Vorozhinnya z monthly folk. The rules of that method of conjuring up a month for women. The day of Monday, if the critical days have begun

More from the old hours of the woman with special interest to be placed before to the life witches even if they want to know about their farther share. It is necessary to complete a lot of methods of transferring the future, one of them is to lay a fortune for months.

Among the representatives of the beautiful status of wines, they are distinguished by great popularity and are respected as one of the most truthful.

Formally, all kinds of witches can be divided into two great groups: serious and non-serious. To the first category, you can see the transfer of shares for maps and runes, to the other - fortunetelling for the date of birth, for the kavo thick, for numbers, for critical days.

Irrespective of those who have a lucky character over the months, a lot of women believe in the truthfulness of the result.

At first glance, busyness can appear frivolous and make you look bad. But it’s hard to resist the fact that there is a lot of people in the midst of a woman’s status. The effectiveness of such a fortune-telling was repeatedly confirmed by the assertions of the girls about those who really could find out about their future share.

Vіriti vorozhіnnyu on critical days, or zaperechuvati її - on the right side of the special officer. However, this method of witchcraft can be tried and tested, but it turned out to be reliable. A raptom final result zmusit zdivuvatsya?

2 main variants of a fortune-telling for monthly Feng Shui: by the hour, get it by day

The great popularity of the middle half of the population is rooted in 2 options for the transfer of future menstruation. You can see them as the main methods that are proving their effectiveness. The first variant is based on fortune-telling on the cob of the month fallow at the hour of doby, the other - at the day of tyzhnya.

In order to transfer the future share for the help of the first option, enough to be drunk, at some hour menstruation began.

The ear of the month for an hour can be done as follows:

  1. Ranok. It is important to consider the best hour for the beginning of the month, as it means less success. In this way of life, harmony is guaranteed with the necessary light, and the very reconciliation with them, with whom the stoks were already stretched. And also in the next hour, it is possible to tie serious romantic weddings.
  2. Day time. This period of doby, like a wound, does not mean anything negative. This hour is pulling on those who check for a girl only radio moments. And a good mood cannot be depleted with a stretch of the last month.
  3. Evening hour. The beginning of critical days at this hour is a stress on anxiety. This is a sign to talk about those who, in the next hour of the life of a girl, will be tedious and reluctant.
  4. Nich. This period of doby can be called the biggest spring, a kind of separation from a kohan people, or a fight from the side of a close person.

As it was said, three times more, you can spread the ear of the month not only after you, but on the days of the day. This variant of the fortune-telling is the simplest, for those who have an ear of menstruation in the afternoon, at the end of the day, it is unlikely that you can have mercy.

Deciphering the days of tyzhnya the beginning of critical days will come:

  1. Monday. This is a sign of a lot of negative emotions and inappropriate turbos. Ale, don’t get angry. It is great that a woman takes away an expensive gift from an important person for her.
  2. Second. The whole day of this day, the representative of the beautiful woman has been declared a cardinal change in life, or rather a new acquaintance. Such a zustrіch will not pass without a trace and bring a lot of new ones and yaskravih spogadіv.
  3. Wednesday. Might be the most unfriendly day. Win for the sake of gaining strength and patience to fight against adversity for the last month.
  4. Thursday. Such a sign means cheerfulness and galasliva zastillya, chatting with friends and a lot of positive emotions. Vіn є natyakom about those that the hour has come to repent in the face of trouble and fast fuss.
  5. Friday. The cob of menstruation of the first day of obіtsiaє harn zvіstka. Possibly, this novelty will bring changes to the starry life and direct the woman to what is necessary for her directly.
  6. Saturday. This is a sign to note that these life problems will soon arise. And so is the imovirnist of the fact that the girls churn out the proposition of the hand and the heart, or they will be witnessed by the kohanna.
  7. Week. It is important to consider the most pleasant day for the beginning of the month. Vіn say good luck to those radiant moments of the stretch of the last month.

Have some kind of mood to inspire the most unfriendly sign, do not take it close to the heart. Adzhe vin is not virok, but є ahead of time. You don’t need to get hung up on a nasty forecast, but passively check for the appearance of negativity.

