Packing a bouquet at the plіvku in different ways. Meister class, how beautifully burn the kvіti into papier and plіvka with your own hands. Main paper

Garniy bouquet of flowers, which is wrapping around papiers and packaging, can become a gift for the holy.

You can bestow yoga on women, men, smut and choose the right style.

And do not obov'yazkovo turn to the services of a professional;

The bouquet is respected by a universal order, which can be added to a gift for the saint.

It is also often victorious for respect, or simply, to cheer up close people. Rich in what to lie in the way of registration.

Warto means! Obviously, give me a gift of a piece of paperwork, which will not be packaged with special papiers, but all the same, I need to cope with the damage.

Well, if you want to be original, varto vikoristovuvat elements of decor, how to create a bouquet of bright and different.

As soon as you have finished beautifully arranging the bouquet, then look at the main forms on the back of the head.

They will help you to bring original yoga for a gift to a young girl or a woman.

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Round Bouquets are considered a classic option, which can be more crowded. The composition may look like a sphere, and for її look, it seems that all the flowers fit snugly.

Really, the stench lingers in the area.

For the account of the fact that, when arranging, the flowers of a different color are packed, papiers can be packed in a plait, trimmed papiers, felt and supplemented with organza.

Vіlnoї form It reaches beyond the rahunok of the asymmetric fixation of colors from an unpaired kilkistyu.

Often they sway at the shape of a tricot, and on the bottom with a romantic look - at the look of the heart

Unilateral Compositions in different forms can be spun from the quotes with a different size of the stem height.

The stench is toiling on that front side

Masovі The stench can vikoristovuvatysya different suits, accessories, roslin. All the elements of the composition are due to ideally go together one by one.

The florist can create beautiful bouquets of the most manipulative forms, the most popular tricot and pyramidal compositions.

Boutonnieres or corsages The stench is in small bouquets of fresh flowers, like vicarious for embellishing cloth, costumes, capelyushki.

Often zastosovuyut in the villages and other tracts of the great number of people. For the preparation of bouquets of vicorist, stacks of victorious flowers are used.

Kvіtkova jewelry Compositions of the same kind are prepared from the notes of a steadfast look and dart from gentry metals.

The flower elements are strung on the drіt, the composition is ready, it can be replaced by expensive embellishments. The stinks give the ovnіshnostі dіvchini zhіnochnostі and romantic way.

Raznomanіtnіst material for packing

Get respect! How to originally pick up a bouquet with your own hands.

Before starting the process, take a look at what materials can be used for packaging.

The stench can be different, the smut was perfect for the style and color.

Let's take a look at the most popular materials for decorating bouquets:

  • Paper. You can look at a different manly look, you can quarrel for a color, a little one, a cheeky look.

    If you want to make a bouquet from the original, unique, then you can pack it in paper with a thematic little one.

    Drinking maє obgortkovy, papir, vin allows you to create the original form of the bouquet, as well as add to it the brilliance and style.

    And what to pack in corrugated paper, then we will become brighter.

  • Plivka. It is possible to pack a bouquet of flowers in a plastic bag, because there is more of a great choice of packaging material.

    You can get sunburned in the gap, with little ones, viserunks, different colors, with holography, one-tone, metal-packed, and for the bag you can dodatkovo tie up with lines.

  • Sitka. The packaged bouquet looks low, easy and romantic, it can become a wonderful gift for a young girl.

    Sitka is produced in various colors, so you can easily buy packaging for decorating a bouquet of flowers with your own hands.

  • Craft paper. This material is vicorated by mail, in stores for packing products.

    Kraft is released in brown colors, other colors are rarely trapped. For the design of tickets, this material is often victorious.

    Wine is suitable for packing thematic human bouquets, for example, from scarves, beer and boiled shells. Also, at Kraft, you can originally light up a bouquet of fruits and zucerok.

  • Sisal. Tsya the basis of vikonan from agave leaves. Used for decorating spring bouquets of Gerbera, vicorous for preparing decor components.
  • Organization. Bouquets of organza can be lower, light, with a thinner look.

Design rules

In order to correctly pack the tickets in an original way, remember a number of recommendations:

  • Packing - zasіb for prikhovuvannya nedolіkіv, and also can not be a special decor, but not to change the main respect.
  • If you want a bouquet of veins in a big, round, varto vikoristovuvaty spiral way of registration. And the axis of the tricot form of florists is victorious for decorating mourning bouquets.
  • When decorating, it is not recommended to add too much decor too late, because it is necessary to add to the composition.
  • Varto vikoristovuvaty natural zasobi for decoration, so that the composition is made up of gerbera, which is dry, or living flowers.

