How to make the simplest soup without meat. How to cook savory vegetable soup without meat Vegan soup

Do you care what meat is needed to prepare a savory soup of ob'yazkovo? And the axis i ni! Zovsіm neobov'yazkovo. A wonderful and savory soup can be prepared without a new product, so loved by everyone, that you love it. I am not talking about dietary broths and soups. The simplest soup, with the relish of which you will be full of salt, you can simply cook it in a short hour with any ingredients.

The world of culinary riches for recipes for preparing soup without meat, and the skin from them is fragrant and savory in its own way. For example, at Sunset, especially cook soup on the table and prepare them more importantly for the evening. Take care, that being amazed at nothing, it is necessary to eat light and strong. Wanting to be there after 7 pm, no one else sits at the table, nor under any kind of drive.

Recipe 1. Soup without meat

Necessary ingredients:

- Potatoes - 2 pcs.;

- Cibulya - 1 pc.;

- carrot - 1 pc.;

- parsley root; roslinna oliya; dry vermicelli, salt, pepper and parsley.

Cooking method:

While the water in the pot is boiling, we will add the cibulus and zarum'yanemo її on the frying pan. Dodamo 0.5 tsp paprika and once you know from the stove the docks the pepper is not burnt.

We clean the carrots, potatoes and parsley root. Let's call it kiltsy. We cut potatoes into cubes, and dodamo after 10 quills at the soup. Seasoned with spices. Cook the soup until the potatoes are ready. Ninі can make vermicelli. Let’s bring the soup to a boil again and let it be brought to a new boil with olive oil at once.

As soon as the potatoes become soft, we add greens and we still cook 2-3 hvilin. Try it for taste, dodamo strong or pepper for consumption and make fire. Everything, the soup is ready.

Recipe 2. Soup without meat (with milk)

Necessary ingredients:

- Mushrooms - 400 g;

- Cibulya - 1 pc.;

- olive oil - 2 tablespoons;

- Vegetable broth - 1 liter;

- milk - 1.5 bottles;

- French baguette and skibochki bread - 8 pcs.;

- Chasnik - 2 teeth;

- Tertiy sir - 100 g;

- Vershkov butter - 50 g;

- Pepper and strength for relish.

Cooking method:

Rozіrієmo on the stove empty pan and dodamo olіyu. Let's cut the cibulus and we'll probably smear it on a small fire. Narizaemo mushrooms dovilno (in the original on cubes) and adjust to tsibuli. Let's move on, so that the stench would bathe more and more in the olive from the cubule. Add milk to the mushrooms. Gasimo ingredients in a casserole are approximately 5-7 quills. Then we add hot broth to the mushrooms, salt and pepper for our special taste. Remember, don't add more salt than salt more!

The grill pan is kindly fired on a strong fire and put baguettes on it. Sushimo on the side - we will see the original toast. The chasnik is more detailed, zmіshuєmo yogo with olive oil and rubbed ready toast.

Put the toast on the bottom of the serving plate, fill it with mushroom soup. Well, how are the squads without a sir? Well Italy. Sip the soup with cheese. Italian soup without meat is already ready.

Recipe 3. Spanish soup without meat

The crown of matadors in Spain is Gaspacho soup.

Necessary ingredients:

- Tomatoes - 1 kg.;

- Bulgarian pepper (red) - 1 pc.;

- Ogіrok - 2 pcs.;

- white bread - 2 pieces;

- Cibulya - 1 pc.;

- Celery greens, basil and parsley.

Cooking method:

Under the tap, we use the ingredients. We take a kilo of tomatoes, half a bell pepper, 1 chick. Narizaєmo everything into small pieces and put it into the blender bowl. Refine to puree. Half of bell pepper and 1 ogirok are cut into small cubes.

I pour the masa into a saucepan or a bowl, add a bottle of boiled and chilled water to it, cut vegetables. Salt for taste and add greens.

Cold gazpacho soup is ready. You can add some apple otst.

Recipe 4. Soup without meat (potatoes)

Necessary ingredients:

- Potatoes - 6-8 pieces;

- Cibulya - 1 pc.;

- Chasnik - 2-3 tooth;

- carrot; greens; sil, pepper - for relish;

- roslinna oliya; vegetable seasoning, paprika melena, cumin - pinch.

Cooking method:

At the bottom of the trocha there is a lot of dewy oliї, so that the bottom is covered with nothing more. Let's trim the cibula. Morkvin is sighed, and then pivkiltsy. At the minimum fire, we languish on olives on a bunch of carrots. If it gets darker and becomes soft, I will add a cibula to it, mix and extinguish 2 more fines. Dodamo 0.5 tsp paprika melenoї, and pour water. Let's fire up. At the saucepan, we lower 2 cloves of the bowl, without cleaning it. You can also lower 3-4 peppercorns to the soup. Damo boil and dodamo 1 tsp. dry vegetable seasonings for soup.

