Best bath. The best ways to win the respect of a girl in contact

Privacy - no warehouse everyday life so you need to know simple rules etiquette, yakі zastosovyatsya to all spheres of intercourse.

Global rules

Remember not to smoke a cigarette indiscriminately, or to keep your hands in the swirls of clothes at the moment when you are drunk.
Obov'yazkovo clearly and virtuously wash the bath, chuckling at your spymaster.
Do not screw up the respect of the passers-by, like a zustrich in the streets. Be streaming.
I shulgi, and right-handers are hovering right hand.

Who can be the first?

The man of goiter is the first to graft the woman, as she went to the bed. If you are at the moment to sit, then you need to be brought up. So the person-boss is guilty of hanging on to his own first, not respecting those who are good business etiquette, the first practitioner of the kerivnik, - as a rule, it expands only on people.

Remember: a woman who is older is the first to give a hand.

How people and women hang around

When there is a sound on the street, a person is guilty of picking up his head and nodding to the girl, like a badass. Such a form of grafting is like a kiss of the hand in the past - to finish a good-natured nod of the head. Ale, the girls should remember: clean up your hand when kissing - a filthy tone.

Warto remember about those who, according to the rules of etiquette, may squeeze the hand of all the guests, like today at the evening. Who has the right to have no good vinyatkiv: i to an unknown person I of that guest, with whom the girl is going to weld, she is obliged to welcome, however, kindly.

To go at the end of the day with a hug - the stench was left behind in the hundreds of choloviks, like they can splash one on the shoulder. In another case, a similar gesture is more common with close friends and relatives.

Business etiquette

Good etiquette is not to divide partners for a gender sign, here it is global rules for everyone. Business etiquette may be on the verge, so the first to give a hand to the one who is older for his status or for a century. Ale, as it is necessary to introduce your partner to other colleagues, people to represent us in front of women.

Do not forget to name your name and nickname, and also give a business card with your contact details - this is part of business etiquette.

Just the rules of etiquette, which include special features for people and women, will help you, if you are in a situation, to show your ability to another person, and that kind of connection with a successful marriage.

It is especially significant that this article is focused on people. They have information to help them, to help the lads, to inspire the most intelligent, to get to know the girl in contact, without reporting to any special zusil. It doesn't matter, I want to make new acquaintances with kimos, or for those who are truly worthy.

Yakscho in social measures the side of the stranger’s house is closed for review, or the photo albums are closed, don’t be. In order to get to know the girl on the Internet, it is necessary to start a conversation with her. As a rule, the main information about the date of birth, age, burial, interests, etc. is already on the third side. Naygolovnіshe - tse robiti the correct first crochet.

First notice

Just a reminder "Hello, how are you doing?" sooner rozcharovuє, nizh tsіkavit. At such a time, the reminder may be invisible, we will add it. If food is taken from the standard ones, then it will not be obov'yazkovo vіdpovіst on the new one, if you want to be more selective. For the cob, you need to be grafted and grow, for example, an extraordinary compliment. Vin is to blame for what is shown on the avatars. Tobto that in the photograph you know the face, then it’s not varto to write about the garni of the leg. However, the varto uniqueness of such phrases: "Hello, you are cool" or "It's like a garna in a photograph." Invisible and cіkavim food will be, for example, “Good day! Girl, are you so beautiful in life, like on avatars? So I take a compliment and food, on a yak it’s simply impossible.

Other information

After that, as she yaked for a compliment, you can move on to the offensive meal. Vіn unambiguously can buti “at vіdpovіd”, tobto. such, on which way out of satisfaction. Tim himself knows VKontakte successfully.

Away Rozmov

A trace of memory, that in the next conversation it’s not possible to reveal everything to yourself once, even if in yourself it’s also necessary to leave out a trifle of riddles. Yakshcho rozpo_sti about everything, їy become a vіdrazu netіkavo. Also, there is a risk that there may not be any known topics for rozmovi, and she will immediately guess about the black list. One more rule - do not cross. It’s better to be smarter, smarter, stand your point in the morning, but if Rozmov go into a different direction, then the best solution is to give in and wait, or not wait, but competently close the topic without forming a її. It is not recommended to use capital letters in the notes, otherwise you might think about what to shout at her. Before them, as if they were nadsilati, what is written, it is necessary to read it with respect. Well, it’s amazing, I didn’t sway anyone! You can’t win at the vislovlyuvannyah mat and talk about football, before speech tezh! However, the most important rule is not to write too often, not every day. It is necessary to marvel at її behavior, maybe she herself will write you the coming day, and then you can boldly ask її for a profit!

Mobile phones have already become famous speeches for this, as well as for the help of short text messages.

Obviously, a couple of propositions cannot contain everything that people would like to know, but only one esemeska with a cool vіrsh vranci abo attendance Nadobranich can make someone very happy. How to write first SMS to the girls, so that they will tell you about the language, revealing the need to continue the conversation?

Obov'yazkovo instill

It doesn't matter, write first, or send a message to the girls, SMS, obov'yazkovo welcome. How to get in? Tse lie in your stosunkiv. If you are writing friends, it is enough to write "Hello" or "Hello", and then type the main text of the message. Do you want a kohaniy maiden? Then the wedding will be something like “Good morning, kokhan”, “Good day, my little son,” otherwise it’s accepted there.

Do not write those who are fighting rich

If they write to you regularly every day, asking “What are you doing?”, “What are you doing?” abo "How do you do it?". So i ve do not hack such templates, it’s better to write the girl “Do you look like a tick?” or “Are you reading a book in love?”, trying to guess what it is really to work with. You will be given some advice, the protees ate it in a speck of their food, they will come, “So, how did you figure it out?”. Here you can say "Bachish, as we are closely tied to you, not otherwise!". Come up with warmer, even if you can ten times dim what and how to write, first of all, let me tell you.


Humor helps to encourage rozmov and sensitize the girl, to instill some filthy moods in her / self-feeling, otherwise there is scripgen on you. Can you just send a joke, Tіlki bazhano such that the girl did not exactly chula. Well, send vulgar fire or joke, like a mind, not a skin person, not varto no girly girl, no best friend. Adzhe can be laughed at and without lily words, or else, it’s even louder, mativ.

Get a compliment

Soromity is not necessary, even if you don’t bachite a person in disguise. Sit and think about the compliment, work it out in such a way that it will be unique as far as possible. ale do not varto twist words and substitute, say, "My bunny" for writing "My bunny." Shusyukan is not required.

Suggested: to write SMS to girls first, rozrahouyuchi for the continuation of your ї so bi moviti, romovi, greet that pozіkavtesya tim, scho to rob(approximately so, how it was described more), fire or get an original compliment. So your serious little girls do not suffer, as the stench could suffer, it would be used the innocent phrase “Hello, what are you doing?”.

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