How to cook minced meat from potatoes. Recipes for cooking savory potatoes with minced meat. How to grease potatoes in a frying pan, the cooking process

Potatoes with minced meat and tomatoes in oven - sitne ta delicious grass for variety of your casual menu. Such grass can be prepared for the family before dinner or in the evening. You can take minced meat for the sake of stravy, whether it be, to your taste. I give priority to the smashed turkey with veal. Spices for cooking tsієї stravi can also be beaten to your liking. Provencal herbs are even better, you can take basil, oregano or marjoram.

To cook potatoes with minced meat and tomatoes at the oven, prepare all the necessary products from the list.

Place minced meat in a deep bowl, add | add | sіl|salt| and pepper, mix well. Also, add details to the watchmaker. Chasnik can be narizati chi miss krіz chasnik.

Clean the potatoes and cut them into thin circles. Add strength and pepper to potatoes, as well as Provencal herbs for savor. Add to potatoes 2 tbsp. sour cream. Mix all the ingredients.

At the form for zapіkannya weed potatoes, rozrivnyati.

On top of the potatoes, put minced meat in an equal ball.

Slice the tomatoes in bunches.

Lay out the tomato mugs with minced meat, salt and pepper. Also sip with Provence herbs.

Another couple of spoons of sour cream, dilute the troch with boiled water and evenly pour tomatoes on the beast.

Heat the oven up to 200 degrees and cook the grass for 45 minutes. Let's sweat the shape of the dough and rub the casserole with hard syrup.

Zapikat potatoes with minced meat and tomatoes in the oven for 10-12 khvilin, you can troch more, if you want to smear the egg to the beast. I’m ready for a casserole to sip some greenery.

For the help of a culinary spatula, spread the casserole on plates and serve it to the table. It's delicious!


Potatoes, as you know, are miraculously eaten with food products. At the proponated recipe with her, it is possible to “suspend” vegetables minced meat. The simplest and most accessible ingredients were victorious in order to make savory stewed potatoes with minced meat in a frying pan - just that budget grass. To indulge our gastronomic idea, crimson potatoes with minced meat, we need carrots with cibulae and tomatoes. The aroma of that savory piquancy of potato grass is fresh greenery. Pokrokovo registration of the recipe with a photo demonstrates how to properly sauté potatoes with minced meat and vegetables.


  • potato bulbs - 3 pieces;
  • minced meat - 150 gr;
  • small carrot - 1 pc.;
  • cibulin - 0.5 pcs.;
  • tomato-cheri - 3 or 4 pcs.;
  • oliya (olive aboroslinna) - 25 ml;
  • spices - for judgment;
  • sіl - for victory;
  • greens - to taste.

How to cook stewed potatoes with minced meat in a frying pan.

The preparation of stewed potatoes is based on the fact that the bulbi is washed under water, and then manually cleaned from the skin.

Prepared potatoes are transferred to small board and with a knife cut into cubes of medium size.

Warm up olive oil in a frying pan. Potatoes are placed in a frying pan and on the optimum fire, we begin to smear, periodically turning the pieces over with a spatula.

The edges of the potato cubes of the fault of the troch are smeared.

Whether it’s meat minced meat, it’s torn into small pieces, like it’s put into a frying pan for potatoes.

Let's add to the ingredients, I will add a carrot and a shredded cibulka in advance.

Then we will forward it to cut into chastochki black. Before speech, cherry tomatoes can be remembered as if they were other tomatoes.

Pour the food components with water from the kettle. Seasoned to your taste with bazhan spices.

Tomimo potatoes with minced meat and vegetables in a frying pan with a lid until cooked (until the water is boiled). stewed potatoes with minced meat in a frying pan with the strength to cook for any cook, having spent at least an hour on cooking. 🙂

Cutlets, regardless of the main ingredients, already a healthy herb in itself. First of all, our task is to make yoga appetizing and we love you, so that we can cope with unforgettable hostility on the right gourmets. Our family already fell in love with cutlets, if my grandmother came up with the idea of ​​passing the meat through a meat grinder with potatoes, seasoning the sum of greens and dry spices under the name "Lemba", we are more than happy with spices, three cutlets are gone. The first axis before us stands grass, cracked with a crunchy grain, with a soft and juicy texture that releases the vibes of miraculous aromas. Tsі cutlets, without a doubt, call out the appetite, inspire those who are not special in their chanuvalnik.


  • 1 kg of minced meat;
  • 4-5 art. l. dewy olії, but rather melted;
  • 1 big head of a cybuli;
  • 4 large maple;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of wasabi or grated ginger;
  • 3/4 bottles of dry crichts or breadcrumbs;
  • 1 st. l. garam masalu;
  • 1 st. l. grated watchmaker;
  • 1 st. l. chili pepper (powder);
  • 1/2 tsp turmeric;
  • 1 st. l. kmine;
  • Strength.

