Adjika z alichi blue prepared for the winter. Adjika from Alichi. Hot principles of cooking

Adjika with plums for the winter: finger-licking recipes

Adjika is a seasoning from the national Abkhazian cuisine, which burns gostra and poach, has become the basis for great variety of seasonings and sauces with additions of herbs, tomatoes, licorice pepper or plums.

I look back at the last seasons, if adjika did not manage to survive until winter. A subtle aroma, which, according to the taste receptors, has a savory relish and a fantastic color - the axis of the three main warehouses for the success of adjika. Zlivi you can take absolutely be-like - red, yellow and green. Ale, the most radical color of the sauce comes out of the blue plums. Meni and relish is the most appropriate.

Universal sauce for meat and vegetable herbs.

Who said that you can cook more desserts with plums? Glibok pardon!

Let's say, how to cook spicy adjika from plums for the winter, how to relish with your incomparable relish.

The sauce miraculously goes up to the meat, ribeye, it’s even better to eat with beans and potatoes.

Therefore, you can become a connoisseur not only for m'yasovids, but also for vegetarians.

Invariably, a set of spices is left: hot black pepper, hops-suneli, a teaspoon and kam'yana strong. I tried to prepare a lot of recipes for adjika, but most of all I tried adjika with plums, a recipe for the winter, so I would make a lot of fruit and vegetables.

Hot principles of cooking

For the preparation of adjika from plums for the winter, the fruit will be crushed, without succumbing, that traces of rot. The sauce can be prepared from any variety, zokrema from alichi. And it’s better to choose plums, for those who are good, they have a brush. So less than an hour to prepare fruits. You don’t need to see the skin of a plum, because it gives you a spicy sourness, and an indescribable aroma of the finished sauce. Wanting deyakі lords vvazhayut for the best steamed fruit and wipe through a sieve. Ale is already on the right relish.

For harvesting adjika from plums for the winter, you need a meat grinder, and you can also use a blender. If the wine is strong, then trim the masa in the same and lower puree, in which the skins will not be crushed. You also need a stainless steel saucepan for making sauce or a basin.

Most often in adjika with plums, a cup of hot pepper is added. You can vary the quantity, fallow according to the needs of the food. The sauce must be thermally processed and then simmered at a sterile jar for safe storage. Ale yogo can be prepared in a small amount for sampling and saved in the refrigerator.

Gostra adjika with plums for the winter

Ingredients for 2 liters of adjika:

  • zliva (blue, podovzhena) - 3 kg,
  • basil (blue) - 3 bunches,
  • Celery greens - 3 bunches,
  • krip - 3 bundles,
  • parsley - 3 bunches,
  • tomatoes - 600 grams,
  • chili pepper - 3 pieces,
  • hop suneli - 6 tablespoons
  • strong coarse pomelo - for relish (I put 3 tablespoons),
  • chasnik - 1.5 heads

Cooking hour - 50 hvilin

Pokrokovy recipe. lick your fingers

1. It is necessary to sort out the plums beforehand and remembrance. For the sauce, not obov'yazkovo, take less mіtsnі fruits. Golovna, sob they didn’t have fragments, they rotted.

2. Wiymaєmo zі drain brushes. You can cut them with a knife, and from the soft plums, the tassels are cut without additional attachments. I don’t know the skin, it will give the sauce its wonderful color and the necessary acid.

3. Dribno rubaemo blue basil and visipaemo to plums.

4. So very dryly rubaemo rubaem greenery - selera, parsley and krip. Visipaemo in a saucepan, de varitimes adjika.

5. The main ingredient is chili pepper. We work with you gostry sauce That's why we can't see the pepper, it's just cut into sprats. Tomatoes are cut into small pieces, be it form, rosemary is also important not to wash - the sauce is broken through with a blender.

6. Add hops-suneli and salt. Strength obov'yazkovo take kam'yana. Zvichayna cooker is not suitable - there is a need for conservation. If you want a lot of salt, then here I recommend going out with your own tastes. If you are preparing adjika with plums up, then put 1.5-2 tablespoons. And then try the sauce after cooking. Yakshto you zdastsya unsalted, add salt.

7. Everything is mixed. I'm shaking with my hands, knocking plums at once, so that the stench gave a sіk.

8. We put the pan on the stove. We bring to a boil. (Water is not added! Enough of that juice, which is seen from the plums.) Let's change the fire to a minimum - the sauce is guilty of less than a trifle of bubbling. I brew adjika 20 khvilin, mix. The lid is not curved.

