Chi vplivaє small vaga on conception. What does it take to conceive and ovulate? Nadmirna vaga in women when planning a conception

Hello again, dear prepayers! Today, as always, we are stuck with important and necessary topics. How do you zayva vaga vplyvaet conceived? Moreover, the hardness of the third drive, I want to row the gati. What is the supremacy of the future fathers can become for them a rebuff on the way to the replenishment of the family? The very same mi at once іz you that z'yasuєmo!

What is “ideal vaga”

What do you care about your partner? If so, then why do you care about this fact in life? Obviously, the epic fatty mass (and the language is about it, and not about the scum!) will not bring anything good to your life. And then it is no longer possible to beneficially inject into the body.

In people, like a supra-mundane vaga of a woman, it can become a transition in the process of conceiving a baby. Let's understand, how to reveal the problem of gaining kilograms, and how to evaluate the degree of "heaviness".

The Іsnuє is special to the body mass index (ІМТ), in which the spіvvіdnennia zrostannya vagi at all stages is assigned: deficiency, norm, obsbіgannya and adiposity. For the help of this tablet, you can easily calculate your IMT and determine the optimal weight for your growth, for which you can determine the standard.

I think that the problem is still there, obviously, it’s better to consult with fahivtsy and correct the diet, and also, the complex physical rights.

Golovne, don’t “improvise”, don’t harm your body. Dosvіdcheny likar podkazhe you, how to throw off your zayva vaga, how to eat properly and can be good for all food, scho you tsіkavlyat.

Conceived that transcendental vaga: the truth is a guess

Obviously, just because you have a load of kilograms, it does not mean that you are free. Protesters have long been brought to the fact that an unhealthy circumstance is the cause of a significant decline in fertility.

Obviously, this does not affect the reproductive function, but it is detrimental to the body. That is why, for “wine” women, it’s more difficult (problems with the menstrual cycle, the development of infertility is too thin) and it’s not easy to bear the guilt of a baby (it’s a little risky, it’s different).

Why should you hang out and people! Statistics show that maybe half of the depressions of our strong half of the people are accompanied by fats of that lower level.

Also, the supra-world vaga reduces the quantity and quality of sperm. In addition, great people can suffer from impotence, diabetes, heart disease. Everything is facilitating building up to conception.

How to lose weight or the basis of an ideal diet

Otzhe, let's say, that the problem is from the vagogue. Vinicating nutrition: how to lose weight? Bring the physical form in order and increase the chances for conception to help you eat properly.

In order to “kill two birds with one stone”, you will need to finish the so-called “menu for conception”. The purpose of balancing the collection of products, as a matter of fact, will help improve the reproductive function and health in a flash.

What to enter before the menu?

  • Avocado is one of the best products for future mothers. Zavdyaki vitamin E this product helps to regulate the menstrual cycle and ovulation.
  • Spinach (yak and other greens) - vіdmіnne dzherelo folієvoї acid, yak optіzuє vyroblennya sperm, vіrobnіststvo ovytseklіtin і zabіgaє zabіgaє zabіgaє opalopієvih tubes.
  • All kinds of oysters are natural sources of zinc. Like, as you know, it has accelerated the friability of the egg, which is zaplodnyu.
  • Tsіlіsne - dzherelo vіtamіnu B, a kind of spryaє vrobnitstvu estrogen, nebhіdno for reproductive function.
  • Carrot and beta, which can be found in it, - carotene increases the number of spermatozoa (in men) and fights problems of the endocrine system (in women).
  • Krіm іnshgo, stimuluvaty like a person, so i zhіnochu fertility will help products with a great amount of milk and selenium, for example: eggs, shrimp, squid or goose liver.

Well, my dears, that's all. I'm sorry, you took away all the information on a given topic. Do not hesitate to leave comments. Tell your friends and don't forget to prepay my blog.

To all healthy little ones - krіpaks!

Appearance of a baby in this moment is the most significant and hvilyuyachim moment in life, be it a bet. But, unfortunately, not the dermal middle of the suspіlstva, for quieter reasons, we are going to work on getting a “wonder” into the world. Іsnuє impersonal factors, yakі duzhe vplyvayut on conception. І one important factor is the indicator of the vaga. Chomus, the representatives of the woman's status are more important than a show of their vaga. Adzhe cholovіkam, yakі bazhayut nezabara become "happy tatami", so varto return respect for your vaga.

