Shvidki shortcakes in a frying pan instead of bread. Such different shortbreads in a frying pan: a simple way to replace bread

Cookies charitable principles cooking

Cake recipes can be practical in the skin kitchen world. Korzhiki є smeared or baked in the oven round layer of dough. For the preparation of vicorist, wheat, rice, corn and other types of boar, olive, eggs, water and other ingredients are used. Sometimes in some recipes for cakes there are ingredients of a dewy and wild adventure. In such a mood, the cake is prepared only on borown water and salt, but it does not come out less savory and appetizing. Shortbreads can be boiled with fillings, or just serve them with some spices. Cakes can often be used as a substitute for great bread. For a spicy relish, add different seasonings, spices, herbs and spices to the aroma.

Recipes for shortcakes can be different: fresh, healthy, syrnі, wheat, baked in tandoor and other shortbreads. Hot shortbreads can be smeared with olive oil, garnished with sesame seeds and greens. As a fallow type of pasta, you can serve vipichka with somgoy, mushrooms, vegetables, shank, bacon, brush with toppings.

Cookies - preparation of products and dishes

To prepare the cakes, you need a frying pan with non-stick coating, or a frying pan, a leaf (for the oven), a sieve, a bowl, a glass of peace and a rocking chair.

Boroshno need to ask in front, oliyu rosem'yakshiti, water and milk to heat. Also, the next step is to take into account the necessary quantity of strong products.

Korzhiv recipes:

Recipe 1: Sirn shortbread (option 1)

Such sirn cakes are suitable for all lovers of sir, that one is just for those who deserve a simple, unobtrusive vipichka.

Necessary ingredients:

  • Pivsklyanki borosna;
  • 4-5 g soda;
  • Strength;
  • Pivsklyanki grated sir;
  • Pivsklyanki kefir;
  • Winter pepper;
  • 60 ml of butter;
  • A bunch of greens (crip, cybula toshcho).

Cooking method:

Mix Olya with boroshnoe, add soda, salt and pepper. Greenery details and add | add | in dough together with grated cheese. Sumish mix and pour in kefir, mix the components. Grease the form with olive oil and use a large spoon to spread the shortbread. Vipіkati close 15-16 hvilin|minutes| in heat up to 200 degrees oven.

Recipe 2: Cookies with cheese (option 2) on a frying pan

Among the most popular recipes for cakes from syrah, this one is one of the most popular. Shortbreads come out more healthy and savory, good both hot and cold looking.

Necessary ingredients:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 g of solid syrah;
  • 30 ml fat sour cream;
  • Oliya Sonyashnikova;
  • Strength;
  • Greens;
  • 3 art. l. boroshn.

Cooking method:

Eggs of the crumbs are beaten, we add sour cream to them and borosno. The components are significantly interchangeable. The greens are podrіbnyuєmo and vikladaєmo in masu. Tertiy sir is also added to the dough. We move the spoon, so that the sire is evenly spread. Lightly pour olive oil and put it on the pan with an equal ball of dough. You can grow not one large, but a sprat of small cakes. Cover the shortbread with 5-8 strands on both sides. So that when turned over, the cake does not fall apart, you can cut it and turn the skin part gently with a spatula.

Recipe 3: Cookies with cheese (option 3) "Povitryani"

Even a simple recipe for a shortbread with syrah, a recipe with a minimum of ingredients and a perfect fit for whatever filling is ready.

Necessary ingredients:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. l. borosna;
  • 101-115 g of any hard sirah;
  • Black chalking pepper - for relish;
  • Sea strength - for relish.

Cooking method:

Whip the squirrels and zhovtki okremo. Zhovtki z'єdnati z|іz| with cheese and boroshnoy, resolutely mixed and wove whites to them. Season masa with pepper and sill for relish. Quite rozpodіliti in the form and vipіkati 10 khvilin. Such a cake is also deliciously served with salmon and other salty fillings.

Recipe 4: Sirnі korzhі for 5 khvilin (option 4)

Such a recipe for cakes can be learned from the situation, if there is no time to cook often. For them, you need a minimum of ingredients.

Necessary ingredients:

  • Bottle of kefir;
  • After drinking a teaspoon of salt, soda and zucru;
  • A bottle of grated sire;
  • A bottle of trimmed taverns, sausages or kovbasi;
  • 2 bottles of borosna.

Cooking method:

Kefir mix with zukr, pour soda and strength. Viklasti in a bowl with kefir tertiy sir ta borosno. Quite vimisity, cut into pieces and cut shortbreads. The shortbread viklasti has trochs of filling and close the edges. Brush the shortbreads on the olive on both sides under the lid.