Vorozhinnya on the cob of the month "Number of the month"

The number of the month also plays an important role in fortune-telling. Bagato girls themselves, in a new way, signify their future, unique by themselves the unfortunate podias.

Vorozhinnya on the cob of monthly fallow days of the day of the month can be deciphered in this order:

Navit on the cob of menstruation in an unfriendly day is not a varto panic. Fortunately, the menstrual cycle is not so long ago. Unforgettable mustaches of inaccuracy will pass, and the light of the smoky life will come.

Truthful fortune-telling for months on a kokhannya

Crimium methods of conjuring, which convey the future with a blaze, is the best way, which love stand. Such a spell, like the spell described above, is rooted on the days of the month, in which menstruation began.

Vorozhinnya on a kokhannya in the fallow days, an ear of the month can be broken like this:

Madly, do not take the forecast close. Andzhe stosunki povnіstu lie down in the sight of pochuttіv zakohanih one of one people.

And the above-described signs can only guard against an unfortunate underfoot.

Vorozhinnya for the months: folk tips

It is clear to all that the people's examples stick to a practical aspect of life. Believe me, that there are hundreds of months, at once they are seen as very unimaginable. Wanting in the distant hours, behind the menstrual cycle, the women went to find out about their own future and turn off deeds of failure.

Before folk prikmets you can see:

  1. A woman, at which the months have begun, may be moved in the preparation of їzhі, the shards will be unsweetened and unattractive.
  2. Until the end of menstruation, you can not bathe and go to the church.
  3. As if the months began on the day of the wedding, then making friends with a burden on that unhappy life.
  4. Under the hour of critical days, it is not possible to plant roslin.

Definitely, it is not possible to say, chi є transcribed more than the absurdity of chi ni. Warto remember that earlier stinks were a talisman against negativity and helped people.

If you lifted your bags, you can say that the fortune-telling on the monthly ones is even more busy, like a building to brighten up the critical days of the skin of the girl. Do not varto override the authenticity of this transfer. It’s not right now to be a rank of leader of shkodi, but in deyakih vapakah navpak - to give an incentive and pіdbadyorit.

And for those who want to tell fortunes about the kohanny in some other way, here comes the video.

Indeed, people are amazed when they first find out about such a method of witchcraft. Ale, the process of menstruation as a whole can be endowed with energy power. In the epoch of antiquity and the Middle Ages in the cultures of the rich krai, the moons appeared in the wake of sweating. So the impersonal povіr'їv was formed, that tradition applied, among them the witches occupied their niche.

This method can be impersonal prihilnikov and opponents like the middle of the great girls, like they know more about their future, so are the professional wizards and psychics, like the good will lead the topic. In girls, from the average trivality of the monthly cycle, they trap only once a month. Somіsyachne fortune-telling allows you to regularly make forecasts for the next few days, always rebuying in the course of energy inquiries. This is the most vague argument, which induces defenders of similar procedures.

The protracted tabir most often points to the low reliability of the testimony. This is especially true for simple variations of procedures. The stench also melts like dzherel thoughts about the blatant hotness of the rituals associated with menstruation.

Sob do not give pardons about fortune-telling on monthly basis, following two types of assets:

  1. Vorozhinnya, founded on the magic of numbers.
  2. Rituals, the power of such is rooted in menstrual blood.

The first view is a more simplified variation, which gives the found results, but then it’s impossibly up to an hour that serendipity. The other one will ensure the best possible result, but more importantly serious contemplation that advancement vitrat the hour.

The magic of numbers

The process of menstruation is associated with impersonal numbers. More importantly, an hour on the cob of critical days. Tse i year shodo dobi, i day shodo tyzhnya, i number of schodo monsya. All these numbers should be taken away from oneself as a taєmnitsyu, as it is easy to turn it into translation. It's true, don't forget about yoga, it's possible to be deceitful - these methods rarely give a truthful result.