The woman's vaga is pleasant for the conception of a child

In order to signify how friendly you are your flowing body, it is necessary to show the body mass index (IMT). Tse pokaznik helps to recognize, chi confirms your ninishny vaga according to your growth. The formula for rozrahunka, to finish it, is simple:

If the showman is moving 25, then you have a zayva vaga. If the result of IMT does not reach the mark of 18.5, it means that you have a small vaga. The norm is no more than 19-25.

With a normal body weight coefficient and regular menstruation, and also, with a good ovulation process, the efficiency of pregnancy is significantly high.

A small vaga of a woman at the hour of planning a pregnancy

In women who suffer from a thin body and a small amount of kilograms in a vase, their chances of conceiving a healthy child are even low. Most doctors state the fact of bezplinnosti. Abo high is the possibility of the appearance of children earlier than the planned term, the shards of the girls are expected to have a very rich diet, and the children need to regularly post a life and a colorful speech. And it is also necessary to surround yourself with physical rights, so that the body of the women is outweighed. Use sprats of widely spread ailments, associated with a deficiency of body mass, which will solve the problem of vaginess:

  • amenorrhea (the process of menstruation, and therefore regular ovulation, every day)
  • anorexia

However, do not fall into extremes, and get angry before one o'clock. It is necessary for such women to wear a veil at the doctor's, attached reasons low indicator of vaga.

Nadmirna vaga in women when planning a conception

Zhіnok, yakі mаyut problem zayvoї vagi, nurture safe vagіtnostі turbuє the most. Then, in some rank, the presence of zayvikh kіlogramіv injects into conception?

All on the right in what to inspire for innocence supra-world vaga, Stupin ymovirnosti vaginosti vary in skin women in a different way. If you want a woman to be young, but if she has a regular menstruation schedule, a trivality of about 28 days, then you can apply for a good job. However, as the problem of excess kilos has already grown into a disease, then the chances of the mother of children are less, otherwise they are not.

Establish statistical data, as evidence that at the present moment, the skin syoma may fight against the disease without a hitch.

And it means that only with the help of a sling and a literate one, there will be a factor that will provoke without a fuss. Nadmirna masa tila in women can provoke singing illness. Ale, all the same, the doctors vvazhayut that the vaga is overwhelmed so that it is otherwise tied to bezplyddy.

Such women may experience disruption of the menstrual cycle, through the endocrine factor, and after that they suffer in the absence of pregnancy. Even more often, you lose weight by about 15%, as soon as menstruation comes back to normal.

At to the woman's organism, the vein is overturned and becomes the cause of the hormonal state imbalance, which was given without intermediary indication of the ovulation process and chances possible vagity. And at the same time, progesterone and estrogen (female hormones) stimulate ovulation, as a result of which ovulation increases maturation.

Adipose cells reduce the risk of conserving the supra-world mass of estrogen, overlying the normal robotic progesterone. After that, the process of ovulation does not occur, and the maturation of the egg is impossible.

More than that, too much estrogen in a woman's body can lead to the disappearance of faceless puffs, and itself: fibroma and myomi. Uterine endometriosis is an onset of illness, provoked by a congestion of estrogen in women.

Mayuchi overworld weight of the body, the mother’s polycystic ovaries are great, as they vibrate the overworld quantity of androgens, and stinks, disrupt the process of ovulation, and most often, they turn it off.

It is even more important to note that, the protective physiological characteristics of the female organism, the accumulated fat, unfortunately, are deposited on the thighs and abdomen, destroying the blood flow, and also in the middle of the abdomen (and in the ovaries and uterus), being the cause of other problems with the uterus . pipes, destroying their passage.

How do you pour in the vaga of a person during the hour of planning the pregnancy?

Humans, who suffer from an epiphany, may experience a decrease in testosterone (human hormone). But I’m sorry, I’m afraid not to take a lot of fakhіvtsіv navіt to respect my illness, as a result of no success.

More than that, most people vibrate a small number of active spermatozoa, but still, they are present, they can carry the possibility of impersonality and water. American geneticists recently concluded that an obese person is not the main reason for the presence of successful pregnancy in a couple.

A person, who has a body mass index of more than 30, has more than 700 thousand active spermatozoa in the process of ejaculation, which is already a sign of no pregnancy. A person from a normal vagina can vibrate over 15 million spermatozoa. The difference is obvious.

The person is obese, giving rise to an imbalance in the exchange of speeches. Fat deposits, which are concentrated in the abdomen, can cause damage to the temperature factor of the scrotum (and, in itself, overheating), and galvanic activity of spermatozoa.

