Characteristics of the professional training. Advancement of professional level: how to choose a program for a course

1 Training and retraining of workers.

The training of new workers is the most important professional training, since earlier there were no small working specialties.

Training of qualified workers is carried out at vocational and technical schools, as well as at primary schools and directly at the vocational school.

The training of new workers is carried out at the undertakings for individual, group and course forms of training. The stench includes both the training and the development of the theoretical course, which will ensure the development of professional skills, the basic qualifications, the necessary minds of mechanized and automated production. The terms of such training should be established for 3 months depending on the complexity of the profession and specialty. The apprenticeship to the qualifications of a qualified sleeper and the assignment to a worker of a single tariff category will be completed.

With an individual form of leather training, who is trained, attaches to a highly qualified worker, a master or other fahivtsya, or is included in the brigade warehouse, de yogo as a general tutor, the brigade leader or the other member of the brigade. Theoretical course of individual training is taught to students independently. In case of a group form, the students are united at the head of the brigade and work together with the head of the program under the head of the brigadiers-instructors. The number warehouse of the senior groups is established in a fall due to the complexity of the profession, which is known, and the minds of the minds. Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B. Modern Economic Dictionary, 3rd kind., Moscow, INFRA-M, 2002, p.79.

The course form of preparation of victors is for the training of workers in especially flexible professions, which require a significant obligation of theoretical knowledge of a different kind of work, which is impossible to denigrate a non-working field.

Theoretically, training in this case is carried out at the beginning-course combines, at courses that are constantly running, organized by the Galuze ministries, as well as at the evening vocational schools (for contracts for the salary of the enterprise). The terms of training of new workers are determined by normative documents and do not take a short time, for the sake of a fault, like a technical education. Theoretical employment and practical training are carried out at the borders of the trivality of the working day.

Retraining - otrimanna new spetsialnosti at warehouse osіb, maly work profession satisfac-

Let's take a look at the specifics of the organization of the process of retraining for the enterprise. It is most widely practiced at enterprises, orienting its personnel policy on the power of the working force. The need for retrainers calls for such processes, as a change in the practice of workers, and the in-house manufacturing process.

Slid mothers on uvazі, scho retraining is not only for workers, who wilt, but also work forces in the formation of low professions of a wide profile. In this way, retraining is due to closely related to the professional qualifications of employees, and the main form is the sum of those other professions.

The peculiarity of the retraining of personnel is the contingent of workers who are out of their minds. For the most part, the workers of the middle and older centuries, as they practiced the singing hour for the singing profession, which impose their own specifics on the training.

Management of the process of retraining practitioners in broadcasting:

ü defining the scale of retraining and the factors that should be injected into it;

ü selection of forms of retraining with the improvement of the achievement of the required result with the minimization of expenses for the її conduction;

ü carrying out sociological studies among the contingent of practitioners that are growing.

The structure of vacancies working positions and їх in order to qualify the work force, as well as the structure of the working ones, which vary, for equal qualifications and determine the nature of retraining. Retraining of personnel is carried out for the cost of expenses, which is related to the compatibility of products. In case of cost recovery, the necessary retraining of personnel, one is responsible for the retraining process itself, and the material security of practitioners during the process of retraining. |

2. Training of workers in other professions.

Navchannya other professions - the training of workers, yakі vzhe mayut profession with the main duty with the method of otrimanna dodatkovo z pochatkovy equal qualifications for this structural podrozdil. Training in other professions is organized to expand one's professional profile, training to work in the minds of progressive forms of organization and payment for work.

Training for other professions is organized to promote the professional skills of workers, expand their professional profile, prepare to work at the minds of the brigade and other collective forms of organization of work, and navigate by different professions. Previously, the training of workers in other professions was respected by one of the forms of advancement of qualifications. However, the organization of the initial process and the replacement of victorious initial documentation does not matter in any way in the form of retraining. The difference was less in the fact that after retraining, the worker began to practice for a new profession, continuing to practice for the most basic one. Before that, in practice, after mastering another profession, I often chimed in on it.

In such a rank, similarly, the separation is a little formal.

Promotion of equal qualifications for another profession is applied for workers in the main profession at the general economics courses. The term of mastering another profession of the minimum level is guilty of revisiting 3 months, it is not allowed to take a short course of a special course of protection of work.

3. Promotion of qualifications of workers.

Advancement of qualifications, as well as new knowledge, skill and understanding, is the result of the self-productive activity.

Raising the qualifications of workers - the price of training, directing to the last thorough professional knowledge, reducing that skill of mastery for obvious professions.

The system of promotion of qualifications, which was formed on the selection, includes:

1. general and technical courses;

2. course of target recognition;

3. schools of advanced methods and methods of practice;

4. courses of foremen;

5. independently

Virobnicho-technical courses, as the largest mass form, are created with the method of improving the virobnicheskimi and technical knowledge of workers to the level necessary for them to learn, with the method of advancing the qualifications of roboticists at the boundaries of special professions.

The number of students in the group is 5 to 30. Triviality of the skin navchalnoy group is restored individually no more than three months (with the introduction of the disease) to six (without the introduction of the disease). Navchannya virobnicho-technical courses will end with folding experience. Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B. Modern economic glossary, 3rd type., Moscow, INFRA-M, 2002, pp. 103-105.

Courses of purposeful recognition are created without intermediary on the development of new technology, establishment, technology, safety technology, progressive forms of organization of practice. Їhnє zavdannya - a short-term training of new recruits for the undertaking of qualified workers in order that, during the first month, the workers in the undertaking could acquire special features of technological processes.

The training is carried out at the initial groups of numbers from 5 to 30 cases for the initial senior programs of the training, as a rule, up to 3 months. Courses will end with a drink.

Schools of advanced principles and methods of practice are created with the method of mass mastering by employees of adopting and developing methods of advanced workers and innovators in the field of work, teams of teams that have achieved high technical and economic performance, among colleagues from the practice.

The training includes practical work in the workplace, which is carried out by tax workers, as well as theoretical work, which is carried out by trade officers.

Trivality of scales from 30 to 100 years, including 15-25% of an hour for theoretical preparation, and not less than 6 years. Schools will end with the carrying out of a sub-bag lesson with the additional support of a school manager and a consultant about the achieved results.

Advancement of qualifications in connection with singing vitrates as undertakings, so as a practitioner. Tse vytrati for payment to vacancies, rent of accommodation, supply of materials toshcho. Тому підвищення кваліфікації та навчання з відривом від виробництва, внаслідок чого підприємство зазнає тимчасових труднощів, має бути організовано таким чином, щоб результат від цього – більш високий рівень продуктивності праці, якість продукції внаслідок освоєння нових технологій, обладнання, прийомів та методів праці – перекривав витрати .

Підвищення розрядів насамперед проводиться робітникам, у яких більш високий рівень теоретичних знань та професійний досвід, які освоїли другі та суміжні професії, застосовують раціональну організацію праці на своєму робочому місці, пройшли навчання на виробничо-економічних курсах, мають встановлене для даної професії та розряду загальну освіту or they study at technical schools, institutes; to know well the technological process of robots, the rules of technical operation, installation, and the norms of energy consumption.

The enlightenment of spivrobitnikiv can be seen on a large scale.

The first day is the beginning of the company’s core managers and top managers, and then it’s about changing the company’s strategy and about serious innovations, as it will be possible after the company’s core warehouse is started and a new company is taken away by them.

Coming rіven: navchennya managers in different lanka, beginning in the middle of lanka and ending with young managers. This river also brings innovation to the company, the stars set the company a new rhythm of work, give new knowledge and technologies to the workers, as they can help in the competitive fight. Until then, sled vrahuvati, that the company, as it teaches its spivrobitnikov, has a lower staffing rate. Young managers for this day already have only one wages, їхікувіт а rіvennіa prosuvannya kar'єrnymi descents і mozhlivіst ії іy roboї іїїї їїїїї їїїї їїїїїї їїїїїї. Do not look at the vchenogo // Vіdomosti - 2007, No. 1.

Based on the data of the experiment conducted in the fall of 2005 in 136 companies in Moscow, it was stated that one of the largest articles on the exhibition of the company is corporate training.

Axis yakі danny buli otrimani pіd h dolіdzhennya:

79% of companies organize the training of top managers and young specialists.

17% of the company conducts the training of service personnel.

20-40% of the total HR budget goes to another company to train managers in the Middle East and specialists.

20% of the HR-budget goes to 47% of companies for the training of top managers, and 42% of companies spend on the goal of 20 to 40%.

75% of firms spend less than 20% on the HR budget,

the insoles are stained and the training of the employees of the service workers. The training of young specialists is less expensive for companies.

Up to 80% of the main part of the cost of training to pay for the regular training services.

Up to 11% is spent on the organization of internal training.

Up to 27% of all expenses for education are occupied by other educational services: studies for the MBA program and courses for the improvement of English language.

42% of companies indicated that they should develop a system for evaluating the effectiveness of their training services.

29% of companies have such a system for evaluating internal training.

How much does it cost for a company to train one spivrobitnik on different equals?

Appointment of a top manager: at business schools in Moscow, an apprenticeship for two years for the MBA program costs from 6 to 25 thousand dollars. The average variant of the program is 10 thousand dollars. Chi rich tse chi little? All deposited in the same assessment, with which suits me for illuminating. The graduates of the MBA themselves are aware that the training at the business school has already given them a lot of new beginnings, and a new look at the business. Another important aspect is that they make connections, as if they were victorious, the MBA graduates will prolong their lives. Before that, the specialties that are taught in business schools are the most promising for business: the art of being a leader, strategic modeling, management and marketing of successful peers, psychology, and corporate management. Lack, Mikola Mikolav, General Director of Lukoil-Nizhzelzolzolzolzolzknafta, Vyazh, ShO Yakshcho Buschta Overnot of Yakosti I can bring real a core of compani, Todi Voston for the Businessman of the VSID, the manager of the Yogo Zya .

How to become a manager of the Middle Lanka: how can you get a manager in a company, and how much will it cost? Read best at short-term trainings and seminars. If you send a recruiter for a month or two, then you’ll be better suited for small companies, and send a recruiter for training, which is three days or two, really. Seminars, as a rule, last one day.

The training is carried out in such a way: a coach from the company is requested, so that he can provide such services, that he will deal with that problem, that he has developed in the company, and then we will recommend that another training. On this day, Moscow has no personal consulting and training companies that provide services.

How to choose the best? It is possible on the Internet, to the fact that the lighting market for today's day in Moscow has already been celebrated, and the main gravity has already been appointed, the stench is already working more than one river on the market and can finish a great assortment of different trainings. You can see one of the lighting exhibitions, which are constantly held in Moscow and, as a rule, a lot of training companies with their own trainings are represented.

Practically daily programs, which are related to the training of personnel with the highest qualifications (management work), the implementation of the problems of quality, productivity, and the promotion of motivation of workers. The presence of a well-qualified and qualified control over the work of the workers and the lack of professionalism of the staff led the rest of the hour to the lowest of the largest man-made disasters.

Professional training at the rich galuzyah of the industry can not be improved in a proper professional knowledge of that vmіnnya, but rather take away the chergovy tariff range, increase the tariff rate after the simplification of formal certification procedures. When underestimating the real rіven maisternostі, vіd kogo to lay yakіst pratsі and social protection prаtsіvnіkіv. There is a clear trend towards the development of functional illiteracy of personnel, although for market opportunities there is a trend towards the development of a practice market focused on highly qualified practice.

When choosing a training, you need to take into account the needs of the company. The trainings are based on the most advanced skills: the trainings for sales, and the time of talking with the client by phone, and the different marketing technologies. What is the approximate cost of training? Seminar for one day for a group of 6-10 persons will cost about 5 thousand rubles. Training for one - three days, for a group of 10 persons, approximately cost is 20 to 60 thousand rubles. The price varies depending on the number of errors in the group, the severity of training, and those training.

Є rule: the bigger the group, the bigger the reduction. As the company becomes a permanent client of the training company, it can also offer different discounts. More importantly, you can change the training without intermediary according to the specifics of your company.

Control robot

distributed "Technology of professional self-development»

(For students in grade 11)

Name, name ____________________________________ class 11_____

Instruction for students

    Test tasks ensure the possibility of an objective assessment of your knowledge and scores for the same criteria.

    Before the beginning of the test task, please read the task again.

    Vicone the task at the proponation of the sequence.

    Do not worry about it for a long time, as you can’t viskonat the first task, go to the next one, it’s better to turn to the new example, as if an hour will be lost.

    The test manager, with the choice of the correct ones, can have one or one dekilka. Put the sign "+" or "V" in the opposite direction to the correct one.

    The test task is respected by the viconanim, as for the new assignment, all the correct ones are not assigned any incorrect ones.

    For the skin correctly vikonane test task the participant of the competition will take - 1 point, if it is incorrectly scored - 0 points.

    For this set, you can take the maximum amount - 9 points.

    Start the vikonannya task.

