Skіlki pіdnіmaєtsya іsto for pirіzhkіv. All about yeast test

Іsnuє impersonal miraculous loaves, buns, flat loaves, some vikoristan drіzhdzhі. Їх, obviously, it’s not so quick to cook, like bread on a bread roll, but you can make it less and less dry, not rahuyuchi, naturally, an hour on yoga on a pidyom. Wt_m, drіzhdzhі easy-drinking significantly speed up the traditional process of preparing dough.


Drіzhdzhi is a crying living organism that calls for wandering. Tremtіnnya zmushuyut bread rises, transforming natural zukra in boroshni into bulbs with carbonic acid, as if they grow in an hour of sweetness and give the bread a yeasty taste.
Dry yeast. Astringent granules of baker's yeasts. Such drіzhdzhі in vipіchtsі vicorist most often. Drіzhdzhі easy-drying - tse highly active dry drizhdzhі, in such cases it is easy to rise by 50% more. The stench can replace the primary dry yeast, please read the instructions on the package carefully. Offended types of drіzhdzhіv need to be stored in a cold, dry place in an undamaged package. Once you have cracked them, put them in the refrigerator. Fresh yeast. Vologі and fresh drіzhdzhі, scho yell, quickly psuyutsya. Keep them in the refrigerator for no more than two days or in the freezer for up to 3 months. After defrosting the yeast, it is necessary to vicorate nego.


Drіzhdzhi slid vikoristovuvat until the date of completion of the term of attachment.
Oskіlki drіzhdzhі dіyut іt іt а warm іn the middle, zadalegіd vyymіt vіymіt vіymіt і іngrediєnti tіsta prigotuvannya і іst refrigerator і potrimay dyaky hour і і room temperature.
In order for the yeasts to become active, go back to the warm homeland. Too hot the motherland will kill the dryness, and too cold to succumb to their growth. In order not to be foolish, use a thermometer to check the temperature.
Drizhdzhove can be dry in a warm place, the ideal temperature for this is 27-29.5 ° С. Unique protyazhіv, to that scho it is easy to understand unevenly. It’s good to be quiet at the unheated spirits. Put it in a closed bowl for the police, and put a big bowl of hot water downstairs.
Oskilki tsukor quicken the rіst drіzhdzhіv, yogo sound to give the homeland. Fat changes the speed of growth of the drіzhdzhіv, to that it is fatter and more fat. Sil prignіchuє podyom, ale. having added a little salt, you can control the speed of the fermentation of the yeast.
Sometimes in the past add additional yeast, to speed up the fermentation, and as a result, the bread will come out porous, with a yeasty relish and smell. At the beat, sound more drіzhdzhіv, lower see the drіzhdzhovy dough.


Boroshnyaetsya for gluten instead - protein, which gives bread elasticity and springiness. Sounds like a big grain of bread, like it’s made from durum wheat. Also, bread-baked vicarious bread, wheat and borosno one-time pomelo - such varieties often grow from the great borosny, so that the bread is reminiscent of more pomel. At the same time, kukurudzians add kukurudzyan, borosno and grains (manna groats) at the same time.

Take boroughly grains in containers with a lid, which closes strongly, in a cold, dry place, no more than rock, and not more than 3 months. If you want to save the flour for a longer time, put it in the refrigerator.

Borosno grains. It is milled from durum wheat, which has a high content of protein and gluten. From such a boroshno, it is more elastic to come out and the miraculous bread is brewed.

Life is rough. With a low amount of gluten, the dough is less elastic than it, lower from wheat borosh. However, for the same reasons, two varieties of borosna are often eaten.

Boroshno disposable broomstick. Such a borosno grind in the old way between two millstones. She has a better taste and aroma, but she won’t be saved for a long time.

Neprosiyane borosno. Such flour comes out of whole grains, nothing is added to it and nothing is removed. Tse borosno - the most lively.