Let's clean the potatoes, vimiemo it is called by great particles. Chim more and dosha chastochki, Tim savory soup. Cook on a small fire until the potatoes are ready. If the potatoes are boiled, it is right to the soup that the chastochka is grown into a soup, I cut and cut the greens. We continue to cook 5-7 quills. It is necessary for us that the potatoes are fully cooked, but not overcooked. She is guilty of being soft and low, seemingly rosy. Known from the stove. This soup can still stand under the krishkoy 10 hvilin.

The soup is due to the mother's thick consistency.

Recipe 5. Soup without meat

Necessary ingredients:

- Eggs - 4-5 pieces;

- carrot - 1 pc.;

- Cibulya - 1 pc.;

- Boroshno - 0.5 tablespoons;

- Chervony chalking pepper; parsley, ol_ya, sil and pepper for relish.

Cooking method:

At the pan, oil is poured | oil | and trohi yoga pіdіgієmo. Let’s add a cibula and a carrot to the pan. Trohi pripuskaєmo and pіdsipaєmo 0.5 tbsp. boroshn. We mix and prepare 1 more whilin, so that a little bit of it turns pink. For example - 1 tsp paprika and immediately fill it with water and boil it.

One egg is dropped into the kitchen and beaten. Mixing in the pan, pouring the egg into the flower. We will see egg dumplings. At once, right above the saucepan, we drive one egg into the soup, squeaking a little, so that the soup starts to boil. Chi do not dip the egg in the soup, so the homeland does not boil! It is not necessary to stir, so that the eggs do not fall apart.

We pour on plates. At the skin, we put an egg on it and fill it with soup. Directly into the plate, I’ll cut the greens and have a great appetite!

- Do not cook soup without meat on an olive oil - the relish of the soup will be trochic. Olive oliya cannot tolerate the boiling process.

- When adding red chalked paprika to the soup, it is recommended to take the saucepan off the stove and add pepper after only 1 whilin. Mix it up and put it on the stove again. Paprika in a hot olive can burn like hell, which will make your soup ungarnerable in appearance and savory in taste.

Tim, whoever believes that potato soup without meat can be even more savory, cook up the recipe. A kind of analogue of a beloved rose salter's mustache is prepared for about the first year of the year, but also for the improvement of the training work. The finished dish will delight you with its lightness, freshness, special relish from mild sourness. Vono zіgrіє winter day and vgamuє famine spekotny lita.

To prepare potato soup with salted cocks, you need to take the following ingredients:


  • Potato - 4 pcs. medium size.
  • Salted (not marinated!) Ogirki - 2-3 large ones or 4-5 small ones.
  • Cibulya - 2 middle heads.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Trochs of dry vermicelli.
  • Roslinna Oliya for lubrication - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Khmeli-suneli, black pepper, strong to relish.

The very process of pokrokovo looks like this (you can add your own photo):

  • We clean the potatoes, cut them into straws, wash the sprats once in cold water. Even if you don’t stir it up, the broth can become kalamutny and with a kick.
  • At the saucepan for cooking, pour 2 liters of plain water, bring to a boil. We salt our homeland and add potatoes. We cook yoga under the lid on the middle fire for three more than 10 strands. Ovoch may be trohi m'yakim.

  • Now we add vermicelli to the broth. At the moment, it’s too early to pick up the vegetables that are left out. Tsibulya that carrot is clean. Cibulin is narrated with pivkiltsy, three carrots on the great third.

  • Heat up in a frying pan Sonyashnikova Oliya, obsmazhuєmo on a new tsibulya and a carrot. Add pepper and hop-suneli, passeruemo masu 3-4 hvilin.
  • The frying is added to our vegetarian soup.

  • There was no more to cut the salty straws of salty stumps and add them to the grass. We cook together kastruli under the lid for 5 more quills. Potato soup with vermicelli is ready!

Otrimany original product it is necessary to serve a glass of water, looking at a hot one. It is not recommended to cook yoga once for a few days, due to the presence of salted ogirkiv, even for a sprat of years, yoga can be relished. It’s better to prepare yoga for one time and eat only fresh.


Soupi without meat is a miraculous exit at the vipadku, as if you didn’t have meat products, and just like that, the booty didn’t see the desired piece of meat. Sleepy soup nitrohi is not hotter than hunger, lower richness of meat.

The simplest and best seen recipe

Ready products. Potatoes, tsibula and carrots are miєmo, cleanly and narizaemo. We put the water in the pot on fire and check it for boiling. On a roasted frying pan, we smear the cibula and the carrot. As soon as the vegetables become soft, we beat the stove.

I boil salty water and put potatoes. As soon as the wine is ready, we put our vegetable dressing in the soup. We throw a little vermicelli and once we win the stove. Ready soup is best served with greens.

Soup without meat with rice

An hour is 30 minutes. Calorie content - 46 kcal per 100 g.

