Georgian khachapuri with leaf dough recipe. Listkove dough for khachapuri: recipe. Set of products for the test.

Khachapuri is a Georgian national herb, it is a pie or shortbread made of dough with cheese stuffing in the middle. Quietly, you can be-yak - fresh, dry, leafy. Spravzhnє іsto for khachapurі sіd zamіshuvati on yoghurt. Ale in Russia you can’t buy yoga, for that you can’t buy sour milk (curdled milk), kefir, sour cream. If you want to know how much is needed in the recipe, it may appear that you need more or less. It is necessary to marvel at the consistency of the dough - it can be soft, it is not necessary to hammer strongly with a boar yogo.

Different regions of Georgia have their own peculiarities of cooking cakes. Їx to be broken with closed sides, open, at the look of the official or at the look of the envelopes from the leaf test. For the filling of vicorist, use soft or salted siri - Imeretinsky, brinza, suluguni. Mix them up with cheese. Even more often, greens are added to the ruban filling - parsley, cilantro, krip. At home minds, khachapuri is baked like an oven, so it is on a stove in a dry frying pan.

Khachapuri - preparation of products

For khachapuri, you can mix it up with a recipe and give it to you, depending on it. Over the course of an hour, gluten swells, it becomes more pliable, elastic, not sticky to the hands. While it’s still fresh, you can cook it all the time to warm up the oven, like baking shortcakes there, and to make the filling. Yakshcho sir is strongly salty, for example, brinza, yogo should be soaked for two to five years, fallow in the degree of salinity. In order to make the sir swish more brightly in the salt, the great piece must be cut into smaller bows, about two centimeters long. Then let's refine it and mix it from the greenery.

Khachapuri - best recipes

Recipe 1: Imeretian khachapuri

Feel that khachapuri is more savory, it will not be enough. It is necessary to try it out about the language. Do not check for a guest request, rather cook on your own and frequent all the guests. For the filling of vicory, salt or hard varieties of syrah can be made with brinza or syrah. The recipe does not include greens, but if you forget, you can add the filling, be it greens for relish. It is possible to make dough on kefir, or navpіl zі sour cream, or else viyde lower.

warehouse: hard cheese - 400g, egg. Tisto: a bottle of kefir, flour - 3 bottles, an egg, a teaspoon of zucru and salt, 2 tbsp. growing. oliї, 0.5 tsp. soda, 50g olive oil for smudging.

Cooking method

In kefir mix soda, olive oil, strength and zucor, beat in an egg. In otriman sumish add two flasks of borosna. Vimіsity masu, pіdsipyuchi borosno, what is left. Do not overdo the smut with a quantity of flour, so that the khachapuri does not turn out hard. Quietly good vimіsity, Vono can be soft, troch sticky, but good shape. Get rid of yoga at the calm about the pіvgodini, crooked with a servlet.

Grate the cheese, introduce the egg and mix. Yakshcho є greens, you can її shake and add sir.

Form the dough with a double cowboy, cut across into 8-10 stitches. Kozhen rozkotit in a shortbread and add stuffing. Pick up the edges in the mountains in the center and pinch well. Turn the little bag over, press it down with your hands and lightly rock it with a rocking chair. Let's turn it over again and re-roll. Do not squeeze the smut too hard, so that it does not crack tightly. Ready to put the shortbreads on a dry frying pan and vipkati. Їx bake on the stove, on the deathbed, closer to a weak fire. If one side is turned upside down, turn it over to the other side. Sob be sure that the khachapuri are baked, especially as the stench of tovstі, it is necessary to cover them with a lid. Cookies are ready to cover with olive oil.

Recipe 2: Adjarian khachapuri

The peculiarity of the type of pie is the vіdkrity top. For the filling, vikoristovuyut m'yakiy no more than salted sir. Better than Imeretin, but you can also use Adigey or another soft rose salt. It is the most correct mix for matsoni, but if nothing else, you can take sour cream or kefir. For bazhannya, if khachapuri is boiled, you can leave the middle of it in a syrah egg (smoked or a couple of quails) and put it on the quill in the oven, so that the white will burn. The zhovtok is guilty of becoming scarce. At the new one they soak a wand of khachapuri and eat.

warehouse: 400g soft sirah, egg and greens. Tisto: a bottle of sour cream, borosna - 3 bottles, butter - 50g, salt - 1 tsp, soda - 0.5 tsp.

