Beautiful and traditional Muslim names for a boy. The best Muslim names for girls Uyghur names

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Abbas (Gabbas)- maє arabic pohodzhennya i in perekladі means "frown, suvory".

Abdel-Aziz (Abdulaziz, Abdul-Aziz) - Arabic name, In perekladі means "slave of the Mighty". A number of other names, approved by the path, are part of the "abd" up to one of the names of Allah, lie down to the noble ones among Muslims.

Abdullah (Abdul, Gabdullah, Abdullah)- The Arabic translation has the meaning “slave of Allah”. Zgidno with one of the words of the Prophet Muhammad (S.R.V.), є best im'yam, Oskіlki vono podkreslyuє, scho Yogo Volodar - the servant of the Lord of Lights.

Abdul-Kadir (Abdul-Kadir, Abdulkadir, Abdulkadir, Abdukadir)- Arabic name, yak in translation means “slave of the Mighty” or “slave of the One who has absolute power”.

Abdul-Karim (Abdulkarim, Abdukarim)- Arabic name, which translates as “slave of the Generous” and means that you are wearing a slave of Allah, which can not be generous.

Abdul-Malik (Abdulmalik, Abdumalik)- Arabic name, the meaning of which is "slave of Volodar and Lord of all things".

Abdul-Khamid (Abdulhamid, Abdulhamit)- Arabic name, which in translation means “servant of the Worthy of Praise”, tobto. Yogo is worn as a slave of the Lord of Lights, a glorious praise.

Abdurauf (Gabdrauf, Abdrauf)- Arabic name, literal meaning of “the servant of the Indulgent one hundred and fifty to His creations”.

Abdurrahman (Abdurrahman, Gabdrahman, Abdrahman)- the Arabic name, as in the translation, the meaning of “the servant of the Merciful” and the support, which he wears as a servant of the Lord, which may not be surrounded by mercy. Zgіdno z hadіsom, enter up to the number of shorter names.

Abdurrakhim (Abdurakhim, Abdrahim, Gabdrahim)- Arabic name, which in translation means “Servant of the Merciful”. Tse im'ya confirm that a person is a slave of the Lord, and that one is respected by one of the gentry names in Islam.

Abdurashid (Abdrashit, Gabdrashit)- Arabic name, which translates as "slave of the Napryamnik on the path of truth."

Abdusamad (Abdusamat)- Arabic im'ya, what I show, what yogo wears - "the servant of the Self-sufficient", that is the servant of the Lord, who does not require anything from anyone.

Abid (Gabit)- Arabic name, as if translated as “zdijsnyu іbadat (worship)” or “worship Allah”.

Abrar- Turkic name, which means "pious".

Abu- Arabic im'ya, the translation of which is “father”.

Abu Bakr (Abubakar)- Arabic im'ya, yak means "father of sensuality". The closest companion of the Prophet Muhammad (S.R.V.) and the first righteous caliph - Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (R.A.) bears this name.

Abutalib (Abu Talib)- Arabic name, translated as “father, who is trying to find knowledge” or “father Talib”. The famous bearer of whose name was the uncle of the Prophet (S.G.V.), at the booth of such a young Muhammad, he took off the garne of vihovannya.

Agzam- Arabic name, which means "high".

Agil (Agil)- Arabic name, which translates as "reasonable".

Aglam (Eglyam, Aglyamzyan, Aglyamdzhan)- Arabic name, sense of such a “volodar of the great number of knowledge”.

Adam- Arabic name, yak, it is translated as a “person”. The bearer of this name is the first messenger of Allah and the first person on Earth - the Prophet Adam (a.s.).

Adele (Adil,Gadel, Adelsha, Gadelsha)- Arabic name, which in translation means “fair”, “what makes a fair decision”

Adgam (Adigam, Adham, Adigam)- Tatar im'ya, maє meaning "smarty, dark".

Adip (Adib)- Arabic name, as if it is translated as “wiggle”, “vvіchlivy”.

Adnan- Arabic name, which in translation means “principal”, “principal”.

Azamat- Arabic name, as if translated as “warrior, face”.

Azat- perske im'ya, the meaning of which is “free”, “free”.

Aziz (Azіs, Gazіz)- Arabic name, which in translation means “dear, capable”. One of the names of Allah.

Azim (Azim, Gazim)- Arabic name, sho ozivaє "great", "what maє great". Enter to the translation of the names of the All-Vishish.

Аїз (Аїс)- Arabic name, as if it is translated as "which calls out to the All-Vishish".

Aish (Agish)- Arabic name, maє meaning "alive".

Aibat- Arabic name, at the translation means “shanoble”, “good”, “authoritative”.

Aivar- Turkic im'ya, which is translated as "monthly", "similar to the month".

Aidan (Aidun)- Turkic im'ya zі meanings either "strength", "might", or "siyvo z mіsyatsa". It is also used by the Irish, at the translation from the old Gelsky - “fire”.

Aydar (Ayder)- Turkic im'ya, scho maє sens "similar to a month", "a person with rice for a month".

Ainur- Turkic-Tatar name, as it translates as “moon light”, “light that looks like a month”.

Airat- Turkic name of the Mongol expedition, which in translation means “by the way”.

Akmal (Akmal)- Arabic name, the meaning of which is “find the best”, “ideal”, “concessions for those who are short”.

Akram- Arabic im'ya, which in translation means "generous", "that I am generous".

Alan- Turkic-Tatar im'ya, yak can be translated as "fragrant like to kvіtіv luzі".

Ali (Gali)- Arabic im'ya, meaning "delivery". To enter to the number of the widest names in Islam, the oskilki of Yogo are one of the closest companions of the Prophet Muhammad (S.G.V.), but his cousin and son-in-law - the fourth righteous caliph Ali ibn Abu Talib.

Aliaskar (Galiaskar)- Arabic name, which consists of two parts - Ali ta Askar. Translated like a "great warrior".

Alim (Galim)- Arabic name, which in translation means “knowledge”, “knowing”.

Alif (Galif)- Arabic name with the meanings of "pomіchnik", "comrade". The title of the name was also given to first letters, shards of the letter "Alif" and the first letter of the Arabic alphabet.

Almaz (Almas, Elmas)- Turkic name, which resembles the name of a precious stone.

Altan- Turkic im'ya, yak is translated as "Chervona Dawn". Danim im'yam called children with red cheeks.

Altinbek- Turkic name, literally meaning "golden prince". Tse im'ya was given to representatives of the nobility.

