Yak zrobiti strong kick. How to rob a strong blow and bring down all the strings

In one of the recent articles, we looked at the nutrition of training the speed of the blow (How to train the speed of the blow). Therefore, it is entirely logical that today we continue the topic of training the functional features of our minds to improve the impact. For the first time, we can look deeply at the unique way of training the POWER of the IMPACT with the hands.


The strength of the blow, as it’s not funny, it’s not enough to lie in the face of the strength of m’yaziv, so that a blow with a hand is more like a folding ruh uzgodzhenno pratsyuє majestic kіlkіst m'yazіv.Such a rank bang but, if not a show of the strength of their m'yaziv, but a show of their uzgodzhenoy work. if you have learned this robiti, then the blow will be even weaker.

Boxers Pochatkіvtsі against protruding boxers

Іsnuє richer, if you stick with a real opponent equal to the object. Pochatkіvtsі flooring zoseredzhenі on the generation of electricity. Stink to fill the bag that breaks through in the room, and all you want to stink is to break through the bag with your strength. Then we stink at the kilce and zagvinchuyutsya, to the one who can not stick with their blows.

Later, the wines turn to number 1, focusing on the “ideal typing technique” that form, which will give them more power. They are talking about the most advanced perforation technology. Tom is trying to know other methods of fictitious conditioning in order to complete his "technique" of typing.

You chanted more than once, but it was possible, you could watch it on your own, like an amateur. In the face of such blows, self-love suffers more, lower cracks, to those who hit even weaker. The lover is not able to consequently need the m'yazi, so the body's body is not invested in the blow. Speaking simpler, THERE IS NO CORRECT TECHNIQUE to strike! That's why wine is too weak. How to learn how to invest in a blow, tobto. make yoga strong?

Now how many lads are stuck in? The stinks hit harder. For this reason, the lads who are stuck out do not talk about the production of electricity. The stench goes over the flow, and the stench stomp, if the stench smells. Marvel at the young Marc Antonio Barrera at the bag.

  • De vie bachite, what do you report zusil?
  • Tse for the vlady's fold?
  • Chi tse for the delivery of that transmission of pressure?
It is obvious to me that the wine may not be concerned about the generation of electricity, so that the fault is changed, and the fault of relaxation. Don't worry, it's a contract for a skin attack. Here it is, Yogo's hand is relaxed, but chi is not navazhennya. If you stop thinking, it's more like those who are thinking, to think about strategy, and not think about your energy generation technique.

It is necessary for us to learn and practice the correct technique to strike with a well-informed person. You won't learn to hit hard without a coach, to that bitimete without a body tab. But today we don’t say anything about setting a blow, because “not my bread.” Therefore, we’ll all talk about those how to train the m’yazi pratsyuvati used for molding a beater in terms of the strength of the blow. For whom we will victoriously own our own possession: a hammer and a tire.

Why is generating tension the least critical part, if on the right it reaches the strength of penetration? Not for the one that is not important, but for the one that is more natural. You have less than a fraction of a second to generate tension and reach. The less you need zusil, the more better.

We don't need more energy. We need to learn how to gain strength for our boxing moves. The easiest way to improve the strength of a beginner is to improve yoga technique. I didn’t need it, so I took care of the styling by 50% more vaga. Learn how to become strong - it is important to learn how to move your body in such a manner that it creates maximum strength against your body.


These are unique tools that will help you to make your blow even stronger, as you will delve into the recommendations, which I will give in these articles. Otzhe, we need two words:

· COVER- car tire with tovstoy gumi

· Sledgehammer (hammer)- Great double-handed hammer for forging metals and crushing stones, on a long hand.

Those that require an hour of training are the task of building up all the parts of your body with a tight stretch of a second, and then we will relax everything, so that we are left in the homeland, protect the energy, work the rest of the hands thinly. Learn to beat your body! You can choose yourself strong lad in the room, the one with the strongest back, and there are no guarantees that you can work it out.

Generating pressure is the easiest part of the typing technique. Kozhen can generate power. Watch out for all the newbies at the bag. The stench hit all the big shots. Ale potim distance them to the ring and marvel at what you see. Nothing is chipped, nothing is a little swishy. The stinks are getting in, they are overpowering, they are being beaten. Did you win the program, because the stinks didn’t chip anything with their fists?

The tire is guilty, but it is static. For whom, half of the wheel is dug into the ground. From above, we are left with a laundry of our own “raiduga” of tovstoy gumi.

The hammer can be of different vaga. Most often practiced with hammers:

· LIGHT (up to 8-10 kg): Suitable for drummers (training tabs when hitting with a hand)

But now, what can you do? You've got problems. You just become zhorstkishim, you really don’t stop collapsing. It is rather static to the right, and not dynamic to the right, if you stagnate strength, if you move part of your body. In addition, the moment of impact becomes less than a fraction of a second of strength, no more.