Cooking method

Have a good coat of butter, sip soda and strength, pour in sour cream and mіsiti masu, which came out, no less than 15 quills, it is necessary to finish with plasticity. If you want to get rid of it, try it in the refrigerator for the first time.

Sir for filling the filling - with hands, on the third or with a fork. Beat in an egg and add chopped greens. Try it for relish, if you need it - add salt.

Tіsto razdіliti navpіl, the skin half of the dvіchі navpіl. The result may have 8 pieces. Download them from small bags. Kozhen kolobok rozkotit in a shortbread, sir іz greenery to the beast, spread the stuffing to the brim. Now the shortbread is gone from the filling in the chovnik. For whom, lift one edge and start to roll the yogo into a roll. Dіti need only to the middle. Dali from the opposite side, lift the edge and burn it with a roll to the middle. Pinch the ends so that the filling does not wrinkle. In such a rite, we were choven іz vіdkritim on horseback. The performances of all clerks in the clergy have been lost. Tse borrow close to 20 whilin for 180-200C. You don't need to apply a lot of grease, just a little bit of puffiness. At a hot choven, you can put tops of butter.

Recipe 3: Megrelian khachapuri

Megrelian-style khachapuri is especially for those who spread the filling not only in the middle, but on top of the shortbread, on top of the pizza, smearing the top with an egg in front. Ingredients indicated for one great shortbread, baked on yeast dough. Deputy sire suluguni (Georgia yogo is called the best suluguni) can be taken not too salty brinza.

warehouse: sir suluguni - 350g, zhovtok - 1 pc. Tisto: 200 ml of water, flour 300g, tsukor - a table spoon, sil - a teaspoon, dry yeast - ½ teaspoon, 50g margarine.

Cooking method

The back of the head is hushed up. Introduce strength and zukor by the water, mix it up, boil dry and dry, kneading it softly. In the end, add the softening margarine, mix it up to homogeneity and leave it for the vistoyuvannya for the second year. Cover the dishes with a clean servette with a towel.

Sir rub. Quietly, what happened, hug, roll into a shortbread, put the stuffing on the new one, pick up the edges and pinch in the center. Khachapuri rolled with a rocking chair on two sides, then rolled in the middle of the groove, with a diameter of 5-7cm. Shift to smeared|smeared| fat or oil deco. I cover the top of the shortbread with a jovt, so when brewing, the garna skarinka is settled. Sip on the syrup, which is full, and put the sheet on the hvilin 20 in the oven. Vaughn can already be rozіrіtoyu (220C).

Recipe 4: Khachapuri at home

Homemade khachapuri can be prepared on the basis of syrah dough. It’s better than that, that it’s not callous for a long time. As soon as the shortbreads are served another day, it is necessary to roast them, because. the most delicious stench of a hot looking. For the filling, you can bathe, whether it be a kind of sir, some kind of a bunkinka. Let's go to melt the Sirki.

warehouse: 300-400g of any kind of sirah or 4 melted sirka, sour cream - 4 tbsp. spoons, greens, 3 cloves for a watchmaker. Tisto: a pack of margarine (200g), a pinch of salt, a pack of syrah (200g), 2 eggs, an ocet - a single tablespoon, soda without weight a teaspoon, skilka flour, a zhovtok for brushing, a few sesame seeds for sip.

Cooking method

Melt margarine until it becomes rare, salt, beat in eggs, sir. Repay the soda with otstom (lemon juice), add a tіsto. Boroshna vsipati stіlki, shchob zamіsiti іsto cool. At that hour, while the filling is being prepared, put it in the cold.

Coarsely grate the sir, add sour cream, minced greens and a fine teapot. Since the sir is not more than saltines, the filling can be lightly salted.

Tisto divided into two approximately equal parts. One rozkotiti on the deck, put the whole stuffing. Cover with another roaring cake, pinching a stake. Cover the top with a zhovt and sip with sesame seeds. Put the deco in the oven and boil for about 50 quills (180C). Serve, narizavshi trikutnikami.

Even though there is no possibility to prepare yogurt, you can cook yoga on your own. Pіdіgіti trohi 3 liters of milk, add a spoon or two of sour cream or yogurt, cover with a lid, wrap with a towel. Let it stand for two years, and then transfer it to the refrigerator until the mass is thickened.

