Svyatkovi stravi with minced meat. M'yasnі stravi on svyatkovy style, pokrokovy. Svyatkov strava with minced meat

Lovers of tasty food and wonderful gentlemen know what to cook with minced meat, cream cutlets and meatballs, and cook thousands of recipes for cooking savory and blue herbs. With minced meat, you can cook new seasons for the family, with new impersonal Christmas recipes by the cooks of the whole world. That th watering of fantasy did not scatter anyone. Harna lord always think of something savory and new to cook with minced meat, to bring friends and family together.

During the whole Christmas season, think beyond the borders of the traditional menu and marvel at our French sucides and other ideas. Quebec has a bag to fill your company with water - they are imported into the New World from France, but they are also known under the influx of foreign elements of both British, American and indigenous cultural traditions. Chuck Hughes, master chef extraordinaire in Montreal, shares Canadian traditions of Canadian saints, as well as marvelous menu items to add to your evening.

In order to cook savory grass from minced meat, you need to add some minced meat. And best of all - cook it yourself at home. Tse will be a guarantee that there will be no storied skins, cartilage and all the body's squeaky entrances. For that, it’s necessary to order it, if you want to cook minced meat, look at the recipes from the photo, and also buy meat for them.

Traditionally, European cuisine will be repackaged with seafood, meat herbs, wines and rich malts that last until late evening. Through chotiri stolіttya this table ritual is held in rich French-Canadian booths. That bula was our head hedgehog.

Add "Pig for the Nig" and pickled beetroots. Wanting the renveion to come from Europe, Quebec was given its French Canadian additions to the table. For example, the central part did not sound like an indicator - it boiled with spices for a day. My grandmother vikoristala yogo with potatoes and macaroni with tsibulі-metelika. For one savory dish, try this savory dish, stuffed with meaty pork cutlets. In other versions of yalovichin, pork or veal swim near the tushons, the skin of which is seasoned with cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves and rolled near the boar to help thicken the broth.

If the minced meat is savory and juicy, ring out to take a sprat of meat. For cutlets, for example, good pidide pork and yalovichina, for meatballs pidide pork and cock, for chebureks - fatty pork, for meatballs cock with additional lean pork, and so on. They chose how to cook shvidko with minced meat and deliciously, and violated for meat - it’s necessary to marvel at the carcass pieces, like they’re going to the market or in the store. Yalovichi should take a light-red color, dark meat to talk about the summer age of a cow, do not cook ground minced meat from it. Pork is taken from the scapular part, neck or stegens, cock - from fillet, stegens. Before the fillet, it will be necessary to add fatty pork, or when cooking, add more cibules, or milk, water, sour cream, for juice.

Would you like to try the family tradition of chef Kh'yuz? Fill the skin bowl with cooked potatoes, a cup of spoons, and then throw in marinated beetroot - the main ingredient at the yoga table. In the fall, my grandmother pickled beetroots, - like wine. "Marinated beetroot - tse garnish, which is served in the center of the table."

As if you are being marinated, try some other canned vegetables to accompany stewed meat. From carrots to cauliflower, blind your eyes to the faceless pickled vegetables. Some French holy day, dedicated to the Canadians, would not have been without the famous meat pie with a Podvіynoy skryinka, which comes from Quebec. If you want the leather recipe to change, the main ingredients are the same: the husk from the oven is reminiscent of spicy minced meat, and then it boils until the feast is quiet, until the bark becomes golden and peeling.

Otzhe, the meat is vibrano, the recipe for minced meat for swedish hand for a Swedish offense - give the minced meat correctly. We used to pamper the household with chebureks - add rich cibules to the minced meat, add some water, minced meat on the cheburek juice is guilty of buti, otherwise the stench is dry and we don’t add the viida. As a solution, it’s taken for the crust of cutlets - for minced meat, add a little bit to the chalet, the cibula can be smeared with syrup, put in equal proportions - that’s how dry the meat is. It’s like it’s out and so fat, it’s better for Sirim to get around. You can add a bun soaked in milk, mashed potato syrah or boiled, starch for zv'yazka, or an egg (remember, minced meat comes out thick with an egg), spices, deyak_ herbs add - for an amateur. І obov'yazkovo minced meat for cutlets, carefully and diligently, so as not to let the cutlets fall apart during cooking.