Recipe 5: Cookies in a frying pan

More simple and Swedish recipe korzhіv in a frying pan. For the preparation of vicory, the available ingredients are available, which include borosno, greens, eggs and zucor from sill. Piquant relish is given by spices and spices.

Necessary ingredients:

  • Boroshno - 3.8 flasks;
  • Water - 195 ml;
  • Strength - 1 tsp;
  • Zukor - 2 tsp;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Oliya sonyashnikova or olive - 30-35 ml;
  • Greens (assorti) - 1 bunch;
  • Season: paprika, turmeric, black pepper.

Cooking method:

The egg is full of zucor from sill, lightly beaten. We pour in the water roslinna oliya, add greenery and mix well. Vsipayemo in sumish flour | borosno | and vmіshuєmo mіsto. We stick with the dough of the bag, then we grow up. The leather cake is smeared until ready on a frying pan.

Recipe 6: Corn Cookies

I use anonymous recipes for corn shortcakes, among which this is one of the most popular. The shortbreads are prepared more tenderly, they can be served for snacks with bacon, cheese, shank and other fillings.

Necessary ingredients:

  • Borosno kukurudzians - 2 bottles;
  • Strength - 1 tsp;
  • Oliya (vershkov) - 3.5 spoons;
  • Boiled water - 30 ml;
  • Cups of milk.

Cooking method:

Boroshno zadnuemo z sillu and m'yakoy olієyu. Pour in milk and water, mix it up. Spoon the shortbread into the pan and smear it from two sides.

Recipe 7: Cookies on kefir

Shortbreads on kefir seem even more healthy, edible and fragrant. Prepared with boroshna, kefir, eggs and butter.

Necessary ingredients:

  • 0.5 l of kefir;
  • 1 egg;
  • Pivkilo borosna;
  • 1 tsp sodi;
  • 55 g olive;
  • 2 spoons of olive;
  • Great strength - for relish.

Cooking method:

Kefir is mixed with soda, Sonyashnikova Oliya that egg. Vsipati in kefir is borosno, vimіsiti tіsto sticky and out of 10-14 quills. Quietly cut into pieces. The skin part of the rozkotity in a shortbread and sipati boroshnoy. Leave the whilin for 10-12. Smear on oliї іz dvoh storіn until ready. Shortcakes cover with olive and sipati sill. Fold it in a pile and fill it with a servlet.

Recipe 8: Uzbek shortbread

Uzbek-style cake recipes are perfect for serving with pilaf, cheese, vegetables, soups and other herbs. It is even more delicious to have such shortbreads with great or green tea.

Necessary ingredients:

  • 610 g boroshn;
  • 370-390 g of water;
  • A teaspoon of salt;
  • A teaspoon of dried bread;
  • 2 tablespoons of sonyashnikov's olive oil.

Cooking method:

Drіzhdzhi z'єdnati with warm water, add | add | flour|boroshno|, mix and salt. Add|Add| in a thick oil | oil | and vimisity. Cover the bowl with 60-90 quills. Mix it up right at the hour of the day. Sip the flour on the surface of the river | boroshno | and lay it down, divide it into 2 parts and wilt the shortbread. Cook shortcakes and get rid of them at the pivgodini. Prick the cakes with a saw and vipkati at 220-230 degrees 20 strands. Cookies are ready to sip with black sesame seeds.

Recipe 9: Cookies in the oven

For such a recipe for korzhikiv, you can play even more deliciously in the oven. The shortbreads come out fresh, and for the sake of the meal, add a little bit to the chauffeur. The dough is ideal for various fillings.

Necessary ingredients:

  • 2 bottles of borosna;
  • 185 ml of cow's milk;
  • Chasnik - 2 prongs;
  • 200 g brinzi;
  • red pepper;
  • Black pepper;
  • Creep and parsley - for relish.

Cooking method:

Milk is poured into the flour and thoroughly mixed, so that there is no breast. You can just salt a little bit, so that the shortbreads do not come out fresh. All components are interchanged, the capacity is increased from the test with a smelt and it is left in the cold. The sire is rubbed, the greens and the teapot are podrіbnyuemo. Let's change the sire from the greenery and the watchmaker. Quietly podіlyaєmo on sacks and rozkochuєmo korzhiki. In the middle of the skin we put the filling, the edges are covered. Cooking in the oven before cooking. Oliya vikoristovuvat not obov'yazkovo.

Recipe 10: Mexican Cookie

Cake recipes can often be used in Mexican cuisine. Wear the stink of the name "Tortilla". Prepare such shortbreads from any kind of boroshn (wheat, corn, etc.).