  • Wheat borosno - 1kg
  • Warm water - 0.5 liters
  • Tsukrovy pіsok - 1 tablespoon
  • Dry granulated yeast - 1 tablespoon
  • Sil - 1 teaspoon
  • Roslinna oliya - 100 ml
  • Eggs - 2 pieces
  • Vershkov butter or margarine - 50 g
  • Vershkov butter - 100 g for the filling
  • Sir - 1400 g

Cooking process:

From the number of ingredients, we have 4 khachapuri cakes, on the skin side about 350 g of cheese filling.

Ideally, for the filling, vikoristovuvat lower lightly salted Adigean sir, Ossetian or Imeretian, sometimes I add Russian (or be it another) sir to the Adigean sir.

Let's get ready yeast test for khachapuri (more often you can use it in recipes for dough for khachapuri sour milk, matsoni or kefir).

Pour a little warm water into a deep cup, sip zukor and dry yeast in it.

Deprive them of 15 whilins, in an hour the drіzhdzhі roam at the water and transform into a stump. It is necessary to add strength to it.

Pіdіgrіti roslinna oliya together with margarine abo vershkov oil don’t work them hot, so you don’t drive in the yeast. Add to a bowl with yeast.

Before them, it’s borosno, what you ask, and mix it up. Sometimes I'll make a dough for khachapuri at bread puffs, it's so good.

Drіzhdzhové tisto in a warm place is suitable and ripe for about 1 year. In communion, you can get better.

Preparation of fillings from siru for khachapuri:

Rub the sir on the great tertz, or rub it well with your hands. I also rub Oliya on a tertiary. At the sir, add whites of two eggs, top butter and strength to relish (as in the filling of a brinza, then strength is not added). Mix everything up.

Sob khachapuri buli rum'yanі and shone, it is necessary to prepare butter.

For whom, the chewing gums, which are left out, with two tablespoons, are thrown. sonyashnikova olії and three tablespoons of water.

The dough is ready for the filling for khachapuri, the offensive crock - roses, like khachapuri with the filling from syrah and egg robiti.

All the filling is divided into 4 equal parts. A bag is formed from the skin, a shortbread is formed. Roll it out in such a way that you can manually place the stuffing on it and pinch it.

Pick the edges of the shortbread to the center.

Pinch the shortbread with the filling and gently roll it with a rocking chair or with your hand so that the filling with the syrup in the middle of the thin pie is evenly spread.

Flip the khachapuri with a seam to the bottom and go for an additional rocking chair.

Cooking khachapuri with cheese at the oven

Georgian gentlemen vipkayut khachapuri on a special stone and clay frying pan, they are called kets. Mi vipkatimemo khachapuri on a deck or a round frying pan. Transfer the biscuit with the filling with syrah to deco or a frying pan, you can brush it with olive oil or just stick it with a boar.

For that, for an hour of roasting khachapuri, without picking up a mushroom, we crushed it with a fork, so that it came out hotter.

On top of the shortbread, it is necessary to cover the sum of the zhovtkiv, the olive and the water.

Khachapuri vipikati in the oven at a high temperature, 230-250 degrees to the top, about an hour of preparation for a loan of 25 quills.

Cooking khachapuri with cheese in a frying pan

A frying pan for sipping khachapuri can be chavun or with a thick bottom. Pekti їх are needed on a medium fire in a dry frying pan under a lid,

The hour of sipping khachapuri on a frying pan is stale among the comrades. Thin cakes with cheese bake about 5 quills from the skin side.

smear not with zhovtki, like for the oven, but with topsoil, already at the finished look right on the plate.

Oil for khachapuri do not mess up, as soon as you get in, you can cook it.

How to cook khachapuri with syrup at the multicooker

We include a multi-cooker for the “vipіchka” program for 60 quills, I have a Panasonic multicooker for preparing khachapuri.

The shortbread is brewed from the multicooker from the skin side, 30 quills each.

It is transferred to a tray for steaming or a plate and smeared with butter.

The very name "khachapuri" literally translates as "bread" and "syr". You won’t know any new stuffing for them, sir, sir. We offer you one of the most popular and favorite recipes. Get ready stench duzhe shvidko that is simple. With ease, you can treat yourself to such savory snacks or dinner. Tse do not take a lot of time, no strength.

Necessary ingredients:

  • hard cheese - 300 g
  • eggs - 2 pcs
  • kropu greens - 150 g
  • sour cream chi natural yogurt - 200 g
  • borosno wheat - 2 tbsp. l.
  • oil for lubrication
  • vershkov butter - 30 g
  • strength for relish.