Rice is thoroughly washed and soaked in winter. We put the water for the soup on the fire and bring it to a boil. Potatoes are miєmo, cleaned and cut into cubes. We add yoga to the water and cook until ready. In this version of the soup, we do not need lubrication. To that we gave a carrot and a cibula by the water. Narizati їx can be so, as you wish.

Rice can be placed at the stage of laying potatoes. Obov'yazkovo slіd salt soup less after yogo dodavannya! Rice groats absorb some of the salt from their own, otherwise the amount of salt may be insufficient. We bring the rice to readiness and vimic the stove. Serve green soup.

Pea soup

Pea soup comes out even more savory, navit without meat. Naturally, the grass with a piece of meat and smoked meats will be spicy, but without them, you won’t suffer the relish of yours. Vіdminny variant at the post. We take the following products:

  • 2 liters of water;
  • chickpeas - 1 bottle;
  • carrot - 1 piece;
  • cibulina - 1 piece;
  • potatoes - 3 medium bulbs;
  • top oil - 30 grams;
  • strength for relish.

We put a pot of water on the fire in front of us. All vegetables are clean and clean. At the hot frying pan, we smear the cibula until soft. We add the grated carrot and quench it with a closed lid until ready.

I boil water and put it in cubes of potatoes and peas soaked for a year. It is necessary to add strength at any stage. As soon as the peas are ready, we add lubrication. Close the lid and let the soup infuse. You can put a bay leaf and a couple of black peppercorns in the pan. Serve soup with crackers or greens.

potato soup recipe

Potato soup - a variation of the simple soup without meat. The only thing is that we take more potatoes, do not add vermicelli, and also put some tomato paste in it. For such a soup, we will need to take:

  • 2 liters of water;
  • potatoes - 4 small bulbs;
  • tsibula - 2 small heads;
  • carrot - 1 piece;
  • tomato paste - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • strength, spices and greens for relish.

We put a saucepan with water on the burner and check for boiling. All vegetables are miєmo, cleaned and narizaemo. Potatoes are cut into cubes and can be boiled. Tsibulyu and carrots are cut into thin straws and smeared on medium fire to a golden color.

We put tomato paste and add a little water. Let's put out the vegetables on the full fire until ready. As soon as the potatoes are boiled, add lubrication to the soup and smoke the fire.

We serve green soup or crackers.

Vegan soup

Vegetable soup is a good knowledge, especially for summer. At the warehouse, the vegetables are transported, so they are savory, brown and blue. Vіdminny variant for fasting, children and children.

Hour - pіvgodini, calorie content - 30 kcal per 100 g.

We put water on the fire. Potatoes cut into cubes, cauliflower served on small bunches. I put them in and boil water.

At this hour, in a frying pan, we smear the cubula and the carrot. Rіzhemo їkh thin straws chi cube, to whom the yak is handy. As soon as the cibula became soft, add Bulgarian pepper, cut into strips. Gasimo 10 hvilin under a closed lid.

As soon as the potatoes were boiled, we added celery and zucchini to the pan. Cooking 10 chills|minutes| until all the vegetables are ready. Let's add vegetable dressing. Vimikaєmo fire and let the soup infuse.

Borscht without meat

Borsch without meat is not less savory, lower of it. This is also a miracle and dietary option.

  • water - 2 liters;
  • cabbage - 300 g;
  • beet - 1 piece;
  • qibulya - 1 piece;
  • carrot-1 piece;
  • potatoes - 2 bulbs;
  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • tsukor - 1 teaspoon;
  • lemon juice - 1 teaspoon.

An hour is 45 hours. Calorie content - 45 kcal per 100 grams

We boil the water. At this hour, on the rozpechenіy olії we graze the cibula and the carrot. Like only vegetables are rummaged, adding grated beetroot. Posipaєmo її tsukr and nakrivaemo krishkoy. Gasimo all the vegetables to softness. As soon as the stove will be viknen, watering the lubrication lemon juice so that the beetroot did not use the color of the soup. Another option is to add some apple otstu.

At the boiling broth, put shredded cabbage. Salim and cook until ready. Dali put potatoes, cut into cubes. As soon as all vegetables are boiled, we put tomato paste and stewed vegetables in borscht. Vimikaєmo burner, add pepper and bay leaf to the soup. Serve with sour cream.

Read like a spectacle in our article.

How to cook savory meatballs with topping sauce in the oven. I suggest you find a good one.

Prepare savory gifted potato pies - such a good thing for fasting, or as an addition to borscht. .

Greek soup without meat

Greek soup is an indispensable herb for a childish and dietary menu. We propose a recipe for such a soup with mushrooms. Viide is an ideal country for vegetarians to fast, follow the figure of that child.

  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • buckwheat - half a bottle;
  • potatoes - 2 pieces;
  • cibulina - 1 piece;
  • carrot - 1 piece;
  • pecheritsi - sprat of great mushrooms;
  • strength and spices for bajannyam.

An hour is 40 hours. Calorie content - 60 kcal per 100 g.