    All the same, the wart was over for rice paper, organza, sisal, nets, felt, and so on.

Pokrokov's instruction

To beautifully arrange a bouquet with your own hands, you can marvel at the master class.

Vіn dopomozhe svorit sbrіrny bouquet kutom or tricoutnik, in the form of kuli, drop composition for saints, new bouquet of tangerines and quilts.

We look, like a Pokrokovo, a classic bouquet from flowers, for example, from chrysanthemums, from tulips, from trojans.

For yoga preparation, you will need the following elements:

  • For paper cutting, a line will be needed knives.
  • Quiet bouquet.
  • Make decorations - strings, nets, tasma, bows too thin.
  • Rice papier, substitute for a new pidide plait, organza, embossed or corrugated papier.

Instructions for registration:

  1. The lower part of the colors is wrapped for additional binding.
  2. For the decor of the pіdіyde strіchka z satin, organza, vlіzelіn, merezhivo. We wrap the lower part of the bouquet in three girths with stitches.
  3. It is not obov'yazkovo for packing the composition of vicoristing rice papyrus, but also corrugated papiers, plivka.
  4. The obgortkovy papyr is curled up with a little one down. Place the cards in such a way that the stems are lower than the paper.
  5. Bouquet zagortaєtsya and pere'yazuєtsya strіchki.
  6. Dodatkovo bouquet can be embellished with panicles with bows.

Ideas for original bouquets

If you want to pick up an original and unusual bouquet, you can look at the original design ideas:

Idea Description
At the miner The room miner with the tickets can become an original gift for the uzimka. Yogo can be wrapped in corrugated or embroidered paper and embellished with stitches.

The composition can be placed in a gift box and supplemented with bright lines, bows.

kaushik You can place at the cats no more than a coin, that and other elements.

The cat has original bouquets of fruits, tangerines, zucchini and other products. The composition is complemented by a clear streak and lines

Newspapers If you want to create an original and unusual bouquet, you can use the way newspapers decorate it. From them you can choose bright compositions of various forms

A selection of bouquets from quotes and other elements can be created in an original and inimitable way, and according to the rules of registration.

For yoga decor, you can use a variety of packaging papyrus, plaid, organza, felt and others.

Dodatkovo can vikoristovuvatysya bows and lines, but do not overdo it, elements of the decor are not guilty of need to screw up respect.

Korisne video

To fold a garniy bouquet, not obov'yazkovo zarytatisya to florists. More than that, neobov'yazkovo work yogo іz kvіtіv. You can make a bouquet yourself from fruits, toys, zucerok. That y vzagalі z usgogo, scho down to the thought.

At the stati you know:

What do you need when folding a bouquet

For the cob it is necessary to understand why you want to make a bouquet. If it’s a bouquet of flowers, then the first rule is that you can’t change see different roslin.

Flowers, which are suitable for bouquets, are:
  • gardening
  • Polish
  • exotic

Garden flowers sounded like flowers in all bouquets: trojandi, aistry, carnations, gerberas. Bouquets of such kind are most often folded, and it’s easy to finish the stench.

Polovі kіti grow everywhere behind the mist, you can pick them up in the meadow: chamomile, lavender, hairs, freesia. Such bouquets look romantic.

Exotic flowers sprout the bouquet unbelievably brightly: phalaenopsis, orchids, camellias, calli. To these quotes often add more than decorative greenery, and the result is hostile.

Decorative greenery helps to create a bunch of bouquets of any color. Among them, gerberas and hairs do not look like foxes and empty ones. Until then, the correct choice of herbs determines the mood of the bouquet.

Krіm kovili and tansy decorative greenery can be: apіdastra, bergrass, gypsophila, ruskus, monstera and others. Go to the flower shop and see the diversity of the greenery!

For bouquets of toys, scarves, tsukerok and other warehouse materials, they will be needed when making a flower bouquet.

For the creation of a flower bouquet, you need: a packing paper, a string, a frame for a bouquet, a floristic sponge, a cat, skewers

How to make bouquets

Bouquets are respected by part of the saint. They give you that fun on the days of the people, come in and let go. Traditional flowers, picked at once, not the same tsіkavі, like, for example, a bouquet of toys and pennies. The stench becomes an original gift for those who want to surprise their close friends.