Albert (Albir)- Im'ya long-standing trip, which is more popular among the Turkic peoples. Yogo meaning - "gentry glare."

Almir (Іlmir, Elmir)- Tatar name, yak means "volodar", "leader".

Alfir (Іfir)- Arabic name, which is translated as "presentation".

Alfred (Alfred)- Name of the English campaign, more popular among the Turkic peoples. Tse means "intelligence, wisdom."

Alyautdin (Alauddin, Aladdin, Galyautdin)- Arabic name, the meaning of which is "the coming of the faith."

aman- Arabic name, which translates as “mіtsniy”, “healthy”. In this name, the fathers called their children, relying on those who stink to be healthy.

Amin (Emin)- Arabic name, which means "honest", "virny", "nadiyny".

Amir (Emir)- Arabic name, meaning “head of the emirate”, “ruler”, “volodar”, “kerivnik”.

Amirkhan (Emirkhan)- Turkic im'ya, which means "head emperor".

Ammar (Amar)- Arabic name, translated as "prosvіtayuche".

Anas- Arabic name, which in translation means “radius”, “cheerful”.

Anvar (Anver, Enver)- Arabic name, as it can be translated with the word “shine” or with the phrase “what makes you bright”.

Anis- Arabic name, which means "friendly", "friendly".

Ansar (Ensar, Insar)- Arabic name for "companion", "companion", "companion". During the hours of the Prophet Muhammad (S.G.V.), Muslims were called Ansar, they helped the Muhajirs from Mecca, they moved to Medina.

Arafat- Arabic name, which viniklo burn in honor in Mezzi with the same name. This mountain is more significant in the life of Muslims.

Arif (Garif, Garip)- Arabic name, which means "volodar of knowledge". In Sufizm - "volodar of hidden knowledge."

Arslan (Arislan, Aslan)- Turkic im'ya, yogo direct translation - "lion".

Arthur- Celtic name, more popular with the Tatar people. It is translated as "a mighty witch".

Assad- Arabic name, which means "lion".

Asadullah- Arabic name, which in translation may mean “lion of Allah”.

Asaf- Arabic name, yak is translated as "mriylivy".

Asgat (Askhad, Askhat)- Arabic name, which in translation means “the most”, “the most”.

Askar (Asker)- Arabic name, meaning “warrior”, “warrior”, fight”.

Atik (Gatik)- Arabic name, sense of a kind of "vіlny vіd hellish torment". The first righteous Caliph Abu Bakr al-Siddiq (r.a.) was also wearing this name, who, for his life, was the sign of admission to Paradise.

Ahad (Ahat)- Arabic name, which means "united", "unique".

Ahmed (Ahmad, Ahmat, Ahmet)- Arabic name, translated as “boasting”, “commendable”. One of the names of the Prophet Muhammad (r.p.)

Ahsan (Aksan)- Arabic name, which in translation means “the best”.

Ayub (Ayub, Ayup)- Arabic im'ya zі let's interpret the meanings of "repentance". Carrying this name buv Prophet Ayyub (a.s.).

Ayaz (Ayas)- Turkic im'ya, which means "clear", "bezkhmarny".


Bagautdin (Bakhautdin, Bagavutdin)- Arabic name, which in the translation means “believing”, “light believing”.

Baghdasar- Turkic name, which can mean "light change".

Bagir (Bahir)- Tatar im'ya, which means "promenisty", "sitting".

Badr (Batr)- Arabic name, translated as "new month".

Bayram (Bayram)- Turkic im'ya, which in translation means "holy".

Bakir (Bekir)- Arabic im'ya zі meanings "like a vivchaє", "takes knowledge".

Bari (Bariy)- Arabic name, as if translated by the word "Creator". One of the 99 names of Allah.

Barrak (Barak)- Arabic name, which means "blessed".

Basir (Basir)- Arabic name, yak is translated as "all-seeing", "to sack absolutely everything." Enter up to the list of names of Allah.

Batir (Batur)- Turkic im'ya means "bogatyr", "warrior", "hero".

Bahruz (Bahroz)- perske im'ya, the meaning of which is “happy”.

Bakhtiyar- Persian im'ya, which means "happy friend." Nabulo wide popularity among the Turkic peoples.

Bashar (Bashshar)- Arabic name, yak, it is translated as a “person”.

Bashir- Arabic im'ya zі let's interpret the meanings of "provisnik joy".

Bayazit (Bayazid, Bayazet)- Turkic im'ya, at the translation means "father of the overwhelmed". This name was even more popular with the ruling dynasty of the Ottoman Empire.

Beck- Turkske im'ya means "prince", "prince", "great dignitary".

Bikbulat (Bekbolat, Bekbulat, Bikbolat)- Turkic im'ya, yak can be translated yak "mіtsna steel".

Bіlyal (Bіlyal, Bіlyal)- Arabic name, which in translation means "alive". Yogo was worn by one of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (S.G.V.) and in the history of Islam - Bilyav ibn Rafah.

Bulat (Bolat)- Turkske im'ya means "steel".

Bulut (Bulyut, Bulut)- Turkic im'ya, yak perekladёtsya yak "hmara".

Beetroot- Turkic im'ya, which in translation means "glossy".

Burkhan (Burgan)- Arabic name, the meaning of which is “honesty”, “reliability”.


Vagiz (Vagiz)- Arabic name, as if it is translated as a "mentor", "teacher".

Vazir- Arabic name, yak in translation means "ministr", "vizier", "grandee".

Vakil (Vakil)- Arabic name for "patron", "king". One of the names of the Almighty.

Vali (Uali)- Arabic human name, yak can be translated with the word "opikun", "pikluvalnik". To enter before the translation of the names of the Lord in Islam.

Valiulla- Arabic name means “close to God”, “approaching to Allah”.

Walid (Walid)- Arabic name, which in translation means “child”, “child”, “boy”.

Varis (Uaris)- Arabic name, which literally translates as “advancing”, “sadkoєmets”.

Vasil (Vasil, Vasil)- Arabic name, the meaning of which is “to come”.

Watan (Watan)- Tse Arabic meaning of the word "batkivshchyna".

Vafi (Vafіy, Vafa)- Arabic name, as it can mean "true to the word", "overpowered", "strive your word".

Vakhit (Vahid, Wahid)- Arabic name, which in translation means "one". It is added to the number of 99 names of Allah.

Wahhab (Wagap, Wahab)- Arabic im'ya, yak can be translated by the word "bestower". One of the names of the Almighty.