Cooking method:

Rinse thoroughly, and then put the potatoes in a deep saucepan and pour in the glasses of water, so that there will be on 2 fingers of the potatoes. Add a teaspoon of salt to the water, put the potatoes on a medium fire and boil the dots, you will not be able to easily pierce the potatoes with a fork. After that, anger the water, cool it, peel the potatoes and resolutely remembrance її in the deep mist.

Let's prepare the minced meat later: for this, at the great deep mystic, mix the meat with half a bottle of milk, you can drive and beat the minced meat with your hands.

In a deep frying pan, or in a saucepan with a non-stick coating, pour oil, fry and coat the finely detailed cibula to a translucent color. Add the third ginger and the teapot, smear the plume and change the fire to a minimum.

Then add chili pepper, turmeric powder, garam masala, cumin and mix 2-3 strands of quills. Add a sprig of tablespoons of water, so that the sumish does not burn and does not stick to the bottom of the pan, continue mixing until the water is boiled, then add the minced meat, salt the yogo and mix well. Cover the frying pan with a lid for 2 hvilini, stir again under the lid, and so it’s done on the right fire, until the whole country is boiled away. Let's take it out of the fire and cool down the mass.

Chob pick up cutlets: After that, like preparing minced meat okholone, add | add | in the new bread, mix well with your fingers, then add | add | puree and mix again. Shape into patties about 3 cm in diameter and 1 cm thick.

In a frying pan, pour melted butter | oil |, fry and brush the cutlets for about 2 minutes | minutes | from the skin side, it is bagan on a medium fire to a light brown mottling.

Weaklasty cutlets on a paper servlet or a towel, so that the excess olives were clayed.

Serve such cutlets better with rice or shortbread with salad with fresh vegetables or with tomatoes with cibulei.

You are still wondering what to cook for this delicious meal for dinner, without staining at the same hour that strength. You don’t hesitate, as if you are preparing the best meat casserole with milk-syrus Bechamel sauce, with Provence herbs and paprika. In this country, you can smell the trohi іtalіyskiy smack іz the aroma of childishness.


  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • 1 head of cybuli;
  • 0.6 kg of minced meat;
  • 2 tbsp. l. dewy olії;
  • 20 g of solid syrah;
  • Provence herbs;
  • 3 cloves of a watchmaker;
  • Paprika;
  • cayenne pepper;
  • Strength.
  • Bechamel Sauce:
  • 1/2 pack of butter;
  • 500-700 ml of warm milk;
  • 2 tbsp. l. borosna;
  • 1 egg;
  • 10 g of syrup;
  • Strength and pepper.

Cooking method:

We clean the potatoes, put them in a deep pan, pour water into it and put it on the fire. After boiling the water, add one tablespoon of salt and boil the potatoes until cooked.

The cibulin is cut into small cubes, the cloves of the chapel are taken through the chapel directly to the cibula. We put a deep frying pan on the fire, pour trohi of olives, roast it and put a sliced ​​cibul with a teapot, cover it to transparency and add minced meat. Kindly mix the minced meat from the cibula, all the strength, cayenne and black pepper, paprika, Provence herbs, smeared.

At the pan, or in a deep frying pan, we melt the tops of the oil, the giblets are boiled well and mixed well, so that the breast is buried, rather with a wooden spoon or with a spatula. Let's pour in warm milk in portions of 200 ml at a time, mix well, then pour in milk again, mix, pour in the remaining portion of milk, do not stop mixing. There, it’s all right, pepper, strong, good, we’ll mix it up, and we’ll see the sum of the kills.

We rub the cheese on a dry grater and add yogo to a hot sauce, beat an egg in there, mix until smooth. The sauce is ready.

We move the form for vaping Oliya rather take a ceramic form.

At the bottom of the ceramic form, I put potatoes cut in circles, put half of the greased minced meat on top of the potatoes, smear the minced meat with sauce and add half a portion of syrah to the beast. Potim balls repeat: on top of the sirah, mugs of potatoes, then minced meat, which is overdone, generously smeared with Bechamel sauce and sprinkled with cheese. We put the casserole into the oven, roast up to 180 degrees for 30 minutes.

This is a national Polish country, which can be easily and quickly cooked, while not restricting your budget, and how to significantly change your style. Zavdyaks of thyme and chasnik the grass fills with a similar aroma, and the green cibula adds color. You can boldly experiment with the filling and spices to your liking.


  • 4–6 large maple;
  • 1/2 kg of minced meat;
  • 4 tbsp. l. bread crumbs;
  • 1 clove watchmaker;
  • 1/2 st. l. thyme;
  • 1 bunch of green cibules;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 large cibulina;
  • Strength and pepper.

