What to eat with sour milk in the oven. Milk, yak sour: zastosovuєmo product from crust. Soup with sour milk

Hello, I will propagate this year to take a look at the recipes and the price of the vipichka sour milk. Milk is probably one of the healthiest foods. For a long time, our ancestors used to sign things in their orders and orders.

Sour milk that in non-traditional medicine is designated as a product, which may be of particular importance to healthy food people, like Herodotus, thinker of antiquity, having described the power and strength that he can overcome in the face of the rich ill.

At the same time, I will again enter the fashion for high-quality milk and fermented milk products, like korisn, and even savory.

However, it is necessary to be aware that far from all dairy products are the same, so, at the store, we must respect and do not take dairy products with a large number of preservatives.

Milk is especially sour, so we can make delicious syrah, sir or yogurt, to make a new one at home. Products from sour milk can fight against corrosive bacteria, which are especially important for people who have passed a course of treatment with antibiotics.

So, just from sour milk, prepare savory pancakes, donuts, pirіzhki and cheese with cheese.

120 gr. village top butter, Boroshno - 2 tbsp., Sour milk - 1 tbsp., rosemary - 2 tsp.

  1. Rozpushuvach for test and borosno zmіshuєmo in bowls, put oil | oil | and with a saw, we spread it, along the way, shaking and grinding yoga.
  2. We add sour milk and mix it.
  3. Masu is roaring for the great small board that can be seen with a glass form for vipіcannya. We smear the oil over the deck. Vikladaemo on a new form.
  4. Vipkaєmo buns at a temperature regime of 220-240 degrees with a stretch of 20 strands.

Such a vipіchka is good with condensed milk, jams or chocolate paste.

Varto means that the sour-whip with sour is not only economical, but the shvidka is cooked, and the smut for the sour-wine is not a great meal.

Zukor - 1 tbsp., 1 tsp sodi abo rozpushuvacha, 2 eggs, 1 tbsp. sour milk, vanilla, be it fruit, 2 tbsp. boroshn.

  1. In sour milk, beat homemade eggs, put soda bloody pisok. Let's start mixing the sumish, pour it into the bowl and add vanilla with borosnoy, mix it up.
  2. At the mold, smeared with olive, we pour in 1⁄2 part of the dough, which happened, put the fruit and fill it with another part of the dough.
  3. Vipіchku is prepared in a temperature regime of -180 degrees with a stretch of 30 strands.

Tsі lasoshchi, sprinkle with powder or pour over glaze, live with tea or compote.

Muffins, on the vіdmіnu vіdmіnі vіd vіdmіnі ї part vipіchі, do not miss a lot of time for cooking, but mаut the miraculous relish of childishness, suggesting granny's malt and bestowing the warmth of mother's kohann.

Sour milk 200 ml., 2 apples (peeled), 1.5 tbsp. borosna, 1/2 tbsp. sukrovy pisku, vanilla, rosemary 2 tsp, 1 egg, oliya - 3 tbsp. l., peas (whether or not).

  1. Pіdroblenі peas and narіzanі apple zmіshuyut with boroshnoy, put sil, tsukor, vanіl and rozpushuvach.
  2. Beat eggs s | iz | oil | oil | and add sour milk and mix.
  3. Let's wiggle the mass, which was in the bowl, into the bowl and mix it up.
  4. Preparing the molds beforehand, fill in more than half of the trochs of the full obliga- tion , sob Bulo, where the test goes.
  5. Vipіkannya carried out 20 hvilin at a temperature regime of 180 gr. Get ready to sip sesame seeds and powder.

Sour milk - 500 ml., Boroshno - 1 kg., Drіzhdzhі - tsp, sil, zukor, 3 eggs, water - 1 bottle, tsukrova powder, oliya for smearing

  1. Beat homemade eggs, pour in sour milk, add water and breed yeast.
  2. Following the cym, we are boringly into the mass, for the whole hour, pomіshuyuchi її until we completely mix in the silence.
  3. Quiet, which has gone, we put it in a warm place without stretching for one year.
  4. After a year, we begin to shape the tіsta kіltsya or sacks (to whom it is appropriate) and lower it into boiling olіya.

Donuts look golden in color. Chekaєmo, until the oil drains, and water it down with glaze, or stick it with icing powder.

Grandma's donuts or mother's pancakes are the relish of our childhood. I love pampering my loved ones with savory tastes, and now you can pamper your life!

Thanks for the respect! You don’t hesitate, like victorious my recipes for preparing savory joys for your relatives and loved ones, marvel at those other recipes at the best branches of my site!

