I tortured the evil ones to work. How to get out of the evil ones and the Borgs: here are the stories of celebrities and ordinary people who fell to the evil ones. How to borrow from relatives and friends

I stammer, you can say stammeringly, I stammered my life as it was at that moment.
There were no girls, and in principle, I didn’t particularly want any. I know people who are obsessed with girls, and I can’t understand anyone less.
I had 1-2 years of age, but no serious cramps.
At school, no one is irritable, because I was athletic, and no one imitated me and did not get angry.
At the college, I endured for 1 month, after which I got angry at one guy, who was a scourge on me, beating him in front of my classmates and curator, after whom no one picked on my back.
The problem is that I got the idea of ​​living with the villains.
I live in a small town, not in the main one, as we all thought. Just as there are camps for students, there are also family-type camps.
There are 10 rooms where families live, each room has 3-4 individuals. On top there is 1 bathroom, a living room, a living room and a kitchen.
Not only do they have bestial minds, but poverty also comes into play. We live in the 4th room in one room, 15 sq.m. for 20,000 rubles per month.
I'm getting by on 4,000 rubles a month, maybe less.
My mother is depressed. The person is so closed off that you can’t talk to her about anything.
I don’t want to practise, so what can I say -
I lost less than 8 rocks before retirement.
to take revenge on us drunken witches, who got drunk a hundred times and the men took their wages from their jobs, then took the pennies from their fathers.
plus the new one was born. In 4, we live in one room, and it’s filled with wardrobes, so it spans up to 10 square meters.
They wouldn’t hire me no matter where I was, I think they wouldn’t like my stuttering.
Then I didn’t have any pennies. I recently requested 10,000 rubles, and I want to extend it for 3 months.
No friends, no girlfriends, no robots, except for intrusive thoughts and intrusiveness.
In principle, I think so, I don’t need the girl, and my friends don’t need me. Ale very rarely, maybe once every 2-3 months, I feel like I really want to go out of my way, but it’s so scanty that the next day I already forget about it.
I developed selfishness, and even more hatred for people.
Whenever I see their distorted faces, it makes me want to puke to look at me.
I was thinking about suicide in 2011, but I thought about the fathers, how can we live after this?
Well, it’s not the first day for me.
For the past 5 years, along this path, I God willed specifically, there have been one-by-one outbursts that I couldn’t control, and I hated everyone and everything.
Once upon a time it passed.
I took a test for schizophrenia, the norm was 15 to 65, I scored 49.
They wrote to me that this is the norm, but also those that I am too stressed and even tired of everything.
If I could have gone to see everyone I know for almost 2-3 months.
I got sick of evil selfishness, but at the same time I was all the same, what to do?
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Jisny Kok, century: 21/27.04.2016


Good afternoon.
It seems to me that you should not give up and continue to listen to the robot’s jokes. Become a cleaner for the first time. Being snarky is really cute. As a human being who has lived in evil herself, I will understand you, if not me. how you just wanted to get away. If I didn’t give up and continued to listen to the robot’s jokes, it was hard. Started out as a cleaning lady. Working as a cleaner, she chewed the robot better. Your identity is timely, find friends on social media. At the margins, it is possible to travel from the other side. Mom is depressed, because she’s also sick. Going with her to a psychologist will be a plus for you and will help your mother. You're stuck, I'm stunned.
I shake my fists for you. You can do everything and you will succeed. I will pray for you

Yulia, Vik: 04/16/27/2016

Good afternoon. External living minds play an important role in our life, and our inner life also plays an important role. And this very internal situation can cause a major influx on external officials. So your partner will have a very effective way to bring peace to himself. If this is hatred, then it is necessary to fight against it, say, at the gym or on the street, there are guys fighting with the shadow and a punching bag at the gym, if you hate someone specific or low people, you can write down the pages - how to work. The leaves are easier to write by hand. Tobto. Butt to write: 1 part - you are so and so, through you I suffer so much. Part 2 - after all, I’m your friend, I’m smart, having become more important to you, Part 3 - after all, although I’m mischievous, our memories are still a small important feeling for both of us. Well, part 1 - why you hate it, don’t love part 2 - why you hate it. Part 3 – visnovok. When you let go of hatred and negativity, you always need to formulate an alternative to it. An alternative can be a little help, kindness to people, like I love being busy, then. I want to create such a state of soul in your life that you not only don’t want to die, but deeply love your life. For this purpose, form in yourself hope, love, faith, peace. Find different new ways to develop them, otherwise all the good in the world. Even though music has such a powerful force in our lives, think about what you hear, you can easily replace some important rock or rap with versions of more calm classical music or chanson. Music, as we hear, is not only able to reflect our vision into the world, it is also capable of altering, changing our mood, it is capable of creating new signals in our soul, music is a great source of energy, consumption Or you just have to remember to use it correctly. Good luck to you!

