Richny dictation from Russian 2 class. Control dictation VMK "perspective". Dictation on the theme "Voices of the hissing"

Control dictations in Russian language for grade 2

Texts of dictations.

1 quarter. Input control

Meta robots: revise the passed rules: the design of the speech on the sheet, the spelling of the names of the masters, the words for the words of life, cha-cha, chu-shch; vminnya transfer words.

In fox.

Andriy and Yura go by the forest. Instructed to live the dog Tuzik. Birds sing merrily. Jump with squirrels. They hid under the yalinka, the siri zhachki.

1 quarter. Flow control

Meta robots: revise the passed rules: the design of the speech on the sheet, the spelling of the names of the masters, the words for the guys who listen, the words for the words of life-shi, cha-cha, chu-shchu; vminnya transfer words.


Koshtuє garniy day. Now the autumn is warm. Ale often times dosch. Roma's axis with tatom go near the forest through wide fields. Frost coming soon. All covered with snow.

Lizhnaya walk.

The father and mother of Sergius Charushin bought you a lick. Frost is quiet. Sergiy and Tatom walk for two years with a fox stitch. Snіg fly s-pіd lizh. Crack the present.

1 quarter. Sub-bag

Meta robots:

Lis vzimku.

Beautiful winter clothes for the fox. Snow lies on the paws of the yalinkas. On thin birch needles there is snow fluff. There is an oak all over the snow. Good frost.

Our guys.

Good our guys. Birch garni there. Skіlki at gayah birds! The woodpeckers are tapping. Screaming graki. And how to whistle tits! People often go to the yard to hear the spіv ptahіv.

2 quarter. inline

Meta robots: revise the passed rules: the spelling of the best names, the words of the boys; vminnya transfer words.


Kolya came to the forest. Who is it? Tse life zhachok. Kolya love animals. Axis cost a stump. There was a great mushroom stump. Cook soup with mushrooms. Kolya put the knowledge to the bag and hurry home.


Bіlya budinkov rich cars. Axis garage. Behind the wall of that door is a great kuchugura. There is a car in the door. The driver is turning the kermo. The car is driving towards Antonova street.

2 quarter. Sub-bag

Meta robots: revise the passed rules: the spelling of double and deaf voiced words, unvoiced voices, a soft soft sign, to transfer words.


Winter has come. At night there was a strong frost. The wind is whirling around the plastics in the snow. Nearby lies a white kilim. Rivers and lakes were covered with ice. The lads ran into a rug. It is easy to forge gostrі forging with smooth ice. There is noise and fun. Good pay!

Kishka Silva.

Silva is sitting on the gank and yavkaє. I will pour some milk at the saucer and give you a sprat of shmatochkiv meat and cowbass. Satisfied with Silva p'є ta їst. Now the whole muzzle is in a hedgehog. The sieve of the gut rushes in.

3 quarter. inline

Meta robots: revise the passed rules: the spelling of the names of the masters, the words for the words of life, cha-cha, chu-shchu; vminnya transfer words.


Moscow is the leading place of Russia. Moscow has a lot of streets, avenues, avenues. Must know Chervona Square, Pushkin Square, Kutuzovsky Prospekt, Sadovye Kilce. Two friends Voronin Slava and Shishkin Kolya live on Plushivtsi. The boys are walking by the square with the dog Bim and the gut Murka.

Children at the fox.

They took the lads of the goats and ran from the nearest forest. Kindness in the silence of birches! There are drops of dew on the grass. At thick hulls they sing on all the birds. Ditlahi sat on a stump, they heard the wonderful sound of a nightingale. An hour for raspberries. Great stole the berries so vodlyat. Something is put in the mouth, something is in the goat's mouth.

3 quarter. Sub-bag


Axis and spring. Sunshine roaring snow burn. Noise shvidky strumok. From dahiv zvіnko falling drops. The backs of sticky bars burst. Alyosha and Yura check for the arrival of birds. The stench zmaystruvali for birds shpakivnі. The boys go to the park.

Grammar tasks:

2. Speak on words that are based on a voice sound.

Spring on the weekend.

It's cold outside. There is prickly snow all day long. And we have a whole garden on the vіknі. Earrings sprouted on poplar and birch branches.

Green leaves appeared on the backs of the linden tree. From the beginning of the day, the curtains began to blow. There are already quotations on cherry needles.

Grammar tasks:

1. At another rechenni podkresliti head members of the proposition.

2. Nagolosity on the spelling of wordsbirches, leaves.

4 quarter. inline

Meta robots: revise the rules: the spelling of double and deaf voiced words, unvoiced voices, soft signs, words with words of life, ca-cha, chu-shu, spelling of voices, remember to transfer words.


Spring has come. Sonechko went to the earth, it was light and warm. Dzvinko sound krapel. Mutter fun strings. The grass is already green. On the meadow graze cows and kiz.

Fedya and Boris go to the guy. Guy rustle green leaves. The lads patted the guards. How good to smell the bіlі convalії! (43 words)

Words for dovіdok: patted the guards.


It's a warm spring. Viishov clear day. From dahiv falling often drops. The trees puffed up on the maple. Mother-and-mother-mother blossomed on the pagorbs. Fluffy kuchuguri rose from the snow. It's fun to live a twinkling strumok. Mikiti has a boat in her hands. Vіn lowering yogo into the water. Shvidko rush the boat. (43 words)

Words of dovodok: mother-and-mother, wilted, rush.

Grammar tasks before dictations:

1. Voice the head members of the proposition.

2. Inscriptions over the words of part of the promotion.

3. Divide for word transfer.

4 quarter. Sub-bag

Meta robots: revise the rules: the spelling of double and deaf voiced, for example, unvoiced, soft signs, words with words of life, cha-cha, chu-shu cleverly transfer words.

Stavok revived.

Warmly exchanged sun rates. The queues were quiet. Viplivla pitching z kachenyatami. The toad cut on a sheet of latatte, like on a plate. I hid myself at the bushes. Stavok revived. On the pocket of the bet, the rate of growth of the strings of the kvity. We love to pay a bet.

Grammar tasks:

1. To know and write three words from the text with the spelling "Guys who are twisted, for double sounding - deafness fit in the short words."

2. Know and support in the rest of the spoken word, in which all the sounds are soft.


Axis birch hay. On the grass they play the golden change of the sun. Dear warm weather. Under the birches, the birch tree hid. The neck is thin, the droplet is wide. Bіlya strumka rustle rіdkіsnі aspens. Under the aspens - aspen mushrooms. Cheerful lads in white T-shirts and red berets. Birds' voices lull on fox galyavins. Like a good vlіtku at the guy.

Grammar tasks:

1. Know in the text and write the form of the word osinka.

2. Support the proposition, in yakіy є word, one root with the word birch.

The meta of dictations in another class: reverse the learner to reveal sounds in words, designate their sequence, distinguish words from the speech, implant the capital letter on the cob of the speech, in the names of people, correctly identify on the sheet the softness of the voice sounds in voices (e, e, u , i) and a soft sign, write down correctly every time, cha-cha, chu-scha, copy and write dictation text without pardons. Obyag to dictation in another class in the average 17-25 words per cob of rock, 25-30 words for the first class and 35-45 words for the cob of rock.

When dictating, the unvoiced completion of words, words for conclusions, words with drives are clearly promoted. Words for dovodok - words that are present in dictation, but in those that have not yet been spelled, it is better to write on the tablet (otherwise in zoshit, as if writing texts at home).

Dictation texts for another class

Our dacha was bіla fіsu. Behind the forest is a river. The liens went to the river. My brother is fishing. I’m going to learn how to swim.

Yuri and Dimi had rabbits. All summer the boys watched them. The stinks cleaned the clitins and carried the food. The rabbits grew great.

A fluffy whale sits on a gank. Warm change warmed up the cat. Vin fell asleep. Uvі snі kit bachit a bear.

The fox shot the hare. I rushed to the bushes. Bushes were thick. The fox did not know the rabbit. And wine and radium.

Children were playing. A strong wind arrived from the mountains. Vіn podkravsya to children. Naughty taking their coolies.

Summer has passed. It's springtime. Alyosha and Masha went to school. The reader scoffed with a smile. The first lesson has begun.

Dictation on the theme "Voices of the hissing"

Vira's whale Fluff is alive. The whale was white and fluffy. Paws and tail siri. Fluff loves fish and meat. The girl often walked with the cat by the yard.

First snow

The first snowflakes circled the sky. The stench kicked at the dahi budinkiv and go down the gank. Tanya and Alina appeared at the door. Snіg mustache falling and falling. Shvidko grew snow caps on bushes.

Dictation for the day chk, ch

The rest of the leaves fell from the trees. Frost drove the wild animals from the mink. The axis under the bush blinked a bear. It's boring in the forest.

Axis and obid

Cold. Mryachit doshch. A squirrel shaved off an old yalinka. Dry fungus on the surface. Axis and obid for a squirrel.

It's a sleepy day. The golden thrush flew up to the gorobini. Juice berries hung there. The thrushes did good.


Thumbelina was sleeping. Through the window, an old toad streaked to the room. Vaughn stole a bad girl. The toad ran to the river. There is a check її syn.