9. Punch through the plums that have been boiled, with a blender stretching at least five quills until smooth, shiny. homogeneous mass.

10. I only after that we give a watchmaker - it can be rubbed on another third, as if it were not a watchmaker. (I at the same time you can try the sauce, enough wine salting and add salt if necessary.) After that sauce needs to be boiled again (literally, khvilina). On whom everything. We pour the sauce with dry sterilized jars. Curved in front with boiled krishki, which will be screwed up, otherwise they are specially used for stiffness. If the banks are turned upside down, wrapped in a carpet and left in such a view, the docks will not get cold.


Zlivova adjika is a completely savory and fragrant sauce with a pronounced piquant flavor, not similar to anything else. We sang to make fruit compote, jammy and varennya, and it’s amazing, if you happen to try the sauce to meat, crushed plums and other yagid at a party.

Adjika is Caucasian root. In Abkhazia, Georgia, it is savory to gostri sauces, pouring them over traditional shashlik or lamb on rye. Prepare dressing for zlivu not richly folded, lower identical product from tomatoes, hot peppers and other vegetables. The technology of preparation can do so by itself preparation stage that is the main one, but if you want to build blanks for a thriving savings, you need to complete the capacities, recognized for the purpose. Whether it’s adjika, you can choose a recipe for the winter, after reading the article further, using the shoes of the thermal wrapping of containers.

Traditionally in Russia, vicorist is used for corking glass jars total 500 chi 700 grams. Їx sterilization is carried out by the method of boiling or vitrimming in the oven at high temperatures. An hour for a qiu procedure on average requires about 10 quills.

simple recipe

I sing to you shaleno savory recipe adjika zі drain for the winter, you will lick your fingers.

  • for 2 kg of fruit
  • -200 grams for a watchmaker,
  • three pods of red hot pepper,
  • 200 grams of chicken pisku,
  • 2 table spoons of salt
  • and sticks of tomato paste.

After adding all the ingredients, it is necessary to prepare them with this list. Vimiti fruits, peel the tassels and cut them into small pieces for crispness. They gave me a meat grinder and passed a plum and pepper through it. Transfer some of the sire puree to a saucepan, add tomato paste, salt and zucchini. Boil the sauce on a low flame for 40 strands. At this hour, the teapot should be crushed in the press and transferred to a saucepan for five minutes before the end of cooking. Hot adjika from plums for the winter is poured into sterile jars and sprinkled with sprinkles. Then it is necessary to turn the blanks upside down and keep them in such a position under a bag of carpets for two or three days.

Adjika zі plums may be impersonal recipes, but in the event of a fall, you should remember about those who cook for the needs of bazhanny, love and kindness, then you will come out especially savory and right at home.

Fruit sauce can be prepared not only from one plum, adding, for example, quince. This variant has an unforgettable tart taste and a subtle aroma. Vzagali, adjika can get ready different ways Ale, it is practical to plant in її warehouses there is a watchmaker and red pepper. Tse z tim, sho cob recognized sauce є nadannya main spicy spicy relish.

quince recipe

Otzhe, adjika from plums for the winter with quince. This recipe will require the following products:

  • 700 g of fruit,
  • 1.5 kilograms of Bulgarian pepper,
  • one watchmaker's head,
  • capsicum red pepper (2 pieces),
  • strength for taste
  • that 1 tbsp. a spoonful of zucru

Please, clear all components and refine them. Skip the ingredients through a meat grinder and cook on a small fire for about a year. The finished product is laid out behind the forward-cut cans, which are filled with sterile lids.

Adjika zі plums for the winter start ryatuє at the holy table. Baiduzhih to tsієї stravi guests practically never fail. Believe me, once you try this wonderful sauce, you will cook yogo shroka!

Recipe for the simplest and most common adjika with plums for the winter

The classic recipe for adjika with plums for the winter has a harmonious, sour-hospitable relish. The sauce is perfect for m'yasnim stravam. In Georgia, yoga is served with lamb shashlik and other national meat dishes.

  • zlivu 1 kg;
  • chasnik 100 gr.;
  • sil 1 tbsp. l.;
  • zukor 2 tbsp. l.;
  • 2 pods of hot pepper;
  • 2 spoons of tomato sauce.