It’s even more important to say that it’s conceived to lie down without a middle in the form of an indicator of the vaga. Ale, in any case, planning to improve and prosperous pregnancy, I need to make friends to report all my efforts in order to improve my body and bring my vag, more or less, to the norm.

At the thought of more women, the most sympathetic mind for conceiving that successful wine-making pregnancy is created only if the woman has a normal weight of the body.

Deficiency of the vagina, so very much too much, can negatively affect the reproductive function of the woman, and looking at those in the current world, there is a trend towards an increase in the number of vacancies as a result of an extracorporeal flooding, it is vagomic for a detailed explanation.

As it seems, the birth does not end with the skin, as it came as a result of the EBC or a natural path. Vplinut on її unacceptable result can be the most insanely manipulative officials, to which to enter and transcendental chi lacking vaga zhіnki. As a result of the scientific research carried out, it was found out that the special significance of the masa tila was the same for . Moreover, while women with a transcendental vaga have a chance to successfully nurture a healthy child by about half, then women with an even lower body mass grow more richly. However, women from the zayva vagoy enter to the group of risks, so the development is easy during the period of wine-making of the child, at the process, it is a slow hour after them.

When carrying out the ECD procedure, the woman needs to take off the hormone hormones with medication, the proteorrhizin of the innocence of the vagity may be indicative of the fact that the uterus appears unprepared to vaginess. Also, problems can be caused when the eggs are embedded in it.

Overworld vaga that vagіtnіst

As if a woman has an overworld vaga, the conception may be more difficult. Obesity is often accompanied by the development of insulin resistance, which leads to hormonal disruptions in the female organism. Zrozumіlo, whether hormonal disorders can negatively affect reproductive function.

According to the statistics, women with a transcendental vaga know more difficulties, and also may have less chances for the successful birth and birth of a healthy baby. In addition, in the course of the last wedding, it was announced that the front canopies are most often worn by the latest women.

How to develop optimal body weight

Optimum vaga razrakhovuєtsya for the help of the so-called іndex masi tіla, which lie in the growth of that vag of people. Indicators of absolutely normal and healthy vaga are between 18.5 and 25. Obviously, the index value below the normal norm speaks about a lack of vaga, and more - about the superworld. Neither transcendent, nor insufficient vaga are not absolute contraindications to the EKZ procedure, prote to increase the chances for success, it is possible to live through the first steps.

As a rule, you can talk about serious risks before the hour of conception, as if the body index of the woman’s body, as she is getting ready to become a mother, becomes 30 and more. When, like a natural conception, you can lose weight, which significantly increases the chances for a successful pregnancy result. Moreover, varto understand what to throw off the vaga in to this particular type it is not possible for help, whether there are any extreme diets. Ideally, it is necessary to consult with a qualified nutritionist, who can give competent advice for the sake of not only losing weight, but also for gaining body weight, as it is necessary.

Gaining the vagi per hour of vaginess

The rise of the mass of the body during the period of pregnancy should be laid down, depending on the fact that the woman’s vaga was earlier. Obviously, part of the vagina is collected for the fetus, which develops, and amniotic fluid, reshta - tse fat deposits of the woman, which are necessary for saving energy for a distant breast fertility.

It is important to see some special recommendations on how to feed the set of vag during the period of pregnancy. It can be said that women from the epic vaga should try to gain some less, even as thinner future mothers, they can practically not separate themselves and gain approximately 13-18 kilograms. For women from the middle vag, the number of 11-16 kilograms should be taken. It is even more important that the entire period of pregnancy to the body of a woman needed a sufficient number of necessary vital speeches, that needs food proper eating it is better to consult with a faculty member.

additional information

At this moment, it is possible to go through an obstezhennya, so that direct and indirect causes can be revealed. Every once in a while, the officials show up, as if it were supposed to be, a direct injection into the building of the woman to take charge. So, zokrema, in women, nutrition is often blamed - they pour in the zayva vaga for conception and ovulation, and in what order it is.

Zagalnovidomiy the fact that the zayva vaga is not only not aesthetic, but it can cause a different illness. The simplest way to determine the presence of a woman's eyelid is the height in centimeters, choose 110. The figure is taken as an ideal shoulder for a given height. Revisiting the norms of the vagary more than 20% becomes a serious drive for anxiety. Іsnuє formula to rozrahunku oil body index. To change the body mass index, it is necessary to divide the mass of the body in kilograms by the square of the height in meters. If the index is subtracted from 20 to 25, then the vaga is normal, more than 25 - the vaga is transcendental, more than 30 - the same signs of obesity.