Necessary ingredients:

  • The flask is boroshn;
  • 101-105 ml of water;
  • 25-28 g olії;
  • A teaspoon of salt;

Cooking method:

Boroshno zm_shati z | iz | oil | oil | and salt. Pour in a small portion of water and mix it up. Get 15 whilin. Rozrіzati tіsto on kіlka breasts and rozkotiti plasti. Vipіkati cakes in a frying pan (without oliї). Mexican shortbreads are being cooked very quickly.

Recipe 11: Cookies with stuffing

Danish recipe for shortbread recipes suggests preparing a savory meal with potato filling. Strava vіdmіnno pіdіyde for snіdankіv, evening and pіsnyh dnіv.

Necessary ingredients:

  • Pivsklyanki drive;
  • 2 bottles of borosna;
  • 70-80 ml of olive oil (roseweed);
  • 3 pinches of salt;
  • Black pepper - a couple of pinches;
  • The head of the cybuli rіpchastoy;
  • Potatoes - sprat pieces;
  • Fresh parsley - to taste.

Cooking method:

Peel the cibula, clean the potatoes, cut and cut. Trim the parsley, brush the cibula. Potovkti boiled potatoes, add greens, pepper, cibula, salt everything. Thoroughly mix with water, 60 ml of dewy olives and a small amount of salt. Wrap the bowl with the dough in a plastic bag and leave it on the dryer. Quietly cut into sprats of breasts and cut. Lubricate the shortbreads for 1.5-2 quills from both sides. Stuff hot shortbreads and burn navpil.

Recipe 12: Shortcakes from greens and cibulei

duje savory recipe korzhіv with tsibuleya and greens. Vipіchka can take a refreshing relish and appetizing aroma.

Necessary ingredients:

  • 2.5-3 bottles of borosna;
  • 190-205 ml of water;
  • Strength;
  • Oliya Sonyashnikova;
  • Sorrel;
  • Creep parsley;
  • Green cibula.

Cooking method:

Water zm_shati z | iz | flour | boroshnoy |, salt and add | add | oil|oil|. Wimіsiti іsto and tidy up for 25-30 quills. Promite the greens, refine it and mix it. Razdіliti tіsto parts and razkotity. Add greens to the skin of the shortbread and burn it with a thick roll. Grease in a dry frying pan until golden brown.

Recipe 13: Zhitnі shortcakes

Recipe for shortbread with wheat boroshna vіdmіnno podhodit tim, who loves savory that healthy zhu and not only. Cooking shortbread is easy and quick. They can replace the great bread.

Necessary ingredients:

  • 225 g of wheat boar;
  • Yogurt - 190-200 ml;
  • 4-6 g of zucru, salt and soda;
  • 15 ml of olive oil;
  • Spicy herbs;
  • Sesame.

Cooking method:

Boroshno z'ednati with tsukr, soda and silly, mix. Natural yoghurt zmіshati z|іz| oil | oil |. Rіdkі іngredієnti z'єdnati z dry and vimіsiti іsto. Lose for 20 quilin. On the surface, I will sip with a bog of life, it will be thickly rozkotity and virіzati rounds. Prick with a fork. Posipati biscuits with spicy herbs and sesame seeds. Zapikati at the oven 16-18 khvilin.

Recipe 14: Fresh cakes

Even simpler and savory recipe for fresh shortbreads. Perfectly suitable for any filling, it can also be eaten together with soups and other herbs.

Necessary ingredients:

  • Vial of water;
  • 3 bottles of borosna;
  • A teaspoon of salt.

Cooking method:

Boroshno ask, zmishati z | iz | water, salt. Like next, you should be quiet, put on 18-25 whilin|minutes|. Posipati on top of flour | boroshnoy | and divide the dough into sprat parts. Cut the skin on a boron, then rough it up and brush it in a frying pan without olives. Vikladati shortcakes one on one, zbrizkuyuchi water.

Recipe 15: Cookies on the water

Even more inexpensive and savory recipe for cakes on the water. As soon as you run out of bread, don’t hurry to the store - you can cook such biscuits and appetizing shortcakes from the most accessible ingredients.

Necessary ingredients:

  • Soda - 3 g;
  • Boroshno - "on the eye";
  • Trochs drive;
  • Sil ta tsukor - for relish;
  • Roslin oil.

Cooking method:

Close to 400-500 g of boroshna zmishati zі 190-200 ml of water, add strength, soda and zukor. Mix everything, tidy up the pastry for winter - 40 khvilin. Divide the dough into sprats of parts and rozkotity. Coat in a frying pan on both sides with olive oil.

Recipe 16: Cookies without yeast

Shortbreads without yeast come out healthy and savory, but they are ready to be freshly cooked.