See the brushes at the plums, clean the pepper from the bottom. All podrіbniti and put varitsia. Periodically take a spoonful of kicks. At this hour, it is necessary to clean the clockwork and clean it up. After 30 quills, after boiling, boil in tsukor ta sil sauce, boil 5 quills, add chalk chalking. Leave 3 quills and roll up adjika and plums for the winter in sterile jars.

After adding salt and zucru, it is recommended to take a sample from the sauce. If wine is sour, then for the bazhanya you can still add zukra. Well, well, viyshov sauce is licorice and does not taste piquancy, you can add a little citric acid, apple chi wine otstu.

Recipe with beetroot

Quince is a miracle fruit, which can be vicorated for preparing adjika from plums for the winter. The sauce has an incredible aroma and a rich relish. It is not necessary to worry about the tartness of quince, in the finished dish you won’t be sensitive.

  • zlivu 2 kg;
  • quince 1 kg;
  • beetroot 1 pc.;
  • chasnik 300 gr.;
  • 5 chili pods;
  • sіl, tsukor.

Fruit, chasnik and promithi pepper. Remove the plums and remove the brushes, cut the quince into small pieces and remove the core from the pimples. Clean the watchmaker and clear the beet, and see the last of the pepper. Usі skladovі podrіbniti at once, krіm chasnik. Yogo Okremo. Put the sauce on the stove for 40 quills, then add spices and details, cook 5 quills and you can simmer adjika with plums for the winter.

Buryak in this recipe is vikoristovuetsya for adding rich color to the sauce. Ale for bazhannya this ingredient can be turned off.

Recipe for adjika with plums and tomatoes.

Tomatoes are good to eat with pepper, chasnik and, of course, plum. Sauce, preparations for this recipe, store-bought ketchup for gusto, ale richly natural and brown. For cooking, you can whip up some spices for your choice: coriander, basil, cloves, turmeric.

  • tomato 3 kg;
  • alicha chi zlivu 1 kg;
  • red pepper 1 tsp;
  • qibulya 0.5 kg;
  • sumish spices.

The sauce is removed from the bottom, as if you had removed the skin from the tomato. For whom it is necessary to boil water in a saucepan, drain it on a small fire. Put some tomatoes at the shumivka or drushlyak, dip them into boiling water, sip the hvilinka. Let's pull it up and lower it into cold water. Zrobiti so with a portion. The skin is easy to deprive the sheep.

Plums like tassels and trim with cibules and tomatoes. For this recipe, it’s better to use a blender, so that the mass has become homogeneous. Put the sauce on the stove, boil pіvgodini. The world has got kicks with a spoon. For sprats of whilin until ready to boil the spices, boil and close the adjika with plums for the winter in jars.

With a glimpse of that quantity of spices, you can make chi spicy sauce with a natural relish. Ale needs to be careful with cloves. The aroma is released over time and in the process of saving it can become even more intrusive. For each quantity of products, 4-5 stars are sufficient, as it is better to add to the powder.

Recipe for gostroi adjika with plums for the winter

This recipe for adjika with plum for the winter is especially loved by people. The sauce comes out more hospitably, it’s better not to go to the meat, but to the dark bread with the first herbs.

  • tomato paste 500 gr.;
  • drain 1 kg;
  • qibulya 500 gr.;
  • chasnik 200 gr.;
  • 5 chili pods;
  • spices.

The cibulya and the watchmaker are being cleaned, trimmed up. From the plums you can see a brush, from the pepper you can see, then the stench rolls through the meat grinder, the cibula is added and put on the stove. Masa is boiled for 10 minutes, tomato paste is added, and after 10 minutes it is cooked and spices. The sauce is boiled for 3 hvilini and adjika zі plum for the winter is ready. Get rid of її close to banks and get money for savings.

If there are no chili pods, then in this recipe you can replace yogo with red pepper. Add yoga to savor by cooking it all at once with other spices.

Recipe with bell pepper

Bulgarian pepper is a key component of the classic adjika. Ale with plums of wine is also bad to eat. Two products are added to one another, the sauce comes out to be accepted and rich.

  • licorice pepper 2 kg;
  • drain 1.3 kg;
  • chasnik 300 gr.;
  • hot pepper 3 pods;
  • spices.

