggs, milk. However, it is allowed to eat fish, but only at Holy Palm Sunday that Annunciation Holy Mother of God. The introduction of seafood, such as squid, shrimp, mussels, is not reserved for the hour of Great Lent.

Ale, don’t forget about those that Great Lent is not an Orthodox diet, and in my fasting there are not a few cleansed slunk, a few cleansed human souls.

How about a meal, for the Church Statute, establish the rules:

  • In the first that last day of Great Lent, especially the suvoriy fist is celebrated.
  • Included are meat and dairy products (butter, cheese, cheese, milk), eggs. Tobto, all products of the creature's journey.
  • It is possible only once a day, evenings, however, on Saturdays that week, it is allowed to live even two days a day, at lunchtime in the evening.
  • At Mondays, Wednesday and Friday, living in a cold looking, without oil. At second and fourth, hot hedgehog without oil is allowed.
  • On Saturdays and weeks, it is allowed to add roslinna oliya in їzhu, so it is allowed to grow grape wine (Crimea of ​​Saturday of Strasny Tyzhnya).
  • At the last Friday of Great Lent (the last Friday of Great Lent) the varto is fading into the air.
  • On Saturday, there is a lot of people who finish fasting, so they themselves will die in the air until the present Great Day.

What products can you live under the hour of fasting?

If it’s wise to go to your meal before the hour of Great Lent, then, first, you won’t have to go hungry, but in another way, you can eat during the period of strict fasting, and you can be rich and balanced.

Also, the main products are allowed to fast:

  • Black bread, cereal bread.
  • Groats (wine, greek, rice, corn, wheat, barley)
  • Salted and marinated vegetables, jam with yagid and fruits.
  • Mushrooms of various preparations.
  • Bobov (kvassola, sochevitsya, peas)
  • Dried fruits, peas, honey.
  • Vegetables according to the season (potato, beetroot, carrot, cibula, cabbage, radish etc.)
  • Seasonal fruits (apples, bananas, grant, oranges etc.)
  • Riba can be lived in twice for the entire post. At the Holy Annunciation (2016 fate falls on April 7) and Palm Week (April 24, 2016)

Eating calendar by day 2019. Menu.

The first day of the post is the best. It is important to correctly see before fasting, as well as to know the special contraindications.

1 day

Monday It is praised to be effaced in the air.
Tuesday Black bread, water, kvass are allowed.
Wednesday Dry, tobto їzha, like they live with an orphan, they can have different vegetables and fruits, as well as peas and greens. It is allowed to live bread.
Thursday Prodovzhennya sukhoidinnya.
Friday You can eat vegetables, fruits, peas, olives all day long. Cooking їzhi is not recommended, everyone should live with the orphan.
Saturday Eating those same, scho th at Friday, are allowed to drink grape juice.
week All day long it is allowed to eat boiled zhu with olієyu. You can also drink a small amount of pure wine, as you can be natural, without adding alcohol.

More we described one day, as if following all the rules and canons, following fasting, it is more acceptable to the chants, or to people, who are suvorably honoring all the attributes of the church. If you did not post in the past, then do not take on yourself the overworld adventure! As a whole it is possible, for example, to use olive oil for eating.

Axis of a simple menu, which you can take as a basis, adding or replacing these other things:

2nd day

Monday Snidanok Porridge in the water. Tea.
Obid Vermicelli soup. Potato cutlets. Apple. Kava chi tea.
Supper Tea.
Tuesday Snidanok Rice porridge. Salad with ogirkiv and tomato. Tea.
Obid Vegetable soup. Vermicelli with mushroom sauce. Tea from brews.
Supper Tea.
Wednesday Snidanok
Obid Solyanka ovocheva. Cabbage salad. Compote.
Supper Tea.
Thursday Snidanok Corn porridge. Tea or kava.
Friday Snidanok Barley porridge, chickpeas, tomatoes. Tea or kava.
Supper Greek porridge. Tea.
Saturday Snidanok Vinaigrette. Tea or kava.
Obid Pshonyan porridge. Vegetables. Compote.
This first Batkiv Saturday is the hour of Great Lent. If possible, people go to tsvintar to see their dead relatives.
week Snidanok

3 days post

Monday Snidanok Wheat porridge. Peas. Tea.
Obid Potato soup with buckwheat. Slay the potatoes. Fruity. Kava chi tea.
Supper Tea
Tuesday Snidanok Greek porridge. Tea
Obid Kvass soup. Vermicelli with mushroom sauce. Tea from brews.
Supper Tea
Wednesday Snidanok Rice porridge. Tea or kava.
Obid Vegetable hodgepodge. Cabbage salad. Compote.
Supper Tea.
Thursday Snidanok Porridge made from pastry plastics. Fruity. Tea or kava.
Obid Cabbage soup with fresh cabbage. Salad with vegetables. Compote.
Supper Mashed potatoes with caviar and eggplant. Tea.
Friday Snidanok Barley porridge. Tea or kava.
Obid Pea soup. Salad with vegetables. Compote.
Supper Greek porridge. Tea.
Saturday Snidanok Pshonyan porridge. Tea or kava.
Obid Rossolnik. Vinaigrette. Vegetables. Compote.
Supper Vermicelli cooked with lecho. Tea.
Note: Tse friend Batkivska Saturday is the hour of Great Lent. So it is absolutely necessary to go to the tsvintar, to see the danina to your deceased relatives.
week Snidanok Wheat porridge. Tea or kava.
Obid Russian-Ukrainian borscht. The potatoes are mashed. Compote.
Supper Rice porridge with tsibuleya and carrots. Tea.