Yak vimishuvati tіsto

Stronger, more stable, I create the gluten of the yak at the test, my blackness, I create rethinks for brewing bread with a uniform structure, without gaps. Vishuyte 5-10 quills, pіdsipayuchi in the thick stilts borosna, sіlki you can take. It will be too rich as a boar, the bread should be dry and important. The dough is ready, if it is smoother and more elastic, and under the surface of the crack, crying bulbils are blamed. For mixing, you can use a processor and a mixer, but for the worst - do not put ingredients into them, so as not to damage the mover attachment.
Lay the dough on the table, a few sips of boar. Shove your hand firmly down in front of your hands, which will grow. Turn a quarter, turn it up, continue down again. Repeat until the dough becomes smooth and no crying bulbs appear.


1. Quietly maє pіdnіmatisya doti, the docks won't get bigger in obsyazі vdvіchі. To check, stick your finger in the middle of the dough for a depth of 1 cm. Well, the dent has failed, the dough still needs to be lifted.

2. On the day of that, to embrace tightly, press on the new one in the center with your fist (then the carbon dioxide will expand in all directions), and then burn the edges of the dough into the center.

In order for it to be quiet, that it rose, it was easier to grow, put yoga on the table, lightly snoring boar, and lie down for 15 quills. If you want a round bread, just press the edges of the dough in the middle, the docks do not form a round shape. Put it on a sheet and take it lightly. After giving the test the required form, let it rise up suddenly - it may increase at the end of the day.

If you want to have a straight-cut bread, swing your straight-cut yoga with a rocking chair. From a high point, it’s hard to burn, nibi skipping a roll. Pinch the seam and the edges. Rotate the edges to the bottom. Lay the greased shape down with a seam.


To make bread not boiled yet with milk, buttermilk, or tops, or melted with tops of butter (margarine), so that the squash turned soft and lower.
Smear the air, or spritz the bread with water at the hour of the season, so that the brine will be roaring.
Make bread summish from a beaten egg and water, so that the brine will be gleaming and ruddy.


Deyakі varieties of bread before vypіkannyam nadsіkayut. Tse allows the carbon dioxide to evaporate, and no cracks appear on the surface of the bread.
Bake bread in the middle of the oven. If you bake on a bag of props in a bowl, between them can be no less than 5 cm.
Once the top of the bread is burnt, cover it with foil.
The best way to bake bread on a special stone, so the wines are baked evenly and become rozsipchasim. You can bake on unglazed terracotta tiles, but you need to be aware that they do not contain lead.


The bread is ready, if the wine comes out of the sides of the form for the vip, and it looks ruddy, if you lightly hit the lower crust with the brushes of your fingers, it will be empty. Turn over and the sides of the bread - the stench of the onslaught of wine is hard and strong.

How to chill and save bread

Cooling bread is more likely to be cut. Most of the baked khlibiv slid shvidko viimati z form and cool on the grats. Trim the bread served in the stretches, in the presence of them the bread is shriveled. For cooling, you can drink 3 years.
Before that, how to burn the bread or freeze it, it is necessary to cool it again, otherwise condensate can condense in the middle of the burnt, and the bread is more crispy.
Take care of the bread, burn it brightly. M'aky bread is kept fresh in plastic bags, and bread with a crispy taste is saved in a paper bag,
Always save bread at room temperature, and not in the refrigerator, de wine is richer than stale. Best baked bread in 5 days.
In order to freshen up stale bread, roast yoga in oven 5-7 at a temperature of 180 ° C. You can make pudding, toast, croutons or breadcrumbs from stale bread.
Most of the bread can be frozen in the freezer and stored there for up to 3 months. Refrigerate again, then put a plastic bag near you, see it again, or lighten the foil at the tovst. To cook bread, it is necessary to stand at room temperature for 1 year. khvilin for temperature 150°С


Quietly climb out of the bowl. Lay dough on the table, trochs of hoarse hoarseness, and mix yogo 2-3 quills. Close it with a towel and let it stand for 15 quills, and then we will roll it, as indicated in the recipe, otherwise the bread at the oven will settle down or become even stronger.

The bread is too bright. Viymіt bread from the form.
Put yogo directly on the oven rack and bake 5-10 more quills.

Bread is dry and crumbles. At the test, the bov is too furrowed, otherwise it was overdone.

Bread fell down at the oven. Roskochene it was too late at the form. Do not allow the dough to rise beyond the edge of the mold.