Necessary ingredients:

  • Boroshno - kilogram;
  • 2 tsp. salt and rozpushuvacha;
  • 210 g margarine or olії;
  • 0.5 liters of milk;
  • Sesame - for sippanna;
  • 1 chew.

Cooking method:

Borosno zmіshati іz sіllu, vsipati rozpushuvach. Z'ednati borosho with rozm'yakshenim butter and milk. Quietly replace, cut into 2 equal parts and cover with olive. Leave for 14-20 quills. The skin part of the cut into a shortbread, in the middle of the robit was buried so that the edges became thick. Zrobiti pricked with a saw, brushed with a zhovt. You can with a small amount of sesame. Vipkati at the heated oven 18-20 hvilin.

Recipe 17: Honey cake.

Honey shortbread is often vicorated folk medicine. Vipikannya helps the body to get in a cold. It's easy to get ready and doesn't require folding ingredients. Honey cakes can be given to children.

Necessary ingredients:

2. Trochs of dewy ole;

3. Boroshno - "on the eye";

4. 2-3 tbsp. l. honey;

5. Zukor - for relish.

Cooking method:

Egg zmіshati z|іz| oil | oil | and honey, add | add | flour|boroshno| i tsukor. It is not guilty, but we repeat it, but rare. Vip_kati korzhik on deco until ready.

Recipe 18: Cookie Tortilla

Another popular recipe for korzhikiv, which is victorious in Mexican cuisine. Cooking shortcakes is not easy, you can put stuffing in them: cock, cheese, vegetables with kvass, etc.

Necessary ingredients:

  • 1 tsp salt and rozpushuvacha;
  • Boroshno - 2 bottles;
  • Pivsklyanki drive;
  • 15 ml soft butter | oil |

Cooking method:

Boroshno zm_shati іz sіllu, vsipati rozpushuvach, vmіsiti vershkov oil|mastilo| i add|add| water. Tisto vimіsity and suffice for 17-20 quills. Quietly cut into bags and cut into large thin shortbreads. Brush in a frying pan until brown spots appear.

Recipe 20: Rice Cakes

Rice cakes are ready to finish simply, but they come out even more savory. Come up to any kind of strains and fillings.

Necessary ingredients:

  • 2.5 bottles of rice boar;
  • 1 egg;
  • Water - 1 bottle;
  • Zukor - 1 tsp;
  • 10 ml of rosemary olії;
  • A teaspoon of salt;
  • 45-50 g of olive oil.

Cooking method:

Boroshno zm_shati z | iz | tsukr in a deep mist., add | add | sil. Egg rozbovtati at the glass, water and pour at the boro. Vimіsiti іsto, rasrіzati on the breasts, leather with some kind of rosé on the surface, which sticks to the boar. Brush rice cakes in a frying pan without olives. Spread hot shortbreads vershkov oil m.

Recipe 21: Taco Cookies

For the preparation of Mexican taco cakes, you need a lot of ingredients: well, egg and water. Vіdmіnno poddhodit for any filling.

Necessary ingredients:

  • Kukurudzians are borosno - pivsklyanki;
  • Water - pivsklyanki;
  • egg;
  • Trochs of salt;
  • Vershkov oil.

Cooking method:

Boroshno zm_shati z | iz | soft butter, egg, sill and water. It is the fault of the mother with a light, rare consistency. Vipіkati shortcakes on a heated frying pan until golden.

Recipe 22: Cookies with milk

An even more popular recipe for korzhikiv on milk. The shortbreads look soft, savory the bottom ones.

Necessary ingredients:

  • Strength - 0.5 tsp;
  • Pivsklyanki milk;
  • Boroshno - pivsklyanki;
  • 45 ml of rosemary;
  • 1 egg.

Cooking method:

Boroshno ask, add | add | salt | salt |, milk, mix everything thoroughly. Beat in the egg and add the oil. All the ingredients are mixed, the breast of dough is beaten with sprats once on a steel, left for 19-25 strands. Roaring dough on small breasts and spreading wide shortbreads. Brush the cakes with oil and brush them in a frying pan. Fold the prepared shortbreads in a bowl and cover with a servlet.

Recipe 23: Indian Shortcakes

The traditional recipe for Indian shortcakes can be vicorated, as it is necessary to prepare thin and savory shortcakes for the filling. For cooking, you need a minimum set of ingredients.

Necessary ingredients:

  • Borosno wheat - 1 bottle;
  • Bottle of whole-grain boroshn;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 30 ml olive oil;
  • 160ml hot water.