4 days post

Monday Snidanok Porridge is vivsyan. Peas. Tea.
Obid Vegetable soup. Pea porridge. Peas. Kava chi tea.
Supper Tea
Tuesday Snidanok Barley porridge. Tea.
Obid Soup from the owl. salted mushrooms. Tea from brews.
Supper Tea
Wednesday Snidanok Rice porridge. Tea or kava.
Obid Borscht pisniy. Salad with ogirkiv and tomato. Compote.
Supper Tea.
Thursday Snidanok Rice porridge. Peas. Tea or kava.
Obid Potato soup with kvassole. Salad with vegetables. Compote.
Supper Mashed potatoes with caviar and eggplant. Tea.
Friday Snidanok Porridge is vivsyan. Tea or kava.
Obid Potato soup with green peas. Salad with vegetables. Compote.
Supper Corn porridge. Tea.
Saturday Snidanok Greek porridge. Tea or kava.
Obid Rossolnik. Vinaigrette. Compote.
Supper Vermicelli cooked with mushroom sauce. Tea.
Note: Tsya Saturday will already be the third after the father's rahunka.
week Snidanok Porridge is vivsyan. Tea or kava.
Obid Russian-Ukrainian borscht. Salad with vegetables. Compote.
Supper Greek porridge. with tsibuleya and carrots. Tea.

Next fifth and sixth day post you can repeat your menu, which is on the other and third day.

Somiy (Passionate day) the day of Great Lent is such a suvorim, like the first.

The Shosta week of Great Lent falls on the holy day of the entrance of the Lord to Jerusalem, otherwise it is also called Palm Week. All day long you can eat fish, eat olives, and get some cahors.

At Mondays, on Tuesdays, that Wednesday is a day. Four can be eaten warmly, but cooked without oil, and only once a day. Friday has less bread and water. Saturday is fenced.

I, come, a week, the end of the best fasting falls on the holy day of the Holy Great Day.

It is important to look at this video for safety!

Warto means that you have previously written fast, it is recommended to talk with the priest, and write for yourself the world of judgment before fasting, even if you need to understand the important truth, that the head method of fasting is not obedient in life, prayer of humility!

The skin of an Orthodox person sooner or later meditates on it, how to organize their meal for fasting days. You know, you know, you learn literature and you often lie about the rules of the one-man diet. Really, it's not all that scary.

Vidmova for a deaky hour in the singing of the sights of їzhi - tse spiritual feat

Among our spіvvіtchiznikіv there were few such who not long ago called to bring their bloodless sacrifice to the Creator. These people have made a lot of such products for themselves, but at the same time, the menu of the great secular life is rich in what it is for a protein-filled creature's adventure. Fasting zaboronyaє m'yasnі and dairy products, as well as eggs.

How to properly prepare for fasting?

At what hour and at what hour of the post - the food is not empty. The Church allows seafood, vegetables, peas, fruits, mushrooms and cereals. It’s possible to spend a long period of peace, for a few special days, it’s not possible for you to wake up, it’s close on Good Friday, on the day at the holy evening - Christmas and Khreschensky. Eating under an hour of fasting for days is painted in leather Orthodox calendar. The degree of severity is regulated by the canons. However, orders are sometimes changed. At the skin temple, the priests obov'yazkovo explain to the parathians what can be done during fasting, and what should be avoided. The most correct way is to turn to the priest for blessings before fasting. You should clarify what and if you can, and if you happen to get involved. The deyakі khristiyani as a whole rightly respect that the monks of the monasteries know and cherish the most accurate rules. Copy their order of rank, a skin layman may have the right to virishuvate independently, having talked ahead of time with his companion of spiritual dignity.

Why is it necessary for the laity to follow the monastic statute?

Eating of the laity and chentsiv is significantly refreshed. The monks fast for all the rules - they take stinks only once a day, on the next day they dry dry, and the meat does not live in posture with fasts. The main reference point for all Christians is the forty-day fast of Jesus Christ. Before taking upon himself the mission laid down by God the Father, the Lord settling down in the wasteland, praying and fighting with peace of mind, and physically lifting the body with wild honey and locusts. Christ has punished us that it is possible to vryatuvat your soul only by fasting and by prayer. If there is any way to direct us, we should first understand and accept the commandment “Let not love one alone” into your soul.

What products are allowed for fasting?

Eating during fasting days for the laity sounds like this. At Mondays, Wednesday and Friday, a dry day is accepted, so I can’t cook it. At midday, cereals are allowed, flooded with water and soaked to a soft become, and in the same way dried fruits are soaked in water.

In the second place, that four can be cooked hot. Tse mozhe buti porridge on the water to the vegetable vіdvarі, kisіl, seafood, pasta virobi. Do you often prepare your own kissel posture with posts? Aje stink is more corisne for health. Kissels can be made from fruits, yagid, cereal plastics.

What can be prepared from natural products?

Mushrooms, vegetables and sea bags can be cooked more savory soup. Eating in fasting is not protected by seasonings and spices. And the stink mayzhe zavzhd not є creaturely adventures. At the pіst - it's time to master the kitchen. Sauces, Indian spices, herbs, peas, honey - all those with which you can experiment chotiri days for a week, and on Saturday of that week you are allowed to eat more. Eating under an hour of fasting for days to add to your life of diversity. For example, you can peck strudel. These are their own rolls from a thinly rozkochany knotted dough. For yoga, the preparation of vicor is less borough, the water is a trifle of salt. The filling for them can be licorice, for example, apple-apricot. Take a fresh apple, dried apricots or apricot jam, flavor with cinnamon or vanilla, and so that the filling does not boil, zakripit її potato starch.

As a filling for unsalted pisnoy roll, you can vicorate fresh cabbage. If it doesn’t get hot, boil water and put it in it for 3-5 thick cabbage leaves, then put it on a drushlyak. After that, as the water is more pure, vicarious cabbage in any grass. For the filling of the strudel, spread on the olive cibula and mix with cabbage, for a fuller relish, add one grain of cardamom, salt and pepper.