Cracks on bread. The dough has too much dough, but the form has too much dough.

Dirks at the bread. Tisto Bulo nasty vimishane. It was too late for a long time, or it stood at the unacceptably warm place.

wonder so

Invisible robot at the bowl
The number of cells that are diligently multiplying, care for the test: about the activity of yeast fungi, our invisible helpers, they only know by the bulbs. The result of their work is the relish and aroma of springy and pishnye loaves and braids, buns and pizza. Drіzhdzhove іsto - tse alive zapashna nature. Vono vymagaє forces that feel like when vimishuvanni, receiving heat and I will be completely calm when pidyomi.

Rіznі slyakhi lead to pishnoї zapashnoї vipіchki from yeast dough. There is only one thing left: the test needs to rise. Tse vіdbuvaєtsya after the development of drіzhdzhіv: aje in light brown cubes fresh drizzle otherwise, in the grains of dry yeasts, fungi are hidden, yakі pіdnіmayut іsto і fluff yoga. After this process has begun, yeast fungi need “renewal”: tsukor, borosno, trochs of radini - 1 hour. To boil white bread, it is sufficient to take 500 g of boroshn, 1 teaspoon of salt, 74 liters of water and 20 g of yeast as the main syrovin. At the dough, for a healthy brew, put more tsukor, rare margarine and - behind the bazhannyam - eggs, then it will come out porosity and fluffy.

Axis BASIC RECIPE for this type of boiled yeast dough: 20 g of dried yeast (or a bag of dry yeast), 1/4 liter of warm milk, 500 g of borosna, 40 g of zucru, a pinch of salt, 60 g of margarine.

If you want to add an egg, then put it together with milk in one vimiruvalnu flask - in order to get the right balance, that motherland is rich.

So prepare dough
1. With the sourdough method, the sprout is prepared as a sourdough, tobto rіdke tіsto. Bury the dead at the bog, pour in a piece of warm milk, spread some fresh yeast at the new one, adding a pinch cukrovy squeak, and leave for 15 minutes in a warm place (or at room temperature) for wandering, until the dough is reduced in volume.

2. This is how to shy away the professionals when making a test without a zucru: to take the whole country, which is beyond the norm, and work in it. Such a drіzhdzhovy rozchin vikoristovuyut, if you work out of the kitchen machine or cook it in a cold way and then put it on the bottom by the refrigerator, so that it goes out.

3. Dry drіzhdzhі garni tim, scho їх it is possible to zmіshati with borosnoy, at tіmu vіpadk tіstо zamіshuєєєє і drazu, in one go. It’s better to spread ale and dry drizzle in front of the water of the milk, adding a spoonful of sukrovy piska, to prepare the dough on the cob.

4. Readiness for the test is determined by the repeated bulbs. Trivality of the process of wandering to lie in the temperature. Better for everything, vin ide with the deathly warmth. At room (or lower) temperature, the process of wandering will swell.

5. Before the finished steaming, add the grate of the products and make it smooth. If you hurry, then you can cook dough without steaming. Dry drizzle (either bred near the water or fresh milk drizzle) mix with boar and, having added a solution of products, relatively mix it up, after which let it go. It takes a little more than an hour for someone to fall for a pidmo.

6. Mutuvany of the hand-held grinding apparatus of the dryer is tightly beaten for 5-10 quills. For vimishuvannya with a spoon, more than an hour of that strength is needed. When ready, the dough may be smooth and plastic, it will slip well into the sack, do not stick to the hands and easily come out of the dishes.

7. Now it's hard to lay on the bed with flour | boroshn | a doshka (or steel) and mіsіt with your hands: smoothly pushing, shove yoga to yourself and then again jump into the sack.

8. It is necessary to give a test to the test, the docks will not increase in volume. For room temperature, it rises step by step. Near the scorch fittings and other heat sources, the process will speed up. Quietly, not tightly curled up in foil, put it in the refrigerator, if you want it to be already a sprat of a year.

9. Quietly, what happened, crush. When kneading, large bulbs are seen, which will paint the structure of the finished viroba, which will come out evenly porosity.