den777, week: 25 / 27.04.2016

Good day! Nina is an anti-stiffness medication. Go back to the doctor, check the forums about this problem, maybe they will give you some help. Well, of course, tell the robot, since they already took a drunken father, then you have a good chance.

Irina, century: 28/27.04.2016

Vitannya! Reading your post, I saw neither a schizophrenic nor a psychopath, but a fighter! Regardless of your concern, because I respect your specialness, and not a defect, you have graduated from school, gone in for sports, graduated from college, go to work, and do not sit at home... So, of course, you live with cramped minds with your dad and brother And you’ve got enough of everything, even if you don’t eat with your partner, without sinking to the bottom (and even if it’s left), you’ll endure - even the most valuable things in a person! I don’t know your mission before the Church, but try to find a meeting with believing people... True believers bring warmth, encouragement, help, God of love, at the church they help the poor in need, and a youth meeting, try to find out this way e spіlkuvannya, I am confident that there will be you are a way out of your hopelessness, self-indulgence! And remember: we are not at all aware of the fact that our Almighty Lord Jesus Christ is with us and He gives every skin care for us, we simply do not realize this... I encourage you to find a way out and true happiness! God bless N.

natagabriel, century: 35/04/27/2016

Need to move, definitely! This will make it easier for you to renew your spiritual zeal. Rent a room near an apartment without landlords. This is how it is important for young people, students. For this reason, it’s important to find a more stable job right away. Put yourself in charge and action. Don’t think about people, about hatred, the problems are gone. Think about how you will live kindly and peacefully yourself.

Svetlana, century: 30 / 27.04.2016

In front of the hole In front of the hole
Turn to the cob section

If you grew up in a low-income family, then in times of recession you will immediately take away a few sounds that will be difficult for you to wake up to. As soon as you improve your material situation, these signs will bring you stress, nerves and will “steal” your money. If you have not yet achieved goodness, but are diligently working in this direction, then you also need to think about how you will achieve your mission. Therefore, rather than thinking in a different way, we can create a friendly atmosphere for achieving success.

« Until recently I was extremely poor. At the first 18 years of life, I was a child and simply couldn’t earn anything from it; by the 17th day, I was no longer a child and no longer wanted to earn anything from it. I’m not being sarcastic and I don’t want to invite anyone, having chosen my path myself.

There were a number of marvelous experiences, one of which was the creation of miraculous robots, and once I realized that I was living the kind of life that, in my opinion, a “normal” person should live. My clothes were paid for, my refrigerator was new, and in the courtyard there were two gilded statues depicting a naked me.

If you are someone who lives in poverty, I can tell you that she is changing people. And these bells will stop talking to you if you don’t need to fight for your place in the sun.”

Zvichka to the rotten izhi

When you are poor

You buy hedgehogs based on two principles:

1. How to save it for a long time

2. How cheap is it worth?

So you can buy even more nasty shit. To save time and money, you go to the store once a month or a week.

The vegetables are taken frozen, so you can throw them in the freezer and not worry about saving them. Fruits in syrup are much cheaper and less fresh. Children do not know the taste of fresh hedgehogs, because they often have to eat canned food.

In fact, half of this hedgehog can be burned without a pity.

Just once you got rich

We have already been told that children who grow up on canned foods will not be able to comprehend the taste of fresh hedgehogs. Looks like it's wrong. This is absolutely different kvass, different milk, and completely different cheese. This list can be continued ad infinitum.

Some people love to point at handsome, useless hulks and shout: “Ha! It doesn’t seem at all like being on a hunger strike! And there are no problems, because the most unclear hedgehog provokes problems with weeding.

Once you have some money, you can afford to regularly buy fresh food and even if you have an hour to cook it, your taste buds simply won’t accept it. You can get to her by calling.

From the very beginning you were amazed, let’s say, amazed at the asparagus: what is it? Why cook? Is it possible to eat? Why is it necessary for external stagnation?