  • The movement of the vaga will not help the sound of the sign.
  • The movement of the vagi confuses you and grabs the m'yazi, but they don't let them in.
  • And the speed of the kulaks is real, it looks like a release of a kulak, and not a post.
  • The movement of the vag does not help to convey tightness.
  • At the moment of impact, everything that you need to kill, you will be caught on the beat.
What is your introduction technique?

· Important (10-32 kg): Useful for wrestlers (functional training for kicks)


· BOXERIES: it is permissible to trim close to vantage (so hands are far away one way one)

· FIGHTERS: trim with hands on the tip of the neck (far from vantage)

Why such a position of hands? To the one in boxing, strike with one hand, and not two in a row. If we want our training movement to be as close as possible to the impact, then our hands at the moment of impact can be trimmed one way or the other.

Tse zreshtoyu vyznaє, naskіlki important athletics can help. The first problem with newcomers is that the way to generate power makes it easier to deliver and transfer pressure. Incorrect supply of energy can override the delivery of energy, disturbing you, energize you, call you, improve your ruhi, strengthen your strings and waste energy. It's important to collapse shvidko if you have swollen m'yazi.

Improperly generated energy can destroy your position, raising the center of gravity and setting you out of the equation and trying to transfer the tension to you at the moment of impact. Tse does not mean that we should kill you weak. Naygіrsha pardon polygaє in that, schob think, scho pіdёmnі dumbbells and metal strikes similar to the move with victories of analogous methods.


The hammer develops a naughty force or a blow to a boxer and a hard pull for a wrestler kid In addition, the hammer actually trains the forceful vibrancy so I will need it in any sporting duel.

Why is the hammer so good for shaping a strong blow? To that vin dosit important in order for you to jump to make your work easier with a path LAST CONNECTION OF THE GREAT M'YAZIV to the robot. Otherwise, it seems to be the very same thing, it’s easier to try the technique, it’s not right to get drunk.

The best way to think about typing technique is to show what is similar to posting. Try to relax and strike richer, more swishy and with less zusilli. Blow may be empty! The less you put on yourself, the more tighter your marks will be. In the shortest possible moment, a single moment of "post", which you may need, will be in the very end, at the moment of impact, and only the remaining 1% of your typing.

Not only that, you move your members to the correct positions, so that you have a good typing technique. The shock technique also comes out of the hour, the accuracy of that understanding of the internal movement of the body. A good technique for typing is more, lower “turn your legs, turn your quilt and turn your fists.”

If you only “beat” with your hands, then the stench will surely get bogged down and you won’t be able to continue. The same hit you yourself will not work too hard, because the mud of the hands is richly weaker than the mud of the body. In order to make it easier for you to improve your robots, you will be step by step connected to the robot m'yazi nig and the body. And what is it? Tse same those that are necessary for the formation of a strong blow with the hand!

Can you continue to lift your weight for your boxing training?

Ale podnyattya vaga z namirom zbіshiti force drukuvannya and the speed of your hands would be a problem for me. One more rіch, about how you are guilty of protecting yourself, - tse important speeches with a thought, which is similar to a typical ruh. І navіt yakbi vy pіdnіmali wag, what aspect of typing technique would you like to improve?

Since you don’t have many good coaches for you, what you trust, then you basically don’t have a choice, try yourself and wonder what will happen. Train from wagons and without wagons. Your technique and training may be comparable to others, and not less than itself. Most people think that, in order to protect themselves from aggression, the stronger the force, the stronger it is. Really, it’s a richly effective blow, not too strong, but more accommodation for the life of an important part of the aggressor. One of the aspects, which is not a trace of forgetting, lies in the fact that not to get into the hands of the shkodi or the shkodi, if we are taken into our attacker.


It’s hard to give specific figures here, since everything is stale given your training. For a start of 10 kg for 10 repetitions, it can be even more foldable. And you can fight more than 200 times with a 20 kg sledgehammer and not push yourself. 100 repetitions(having hit the roof with a hammer) at a time (pіdhіd). Such approaches can be earned for training. 2-4 walks.

Tse mozhe zdatisya trivial and obvious, ale vіn zataєtsya more often, nizh vvazhaєtsya. Especially if wines were taken with hands. If a woman suffers from an attack, first, what is necessary to grow, to react. As the only alternative is a physical reaction, it is necessary to understand how to intimidate the aggressor. Vrakhovuchi, that the choice of the subject is the best thing, for example, hit with a purse, as the woman has no objects under her hand, you need to win the parts of the body, especially the arms and legs. Striking with hands is the easiest way, but life is often more complicated.