Cooking method:

  1. grate hard cheese on the great third;
  2. greens promit and dryly cut;
  3. at the mist, sir, greens, eggs, borosno, yogurt, silt and zamishuemo dough;
  4. on the frying pan we roll the mass and brush it from two sides until golden brown.

Serve such shortbreads with pieces of butter.

Recipe number 2. Khachapuri on kefir

Traditionally Georgian shortbreads are cooked on kefir chi be it any other way dairy products. Try spices of khachapuri in the oven, so the stench comes out even more crunchy and appetizing.

Necessary ingredients:

  • hard sir (Adigey, brinza) - 500 g
  • eggs - 1 pc.
  • kropu greens - 100 g
  • kefir - 200 g
  • wheat borosno - 0.5 kg
  • oliya - 40 g
  • soda - 1 tsp
  • sil - 0.5 tsp.
  • zukor - 1 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. the back of the head is smashed softly. For whom kefir is mixed with zukr, sill, soda and we add more boroso, what we ask;
  2. The dough may be sticky. Zagortaєmo yogo in a meal or a plastic bag and fill it up with 30-40 quills at room temperature;
  3. In the meantime, let's take care of the filling. The sir is rubbed on the great third and mixed with finely chopped greens and an egg;
  4. dough is divided into 4 pieces. Rozkochuєmo and put on the stuffing. We form a shortbread;
  5. ready shortbreads put on deco, front coated with olive oil, and baked in the oven 30-40 quills.

For the filling, you can add some greens, as you like more.

Recipe number 3. Khachapuri from yeast dough

Necessary ingredients:

  • sir (brinza + suluguni) - 600 g
  • eggs - 2 pcs
  • kropu greens - 200 g
  • dry yeast - 1 tsp.
  • wheat borosno - 0.5 kg
  • oliya - 50 g
  • Vershkov butter - 80 g
  • sil - 0.5 tsp.
  • zukor - 1 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. for yeast dough in the heat, water is added tsukor, strong and dry. We fill everything for 15-20 whilins;
  2. in the dough add olive oil, egg, borosno and zamіshuemo soft dough;
  3. sir is rubbed and mixed with egg and crop;
  4. tightly rolled into a thin sack, put the stuffing in the middle with a spoon and fill the edges with an envelope;
  5. it is corrected at the oven for 30-40 chills.

All households will immediately go into the aroma that comes from your kitchen;

Let's hope that your khachapuri will become a beloved family grass, as if I took all my homeland at one table. Enjoy the Georgian tastes of pleasure. Savory.

A true masterpiece of Georgian cuisine - tse, splendidly, khachapuri, even dumb, melodious, nothing simple and at the same time savory. Tіlki uyavіt yogі hrumku skorinka і miraculously syrn filling. Obviously, in the original, such a specialty can be prepared on voogill, prote in to the current world I think it's possible. That is brought to vigaduvati alternative - vip_chka at the spirits. However, regardless of such cunning, the grass does not become less popular or less savory.

Cooking hour: 50 whilin;

Servings: 4;

Calorie content: 250 kcal per 100 grams.

A good Georgian khachapuri with cheese is a good option for a leather day, so you can cook more yogo practically at any hour. It’s not easy to do it, it’s more than necessary to have a kitchen, gentlemen, a recipe and a little bit of it! Prepare for health.

Set of products for cooking

  • 500 g of wheat boroshn;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 0.5 bottles of milk;
  • 500 g of fermented milk syrup;
  • 200 grams of butter;
  • Strength for taste.


Georgian Khachapuri with Syrup is the simplest, vicarious recipe. Don’t take revenge on yourself for anything bad, just sire, borosno, milk, eggs and trochs of olives. Everything is more simple, but smut, nothing zayvogo.