About the hour doby

The earlier the month began, the more favorable forecast. Ale vіdlіk is conducted not from the night, but from the fourth year of the night. Іsnuє zagalnene blaze of five phases:

  1. Early vranci talk about the good energy potential of the girl, which allows you to warm up with your loved ones. Girls in this season are most likely to indulge in calmness and comfort at home if they are on a special front.
  2. First half of the day also promise well-being. It’s even better that the coming month will be associated with happiness and success.
  3. Another half day it’s not so bad, but it’s still possible to avoid inaccuracies. It’s better for everything, for a girl they check for small welds and small additions, but the stench does not lead to great emotional health.
  4. Vechir if you want to suggest that there can be serious cases. Stink into the emotional decay, but in no way be seen in life in general.
  5. Nich- tse biggest hour on the ear of the month. Shvidshe for everything, for a girl, she checks like a grief. It is possible to lose a close person, or parting with a kohana.

It is important to remember that this method of divination is more complicated and more important. Do not superciliously trust you.

tizhnya day

Today is the next day in the forecast. Among them, there are no unambiguously good or bad options. Specifically, you can take away the scoring point by finishing the point at the magic hour.

Monday most of the hits are with small, albeit nasty turbots. Not a distant day, however, there are no serious threats.

Tuesday- this is a signal beacon, which will bring you to the zustrіchі z kimos from the old stake of acquaintances. Possibly, tse bude relative, contact from yakim has long been spent. The most ambiguous days, even wines can lead to both positive and negative development of the future - everything varies from hour to hour.

Wednesday guard about the impersonal other inaccuracies. Wanting to stink and signify, lower on the cob of monthly at Mondays, but still they are filled with virishal ones. To deal with problems of this kind, it’s enough not to lose heart.

Thursday- the whole day, po'yazaniy іz saints and zastіllami or let's forgive in vіdvіduvannyam someone else's booth. With whom, the nature of the entry is not described in any way - not for skin stink will be successful.

Friday I see impersonal situations: like good ones, and nasty ones.

Saturday- one of the most successful options. The girl is not troubled by serious difficulties. Most of the problems are solved without any special susil. Totally change your life to the best.

week bestows the best prognosis. The new one has all the positive signs of the past day. Golovna vіdminnіst - povna vіdsutnіst be-any negative aspects.

Monthly calendar: night version

Another way of positional counseling by month for a woman. The skin of the girl is on the kohannya, but why should I go in for the wisdom of the kokhanny month? Calendar of announcements and on a lot of other meals.

For love success, girls can be invested, the cob of menstruation of any kind is confirmed on the 5th, 7th, 10th, 12th, 18th, 19th, 25th, 26th and 30th. Numbers that are hopeless for a love plan: 3, 6, 11, 16, 23, 27.

About the infusion of positive, the following days will be told: 1, 4, 8, 13, 24 or 28. For the possibility of misfortune, forward the numbers: 2, 9, 14.

Є ambiguous dates, yakі can be visniki like majestic happiness, і great grief: 15, 20, 31.

The day of vigilance is celebrated on the 17th day, wealth is on the 29th.

These days, we talk about those that everyday special changes in life will not become.


The real rituals are reminiscent of horoscopes with their seriousness. The stench is allowed to recognize the truth in 90% of the respondents. Ale їх zdіysnennya can be less for spriyannya sleddnoї vorozhka. At the same time, it’s better to shukati a grown-up fakhіvtsya, which is already within the reach of menopause. People of this century give the best forecasts. The main twist is the method of divination by monthly data for a woman, which can give a true result.

It is necessary to take care that the menstruation cycle is without interruption from the reproductive system. Tse means that these methods direct us to love and sexual sphere of life.

Isnuє not only predictions about monthly for a woman. Other rituals can be strongly attached to the kokhannya. Let's say, even a strong love spell, for which the victors have menstrual blood. Kelikh of red wine with kіlkom with drops of blood to allow you to suffocate in yourself the most inaccessible person. The death of the woman's physiological process activates the human beginning, rozillle in the new sea of ​​passion that kokhannya.

Did you tell fortunes on the monthly ones? People's voices forward your future!

Respect, only TODAY!

For a long time people knew about those that our world and our life are wrapped in a singing stake, so there was a special woman's cycle.