Zgіdno zі Yandex statistics, most often fold bouquets of flowers, fruit, zukerok, soft toys, scarves and pennies. Is it possible, you want to give such a present to your loved ones?

Flower bouquets are classified by shape. Name the form to deposit in order, as you add up the credits one to one.

Behind the shape of the bouquets buvayut:
  • spiral
  • round
  • parallel

How to fold a bouquet of living and non-living flowers

Learning how to create a bouquet from living and non-living flowers is not so easy. Insanely, the ideal bouquet of a florist, try not to see it first, but with the skin at once, you will perfect your habits and you will reach the best result.

How to create a spiral bouquet from flowers

  1. Take from left hand largest ticket, trim її vertically.
  2. Lay the line of tickets under the hood to the central one, which is the largest.
  3. Chop the stems so that the stench sticks only in one point - there, where they trim your fingers.
  4. Dribni kvіti and dodatkovі elementi better lay closer to the center.
  5. Great greens spread on the edges.
  6. Tie a beautiful line and pack it in paper. Ready!

Video, how to create a spiral bouquet from flowers

How to make a round bouquet from flowers

A round bouquet is folded like a spiral.

  1. The biggest ticket is taken on the back.
  2. Everything else is added to the new one.
  3. Herbs are laid between squares.

Video, how to make a round bouquet of flowers.

How to create a parallel bouquet from flowers

  1. Get the most tickets.
  2. Place them in the middle.
  3. Just add ti, for some buds are smaller in size.
  4. You can also add various herbs.

Video, how to make a parallel bouquet from flowers

Obviously, it’s best to make a bunch of flowers yourself, but if you want to be recognized and blamed for urological cleanliness, then experiment with unsuitable objects.

How to pack a ready bouquet

The packaging of the bouquet is not as folding as it is from the side. There are a lot of options to make it beautiful and simple.

  • First option - vikoristovyte ready-packed plivka.

At flower shops, you are often told to pack a bouquet at a similar place. Sound out the gap with visor, matte chi kolorova. The simplest option for packing a finished bouquet. It’s better to insert a bouquet and tie a line, so that the wine does not bloom.

  • Another option is to pack the bouquet with craft paper.

It doesn't matter to pack a bouquet at Kraft. In order to pack a bouquet from Kraft, you need:

  1. For this, add 3 pieces of paper of the same size (approximately 50x30cm).
  2. Two are filled with short-lived ones, and the third one is navpil.
  3. Zignit two large shmatki, as shown in the little one 2, and make holes at the bottom.
  4. Wrap a bouquet with them and close with a stapler.
  5. The halves that are left out should be applied to more empty spaces and sealed with a stapler.
  6. Re-tie the bouquet with a stitch, for the need to bring it back again.

Video, how to pack a bouquet with craft papers.

  • The third option is to pack with water-resistant and sitch paper.

Maybe, this way of folding for the front, but also for that variant. How to pack a bouquet in a waterproof bag or a paper bag:

  1. Put together at once reaping and matching papers. Vіdrіzhte shmatok so, schob він він вністиу having closed the bouquet (photo 1).
  2. Bend papier into the right lower fold approximately to the middle of the canvas (photo 2).
  3. Potim razgornіt and vіdrіzhte right kut navskіs, as shown in photo 3.
  4. Turn the paper over so that it cuts the bottom of the evil, remember the balls with the help of the balls (the embossed papier is guilty of being left behind by the beast with the part). Sitchast papier is guilty of a couple of centimeters looking like a veggie (photo 4).
  5. I again fold the paper to the middle of the canvas, now with an accordion (photo 5).
  6. Turn the paper over and seal the accordion with adhesive tape (photo 6).
  7. Put the flowers in the middle of the canvas, cover with the upper unoccupied kut, bending the yogo (photo 7).
  8. Now cover with another harmonica kut (Pic 8).
  9. Respect the garniy bow (it’s the best way to make a organza stitch) (photo 9).
  10. The bouquet is ready (photo 10).

Video, how to pack a bouquet with a waterproof and sympathetic papier

  • Option four - vicorist a floristic sponge.

Flower compositions are bestowed not only in packaging, but also in different vessels - boxes, baskets, embellished containers. Save the bouquet with the help of a floristic sponge, the shards won't help the vologer for a long time. The sponge is of different shapes, for the bazhannya її you can cut it the way you need it.