We put a saucepan with water on the burner and bring it to a boil. Potatoes are cut into cubes at once from carrots. We put the vegetables near the water and change the fire. Salim for taste. Buckwheat is thoroughly washed and put into the soup. Cook until ready.

Narizaemo tsibulyu pivkiltsami. Pecheritsі rіzhemo dіbnimi cubes. We smear cibulin and mushrooms on a baked frying pan. As soon as the mushrooms are ready, we vimic the burner. We add lubrication to the soup, we try it for strength. You can serve greens or sour cream.

Zucchini cream soup without meat

The restaurant strategy can be taken away from the simplest products. Try this cream soup, and you won't run out of canoes!

An hour is 40 hours. Calorie content - 80 kcal per 100 g.

We put water on the fire. My zucchini and narizam are full of shmatochki. I boil water, add zucchini, potatoes in cubes and cook until ready.

Tsibulyu is narizable in a handy way and smeared with a pinch of oil until softened. Behind the bazhannyam, you can grate trochs of carrots. We put the cibulna zamazhka in a saucepan with soup. Let's give the country a chance to stand close to pivgodini. Now you can give it the desired consistency.

Now our dish is beaten behind the help of a blender. Take the best zanuryuvalny, so as not to pour the soup into another bowl. Detailed mass and poured into it tops. Salimo, pepper and for the bazhanni we add the teapot and greens. You can dodavati to stravi tertiy sir. In the dietary variant, a half-day tops and sir. You can add a chasnik to the strain, spice that greens.

Pisny soup without meat with mushrooms and kvass

The soup is fresh with a high amount of protein for the mushrooms and kvass. Ideal option for vegetarians and fasting.

  • 2 liters of water;
  • pecheritsi - 3 large mushrooms;
  • cibulina - 1 piece;
  • carrot - 1 piece;
  • canned kvassola - 1 can;
  • potatoes - 2 pieces;
  • pepper that strength for relish.

An hour is 45 hours. Calorie content - 70 kcal per 100 g.

I boil water and put it in cubes of potatoes and carrots. Tsibulyu and mushrooms are fried and smeared in a frying pan. You can take both Vershkov and Olya. Vegetable broth salt and pepper. We add to the new jar of kvass. As soon as potatoes are ready, put mushrooms and cibula into the soup. Let the grass infuse and serve from greens or crackers.

Dietary soup-puree with harmelon without meat

A good recipe for vitamins in cold autumn is garbuzovy cream soup. No one can be deprived of piquant relish. We are destroying the dietary weed, and that means, no tops, no flour in the new. In addition, such a soup will be a rich variety of orange - fallow in the color of the flesh of the harmelon.

  • seamelon - 500 grams;
  • qibulya -1 piece;
  • licorice red pepper - 1 piece;
  • carrot - 1 piece;
  • hourglass - 1 clove;
  • curry seasoning - half a teaspoon.

An hour is 30 minutes. Calorie content - 45 kcal per 100 g.

Let's start preparing the soup. At the saucepan with a tovstim bottom, pour oliya. there is a cibula, At a new golden sight, we smear the cibula. We rub carrots on the great third and add to the cibula. Curve with a lid and quench to softness. As soon as you sum it up, pour in a couple of tablespoons of water.

Garmelon is cleaned and narrated with pretty shmatochki. Bulgarian pepper is miёmo, cleaned in the same way. We put the vegetables at the pan, add a tablespoon of water. Gasimo until ready garbuza.

Ready vegetables as needed. For whom it is quick with a blender. Relatively zbivaemo sumish until the chest is fully formed. Add a cup of tea and curry, mix again with a blender. Salim for taste. You can serve cream soup with toast or greens.

Another option for preparing a soup is to bake a harmelon at the oven at once with a grill of vegetables, and then beat it with a blender. For whom, in the necessary dishes, we store all the products that are curved with a lid. Tomimo in the middle fire is close to the hour. Obviously, preparing such a soup vimagatima for more than an hour, but the relish of that variety! You can add juice tomatoes, trochs of celeri or potatoes.

Secrets of cooking vegetable soups

  1. When cooking the soup, it is necessary to trim the sequence of the bookmark. For example, potatoes are boiled for the same hour from cauliflower. And the axis of the whitewash is brought to readiness much longer. That її it is necessary to put it earlier for the grate of products;
  2. Narize all the products for the soup however. For example, like a potato is cut into straws, a cibula and a carrot are guilty of being cut like that;
  3. For flavor, you can put parsley root;
  4. An ideal dressing for sheep soup without meat is sour cream;
  5. Cibulya and carrots are sauteed in a roasted frying pan. In order to give them a beautiful golden color, you can sip a little bit of succulent piska;
  6. If you add beetroot to the soup, it is necessary to quench it in advance with a small amount of zucru and fat. So, save your colors;
  7. Vegetables should not be put next to boiling water. So stinks save more vitamins.