Dictation in the voice of zhi-shi, chu-shu, cha-cha, chk-ch, capital letter in the names

Whale and dog

Marini has a whale at home. The girl named yoga Shustrik. The dog Zhuchka lives on the subway. Shustrik love to play with a dog. Vin grabs a bug for a tail and a whistle. And the bug is grumbling.

Borya and Slava were in the garden. Plums and pears grow there. Good juice plums! Borya took a cup of plums. Vin brought them home. During the supper, the whole homeland was drained.

Birds and girl

Bіlya booth Deer rіs high maple. Crows flew. The stench noisily sat on the maple tree. The gals chuckled. The girl brought bread to the birds for the birds. The crows were checking on Olenka.

All summer the boys lived in the country. The dacha is standing on the birch of the river. Brother bought Grisha new woods. Grisha go wood fish. Vin drank a pike.

Siskins and swallows flew. The garden is empty and bare. silence. Children play at home. Misha has farbi. Vіn malyuє їzhachka. Rudiy kit to sleep on a kilimka was rude.

Dictation on the theme "M'aky sign"

The gloom of autumn has passed. The snowy winter has come. It's noisy on the subway. Yasha harnessed Bulka to the sleigh. The lads followed the dog in a herd.

The blue of the school is great. This is the whole day on the girtz children are playing. The lads and the girls are fast to rush from the fire. Only the wind whistles at the woofs.


A small apple tree grew up beside the house. A strong wind began to vibrate and twist that lamati її. Grandma Olga lifted an apple. Pukhnasty snіzhok lit up the little one. So she overwintered.

The jackdaw wanted to drink. Outdoors standing glechik with water. Glechik had only water for a day. The jackdaw began to throw it into the small fireplace. The water rose. The jackdaw began to drink water.

According to L. Tolstoy

Dopomіg old

It's a frosty day. A boy and a girl went to three schools. Granny was instructed. The outside was slimy. Grandma fell. The lad helped the old man to get up.

The boys go to the forest. The stench is to bring food for the birds. The fox is quiet. White oak stands an old stump. Wine is all in the snow. Pukhnasta was streaked like a bird on a yalinka. Poletiv drank snow. Tse squirrel.

At home by yourself

Shura and Petya lived at the dacha. Mom went to the place. The lads were left alone at home. The stinks went to bed. Feel the voice. The children suddenly raised the light. There is a zhachok lying at the kutku.

Dictation on the theme "Dzvinki and deaf voicing"

Oleg and Vasya left the school. Falling thick snow. The boys went down to the river. Vasya was hit with ice. Thin ice cracked. Vasya almost fell into the water. The boys hurried home.

Cheerfully circled in front of the snow. Birds in the snow, animals and birds have taken away the lanyard of the tracks. Tse respectfully our Vaska. The axis cut off the crow on Hanok. Whose trail leads to the garden?

Frost on the subway

At night there was a strong frost, near the Kalyuzhs - ice. The earth became hard, like a stone. The day sips prickly
snig. Snigova groats began to shake the door. Dog Timka hid in the booth.

Naletіv lis suvoriy sіchen. Snow and frost reign everywhere. The white of the old yalina is a majestic kuchugura. Is it possible to sleep there until spring? Quiet at the fox.

Winter has come

Tanya went for a walk. Beating the gank is a great kuchugura. Everything seemed to be white and white. Hati stood silent. Three pipes felling dim.

Dictation in unvoiced voices

A pine tree grew on the edge of the forest. There was an old nest on the pine tree. Crows lived with Newmu. Autumn has come. Lis standing sіrim i frown. The pine tree has a gloomy look. I crows nudguval.

Ravi ta Shashi - baby elephants. The stinks linger in unison at the zoo. On obіd їm give raznu їzhu. Little elephants eat porridge, bread, chickpeas, blueberries.

I run on the licks of the forest. On the snow you can see the traces of birds and small animals. The axis of a great pile of snow fell into pine trees. Vyskochiv white bunny. Good for the fox.

Granny is that onuka

Grandmother raked sino on her bows all day long. Granddaughter Olga went to the forest for mushrooms. Evening has come. Granny prepares juice grass for rabbits. And Olga grease the mushrooms.

Warm days

Ranok. Raindrops fall from the sky. A beetle is lifted with a hairy stitch. The axis of the wines is marked by the grass. Raptom prolunav galas. Tse on a stitch wiyshov elk.

Everything was hanging. Red poppies and tulips were burning down here. I love the mountains. Animals sat on the high rock. They were cheetahs. And the axis of їx is a little mow. Vіn gravіz kvіtami.

Fresh strumine passed in my guise. I squash my eyes. Great drops of dew have begun to shine on the grass and bushes. The earth was set up. Wind purhav over the lake. It's early.

On the ground snow. There are juice berries on the humpback. Quiet at the fox. Calling the wind bunny. The wind began to strongly goydat gorobina. Great berries fell to the ground. Radium Bunny. Now this fluffy animal is here.

Watch out

I walk with a stitch. The axis from the tree cut the squirrel. The woodpecker knocked on the pine bark. An owl's nest is near the hollow of the oak. Bіlya birch mole hole. A crossbill circled over the yalinka. Succeed life.

The fields of that fox were covered with a kilim. In the snow you can clearly see the traces of animals and birds. Axis follow the moose. Moose strong legs that horns. Vіn duzhe garny. People save lost.

Dictation for the first time

It is closed with the themes "Soft sign", "Dzvinki and deaf voices", "Nude voice", "Voice sounds in percussion and non-voiced warehouses".

I love to walk in the forest and hear the noise of the leaves under my feet. Axis old oak. Vіn mіtsno trіmaє their leaves on the needles. Go first snow. Oak sawily looks at the forest.


I marvel at the window. Frost viviv on the slopes of the lower visor. Axis grass. Axis of miracles. And the little bird hid under the fluffy soft yalinka. Garni in the frost of a vizerunka.

Gloomy day. Dosch quietly tinkling across the lake. Vіn nache pulling thin threads between the sky and the earth. Bay of lake willow. The water drained away. The stinks were at the water's edge.

I slept for the day. Falling snow to the sky on dahi budinkov. There was a dream. Snig becoming clean droplets of water. Drops roamed to the ground, like beads. Garniy buv edge of the white land.

Winter came to visit the forests. Small yalinkas bathed in fluffy snow. You can see only the tops. A great haze filled the sky. І axis again tumbled snow.

Frost is not bad

Fox throwing off the rest of the leaves. Vin became naked. Quietly crept frost. Bіlya shores of the lake lіg thin lіd. The ribs have sunk to the bottom. The frost is not terrible there.

In the autumn, the birds climbed into the forest and flew to the pivden. And the axis of the small crossbill does not fit. Tsya birdie is not afraid of a terrible winter. Malyuk near Suvori frost to breed fawns. Otak wonder!

A bear came to visit before the toad. The toad spied on the birch and led me to the hut. The bear crawled and took the water. I didn’t start visiting anymore.

According to L. Tolstoy.

Dictation on a soft rozdіlovy sign

The biggest nest was an eagle. Vіn rob yoga from that bitch. The eagle will be on the majestic pine. The most quiet nest of a titmouse. Nest nest with fluff, pir'ya, moss. Vono is round, like a watermelon. And the zozulya is not in the nest. Vaughn lays her eggs at the nest of other birds.

The root attaches the tree to the ground. Von give you їzhu. The root is a support against swirls, wind and storms. Stovbur carried bitches on your back with hats and leaves. Vіn spend sіk. Bitches and chicks trim leaves, flowers, fruits. The stench greedily drink sik.

Frost at night. On the ice of the river, a bird was sleeping merrily. The axle won't cut into the bag and there it began to shukati zhu. Tse cap. Pir'ya її covered with fat. Unexpectedly, the bird jumped onto the ice and fell asleep.

A lot of birds are alive with our foxes. Tse thrushes, owls, nightingales. Birds build their nests on the knots of trees, or they nest near thick grass. To love birds. Your voices are a little bit from the other kіntsіv. People hear the spiv of birds.

Ax and first grass. It’s better to lie in the snow near the darkness. All day long the chaffinch sings a little. Nezabar to zadzizhchat and bjoli. The last gift of the kvіtіv stench will be carried by the vuliki. Uncle Kirilo love bdzhil. Von give honey to you.

Sunit's hour has come. On Saturday, Hannus and his mother went to the fox. The stinks started picking berries. Only mother is at the kitchen, and Gannusia is up to the company. Came home. Mami has a full kitchen. Annushka has an empty cup. Їy became shameful.

Dictation on the spelling "Great letter"

Task: break the text into words independently. Write them down, dotrimuyuchis rules.

Horobriy Drizd

Seeing the whale Vaska's booth, becoming himself shukati himself, once the whale remembered the nest of a thrush, Vaska's eyes shone with wine, launching a paw into the hollow of a drіzd, rushing at the cat, zlyakavsya and rushing to the big.

The river blew from the banks of the river flooded our entire meadow, only the groves of bushes were visible from the water of Ill and onuk Andriy, weeded on the vines to the bushes there, the stench put a merezha in the bay, a fat lyash garniy our catch.

At the village of Illinskomu, a lot of shpakіven turned to the fatherland, the stench birds cleaned it up, they settled their nests in the evening, the shpaks sat on the gorobina at the window and slept with my grandmother, I loved their hearing, the shpaks flew one to one on a visit.

