Savory stravi for the Kremlin diet. The best recipes for the Kremlin diet. Patisoni stuffed with turkey liver

In the 90s, a little bit went about the eating system, which helped them to lose weight a lot of deputies and high-ranking residents, among them were called Yuri Luzhkov (Mayor of Moscow) and Sergiy Tsoi (Yogo press secretary). Nezabar secrets were revealed - this is how the Kremlin diet appeared, the popularity of which has not fallen for 2 decades.


It is based on a scientific treatise under the title "Keep Efficient Eating, How to Get Started with the Development of the Menu of Astronauts and Military USA" (this is sometimes called the methodology of American astronauts).

The main principle is the minimum reduction in carbohydrates, in which the body begins to actively increase the energy reserves of fat deposits. In the middle of nowhere, it’s not the same skils you’ve got, but like a lot of carbohydrates have sagged together with it.

All products are reduced in balls, or in mental units (c.u.): 1 ball = 1 c.u. e. = 1 g in carbohydrates. At the cutaneous stage, it is necessary to take in no more than a singing quantity of cich. e. To this end, before the eyes can be specially divided into a table of products and measures for their appointments.

So the essence of the Kremlin diet is low carbohydrate content. Atkins and Kwasnevsky's systems are even more similar to her.

Z life star. Zgidno with deakim dzherelami, the Kremlin diet helped Larisa Doliniy, Mykola Rastorguev, Oleni Kukarsky, Oleksiy Panayotova and rich other celebrities lose weight.

How is she working?

Low-carbohydrate eating systems always see the best results (8-15 kg per month), so it’s possible to lose weight on the Kremlin diet. Change in the diet to suffocate the rich systems of the body and encourage it to go in a different direction, which should be brought to the end of the bag to reduce the vagi:

  • minimal amount of carbohydrates, which is the main source of energy, to bring to ketosis - splitting of accumulated fat;
  • vidpovidno, vіdkladennya on the problematic parts of the body step by step appear;
  • together with them not such a brightly swept flock of orange kirk, but with a one-hour victoria of anti-cellulite ointments and gels of yoga, you can feel good about yourself;
  • the state of ketosis is characterized by the normalization of the exchange of speech, at the borders of which there is a flow and lipolysis, - as a result, new fat reserves are not found;
  • The level of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood is lowered, and why the lack of blood sugar is not observed - merciless attacks of hunger are not felt.

As a result, the weight is reduced - for some it is fast (up to 10 kg for the first 2 tizhn), in others it is more (minus 8 kg per month).

So, having gone through all the steps, and not seeing the expected results, you may turn to nutritionists for help (perhaps, they worked incorrectly) or doctors (often the problem is with health).

Description of stages

Kremlіvska diet vіdnositsya to dosit suvorih systems of eating. Deyakі stverdzhuyut, scho just program її not call, that scho won є whole life philosophy. To lose weight for help, it is necessary to go through stages, the sequence is the essence of such a change is not possible.

Stage 1. Induction phase

Trivality - 2 tyzhn. The result is minus 10 kg.

Number of carbohydrates - less than 20 grams (= 20 points) per day. The quantity of eating regimen should not be changed, let it be called: 3 times a day + a snack at any time.

Joke recipes for scars from balls - the stink of passing an hour on pіdrahunki. Portions - zvichaynі for rozmіrom, you can until the present sieve, but do not overdo it. It is necessary to drink 2-3 liters of water and take multivitamins.

Possibly constipated - rejoice in their dewy kelp (їzhte more cabbage, lettuce).

  • meat, meat products;
  • fish, seafood;
  • bird;
  • siri;
  • eggs;
  • peas (only allowed for more than 2 stages of diet);
  • olive oil, a small amount of mayonnaise and sour cream, fish fat;
  • drinks: water, tea, kava;
  • pidsolodzhuvachi: cyclomate, saccharin, cream aspartame;
  • green vegetables (about 500 gr per day): lettuce, sorrel, radish, radish, black olives, olives, krip, chasnik, rosemary, parsley;
  • other vegetables (300 gr per day): asparagus, rhubarb, daikon, eggplant, celery root, zucchini, patisoni, garmelon, spinach, cibulya, peas, kvassola, turnip, all kinds of cabbage.
  • malt, honey, tsukor, pіdsolodzhuvachi (fructose, maltose thinly), aspartame;
  • starchy vegetables: carrots, potatoes, beetroots (likely only in small quantities);
  • fruits and juices from them;
  • culinary fats;
  • alcohol;
  • drink with caffeine.

As can be seen from the given tables, snidanok is far from being the main method of eating in the Kremlin diet. Focus on offense.

Stage 2. Phase of active lowering of the vag

Її zavdannya - designate your individual additional portion of carbohydrates for relief from unneeded kilograms. As you threw off at the first stage the insoles, the skis are necessary, the number of balls is determined to support stability. And then the norm is increased by 5 c.u. in tyzhden.

There is a need for constant control over the mass of the body. As a result, you outweighed a handful of balls, surmounted and began to gain momentum again, it was necessary to turn around in the first phase. Training at stage 2 will help speed up weight loss. Bazhano zdati blood test, schobi vіdstezhiti camp zdorov'ya.

Through the war, the lowering of the vagium can succumb to one ostentatious - it will be the end point of another stage, and hence the trivality is even more individual. Reinsurance for about a month.

The list of products is supplemented by the following:

  • vegetables: red licorice pepper, tomato, avocado;
  • dairy products: fat tops, melting cheese, fibrous, homemade, fetaci;
  • more gorіkhіv: almond, sonyashnikov's nasіnnya, lubrication peanuts, cashews, hairy peas, pecans;
  • fruits and berries: midnight, lokhina, raspberry, dinya;
  • juices without salt and zucru : lemon, tomato;
  • alcohol (deyaki fahivtsі recommend utrimatisya vіd yogo vzhivannya).

Stage 3. Transition phase

Three times the amount of carbohydrates in the diet per 10 g per day. Zavdannya - zmusit the body to lose weight far away. Help physical vanity. As if through the protyag of the day, the show-offers did not destroy the month, it was possible to speed up the number of balls at 5 y.o. e.

Trivality - until the moment when you reach the desired result. Sound at the end of the kіlka tizhnіv.

What can be added to the menu:

  • starchy vegetables: potatoes, shelled peas, spinach, parsnips;
  • peas: cleansing peanuts, cedar, pistachios, sesame, harbuzov nasinnya;
  • legumes: kvassola, sochevitsa;
  • berries and fruits: cherries, grapes, apples, midnight, peaches, kiwi, kavun, grapefruit, bananas, plums, mangoes;
  • fruit cocktails diluted with water (1:1);
  • cereals: rice, barley, sesame, bread.

Stage 4. Phase of trimming (fixing)

Low-carbohydrate eating continues - now it can become a sustainable way of life. You are guilty of s'yasuvati, skilki in carbohydrates for doba you can fearlessly eat, like products provoke a set of vagi.

Try to control body mass. As soon as they gain 3-4 kg, the amount of additional norms in carbohydrates is soon shortened. It is necessary to drink so much water and go in for sports.

Pluses and minuses

The Kremlin's children have their own pluses, as they get such a large number of people to her, and minuses, as they can call on a new bazhanya to speed up with her.


  • Efficiency: throw off kilograms and centimeters, how to sink, show how the system works.
  • Vidsutnist sharp attacks of hunger.
  • Raznomanіtnіst ration.
  • Mozhlivist vzhivannya m'yasa and alcohol.
  • Zvіlnennya vіd shkіdlivih grub zvichok (pulling up to licorice, for example).
  • Stіykі results: yakscho go through all the steps, spent kilograms not to turn around.
  • The presence of vegetables and fruits prevent vitamin consumption.
  • Promotion of "good cholesterol".