Now you know some recipes for making soups without meat. The stink ur_znomanіtnyat your diet.

You can look at recipes for soups without meat for different purposes. For example, this grass can safely become a battery of living elements and vitamins. For a weakened organism, the very ones that are needed to gain strength.

Soup without meat is a traditional soup. Ribnі supi dosit calorie, and smut, zavzhdy remind the houses with the aroma of summer and lift the spirits.

Mushrooms are a special product. And the soup without meat, but with mushrooms is a masterpiece of cookery! Appetizing, fragrant, garnished with mushroom broth soup - a good sign for a family resentment.

I, nareshti, spravzhnіy dієtichny soup іz stigli yaskarvih vegetаl i zelenі. Have a savory meal, but don’t gain a lot of calories - the axis of an effective sports and health solution.

The most expensive ingredient for the preparation of a wonderful soup is meat, but in soup without meat, this product has been successfully replaced by growing chi-rib analogues. Savings for the family budget are bigger, lower obvious, prote, won’t show up on the net and livelihoods of a home offense.

You can say with confidence that soup without meat is worthy of amazing relish, variety, health and economy.

How to cook soup without meat?

List of savory vegetarian soups v_dkrivaє pea soup without meat. The peas have enough rosemary protein to be taken in by a full-fledged meat keeper.


  • Peas - 200 gr;
  • Carrot and cibula - 1 pc;
  • Potato - 3 pcs;
  • Vershkov oil + oliya - 2 tbsp each
  • Strength / pepper / spices - for relish.


Soak the bazhano peas in cold water for a night (otherwise, if you want it for a sprat a year). Razm'aknut grain, pіde zayviy starch і when varіnі peas shvidshe transform on mashed potatoes.

Prepare the peas in 2.5 liters of water, put on fire and cook for about 1 year (until the peas are boiled).

Cut potatoes and add | add | into a saucepan. Cook for 20-30 more chills|minutes|, pokie|docks| boil potatoes.

Cut the cibula into small cubes, grate the carrots. Smish it in a sum of vershokovy and olії vegetal and add them to the pot with boiling soup.

Five minutes before the fire starts, add bay leaves, peppercorns, and favorite spices, especially greens, to the soup.

Serve pea soup, after insisting, without meat, with crackers.

I will call the soup otrimav fairly, because. there is absolutely no meat in my soup. At the same time, the broth from the vegetables at the bottom of the greens fills with a rich color and a cherry aroma.


  • Vermicelli - 250 gr;
  • Potato - 3 pcs;
  • Cibulya and carrot - 1 pc.;
  • Stigli tomatoes - 2 pcs;
  • Oliya sonyashnikova - 2-3 tbsp.
  • Parsley and green cibula - for relish;
  • Black pepper chalking and black chalking on the tip of a knife.
  • Chasnik - 2-3 teeth.


Secret delicious cooking soup without meat in a non-standard order of cooking. It is repaired from smudging: I cut the cibulus and rubbed the carrots to a golden color in the same container, in the same way I cook the soup. Add the necessary amount of water (2.5 l.)

Cut the potatoes into cubes and put them in the soup, and let them leave the hvilin 20. Add | add | sliced ​​tomatoes.

Porіzati chasnik that greens. Add bay leaf, teaspoon and greens, black pepper and red pepper to the soup.

For example, add vermicelli. Sip and immediately wiggle, so that the vermicelli is not boiled.

Serve vermicelli soup with sour cream and chopped parsley.

Vishukana Strava French cuisine please the savory savvy with a special aroma, subtle relish and simplicity in cooking. Such a soup is served at the best restaurants in France, but it is suitable for everyone in Russian home cooking!


  • Tsibulya - 800 gr;
  • Celer - 50 gr;
  • Nasіnnya thyme - on the tip of a knife;
  • Olive oliya - 2-3 tbsp.
  • Boroshno - 2 tbsp.
  • Hard Sir - 200 gr;
  • Sil / pepper - for relish.


The mode of the cybul and the stalks of selery with thin pіvkіltsy.

Pour oil into a cauldron | oil | qibulyu and seler. We cover 60 hvilin|minutes| pomishyuyu. Cibulya may have a golden color.

Add|Add| in the cibula, borosno, thyme, pour water and bring to a boil. Varity 15 hvilin|minutes| until the sting.

Salt and pepper the soup before the end of cooking.

Pour the soup to the clay miners, put a small piece of loaf to the beast, smeared with chasnik, and rub the top of the loaf with grated syrup. Put the mountaineer at the oven for 2-3 hvilini.

A wonderful recipe for those who can't spend their time at the dinner table preparing an obidu, but don't want to surround their menu with unnecessary strains.


  • Potato - 3 pcs;
  • Carrot and cibula - 1 pc;
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pieces;
  • Oliya - 2-3 tbsp.


For 1.5 liters of dill, we put potato slices. Cook 20-25 khvilin, while the potatoes are well boiled.