Eating in fasting can be done with jelly and flooding herbs on agar-agar You can work on melancholy, and the axis, what is allowed to eat on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, you can check with the priest of your church.

Koristuvannya fasting for physical health

Eating for an hour fasting for days will not let you dial zaiva vaga, but to allow їsti tі products, yakі vy harrowed themselves from the splendid life. For example, potato pies, greased with olives. Say: "Death of the figure"? Anya did not happen! If you are satisfied, you can allow yourself only on Saturday and that week. In these days, the vaga will come to normal. Vzagali, eating at the hour of fasting during the days of tyzhnya - it’s better to finish the cicava on the right. For a little while longer, expand your culinary horizons by adding new ingredients to your diet, and also get rid of dysbacteriosis, improve the work of the intestinal tract, cleanse your body of toxins and toxins. The calendar of eating in the post is to be installed to set up a hard frame for believers, but not to break their lives, let's frown and be single-minded.

Posts are divided for trivality and suvoristu. Under the hour of the Apostle, or Peter's post, and also at Pylypivsky, tobto Rezdvyany, riba is often allowed. Apparently, the stuffing for vypіchki, supi and other stravi become more tsіkavіshim. You can pamper yourself with fish on the Annunciation at the Palm Week and fish caviar at Lazarus Saturday.

Joy in the wake of the success of the corporeal peace

Only those, who have seen the richness of the day, may be able to see the right joy in savoring. Ring out the first day after a rich day of fasting buvaє sutsіlny. Fenced with a stretch of a few years, products are taken in a new way. Fresh cheese with fat sour cream and milk, which thickens, tastes like the lowest ambrosia. And how to smear yogo on a healthy paska, the pulp didn’t beat, but it’s brightly yellow in the face of generously donations at the tito’s eggs ?! Who can afford such a luxury, if not you, who, for a long thriving hour, indulged themselves with joyful gluttony, mornings like that with prayer?

The Joy of the Lord's Cultivation in the Only-Begotten Blue, that Yogo's victory over death is even more widely celebrated, the daily fences do not obscure the two saints, who properly prepare for them. Believe at this hour, they absolutely freely go to the joys of life, not worrying about the stringiness of the figure, calories, the year I will take it too thin. The sound of cleansing the body works miraculously. All the bells and whistles go to the improvement of the health and life of the tissues of the tissues of our organs, and the shkidlivs without a hitch are faring away.

You can no longer put food, if it is. Under the hour of the post of food, it was possible to spend the day, even if it’s not a secret that, if you don’t try, but post a better one, try it for a long time, and prepare you don’t know how to be able. Snackers snacks and cappuccino are unacceptable. Axis and eat Orthodox, most often, water, peas and dried fruits. Shiro kazhuchi, not easy.

But why didn’t you get in the way from the fences and the attributions?

Watching the services and reading the prayers even help to strengthen the will of that spirit. And if you still didn’t go far enough to try out fasting, don’t fall into the vіdchay. It didn’t happen at once, we saw it another time. Naygolovnіshe, sob the Lord bachiv your zusilla.

Merry that all the love of Holy Maslyan ends with the Forgiveness Week, if we follow the seventh feast, which is three until the Great Day - from 11 Birch to April 27, 2019. It is even more important to know, at the Great Pist, that you can eat today.

Eating, as if peredbachaetsya church canons, spriya cleansing the body, yoga renewal and the establishment of the correct spiritual state of the people.

The great post of 2019 delivers meals by the day, the menu of which, without regard to suvori obezhennya, does not put a harmful infusion on the human body, but, on the other hand, sips a lot of self-feeling, as well as the establishment of spiritual jealousy.

Velikodniy fist - calendar of eating by days

The most important is the first and last post, if the number of people, who get used to it, is reduced to a minimum. Below is a menu, which should be accessed from first seven days after the Forgiveness Week:

Tuesday 12 March 2019: burying yourself in the products that have passed thermal processing. As a rule, during the whole day they eat fruits, vegetables, peas, dried fruits.

Thursday 14 March 2019: zabornyaєtsya be-like a rank to prepare їzhu - її next to live in all in kind.

Saturday 16 March 2019: it is allowed to live in boiled products, add olive oil to them, and also drink a small cell of wine.

Significantly for yourself, what you can eat at Great Pist 2019 during the days, follow the same respect on the menu the rest of the week before Great Day:

Week 28 April 2019: the end of Great Lent, the Light of the Holy Great Day - you are allowed to eat everything that is good, that in whatever number.

At the same time, there is a smaller fasting post, a lower one at the pershu and a stop, and the other one along the highway (in 2019, roci z 18 bereznya for 21 April), the menu can be different, proteo ob'yazkovoy є vіdmova vіd m'yasnyh and dairy products. For the whole hour, the menu looks like this:

Monday Wednesday Friday: water, bread, vegetables and fruits, compote.

Tuesday and Thursday: hot hedgehog, cooked without olive oil.

Saturday and week: hedgehog, cooked on olive oil.

In addition, at the Holy Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos (7 April) and Palm Week (21 April 2019) riba is allowed. And on Lazarus Saturday (April 20, 2019), ribna ikra is allowed, but not riba itself. However, it should be noted that if the Annunciation falls on the Last Week, then instill in the holy day the zvichayn rules of fasting.

* Maєtsya on uvazі, scho zamіst olії vzhivayut olives.

*** The statute of the new world is due to the monastic practice of Palestine (div.). The laity determine their norm individually, bazhano with the blessing of the priest.

Please indicate the new style

Russian Orthodox Churchіsnuє chotiri rich day fasting, fasting on Wednesday and Friday with a stretch of fate (five days for a wine), three one-day fasting.

The Savior Himself used the behavior of the Spirit in the void, for forty days he calmed down with the devil and nothing happened in the day. The Great Pist is a Pist in honor of the Savior Himself, and the rest of the accusatory day of this 48-day post is set on the riddle about the rest of the days earthly life, suffering and death of Jesus Christ.