How to fold a bouquet from a vicarious floristic sponge:

  1. Put polyethylene in the middle of the selected container so that water does not leak.
  2. Secure yoga with tape and buttons.
  3. Soak the sponge for 1 quill near the water, after which put it on polyethylene.
  4. Trim the bottoms of the leaves by 2 cm and clean the leaves at the end of the stem - the stench can rot.
  5. Insert a ticket at the sponge.
  6. If the stem is too soft, it can be wrapped with a dart or insert a drit in the middle of the stem for hardness.
  7. Quotes are selected according to this very principle, like when stacking bouquets.
  8. Do not forget to water the sponge with a small amount of water every day.

How to make a bouquet of fruits and zucchini, soft toys, pennies and scarves.

Non-standard gifts will be fashionable forever, even if people love to be amazed so much. To fold a bouquet of flowers, it will take more than an hour and, perhaps, financial expenses.

How to make a bouquet of fruits and zucerok

Prepare lots of fruit, zukerki, greens, skewers, scotch tape, string and packing paper.

How to make a bouquet of fruits and zucerok with your own hands:

  1. Put the fruit on 2-3 sticks, and seal the zukerki with tape.
  2. You can also plant berries on the scotch on the scotch (grapes, currants, arugula).
  3. Choose sticks according to a scheme similar to a flower bouquet (spiral-like, round or parallel).
  4. Expand the composition of greenery.
  5. Bandage the bouquet with a stitch and pack it in paper. You can try to arrange a bouquet with a cat or a mountaineer with a styrofoam sack at the bazhanni.

Video, how to make a bouquet of fruits with your own hands.

Do not forget that vegetables, berries, and other natural products can be found in the area of ​​fruits. Golovne, mіtsno prirobiti їх to a skewer.

How to make a bouquet of soft toys

Let's talk about ourselves simple way folding such a bouquet. For bouquets of toys, more time is needed for the material, but after giving it a free gift.

In order to fold a bouquet of crimson toys of the main set (divine more) you will also need:
  • polystyrene
  • cardboard
  • glue
  • fabric for drapery
  • corrugated paper
  • hairpins
  • toys

How to make a bouquet of toys with your own hands:

  1. Prepare the basis of the bouquet. To choose a polystyrene (preferably in the form of a sphere or a sphere) and glue the bottom of the cardboard.
  2. Pin with studs to the styrofoam frame fabric for drapery. With it, you can make beds for toys.
  3. Pack the original composition in corrugated paper.
  4. Now rozpochinaemo head part. Rozkolyuєmo igryshki on skewers (as if they were violating the robit of the bed, then pull them on the sticks in front of the toys).
  5. We insert the structure into the frame.
  6. For the bazhannya you can add zukerki.

Ready! You are beautiful!

Video, how to make a bouquet of toys with your own hands

Yak robiti a bouquet of zі shkarpetok and pennies

Such a bouquet will be an original gift for people on the 23rd of February, new river or to celebrate the day of the fathers. You can fold it only for scarpets, or only for pennies, in your opinion.

You need scarves, hairpins, skewers, as well as stitches / strings and pennies, so you can add them to the bouquet.

How to make a bouquet of scarpets pokrokov instructions:

  1. Roll the scarpets into a roll and close with a hairpin or a small rubber band.
  2. Wrap lightly on the edges of the scarves, so that the stench of the boules is similar to the pellets of trojans.
  3. Pull them on skewers.
  4. The pennies are also rolled up into a tube and tied with a string (in the case of a human bouquet, it is better to wink a thread from a sackcloth).
  5. Sob the pennies were trimmed on skewers, to slip through not a crooked banknote, but to tie a penny with a thread.

Such original gift call to know the non-standard packaging. Tse can be windy, kvіtkovy miner, cat, cicavi pakuvalny papyr in military style. Guess your options.

Video, how to make a bouquet of z_ scarpets.

As you have understood, to make a bouquet of flowers, not obov'yazkovo to get to the services of a florist. You can create beauty on your own. Master these clumsy instructions on how to create yaskrawih gifts and give them for the sake of your loved ones!

Have a taste for living colors, you need a correct design. Materials and colors, which are victorious, are responsible for supporting and revealing the beauty of living flowers. Bouquet decoration- not an easy job, which means not only neatness and tranquility, but also a little relish and rich fantasy. The design of the bouquet is the essence of creativity.