Boris is alive for the river. That beautiful river Oka is wide. Boris and his friends often rode on chovni. There were zanders and yorzhi near the rivers. Once the boys were catching a lyash. At home, Grandma Ulyana brewed yushka for him. Delicious bula yushka!

The village of Dubki hooted. Midges fought at the slope. The fires at the booths were extinguished. Rudy kit Trochy fell on a gank. great spider sіv bіlya svoєї merezі ta zavmer. Month came by the garden. Vaughn hung bushes. There is silence.

For mushrooms

Tolya and Sema lived together with Uncle Mikiti. Sister Zoya arrived before the boys. The stinks of the stench went to the fox. The birds slept merrily. Under the old oak Tolya zirvav five mushrooms. And Zoya knew the white mushroom. Axis so good luck!

Translation of dictations for the third quarter

We fix the spelling of deaf and double-voiced words, unvoiced voices in words, subvoices of voices, and a soft sign.

Olga and Illya went to the forest. There grew lower arable lands. Tse convalії - quiet beauty of the fox. Convalia to love silence and silence. Specks of rosi fell on the leaves of the flower. Vin was touched by the dew.

On a distant road, there was a change of sonechka. The stench carried warmth to the leaves, flowers and herbs. Axis promin falling by the garden. Brunki and budoni peeled on the trees. A small prominchik engraved by the lads at the yard. Hanna and Dasha walked there.

Darina and Andriy played on the plow. Andryusha maw paper snake. The sky darkened. Hit the makeup. Watering a strong board. The children rushed to the hut. Ale khmara pishla. From the heights of trees and bushes fell raindrops to the wood. The children went into the garden.

On Saturday we went for sleep. Dіd Kuzma vіz the great voz sіna. The sun has come. Stars sang in the sky. I lay down on a haystack and marveled at the sky. For a while there was silence. It seemed to me that I was quietly crying on the chute.

Old V'yun

There lived a kind dog Vyun and a gut Murka. Cossacks were born near the gut. The axis of the gut has gone. The dog Vyun, having planted a grati with cochineal. Cossacks lick youma on the back and squeak. Radium dog. The gut came and grumbled. V'yun zapovz pіd ganok. It's boring youma without cochineal.

Dictation on the spelling of unvoiced voices and boys' voices before the root

Dog Ryabka

We lived near the village of Dubki on the river birch. We have a new choven. There was a booth near the booth. Our dog Ryabka lives there. Mi її loved. Persha ribka bula for Ryabka. Vaughn was a faithful friend and kindly guarded the houses.

There is a willow on the birch of the river. Vaughn lowered her jacks near the water. Willow flowers. Bjola to fly for the first honey. Jmil over the willow. The change of the sonechka warms the earth, the bdzhilka and the dzhmelya. Warm wind to live with willows. A toothy pike crouched under the water by the water.

It's birch. From the dahu fall often drips. Kuchuguri took the ganka. Shvidko beat strings. And in the fox panuє winter. Bushes and old stumps sip with snow. Axis shuddered yalinka. A chest of snow fell to the ground. Lis checks on warm, clear days.

Spring has come

Brood with snow squelching under your feet. Ale around the fun! Warm exchanges are warming near the kaluzhas with jackdaws and crows. The river puffed up and darkened. Gіlky kuschiv golі. Ale stink already live and die. Axis i spring has come.

Our town

In the wake of warm exchanges, the earth came to life. Ax and first grass. Thin twigs of trees stretched to the light. In the city of Olga and Darina they planted a cibula and krip. Tsya bed for salad ta ripi. Illya and Kuzma practice here.

On the island

The hare is alive on the island. At night, vin volodiv bark z osik. In the daytime, the zvіryatko hovavsya in the bushes. The water near the river began to rise quickly. Zaєts calmly sleeping under the booth. Win prokinuvsya. There was water near the bunny. Zaytsev far off to cut on the tovst tree.

Frost came

Come frost. The old yalinkas threw off the remaining snow from the frozen woods. The song of the finch rang. Ants came to life near the old stump. That persha grass stood on its feet. Khorobrі gorobtsі bathed in Kalyuzhs.

Today is a whale Yepifan tikav to the river. Vin catching fish. Lie the whale on the deck and lower the paw near the water. Zgraykoy ribka squealed z-pіd logs. Kit tsap paw one fish.

For Є. Charushinim

Three koshens

Three cats lived. Once the stench was shredded into a jar of flour. Three cans yielded three more koshenas. The stench roamed the toad in the yard and began to catch it. The toad darted into the old chimney. The kittens rushed after her. From the trumpets came three black koshens.

For Art. Sutiev

Standing clear day. I stood and siv on the warm earth. Six nig quickly swept the grass. Vaughn tucked herself in, why is she alive. There were small bugs. The fox has secrets everywhere. Freeze, become a bush and a stump. Fox reveals his secrets. Be patient.

Translation of dictations for rіk

Our river

Hang that wind, in the autumn that charge, I often went to the Bistryanka river. There I watched the life of birds. The woodpeckers beat the river. The rivers lived with pot-bellies. On dark nights I am with my grandfather Ivan shukav rakiv. I love my dear river.


Five peas lived near the pods. The stench was strong in one row. Yaskravi exchanges played them. Dosh brizkav warm water. The peas were kind and quiet. Days passed. І axis pod burst with a bang. Peas fell to the ground. Next sign.

Boron smells of tar. The whites of the old pine are shearing squirrels. They took animals with fluffy gray fur coats. Their backs and tails have become rudimi. All the long winter the squirrels lived with the fox. In the wind and cold, they hung out in a warm nest. The stench is the joy of the bright spring.

The axis of our garden. Cherries and plums are ripening in the garden. A small, thin cherry grew out of an old cherry tree. She came out of the brush. Alla ta Illya began to look at the little one. The stench of the day fluffed the earth. Cherry has unleashed the pins. Now there is to silence the eye.

In the village

Vletku I live near the village. Behind the village was the river Istra. There were vuliki in the garden of aunt Gunny. I often watch for bjols. The stench spent the whole day. At the aunt's, zavzhdi bov winter honey. We liked to drink tea with honey in the garden.

At the silence on the galyavins, the violets bloom at the foxes. The thick grasses grow and lower arable lands. White birch trees, young aspen trees, dark yalinkas expel galyavin.
It is necessary to know the forest in order to know the place where the violets bloom. At night, the stink is too smelly. Take care of your tickets!

On the tree lay the gut ore. The intestines had green eyes and penzliks on the ears. Strong paws dug into the stovbur. Tse bula rice.

New house

We are going to have a great life. Sema ta Yasha go to new booth. The booth has five surfaces. Beat the gun machine. Boys are happy.

Words for dovodok: great, on top, with us.


Mi little lesson of practice. We made toys ourselves. Axis throw that bunny. Love has that Masha Lyalka. Kolya made a yalinka from paper. Garni our toys!

Words for dovodok: we have a crush.


The fox has grown a garni bush. A bunch of flowers with bright flowers. Tse bula shipshina. Garni zapashni trojandi! Masha began to tear trojandi. And there hiss. Masha has a rock.

Two comrades

Uchen Yura Chaykin virishuvav zavdannya. The manager was very important. Priyshov Slava Shchukin. Friends together sang the order. So Slava helped comrades.

My friend

We live at the new booth. Alyosha is my friend. Vіn walk to school. Alyosha loves to read. Vin me to read. I already know all the letters.

Words for dovodok: friend, me, new.

our school

Our school is new. Vaughn is bright and beautiful. Bіlya schools grow maples and lindens. We love our school. Our learners live together.

Words for dovodok: navkolo, grow, learn.

My uncle

Lies people go to work. Uncle Sema works at the factory. Wine practitioner. Machines are made at the factory. Uncle Sema is a good robot worker.

Words for dovodok: vranci, factory, worker.

At the factory

Titka Nina and titka Olya work at the factory. Titka Nina is wearing a fluffy scarf. Titka Olya is wearing warm sweaters. Intelligent machines make my work easier.

Words for dovodok: factory, make it easier, practice.


Granny Paradise to take Lyuda and Mikita to the nursery. Babies love to play there. Mikita will be the house. People make harn kulu. The manger has a lot of fresh toys.

Words for dovodok: to love, toy, richly.

Our mind

I and my brother Petya lived with my grandfather. We helped didov dry the mesh. Didus Semyon taught us goodness of the city. I love practicing with didom.


Sergius has kitty Dimok. Vin maly. The cat is gray and fluffy. The cat's paws were white. Dimok eat fish.

Trojandy for mami

Garni bushes grew near the garden. They were trojans. Їх vyrostil Sema and Yura. Trojan horses! The lads made three trojans for their mothers.

Granny and onuki

Dimi that Sergiya had a grandmother. Granny bought an ABC book for the onuks. Fuck for the sake of it. The lads began to turn the letters. Soon stink read books.


I love to read. Titka Lucy bought me a book. There are pictures. The axis of the elk is that kin. And those are the cones of the yalinka. I read verses about the fox.

Words for dovodok: pictures, read.

I am that my brother Igor loves my mother. Our mother is kind and gentle. Mom is all to shake. She teaches children. Mom loves to listen to music.