Vildan- Arabic im'ya means "servant of Paradise".

Vovkan- Turkic meaning of the word "volcano".

Vusala- perske im'ya, yak, it is translated as "zustrіch", "bashing".


Gabbas (Abbas, Gappas)- Arabic name, which in translation means "frown", "suvory".

Gabdullah (Abdullah)- Arabic name, yak is translated as “slave of Allah”. Zgidno with one of the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (S.G.V.), the best of possible names.

Gabіd (Gabіt)- Arabic name for “worship” meanings.

Gadel (Gadil)- Div. name meaning.

Gadzhi (Khadzhi, Hodzhi)- Arabic im'ya, meaning "to make a pilgrimage".

Gazi (Gezі)- Arabic name, which translates as a "conqueror".

Gaziz (Aziz)- Arabic name, yak at the translation means "powerful", "dear". One of the names of Allah.

Gaisa (Isa)- old Jewish and Arabic name. An analogue of the name of Jesus, bearing such a name as one of the prophets of the All-Vishish.

Gali- Div. name meaning.

Galiaskar (Galiasker)- Arabic name, which consists of two roots: "Gali" (great) + "Askar" (warrior).

Galib (Galip)- Arabic im'ya, yoga meaning translation - "overcome", "overcome".

Galim- Div. name meaning.

Gamal (Amal, Gamil)- Arabic name, which in translation means “practical”, “practical”.

Gamzat (Gamza)- Im'ya, similar to the Arabic name Hamza and means "Swedish".

Ganі (Ganіy)- Arabic name, translated as “wealthy”, “volodar of indefatigable riches”. He is one of the names of Allah.

Garay (Girey)- Turkic-Tatar name, which resembles the ruling Tatar dynasty Girey. Wu translation means "powerful", "strong".

Garif (Arif)- Arabic name, translation of which - “Volodar know”, what “know”.

Garifulla (Arifulla)- Arabic im'ya, can be translated as "knowing about Allah."

Gasan (Gasan)- Ім'я, pokhіdne in the name of Hassan and means "good".

Gafur- Arabic name, yak is translated as "farewell". Tse is one of the names of the Almighty.

Gayaz (Gayaz, Gayas)- Arabic name, like a kіlka of similar meanings: "pomіchnik", "comrade", "ryatuyuchiy".

Gaillard (Gaillard)- Arabic name, which means “masculine”, “good-natured”, “smiling”.

Homer (Gumer)- Arabic name, which is translated as “human life”.

Gumar- Im'ya, look better Umar. That was the name of another righteous caliph Umar ibn Khattab (r.a.).

Gurban (Gorban)- Div. name meaning.

Huseyn (Khusayn)- Im'ya, Pokhіdne vid Hussein, meaning "garniy", "good".

Gusman (Derzhman)- A variety named after Usman. Yogo wears the third righteous Caliph.


Davlet (Davletsha, Devlet)- Arabic name, which in translation means “power”, “imperiya”, “power”.

Davud (David, Davut)- Div. Meaning of the name Daoud.

Dalil (Dalil)- Arabic name, translates as "guide", "showing the way", "traveler".

Damil (Damil)- perske im'ya, the literal meaning of which is "pastka". The name was given to the lads, relying on those who the child lives long, and pasture is prepared for death.

Damir (Demir)- Turkic im'ya, which at the translation means "zalizo", "steel". Such names were called children in the hope for those who stench grow stronger there. The deyakі also interpret tse im'ya as a abbreviation variant of the phrase “Give the world revolution!”

Danil (Danil)- Arabic name with the meanings “gift of God”, “ close people to God."

Danis (Danish)- perske im'ya, which is translated as "knowledge". The fathers gave yogo in hope to those who are a child in the future, a more intelligent and illumined person.

Daniyar (Diniyar)- Perske im'ya, scho may mean "reasonable", "knowing", "illumination".

Darius- Persian man im'ya, yak perekladaetsya yak "sea". The ruler of this name was the Persian Emperor Darius, who was the envoy of war to Oleksandr the Great.

Daud (Davud, David, Daut)- an Arabic name, a sense of some kind of “flirty to oneself”, “kohany”. That was the name of one of the messengers of Allah - the prophet Daud (David, a.s.), the father of the Prophet Suleiman (Solomon, a.s.).

Dayan (Dian)- Arabic name, which in translation means “to give to your creations for their merits”, “great judge”. Tse im'ya enter up to the number 99 names of Allah.

Demir- Div. meaning of the name Damir.

Demirel (Demirel)- Turkic im'ya, translating as "a good hand".

Jabbar (Jabbar)- Arabic name, as it carries the meaning of "what is under the order of one's will." One of the names of the Almighty.

Jabir (Jabir)- Arabic name, which translates as "quiet".

Dzhabrail (Dzhabrail, Dzhibril)- Arabic name, which means "the power of God." The ruler of such a name is the angel Jabrail (Gabriel), who is respected by the greatest angel. The angel Jabrail herself was the mediator between the Lord of the worlds and the Prophet Muhammad (S.G.V.) at the moment of the messenger of the blood of Allah.

Javad (Jawat, Javid)- Arabic im'ya, which means "a person with a wide soul", "that I am generous".

Jagfar (Jakfar, Yagfar, Jafar)- Arabic name, yak is translated as “dzherelo”, “key”, “dzherelo”, “strumok”.

Jalil (Jalil, Zalil)- Arabic name with a translation of the meaning of "authoritative", "chance", "chance".

Jalal (Jalal, Zalal)- Arabic name, translated as "greatness", "supremacy", "headache".

Jamal (Jamal, Jemal, Jamal)- Arabic name, yake carry the sense of "perfection", "ideal".

Jamaletdin (Jamalutdin, Jamaluddin)- Arabic name, which means "perfection of religion".

Dzhambulat (Dzhanbulat, Dzhambolat)- Arab-Turkish im'ya, translated as "mitzna soul".

Jamil (Jamil, Jamil, Jamil, Zyamil)- Arabic name, yake maє meaning “beautiful”, “beautiful”.

Jannur (Zinnur)- Turkic im'ya, yak transferring like "soul".

Jaudat- Div. name meaning.

Jihangir (Jigangir)- Persian name, which in translation means “conqueror”, “supporter of the world”, “lord of the world”. That was the name of the young son of Sultan Suleiman Kanuni.

Dilovar (Dilavar, Dilyaver)- Persian name, which translates as “masculine”, “fearless”, “smiling”.