To arrange a bouquet, the most beautiful, like flowers (and colors) are suitable for people, which is assigned to the whole bouquet. The individuality of the design is reinforced not only by those who know the people well, but also by those who have done their best to work especially well.

Krіm tsyogo, you need to know the sprat of rules, which all florists are rooted in:

  • the packaging of the bouquet is responsible for adding all the odds of the tickets and adding some of the shortfalls, won't be obov'yazkovo can be combined with the tickets (recognizing and contrasting);
  • the tickets, fully packed in cellophane and foil, will not become an acceptable gift. Moreover, giving such bouquets is a filthy tone;
  • crepe paper and stitches made of polyester have long been out of fashion. Do not issue live tickets with these materials;
  • in the fashion of naturalness and naturalness, vicorist sisal, corrugated paper, felt and nets. You can tie a bouquet with a jute hank;
  • packaging is responsible for revealing the beauty of colors, but in any case, do not show them;
  • the same can be said about the various decorative elements. A small bow complements the composition, and the axis of the great details is unique;
  • so that the bouquet looks good and long standing, the flowers for the new one are picked early and taken at low temperatures;
  • adding to the bouquet of decorative roslin or dried flowers, be respectful. Not all the good things harmoniously unite and make good the state.

How to beautifully decorate a bouquet with your own hands

Іsnuє impersonal different techniques for folding original bouquets. Actions from them are more complicated, which are folded from impersonal stages and require special skills, otherwise they are more simple.

We tried to find out information about how bouquets are made in such a way as to introduce a small universal formula.

Otzhe, for the creation of a bouquet you need:

  • scissors,
  • scotch,
  • various decorative elements,
  • rice / corrugated / embossed paper
  • the same tickets.

Before that, in order to start decorating the bouquet, shave the edge of the stem of the skin flower and supply it with fresh water. In this rank, you will let the quits saturate before the trivial perebuvannyam on the floor.

To make your bouquet look full, wrap the stems with tape around the base.

As if you have a vicarious floristic net, pick up additional decorative plants, the stench will miraculously come together.

It is possible to decorate a bouquet practically without packing materials. You need more than a wide satin stitch in a rich color. Wrap the stems of the flowers with a chain stitch and tie a garnier bow. You can fill the edges of the stems with water, or you can grab them for an additional stitch (more pidide for small bouquets with a short stem). Do not forget to twist your imagination, try to replace the line with a lace with a transparent fabric.

To make a garnier bouquet of flowers, to take corrugated papiers. You can give it to you like lightness, and y dodatkovy obsyag. If you want to give a lower and romantic bouquet, then rice paper will help you. Vaughn is simply made for such bouquets. For the “businesslike” and official bouquets, the most puffed-up papier, which miraculously reinforces the beauty of colors, without adding to the zayvih senses.

The minus of such a paper packaging is that it is tenditna and unpredictable. As soon as you choose to give a bouquet in a day, after that, as you pack it, you can boldly victorize any kind of paper. For bouquets, if you want to get a check for your new master, the kіlka year, paper packaging is not pіdіyde.

And the axis of the floristic grid does not waste its effect sane looking nі in 2 years, nі in 2 days. Such bouquets will keep the eyes of doty quiet, the docks will not fade the flowers. If you have a foldable bouquet of different colors, if you can endure the lack of water in a different way, then wink a floral net. Vaughn pіdtrimaє kvіti until the moment until the stems do not appear at the vase.

Do not forget about decorative elements: stitches from different materials, merzhivo, small vouchers from textiles, paper panicles, namistini, sisal and richly other. All the best you can vicorist, to add individuality to the bouquet.

Master class No. 2: bouquet design

Be it a robot with quotas to help creative approach, but all the same, there are low rules, obov'yazykovyh navit for professional florists. To this, the key to success is learning the basics, rich imagination and a little style. For the daytime, the novice will help the master-class, which is the best way to beautifully pack bouquets of flowers.

Meister class: beautifully pack bouquets of flowers for a gift.

How to pack a bouquet of flowers with your own hands - the main recommendations

You can appreciate a beautiful stylish composition for the mind of the coming moments:

1. It is important to choose the packaging, so that you go for drinks or contrast with the warehouse composition of the tickets.

2. It is not possible to allow complete covering of colors with foil and cellophane.

3. Polyester lines and crepe paprika are seen by modern floristry as a relic of the past, so as packing materials, it is better to choose felt, corrugated paprika, sisal, floral mesh. For bandaging bouquets of vicorist, use a jute hank.