1.What is the following knowledge about the specialization: document; dzherelom іsnuvannya. 2. What is next for the profession: a. Type of employment at the borders of one profession; b. Vuzhcha sphere of activity within the framework of a specific specialty, adjunct to the greatest knowledge navychok and concentration of activity in the center of the galley; in. Steps of readiness to be any kind of practice, the riven of preparation, like confirmation of singing document; m. Rid labor activity that requires special training, know and understand dzherelom іsnuvannya. 3. Up to specialties include: a. Medicine therapist; b. teacher; m. Slyusar; e. Engineer 4. What should be the subject of practice: a. nature; b. Technique; in. sign system; m. Lyudina; bud. Artistic image; e. 5. Which component should not be included before the change of culture practice: a. Technological discipline; b. Rational organization of the work place; in. Dotrimannya minds safety work; m. Technological process 6. Type of professional ethics: a. Medical; b. Management - administrative; in. Pedagogical; m. Hromadska 7. What follows the mind of the "kar'eroy": see, well-being; 8. What should be understood under the vertical car'eroy: 9.Determine the average rіven vocational training: 10. What is the following knowledge about the specialty: a. Type of employment at the borders of one profession; b. Vuzhcha sphere of activity within the framework of a specific specialty, adjunct to the greatest knowledge

navychok and concentration of activity in the center of the galley;

in. Steps of readiness to be any kind of practice, the riven of preparation, like confirmation of singing document; R. Rіd labor activity that requires special training, knowledge and knowledge dzherelom іsnuvannya. 11. What should be the reason for the qualification: a. Type of employment at the borders of one profession; b. Vuzhcha sphere of activity within the framework of a specific specialty, adjunct to the greatest knowledge navychok and concentration of activity in the center of the galley; in. Steps of readiness to be any kind of practice, the riven of preparation, like confirmation of singing document; R. Rіd labor activity that requires special training, knowledge and knowledge dzherelom іsnuvannya. 12. Before professions are considered:

A. Likar - therapist;

B. Vchitel;

B. Seller of food products;

G. Slyusar;

D. Engineer

13. What is the cost of warfare: a. machines; b. Tools; in. Vimiryuvalni accessories; m. d. Virobnichi budіvlі 14. What element should not be included in the concept of "practice culture": a. Organization of the labor process; b. Preparation of the work area; in. Robotic security; m. Payment Pratsi. 15. Type of professional ethics: a. Pravova; b. engineering; in. Zaobiv mass information; m. Moralna 16. What follows the understanding of "car'erism": a. Shvidke achieve popularity, success with servicemen and other activities, material see, well-being; b. Taking away material goods, benefits, dominion, a city with an undeserved honorable rank; in. Actively reaching people's success in professional activity 17. What should be understood under the horizontal pit: a. Posadove growth, pushing through service gatherings; b. Growing professional skills; in. Shvidke reach popularity18. De zdіysnyuєtsya pochatkovy rіven professional training: a. At zagalnoosvіtnіh schools, lyceums, gymnasiums; b. at vocational schools, at vocational schools; in. At the middle special initial mortgages(Colleges, technical schools, schools); m.
19. How do you put yourself up to joy: A) respectfully listen and accept to respect B) sometimes they just stink me C) play D) play E) indifferently
20. Your way to organize your work activities: A) I love keruvati the most B) I don’t like to work alone, but I’ll take myself for help C) I’m going, I’m working, checking, while I’m still working on my part of the work, with which I manage to take care of my mustache garni vodnosiny D) I don’t like it, if it’s possible to lize with settings What to say, I’ll describe them exactly and in terms, but if it’s not so, it means that the orders were given incorrectly
21. You say to yourself: A) to the humanities B) to mathematicians, programmers, constructors C) to two successors D) to lovers of satisfaction and calmness D) to the core and straight

Criteria for evaluating the results of vikonannya.

For skin correct examination 1 point

The maximum amount of points for a job is 21 points.

Ratings "5" are put, as if the student scored 21-20 points

"4" is put, as if the student scored 19-18 points

"3" is put, as if the student scored 17-7 balls

"2" is put, as if the student scored 7 points and less

Head-to-head vmіnnya, novice and methods of activity

    Determination of adequate methods for accomplishing the initial task based on the tasks of algorithms.

    Combination of two algorithms in activities in situations, as if transferring standard zastosuvannya one of them.

    More creative than the initial and practical tasks: cleverness is motivated to act in the light of the eye, shukati the original solution; independent vikonannya rіznih creative robots; participation in project activities.

    Guidance of applications, additional arguments, formulary of visnovkiv. Vіdobrazhennya in the written form of the results of their activities.

    The choice of choice for communication and sign systems (text, table, diagram, chair, technological map, etc.) is similar to communicative task.

    Whiskey for the development of educational and communicative directors of various information sources, including Internet resources and other data bases.

    Volodinnya in the joint activity: uzgodzhennya that coordination of activity with other participants; objectively evaluating one's contribution to the senior staff of the team.

    Evaluation of one's activities in terms of moral, legal norms, aesthetic values.

Results of training The results of the fortunetellers presented three components in the wims to the RIVNITS PIDGOTOTA: NOTS/ROSUMITI - Non -Khozhny Scientists Perevynnya, VMITI - Volodinnya Practical Navichi, and Takozhnnya Tu Vmisykhny, Ortovanny on Virinnya, Ortovanny on Virinnah, Orthovan. The results of the training were formulated by the mogi in a strict manner and invariantly consistent technologies and objects of practice.Checking the results of training for the purpose of the educational program in the most important way canbuti formulating how to improve knowledge about the injection of technologies into the future development, about the warehouses of the current production of goods and services, the structure of the organization, the regulation of the payment of labor, drink on the market of labor; labor and technological knowledge and thoughts, necessarymi for the design and creation of products in practical work, up to their transfer of functional and aesthetic authorities; orientate yourself in the world of professions, evaluate your ownprofessional interests and skillfulness to the types of labor activities that grow, build life and professional plans; shaping culture practice, shanoble setting to practicethe results of practice, self-reliance, high-level promotion to professional self-determination; development of creative, communicative and organizational skills necessary for further professional development and labor activity.

Classification of personnel and equal professional training. The aims of this stage of knowledge management for personnel, which include factors and modern methods of training: secondment, shadowing mentoring and buddying. HR training practice at Teleperformance.

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Federal Agency for Education

Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics

Tverska filiya

Personnel management

course work

“Personnel manager. The significance of that particularity. Equal professional training"

Vikonala student

Kalabukhova M.V.

Group Z5-MO-11


Lobashova Lilia Mykolaivna



Part 1. Personnel training. The significance of that particularity. Equal professional training

1.1 Personnel training. Knowledge management

1.2 Staff training methods

1.3 Professional training

1.4 Certification of personnel

1.5 Officials, what to instill in staff training

Part 2. Recruitment from Teleperformance


List of references


On this day, bring that revival of relevance to those who do not need it. It is quite obvious that the training of personnel is necessary in the era of progress for the advancement of the qualifications of practitioners, for the advancement of equal professional training.

It is not necessary to bring the need for education of spivrobitnikіv to today's kerіvnіkіnі: the greater number of directors in companies is more important, as to certify the experience, be ready to invest money in the development of staff.

How can all the clerks know why they themselves trained the staff, with what method is it to train them to be effective? Navchannya "I wonder and somehow" can cost the company a little more than an hour, and as a result bring only a miserable result.

Being the main primary element of the management system, the management personnel give a superb impact to the molding that is perfect.

The essence of personnel management is developed with the help of such people to understand how labor resources, business personnel, personnel.

The market economy has a law to drink, which is the essence of the influx into the camp of labor resources and their development. On drink that proposition of practice, the state regulates the practice of labor allowances, the main instruments of which is the constitutional right to practice and education: the minimum wage payment; regulated the trivality of practice and recovery; different social guarantees.

The team of entrepreneurship is divided into social, professional, and qualification types and groups, so that they can take part in the creation of the final product in a different way, or add to it by a huge amount. Also, at the warehouse team, one can name one part, which ensures the production of the main parts of the goods, tobto. "nucleus". Such a "core" can be the most stable part of the team, tobto. individuals, yakі may have the greatest experience of work on the undertaking of the most qualified part of the work.

Prior to labor resources, the population is dependent on the working age (for people from 16 to 59 years old, for women - from 16 to 54 years old inclusive); for the blame of the non-practical invalids in the past years, and the groups, and especially, if they take away a pension for a century on a plethora of minds, as well as individuals from an unpractised person (for example, the population is older than the pracial age), they are employed in the economy. Also, under the labor resources of entrepreneurship in the minds market economy it is necessary to understand all the wealth of practical skills, like for hire, so it is for military men, like they invest their practice, physical and intelligence, knowledge of that newcomer, as well as a penny reward for the provision of state-financial business enterprises. The labor potential of entrepreneurial activity can be similar to its labor potential and ensure high performance indicators of the effectiveness of the state. Labor resources are the object of management only on equal powers, regions, galleries, businesses.

Personnel - tse povny special warehouse of the organization, which works for hiring and may have signs:





Golovnym, in addition, there is a presence of labor vodnosin from a roboticist.

The term "personnel" is used by all participants in the organization.

The staff is to be informed of all the practitioners, of the most important managerial operations, and of those involved in the processing of items of work.

Let's okrіm postіynykh pratsіvnіkіv, in diyalnostі pridpriєmstva can take the fate of other practical population on the basis of a short-hour labor contract.

Theoretically, the management is based on different approaches to the classification of personnel, according to the profession and plant a practitioner, equal management, category of practitioners.

You can classify the staff from the number of direct lines:

ü The main (immediately zdіysnyuyut technology of virobnіstva) and additional practitioners (zdіysnyuyut to help the main vіrobnіstvu).

ü Ker_vniki (professionals, fakhіvtsі, main fakhіvtsі, first kerіvnik ...).

ü Tekhnіchnі vykonavtsі (іnоdі vіdіdі vіdsutnya vishcha osvіta).

ü Maintenance staff.

b According to the terms (persons and women).

b For experience

ь For qualification

The qualifications of the level of qualification of workers are determined by the tariff category - the highest category of the highest qualification.

In today's minds of competition in the service market, it is not uncommon for a client to lie in the quality of service, which the company hopes, and in the form of equal training of such workers, as well as to ensure safety.

Part 1.Personnel manager. The significance of that particularity. equal

vocational training

1.1. Personnel manager.Knowledge management

In fact, in order to become competitive, the organization needs the presence of information, organization, and training of professionals. What is the purpose of the caregivers, the first staff? How can I learn from this knowledge?

The management of knowledge to the personnel of the organization is designed for the following main purposes:

Own preparation of practitioners for yakis vykonannya of garden shoes;

Professional growth of practitioners;

Promotion of people's satisfaction with the development of their careers.

Schob virishiti tsі zavdannya, service to the personnel of the merezhі shops in the form of a plan of entry into the management of the knowledge of spivrobitnikov. The whole local document, which reflects the terms of the formation of the forecast of results (for example, the specialist knows that after the formation of that assessment of the competence of wines, it is possible to qualify for promotion to the landing of horizontal displacement). The entry plan is formed on singing period with the improvement of the requirements for certification and / or assessment of individual activity, personal plans for development, recommendations from the clerks in the stores and members of the certification committee, support for the spіvrobіtnikіv, as well as the head of the company, to stand in front of the company.

The plan of entry allows you to designate resources, necessary training (material, timing, people). Yogo vikonanny obov'yazkove for prac_vniki and ker_vnik_v usikh rivnіv.

On the basis of this document, there is also a long-term plan for training, which can be corrected, for example, in connection with changes in the standards of the company's activity, or the emergence of new spivrobitnikiv.

Depending on the plan for entering the knowledge management of the company's personnel, it should be divided at the highest stages. Let's take a look at some of them.

Stages of knowledge management

The first stage is the preparation of internal facsimiles and training.

To help the staff of the stores, highly professional specialists (corporate trainers) are selected to express their ideas clearly, convey knowledge to those who are keen, so that they may be motivated to learn others. For the help of the existing consultants-trainers, they undergo special training (trivality is about 3 months), as it allows you to train sales consultants in the trading area.

The training of internal coaches does not end on what. The stinks are doing their best at quarter-round round tables, exchanging good luck.

Another stage is curation and control of the preparation of special programs.

Prepared by corporate coaches independently fold the basic programs with the improvement of what leather from them "perfect" for the singing type of technique (drybna that big butova, audio-, video-techniques, too).

The program must include the following blocks:

Vivchennya tekhnіki of a singing mind (for example, the big pobutova tekhnіka - refrigerators, pralnі and utensils lean);

technologies of sale, service services, legal aspects of trade, basics of psychology of purchases;

Internal standards and rules of the company.

At the initial stage, the work of internal recruiters and the development of seminar programs is carried out by consultants of a consulting company. Trainers have been given the opportunity to carry out periodic corrections of the programs on their own to improve the minds of the market that are changing.

In addition, corporate trainers prepare a block of tests for candidates (with a competitive selection) and sales consultants who already work (with an assessment of individual activity).

As a result, the company will take the data base on the goods (characteristics of models, their advantages, the characteristics of other similar ones, which will be taken off at the same time), various training programs for sales personnel, food for the selection of new specialists and sales consultants. Which company’s core can have the ability to sing songs with the programs of training spivrobitniks.

The first training of salespeople is the third stage. The first training of sellers who have passed the competitive selection is carried out before they start working for the programs compiled by internal trainers. The personnel department plans and organizes the initial visits in the future in terms of new stores and the number of vacancies. With a small number of newcomers directly (for two to four weeks) one hour a few seminars are held from the professional blocks "Knowledge of technology", and for the development of technology, the sale of the training is united by the group (from 6 to 15 hours).

Mentorship and training in the workplace. For an hour of adaptation, a mentor is assigned to a new skin specialist (to help the best fahivtsiv). The main task is to prepare in an hour the trial term of a qualified sales consultant, which meets all the internal standards of the company.

During this period, newcomers also develop tips for self-development, prepared by corporate trainers, like periodically, at the beginning of the new technique, they are corrected. Service to staff and all stores are responsible for their mother's disposition of materials. Without training, salespeople who work with the company, it is difficult to go through the next stage of knowledge management - the entrance hall.

After two or three tyzhniv robots, a spivrobitnik creates a room for internal standards and the rules of the company, according to the robot by-button technology that technology sale. Zalіk priymaє htos іz kerіvnіkіv pіdrozdіlіv, а corporate coach, who deals with this type of equipment, with a new salesperson, who is a specialist in personnel service. For a negative result, you can repeat the test; Well, if a person and suddenly don’t run into problems, it’s significant that she didn’t pass the test term. For a positive result, the spivrobitnik is direct to further education.

After the hall, an attestation interview is carried out, de commission reveals the practitioner’s motivation to start and work with your company. At the attestation arkush, who will be remembered as a cerebrate, and as a spivrobitnik, the rest will tell him what he was guilty of, and what he wanted to be victorious. Just as a favored seller of some kind of high-quality development, that head of the company is escaping - you are encouraged to learn about this program.