Obviously, this traditional Quebec meat pie is a big part, even chef H'huz. For a smaller, strong vykonanny, try a pickle, trimmed with minced pork and veal, seasoned with cibula, cloves and spices. In addition, as your guests are ready to burst, wine pizzeria - one, one in their family dessert Quebez. This is a classic Celtic pie with milk jelly, filled with licorice flavors and fillings, such as tops, cherries and caramel. Gornuty and embellishments, like a deck, just cut yoga along the edge to show the rings.

Someone who loves minced meat in the oven, finds recipes, so that it’s tasty for the family to prepare an offense before evening. Here it is recommended to bring respect to

Zucchini pancakes with minced meat. The food is prepared simply, the relish is light, the pancakes are delicious, it suits everyone: children appreciate it and a person eats it. For lunch, you can cook just a miracle herb - a potato casserole with balls of minced meat. If you’ve been told about the preparation of minced meat (you can freeze it in portions), then cook the evening when you come home in the evening, if it’s not difficult, take a look at our recipe from the photo.

Savory Svyatkov's grass with minced meat

Mlintsі, maple syrup and caribou. Since such an indulgent holy man, what can be on the menu for a birthday party? Chef Cuisine Hughes is admonishing to add trochs to Quebec for your Christmas brunch. You have mlints with Quebec maple syrup, and then you give gifts. For a stronger one, to fight the winter weather, pour yourself a bottle of Caribou - a licorice drink made from pure wine, a liqueur and maple zucru, which is served at the winter hour.

Recipe for Christmas season with minced meat

“The same day you will be called, you will play hockey on horseback, and you will have sleigh rides,” the chef-cook Khyuz. І tse those that you pitimete - Caribou. Tse alcohol to Quebec, which you can drink. Caribou ubіk, razdvyanі traditsії steadily develop hourly in Quebec. And regardless of what is at your table, chef H'huz will want to cook with Christmas recipes and ingredients, as well as add French Canadian twists to your menu, so that they will please their homeland and friends.

At the season of zucchini in the popular season with minced meat meat chi mushroom nashvidkuruch - you can spoil yourself at any time stuffed zucchini. The recipe includes minced meat, rice, obsmazhenі obsmazhenі, vlasne, zucchini pulp itself. At the chovnik, minced meat is applied from the zucchini, smeared with mayonnaise, sipped with syrup and sealed. Prepare a sour cream sauce for an hour of consuming the herbs with additional greens, teaspoon, pepper, and take even more savory herbs from the minced meat. It’s even more amazing how to cook savory and tasty puffs with minced meat, meatballs with spicy meat, lazins, cabbage rolls and richly savory and spicy herbs in your mouth.

Svyatkov strava with minced meat

Zreshtoyu, tse shortest way"keep the tradition alive". Do you plan to return to Iceland at one o'clock in the spring season? What else you don't know yet - Icelanders love hedgehogs! Historically, it turned out that the Icelanders respected that the Icelanders eat fresh meat at Christmas. Oskіlki zagalne wealth of the Icelanders did not give them freshness, they smoked meat, for example, traditionally smoked lamb. Today, smoked meat is respected by the beloved of the nation and dosi є nevid'emnoy part of the table.

At the article "Svyatkovi stravi z minced meat" mirozpovimo, like stravi can be cooked before the holy day. You can make your loved ones happy savory herbs with minced meat.

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Photo gallery: Svyatkovi stravi with minced meat

Meat roll with vegetable filling
Ingredients: 600 grams of minced meat, 750 grams of potatoes, a bunch of green cibuli, 1 yellow and 1 red licorice pepper, 2 eggs, 2 heads of cibulis, 70 grams of stale buns, 200 grams of tops, 200 grams of black pepper and strength.

Tse means 2.5 sheep for a skin person in Iceland! Shinka, smoked mutton and chicken - these are the three main meats and the most wide and popular spices, like leather Icelander will be eaten ahead of Christmas. M'yasnі stravi zazvichai served with garnishes, such as peas, corn, cabbage, kvassola, sauce, jam, etc. And also potatoes, cooked different ways. A lot of restaurants and cafes will present traditional holidays during the autumn season in Iceland.

