The spring sun warmed the earth, the oars rang

Dictation No. 1 on the topic "Proposition".

Autumn at the fox.

Like a garniy autumn forest! The birch trees were dressed with golden cloth. The leaves of the maple rose red. Thick oak leaves became like mid. The pines and yalinkas were left green. Strokaty kilim leaves sharudіv under the feet. And foxes have some mushrooms! Winter mushrooms and yellow mushrooms check for mushroom pickers. (43 words)

Manager. 1 option: Give a description of 1 proposition. See the grammatical basis in 2 sentences.

2 option: Give a description of 1 proposition. See the grammatical basis for 3 sentences.

Dictation No. 2 forIquarter

Autumn forest.

Zhovten. The trees have long been shed their leaves. At the fox’s board, and the leaves on the paths do not fumble under your feet. The thrushes circled over the gorobina. The stench pecked at the grena yagid. Jays were screaming near oak trees. A little tit squeaked over the yalina. The hazel grouse flew to the forest hut. (41 words)

Manager. Write a single word from the text, see the root.

1 option: See the grammatical basis for 4 sentences.

2 option: See the grammatical basis for 7 sentences.

Dictation No. 3 on the topic "Spelling of unvoiced voiced words".

Snow figurines.

A wet snow is flying from the sky. The lads swung over the top and began to stick to the snow of the figurine. Kolya made a snowman. Garny snowman! The nose has a red carrot. The hands have a mite, and on the head a cebro. Zhenya, having been borne by the crying victories. Roofing felt and Illya lied Dida Frost and Snіguronka. Dіd Moroz buv іz beard. Snіguronka in the hands of trimal green yalinka. (58 lines)

Manager. Write 3 words from the text with an unvoiced voice dokorinno, write a reversed word, see the spelling. Write a group of disputed words from the text, see the roots.

Dictation No. 4 forIIquarter

Holy Fox.

The night curl has embellished the fox. Vіn becoming like a miracle fairy tale. The young bushes were covered with snow coats. Yalin's paws were clothed with soft mittens. The gigantic kuchuguri were telling the bells. The sun has gone down. Snowflakes shone with bright glints. Z-pіd snіgu vіletіv grouse. Vіn glancing mіstsevіst and anger at the birch tree birch tree.

Manager. Write down 2 words: first - in the spelling of the paired land in the root, the other - in the spelling of the nevimovnoi land; order from the skin word to write perevіrochne.

1 option: See the grammatical basis in 1 speech. Pick up the word for the warehouse miracle.

2 option: See the grammatical basis in 5 sentences. Pick up the word for the warehouse yalino.

Dictation No. 5 on the topic "Spelling of suffixes and prefixes."

It's a winter day. Titmouse Zinka stribal on the neck. The eye of the titmouse gostre. Under the bark of the trees, she dug out the coma. Axis Zinka gave birth to a little girl, pulled a coma and z'їla. Then a bear came up in the snow. The bear is shaking, all flustered. Vaughn explained her fear to Zinka. The bear fell into the bear barlig. There, the great vedmeditsya and the little vedmezhat slept well. (54 words)

Manager. Write from the text one word at a time with a separate sign b and b, see the spelling. Write 2 words from the text with a prefix, see її.

Dictation No. 6 forIIIquarter

Trip to the village.

Vletka we vyrishili z'ezditi to the grandmother to the village. A lot of trouble before the exit! The axis of mi is already at the train. How to marvel at the vikno! Nevdovzі roz'izd. The train hummed. I'm kicking my grandma. On її disguise a radiant grin. Vaughn is waving her hand to us. Now we are blessed by the kin Orlik. There are wide fields on the sides of the road. Grandmother explained to me, like the growth of bread. Over the evening we went to the village. (63 words)

Manager. 1 option: Vikonati parsing 7 speech. Pick a word granny behind the warehouse.

2 option: Vikonati parsing 9 speech. Pick a word pull behind the warehouse.

Dictation No. 7 on the topic "Prikmetnik".

Early spring.