Just keep your mouth and chew it, it’s easier and simpler.

Zvichka is sure to spend “secured” pennies

When you are poor

Let’s say you took away this bonus, because even though you had ordered the clerk to give you a large sum of pennies as a gift, and you have split it here, it appeared in your hands to raise a large sum of pennies for you. And you want to steal everything away. Let's get a new set in the kitchen, or maybe buy a new TV, or replace the sofa.

If you lose your money, you can pay for the apartment in a few months. However, you will fall into a state of panic: no, immediately, no good! For so long you’ve been thinking to yourself that you want to take everything away at once and not think about what’s next.

Just once you got rich

Have you ever heard a story about someone who, having become a millionaire, reluctantly won pennies in the lottery, and then within a short time became bankrupt? This is why the stench cannot be woken up by the sounds of poverty, the thought that pennies are a product that is quickly pissed off, and it is necessary to spend it all.

Of course, impulsive spending is all the same, but if you take away enough pennies, you can manage them wisely and deprive the person of a portion of the money without spending. Let's say your car breaks down, and you can get it repaired without borrowing pennies from friends.

Tim, who knows financial well-being, has to learn how to get rid of the “penny panic” and penny money in a new way.

The whole story goes like this, since from your youth you have been able to become a successful person, then you and your capital have only grown, and since you have been at zero all hour, then it would seem that you are guilty of disposing of your pennies, but in reality go, what's wrong .

Zvichka compensate for the savings with gifts

When you are poor

You are unlikely to take away a lot of gifts, and those you refuse will fall in the middle, as well as those you give yourself. You spat and shouted at everything, “wonderful and enchanting saints,” and you don’t need any gifts. Insha river, with the child. Children love gifts and it’s not mercantile, but it’s normal for a child to love gifts.

Dear fathers, at all times, do not discuss material problems in front of your children. Especially in Dusi: “We’ll buy you a car at once, and then we won’t have anything to eat!” Children worry, they begin to make sacrifices in their prosperous family and feel guilty for the small material joys they sometimes receive.

When our financial situation was shortened, my children and I went to the store, and I encouraged them to choose a new bedspread for my bed. Their old ones were already very worn and worn out. My eldest son looked around for a few seconds, and then said: “Damn, tattoo! Unless I really don’t demand anything.” At this point it became obvious to me how children subtly sense the material problems of their family. The stench is unnerving. I really want them to brag about their pennies, even though they can’t help you in any way!

When you have to tell your children something, you already feel greedy and guilty, and since you only have extra pennies, you are trying to compensate for it.

Just once you got rich

Having gone to the store for gifts before Holy Day, you will buy twice as much as a normal person would buy. And then you will go out onto the street, marvel at the bags, and you won’t have enough of anything else, and you will stop by the lady’s cell to buy something else.

And then, having arrived home and unpacked the gifts, you will think about what’s wrong, and the next day you will go shopping again.

You try to make up for days when you have saved. If you don’t buy gifts, then perhaps you replaced all the furniture in your home, or bought designer clothes, or bought a car that you couldn’t afford with your current income. You laugh in extreme poverty: “Hey! Bachila! You don't need anymore!

Ale, be careful, it’s easy to forget, and fall back on the edge again.

Zvichka behaves like an obsessive accountant

When you are poor

You always know exactly how many pennies you have in your pocket or in the bank. You cannot say: “I have about 3 thousand rubles in my card.” You know that you have 2860 rubles on your card.

It is your responsibility to know the exact numbers so that you can stay in the Duma all the time, so that you can immediately buy this product and not have to pay for the apartment and reach your due salary without debts.

By paying the bills for water and light, you will ensure that everything is thoroughly covered. This is similar to the balancing act of algebra: “So, at once I will pay 3540 rubles, then next month I can pay 2350...”

Just once you got rich

This miracle hour has come, if you don’t need to fix everything down to the ruble. You will find yourself in a charming land where you can easily round up the sum on your account, but you will still often check your bank card to find out exactly how many pennies there are on it.

You won’t be able to get rid of these signals for a long time, and you’ll check your card with the zeal of a maniac. You are constantly under stress, and this makes you nervous.

Buy only those that you need right away

When you are poor

You only buy what you really need, no more. If you buy 8 rolls of toilet paper instead of one, then as a result you will win in price, but you will have to wear one roll for the week. You will understand that if you buy 8 rolls you will save money, and on the other hand, you will get two prices, one of which is 4 times higher, and your hand will not rise to earn such expenses at this particular moment.