Dinar- Arabic name, yak is transferred like a “gold coin”, in to this particular type- "expensive". Dinar is the official currency of a number of Arab powers, such as Algeria, Bahrain, Iraq, Kuwait, etc.

Dіnislam- Arabic name, made by a path of two words: “Din” (“religion”) and “Islam” (“Islam”, “pride to God”).

Dinmukhamed (Dinmukhammed)- Arabic name, yak means "religion of the Prophet Muhammad (S.R.V.)".


Zhalil(Sorry) - div. name meaning.

Tisnov- Div. name meaning.

Zhaudat (Javdat, Javdat, Jaudat, Dzhevdet, Zaudat)- Arabic name, yak in translation means “overwhelming”, “generous”.


Zabir- Arabic name, translated as "hard", "strong", "mitzny".

Zagіd (Zagіt)- Arabic name, what is the meaning of "pious", "holy".

Zagir- Arabic name, yak means "shiny", "glossy", "yaskraviy".

Zaid (Zeid)- Arabic im'ya, the meaning of the translation of what is - "gift", "gift".

Zaydulla (Zeydulla)- Arabic name, yak is translated as “gift of Allah”, “gift of the Almighty”.

Zainula (Zeynula)- Arabic name, yak means "I will embellish the All-Vishish".

Zakariya (Zakharia, Zakariya)- old-Jewish name, like a sense of "what ever you remember about God." Mav tse im'ya is one of the messengers of the Lord on Earth - the Prophet Zakariya (AS), who was the father of the prophet Yah'є (John, AS) and uncle Mary, the mother of the prophet Іsi (Jesus Christ, and .With.).

Zakі (Zakіy)- Arabic name, which means “wise”, “building”, “gifted”.

Zakir- Arabic name, as it translates in the meaning of “praising the Almighty”, “that give praise to Allah”.

Zalimo- Arabic name, yak means "zhorstoy", "despot", "tyrant".

For peace- Arabic name, translated as "sumlіnny", "honest".

Zarif (Zarip)- Arabic name, which means "favourable", "waving".

Zahid (Zakhit)- Arabic name, as if translated as “modest”, “ascetic”.

Zelimkhan (Zalimkhan)- Div. name meaning.

Zinnat- Arabic name, which in translation means “embellishment”, “beautiful”, “wonderful”.

Zinatulla (Zinatulla)- Arabic name, the meaning of which is “embellishment of the All-Vishish”.

Zinnur- Arabic name, meaning of interpretation of something - “promenisty”, “bright”, “hanging”.

Ziyad (Ziat)- Arabic name, which means “growth”, “multiply”, “enlargement”.

Ziyaddin (Ziyatdin)- Arabic im'ya zі let's interpret the meanings "that I multiply religion", "that I expand religion".

Zubair (Zubayr)- Arabic name, which means "strong".

Zulfat (Zolfat)- Arabic name, as if it is translated by the curly-haired clerk. That's what they called the lads, they were people with curly hair.

Zufar (Zofar)- Arabic name, yak in translation means "survivor", "survivor".


Іbad (Іbat, Gibat)- Arabic name, which is translated as a “slave”. Whose mind is in trouble, who bears his name as a servant of the Almighty Lord.

Ibragim (Ibrahim)- Jewish-Arabic name, meaning "father of the people". That was the name of one of the greatest messengers of Allah - the prophet Ibrahim (AS), who was known to the biblical names Abraham. It should be noted that the prophet Ibragim (AS) was the forefather of the Jewish and Arab peoples, for which he was called the "father of the peoples."

IDRIS- Arabic name, which in translation means “diligent”, “enlightened”. The name of the name was in one of the first prophets in the history of mankind - the prophet Idris (a.s.).

Izmail- div. meaning of the name Ismail

Ikram- Arabic name, which in translation means “shanuvannya”, “povagu”, “authority”.

Ilgam (Ilham, Ilgam)- Arabic name with the meanings of "sweaty", "nasty".

Іlgіz (Іlgіs, Іlgіz)- Persian name, translated as "mandrivnik", "mandrivnik".

Ilgizar (Ilgizar)- perske im'ya, sense of what - "a person, like a dear one".

Ildan (Ildan)- Tatar-Persian im'ya, which in translation means "to glorify your country".

Ildar (Ildar, Eldar)- tse Tatar-Persian im'ya has the sense of "the master of his country", "a man, like a fatherland".

Ildus (Ildus)- Tatar-Persian im'ya, which means "to love one's country".

Ilnaz (Ilnaz, Ilnas)- Tatar-Persian im'ya zі meaning "to cherish your country".

Ilnar (Ilnar, Elnar)- Tatar-Persian im'ya, as if translated as "half of the people", "the fire of the state."

Ilnur (Ilnur, Elnur)- Tatar-Persian im'ya, which means "to the people."

Ilsaf (Ilsaf)- Tatar-Persian іm'ya zі zmilovim meanings "purity to the people".

Ilsiyar (Іlsiyar)- Tatar-Persian im'ya, meaning "to love your people", "to love your country".

Ilsur (Ilsur)- Tatar-Persian im'ya, as if translated as "a hero of his country", "a hero of his people".

Ilfar (Ilfar)- Tatar-Persian name, which at the translation means “a lighthouse for its people”.

Ilfat (Ilfat)- Tatar-Persian im'ya, which means "friend of one's country", "friend of one's people".

Ilshat (Ilshat)- Tatar-Persian name, which can mean "joy for one's own country", "joy for one's people".

Ilyas- Hebrew-Arabic name, yak at the translation means "the power of God." He is one of the prophets of the All-Vishish Ilyas (Іllya, a.s.).

Ilyus- Tatar name, which in translation means “grow, my country”, “prosvіt, my people”.

Imam- Arabic name, translated as "standing in front." In Islam, believers are called imams, as primates for the hour of collective prayer. For Shizm, the imam is the supreme ruler, the head of spiritual and secular power.

Imamali (Imamgalі, Emomali)- Arabic name, made by a path of two words: “Imam” (spiritual leader, primate) of that name Ali. This name is even more popular among Shiite Muslims, among whom the cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad (S.R.V.) - Ali ibn Abu Talib (Imam Ali) is respected by the most famous person after the Prophet himself (S.R.V.) .

Iman- Arabic im'ya, as if translated as "vira", "iman". They called the boy, spodіvayuchis, scho in the future camp will be a richly believing person.

Imanaly (Imangali)- Arabic name, which means "Ali's faith".