Harn early spring at the fox! Brightly shine the spring sun. Light gloom embellishes the blue sky. The smell of tar was smelled of stale brunki. The young grass appeared. Glancing at the dove leaf. Z pagorba zadzyurchav balakuchi strumok. White pines were grazing happy whites. A small bunny grizzles the bark of a young aspen. On Galyavin, they brought their vedmezhuts to the drill of the vedmeditsy. Merry and radiant forest hanging! (58 lines)

Manager. Vipisati 3 be-like prikmetniki in alone, Significantly їх рід, see the end.

1 option: See the grammatical basis in 8 sentences, sign all parts of the mov. Pick up the word for the warehouse dove.

2 option: See the grammatical basis in 9 sentences, sign all parts of the mov. Pick up the word for the warehouse prolisok.

Dictation No. 8 on the theme "The Borrower".

Spring has come. The sun beeped the snow from the watering. The brunki on the trees were cracked. Young leaves appeared. The bdzhilka threw itself. Vaughn woke up her friends. The bdzhіlki flew out of the hill. Axis under the bush of stench blew a blue little note. It was a blue violet. Vaughn sipped her cup. There buv licorice. The bdzhilki drank juice and merrily flew home. (51 words).

Manager. Write down the borrowers from the text, and indicate their number.

1 option: Vikonati parsing 4 words.

2 option: Vikonati parsing 7 speech

River dictation.

The spring sun warmed the earth. The spring stalks chimed. Bіlya budinkov chirping noisy hobtsі. From the humpbacks the balakuch strumki were killed. Bread was green in the fields. Willow-trees crept into golden sacks. The fox has bloomed dove sprouts. Titmouses merrily flew from neck to neck. The stench whispered in the folds of the measles of the worm-yachkіv trees. The teterovs were angry at the Galyavins. Birds knelt on the ground with their wings and played wild games. Nezabar to fly to the fatherland cranes. (64 words)

Manager.1 option: Vikonati parsing 3 words. Pick up the word for the warehouse noisy. Designate the hour of the word in 1 speech.

2 option: Vikonati parsing 4 words. Pick up the word for the warehouse balakuchi. Designate the hour of the word in the rest of the proposition.

Dictation from Russian movie 3 class 1 quarter

Dictation from Russian movie 3rd grade 2nd quarter

Dictation from Russian movie 3rd grade 3rd quarter

Dictation from Russian movie 3rd grade 4th quarter

Russian language dictation 3rd grade

Dictation on the topic "Proposition"

Autumn at the fox

Like a garniy autumn forest! The birch trees were dressed with golden cloth. The leaves of the maple rose red. Thick oak leaves became like mid. The pines and yalinkas were left green. Strokaty kilim leaves sharudіv under the feet. And foxes have some mushrooms! Winter mushrooms and yellow mushrooms check for mushroom pickers. (43 words)

  1. Describe 1 proposition. See the grammatical basis in 2 sentences.
  2. Describe 1 proposition. See the grammatical basis for 3 sentences.

Dictation on the topic "Spelling of unvoiced voiced words"

Snow figurines

A wet snow is flying from the sky. The lads swung over the top and began to stick to the snow of the figurine. Kolya made a snowman. Garny snowman! The nose has a red carrot. The hands have a mite, and on the head a cebro. Zhenya, having been borne by the crying victories. Roofing felt and Illya lied Dida Frost and Snіguronka. Dіd Moroz buv іz beard. Snіguronka in the hands of trimal green yalinka. (58 lines)

  1. Write 3 words from the text with an unvoiced voice beforehand, write a reverse word, see the spelling.
  2. Type in the text of the group native tales see the root.

Dictation on the topic "Spelling of suffixes and prefixes"


It's a winter day. Titmouse Zinka stribal on the neck. The eye of the titmouse gostre. Under the bark of the trees, she dug out the coma. Axis Zinka gave birth to a little girl, pulled a coma and z'їla. Then a bear came up in the snow. The bear is shaking, all flustered. Vaughn explained her fear to Zinka. The bear fell into the bear barlig. There, the great vedmeditsya and the little vedmezhat slept well. (54 words)

  1. Write from the text one word at a time with a separate sign b and b, see the spelling.
  2. Write 2 words from the text with a prefix, see її.