Same with the clothes. You've worn out your miracle winter jacket for a reasonable summer. It really suits you, that one of yours is already quite worn out. Moreover, in connection with the seasonal ones, the jacket costs twice as much for its original price. You will understand that before winter this model will increase in price again, and it is much more profitable to buy it right away. However, if you only have a few “loaned” pennies, you won’t be able to spend them right away. Winter is far away, is it time to keep your jacket warm?

Since your family was not rich at first, then in your childhood, you, having seen everything, carried the clothes for your older brothers and sisters, or other relatives. Rarely did you go to the store to buy new speeches. And it became holy! Ale, obviously, only those that were necessary were bathed. For everything, you suddenly understood: “I want to buy this pair of jeans just because they suit me. I don’t care about those that I’m already making 2 bets.”

Just once you got rich

It’s pennies, but I’ve lost my badge again. No, your children are completely worried, and you, of course, don’t tell them what they have to ask. Are you going to be in trouble again: why don’t you have to buy another pair of pants?

If you still came to the store with the intention of making a purchase, then a nasty mosquito is in your head: “Hey! Well, what's the matter with you? Do you have enough? What are you going to spend?..” We can say with confidence that you will leave the store without purchasing anything and in the same mood. If your pants become unfitting, buy the ones that fit your hand first, and not at the lowest price.

I, before speaking, you will continue to buy 1 bottle of shampoo instead of 3 packs.

Start fighting these people right now. It is clear that it is not possible for you to change everything at once due to both moral and material factors, but try to plan spending, based on the principles of economy, for the more wealthy people in power. Perhaps, you will soon discover that you have spent less than a pittance and have become a successful and respectful person. Such people will always enjoy success. And if prosperity comes to you, it’s easier for you to learn to carry on with your good fortune and you won’t turn back to where you started your journey.

Financial problems can greatly disrupt our lives. Unfortunately, sometimes it’s easy to work and good job they do not allow us to improve our material existence. You can learn about ways to avoid moneylessness, losses and failure right away.

Reasons for being penniless

Negative emotions The number of negative emotions can be even greater. They will face constant anxiety through their financial situation and low income. Negative emotions block penny luck: until you get rid of them, problems with penny luck will gradually follow you.

Number of days of delivery. If you want to take it away, it is necessary for there to be a return from your side. If you want to get rid of debts and financial problems, and also increase your income, then you would like to help other people, do some kindness, and, more importantly, avoid such negative jaundice, I to greed.

Poor energy. To earn money, you need to work hard on yourself. It’s a bad energy industry to tell you that people are very pessimistic and it’s important negative rice character, and also rarely timid to do well. In whose case the pennies are bypassed.

Number of days of activities. Just because you die rich does not mean that you work hard to fulfill your dream. You need to back up your dreams with actions, otherwise they will end up unfulfilled. While sitting on the job, it will be impossible to earn a few pennies.

The first method - penny ritual

Over the centuries, people have been performing rituals to win the bad guy. By following a simple penny ritual, you can increase your income in no time.

The main attribute of this ritual is a new hamanets, even though penny streams may be directed there, where you intend to save your pennies.

In the evening, when everyone in the household goes to bed, take out a new hamman and place it in front of you. Then light a green candle and watch a bunch of quills at the fire, revealing how you resemble the hamman with great banknotes. Then say:

“Don’t let your candle burn my borgs. Give me penny luck and bring me wealth and success.”

Wait until the candle burns out, and then transfer all your pennies from the old one to the new one. On the next day, try not to cheat in order to speed up the results of the penny ritual.

Another way is to change the price to pennies

It seems like riches that pennies do not understand how a person is placed before them. In fact, the current energy is very friendly. Unnecessary expenses can lead to the fact that you are constantly ineligible for finances, since your monthly salary allows you to live comfortably. There is a need for supernatural economy and stinginess, if people are ready to convince themselves of any satisfaction, or to protect their money. If you are stuck on spending money or are too frugal, you will not be able to achieve financial success until you learn how to manage your money correctly.

First of all, don’t try to indulge yourself in everything and buy goods at low prices. To earn money, you put in a lot of effort, so you spend it deservedly. In addition, try to buy speeches that will bring you value or joy, and not those that will simply fall like a saw on you. Negligible purchases show your unimportance towards pennies and bring you penny luck. Start to control your spending and do not regret everything, then it will be much easier to get rich and avoid problems and failures.

