Take advantage of the Russian menstrual calendar. Download women's monthly calendar to your phone free of charge. Installing a calendar of a woman's cycle on a computer

Women's calendar for Windows - a manual woman program that allows you to control the menstrual cycle, fertile days, ovulation and conception days. I create charts for analyzing the frequency of your cycle, symptoms and mood for an hour critical days.

The program is a calendar, every day of which you can remember with different tributes: sex this year, ear / end of menstruation, symptoms (bumps, sensitive breasts, pain across the side, etc.), moods (about 40 emoticons in the mood transfer), and more ( Vaga, temperature, medication intake). All these data will help predict your self-esteem and mood before the onset of the cycle, and when you receive a doctor, you will not forget these nuances.

When you fill in the calendar, the utility will automatically change the fertile days and ovulation, as well as control the number of days of zatrim. Vagity mode to turn on during cycles and virakhovuvatime the number of days to low. You can create a beautiful calendar, change skins, calendar icons and graphics to your taste. The menu must be ahead of you about the ear of the month or other data, so you can add it.

It's easy to get a cost-free Woman's calendar on a computer or a smartphone. Having created your personal record and secured it with a password, you can log in to the calendar from other buildings. Backing up in the dark can restore data for your spending. The program has a call function, which can be sent by e-mail to the doctor.

Women's calendar (Advanced Woman Calendar) - tse zruchna program for the beautiful half of humanity, as it allows women to follow their menstrual cycle. We all know that a healthy woman has been lying around for so many critical days. This program monitors the interruption of the menstrual cycle, yogo cob and end and improves the day of ovulation.

A leather woman can personalize the Period Calendar for yourself and prove personalization, to know for sure - on which day the її cycle is known. Knowing that you are right on the front of health, you can plan your working day as correctly as possible. The addendum accurately marks the days with the ear of the month, the days with the high fluency of that period, in which the woman can feel bad.

Functions of the program Women's calendar

WomanLog is equipped with a system of notes and guesswork. You can keep notes for yourself about the last day of the woman's cycle, control and analyze your moods and periods of increased activity in sex. Such a suggestion not to allow you to miss an important podia, moreover, you will be reminded that the cycle runs from the standard rhythm, and also on quiet days, if it’s easy to become vacant.

A calendar for a computer will help you to get all the information about the menstrual cycle and everything related to it will also be shown data, which can help you reach the right amount. For example, you are faced with the meta “conceive a child”, you will be shown those days, in which case a positive result is found, with which all the data collected earlier will be taken and information about basal temperature(lowest body temperature at bedtime).

Krіm tsgogo, maybe the date of the pologіv is insured, the sign of the zodiac is assigned, on which a child is born, and also on those days, in which you can conceive a song to become (it was clear that the accuracy in such a right is not clear). Yakshcho, now, vaginess is unsatisfactory, an addendum to remind you about those, on those days it is necessary to be especially protective, to instill with contraception.

Ladytimer next to trust. Your data can be retrieved and the password is entered, no third party will take away access to special information. The program is designed to describe the graphs that show the basal temperature, at this day, in the same way as sex, are indicated. In this rank, you can more accurately calculate the day of conception, which you will become in good time with a consultation with a gynecologist.

There are a lot of functional online versions of the program. You can download the program to your phone in Google Play.

Installing a calendar of a woman's cycle on a computer

The program is delivered on a smart and cost-free basis, in order to bypass the new version, we suggest you start the torrent using the button at the bottom of the page. After that, as the program will be zavantazhena, prorobit advance:

  1. We install the woman's calendar.
  2. Copies a crack from the folder in the folder to the directory from the installed program, confirming the change.
  3. Run the program and select Russian language in the File-Configure menu.
  4. Koristuyemosya program.

Retailer: FeminaSoft
Official site: https://www.feminasoft.ru

Women's calendar special program which makes it easier for women to control their menstrual cycle and everything that is associated with it. Denmark's addition is superbly simple and sensible, to which the great number of women correspond to him, like nobles, like days are better for conception, like safe in this diet, the days of the nearest menstrual cycle and so on.

And yet, the female ovulation calendar allows recognition, if the ovulation has become ovarian, and in such a way, the term pologiv can be reversed. All these data are even more important for rich women, so the calendar with a skin day is gaining more and more popularity. Vіdmitimo, scho given program allows you to prorahuvat kіlka tsiklіv ovulation in advance. For which it is necessary to indicate skilki in the middle time of the cycle for the rest of the 6 months, as well as the first day of the month, which is the closest to the past.

This is a victorious women's calendar of the menstrual cycle in order to hide the vacancy, but for whom it is necessary to provide important data. But remember that it can not be the main reason for the prevention of negligence, it can be called an additional tool. On our site, you can download the women's calendar free of charge and use it for your purposes, no matter how stinky.