Cooking method:

At the same time, we prepare the products: cibulin should be finely trimmed, a clove of potovkti at the hub, a feather of a green cybuli should be trimmed, peel the potatoes from the skin, defrost minced meat.

From the peeled potatoes, it is necessary to grow chovniki: at the potato slab, it is robimo at the dovzhin, so that it becomes flat, then for the help of a spoon - noisettes (a round spoon for removing the pulp) you can see the insides of the potato, covering the thin sides of about 0.5 cm.

Let’s put the bellies of potatoes near the deep pan with water, then we put the bags of potato pulp - we’ll store the minced meat - the fillings and the stuffing will be ready for the bellies, it’s important not to overcook, so that the bellies don’t lose their shape.

The oven is heated up to 180 degrees.

Potato chovniki are well-worn, and the pulp, which has been reached, is mashed with a fork and comes to mincemeat. At the minced meat, add an egg, all the breadcrumbs, trimmed cibula, chasnik, pir'ya green cibuli, thyme, salt and pepper. We kindly look at the masu and stuff potatoes with it, chovniki before stuffing are better to get wet with a paper servlet, so that you can see zayva homeland. Chovniki are stuffed with minced meat with girkoy, slathered on oiled with rosemary or tops of deco oil and adjusted to 20 quills at the oven shaf. Chovniki can not be boiled before stuffing, then it will be necessary to continue the hour of sipping the wedding.

Stuffed chovniki are put on a dish, garnished with greens and black halves.

It would be better if it could be simpler stewed potatoes with meat, but in Denmark, not everything is so banal. Zavdyaki vershok sauce, notes of ginger and chasnik, the grass fills with bright relish and a unique aroma. You can cook this herb like in a saucepan, so in a slow cooker, the taste will be invariable.


  • 600 gr. chicken or turkey breasts;
  • 2 thin staves of bacon abo lard;
  • 3 medium cibulins;
  • 8 medium kartoplins, one bagan rosemary;
  • 2 dougі carrots;
  • 1 st. l. top oil;
  • 2 teeth for a watchmaker;
  • 1 cm fresh ginger root;
  • 1 st. l. soy sauce.


  • 1/3 bottle of milk;
  • 1 st. l. from hot boroshn;
  • 1 st. l. lemon juice.

Cooking method:

In Persian black, we cut chicken or turkey breasts on diamond-shaped pieces 2 by 3 cm, we put rhombuses and crushed with pepper directly on the plank, we mix it up, so that the m'yaso equally picks up the strength and pepper, and tidies up in a jar.

Two skewers of lard or bacon are roughly cut into squares, having seen the back of the skin.

Cut the skin of the cibulin into 4 parts and refine in a blender close to the fiber.

At the bottom of a stainless steel pan, put a spoonful of butter | oil |, add | add | trimmed fat, smear close the whilin and sip the cibulnu masu, stirring, obsmazhuemo 2 hvilin. After 2 quills, we add small pieces of brisket and smear it, no more than 5 quills of bazhano on a small fire.

While the meat is being smeared, the skin carrots are cut into strips and narrated with great pivcols 0.7 cm of the top.

At the root of ginger, we see a small piece of about 1.5 cm of the crown, if we see the skin, we can see about 1 cm of the crown.

At the casserole to the meat, we add a small bowl and ginger, pour in the soy sauce, add the beer of carrots, put the chicken with the meat and the beast, peel the potato bulbs. Pour in 250 ml of water to the meat, pour in a solid pinch of salt, curl the lid and extinguish 25-35 strands. Like cooking at the multicooker, at the same time the cooking hour changes twice.

At the kitchen, we pour a third of milk, pour a tablespoon of borosna, mix it up and pour it into a stewed dish, mix it up, pour in a spoonful of lemon juice, quench the whilina and add it from the stove.

This is the national dish of Lithuania, which is prepared according to the principle of dumplings. Tilki zam_st boroshna here vikoristovuetsya potatoes and zavdyaki tsomu to come out even lower texture of the dough and juice filling.

Ingredients for 16 pieces:

  • 1 cibulin;
  • 400 gr. be some minced meat, better than pig yalovichi;
  • 1.5 kg not rare potatoes;
  • 3-4 cloves of the hourglass;
  • Season;
  • Marjoram;
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. corn boar;
  • Strength and pepper.

Cooking method:

1/3 part of the potato must be cooked and wiped or remelted for meat cutters.

In a deep bowl with minced meat, we rub cibulin on a fine grate, garlic cloves, add seasoning, salt and pepper. Good vimishuemo minced meat with your hands.