Cooking method:

Mix two kinds of borosna, salt. Gradually pour in the hot water, constantly stirring the ingredients. Vimisity quiet. Vono can be springy, but non-sticky. Quietly cut into pieces and leave out the whilin for 25-30. Heat a chavun pan with olive oil. Rolls of rozkotity on boroshni into shortbreads. Lubricate for 25-30 seconds on both sides.

Cookies - secrets i fawn over the best culinary

- Paste for cakes must be mixed only with hands;

- So that the shortbreads turned out soft and appetizing, you can smear them with a pinch of butter.

We offer you a simple recipe homemade vipіchki from custard dough. You can take the stuffing for her, no matter what. For example, I’ve cooked a chicken, cowbass, sir, potatoes, mushrooms, or a green cibul. Shortcakes can be taken for a picnic, a job to learn.

  1. Ask borosno in a bowl, add strength. Pour in the okrop and oliya.
  2. Stir the food with a spoon, then knead the dough with your hands. Close yoga with a servette and fill it for 30 minutes.
  3. Put melting cheese near the freezer for 10 minutes, and then rub it on a large third.
  4. Divide dough into 10 breasts and cut to 5 mm thick. Put the stuffing in, close it and pinch the edges of the blanks.
  5. Lay the “bears” on the board with the seam down and gently roll them with a rocking chair again. The thickness of the workpiece may be 10-15 mm.
  6. Make the frying pan hot. Lubricate the biscuits 3 times each from the skin side on a medium fire.

Serve with tea, compote and beer.

Dagestan shortcakes without eggs in a frying pan

In the Caucasus, the grass is prepared for the holy one for the guests. Thin cakes with sieve filling come out even more fragrant and juice. So that the vipіchka does not dry out, it is necessary to cover the coat with olive oil.


  • borosno wheat - 800 g;
  • kefir - 500 ml;
  • potatoes - 6 pcs.;
  • vershkov butter - 200 g;
  • qibulya - 1 pc.;
  • roslinna oliya - 30 g;
  • krip - 1 bunch;
  • soda - 10 g;
  • sil - 1 pinch.
  1. Mix in kefir from soda and silly. After 5 minutes, add 200 g of boron and mix the products.
  2. Boroshno, what was left out, visipte on the table and put on it the mass that was left. Mix it up with your hands, cover it with a towel and let it be done 15-20 min.
  3. Boil the potatoes, chop the cubula roughly and brush it on olives until golden in color. Chop greens.
  4. Rose potatoes, mix them with crops and cibules. Add strength and spices for relish.
  5. Divide the dough into sacks with a diameter of 5 cm, put them on the table and press them with your hands. Put on shortbreads 1 tbsp. l. fillings, pinch the edges.
  6. Rock the blanks to a thickness of 8-10 mm. Coat the blanks in a dry frying pan until golden brown. Grease hot cakes with melted butter.

Serve fragrant vipіchka before the table with soup, tea and wine.

Sitni cakes are good to go with sauce with sour cream and chasnik, ketchup and salsa.

Olga Khatkevich | 06/23/2015 | 4748

Olga Khatkevich 06/23/2015 4748

Do you like Kazakh, Tatar, Ugric shortbreads? Cooking them at home is not important! Specially for you, "Lady's Expert" published 3 recipes for homemade cakes.

Some organisms seem to be boroshnany, but lighter than traditional black bread. You, obviously, can go to the store and buy ready-made pita bread, or better, cook shortcakes at home on your own. Zrobiti tse just for the help of our recipes.

Kazakh shortbread

They live like an independent dish or instead of bread. Vіdmіnna singularity- This is a recipe without yeast, based on any fermented milk product. I realized that in the Fatherland, the grass is prepared in the past, I am showing you an adaptation of the recipe. Let's do it!

Homemade shortbreads stick very fast!


  • 300 g of wheat boroshn;
  • 25 g of butter;
  • 50 g of kefir, sour milk or 35 g of sour cream;
  • 10 g zucru;
  • 0.5 tsp soda that estimate for gasinnya;
  • 0.5 tsp salt;
  • 200 g oil for greasing.

Boroshte nasipte on the humpbacked steel and dig at the new burying. In the middle put rosemary topsoil, sour cream, or pour in kefir or sour milk. Mix the strength and zucchini in 70 g of warm drinking water, pour it in. Add soda, extinguished with otstom. Replace it, download it in a bag, cover it with a towel and let it stand for 30 min.

Posipte stil boroshnoy.

After the first year, roll into the dough small pieces of approximately 30-50 g each and slip them into small bags. Behind the rise of the stink, buti yak tangerines can be. Heat up a frying pan with olive oil. Tilki do not wag Yogo vіdrazu everything, rather add the offal in small portions. Take one bag, roll it with a rocking chair into a thin cake with a thickness of about 2-3 mm and put yogo in a pan.