Really, the instinct is the first to be afraid, if we want to hit someone who attacks us, then throw a blow. To the one that is stressed, adrenaline, terrifies us to curl our fists in anger, to that we think that the blow is strong, effective. I, perhaps, yakbi vie knew how tse robiti. But do you know how to strike correctly? A heavy blow to the “non-professional” path, as if to rob boxers or fakhivtsі from zakhistu, it can bring to tears and injury at the hands, as we hit the aggressor in the teeth and strong sinciv on the wrist, as if the fault is not in the correct position for contact .

On the very cob vchennya ruhu, for the drummer of the drummer - tse Zupiniti pіdhіd, WHAT THE TECHNIQUE IS DAMAGED!


What is the technique? Take that bey. How can a technician be here? Do not hurry to work that pardon, as if all the boys could work with a hammer.

We are full of blows to professional boxers, that is just our life. We vchimosya hit with your hands, but with your palms. A blow to an open hand can be effective, like a fist. For example, a blunder on the face can be more like a swedish one and not be conceited, and, therefore, it can be given on a closer one; do not require special mastery for the hour of vikonanny; he does not need special strength to be effective, as you get on the sensitive parts of the body, for example, on the nose; vіn not vimagaє, sob vi buli in front of the attacker, like a blow.

In fact, a blow can be a task, be it a position, if you want to stand on the side of the attacker, which, perhaps, is pulling by the hand; protects against possible synergies and injuries. In order to understand, as if you were guilty of a blow, stand in front of the wall and hit it with a hand that doesn’t beat too much energy, long, bagan with a fleshy part. You will feel the garni vibuh and, perhaps, a minimum of redness, but even more filth. Now vdarte with your very energy, with which you have been hit, but with a fist. You will see the difference in pain, and you will understand why it is better to hit with your hands.

Remember, I'm saying that ruh maє buti as close as possible to the impact.Whoever wants the tab to develop more and write down on p_dsv_dom_st. In the minds of the battle, you will not be confused about what and how to work. Your legs, body and arms will break everything for you.

That is why our task is to learn how to practice with a hammer correctly at once. To make it easier to form the correct technique of inserting into a blow. And it means to crush yogo with a strong swish.

Just like that, a blow will come to the aggressor’s nis and step in, launch the blues, like a raging disguise, and you will take away the miraculous effect. If you ever broke your life, then you, maybe, you know that such speeches are made at this hour. "Assailant controls actions combat art? “What is the attacking yak’s armor?” Ce, insanely, legal nutrition, but we consider one of the most important: “What can my choice be strong enough to overcome in a short-term perspective?” Deyakі people can instill suffering in the form of filthy thoughts, yak, as if to attack them, the stench cannot effectively defend themselves through their ineffective strikes.



Hand positions: by'yucha hand closer to the middle of the handle, іnsha hand bіlya edge.

B'emo with legs, body, arm. The back is straight (do not fight to sit lower under the hour of the blow).

The simplest way to strike a blow, to this we begin to turn the technique of robotics with a hammer. At this stage, it’s important for you to learn how to watch your legs and body, as before the hour of the strike, so before the hour of picking up the hammer back. Hands - those, about what you think in the rest of the black. , to make it easier to understand.

It is important, prote, learn that you can increase the hardness of your wounds. We will try to help you with your stats with your stats. Have you ever played, like a gravel at a golf course, having kicked a stingy blow with a filthy technique? Have you ever sipped, like a swimmer pouring water from the boundary swidkistyu through the filthy technique? The right technique to strike will help you not only to heal the wound, but also to make it more effective, but it means that you spend less energy on the important postril. Legs and legs are in the correct position. Legs and legs are, in a way, the anchors of your arm. The stench will make you feel at ease, but at the same time they will allow you to transfer strength from the lower half of your body to the upper half right at your fist. Below, it was put forward for the sake of correct interaction with legs and feet. Walk a little more below the width of your shoulders. If you can, you can sum it up, take a bigger position, not a bigger one. Replace the leg of the hind leg and trim it. Trim balance. Put your fingers on the right side of the targeted blow. As if your fingers were following your method, you wouldn’t put all your strength on the strike. Trim the knees bent. Under the hour of a strike, the stench can be stretched out and hit by force. Polіpshіt your technique blow. . Wake up strength by turning the quilt that tulub.



Hand positions: far hand closer to the middle of the handle

Permissible small crock forward pіd hour strike croc back pіslya. It is important to learn how to sort out the body in a good way, following the hand, whatever it is.

Tse already another rіven. For such a technique, we need to beat a strong one with a straight, distant hand. Let’s hope that until this moment you have already mastered the first option and that you are well aware of the need for soil under the hour of the blow. That's why you can ease the ruh, rolyachi yogo is closer to hitting the box.