Bread for the leaf - this bread is so garnished and savory! Tse thin, fragile and beautiful bread bread, which can be served on the plain, as well as zukrovy powder. For the old hours in Iceland, it was easy to buy ingredients for making such bread. All the more quiet is the Icelandic holiday tradition and specialty, the shards of this time are picked together at the given hour, written with embellishment and shattering these delicious leafy breads of the yakomoga beautifully. If you want to taste this savory bread, you can find it practically at any supermarket in Iceland during the holiday season.

Cooking. Let's soak a bun by the water, let's say licorice pepper as a couple, let's cut it and smell a green cibula. A bun is visible, with minced meat, passed through a meat grinder, eggs, salt and pepper. We divided the minced meat into 4 parts, put it on deco, frontally smeared with oil. We put on a new ball of pepper, then a ball of minced meat, then a ball of green cibul, minced meat, then a ball of licorice red pepper, a ball of minced meat and nadamo roll the shape of a loaf.

Fermentation kіn - good, that is one of the marvelous holidays! Yak yells out the words - skate, "rotten." Icelanders vzagali do not eat this grass as a traditional meal at the hour of the holiday season. Really all lie down in the form of a generation - shards older generation, better for everything, enjoy your country, even as the younger generation often sees this funny tradition - especially with friends in the company of an Icelandic liquor. Torlakur, oskelki Torlakur was an Icelandic saint, who died this date in the 12th century.

The spirit is made from fermented grain or mashed potatoes and seasoned with cumin. Maltol and orange soda - a good Icelandic holiday to merit for a good drink! Ce, insanely, one of the most traditional holiday drinks in Iceland, and the leather Icelander garnered a thought about the ideal sum of these two drinks. You can also make a ready-to-eat drink zmishuvach for the Egils brand.

Potatoes and tsibula, and spread around the roll. Sip for one year at a temperature of 200 degrees, cook the broth or tops, in five years after that, like a roll, add tomatoes, which are cut into quarters, and simmer until ready.
This savory garniy roll will be a wonderful novelty snack, it will be worthy of everyone who will be your guest.

Clementini - Icelandic Christmas decorations with clementines! Ahhh, you just know that it's Christmas season, if the smell of clementines has expanded their wonderful aroma in everyday life in Iceland. A lot of household gifts take their own sim's and ovens of different types of brizdvyanyh ovens for an hour of a merry holiday season. Pickled oseledets - pickling or pickling oseledets - even a typical hedgehog in the Scandinavian lands, and therefore it is also traditionally respected by the Icelandic wild grass.

Ring out, this Icelandic holiday will be organized on a piece of living bread or pumpernickel bread. In addition, marinated sedentary can be served with miraculous sauces and a cost-free side dish. Marinated sedentary is easy to buy in Icelandic supermarkets. Would you like a performance of them?

Roll with ovens "Svyatkovy"
Ingredients: 500 g of bakery, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of ready-made mustard, 1 tablespoon inches of butter, 1 head of cybuli. One egg, 1 egg, 2 dried apricots, 2 prunes without tassels, 50 grams of pine peas, 50 grams of rodzinok, 150 grams of minced meat, 200 grams of boiled shank, 400 grams of ground hammer and codfish.

In Icelandic and different traditions, if you reach the right to reach їжі цієї appetizing їжі - deyakі їdjat її like razdvyanu їzhu for snіdanku, at that hour like deyakі їdyat її like dessert, and deykіy їїї navіt rob.kumed For example, the deacons of the Icelanders put a whole migdal to the greater part, and if the part is then served in small portions, everyone will guess who the migdal is. Do you feel hunger and want to have fun with delicious holidays in Iceland?

Merry Christmas for all and skin - let you have a happy and happy Christmas day. Tse will be garniy way for us, so that we could get to know the beautiful details of Christmas, with which the Leaves enjoyed themselves! Near the regions of the large Polish-Lithuanian spivdruzhnost in advance of the day, they serve vishukan and ritualized hedgehog from the twelve meat herbs. For the fact that the season before the season is the hour of fasting, which is to be broken at the Rіzdvo. Like the familiarity of the Slavic cultures, great pains are taken to instill the spirits of dead relatives, including the creation of the month and the distribution of life to them.