With special solemnity, fasting is done at the first, fourth (worshipping) and biased days.

The first two days of Great Lent, as well as the Holy Friday Tipikon instructs the monks to keep their heads down. At the hour of the month: Monday, Wednesday, Friday - dry food (water, bread, fruit, vegetables, utensils); second, fourth - hot hedgehog without olive; Saturday, week - їzha z olієyu.

Riba is allowed at the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos and at Palm Week. Ribna ikra is allowed on Lazarev Saturday. On Good Friday, there is a tradition not to wear the shroud until the wedding (the service will end on the 15-16th).

On the Monday of the day of all the saints, the fast of the holy apostles, the installation of the apostles Peter and Paul before the holy apostles, is commemorated. Prodovzhennya fasting in a different way, fallow, in addition, it’s early in the day, it’s Great Day.

Constantly, the wines are broken from the Monday of all the Saints, and the 12th lime is celebrated. The most valuable Petrov is to take revenge on his own six days, and the shortest day of the day. Whose fasting was established in honor of the Holy Apostles, as if by fasting and prayer they were preparing for the all-world preaching of the Gospel and they were preparing intercessors at the right of the salvific service.

Suvoriy Pist (dry day) on Wednesday and Friday. At Mondays you can have a hot meal without oil. In these days - fish, mushrooms, cereals with olives.

14 sickles - 27 sickles

A month later, after the Apostolic Lent, the Holy Dormition Day is coming. Vіn trivaє two tizhnі - from 14 to 27 sickles. By this fast, the Church calls us to inheritance. Mother of God, Yaka, before her resettlement to heaven, innocently tried to fast and pray.

Monday Wednesday Friday - . Tuesday, Thursday - hot hedgehog without olive. On Saturday that week, it is allowed to eat oil.

This post of restorations is for the sake of preparing us well until the blessed day with the Savior, who was born.

If the Holy Entry at the Church of the Holy Mother of God falls on mid-Friday, then the statute allows riba. After the day of remembrance of St. Nicholas and until the New Holy Day, fish is allowed on Saturday that week. At the pre-holy statute of zaboronyaє їsti riba at all days, at Saturday that week - їzha z olієyu.

It is not accepted at the holy evenings to eat until the first star appears, after which it is necessary to eat juicy - boiled wheat grains in honey or boiled rice with rodzinki.


week- Every day from Monday to week. At this day, the post is on Wednesday and Friday.

There are five summer days:

Mitar and Pharisee- 2 days before Great Lent,

Sirna ()- Day before Great Lent (without meat),

Easter (Svitla)- Tizhden after Great Day,

Troitska- Week after Trinity.

Wednesday and Friday

During the last few days, it is Wednesday and Friday. At mid-day, there are five installations on the riddle about the health of Juda Christ, at Friday - on the riddle about hellish suffering and the death of the Savior. In the days of September, the Holy Church is fenced in with meat and milk oats, and in the period of the month of Usikh Saints until the Feast of Christ, the next morning is also in the form of a riba and an olive. Only if the days of the saints fall on Wednesday and Friday, when they celebrate the holy day, you are allowed to grow olives, and in the most holy, like the Intercession, - riba.

We are sick and busy with an important practice, a weakened act is allowed, so that the Christians have the strength to pray and the necessary practice, but the living of the riba in the wrong days and there is more to see the post by the statute.

One day posts

Khreshchenskiy svyatvechir - September 18, ahead of the Epiphany of the Lord. On the first day of the Christian, they are preparing to be cleansed by that consecration with holy water at Holy Baptism.

- 27 spring. The memory of the suffering of the Savior on the Cross for the sake of the salvation of the human race. Spend the whole day in prayer, fasting, mourning for sins.

One-day fasting - the days of the fasting fast (Crimea in the middle of that Friday). The rib is harrowed, but the eagle and the olive are allowed.

About the meal at the saint

Behind the church Statute, at the Holy Rіzdva of Christ, that Epiphany, which happened on Wednesday that Friday, there is no fasting. At the Rizdvyany and Khreschensky holy evening and at the Holy Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord and the Assumption of the head of John the Baptist, it is allowed to eat with olives. At Holy Strіtennya, the Transfiguration of the Lord, the Dormition, the Rizdva of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, the Introduction to the Church, the Rizdva John the Baptist, the Apostles Peter and Paul, John the Theologian, which happened on Wednesday and Friday, and also at the period of Great Day to Trinity. fish is allowed.

Insanely, the main meta post is the spiritual growth of people, the correction of sins, the purification of the soul from addictions. It’s not for nothing that such an order is given - it’s not in the neck, but in the soul. First of all, let’s talk about the “grub” warehouse post, I’ll bring one miraculous whistle of St. Basil the Great: “Do not surround the post with one peace in zhi, to the one who has the right fist є the adoption of evil rights ... Probach the neighbor’s image, probach you borg. You don’t zhzh m'yasa, but you are like a brother ... Spravzhnіy pіst є vydalennym evil, pomіrnіst mіv, strangled anger in your own, indulgence of greed, likhosliv'yam, bullshit and swearing and swearing. Utrimannya vіd tsgogo є pravzhnіy pіst".

In this rank, it is impossible to look at a diet like a diet for weight loss. In this article, it will be told about those, how to rationally arrange your menu in such a way that you don’t violate the rules of food sustenance at the restaurant, and don’t damage your health.

Speaking about the correct eating in the feast, varto signify that the world of peace in the skin of a person has its own. Who is healthy, and who may be chronically ill, who will require a likuval diet. Somebody learns, some one wins an important physical practice. For mothers and mothers-anniversaries, fasting itself sounds relaxed. It is best to discuss the world of peace in the midst of fasting with your confessor.