Dribno mode of the cibula and grate the carrot - everything is re-greased on Olii to a golden vein. Visipaemo in a pot of soup.

Beat the eggs in a bowl and pour into the boiling soup, for example, boil.

Pour the greens into the soup and add it to the soup in front of it, like wiping yoga.

Vіdmіnnim additions to such a soup will be a solid tertiary sir or melting. You can sip sir like a plate, so in a saucepan with soup.

Even more beautiful, super fragrant and dosit zhivny soup for this recipe is worthy of obov'yazkovo!


  • Eggs - 4 pcs;
  • Tomatoes - 4 pcs;
  • Hard Sir - 150 gr;
  • Tsibulya is green and krip - 1 bunch each;
  • Lemon - 1 medium;
  • Sil / pepper - for relish;
  • Oliya for lubrication - 2-3 tbsp.


Tomatoes are cut into cubes and smeared on olives lightly. Pour in 1.5 liters. drive.

The mode of the green cibul and krip. We sip everything in boiling tomatoes.

Eggs are beaten in an okremu utensil and poured into the soup with a thin glass, stirring.

Rub the cheese on a dry third and sip into the soup before the end of the cooking. Salt and pepper to taste.

This soup can be served with crackers and a slice of lemon (or trocha juice).

Pіsny, ale completely garniy soup. The aroma of mushrooms of incompatibility, tell fortunes about the autumn, go to the fox and take the moment of the picnic.


  • Potato - 3 pcs;
  • Mushrooms - 300 gr;
  • Cibulya and carrot - 1 pc.;
  • Tomatoes - 3 pcs. small;
  • Oliya - 3 tbsp.


Cut mushrooms.

Rub the cibula finely, grate carrots on the great third and grease everything in olive oil.

Cut potatoes into cubes, add | add | to tsibuli with carrots, add | add | mushrooms. Lubricate everything, cover it with a lid and lubricate 20 khvilin on a small fire. Fill with dill and cook 10 khvilin.

Porіzati greens, add | add | in soup sіl | salt | and pepper, greens.

Tomato mode with cubes. Zasipayemo їх at the soup.

Mix it up and take it out of the fire.

This soup can be cooked as if it were dried mushrooms, and so with only selected ones in the forest. The rich taste and marvelous aroma will be saved by any kind of mood.


  • Mushrooms - 300 gr;
  • Carrot and cibula - 1 pc;
  • Potato - 2 pcs;
  • Lokshina-pavutinka - 1 zhmenka (for the bazhannyam);
  • Oliya for lubrication - 3 tbsp.
  • Vershkov oil - 2 tbsp.
  • Spices: marjoram and curry;
  • Greens for relish.


Re-grease on sumishi oliy friedly torn cibula and rubbed on fried grated carrots. Add marjoram herb and curry to the tip of a knife.

Soak mushrooms in sautéed vegetables and fry lightly. Pour water over the sprinkles and boil 10 quills.

Cut potatoes into cubes and add mushroom broth. Varity 25 hvilin|minutes| until ready.

Add lokshina-pavutinka and boil 2 more chilli.

Salt the mushroom soup varto, for example, varіnnya.

Before serving, sip greens to the table.

Soup on mushroom broth and with melted cheeses to embellish the obidniy stіl. Prepare yoga fast, and for the sake of cooperation - a whole budget option.


  • Potato - 3 pcs;
  • Carrot and cibula - 1 pc;
  • Mushrooms - 200 gr;
  • Sirki soft melted - 2 pcs;
  • Oliya pisna for lubrication - 3 tbsp.
  • Greens, spices, strength - for relish.


Punch the cibula dryly and carrots, sip in a hot frying pan on the baked olives and smoky.

Mushrooms are peeled and grated on a large third or cut with a knife. Lubricate the mushrooms okay, or you can add until lubricated.

Mushrooms lubricate until I become їhnої m'yakostі, if the stench let the sіk and this sіk boils when it's frying.

Grate the Sirki.

Cut potatoes into cubes, pour 3 liters of water, add grits and cook until cooked. Soak in the soup zamazhka, mix it up and if it boils - sip sirki and boil 2-3 hvilin.

Decorate the soup with greens.

In order not to surround yourself with a brown white hedgehog, but not to destroy the postulates of the Orthodox fast - prepare cream soup from mushrooms for this recipe. There is nothing here, nothing borosna, nothing oliї - the grass is in a right dietary way.

Ingredients for rosemary for 1 liter of soup:

  • Mushrooms - 500 gr;
  • Tsibulya - 2 pcs;
  • Tops - 150 ml;
  • Spices, silt, pepper, cedar peas;
  • Chasnik - 2 teeth;
  • Olive oil for lubrication - 3 tbsp.


Tsibulyu and mushrooms are cut. Re-grease them in a frying pan with 10 quills in olive oil.

Okremo boil water, add re-greased mushrooms with cibulae and chasnik, as well as spices (thyme, nutmeg).