Method three - principles of feng shui

In order for penny flows to be directed to your home, it is necessary to create friendly energy. If you adhere to the principles of Feng Shui, you can earn money quickly.

To begin with, carry out a general tidying up and get rid of the filth, rubbish, and also the evil and old speeches with which you have filthy thoughts. However, tidying up is just the beginning of a financial ritual, after which you will have to make some changes to the interior of your life. For the cob, add Tovstun, because the penny tree attracts pennies and prosperity from your booths. Then repair all the taps in the booth that are leaking so that finances do not leak out of you. So that the pennies suddenly flow to your donkey along with the water, then add a fountain or an aquarium, where the presence of goldfish is sure to be present. If your room has thorny cactus plants, we recommend that you take them out of the room whenever you spend more time. Goals absorb negativity and produce penny luck. In addition, you should definitely have red or green objects in your apartment, as these colors speed up the circulation of positive energy.

These are the types of people who are safe from the people themselves, who know how to earn money and increase their income, and also the type of people who were not destined to get rich. As you stand before the rest, find out how to resist share and find wealth. We wish you success and prosperity, and don’t forget to press the buttons


Stop hurting yourself. Singingly, you constantly think about those who work not less, but even more for others, but all the same pennies are lost from your hamman with supersonic speed. Perhaps, you really respect that you don’t give up, that’s your share. These very thoughts block financial flows. Your intelligence simply does not allow you to become a secure person.

Stop being stingy. Greed and stinginess are the main signs of a poor person. Greedy people buy obscure speeches only to those who are greatly impressed by them. The stench will be swept away and protected in every way. Reasonable saving is not bad, but first of all you must remember about those who are stingy to pay for their money. Try to buy only those words that you effectively need, choosing the best products.

Stop being shy about those you don’t love. If you don't like your job, change it. There is nothing sad if people come to a hated office every day, get together with strangers, eat unsavory, but nothing else Corysna the hedgehog, reads a boring, but fashionable novel, Not life, but low life beliefs! Don’t be afraid to change your life. Find positive moments, concentrate on them, and begin to gradually get rid of unloved speeches and speeches.

Don’t waste your happiness on pennies. It is unlikely that any specific amount of pennies will help you get out of a tough financial situation. All of your money will be spent quickly and thoughtlessly, and you will end up back where you started. To be happy, people don’t need so much. It’s not obligatory to “celebrate” the payday with your family at the cafe, you can go out into the street and fight the current war with snowballs and make a snowman. You won’t waste a penny, and your children will remember a frosty, sleepy day spending time with their dads.

Don't waste your money on things you can't afford. For example, you wanted to add a TV to the kitchen. People are ensured to make enough money out of their income so that they don’t have to live on pasta alone until the end of the month. Bad - take out a loan, add a sum of money, and then pay the bank the same amount for the loan.

Try the 10 hundred thousand principle. For every salary and bonus, give a tenth of the money to those who need it. It’s not easy to make beneficial donations to monasteries or monasteries (even if you understand that you want to help, make money). You can give 10 hundred rubles to your dad or invest in your own money. Another 10 hundred square meters will need to be layered. It’s not for a “black day”, as poor people should pay up to the bank for hundreds of dollars. In a couple of years, you'll already have a substantial amount of money left in your closet, which you can spend on repairs, new furniture - and on things you've been dying for a long time, but couldn't afford.

Vikorist the list system. Hang two arched papers on the refrigerator and attach the handle. All members of the family are obliged to write down on the first sheet those that are absolutely necessary: ​​the shampoo has run out, the school is collecting pennies for an excursion, the need to buy a couple of light bulbs for the chandelier. Over the course of the year, you will see a completely specific list based on how you plan your spending, taking into account the random, spontaneous and unnecessary purchases. The other sheet is long-line plans. This also needs to be done step by step for the entire homeland. For example, my daughter wants to sign up for a yoga course, so the car needs winter gum, mom. new frying pan or a mobile phone. Once you have accumulated a sufficient amount of pennies (from those that are currently being invested, 10 hundred rubles), you will need to sort out your priorities and have a real opportunity to satisfy the needs of all members of your family.