  • In the process of splitting fats, ketone bodies are established - highly toxic elements, healthy cells. The stench screams intoxication, if the nirks, liver, brain, ale leaks out, and the side effects “reveal” do not suffer.
  • For the folding of the menu under the hand of the head of the guilty buti vag and the table of balls - the hassle is too rich.
  • Great is the desire for nirki through the great number of whites, which can lead to the establishment of stones and the development of gout.
  • Creatures zhiri vrazhayut judiciary that can provoke atherosclerosis.
  • Diet to serve as a catalyst for human ailments, as they can show themselves better.
  • Deficiency of nutrients, vitamins and calcium.
  • Calculation of cells in the diet leads to destruction of the intestinal microflora, intoxication with shkidlivami products and constipation.
  • "Zombuvannya": the deputy of the people's products to churn only "a bag of points" and as a result become a handkerchief of that distant type of eating.

Minus the Kremlin's death to report seriously, to ignore them. Zvajayuchi on її obzhuvalny character, with such shudennі necessary intake of drugs for replenishment of nutrient deficiency. Before that, how to test the technique on your own, you need a doctor's consultation.

What about science? Recently, the New England Journal of Medicine published sensational results from a study conducted by British experts. They said that the system of eating for the Kremlin diet increases the level of "good cholesterol" and reduces the signs of fatty acid, as it provokes a stroke.


In order to avoid side effects after weight loss, it is necessary to clearly consider contraindications:

  • disease of the heart and vessels: atherosclerosis, ischemia, hypertension;
  • metabolic syndrome;
  • circulatory diabetes;
  • pathology of nirok;
  • gout and cross-acid diathesis;
  • settling stones;
  • damage to the functioning of the liver;
  • parts of constipation;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • menopause, vaginess, lactation;
  • childish that summer century.

Fahivtsі recommend consulting with a therapist before it, like going on a diet. Side effects can show themselves only after a few months and after a drug course of renewal for the affected organism.

Required tables

And now we can use the printer and other options for the table, which are necessary for the motherfucker in the framework of losing weight on the Kremlin diet. It’s rich, but it’s necessary to sit with them once, sort out and then actively win when folding the menu, looking at the specifics of the stage, which one you know.

Tse more tables balіv okremih produktіv (per 100 g).

Also, you need to know more tables of ready-made strains. If you don’t scrupulously scrupulously bail the stove, if you take a lot of time, just look for the best recipe - and enjoy the different diet.

Such a table of carbohydrates is due to hang in the kitchen of the skin, who is worse, so that the strains did not exceed the additional norm. e. (smart loners).


It’s rich that the Kremlin diet is recognized for the elite, so the products for it are expensive and exotic. Directly call for ordinary people it's even easier to put together a menu for a day from a rozrahunka 20 balls per skin day.

It is necessary to fold the menu for 10 days or for 2 days, just repeat the recommended diet, which fits perfectly into the I and II stages.


proponed ideal recipes for the first stage - score with already bolstered points (per 100 g)

Chicken in white sauce / 2.5 bali


  • 500 gr chicken fillet;
  • 100 g of solid syrah;
  • ½ cibulini;
  • 250 ml low-fat;
  • 250 ml low-fat sour cream;
  • mayonnaise;
  • greens;
  • watchmaker;
  • roslinna oliya;
  • spices.


  1. Hit the cock with cubes, the cibula with pivkiltsy.
  2. Okremo zmіshati sour cream, mayonnaise, kefir.
  3. Grease the cibula, add meat to it, add salt, pepper.
  4. Pour the sauce up to them, add | add | greens, pressing a watchmaker.
  5. We rub the cheese on top.
  6. Extinguish until ready.

Celer soup / 8 balls


  • 300 gr of celeri stem;
  • 100 gr of celery root;
  • 1 cibulin;
  • ½ bell pepper;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 5 liters of water.


  1. Vegetables remember and detail.
  2. V_dvariti on the weak | weak | fire until I become soft.
  3. Hit the blender.
  4. Add some sour cream.
  5. You can change the water and add chicken broth.

Salad s sauerkraut/ 5 points


  • 500 g sauerkraut;
  • 1 salted ogirok;
  • 100 gr green tsibuli;
  • 2 tbsp. l. dewy olії;
  • spices.


  1. Detail the vegetables.
  2. Shuffle z|іz| oil | oil |.
  3. Add spices.

The Kremlin diet is rich in those who successfully fight for weight loss, although criticism is given, the methodology was chosen a little. Irrespective of trivality, it is important for the protein in the diet, it allows you to lose up to 15 kg per month. Golovnya - the day of pіdrakhovuvat bali she does not zіrvatisya.

It is important to know a woman, so that she would not lose weight. The widest way to get rid of the hated kilos of the system on a diet. A lot of panyankas are thinned to the principle: “To throw off your bag you need fast and rich”. The stench is starving, sitting on mono-diets. Such methods of losing weight give a quick result, but not a good one. Warto only start as soon as possible, so you have to turn around earlier, dragging you at the court’s edge. To throw off the vag forever, it’s necessary to go to the point, it’s right, it’s vpevneno.

A good result is shown by the Kremlin diet.

The essence of diet

The essence of the diet is the reduction in the intake of carbohydrates. Nalyagannya on products, rich on proteins.

A sharp decrease in the amount of carbohydrate products in the body swells its own reserves. The more of these reserves, the more shvid you will lose weight.

In order to loosen the skins, you can get something, the skin will be assigned to the balls. Leather ball means 100 g of carbohydrates in the song. In order to reduce the weight, on the day after 2 days it is allowed to “naїsti” 20 points, after 14 days, a daily display can be increased up to 40 points. After a month like this, the optimal number of balls is 60 units.

Diet includes 3 stages:

  • First entry . Three hours a day until two.
  • Other . Trivaє stretch 6 tyzhnіv.
  • Third it's about ten days old.

Basic principles of diet

For such a regimen, eating is necessary for food products:

  • Zukor. Zukr products.
  • Bakery products.
  • Carbonated licorice drink. Fruit juice.
  • Fruits with a high content of carbohydrates: bananas, grapes and other.
  • Beer.
  • Cereals with a high content of carbohydrates.
  • Vegetables to avenge starch.
  • Macaroni virobi.
  • Dairy desserts and soufflé.
  • Napіvfabrikati,
  • Shop cowbasnі virobi
  • Melting Sir,
  • Margarine, spread,
  • Milk,
  • Products from chemical warehouse.

Trivality of such a diet can become like 2 days and stretch for 2 months. If you drag out the diet, you can seriously improve your health and gain new ailments.

You can lose weight from 7 to 20 kg.

Such a diet is not dependent on supplemental vitrates. The woman is a couple of products, which is for all the motherland, as the Kremlin's diet is not tolerated.

Such a principle of eating can be observed not often once on the river.

At the same time physical rights you can easily lose fat, tighten your body and build up m'yazovu mass. Adzhe bіlok є the main budіvelnik m'yazіv.


  1. Before dotrimannyam, be it a diet, it is necessary to consult a doctor obov'yazkovo.
  2. The Kremlin diet is reserved for pregnant women, even if the body in such a situation can take the full amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
  3. Years of people are guilty of ominati be-like diet.
  4. It is not recommended to eat such a diet for people who are ill with diabetes, gastritis, virazka, nirk and heart failure.


  1. The main pardon, as rich women are admitted, are those who eat stench very little and rarely.
  2. It is necessary to fully bear that burden. Snіdanok skip can not be. Noon and supper can be replaced by a light snack.
  3. It is not recommended to lean on fruit. Most of them galvanize the process of losing weight.
  4. Intensive physical challenge is contraindicated. The aerobic exercise is small for the first time during the first half of the year.
  5. Come out of the diet slowly enough and smoothly. The next day, the completion of the diet cannot be eaten.