If the shortbread is fried from one side, turn it over to the other. Pіdsmazhenі boroshnіnі іrobі are put on a large plate with a cup on a kshtalt of mlintsіv. Dodatkovo zmaschuvati olієyu їkh treba.


This is a traditional Tatar shortbread with a filling in the middle. Grease such a boroshnia virib in a frying pan. Still hot they know and smear half with the filling, and the rest - curl. You can put in the middle of such a shortbread those that are more like you. And I will tell you how to prepare the basis. We don’t have any yeast in the warehouse, but ready-made hot shortbreads with stuffing are smeared with top butter, like zvichayn milk.


  • 300-400 g of boron;
  • 1 egg;
  • 130 ml of milk;
  • 1 tsp tsukru;
  • 0.5 tsp salt.

Put all the ingredients in a bowl and knead the dough. It's not guilty buti sticky. If you need it, add some more boroshn. After the zamіsu can stand quietly 20-30 min.

You can put everything you want into the brush, and decorate it with such beautiful neat little things

Posipte stil boroshnoy. Now divide the dough into even parts, download into bags. Put the frying pan on fire. Ready to drink wine dry, so you don’t need oil for lubrication. Cut leather from them with a rocking chair in a shortbread. Lubricate them as needed on a dry hot frying pan. If the shortbread is fried from one side, turn it over to the other.


All Ugrian hot shortbreads, yakі їdyat hot. It is good to serve such a herb before soups, other hot herbs or cold appetizers. Vіdmіnna Ugrian korzhik rice - cooked in deep fat. However, you can whip up a wonderful frying pan, just need a rich olive oil for lubrication and paper towels for removing it.


  • 500 g of wheat boroshn;
  • 1 sachet of dry yeast;
  • 0.5 tsp salt;
  • half a head of a watchmaker;
  • 500 ml rosemary oil for lubrication;
  • sour cream or sir, if you want, the shortbreads would taste better.

Take 300 ml of warm water and pour into a bowl. Then add dry yeast and stir well. Sipte strength, flour | boroshno |, knead the dough. Leave the warm mist for 30 mins, bazhano pіd plіvkoy.

Tertiy sir or sour cream can be added directly to the dough, or else you may need a little more.

Prepare chasnikov water, with which you will coat the skin of the preparations of the shortbread. Pass the chasnik through a press, put the porridge, which came out, into a bowl and pour 50-70 ml of water. Give strength to the tip of the knife and stir the mass well.

If the pastry has grown 2-3 times, then you can eat shortbread. In order to form one of them, pinch a small piece and lightly loosen it with a rocking chair, the ball must be 5-10 mm thick. Now stretch the shortbread with your hands: the middle of the weide is thinner, and the edges are thicker.

Qi shortcakes can be made square, and the sir can be put not in the dough, but in the middle

I’ll prepare what I came up with, put it into a boiled olive oil on a frying pan. It is important that the shortbread does not stick to the bottom of the tank during frying, but floats freely at it. Flour virib may garnenko blush on both sides. If you’re ready to go, put the langosh on a plate, covered with a paper towel, so that the oliya’s zayva will be picked up.

Soak a penzlik in Chasnikov's water and brush it over the entire surface of the finished shortbread.

Like a bachite, the performances of the cakes are independently awkward, and the hour on the whole is no more, lower on the zvichayny mlints. Cook at home from satisfaction and often delight your relatives and loved ones with culinary novelties. Savory!

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All the trochs are unfortunate. I would like to show one person, how not to love delicious food, or just to have a good time.

1. Shvidki shortcakes from green cibulia
2. Cookies with cheese and greens
3. Dzhe shvidki sirnі shortcakes on kefіrі with stuffing
4. Cookies "Avarski". Tse impossibly tasty!
5. Kistibiy (Tatar shortbread with potatoes). Motor delicious!
6. Leaf shortbreads with cheese. Like from a grandmother's oven!

1. Shvidki shortcakes from green cibulia

Shortbreads are prepared simply, with a minimum of ingredients, lubricated with shvidko and exude with marvelous relish.

Okrip water - 300 ml.
Roslinna oliya - 3 tbsp.
Boroshno - 400g.
Strength - 1 hour.

Green cibula - ½ bunch.
Strength - 1/3 tsp.


In a bowl, ask for 350 gr of borosna, add 1 teaspoon of salt, 3 tbsp of olive oil, fill with dill. Let's mix it up.

Zagortaemo in a little bag and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes, ripen and cool.

