Recipes pirіzhkіv іz stuffing. Delicious homemade pies

Without a doubt, there are no people, I didn’t love a yak home drizhzhov's patties . Ale, it's a pity, don't forget to rob them foodі savory. Let's take a look at some of the twisted and simple options, like you, without a doubt, are worthy.

Father, let's start from the very easy prescription . We need:

- heat water (2 bottles);

- Dry yeast (4 tsp);

- Sil (1 tsp);

roslinna oliya(3-4 tablespoons);

- Borosno (approximately 3 bottles).

Cooking method: warm water is smelt from sill and drizhdzhi, until the drіzhdzhіv is expanded. Dali dodaemo oliyu that borosno, і retelno mix it up. Let's zamіshuєmo dough hands on a smooth surface, as if it is very sticky to the hands, it is necessary to add a little bit of boar. The results can be seen m'yake tisto, that the trochs are sticky to the hands. shob Quietly gone, it is necessary to move yoga around the great dishes, cover it with a towel and put it in a warm place. Ready to cleanly enough and form a new one bags of the same size. For the shortest form of pirіzhkіv, the bags are more likely to be squeezed into the troch with the flasks from two sides, so that the stench is flat. And you are left with less grease the patties on a hot frying pan by a small amount of olive oil.

Another variant of awkward pirіzhkiv at the spirits. For whom we need:

- Milk (500 ml);

- Zukor (50 g);

- salt shake;

- Drіzhdzhi (50 g);

- Boroshno (1 kg);

- Roslinna oliya (20 g);

- 2 eggs.

Cooking method: warm the milk, so that it will be warmer, and mix it with sill, with zukr and with dryness. Add eggs and mix everything thoroughly until homogeneous mass. Give the giblets borosno and slowly mix it up tightly. For example, it is necessary to add more oil. Cover it with an air, at the yakіy they hushed it tightly, with a towel and check it, while it’s still quiet. When you are ready, form a new bag And bud the troch, the docks of the stench do not grow at the rosemary. Approximately 15 hvilin. I need to flatten the bags again. Choose an Abo Deco form, de vie choose to pick pies, decorate with olives and make pies. On top of the bagan pie brush with an egg, zazdalegіd yogo beat. Vipіkati pirіzhki are needed in the oven close to 40-50 hvilin at a temperature of 160 degrees. Axis and all, spare pies are ready.

Pirіzhki can be not only splendid, but various fillings. For toppings, go: meat, mushrooms, cabbage, eggs, greens, apple, berries, pineapple, jam and a lot more. All lie down like your savory tastes.

All recipes are simple to make, to please yourself and those close to you homemade pies you can often!

And even at home, just cook abo.

You can also marvel video about those , like zrobity drіzhdzhovі pirіzhki with stuffing:

I don’t have a single thought about those, in what form the buti pirishki can be made. Who is up to like! Yakshto you to the relish of the oval shape, zupinіtsya on її osvoєnі. And if it’s tricot, try to fold it tightly with envelopes. In fact, all options are easy to do, as you know a sprat of thin work with dough.

3 secrets of the right dough for pirozhkiv

Secret 1 - hot mood

Regardless of the large number of recipes for pastries for pastries, the skin gentlemen in the process of culinary experiments always have a couple of kohans. Tse pov'yazano z tim, scho tіsto, want to sound marvelous, vodchuvaє hands that mood. And to that, today you have no mood, it’s unlikely that you will see it. І navit the most recent recipe for swedish pastry for pirіzhkіv not spratsyuє.

To that, first of all, tell me how to drink cakes correctly, recharge with positive, increase the music, or else you want to cook savory. And then proceed to the mission.

Secret 2 - the world has a cool mission

Boroshna in the maє maє buti stіlki, so that after the task it would not stick to the hands. Professional cooks navit zhartuyut, scho in the process of working with the dough you got your hands wandering, then most of the time they didn’t work like that. To understand, you will be more skilful in the world, take everything that is indicated in the recipe, store it in the middle small board with a girko that zrobіt at her death. At qiu hole, pour in all the ingredients of masi, and then slowly begin to work it into the homeland boroughly. If the masa ceases to be sticky, it is necessary to pin the zamis.

Secret 3 - wink the olive

The simplest way is not to let the mass stick to your hands and to allow you to get angry decently. Make up your hands and proceed to work.

Popular dough recipes

So like one of the secrets, like lipiti side pies, relying on the preparation of the correct test, we will be on the basis of this report. Use 2 technologies for cooking masi: dry and without dry.