Don't compare yourself to others. Some people are completely satisfied with a used car, others prefer to drive only foreign cars, and still others drive. healthy image life is that part of the way to work and pass the pіshki. It’s up to you to make your choice on your own. And this does not mean that whoever has a radio, and who doesn’t. You have your own powerful and happy way of life. So move on in a new way and laugh more often, so all rich and successful people should be saved.

If you grew up in a low-income family, then in times of recession you will immediately take away a few sounds that will be difficult for you to wake up to. As soon as you improve your material situation, these signs will bring you stress, nerves and will “steal” your money. If you have not yet achieved goodness, but are diligently working in this direction, then you also need to think about how you will achieve your mission. Therefore, rather than thinking in a different way, we can create a friendly atmosphere for achieving success.

« Until recently I was extremely poor. At the first 18 years of life, I was a child and simply couldn’t earn anything from it; by the 17th day, I was no longer a child and no longer wanted to earn anything from it. I’m not being sarcastic and I don’t want to invite anyone, having chosen my path myself.

There were a number of marvelous experiences, one of which was the creation of miraculous robots, and once I realized that I was living the kind of life that, in my opinion, a “normal” person should live. My clothes were paid for, my refrigerator was new, and in the courtyard there were two gilded statues depicting a naked me.

If you are someone who lives in poverty, I can tell you that she is changing people. And these bells will stop talking to you if you don’t need to fight for your place in the sun.”

Zvichka to the rotten izhi

When you are poor

You buy hedgehogs based on two principles:

1. How to save it for a long time

2. How cheap is it worth?

So you can buy even more nasty shit. To save time and money, you go to the store once a month or a week.

The vegetables are taken frozen, so you can throw them in the freezer and not worry about saving them. Fruits in syrup are much cheaper and less fresh. Children do not know the taste of fresh hedgehogs, because they often have to eat canned food.

In fact, half of this hedgehog can be burned without a pity.

Just once you got rich

We have already been told that children who grow up on canned foods will not be able to comprehend the taste of fresh hedgehogs. Looks like it's wrong. This is absolutely different kvass, different milk, and completely different cheese. This list can be continued ad infinitum.

Some people love to point at handsome, useless hulks and shout: “Ha! It doesn’t seem at all like being on a hunger strike! And there are no problems, because the most unclear hedgehog provokes problems with weeding.

Once you have some money, you can afford to regularly buy fresh food and even if you have an hour to cook it, your taste buds simply won’t accept it. You can get to her by calling.

From the very beginning you were amazed, let’s say, amazed at the asparagus: what is it? Why cook? Is it possible to eat? Why is it necessary for external stagnation?

Just keep your mouth and chew it, it’s easier and simpler.

Zvichka is sure to spend “secured” pennies

When you are poor

Let’s say you took away this bonus, because even though you had ordered the clerk to give you a large sum of pennies as a gift, and you have split it here, it appeared in your hands to raise a large sum of pennies for you. And you want to steal everything away. Let's get a new set in the kitchen, or maybe buy a new TV, or replace the sofa.

If you lose your money, you can pay for the apartment in a few months. However, you will fall into a state of panic: no, immediately, no good! For so long you’ve been thinking to yourself that you want to take everything away at once and not think about what’s next.

Just once you got rich

Have you ever heard a story about someone who, having become a millionaire, reluctantly won pennies in the lottery, and then within a short time became bankrupt? This is why the stench cannot be woken up by the sounds of poverty, the thought that pennies are a product that is quickly pissed off, and it is necessary to spend it all.

Of course, impulsive spending is all the same, but if you take away enough pennies, you can manage them wisely and deprive the person of a portion of the money without spending. Let's say your car breaks down, and you can get it repaired without borrowing pennies from friends.

Tim, who knows financial well-being, has to learn how to get rid of the “penny panic” and penny money in a new way.

The whole story goes like this, since from your youth you have been able to become a successful person, then you and your capital have only grown, and since you have been at zero all hour, then it would seem that you are guilty of disposing of your pennies, but in reality go, what's wrong .

Zvichka compensate for the savings with gifts

When you are poor

You are unlikely to take away a lot of gifts, and those you refuse will fall in the middle, as well as those you give yourself. You spat and shouted at everything, “wonderful and enchanting saints,” and you don’t need any gifts. Insha river, with the child. Children love gifts and it’s not mercantile, but it’s normal for a child to love gifts.

Dear fathers, at all times, do not discuss material problems in front of your children. Especially in Dusi: “We’ll buy you a car at once, and then we won’t have anything to eat!” Children worry, they begin to make sacrifices in their prosperous family and feel guilty for the small material joys they sometimes receive.