At the next stage - the training of sellers with a wind-driven robot: stench is trained for special programs. For the first time, the folded professional unit “Knowledge of Technology” is being promoted (for example, as if during the first stink, digital cameras and video cameras were used, now it is plasma and rare-crystal televisions).

The extensions of the "Technology of sale" block also include the lost programs, the distribution of the skin group of goods, which are sold in the shops of the merchant (the types of customers, the specifics of working with them, legal aspects are looked at). Corporate trainers work on improving the knowledge of specialists, inform about innovations (for example, about the implementation of standards from the cleaning of bays), comment on changes that have been made in the company.

In the wake of such borrowing, methodological materials (instructional aids, video films) are used, as they are written for teaching other groups. Corporate trainers also give recommendations to the skin new salesperson for further activities, and store managers - to work with them.

The next stage is the assessment after the completion of the testing term, the folding of the training plan.

Until the end of the test term, the seller is reassessed by the store managers, corporate trainers and representatives of the personnel service (the results of the assessment are taken from a special reference book). After that, a survey is carried out, de pracіvnik podomlyaєєєєє, chi vіn proyshov vyprobuvalny termіn, and set the task of the offensive period.

The spivrobitnik is also encouraged to move away from the training to get a good start. Programs in which case will be in the field of the company's needs (for example, "Robota zі skargami klієnta", "Presentation of goods") or otrimannym "novelties" tehnіki. It is also a way to motivate a sales consultant and transfer the development of yoga carers. You can choose the program yourself by submitting an application (Submit an addendum Get an addendum) to the staff service, or make a proposition about the distribution of those who sing yoga.

Further, the training of sellers is carried out 2-3 times on the river fallow, in view of their qualifications, the introduction of new programs, innovations in the merezhі stores.

Potim - the stage of assessment of individual activities, the development of spivrobitniks.

After the completion of the training, the mentors and the managers of the store will tell you, how the vicorists will take away the knowledge of that skill from their robots: under the sight of a great purchase, the sales assistants will cross over, and then they will write the “Letter of re-verification”. The sellers know about those who can see the “secret” buyer, even if they don’t know the stink themselves.

On the other hand, an individual assessment of the competencies of fahivtsiv is periodically carried out. Її pіdbags, as well as information about vykonannya іndivіdualnyh zavdanі and splanіv sluzhіv v selіvіv - all tse dany, podstaі yakіh kerіvnіstvo prіmaє prіshchennya і іnshe prіschennya і іnshe remіshchennya pratsіvnіv. A consultant can become, for example, a senior salesperson, a mentor, a director's advocate, a corporate coach, a store director, or a manager of another company's promotion.

The final stage is the assessment of the effectiveness of training.

For subbags, the training is assessed as a robot of spivrobitnikov, and the effectiveness of the training program itself. For whom the following criteria are used:

Steps to change the exchange rate to the needs of the company, or there are only a few participants at this stage in the future;

Compliance with the training course for the staff to achieve maximum results.

In addition, the effectiveness of business training is evaluated on the basis of criteria in the Kirkpatrick model. I. Semenkov, "Personnel management." / 2001. - No. 9, p. 8-25.

Visnovok: Knowledge management for personnel - without intermediate training of specialists (advancement of qualifications, advanced knowledge) and the second assessment, and the mechanism of internal organization of communications. For the help of this mechanism, the helpers are provided with the necessary information for the robot (local regulations, vetting only); the company implements new rules and standards; salespeople get new recruits in the team (skilled in training); Structural upgrades may allow mutual modification for the implementation of operational tasks (planning and organization of trainings).

Managing the knowledge of spivrobitnikiv, moreover, is one of the most important ways to create a competitive edge of the company, for the help of which it is safe:

Positive image of the organization over the market;

Satisfaction with the demand of clients and post-employees, the development of mutually supportive partnerships with them;

Possibility for a skin specialist to work out his work in the most rational way (like that fast);

Mastering advanced management methods. Personnel knowledge management // Personnel officer's report-2006. - №5

1.2. Staff training methods

The cycle of professional training starts from the appointment of needs, as if it reflects the revealed competences of people who are able to acquire professional knowledge and beginners of their practitioners with such knowledge and skills, such as they really stink. On the basis of the analysis of the needs and resources of the business, the budget and the number of professional training, as well as the criteria for assessing its effectiveness, are determined. An important place in the process of learning can be introduced in order to improve its efficiency, development and implementation of programs for learning. Among the appointments directly, the special position of the specialists of the service to the personnel of the enterprise is assigned to the appointment of the appointment of the consumption (necessity) of the training of the personnel. Professional development - the process of training practitioners to complete new career functions, occupied new settlements, completed new tasks, leading to business activities in market minds. The key moment for this gallery is the identification of the needs of the organization for the trainee:

Participants of the appointment:

1. Viddil personnel management;

2. The practitioner himself;

3. Kerivnik.

Officials, what to pour in the designated technology of learning:

Dynamics of the outer middle of the development;

Need a change in the organization's development strategy;

creation of a new organizational structure;

Mastering new types of activities.

Zagalom when organizing a system of professional training, it is necessary to insure:

1. The organization of training fakhіvtsіv and pracіvnіkіv mає buti pov'azana z virobnicheskim tsіlami and zavdannya, scho virіshuyuyuschih organization.

2. The training of the staff does not give proper success, as there is no proper system of winemaking at the enterprise for attainment, or as the knowledge is gained, that recruits do not know their practical skills. In this connection, it is necessary to formulate the link at various stages and gradually correct the model of the current trade, the level of your qualifications and competence.

3. The frequency of training of specialists depends on the needs of the business. However, according to the opinion of authoritative economic services in a number of countries, the level of scholastic hoarding of the staff of various categories of practitioners can be no less than 30% of personnel from the skin professional group.

4. An important place for a professional apprentice loan to develop promising and in-line plans for training, advanced qualifications, retraining of key practitioners and fahivtsiv.

You see that directly professional training and training of personnel signify this form. Sound like you see such forms. Navchannya on the job position in the process of work (at the start, the term “on the job training” is being developed). Tsya form of training is the most operational, because secure a close connection without intermediary with the process of the practitioner's activity. The form should be realized through mentoring and curating with varying methods of leadership, how to direct, direct on the way, to guide, to guide, to rotate, to teach as an assistant, to delegate progress - functions and performance.

Navchannya z vіdrivom vіd robo - (on the way the term will be called - off the job training). This form of training can be implemented in the following way:

navchannya bіlya organіzatsії, zdіysnyuvane vnutrіshnіmi fahivtsy ї ї organіzіzatsії.

navchannya bіlya organіzatsії, zdіysnyuvane zvnіshnіmі, zaproshennymi experts.

navchannya belya ovnіshnyoї osvіtnої organіzatsії. British scholars D. Kenney and M. Reid see five forms of in-house training and call them "strategies". Strategies, in my opinion, give the possibility of development and may on respectfully planned and systematic training:

1) Teaching a working profession - mentoring, zdіysnyuvane by a line kerіvnik chi acknowledging a colleague. It is planned to organize the activities of the organization - call it an additional form in the case of an extended program of development, for example, the development of a career development method, etc. May, on the uvazi, the fate of the practitioner is planned for the activities of other subsidiaries.

2) Internal training courses are as effective as possible, which means that one hour you will learn low-level workers, who are involved in a serious professional activity for the participation of ceramics. It is possible to have an alternative to learning about various information technologies: basic software packages, expert systems, but in this case, learning can go directly to the workplace.

3) Planning for the organization of the activities of other organizations - transferring the fate of the practitioner to the activities of other organizations involved in the process of functioning: for example, in partner organizations or in organizations-purchases of goods and services.

Existing training programs - expanding the two main types of training programs in existing organizations:

short-line programs with a driving force in professional activities - call for consulting and training companies, business schools;

Dovgostrokovі programs of training, which are regulated by sovereign standards, the result of which is the elimination of qualifications - are carried out with a private wind in professional activity, promoted by universities and schools of business.

For all three types, you can use the following training methods:

a) Lectures, presentations: they are characterized by low activity of the participants in the training, there is a lot of sounding of the transfer of important professional knowledge.

b) Discussions: victorious at the development of professional knowledge. Mayut on uvazі: splkuvannya-dialogue of participants; ordering exchanges with glances of a group of osib, like in the role of conducting participants; vislovlyuvannya, vislukhovuvannya, vikoristannya non-verbal means of expression; directness of negotiating the achievement of primary goals.

c) Business games: directing the development of professional, communicative, managerial skills, and developing the development of business; weak way of transferring knowledge. They are characterized by an imitation of the real situation for the intelligence of what you see, which allows you to remove a lot of stereotypes, and at the same time with them, an opir, which you blame in reality when you try to review these stereotypes. There are such types of business games:

Role games - roles from a non-intermediate working practice: cultivating the voice behavior, going beyond the templates, mastering the necessary activities.

modeling games - mindful replacement of reality with savings of some characteristics, changing solutions;

imitation games - the title of "headquarters training", if the situation is set and the robot is simulated.

d) Interactive learning: directing to the business and the exchange of knowledge. It is characterized by the exchange of ideas of the participants in the training with the expert, the process of interactive training is initially consulted - a comprehensive analysis of specific professional tasks and the recommendations made by the expert's expertise.

e) Analysis of specific business situations: directing to the development of professional knowledge and skills. Fragmentation in 80s at Harvard, USA. It is characterized by profound and detailed investigations by the participants in the study of real situations in which the situation is simulated, as it is conducive to the fact that it will reveal the most private characteristics of power, virobit and variance of such situations.

f) Navchannya zі creation and development of the command - direct to the development of vodnosin.

and) brainstorming- direct development of creative skills, innovation.

h) Conferences and seminars - pribannya and exchange of knowledge and technology, development of knowledge.

i) Apprenticeship from international organizations for open lighting programs, such as the adoption of another higher enlightenment, Master of Business Administration (MBA) - call victorists for the implementation of focused education. Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B. Modern economic dictionary, 3rd type., Moscow, INFRA-M, 2002.

The Russian National Human Resources Team (HCK) recruited 712 HR-managers of Moscow and regional companies for the "Vidomosti" project. It was noted that companies (52%) are most interested in trainings related to time management and leadership. In another area (42%), there will be programs related to the work of the team and the development of managerial skills. Mayzhe stіlki (40%) vvazhayut for the need to splurge to their spivrobіtnik novice telephone communication and public speaking.

The fact that the company will benefit from corporate growth is confirmed by the data obtained by Begin Group. Having experienced the past fate of 100 Moscow training companies, it was explained here that in 2006 The largest number of Moscow training companies (59%) were hired by 20-40 clients. Have 2005 r. the total number of training companies increased, and in the meantime the number of training companies increased, which in turn served from 40 to 70 clients (26% in 2005 and 32% in 2006) and over 70 clients (05%2052) r. and 11% in 2006 r.). Do not look at the vchenogo // Vіdomosti - 2007, No. 1

The popularity of corporate trainings is growing. With all the food, how to grow so that the pennies spent on education were not lost without assistance, the third of Russian roboticists do not hvilyuє. Use impersonal methods to train staff. What is the best way to choose the most viable core, priming for an hour not on the effectiveness of the method, but on economy. Do not forget the vchenogo / / Vіdomostі - 2007, № 1. But there are still no ideal options to combine two primary methods. I'll try the yakomog more to reveal the essence of dermal methods. Father:

1) Promotion of the quality of the internal company professional training for the selection of innovative technologies for certification of personnel. ISNYCHYCHY SYSTEM OF THE ONISHNOFIRMOVAL NAVENT AND THE SUBRITED MIRY FORMENT OF THE RIGHTSED OF THE Professional RIVNYARIV, NOT VIKORISTIONS OF VIRAMILE OFFICAL OSVICA, CROPENTITITITIONS, CREATIONALYSISHICALS.

Professional training at the rich galuzyah of the industry can not be improved in a proper professional knowledge of that vmіnnya, but rather take away the chergovy tariff range, increase the tariff rate after the simplification of formal certification procedures. When underestimating the real rіven maisternostі, vіd kogo to lay yakіst pratsі and social protection prаtsіvnіkіv. In the present, there is a trend towards the development of functional illiteracy of personnel, as well as for market opportunities, there is a trend towards the development of a drink to the market of practice, oriented to highly qualified work.

2) Novelties in the service market and the development of staff were always awarded with special respect and popularity. It appears that among the methods of training, they are still not practically represented in Russia. First of all, I will tell you about the original approach to the development of the spivrobitniks that are victorious in the UK companies, I will give my assessment by looking at the service market, prepared by the faculty of the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development (CIPD) before the HRD-2 exhibition. In my opinion, the statistics are too good. At the thought of CIPD fahivtsiv, the most popular ways to develop spivrobitnikiv - training in the work field, international conferences / masters and courses - are victorious so often, the oskіlki є great history of їs zasosuvannya, which allowed the English to bring practical tools. Other methods are introduced to England by new ones, although, wait a minute, the breadth of the current one is hostile. Still looking at the TOP-3 for the forecasts of the growth and zastosuvannya:

1) coaching by line managers;

2) mentoring/buddying;

These new methods are being actively discussed by the HR-facilitators of the UK, and not from the point of view of what varto їх victorious, what stinks are effective (the price is in no doubt not mentioned), but in the context of the exchange of dosvidom їх zastosuvannya in practice. What methods to become popular with Russia, show the future. And today I dabble in such methods as secondment, shadowing mentoring and buddying.