Imran (Emran, Gimran)- Arabic name, as if translated by the word "life". Vono is guessed at the Qur'an: zokrema, the third sura is called.

Inal- Turkic im'ya, yakim has the sense of "a man, may be a noble demeanor", "the emperor's bait".

Ingham (Inham)- Arabic name, as if translated as “gift”, “gift”.

Insaf- Arabic name, yak means "modest", "wiggles", "fair".

Intizar (Intizar)- Arabic name for the meanings of “dove-calculated child”. Evidently, they were named after children.

Irek (Irek)- Tatar name, which in translation means “vіlny”, “vіlny”, “square”.

Irfan (Girfan, Khirfan)- perske im'ya, as if it is translated as "illumination", "illumination".

Irkhan (Erkhan, Girkhan)- Persian im'ya, which means "male khan".

Irshat- Arabic name, meaning interpretation of what - "instructs on the true path."

Isa- div. name meanings.

Іskander (Іskandar)- Long time Greek name, which means "overcome". Tsim im'yam (Іskander Zulkarnay) in the Muslim world was called the great commander Oleksander the Great.

Islam (Islam)- Arabic name, which resembles the name of the religion of Islam. The very word "islam" is translated as "surrender to Allah".

Ismail (Izmail, Ismagil, Ismail)- Arabic name, yak means Vsevishnіy all chuє. Mav tse im'ya is one of God's messengers - Prophet Ismail (AS), the elder son of the forefather of the peoples of the Prophet Ibrahim (AS). It is important that the Arab people and the Prophet Muhammad (s.g.v.) are the same as the prophet Ismail (a.s.).

Ismat (Ismet)- Arabic name, which translates as “zahist”, “support”.

Israfil (Israfil)- Arabic name, translation of which - “war”, “fight”. That is the name of one of the greatest angels of Allah - the angel Israfil (AS), the main function of which is the message about the coming of the Day of Judgment.

Ishak (Isaak)- Hebrew-Arabic name, which is translated as “joyful”, “radical”. Yogo wearing one of the messengers of the Almighty - the prophet Ishak (a.s.), the son of the forefather of the peoples of the Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.). It is important that the Jewish people and all future prophets, after the vinyatka of Muhammad (s.g.v.) were yogo baited.

Іhlas (Іhlyas)- Arabic name, yak, it is translated as “shiry”, “honest”. One of the suras of the Holy Quran is called.

Ikhsan (Yehsan)- Arabic name, which means "kind", "merciful", "helps".


Kabir (Kyabir)- Arabic name, as if translated as "great", "magnificent". Enter up to the list of the names of the All-Vishish.

Kavi (Kavii)- Arabic name, sense of some “powerful”, “strong”. All in the name of Allah.

Kadi (Kadiy)- div. the meaning of the name Kazi.

Kadim- Arabic name, which in translation means “ancient”, “old”.

Kadir (Kedir)- Arabic name, yak is translated as "what the Volodya can do." One of the names of the Lord of Lights in Islam.

Kazbek (Kazibek)- Arab-Turkish im'ya, made by a way of folding two names: Kazi (judgment) and Bek (pan, prince).

Kazi (Kaziy)- Arabic im'ya, translation of the meaning of which is “judgment”. Call out, kaziya call judges, who are engaged in sharia rights.

Kazim- Arabic name, as if translated as “streaming”, “tolerant”, “what is your own anger”.

Kamal (Kamal, Kemal)- Arabic name, the sense of which is expressed by the words "perfection", "ideal", "maturity".

Kamil (Kamil)- Arabic name, yak means "perfect", "ideal".

Kamran- Perske im'ya, scho maє meaning "strong", "mighty", "mighty".

Karam- Arabic name, translated as "generosity", "generosity".

Kari (Kariy)- Arabic name, which in translation means “reader, who knows the Koran”, “hafiz the Koran”.

Carib (Karip)- Arabic name, which means "close", "approach".

Karim (Karim)- Arabic name, as if translated as “generous”, “a person with a wide soul”.

Karimulla (Karimulla)- Arabic name, meaning "the magnanimity of the Almighty", "the nobility of Allah".

Qasim (Qasim, Qasim)- Arabic name, which in translation means “spreading”, “spreading”, “spreading”.

Kausar (Kavsar, Kyausar)- Arabic name, as if translated as "wealth". Kausar - the name of the glass at Rayu.

Kafі (Kafіy)- Arabic name, the meaning of which is “thorny”, “building”.

Qayum (Qayum)- Arabic name, which means “to support life”, “forever”. Enter up to the number 99 names of the Almighty.

Kemal- div. meaning of the name Kamal.

Kiram- Arabic name, yak, it is translated as “big hearted”, “big-hearted”.

Qiyam (Kiyam)- Arabic name, which in translation means “resurrection”, “rising”.

Kudrat (Kodrat)- Arabic name, as if translated as “strength”, “power”.

Kurban (Korban)- Arabic name, as if translated as “sacrifice”, “sacrifice”. Whose mind is in need of a sacrifice to Allah.

Kurbanali (Korbanali)- Іm'ya, folded with a path of folded two Arabic names: Kurban ("sacrifice") and Ali.

Kutdus (Kuddus, Kotdus)- Arabic name, the sense of which can be expressed with the epithet "Vilniy vіd be-yakikh nedolіkіv". One of the names of the Lord of the Muslims.

Qiyam- Div. the meaning of the name Qiyam.


Latif (Latif, Latip, Latif)- Arabic name, which in translation means “intelligence”, “what is intelligible”. One of the names of the All-Vishish.

Lenar (Linar) - Russian name, adopted as the phrase "Lenin's army" Similar names became popular among the Radians.

Lenur (Lіnur)- Russian name, which represents the abbreviated phrase "Lenin fell asleep revolution." Vono showed up for the radian hours.

Lukman (Lokman)- Arabic name, yak in translation means "who pisses", "shows turbota". That was the name of one of the righteous, who are guessed in the Qur'an.

Loot (Lot)- a long-Jewish name, the leader of a prophet Lut (a.s.), messages to the people of the Sadum tribe, also known as Sodom and Gomorrah.

Laziz (Laziz)- Arabic name, which in translation means "savory", "licorice".


Mavlid (Maulid, Maulit, Mavlit, Mavlut, Mevlut)- Arabic name, which literally translates as "National Day". As a rule, this word means the Day of the people of the Prophet Muhammad (S.G.V.).

Magdi (Magdi, Mahdi)- Arabic name, which means "breathing the way, which shows the All-Vishish".