The green cybul is drastically cut.

Quietly and rozkochuёmo in a layer of zavtovshki 5 mm.

The shortbread is sippy with a green cibulia, the sippy is sill and the cake is baked with a roll.

The roll is subdivided into 10 parts. We take one piece, We fill the edges on two sides, and a thin shortbread is rosy.

Pour some olive oil into the frying pan, brush the shortbreads on both sides on medium heat until golden brown.


2. Cookies with cheese and greens

Come out even more succulent, savory, crazy lower and appetizing.

For test:
Boroshno - 3.5 - 4 tbsp.
Oliya Vershkove - 200 gr. (can be replaced with margarine)
Egg - 1 pc.
Oliya - 3 tbsp.
Ocet 6% - 2 tablespoons
Strength - 0.5 tsp.

For filling:
Sir - 500 gr.
Tsibulya is green - 1 bunch
Creep - 0.5 bunch
Egg - 2 pcs.
Strength - 1/3 tsp.


At 200, we break a thunderous flask to an egg, add, strength, estimate, olive. Stir with a fork and add a bottle of cold water from the refrigerator. Razmіshaєmo and tidy up the bottle from the place in the fridge.

On the table, we ask for 3.5 flasks of boroshn, sodium vershkov oil is well drawn out of the refrigerator, trochs of sodium and zmіshaemo with boroshn.

Now rub it with your hands boroughly with a pinch of butter, until I become crihti.

Robimo burying it is poured into the bottle in 3-4 doses. Let's mix it up.

Tisto is divided into 7 parts.

We form bags, a skin bag is burned into a grub. We take it to the refrigerator for 1:00.

We prepare the filling in the sir, break 2 eggs, add strength, green cibulus and greens kreep finely pozhemo and add to the sir. Let's move on.

We take dough on a piece from the refrigerator, form a shortbread and rozkochuemo. The shortbread comes out approximately 35 cm in diameter, rather thin, so that it shines through.

In the middle, put 3 tbsp of sirne filling, spread in a thin ball.

Dilimo shortbread for 6 segments. Viishla, chamomile with 6 pelluses.

We take 2 protractile segments and bend, now the advancing 2 segments, and the remaining 2 segments. The shortbread is pressed down with the palms, so that it swells well.

Pour olive oil into the frying pan, heat it up, lower the shortbread and brush it on both sides to a golden color. We stack the shortcakes one by one.

I am ready to marvel at these savory shortbreads in my short video below.


3. Dzhe shvidki sirnі shortcakes on kefіrі with stuffing

Sirny shortbread on kefir with shank. The stench is prepared quickly, easily from available products. Come out again, pishnі, nizhnі. And the smut, the stench comes out even more delicious. Raja obov'yazkovo skushtuvati.

Kefir - 250 ml.
Sir - 100 gr.
Strength - 1/3 tsp.
Zukor - 1/2 tsp
Soda - 1/2 tsp
Boroshno - 300g.
Shinka - 200 gr.


At the mist, we mix kefir, sil, tsukor, soda,

Dodamo tertiy sir, flour | boroshno |, zamіshuemo dough.

Shinku natrimo on the great third.

Dilimo tіsto on equal parts, timidly small shortbread, so that the tіsto is not sticky, we sip on yogo boroshnoe. We put a shank in the middle, pick up the edges and close it. Rozkochuєmo cake rocking chair.

We smear in a frying pan.

How am I preparing these savory shortbreads to marvel at in my short video below.


4. Cookies "Avarski". Tse impossibly tasty!

Avar shortcakes with potato filling. (Dagestan shortbread Chudu). Roast in a dry frying pan without a drop of olive oil. Come out fragrant, blue, soft, lower and even savory.

Kefir - 500 ml.
Boroshno - 700 gr
Strength - 1/2 tsp.
Soda - 1 tsp

For filling:
Potato - 800 gr.
Crop greens - 3 balls
Cibulya - 1 pc.
Roslinna oliya - 1 tbsp.
Vershkov butter - 100 gr.
Milk - 100 ml.

Frying pan diameter 24 cm (includes 12 cakes)


In a bowl, pour 500 ml of kefir, add strength, 1 tsp of soda, mix and add borosno, thickly mix.

Zagortaёmo dough in a small bag and take it to the refrigerator for 30-40 quills.

Let's prepare the filling. Potatoes vіdvarimo, dodamo olіya, milk, cibula smeared in a frying pan, krip.

Tisto is divided into 12 parts.

We take one bag of loosely small shortbread, put the filling in the middle, for an obligatory style and skilki buv small piece of dough.