3) Secondment - a type of rotation of recruits, more precisely, an exchange of personnel. Є official designation of what is so. Secondment - "commanding" a sleeper for a song hour to another structure for getting the necessary skills. Така ротація відрізняється від звичайного переміщення кадрів тим, що подібний обмін може бути не тільки внутрішнім, коли працівники переходять до іншого департаменту тієї ж компанії, а й зовнішнім, при якому людьми обмінюються цілі організації, причому, як правило, відносяться до різних сфер (комерційні , state enterprises, small local companies, schools, charitable associations). This method of the company with a “flat” structure, delimiting the possibility of pushing spivrobitniks and, as a result, they have a development of additional newcomers, especially stands out. The exchange can be non-trivial (nearly 100 working hours), and trivial (to the point). Such a program is suitable for absolutely all spivrobitniks (managers, fahivtsiv, technical staff, etc.). I pay for the work of a person who has moved to learn new skills in another organization, as a rule, he is a real roboticist, tobto. company, like yogo "struck". The salary can be paid from various budgets: for the development of personnel, for communication with state structures (for example, for directions to state establishments), for goodness (for example, for working with a good organization). The only other payment for the work of such a worker is to be given to the organization that accepts it. The English have changed their minds, that in the process of the exchange of personnel, three sides of the process win. In America and England, there is a method of making excuses, which is based on the numbers of chergi z spivrobitnikiv on the secondment. The spіvrobіtnik himself has a different view:

ü take away the possibility of a special development;

ь nabuvaє raznomanіtnogo dosvidu work in projects;

ü increase your adaptability to change, practicing in different organizational environments;

nbuvaє new novice and dosvіdu vyrіshennya non-standard tasks for yourself.

Accepting a company takes away resources for its projects and a specialist, which can be practically taken as a robot. "Viddayucha" side:

ü improve the skills of your recruits;

ü improve team work and cross-functional interaction;

ü promote the morale of the team, motivation of the staff;

develop a network of contacts;

ü the future reputation of a professional robotic worker, focused on the interests of the community.

Insanely, secondment can be regarded as a method of development for personnel, so that in the same way spivrobitniks master new skills, robotic technologies and others. Buddying, shadowing and other new staff training methods p.9.

How does it work in practice? For example, a specialist in customer service to send for the acquisition of new knowledge and access to the management of an uninterrupted supply chain management (supply chain management) to the postal manager or customer of the company. Another example: managers in the Middle Lanka work to volunteer organizations to master project management (voluntary organizations in England are famous for their clear and well-paid project work). In the past century, new discoveries have been laboring in the sciences, and this secondment also gives the possibility of new knowledge, a new look. For example, the director of staff, working at various positions at the marketing service of your company, to work on your own help - how can you get marketing tools from the robotic HR service. The secondment itself gives you the opportunity to acquire those skills, that knowledge, which cannot be gained in any other way. Obviously, during the secondment process, a lot of underwater stones and folds are sharpened. For example, the Englishmen will soon praise their food, but they will safely pass the adaptation of the spivrobitnik in a new situation for a new one and as if it will be a turn to a large number of robots. Regardless of the current minuses, the method is actively victorious not only in Great Britain, but also in all of Europe. The training managers of the training companies include a secondment before the training plan for the staff, prepare exchange programs, conduct special trainings and encourage people after passing through such an unusual training, like being transferred to a robot in another organization. Method tsіnniy shchey y tim, є one of the least vitratnyh. With a great training, the company pays a salary and spends a penny to pay for trainings, and in this situation it’s less likely to go to the teacher’s salary. The method, wait a minute, tsikaviy, but in Russia, the stosuvannya was not familiar to us. What do you say - navit zvichnisha and zrozumilisha rotation of staff and that we are far from being stagnant everywhere.

4) The method of shadowing wins not for spivrobitnikіv companies, but mainly for those who choose to come to her practice - senior students of universities and colleges. This way of training is more than cicavi and, as a rule, stagnates in companies that cooperate with universities, which may have programs for recruiting graduates to their state or, at least, ready to take young people without permission to work for themselves. The scheme of diy is simple. Suppose a student wants to become an auditor. The auditing company gives him the opportunity to spend a day or two in his office as a practicing auditor, in other words, “teach a dozen” of his fahivtsya. It is possible to entrust the student with a somewhat insignificant task, which illustrates the audit process, and to take it to the client. Buddying, shadowing and other new methods of staff training / / Dovіdnik z personnel management, - 2006. - No. 1, p.11. In this rank, the student becomes a certificate “one day from the life of an auditor”, otrimuyuyuyu vyavlennya about those, scho є chosen by him a profession, which knowledge and beginners still do not gain, to this motivation to master the knowledge at the university grows.

Before launching the shadowing program, companies conduct a series of trainings for the quiet, for which these "shadows" go, so that fahivts are as truthful, effective and informative as possible for them.

5) Budding. The most unique and most romantic way of training and development of personnel, which wins in Great Britain. Who is buddy? Friend, friend, comrade. To sound familiar, but in the essence of the method that is being described, to lie even more seriously. Buddying - tse, persh for everything, pidtrimka, dopomoga, singing world kerіvnitstvo and zahist one people other to achieve її results that purpose. In this context, the word buddy can be interpreted as a partner. In Europe, HR has been turbulent at the same time, that grades, like stench, have been so actively introducing a sprat of fate in order to bring the company's personnel to a significant level. І tsey method of stench vikoristovuyut for shaping zv'yazkіv mіzh spіvrobіtnikami, yakі represent raznі іvnі organіzatsії. For example, a top manager may have a booty buddy, who is two grades lower. The first person gives an absolutely equal connection Ozhe, what goals can be reached for the help of which method?

Specialty growth of spivrobitnikiv. Zavdyak buddying top-managers, nareshti, razumіyut, how their behavior is poured on spіvrobіtnikіv. Buddying, shadowing and other new methods of staff training / / Dovidnik z personnel management, - 2006. - No. 1, p.13.

a. Command building. Buddy pragmat that, schob їх partner vykonav svoї tsіli. Їhnє zavdannya - support others. And, as a rule, a buddy from the lower grade strongly encourages his partner, actively wins people of his peer.

b. Transfer of information. The presence of a company of dozens of pairs of buddy helps without hesitation to convey the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthat initiation to the spіvrobіtnikіv razny equal.

c. Vikoristannya change. As much as it is necessary to be new in the company, then the buddy system can be directed to those who promote the idea of ​​change.

d. Adaptation of practitioners. The very variant is actively victorious in Russia, called mentoring. Particularly the wines of extensions in trade merezhakh. Buddying, shadowing and other new methods of staff training / / Dovidnik z personnel management, - 2006. - No. 1, p.13.

When using the buddying method, your company varto cherishes with the following principles:

to create a situation of trust, to understand, to consume one of one;

do not impose your thoughts;

• to work splіlkuvannya іnteraktivnym, stavlyachi nutrition, but not proponuchi іnformatsiyu chi porade;

From the very cob, stay out of the blue on a mutual pot;

When you are home, you will often interact and for a long time support this process. Buddying, shadowing and other new methods of staff training / / Dovidnik z personnel management, - 2006. - No. 1, p.14.

In Russia there are training companies that use technology to create and support the buddying system. In our country, she has been victorious in the trainings of special growth, de training will be on the knowledge of the people of that, like wine pouring on others, who in yoga behavior conquer the reach of their goals. The very buddy (participant of the same training) to tell you about it through a turnaround - honestly, openly, objectively, do everything, so that your partner, changing your internal settings, victorious tasks, like setting yourself in front of you. At the same time, technologies are transferred to the middle of organizations and, consequently, it is more successful. In the opinion of experts, from a financial point of view, the process of learning more truths for newcomers, lower for more accurate reports.

Often you can think a little, "Now read the spivrobitnikov, so that the stench will go to our company"? If people are zatsіkavlenі in robots, if they smell the stench about themselves of the company’s company, if they stink, if the company is zatsіkavlena at the advanced lighting of the world, then it would be better to serve as an argument for those letters of instillation in robots. For this reason, the mind is: the company spends money on yoga education, and the light is on those who are left with people for all life.

If the spіvrobіtniki of the company are not clogged with their robots and do not like її, then even though they didn’t take the salary of the stench, stink all the same to go with the company. And, firstly, as a clerk if you want, so that your company has given all the powers of the day, your supporters are guilty of being not compliant, but yogo partners. Even partners can become less well-lit and prepared people.

Also, in order to educate the staff, it is necessary to solve the following problems:

The need for training (how much the company needs to learn spivrobitnikiv, as a result of the company’s follow-up and the possibility of their reach for help training spivrobitnikiv);

Why should you learn (to be taught by topics that are most relevant);

Whom to teach (the need to choose the most adventitious for training with those of a specialist);

How to learn (choose the method of training, choose an individual, how to pay for this training, if possible, the organization or the spivrobitnik himself);

Among the many options for training, the organization chooses the most optimal solution for a specific skin condition. Tse maє on uvazі those that for the training of spіvrobіtnikіv can be chosen absolutely different methods. The most expensive way of learning is the least immovable.

1.3. Equal professional training

1 Training and retraining of workers.

The training of new workers is the most important professional training, since earlier there were no small working specialties.

Training of qualified workers is carried out at vocational and technical schools, as well as at primary schools and directly at the vocational school.

The training of new workers is carried out at the undertakings for individual, group and course forms of training. The stench includes both the training and the development of the theoretical course, which will ensure the development of professional skills, the basic qualifications, the necessary minds of mechanized and automated production. The terms of such training should be established for 3 months depending on the complexity of the profession and specialty. The apprenticeship to the qualifications of a qualified sleeper and the assignment to a worker of a single tariff category will be completed.

With an individual form of leather training, who is trained, attaches to a highly qualified worker, a master or other fahivtsya, or is included in the brigade warehouse, de yogo as a general tutor, the brigade leader or the other member of the brigade. Theoretical course of individual training is taught to students independently. In case of a group form, the students are united at the head of the brigade and work together with the head of the program under the head of the brigadiers-instructors. The number warehouse of the senior groups is established in a fall due to the complexity of the profession, which is known, and the minds of the minds. Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B. Modern Economic Dictionary, 3rd kind., Moscow, INFRA-M, 2002, p.79.

The course form of preparation of victors is for the training of workers in especially flexible professions, which require a significant obligation of theoretical knowledge of a different kind of work, which is impossible to denigrate a non-working field.

Theoretically, training in this case is carried out at the beginning-course combines, at courses that are constantly running, organized by the Galuze ministries, as well as at the evening vocational schools (for contracts for the salary of the enterprise). The terms of training of new workers are determined by normative documents and do not take a short time, for the sake of a fault, like a technical education. Theoretical employment and practical training are carried out at the borders of the trivality of the working day.

Retraining - otrimanna new spetsialnosti at warehouse osіb, maly work profession satisfac-

Let's take a look at the specifics of the organization of the process of retraining for the enterprise. It is most widely practiced at enterprises, orienting its personnel policy on the power of the working force. The need for retrainers calls for such processes, as a change in the practice of workers, and the in-house manufacturing process.

Slid mothers on uvazі, scho retraining is not only for workers, who wilt, but also work forces in the formation of low professions of a wide profile. In this way, retraining is due to closely related to the professional qualifications of employees, and the main form is the sum of those other professions.

The peculiarity of the retraining of personnel is the contingent of workers who are out of their minds. For the most part, the workers of the middle and older centuries, as they practiced the singing hour for the singing profession, which impose their own specifics on the training.

Management of the process of retraining practitioners in broadcasting:

ü defining the scale of retraining and the factors that should be injected into it;

ü selection of forms of retraining with the improvement of the achievement of the required result with the minimization of expenses for the її conduction;

ü carrying out sociological studies among the contingent of practitioners that are growing.

The structure of vacancies working positions and їх in order to qualify the work force, as well as the structure of the working ones, which vary, for equal qualifications and determine the nature of retraining. Retraining of personnel is carried out for the cost of expenses, which is related to the compatibility of products. In case of cost recovery, the necessary retraining of personnel, one is responsible for the retraining process itself, and the material security of practitioners during the process of retraining. |

2. Training of workers in other professions.

Navchannya other professions - the training of workers, yakі vzhe mayut profession with the main duty with the method of otrimanna dodatkovo z pochatkovy equal qualifications for this structural podrozdil. Training in other professions is organized to expand one's professional profile, training to work in the minds of progressive forms of organization and payment for work.

Training for other professions is organized to promote the professional skills of workers, expand their professional profile, prepare to work at the minds of the brigade and other collective forms of organization of work, and navigate by different professions. Previously, the training of workers in other professions was respected by one of the forms of advancement of qualifications. However, the organization of the initial process and the replacement of victorious initial documentation does not matter in any way in the form of retraining. The difference was less in the fact that after retraining, the worker began to practice for a new profession, continuing to practice for the most basic one. Before that, in practice, after mastering another profession, I often chimed in on it.

In such a rank, similarly, the separation is a little formal.

Promotion of equal qualifications for another profession is applied for workers in the main profession at the general economics courses. The term of mastering another profession of the minimum level is guilty of revisiting 3 months, it is not allowed to take a short course of a special course of protection of work.

3. Promotion of qualifications of workers.

Advancement of qualifications, as well as new knowledge, skill and understanding, is the result of the self-productive activity.

Raising the qualifications of workers - the price of training, directing to the last thorough professional knowledge, reducing that skill of mastery for obvious professions.

The system of promotion of qualifications, which was formed on the selection, includes:

1. general and technical courses;

2. course of target recognition;

3. schools of advanced methods and methods of practice;

4. courses of foremen;

5. independently

Virobnicho-technical courses, as the largest mass form, are created with the method of improving the virobnicheskimi and technical knowledge of workers to the level necessary for them to learn, with the method of advancing the qualifications of roboticists at the boundaries of special professions.

The number of students in the group is 5 to 30. Triviality of the skin navchalnoy group is restored individually no more than three months (with the introduction of the disease) to six (without the introduction of the disease). Navchannya virobnicho-technical courses will end with folding experience. Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B. Modern economic glossary, 3rd type., Moscow, INFRA-M, 2002, pp. 103-105.

Courses of purposeful recognition are created without intermediary on the development of new technology, establishment, technology, safety technology, progressive forms of organization of practice. Їhnє zavdannya - a short-term training of new recruits for the undertaking of qualified workers in order that, during the first month, the workers in the undertaking could acquire special features of technological processes.

