Twir is my love for sports. Create on the topic "My Hobі" Rozpovid on the topic "My favorite occupation"



1. Our free time.

2. I and the world of my interests:

a) lover of busyness- Reading;

b) kviti - tse radіst that turbota;

c) my favorite tickets.

3. Save and value your hour.

We are busy - it means we are happy. T. Gray, English singer

The skin of a person may be a vіlniy vіd vіdchannya аbо аbо an hour, yоu wаn mоzhe rozpriyazhdzhatisya fоr іt's bazhannya. It’s true, dehto seems, that there is no free hour in them. Dances, sections, groups, and the beginning of the hour is not over. And if you don’t know what to do, and mindlessly sit on the computer for years, talking with friends on the phone. Ale, you can always know how to cicava on the right, if you want to.

Adzhe skіlki tsіkavogo dovkol! Golovne - do not lament, take care of yourself to the soul, then you will become a tikvashim, and do not blame food for those how to spend your free time.

Light of our burrows. Tse majestic cicavi light. The spiritual richness of a person, the breadth of his interests, the exercise of the complete satisfaction of spiritual needs, are experienced by him spiritually. It’s too rich to say what to read - it’s unfashionable and unfashionable. The axis of the computer is cool. True, the computer, the Internet - they are not fond of hoarding wealthy young people, as they often outgrow the fallow. I also often go to the computer with that understanding that in the future, without the Internet, that computer cannot do. But my beloved zahoplenniyam bulo and deprived of reading books. Reading a book, I, from one side, see. From the other side, I recognize a lot of new and different things. I love to read like Russian and foreign writers. I am pleased to read Garcia Marquez. My favorite work is Mikhail Bulgakov's novel "Maister and Margarita". If I don’t know, I’ll take a book at home, at the library or at the one I know, I turn to the Internet. Ale, a book, as if you are reading it, lying on the sofa, it feels warm. You can groan, touch in your hands, and as your book, you can work like signs. Decome should read an e-book. Ale tse, as it seems, on the right relish. Other wines of nutrition: Reading - tse hobi chi praccia? I care what tse i hobі, i, vodnochas, pratsya. Aje, while reading a book, we are not only conscious, but we are practical, thinking about the various nourishments set by the creator.

My fathers pinched my love to books. We are constantly discussing the books that were worthy. Often we talk, but often we come to a single thought. Plenty of respect for our family comes from poetry. Our love sings - Yuri Vizbor, the first bard, who sings our hour. Yogo pisnі knі є richly hto: їх svіyut at student's gortozhitkah, bіlya bagattya. If friends of the fathers come to visit the guest, they often sing the guitar to the songs of Yury Vizbor.

I love to hear different songs - fallow in the mood. It seems that music will calm people down, improve self-esteem, and relieve stress. I'll be fine with it. But if I am ill, or if I have a wonderful mood, I turn to my beloved ones. Kvіtnitstvo protyag kіlkoh rokіv є є my zakhoplennyam. I love more room roslini. The stench is all the same different. A skin ticket is individual, like a person, and it has a special approach to itself and respect. I constantly read literature, tied from room roslins. I often turn to the Internet. As an amateur kvіtnikar I can stverdzhuvaty with confidence: so that the roslins delighted us with their beauty and flowers, it’s not enough to give them everything necessary for the growth of that rose. Quite it is necessary to love and constantly watch over them. With my quotations, I am constantly moving, and the stench is showing me with its beauty. Before the speech, the representatives of the British Royal Association of Gardeners chimed in unexpectedly. Їхні investigations have shown that interplay with roslins is infused into their growth. It appeared that it was possible to speak with the tickets in a lower, accepting, kindly tone, then the stench began to grow faster. Moreover, the woman's voice grew more beautiful, lower human.

My favorites are ficuses and cacti. Ficus is not viable, to love a well-lit place, but to be afraid of stretching. Influence of the will to live on the balcony. Love warm showers. Like a bachite, you’ll start a minimum trouble, but if you talk about a new one, you’ll have a smart tree right in your apartment. During the rest hour of mid-day amateur-kvіtnikarіv, cacti become more and more popular. I already have a collection of cacti in my apartment. My growths are arranged not only on pіdvіkonnyakh. Good stinks are seen on special shelves on the walls of the windows. So garno look at the kіmnati

kucheryavі roslini, pіdvіshenі before vіkn vіkn vіkn specially vygotovlennogo pots, yak can be weaved from coils or cord.

My zahoplennya zavzhd me to bring joy and satisfaction. I can dedicate an hour to my favorite pastimes. Ale zavzhdi I rationally try to spread everything. It’s not for nothing that it seems that it’s time for everything. Our life is zіtkane z years, hvilin i seconds. Truly priceless wealth! Just don’t start me, in the manner of a sovereign, manage this wealth. We do not start to think over it, as we spend our free time. A good hour for a person can be a holy soul, and a holy soul turns on whether it’s suffocated.

Narazі zberezhennya zdorov'ya є hot topic. About the new one, it is necessary to take care of the rules of yoga conservation. It is important to work the lies right, brush your teeth, look at the skin of the face of that entire body. It seems like: "Cleanliness is the basis of health!"

To tone up the lads, wear sports jackets. I love to dance. If you want to take it seriously, take the fate of the magicians, you can take a ticket for a future profession. І continue training. For example, a teacher of physical culture and dancing.