Dictation on the topic "Prikmetnik"

early spring

Harn early spring at the fox! Brightly shine the spring sun. Light gloom embellishes the blue sky. The smell of tar was smelled of stale brunki. The young grass appeared. Glancing at the dove leaf. Z pagorba zadzyurchav balakuchi strumok. White pines were grazing happy whites. A small bunny grizzles the bark of a young aspen. On Galyavin, they brought their vedmezhuts to the drill of the vedmeditsy. Merry and radiant forest hanging! (58 lines)

  1. Write down 3 be-yakikh prikmetnikov in one, signify їх rd, see the end.
  2. Option 1: See the grammatical basis in 8 sentences, sign all parts of the mov. Razіbrati behind the warehouse the word dove.
  3. Option 2: See the grammatical basis in 9 sentences, sign all parts of the mov. Pick up the word prolisok behind the warehouse.

(module Adaptive block Adsense on the cob statti)




Presented here are dictations conducted by students of the 3rd class of the middle lighting installations. The method of writing dictations is the re-verification of the stage acquired by the 3rd class trained students. Rіven folding dictations and other heads of training in vіdpovіdaє іvnі pіdgotovki uchnіv 3 klіv pochatkovoї school.

Vibirkov dictations

1. Write the words, indicate the hour of the words.

I. 1) Singing on the chimney-pieces, making noise (S. Drozhzhin). 2) The sky darkened. The gloomy stars were beckoning. They sharpened the stench, they caught it and covered the sun (A. Gaidar). 3) The birds soon fall asleep, the fox bushes are green (I. Surikov).

II. 1) Thunderstorms rumbled. 2) Like a bliskavka hit an old oak tree on top of a hump. 3) Dunya wind, hitna birch. 4) Snow covered the ground. 5) Lying down mows of kuchuguri, and only de-not-de-washing bushes from them.

2. Write down the words with frequent not, indicate the hour of the words.

1) Don’t seem, don’t sleep, but whoever goes to the owner, let them know. (Dog.) 2) Metu, metu - I don’t, I carry, I carry - I don’t blame, darkness - I’m on my own. (Tin.) 3) Who is not spinning, not tche, but dressing people. (Sheep.) 4) Make up without rahuvav, by roads not zhzhav, but across the sea buvav. (Shpak.) 5) The silver ditch passed through the whole sea, but did not soak it. (Month, month.)

Renovation of dictation

Write out the text of the scripture, which is heard by ear, then correct the text according to the supporting scriptures and write it down.

IVovy benket

Willow blossomed. Leather willow ram - downy zhovte kurcha: sit and shine. The guests hurry to the banquet.

Jmil has arrived. Bassed, twirled, all at the nail file wimazavsya. The ants came. They pounced on the files and their stomachs swelled like barrels. The mosquitoes have arrived. Flies buzz. Mustache buzz and hurry up.

The greenery of the willow is the end of the banquet.


It is a joy to shine a sun on a spring day. Shvidko tanya in the fields of snow. They died on the roads of fun, balakuchi strings. Lead on the river blue. Puffed up on the trees fragrant, sticky brunki. Graks have already arrived from the warm lands. Important, black, walk the stench of roads. They put the boys on the spatula trees. Hurry up and marvel at the schools, that there are no spring guests - shpaks.

Migratory birds

Quails flew home from warm lands. The stench flew over the sea. A storm caught them on the way. The birds got tired. The stench was strong on the ship's shoes. The sailors huddled on the deck of the breadcrumbs that night. The birds began to peck at the food. Axis blew the sun. The sea has calmed down. The birds got warm, flew up, straightened their wings and flew off on the road.

Words for dovіdok: chi piled on deck boo, this check, calmed down.

Transverse (explanatory) dictation

View from the window

I looked at the end. The fog has long since faded. The sun shone. A river splashed lazily down below. Bushes of wild cherry grew on the banks. The voices of birds chimed. Chervony clayey urvisch ishov right up to the water. The stitch of the snake ran to the water. Behind the river, the taiga was green, so shaky in the sunshine.


Kviten is the month of spring. It's fun to ring the spring crabs. Kalyuzhs are planted in the yards. You can see the sun and the blue sky near the kalyuzhs. Gorobtsі zaderikovat tsvirinkayut. There is no more snow in the fields. Lid turned blue and puffed up. The wild pitchings have already arrived from noon. Young green grass appeared on the Galyavin. The first tickets looked. At the black heights, a merry song of a lark rang.