4. It is important to remember that the packaging is another element of the bouquet, the main responsibility is to wrap the tickets.

5. Don't go overboard with decor. One small element is enough.

How to pack a bouquet of flowers with your own hands - all the nuances are covered.

How to pack a bouquet of living flowers - step-by-step ceramics

Start the packaging after the correct preparation of the receipts, and even for a trivial perebuvannya on the surface of the stink, you can see the edge of the skin stalk and place them in fresh water for 10 quills.

Farther away they lie at the offensive:

1. To add volume to the bouquet, wrap the foundations with scotch tape and place papers near the corrugations.

2. When choosing the quality of the material of the floristic mesh, supplement the composition with decorative roslins. With such a package, the bouquet looks beautiful and fresh in a couple of days.

3. To make the bouquet romantic and to help the bottom, the rice papyrus, to support the official composition of the building papyrus.

4. Even if there are no packing materials at hand, the jacket, which is wrapped with adhesive tape, can be tied with a satin stitch, tied with a garni bow. Often, with a stitch, I close the lower part of the stems. Such a decor can be twisted in such a way that you can attach fabric to the vologer, which bends the stems.

5. As an alternative to strichtsі pіdіyde napіvprozora tkanina or merzhivo, but only for women's bouquets.

At the end, you can fix textile vouchers on the packaging, namistini. We will complete such decor to complete the bouquet and give it some added charm.

Materials for packing trojans

Kraft - paper - cement and original packaging for trojans.

As soon as I choose to light up the bouquet at the gifts, we are unlikely to think about it because the packaging is in transit. Vaughn is needed only for delivering tickets. First, scho scho lyudina, yak took off the bouquet, tse її obolonka. It’s like it seems: “They’re banging on clothes.” It is more important for Tim not to swear at the beautiful trojans, as they are not suitable for their “brands”. Vibirayuchi, sob burn the kvіti, varto think about it, what the material is guilty of but dosing mіtsnim, nadіnym and beautiful.

It’s not surprising, but there is a fashion for the packaging of colors, like a different kind of design. More than five years ago, the florists were excited about the proposition to decorate the trojans in thin brown paper, similar to thin cardboard. And the representatives of the older generation remember the hour, if I go down and guffawed at the "Doctor's" cowbass. And today, the last hit of the season is called Kraft-Paper.

Pleasure #1. Get respect! Craft - papyr - is a product of rough processing of cellulose without the addition of other additives. This is an environmentally friendly material, which does not control bad people and nature.

Florist to promote vicory and other natural and synthetic fabrics for decorating trojans:

Jute Fiber from natural syrovina for making sackcloth, cord, ropes.

May I name the one-name growth, for which I take the syrovina.

For decorative decoration, use thin material.

Trojans in jute are the butt of that, how to harmoniously unite, at first glance, nonsense speech.
Felt Polypropylene nonwoven material of high strength and elasticity. It is easy to bend, drape and swell, be it a necessary form. On the vіdmіnu vіd paper, after zminannya, nabuvaє cob form, without folds.

Released in a variety of colors, monotonous canvases that change colors with different lighting.

Vykoristovuyut for the design of bouquets and the preparation of decorative details in the form of embellishment.



Thin, synthetic, transparent canvas of different colors and colors.

Qi materials have become vicorous for packing bouquets recently. Tim is not less, like before, popular:

  • transparent slab,
  • nets,
  • corrugated parchment,
  • rice paper,
  • organza.

I would like to add respect to the supporting material. For fixing the bouquet and fixing the packaging, you need stitches, cords, tasma. As there are no special floristic underlays, you can vicorist whether it is a double claptrap from shaggy fabrics.

Ideas for gift-giving decoration of a bouquet of trojans

Strіchki not only pіdv'yazki, їh vykonuyut decorative elements of the bouquet.

Before decorating, it is important to remember that the packaging is an additional element of the flower composition. The obolonka is guilty of blaming the beauty of the Trojans, and not competing with them.

When folding a bouquet, it is important to follow these recommendations:

  • Packing closes trojand troch more, nizh 2/3 їх dozhini. Vinyatok is a prozory cellophane, from a new one it can be sporuzheno more closed kovpak - a spacesuit.
  • Consumption of packing material goes with the color of the trojans.
  • In the spіvvіdshenny parts of the growing warehouse can be over-decorative.
  • Don’t be choked with additive elements, it’s necessary to harmonically add them to a bouquet of trojans.