Briefly about the possibilities of the Women's Calendar program:

  • find out exactly what I will approximate the date of conception;
  • to know about the term ovulation and to understand the term of the birth of a child;
  • virahuvati days, if the most unique sexual contacts, so that there are no problems due to neglected vagnistyu;
  • control all processes related to the menstrual cycle.

Take advantage of the women's calendar from our site - it's a decision to allow you to be aware of all the processes that occur in the woman's body. I am convinced that you will be able to properly evaluate this special supplement and you will be proud of it from an enviable postiynistyu. For the help of such a calendar, the skin woman will feel better and more comfortable!

Women's calendar - the whole program for current women, like to value your hour and look after your health It's no secret that woman is healthy, mood and self-feeling rich in why to lie in natural cycles and “special days”. One of the main functions of the program is the display of the monthly calendar, the cycle and the forecasting of the day of ovulation. You can easily create your own special calendar, on which all the most important subdivisions of your cycle will be marked by hand. For the help of the female calendar, it is easy to satisfy your plans with the natural cycles of your body. The program marks the days of the upcoming month, days with high and low chances of conceiving a child, and also days with possible filthy self-esteem.

Try the program Advanced Woman Calendar- Easy ovulation calendar for women.
take advantage

Program functions

The program implements the function of keeping notes and guessing. You can make an important point, reflect your mood on the days of sexual activity. Guessing to help you, don’t forget about important things, in addition, the woman’s calendar tells you about changes in your cycles, about days, if you conceive a child more or less imovirne.

The women's calendar allows you not only to organize your special information, but also to display the necessary data in the fallage according to your needs. How you get the "conceive a baby" metaphor the program suggests is the most favorable days to conceive, by fixing your previous cycles and basal temperature data. In addition, you’ll open the date of the day, mark the sign of your child’s horoscope, and also see the days when you conceive a boy or a girl (of course, you don’t take away the exact guarantee in this case, it’s impossible). If you want to conceive, the program will suggest the days, if you need to, be especially respectful of the hour when you get contraceptives.
You can safely trust the programs with your special data. They can be password-protected from third-party eyes.
The program of the women's calendar will also provide graphs based on data about your cycles and basal temperature, indicating the days of love on them. These data will help you more accurately determine the date of conception, which will be good for you in a woman's consultation.

Zavantage Zhіnochiy calendar

Try the woman's calendar, you can download it for free.

Women's calendar is one of the best Android programs for girls. For the help of this calendar, the skin girl can ovulate, cycle and improve. And the stars of the impersonal functions and the receiving design, the skin girl invariably dies in the program at first glance!

Krim, in recognition of all that has been rehabilitated, the woman’s calendar will become a kind of special worker for you, so that you can write down different information about yourself. For example, non-primary symptoms, state contacts, moods, temperature, vaga, taking liqiv and other notes, so that they can help you do not forget the most important details of your life, so you can become brown when you go to the doctor, or help you add a big picture to your life change.

To protect you from various factors, all your information is stored on your physical record, to which only you can access. When you are bazhanni, you can change the appearance record and, for example, add the cycle of your girlfriends. From the woman’s calendar, you can also send information to your doctor, since you don’t have time to go to an appointment.

Key features of the program "Women's calendar":

  • Automatic synchronization of your data with your personal record in DropBox. This function will help you to save all the necessary data with you, so that you can eat at your outhouse, or you can come and see the program in a few outbuildings.
  • Backing up data from your phone or email can be blacked out, so you don't want to sync the program automatically with DropBox.
  • Good-natured and intuitively sensible interface will leave you with only positive emotions like the woman's calendar.
  • The woman's calendar already has 43 of the most widespread symptoms and 64 moods, so that you can choose as quickly and accurately as possible. If it doesn't suit you, you can describe your symptoms and moods on your own.
  • Vagity mode will help you to correctly determine the degree and viability of the pregnancy.
  • Knowing about cycles and ovulation is great to make your life easier, so that you will always be ready for them and never get into an awkward situation.
  • For the help of the graph of the vagary and the temperature, you will always be aware of everything that happens with your body, and you can marvel at the history of this change.
  • Managing the "log" files will help you see inappropriate information, copy or move. For the help of this function, you can more carefully scrutinize the history of your guards.
  • To accurately assess the cycles of menstruation and the forecast of ovulation, it is not necessary to evaluate the skin girl!
  • Having selected the information for one, three hours all months, you can as accurately as possible improve the average trivality of the cycles.
  • The system for the protection of special data will allow you to be safe from third-party eyes and turn off the access of your special information to third persons.
  • Possibility of creating an unbound number of accounts to allow you to run a number of magazines at once, or to win a program on one extension to a number of people.
  • Reminder (import) to save data from the SD card.
  • The number of pledges of our packages, including Russian, is already available to you!
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