10. As soon as the kneeling down, it becomes elastic, like gum, to that, first of all, roar and proceed to the dressing, cover it and let it lie down with a sprat of quills, so that it relaxes and reappears. Otherwise, it's quiet all the time.

Please take note
Dehto is reverently afraid of the yeast test. The axis of the kіlka is glad, yakі will help you to get rid of the unacceptable surprises from the dough and, then, prepare a garna vipіchku.

Yakshto it is not possible to rise.
... the reason for this may be strong, as if she had spent it without a trace on drіzhdzhi. Strongly you take away the water from the yeast cells, through which the stench hangs and it’s not so good to fluff up the silence.

... Possibly, having consumed the same rare fat on dry land. The fat envelops the yeast cells, on the basis of which the stench wastes the building of reproduction.

... It's possible, it's overheated. To heat, yeast fungi are rather sensitive, lower to cold, the maximum temperature is 38 °. You could carelessly put milk or fat in the dough too early. Drіzhdzhi can spend activity during the test, as if it were not worth it to a too sloppy place.

... It's possible, it's too cold for the drizzle. For the test, the ideal temperature is between 25 and 28°. Therefore, place the dishes from the test near the heat sources - but not directly on them.

... the mist could have gone too early, in which the drіzhdzhy need a trio more than the motherland, so that the stench could fluff up the mіsto.

...Perhaps, you have been mixing dough for a long time in a food processor. About such a thing it seems: "mortified by the machine." When you watch the car, follow the hour and watch the car after about 5 minutes. Ale and for the great mast test in the car, no more than 10 quills are needed.

How can you urinate a vipіchka
With the great yeast dough, you can choose different types of buns. For example, ready to dry Provence herbs, thyme, oregano. Abo season it with coriander, kmin chi anis. You can add the same comradeship to the dormouse, oh my god abo rodinki.

Skіlki drіzhdzhіv put in the dough
For 500 g of flour, 1 cube of yeast (42 g) is used. Ale for fluffing dough with a small amount of fat, or without it, add 20-30 g of yeast. For dough with a large amount of fat and with toppings, for example, with rods or peas, you need up to 50 g of yeast. 7 g of dry yeast is equivalent to 25 g of fresh yeast.

Cooking dough in a cold way
Drіzhdzhi "practice" and in the refrigerator, it's true, at a reasonable pace. You can speed up, for example, if you want to give a fresh voucher to a salary in a week. To make it cold ahead of the day with cold foods, heat the margarine evenly on the sheets, so that the wines become soft. Ready to quickly light up the foil and put it in the refrigerator. You will only get a little bit of yoga and form buns or patties, as before the vipіchkoy you will need to give a little bit of food.

Pecti with circulating wind
As you have a spirit of the shafa with the repetitions that circulate, you can drink a lot of yeast dough in a row on dekilkoh sheets. In this vipadka, the broken dough is not obligatory to give a pіdіt in front of the vipіchka, it can be planted in a cold oven shafa with repetitions, which are circulating, and vipіkati for about 5 hvilin dove down to an early hour.

Figurines made from yeast dough

Drіzhdzhove tisto, at the sight of other types of tista, miraculously cut with scissors. At the same edge of the virizano, the figures look smooth and even, and after the vipichka, the vibrancy looks miraculous. Just dry it with a ball of zavtovka approximately 2 cm, put a template on the new blanks and see. As you can, see without a template - like a hand. Virizati can be like figures - one of the possible figures is shown in the picture. Virizani figures to be smeared with a beaten egg, then embellish with small pieces of dough, brightly colored zucr, rodzinki or almonds.

fruit pie
Whoever likes a juice fruit pie - especially, as a freshly baked pie with yeast dough with a stuffing of fresh fruits. Pies with apples and plums are especially popular. The most sour apple varieties for stuffing. Zі plums are best suited for piznі varieties with minced meat.

From the book “Lasunka. Vishukana vipichka. Modern technology. Vidavnitstvo Kron-Press.