We rub peeled potatoes on a dry third, hang the masu in cheesecloth and weave the potatoes well in the middle.

At the deep mist, we add sir potatoes with boiled mashed potatoes; From the cooked dough, we form a shortbread right on the bottom with a troch width of less than 1 cm, and put minced meat in the center of the shortbread, crush the edges like a dumpling and burn it in our hands, like a cowbass. For the form, you can make a cutlet in Kiev.

We pour water at the pan, put it on the fire, salt it, bring it to a boil, and with a noise, put the chains on 4 pieces at a time. We cook 15 hvilin after waving, carefully turning over the chains. While our Lithuanian dumplings are being cooked, we cover the pieces of fat - cracklings.

Put the cepelins on a flat plate and sip with greased cracklings.

Zapіkanka - tse i main, i other strava at once. Dzhe sitna strava, yak can be prepared for obіd, and for the funeral, and for the holy. In this recipe, the ingredients are correctly chosen for the savory features, the leather ingredient adds the taste of one of the one, the sauce adds the softness of the grass, and the sir is the finishing touch.


  • 800 gr. minced chicken;
  • 200 gr. fatty sour cream;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. mayonnaise;
  • 2-3 cibulini;
  • 6-8 art. l. dry white wine;
  • 150 gr. grated syrah;
  • 4 tbsp. l. olії;
  • 2 cloves of a watchmaker;
  • 600 gr. oven;
  • 1 bunch of parsley;
  • 800 gr. boiled potatoes;
  • Strength and red chalking pepper.

Cooking method:

On the frying pan, we put minced meat into frostbite, pour in white wine, add chopped parsley, pepper, salt and mix and smear sprats of quills.

Potatoes are cut into rings of the middle tovshchina, cibula is cut by pivkiltsy, thinly cut into ovens. At the frying pan, we smear the cibula, add mushrooms and minced meat to it, stirring, bring it to readiness.

To make a filling for a casserole, you need to take sour cream, crushed chasnik, mayonnaise and seasoning, mix it up, as if the sauce is thick, add a little water.

At the bottom of the fried form with raised sides, put the kukhli of boiled potatoes, put the minced meat on top of them and pour the sauce. Let's repeat the sequence of balls: mugs of potatoes, minced meat and pour sauce over it. The remaining ball of the casserole is crushed with sir and added to the oven for 20 chills at 180-190 degrees, then we lower it to 160 and add about 10 chills.

This soup is easy and quick to prepare, and its thick consistency, that bright-eyed, obov'yazkovo will please you with its vegetable relish. Before that, this soup is dietary, not a single gram of olive oil is cooked in yoga, it’s sure to please those who care about health for a figure.


  • 1 liter of chicken broth;
  • 50 gr. rice
  • 4 medium potatoes;
  • 250 gr. minced pork;
  • 1/2 cibulini;
  • 1 clove watchmaker;
  • 1 bottle of green beans;
  • 1/2 cibulini;
  • 1 tsp provence herbs;
  • Strength.

Cooking method:

If you don't have any prepared broth, you can make yogo with bouillon cubes or make soup with water.

We put the pot with broth on a strong fire, after boiling the fire, change it and boil it dry, not promyth rice.

Boil the rice on medium heat for 10 strands of salted broth, curling the pan with a lid.

While the rice is being cooked, we will clean the potatoes and cut them into small squares; If the rice is boiled for 10 khvilin, the broth is sizzled with potatoes and green beans (you can have a frozen one), mix well, crooked with a lid, cook 5 more khvilin.

We take a frying pan with Teflon coating and put minced meat on it, add up to a new spoonful of Provence herbs, trim the qibula, teaspoon and brush it without adding oliї literally 2 hvilini.

Add the minced meat to the soup and cook until ready on a small fire, about 10 quills, so how to make a thick soup, periodically stir until ready.

With such a roll you can make a holy mania stele, even look appetizingly in roses, a bright flame breaks through a crisp meat roll of boiled eggs, the stench adds to the originality of the grass. Zavdyaki sauce-podlivі, like watered ready-roll, the straw is filled with completeness and miraculous relish.


  • 1 kg of minced pork;
  • 5 eggs;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 1 tsp dry parsley;
  • 1 tsp pepper;
  • Drіbka marjoram.


  • 200 ml natural yogurt;
  • 1 clove to the watchmaker;
  • 3 tablespoons of fresh crop;
  • Strong pepper.

Cooking method:

We put a small pot with water on the fire, put eggs there, check if the water boils and boil the eggs exactly 4 times. If the eggs are boiled for exactly 4 hvilin, it is necessary to boil them in hot water, put them into a krizhana or clean the cold water in a pivkhvilin.