Words for dovodok: move, caress, get out.

Our door

Our door is great. I and my brother Alyosha killed the girka. Garna kasha girka. The children were happy. Shvidko rush the stench on a sled from the girka.

For friends

Sashko and Timoshcha came out of the house. Go for a walk. Door axle Play children. The lads began to work for him. Children for the sake of.

important hour

Sіchen vіdkrivає rіk. Tse suvory month. Curl curls. Snig closed all the fox's food. Birds fly to the donkey people. Help them!

Winter at the fox

Winter. Freezing. Snіg vkryv pnі ta kuschi. Tovsty ice squealed a Swiss glass. Snow coats dressed the pines and pines. A fluffy scarf lies on the cedar needles. Axis of kuchugur. The witch sleeps there.


We checked the winter. We called winter. Bіlya booth kuchuguri. Olga kitten breast snow. Tanya kitten her breasts from the snow. Axis and reduced woman. Sasha and Dasha

Words for dovodok: fun kitty.


Axis and winter. Children for the sake of. At Aloshi's house in the snow. Vanya took the sled. Petro nadіv lizhi. Go go up the mountain. We'll have fun there.

Words for dovodok: stink fun.


Winter has come. More fluffy snow. On the vіknakh vіzerunki. Anniversary axis for birds. Zina and Lizi have a lot of bread. The stench rejoices at the birds.

Words for dovodok: rejoice, anniversary.

First snow

Vipav first snow. Mustache for the sake of snow. Mishko and Yasha were above the door. There Olya checked them. Tato bought this lick. Children go to the park.

Words for dovodok: vipav, snig, at the door.

Food for birds

More fluffy snow. Win quietly falls to the ground. The old stump is covered with snow. Yurko go to the fox. The lad has food for the birds in his hands.


Axis i winter has come. More like snow. The hare had a coat. It is important for the foxes to know the bunny. Sіv vіn bіla bush that sleep.

Words for dovodok: snow, that's important.


It's a clear day. Let's go to the forest. Snow lies on the paws of the yalinka. Whom snow fell on an old stump. Vanya remembered the hare. The bunny is at the bushes.

Words for dovodok: stand, respect, lie down.


Winter has come. I'm going to the fox. Crimp snow. On the edge of the fox there is a yalina. A squirrel appeared in the thick paws of the yalinka. From Yalina, a breast of snow fell.

Words for dovodok: snow cost.


Mishko, Tanya and Petro lived in the village. They have a dog Rozka. The rose lived outside. She had puppies. The children loved Rozka.
(According to L. Tolstoy)

On the mountain

The school has a big mountain. All day on the mountain for the children. In Іllі and Olga lie. Shvidko rush the stink from the fire. Yura is getting new sledges. Win a little.

Fuck that fox

The fox's hare lives. Vіn zbuduvav pіd yalinka hut. The fox has gone. Vona marked the hut and tapped. The bunny opened the door. The fox asked for a visit.


Axis and winter. It's freezing cold. Fluffy snow covered the forest and the field. Dahi also near the snow. Quiet for a moment. Tilky vovka nishporyat. The stench is joking.


Falling down snow. Vedmedic sitting on a stump. Vin lifted his head and took in the snowflakes that fell on his nose. Snowflakes fell fluffy and white.


At the great foxes, deer linger. The deer is a beautiful creature with great horns. Anniversary is celebrated on the forest galyavin. Schovechora come here deer.


We lived white gay. It was good there. Siskins slept. Flowers bloomed. We went for a walk in the gay. Our dog Rizhik loves lyakati birds. The lads that girl played at the hovanka.


Zoya has Murka's gut. Murka has a fluffy tail. Green eyes. Vus are great. Zoya called Murka home. Murka has arrived. Zoya and Murka were played.


Pouring a strong board. Ailing Druzhok to lie under the gank. Illya tied up his paw with the ailment. The lad brought some bread and milk to you.


We live near Moscow. Our booth is on Zhukov Street. We were near the village of Illinskomu. My grandmother lives near the village of Stepanovi. There is a river Shvidka. We often went to the river to catch fish.


Shura Lunin and Egor Chalov - comrades. Boys live together. The lads knew a lot from the fox tsutsenya. Vin is pitifully skittish. Shura ta Yegor took the tsuzen home. Tsuzen was named Snizhok.


Children are ready to decorate. Stars are watching Mikhailo Luzhin. Clappers to glue Sasha Chudin. Likhtariki to rob Olen Yashin. Rosemary peas Hanna Chaikova. Yalinka soon.

At the park

It's a clear day. Axis park. Here the growth of fluffy yalinka and pine. Lion and Yan were bumped by bumps. Tse food for birds. The cones are full. A squirrel streaked at the yalinka.


We live near Kiev. Kiev is the capital of Ukraine. Our place is great and beautiful. We stand on the birch of the Dnieper. Kiev has a rich street, parks and a square. Our booth is on Artem Street.


A pine tree grew on the edge of the forest. There was an old nest on the pine tree. Crows lived in the New. Autumn has come. Lut wood. Lis stand sir and frown. Quietly the trees chirp.

Words for dovodok: nomu, came.

On the licks

I run on the licks of the forest. In the snow, follow the birds and the little animals. Good for the fox. Snow shines on the yalinkas. A large breast of snow fell from the pines.

Words for dovodok: shine.


They brought a harn yalinka to school. Mi little lesson of practice. We were playing toys. Katya has that bunny. Olga has that Dasha papery namisto. Garni our toys!


Before Kolі Chaikin came guests. The boys were playing at the checkers. Vanya Yolkin engraved from Kolya. Andriy Kruzhin stalking after the thunder. Then Andriy and Vanya played. Grandma Klava gave everyone tea.


A small apple tree grew up beside the house. A strong wind is rising. Vіn becoming twist and lamati її. Kolya brought a kilo. The boy lifted an apple. Sip the snow at night. Pukhnasta smartly lit up a tree.

Words for dovodok: bіlya, apple tree, lamati, pіdv'yazav.


Autumn. Weave the day llє dosch. Thumbelina was looking for a house for the winter. Behind the forest were fields. Bread from the fields was taken away. Thumbelina remembered the nirku. The entrance to the hole was covered with leaves.

Words for dovodok: Thumbelina, remembered.

The bathhouse attendant, the poultry worker, the vidminnik, the concrete worker, the greengrocer, the drummer, the lakhtarnik and the brewer were poured on a sleepy day on a river steamboat. At the donka’s bula, insert a pen, a ring, buckwheat, a sheep and a bug.

Charming hedgehogs in silence, hissing at the cones. Mishі virіshili sew a turban for a seagull. The bird is carrying a thorn on the wheelbarrow. Natasha and Grisha have tea. Our little ones whisper mittens and olives.


Plastіvtsі snіgu quietly fall to the ground. Children are playing on the subway. Rates and a river covered with ice. Olga go to the kovzanka. Uncle Yasha teaches all the lads to ride on kovzan.

Words for dovodok: ride.

The gloom of autumn has passed. They merrily circled in a circle of snowflakes. The stench hissed all over the earth. Juice berries hung on the humpback. The thrush bird flew up to the tree. Garniy food for birds!

In fox

I walked with licks. Fluffy snow in the fox lying on the knots and hairs. The woodpecker thumped loudly. Z-pіd measles tree vin distavav bug. There was a hole under the yalina. Who's bagging there?

Words for dovodok: s-pid.

On the river

Oleg and Vasya left the school. Falling thick snow. The boys went down to the river. Vasya was hit with ice. Creaky ice cracked. Vasya almost fell into the water. The children hurried to the house.

Words for dovodok: escaped, without falling, hurried.


They merrily circled in a circle of snowflakes. Sip the snow at night. Birds in the snow, animals and birds have taken away the lanyard of the tracks. Axis slashed whale Vaska from a gank. Whose trail leads to the garden?

Words for dovodok: deprived.


The whole earth was covered with snow. It is important for rabbits to know hedgehog. And on the humpback hung juice berries. Calling the wind bunny. The wind began to strongly goydat gorobina. Great berries fell on the snow. Radium Bunny. City fluffy zvіryatko.

Words for dovodok: hoarsely, gorobina, hung.

Axis and obid

In the afternoon I broke with the dog Timkoy at the guy. Dobre bool in gaya. Skrіz with white kilim lying in the snow. A squirrel shattered the old yalinka. Dry mushroom on the dry side. Zvir yoga pomіtiv. Axis and obid.

Words for dovodok: virushiv, pomitiv, offended.

At the courtyard

At night there was a strong frost. On the water - ice. Zranku vipav fluffy snow. The courtyards are cheerful and noisy. Alyosha harnessed Tom to the sleigh. The lads followed the dog in a herd.

Words for dovodok: vipav, harnessed, begley.


The earth is covered with snow. Winter roams in the fields and forests. From the wind, the wind is blowing white winter. The earth was freezing cold. Axis and sun. A quiet sound of drops to wake up the fox. Under the snow, chirp a light stream. The song of the birds resounded in deaf stitches.

Words for dovodok: gave up, broke up.