We choose the edges of the shortbread and kindly creak, roar the shortbread We put the shortbread on a hot dry frying pan and grease it on a medium fire from two sides to a ruddy color, about 1-2 strands from the skin side, it is not necessary to grease the cakes strongly, the stench is absorbed. We know the shortbreads, wipe the frying pan with a boar and grease the shortcakes. Shortbreads sometimes bubble up, it's okay, if you know the fire, you'll get the right shape. Vіdrazu hot korzh zamashuemo rastopelim butter from two sides, stacked all korzhiki cup.

How am I preparing these savory shortbreads to marvel at in my short video below.


5. Kistibiy (Tatar shortbread with potatoes). Motor delicious!

Kitibiy. Tatar shortbreads stuffed with mashed potatoes. For the preparation of cakes, you do not need any foreign products; Come out soft, juice, lower, fragrant, just relish.

Milk - 150 ml.
Boiled water (cooled) - 150 ml.
Roslinna Oliya - 40 gr.
Boroshno - 500 gr.
Vershkov butter - 100 gr (for oiling cakes)

Potato - 1 kg.
Milk - 300 ml.
Vershkov oil - 50-100g.
Creep - 1/2 bunch.
Cibulya - 1 pc.


From milk, water, salt, olії and boroshna zam_simo dry, let it stand 20 quills.

Cooking mashed potatoes.

Tisto is divided into parts. Stil posipaemo boroshnoy and roskochuemo shortbread. We put the shortbread on a dry frying pan and bake on medium heat 2-3 quills from the skin side. We folded it and put all the shortbreads in a pile, covered it with grub and a towel, so the stench will become soft and will be warm for a long time. All the same are tested with other cakes.

We melt the shortbreads with butter, a bunch in the middle, put mashed potatoes on one half, curl it with the other half, brush with butter from two sides.

How am I preparing these savory shortbreads to marvel at in my short video below.


6. Leaf shortbreads with cheese. Like from a grandmother's oven!

Cookies leaflets yeast test with cheese at the oven. To come out fragrant, golden and savory, like from the oven. Forgive me to finish the fritters at the ready.

Boroshno - 600-650g.
Milk - 400mol.
Roslinna oliya - 60 ml.
Strength - 1 year.
Zukor - 1 tbsp.
Dry drizhdzhi - 11 UAH. (otherwise siri drіzhdzhi 33gr)

For filling:
Vershkov butter - 50 gr.
Egg - 1 pc.
Sir - 150 gr.


Zmіshuєmo milk, tsukor, sil, drіzhdzhi, flour | boroshno | and mix it up and clean it in a warm place for 50-60 minutes | minutes |, after the dough is ready.

Quietly, dilimo into 2 half and form 2 sacks, close the spit and let it stand for 10 quills.

We take one ball of dough and roll it in a thin layer. We smear the shortbread with topping butter and grate it with syrup.

Zgortaєmo shortbread roll.

From the roll, sho viyshov, form ravlik. Curve with plіvkoy and let's stand up, until the approaching shortbread is roaring.

Ravlik trohi rises, spreading yogo into a shortcake 7-10 mm.

We transfer the shortbread to the sheet, close it with a towel, and then three shortcakes of the shortbread rise up the whilin 10-15.

We smear the cake with an egg and weep the roasted oven at 180 degrees 30-35 chills.

How am I preparing these savory shortbreads to marvel at in my short video below.


Dry cakes, greased in a frying pan, - that sautéed sourdough is even savory. The relish of such cakes is associated with childishness for me, my mother often cooked them with both honey and savory homemade milk. Now such cakes are ready for mothers for their onukivs, and I for my daughter.

To cook dry-dry cakes in a frying pan, you need:

milk - 200 ml;

tsukor - 1 tbsp. l.;

sіl - pinch;

egg - 1 pc.;

borosno - 500-550 g;

fresh drizzle - 20 g;

oil for lubrication.

Bring milk up to room temperature. We may be warm, but in some cases we are not hot.

Add yeast and tsukor to the milk, mix and remove for 10 quills.

If it’s already grown old, you can start working on it.

Tіsto embrace and divide into chotir equal parts. Cut the skin part into a round layer of a 1.5-2 cm zavtovshka, on which it is cut with a knife or a fork, sprat. Leave for 5-7 whilins, shob | abi | it was a little quiet.

In a frying pan, add olive oil and brush the skin with a dry crust on both sides to a golden color.

The fire under the hour of smearing the cakes is to blame but the lower for the middle one, otherwise in the middle the stench will not be smeared and will be orphaned.

Ready appetizing dried biscuits cooked in a frying pan, take them out of the fire and put them on a paper towel to take away the fat. Serve hot with milk and honey.


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