If it was so raptom that the milk turned sour in the evening, then try such a mannik in the beginning. This is the crown cake of my grandmother, there is already a rich rock in yoga oven and for sure wines come out savory, do not pick up.
I take
one bottle of semolina
one flask tsukru i pour everything
one bottle of sour milk. All the good peremіshuyu that pour qiu masu to the wound in the refrigerator. I break the vranci in qiu semolina
one egg
pour 100 ml of melted butter
a teaspoon of soda
trocha vanilla
one flask is boroshnye.

Everything, dough for manna on sour milk is ready! Recipe for swedish hand because I don’t beat anything, I don’t grind, I don’t drink (well, only one hour is needed, so that the semolina is swollen). The dough can go beyond the consistency, like thick sour cream, it looks like dough, like pancakes. Axis and that's it, then I wag it around the form and put it in the oven for 20 minutes, at a temperature of 180 degrees.

We all miraculously know that products, that were stored, it is necessary to dispose of obov'yazkovo and at the same time it is impossible to get used to them. Ale tse rule does not extend to milk. The sour milk is vinaigretted for the preparation of vishukano vypіchka. What can be seen from sour milk, we today and have a chance to know.

Note to cooks

Gentlemen, how to know all the peculiarities of cooking homemade vipіchki, tsіkalyatsya, scho can be spekti s sour milk. This product comes from the result of natural milk souring. It is not only possible to vicorate yoghurt for the preparation of fragrant homemade wine, but simply drink it. In a new place, the impersonal pro-prebiotics necessary for our intestines.

If there is such a product in the refrigerator, do not hurry to find out. We need the milk itself to turn sour for the preparation of both healthy rolls and thin openwork creams. Let's find out what you can do with sour milk. The transfer of confectionery recipes, prepared on such a basis, is practically non-existent. You can make your household happy with such a specialty:

  • pancakes;
  • mlintsy;
  • muffins;
  • pies;
  • gingerbread;
  • gingerbread;
  • bread;
  • rolls;
  • fill pirіgami;
  • hmisom;
  • pies;
  • mannik toscho.

So that the vipіchka on the basis of sour milk turned out to be porous and porous, it is sometimes necessary to add grub soda to the basis. The process of the appearance of bulbs is indicative of the fact that the confectionery viide is supra-lower and more voluminous. In front of the sour milk, you can heat up the troch. On a yoga basis, they cook like a drіzhdzhov, so it’s clean without drіzhdzhiv.

Now we know that it is possible to use sour milk. The time has come to look best recipes loved ones of mature adults and children.

Pestajemo household savory mlintsy

It has already become a tradition that for the sake of sour milk we always cook either mlintsi or pancakes. The chandeliers of licorice do not pay respect to the calendar saints, but caress with the milk of the day. Milk, baked on sour milk, looks even thin, openwork and golden. And its relish is impossible to put into words.


  • 2 tbsp. sour milk;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • 2 tbsp. millet borosh;
  • 1 st. l. bloody squeak;
  • 1 tsp powdered cinnamon;
  • 1 tsp fluffing.


  1. Eggs are beaten at a deep bowl.
  2. Dodaemo tsukrovy pіsok, rozpushuvach and resolutely beat egg masu.
  3. If the egg mass comes to a uniform consistency, add more bountifully, whatever it takes.
  4. With a spatula, beat the mass up to the breasts.

  5. Let's add sour milk and cinnamon powder to the mass. Everything is well mixed.
  6. Just for the consistency, you can make thick sour cream.
  7. We heat the frying pan and cook it in portions, spreading yoga over the whole area.
  8. Zapikaemo mlintsi on the sides, and then serve to the table, seasoned with sour cream or favorite jam.
  9. Dedicated to pancake lovers

    With sour milk you can taste the most delicious pancakes. Such a young lady is ready to finish the shvidko just like that. And you can file taxes until Christmas table. Remember that we bake pancakes on a baked pan without adding any chia fat. It is better to vicorate a frying pan with non-stick coating. Pancakes can be served with condensed milk, caramel, berry jam or fresh fruit puree.


  • 2 tbsp. l. refined olive oil;
  • 1.5 st. millet borosh;
  • 1 pinch of kitchen salt;
  • 1 st. sour milk;
  • 2 tbsp. l. bloody squeak;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • ½ tsp grub soda.