Feng Shui fortune-telling for months - the possibility of vitlumachity signs of the share of that recognition, which checks on you in the next month, in the wake of ancient cycles, which are found on the earth. To learn from the last time, the women zastosovuvali tse knowledge in order to look beyond the veil of future podia and to know what they are getting ready for.

Monthly fortune-telling for a woman: feng shui and old methods

This fortune-teller may have one important peculiarity - to guess according to a new one only once a month and on the very day when the month began. At this hour of the month, the fortune-tellers do not work, otherwise the fog will appear unseen, we will create it, but we will be untrue.

The magic itself is made up of three stages:

  1. Time to doby when the month began;
  2. tyzhnya day first day of menstruation;
  3. Numbers, for which vipav the cob of critical days

It’s time to marvel at the hour - maybe it’s early, day, evening, night. The clouded witches are growing and remembering yoga. For the shortest clouding, you can write down the value of the skin stage on the arkush paper.

Doby hour, if critical days have begun

dobi hour

What does it mean

Ranok Month, that the vranci began - this is the ideal hour. For a woman, tse means a good change in the name of a new kohanny, or a change in obvious calls. Vorozhinnya obіtsyaє dobrobut sіm'ї and warmly stosunki z usima її members.
Day (until obidu) It is also a garni hour for the cob of the menstrual cycle. Receiving days are counted on you, filled with love, harmony and good news. Months, which began on the day before resentment, promise you a trouble-free happiness in hundreds of years from a kohanoy people.
Day (after obidu) Menstruation that began in the evening or after an offense is not a good sign. Imovirno appearance of dribnih negarazdіv, folding and difficult. There is a risk that your future month will be marked by confusion and tight, maybe a slight depression or apathy will unfold.
Nich On the edge of an unfriendly hour for the cob of the menstrual cycle. Most of all, I obіtsyaє unbearable and gіrku separation from close people chi cohanim man. It can also mean chvari, sorted by the winds, or a glance of the kohan to the other, cooling of the senses.

The day of Monday, if the critical days have begun

tizhnya day

What does it mean

Monday They can blame the sevnі slozhnostі chi klopіt. Likewise, during the month of the month, they can promise to take away an expensive gift from a close person, like a crazy person.
Tuesday Zustrich is an old friend, an old friend and a close person. At the hour of the month at the vvtorok can mean a new zustrich іz kimos, who will become especially dear to you. Imovirnі and shvidki change in life.
Wednesday Unacceptability can check you for the whole coming month. For a woman, there is no advance, which means that you can overcome all these difficulties for the help of the power of zusil.
Thursday Significantly more important: come holy, or go as a guest to a good house. But well, the urochist urochistist among a number of new people, as it may appear for you as a receptionist, so it’s not.
Friday Check for new signs, as if I will change all your life again. To blame inaccuracy and folding, you can easily fit into them, but you need a lot of zusil.
Saturday This is a garniy and reconciliation day, which seems to you the harmony of life during the coming month. Great is the ability of what you will feel in the kohanna, or your long-standing dream will be done.
Sunday Good day for the ear of the month. It means happiness and fun, the ease of life and ease of reason. Joy and success are counted on you, and if you have a brother in your homeland, then you will be blamed for it.

For example, a woman who tells fortunes, stares with the number of the month, if the month has begun. This is the last and final stage of the war. After that, you should read and understand all three interpretations, in order to take into account your peculiarities, an individual forecast.

For example, if the months came early in the week of the tenth, then it may be sing-songly significant that we are happy for you and only a few garni under the stretch of the coming month, as well as a new hvilyuyucha zustrіch with an unknown person, like turning into a nadal.