The training is carried out at the initial groups of numbers from 5 to 30 cases for the initial senior programs of the training, as a rule, up to 3 months. Courses will end with a drink.

Schools of advanced principles and methods of practice are created with the method of mass mastering by employees of adopting and developing methods of advanced workers and innovators in the field of work, teams of teams that have achieved high technical and economic performance, among colleagues from the practice.

The training includes practical work in the workplace, which is carried out by tax workers, as well as theoretical work, which is carried out by trade officers.

Trivality of scales from 30 to 100 years, including 15-25% of an hour for theoretical preparation, and not less than 6 years. Schools will end with the carrying out of a sub-bag lesson with the additional support of a school manager and a consultant about the achieved results.

Advancement of qualifications in connection with singing vitrates as undertakings, so as a practitioner. Tse vytrati for payment to vacancies, rent of accommodation, supply of materials toshcho. Тому підвищення кваліфікації та навчання з відривом від виробництва, внаслідок чого підприємство зазнає тимчасових труднощів, має бути організовано таким чином, щоб результат від цього – більш високий рівень продуктивності праці, якість продукції внаслідок освоєння нових технологій, обладнання, прийомів та методів праці – перекривав витрати .

Підвищення розрядів насамперед проводиться робітникам, у яких більш високий рівень теоретичних знань та професійний досвід, які освоїли другі та суміжні професії, застосовують раціональну організацію праці на своєму робочому місці, пройшли навчання на виробничо-економічних курсах, мають встановлене для даної професії та розряду загальну освіту or they study at technical schools, institutes; to know well the technological process of robots, the rules of technical operation, installation, and the norms of energy consumption.

The enlightenment of spivrobitnikiv can be seen on a large scale.

The first day is the beginning of the company’s core managers and top managers, and then it’s about changing the company’s strategy and about serious innovations, as it will be possible after the company’s core warehouse is started and a new company is taken away by them.

Coming rіven: navchennya managers in different lanka, beginning in the middle of lanka and ending with young managers. This river also brings innovation to the company, the stars set the company a new rhythm of work, give new knowledge and technologies to the workers, as they can help in the competitive fight. Until then, sled vrahuvati, that the company, as it teaches its spivrobitnikov, has a lower staffing rate. Young managers for this day already have only one salary to pay, to sing their heads off with career gatherings, and they can learn something new. Do not look at the vchenogo // Vіdomosti - 2007, No. 1.

Based on the data of the experiment conducted in the fall of 2005 in 136 companies in Moscow, it was stated that one of the largest articles on the exhibition of the company is corporate training.

Axis yakі danny buli otrimani pіd h dolіdzhennya:

79% of companies organize the training of top managers and young specialists.

17% of the company conducts the training of service personnel.


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Promotion of professional level- one of the main aspects of running a modern business. Tse those who help the company to rush forward, moreover, by leaps and bounds. After graduating from a university, we can have an impersonal knowledge in our arsenal. And all the rest of the sprats of the rocks - and part of the brown navichok perish. Promotion of professional level to this particular type you can fix the situation. In order to get enough experience in the professions of one’s own professional sphere and be “in those”, whether it is necessary for a trader to add at least 4-6 years to the day, in order to develop innovations, the potential for development and development of trends in one’s own sphere of work.

Why is it important to post the riven of professional mastery

Everything develops with great swedishness, beginning with technologies and ending with various information and knowledge. People have a lot of opportunities for self-development and special development. With skin rock, swidkity is increasing, and business development has appeared. The advancement of a professional level in such minds becomes extremely necessary, even though it is impossible to stand on the job and beat the old methods of work in such minds.

Practically, whether the staff at our hour of laying qualifications, that a modern clerk simply needs to advance his professional level, develop steadily, that without any guilt we will become infatuated as a professional in management, as a highly qualified specialist, and as a leader of the commander.

The generation of current applicants needs an authoritative leader. And in that moment, as a kerіvnik does not prove his strength, young fakhіvtsі don't give a damn about it, they stop calling on this thought and start ignoring її. As a result, conflict situations are blamed.

A clerk without authority in the team cannot be cherished by a proper rank, and he must be brought to constantly upgrade the staff. And tse at his desk to bring to the point of flatness and constant necessity of spending an hour on the training of a new skin specialist. Ale and the stench of such an unilluminated stone worker. Close the ring. A similar situation, without a doubt, is not indicated for the development of a business in a positive way.

Whether it be a modern-day clerk, navit with a small experience of command management, it is necessary to confirm that the wine itself is the main tool for business. So the title is a tool for generating a profit. The advancement of the professional level of a ceramic worker is no longer just an additional touch, but a more necessary need: to constantly improve, develop skills, improve, improve, improve, adapt to the realities of the current market and the recognition of a modern specialist.

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Advancement of the professional level of kerivniki: low specificity

Mastering the pottery- one of the most important moments. That is why it is the main contribution of the growing company and direct investments in the business that will be and develop.

In addition, how efficient is the kerіvnik, to fall, how efficient are the robots and yoga spivrobitniki. And then, and the success of the company. The advancement of the professional level of the clerks pours in without a trace on the right ones. These people are not present at the trainings, but the stench of the obov'yazkovo smells such an infusion.

Use two groups of competencies, as necessary for the kerivnik:

  • special competencies - those newcomers and vminnya, which are connected without intermediary with professional activity. For example, the financial director needs to be aware of the balance sheet, and the programmer's supervisor needs to be guided by the main programming languages;
  • basic competencies - the whole group of competencies based on the intellectual, communicative, emotional and willful qualities of a person.

It is a special formula that is made up of eight types novice, in the region of the necessary, be it a kerivnik:

  1. Leadership.
  2. Planning.
  3. Organization of work.
  4. Control that zvorotny zv'yazok.
  5. Staff motivation.
  6. Navchannya that development.
  7. Communication.
  8. Special stamina.

How to choose training with the method of promotion of professional equal

1. Teachers-practices - the axis is the most important. Theory - ce, insanely, good and necessary, but only a manager who knows his right, can give a price, give some special directions, help optimize the working process and virishiti “live” the task, with which earlier sticking to his own way. We give guidance for the help of such teachers.

2. Systemic guidance to the beginning - the axis of which is also important in choosing a school. And even if only once, we will also learn how to use each other, with some practice of technology, it will turn over and work with the whole real business process of students. School for kerіvnіkiv is guilty of universally developing kerіvnіka as a specialty, and yakіsno yоo yogo modern technologies of management.

3. In addition, it’s really important to get a newbie. Tіlki such a dosvіd, moreover, in a majestic kіlkost, it can be brown for a stone worker. And become even more efficient. Solutions to a lot of songs, not foreseeing business cases - maybe, best option training. But there is one nuance: the training of new skills must be carried out in stages, so that you spend an hour on their implementation and testing in real situations.

4. The first thing to do is to proceed to the beginning, the ceremonial specialist needs to evaluate his ability and knowledge on this day. May be reasonable, what you want to improve yourself, or just change after passing the course. Otherwise, it seems that you need to create an individual development plan.

5. Well, nareshti, one of necessary minds promotion of the professional level of a kerivnik and yogo support and universal support by trainers and course consultants. Even so, everyone knows that an hour is needed to mold the stars. Don't start everything going smoothly. To that, in order to form the correct sounds, such as it is learned, it is so necessary to support that correction from the side of the reader. Without it, the great risk will not turn around and throw everything on pіvdorozі.

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How the MBA steps lead to the advancement of the professional level

Be-like knowledge, it is necessary to upgrade and thoroughly. At this moment, we simply begin to understand that our current knowledge is not enough and it is necessary to go for new ones. Advancement of professional equivalence at different times is logical and powerful. When choosing the General Director of the Master of Business Administration (MBA) level, one should not talk about those who earlier did not manage the company. It’s just that the life cycles of any kind of undertaking are rich, but in the meantime, currying with all camps is not an easy task and few people can access it without proper training. Navit as a person created a company from scratch.

And in this way, the MBA steps can help in adapting to the new realities of business processes.

Neither self-illumination, nor education at the university can give such skills, as they will help to breathe life in the weary process in the middle of the company. It is necessary to be an expert in a right way, to inflate the team and send mail to new directions at the development.

But it’s not easy to go blindly at this vapadka. Tse not the same type, if you can zіpsuvavshi, with the ease of starting back. And here an MBA comes to the rescue, even if only in this system of advanced professional knowledge, give the opportunity to “work out” in a management company, virishyuyuchi “alive” cases of various folding, which are rooted in pardons and successes of real companies.

Another incentive to get an MBA is the possibility of making new acquaintances, as well as exchanging knowledge and talking with associates. In addition, the MBA stimulates the director to learn to competently manage his time, even without good time management, better for everything, suffer either a robot or a teacher.

The majestic baggage of taking away knowledge allows the clerk to independently continue the advancement of his professional level and development, and also to boldly zastosovuvat us to take away the newcomers for the growth of his company.

To complete the MBA level, it is necessary to choose the school and the program itself. Ideally, full-time tutors could get involved there. But the reality is that there are only a few general directors of the building who are out of business and dedicate two fates of their lives to education. Until then, the knowledge, taken at the Sunset, does not reflect the specifics of the Russian market. For this reason, there can be a sense of full-time and part-time training and advancement of professional equals in Russian schools. Tse to allow the robot to be trained, not to overwhelm at any country.

  • the authority of the school, so that it becomes a place in the profile rating tables and the popularity of the name in the market;
  • vikladachі: all vchiteli owe mothers without intermediary resignation to business;
  • graduates of the MBA school: what are the middle ones, who have reached a lot of what after completing the program and becoming a student?
  • tі, hto to learn from your potoci; even more important to make new contacts.

All these criteria in totality can give a guarantee that the advancement of the professional level of the specialist will be even more effective.

Schodo the most learned, then here you can recognize 11 most important directions, so you can help the CEO solve problems in his company:

  • management of the life cycle of undertaking;
  • management of growing firms (later, and її future);
  • management of the vibrated product quality;
  • management like management;
  • protecting the company's reputation;
  • competition management;
  • taking care of the company's varity (financial management);
  • project management;
  • strategic analysis;
  • keruvannya technologies;
  • Opirnistyu management is especially important for Russian activity: the general director is guilty of the nobility, as he behaves in an unstable market.

How to improve the professional level of a ceramic worker in the period of "victory"

Professіyne “vigoryannia” is a process that manifests itself as an increasing baiting to one's own obsessions and that which is experienced on a robot, it seems to be a professional impossibility, dissatisfaction with the work, and a death in a sharp death.

Such a “vigoryannya”, ring out, appears at the moment, if a person begins to ascertain that this robot does not bring a proper special development. Todі z'yavlyaєtsya vydchutya driven into the kut. Pratsyuvati in such minds is already important, to that professional activity from the first month in life goes to another, and sometimes to the third plan.

The first typical scenarios for such a development are:

1.A chi varto over there? Pratsyuyuchi for 25 years at work and permanently virishyuyuchi problems, the director forgets about everything. Ale one wound to go out onto the street and sip, that the grass was mowed on the lawn, smelling the fresh smell of greenery. And here it’s up to the new to come to the understanding that the robot is all life. What problems - stench є i will be forever, and life - there is one. And that you stained your wines not for simple joy, that you greet, not for your relatives and close people, not for those who you want to spend. And then the robot becomes a tractor.

2. Treating friends. Two friends will create a successful business. At the same time, everything is going well, but at some point one of them begins to cunning, manipulating a partner, playing on the trust of an old friendship, otherwise they just steal a penny. Another project is deception in other blue. And as a result, until the next time, you will be aware that you have lost your wine yourself. Blame the natural nourishment: why do you need to get involved in business, as if you are dealing with important people in your life? And now the director's chair is not so accommodating, and trips to work are at the tractors.

3. Everything is new - well forgotten old. The company is rapidly developing, new specialists are coming and going, a black top manager is bringing with him ideas for improving and updating business processes. The director, who has already been working with the company for a long time, knows that, in fact, all new-fangled ideas are reduced to old, traditional methods. I don’t stink for you, even though you’ve grown fond of them for a long time.

Another group of reasons such a professional “vigor” is most often blamed in situations when a person sets inadequate goals for himself. Otherwise, the stench is in principle unattainable at this stage, otherwise, navpaki, it’s too small and doesn’t show the potential of the person.

1. Through the thorns to the stars. Starting your business, be it a person to reach such heights, with some kind of financial independence, peace and prosperity. When you think that at the same time with the blessings of fortune, you also take away a lot of free time and the ability to freely order those who want to. But the reality is that having become a director and having reached a lot of things, a person does not take away as a result of what he checked. To communicate to help the business: organize business catering, regularly communicate with partners, go to important visits. Etiket, protocol tezh zaganyat їх at the same time frame. At the result, it’s like that for all of us, about what a person so dreamed, close friends and friends are currying, and it’s just to serve as a supporter for them until such a hot life. As a result, the robot becomes a tractor. All those who are hidden from the reach, having become a director, are not realized. And the more and more comfortably the wines continue to practice, they are far away from such holy goals. It is not surprising that a young kerivnik begins to hate his own if the flooring is a lovingly created company. As a result, a healthy reaction is turned on in the body - the profession becomes “vigorous”.

2. You don’t strip your head more. A person is creating a company. In step by step, she will develop her business. І axis the moment has come, if you try to give a result - the company starts to work successfully. Everything that was wanted to be achieved has been achieved. Usі tsіli ta zavdannya virishenі. What did you give? The person called out to solve problems, to collapse steadily. And now it’s maddening to beat the routine of the robot, as Yogo is fighting hard and naviting the wind. Already there is no more fire, which zmushuvav bi action in ochіkuvanni zapovitnogo result, more than no global sweep, until you need to collapse. Todi to the director and blame the bajannya throw it already ready business and start doing something new.

3. Close liquor, you don’t taste it. Another reason for the professional "vigor" is the impossibility of reaching the mark. Sometimes it’s possible that it’s already close to you, but it’s different. In the end I see and see “vigoryanya”.