While the eggs are being cooked, take the minced meat and transfer it to a deep bowl, add about 1 tsp to the minced meat. salt, pepper; a pinch of marjoram, rubbing that parsley with your fingers. Kindly mix the minced meat with your hands, so that the spices step by step zadnalis with meat.

On the bottom and on both sides of a narrow, deep form, cover the baking papyrus and put half of the minced meat on the bottom of the form, kindly tamping it with your hands. Boiled eggs were placed on top of the minced meat, in the center, trochs were squeezed into the minced meat. Minced meat, which is left over, form into cowbass and lay the eggs on the sides, lay the wall around the eggs, and then cover the eggs with minced meat, like a dahom, tamp. We move the roll into the oven, roast it to a temperature of 180 degrees for 40-50 chills, then increase the temperature to 200 degrees and boil 10 chills, so that the roll is fried.

While the roll is at the oven, prepare the sauce-addition: in a bowl, rub the teaspoon to the yogurt, add black pepper, salt and cut the greens to the crop, mix and prepare the sauce.

From the oven, remove the roll, narizaemo shmatochki, watered with sauce and call everyone to the table.

Tsі mlintsі guess potato pancakes, but more at the svyatkovo variant. More colorful milk comes out, interspersed with green parsley and corn grains, and minced meat, which enters the warehouse, robs the grass and the harvest. You can beat the mincemeat chicken breasts don’t savor it to your liking, everything will be delicious!


  • 200 gr. minced chicken;
  • 1 egg;
  • 0.5 cibulini;
  • 0.5 bottles of borosna;
  • 3 large maple;
  • 0.5 bottles of milk;
  • 0.5 cans of canned corn;
  • Fresh parsley greens;
  • Sour cream, strong|salt|, pepper.

Cooking method:

Spread the minced chicken on a Teflon pan without adding olії close to 2 quills and put the steak.

In a deep bowl, beat an egg, pour in milk, salt, pepper, beat with a whisk until the components are homogeneous and put the edge of the table.

We clean the potatoes from the skins, rub them on the thirds, the big bagan and add to the dough. Half of the cibulini should be finely trimmed and put into a bowl with dough, add minced meat, corn, scalding the homeland in front of it. Good mix up the sum, so that the ingredients are equally divided. Shinkuёmo parsley or be like some other green for your bajan, and add to the test, vishuemo and it’s ready, it’s thicker and not sticky, if you put it in a spoon and turn it over, then it’s a little bit. Oil is poured into the bottom of the frying pan | oil |, shob | abi | it covered the bottom with a thick ball. If the oil in the frying pan is fried, we scoop up the dough with a spoon, put it into the pan, the trochs rise and press the dough, shaping the pancake, but not a little, according to the comrade, the middle between them. Covered with 2 strands from the skin edge to a light brown mottled. Turn over more quickly for the help of the shoulder blades, with the help of the fork, and when ready, the milk is more likely to be put on the grati or the servlet from the paper, so that the zayvy fat is drained. Serve potato milks better homemade sour cream or with mayonnaise, we also prepare it on our own and embellish the grass with greenery.

Round and bottom dumplings with potatoes and succulent meatballs with sauce, will give you a light relish, with a deaky hotness of chili pepper and an irreversible bottom sour cream - tomato flavor and a hint of tea. The klotskis are prepared more savory, but they are simply bliskavichy, two hvilin and stench are ready! It took more than an hour to cook meatballs for three hours, but the tandem of klechok and meatballs is simply unique!


  • 0.5 kg minced meat;
  • 1 liter of broth;
  • 1 egg;
  • 3 art. l. sour cream;
  • 1 chili pepper;
  • 1 clove watchmaker;
  • 1 cibulin;
  • Borosno for deboning;
  • 1.5-2 st. l. tomato paste;
  • Strong pepper.


  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • 1 egg;
  • 6 art. l. borosna;
  • 1 tsp olive and olive oil;
  • 1 tsp salt.

Cooking method:

We are cleaned beforehand, cut into small skewers of potatoes and cooked until ready with additional salt.

For minced meat, add an egg, silt, pepper, cut a cibula and a bowl, mix and form a bag, roll it in a boar and put it on a plate. We smear our meatballs on a baked frying pan, smeared with olive oil on two quills from both sides. It is necessary to boil the meatballs in boiling water, then add chili peppers, put tomato paste and extinguish about 15 quills. Sour cream is poured in before cooking, you can mix it with milk, you will be lower for relish.

Cooked potatoes are cooked in water and passed through a meat grinder. Otrimane mashed potatoes are put on the bottom of a deep bowl or a pan, the trochs are tamped, zsuvayuchi mashed potatoes, so that there is a small part of the free time for other ingredients.