For additional refurbishment of materials, you can easily burn trojans effectively, vicarious in simple ways:

  1. The packaging of trojans in Kraft is paper, which looks like a straight cut.

Pleasure #2. Sob the Trojans were packed in a free package, it was necessary to transfer a sufficient amount of money. Її pick up, walking out of the width of the bouquet. Multiply the value by 2 and add another 10 - 15 cm for allowances.

Vіdr_zaniy vіd roll pryamokudat razkladat on the table on dozhinі. The bouquet is laid in the middle, so that the heads of the flowers are leaning over the paper. The lower part of the leaf is wrapped around the stem, carefully kneaded, forming folds.

Paper is fixed for additional lines. The upper part of the folded sheet is fixed with a stapler.

In such a way, it is possible to vicorate any kind of packing material.

  1. Making a bouquet for the help of okremih shmatochkіv packing material.

For whom a canvas is suitable. Having wound it on a roll, I will need a dozhina, and cut it into the same squares. You need no less than nіzh chotiri.

The first detail is laid on the table diagonally near a rhombus. On a new one, make a bouquet for your order. The material is wrapped around the stem and fixed with a stitch.

So slab with mustache squares. Dії repeat, the docks of attachments are the remaining fragment. The finished bouquet is decorated with a stitch, tying it into a bow.

  1. Trojans at the gift package.

It's simple, you can make the original packaging like this:

  • Choose a package of necessary rosemary, in which Trojans can fit freely.

Porada # 3. More simply, the packaging will be monophonic and attached to the color up to trojans.

  • The bottom of the package is drilled.
  • Place a bouquet at the new one (like a trumpet). At the bottom of the package of trochs, press down, forming folds around the stem.
  • Fix with a string with a cord.
  • Decorate with a bow with other decor.

Such a bouquet can be carried by the handles of the package.

  1. Trojans in a box.

Such a package is good for trojans of a small size.

For a bouquet you need:

  • trojandi,
  • Box or other container.
  • Polyethylene lining,
  • Bioflor - porous material with a sponge-like appearance, seepage with lively speeches for roslin.
  • Strichka,
  • Decor.

The bouquet is folded like this

  • The box is whistled with a plait.
  • Vіdrіzayut bioflora for the expansion of the box and roam yoga.
  • Vology bioflor is placed near the container.
  • Form a bouquet of trojans, burying the stems into a bioflor.
  • They tried it between the quilts with a decorative material, for example, a cord or stitches. They are laid in a sufficient order, fixing on the stems.
  • The finished bouquet is embellished with decor, for example, figurines of birds, metelikiv, zvіrіv. You can have the details ready or look at the paper.
  1. For help lines.

As there is no packing material, trojans can be decorated by wrapping them with a cord, tasma, stitch, organza, or a claptem of loose fabric.

Heading: "Nutrition and food"

Nutrition number 1.

We have beautiful trojans in our garden, including hybrid tea. Nemaє need to spend time on bouquets from gifts. From what kind of handy material can you make the original packaging?

At the sight of the garden, spunbond is often vicorated. This material is close to floristic to non-woven fabric. White color, Let's not benteyzhit. Such a “color” is definitely up to the trojans, be it a kind of zabarvlennya. From this it is possible to arrange the packaging, whether it be shaped and expanded, to the fact that the wine is thin, elastic, but at the same time, it is necessary to finish the milk. Wine is suitable for decorating and transporting.

Nutrition number 2.

Can yakі troyandi be vicorated for bouquets?

For any type of varto, get to know the individual characteristics of the growth. Since there is no information, you can protest against the back of the Trojan by placing one ticket by the water.

One of the simplest and most accessible ways of packaging trojans is the pure craft paper.

Pokrokov's instruction

Fold the bouquet diagonally and fix the stems for an additional line.

The sequence of the arrangement of the bouquet for the additional line: 1 - Fold a bouquet of trojans, rotting the stems with a fringe in a spiral. The position of the skin step can be fixed behind the help of a narrow cord, or else. 2 - 3 - If the laying is completed, the place of fixation is decorated with a wide line. 4 - For the help of the pruner, the stems are lifted.

Vіdrіzati vіd roll pryatokutnik.

In the form of a straight cut, cut a 20 cm wide hutch. Fold in two diagonally.

From the side of the fold of the winter, Kraft papyr picking yoga in a bundle.

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