Narazi go the Great Pist, which transfers the inclusion of meat, ribs, birds, dairy products, eggs. Days of dryness, days of living without oil. In lesser sums of rich days of fasting - Rіzdvyany and Petrіv fist in deyakі days are blessed with riba and ribna іkra.

In the middle of the quiet, who should fast, it’s better to get used to the fasting of soviet products and seafood (bloodless sea reptiles), as well as such products, like pisny mayonnaise, pisni tsukerki and torti and іn. Well, I know, yakscho є sumnіvi and nutrition - that's all back moments rather virishuvati with your confessors. It’s like living squid and soy sir for you - sweetness and calmness, it’s wonderfully varto in such a way. However, it is not possible to condemn a neighbor from living such products - it is possible, a person may be blessed by a confessor for savoring other products.

Basic principles of proper eating in fasting

  1. Under the hour of fasting, the greater part of the diet should be fasted into a carbohydrate diet, and the protein will be reduced even less. Tim hourly whitened in the region necessary for the health of the people, the “life material” of our body. Creature whites under the hour of fasting are turned off, and the axis of permissions is growing. Dzherela of a dewy protein - peas, nasinnya, legumes, mushrooms, cereals, bread, soybean products. Sea reptiles - shrimp, squid, mussels and other, also rich in protein.
  2. Like people in Veda active image life, obov'yazkovі to vzhivannya products, like a good dzherelom energy and for a long time to give a good sieve - tse macaroni virobi, potatoes and cereals. Ale, please, on the spot, that the porridge of the swedish cooked is the “shvidki” in carbohydrates! Such a porridge is hot, but “burns” the same quick, and already for a few years you can feel hunger. Choose Hercules from trivality varіnnya 15-20 hvilin. As if there is no time for cooking, you can fill the oatmeal with cold water in the evening, and the lie just make porridge.
  3. Salads are seasoned with olive oil, for your portion - 1 tablespoon of olive oil.
  4. Korisne pomirne spozhivannya dried fruits in pist - dried apricots, prunes, finnikiv, and also peas. You can add it to the rank porridge, take it with you for a snack. Dried fruits and peas have a high calorie content, which is rich in bread.
  5. Zamіst tsukra vikoristovyte honey - yogo can be added to the rankovu porridge, tea, vikoristovuvaty honey as a natural pіdsolodzhuvach vіpіchtsі. Hot chocolate, marmalade and dried fruits in a smaller quantity are better than licorice pine beetroots, which can be seen on store shelves. Such products sound rich in fat, and their recovery can lead to a set of vaga.
  6. An even more important principle proper eating in the post є schodenne vzhivannya fresh and / or thermally processed vegetables and fruits. Vegetables and fruits are perfectly suitable for snacking - for example, as vegetable salad(you can add mushrooms, legumes, squid, chickpeas, croutons), dressings with olive oil and 1 fruit.
  7. It is important not to go hungry and try to plan the meal so that there are no great breaks between meals. In this way, the pickling system is faster and adapts more quickly to a growing diet and the risk of such “inacceptances” is reduced, like gastritis, constipation and poisoning. For quiet people who seek the monastic statute, eating no more than 2 times a day, dorimuetsya days again look, rather, be prepared ahead of time. Next, before fasting, step by step reduce the frequency, so that it is easier for the body to adapt to the new regime.
  8. If you have too much weight, it is important to respect such rules, so that you don’t gain weight during the hour of fasting.
  • It is necessary for us to reduce as much as possible the amount of carbohydrate in the evening meal. Shards in carbohydrates give a lot of energy, and in the evening after the training or the robots sound, the energy is not consumed, it looks like fat “in reserve”. Therefore, in the evening, it is better to look at pasta, potatoes, rice, cereals, borage, bread and malt. For the evening you can have various vegetable and legume herbs. You can also have vegetable and bean salads, vegetable casseroles and cutlets, stew, vegetable caviar, baked and stewed vegetables, grilled vegetables, vegetable and bean soup (without potatoes, cereals and pasta). Supper is recommended not later than 3-4 years before bedtime! If you want to have a snack for yourself after the evening (for example, if the evening was 5-6 years before bedtime), then have a snack not later than 2 years before bedtime.
  • If it is acceptable for you to use sea vermin and co-products, you can also include them in your menu.
  • In the daytime, if riba is allowed, the evening option will be riba + whether it be vegetables (krim potatoes).
  • Evenings with tea (not licorice) can be served with sprats of peas. Licorice needs to be turned off for the evening.
  • Vzhivannya kartopli admissible on obіd chi snіdanok, but not today. Rice and pasta are better, lower potatoes. Groats are more likely to live on snacks, fruits and dried fruits - until 7 o'clock in the evening. Uruznomanitnіtnіt svіy ration іn part vіvvanіnі vegetіv, like syrih, so і thermally processed.
  • Give respect to the world of growing olive oil - the most high-calorie product in the world!
  • We drink various soups, both for lunch and for dinner (for dinner, vegetable / bean soup without cereals, pasta and potatoes).
  • Dali, at the butts of the menu (dietary snack/obid/evening), tse means that this variant of eating is suitable for people with too much weight. Dry days have no such signs, because the diet of such days is itself dietary.

DISH RECIPES for LENTEN Snіdanku/Obіdu/EVENING on dry days

Smoothies with wheatgrass and fruits: Poured hercules with cold water at night. Add 1-2 teaspoons of honey and diced fresh fruits - banana, kiwi, orange. Zbivaemo with a blender, dodayuchi water for consumption. To prepare a smoothie, you can vicorate other fruits and be like berries. For bazhannya you can add dried fruits, peas.

Fruit and Pea Salad: 1 apple, 1 banana, 1 orange cut into pieces, mix, season with lemon juice, cinnamon and 1 tsp. honey. For bazhannya, add some dried fruits and peas. For a salad in such a salad, you can add some fruits and berries.