Magomed (Mohammed)- div. Meaning of the name Muhammad.

Majid (Majit, Majid, Majit, Mazit)- Arabic name, yak is translated as "conditions". To enter before the names of the Creator.

Maksud (Maksut)- Arabic name, which in the translation means “pragnennya”, “meta”, “namir”.

Malik (M'yalik)- Arabic name, what is the meaning of "volodar", "volodar". One of the names of the All-Vishish.

Mansour (Mansor)- Arabic name, which in translation means “overcome”, which means “I will overcome Christmas”.

Marat- French name, yak became wider among the Tatars after the Zhovtnevoy revolution. For the sake of wearing one of the leaders of the French Revolution - Jean Paul Marat.

Mardan- perske im'ya, as if translated as "bogatyr", "hero", "hero".

Marlene- Russian name, made by the way of folding the names of Marx and Lenin.

Mars- Latin name. In ancient Roman mythology, Mars is the god of war.

Marseille (Marsil)- to the French woman, that the expansion of the Tatars after the revolution of 1917 came to the fate of one of the leaders of the robotic movement in France, Marcel Cachin.

Masgud (Masgut, Maskhut)- Arabic name, which in translation means "happy".

Mahdi- div. Meaning of the name Magdi

Mahmud (Mahmut)- Arabic name, sense of which is expressed by the words “boast”, “good praise”. One of the names of the Prophet Muhammad (S.R.V.).

Mehmed (Mehmet)- Turkic name, analogue of the name Mahmud. This name is even more popular with modern Turkey.

Mihran- Persian im'ya, which means "merciful", "hearty".

Midhat (Mithat, Midhad)- Arabic name, translated as “confirmed”, “highway”.

Mіnle (Mіnne, Mіnі, Mіn)- The word, yak means "with a birthmark." It is most often used in warehouses of collapsible Tatar names. Earlier, the children, who were born with a birthmark, gave them a frequent “Minle”, shards seemed to be true, that the presence of a birthmark is good luck. It used to be like this, that they showed a birthmark already after that, like a child they gave it, they changed it to it with a small part, or they just added it to already known. For example: Minakhmat (Min + Akhmat), Mingali (Min + Gali), Minnehan (Minne + Khan), Minnehanif (Minne + Khanif).

Mirza (Murza, Mirza)- Persian name meaning "great dignitary", "pan", "representative of the nobility".

Muaz (Mugaz)- Arabic name, yak means "abductions".

Muammar (Muammar, Mugammar)- Arabic name, which in translation means "a person who was judged for a long life."

Mubarak (Mobarak, Mubaraksha)- Arabic name, which translates as "sacred".

Mubin- Arabic im'ya, the meaning of a translation of some kind of building vіdіznіt truth vіd nonsense.

Mugalim (Mualim, Mugallim)- Arabic name, which in translation means “vikladach”, “mentor”.

Mudaris- Arabic name meaning “a person who teaches lessons”, “vikladach”.

Muzaffar (Muzaffar, Mozaffar)- Arabic name, which in translation means “warrior, who wins over”.

Muqaddas (Moqaddas)- Arabic name, which translates as “pure”, “pious”.

Mullah- Arabic name, which means "preacher", "illumination of the right religions". Quite often stunned collapsible names like on the cob of the name, so on the cob.

Mullanur- Arabic im'ya, approved by the path, adding the words "mullah" (preacher) and "nur" ("light").

Munir- Arabic name, which in translation means “vibrating light”, “shining”.

Murad (Murat)- Arabic name, yak is translated as "bazhany". It is even more popular among the Turkic powers and regions.

Murza- Div. The meaning of the name Mirza.

Murtaza- Arabic name, which in translation means “excuses”, “loves”.

Musa- Arabic name, the meaning of which is the meaning of the word "child". So tse im'ya is interpreted as "pulling from the sea." One of the most prominent prophets and messengers of Allah was called Musa (a.s.), who was also known as Moses, who brought the people of Israel to Egypt and vryatuvav yoga in the yoke of the Pharaoh.

Muslim- Arabic name, which in translation means “follower of Islam”, “Muslim”.

Mustafa (Mostafa)- Arabic name, translated as “rebuke”, “beautiful”. All in the name of the Prophet Muhammad (r.r.).

Muhammad (Muhammed, Muhamet, Muhammet)- Arabic name, the meaning of which is “boast”. The ruler of whose name was the best of people, if they ever inhabited the planet - the Prophet Muhammad (S.R.V.). On this day, one of the most popular names in the world.

Muharram (Muharlam, Muharram)- Arabic name, yak is translated as “harrowed”. Muharram is the name of the first month of the Muslim monthly calendar.

Mukhlis (Mokhlis)- Arabic name, the meaning of which is “right, good friend”.

Muhsin- Arabic im'ya, translated as "a person who helps others."

Mukhtar (Mokhtar)- Arabic name, which means "rebuke", "rebuke".


Nabі (Nabіy)- Arabic name meaning "prophet". Nabі in Islam are called all the prophets of Allah, zokrema and the prophet Muhammad (s.r.v.).

Navruz (Nauruz)- perske im'ya, yak is translated as "the first day of fate." Navruz - holy spring day, which is seen in a number of Muslim powers.

Nagim (Nahim)- Arabic name, which means "happiness", "welfare".

Najib (Najib, Najip, Najip)- div. the meaning of the name Nazip.

Nadir (Nadir)- Arabic name, yak means “rare”, “what can not be similar”, “unique”.

Nazar- Im'ya of the Arab adventure, the sense of which is "far-sighted", "what to marvel at far ahead."

Nazim (Nazim, Nazim)- Arabic name, which translates as “spore”, “future”.

Nazip (Nazib)- Arabic name, which means "a person honorable trip”, “Dear”.

Nazir (Nazir)- Arabic name, as it is translated as “reminding”, “pererzhuvalny”, “what to guard”.

Nazif (Nazif)- Arabic name for "pure", "blameless".

Na'il (Na'il)- Arabic name, which in translation means “gift”, “gift”, “person, good gift”.

Nariman- Perske im'ya, who at the translation carried the sense of "strong in spirit", "a person with a strong-willed character."

Nasreddin (Nasrutdin)- Arabic name, which means "helping religion", "helping religion".

Nasrullah (Nasrallah)- Arabic name, translated as "helping Allah."

Nasir (Nasser)- Arabic name meaning "pomіchnik", "comrade".

Nafig (Nafik)- Arabic name, which in translation means “meanness”, “benefit”, “gain”.

