13 September is the name of the woman according to the church calendar. Vіdminnі risi character sіchnevih dіvchatok

It is important to note that on the 13th day of the day, the birthday is celebrated less for those who, at the time of baptism, took human names Mikhailo and Petro. With the same names, following the old Orthodox tradition of naming children, it is required to name the people of today's boys.

Since the saints for this day do not have women's names, then for the girls, who appeared in the world at this date, it is necessary to choose the names of those patron saints, whom the Church is chanting on the eighth day after their people, as they fought for the old hours.

What are the ideas for what day women's names if they don’t fit, you can transfer the name day to the fortieth day after the people, if, as the Orthodox canon says, the child should be baptized.

The main birthdays of this year are Mikhail, oskelki itself on September 13 The Church of the Holy Guardian Angel, Holy Martyr Father Michael (Berezina).

Under yoga intercession, the mustache is rebuked, who at the same time celebrates the holy day. As a tribute to the newly born lad, give the name of Mikhailo, take away the name of your intercessor as a defender, and majestic strength, and inspire the most beautiful figure, the power of the name.

This is how Mikhailov exalts intellect, warmness, agility to introspection and serious thinking. For such people, there is nothing impossible, as if they themselves believe in their own strength.

If we celebrate a birthday and how to correctly name a child - tell us the saints and the Orthodox calendar for 2020. In the rest, there is also a translation of the names of the holy new martyrs, for this the list of birthdays is larger.

Mykhailo buv comes from this family of a clergyman. Virishiv five in the footsteps of his father, vіrushiv violating the education to the spiritual seminary, in a kakіy passed only rіk, and then voluntarily leaving.

I learned in the classes of wines, having won the honor of serving in the church, de proyshov way from the psalmist to the priesthood. Shards of the midst of the paraffians were richly mariytsiv, vin, to reach their hearts, wiping their language.

Father Mikhailo added a lot of self-illumination to the hour, reading a great amount of religious literature, and he also had a moment to educate his paraffians, generously trying to help everyone and the skin.

For their wisdom, kindness, that self-confidence of the wines, having earned the honor of the otochyuchy. The majestic authority of Father Michael among the population called out for a fight with representatives of the Radian power.

Outside, the frost is fierce, the wind is dark and the wind is blowing. Tse at the turn. I children, the people of this savage month, rejoice with courage and patience. The stench is so post-yni and frosty, like the weather in sіchni.

Ale, on the share of the little one, there is no less than a month of people, and, of course, im'ya. Therefore, it is important to give names for girls and boys, people of the Sich.

What names should be given to the Sich?

Batki krichti, narodzhenoї in sіchnі, not in the heat of spantelism, like іm'ya give to your darling. Even better, I know that I am living in the lot of people. And if you want, the baby’s name was not like that of the us susidsky detlakhiv. Ale, it is necessary to focus not so much on the zabagans of the fathers, but on those who live like a child in their own names.

Yaskrave, sweet-sounding im'ya, you will become not just a sweet-sounding and barvist suprovod of a person's life, but also a helper. And the axis of dissonant names can significantly obscure the life of that spring of a person.

You can choose the right name for girls and boys according to the horoscope, church calendar, for spіvvzvuchchu with the nickname of the father. Golovna, that these important aspects were added only from a positive side to the life of a growing man.

The nature of the names of the people of the Sich

Himself I can help you to strengthen your character, take away the child from nature. And the character of the lads and girls, the people of the Sich, is not simple. What names will they go? What can be said about their natural character, which can happen far away writing and streaming.

Already from the childishness, the stench begins to reveal its non-standard, which viz., viz. The stench is vrіvnovazhenі and postіyni. Until then, completely independent.

But for such a set of traits, the little ones deserve special respect for themselves and the support of their relatives. In a different way, wine can become closed and trashy.

The character of the lads, the people of the Sich, is completely firm. And be-like unacceptability not to beat them out of the intended path, to the one who is shvidko to clear the gloom with his hands and destroy the distance. The stench doesn't get hung up on big problems. Їx smut has its own meta.

I lads, and a girl, the people of the Sich are successful and happy. But for their own blessings, they will happen to vimagati independently. It’s not uncommon to bring up self-confidence and self-confidence to the point of spending faith in help, in friendship, in mutual hands. That stench rarely checks for help from the side and practically does not trust anyone.