  1. Be sure to remove all necessary components from the refrigerator.
  2. In an okremіy pіalі zmіshuєmo tsukrovy pіsok іz egg and zbіvaєmo until a light mass of uniform consistency is established.
  3. You can have an axis of such a blood-egg sumish.
  4. Dodaemo sour milk and refined olive oil.
  5. With a mixer or a blender, it’s good to beat the sum.
  6. Okremo ask flour | boroshno | and zmіshuєmo її z|іz| cooking soda.
  7. We introduce flour | borosno | in a rіdku masu and everything is relatively mixed.
  8. Spoon the pancakes onto the baked frying pan and brush them on both sides.
  9. Enjoy the savor of pancakes over a cup of tea.

Vishukaniy confectionery virib nashvidkuruch

From sour milk you can specti the most delicious oven. You need a good amount of time and a minimum of products. You can show your imagination at the process of refurbishment of the oven. Just like you have sour milk in the refrigerator, it will bring the performance of the oven and please your household. For embellishment, we need a pastry bag and a syringe. For the availability of special outbuildings, you can take a special polythene bag.


  • 0.5 kg of borosh, which you ask;
  • 2 tbsp. sour milk;
  • 100 g chocolate;
  • ½ st. bloody squeak;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sonyashnikova refined olії;
  • 2 tsp rozpushuvacha;
  • for the taste of vanilla zukor chi essence.


Joden product is guilty of disappearing just like that. If the milk has turned sour, it is not necessary to bring it to the yogo in the water for smittya. It is not necessary to rozmirkovuvat long time, to grow from sour milk, recipes on this topic are unknown. Tse mozhut not only desserts, but appetizers.

Cho robiti with sour milk and seasonal berries


Strength 3 pinches creep 1 bunch red pepper 3 pinches Vershkov oil 6 art. Chasnik 5 cloves Zucchini 750 grams Milk 500 ml

  • Number of servings: 5
  • Preparation time: 20 whilin
  • Cooking hour: 10 whilin

Cho robiti with sour milk for a snack

During the season of fresh vegetables, you can prepare a delicious snack with zucchini and sour milk. It’s an unimaginable solution, like an urnomaniac your everyday menu.

  • Zucchini are spiced with zavtovshki 1 div.
  • Boil the water, salt it, put the whole crop and sliced ​​zucchini near the pan. Cook them until ready.
  • Take a break, let it cool and dry.
  • While the zucchini is boiling, prepare the sauce. For whom, I’ll add a cup of tea and mix yoga with sour milk.
  • Vershkov oil | oil | melt and mix s | iz | chervonim gostrim pepper for relish.
  • Cover zucchini with milk sauce.

Before applying to the skin portion, water approximately 1-2 tbsp. l. oil-pepper sauce.

What can you eat with sour milk for dessert

One of the simplest savory desserts based on sour milk - fruit pie. Yogo can be cooked at the time of rock, vicarious seasonal fruits and berries. Moreover, this dessert is even easier to prepare. Otzhe, you need:

  • 1 st. sour milk;
  • 1 st. tsukru;
  • 2 tbsp. wheat boroshn;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 sachet of vanilla zucru;
  • 1 tsp sodi;
  • fruit chi berries - bananas, apples, pineapples, cherry toshcho.

Prepare all the ingredients and proceed before cooking.

  1. Proteins in the form of zhovtkiv.
  2. Beat the squirrels at once from the zukr to the stable peaks. And to that it is necessary to beat them with a mixer and milk them for a long time.
  3. Beat the zhovki lightly with a fork.
  4. Carefully fold the squirrels with the zhovtki so that the squirrels do not fall off.
  5. Add sour milk, vanilla zuccor and soda to the lower mass.
  6. In small portions, sip vigorously as you ask, resolutely using the skin portion. You may be able to do it more often.
  7. Grease the baking dish with olive oil or butter. Prisipte її with a thin ball of dried crackers, or the most famous borosh.
  8. Lay a ball of fruit chi yagid.
  9. Pour in the form of a dough.
  10. Whisk the pie at the hot oven until done. A ready-made pie can be sipped with sucrose powder.

For dessert, wiyshov is more svyatkovym, you can vikoristovuvat whether it be some kind of cream, for example, custard, or just make a pie for the beast of brew.

Cream dessert recipe with sour milk

Needed: 500 ml of sour milk, 1 bottle of sour cream, 1 orange (zest), 2/3 bottles of zucru, 1 tsp. gelatin.

How to prepare cream dessert with sour milk. Stir sour milk with sour cream, add zukor, orange zest, gelatin, dilutions in 0.5 bottles of water, mix, beat until thickened, putting dishes with ingredients in a large bowl, filled with ice. Wiklasti the cream at the creamer, put the animal on the kuhol of an orange, sip with zukrovy powder, clean up before serving for 2 years in the cold.