The number of the month when critical days have begun (for forecasting for months)


What does it mean

1 For the whole month, good letters are being checked on you, and good luck is being received, as if to make you happy.
2 You are rozcharuetsya in yakіys people or in podії, you will start to be put up to whom it is unimportant.
3 Beware of great welding or welding. Just like you are stale, with which everything will end.
4 Your long-term plans for the future are set, a welcome surprise is on you, the coming month will be far away.
5 Close, native chi kohana people are preparing you a gift for a gift of a surprise.
6 Check out the hoods of inaccuracies against your enemy. Be careful and careful during this period.
7 There is a person in the world, for she is ready to do everything for you, and she respects you with the sole honor of her life.
8 This month to confuse you, if you are jealous, it will be a stimulus for your nerves, so you will die.
9 To whom your union does not suit, the enemy will separate you from your cohanim. Be respectful.
10 You are welcomed by that unstoppable zustrich from a man and an ear of romantic stosunkiv.
11 There are no reasons to suspect whether a person is unfair or dishonest. Wine is true to you.
12 A charm is on you for a person you like. But a person may appear unsafe, as if I would like to enchant you with your respect.
13 For a protracted month, it is possible to blame folding and serious difficulties. Get ready to be strong.
14 Nezabar on you chekayut priemnі that good news, yakі suffocate you and pіdbadёryat.
15 Nalashtovyvaytes on those, shchob easily survive not need to receive news. The whole thing is less than timchasov unacceptable.
16 Take your tongue behind your teeth: this whole month can turn for you into beaters and bad things, like giving birth to your tiles.
17 Welding checks on you or separation from a person. It can be long-term and residual, and short-lined.
18 Open the doors of the kokhanny. That addictive romance is on you. Inodi tse means the turn of a large kohanny.
19 On you, the check is hotter than a kohannya, and it’s more like it. Ale є the problem of the fact that the kohannya ce will appear one-sided.
20 A high risk of the fact that you are being checked by an undivided kohannya. You know, try not to make grandiose plans, so as not to get embarrassed.
21 A close friend, a relative of a kohan lyudin can lie. Try to find out that a person is trying to hang on to you and why.
22 Receiving that distant month for everyone who checks for material needs. This month there will be more pennies, lower you will score.
23 Positive change and encourage you and cheer you up in a happy way. A good and welcome month is on you.
24 Check for a grand evening or a urochist under your dahom. Vorozhinnya obіtsyaє galasliva holy and rich guests.
25 Nespodіvana zustrіch z unknown person Yaka will please you and zahopit. You can be like a romantic girl, and a new friend.
26 Ridkіsny success: the fortune-teller promises you to know a friend and a new friend, who will enlighten you with words and share your grief.
27 Your long-standing mriya chi bajannya nareshti zdіysnitsya. To whom the person is absolutely unacceptable for you.
28 The working month has passed like no luck, you are checked for promotion, sent to the car'er or more money.
29 Check out the great and unacceptable news. It’s possible, in a right way, to embarrass you, but the wider experience, those tears, will help the grief of the young woman.
30 Even more great is the imovirnist of new stosunkiv from an unknown person. For women, like you can already have a companion, you can tell me to appear kohantsa or calm down.
31 You can easily break into a hoarsely more expensive. Sometimes such a witch can mean something else: be careful not to get hurt.

In traditional Chinese medicine, the menstrual cycle of a woman was given the importance of a cleansing process. It was important that the blood of the day fills the woman's body, and the body vibrates anew, it is pure and fresh. It is rich in why the very process of self-renewal is beautiful half of the people and goiter from the one who lives longer for the people.

On the basis of that, on the same day of the month, having achieved that day, having started this process of self-purification, there were theories about those who could check on the woman herself during the coming month.

You can not believe that they are skeptical, but those that our world is cyclical - you know, be a person. Until then, it is practical whether any similar earthly cycle can be transferred by the veins themselves. Let's say that the ear of the storm is most often spicy and suffocating weather with a clear vipar of the water from the surface of the earth, and after the summer, autumn is inevitably coming. If you admire and learn cyclical processes, as if you follow them, then you will be able to transfer the best of them.

In ancient times, leading healers and healers at the rich edges of our land were engaged in the same tsim. These critical days were considered only as a wild process from a cycle of speeches, and not as a biological process. Before that, the pershi likkava was romanted by the same specialty-yakshcho grogs, they are in contact with it, and it is a bagato hour Plich-O-O-Sperech, then the skewed cycle snakes, and the zgoda is allowed to the same synchronizer, entering the 1st group.

Tse means that our body is poured in by officials of the call, zokrema - other people, manifestations, podії. Tobto, the women of the month - not as if the sphere of self-renewal is still alright, the cycle is sensitive to any change. And now you sing out that you can no less scribble chi to cherubate him, and interpret those that vin means.