Strav menu

The whole diet of eating is made up of meat, eggs, dairy products and vegetables. Fruit should be carefully cultivated.

For snacks, those who are thinner, try to live: an omelette with 2 eggs and vegetable salad, or cheese with half an apple, 2 homemade chicken sausages with a spoonful of squash caviar, or boiled yalovichina with sauerkraut.

Obid can also be different:

  • a portion of soup with dietary bread,
  • stewed meat in sour cream,
  • baked, lubricated or boiled meat,
  • fish, be sure to look.
  • Varene m'yaso,
  • boiled fish,
  • Boiled egg with green salad, season with olive oil.


  • Shmatochok sire,
  • Dekilka Gorikhiv,
  • half an apple
  • half grapefruit,
  • 200 g unsweetened yagid,
  • Chai chi kava without tsukru.

It is necessary to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

At the first introductory stage, it is allowed to take in carbohydrates for 20 points.

Dekіlka retseptіv strav 10 balіv

Shrimp soup with broccoli

For 1 liter of vegetable broth you need pivkilo broccoli, 4 king prawns, 200 g low-fat tops, one cibulin. refuel lemon juice with the addition of salt, grated nutmeg and cloves to the watchmaker.

Pork liver

Smear a kilo of pork on an olive oil with porcini mushrooms, a cibula and a chasnik. Pour 250 ml of vegetable broth and add 100 ml of tops. Extinguish meat until ready. Divide into 6 portions.

Zucchini stuffing

Take 3 zucchini, cut open and clean the middle. Stuff the sum of stewed vegetables (bulgarian pepper, cibula, syru, chasnik, Italian spices). Bake in the oven until done.

Salad with meat and vegetables

Brush 300 g pork, cut into cubes. Lubricate zucchini, diced. Make a watercress salad, and tomatoes. Mustache the ingredients. At the broth, which is overflowing after the meat, add a drop of octa, hot sauce and spices. Bring to a boil and season the sumishshyu salad.

For 25 points

Shchi. Pivkilo pork is smeared with tsibuley. Okremo hang cabbage, tomato, zucchini and stew on a frying pan chicken broth. After 40 quills, everything is zmіshuyut and quenched with the addition of 2 tablespoons of sour cream.

Caesar Salad". Mix chicken with watercress, cherry tomatoes, bell peppers and selera. Pour sauce with beaten grated syrah, sour cream and spices.

With an allowance of 25 balls, you can cook: pork with carrots and selera, walnut salad, green hair salad. For dessert, you can have a half-kilo half a day with tops, or you can cook milk and spinach with goat's cheese.

Lists of countries for 10 points:

  • A kilo of baked pork from greens.
  • 800 g yalovichini in mushroom sauce.
  • Pіdloga kіlo ribi with stewed vegetables and mushrooms.
  • Cooked chicken with sour cream and garlic sauce.
  • Siren Soup.
  • Milk omelet.
  • Celery soup.
  • Eggs stuffed with mushrooms.
  • Schі zі sour cream.
  • Beefsteak.
  • Green salad.

For 25 points:

  • 800 grams of pork in beer and spices.
  • Corop in the Mediterranean.
  • Rolls from flounder.
  • Vegetable soup with dumplings.
  • Salmon soup.
  • Solyanka is clear.
  • Seafood salad.
  • Fruit cake yogurt.
  • Pechivo with candied fruits.
  • Chocolate muffin.

Lyudina, if you really want to lose weight, take such a diet without everyday difficulties. Adje tsya diet not maє serious obmezhenie. And vіdmova vіd bakery virobіv ta different mind shkidlivosti s khіmіchnym warehouse, but bring melancholy not only at the sight of the commanding figures on Teresa, but to improve your health. After the end of such a diet, whoever takes as a basis the principles and accompanies such a diet of eating all life. Tilki zrіdka live fenced with such a diet of products.

What is the Kremlin diet

The eating system was developed by Robert Atkins for astronauts. The diet helped them to keep in good physical shape and not to starve. In this way, Yury Luzhkov, the colossal measure of Moscow, lost 20 kg for a drink. Kremlivka is a low-carbohydrate system of living, as it is oriented towards the baby balls, and not calories. Skin damage and product may have its own rating. At the merezhі є tables for the Kremlin diet, de skin type їzhi given a number of points.


The result of losing weight after a month of changing in the diet will impress you - every hour of the diet, the body consumes close to 8-10 kg. The first two days will be easy, the amount of carbohydrates in the menu is too small. Potim kіlkіst tsukrіv trohi zbіlshitsya, and masa tіla bude shvidko tanuti, scho will become an additional stimulus to lose weight. Stages of diet:

  1. Trivality of Suvoro's diet - 2 tyzhn. The diet has less than 20 g of carbohydrates. For a day, you can get it, whether it’s a lot of money, a sum of points for a yak won’t exceed 20 c.u. e. Recipes with balls will help you to sort out the folded menu.
  2. Trivality of this stage - from 4 to 6 days (deposit at the rate of dropping the vag). You will increase the amount of points by 5 c.u. e., until їх Zagalna kіlkіst not didide up to 40 c.u. e. If you need to reach minus 5 kg, you can start the third stage.
  3. Trivalіst tsgogo crocodile lie down in order, as soon as you throw off the rest of 5 kg. Weight in carbohydrates increases by 10 g per day, after 14 days the number of points becomes 60 g.
  4. The final stage of the diet is directly fixed results. In the diet, as before, the proportion of carbohydrates is reduced, but the number of available recipes is significantly expanding. Kharchov's sounds are changing, so the decrease in the survival of tsukrіv will become the norm for you.

Kremlin diet menu

At the first stage, cream in carbohydrates, you need to turn off alcohol, kava, ready-made sauces, pasta, prepared drinks.

Chains of smeared, smoked, salted and pickled herbs will be forgotten for a while. The priorities are protein products, greens, olive oil, fat, vegetables. With the transition to another stage, add peas, nasinnya, juices, fruits, berries. At the menu of the Kremlin diet at the third stage, add legumes, cereals, starch vegetables. It is important to drink 2-3 liters of plain water, herbal tea, non-licorice compote. At the Kremlin, take vitamin complexes in order to remember a lot of valuable speeches.

For 10 days

The free diet can be as varied as possible, so let me not charge you. Diet recipes up to 20 c.u. e. tezh can be rich and mothers have a relish. As a skin remedy, drink herbal tea, greens and black tea, non-licorice kava. Lunch menu for 10 days:

Diet Day

Egg with tomatoes and shank

Salad with ogirkiv and cabbage

M'yasna hodgepodge (without potatoes)

Lubrication peanuts

Chicken breasts with cheese, stewed vegetables

Mackerel in growing olive(canned)

Shchi m'yasnі, vegetable salad

Zucchini liver with tomatoes and brinza

Chicken liver in sour cream, steamed broccoli

Omelette, hard cheese

leaf lettuce, green peas

Cream-soup with carrots, chicken vіdbivna

Sonyashnikov's birthday

Steamed turkey fillet, fresh cocks, tomatoes

Low-fat cheese from greens and sour cream

Unsweetened yogurt

Chicken broth, mushroom salad with vegetables

Zucchini caviar, egg, shank

The egg is not cool, the trigger is cooked, greens

Yushka, salad with beetroot with chasnik and olive

walnut peas

Baked fish on a vegetable pillow

Pork vіdbivna, cabbage salad with olive oil


Soup from melted sirkiv, homemade grilled cock

Zalivne z yazyka, walnut salad

Seafood salad, hard cheese

Black olives

Fish in tomato sauce leafing lettuce

Liver pate

Baked rabbit, licorice pepper salad, greens, tomato.