After that, as soon as the soup warehouse is ready, it is necessary to clean the teeth of the watchmaker from the pots - so the watchman's aroma train will be lower.

Lost the soup with a blender, add | add | tops and mix again.

Salt, pepper to taste, decorate the soup with pine peas.

The savory flavor and marvelous savory taste of this soup allowed you to take a day at the elite restaurants of the world. For the vegetarian diet itself, such a strain is suitable, shards of vitamins and vistas, that mood is moving!


  • Pecheritsa - 700 gr;
  • Cibulya, carrot, parsley root, petiole selera - 1 pc.;
  • Tomato - 5 pcs;
  • tomato paste- 100 gr;
  • Chasnik - 5 teeth;
  • Olive oil for lubrication - 3-4 tbsp.
  • Creep, strength, spices - for relish.


At the good rozіgіtіy olive olії, smear the head of the teaspoon and parsley root. Clean up the qi products of the olives, and add the natomist to the wounded cibula and mushrooms. Cover it with a lid and put it out.

Add seler, grate carrots and quench all vegetables until cooked. Nasamkinets put sliced ​​tomatoes + tomato paste, spices for relish, cook 2 hvilin and take out of the fire.

If the soup is infused, all components should be killed with a blender until I become mushy. Mix it up with water (or vegetable broth) until it looks like a bagan, boil it again. Before serving to the table - decorate the greens with crackers.

A safe option for a dietary soup without meat is fish soup. Tse not yushka - tse deep knowledge soup! Rich, savory, fragrant!


  • Ridge of Chervonoi Ribi + 2-3 pcs. natotenni;
  • Carrot, cibula - 1 pc;
  • Potatoes - 2-3 pieces;
  • Creep and parsley + selera.


I boil water (1 l) put fish, greens, cibula. Cook 20-25 quills. Let's sweat the ingredients from the broth, and strain the broth itself.

At the ready, put the broth carrots, potatoes - cook until ready.

Potatoes are poured with water and dried for a sprat of years, so that starch is harvested from it. Tse duzhe korisno.

You can add rice, pearl barley or white plastic (1 tbsp) for sizing.

Add nutmeg to the broth (on the tip of a knife), ginger, curry, winter pepper and cloves, crushed pepper sum, bay leaves.

Ribu vіdokremiti vіd kіstok i turn back at the soup. Salt for relish.

Before finishing the cooking, put a piece of butter and greens.

per old-fashioned look it’s important to know that this soup is without meat and on fish broth. And the axis of relish of the first season will please both vegetarians and m'yasoids. Even already, we’ll cook this soup!


  • Triska - 400 gr;
  • Cibulya + carrot + selera - 1-2 pcs;
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs;
  • Chasnik - 3-4 teeth;
  • White wine - 100 gr;
  • Greens, spices, strength - for relish;
  • Oliya vershkove for lubrication - 3-4 tbsp.
  • Boroshno - 2 tbsp.
  • Milk - 150 gr;


For the broth, cut the same proportions of cibulus, carrots, seler. Peel the fish from the shkiri, cut the fillet into cubes, and from the shkiri we will cook the broth. Put ribey skins + greens and spices + vegetables (cibula, carrot, selera) into the pan - and boil 20 quills.

Smear the carrots on the olives, smash the cibula dribno, smash the selera, tomatoes. Add everything to carrots.

Pour parsley dryly and chasnik.

Melt the butter in a frying pan, top it off with a bowl of water. Fill it with milk and boil it enough until I become sauce. Salt and put parsley, pepper.

Ready broth protsіditi. Put into the broth diced potatoes. If the potatoes are ready to add sautéed vegetables, tomatoes, salt.

We beat the fish with wine - the way to stand for a short time. Dodamo її in the soup mayzhe naprikintsі varіnnya (for 2-3 hvilin before the end).

Riba-trіsku varto cook only sprats of whilin.

Add top sauce in the soup i - the soup is ready!

Ribniy soup with tomato buv vіdomiy svіtu tysyachі rokіv. And always such a strava was an important guest at the royal table, and that one at the parties of ordinary people.


  • Ribi fillet - 400 gr;
  • Tomatoes - 3 pcs;
  • Tsibulya - 2 pcs;
  • Licorice pepper - 1 pc;
  • Cleaned shrimp - 100 gr;
  • White bread - 2 skewers;
  • Pieces of lemon - 3 pcs;
  • Chasnik - 4 cloves;
  • Spices: saffron, cloves, bay leaf;
  • Melena paprika - 1 tsp
  • Olive oil - 4 tbsp.
  • Strength for relish;
  • 2 liters of dill + croutons.


Fish cubes mode. Tsibulyu, licorice pepper and teaspoon por_zati dribno.

Tomatoes are mashed with a blender.

Bread zmishati z|іz| water and beat with a blender to a porridge.

Rosіti oliyu in a saucepan, in a kind of prepared soup. Add a cibula, licorice pepper and a teaspoon - brush lightly.