Stand: left-handed / right-handed (stand three times sideways to the line of impact)

Hand positions: the front hand is closer to the middle of the handle (the far hand beat the edge)

Permissible small step forward for an hour to strike and step back after

As you understand, this is how the tab in a strong jab is directed, tobto. direct blow with the front hand from the rack. Technically, this option is folded, lower is straight, so that the hammer handle is located on the same side, de and front leg. Let's move on to this variant only after the wedding on the 2nd.


Stand: frontal (tobto. feet parallel, trochic cliché-legged), static (impossible to walk).

Hand positions:

Permissible wrapping with the pelvis for an hour of skin impact (angry to the right and back), for forming a short tab from the skin side. This way of folding through post-yni change grip. However, wine will help us with the future, for that it is significant to save an hour. You work like a mechanism: the ruh zliva gives inertia for dispersal to the right, and from the right it gives inertia for dispersal to the left. An unstoppable cycle.


Stand: left-sided / right-sided (sideways to the line of impact), can be changed

Hand positions: left that right hand permanently change after a skin shock (overlapping)

Tse already professional riven, which opens up great space for creativity. It is said that before this hour you have learned how to practice with a hammer, be it stіyok and overkill. !And most importantly, that all your hands will form the unsvedomy NAVIK BEAT STRONGLY!


There are more and more tools, for the help of which you can achieve similar results. Nasampered tse AX. Good. On the side you look scary. Hahaha. Tim is not smaller, you can beat not with a hammer on gum, but with a juice on a tree with a similar result.

A short time similar to the method of training is the absence of a spring effect (more than an hour for a series of repetitions) and folding with movements for the same reasons. Perevagoyu є gliboke "penetration" in the object. possibility.

Another, more exotic, tool is a TYAPKA (a straight-cut latch on the handles for sticking into the ground). The essence is the same as a sokir. The difference is less in the object of stasis of forces. You "pierce" a blow to the ground.

Technique about yak I'll tell you today is unique. My hour has been shared by me, the people I have already shoved. reevaluating your own nutrition.

It is not easy to train the shock muscle. A strong blow of the mіtsnih gnuchki m'yazіv of the entire body. It is necessary to work the muscles in a coordinated manner, appropriate to the technique, so as to provide supplements maximum strength at the point of impact. Therefore, for the task of an exhausting blow, a mother of strong mind is needed, good coordination of the rukhіv and a clear spritnіst.

It is correct to hit the blow - with a relaxed hand, and at the last moment, it is less to strain the m'yazi and the fist, creating a hard construction. Viide nibi throwing a fist at the target. In order for the blow of the viishov to be correct, it is necessary to start it from the toe of the supporting one-step leg. Wicked wood legs for transfer kinetic energy the arms of the whole body to the point of impact, it is necessary to step by step turn the toulub and straighten the arm. And in the very end, at the point of impact, the fist needs tension. In this way, the whole body and the energy of its acceleration in a short amplitude are put into the blow. Technіchno vykonanny blow to go even stronger. It’s better to hit harder with the hands of the boxer. The boxing technique of pushing a blow has been brought to perfection. Vaughn allows you to make the most powerful and miserable strikes with the minimum amount of energy.

The most important is a direct blow, the shards, when applied, the body’s body is maximally dispersed and invested in the blow.

For directing a straining blow, it is necessary to master the correct technique of applying and gradually train yoga. For whom you can win an important boxing bear. Bandaging your fists in front, so that you can hide yourself, it is necessary to put on projectile mittens. After that, you can hit the important bear. The technique applied is even more important to that which helps to avoid injury. If you train hard blow, then you need to hit the bear hard.

Also, in order to increase the strength of the blow, it is necessary to train the muscles of the mouth of the body, especially that of the torso. This is why special rights are established, vikonnannya of some of them help to reduce the severity of the blow. These are rightly called plyometric. Let's take a look at the deeds of them: Vіdzhimannya vіd pіdlogi z bavovnoy pіd hour vypryamlennya hands. It is necessary to step into the air with such force, so that you can catch up with your arms at the front and land on straight arms. Tulub wrapping killed. Hands zcheplennya in the lock behind the head. Standing straight, wink with a tulub and a pelvis with a sharp hand, which twists, to the left and to the right. Serving from the distribution. Straighten your legs with such force that you see a winnowing. Landing on the ground, I need to sit down again. At rest, lying down with a stribkov’s hand, pull the knees up to the breasts and straighten them back on their own. Vіdpratsyuvannya tehnіki blow іz dumbbells in the hands. Vikonanny vyshchevkazanih right to help direct a harder blow.

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