Pepper licorice and gostriy zvіlniti vіd nasіnnya, plum vіd kіstochok. Divide the vegetables into large chunks, divide the plums into halves. Put everything in a saucepan, pour in a bottle of water and put it on the fire. At this time, clean the clockwork and detail it. After that, as the pepper becomes soft, turn off the fire, cool the masa, add the teaspoon and pierce the puree with a blender. Add spices, mix. Boil the plum and pour the sauce into jars, roll up.

Recipe for preparing adjika with plums and hairy peas for the winter.

Zlivova adjika with hairy peas is a spicy sauce, a kind of obov'yazkovo suitable for households, as well as guests. Tsya original zagotovіlya rozpovіst pro kulinarnі zdіbnosti mister and refill the treasury of the best recipes.

  • prunes 3 kg;
  • pea hairs 0.3 kg;
  • Bulgarian pepper 1 kg;
  • hourglass 0.2 kg;
  • zukor 0.1 kg;
  • chalking pepper 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sil.

Prunes and peppers are prepared, zvіlniti in the tassels. Clean the clock. Skip the plums, chasnik and pepper through a meat grinder, put it on the stove. Bring to a boil, cook 45 khvilin. Sort out the cores of the mountains, remove the partitions. Warm up on a dry frying pan for 1-2 hvilin, you can in the oven. Cool and grind through a meat grinder or sweat with a rocking chair. After 45 quills, after boiling the sauce, boil tsukor, sil, hot pepper, mix, add | add | podrіbnenі gorіshki, boil 2 hvilinі and roll adjika zі plums for the winter in jars.

Peas can not be smeared in a frying pan, but so the stench will take on more pronounced relish, the sauce will come out fragrant.

Recipe: Homemade adjika with plum for the winter in Georgian

Dosi sharpen a lot of superechok about adjika's journey. Some people respect Abkhazia for the fatherland of the popular sauce, others - Georgia. Ale this year, the recipe has been changed a great number of times, and it is possible to prepare Russian Georgian adjika, but with the addition of national sauce.

  • drain 2 kg;
  • Georgian adjika 0.3 kg;
  • tomato juice 0.5l;
  • sil.

Zlivi zvіlniti vіd kistochok, add pіvsklyanki water and put it on the stove to steam. To prepare adjika from plums for the winter, you need a ready-made Georgian sauce. There is no way to do yoga, it is necessary to prepare. It's not easy to dig. It is necessary to trim the pods of hot pepper with 3-4 cloves of the teaspoon, with spice herbs.

Sound victorious basil, cilantro, you can add curry.

If the plums are steamed, they are chopped through a meat grinder with a blender, add tomato juice, salt and Georgian adjika with pepper. Mix it up, bring it to a boil, boil 5 quills and lay them out in jars. They roam, turn it over on the lid, cover it with a warm carpet, trim it under it until it is fully reached. Adjika with plums for the winter in Georgian is ready!

per Georgian recipe vikoristovuyut smoked pepper pods and grind manually with spices. Ale yoga has long since been asked. For bazhannya, you can add sprats of rare dima to the ready adjika, which will add a light smoked flavor to the sauce.

adjika recipefor the winter with vegetableszі drain

Traditional adjika is too hot and її not to get used to with spoons. Ale, don't be so hard on yourself.

Below is the recipe for interpretation. The sauce is prepared with the addition of a large number of vegetables, may have a lighter taste and taste like caviar.

  • drain 1.5 kg;
  • carrot 0.5 kg;
  • qibulya 0.5 kg;
  • oliya sonyashnikova 0.2 kg;
  • licorice pepper 1 kg;
  • gostri pods 0.2 kg;
  • estimate 70% 2 tbsp. l.;

Clean the cibula, cut it enough, but not too dry. Grate the carrots on a third or cut them into thin circles. Licorice and hot peppers sprout in the air, narize with good shmatki. Three plums to remove brushes.

In a cauldron, pour olive oil into a saucepan with the same bottom, wisipate a cibula with carrots and sauté 5 khvilin, sip pepper, viklasti plums, cover with a lid and stew until soft. You can see the products, but if it’s not enough, then you can add a bottle of water. If the vegetables become soft, it is necessary to turn off the stove and cool the masa. Let's break through with a blender or pass through a meat grinder. Add spices, boil 2 pieces of water, lay out in jars and roll up.

Recipe for adjika with plum for the winter with green pepper.