Shvidka dry dough for pirіzhkіv

You need:

  • milk - a bottle;
  • borosno - 500 g;
  • dry pressed - 30 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • roslinna oliya - 3 tablespoons;
  • tsukor - a teaspoon;
  • sil - half a teaspoon.


  1. Pіdіgіte milk, raschinіt new tsukor.
  2. Give me a treat and mix well.
  3. Boroshite ask for a plate or a bowl, grind a girka, then form a hole in the center.
  4. Pour in the milk with yeast, fill in the whilin for 20 "polukati". For the whole hour, the masses wear a hat and cover themselves with puffs.
  5. Let's add butter then, beat an egg out of it. Start vimishuvati flour from the center to the brink. Carefully scratch with a wooden spatula.
  6. If you see the lightness of the mass, beat it with your hands, beat it on the steel, form at the sight of a sack and proceed until the pirozhkivs are sticky.

Quiet for cakes without yeast

You need:

  • sour cream - 4 tablespoons;
  • borosno - 2 bottles;
  • sіl ta tsukor - by tea spoon;
  • soda - half a teaspoon;
  • Vershkov butter - 30 g.


  1. Get Olya out of the fridge, stop rozm'yakshuvatisya.
  2. Mix sour cream, soda, zukor and sil.
  3. Have a bowl of wisipati flour | borosno |, add | add | sour cream, please.
  4. Add oil|mastilo| In times of apparently fat content, the dosip is boroshna. Good vimіsіt and you can win.

Techniques for making cakes

And the axis is the most popular way, like garno sticking pirіki. At the skin joint, the ear of the tista needs to be drilled with a jug with a diameter of approximately 5 cm, and then we divide it into even parts with a knife and a finger.

After giving the pies of the required form, do not hurry to order them. Make the oven warm, and in the meantime, put olive oil on the grub and cover your workpieces with it on the deck. Check the whilin 15, and you will win, like a rose of pirіzhkіv, becoming 2 times more! Now smear their tops with milk and an egg and fix them up. If you take your creations out of the oven, there will be rouge on the surface of the skin pie, a gleaming sparkle.

In my homeland, everyone just loves pies on homemade yeast dough! I also love different cabbage fillings - I like both the variant (full vegetable), and the tandem with an egg.

Ale, the oscars of which time the pirіzhki were rozrakhovanі not so for the household, as for the guests, then I licorice stuffing. I should deprive people of choice... :)

Riven folding: closer to medium

Cooking hour: 2.5-3 years plus 4 years for chilled dough

For the test, I took:

    2 tsp dry yeast

    1 tsp salt

Stuffing number 1:

300 g syrah
- 1 egg
- 1.5 tbsp. tsukru
- 3/4 bottles of moles

Stuffing number 2:

1/4 small cabbage fork
- 1 large carrot
- 1 large cibulina
- sumish peppers
- strength
- bay leaf
- Sonyashnikova Oliya


1 egg for pastries
- sonyashnikova oliya for oiling three leaves

The curdled milk was boiled out of the refrigerator and grilled in a bucket until I became warm. Dried drizzle fell into it and she lost 15 whilins.

If the “hat” was hidden, it let out strength and troch beat it with a vine.

Olya, vinnyatu from the refrigerator, was cut with bars and added to the yeast mass.

Not rozmishyuchi oliyu Okremo, sifted flour.

Energetically vimіsila tіsto and put yogo in a food package.

I took it to the refrigerator for 6 years (you can wash yoga there for another hour, which is good for you - from 4 years to 2 days maximum).

Prepared stuffing number 1:

Until the sirah (18-hundred, pasty-like) she broke an egg and poured zukor.

Mixed up. Ready!

Prepared stuffing number 2:

Saved Tsibulya.

Lubricate. Carrot put on a large grater. I added it to the frying pan.

Topped up sonyashnikova olії, smeared it, then added a little water and extinguished it, grinding the sum of peppers, letting in that bay leaf.

Another filling is ready! She left її for a deaky hour, schob cooled, but for now she was busy with pies with cheese.

Molding pirіzhkiv with cheese filling:

The dough blew from the refrigerator, divided the navpil. Another part of the still tidied up. Reshta was divided into sprats of equal pieces. Rozkotila їх at the shortbread and vyklala 1 tablespoon with hot stuffing.

She closed the edges, turned it over with a pinch, giving the pies a traditional shape.

Egg (healthy) troch beat in an okremu utensil.

I greased them with pirіzhki and made the rules for them on the deco, and then we put them in the oven for 20 hvilin іz at a temperature of 200-220 "C.

Started to pirіzhkіv іz cabbage:

On the skin of the rozkocheny shortbread, the nights woke up

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