Nafis (Nefis)- Arabic name, the sense of which can be described with the words “waving”, “beautiful”.

Nizami- Arabic name, as it is translated as "disciplines", "wiggles".

Nihat- Arabic im'ya, meaning translation of some - "the rest of the child." The name was given to the boy, which, as the fathers planned, could we stay.

Niyaz (Niyas)- Arabic name, translated as "requirement", "need", "bazhannya".

Nur- Arabic name, which means "light", "bright".

Nurgali (Nurali)- Arabic folds of the name of the word "light" and the name of Ali.

Nurjan (Nurzhan)- perske im'ya, yak literally means "soul".

Nurislam- Arabic name, like a translation, it sounds like a person who looks like “saying to Islam”.

Nurmuhammet (Nurmukhamet, Nurmuhammad)- Arabic im'ya, which means "light that resembles Muhammad."

Nursultan (Nursoltan)- Arabic name, yak, it is translated as “the current ruler”, “the current sultan”.

Nurulla- Arabic name, which in translation means “the light of Allah”, “the sky of the Almighty”.

Nuh- Jewish-Arabic name. Yogo is worn by the Prophet Nuh (AS), also known as Noah.


Olan (Alan)- Celtic im'ya, as if it is translated as "harmony", "good".

Omer (Omar)- Turkic analogue of the name Umar (div. meaning).

Oraz (Uraz)- Turkic im'ya, which means "happy", "rich".

Orhan- Turkic im'ya, translation of the sensu of someone - "commander", "commander".

Osman (Derzhman)- Turkic analogue of the name Usman (div. yoga). The ruler of whose name was the founder of the great empire of Osman - Osman I.


Parviz (Parvaz, Perviz)- Persian im'ya, like a translation of Farsi, it sounds like "zlіt", "skhodzhennya".

pash a - Perso-Turkic im'ya, yak є a short version of the name Padishah, which means "sovereign". In the empire of Osman, the title of "pasha" is the least of the officials closest to the sultan.


Ravil (Ravil)- Arabic name, at the translation means " spring sun". So tse im'ya is interpreted as "mandrivnik", "mandrivnik".

Rozgin- div. the meaning of the name Rakip.

Rajab (Rejep, Razyap)- Arabic name, yak was given to boys, yak came into the world at this month in Muslim monthly calendar- Month Rajab.

Radik- im'ya greek trip, yake gained popularity among the Tatars in the past century. It is transferred like a "sleepy promise".

Radif- Arabic name, which in translation means “companion”, “what is the charge”. Yogo is also interpreted as "breathing behind all." The name was given to the lads, they were planned like the rest of the child in the family.

Rozzak (Rozak)- Arabic name, which can mean "giving good things". Є one z .

Razil (Razil)- Arabic name, yak, it is translated as “rebuke”, “zgіdniy”.

Rayle (Rayl)- Arabic name, sense of something - “principal”, “principal”.

Rais (Reis)- Arabic name for "head", "head", "leader".

Raif- Arabic name, which translates as “showing pity to the point of repentance”, “merciful”, “pityful”.

Rayhan (Reyhan)- Arabic name, which in translation means “bliss”, “satisfaction”.

Rakib (Rakip)- Arabic name, what is the meaning of "watchman", "guardian", "wart".

Ramadan (Ramadan, Ramzan, Rabadan)- more popular Arabic name, how to give a sound to the boys, how they were born at the hour of the Holy month of obov'yazkovo planting Muslims Ramadan.

Ramzіl (Ramzi, Ramzі)- Arabic name, which means “maє sign”, “symbol”.

Ramis (Ramiz)- Arabic name, translation may mean “a sign that symbolizes good”.

Ramil (Ramil)- Arabic name, as if translated as “wonderful”, “enchanting”.

Rasіl (Razіl)- Arabic name, yak means representative.

Rasim (Rasim, Resim)- Arabic name, sense of something - “what I create pictures”, “artist”.

Rasit (Razit)- Persian im'ya, which in translation means "reaching maturity", "full age".

Rasul (Rasul)- Arabic name, yak is translated as a “messenger”, “messages”. Prophets are called messengers in Islam, as they were sent by Scripture. The Prophet Muhammad (S.G.V.) is also the Messenger of Allah, shards of the messages of the Noble Quran.

Rauf- Arabic name, which means "indulgent", "kind-hearted". One of the names of Allah.

Raushan (Ravshan, Rushan)- perske im'ya, the meaning of some kind of "promenisty", "syuchy".

Rafael (Raphael)- Jewish name, as if translated as "healing by God." At the Holy Letter of the Jews - Taurate (Torah), the angel Raphael is guessing.

Rafik- Arabic name, yak means "friend", "comrade", "buddy".

Rafis- Arabic name, which in translation means “significant”, “signs”.

Rafkat (Rafkat, Rafhat)- Arabic name, which means "greatness".

Rahim- Arabic name, which in translation means "merciful". Enter up to the list of 99 names of the Almighty Creator.

Rahman- Arabic name, yak is translated as "merciful". One of the most commonly used names of the All-Vishish.

Rahmatullah- Arabic name, which means "the mercy of the Almighty."

Rashad (Rashat, Rushad)- Arabic name, sense of which can be conveyed by the words "true", "correct path".

Rashid (Rashit)- Arabic name, at the crossroads means "what is falling down in a straight way." Lives among the names of the Lord of Lights in Islam.

Ryan (Ryan)- Arabic name, which is translated as “universally resentment”.

Renat (Rinat)- Im'ya, more popular with the Tatars and folded the way to add the words: "revolution", "science" and "practice". It appeared at the Tatar families after the revolution of 1917.

Ref (Rif)- Im'ya, the phrase "revolutionary front" was adopted from the first letters. So the Tatar deacons began to name their children in the post-revolutionary period.

Refnur (Rifnur)- im'ya, the folding of the first letters of the phrase "revolutionary front" and the Arabic word "nur" (light) was adopted. Im'ya appeared among the Tatars at the Radianian rock.

Riza (Riza)- Arabic name, as if it is translated as “good”, “pleasure”, “pleasure”.

Rizvan (Rizvan)- Arabic name, which means "spiritual joy". Why should I wear an angel, which is changing on the varty of Paradise bramy.

Rome- im'ya, folded in a way adding the first letters of the phrase "revolution and light". Vono viniklo among the Tatars after the Zhovtnevoy revolution.

Rifat (Refat, Rіfgat)- Arabic name, yak carry the sense of "coming to the mountain."