The third dzherelo professional "vygoryannya" pov'yazanі z infusion of ovnіshnіh chinnikіv. For example, if a company becomes irrelevant to the market, or if they go over to її activity, the manufacturer has to make difficult decisions about those, almost from scratch. Not everything is ready, even if it’s a decision - the prospect, what do you think. Forces deprive the people, and they throw the robot out.

1.Change the rules for the hryvnia hour. Whether it be a kerіvnik, creating your own business, for a long time you will stick to the rules of the green in your business. Tse vimagaє vіd nygo rich forces that hour. It is not surprising that the sudden change of these rules (the default of 1998 is a miracle butt) becomes a terrible blow for him. At the kerіvnik, their hands simply fall and every bajannya pratsyuvati disappears, and it’s more for them to re-create the business and in a new way attach themselves to the rules that have changed. There are no guarantees that this will not happen again.

2. A king without a kingdom. A successful and prosperous company is growing the core and the demand for products. Aleraptically, global changes are being made, new technologies are replacing the old ones, new products are being taken out of life. Tsіlі galuzі can drink in іstorіyu. Enough to guess the automotive industry or the same microelectronics. Today, the state now wins the purchase of ready-made products, just as earlier the resource was valued in its own country. I Russian retailers have no time for this system. So, the stench is impeccably littered with experts at their gallery, but the area is no longer needed by anyone. The incentive to work is lost, the sense of such a work is being used. She looks out.

I finally, a quarter of a professional “vigorian” po'yazaniy z tim, scho people hate the road, which goes to the singing mark. For example, I run a company and I can’t stand office work at the same time. Be-yakі problems in the workplace are taken as such, that it is necessary to be-scho-be patient, abi to get the bad guy. Ale, the problem is that for an hour you forget about the clerk of the time. Adzhe way to the reach, you can become wealthy, having lowered your wines. And in this moment, the kerivnik is risky, that the bag’s success will not give you any joy, even if you don’t lose the strength for emotions.

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How to fix inconsistency and promote professionalism

Krok 1st. Nasampered, it is necessary to rozіbratisya at your own eyes. It is necessary not only to state what you want, but also to provide your own food, whatever else you want. What's the sense? For example, a method for a director can be a successful prosperous company. And the axis of the senses influences the power supply, which makes it possible for you to prosper. It’s more than enough to earn a penny and take care of your family, then such a business of sayings. Even the special sense in different ways is seen as the senses of other people. Vlasni bazhannya And I’m ready to go to another plane, and I just don’t have a place in such a picture of the world. As a matter of fact, it's a lie. And it is impossible to live at the v'yaznitsa.

The problem is recognized: Do you recognize yourself in one of the other examples? Have you figured out what the profession of "victory" is about you? Without panic. It is obligatory for us to know how to get out of the situation, not ruining those that have been going on for so long.

One of the largest other ways- Try to change the point of view on the situation. In other words, marvel at your work in your new camp under a new hood.

One nuclear physicist became a prime example of such an approach, who continued to work with this galuzi after that, as it became an indecent power. With whomever you know, you know how to round up the “non-sense” of your practice. Vіn vyrishiv, that such is the will of God, which at one time zupiniv the development of humankind on the borders, beyond the borders, death would be on the new check. The first thought was voicing my “vigor” and gave me the strength to carry on with the work that no one needs. And all that I have done is to look at nuclear physics globally, from the perspective of human life. Tobto having created for himself a different system of values ​​and in such a manner explaining the situation that has developed.

Krok 2nd. Drink in dovkolishnu area. You can speed up in that moment, as if to know new zastosuvannya to your already obvious knowledge and thoughts. As a matter of fact, a person in such a rank is to rob a horizontal career. Berezovsky became such a butt. Vin, having taken up politics so intently, that one can say for sure that you have already had a chance to grow up in dekilkoh areas. I policy for the new became something new and unknown, which to master the cicavo.

At the new own activity, a person learns to know new sensations and zastosuvannya to all his already formed and trained newcomers.

Krok 3rd. Build your business as a tool to achieve global goals, without giving up on the development of the business itself. Vіdmіnny butt tsgogo - Soros. Vіn vidіlyaє ta pіdtrimuє pіvnі vidi vidi іyalnostі, vystupayuchi yak ekspert, yaky vyznaє most important for the universal development of the company's civilization. In this rank, you should not just waste your accumulated wealth on yourself, but take part in creative activity on a larger global scale.

Krok 4 th. One of the widest. Polyagaє blames on the fact that a person emphasizes his respect not on what is in it and it is so good to go out, but on what to put in a deaf kut, є a problem. In such a rank of wine to bring new zmist to his already familiar robot, transforming it into a self-development tool. Tse becomes for the new venerable prophylaxis "victory".

For a ker_vnik of a private company, for example, such a preventive measure can be an example of a warehouse manager. At this point in time, I will report that scrupulously twisted the mechanism of control of that yoga ability. Read richly, master new methods, learn how to use them in your business.

Somebody can guess that the company doesn't have such problem areas. But, as a rule, it’s a delusion, which you blame for seeing that the person has already reached everything that she wanted. In such a time, it is necessary to evaluate the adequacy of stereotypes and thoughts on the same food. It is required to establish the recognition of the world, with which the master, in the form of methods for evaluating the world, with which wines are corristled. If everything is done competently and correctly, then, singsongly, it will appear that all the newbies, spurred by fate, do not cover the whole and full professional activity of the director. And here comes the pull to advance the level of professional competence.

Of course, there is no universal method for solving the problem of professional “victory”. And all the same virishiti tsyu problem really. It is necessary to simply put such a meta.

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How to promote the professional riven of spivrobitnikiv

The advancement of professional competencies is marked as the productivity of the work of a well-taken interviewer, and the role of the company's human resources potential. It appears like this:

  • in the course of training and advancement of professional equivalence, it becomes easier for the staff to reach the economic minds that change. Tse, with his dignity, secure the promotion of the value of spivrobitnik in the company;
  • navchannya staff tyagne in itself impersonal positive changes: the efficiency of work is increasing, the quality of customer service is growing, the vitraty of virobnitstva is running fast. All the same, it allows the organization to be more productive and faster to solve problems in new lines of business, and to promote a high level of competitiveness;
  • raising the level of professional competence, sound, accompanying the growth of the attractiveness of the workers in their company, also, lowering the number of personnel;
  • training also helps to promote the company's ideas and values, propagate new approaches and norms of behavior, supporting such a rank as a global strategy for development.
  • Advancement of a professional equal, at your own hand, give practical songs advances:
  • expand your own career opportunities, otrimuyuchi ability to beat them like in the company itself, so and posture between;
  • the practitioner will be more satisfied with the results of his work;
  • the new one has self-esteem;
  • the interviewer is becoming more qualified and professionally competent.

In this rank, the advancement of the professional level of our time becomes an important part of the organization's management system. It’s a pity that in Russia until recently, cym was often not used. The masters of the vlasnyh pratsіvniki vowed to take it and not cook their vitrates. It is better for everything that the director, not looking at it, is a way to achieve the best indicators of the productivity of spivrobitniks.

However, to the current world business-light will be with the one who manages the company without intermediary lie in the first place, as far as possible, as well as trained staff. And all at the same time without intermediary support for the efficiency of the organization's work and its competitiveness. This kind of training becomes a pivotal stake in situations of global organizational changes, if the fates of the practice come up not only for a little longer, but most often they inflict a reversal effect, negatively affecting the effectiveness of the practice.

At my heart, the advancement of a professional equal, the onset of new novice and mind allows more and more effective reach of the set goal. Even more directly to the promotion of the level of professional knowledge and the growth of the craftsmanship of the practitioner without intermediary in the sphere of activity. Until then, already knowing the knowledge of those newcomers to the robot, the specialists of the building critically assess the initial material and examine those that are necessary for the development of us.

Companies need to recognize the importance of training staff, even if it is the basis of a distant formation of an internal system for advancing professional equality. It is necessary, on the basis of an assessment of spivrobitnikov, to determine the needs of the trainee, even if it is allowed to:

  • to understand, which itself “revealed” the presence of the current and the necessary for effective work with the help of specialists;
  • evaluate the level of professional competence;
  • signify, with some knowledge and skills, it is necessary for a spivrobitnik to know;
  • to reveal the change that the effective robot is changing;
  • designate directly the development as a whole.

It is necessary to evaluate the personnel in order to determine the current level of professional development of specialists and special motivational characteristics to give them strategic objectives for development, as the company has designated its own.

The structure of such an assessment looks like this:

  • goal setting;
  • planning;
  • assessment of the staff (like a good, and a hard worker);
  • staff motivation;
  • training and promotion of professional equality to the staff.

Dali need to choose the form of training. It depends on the algorithm, which is formed from the upcoming mutual steps: voicing the problem - identifying the target audience - designating the target audience - choosing the form of the training.

Looking for a balance between internal and external education is a very important part of the company's lighting system. When you have a skin-creamy depression, your balance must be known individually, depending on the whole complex factors:

  • the need for a mother in the country, in which country the market is changing for a given moment, in which the company works;
  • it is necessary to respect the corporate culture of the company;
  • importantly take into account the current situation of the company.

The diversity of lighting services in our day is wide, and their market is flexible, which gives its customers the opportunity to choose practically for everyone. The name of the internal education is determined by the company itself.

Calling for training gives the company the opportunity to work with different consultants and experts at the right place. It is necessary to get involved in the practice of eliminating the time of learning new technologies, as well as to work out how to prepare solutions for the implementation of new technologies for dozens of other companies. Of course, there is also the possibility of uninterrupted interaction between participants as professionals in their field. Tse allow me to exchange information and establish new business and informal contacts. Promotion of the professional level of practitioners is guaranteed.

As far as the internal training, then the implementation of the same is due for the exchange of funds and the support of the manufacturing company. For such an approach, you can take it effective:

  • spіvrobіtniki pochinayut more svіdomlyuvati dosvіd svoєї kompanії, razumіti, її її competitiveness;
  • the accumulated knowledge that vminnya melts no less than the banter of one well-taken spivrobitnik. The stench is passed step by step to all members of the team. Otzhe, shodenna sukupna robot spіvrobіtnikіv give a great mail development of competitive advantages of the organization;
  • this kind of learning forms new habits of behavior in the company that allows you to know, like knowing that vminnya next to develop in the future;
  • The basis for the group effect of synergy is such an internal training that gives the ability to identify those for which the specialists will be ready to develop. The result of the training is the promotion of the professional level of all the spivrobitniks of the company as a whole;
  • vikoristovuyuchi vnutrishnє navchannya, you can long-term save that mother mozhlivіst pass far go to the management of the company, її traditsії and corporate culture;
  • one of the most important results of internal training is the rapid adaptation of newcomers. And tse give the company the opportunity to save pennies that hour, as if it would spend on the supplementary training of a new spivrobitnik.

Prote development of the system of professional advancement of practitioners is streamed by low officials. Before them, you can boldly secure the financial aspect. Seemingly simpler, the organization wants to save more on the training of its recruiters. Tse strongly injects into the company's policy in a blatant manner and at the professional growth of the staff of the zocrema. Such savings can be made to the extent that the company does not win the potential of the system of enrichment of professional knowledge. Training programs, for example, vvazhayutsya dosit in a different way to improve professional competence. And it’s nice to stand at the same time.

The role of corporate training as a way to improve the level of professional knowledge in the middle company Rest of the Rocks matured a lot.

Corporate training- training and development of skills for staff for effective work in a particular organization.

After the completion of such a training, the company should improve the professional level of employees, the greater the efficiency of working processes and, as a result, the growth of their income.

Business education and corporate training are two completely different approaches. The first one lays down the basic statements about those that, in principle, are based on the principles of business and how it is necessary to practice in the skin of them. Independently, the companies are engaged in cim at lonely vipadkahs. It is rare to know such an organization, where all spivrobitniks would be aware of different approaches to work and development methods, the history and evolution of such approaches.

As a rule, the training is to take place in an intensive regimen at the interval of one to five days. Such a short term of engagement is important because the organization cannot allow a professional worker to work independently for a longer period of time, think for the mind, which guarantees the promotion of professional equality.

Practice has shown that the company's choice of training programs is based on the fact that the problems that the company needs to address at this moment and on what equal stench are known. In this way, the training programs for the advancement of the professional level can be divided into a few species:

  • situational riven. Yoga is often called individual. Vіn stosuєtsya needs, connected with the work of singing spіvrobіtnikі in the company. Therefore, the solution to the problems of which equal field is in the development of equal professional competence and the development of new skills of singing people. Before them, one can see, for example, the achievement of a new secretary work, a new start of making presentations, a development of quiet features, as if they are worthy of personal efficiency;
  • System Riven. Vіn lie up to the sphere of mutuality without intermediary in the middle of the company. For example: in the meantime, managers blame the process of work conflict situations, shvidke and yakіsne virіshennya raznomanіtnyh robochih and organіzatsiynyh nutritiously;
  • strategic riven. Vіn stosuєtsya razvitku organіzаtsії zagal, not intermingling with the advancement of qualifications of just taken practitioners, not vzaєmodієyu each with one. Important here is the establishment of the company over the market. The butts of the work of the same level: strategic planning of further activities of the company, the development of that promotion of corporate culture.

One and the same topic of training does not intersect yoga among peers. Vin can be absolutely be-yakim. Even all the companies are different, and especially the skin is specifically taken and it is necessary to signify the necessary riven. Deyakim companies, for example, yakі earlier slandered on the sale of goods, it is necessary as a result to go to the klієntoorієntovanostі і yakіsnіsh service. Obviously, training riven in this day will be far from just situational.

It can be said, after training, to name for obviousness the most common problem, the result does not have such an effect, as a program for the development of management, creation of specific features and needs of a particular company. Advancement of professional level at trainings - it’s not high school training, de mi ominous deep knowledge that theory. Nabutі in the course of the training, the newcomers that in the meantime allow you to really improve the efficiency of the company's work.