If you talk about a negative character, then the quiet, who was born in the countryside, overcomes pride and hisism. The stench establishes powerful rules for life and terrifies the lives of all the restless behind them. That is why, choosing it for a child, people in the countryside, it is necessary to try to help them soften their zhorstkіst, pride and pride.

Have tsomu help the name of the soft, sweet-sounding sound. And the axis of rіdkіsnі and nezvychaynі іmeny do not come for them.

Varto see for help the names of their independence and individuality, gentry and fidelity. Who can help with sounds garni names.

Prominent human names among the Sich: Arthur, Oleksandr, Prokl, Viktor, Grigoriy, Petro, Danilo, Maksim, Mark, Ivan.

And the axis of the girls is adored by Olens, Oleksandrs, Tetyana, Polins, Irins, Lyudmilas, Ulyans, Vasilises, Evgeniyas, Lyubov.

Do not give varto to children of harsh, dissonant names. Adzhe vin endowed by nature with hard rice characters. And so the names are less powerful to overcome them, we don’t call positive vigor type of egoism, transcendental pride.

That is why the lads are not called Anatolia, Dmitri and Igor. And the girls - Jeanne, Dean, Katerina, Dar'ami.

Saints: women's names in sіchen

It is a wonderful tradition to give children names according to Orthodox calendar but for the saints in the evening. Ale next of memory, that the Saints are not a great name calendar. A selection of the names of Orthodox saints and martyrs. Itself in the days of their shanuvannya, or at the great saint and appear at the saints of the song of the name. That is why it is necessary to match when choosing the names of girls from the village according to the church calendar.

Before the speech, the names of the girls for the saints at the sichni are richly matched with the later periods of fate.

"Sichnevi" girl is adorned with a firm human character. The stench of self-sufficiency and secretiveness, and pіdsvіdomo pragnate leadership positions. The special life of girls today is not so smooth, and it is connected with their human rice to character and hardness. Ale stinks of unperfected cookery. There are no peers in the kitchen. And the axis of cleaning is not about them, stink like some paths to go around the bindings, to that with all the soul they rely on the process itself.

How do you choose women's names from the sichni according to the church calendar, just the Orthodox "m'yaki" attendants will help to smooth out the zhorst "human" character of the little one.

Tim more so at the Saints of the Sichnya іmen for the girls to dosit. Among them, you can choose all the sounds and dosit rіdkіsnі, nіzhnі suvorі, slov'yanski and greek_names.

Otzhe, the name day of the Sich and the woman’s names according to the church calendar will be as follows:

  • - Aglaya;
  • 3rd day - Ulyana, Yuliana, Yuliya;
  • 4 September - Anastasia;
  • September 6 - Agatha, Evgenia, Claudia;
  • September 8 - Serpnya, Agripina, Anfisa, Maria;
  • September 9 - Antonina;
  • September 10 - Agatha, Domna;
  • September 11 - Agripina, Anna, Varvara, Evdokia, Euphrosyne, Matrona, Natalia;
  • September 12 - Arina, Irina, Maria, Fedora, Feodosia;
  • September 13 - Martina, Melania;
  • September 14 - Emilia;
  • September 15 - Ulyana, Yuliyana, Yuliya;
  • September 16 - Arina, Irina;
  • September 18 - Evgenia, Polina, Tetyana;
  • September 21 - Vasilisa;
  • September 22 - Antonina;
  • September 25 - Tetyana;
  • September 27 - Agniya, Nina;
  • September 28 - Olena, Olena;
  • September 29 - Neonilla;
  • September 30 - Antonina;
  • September 31 - Xenia, Maria, Oksana, Feodosia.

There is no date for the birth of the girl valid name the saints of the Sich, behind the Orthodox names you can look at the names of the nearest dates.

Saints: people's names

How to choose names for the boys in the middle?

Traditionally, the boy hopes for the honor of a canonized saint. Cholovіch_names are chosen from sіchni according to the church calendar. Names are taken according to the dates of the people or the eighth day, if the baby was christened. Designate church names for the day, help the names for Christmas time, de show all the Saints today.

People believe that God Himself gives a small date of birth and tells them how to name it. Until then, the Holy One, whose name was taken away, will be a human being an angel-protector prolonging his life. It’s good for him, if the birthdays are celebrated at the sichni z cholovichim im’yam for the church calendar.

As if the fathers themselves cannot be named after the church calendar for their newly born boy, the priest calls him the hour of the sacrament of baptism.