Muesli with soy milk: pour muesli with soy milk, bud for 10 minutes until the plastics swell.

Carrot-apple salad: grate apple and carrot, mix, season with lemon juice, 1 tsp. honey, decorate with peas for the bazhannya.

Midnight Pear Carrot Salad: 2 carrots rubbed on the great third, add | add | diced with a large cube of a half moon and a pear (peel the pear from the skin and remove the core), add 1 tsp. honey and 1 tsp lemon juice. Mix it up.

Vegetable salad: cut tomato, ogirok, radish, corn, cibula, lettuce, krip, parsley, sesame, mix. In such a salad, you can add grated on the top of the celery root, young zucchini, croutons. Top with lemon juice.

Salad "blue": canned kvass, corn, green peas and mix the tomato into cubes. You can add croutons, an avocado and a chasnik for bajannyam.

Salad with cabbage and peas: mince white cabbage, mash it with your hands, add diced fresh stump and green peas, drizzle with lemon juice, mix.

Wheat Salad: lettuce leaves, add wheat sprouts, avocado cubes, corn, cedar peas, olives. You can add crackers. Mix it up.

Avocado salad 1: avocado cut into cubes, mix z | iz | cut with lettuce, crackers and sprinkle with lemon juice.

Avocado salad 2: avocado cut into cubes, mix z | iz | cut with fresh ogirk, krop and corn, drizzle with lemon juice.

Salad with carrots and garbuza: Grate carrots and garbuz, season with 1 tsp cukrovy squeak or 1 tsp honey. Drizzle with lemon juice.

Sandwiches with avocado and tomato: cover the black bread with crushed chasnik, lay the beast with slices of avocado, on top of the avocado - sliced ​​with tomato slices.

Sandwich with avocado pate: rose the avocado with videlkoy, add a little lemon juice, dried basil, a pinch of salt and paprika. Mix until uniform and spread on bread. On top you can sip sesame seeds or smeared with cedar peas.

Apply a good dream for a dry day:

- Be it a salad / smoothie from the list of herbs + tea / kava / cocoa with dried fruits / peas.

- Muesli with soy milk + tea/kava/cocoa with dried fruits/peas.

- Corn paste with soy milk + tea/kava/cocoa with dried fruits/peas.

- Vegetable salad from the list + fruit salad / smoothies from the list + tea with lemon.

- 2 sandwiches with avocado + tea with dried fruits/peas.

- Vegetable salad from the list + fresh fruits 1-2 pieces + tea with honey and lemon.

Apply a good offense in the days of dry weather:

- Be it a salad / smoothie from the list of herbs + 1-2 sandwiches with avocado + tea with honey and dried fruits / peas.

- Be a salad / smoothie from the list of herbs + 1-2 slices of bread + 1-2 fruits.

Apply a good evening on dry days:

- Vegetable or bean salad from the list of herbs + 1-2 sandwiches with avocado + tea with lemon and pots.

- Vegetable or bean salad from the list of herbs + bread + tea with lemon and pots.

- Vegetable or bean salad from the list + bread + fresh fruit 1 pc. + tea with lemon.

RECIPES for LENTEN Snіdanku/Obіdu/EVENING on days without oil

Vіvsyanа porridge, brewed in water for 1 hour. honey;

Liver of an apple with ivsyanka, berries and peas: In the apples, vyynyat the middle, put in the middle of the vіvsyanі plastіvtsі, 1 tsp. honey, berries and peas. Viklasty in the form, zapіkati in the oven at 200gr. 15 whilin.

Pshonyana porridge on water with watermelon and/or prunes: Wash millet, soak prunes in front in warm water. M'yakush harbuza cut into cubes. I boil water all at once, boil it until it is viscous. For example, salt the porridge to taste. Before serving add 1 tsp. adorn the honey behind the bazhanny with peas.

Borscht Pour water into a large saucepan, add spices: bay leaf 2-3 pcs, cloves 4-5 pcs, winter pepper 2-3 pcs, black pepper 1-2 pcs. and 1-2 bulbs of peeled potatoes, medium size, cook on medium heat. Pour 2-3 ladles of water into a small saucepan, add cibulin and grated carrots into small cubes, cook over medium heat. Grate 1 great beetroot, sprinkle yoga 1-2 tsp. lemon chi 1 tsp Otstu, mix and put into a small saucepan after 10 minutes after carrots, do not mix. The buryak is guilty of buti trokha covered with water. From the great casserole vyynyat spices and boiled potatoes. Potatoes in an okremіy container are rosemary and turn into a saucepan. Okremo cut 3-5 blue potato bulbs into cubes, put them in a large saucepan. If the beetroot becomes matted, we will replace the saucepans with the great saucepan. Cabbage can be taken like sauerkraut, and fresh. Sauerkraut Rinse lightly with water, put into a saucepan. Syrah shred the cabbage, put it in a saucepan. Add 2-3 tablespoons tomato paste resolutely mix. Salt the borscht for relish and cook until tender. For 5 hvilin before readiness to add minced parsley and krip.

Mushroom soup with potatoes: Soak dry mushrooms in front of hot water. Pour water at the pan, add spices: bay leaf 2-3 pcs, winter pepper 2-3 pcs, cook with spices 5-10 mins, spices viynyat. 4-5 potato bulbs cut into cubes, put into a saucepan, salt the soup. Cibulina and carrots are cut into cubes, weaklasti in a frying pan with 2 tbsp. drive, extinguish 5-10 min. Mushrooms podrіbniti after bajanny, put in a frying pan until the tsibulі with carrots, stew 10 min. Place the frying pan into a saucepan with soup, stir, cook until cooked. For 5 hvilin before readiness to add minced parsley and krip.