Meat roll, mushroom caviar


Chicken broth, salad with tomatoes and olives

Lubrication of tovstolobik, salad with mayonnaise, squid, eggs, syrah

Chicken sausages, hard cheese

Salad with cabbage, apple and mayonnaise

Celery soup, beef steak

Stewed cabbage with yalovichina

Sirna zapikanka, kiwi

Lubricated pork, eggplant, caviar, lettuce

Garbuzov's birthday

Boiled fish, seaweed salad

Recipes with balls

The preparation of low-calorie herbs is a quick and easy process. Practically all meats and ribs are estimated at 0-5 points, so you can count them up to the point of being completely sieved. Try cooking for the next recipe:


  • chicken fillet (0 balls) - 1 pc.;
  • Sonyashnikova Oliya (0 points) - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • strength for relish;
  • seasonings (hops-suneli, chalking coriander, chalking black pepper) - to taste.

Cooking method:

Soup and

Sitnist resentment is known, how much you will want to eat in the evening. Recipes of the Kremlin diet for 20 points to show a great number of soups. Rіdka їzha can be on the menu, so that the shlunkovo-intestinal tract normally pratsyuvav. Cicavi recipes for soups for the Kremlin diet:

  1. Celerium soup.


  • water - 5 l;
  • Seler stem - 300 g;
  • selera root - 100 g;
  • carrot - 1 pc.;
  • cibulya bila - 1 pc.;
  • Bulgarian pepper - ½ pc.
  • vershkov oil - 1 tsp;
  • strength for relish.

Cooking method:

  1. Sirny soup with ovens.


  • water - 1 l;
  • fresh bakery - 200 g;
  • hard cheese - 200 g;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • middle cibulin - 1 pc.;
  • roslinna oliya - for lubrication;
  • spices, greens - to taste.

Cooking method:


You can graciously have a bite to eat with them, or supplement the main method of eating. Recipes for the Kremlin diet give a wide field for fantasy and do not allow hunger to roam. The simplest mixes are vegetable. Cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, peppers, radishes, zucchini, eggplants - you can sell chimalo with these products savory recipes salads for the Kremlin diet

Low-carbohydrate Mimosa - lettuce


  • sardini in olives - 1 can;
  • sirki melting - 2 pcs.;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons.

Cooking method:


Too many who can’t protect themselves from this virib, shards without it simply can’t be found. You can use the product with this method of eating, but you also need to know the recipe for bread for the Kremlin diet:


  • wheat whiskey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • invsyan visivki - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • corn starch - 2 tsp;
  • skimmed milk powder - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • powder for brewing - 2 tsp;
  • low-fat soft sir - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • sil, paprika in shmatochki, dried tomatoes, Italian herbs - a pair of pinches.

Cooking method:


The lowering of the vag can be seen, so you indulge yourself with licorice salami. Desserts for the Kremlin diet are not rich in calories and delight the soul in the period of weight loss. Vanilla frosting recipe:


  • egg yolks - 5 pcs.;
  • water - ¼ bottle;
  • densely beaten tops - 2 bottles;
  • zaminnik tsukru - for relish;
  • vanilin - on the tip of a knife.

Cooking method:

What is the Kremlin diet: what is the point?

The principle of the Kremlin diet is even simpler. Vіn maє on uvazі pіd yourself obezhennya vzhivannya in їzhu vuglevіv. On the cob, just raise them to the minimum number, and then we’ll call them out.

Energy enters the body of a person for the diet of the introduction of products, rich in carbohydrates and fats. The exchange of such components to rob the process of spalling active fat. Ale kremlіvska diet maє on uvazі pіd vіdmova vіdmovu vіd vіd vuglevіv, so you can continue to live in їzhu products with fats.

Proteins are the main component, necessary for the life of fabrics. Similar components are allowed on your diet. The process of losing weight will be especially effective in that case, as we give respect to physical interests.

By stretching doby people, as if they want to lose weight, you can drink less than 1.5 liters of non-gas water. More importantly, as a rule, the stones of the metabolic process become active. Also, water will remove the excess of converted proteins from your body.

Perevagi and nedolіki ration of eating when dieting

The expanded Kremlin diet has given rise to a dovkola for itself a super-cheek. Vaughn may be strong, so are the weak sides.

Before this method of eating can be seen:

  • zayvih kіlogram can be taken even more quickly;
  • the problems of the world will be solved without expensive cosmetic treatments;
  • not to go hungry, shards to the diet are included in food and basic products;
  • single-manality is turned off, even if you can prepare different strats.

Nedolikiv in such a diet is less rich:

  • є deyaki protipozannya, pov'yazanі zі camp zdorov'ya;
  • lovers of malting are stuck with the same problems, but it is important for them to look at the primary products.

Carbohydrate-free eating brings the human body a little crusty. On the cob of varto, plant protein products for 7 days. If the body responds well to such a diet, you can continue the diet for another day. Try to bring the diet up to 30 days, so that the gains in kilograms no longer turn into the future.

The main stages of the Kremlin diet

Lіkar Atkins saw a few stages of such a diet of eating. Leather from them has its own peculiarities. Bali - the quantity of carbohydrates in the singing product. Data showings need to be taken obov'yazkovo to the respect of the process of folding the menu.

First stage

This is a special phase of induction, which lasts 14 days. The organism calls to a new diet, a kind of richness in fat. It is necessary to know the amount of carbohydrates up to 20 g per doba. Obov'yazkovo remove high-carbohydrate products from the diet, as well as caffeine. Vіdmovtesya vіd alcoholic drinks. Remember that in a teaspoon of zucru there are approximately 5 smart units of carbohydrates. For the same reason, turn off the products.

You can live in products with fats and proteins in any quantity. If you have the opportunity, get used to natural products. You can often cook them with your own hands at home minds.

For example, you can enter the yogurt menu - 8.5 points. The cost of carbohydrates per 100 g. It is also necessary to live in meat and fish, siri and eggs, non-alcoholic drinks, green color vegetables, substitutes for tsukrіv, and other vegetables.

You cannot eat malted peas, starch vegetables, fruits and fruit juices, alcohol, fats, caffeine.

Vagina lowering at another stage

This stage may be on your way to try and pardon. It is necessary to take that portion of carbohydrates, so as not to be allowed to gain weight. Increase the dose of the components required for 5 c.u. for good.

Add peas to your diet, as well as fresh juices. Try not to get used to starch and zukor.

After 2 months, give a blood test to check the evidence. As a matter of fact, the stench turned out to be negative, considering such a diet of eating. It is possible, the doctor will please you to bring changes into the regime of songs.

Prior to this, earlier products include:

  • different vegetables;
  • dairy products;
  • peas and nasinnya;
  • berries and fruits;
  • fresh juices.

Correction of reduced carbohydrates at the third stage

Increase the reduction in carbohydrates up to 10 c.u. at 7 days. As soon as you started to gain weight, I changed the lower dose of the components again. If the dose of carbohydrates is maximum, and the kilograms are not added, you could achieve the optimal result.

The physicists have the right to give you the opportunity to achieve your goals more clearly. Obov'yazkovo robіt exercise, oskіlki your body is more easily accepted in carbohydrates.

The basis of your diet can be proteins and fats. For an hour of skin intake, add the product, at the warehouse of any є in carbohydrates. Zavdyakov to you, you can correctly put together your diet, in your own time showing products that harm the body.

You can add the following products to the menu:

  • vegetables with mixed starch (potato, carrot, beetroot);
  • different kinds of mountains (almonds, peanuts, cashews);
  • legumes (kvassola and sochevitsya);
  • various fruits (cherries, crescents, peaches, apricots);
  • different cereals, among them you can cook porridge.

We take the results at the fourth stage

Here people try to put on a badass figure, and also save those results that are far away from reach. It is necessary to continue those eating, as if to transform into a way of life. It is necessary to carefully control the amount of carbohydrates, as in the previous stages.