Lead Ide

Spring has come. The boys run to the river. River go ice. Viruє i make noise water. Krizina krizina know. There is a dog on the Great Kryzhina. Shvidko carried the water to the shore. There were wells on the banks of the river. The dog strebnuv on the deck and vryatuvsya vіd bіdi.

Words for dovodok: carried, shore, vryatuvalas to the river.

go snow

Axis and spring. Get off the mountain. Shvidki hoist drive run to the lake. Bіlya vodi stand bare bushes. Broodnі kuchuguri osіgu osіgu. Muddy strings of water covered all the holes. Use the kalyuzhi. The boys are playing the gank. It's dry there.

Words for dovodok: run, stand.

Spring has come

Brood with snow squelch underfoot. Ale yak around fun! The sun shines brightly. Warm exchanges are warming near the kaluzhas with jackdaws and crows. The river puffed up and darkened. Gіlky kuschiv golі. Ale stink already live and die. Axis and spring has come.

Words for dovodok: darkened, breathing.

First days of spring

The first days of spring have arrived. The sun shines and shines. Warm exchanges build snow forts. Bіlya ganka kalyuzhі. Usyudi jingle krapel. On the needles, zapashni brunki were swollen. Willow tufts have blossomed. A crow perched on a maple tree. Vaughn scream hoarsely. The jackdaw is looking for a place for a nest.

Words for dovodok: fortress, ring, shout, joke.


The warm spring has arrived. Water flowed. The children took the boards and smashed the chute. Choven pliv on the water. The children chased after her and she shouted merrily. The stinks did not marvel at their feet. The children ate to the Kaluga.
(According to L. Tolstoy)


Axis i ranok. I shouted a pive outside the window. A new day is dawning. Foxes galyavins stomp at the apartments. Beetles hum loudly. Birds are flying, animals are passing by. A lot of fox galyavin - the most fun place. Harsh summer days!


Kovzanka - a lilac pubis. Laskiv Vasya, she is cunning. Paws oxamite, steel. The pazury of the outlet, the eyes are large, the teeth are crooked. Vaska has a fur coat, a dog coat, a shovka coat. A whale stalks, wags its tail, closes its eyes, sleeps a dog. The bear got caught - don't get angry.
(K. Ushinskiy)

Cap! Cap!

Bushes filled with water. On the skin gіltsі garland krapel. Gorobets sit down - a gleaming plank! Drink more, and a drop of water from the nose itself! Gorobets to іnshoy, іnsha - cap! Skok, skok gorobets, drip, speck of droplets!
(N. Solodkov)

Robot Friends

Didus brought a load of firewood. Vіn having become firewood to store up an old pine tree. Didovі dopomagav onuk Vitya. Outside the strong frost and wind. And the lads were smoky when they saw the robots.

Words for dovodok: bring, store, help.


I went to the river for fish. Having caught the wine of the fish, the new viz. Where did you go home. On the road lies a fox, as if dead. The old one took the fox and put it on the sleigh.

Words for dovodok: having caught, їde, poklav.


It's birch. From the dahu fall often drips. Kuchuguri took the ganka. Shvidko bіzhit strumok. The fox has winter. Bushes and old stumps sizzle with snow. Axis shuddered yalinka. A chest of snow fell to the ground. Lis checks on warm, clear days.

Words for dovodok: settled down, reigned, hoarse.

On the river

My dad and I lived on the birch of the river. Dida has a letter. We often ran to the river to catch fish. Sharik the dog merrily teased us with a catch. Vin loves fresh fish.

Words for dovodok: zustrich.


Bachu, perched on one of the trees. What a wine is shaky! The head and back are black. On the ceiling there are bright-red patches. There were chickens and wives on the black wings. The whole string, that yogo was called a woodpecker. Well, blush!


It's already snowless. The sun shines brightly all day. The ganka chirps the strings. Alyosha and Mishko let the paper boats go.

Words for dovodok: walk, shine.

Dog Ryabka

We lived on the river birch. We have a new choven. I often went to the river to catch fish. There was a booth near the booth. Our dog Ryabka lives there. Mi її loved. Persha ribka bula for Ryabka. The dog guarded the booths well. Vaughn was a good friend.

Words for dovodok: with us, stood, guarded.


There is a willow on the birch of the river. Vaughn lowered her jacks into the water. A pike hovered under the needles. Willow flowers. Fly bjola for the first honey. It's fun to jizhchit jmil over the willow. Change the sonechka warm the earth. The warm wind blows quickly on the needles.

Words for dovodok: stand, take a bath, jizhchit, zigrіvayut.


A lot of different birds live in our forests. Tse drіzd, owl, chaffinch, nightingale. Birds build their nests on the balustrades of trees. The stench is haunting them by the thick grass. To love the birds of joyful sleepy fox. Birds voice a little bit from the us kіntsіv. Good luck with the fox!

Words for dovodok: love sleepy.

On the puddle

Spring has come. Spekotny summer days have come. Uncle Illya pasture the cows in the meadow. Palokhlivka heifer Zorka quietly tormented. Win calm її. Bichok Buyan merrily shoots at the pocket. Grass gude jmil. Good hang on the puddle!

Words for dovodok: calf, calm, whip.


Warm cherven vіdchiniv vіdchinі v іto. Finding days are coming. Strokatiy kilim vkriv fields and fields. It's fun to make noise fox. Ring the songs of the birds. Bagato robots at the birds. From the wound until the evening wear the stench of the little ones.

Words for dovodok: Ring, until evening, wear.


It's a warm spring. Viishov clear day. From dahiv falling often drops. The trees puffed up on the maple. The fluffiness of the kuchuguri fell from the snow. It's fun to live a twinkling strumok. Mikiti has a boat in her hands. Vіn lowering yogo into the water. Shvidko rush the boat.

Words for dovodok: boat, yogo, seen.

Robot Friends

Today the lads go to the meadow. The stench helps the grown-up dry the blue. The thick grass has a lot of fluffy jmil. Birds are sleeping high in the sky. People practice friendly. A lot of food was prepared for the stench of the cows. The collection of cows will be taken.

Words for dovodok: help, prepared, high.

On the river

Axis and speculative days have come. The lads walk with a stitch to the river. It's noisy and fun. Children play on the pist. The stench will be great budinok. Papa Slavi Dimov swims well. Vіn learn to swim lads. Start swimming and you.

Words for dovodok: pisok, will be.


Sashko and Yura went for a walk in the park. Swifts lied on a bun. A little lad threw a chick on a linden tree. Birds have seen. Yurko took the boy by the hand. Shamefully. Birds are our friends.

Words for dovodok: swifts, soromno, friends.

Practice lesson

Let's go to practice. The teacher Nina Petrivna gave the children glue and paper. Schoolchildren swear by paper trojans. Garni viishli trojandi. Chergovy Vitya Zorin having removed the glue from the table. Troyand wines by placing a vase.

Words for dovodok: at the vase, putting.


Often my brother and I went for a walk in the grove. Then I will finish a lot of mushrooms there. Under the yalinka near the moss, white mushrooms were hovering. Aloshi's axis is already a new cat. May the great white mushroom. Vіn rіs bіlya samoї stitches.

Words for dovodok: went, then, cat, at my place.

In fox

Linden blossom. Widely spreading their oak trees. Gostrі promenі sonia forcibly break through the thick leaves. The fox is noisy. Birds sleep all day long. It's fun to buzz jmeli and bjoli. Mustache for warmth and light. Entering his right spekotny lime.

Words for dovodok: color, punch, right.


Wet wind blowing all day long. That axis having thrown a plank. Vin hit his mistakes hard. I stopped early. The sky was overcast with dark clouds. We marveled at the window. In the wake of the snow, the trace was not lost. Spring has come.

Words for dovodok: ceased, wondered, did not lose.

In fox

We linger on the river birch. Wall stand thick fox. Good luck with the fox. Look cleaner. Birds are singing like a dream. The fox has a lot of yagid. Sonya that titka Lyuba often goes to the forests for a titty. That persha berry is savory.

Words for dovodok: Sunnitsa, berry.

In fox

It's a warm day. The lads went to the fox. Yura and Olga went to hell. There is a shadow. Olya is strong on the stump. Under the forest, there was a fluffy bunny. Stribnuv bunny and bov like that. For a whole day the children were walking. Good for the fox!

Words for dovodok: such, cilium.

paper snake

Petro Somov buying glue. Mom gave synovі threads. Yura Gromov brought paper and cardboard. Axis and snake. Vin is great and beautiful. Children go beyond the barn to let the snake in. Serpent fly. Petya and Yura for the sake of.

Words for dovodok: barn, cardboard.

Two friends

Yasha Ivanov and Yura Yolkіn are comrades. Boys walk up to the first class. Von live together. Yura to count Yasha at the saber. Yasha gives other toys and books. Boys love to read books and magazines.

Words for dovodok: walk.


Get some grass. Axis and warm days have come. Schoolchildren Dima and Borya go to the beekeeper. There is a lot of bjil. Bjoli fly near the vulik. There are stylists. Bjoli put honey at the stewards. Garny honey!

Words for dovodok: vulik, walk, honey.


Axis and winter is over. Come spring. Clear days have come. Buzzing strings. Bіlya budinka Kalyuzhі. Birds fly from warm lands. Rooks are our first guests. Yura and Vanya to make houses for the birds.