The direct fallow land of the woman is not important in the light of the vaga. I have a few applications, if women from a zayvoi vagay people a sprig of children, and the stink does not cause everyday problems. First of all, if women with ideal vagago cannot win. Prote є vsі podstav vvazhat, scho zayvoї vagi in women can be an indirect cause of bezpіddya. To confirm the opinion of the thought, the facts are low.

In women with a superficial vagary, the menstrual cycle is more often disrupted under the influence of the endocrine factor, which leads to bezplydya. It is not uncommon for a decrease in the supra-world vag to be reduced by 10% until the menstrual cycle is normalized.

Zayva vaga disrupts the balance of state hormones in the body of a woman, which in turn contributes to the conception and ovulation without interruption. For example, female hormones (estrogen and progesterone) regulate the process of ovulation. In the process of ovulation, the maturation of the egg is observed. Progesterone prepares the body of a woman to accept a mature egg, estrogen controls progesterone in her line. Adipose cells activate the production and accumulation of a large amount of estrogen, blocking progesterone too much. As a result, ovulation is disrupted, and the ovum does not mature.

Accumulations in the fatty deposits of estrogen give signals to the brain hypophysis, which vibrates FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) about excess. As a result, the production of FSH decreases, which disrupts the work of the ovaries and ovulation.

In addition, the increase in estrogen levels in the body of a woman creates a risk of forming various puffs, such as myoma and fibromy of the uterus, which is often the cause of bezplydya.

The last unacceptable result of excess estrogen in the body of a woman is endometriosis of the uterus (growth of the mucous membrane of the uterus). As a result of hormonal disruption of the uterine mucosa, the uterine mucosa is not seen again during the hour of menstrual vision, which negatively affects ovulation, and as a result, it leads to absence of pregnancy.

As a result of the infection of the vagina in a woman, it can become so ill as polycystic ovaries. Damage to the hormonal background in the body of a woman to produce until the accumulation of eggs in the ovaries, which are often ripened, but again I lead to the disruption of the menstrual cycle. In case of polycystic ovaries, there is an increase in the production of androgenic hormones, the accumulation of which increases ovulation, and often ovulation may occur again. Polycystic ovaries are more common in women after 30 years, in those who already have children, and may cause secondary infertility.

Crimean hormonal disruption of the disease can cause other physiological changes in the body of a woman, leading to bezplydya. great value maє rozpodіl zhidkladen. As fat deposits are distributed evenly, the floorings are littered with traces, as is the accumulation of fatty tissues in the singing parts of the body of a woman. But, unfortunately, most of the fat deposits settle down in the woman herself in the abdomen and stegon. In this case, blood flow is disrupted in this galus of the body, and apparently in the internal organs of the woman (in the mother and ovaries) the exchange of speech is disrupted. Qi broken can bring soldering joints to fallopian tubes which imperceptibly contributes to their passability, and often the cause of absence.

Particularly unsafe is the marriage of women in the period of state maturation and the formation of childbearing functions of the future woman. Damage to the hormonal background during this period can cause the most serious consequences. Zayva vaga during the period of maturation of the girl destroys hormonal ashes. Hormones change the life of a girl's body, which can take away the accumulated fat deposits. It is not closed, it is necessary to control the same time of ripening. In addition, in the opinion of fahіvtsіv, zayva vaga in the early phase of pregnancy, and then the instability of the menstrual cycle and the disruption of the ovulation process.

It’s impossible to tell whether it’s a good idea to conceive and ovulate in a specific skin type. Planuyuchi vagіtnіst, Bazhan all the same to bring your body from povnu readiness to navantazhen. I change the zayvoї vaga, like a way to healthy lifestyle life is worthy of standing on one of the first months at the process of preparing to vaccinate. However, it is unacceptable to use your body with diets and a rich one-year exercise during planned pregnancy. The process of losing weight can be done and painless for the body of a future mother.

Our expert - doctor-endocrinologist, candidate of medical sciences Irena Ilovaiska.

Zayva vaga, as it seems, rarely becomes a problem of a purely aesthetic character. As a rule, vin viklikaє y unacceptable z zdorov'yam. Dostemenno vіdomo, scho superficial mass of the body provoking tsukroviy diabetes, cardiac-sudinal and other illnesses. And it also affects the woman's reproductive functions: zocrema, the menstrual cycle and the guilt of the fetus.

Hormonal disharmony

The adipose tissue of the woman is hormonally active: here the woman's estrogen hormones are vibrated.

So, more fat, then the highest level of state hormones. For this person, “bagato” does not mean “good”.