Thunderstorm on the River

I'm going fishing. Throwing woods bіlya verbi. The sun calmly plivlo over the forest. Raptom from behind the hillock hmara hovered. The sky darkened. A storm has begun. Here I pecked. The fox tensed up. Midny ide sang at the clay. I pushed the fish to the shore and threw the grass near. Lightning flashed through the sky, thundered overhead, and ide streaked near the grass. Dosch іz by force hitting the water. The river began to boil, it began to bewilder. Bliskavki shone over the water. It became scary. I rapped the boards.

Translation of dictations

in the spring

The spring sun warmed the earth. The spring stalks chimed. Bіlya budinkov chirping noisy hobtsі. From the humpbacks the balakuch strumki were killed. Bread was green in the fields. Willow-trees crept into golden sacks. The fox has bloomed dove sprouts. Titmouses merrily flew from neck to neck. The stench whispered in the folds of the measles of the worm-yachkіv trees. The teterovs were angry at the Galyavins. Birds knelt on the ground with their wings and played wild games. Nezabar to fly to the fatherland cranes. (64 words)

Spring at the fox

Garna spring at the fox! Birds are singing like a dream. Spring strings ring under the trees. Resin smells of stale sticky brunki. The sun gently warmed the earth. A warm wind passed by the high peaks. Green leaves on the trees. The young grass appeared. White and black streaks bloomed on the fox galyavins. They fell asleep over the strings of the vociferous nightingales. Ants began to run over the mounds. Progudіv first jmil. Moose grazed on the pripiku. (62 words)

Words for dovіdok: on pritsi, affectionately.

In the field

Paul was doing well. Warm wind blowing. The spring sun gently warmed. Tractors easily pulled plows. The plows turned over the black balls of the earth. Jackdaws were the first to work near the field. As soon as I save the birds, they flew to the oranka. Arrived on the field shpak and graki. The seagulls flew on the bird's door. Birds peck at worms. Naismilivishi climb right under the plow. Garniy insults were given to the birds by the spring land. (60 lines)

Words for dovіdok: affectionately, turned over, oranges.

(module Adaptive block Adsense for example statistics)

Dictation in Russian language class 3 Dictation - this type of spelling is right, the essence of which for learning is based on the record taken by ear speech, words, text ... control dictations Russian language for the 3rd class Farewell to the autumn The weather is cold. Weave the moon for the woods. Dma autumn wind. Making noise at the tree garden. At night, having stopped the board. Vipav first snow. Very light. All dovkol became shaky. Two crows perched on a birch. Posipavshy puffy snow. The road froze. Frozen leaves and grass on the stezhtsі bіlya booth. Words of dovodok: it became, podmerzla. Grammar task: At the first rechenni pіdkresliti pіdlyagayut і awards. Razіbrati for the warehouse of the word: osіnіy, garden. Write a word in the text, in which there are more letters of lower sounds.