At what stage is your main meta - saving quiet results, which are far away from reach. As soon as your vaga began to grow, turn to the last stages of the diet.

Your menu has the following products:

  • grains;
  • different peas;
  • now;
  • fermented milk and dairy products.

Unique potatoes and borosna, shards of such products trap water in the body. Obov'yazkovo subdue the menu with physical rights, stink shards allow you to take off the charge of goodness and energy, and also turn back from the gaining kilograms.

Table of products in the Kremlin diet

The table of products of the Kremlin diet is supplemented with balls, which will help you to properly add up the food ration. Zavdyaki tsomu you can choose the right products for the preparation of herbs.

Perelik produktiv Bali


riska 51
from whole grains 43
bagels 58
from a living bog 34
drying 68


buckwheat 62
vivsyanka 49
millet 66
different varieties of rice 71
legumes 46


young yalovichina 0
bird 0
heart that liver 0
sausages with minced pork 2
trigger 0

Riba ta dari sea

boiled fillet 0
smoked products 0
mussels 4
crayfish 2
shrimps 0

Dairy products

warm milk 4,7
licorice sirki with fillings 32
cheese with minimal fat 1
oliya ta margarine 1,3
kefir 3,2


zucchini 7
tomati 4
carrot 7
cibula 9
potatoes 4


hairy pea 12
coconut 20
amygdal 11
cash'yu 25
pistachios 15


blacksmith 8
noon 6,5
aґrus 9
lingonberry 5
noon 6

Tse table of balances of these products, yakі vvazhayut the most expanded in the process of preparing herbs. It’s important for you to respectfully watch these shows, so that you can properly put together your diet. With the right regimen of living, you can take the maximum amount of hardness. The very same way, giving the opportunity to wealthy people to get in with their heavy kilograms.

The Kremlin diet, the menu for the day for ordinary people, did not sound relatively boost the amount of carbohydrates, it was broken up by fakes. You just varto dotrimuvatsya the basic rules of that kind, like a diet retailer. Only in such a mood you can enjoy the effective results of such a diet of eating.

A simple Kremlin diet menu is the best option for people who want to lose weight. There are not many exotic products, which cost expensively, and even more conveniently. You yourself will have the opportunity to cook food brown stravy with minimum vitrates. When the body does not take away the shkoda, shards in the diet will be present all the necessary microelements and vitamins.

Kremlin diet menu for the day

Fold the menu on the first 2nd day is necessary for the improvement of the main features of the food ration. You are responsible for the transfer of products, yakі vіdpovіdat the rules of diet. Otzhe, the axis of that option, which will help you to get out of the devil's kilograms:

days Rank meal Denna meal Evening meal

steamed broccoli (5);

cowbaski varenі (4 pieces - 3);

non-malry warm drink (0).

chicken broth from greens (250 g - 5);

lamb skewers (0);

tomato-ogi salad (6);

non-malry warm drink (0).

pollock (grilled fillet - 0);

grilled shrimp (2);

non-malry warm drink (0).

Tuesday kefir with berries (3).

carrot salad, grated on grated (7);

grilled escalope fillet (0);

selera root (250 g - 8);

non-malry warm drink (0).

boiled salmon (0);

salad leaves (4);

dry wine (200 g - 2).


tomato and eggplant in a steamer (5);

boiled cowbass (3 skips - 0);

a cup of tea (0).

soup from any kind of vegetables (250 g - 6);

cabbage salad (5);

baked rabbit meat (0);

non-malry warm drink (0).

boiled fillet of pollock (0);

bottle of yogurt (6).


eggs, lubricated in a frying pan with a shank (1);

risotto abo mascarpone (1);

a cup of tea (0).

mushroom and vegetable salad (150 g - 6);

celer soup (250 g - 8);

v_dvarena young yalovichina (0);

non-malry warm drink (0).

tomato (6);

boiled chicken (0);

a cup of tea (0).


sir (150 g - 5);

eggs from mushrooms (1);

a cup of tea (0).

salad with grated beetroot, oil dressings (7);

light broth (5);

lamb, grilled (0);

a cup of tea (0).

succulent broccoli in a steamer (100 g - 5);

chicken on the grill (0);

a cup of tea (0).


boiled sausages (4 pieces - 3);

caviar from zucchini (100 g - 8);

non-malry warm drink (0).

cooked meat (200 g - 0);

cucumber salad (3);

non-malry warm drink (0).

boiled rabbit fillet (200 g - 0);

a cup of kefir chi yogurt (0).


boiled eggs (1);

risotto abo mascarpone (1);

a cup of tea (0).

light broth (5);

chicken in a steamer (250 g - 5);

salad with grated beetroot, oil dressings (6).

boiled fillet of pollock (0);

Another day of eating like a diet is the same. You have the right to change your missions so that the diet becomes different. But remember that following the recipes for suffering with balls at the first stage of the Kremlin diet is exactly the same. Instead of carbohydrates, you can properly plan your diet. However, do not add new products to the menu. If you see zatsіkavlenі in shudnenі, dotrimuytes established rules and peculiarities of diet.

Yaki stravi can be prepared: recipes

Such a system of eating food transfers different things, which can bring you a little satisfaction. Golovne, they cooked them for the right recipes.

Milky eggs

It is necessary to take:

  • eggs (2 pieces);
  • water (4 tablespoons).

Cooking method:

Take the eggs and beat them vigorously with the help of a blender. It is necessary to conquer the mass with a kick. Add water and mix everything thoroughly again. Add strength and chalking pepper to your taste. However, it’s not varto to splurge, the spices of the building will awaken your appetite. Lubricate everything in such a way that you sound like you are making wonderful milk.

You can serve them by sipping a dish of greens or by decorating it with berries. Such sweets will bring your body a maximum of crust. You can even add yoga to the regular menu, absolutely not worrying about anything.


To prepare the strain, you need to take:

  • chicken fillet (2 kg);
  • bakery (600 g);
  • qibulya (2 pieces);
  • hard cheese (300 g);
  • season to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Eat the meat. Narіzhte yogo shmatochki small size.
  2. Cut the mushrooms into quarters. Shake the cibulina with pivkiltsy. Season all the ingredients with mayonnaise, thoroughly mixing. Add strength and pepper to your taste.
  3. Heat the oven up to 220 degrees. I’m ready to put sumish on the form for zapіkannya, having corrected the preparation.
  4. Even before the end of the preparation, 5 khvilin were left, sip the grass with syrah.

Julienne let you enjoy the inexhaustible relish and aroma of stravia. It’s not more than a river on the everyday, but on the Christmas table.

Fragrant tiramisu

To prepare the strain, you need to take:

  • mascarpone (1 kg);
  • tops 33% (200 g);
  • eggs (10 pieces);
  • rozchinna kava (4 teaspoons);
  • rum or cognac (4 tablespoons);
  • gelatin (2 sachets);
  • cocoa and citric acid (sprat pinch).

Cooking method:

  1. Gelatin needs to be filled with dill. Let it stand, even if youmu needs to swell. You can put yogo on the stove in your dish.
  2. Zhovtki neatly cremate the whites.
  3. Whisk the whites seriously in a blender. Stepwise introduce citric acid, but not more than a pinch.
  4. Zhovtki from mascarpone varto beat for the help of a blender. Give 25 chickweed needles. However, sprinkle with sprinkles in front.
  5. Pour kava with dill. Bring wine to the holone. Where else to introduce alcohol. Give the last thing to the otrimman masu. Enter proteins and mix again.
  6. Heat the gelatin in a water bath to a uniform sum. Mix everything well. Add|Add| mass and again beat everything to a uniform consistency.
  7. Prisipte ready masu grated cocoa. Place it in the refrigerator for 3:00.

Dessert will become your chip, shards of wine will enliven the guests. Golovne, so you cooked yoga correctly, shards of wine can be light, fragrant and savory. Experiment to discover new talents.