Greens and red peppers are breathed with gusto and it’s easy to say which of them is the best. Whom to the soul is an immature product, but who should love red pods more. For diversity, you can cook adjika with plums for the winter with hot green pepper.

  • drain 2 kg;
  • green pepper gostria 0.6 kg;
  • pea hairs 0.2 kg;
  • hourglass 0.2 kg;
  • strength, spices.

Peel the pods of green pepper and clean the bowl, remove the brush from the plums. Pour through a meat grinder, pour in 200 ml of water, bring to a boil and cook for 1 year, stirring regularly from the bottom. Salt 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add some spices to taste. Good for the recipe to go coriander. Ale, you can not add anything, to that peas with a watchmaker themselves give a good relish. Spread adjika from plums for the winter in jars and tidy up for savings.

Recipe for adjika with plum for the winter with ginger

This sauce has a spicy ginger flavor, but it will also become a cure for colds and flu when it’s cold.

  • zlivu 2 kg;
  • zukor 0.1 kg;
  • ginger 0.1 kg;
  • hot pepper 0.2 kg;
  • tomato paste 0.5 kg;
  • estimate 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sil.

To prepare adjika from plums for the winter with ginger, it is necessary to clean the fruits from the brush, twist through a meat grinder with pepper and put on the stove. Boil 25 hvilin | minutes |, pour in tomato paste and ginger. Yogo can also be passed through a meat grinder or grated. Visipati tsukor, salt.

Boil 10 chills|minutes|, pour father essence, rozmіshati and rozclasti on banks. Roll up for the winter with a key.

  1. As if the tassels of plums are filthy seen, you can put the fruit in a saucepan, add some water and steam. Let's get rid of the beans.
  2. Naygostrisha adjika comes out with the addition of red pods of baking pepper. The greens are not so bright, so you need to take them 2 times more, lower red ones.
  3. It is neobov'yazkovo to clog all the adjika. You can spare a sprinkling of metal lids, use kapron and put the jars in the refrigerator. The sauce is easy to keep a sprat of tizhniv.
  4. Adding tomato to adjika was done by Russian people in order to reduce the bitterness. If there are tomatoes in the recipe, then the stench can be spicy, but not overripe.
  5. Adjika can be beaten not only in a clean look, but also added in a different way. It is especially tasty to roll a cock with it. It is enough just to smear the carcass on the sides and place in the oven. The trigger will wake up brightly and fragilely, with a wonderful aroma and relish.
  6. You can add some spices and herbs to adjika, but if the hairs of peas come in, then you better not get drunk. Otherwise, their special taste will be ruined.
  7. Sauce from unripe plums will be more sour, from overgrown fruits more licorice. It is important to choose large, deadly ripe fruits.

Here you will know the recipes for adjika and plums for the winter at home, you will lick your fingers. Adjika zі plum is a miracle and universal sauce, which is clumsy to prepare. Whether the master of obov'yazkovo may have a sprig of recipes for miracles and all the beloved preparations.

Hello, dear payers of my blog! It seems that from plums you can make not only jam and compote, ale and fragrant and hospitable sauce, which miraculously combine with those meaty herbs. Today, I will tell you how to cook adjika with plums for the winter. Vegetarians can also be blamed for the recipes, the spices of such vegetable seasonings will have an incredible piquant relish.

What do you need to know

Choose even and smooth fruits, without traces of rot and rot. It’s better to remember sour-licorice fruits, then adjika will not be very boring.

Plums will come to vikoristannya if they are ripe, ale bazhano, so that the brush was easily watered in the form of pulp. Deyakі lords peel off the skin, but, as if on me, she herself puts on the spices of a unique astringency.

To trim the plums, rather take a blender, as if the wine is very tight, then grind the fruit in mashed potatoes, so that the skin will not be crushed. To quench vicorist, tovstostіnny cauldron. A quantity of seasonings, and especially pepper and a teaspoon can be varied for relish.

For a standard recipe, the sauce is simmered and rolled into jars, prote, for the first time you can cook a small amount of seasonings to appreciate the taste and save in a cold place.

We need the following products:

  • black zliva-1 kg;
  • red, pimento pepper - 2 pods;
  • chasnik - 100 g;
  • sil - 1 tbsp.
  • tsukor - 2 tbsp.
  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp.