Recipe for manna on sour milk

If it was so raptom that the milk turned sour in the evening, then try such a mannik in the beginning. This is the crown cake of my grandmother, there is already a rich rock in yoga oven and for sure wines come out savory, do not pick up.
one bottle of semolina
one flask tsukru i pour everything
one bottle of sour milk. All the good peremіshuyu that pour qiu masu to the wound in the refrigerator. I break the vranci in qiu semolina
one egg
pour 100 ml of melted butter
a teaspoon of soda
trocha vanilla
one flask is boroshnye.

Everything, dough for manna on sour milk is ready! The recipe is right on the hand, so I don’t beat anything, I don’t grind, I don’t drink (well, one thing, it takes an hour, so that the semolina swelled). The dough can go beyond the consistency, like thick sour cream, it looks like dough, like pancakes. Axis and that's it, then I wiggle it around the form and put it in the oven to freeze the whiplin at 20, at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Recipe for food pies on sour milk

I take one liter of sour milk, drink a pack of butter, one flask of tsukra, trochs of soda, literally on the tip of a spoon it’s boar.

Later, I add soda to sour milk (it is not necessary to quench), I beat in eggs, pour zukor, wag rosemary oliya, then we sweat. Borosno I do not write skilki required, more sound - skilki take it hard, I hoarse at the eye. Quite maє viyti yak for dumplings.

Zamіshuyu yogo i rozkochuyu in a shortcake zavtovshki under a centimeter. I paint yogo on shmatochki (you can make figurines), you can see mugs with a bottle and smear them from two sides on olives

Home Sir

you can prepare the lower sir, which will come out richly savory, less purchased. As milk just started to turn sour, speed up the process by adding a couple of spoons of kefir and sour cream to it. Let the milk turn into sour milk and proceed before preparing the syrup.

Pour sour milk into an enamel pan and put it on the stove. Heat it on a weak fire, until the pots are full of fire for sir and sirovatka. Do not heat the sum too much and at any time do not let it boil. Do not boil the sir for a long time, otherwise the wine will become dry and zhorst.

Protsіdіt vmіst kastruli through gauze, bedding in a rushlyak. Tie the sire around the gauze and hang the knot over the sink, zayva rіdina. In 5-8 years the product will be ready. Serve yoga with sour cream, jams, honey and fresh berries

Don’t wag the sirovatka, which you’ve made yourself when you cook the syrup - you’ll be in good fortune for preparing pasta or dietary drinks.

Tarator soup recipe

This is the tradition of Bulgarian cuisine - cold soup is also popular in Macedonia. Wine is served, as a rule, in front of other fears or at the same time with them. The main components of the tarator soup are sour milk, ogirok, pea hairs and chasnik. To prepare tsієї stravi you need:
- ½ bottle of sour milk;
- ½ bottle of water;
- 1-2 fresh cuts;
- 1 tbsp. l. kernels of hairy peas;
- 1 clove of the watchmaker;
- ½ egg;
- 1 tsp green;
- 1 tbsp. l. dewy olії;
- Sil.

Take sour milk with water and beat it up. Peel the cinders from the skins and cut them into small cubes. Clean the clove of the watchmaker, pass it through the press and cut it out of the sill. Cut half of a hard-boiled egg with a knife. The kernels of the Voloskogo gorіha vishtovhnіt at the hub. Let's pour the stumps of the wound with a beaten sum of sour milk with water, add a roaster of sill chasnik, chop the egg, season the soup Oliya, sip on trimmed greenery and woven hairy peas. Tarator soup is served cold to the table.

cupcake recipe

Crazy, sour milk is the most popular way to win sour milk. Sob cake on sour milk, you need:
- 3 bottles of sour milk;
- 2 bottles of tsukru;
- 1 bottle of semolina;
- 3 bottles of borosna;
- 4 eggs;
- ½ tsp sodi;
- be like fruits, berries and peas.

Mix in a deep bowl of dry ingredients: borosno, soda and sour sand. Pour manna groats with sour milk and leave for 15-20 quills for swelling. Let's put together all the components. Pour the swollen semolina into the boroshnyana sumish, add fruits, berries or peas to the selection for gusto. You can also use cherry and rodzinki without tassels, dried apricots, canned pineapple with small pieces, black and red currants, plums, apples, trimmed kernels of hairy peas thinly. It is to blame for the thick consistency of sour cream. Pour yoga into a silicone or heat mold and put it in a roasting oven up to 200 ° C. An hour of sipping a cupcake is 50-60 minutes.