Soup with chicken meat and mushrooms

It is necessary to take:

  • mushrooms (200 g);
  • licorice pepper (120 g);
  • chicken fillet (500 g);
  • greens.

Cooking method:

Narіzhte mushrooms, ovoch and chicken meat with small pieces. Brush the ingredients in the frying pan. Give 2 liters of water and everything will be done. Tse is a light soup made from vegetables, which allows you to gain weight.

As soon as you want to pat more sieve grass, add a shank to it. Tse m'yaso, as if I could take a greater amount of protein. Enough kіlka yogo skibochok, schob otrimat maximum koristі that nasolodi.

Contraindication before diet

If you have a chronic disease of the organs of poisoning or the heart, then you should see your doctor. Vіn signify the allowed products, which can be included in the warehouse of the Kremlin diet. Obov'yazkovo zrobіt krovіz krovі, schob perekonatisya, scho you are not given a similar diet of eating.

Vagіtnym zhіnkam tezh varto vіdmovitysya vіd such a diet of eating. For a harmonious development of the fetus, you need all the necessary vitamins and microelements. It’s not for yourself to separate yourself, even in another situation you can get stuck with unforeseen problems.

As you remembered, the Kremlin diet can bring a lot of crust to your body. The won is directly related to the balance of micronutrients and vitamins. However, you need to understand the basic rules and principles to understand maximum greed. Only in this time you can throw off a few zayvikh kilograms.

diet, weight loss

To be brought to accept those that society presents to us its help. I deyaki hang out sane looking, vag and zahoplenosti healthy lifestyle.

Do not shy away from the mass position, you can start to take up your beloved right, or to know a partner - all you have to do is to think about those who want to get close to the standard praised by the court.

And the vaga at that standard is a marker of success, health and material well-being. As a result, someone is joking a simple path to the point of being stringy.

Just don't hurry up and go on a diet! For which one on the cob varto understand:

  • yaki output data;
  • there is no contraindication from the side of health.

If you talk about losing weight, then it’s better (and here we have dietitians and fitness trainers in solidarity) practice systematically with the new eating regimen.

For example, training for some reason is impossible - the so-called butova activity and diet are so called. Pobutova aktivnіst - tse those, scho you and so work day after day: morning, tidying up, mittya dishes, going to the store, walking to a friend or office. At the same time, the body also spends calories, and, in order to increase the amount of waste, you can make an arrow there, collapsing in the beak we need!

And the axis of such a diet, let's sort it out.

Diet - the whole system (hour, frequency, quantity and warehouse portions) eating. It is not easy to remake one's already tired system, but it has served the filthy service itself. So - on the wiki. However, here is a food, what can you replace. Options are anonymous.

  • . The principle of fast storage of carbohydrates. What is the result: in the carbohydrate as the main source of glucose is not found, the body is switched to its own load» , kilograms are seen.
  • High carbohydrate.Here you can see fruits, vegetables, juices. Principle: even a little fat, light zha, scho spray miraculous robotic intestines. Result: ShKT to be cleaned, to be planted, to go;
  • . Practice for the front model, but for the receiving additions: you can use it 1 time per day, if it’s a “grub zigzag» . And in case of a coward, the body of vikoristu has more calories, just for those who want to support themselves in a working camp. Result: the intestines do not get confused, metabolism moves (exchange of speech), go ahead.
  • Low calorie regime.Principle: balanced eating with a calorie deficit. Result: there is not enough energy, and the windshields have been lost, so the body is allowed to run out of stocks and the gaining kilos are spared.

What is shorter? Nobody knows, we will surround you. Sympathy of traditional nutritionists for a low-calorie type of eating. But doctors can’t say that with the right addition of dietary supplements and vitamins to other diets, the body will be provided with macro- and micronutrients and without shoddy» .

Today, the Kremlin diet is popular, in a measure there are a lot of innumerable reports about the viability, simplicity, and robustness of the system. Let's revise!

History of the winery

Yevgen Chernov, who wrote a whole book on the Kremlin diet, calls to dosit public figures zavoi vaga troubles of the system.

Among them, Luzhkov and deyakі members of the yoga cabinet and pop stars on the choli with Larisa Dolina. True, the diet itself is presented as a simple way for the masses, for those who cannot hire a staff of nutritionists to solve their problem for themselves. Є superechnosti, wait a minute.

The Kremlin itself» the complex - at the closest look at the diet, the breakdown by Dr. Atkins and the low-carbohydrate type of eating. Not much constant control will be on the side of the doctor and gram in carbohydrate names balls with eyepieces.

Prote, in an hour of foundation, the greatest weight loss was created with the recipes for the improvement of the balance of the Kremlin diet. Tse significantly simplified the process of passing. The first two types of the Kremlin diet are especially worthy, if the recipes are not guilty of including ingredients with carbohydrates.

The rules of the "water stones"

The basis of the diet is:

Under the fence, white bread, licorice gas, confectionery bread, potatoes.

At the entrance to the diet, please clean up the alcohol. Vіn not harrowing, but weakening the string, lowering self-control. And tse can cause the living of "not dietary» products. Liquorice napoi - liqueurs and cocktails - mayut great variety in the eyepieces, be careful.

At the start, also try to eat fruits - ze fruit zukri and carbohydrates, stench to improve the process.

Respect! At the first stage of the Kremlin diet, it is necessary to take into account the strains, whose recipes should be used for products with high starch content.


  1. Divide the daily ration into 3 meals, add 1-2 snacks if necessary.
  2. Don't eat in the middle before bed.
  3. Distribute the amount of carbohydrates evenly throughout the day.
  4. Drink less than 2 liters of water per day.
  5. Increase the amount of rіdini, as if a little sickness began to constipate.

What are we preparing for and how to behave:

  1. At the first stage, it is possible to change the mood, become depressed, increase the need for increased sleep. Listen to your body, sleep more, start to take calm pickings (vacant land and other).
  2. Bagato on the cob feels a little heaviness due to the large amount of protein hedgehog. Drink more, shorten your portions, give green vegetables - better for everything, I'll come back to normal.
  3. Seeing a lack of licorice relish. Try zukrozaminnik. Then you can follow them step by step, or cherish them forever: the diet is not fed.
  4. The Kremlin diet is oriented to everyone, and therefore, the meaning, especially for the recipes of the strains, is averaged. An individual norm of points/balives can show up a little more, or lower - you can turn it over with a better way.

Respect!Allow 1 carbohydrate day per day. Buy vegetables, citrus fruits, favorite cereals - everything to make up for a shortage of cells.

Vzagali vіdmovtesya vіd conceive, like:

Please!Do not check for a mitigated result. The transfer system smoothly lowers the weight. In addition, the pace is dependent on individual features. For the average person, for a 10-15 kg overhaul, it is close to 3-4 kg per week.


You can find a table with the price of products for balls / eyepieces. Often in similar tables of the Kremlin diet there is a number of balls to the recipes of quiet chi іnshih strav. However, one gentleman, as it seems, does not have borscht on borscht, do not particularly trust the average figures.

Mi proponuemo sprat simple recipes Kremlin diet with balls and new taste of ingredients. Correct from them, and expand the menu in your own way, just as you own the principle.

Requested recipes can be used for folding a varied menu of the Kremlin diet for the day.

Stravi z eggs

Recipes for straw eggs are going to be both for the first and for the other stage of the Kremlin diet.

Omelet with mushrooms


  • 2 eggs;
  • 60g glives/champignons;
  • piv-cibulini;
  • 3 art. spoons of tops;
  • oil for obsmazhuvannya.

Cooking: g ribi smear z|іz| dribno|milko| pierced tsibulei, pour over eggs, beaten tops, grease 5 quills | minutes |, turn over, bring to readiness.