Cooking process:

  1. Remove brushes from plums.
  2. From pepper to win us.
  3. Refine the vegetables at the blender, add a clock, pressure through the press.
  4. Put some puree near the chavunny cauldron and put it on the stove.
  5. How to boil, cook pіvgodini, potіm nasipte sil ta tsukor.
  6. Roll the adjika into jars, in front, dousing them with sprinkles, and wrap them in a cotton carpet.
  7. Remove the sauce from the comoros through the doba.

The addition of apple otstu gives the spices of vishuk's taste.

The origin of such a sauce in the form of adjika is polygay at the addition of ombalo, so they call swamp mint. There is more tart and spicy relish, lower savory. If you don't know if it's for sale, then use the hop-suneli seasoning.

You can perfectly eat fruits and vegetables with turmeric or coriander. For 1 kg of plum, take 5 kg of tomatoes and pivkilo tsibuli. Add spices to your liking.

Steps of preparation:

  1. To take off the lower seasoning, you need to take the tomato skin. For this, heat the water at the great saucepan, put the vegetables in a masher and soak them for a few seconds and the scruff itself is evil.
  2. Scroll the plum through a meat grinder, and grind the vegetables in a blender.
  3. Extinguish otrimana sumish with a stretch of 40 quills, periodically znіmayuchi kick.
  4. For example, add the spices and arrange them in jars.

Experimenting with spices can achieve divine relish.

We already called to prepare a vognik with tomatoes, ale with fruits to come out a marvelous and unimaginable seasoning.


  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 kg;
  • plum - 1.5 kg;
  • chasnik - 400 g;
  • red, gostrium - 3 pods;
  • spices for taste.

Cooking technology:

  1. Place peeled vegetables and fruits near a saucepan, pour 200 g of water and boil 40 quills.
  2. Cool the sum, put some shaky teapot, spices and beat with a mixer.
  3. Before Tim, how to pour into jars, simmer the sauce for 5 more chills.

You can beat up the trimmed cloves, but don’t overdo it, the one who won’t reveal its own aroma after it’s well infused and the sauce can be hotter.

The seasoning, prepared for such a recipe, is not only savory, ale and korisna. Fruits and vegetables do not succumb thermal processing, so they take vitamins and minerals. You can store this sauce for a long time in the freezer.

If you add 3 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid, aspirin to the people, then it’s miraculous to stand for a few months in the refrigerator, without wasting power.

Prepare yoga more often from blue plum, as if licorice is the most common, and adding apple otst to add seasoning miraculous sourness.

The number of necessary products is smart. I sound at the process, marveling at the consistency, I try it for taste and add what I don’t get.

How to cook:

  1. Put a cup of tomatoes at the corner, and fill them with dill, if the wine is cool, the skin will easily rise.
  2. Drain and put cold water near the water, then we will draw tassels out of them. Raise the skin of the fruit without varto, cream of vitamins will give the sauce a unique tart taste.
  3. Beat the products in a mixer until the mass is homogeneous, put spices, strength, zukor and continue the process until they are fully expanded.
  4. Add finely cut cilantro and pour into jars.

If I’m prepared without cooking, leave three of them to stand in warmth, then I’ll relish the spicy sourness. After that, we put the capacity in a cold place.

Adjika with plums and apples

Tart i vishukan sauce, it is wonderful to see the taste of meat and ribi. As a spice, it is better to vicorate hops-suneli and chalking coriander.


  • plum - 1 kg;
  • apple - 300 g;
  • chasnik - 100 g;
  • tomatoes - 200 g;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 200 g;
  • sіl, tsukor to gusto.

Sequence of preparation:

  1. Remove the tassels from the plums, the ingredients contain more than peeled fruits.
  2. Tomati zvіlnіt vіd shkіrki.
  3. Cut the apple into 4 parts and remove the core.
  4. From pepper to win us.
  5. Place all products near the blender bowl and remove the attachment.
  6. Let's put some of the puree into a chavunka and stew for a whole year.
  7. Add spices and spices, pour into jars and twist with a nomadic key.

Such a preparation is miraculously saved during the winter.

For this recipe, I choose yellow bell pepper, to take away the sony sauce, and small blotches of red pesky, to add color to the spices.

Phase preparation:

  1. Peel the pepper and cut into small pieces, add one bunch of the crop and cilantro and beat at the mixer.
  2. Wash the plum, wring the tassels and twist them into meat cutters.
  3. Put the sum at the pan and stew 20 quills, adding spices and seasonings, as you like.