Be it a corporate training for the advancement of professional equals, it has its own nuances. The stench is due to the fact that the training is straightening out. As a rule, the task is more specific and clear: support and improvement of the effectiveness of the company's work.

Achieves the price of a large number of vipadkiv for the implementation of new technologies and serious changes in a robotic company. In this way, the training may be advanced and innovative in nature.

Such an advancement of professional equality on the scale of a company can be achieved as a result of successful transformations already obvious newcomers that knowledge.

Federal Agency for Education

Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics

Tverska filiya

Personnel management

course work

“Personnel manager. The significance of that particularity. Equal professional training"

Vikonala student

Kalabukhova M.V.

Group Z5-MO-11


Lobashova Lilia Mykolaivna



Part 1. Personnel training. The significance of that particularity. Equal professional training

1.1 Personnel training. Knowledge management

1.2 Staff training methods

1.3 Professional training

1.4 Certification of personnel

1.5 Officials, what to instill in staff training

Part 2. Recruitment from Teleperformance


List of references


On this day, bring that revival of relevance to those who do not need it. It is quite obvious that the training of personnel is necessary in the era of progress for the advancement of the qualifications of practitioners, for the advancement of equal professional training.

It is not necessary to bring the need for education of spivrobitnikіv to today's kerіvnіkіnі: the greater number of directors in companies is more important, as to certify the experience, be ready to invest money in the development of staff.

How can all the clerks know why they themselves trained the staff, with what method is it to train them to be effective? Navchannya "I wonder and somehow" can cost the company a little more than an hour, and as a result bring only a miserable result.

Being the main primary element of the management system, the management personnel give a superb impact to the molding that is perfect.

The essence of personnel management is developed with the help of such people to understand how labor resources, business personnel, personnel.

The market economy has a law to drink, which is the essence of the influx into the camp of labor resources and their development. On drink that proposition of practice, the state regulates the practice of labor allowances, the main instruments of which is the constitutional right to practice and education: the minimum wage payment; regulated the trivality of practice and recovery; different social guarantees.

The team of entrepreneurship is divided into social, professional, and qualification types and groups, so that they can take part in the creation of the final product in a different way, or add to it by a huge amount. Also, at the warehouse team, one can name one part, which ensures the production of the main parts of the goods, tobto. "nucleus". Such a "core" can be the most stable part of the team, tobto. individuals, yakі may have the greatest experience of work on the undertaking of the most qualified part of the work.

Prior to labor resources, the population is dependent on the working age (for people from 16 to 59 years old, for women - from 16 to 54 years old inclusive); for the blame of the non-practical invalids in the past years, and the groups, and especially, if they take away a pension for a century on a plethora of minds, as well as individuals from an unpractised person (for example, the population is older than the pracial age), they are employed in the economy. Також під трудовими ресурсами підприємства в умовах ринкової економіки необхідно розуміти всю сукупність працюючих осіб, як за наймом, так і власників, які вкладають свою працю, фізичні та розумові здібності, знання та навички, а також грошові заощадження у провадження господарсько-фінансової діяльності підприємства. The labor potential of entrepreneurial activity can be similar to its labor potential and ensure high performance indicators of the effectiveness of the state. Labor resources are the object of management only on equal powers, regions, galleries, businesses.

Personnel - tse povny special warehouse of the organization, which works for hiring and may have signs:





Golovnym, in addition, there is a presence of labor vodnosin from a roboticist.

The term "personnel" is used by all participants in the organization.

The staff is to be informed of all the practitioners, of the most important managerial operations, and of those involved in the processing of items of work.

Let's okrіm postіynykh pratsіvnіkіv, in diyalnostі pridpriєmstva can take the fate of other practical population on the basis of a short-hour labor contract.

Theoretically, the management is based on different approaches to the classification of personnel, according to the profession and plant a practitioner, equal management, category of practitioners.

You can classify the staff from the number of direct lines:

The main (immediately influencing the technologies of vibrating) and additional practitioners (adding to help the main vibrating).

Ker_vniki (professionals, fakhіvtsі, main fakhіvtsі, the first kerіvnik ...).

Technical vikonavtsі (on the day of the day I see the light).

Service staff.

According to the terms (persons and women).

For experience

For qualification

The qualifications of the level of qualification of workers are determined by the tariff category - the highest category of the highest qualification.

In today's minds of competition in the service market, it is not uncommon for a client to lie in the quality of service, which the company hopes, and in the form of equal training of such workers, as well as to ensure safety.

Part 1. Personnel training. The significance of that particularity. equal

vocational training

1.1. Personnel manager. Knowledge management

In fact, in order to become competitive, the organization needs the presence of information, organization, and training of professionals. What is the purpose of the caregivers, the first staff? How can I learn from this knowledge?

The management of knowledge to the personnel of the organization is designed for the following main purposes:

− timely preparation of practitioners for yakis vykonannya of planting shoes;

− professional growth of spivrobitnikov;

− promotion of people's satisfaction with the development of the hair care.

Schob virishiti tsі zavdannya, service to the personnel of the merezhі shops in the form of a plan of entry into the management of the knowledge of spivrobitnikov. The whole local document, which reflects the terms of the formation of the forecast of results (for example, the specialist knows that after the formation of that assessment of the competence of wines, it is possible to qualify for promotion to the landing of horizontal displacement). The plan for entering the warehouse for the first period of time with the improvement of the summaries of certification and / or assessment of individual activity, personal development plans, recommendation of a certifier in the store and that member of the attestation commission, so stand by the workers.

The plan of entry allows you to designate resources, necessary training (material, timing, people). Yogo vikonanny obov'yazkove for prac_vniki and ker_vnik_v usikh rivnіv.

On the basis of this document, there is also a long-term plan for training, which can be corrected, for example, in connection with changes in the standards of the company's activity, or the emergence of new spivrobitnikiv.

Depending on the plan for entering the knowledge management of the company's personnel, it should be divided at the highest stages. Let's take a look at some of them.

Stages of knowledge management

The first stage is the preparation of internal facsimiles and training.

To help the staff of the stores, highly professional specialists (corporate trainers) are selected to express their ideas clearly, convey knowledge to those who are keen, so that they may be motivated to learn others. For the help of the existing consultants-trainers, they undergo special training (trivality is about 3 months), as it allows you to train sales consultants in the trading area.

The training of internal coaches does not end on what. The stinks are doing their best at quarter-round round tables, exchanging good luck.

Another stage is curation and control of the preparation of special programs.

Prepared by corporate coaches independently fold the basic programs with the improvement of what leather from them "perfect" for the singing type of technique (drybna that big butova, audio-, video-techniques, too).

The program must include the following blocks:

- the development of the technique of the singing type (for example, the large-scale technique - refrigerators, washing machines and dishwashers);

− technologies of sale, service services, legal aspects of trade, basics of psychology of purchasers;

− internal standards and rules of the company.

At the initial stage, the work of internal recruiters and the development of seminar programs is carried out by consultants of a consulting company. Trainers have been given the opportunity to carry out periodic corrections of the programs on their own to improve the minds of the market that are changing.

In addition, corporate trainers prepare a block of tests for candidates (with a competitive selection) and sales consultants who already work (with an assessment of individual activity).

As a result, the company will take the data base on the goods (characteristics of models, their advantages, the characteristics of other similar ones, which will be taken off at the same time), various training programs for sales personnel, food for the selection of new specialists and sales consultants. Which company’s core can have the ability to sing songs with the programs of training spivrobitniks.

The first training of salespeople is the third stage. The first training of sellers who have passed the competitive selection is carried out before they start working for the programs compiled by internal trainers. The personnel department plans and organizes the initial visits in the future in terms of new stores and the number of vacancies. With a small number of newcomers directly (for two to four weeks) one hour a few seminars are held from the professional blocks "Knowledge of technology", and for the development of technology, the sale of the training is united by the group (from 6 to 15 hours).

Mentorship and training in the workplace. For an hour of adaptation, a mentor is assigned to a new skin specialist (to help the best fahivtsiv). The main task is to prepare in an hour the trial term of a qualified sales consultant, which meets all the internal standards of the company.

During this period, newcomers also develop tips for self-development, prepared by corporate trainers, like periodically, at the beginning of the new technique, they are corrected. Service to staff and all stores are responsible for their mother's disposition of materials. Without training, salespeople who work with the company, it is difficult to go through the next stage of knowledge management - the entrance hall.

After two or three tyzhniv robots, a spivrobitnik builds a room according to internal standards and company rules, according to robotic bottling equipment and technology for sale. Zalіk priymaє htos іz kerіvnіkіv pіdrozdіlіv, а corporate coach, who deals with this type of equipment, with a new salesperson, who is a specialist in personnel service. For a negative result, you can repeat the test; Well, if a person and suddenly don’t run into problems, it’s significant that she didn’t pass the test term. For a positive result, the spivrobitnik is direct to further education.

After the hall, an attestation interview is carried out, de commission reveals the practitioner’s motivation to start and work with your company. At the attestation arkush, who will be remembered as a cerebrate, and as a spivrobitnik, the rest will tell him what he was guilty of, and what he wanted to be victorious. Just as a favored seller of some kind of high-quality development, that head of the company is escaping - you are encouraged to learn about this program.

At the next stage - the training of salespeople with a wind-driven work: the stench is trained for special programs. For the first time, the folded professional unit “Knowledge of Technology” is being promoted (for example, as if during the first stink, digital cameras and video cameras were used, now it is plasma and rare-crystal televisions).

The extensions of the "Technology of sale" block also include the lost programs, the distribution of the skin group of goods, which are sold in the shops of the merchant (the types of customers, the specifics of working with them, legal aspects are looked at). Corporate trainers work on improving the knowledge of specialists, inform about innovations (for example, about the implementation of standards from the cleaning of bays), comment on changes that have been made in the company.

In the wake of such borrowing, methodological materials (instructional aids, video films) are used, as they are written for teaching other groups. Corporate trainers also give recommendations to the skin new salesperson for further activities, and store managers - to work with them.

The next stage is the assessment after the completion of the testing term, the folding of the training plan.

Until the end of the test term, the seller is reassessed by the store managers, corporate trainers and representatives of the personnel service (the results of the assessment are taken from a special reference book). After that, a survey is carried out, de pracіvnik podomlyaєєєєє, chi vіn proyshov vyprobuvalny termіn, and set the task of the offensive period.

The spivrobitnik is also encouraged to move away from the training to get a good start. Programs in which case will be in the field of the company's needs (for example, "Robota zі skargami klієnta", "Presentation of goods") or otrimannym "novelties" tehnіki. It is also a way to motivate a sales consultant and transfer the development of yoga carers. You can choose the program yourself by submitting an application (Submit an addendum Get an addendum) to the staff service, or make a proposition about the distribution of those who sing yoga.

Further, the training of sellers is carried out 2-3 times on the river fallow, in view of their qualifications, the introduction of new programs, innovations in the merezhі stores.

Potim - the stage of assessment of individual activities, the development of spivrobitniks.

After the completion of the training, the mentors and the managers of the store will tell you, how the vicorists will take away the knowledge of that skill from their robots: under the sight of a great purchase, the sales assistants will cross over, and then they will write the “Letter of re-verification”. The sellers know about those who can see the “secret” buyer, even if they don’t know the stink themselves.

On the other hand, an individual assessment of the competencies of fahivtsiv is periodically carried out. Її pіdbags, as well as information about vykonannya іndivіdualnyh zavdanі and splanіv sluzhіv v selіvіv - all tse dany, podstaі yakіh kerіvnіstvo prіmaє prіshchennya і іnshe prіschennya і іnshe remіshchennya pratsіvnіv. A consultant can become, for example, a senior salesperson, a mentor, a director's advocate, a corporate coach, a store director, or a manager of another company's promotion.

The final stage is the assessment of the effectiveness of training.

For subbags, the training is assessed as a robot of spivrobitnikov, and the effectiveness of the training program itself. For whom the following criteria are used:

− the level of compliance with the exchange rate to the needs of the company and the number of participants at this stage in the future;

− timeliness of the training course for the staff to achieve maximum results.

In addition, the effectiveness of business training is evaluated on the basis of criteria in the Kirkpatrick model.

Visnovok: Knowledge management for personnel - without intermediate training of specialists (advancement of qualifications, advanced knowledge) and the second assessment, and the mechanism of internal organization of communications. For the help of this mechanism, the helpers are provided with the necessary information for the robot (local regulations, vetting only); the company implements new rules and standards; salespeople get new recruits in the team (skilled in training); Structural upgrades may allow mutual modification for the implementation of operational tasks (planning and organization of trainings).

Managing the knowledge of spivrobitnikiv, moreover, is one of the most important ways to create a competitive edge of the company, for the help of which it is safe:

− positive image of the organization in the market;

− Satisfaction with the demand of clients and post-employees, the development of mutually supportive partnerships with them;

- the ability for a skin specialist to work out his work in the most rational way (like that fast);

− mastering advanced management methods.

1.2. Staff training methods

The cycle of professional training starts from the appointment of needs, as if it reflects the revealed competences of people who are able to acquire professional knowledge and beginners of their practitioners with such knowledge and skills, such as they really stink. On the basis of the analysis of the needs and resources of the business, the budget and the number of professional training, as well as the criteria for assessing its effectiveness, are determined. An important place in the process of learning can be introduced in order to improve its efficiency, development and implementation of programs for learning. Among the appointments directly, the special position of the specialists of the service to the personnel of the enterprise is assigned to the appointment of the appointment of the consumption (necessity) of the training of the personnel. Professional development - the process of training practitioners to complete new career functions, taking on new settlements, completing new tasks, and inducing new business in market minds. The key moment for this gallery is the identification of the needs of the organization for the trainee:

Participants of the appointment:

1. Viddil personnel management;

2. The practitioner himself;

3. Kerivnik.

Officials, what to pour in the designated technology of learning:

Dynamics of the outer middle of the development;

Need a change in the organization's development strategy;

creation of a new organizational structure;

Mastering new types of activities.