Vorozhinnya on monthly basis is based on three factors for a reason. The whole world is cyclical, and tse means that it can mean the hour of the doby (zahid that skhid of the Sun), and the day of the week that day of the month.

A rich woman confirms the truthfulness of the fortune-telling behind the monthly ones, but there is a trace of memory that it is necessary to tell fortunes more than the first day of menstruation. And do not forget about those who are important for the skin magic of the three, on the basis of them, a fierce clouding is created.

Five elements of the cycle of female self-renewal

As you can see, the traditional Chinese have five basic elements - Wood, Water, Fire, Metal and Earth. Like all other elements on the planet, the stench follows the rules of song, but itself circulates in our world. Іsnuyut okremi points, if tsі sії nayaktivnіshi, і fall down stench for a part of the hour doby, tizhnya that month.

On the basis of similar cycles, the Zodiac calendar is developed, only the rahunoks are carried out on a large-scale circulation - on the river.

At the phase of the female self-renewal, like the cycles of the main five elements, the processes themselves are guarded:

  • The tree is a people of fire;
  • Vogon people the earth;
  • Earth people metal;
  • Metal people water;
  • Water makes a tree.

In such a rank, the beginning of a new cycle is the Tree, and the element of Water completes it. However, immediately after the end of the activity of the Water, the phase of the Tree is reborn, and the whole cycle is endless.

The element of Water is a peculiar final stage of one cycle, and the same period is the stage of self-purification of a woman. Water is the shelter, the heart of the body, which gives life, gives rise to the development of a new cycle.

At the time of the birth of the Earth - approximately at the middle of the woman's cycle, ovulation occurs. This is the most fertile period for the conception of the ovary. Like the Earth gives life, and the woman died at the last period for the vindication of a new life. After the completion of ovulation, even though the flooding did not occur, the female organism is guessing Metal - this period of fertile infertility, like on Metal, at this hour in the body of the woman, nothing will take root. Let's keep this phase coming to an end, giving rise to self-purification and the current critical days.

The fortune-telling of monthly feng shui may be on the horizon, even if only one of the faceless closed cycles-circulations that occur on our planet. Consider a similar process female organism- not a marvelous possibility, but, shvidshe, a logical and natural phenomenon.

The calendar of months is ce rich, yaku can always lead a skin girl, regardless of the fact that we live outside of our lives. Depending on the fact that menstruation comes regularly, it is possible to write about the burning camp of health, like the reproductive system. Let's say, irregular monthly periods can be associated with malfunctions in the endocrine system or due to low body weight. I can only pinpoint the exact cause of this manifestation.

The calendar of monthly rozrahuvat can be a girl. Ideally, the cycle lasts no less than 25 and no more than 35 days, often - 28-30. Other options require medical treatment. An important moment - the menstrual cycle starts from the first day of menstruation and until the first day of the onset. Also, if your doctor asks: “If there are any remaining periods?”, it is necessary to name the first day of the remaining menstruation. For a healthy woman, critical days come through a singing interval of an hour. Do not forget about the lines of the upcoming critical days, help our monthly calendar online. You will need to correctly indicate the first day of the remaining menstrual bleeding and the trivality of the cycle.

For most women, the main role of the calendar is to ensure that you don’t miss out on the current pregnancy (having commemorated the time at home). Allows the calendar of monthly reconciliations and days of ovulation - if vagity is present with unprotected statutory acts of hiring. Qi days are at the middle of the menstrual cycle. The cob of the same cycle that yoga ends is considered “bezplodnym”. However, it seems that there were a lot of fluctuations, if the women were pregnant at the “safe” hour, and then the calendar method is not varto to win as contraception. It’s better to lead the appearance of an unsafe and a safe doby for planning vagity, and not for zahistu in it.

One more option for choosing a month calendar online - for the purpose of planning a child. It seems that you are conceived, that you are born, just in the middle of the cycle, give a boy, and 1-2 days before ovulation - a girl. It is important that the statistics are swayed by the shortest fluctuation of spermatozoa - carrying the human chromosome. The future girls are not so sparse, but they are vitrivalish and patient, they can save life in women’s stateways to a large extent.