  1. Sob to cook it up, ask it boroughly in a large bowl, and then we will work in the graveyard of the grave, into which we pour milk. Then, at the grave, it is necessary to pour in the entire volume of milk, add flour, beat in 2 chickens. siri eggs. 1 egg is left, we need it for the completion of the battle.
  2. Quietly begin to mix the sprout gently with a spatula, or you can speed it up with a spoon. Let's sweat, if it becomes thick, we proceed to knead with our hands. You need to make it good, otherwise khachapuri will not look so savory, like stench can be.
  3. The main secret of the savor of the savory kind of strain is at the beginning. It is necessary to take a good savory sour milk syrup. Salt rosemary and yogo, then wine will be the best filling for spravzhnіh khachapuri. If we can get the stuffing, we proceed to picking up our straw.
  4. Dilimo thinly into 5-6 parts, the skin of some of them rises with a rocking chair to become a thin shortbread. Golovna, if there were no openings of the day, otherwise the sir may come and burn.
  5. Now you need to be more respectful and don’t have mercy. We take a shortbread and lower yoga literally for 10 seconds in boiling water, and then we immediately rinse it with cold water. It’s necessary to work even more quickly, so that the cakes don’t get boiled, but get wet.
  6. The shortbread after such procedures needs to be put on deco, anointed with oil. Other cakes are still not chіpaєmo. We take vershkov butter, and yoga mode on small shmatochki we put them on top of the shortbread at once savory filling from syrah. On top it is curved with another cake, we cut it with the same rank, and we put the filling in the same way.
  7. The rest - the top shortbread is not smeared with cheese, but only with topping butter, and, obviously, we do not forget about the remaining 3 eggs, which we did not wink. The egg needs to be smeared in order to make it ready to be vibrated buv rum'yanim and look beautiful. If you want, obviously, you can do without it.
  8. Vipіkati takі spravzhnі georgian khachapuri with syrom is necessary in the oven for 40 hvilin, or until the garn appears, the squirrel smeared, only those can be taken out of the oven with silicone tacks. We serve such a miracle weed, looking at the hot one in front, cutting into sprat parts.

Georgian khachapuri from yeast dough

Cooking hour: 70 quilin;

Servings: 2;

Calorie content: 230 kcal per 100 grams.

An alternative version of Georgian khachapuri without yeast is khachapuri with yeast dough. To fight is not less than cicavo, but, smut, awkwardly. There is a sense here in order to prepare savory food that is crispy, even if you don’t eat it, then you won’t see anything.

A set of products for the preparation of dough

  • Boroshno (on demand).
  • 1 bottle of water (abo milk);
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 2 tablespoons of fat;
  • 1 tablespoon of butter;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of salt;
  • 10 g of yeast.

A set of products for the preparation of the filling

  • 700 grams of syrah;
  • 1 chicken egg.


  1. Quite for such khachapuri with cheese is prepared in a special way, so that milk, eggs, topsoil, salt, yeast and two tablespoons of olive or fat are mixed. All is well mixed up and an hour is given for us to rise, then flour is added. All yak sound. Dalі іsto іdpravlyaєtsya vіdpochivati ​​i proceed to prigotuvannya stuffing.
  2. We rob the stuffing like this - we rub it on the third sire and on the top of the zupinyaєmosya. Tsey view khachapuri to fight, like khachapuri in Adzharian style, so that we grow a thinly round shortbread, on the skin we put some grated syrah, so that it came out, that it was a cheesecake, moreover, it was vodkritu. Let's sweat on a leaf, sippy boar, we'll correct our future khachapuri, smeared with an egg.
  3. Such Georgian khachapuri is taken from the oven with a stretch of 20–30 quills. Tse stale type of oven. You can judge the readiness of the stravy, whether it be some kind of mood old-fashioned look and the naming aroma. Ready khachapuri should be generously smeared with butter and put a small piece in them. Serve them as necessary hot, go out even more delicious.

Cooking khachapuri from cheese is easy, smut, vibrati the right recipe s їhnyoї multiplier. Let it go for a little more than an hour, but still try to choose that single and non-repeated recipe, which will kill you in the kitchen with a good kazka.

Georgian cuisine is that її recipe, as it is added. I want to try to cook negainoly. Zrobiti nizhne tіsto, remind yoga with cheese, how to use recipes. Khachapuri with cheese is made more famously, because Georgian cuisine is one of the best platforms for cooking. Even here, there are various recipes, which will make the most wicked guests fall to their taste, and will also be under the power of the Lord. Golovnya, choose the right recipe, which one doesn’t lead you.

Cook deliciously and have a good appetite!

How to cook khachapuri at home - we will tell you two options for preparing dough and fillings

Golovne, zvichayno, tіsto, it can be soft and thin. Zhorstka skorinka in khachapuri is unpleasant, like on me.

I started my viprobuvannya z. To be honest, I didn’t get the stench. It was necessary to make the dough thick and hard. That great sir at the beginning was not worthy.

Having become a test variant for khachapuri on yogurt, it is important that this is a traditional Georgian recipe. I will also bring yoga lower.

I knew the recipe for the dough quite well, for the sake of the egg, you get used to the top oil, and I have already been honored with such an option.