Kvasolyany soup with potatoes: Soak the kvass in front of the night in cold water with 1 tsp. grub soda. Spill the water, promit the kvass, put it in a saucepan with water and cook practically until ready. If kvassola becomes soft, cut 4-5 potato bulbs into cubes, put into a saucepan, salt the soup. Cut the cibulin into cubes, grate the carrots, put them into a frying pan with 2 tbsp. drive, quench 5-10 mins and put into a pot with soup. Salt the soup, add spices to taste and cook until ready. For 5 hvilin before readiness to add minced parsley and krip.

Vegetable stew:
Cut the mushrooms coarsely, brush them in a pan with non-stick coating. Vegetables (you can take a frozen sum of vegetables, you can be your own, diced - for bajans) put in a pan until mushrooms, salt, add spices, 1 tbsp. tomato paste and a little water. Extinguish under the roof on a small fire until ready.

Mashed potatoes with mushrooms: Potatoes boiled and pureed with a small amount of potato brew. Grill mushrooms, salt, simmer in a frying pan. Serve the grass, sips with a trimmed crop.

Potatoes with watermelon and mushrooms at the sleeve: Potatoes, watermelon, fresh mushrooms, cut enough, salt and add spices / greens for relish, mix. Wiklasti masu in the sleeve. Pierce the sleeve at a few places with a toothpick (so that you do not splinter during the cooking process). Vipkati at the oven at 180gr 40-50 min. Serve, sipping fresh greens.

Apply a good dream to the day without oil:(Dietary dream).

- Porridge with water + green salad + tea with lemon / kavoi.

— Apple liver with grapefruit, berries and peas + vegetable salad + tea/kava.

— Pshonyana porridge on the water with watermelon and/or prunes + green salad + tea/kava.

Apply a good offense on days without oil:(Dietary offense).

- Pisny borscht + 1 piece of bread + vegetable salad + tea with lemon + peas + tangerine.

- Mushroom soup with potatoes + sandwich with avocado pate + tea with lemon and peas + apple.

- Kvass soup with potatoes + 1 piece of bread + green salad + tea with dried fruits.

Apply a good evening in the days without oil:

- Rice with vegetable stew + vegetable / bean salad + compote.

- Mashed potatoes with mushrooms + vegetable salad + tea with lemon and peas.

— Potatoes with watermelon and mushrooms in sleeves + bean salad + tea with lemon and peas.

- Vegetable stew + bean salad + tea with lemon and peas. (Dietary supper).


Apple fritters:
Boroshno 1.5 flasks ask, zm_shati z|іz| 0.5 tsp rozpushuvacha, 4 tbsp zucru, a pinch of salt, olive oil 2-3 tbsp. with a whisk with a mixer until smooth, adding water to the consistency of thick sour cream. 1 large apple, peeled from the skin and the core, grated on a fine third and add | add | into the dough, stir. Grill the frying pan, brush with olive oil and boil the pancakes on a medium fire from both sides. You can serve with honey, fresh berries and fruits, jams.

Mlintsі pisnі drіzhdzhovі. Put a dough from 1 tbsp. borosna, 1/2 bottle of water, 1 tbsp. sukrovy pіsku and a bag of dry drіzhdzhіv (1-2 teaspoons, fall in the pіd bag kіlkoї kіlkostі іsta). Place the dough in a warm place (you can put the bowl with the dough in a bowl with hot water and cover it with a dry towel) in the spring. Opara may be good to go. Dali add 2-3 flasks of borosna to the dough, what you ask, salt, 1 tbsp. tsukrovy pіsku, 3-4 tbsp. dewy olive and bring a bottle. Beat the sum with a mixer, adding water to the consistency of a rare sour cream or ryazhenka. Ready to put it in a warm place for 20 minutes, curling it with a dry towel. If it's true, turn yoga over. Yakshcho became too thick - add a little bit of water and mix thoroughly. Frying pans good rose, and periodically smearing them with olive oil, vipkati milk. Serve with honey, fresh berries, fruits, jams.

Granola: 1.5 bottles of hercules, after harvesting hazelnuts, almonds, harmelon and sonyashnikovoye, coconut flakes, diced dried fruits (for bazhannyam) thoroughly mixed with 2 tbsp. honey, 2-3 tbsp. roli. On a sheet of parchment papir, weaklast sumish and zapkati at 160gr 40 khvilin. Skin 5 minutes|minutes| mix up. Sumish may have a golden-brown color. Do not overdry! Cool, add coconut flakes and rodzinki, mix. You can save a few days from the refrigerator. You can serve it with soy milk.

Pea soup:
Soak peas for nothing from 1 tsp. grub soda. Anger the water. By the new water, boil the peas until they are ready. Cut potatoes into cubes, brush carrots and cibula on olive oil. Smeared that potato viklasti soup. Salt and add spices for relish. Cook until done. Serve with crackers.

Pisny soup - kharcho with mushrooms: Soak dry mushrooms with sprinkles on pіvgodini. Coat the cibula and carrots in a frying pan. If the cibula becomes golden, add mushrooms and water. Extinguish under the roof 10 min. I boil water and put it in the frying pan and add rice, cook 10 minutes. Salt the soup to taste, add 2 tbsp. tomato paste and crispy parsley. Cook for 5-7 minutes, bring to a boil.

Eggplant liver with tomato: cut the eggplant with calves, pour it with salted water for 1 year (the hot water came out). Tomatoes cut into circles. Vіdzhati vіd vіd vіvoї vodi, lightly brush in a frying pan with olive oil. Decorate deco with olive oil, pickle mugs of eggplant, mugs of tomato for the animal, a drop of canine mayonnaise for the animal (you can replace it with mushroom caviar). Zapikati at the oven at 200gr. 15 whilin.