This is such a wise old Chinese order: "You can't eat more, you can cobble less". Estrogens in our body are due to progesterone, and veins are found in the fatty tissue of the smaller world - this is due to hormonal imbalance. And this is a risk factor for the vindication of the disease, as well as gynecological illnesses, including those that are even more serious.

Current vagity can be seriously altered and excessively testosterone - a human hormone, which is vibrated in the female organism. This hormone is present in two forms: in the “free” it looks and binds with protein, moreover, the less free fraction of testosterone is biologically active. Yogo zv'yazuvannya take the fate of proteins (globulins), vomit in the oven. Under the infusion of the vagina, the body begins to vibrate less white. As a result of the state of the artery and superficial glands synthesizing the normal amount of the hormone, but through the lack of globulin of the free testosterone, it appears more, lower required. Axis and new hormonal imbalance and problems from conception.

To the point, "guilty" without a person can be a load of kilograms not only a squad, but also a person. Just as some women are blamed for having too much testosterone, then some men have a lack of it. Vіn lead to disruption of spermatogenesis for normal potency. For this, a person from a zayvoi vag is a whole building but a person, but because of the father, it’s richer folding.

In a woman, hormonal imbalances can appear as cycle disruptions, or they can be incomprehensible. Gynecologists carried out special obstezhennja povnih zhіnok, in yih critical days they came at once, and revealed: the concentration of progesterone in them was still richly lower, lower in women with normal breasts.

If you don’t get caught up in the natural path, a lot of couples turn on the EKO - and in the same way, the zava vaga also wins. Trying such a filling with women will end in success with a smaller number of depressions (and this number is not so great), and they will also need a serious hormonal preparation.

Figures and facts

It is important to reconsider the current women in the fact that their problems are due to the present vagity due to the zayva vaga. The stench is stupefying: “I don’t have fat, I’m just big ...” Ale, an objective indicator is the weight index of the body (calculated according to the formula: weight in kilograms, divided into a square of height in meters). Index 25-30 is still not to talk about obesity, only about the day of the supra-world vaga. Ale beda in the fact that impaired reproductive function is already attributable to BMI 25-26, and in the world there is an increase in the number of risks of infertility.

For the data of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Russian Medical Academy of post-graduate education, for women, they go to doctors without a drive, 40% of the excess weight of the body. Imovirno, such figures are relevant and for other lands, even obesity, are important for the epidemic of the 21st century. A growing number of such people and in separate lands - and at the same time a growing number of couples, like not being able to conceive a child. Russia at the same time behind the numbers without a hitch went up to a critical point: just a few more, and you will become not only a medical, but also a serious demographic problem.

So, є zhіnki navit duzhe povnі, yakі tim not less zavagіtnіyut. Ale, not the zavdyaki of the supra-world vase, but all the way.

For problems from conception, it is not so important that the woman scored the application for the most important thing in childhood, more than the rest of the hour.

It’s important to lose weight if you don’t want to lose weight, if you don’t want to get ready for motherhood. And the more “experience” the zayvoi vaga has, the more folding it will be, and the stronger the peace of mind will be for the help of hungry diets and others will know over the body. And in this situation, it is especially important to lose weight not for any price, but physiologically, for the help of proper eating and reasonable physical desires. The number of newbies is already needed and after the conception of a long-awaited baby - in quiet, who is slender to the zavoї vaga, richly high and rizik strongly stroked under the hour of vagity. Aje, while the woman is checking for a child, her guilt is reduced sensitivity to insulin, as I am doing serious change of mind to a set of zavoi vag. So let's lose weight and make it necessary to behave especially wisely!

Chi is not a tactic, but a strategy!

Zrozumіlo, it’s not just a matter of “throwing off” the troch, but bringing your vag to the norm, which has been covered by doctors. Ale, not infrequently, so that the vaginess has become capable, you can lose weight if you want to. Follow-up to bring: in 80% of women, if they lost weight by 10%, their reproductive function improves and without additional treatment!

To the speech, about the likuvannya. If not, then the woman should be addicted to the injection of strong hormonal preparations, if not worse, she may have problems with the formation of the fetus and the wine-making of the baby.

Apparently, for females from the supraworld, the body of the body has a development of intrauterine anomalies in the child of the female in 2-3 times. In case of any revealed vadose development, it is purely physically difficult, so it is even more difficult to carry out ultrasound diagnostics with a large ball of fat. And that means - you can miss some serious problems, and you don’t get ready to give the kids adequate help when you’re people.

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