When our financial situation was shortened, my children and I went to the store, and I encouraged them to choose a new bedspread for my bed. Their old ones were already very worn and worn out. My eldest son looked around for a few seconds, and then said: “Damn, tattoo! Unless I really don’t demand anything.” At this point it became obvious to me how children subtly sense the material problems of their family. The stench is unnerving. I really want them to brag about their pennies, even though they can’t help you in any way!

When you have to tell your children something, you already feel greedy and guilty, and since you only have extra pennies, you are trying to compensate for it.

Just once you got rich

Having gone to the store for gifts before Holy Day, you will buy twice as much as a normal person would buy. And then you will go out onto the street, marvel at the bags, and you won’t have enough of anything else, and you will stop by the lady’s cell to buy something else.

And then, having arrived home and unpacked the gifts, you will think about what’s wrong, and the next day you will go shopping again.

You try to make up for days when you have saved. If you don’t buy gifts, then perhaps you replaced all the furniture in your home, or bought designer clothes, or bought a car that you couldn’t afford with your current income. You laugh in extreme poverty: “Hey! Bachila! You don't need anymore!

Ale, be careful, it’s easy to forget, and fall back on the edge again.

Zvichka behaves like an obsessive accountant

When you are poor

You always know exactly how many pennies you have in your pocket or in the bank. You cannot say: “I have about 3 thousand rubles in my card.” You know that you have 2860 rubles on your card.

It is your responsibility to know the exact numbers so that you can stay in the Duma all the time, so that you can immediately buy this product and not have to pay for the apartment and reach your due salary without debts.

By paying the bills for water and light, you will ensure that everything is thoroughly covered. This is similar to the balancing act of algebra: “So, at once I will pay 3540 rubles, then next month I can pay 2350...”

Just once you got rich

This miracle hour has come, if you don’t need to fix everything down to the ruble. You are in a magical land where you can easily round up the sum on your bank account, but you still often check your bank card to find out exactly how many pennies you have on it.

You won’t be able to get rid of these signals for a long time, and you’ll check your card with the zeal of a maniac. You are constantly under stress, and this makes you nervous.

Buy only those that you need right away

When you are poor

You only buy what you really need, no more. If you buy 8 rolls of toilet paper instead of one, then as a result you will win in price, but you will have to wear one roll for the week. You will understand that if you buy 8 rolls you will save money, and on the other hand, you will get two prices, one of which is 4 times higher, and your hand will not rise to earn such expenses at this particular moment.

Same with the clothes. You've worn out your miracle winter jacket for a reasonable summer. It really suits you, that one of yours is already quite worn out. Moreover, in connection with the seasonal ones, the jacket costs twice as much for its original price. You will understand that before winter this model will increase in price again, and it is much more profitable to buy it right away. However, if you only have a few “loaned” pennies, you won’t be able to spend them right away. Winter is far away, is it time to keep your jacket warm?

Since your family was not rich at first, then in your childhood, you, having seen everything, carried the clothes for your older brothers and sisters, or other relatives. Rarely did you go to the store to buy new speeches. And it became holy! Ale, obviously, only those that were necessary were bathed. For everything, you suddenly understood: “I want to buy this pair of jeans just because they suit me. I don’t care about those that I’m already making 2 bets.”

Just once you got rich

It’s pennies, but I’ve lost my badge again. No, your children are completely worried, and you, of course, don’t tell them what they have to ask. Are you going to be in trouble again: why don’t you have to buy another pair of pants?

If you still came to the store with the intention of making a purchase, then a nasty mosquito is in your head: “Hey! Well, what's the matter with you? Do you have enough? What are you going to spend?..” We can say with confidence that you will leave the store without purchasing anything and in the same mood. If your pants become unfitting, buy the ones that fit your hand first, and not at the lowest price.

I, before speaking, you will continue to buy 1 bottle of shampoo instead of 3 packs.

Start fighting these people right now. It is clear that it is not possible for you to change everything at once due to both moral and material factors, but try to plan spending, based on the principles of economy, for the more wealthy people in power. Perhaps, you will soon discover that you have spent less than a pittance and have become a successful and respectful person. Such people will always enjoy success. And if prosperity comes to you, it’s easier for you to learn to carry on with your good fortune and you won’t turn back to where you started your journey.

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