I love buti postiyno in Russian. I ride horseback riding on horseback, I like to take the fate of zmagannyah on licks. In the meantime, I ride a bicycle, I can go with friends to the new one in the forest, in which the horizontal bar is broken, we throw it on the new one and roll it up. Our company has boys and girls. Spilling sports brings us closer.
I love doing sports. Blame me with a vitrival, bring me to the right to the end. I learn how to react correctly to win and win.

The sport of life, in the meantime, to achieve your goal in any way, to try the rules. I bring people closer, work with them with the best and beneficially infuse into my health.

I know what moves my immunity, tans and trains m'yazi. Engaged in sports, wear a garter, for that it is necessary to train in the weather, come and go. After training, I see joy, inspiration. For vikonannya the right to discharge emotions, the transition from sedentary life at the school to the rukhovo regime. The skin may have a hobby, a need to help overcome. So the axis of sports is є! Ruhayuchis, mimosya dolat linoschi, depressive camp, pragnemically go to the designated mark, unaffected by the difficulties, which are observed: bіl m'yazіv, vtom, bajannya to sleep. І smut tse emotional discharge, gostre almost overwhelmed!

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Summer is the most beautiful time! I can say with confidence, leto - myself shortest hour rock! When autumn comes, I already begin with the impatience of checks for litas. Like Skoda, what is the shortest time for us, for Siberia? It seems that now it will be available to you for less than a penny.

We can’t help but wait, but we’ll be called later in the summer. Not so dogoochіkuvane that bezturbotne. For me, summer is not a turbo-free time, if you can work only those that you want, you can spend an hour at your own pleasure. My Kokhanim is summer

Occupation is more expensive for nature. Ale is not to the fox, not to the field, not to the park, but to the river itself.

It suits me better, I can sit and marvel at the water surface of the sprat for a year. I also love to see the river near the name, on the birch of the river and the lake - in the fresh air. Here you can breathe in a different way, not like in the city, but like it’s easier. In the evenings, you feel a slight chill, you have to dress up at the warmth of speech, but all the same you feel even more calm. Here it’s even better and lies, if the sun has already risen. Dew settles on the grass and smells of freshness of rankovy.

Also, my favorite occupations are not less than

Trips to the sea. I was on the sea less than a few times, but already I caught to love yoga so dearly and so generously. With whom, it doesn’t matter what is beyond the sea - Middle Earth, Chorne chi Chervone. I just love the sea, yoga endless space. I love lying on the beach, smothering and hearing the sound of sea breeze. Tse is simply insipid! And go to the sea and the checks for trips are completely dependent.

If a few days are left before such a final trip, the hour drags on faster. But most of all, I love the day of the trip itself ... Those will feel better, if I know and I will inform those that in a few years I will be sitting at the airport and checking into my flight. I already love litati letakom.

But if I happen to fly home, I make myself think, “Why did this trip make such delights?” Hі, tse zovsіm not pov'yazane z tim, scho was more expensive not far away.

Navpaki, the trip was just miraculous! Ale, you feel that now I won’t wash the sea now, I’m more embarrassed. After a trip to the beautiful Mediterranean Sea, I could not see the trip for two more days. I was still there with my thoughts. It’s even more important to just take it and reconcile with it, that it’s more expensive, for which I minted a whole river, ended. It is important to note that in three years time you will be back in summer, if you walk along the seashores.

In this rank, I want to say once again that summer is the most amazing time for rock. You can take care of the wind, be it, smut, so that your favorite thing will be busy!

Hobі - tse zakhoplennya, like a person takes away from children. Vono can appear at any other person, or better take away from children. We all work as a robot to our interests, as they can give us happiness that joy, as hobbies are called.

My hobby is to marvel at the TV. I should rather marvel at the TV at the free hour. Watching the TV is my hobby, but it doesn’t matter to me in any way. I will stop by my will homework and then the television will marvel. I think what's in me garne hobi to the one who watching TV gives me a lot of knowledge in rich areas.

What can you say about my hobby? Tse, better for everything, those that I do with great satisfaction at the right time to take that home right hour. It’s all over the place, for example, my mother already loves to hang out, tato - go fishing and take a look. Tse їhnє hobi.

I have a lot of favorite zakhoplenih. I love to read, I love to ride a bike, and I also like history. But my greatest hobby is painting. I'm a baby, if I'm small. My mother and tatom often gave me felt-tip pens of different colors, colored olives and a beautiful, white papyrus for painting.

Hobі vіdrіznyayutsya similar to savor. If you chose hobbies for your character, and relish - you were spared, so your life becomes tsіkavіshim. Hobi dilyatsya on chotiri great class: robit speech, viroblyat speech, choose speech and turn speech. The most popular group of hobbies is speaking.

The skin of a person may have hobbies and three free hours in order to work those that we love the most. I also have hobbies. I am a student, I don’t have a lot of time in the beginning days. Moreover, I study at the Russian school, so I have only one day off - a week.

A lot of people have hobbies. The stink of robbing our lives tsіkavіshim. Hobies are those that people would like to work if they have a free hour. Leather chooses hobbies depending on your character and relish. Some people love music, others love to read books. Deyakі people love to pick up stamps, coins and badges, іnshі volіyut landscaping chi hі tourism chi photographing.

Life is so blessed that a skin person can have their own interests and talents to the max. Whoever is good at painting, who picks up marks and rare coins, who loves fishing and fishing.
For all of them, it’s better to go out, lower for all others, because they, as it seems among the people, lie to their hearts.

In my opinion, the world of overlapping with different species to take that hobby for people. It’s a lot of them to make them bigger and wider. For example, like this - fishing, reading and painting. And yet it is so unimaginable and exotic, like a joke of aliens, a snow people, a clue to the mystery of the Bermuda tricutnik.

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