Cooking. This is a new appetizer to embellish the new style, and bring everyone to relish.
Dribno naruzhemo pecheritsa and tsibula, passeruemo on olive oil, salt, pepper, sipple with zukr and drizzle with lemon juice. Along with large cubes of prunes and dried apricots, with minced meat, dodamo mushroom masa, mustard, cedar peas, rodzinki, eggs.
Let’s use a shank with skewers, put a shank on parchment near a tile that looks like a tile, take a rectangle with a size of 25 * 35 centimeters. We put the stuffing on the tavern, we are beastly behind the help paper roll. Let’s leave a part of the dough, to decorate an appetizer, we’ll cut the dough with a straight-cut layer, put a roll from a tare near the center, burn it in a dough, and cover the surface with an egg yellow. We put the roll seam down on the deco, and in a few places we pierce it with a fork.

A traditional meal in the Czech Republic is greasing corn and potato salad. This tradition began after the transcendental increase in cultivation in the Baroque era. A lot of home governments are also preparing a great variety of special wedding ovens, like a promontory to the wedding receptionists. It’s a lot of preparation to go through a lot of days and tizhniv to the holy day and take a lot of time to embellish the excess, which sounds like it will end in yalintsy like embellishment.

In advance of the day, the Motherland was expanded to unite for a juice-filled meal like turkey, stuffed with yalovichi and peanuts and embellished with fresh pineapple and cherries; buttered potatoes and apple sauce. Desserts include marzipan and various bowls with moles, almonds and panettone, accompanied by a cup of thick hot chocolate. Opivnochi shy toast, and goodbye she embraces exchanges. A person was appointed to live to put the child of Jesus on the stage of Christmas. Then the members of this family will sit until the farthest hour of singing Christmas carols.

Decorate the roll with dough, which was left out for the design of the roll, with a yellow and boiled at a temperature of 200 degrees for one year. The roll "Svyatkovy" is served hot, with portions of small pieces.

Meat roll "Miracle"
Ingredients: 500 g of minced meat, 1 teaspoon of seasoning for minced meat, 5 eggs, 100 g of olives without pits, 300 g of hard syrup, strong, black pepper.

Vіn revenge a lot of different fears, most of which are characteristic of the season. With the head grass, ring out the great tavern, like eating from mustard and bread at once from other grasses. The fish is also served, and with the shank so is the laatikot, the pans with the liver and rodzinka, as well as potatoes, rice and carrots.

The traditional drink is either alcoholic or non-alcoholic mulled wine. In English Canada, the Christmas dinner is similar to the Christmas dinner of its colonial ancestor, England, and also that of the United States. A traditional Christmas dinner serves turkey with stuffing, mashed potatoes, sauce, crane sauce, vegetables and plum pudding for dessert. Other holiday products include top pies and bakery pies, which traditionally repent before the saints and serve for the remembrance of friends, at different holidays and new evenings, as well as at Christmas.

Cooking. Salt the minced meat, pepper, add seasonings, 2 or 3 tablespoons of water, mix. Syrah with soda, with beaten eggs, salt, Willem masu on a parchment-lined sheet, baked until golden color.
Consider an egg base with parchment, transfer it to foil, cover with olive oil, put olives and minced meat on it with an even ball, animal roll, burn it with foil, boil at a temperature of 190 degrees, stretch 30 strands. Before serving, we remove the foil, called portioned pieces.
Such a meat roll is served on a new table, it is suitable for guests at home.

Zucchini from surprise
Ingredients: 500 g minced meat, roslinna oliya, 4 tablespoons of mayonnaise, 1 medium zucchini, black pepper, 100 g syrah, sil

Cooking. Cut into 2 parts vzdovzh zucchini, you can see that the pulp is there. Tsibulyu is friedly shaken and mixed with minced meat, salt, pepper, mix. Rub the sir on the dry third. We stuff the zucchini with minced meat, put the halves on a sheet, smeared with oil in front, spread with mayonnaise and lightly with cheese. Zapіkaєmo zucchini from a surprise stretch 30 or 40 whilin at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Wafer cake with minced meat
Ingredients: 300 g of minced meat, 1 head of cibul, 2 eggs.

Cooking. Pepper, salt, mince with minced cibuley and brush on olive oil. We put minced meat on the bottom cake, saturate the beast with another cake. Let's cut the cake into slices. We eat eggs, we soak a piece of skin cake in eggs and grease it in a frying pan. Before serving a piece of waffle cake, decorate with chopped greens.