Words for dovodok: guests, passed.


We lived in the country. My brother and I loved to fish. Uncle Petya often takes us fishing. Once I caught a pike and that perch. Mav's brother is eating fish. Last supper for the cat Garmat.

Words for dovodok: once, having drunk, supper.

Our catch

The river came out of the coast. Vaughn flooded our entire meadow. Only the groves of bushes could be seen from the water. Did Illya with onuk Andriyem poured chimney to the bushes. There the stench put a measure. Two fat lyashchi and a great pike-perch were flooded near the merezha. Our good catch!

Words for dovodok: take care, flooded, set.

Old Polkan

There lived a kind dog Polkan and a gut Murka. Cossacks were born near the gut. The axis of the gut has gone. Polkan graє with cochineal. Cossacks lick on Polkan's back and squeak. Radium dog. Then the gut came and began to grumble. Polkan upovz pid ganok. Polkan is bored without little cochineals.

At the dacha

We live in the country. Completion of warm summer days. We often go to the gay. There was a great garden beating the house. The garden has a lot of flowers. Axis of storage trojand. Droplets of roshi shine on the leaves. To sleep the fluffy whale Murzik. Garni at the cat vus.


We went to the field for sleep. Uncle Illya vіz great wagon of son. The sun has come. Stars sang in the sky. I lay down on the great haystack, and it was given that I was spitting on a chute. Good luck!

Words for dovodok: wondering, wondering what.

Horobriy Drizd

Seeing the booth of whale Vaska. Vіn pochav shukati sobi їzhu. Once I remembered the whale's nest of a thrush. Vaska's eyes sparkled. Vlіz vіn to the very hollow and running paw. Drozd rushed at Vaska. Vіn having put his beak yogo in his eyes. The whale snarled and began to fight.

Words for dovodok: pomіtiv, gleamed, beaked.

Warm days

Warm grassy days have come. Boove early. Droplets fell from the sky. A beetle was lifted with a hairy stitch. Beetle maw great vusa. The axis of the beetle rustled in the grass and vtik. I pierced the galas. Tse on a stitch wiyshov elk.

Words for dovodok: povz, viyshov.


Standing clear day. I stood and siv on the warm earth. Six nig quickly swept the grass. The grass was tucked in, now it's alive. There were small bugs. The fox has secrets everywhere. Freeze, become a bush and a stump. Fox reveals his secrets. Be patient.

Words for dovodok: standing, nache vidkrity, tolerant.


Did Kuzma and Vasya go to the forest. You have a cebra with water, and a grandfather has a hoe. Small yalinkas grew on the edge of the forest. Tse stinks planted. Love to marvel at equal rows. Yalinki were stringy, fluffy. The skin neck whispered light and warmth. Did and onuk radi.

Words for dovodok: grew, planted, marveled.

In the village

Vletku I live near the village. Vuliki stood by the garden in Uncle Aloshi. I often watch for bjols. The stench spent the whole day. At the uncle, zavzhdi buv zapa honey. We liked to drink tea with honey by the garden. Behind the village bev rates. There were pikes there. Once I caught a pike.

Words for dovodok: were driven, spying.

Granny is that onuka

Grandmother raked sino on her bows all day long. Granddaughter Olga went to the forest looking for mushrooms. Evening has come. Granny prepares cow food. Rizhukha bula behind the booth. Olya took a piece of bread that strength. Vaughn began to call Rizhukha.

Words for dovodok: zgrebala, evening, ready, took.

In the mountains

It was busy in the spring. Red poppies and tulips were burning down here. I love the mountains. Animals sat on the high rock. They were cheetahs. And the axis of їx is a little mow. Vіn gravіz kvіtami. Zviryatko beating them with a paw. Mother kept watch over the son.

Words for dovodok: mercifully, sat, cheetahs, beating.


Glib that Illya was played in the garden. Glіb mav paper snake. The sky darkened. Hit the makeup. Watering a strong board. The boys rushed to the hati. Ale khmara pishla. The little birds fell asleep. The children went into the garden. From the heights of trees and bushes fell raindrops to the wood.

Words for dovodok: it got dark, they rushed.

Our town

In the wake of the warm exchanges of the sonechka, the earth and persha grass came to life. Thin twigs of trees stretch to the light. Bіlya booth our city. In the city of Olga and Darina they planted a cibula and krip. Tsya bed for salad ta ripi. Mustaches work together.

Words for dovodok: came to life, stretch, planted.

Bіlya river

Boris is alive for the river. That beautiful river Oka is wide. Boris and his friends often rode on chovni. Vin taught his brother and sister to swim. There were zanders, Georges and perches near the river. Yakos Boris having drunk a great lyach. At home, the grandmother called Yushka. Delicious bula yushka!

Words for dovodok: Oka, they drove, they called.


It's a warm spring. Ax and first grass. It’s better to lie in the snow near the darkness. All day long the chaffinch sings a little. Nezabar buzz and bjoli. The last gift of the kvіtіv stench will be carried by the vuliki. Uncle Ivan love bdzhil. Vіn look out їх. Von give honey to you.

Words for dovodok: carry, watch, їх, youmu.


Spring has come. Slightly voice the birds. The axis is respectfully close to the crow we know. The crow has strong legs, that mitzny dziob. Pir'ya at her is siri or black. Ravens live near forests, mountains, deserts. A rich raven lives near villages and places.


Ravi ta Shashi - baby elephants. Von live together. On obіd їm give raznu їzhu. Little elephants eat porridge, bread, chickpeas, blueberries. Love the little ones tsukrovu cane.

Words for dovodok: elephants, resentment, tsukrovy, outline.


Axis and spring has come. There is noise near the park, near the garden. Screaming jackdaws and crows. Birds have a lot of turbot. At the hollow of the birch, the spats dominated the nest. The stench spent the whole day. They dragged cotton wool and dry moss into the nest. In the evening the birds sat on the jacks and slept.

Words for dovodok: shout, ruled, vescherі, sat.

In fox

Like a green half-light, a birch in the fox fell off. The wind has arrived. Vіn pochav grati with leaves. The stinks chattered merrily. Great drops of dew hung on the grass. The fox is alive. In the forest wilderness, a zozulya crowed. The sun is bright and the weather is fresher.

Words for dovodok: green, arriving, sunny.

Summer in forest

Dobre and vіlno vlіtku in lіsі. To the green leaves of the dressed tree. It smells of mushrooms, that stifled zapashny sunnitsa. Different birds sing. Whistling the Volga. Cuckoo chewing zozuly. At the bushes, nightingales sing over the stems. At the fox under the trees, animals are speared. Moose graze. Weeds roam. At the dark bush. How to be cunning. Cheerful squirrels play on the trees. A rich mystery of miracles in the summer fox.
By I. Sokolov-Mikitov


It was about an hour before the march. The children went to the bank of the forest river. The stench patted the marvelous spore. Vono was crushed from stovburіv trees, hіlok and mule. Qiu was rowed by beavers. I used to drive myself at the beavers' houses. At the lower part of the hut, the stench stifled the entrance. In the middle there are rooms and a corridor. At the house, the animals will feel safe. Entry of hobbies under the water.

Vedmezha homeland

On the sonyachnu galyavin, the vedmeditsy veveled the vedmezhat. Zupinilas that hearing. Chi is calm in the fox? Squeeze to the mother of the vedmezhata. Not long ago, the little ones wriggled out of the warm barlogs. The stench listens strangely to the fox sherekhiv and sounds. It's scary for the fox. Noise wind at the high peaks. The birds are sleeping. A woodpecker knocks on the pine makivtsi. Call the vedmezhat to the dear fox.
By I. Sokolov-Mikitov

Grammar tasks

1. Z tsikh slіv write 4 words with a naked class in the root of the word.

I option. 4 words with boys' twinkies and deaf voices in the root of the word.

II option. Colossus, coat of arms, krajina, elks, vіz, easy.

2. Write off the proposition, write over the words, some part of the promo stink is hung.

I option. In the wake of warm exchanges, the earth came to life.

II option. Under a tall pine tree, the mushrooms huddled.

Control dictation for class 2 using the Zankov system

1 quarter entrance dictation

Qile: reverbing to write down the words of a different sound and slogan structure, to make out the speech.

I. Dictation.

In fox.

Andriy and Yura go by the forest. Instructed to live the dog Tuzik. Birds sing merrily. Jump with squirrels. They hid under the yalinka, the siri zhachki.

II. Grammar tasks.

1. Divide words into warehouses for transferring:fun , sleep , siri , zhachki.

2. In the rest of the proposition, add letters that signify soft sounds.

3. Know the words from the text and write words: for one - more sounds, lower letters; in another word - more letters, lower sounds. Indicate how many letters and sounds.

1. Write down propositions, arranging different signs. Skin proposition to write from a new row.

Z a p i s n a to s k e:

Mi one alone viruchaemo one without one mi nіkola nіkoli and nіzascho not cook us nіhto flying over maple leaves maple in the cold to tremt on the road of the balcony the golden kilim to lie.

2. In the rest of the proposition, add head members.

3. Write 2 words, like 4 words. Divide them into warehouses for portability.

dictation on the topic "Names of power"

Qile: re-verification of newcomers to the introduction of great letters in high-class names; mastering the cob spelling skills with the improvement of the rules for writing words.