Great for women who want to lose weight. If you add a spoonful of it to the unsavory chicken breast, we will take away the appetizing grass. Until then, the seasoning itself does not avenge the daily calories.

A unique recipe with the addition of hairy mountains that will delight your guests.

For yoga preparation we need:

  • chasnik - 2 heads;
  • tsukor - 4 tbsp.
  • sil - 2 tablespoons;
  • water - 2 bottles;
  • red chalking pepper - 1/2 tsp

For 5 kg of plums, I take a lot of hairy peas.

Phase preparation:

  1. Store the peeled fruits in an aluminum pan, pour in water, after boiling, change the fire and simmer for a while, stirring occasionally.
  2. Place the cooled sum at the blender, add a glass of water, peas and beat well.
  3. I will put a new container on the fire and cook 10 more chills.
  4. Let's pour it in jars and roll it up.

I determined the proportions of spices and seasonings by the method of trials, to the fact that the skin has its own taste. Whoever adds greens to the sauce, I will put it without any middle before grafting. Until then, it’s not a problem at once, parsley, krіp, cilantro are sold on the market of cilium rіk.

Tsya strava will guess Russian caviar more, you won’t be such a host, and you’ll want to, eat with spoons.

For cooking, take the following products:

  • zlivu - 2 kg;
  • carrot - 0.5 kg;
  • qibulya - 0.5 kg;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 kg;
  • oliya sonyashnikova - 200 ml;
  • otset 70% - 1 tbsp;
  • sіl, tsukor to gusto.

Steps of preparation:

  1. Wash the cibula and cut it with thin pivkilts.
  2. Grate carrots on the great third.
  3. peppers
  4. Cleaned from the brushes of plums, rozrіzhte navpіl.
  5. Put mustache vegetables in a cauldron, add seasonings and stew on growing olive stretching 30 strands.
  6. As soon as the whole sik is boiled, add some water.
  7. If the oholone masa is removed, refine it in a blender.
  8. Pour ocet, sipte sil, tsukor, red pepper and boil.
  9. Put the adjika into the prepared container.
  10. Turn the containers upside down and wrap them with a carpet of cotton wool.

If you want to take away the hot seasoning, then add a dose of hot pepper.

The skin process is accompanied by small tricks that make cooking easier. I will share, with my deeds:

  1. As if the tassels in the plums are rotten, you can put the fruit in a saucepan and lightly steam it, after which it is overwhelmed, just pick it up.
  2. Green hot peppers are less spicy, lower chervoniy, also, when preparing, it is necessary to increase the double dose.
  3. You can not zakochuvat all the adjika, but clog part of the jars with nylon caps and put in the refrigerator, where the stench just stand for about a month.
  4. The Russians began to add to the tomato sauce, so that we would make yoga less hospitable.
  5. Yakscho sire cock smear it with adjika, and then put it in the oven, it will be covered with an appetizing and ruddy flavor.
  6. Don't splurge on spices while preparing the sauce with hairy peas, otherwise you will lose your taste.
  7. From unripe plums, a too sour sauce will come out, and from fruits that have been overtaken, it will be more licorice. It is necessary to choose the golden mean, I will die the maturity of the fetus.

Why do I say goodbye. Now you know how to cook adjika with plums for the winter and you can make your loved ones savory and fragrant sauce. Don't forget to subscribe to the blog update. Recommend to friends that you know to read social measures qu article.

Invisible to see this river. Stilki alichi, like this period, I can’t guess earlier. She was already making jam for alice, she rubbed the berry and made jam. For the old tradition, I work adjika from alice for winter harvesting. I’m guessing that it’s delicious and rich, lower tomatoes. I add here and agrus with yoga with a unique relish and a singing sourness. How about? I didn’t forget tomato. The stench is hothouse, but homely. Variety Licorice dream- juice and licorice for relish, with sweet taste. Taka pіdіyde to barbecue, pork fat, home-made cowbass and shop. That simple pasta or spaghetti will be incredibly savory with it. adjika to meat chi ribnih strav, that one is simple - spread on shmatochok homemade bread.

pokrokovy photo recipe

For the preparation of winter preparations of adjika with alichi, agricula and tomatoes, it is necessary:


  • Alicha - 2 kg,
  • Agrus - 300 g,
  • Tomatoes - 300 g,
  • Hot pepper - 1 pc.
  • Chasnik - 10 teeth,
  • Zukor - 5 tbsp. l.,
  • Greens crop and parsley - 1 bunch,
  • Strength - 1.5 tbsp. l.