I also experimented with the stuffing for khachapuri, and I’ll share two cooking options today, and if you change the siri, then you can sing the leather, which is more to the soul.

How to prepare khachapuri - dough

Option 1

  • Kefir - 125 mg (pivsklyanki)
  • Sour cream - 125 mg (pivsklyanki) - ABO - 250 mg yoghurt instead of kefir and sour cream
  • Boroshno - 300 g (approx)
  • Vershkov butter - 70 g (melted)
  • Zukor - 1 dessert spoon
  • Sil - ¼ teaspoon
  • Soda - 1/4 teaspoon

Option 2

  • Matsoni - 1 bottle
  • Egg - 1 piece
  • Sil - ¼ teaspoon
  • Zukor - 1 teaspoon
  • Boroshno – skils required (approximately 300 grams +)
  • Vershkove oil for mastil plastic tista

Stuffing for khachapuri

For myself, I have developed the main principle that in the beginning for khachapuri it is better to use two types of syrah - salted (brinza, vats, suluguni) and non-salted (adigean, mozzarella, navit coarse-grained syrah).

Option 1

  • Sir - 400 - 500 g two vidi (I have this year's vats of mozzarella)
  • Sour cream - 2 tablespoons
  • Oliya vershkove rosem'yakshene - 1 tablespoon
  • Greens (behind the bajannyam)
  • Strength - as it is necessary

Option 2

  • Sir - 400-500 g (an eggplant two vidi)
  • Egg - 1 piece
  • Vershkov oil - 1-2 tablespoons (m'yaké) or melted

How to cook khachapuri - stuffing

Start cooking khachapuri yourself from syrah. Yakshcho sir more than saltines, yogo needs to be soaked. Cut into layers of approximately 1 cm of the zavtovka, fold it in a vіdpovіdnu єmnіst, fill it with cold water and let it stand for about two or three years.

Let's make the water angry and let the syrup drain. You can see through gauze. Dali rozkrishiti sir with a fork or grate.

Add non-salty cheese, grate on the great third and other ingredients, mix well.

Then you can prepare khachapuri, but if you allow an hour, then you can pick up the filling in a sack, tighten it with gauze, put the cheese in it and leave it for 2-3 years to see. I once prepared the filling in this way for another option, with an egg, not with sour cream. (Photo below from the front view)

How to cook khachapuri - the process of preparing dough

As long as you have the sir for the filling, you're ready to dough. Here I will describe the preparation for option 1.

We melt the oil in a glass of water and give a little bit of chill.

At the deep end, we mix kefir with sour cream, put tsukor, silt, soda and pour in topsoil. Kindly spread and start by portions, add more, what you ask, once the skin is good, it’s good.

Zavdyaki oil in the past, it does not stick to the hands. Try not to add too much too much too much, so that you don’t score too much. Vono may buti m'yakim and write. Load the dough into a bun, cover it with grub and let it stand for about half a year.

Through pіvgodini, beat the pastry on the doshtsi, which sticks to the boros, cut the bun into 4 parts and proceed to the shaping of khachapurі.

How to prepare khachapuri - molding of cakes

Shaping khachapuri is also possible in a different way. You can simply spread the pampa of the breakfast about 5-7 mm, put a fourth part of the filling in the middle and put it firmly in a little bag, filling the edges well.

Let's again gently spread the kolobok at the breakfast cake 1-1.5 cm. I myself cooked this rank once.

Ale, I tried another option earlier. Dough for option 2 (with an egg). The formation is thin - 2-3 mm. Smeared with topsoil, folded in four and re-spread. Let's put the stuffing in.

And you can lay one thin layer of shortbread and cover with olive oil before laying the filling. So khachapuri wiyde is more leafy.

Ready khachapuri pricked in a few bowls with a fork, so that a couple of poachers came out. It is especially necessary to grow up, as if you are exclaiming from the spirits.

How to prepare khachapuri - vipikannya

As if prepared for the first option, with olive oil, then it is not necessary to oil the pan. Pіdіgіvaієmo chavunn or іnshу tovstіnnu frying pan, put the shortbread down with the seam and vipіkaєmo the sprat of whilin under the lid.

Vip_kati to a beautiful golden color, it is not necessary to smear it to brown patches. Turn over the readiness and turn over the khachapuri by hand with the help of a wide silicone spatula, or rather two.

Turning it over to the next side, khachapuri should be smeared with topsoil and vipkati far without a lid, until the other side is ready.

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