Who de live

My friend Lyuda Petrova lives near Moscow. Uncle Vasya lives at Kalusa. Place Kaluga stands on the river Oka. We write one to one sheet. Let's go to the river to the grandmother to the village of V'yazniki.(33 words.)

1. At another rechenni podkresliti head members.

2. Words:Oka , leaves , let's go divide into warehouses for portability. Put your voice up.

control dictation for i quarter

Target: re-verification of knowledge, reduce that skill of learning about topics.


Bula garna weather. The lads looked over the top. What work? They began to stink to the girka. Boys practiced together. For a whole day the stench worked. The wall of the barn grew heavy. Children poured її water. Girka is frozen.
(31 words.)

Gramata h i s c o e task

1. Write 1-2 words from the text, some letters have more lower sounds.

2. Before speechpracticed write a word from the text that is close to the meaning (synonym).

lime tree , spa , zhachok , zoshit , speculative .

4. At the 7th rechenni, give the basis.

(Chief teacher can choose.)

i i quarter

test on the topic "different b і b"

Target: re-formation of the novice spelling of words from differentb іb .

1. Add words from different parts:

1) if;

2) burulka;

3) healthy;

4) b'yut;

5) flowers.

2. Vote on the distribution. Fill in the missing letters.

1) about .. phenomenon;

2) pay..i;

3) pіd..їzd;

4) st. pivdnya;

5) time..jzd.

3. Cross the word to the skin row.

Illya, Tetyana, Olga, Darya.

Merezha, blue, burulka, Siberia.

4. What letters should be written before? (Circle, add letters to reject.)

e o u u i

5. Which letters should be preceded by rozpodilny '? (Circle, add letters to reject.)

i e yu a

6. Reinforce words with incorrect transfers.

Such-I, pіd'їzd, v'yuga, z'їhav, burulka.

7. Make such a speech.

It is written after prefixes in front of the letters _________.

Write the letter _________ before the letters _________.

reversing dictation on the topic "words
with subdivisions
zhi-shi, cha-schcha, chu-shu, chk, chn, schn "

Target: re-verification of the formation in the textbook of the beginning of the correct spelling of the words from the wordszhi-shi , thicket , chu-shu , chk , ch , schn .

I in a r i a n t


Aibolit vіdchiniv vіdchiniv. There was a last woman sitting in the doorway. Yake wonder! Aje, the collection of lastivki linger in Africa. The bird is cold. She will sit on the snow and shake. The doctor planted її bіlya coarse. Lastivka flew in from Africa. Її sent sick animals.(37 lines)

Gramata h i s c o e task

1. The eighth riverine has a head member.

cha , shu , ch .

II in a r i a n t

In fox

The lad and the girl often run near the forest. There stinks joking ghouls, tearing sorrel. The fox's birds sing merrily. At the hollow, a hand squirrel lives. There is a rabbit on the galyavin. Good for the children of the fox.(33 words.)

Gramata h i s c o e task

1. The fourth speaker has a head member.

2. Write down the words from the wordsshea , chu , chk .

reversing the work on the topic "proposition"

Qile: re-verification of the difference between the speech, the difference for the method of speech; in a sentence text, you can see propositions and draw them up on a sheet; see head members of the proposition; vodity terms:opportunistic, spontaneous, energizing speech, hailing and non-calling intonation.

Hid lesson

1. Add vislovlyuvannya.

A proposition, as a way to avenge information about someone or about something, is called ...

The proposition, as a way to avenge food, is called ...

A proposition, like to avenge an order, a call to diy, prohannya, is called ...

(Skin is correct - 1 point, total 3 points.)

2. Write down the text, arranging different signs.

But it was a warm summer day, but with a great gloom, the sky was covered with a thunderstorm, a bliskavka flashed, hitting the grim pishov with a strong board, but the sky cleared up like a good aftermath of a storm

(The skin is correctly framed proposition - 1 point.)

3. Write down the speech. Voice the head members of the proposition.

Garniy reindeer viyshov on the fox galyavin.

Use the arrows to show the link of words in the speech. Write over the words part of the promo.(The correct answer is 3 balls.)

4. Speak less on propositions. Put up branch signs.

About what the tree whispers

Spring is new with strings

Soon the convalia will open

The nightingales sing too much

(The skin is seen and the proposition is correctly framed - 1 point.)

control dictation for i i quarter

Target: review of knowledge of learning from topics.

All day snow. Friends Kostya and Lyosha after school went for a walk to the park. The children rode from the weights on the sanchats. Illya and Ksyusha stood on their faces. And two Mashas came on kovzan. Ale snig mustache go that go. Vіn zasinaє lick.(41 words.)

1. In the third proposition, the main parts of the mov are used.

2. Write one word from the text, in which there are more letters, lower sounds, the other word, less letters, lower sounds.

3. Divide words for transference:Illya, walk, zasinaє, friends .

i ii quarter

control dictation on the topic
"guys and deaf voices"

Target: reverification of the newcomer to the spelling of words with the right ones, which are reverified, in the end.

Winter at the fox

Winter has come. There is a strong frost. Snig vkriv birch and oak. Tovsty ice squeezing the river. Or dressed in snow coats. A fluffy scarf lies on the pine needles. Axis of kuchugur. There it is good to sleep the witch.

Gramata h i s c o e task

1. Podkresliti prikіntsі slіv, yakі need to reverb.

2. Choose three words of the rule. Write down the correct words before them.

3. Rise another proposition according to the members and parts of the promo.

control dictation on the topic "spelling
boys' voice-like words"

Qile: Verification of the vmіnnya correctly write words with twisted spellings, draw up on the sheet of the speech.


At Vnukovi, I dug a little stav and put golden ribok there. Togo rock buv severe frost. The stakes were covered with snow.

Spring has come. The snow has broken. Ale lіd still standing for a long time. If the wines were broken, the fish swam merrily at the headquarters.(38 lines)

Gramata h i s c o e task

1. Write down 2-3 words with the boys' voices like words. Please write down the correct words before them.

2. The third word is sorted out by members, and it marks the parts of the language.

control dictation on the topic

Target: re-verification of knowledge about the prikmetnik.

First day of winter

We went to forest lakes. Self-made snowflakes fell from the sky. Axis to a small lake. The water is clear there. The sky was white overhead. Ale raptom sent gloomy snow. Plastіvtsami tumbled thick snow. Winter began to rule over the earth.(38 lines)

Gramata h i s c o e task

1. Choose for the members of the proposition: I option - the third proposition; II option - some rechennya. Vipisati word formation (additional + noun). Determine the number and number of references and names.

2. Pick antonyms to words.

I in a r i a n t -vicious strum - ...

dovga river - ...

II in a r i a n t -shy boy...

high bush - ...

perevіrna robot on the topic
"prefixes and receivers"

Target: re-verification of the knowledge of children from the educated topics.

Hid lesson

1. Write off, opening the arches. Support the receivers, see the prefixes.

(On) winter has set foot (on), what to stand.

(Across) the ice (through) the river (about) the road was drawn.

(On) glass frost (on) malyuvav (pre) red vizerunki.

The earth (on) crooked puffy snow.

The rest of the proposition is divided by members and parts of the movement.

2. Write down propositions from the correct use of the receivers and prefixes.

1) The goods were not loaded onto the steamboat and were delivered to the destination.

2) The goods were loaded onto a steamboat and delivered to the date of recognition.

3) The comrades boarded the steamboat and delivered them to the places of recognition.

4) The goods were loaded onto a steamboat and delivered to the destination.

3. Insert the necessary receivers.

Angry... dahi.

Bus ... conductor.

Urivok ... warning.

Laugh... like a clown.

control dictation for the third quarter

Qile: re-formation of the newcomers to the spelling of the words in the range of the rules: the letter is great in the upper names, the pairs of sounds and the deaf voices of the words, the spelling of the sloping endings of the examples.

Hid lesson

Nova school

Behind the village of Morozki, the buv is empty. Bags for lads zbuduvali new school. The scientists planted a bunch of trojans. Tulips bloom in the flower beds. Behind the booth, the schoolchildren planted an orchard. Pass rocky. The boys harvest fruits from apple trees and pears.(39 sl.)

Gram ma t i h e c k i e d a

1. Write on the texts of the receivers.

2. To another proposition, consider the members and parts of the promo.

3. Know that spelling two words with letters, which means guys when they say words. Change the words.

i V quarter

reversing the work on the topic "Dієslovo"
testing )

Target: re-verification of the teachings of the twisted material.


1) Dієslovo - tse part of the movie.

2) Dієslovo - tse part of the word.

2. Viberi that pіdkresli vіrne firmness.

1) Dієslovo designates the subject.

2) Dієslovo designates the dіyu of the subject.

3) The word means the sign of the subject.

3. Viberi that pіdkresli vіrne firmness.

1) Dієslovo zminyuєtsya by numbers that hour.

2) The word does not change for the numbers that hour.

4. Viberi that pіdkresli vіrne firmness.

1) Dieslovo is the main member of the speech.

2) Dієslovo є another member of the speech.

5. Yakі z tsikh slіv є dієslovami (podkresliti):

1) sleep; 4) sleepy;

2) filling; 5) sleeping.