Call the children to baptize until the 40th day.

Therefore, the priest can choose the most common human names from the Sich according to the church calendar of his church.

Call the Orthodox names of the Russians to sound like this:

  • - Illya, Prov, Timothy, Grigory;
  • 2nd day - Ignaty, Ivan, Danilo;
  • June 3 - Petro, Mikhailo, Mikita, Prokop;
  • 4th day - Dmitro, Fedir;
  • September 5 - Vasil, Makar, Ivan, Pavlo;
  • September 6 - Evgen, Inokentij, Sergiy, Mykola;
  • September 8 - Josip, David, Yakiv, Isaac, Oleksandr, Dmitro, Leonid, Grigory, Kostyantin;
  • September 9 - Stepan, Fedir, Tikhin;
  • September 10 - Petro, Yukhim, Nikodim, Arkady, Oleksandr, Nikanor, Gnat;
  • September 11 - Mark, Theodosius, Ivan, Thaddeus;
  • September 12 - Makar, Anisii;
  • June 13 - Petro, Mikhailo;
  • September 14 - Plato, Mikhailo, Ivan, Oleksandr, Trokhim, V'yacheslav, Vasil, Yakiv;
  • September 15 - Gerasim, Theogen;
  • September 16 - Proud;
  • September 17 - Yakiv, Mark, Luka, Stepan, Philip, Prokhor, Nikanor, Timofii, Philemon, Onisim, Arkhip, Karp, Kindrat, Aristarkh, Trohim, Artem, Denis, Oleksandr, Mykola, Pavlo, Zosima, Opanas;
  • September 18 - Josip, Sergiy, Mikhey, Grigory;
  • September 20 - Ivan, Vasil;
  • September 21 - Georgy, Grigory, Emil, Viktor, Dmitro, Volodymyr, Mikhailo, Illya, Pakhom;
  • September 22 - Pilip, Petro, Eustratii;
  • September 23 - Makar, Grigory, Feofan, Pavlo, Antip, Zinoviy, Petro, Anatoly, Arseny;
  • September 24 - Fedir, Theodosius, Mikhailo, Mykola, Volodymyr;
  • September 25 - Sava, Petro;
  • September 26 - Yermila, Illizar, Petro, Yakiv;
  • September 27 - Sava, Moses, Adam, Sergius, Pavlo, Prokl, Ipatiy, Isaak, Mark, Makar, Veniamin, Illya, Ivan, Josip, Stepan;
  • September 28 - Pavlo, Prokhor, Gabriel, Veniamin;
  • September 29 - Petro, Maxim, Ivan;
  • September 30 - Anton, Viktor, Pavlo;
  • September 31 - Opanas, Kirilo, Mikhailo, Volodymyr, Mykola, Sergiy.

However, there is no single list of names. Sound at the skin church є your own book, with which you can get to know the bajan.

>>Sichnevi names for girls

Names for girls who were born among the Sich. Sichnevi names for girls for the numbers of the month

Vіdminnі risi character sіchnevih dіvchatok

Girls, who were born in the Sich less than for the other schils before the coming days. As a rule, stinks don't hit fantasy hard and don't dream about fairytale princes. As a rule, their baggage is more earthly and material. Being materialists, such a girl should pragmatize with concrete material values. As a rule, only pennies and valuable speeches.

That is, they can have a lot of practice until they get rid of that accumulated large number of brands, various accessories, just like that. Moreover, the sichnevi girls are well known in speeches and wills, so that their speeches were expensive and laconic.

As a rule, the girl is arrogant, easy-going, loves to bring pink to the right to the end. The stench can clearly show the makings of leaders. Children can play a leading role in their campaigns, commanding other girls and boys. Girl, people of the Sich, practice leadership. And there is even more stench to prank povagi and feel like vlasnoi significance. That is often the will not to rush forward, but to be left behind there, de їх are respected and їх are demanded. Wanting, madly, good kerivniki can come out of them.

From the negative traits one can see pride, domineering sichnevim girls, as if they were natural kerivniks. And so is the supra-worldly prac- tiovitism of the future of their employment. The stench can get angry at robots, inspire sim's at Skoda. Ale, don’t start like that. Zagalom, such girls, as a rule, become good squads and mothers. Choosing the name of such girls, it is better to choose the simplest and not the hardest name, so that it will help to help the already foldable character.