Cooking process:

Alichu, agurus, tomatoes, hot pepper vimiti. In addition, remove the brushes, and cut the tomatoes into small pieces.

Clean the clock.

Vimiti greens and roses on small needles, you can see the bay.

Twist all the berries, vegetables and greens through the meat grinder.

Viklasti in a cauldron, add | add | tsukor i sіl | salt | and mix. Ocet is not dodaemo, alicha is sour in the world.

Boil on the stove for 40 minutes.

Prepare steamed cans and roll them up. Take care of the cold mist.

Whisk adjika for your judgment. I have a lot of appetite for you all!

Having become a recipe for adjika with alic, this variant will take fruit acid plum with spicy pepper and spicy spices. Come out at the middle of the middle and tkemali. Let's say, how to prepare adjika from alichi.

Simple variant

The simplest variant of this sauce is easy to finish, prote far from the stove, it does not come out of the oven, so the wine is easily burnt.


  • plum zhovt (alicha) - 2 kg;
  • sil - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • hot pepper - 1-2 pcs.;
  • cilantro, parsley, green cibula - 1 medium bunch;
  • chasnik - 1 head (6-7 frequents);
  • or melissa - 4-5 gіlochok;
  • zukor - 50 g;
  • turmeric - 1 tsp.


We sort through the alichu - we see the squalid and m'yatі fruit, the leaves and the little ones, the plum, we give the stems, we put it at the pan, we pour the three waters - so that the evil of the bula is vkrita, and we put it on the fire. Boil our zliva not more than a long time - hvilin 10. Vilovlyuєmo її i vіdkidaєmo on a sieve or drushlyak. We wipe, leaving brushes and scruffs. At the blender, we use rubbed pulp, strength, zukor, chasnik, spices. At the pepper, we see a nasinnya, it’s frisky, and we also place a bowl. We put green leaves there (weaks of vikidaemo - the stench is rough). We detail everything at once - the same porridge comes out. It is diluted with її in the air, and it is poured into a saucepan or a cauldron. Adjika z alich it’s not long to cook - our task is to save the maximum crooks of authority ingredients. Kip'yatimo її 10 hvilin, do not forget, stir, so that it does not burn, and at the same time miёmo that sterilize jars and lids. We pour adjika into jars, let it cool and let it cool in the heat. Adjika z Alichi for the winter is a miracle seasoning, yak to help with avitaminosis in the cold season.

M'yaka adjika

Not everyone loves gostra and you can make such a sauce not for skin. The second option is the lower adjika from alichi with Bulgarian pepper. Getting ready її is also not easy.


  • licorice red pepper - 1 kg;
  • alicha (round zliv) - 2 kg;
  • sil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • hot pepper - 1/2 pc.;
  • tsukor white vіtchiznyany virobnitstva - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • chasnik - 3-4 cloves;
  • black pepper and winter - 12 peas each;
  • coriander (nasinnya) - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • parsley, cilantro - 12-15 gіlochok each;
  • melissa chi mint - 3-4 tbsp.


Alic is sorted out, to turn off the falling of zipped fruits into adjika, relatively miєmo, put in a cauldron, filled with water and boiled after boiling for a quarter of a year. Vіdokremlyuєmo rind and tassels in the form of plum pulp, for which we rub it through a sieve. Purely licorice and hostriya pepper, passed through a meat grinder at once from greenery. At the hub, it is resolutely sifted out the ingredients that were left out: a teaspoon with sill, zukr, pepper and coriander. Guilty to stay the same sum. At the cauldron, we rubbed plum and vodvar, pepper and chasnikov porridge. Good peremіshuєmo and cook on a povіlny fire close to 20 khvilin. Viyde is savory non-hospitable adjika z alichi, the recipe can be supplemented, for example, utskho-suneli, nasinny krop, other ingredients to relish.

Adjika with alice and tomatoes



Miёmo plum, tomato, pepper. The plum is washed and rubbed through a sieve, placed in a blender with other ingredients and finely detailed. Let's add plum water and cook our sauce for more than a quarter of a year, while stirring. You can roll it up, or you can pour it into sterilized jars and save it from the refrigerator.

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