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Buvay, what do you know, gentlemen, they ask me: “And how do you work hard?” It’s less important to put a camp at a non-handy place, to that I’m ready to prepare it without finishing the norms, but simply for the sake of it, as it seems, “on the eye”. On the site, I have collected cicavia, and, in my opinion, the material about yeast test. After reading the article, I'm sharing a recipe that my preparation of yeast dough is similar to the publication of a recipe. So, you can have everything!

Today's recipes for yeast dough - in books and on the Internet - styles that a culinary-cob can drink in a circle.

We tried to honor the eyes of the pochatkіvtsіv - and dіyshli vysnovku, sho bratty for tіsto, with the rules of preparation, guarding that іnhim - we would not risk b, wanting to pekti vmієmo. Before the speech, tsia is manifestly foldable and instills a large number of young lords.

We made it easy: we tried on rich culinary forums and chose those recipes, yak, being published, tried the bagatma - in addition, they took it with cobs - koristuvachs best tips for its simplicity and foreseeing the vibrancy of the vipichka.

For the Pochatkіvtsіv, it is explained: it is dry to fight in two ways - with the dough and without it.

Oparne- for yogo cooking on the cob, the dough is to be scrambled - rіdke tіsto z teploї rіdini, drіzhdzhіv i halves of the norm borosna - yak is guilty to roam for a long time, and only later all the other ingredients are added to it. Varieties, prepared by the double method, can be more obsyag, tobto. povіtryany bulbashki in them more. Quite elastic and not loose.

Safety- Zamіshuєtsya vіdrazu, chekati need only tіlki, schob good pіdіyshlo, tobto. lifted.

The main difference here is like this. I want to, so that it would be healthy - tobto. the new one had more eggs, tsukru, olії, milk - robimo parne tisto. Bake from new kuleb'yaki, pies, buns, paska, plaits, buns.

Safely clean it’s more suitable for sipping cakes, buns, pies, dried milk and pancakes. It’s very rich and in that moment, it’s like choosing to grease the deep-fried, for example, donuts.

Really, this cordon is to get smart. Dosvіdchenі Mr. naychastіshe z bezopasnoy tіsta zdatnі specti be-scho.

Safe Dry Dry

500-600 g boroshn

20-30 g fresh yeast or half a standard bag of dry yeast (11 g each)

1 bottle of chi vodi milk

4 tbsp. spoons of rosemary, abo inches of butter, or margarine

1-2 teaspoons of zukru

about half a teaspoon of salt

It’s like we’re brimming with fresh drizzle - we’re going to mix it up with warm, 37-38 degrees, milky water, the docks don’t differ. Dry, as recommended for a bag, zmіshuєmo once in a borosny.

Eggs are better than a handful of rubbed with zukr and sill, then zmіshati with milk and water.

Pass it through a sieve. Margarine or vershkov butter|mastilo| drink water and let it cool down.

Now, in a bowl with a bog, pour sumish water (or milk) from zukr, sill, egg (and drіzhdzhami, as if vicarious fresh), zamіshuєmo tіsto. If the mass becomes homogeneous, we will wilt the olive and we will grow again. Right in the mist - as if it’s handy for us - otherwise, on a subsidized borosh table, we crush it with our hands no less than 5 khvilin, and even more quickly - 10-15 khvilin. Correctly mix it up until the end of the whole process, stick to the hands. Lipne - dodaemo trohi borosna.

After that, I put it again in a bowl or a saucepan, remembering that it will increase in size at least twice. Curve with a towel or a servlet, you can use a lid, and put it in a warm place. Tobto. or in a lightly heated and simmered oven, or on a bowl with hot water, which needs to be washed periodically, or by ordering it from a scorched battery, then the bowl needs an hour or so to heat it with its other side.

An hour for the test to lie down and for the quality of the ingredients and for other ingredients, but it takes 1-2 years to sound. If it was warmly rising, we would again not be able to hug him with our hands and leave him, so that something suddenly happened. If so, you can put it on the table and work it out.

If we have already formed our tip and put it on a sheet, we give it to you 15-20 quills for a while, it will be fresh again and you will definitely be writing and light.