For future mothers, the monthly calendar online will help you to check the date of the month. Trivality of vagity in women on average becomes 280 monthly deb. You can add 280 to the final date of conception (the day of ovulation, as a rule) and in this way you can find out about the final date. The simplest way is to use the Naegeli formula - on the first day of the rest of the month, choose 3 months and add 7 days. However, the given formula can give pardoning results to women with irregular, as well as too long or even a short menstrual cycle. With a long cycle, ovulation occurs later, and therefore vagity is three years old, which can be more pronounced. And with a short start, a woman can make a lot of money earlier for the introduction of a term. On the date of the birth of the child, they add more than a lot of factors. Navit at the confirmation of kіlkom by the methods of the term not popular and half of the malyukіv.

In a word, the monthly calendar is truly universal. And it’s better to follow your cycle online, check the box next to the paper option, which may be ruined, torn, wet, scorched - become irrelevant, and all entered before the new tribute will be ruined. Here, everything is done by the program for you and display the results on the monitor. What can we forgive?

Far away to you pidrakhunkiv and woman's health!

Zhіnoche tіlo has long been accepted as something mysterious and marvelous. It’s true that the woman’s building should become for a certain hour a house for a child, not just a house, but make a single link with him, help a little man to rise up from a little girl.

Monthly fortune-telling - is it true?

In addition, women may be more sensitive, actively develop their own emotional and energy field, may have an open intuition.

Perhaps, these facts have led to the fact that from the most recent hours, girls and women guess by month. It is important to say that it is such a magical magical sensation that carried a hotter character. However, as vvazhayut current fahivtsі, such a fortune-teller allows you to take away information about those who check for a woman in the nearest future, for which warto pay respect, what to watch out for.

Vzagali, a skin woman can make a mistake, she is truthfully like a fortune teller. For this purpose, carry out the ritual, write down the result and stretch 2-3 times in spivvіdnosti podії, scho vіdbuvayutsya in life, from the record. So you can understand what happened from the prophecies. And to incapacitate a simple zbіg, repeat the procedure in the next cycle.

There are 2 options for fortune-telling by month: the first hour of that day is the beginning of the month, for another way of fortune-telling, the date of the day “X” is more important.

Zagalnі rules vorozhіnnya

You can tell fortunes by month only once a month - on the day of the cob. When all women know that the menstrual cycle will suddenly break out, about what they tell characteristic signs. However, for fortune-telling, the very moment when the first blood sightings are announced is important.

Witchcraft by the blood of the month does not give long-term prospects. Vono razrahovane maximum for a month. If you believe the dzherelam, then the greatest possibility of realization of the transfer may be in the first days of the cob of menstruation.

Monthly fortune teller: option 1

Otzhe, for which way it is important to remember the hour of that day on the ear of menstruation.

Mіsyachni, scho began vranci, obіtsyat kokhannya. Moreover, it’s not more love for a person, but the harmonization of stosunkiv in a family: with a person, children, fathers, close relatives. The days of the next month will be calm and warm in a family way. Cі vіdchutya vіdchuvatime not less than a woman, but її close. Zagalom, early - the best hour for the cob of menstruation.

Prophecies for the cob of menstruation

Months that began on the day, and more precisely in the first half of the year, until noon, also promise to make good forecasts. For a woman, it means that the months themselves will pass easily and painlessly. Zagal on her checks to get energy, positive emotions and positive emotions during the period.

Like the moons start in the evening, it’s about the tedium of that one-manhood. It is possible, in the next few days, to get busy with the greedy, stubborn their one-manhood, on the right, and solve problems. Tse your cherga building a long-term vibity z kolії, zіpsuvati moods.

Nich - far from the same shortest hour on the cob of menstruation Vaughn said troubles, often parting with cohanim people.

tizhnya day

Having specified the hour of the beginning of the month, you should pay attention to the day of the month, if it has become a day.