How to prepare chocolate muffins with sour milk.


Borosno wheat - 300 g
Cocoa powder - 80 g
Rozpushuvach testa - 1 tsp
Soda - 0.5 tsp
Strength - 0.25 tsp
Zukor - 200 g
Oliya Vershkove - 100 g
Milk - 250 ml
Chicken egg - 2 pcs.
Hot chocolate - 200 g


Now let's get on with the muffins. The oven is heated up to 200 degrees. Paper molds for muffins are added to the mold. You can, obviously, manage without them. Ale with prettier shapes. Get ready for them ahead of time - get ready to lay out as soon as possible after mixing. It is not guilty to “reveal” and stand up - otherwise everything is boisterous to enter into mutual relations with the motherland, and we do not take away the great poultries of the bulbs.

Chocolate is chopped into shmatochki. Dribniti is not necessary - chocolate is to blame for muffins. We add 50 grams.

At the great mist, eggs are hatched from zucrums.

Vershkov oil is melted.

We add heating Vershkov oil to the egg-tsukrovo sumishi, and also we add our sour milk. Rare ingredients for muffins do not need to be beaten - gently mix until combined.

In other places, we ask for cocoa, soda, and fluff.

Let's move on.

Rare ingredients are poured in until dry and gently mixed with a large spoon. It’s important that we don’t have time - it’s necessary for us, so that it’s more than a little bit easier. Axis why all dry ingredients need to be well mixed well.

If you take it very intensively and for a long time, then take away the m'yakush with small dirochki, with a bready texture. If you mix the dough “in a swedish way”, then the cupcakes will have larger dirks, and the cupcakes themselves will be more puffed up, with a crispy twist and a tall hat.

15-20 roux with a spoon is enough.

150 g of chopped chocolate are added to the dough for cupcakes. Well, I know, shvidko peremishuemo, just like the chocolate is more or less evenly rozpodіlivsya.

It is poured softly in forms, reminiscent of their surface. Top with chocolate.

Vipkaєmo 20 khvilin. Readiness can be twisted with a toothpick. Savory!

Pie from sour milk

Milk - 1 bottle

egg - 2 pcs.

borosno - 2 bottles

tsukor - 1 bottle + 2 tbsp. l.

margarine - 50 gr.

rozpushuvach - 1 tsp.

vanilla zukor - 1/2 tsp

rodzinki - 150 gr.

orange - 1 pc.

lemon - 1 pc.

Beat eggs with zucr, add sour milk, vanilla zukor, margarine and pros_yane well with fluff. Peremishati, introduce rodzinki and pour into a smeared margarine form. Vipіkati in rosemary up to 180 degrees oven 35-45 whilin, readiness to twist with a toothpick. З|із| fructiv vychaviti sіk, zmіshati z|іz| tsukra with two spoons and bring to a boil. Change the fire and cook on a weak fire for 10 hvilin|minutes|. Give the finished pie a troch to cool, ooze with syrup and sip

Milk from sour milk?


  1. Sour milk - 0.5 l
  2. Boroshno - 8 tbsp. l.
  3. Eggs - 2 pcs.
  4. Sonyashnikova Oliya - 2 tbsp. l.
  5. Strength - 0.5 tsp.
  6. Zukor - 2 tbsp. l.
  7. Soda - 0.5 tsp


  • Add milk in sour strength, tsukor, mix, beat in eggs and stir, do not see the docks homogeneous mass. Now add|add| mix soda. It is not necessary to quench soda, so that lactic acid can be replaced by octu.
  • Take a lot of dishes and ask boroughly. Sumish, what came out, add to the dough and mix until the rest of the breasts are formed. Let's add some oliu to the dough. Tisto can come out not too rare and not too thick.
  • Grease the frying pan with olive oil and heat it on a strong fire. Pour the dough into the pan with the cook and twist the pan a little bit, spread the dough so that it comes out colo.
  • Just as the lower part of the mill becomes golden in color, turn it over to the other side. You can smear the prepared cream with topsoil.
  • Serve mlintsi to the table with sour cream, honey, jams, condensed milk. You can stuff them with cheese, liver, meat and fruits.
  • So that the milk does not burn and does not become a breast, kindly heat it up and grease the pan with oil before the cob of lubrication.
  • Before Tim, how to prepare dough, necessary, so that the sour milk brought the room temperature Get rid of yoga for a year in the room.
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