What is the name of the girls who appeared in the world at the sichni, after the numbers of the month. Meanings of names

  1. "free man")
  2. Odette (1. type of German "spadkoєmitsya, vlasnitsa" 2.kind of walnut "storage")
  1. Julia (1st type of Greek "curly" 2.Latin type "lipneva" 3. old Jewish "divine fire")
  2. "belong to the genus Juliev" 2. Russian form of the name Julia)
  1. Anastasia (in the form of Greek "resurrected")
  2. "Gift of God")
  3. Angela (type of Greek "yangol")
  4. Elizabeth (from the old Jewish "shane God")
  5. Eliza, Elza (1st English "swan" 2. German "gentry diva" 3. Pokhіdne vіd Єlizaveta, ancient Jewish meaning "swear to God")

January 6

  1. Evgenia (from the old Greek "gentry")
  2. Claudia, Claudia (in Latin "kulgava")
  3. "agate" 2.kind of walnut "good, good")
  4. Christina, Christina (in the form of an old Greek "follower of Christ")
  1. Serpnya (1. type of Latin "sacred, majestic" 2. in the name of the Roman emperor Augustus)
  2. Agripina, Agrafena (1. type of Latin "girka" 2. type of Latin "wild kin")
  3. Anfisa (type of Greek "quote")
  1. Alice (in English "from a noble family")
  2. 2.Latin type "spacious, wide" 3. old Greek "daughter Antonia")
  1. Domna (1. type of Latin "Mr. Volodarka" 2. type of latin "Mr. Budinku")
  2. Theophila (type of Greek "whooping God")
  3. Glykeria (a kind of walnut "licorice")
  4. Agafia, Agatha "agate" 2.kind of walnut "good, good")
  5. Antonina (1. from the old Greek "opponent", "opposite" 2.Latin type "spacious, wide" 3. old Greek "daughter Antonia")
  1. Varvara (1. from the old Slavic battle cry "in ar, in ar" which our ancestors wiggled, throwing themselves into the attack. Ar means earth. Through this call, the Romans called the Slovyans "barbarians." So the word barbarian became, which foreign tribes called, and the name Barbara appeared. 2.Latin type "outlander")
  2. Euphrosyne (from the ancient Greek "radius, merry")
  3. Matryona (1. Russian, literally: "noble woman" 2. type of Latin: "important lady", "mother of the family")
  4. Agripina, Agrafena (1st type of Latin "gyrka" 2.Latin type "wild kin")
  5. Natalia (1. type of Latin "Ridna" 2.Latin type "rіzdvyana")
  6. Evdokiya (from the old Greek "benevolence", "corry with glory")
  7. Anna (type of Jewish "What is good")
  8. Avdotya (a form of the name Evdokiya, which in old Greek means "goodwill")
  9. Nora (1. type of Latin "honor, honor" 2. old Scandinavian "provisnitsa" 3. kind of Scandinavian "cold" 4.type of Arabic "light" 5.Change in the form of Eleanor and before.)
  1. Anisiya (type of Greek "good")
  2. Maria (1. in a different way is translated from the ancient Jewish: "bіdolashna", "in love, bazhan", "panі" 2.pokhіdne in view of the old Slavic goddess of winter Marie)
  3. Fedora (type of Greek "Gifted by God")
  4. "peaceful" Yarina "high", "light")
  5. Irina (type of Greek )
  6. "pearl")
  1. Melania, Melanie (in the form of Greek "black, dark")
  2. Іvetta (1. from the ancient "yew tree" 2.kind of ancient Jewish "forgiveness of God" 3. kind of old French "shamrock")
  1. Emilia, Emilia (1st type of Latin "strong, strong" 2.Latin type "supergirl" 3.kind of walnut "lagidna")
  1. Julia (1st type of Greek "curly" 2.Latin type "lipneva" 3. old Jewish "divine fire")
  2. Ulyana, Yuliana (1st type of Latin "belong to the genus Juliev" 2. Russian form of the name Julia)
  1. Arina "peaceful" 2. Pokhіdne vіd slov'yanskogo Yarina, approved in the name of the god of the dream Yaril 3. Pokhіdne in the form of the Jewish Aaron, which means "high", "light")
  2. Irina (type of Greek "kind to yourself, peaceful")
  3. "modest")
  1. Clementine (1. type of Latin "merciful, merciful" 2.kind of walnut "vine vine")