At the saucepan with mashed potatoes in a bowl, which swelled, everything boiled, an egg, poured mashed potatoes with a spoonful of butter, for elasticity, dough and mixed with a hand. Tisto can be plastic and malleable. Vіdrіzaєmo tretina like tіsta, put it on a board sifted with flour and jump into a long cowbass, put it on shmatochki about 2 cm long, jump leather shmatochok into a bag and robbed with a finger.

I boil water add | add | 1 tsp salt that sonyashnikova olії, one dumpling is lowered near the water, covered with a lid and if you boil for about 1-2 hvilini. Let’s move out of the water onto a flat plate, curve it with another flat plate, tightly clasping our hands, pouring water. Those same zrobiti i z reshtoyu test. Put dumplings on a plate, 3 meatballs and pour broth over meatballs.

Hello everyone. And let's cook today for lunch, savory potatoes, simple grass - stewed potatoes with minced meat- The recipe is easy and prepared quickly. Axis pobachite, at the family table yogo appreciate with a bang and ask for supplements.

Tishana potatoes with minced meat

I'll be with you in a deep frying pan to put out the potatoes, since you don't have such a thing, it's not scary. For this recipe, I successfully cook at the casserole.

Morkvin in stewed potatoes And like the grass, I don’t rub on the third, but I cut it in small cubes, while the grass looks richly appetizing.

You have a choice: the shmatochkas were whole and in rare sauces or boiled, also with plump, but thicker. All lie down at the hour of preparation.

For її cooking we will take with you:

  • 10-14 medium maps;
  • Pivkilo minced meat;
  • A couple of middle cibulins;
  • carrot;
  • Season;
  • Oliya roslinna 100 ml;
  • Strength.

How to cook stewed potatoes deliciously

Prepare the ingredients. Thaw the minced meat, clean and cut the cibula (dried), carrots (cubes), potatoes (medium cubes).

Heat up the frying pan. Pour oil into it. Sip the cibula and smear the trochs. Give me a carrot.

Coat the carrot and cibulia together.

Put the minced meat, grind it, or grind the minced meat together with carrots and cibules.

Good remake.

Add the mashed potatoes. Salt and mix. Pour in hot water, so that it doesn’t cover the whole place. Bring to a boil, build a small fire. Cover with a lid.

The axis is now to lay everything down, depending on how you want to take the grass: thick or rare. Ale those chi іnshe bude however savory. As usual, as soon as potatoes are easily pierced with a fork or a knife (repaying a loan of about 20 quills), add seasoning. I am victorious. Cover with a lid. For the hvilina znіmіt z fire.

If it’s thicker, then the process of extinguishing the troch is longer than the usual hour, whilin 35. So that the potatoes overcame the boil. Specially so I prepared.

There are a lot of options, like baking potatoes with minced meat at the oven. Add spices and different ingredients to the stock of the herb: cheese, tomato, mushrooms.

Forgive me in the prepared sausages to come out savory, savory, more appetizing and unforgettable. Like zapіkati with minced meat, take off the grass, as you can serve as the main one. For savory flavors, it is worthy of all the homeland.


  • potatoes - 210 g;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • minced yalovichi - 210 g;
  • spices;
  • strength;
  • sour cream - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • greens;
  • oliya vershkove - 5 g.


  1. Prepare potatoes, trim with bars of the same size and tovshchina. Otherwise, in the process of preparing thin shmatki, they will be ready, but large ones will not be caught.
  2. Salt the minced meat, sip it with spices and pepper. Razmіshat, vіdbiti.
  3. Prepare the form, yakі you can vicorate for zapіkannya.
  4. Lubricate with topsoil | oil |.
  5. Visteli the bottom with minced meat, press down with a spoon, fill the beams for potatoes.
  6. Salt the potatoes. Viklasti ovoch for minced meat.
  7. Pour the egg into the sour cream, beat. Fill in the products at the form.
  8. Bake in the oven at 220 degrees.
  9. It will take close to one hour, fallow in the form of rosemary.

Zapikanka with minced chicken

A casserole with minced meat and potatoes will please not only you at the evening, but also invite guests for Christmas table marvelous taste and aroma.


  • potatoes - 950 g;
  • minced chicken - 550 g;
  • sir - 210 g;
  • cibulin;
  • hourglass - 2 cloves;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Vershkov oil - 55 g;
  • oliya sonyashnikova;
  • milk - 110 ml;
  • strength;
  • pepper.