Drіzhdzhové tіsto oparne

500-600 g boroshn

50 g fresh drіzhdzhіv or a bag of dry vagou 11 g

1.5-2 bottles of milk

2.5 st. spoons of rosemary, or 100 inches of oil | butter |, or 100 g of margarine

1-2 tbsp. spoons of tsukru (or 0.5 to a whole bottle, as if you want licorice diluted)

half a teaspoon of salt

I'm making a sip. At the warm milk, it is different drіzhdzhі - whether it be a tablespoon of zucru and stilki boroshn, sob it was crispy, like a pancake (for the consistency like sour cream). Ring out

1 flask is boroshn. We introduce step by step, the best pass through a sieve, so that there is no breast.

I put it for a year-pіtori in a warm place for pіdёm. The dough is ready, if it rises as much as possible, and then lowers, and on the surface it looks like a zorshok.

Ready for good: we spread eggs with zucr and we will make good vimishuemo. Butter or margarine is melted and allowed to cool.

At the dough, which has risen, we’re waving well, stirring, we’re introducing borosno, what’s left out, we’re mixing to a uniform warehouse, oil is being poured into the very end. Yak and safe dough, tezh vishuyemo hands, pіdsipayuchi if necessary flour | boroshno |, poke | docks | don't stop sticking to your hands.

I put it freshly in a bowl and put it in a warm place for a pidmom for 1.5-2 years.

Varieties from that second test are boiled at temperatures of 200-220 degrees, in gas ovens it is more likely to set 180 degrees. An hour - from 10-15 quills for small virobivs to 50 quills for great ones. Leave everything in the oven.

Sob didn’t burn and didn’t dry out, shortest way- Put a frying pan on the bottom of the oven, or else with dill.

If you smear it with a beaten egg before the vips, then the stench will be gleaming and rouge.

And if you want to put the wine on the shoes with olive oil, or if you want tea, warm water, put a bowl on a dish and cover it with a servlet or a towel. Otherwise, stink, out of the heat, go in pairs and dry out, instead of that, to become soft.

Before speech, if you have problems with the oven - pies, for example, you can just grease them on a frying pan.

And on one of the forums, and it’s easy to swear by dryness, like to praise.

Rumble out like that.

500-600 g boroshn

1 sachet of Drijdzhiv "Saf Moment" (11 g)

1 bottle (250 ml) warm water

7 teaspoons of sonyashnikova oli

1 st. spoon tsukru

half a teaspoon of salt

Three halves of the rind (it can also be milk, yogurt), 1 teaspoon of zucru, parts of the borosna and dried sourdough, put in a warm place, it will be charged for 10 khvilin.

Mix water, tsukor, strength, egg, borosno in a bowl.

The support, which was lifted, weaves into a bowl, zamіshuemo not coolly, put it in a warm place.

After 20-30 quills, the dough is ready - you can bake.

I, nareshti, a recipe for pisny yeast dough, a recipe for something that is not stale for a long time, more there is no goodness in it.

3-3.5 bottles of borosna

half (5.5 g) to a package of dry yeast "Saf"

vial vodi

3-5 tablespoons of olive

1-1.5 teaspoons of salt

At the volume of the bowl, pour warm water (all of it), boil it up tsukor and dryness and spread it, until it breaks up. Zalishaemo in a warm place. How to show up pisna pina - dodaemo Sonyashnikova Oliya and strength, pour the flask borosna, stir it up.

Add another bottle, I will remix. It’s as thick as it is thick and it’s important to mix - the third bottle hangs on the steel, on the new one it’s cold and fluffy with your hands, until you become smooth and not sticky.

Zalishaemo cover the dough for pidoma. If you increase by 1.5 times, once again we will be sure and we will check another one. Now you can shape the virobi.

Important! As we took the drіzhdzhі not just Saf, but Saf-moment, then it is necessary to form the molds right after the first test.

The rest of the recipe we would call "Easier than simple".

A good wine for finishing the swedish preparation of unsalted pies, pirіzhkіv and donuts.

0.5 l of sour milk or kefir

sachet of dry yeast 11 g

sachet of rozpushuvacha for test

less than 1 kg borosh

wrong art. salt spoon

Everything is good peremіshuєmo, іsto may viyti m'yakim. It is enough for pidyoma for 1.5-2 years - and you can bake.

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