Put tomatoes in the crushed vegetables - simmer the trochs in oil.

Gasimo under the closed lid 10 hvilin.

Put paprika, bay leaf, cloves, saffron and porridge from bread in the tomato. Pour 2 liters of dill.

Add the riba to the boiling soup, let it boil again. Add shrimp, lemon, salt, pepper. Nakriti and cook 10 hvilin.

Decorate to taste when serving soup to the table: boil an egg, crackers, etc.

The uniqueness of this recipe lies in the fact that such a soup without meat can be eaten both hot and cold. Vin does not waste his relish.


  • Potato - 4 pcs;
  • Carrot, cibula - 1 pc;
  • Egg - 2-3 pieces;
  • Greens, sorrel - 100 gr each;
  • Roslinna oliya - 1-2 tbsp. l.
  • Sil / pepper - for relish.


Potatoes cut into cubes and pour water.

Carrots and cibula are cut into small cubes and smeared on olives to a golden color.

Boil water (2 liters), put potatoes and dressing in it, cook 20 khvilin until ready.

Cut the sorrel and finely chop the greens. Add herbs to soup.

Beat the eggs with a fork in an okremіy єmnostі, pour them in a thin shot at the soup before the end of the boil.

Salt, pepper - to taste. Serve soup with sour cream and mayonnaise.

Kvassola (like peas and be a representative of the legume family) is a natural substitute for meat protein. Such a product is easier to get used to, more corrosive to bring to the body, and for the taste of soup from kvass, it is practically not drunk from meat.


  • Potato - 3 pcs;
  • Chervona kvassola - 300 gr;
  • Cibulya, carrot - 1 pc.;
  • Tomato paste (or 3 fresh tomatoes) - 2 tbsp.
  • Roslinna oliya for lubrication - 2 tbsp.
  • Strength / spices / greens - for relish.


So that kvassola was cooked and boiled lower for relish - soak it for 5-6 years 9 (or rather for night) in cold water.

Prepared kvassola put in boiling water (2.5 l) and cook 30 khvilin.

Z For rich gourmets, there is a thought that meat can enter the warehouse of soups, and if soup without meat, then only vegetables. І navіt yakscho enter the soup so іngredієnti yak mushrooms and grits, but there is no meat, the soup is not too savory. Tse є deep pardon.

I have a lot of savory soups without meat, but the whole secret of proper cooking. Supi mayut buti is not obov'yazkovo fat. With different spices and seasonings, you can cook a wonderful soup.

For example, in the Vedic cuisine, meat is not recognized, then bean cultures (peas, kvass, sucrose, etc.)

Vegetarians live soups with mushrooms, greens and in. For children, instead of meat soup, it is best to cook milk soup.

Also, a lot of savory puree soups. Soup without m'yasa is cooked simply. Vіn dobre pіdіyde pіd hour fasting.

We propose to you a delicious soup without meat with the recipe photo pokrokovo. The soup comes out spicy and savory. Yogo can be cooked with rice or pshona, as well as with additional vegetables and spices. Go soup for lunch that evening. You can treat your friends with this soup.

G take 40 quills, go 6 servings.

Ingredients for a savory soup without meat

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- 100 grams of rice (you can millet)
- 400g potatoes
- 80 grams of carrots
- 100g qibuli (rіpchastoy)
- 50 grams of olії (top)
- 40g celery
- 1 or 2 teaspoons of salt
- coriander for taste
- bunch of green cilantro
- a pinch of red pepper (ground)
- greens kropu and parsley (in a bunch)

Cooking without meat pokrokovy recipe with photo

Krok 1. Take rice and do good yogo wash it. And if you wished to prepare it with millet, then pour it with hot water, then pour it over and again fill it with dill. I know it's still promivaemo.

Culinary trick Soup with rice is prozory, you need good rice. Let's put a couple of quills into boiling water. Let it go.

Krok 2 We pour water into the pot. If the water boils, put it in rice (millet) and cook 10 quills.

Krok 3 Cut potatoes into cubes.

Krok 4. We add potatoes to the pan with grits and cook until ready.

Krok 5. Let's finish the qibuly.

Krok 6 On the great third we rub carrots.

Krok 7. Trim of celery on the third third.

Krok 8 We drown in a rose-grit frying pan.

Krok 9 Razmіschuєmo on a frying pan trimmed veggies, stirring, smeared them until golden.

Krok 10 Let's add the vegetables to the soup. Add coriander and pepper. Solimo. We cook the soup for about ten hours and we mimikaєmo the fire.

Culinary trick Soup with an original taste and more vitamins, you need to add carrot juice, tomato and cabbage to a new three-ruble note.

Krok 11 Let's trim the greens.

І So, the soup is ready! Yak, bachite, a lot of trouble for the hour of preparing wine for you without asking. We pour the soup at the plate, sip on the chopped greens and serve it on the table. You can have soup with toast or bread.


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