Rifkat (Refkat)- Arabic name, which means "blessed".

Rishat (Rishad)- Arabic name, the meaning of which is “which is falling straight”.

Robert- English name, given with a zmist "grand glory". The Tatars appeared in the middle of the last century.

Rudolf (Rudolf)- Nіmetske im'ya, which means "glorious vovk". The Tatar families began to appear after the revolution.

Ruzal (Ruzal)- Persian name, which is often translated as “happy”.

Ruslan- words'yanske im'ya, more popular with the Tatars. Walk like the Turkic name Arslan (Lion).

Rustam (Rustem)- perske im'ya, which means " big man". In old-Persian creativity - a hero, a hero.

Rufat- Im'ya, a modification of the Arabic rifat. May meaning "what is taking the high position."

Rushan- Div. meaning of the name Raushan.

Muslim names for girls are popular among Islamic families, and among representatives of the western society. That deep symbolism resounding uniquely does not leave anyone baited. The most beautiful Muslim names for girls to resemble іz arabic movie. Among them, there are those that may be Turkic, Persian and Iranian. For the sake of justice, varto signifies that in the modern Islamic tradition of etymology woman's name not as important as before. Much more significance is hoped for by such a factor as sounding. Behind the Muslim traditions, today the girls can be beautiful and melodic. Vono can carry in his own femininity, femininity and charm. Tse to allow the future man to be filled with not only the beauty of the girl, but also the sweet-sounding names.

The meaning of Muslim names for girls

The meaning of Muslim names for girls is not less important, but they sound less. Vono may be associated with such rices as tenderness, kindness, femininity, turbotlivism, generosity and others. Beautiful Muslim names for girls, the meaning of which may be abstract in nature, are becoming very popular these days. Of course, fathers often name their daughters in honor of the squads and daughters of the Prophet Muhammad.

A lot of fellows pick up happy Muslim names for girls on a monthly basis. Look at those who believe that the date of the birth of the little one is already pouring into their share. Calling on the price, having counted the sum of the name of the special horoscope of the girl, the fathers take away the possibility of providing for their daughter the most pleasant future.

Top most beautiful Muslim names for girls

  • Alsu. In the Russian translation, it means "erysipelas"
  • Alpha. Muslim name for a girl, what does it mean = "friendship"
  • Amira. Kind of Arabic "knyazivna" / "princess"
  • Amina. Muslim name for a girl means = "chesna" / "virna"
  • Varda. Translated from Arabic means "troyanda"
  • Gulnyara. Interpreted as "pomegranate flower"
  • Zulfiya. Muslim girl's name, which may mean "pretty"
  • Ilnyar. Virobniche vіd slіv "Il" = "Fatherland" and Nar" = "half-me"
  • Leyli. Muslim name for a girl may mean "nich"
  • Maram. Type of Arabic "pragment"
  • Mukhji. In Russian translation it means "soul"
  • Nadir. Im'ya, what is the meaning of "ridkishna"
  • Rashid. It is interpreted as "the one who goes the right way"
  • Halima. Muslim name of a girl, what is the meaning of "tolerant"

Muslim names for girls from the Quran

In the rest of the hour with the families who follow Islam, we are interested in the Muslim names of girls in the Koran. There are not so many such names. From the woman at the sacred book, Mar'yam is less likely to guess. Usі іnshі іmeny - tse virobnichi vіd rіznіh sіv іz zmіstom, zapozichnyh іz pisannya. For example, Aya = “banner”, Bursha = “radio call”, Khuda = “correct path” and in.

The Uighurs are a Turkic people numbering over 10 million people, most of them live in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China (before the speech, this region has 80 thousand of natural reserves in the country). Uiguri є we follow the size of the people of China. The Uighur people rose up over 400 times against the sovereignty of China. After the revolt of 1862 - 1881, a mass flow of Uighurs began on the territory of present-day Kazakhstan. In the 60s and 70s of the 20th century, more Uighurs from China arrived on the territory of Kazakhstan. Nearly 230,000 Uighurs live near Kazakhstan. The Uighur diaspora is also significant in Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkey and other lands. The Uighurs follow Islam, like the stench they adopted from the X century.

Like the Kazakhs, the Uyghurs are the result of the mixing of the Mongoloid and European races. While among the Kazakhs, the part of Europeanness becomes close to 30 thousand, then among the Uighurs, Europeanness is more important and becomes close to 60 thousand. Portal selected 15 most beautiful, in the opinion of the editors, cigarettes. Only Uighur women - actresses, dancers, couples, fashion models - are included before the rating.

15th place: Baha Guli / Bahargul- Uighur model from China. It was born on April 2, 1988 in Urumchi (the capital of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China). The growth is 166 centimeters.

14th place: Dilraba Dilmurat- Uighur actress from China. She was born in Urumqi on the 3rd day of 1992. Zrostannia 171 centimeters.

13th place: Paziliya Gulam- partner, participant of the Uighur group "Gul Yaru" from Xinjiang.

12th place: Amangul Sidik- Uighur dance and dance from Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region to China.

11th place: Elmira Saidullayeva- Uighur dance. Born 1983 rock. Performing at the Sovereign Republican Uighur Theater of Musical Comedy named after K. Kuzham'yarov.

Dances at Vikonan Elmira Saidullaeva:

10th place: Dilnar Abdullah- dance from Xinjiang. By father - Uighur, by mother - goat. Born 1966 rock.

Dilnar Abdullah vikonu Uighur dance

9th place: Dilnaz Ahmadiev- Kazakh spivachka. For nationalism - Uighur. Born on 20 leaf fall 1980 rock in Almaty

8th place: Aida Abdullaeva(Born on the 13th of spring 1988) - First Vice-Miss Radio Uygurum 2014.

7th place: Indira Bilimova- a partner, a huge participant in the Kazakh group FM.

Indira Bilimova at the warehouse of the FM group (on the far right):

6th place: Dilyara Gasitova(born December 31, 1993) - Mіs Radio Uygurum 2014. Dilyary's Instagram account -

5th place: Medina Maimaiti- Uighur actress, fashion model and dancer from China. It was born on the 10th of spring 1987 in Urumqi. Size 170 centimeters, figure parameters 80-62-91.

4th place: Zarina Altinbaeva- Kazakh spivachka. It was born in 1985 in Karaganda. Zarina Altinbaeva is a Uighur by mother, she is also Kazakh, Tatar and Uzbek root. Treat yourself as a Uighur.

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