So, monday obіtsyaє klopіt. Zhіntsi happen to virіshuvati a lot of problems, moreover, not obov'yazkovo their own. Klopit can be applied both with receiving podia, and with negative ones. The high efficiency of an empty clamor, if the stained susilla does not give a reliable result. However, the ear of the month at Mondays is also a welcome surprise. close people I will give you a present.

Ear of menstruation second- Shvidka Zustrich is an old friend, a friend, or just a nice person to you. On the other day, the cob of menstruation the next day will make acquaintance with a person, as if you will become your friend and make a man.

Wednesday- Not the best day for the on the cob of menstruation, the shards of the next hour for a woman of unacceptability, welding. However, don’t get angry, even if the witch is a warning. And in advance, later - ozbroєny. Do not check for favors in the share, take everything that comes from your own hand, and remember the wise whistle "everything passes".

Thursday I look at the cob of menstruation - the day is ambiguous. Have a vipadku vіn vіtsyaє galasliva holily, zastіllya. However, it’s impossible to know who the woman should lie down to see yoga. Why would you be a living room gospodarkoy, how to receive close people, how to lean in the company of little-known people?

Friday- a pleasant day. Months that began on Friday, announce the joy of the future and, in general, a new positive emotional period.

Saturday As the day of the cob of menstruation is also considered a good day. The coming month is about to be renewed, all the hardships of life are to be overcome without force from the side of the woman. Possibly, there is a check on her in love, or a wicked bajan.

Months that began in week, give, zgіdno z povіr'yam, a month of new joy and merriment. It’s possible that problems on the love front will clear up, but the stench will change quickly for a reason. And if it’s more than enough to reach, it’s a sense to talk to the cohanim to the soul.

Monthly fortunetelling: option 2

Another way to find out about the share for the next 30 days is to indicate what date the menstruation began.

Later, on the 1st day, it was promised to give a reception month with a spell, to be filled with receptionists and acquaintances.

2nd day of the month - get ready to change at the vіdnosinakh from the singing people. The woman can see the rapt cooling, rosemary.

3rd number - the period of rozpochnetsya from raptov welding. Yakim Bude distant development Podіy lie down in the zhіnki.

4th and 5th days of the month - the future rejoices with merriment, vikonanny bazhan, welcome surprises.

6th day of the month, or rather, menstruation, which began at the same hour, guards the woman: the enemy is preparing a cape, emovirno, it will be hardening, releasing tiles.

Day 7 - a man dies into a woman, so much that you feel the sense of life. It’s quite possible that we feel like we’ve been seeing them for a long time and in the coming days we’ll show them.

On the 8th and 9th, they are tied with jealousy and for the fact that the third person will try to embarrass the love union.

However, on the 10th of the month, on the contrary, they declare harmony with cohanim, it is possible to see new horizons.

The 11th day of the calendar is to learn to trust the kokhan. At the next hour, such a support to you is necessary, and the axis of the zayva pіdozrіlіst zdatna zіpsuvati naymіtsnіshi stosunki.

"Critical" days that began on the 12th day of the month - led to learn to be more realistic in speech. It is difficult to check a woman, but everything can be repaired.

The 13th is the coming month for a woman to check for a stranger from a host stranger.

14th day - monthly obіtsyat to finish the reception period.

15th day - it is possible to take away joyless stars.

Day 16 - warning: do not speak arrogantly - I threaten you with incompatibilities.

The 17th is the date of separation from Kohanim. Short-line chi trival - not visible.

18th day - new acquaintance with the renewal of a large number of vodnosin.

On the 19th and 20th, as the first day of menstruation, one should know the person, until such a strong love is felt. Great is the imovirnist, that the stench is left undivided.

21 - day of warning: deception of a close person.

The period from the 22nd to the 28th is super-friendly. Here and materially well-being, which was unfailingly called, cherishing old friends, accepting gifts, success with the work, chasing orders. In a word, the forthcoming month of positive reconciliations and receptions.

29 is the number of roses, form. Perhaps the woman wants to cry, express her emotions. Do not ward off your own - just so you can safely admit the situation.

30 is the number of obіtsyaє cіkave familiarity.

31 - new bottoms, better for everything - more expensive. However, at the circle of days, the next day will be guarded - a great risk of growing vchinok, for which it will be shameful.

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