Bali: zagalne - 11 balls;per 100 g - 3.7 bali.

Egg with tomatoes


  • 3 eggs;
  • 1 tomato (bl. 70g);
  • 3 art. l. Vershkiv;
  • green cibula (2 arrows);
  • oil for obsmazhuvannya.

Cooking: p Pore ​​the omedor, brush until soft, pour over eggs, mix with tops, add strength to relish, grease until ready, before serving, sip with green cibulei.

Bali: zagalne - 8 balls;per 100 g - bl. 3.3 Bali.

Stuffed eggs


  • 7 boiled eggs;
  • half a bunch of green cibules and a crop;
  • 100 leaf lettuce;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream;
  • mayonnaise.

Cooking: me cut the eggs into halves, twist the zhovtki, grate with chopped greens and lettuce, zmishati with sour cream and mayonnaise, spread the eggs in halves.

Bali: zagalne - 16 balls;per 100 g - bl. 4 balls.


Recipes for salads on the Kremlin diet are mostly light and stand well in balls.



  • 1 can of canned oil;
  • 2 boiled eggs;
  • tsibula is green (1 bunch);
  • 1 fresh medium rump;
  • mayonnaise for dressing.

Cooking: up to vіnservi pom'yati videlkoy, eggs that ogіrok grate on the big terttsі, tsibulyu podrіbniti, all warehouses zmіshati with mayonnaise.

Bali: zagalne - 8.5 balls;per 100 g - bl. 2.5 Bali.



  • boiled chicken breast;
  • 2 boiled eggs;
  • celery stalk (50 g);
  • 0.5 cibulini;
  • 0.5 cans of kvass or peas;
  • 2 tbsp. capers;
  • mayonnaise.

Cooking: up to trim the chicken, eggs, cibula, seler, mix with kvass or peas, season with mayonnaise, season the animal with capers.

Bali: zagalne - 14 balls;per 100 g - about 4.5 balls.

Meat with vegetables


  • yalovichina boiled (200 g);
  • arugula / lettuce (50 g);
  • 1 zucchini;
  • cherry tomatoes (7-10 pieces);
  • 2 tbsp. olive oil;
  • mustard.

Cooking: all ingredients, cream of olives and cherry, trim, all zmishati, season with olive oil, seasoned with mustard.

Bali: zagalne - 22 bali; for 100 g - about 5 balls.

Soup and

One of the most popular recipes for the Kremlin diet is soup, we chose a selection of 4 recipes for whatever taste.

Recipes for the first holidays on the Kremlin diet can cost dearly in balls. Give respect to the ingredients and to the final quality.



  • 0.5 chicken carcasses;
  • 1 cibulin;
  • 2 watchmaker's heads;
  • chilli kvassola 200 g;
  • 1 carrot;
  • water;
  • spices.

Cooking: up to dip the chicken into boiling water, boil it until it is ready, add strength, spices, grate carrots and cut cibula and kvassol. Refuel with a finely cut chasnik, bring to readiness.

Bali: zagalne - 10 balls;per 100 g - 1.4 balls.

3 lamb


  • 500 g lamb;
  • 4 tomatoes;
  • 2 Bulgarian peppers;
  • parsley root;
  • 2 cybuli heads;
  • 4 chastochki to the watchmaker;
  • 1 st. rice
  • black peppercorns;
  • bay leaf.

Cooking: b aranіnu vіdvariti until ready. In a frying pan, grease a nattered cibula with parsley and a crushed chasnik. Run the dressing into the broth, mash the tomatoes, peppers, peppercorns and rice. Before finishing cooking, add a bay leaf.

Bali: zagalne - 57 balls;per 100 g - about 4.5 balls.

Garbuzovy with indica


  • turkey fillet 600 g;
  • 3 carrots;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • 500 garbuza;
  • 2 cibulini;
  • 3 chastochki to the watchmaker;
  • celery root;
  • parsley root;
  • greens (0.5 bottles);
  • 2 tbsp. olії for smearing;
  • strength, spices.

Cooking: l uk, chasnik, celery root, parsley root, refine, smear on olives in a frying pan until the cibula is clear, add fillet cut into small pieces, smear until the color of the meat is changed to blond. Put everything in a saucepan, add a pickle, carrots and potatoes in small pieces, cook until ready, season with spices to taste.

Bali: zagalne - 160 balls;per 100 g - 5.8 bali.

Cibulevium from Sirom


  • 1 st. grated hard syrah;
  • 120-130 g of Adigey syrah;
  • 3 cibulini;
  • 4 chastochki to the watchmaker;
  • 4 tbsp. meat or chicken broth;
  • 2 tbsp. dried basil;
  • grew up oliya for obsmazhuvannya;
  • 2 boiled eggs;
  • 0.5 st. milk;
  • 0.3 st. borosna;
  • krip and green onions for embellishment, strength, spices.

Cooking: l uk narizati dribno, add | add | after pressure, chasnik, smear on olive oil, pour milk, gradually sip the flour | borosh |, stirring constantly. Put sumish in boiling broth, add tert sir, basil, spices, sil. Before submitting add | add | pieces of Adigean syrah, sip greens, put half an egg in a skin plate.

Bali: pro more - 107 points;per 100 g - about 6 balls.


Kremlin Diet m'yasnih fears For whom, use the recipe for that, and the other for a skin day.

Chicken with mushrooms


  • chicken fillet 600 g;
  • fresh mushrooms 500 g;
  • solid sir 100 g;
  • 0.5 st. Vershkiv;
  • oliya rast. for smearing;
  • mayonnaise;
  • greens, strength, spices.

Cooking: up to cut the urine fillet with small pieces, smear with spices. Pour the mushrooms, brush them in another bowl. Mushrooms and chicken, add tops, mix with grated syrup and mayonnaise, quench to medium density. Like m'yaso sire, and the grass has already died down, add tops. Soak up the greens.

Bali: zagalne - 14 balls; per 100 g - 0.9 balls.

Keta baked with mushrooms


  • keta 700 g;
  • fresh mushrooms 500 g;
  • syr hard tertium ⅓ tbsp.;
  • oliya vershkove 70 g;
  • tops 200 ml;
  • salt|salt|, white pepper.

Cooking: r cut the fish, cut it into small pieces, rub the sill with pepper, brush it on vershokov oil. Mushrooms lubricate on top oil. In a high frying pan, put the fish, mushrooms, fill it with tops, mixed with syrup. Order about 30 quills.

Bali: zagalne - 5.7 points;per 100 g - 0.9 balls.


The Kremlin diet is good if you want, because it doesn’t need to be served with desserts, and you can cook, for example, a casserole with syrah for one of the recipes.

Sirn casserole


  • sir 0.5 kg;
  • eggs 2 pcs.;
  • oliya vershkove 50 g;
  • manna groats 50 g;
  • sіl, tsukrozaminnik.

Cooking: s smear the drain pan. olієyu, reshtu іngredієntіv mix, put in a frying pan, bake in the oven about 25 khvilin.

Bali: zagalne - 13 balls;per 100 g - 2.2 balls.

Dodamo, scho group okremі products in 1 dose richly sruchnіshe, oskіlki kіlkії balіv at dermal їх it is easy to know at thematic tables.

Butt can be a snack of 2 boiled eggs, 1 sausage (60 g), lettuce (100 g) and herbal tea without zucru. Balls will have such a discount: 0.5 + 0.5 + 1 + 3.1 + 0 = 5.1 b.


Those who have gone through the Kremlin diet, insist that you can reach it right up to the reach of the bagan mass. A table of ingredients with balls and ready recipes to simplify the passage of the Kremlin diet.

Then - step by step, for a day by +5 points, it is necessary to increase the number of points up to 60. If you don’t go uphill, you can smoothly add 10. On such a diet, you can improve.