  2. Zinaida (1. in Greek "Daughter of Zeus" 2.Latin type "dbailiva" 3.type of Arabic "beautiful")
  3. Olympia (from Greek "divine")
  1. Polina (whose name has a lot of options for traveling 1. "sonyachna", "dedicated to Apollo" 2.kind of walnut "rich" 3. type of latin "little" 4. type of walnut "violent" 5. old Greek "strong")
  2. Evgenia (from the old Greek "gentry")
    Tetyana (1. latin, later in the name of the king "Tatius" 2. in the Greek )
  3. Apolinaria "drowsy")
  4. Margarita (translated from Latin and Old Greek "pearl")
  5. Susanna, Suzanna (in the form of an old Jewish "lilia")
  6. Charlotte (look like a human Charles (Karl)) "free man")
  1. Ermina (1. from Latin "Ridna" 2.type of German "husband")
  2. Bereznya (1. type of Aramaic "Mr. Volodarka" 2. name the month of birch, literally "berezneva")
  1. Ilona (1. type of Ugric "light" 2.kind of walnut "sonyachna", "torch"
  1. Julia (1st type of Greek "curly" 2.Latin type "lipneva" 3. old Jewish "divine fire")
  2. Ulyana, Yuliana (1st type of Latin "belong to the genus Juliev" 2. Russian form of the name Julia)
  3. Antonina (1. from the old Greek "opponent", "opposite" 2.Latin type "spacious, wide" 3. old Greek "daughter Antonia")
  4. Vasilisa (type of Greek "royal")
  5. Anastasia (in the form of Greek "resurrected")
  6. "lamb")
  1. Antonina (1. from the old Greek "opponent", "opposite" 2.Latin type "spacious, wide" 3. old Greek "daughter Antonia")
  1. Mar'yana, Marianna "girka grace" 2. type of Jewish "overwhelmed" 3. type of latin "belong to Mary" 4. similar to Latin "marine")
  1. Tetyana (1. Latin, later in the name of the king "Tatiusa" 2.kind of walnut "scrubber, sergeant")
  2. Evpraksiya (1. type of Greek "thriving" 2.kind of walnut "scabies")
  3. Agafia, Agatha "agate" 2.kind of walnut "good, good")
  4. Teresa (type of Greek "sneaky", "sneaky")
  1. Pavel, Paula, Paulina, Peacock (Latin "modest")
  1. Nina (1. type of Jewish "great granddaughter" 2.kind of Assyrian "queen, lady" 3.type of Georgian "yuna" 4.type of Arabic "korisna" 5.type of spanish "girl" 6.Latin type "horobra" 7.pokhіdna after the names of Antonina, Ninel and іn.)
  2. Agniya (1. type of Latin "lamb" 2.kind of walnut "pure, innocent")
  3. Angela (type of Greek "yangol")
  1. Olena (1st type of walnut "fire, tar skip", "drowsy, sleepy" 2.kind of ancient Greek "Greek" 3.pokhіdna like Helios, the old Greek god Sontsya)
  2. Sophia, Sophia (from the old Greek "wise")
  3. Euphrosyne (from the old Greek "radisna, cheerful")
  4. Deer (1.slov'janske, like the names of the words'yansk tribes Oleniv 2.kind of ancient Greek "drowsy", "torch" 3. funeral in the name of Olena)
  5. Ilona (1. type of Ugric "light" 2. type of Greek "sonyachna", "torch" 3. funeral in the name of Olena)
  6. Inesa (like the ancient Greek Agnes, which means "lamb")
  1. Leonila (type of Latin "similar to Levits")
  1. Antonina (1. from the old Greek "opponent", "opposite" 2.Latin type "spacious, wide" 3. old Greek "daughter Antonia")
  2. Sabina (from Italian "beautiful")
  1. Xenia, Xenia, Xenia, Oksana (in the form of a Greek "living room", "guest", "storinka", "outsider")
  2. Maria (1. in a different way is translated from the ancient Jewish: "bіdolashna", "in love, bazhan", "panі" 2.pokhіdne in view of the old Slavic goddess of winter Marie)
  3. Feodosiya (from the old Greek "Gift of God")
  4. Alla (1. type of ancient Arabic "litera" 2.kind of ancient Jewish "goddess" 3.type of Arabic "goddess" 4. type of Jewish "pistachio tree" 5. in gothic language "majstrina of all trades" 6.kind of walnut "insha" 7.type of Jewish "impossible")
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