Autumn forest Zhovten. The trees have long been shed their leaves. At the fox’s board, and the leaves on the paths do not fumble under your feet. The thrushes circled over the gorobina. The stench pecked at the grena yagid. Jays were screaming near oak trees. A little tit squeaked over the yalina. The hazel grouse flew to the forest hut. (41 words) Grammar task: Write out the same-root words from the text, see the root. Option 1: See the grammatical basis for 4 sentences. Option 2: See the grammatical basis in 7 sentences. Dictation in Russian language 3rd grade 2nd quarter Snіgovik It's been a wonderful winter day. Light snow. The trees are dressed in white fur coats. Sleep rates pіd kirzhanoyu kirk. Yaskrave sun in the sky. Vibіgla group of lads. The stench began to stick to the snowman. The eyes were filled with bright frills, the mouth with morquins, and the eyebrows with vugilki. Radisno and fun to everyone! Grammar task: Substitute head members in another speech. Bratty for the warehouse of the word (1st option: winter, fur coats; 2nd option: white, carrots). Know in the text the words with an unvoiced voice, which are distorted, in the root. Change the words before them. Write qi words. Svyatkovy forest Vіn becoming like a miracle fairy tale. The young bushes were covered with snow coats. Yalin's paws were clothed with soft mittens. The gigantic kuchuguri were telling the bells. The sun has gone down. Snowflakes shone with bright glints. Z-pіd snіgu vіletіv grouse. Vіn glancing mіstsevіst and anger at the birch tree birch tree. Grammar task: Write 2 words: first - in the spelling of the paired land in the root, the other - in the spelling of the nevimovnoi land; order from the skin word to write perevіrochne. Option 1: See the grammatical basis in 1 speech. Rozіbrati behind the warehouse word miraculous. Option 2: See the grammatical basis in 5 sentences. Rozіbrati behind the warehouse the word yalinovі. Dictation in Russian language 3rd grade 3rd quarter The first days of spring Above the fields and forests the bright sun shines. Darkened in the fields of the road. Blue on river ice. Near the valleys of the dzyurkotili dzvinki strumki. Resinous brunki pouted on the trees. Soft down jackets appeared on the willows. Vibіg on knots timid hare. Viyshla on Galyavin an old moose calf with a calf. Vedmeditsya veiled for the first walk of her vedmezhuts. Grammar task: Answer for the members of the speech: Option 1: fourth proposition; Option 2: five propositions. The head members of the proposition are vociferous, verbal scribbling. Pіdіbrati prikmetniki, protilezhnі for zmіst. Option 1: narrow glass -...; diligent student - . ..; Option 2: fearful boy -. ..; High Bush - ... A trip to the village of Vlitka, we went to the village to get to the village. A lot of trouble before the exit! The axis of mi is already at the train. How to marvel at the vikno! Nevdovzі roz'izd. The pull is rattling. I'm kicking my grandma. On її disguise a radiant grin. Vaughn is waving her hand to us. Now we are blessed by the kin Orlik. There are wide fields on the sides of the road. Grandmother explained to me, like the growth of bread. Over the evening we went to the village. (63 words) Grammar task: option: Vikonati analysis of the 7th speech. Answer the word granny behind the warehouse. Option: Vikonati rozbіr 9 speech. Expand the word train warehouse. Dictation in Russian language 3rd grade 4th quarter The sun broke early and looked at the earth. And there, overnight, winter and frost established their own rules. Snow covered the fields and the pagorbi. Boilers grew on the trees. The sun lit up the rank ice. Along the valley ran, balakuchy strumochok. Raptome to the roots of the birch trees commemorating deep nirka. Nirci licorice sleeping zhachok. Zhak of autumn knows that this is a quiet place. We don't want to wine yet. Ale, a cold stream came down at the dry bed and woke up the hedgehog. Grammar task: Answer the members of the 7th and 9th speeches. Explore the word warehouse: 1st option: lit up, ranking, birch; Option 2: rose, fun, place). Signify the hour, the number of that day desliv: run, looked, covered. Knowledge control - Russian language 3rd grade 4th quarter dictation Early spring Spring has come. The sun beeped the snow from the watering. The brunki on the trees were cracked. Young leaves appeared. The bdzhilka threw itself. Vaughn woke up her friends. The bdzhіlki flew out of the hill. Axis under the bush of stench blew a blue little note. It was a blue violet. Vaughn sipped her cup. There buv licorice. The bdzhilki drank juice and merrily flew home. (51 words) Grammar task: Write down the text of the borrower, and mark out that number. Option 1: Vikonati analysis of 4 words. Option 2: Vikonati deciphered the 7th speech. River dictation of Russian language 3rd class Wound at the steppe Early spring wound. Step cheerfully rasnіє with little quotations. Yaskravo Zhovtіє bіy. Modestly blue