Gorschiki with vegetables and mushrooms: The eggplant is cut into cubes, wetting it in the salty water of the spring, so that hot water came out. Tomato and cibula are cut into cubes. The stoves are called great scribbles. In a frying pan, cover the cibula, if the cibula is fried, add mushrooms, cover 5-7 strands, add eggplant with tomatoes and lightly cover. Carrots are cut into circles. From canned kvassoli we pour water. Usі іngredієnti vykladaєmo in the mountaineers and pour it with salted water, so that the water lightly covered the vegetables. We put the miners into the oven and cook for a temperature of 200 degrees for about 1 year.

Lachanorizo: Smear the cibula on the olive and grate the carrot. Nashatkuvati 300-500 grams white cabbage Viklasti її to carrots with tsibulei and smear on the great fire until caramelization, stirring constantly. Add 2-3 tbsp. tomato paste and spices. Salt for relish, stir and change the fire.
Before the cabbage add ½ bottle of rice and 1 bottle of water. Rice can be put more or less, for the bajans. Extinguish under the lid until the rice is ready.

Apply a good dream to the day with olives:

— Apple pancakes + green salad + tea with lemon.

- Mlintsі pisnі drіzhdzhovі + green salad + tea with lemon.

- Granola + green salad + kava with soy milk. (Dietary dream).

Apply a good offense in the days of oil:(Dietary offense).

- Soup pea greens salad with butter tea with lemon apple.

- Pisny kharcho soup + vegetable cheese + vegetable caviar sandwich + tea with lemon.

- Thick borscht + greens / bean salad + tea with 2-3 pieces of marmalade.

- Lachanorizo ​​+ sandwich with vegetable caviar + fruit salad + tea with lemon.

Apply a good evening at the day with olive oil:

- Spaghetti with vegetable stew + bean salad + tea with lemon.

- Potato boiled in 1 tsp. fragrant oil + eggplant liver with tomato + vegetable salad + compote.

- Lachanorizo ​​+ vegetable salad + tea with lemon and peas.

- Gorschiki with vegetables and mushrooms + bean salad + tea with lemon and peas. (Dietary supper).

RECIPES Stravi for a night out

Potato soup with red fish: Pour water at the pan, put potatoes, cut into cubes. In a frying pan with 1 tbsp. olії smear grated carrots and cibula, cut into cubes. After 10 hours of boiling potatoes, add dressing and small pieces of red ribi to the soup. Add spices and strength for relish, minced krip and parsley. Variety 10-15 quills.

Potato soup with squid meatballs:
Meatballs: We cook potato soup. If the soup is ready, use a teaspoon to make meatballs: take a spoonful of squid puree, form a bag of zavbіlshki with hairy peas on a spoon. Carefully lower the spoon with minced meat at the soup, take a few seconds, so that it “clumps” and turn the spoon over, our meatball will no longer fall apart. In this way, all meatballs work. We bring the soup to a boil and the soup is ready!

Salad with rice ta riboi: Boil the rice, cool it, add the pink salmon to the boiled salmon (or canned), green peas, green cibula, krip, oliya, strong for relish and mix.

Squid cutlets: These cutlets can be frozen in reserve. We take squid carcasses. Like a shkiroy-knіmaєmo її panchohoy, you can see the fillings. For the help of a boring blender or a meat grinder, we work with squid puree. Salimo, pepper for relish, add 2-5 tbsp. breadcrumbs (crackers are needed only, so you could form cutlets with squid mass), add crisps, mix it up. Form cutlets, roll them in breadcrumbs. Freeze in reserve, or lubricate in a frying pan.

Ribni cutlets: pass the m'yakush through a meat grinder (otherwise, take the prepared ribny minced meat), add 2-3 tbsp. Breadcrumbs, strong pepper for relish. In a frying pan, brush the cibula, cut into cubes and carrots, grated. Zmishati from minced meat. Form cutlets.

Salad with tuna and tomatoes: Cut the tomatoes into cubes, add tuna (preserved) slices, trim the lettuce, krip and green cibula. Brizkati olive oil, mix.

Apply a good offense to the day with fish.(dietary insult)

- Potato soup with red ribeye + bean salad + 1 piece of bread + compote.

- Potato soup with squid meatballs + green salad + 1 piece of bread + tea with lemon.

- Steamed rice + baked fish + green salad + tea with lemon and peas.

- Vegetable soup + salad with rice and ribeye + 1 piece of bread + compote .

Apply a good evening at the day with fish.

Greek porridge+ baked fish + vegetable cheese + lemon tea.

- Ribbon cutlets + fresh rice + vegetable salad + tea with lemon.

– Tuna salad and tomato + lachanorizo ​​+ tea with lemon and peas.

- Vegetable stew + rib cutlets + soy syrah + tea with lemon (Dietary supper).

- Squid cutlets + vegetable stew + vegetable salad + tea with lemon. (Dietary supper).

— Grilled vegetables, red ribey steak, oven baked tea with lemon and peas. (Dietary supper).

Dotrimuyuchis correct eating in fasting, it is important to know the axis about what. Vinyatok from the diet of these products can lead to a deficiency of important vitamins and microelements. For example, with the introduction of milk and fermented milk products, the amount of calcium in the body changes significantly, from which our brushes “become”. And if you see meat, you can cause a deficiency of saliva, which is necessary for hematopoiesis and sour eating to the body. Therefore, in order to fill this deficiency, you can supplement your diet with food supplements and polyvitamin complexes, and discuss these with your doctor.

Do not forget about those who have completed the fast without being guilty of being sharp. Our body will require an hour to get to the “important” їzhі and re-wait the exchange processes. Upon completion of the fast, it is necessary to include a yakomoga in your menu with a quick hedgehog - a start to introduce dairy products that eggs, a year - riba and meat. And it’s important not to overdo it.

I wish the readers good health!

Lіkar-endocrinologist Akmaeva G.BUT.

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