Cut potatoes with meat
Ingredients: 1 kilo of potatoes, 4 tablespoons of butter, 4 tablespoons of grated syrah, 1 tablespoon of crushed crackers, borosno, 1 cibulin, 200 grams of boiled abo or cheese minced meat, 2 eggs, sil.

Cooking. Potatoes are boiled in "uniforms", peeled, grated, dodamo eggs, boroshno and zamіsimo dry. In a frying pan, add 1 tablespoon of olive oil, pass into the new cut cibula, minced meat, crackers and simmer until ready.

The dough is cut into a layer, cut into chotirikutniks, we put a spoonful of minced meat on the leather shmak and burn it so that the meat is covered with dough. Let's sweat at the salty sprinkles and boil it until the stink is not spitting. Let's make it with a noise of water and put it on a dish, melt it with oil and grate it with syrup. Serve with salad.

Tuscan zapikanka
Ingredients: 250 g short wide pasta, cibula head, 4 tablespoons olive oil, 250 g mozzarella cheese, 250 g minced meat, pepper, 3 eggs, 150 g brinzi. 1 clove of teaspoon, 100 g of grated syrah parmesan, 100 g of celery, tomato. A bunch of basil, strong for relish, 2 carrots, 300 g of broth, 3 tablespoons of tomato paste.

Cooking. Vіdvarimo macaroni and vіdklademo. Chasnik, selera tsibulya, carrots are dribly naruzhemo and zgasimo in olії. Dodamo in sumishi minced vegetables and zgasimo 5 hvilin, dodamo tomato paste, probably broth, pepper, salt and cook.
Mozzarella and tomato are cut into circles. We stuff the pasta with minced meat, put it in a mold, smeared with olive oil. On the top we add mozzarella and tomato, sipple green basil. Let's grate with parmesan. Brinza podrіbnimo in krihtu, zb'єmo with eggs and such a sumishshu pollemo on top of parmesan. It is sold at a temperature of 200 degrees with a stretch of 40 strands.

Eggplant with cheese
Ingredients: Dutch cheese, minced meat, eggplant.

Cooking. In addition to the eggplant, add the pulp and remember the eggplant with minced meat, put it in a deep frying pan. Gasimo pіvgodini, then sipple grated with Dutch cheese and put in the oven to quench until ready.
Gubadiya tse bagatosharovy pie, as a filling of vicorist sir, minced meat with cibula, rodzinki and eggs, boiled rice. Quite vikoristovuєmo like fresh, so dry. The skin master has his own recipe, but you can buy ready-made dough, and it will not be eaten at home.

Ingredients for 1 kg of dough are needed: ½ kg of syrah, 250 grams of rodzinok, 100 grams of cibuli, 1 kg of meat, 2 bottles of boiled rice. 150 g milk, 50 g zucru.

Cooking. Get the sirn stuffing, it's called kurta. We take a saucepan with the same bottom, put tsukor, milk, sir, mix it well and cook it on the right fire, keep it up, the docks will not be a mass, which is made up of grains.
Minced meat is ready. The meat is passed through a meat grinder with a cibula, simmered in a frying pan until cooked, add seasoning. Let's see Fig.
Ready pie. The dough is divided into 2 parts and divided into 2 shortbreads, the skin troch is larger in shape.
Form the bottom, in a zakіy zapіkatimemo, smeared with oil. Then we put the first shortbread, we spread the butter and put the fillings into balls:
1 ball - rice
2 ball - m'yaso
3 ball - rice
4 ball - rodinki
5 ball - fig.
From above we pour olive oil, the bigger the olive will be, the more juice - Gubadiya.
Put another ball of dough on top, pinch the edges and smear the top of the cake with olive oil. We heat the oven to medium temperature and put the cake. You can serve it hot, but if it's cold, it's even more delicious.

M'yasnі zhachki
Ingredients: ½ kilogram of minced pork, 150 g of light spaghetti, large boiled carrots, 2 small cibulini, 2 tablespoons of semolina, 1 egg, pepper, strong for relish.

Cooking. In minced meat, dodamo an egg, grated carrots, smeared cibula, semolina, pepper, salt and trimmed spaghetti. All the good is mixed and zrobimo small long bags. We put it in a saucepan, fill it with water, add 1 tablespoon of lard, 3 tablespoons of tomato paste. Gasimo in a pan 15 quills. The grass is served to the hot table, the beast is watered with ketchup.