twinkles. White odorous chamomile. Wild cloves burn with red flames. The cold weather has a warm, healthy smell of Pauline. Everything radiated to the sun. Step prokinuvshis and revived. Skylarks fluttered high in the sky. The steeds lifted their squeaky clatter. Grammar task: Write two words from the text with unvoiced voices beforehand. Write the correct words before them. Write down two words with prefixes. See attachments. Other and fourth propositions are sorted by members (for options). Spring has come! The spring sun warmed the earth. The spring stalks chimed. Bіlya budinkov chirping noisy hobtsі. From the humpbacks the balakuch strumki were killed. Bread was green in the fields. Willow-trees crept into golden sacks. The fox has bloomed dove sprouts. Titmouses merrily flew from neck to neck. The stench whispered in the folds of the measles of the worm-yachkіv trees. The teterovs were angry at the Galyavins. Birds knelt on the ground with their wings and played wild games. Nezabar to fly to the fatherland cranes. (64 words) Grammar task: option: Vikonati analysis of 3 words. Razіbrati behind the warehouse the word is loud. Designate the hour of the word in 1 speech. variant: Vikonati rozbіr 4 rechennya. Rozіbrati behind the warehouse the word balakuchі. Designate the hour of the word in the rest of the proposition. Spring did not wake up for a long time. At the quarter the weather was clear and frosty. In the afternoon, under the change of the sun, quietly dangling the snow. Raptom sharply sighed warm wind. Outskirts of the city are covered with a thick milky fog. Water poured in a muddy stream. With a fierce trill they clattered on the river gigantic krizhins. Late in the evening fog pishov. The sky cleared up. The sun is lying on thin ice. In the warm spring weather, the larks burst into a miraculous chorus. Cranes and geese flew high in the sky with a radio cry. Spring has arrived. More grammatically: Rosebery is frosty, thin, behind the warehouse of the word. Write three words from the text with an unvoiced voice sound in the root of the word, which is distorted by the voice. Take the word of reverification. Subtitle head members of the speech, inscriptions of parts of the promo. 1st option - 2 words. Option 2 - 7 proposition. Dictation on the theme "Proposition" Autumn at the forest Yak garniy autumn forest! The birch trees were dressed with golden cloth. The leaves of the maple rose red. Thick oak leaves became like mid. The pines and yalinkas were left green. Strokaty kilim leaves sharudіv under the feet. And foxes have some mushrooms! Winter mushrooms and yellow mushrooms check for mushroom pickers. (43 words) Taskmaster: Describe 1 proposition. See the grammatical basis in 2 sentences. Describe 1 proposition. See the grammatical basis for 3 sentences. Dictation on the theme "Spelling of unvoiced voices dokorinno" Snow figures Wet snow flying from the sky. The lads swung over the top and began to stick to the snow of the figurine. Kolya made a snowman. Garny snowman! The nose has a red carrot. The hands have a mite, and on the head a cebro. Zhenya, having been borne by the crying victories. Roofing felt and Illya lied Dida Frost and Snіguronka. Dіd Moroz buv іz beard. Snіguronka in the hands of trimal green yalinka. (58 lines) Task: Write 3 words from the text with an unvoiced voice in the root, write the correct word, see the spelling. Write a group of disputed words from the text, see the roots. Dictation on the theme "Spelling of suffixes and prefixes" Vzimku Buv winter day. Titmouse Zinka stribal on the neck. The eye of the titmouse gostre. Under the bark of the trees, she dug out the coma. Axis Zinka gave birth to a little girl, pulled a coma and z'їla. Then a bear came up in the snow. The bear is shaking, all flustered. Vaughn explained her fear to Zinka. The bear fell into the bear barlig. There, the great vedmeditsya and the little vedmezhat slept well. (54 words) Task: Write from the text after one word with a different b and b sign, see the spelling. Write 2 words from the text with a prefix, see її. Dictation on the theme "Prikmetnik" Early spring Harn early spring in the forest! Brightly shine the spring sun. Light gloom embellishes the blue sky. The smell of tar was smelled of stale brunki. The young grass appeared. Glancing at the dove leaf. Z pagorba zadzyurchav balakuchi strumok. White pines were grazing happy whites. A small bunny grizzles the bark of a young aspen. On Galyavin, they brought their vedmezhuts to the drill of the vedmeditsy. Merry and radiant forest hanging! (58 lines) Task: Write down 3 be-any examples in one, mark them, see the end. Option 1: See the grammatical basis in 8 sentences, sign all parts of the mov. Razіbrati behind the warehouse the word dove. Option 2: See the grammatical basis in 9 sentences, sign all parts of the mov. Pick up the word prolisok behind the warehouse.

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