  1. Peel the potato bulbs. Please take care of yourself. Fill with water. Boil.
  2. Take a sieve, wipe it.
  3. Add butter to the puree. Salt. Fill with milk. Mix to a homogeneous mass.
  4. Shake the cibulin, the drier weed, the tastier.
  5. Chasnik cut into small cubes. Zmishat.
  6. Place near the frying pan. Lubricate.
  7. Add mince. Natomist pіvgodini. Pidsolity. Sip pepper. Mix it up.
  8. Viklasti puree (half of standard).
  9. Cover with minced meat.
  10. Rub the cheese. Posipati minced meat.
  11. Steal the potatoes.
  12. Crack the eggs.
  13. Pour in the puree.
  14. Put in the oven (200 degrees).
  15. Zapikati until the golden color appears.

Cooking in French with cheese

French-style potatoes with minced meat - tse svyatkov, sitna and savory grass.


  • minced meat - 1000 g;
  • potatoes - 2500 g;
  • solid sir - 210 g;
  • mayonnaise - 210 ml;
  • curry - piv tsp;
  • sumish pepper - 1 teaspoon;
  • water;
  • dry marjoram - 2 teaspoons;
  • krip - 15 g;
  • tsibulya dribna - 2 heads;
  • basil - 1 teaspoon;
  • watchmaker - 3 teeth.


  1. Peel the bulbs of potatoes, wash them, pierce the flowers with circles and five millimeters.
  2. Pour water into the pot. Pidsolity. Boil. Throw in the potatoes. Seek sim hvilin.
  3. Wash the cibula with pivkiltsy.
  4. Grate the sir on the dry tertz.
  5. Chop greens.
  6. Pour mayonnaise into the bowl. Posipati kari, marjoram, half basil, half sumish peppers. Mix it up.
  7. Let the watchmaker pass through the watchmaker, see sumish in mayonnaise. Mix up the dressing.
  8. Install the oven at 210 degrees.
  9. Anger at the potato homeland, put it on a sheet. Stick with a crop.
  10. Minced meat has a sizzling strength, basil, sumish peppers.
  11. M'yasny napіvfabrikat to the beast on potatoes, spread with a spoon.
  12. Spread the cibula. Refill the gas station. Have a sip. Cover with foil.
  13. Put the shafa in the oven.
  14. For pіvgodini take the foil.
  15. Zapikati sche quarter of the year.

Option from adding tomatoes

Another blue version of cooking. Pomіdori nadavayut stravi especial, domineering lees їm prismak. For cooking, it’s time to go, whether it’s minced meat for love. Savory veal sumish with turkey.


  • potatoes - 7 bulbs;
  • minced meat - 330 g;
  • solid sir - 110 g;
  • chasnik - 5 teeth;
  • water - 50 ml;
  • tomati - 4 pcs.;
  • sour cream -5 tbsp. spoons;
  • Provence herbs;
  • pepper;
  • sil.


  1. Minced salt, sip with pepper. Shake it up.
  2. Chasnik podrіbniti, add minced meat.
  3. Peeled potatoes are pored with circles. Pidsolity.
  4. Add spices and Provence herbs.
  5. Pour in sour cream (half of the standard). Shake it up.
  6. Prepare a form for baking.
  7. Spread potatoes.
  8. Rozpodіliti minced meat.
  9. Cut the tomatoes into thin handkerchiefs.
  10. Crack in the minced meat.
  11. Prisipat with herbs of Provence.
  12. Sour cream zmіshati z|іz| water dekilcoma with spoons.
  13. Rozpodіliti over tomatoes.
  14. Vipіkati close to a year before the readiness of the main ingredients.

Potatoes with minced meat and mushrooms in the oven

The special taste and aroma of the dish fills up the mushrooms. Tse poednannya is a safe option for insulting your native country.


  • minced meat - 550 g;
  • potatoes - 850 g;
  • bakery - 320 g;
  • mayonnaise;
  • tsibula - 160 g;
  • pepper;
  • sil.


  1. Clean the cibulini, cut with calves.
  2. Finely detail the stoves.
  3. Peel potatoes. Narizati with thin circles.
  4. Prepare a dry form.
  5. Razmіsti minced meat. Sip pepper. Pidsolity.
  6. Open up the ovens.
  7. Viklasti tsibula.
  8. Close with a ball of potatoes. Pidsolity. Sip pepper.
  9. Spread with mayonnaise.
  10. Place in the oven.
  11. Prepare pіvgodini.
  12. 180 degree mode.

At the miners

For cooking, you can vikoristati whether it be minced meat. The mountaineers will help you to add an unforgettable taste of stravi, as if you were guessing baked potatoes with rough. So that the dish in the mountaineer does not come out dry, it is necessary to add tomato paste, milk, broth and sour cream.


  • minced meat - 330 g;
  • chicken broth - 2 cubes;
  • potatoes - 8 bulbs;
  • lavrushka - 4 leaves;
  • roslinne oil;
  • water - 1 liter;
  • chasnik - 5 teeth;
  • greens;
  • cibulin - 5 pcs.;
  • carrot.