Meat bags, stewed in tomato
Ingredients for 400 g of yalovichini are taken: 80 g of wheat bread, 25 g of green or ripple cibul, 1 egg, 5 tablespoons of water or milk, 1 tablespoon of tomato paste, 1 bottle of broth, 2 tablespoons of fat for obsmazhurniye , pepper, strong.

Cooking. Ready cutlet masa, dodamo friedly cut and fried ripchasta or green cibula. Good zmіshaєmo, zrobim sacks with a diameter of 3 or 4 centimeters, rolled in boroshn, smeared to a ruddy color, then the sacks are transferred to a saucepan. Dodamo broth, tomato paste, silt, pepper, bay leaf and simmer until done 20 khvilin. Serve on a stele, water the bags with sauce. Serve lubricated potatoes for garnish, mashed potatoes, Greek porridge, v_dvarieny fig.

Prepare minced meat, shobi buv is not too succulent, like for cutlets. From the minced meat, we crush the bags, in them there are small burrows, as if stuffed with stuffing. crab sticks, green cibulya, krіp, parsley dribno narіzhemo, trochs of topsoil | butter | and a slice of orange. We pinch the edges, roll in boroshn, sweat at the beaten egg with pepper and sill. Let's smear it at the great olive tree.

Korovai z mlintsiv
Ingredients for the dough: 3 bottles of milk, a teaspoon of zucru, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, 100 grams of butter, 1 tablespoon of butter, 2 eggs, 2 bottles of wheat boar.
Ingredients for minced meat: ½ kilo of boiled yalovichini, 2 hard-boiled eggs, ½ rіpchastoy tsiboulini, ½ tablespoons of butter, pepper, sil.
Ingredients for minced meat with syrah: 200 g of syrah, 1 tablespoon of butter, 2 tablespoons of sour cream, an egg.
Ingredients for minced semolina: sour cream, 1 egg, ½ bottle of milk. 1 tablespoon of butter, ½ semolina, oil for greasing.

Cooking. For dough for milkweed, add 2 zhovtki with zucr and sill. Dodamo a tablespoon of butter | oil |, and diluted with milk. Vsiplemo in small portions borosno, then carefully vtrutimo in the past two beats in the kick of the egg whites and the whites of the milk. When the milk is ready, it is put into a saucepan, lined with olive oil in front, and transferred with different minced meat, the whole saucepan will not be filled up. We put butter and half sour cream on the upper mill. We put the pan in the oven and on a small fire we burn 30 quills. Potim Korovai z mlintsiv transferred to a dish and served hot on the table.

To prepare minced meat, take boiled meat and pass through a meat grinder, dodamo pepper, silt, cibula, 2 boiled chopped eggs and top oil.

For the cheese filling add 200 grams of fatty cheese sirim with an egg, dodamo 2 spoons of thick sour cream, butter | oil | and good rozіtrіt.

To prepare the filling with semolina porridge, boil one tablespoon of butter in one glass of milk. In hot milk, dodamo ½ bottle of semolina, grind it in front with 1 syrim egg. Salt the porridge and cook until cooked. Such a filling will be rosy and savory.

New pies "Bazhanya"
Ingredients: 500 g of wheat boroshn, 1 tablespoon of zucru, 2 tablespoons of butter, 2 eggs, 1 bottle of sour cream, strength.
Ingredients for the filling: 500 g minced meat, fish, vegetables or mushrooms.
It is not enough to embellish the style, to add hostility to the guests.

Cooking. At the center, it is richly heated with a boar, zrobimo is buried, an egg is filled with sour cream, and it is buried in the whole place, dodamo strength, zukor and oliyu. Instead of a very homogeneous consistency, download into a sack, burn it into a meal and clean up a refrigerator for 30 or 40 chills.

Rozkotimo quietly zavtovshki ½ centimeter, virіzhemo z new for the help of a bottle of a mug and on the skin circle we put the beginning. Z'єdnaєmo and pinch the edges of the dough. Decorated with oil, decorated with pastries, decorated with a beaten egg and brewed 15 strands at a temperature of 220 degrees.

Now we know that it is possible to make Christmas herbs from minced meat. Come on, you are worthy of tsі stravi, and, perhaps, one of them to embellish your Christmas style.

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