3) spivak;

6. Find out the words, what to stand at the form multiply(address):

1) erase;

2) will;

3) speak;

4) to speak;

5) visa.

7. What is the word for the skin group?

1) Speaking, writing, knitting, hanging;

2) burkuє, fight, zіtre, regoche;

3) will be sewing, caring, caressing, zanis.

8. Give a word, for some people get accustomed
at the form of the past hour.

1) A barge along the river.

2) The fox lads turned three stitches.

3) Influenced by Dasha near the village.

4) Spring has come.

5) Mi demo fox.

9. Indicate the propositions in which head members are incorrectly reinforced.

control write-off from tasks

Qile: re-verification of the formation of the novice spelling of the words with unvoiced voiced words; rechecking the memory of writing with the text.

P o d s c e s a p i s n t e x s t:

Vpiymav S. Like a lad forgetting to fix the door. Birdie vul..tila. Paul..tіl chizhik k.kіshku i vdarivsya about st..clo. Lifting S..cutting the bird. Chizhik is the same dihav. Vin died unexpectedly. After that S.. cutting the l..(According to L. Tolstoy.)

Read the essay.

What is the explanation about?

What is yoga morality?

How do you feel about calling you?

Don't forget: "We vouch for those who have been tamed."

Task nnya:

Write the text by inserting the missing letters into the words.

At the temples to these words, write a translation.

control dictation on the topic
"Gluzdі voice dokorinno words"

Qile: rewriting vminnya to write words with unvoiced voices before the root; recognize the spelling and pick up the reverb words.

Lisova galyavin

Near the galyavini stood yalinkas. The leather hung forward on the birch. The whole big galyavin bula was covered with humps. Tse moles were corrected. The day was falling on the pagorbi. Birches grew there. And under їkhnіm zakhist - yalinki.

Pass rocky. Usya galyavin overgrowth with some yalinkas. And the birches wither away in the darkness.(43 words.)

Gram ma t i h e c k i e d a

1. The rest of the proposition is divided by members and parts of the promo.

2. Write down 2 words with unvoiced voices before the root, add reversed words before them.

with grammatical tasks

Target: re-verification of children's knowledge of the learned spellings.

Hid lesson

1. Write off, inserting missing letters.

At st. Nothing matters to you s..rіzhki u vіlha. Vіn (pіd) grabs fuse..tsu. I drank .. tsa l .. tit for everything l .. su. Sun (o) candles. The fox smells like honey. Bjoli bjoli ta (Pro) l.. to sink the first Like a mustache oshatno!(41 words.)

Gramata h i s c o e task

2. P'yate rechennya sorted by members and parts of the promo.

3. Speak in dialect and mark the hour.

pidsumkova robot control(dictation)

Qile: vyyavlennya, as the world has formed the beginning of spelling sliv z urakhuvannya vyvchenih rules, as the learned in the minds of recognizing spelling, know the method of rewriting the spelling.

Hid lesson


Today the forester mowed the grass on his bows. Vіn pіd'їzhdzhav on horseback. The old kin standing at the darkness and sumuva.

A girl came to Kosovitsa from a rural village. Vaughn cooked the hedgehog, she brought the horse. The horse checked Olen. Soumny ochі radіli.

Z'ist bread and whispering krikhti in the valleys with your lips. Let's put the head of our friends on my shoulder and zithaє.

Words for rights:shoulder, stood, girlfriends, from the court, the sum, the radius.

Gram ma t i h e c k i e d a

1. Eight words were sorted out by members and parts of the promo.

2. Write down the name, prikmetnik and dієslovo with the root-Sum- .

3. Choose to write down the word, protile for the meanings (antonym): radio - ....

Black gloom covered the sky. The window is quiet. I flew in a rush, having blown the wind and went through the grass with a whiff. The sky was littered with glare. Mitya, and gurkіt thunder around the neighborhood. The lands caught the great wooden drops, like changing part of the wooden. Number of words: 36

Gloomy yellow day. Strong blow the wind sees from the tree and leaves. Cold drops often hit the board with shots. Gorobtsі, scho zіshulilis, hovayutsya pіd dahom pіd'їzdu. The trouble would soon end! Number of words: 30

Ready for the zhovten. Guy throwing off the gold leaves. The clouds covered the sky. Rarely shine the sun. The weather is often cold wood. It's frosty at night. Kalyuzhi covered with ice. Dme fresh autumn wind. The road froze over early. Winter is coming soon! Number of words: 31

Vlitka Glib Dubkov was seen near the village by his grandmother. Often Glib that dog Bobik went for a walk to the forest of the lake. As if the stench vyrishili ride in the chovni. On the lake there was a light bridge. The air was fresher. Cold wind blowing. Garna walk! Number of words: 39

Yura and Vova are visiting grandma near the village of Valki. From the village, the Pir river stretched out with a narrow line. Boys often run to the river. The lads kick from the shore near the water. Swim near the smelter to look at the latatta. After the bath, the brothers warm themselves under the change of the sun. Total lines: 40

Everything warms the sun more and more. It is hard to settle the snow caps of kuchugurs. White foxes darken persh thawed patches. The crisis of the top of the leaves breaks through the white head of the flower. This is a small flash of the arrival of spring. Number of words: 28

In the autumn Yura and Masha in the garden knew a little hedgehog. The boys brought yogo home and planted it near the big box. Children honored the zhachka with small pieces of white bread, stuffed them with warm milk. All the frosty winter, he slept softly. The boys checked for the arrival of spring. As if it were a warm summer day, their prickly friend had slipped over. Children have already healed! Number of words: 49

Farewell, fluffy snow. Come spring. The sun is growing stronger and stronger. Horobtsі and lastіvki gladіyut yogo warm exchanges. Zgrayka grakiv rushed to the guy. There the Graks called their nests. Axis and first quarters. It's fun to jizhchat bdzhіlki. Stink drink savory sik. Number of words: 39

Є in the world of the miraculous comor. Put a bag of grain up to it. In the fall, there will be ten such bears in the Comoros. Zhmenya now becomes a great cup of ogirkiv. Chi tse Kazka? No, not a fairy tale. Miraculous komora is true. Vaughn is called earth. Number of words: 39

Our village has a lot of spatula. The axis turned to the fatherland of the birds. The stinks have cleaned and renovated their nests. In the evenings, the shpaks sat on the humpback in the evening and slept. I love hearing them. Shpaks flew one to one on a visit. On the day of the stink, it’s smart to walk between cities and in the garden. Number of words: 46

For example, birch trees appeared wide thawed patches. A duckweed bird with a small forelock on its head was sitting on a bed of torso grass. Raptom, she flew with an arrow into the heavenly heights. Above the fields, that distant forest, the spring song of a lark chimed merrily. Number of words: 38

Spring is coming to the edge. It became warm in the fields of the fox. Shine a bright sun. It's fun to shout graki. The river is noisy. Plive ice. Water came out of the banks. Trees stand by the water. Zaєts sit on a stump. Vin got wet and trembled. Number of words: 38

Pavlik and Yura - brothers. The stinks linger near the village of Niva. On the day the boys went fishing. Axis and river Klyazma. The boys began to rebound. Poruch sidiv kit Vaska. Yurko pull perch. Qiu fish was given to a cat. Vasko buv radiy. Peacock having drunk a pike. Number of words: 38

At the bed of the milky river, the workers built a dam. On the mist of the colossal river flow, new rates sloshed. In clear, calm weather, we take an inflatable chauvin and weep it into the air with water. Uzdovzh one coast rate growth of young pines. Uzdovzh іnshhogo - eating beach. Stavok - the love of the place for the repair of the bagmen. Number of words: 46

Winter. Freezing. Fluffy snowflakes fly from the sky. Snіg vkryv pnі ta kuschi. Tovsty ice squealed a glass. Clear days have come. Ditlahi go bigati on licks and on kovzan. Good pay! Number of words: 29

Clear day. The kids are playing the gank. Girls kittens from a snow sack. Stink to stick a hare. Olga and Igor took a lie. Go go up the mountain. And Yasha sit at home. Vіn zahvorіv. The boy marvels at the window. Number of words: 32

Wee buli in the mountains? High write-ups in krizhany hats. Trochs below the middle of the great stones are visible islands in the snow. Order to lie kilim from strings of flowers and green grass. From peaks with noise to rush the mountain river. Streams of cold water peresribuyut through the stone. Amazing view! Number of words: 41

Axis i spring has come. Slightly voice the birds. The axis is respectfully wet along the crook of a crow. The crow has strong legs, that mitzny dziob. Pir'ya at her is siri or black. Ravens live near forests, mountains, deserts. A rich raven lives near villages and places. Number of words: 41

Miracle days have come. The fox's jitters are merry. The gank has fluffy grass. The spatulas turned to the garden. Schoolchildren go for a walk in the gay. Birds build nests there. There are a lot of colors on the galyavins. Children rejoice in the warmth of that spring. The dog Belka runs after the lads. Total lines: 40

Axis and spring. Sunshine roaring snow burn. Noise shvidky strumok. From dahiv zvіnko falling drops. The backs of sticky bars burst. Alyosha and Yura check for the arrival of birds. The stench zmaystruvali for birds shpakivnі. The boys go to the park. Number of words: 34

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