Let yourself be at the hour of the hour those you love: kelih liquor, little piece of "Napoleon» , french fries ... But always remember about zusilla, as you reported, so that you can reach the necessary form.Do not let the buns like you have. And more than that - stay healthy and love yourself be-yakim.

History of the reader "How I threw off 18 kg in 2.5 months"
All my life I have been standing up, I have suffered through zayva vaga. At the stores, rosemir L chose clothes, which up to 25 years turned into XL and continued to grow. I can tell you for a long time, as I tried to fight with my 30-35 kilograms: diet, starvation, physical ambition, take pills and get rid of them. The effect is short-hour or mid-day vzagali. In short, rozpach, depression is that practical humility with its majestic vaga. But once I drank on ... a chocolate bar, as it helps to lose weight!

It is important to know a woman, so that she would not lose weight. The widest way to get rid of the hated kilos of the system on a diet. A lot of panyankas are thinned to the principle: “To throw off your bag you need fast and rich”. The stench is starving, sitting on mono-diets. Such methods of losing weight give a quick result, but not a good one. Warto only start as soon as possible, so you have to turn around earlier, dragging you at the court’s edge. To throw off the vag forever, it’s necessary to go to the point, it’s right, it’s vpevneno.

A good result is shown by the Kremlin diet.

The essence of diet

The essence of the diet is the reduction in the intake of carbohydrates. Nalyagannya on products, rich on proteins.

A sharp decrease in the amount of carbohydrate products in the body swells its own reserves. The more of these reserves, the more shvid you will lose weight.

In order to loosen the skins, you can get something, the skin will be assigned to the balls. Leather ball means 100 g of carbohydrates in the song. In order to reduce the weight, on the day after 2 days it is allowed to “naїsti” 20 points, after 14 days, a daily display can be increased up to 40 points. After a month like this, the optimal number of balls is 60 units.

Diet includes 3 stages:

  • First entry . Three hours a day until two.
  • Other . Trivaє stretch 6 tyzhnіv.
  • Third it's about ten days old.

Basic principles of diet

For such a regimen, eating is necessary for food products:

  • Zukor. Zukr products.
  • Bakery products.
  • Carbonated licorice drink. Fruit juice.
  • Fruits with a high content of carbohydrates: bananas, grapes and other.
  • Beer.
  • Cereals with a high content of carbohydrates.
  • Vegetables to avenge starch.
  • Macaroni virobi.
  • Dairy desserts and soufflé.
  • Napіvfabrikati,
  • Shop cowbasnі virobi
  • Melting Sir,
  • Margarine, spread,
  • Milk,
  • Products from a chemical warehouse.

Trivality of such a diet can become like 2 days and stretch for 2 months. If you drag out the diet, you can seriously improve your health and gain new ailments.

You can lose weight from 7 to 20 kg.

Such a diet is not dependent on supplemental vitrates. The woman is a couple of products, which is for all the motherland, as the Kremlin's diet is not tolerated.

Such a principle of eating can be observed not often once on the river.

If you have physical rights, you can easily lose fat, tighten your body and build up m'yazovu mass. Adzhe bіlok є the main budіvelnik m'yazіv.


  1. Before dotrimannyam, be it a diet, it is necessary to consult a doctor obov'yazkovo.
  2. The Kremlin diet is reserved for pregnant women, even if the body in such a situation can take the full amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
  3. Years of people are guilty of ominati be-like diet.
  4. It is not recommended to eat such a diet for people who are ill with diabetes, gastritis, virazka, nirk and heart failure.


  1. The main pardon, as rich women are admitted, are those who eat stench very little and rarely.
  2. It is necessary to fully bear that burden. Snіdanok skip can not be. Noon and supper can be replaced by a light snack.
  3. It is not recommended to lean on fruit. Most of them galvanize the process of losing weight.
  4. Intensive physical challenge is contraindicated. The aerobic exercise is small for the first time during the first half of the year.
  5. Come out of the diet slowly enough and smoothly. The next day, the completion of the diet cannot be eaten.

Strav menu

The whole diet of eating is made up of meat, eggs, dairy products and vegetables. Fruit should be carefully cultivated.

For snacks, those who are thinner are encouraged to live: an omelette with 2 eggs and a vegetable salad, or cheese with half an apple, 2 homemade chicken sausages with a spoonful of squash caviar, or boiled yalovichina with sauerkraut.

Obid can also be different:

  • a portion of soup with dietary bread,
  • stewed meat in sour cream,
  • baked, lubricated or boiled meat,
  • fish, be sure to look.
  • Varene m'yaso,
  • boiled fish,
  • Boiled egg with green salad, season with olive oil.


  • Shmatochok sire,
  • Dekilka Gorikhiv,
  • half an apple
  • half grapefruit,
  • 200 g unsweetened yagid,
  • Chai chi kava without tsukru.

It is necessary to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

At the first introductory stage, it is allowed to take in carbohydrates for 20 points.

Dekіlka retseptіv strav 10 balіv

Shrimp soup with broccoli

For 1 liter of vegetable broth, you need pivkilo broccoli, 4 king prawns, 200 grams of low-fat tops, one cibulin. Season with lemon juice from added salt, grated nutmeg and a clove of teaspoon.

Pork liver

Smear a kilo of pork on an olive oil with porcini mushrooms, a cibula and a chasnik. Pour 250 ml of vegetable broth and add 100 ml of tops. Extinguish meat until ready. Divide into 6 portions.

Zucchini stuffing

Take 3 zucchini, cut open and clean the middle. Stuff the sum of stewed vegetables (bulgarian pepper, cibula, syru, chasnik, Italian spices). Bake in the oven until done.

Salad with meat and vegetables

Brush 300 g pork, cut into cubes. Lubricate zucchini, diced. Make a watercress salad, and tomatoes. Mustache the ingredients. At the broth, which is overflowing after the meat, add a drop of octa, hot sauce and spices. Bring to a boil and season the sumishshyu salad.

For 25 points

Shchi. Pivkilo pork is smeared with tsibuley. Cabbage, tomato, zucchini hang on a frying pan and stew in chicken broth. After 40 quills, everything is zmіshuyut and quenched with the addition of 2 tablespoons of sour cream.

Caesar Salad". Mix chicken with watercress, cherry tomatoes, bell peppers and selera. Pour sauce with beaten grated syrah, sour cream and spices.

With an allowance of 25 balls, you can cook: pork with carrots and selera, walnut salad, green hair salad. For dessert, you can have a half-kilo half a day with tops, or you can cook milk and spinach with goat's cheese.

Lists of countries for 10 points:

  • A kilo of baked pork from greens.
  • 800 g yalovichini in mushroom sauce.
  • Pіdloga kіlo ribi with stewed vegetables and mushrooms.
  • Cooked chicken with sour cream and garlic sauce.
  • Siren Soup.
  • Milk omelet.
  • Celery soup.
  • Eggs stuffed with mushrooms.
  • Schі zі sour cream.
  • Beefsteak.
  • Green salad.

For 25 points:

  • 800 grams of pork in beer and spices.
  • Corop in the Mediterranean.
  • Rolls from flounder.
  • Vegetable soup with dumplings.
  • Salmon soup.
  • Solyanka is clear.
  • Seafood salad.
  • Fruit cake yogurt.
  • Pechivo with candied fruits.
  • Chocolate muffin.

Lyudina, if you really want to lose weight, take such a diet without everyday difficulties. Adje tsya diet not maє serious obmezhenie. And vіdmova vіd khlibobіtnoї vyrobіv vіd vіzny type skolіdnosti z іmіchіchny warehouse іlki brought greed іn іtlіlі vіglyadі zapovitnoї ї digits on teresa, but i improve zdorov'ya. After the end of such a diet, whoever takes as a basis the principles and accompanies such a diet of eating all life. Tilki zrіdka live fenced with such a diet of products.

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