  1. Clean the potatoes, wash them. For the preparation of vicorists, use dried bulbs.
  2. Grate carrots.
  3. Shatkuvat cibula with cubes of great rosemary.
  4. Fire up the pan.
  5. Sip the cibula, simmer until soft.
  6. Place the shavings of carrots, then we'll pick up the whistle.
  7. Potato bulbs were put into the potters of qilimi, cut into two parts.
  8. Sip minced meat with spices. Pidsolity. Mix it up.
  9. Twist bags of small rosemary, like meatballs.
  10. Viklasti on potatoes. Shut up and lubricate. Add lavrushka. Rub the clock.
  11. Have a capacity to gather strength, rozfarbuvati chicken cubes. Put down the clock. Pour in warm water. Mix up the cubes.
  12. Pour home from the mountaineers.
  13. Vistaviti spirit shafu 190 gr.
  14. Place the mountaineers. Vitrimati year.
  15. Decorate the dish with greenery at the hour of serving.

Potatoes stuffed with minced meat - order from folzy

Come out the original strava, as if building a heart of riches. So that everything turned out perfectly, hurry up with the most fresh and overrated ingredients of high quality.


  • potatoes are large - 2 pcs.;
  • solid sir - 120 g;
  • pork - 430 g;
  • qibulya - 1 pc.;
  • hourglass - 3 cloves;
  • strength;
  • black pepper chalking;
  • Oliya Sonyashnikova.


  1. M'yakush is more likely to be fresh, not frozen. Zі pork zrіzati streaks and plіvki, wash in cold water. Narizati.
  2. Shat the qibula.
  3. Clear the clock.
  4. At the meat grinder, place the meat, the chasnik, and then the cibula. Twist.
  5. Posipati minced meat sіllu | salt |, add | add | pepper. Mix it up.
  6. Zrіzati skorinki z|іz| syrah, pass through a grater of medium rosemary.
  7. Wash the potatoes, peel, cut into two parts. Look at the middle, blame the officers. Posipati sіllu|salt|. Season.
  8. Spoon viklasti forcemeat at the slaughter. Tamp.
  9. Grease deco with olive oil.
  10. Viklasti potatoes.
  11. Prisipati with syrup from hot water.
  12. Cover with foil.
  13. Put in the oven (190 gr.).
  14. Zapikati pivgodini. For the need to increase the hour.
  • hourglass - 2 teeth;
  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • rozpushuvach - 2 teaspoons;
  • borosno - 2 bottles;
  • sour cream - 200 g;
  • pepper;
  • strength;
  • rosemary vershkov butter - 120 g.
  • Cooking:

    1. Dribno eat cibulin, eat with minced meat. Pidsolity. Stick with pepper.
    2. Treat the watchmaker's teeth. Add minced meat. Mix it up.
    3. At oil | oil | pour in sour cream with kefir.
    4. Fill with eggs. Pidsolity. Get pissed off.
    5. Hush up. Zamіsiti іsto.
    6. Trim potatoes with small pieces, similar in appearance and tovshchina to chips.
    7. Lubricate the mold with olive oil.
    8. Spread half of the dough along the bottom.
    9. Spread 1/2 part of potatoes.
    10. Cover with minced meat.
    11. Cover with another ball of potatoes.
    12. Fill with bars of dough.
    13. Vipicati 2/3 years old.
    14. Select 190 degree mode.

    Mashed potatoes under a fur coat

    To prepare a lot of grass, you don’t need a lot of time, but as a result, you take a lot of that savory grass. Potatoes under the syrup come out with a garnish that looks fragrant.


    • sir - 260 g;
    • potatoes - 850 g;
    • minced meat - 470 g;
    • gіrchitsya - 1 teaspoon;
    • sour cream - 120 ml;
    • tsibula - 5 heads;
    • egg;
    • mayonnaise - 120 ml.


    1. Peeled bulbs of potatoes cut into thin kitchens.
    2. Take lushpinnya z tsibulin, shatkuvati.
    3. Sir, detail on the third.
    4. Salt mince, pepper. Mix it up.
    5. Prepare the sauce, for which you should eat mustard, sour cream, eggs, sour cream. Zbiti.
    6. Heat the oven to 200 degrees.
    7. Coat the sheet with oil.
    8. Roast the potatoes. Sip pepper. Salt.
    9. Cover with minced meat.
    10. Put in the oven. Bake.
    11. If you cover yourself with a golden scribble, far away. Rozsipati on the surface of the cibulus. Pour in the sauce.
    12. Take a quarter of a year to the oven.
    13. Distant. Have a sip. Zapikati until golden color.
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