Zagalom when organizing a system of professional training, it is necessary to insure:

1. The organization of training fakhіvtsіv and pracіvnіkіv mає buti pov'azana z virobnicheskim tsіlami and zavdannya, scho virіshuyuyuschih organization.

2. The training of the staff does not give proper success, as there is no proper system of winemaking at the enterprise for attainment, or as the knowledge is gained, that recruits do not know their practical skills. In this connection, it is necessary to formulate the link at various stages and gradually correct the model of the current trade, the level of your qualifications and competence.

3. The frequency of training of specialists depends on the needs of the business. However, according to the opinion of authoritative economic services in a number of countries, the level of scholastic hoarding of the staff of various categories of practitioners can be no less than 30% of personnel from the skin professional group.

4. An important place for a professional apprentice loan to develop promising and in-line plans for training, advanced qualifications, retraining of key practitioners and fahivtsiv.

You see that directly professional training and training of personnel signify this form. Sound like you see such forms. Navchannya on the job position in the process of work (at the start, the term “on the job training” is being developed). Tsya form of training is the most operational, because secure a close connection without intermediary with the process of the practitioner's activity. The form should be realized through mentoring and curating with varying methods of leadership, how to direct, direct on the way, to guide, to guide, to rotate, to teach as an assistant, to delegate progress - functions and performance.

Training with a driver type of work - (on the way, the term - off the job training) will be established. This form of training can be implemented in the following way:

♦ navchannya on the territory of the organization, as zdiisnyuєtsya vnutrishnіshni fahіvtsami the organization itself.

♦ training on the territory of the organization, as zdіysnyuєtsya zvnіshnіshnіm, zaproshennymi experts.

♦ training on the territory of the leading lighting organization. British scholars D. Kenney and M. Reid see five forms of in-house training and call them "strategies". Strategies, in my opinion, give the possibility of development and may on respectfully planned and systematic training:

1) Teaching a working profession - mentoring, zdіysnyuvane by a line kerіvnik chi acknowledging a colleague. It is planned to organize the activities of the organization - call it an additional form in the case of an extended program of development, for example, the development of a career development method, etc. May, on the uvazi, the fate of the practitioner is planned for the activities of other subsidiaries.

2) Internal training courses are as efficient as possible, which means that one hour at a time you will learn low-level workers, who are involved in a serious professional activity for the participation of ceramics. It is possible to have an alternative to learning about various information technologies: basic software packages, expert systems, but in this case, learning can go directly to the workplace.

3) Planning for the organization of the activities of other organizations - transferring the fate of the practitioner to the activities of other organizations involved in the process of functioning: for example, in partner organizations or in organizations-purchases of goods and services.

Existing programs of education - to expand the two main types of programs of education of existing organizations:

♦ short-term programs with a driving force in professional activities - call for consulting and training companies, business schools;

♦ long-term training programs, which are regulated by state standards, the result of which is the improvement of qualifications - should be carried out with a private wind in professional activity, promoted by universities and schools of business.

For all three types, you can use the following training methods:

a) Lectures, presentations: they are characterized by low activity of the participants in the training, there is a lot of sounding of the transfer of important professional knowledge.

b) Discussions: victorious at the development of professional knowledge. Mayut on uvazі: splkuvannya-dialogue of participants; ordering exchanges with glances of a group of osib, like in the role of conducting participants; vislovlyuvannya, vislukhovuvannya, vikoristannya non-verbal means of expression; directness of negotiating the achievement of primary goals.

c) Business games: directing the development of professional, communicative, managerial skills, and developing the development of business; weak way of transferring knowledge. They are characterized by an imitation of the real situation for the intelligence of what you see, which allows you to remove a lot of stereotypes, and at the same time with them, an opir, which you blame in reality when you try to review these stereotypes. There are such types of business games:

♦ role-playing - roles from non-intermediate working practice: following the sound behavior, going beyond the templates, mastering the necessary tasks.

♦ modeling games - mental replacement of reality for savings її about rice, making decisions;

♦ imitation games - so called "headquarters training", if the situation is set and imitation of the robot pіdrozdіl.

d) Interactive learning: directing to the business and the exchange of knowledge. It is characterized by the exchange of ideas of the participants in training with an expert, in the process of interactive training, initial consultation is carried out - a comprehensive analysis of specific professional tasks and recommendations based on the expertise of an expert.

e) Analysis of specific business situations: directing to the development of professional knowledge and skills. Fragmentation in 80s at Harvard, USA. It is characterized by profound and detailed investigations by the participants in the study of real situations in which the situation is simulated, as it is conducive to the fact that it will reveal the most private characteristics of power, virobit and variance of such situations.

f) Navchannya zі creation and development of the command - direct to the development of vodnosin.

g) Brainstorming - direct development of creative skills, innovation.

h) Conferences and seminars - pribannya and exchange of knowledge and technology, development of knowledge.

i) Master of business administration (MBA) - call vicorists for the implementation of focused education.

The Russian National Human Resources Team (HCK) recruited 712 HR-managers of Moscow and regional companies for the "Vidomosti" project. It was noted that companies (52%) are most interested in trainings related to time management and leadership. In another area (42%), there will be programs related to the work of the team and the development of managerial skills. Mayzhe stіlki (40%) vvazhayut for the need to splurge to their spivrobіtnik novice telephone communication and public speaking.

The fact that the company will benefit from corporate growth is confirmed by the data obtained by Begin Group. Having experienced the past fate of 100 Moscow training companies, it was explained here that in 2006 The largest number of Moscow training companies (59%) were hired by 20-40 clients. Have 2005 r. the total number of training companies increased, and in the meantime the number of training companies increased, which in turn served from 40 to 70 clients (26% in 2005 and 32% in 2006) and over 70 clients (05%2052) r. and 11% in 2006 r.).

The popularity of corporate trainings is growing. With all the food, how to grow so that the pennies spent on education were not lost without assistance, the third of Russian roboticists do not hvilyuє. Use impersonal methods to train staff. What is the best way to choose the most viable core, priming for an hour not on the effectiveness of the method, but on economy. But there are still no ideal options to combine the two primary methods. I'll try the yakomog more to reveal the essence of dermal methods. Father:

1) Promotion of the quality of the internal company professional training for the selection of innovative technologies for certification of personnel. ISNYCHYCHY SYSTEM OF THE ONISHNOFIRMOVAL NAVENT AND THE SUBRITED MIRY FORMENT OF THE RIGHTSED OF THE Professional RIVNYARIV, NOT VIKORISTIONS OF VIRAMILE OFFICAL OSVICA, CROPENTITITITIONS, CREATIONALYSISHICALS.

2) Novelties in the service market and the development of staff were always awarded with special respect and popularity. It appears that among the methods of training, they are still not practically represented in Russia. First of all, I will tell you about the original approach to the development of the spivrobitniks that are victorious in the UK companies, I will give my assessment by looking at the service market, prepared by the faculty of the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development (CIPD) before the HRD-2 exhibition. In my opinion, the statistics are too good. At the thought of CIPD fahivtsiv, the most popular ways to develop spivrobitnikiv - training in the work field, international conferences / masters and courses - are victorious so often, the oskіlki є great history of їs zasosuvannya, which allowed the English to bring practical tools. Other methods are introduced to England by new ones, although, wait a minute, the breadth of the current one is hostile. Still looking at the TOP-3 for the forecasts of the growth and zastosuvannya:

1) coaching by line managers;

2) mentoring/buddying;

These new methods are being actively discussed by the HR-facilitators of the UK, and not from the point of view of what varto їх victorious, what stinks are effective (the price is in no doubt not mentioned), but in the context of the exchange of dosvidom їх zastosuvannya in practice. What methods to become popular with Russia, show the future. And today I dabble in such methods as secondment, shadowing mentoring and buddying.

3) Secondment - a type of rotation of recruits, more precisely, an exchange of personnel. Є official designation of what is so. Secondment - "commanding" a sleeper for a song hour to another structure for getting the necessary skills. Така ротація відрізняється від звичайного переміщення кадрів тим, що подібний обмін може бути не тільки внутрішнім, коли працівники переходять до іншого департаменту тієї ж компанії, а й зовнішнім, при якому людьми обмінюються цілі організації, причому, як правило, відносяться до різних сфер (комерційні , state enterprises, small local companies, schools, charitable associations). This method of the company with a “flat” structure, delimiting the possibility of pushing spivrobitniks and, as a result, they have a development of additional newcomers, especially stands out. The exchange can be non-trivial (nearly 100 working hours), and trivial (to the point). Such a program is suitable for absolutely all spivrobitniks (managers, fahivtsiv, technical staff, etc.). I pay for the work of a person who has moved to learn new skills in another organization, as a rule, he is a real roboticist, tobto. company, like yogo "struck". The salary can be paid from various budgets: for the development of personnel, for communication with state structures (for example, for directions to state establishments), for goodness (for example, for working with a good organization). The only other payment for the work of such a worker is to be given to the organization that accepts it. The English have changed their minds, that in the process of the exchange of personnel, three sides of the process win. In America and England, there is a method of making excuses, which is based on the numbers of chergi z spivrobitnikiv on the secondment. The spіvrobіtnik himself has a different view:

Take away the possibility of a special development;

Nabuvaє raznomanitnogo dosvidu work in projects;

Promoting your adaptability to change, practicing in different organizational environments;

Nabuvaє new novice and dosvidu vyrіshennya non-standard tasks for yourself.

Accepting a company takes away resources for its projects and a specialist, which can be practically taken as a robot. "Viddayucha" side:

Polypshui novice of their practitioners;

Achieve teamwork and cross-functional interaction;

Raising the morale of the team; staff motivation;

Developing a network of contacts;

Budding reputation as a hot robot, focused on the interest of the community.

Insanely, secondment can be regarded as a method of development for personnel, so that in the same way spivrobitniks master new skills, robotic technologies and others.

How does it work in practice? For example, a specialist in customer service to send for the acquisition of new knowledge and access to the management of an uninterrupted supply chain management (supply chain management) to the postal manager or customer of the company. Another example: managers in the Middle Lanka work to volunteer organizations to master project management (voluntary organizations in England are famous for their clear and well-paid project work). In the past century, new discoveries have been laboring in the sciences, and this secondment also gives the possibility of new knowledge, a new look. For example, the director of staff, working at various positions at the marketing service of your company, to work on your own help - how can you get marketing tools from the robotic HR service. The secondment itself gives you the opportunity to acquire those skills, that knowledge, which cannot be gained in any other way. Obviously, during the secondment process, a lot of underwater stones and folds are sharpened. For example, the Englishmen will soon praise their food, but they will safely pass the adaptation of the spivrobitnik in a new situation for a new one and as if it will be a turn to a large number of robots. Regardless of the current minuses, the method is actively victorious not only in Great Britain, but also in all of Europe. The training managers of the training companies include a secondment before the training plan for the staff, prepare exchange programs, conduct special trainings and encourage people after passing through such an unusual training, like being transferred to a robot in another organization. Method tsіnniy shchey y tim, є one of the least vitratnyh. With a great training, the company pays a salary and spends a penny to pay for trainings, and in this situation it’s less likely to go to the teacher’s salary. The method, wait a minute, tsikaviy, but in Russia, the stosuvannya was not familiar to us. What do you say - navit zvichnisha and zrozumilisha rotation of staff and that we are far from being stagnant everywhere.

4) The method of shadowing wins not for spivrobitnikіv companies, but mainly for those who choose to come to her practice - senior students of universities and colleges. This way of training is more than cicavi and, as a rule, stagnates in companies that cooperate with universities, which may have programs for recruiting graduates to their state or, at least, ready to take young people without permission to work for themselves. The scheme of diy is simple. Suppose a student wants to become an auditor. The auditing company gives him the opportunity to spend a day or two in his office as a practicing auditor, in other words, “teach a dozen” of his fahivtsya. It is possible to entrust the student with a somewhat insignificant task, which illustrates the audit process, and to take it to the client. In this rank, the student becomes a certificate “one day from the life of an auditor”, otrimuyuyuyu vyavlennya about those, scho є chosen by him a profession, which knowledge and beginners still do not gain, to this motivation to master the knowledge at the university grows.

Before launching the shadowing program, companies conduct a series of trainings for the quiet, for which these "shadows" go, so that fahivts are as truthful, effective and informative as possible for them.

5) Budding. The most unique and most romantic way of training and development of personnel, which wins in Great Britain. Who is buddy? Friend, friend, comrade. To sound familiar, but in the essence of the method that is being described, to lie even more seriously. Buddying - tse, persh for everything, pidtrimka, dopomoga, singing world kerіvnitstvo and zahist one people other to achieve її results that purpose. In this context, the word buddy can be interpreted as a partner. In Europe, HR has been turbulent at the same time, that grades, like stench, have been so actively introducing a sprat of fate in order to bring the company's personnel to a significant level. І tsey method of stench vikoristovuyut for shaping zv'yazkіv mіzh spіvrobіtnikami, yakі represent raznі іvnі organіzatsії. For example, a top manager may have a booty buddy, who is two grades lower. The first person gives an absolutely equal connection Ozhe, what goals can be reached for the help of which method?

Specialty growth of spivrobitnikiv. Zavdyak buddying top-managers, nareshti, razumіyut, how their behavior is poured on spіvrobіtnikіv.

a. Command building. Buddy pragmat that, schob їх partner vykonav svoї tsіli. Їhnє zavdannya - support others. And, as a rule, a buddy from the lower grade strongly encourages his partner, actively wins people of his peer.

b. Transfer of information. The presence of a company of dozens of pairs of buddy helps without hesitation to convey the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthat initiation to the spіvrobіtnikіv razny equal.

c. Vikoristannya change. As much as it is necessary to be new in the company, then the buddy system can be directed to those who promote the idea of ​​change.

d. Adaptation of practitioners. The very variant is actively victorious in Russia, called mentoring. Particularly the wines of extensions in trade merezhakh.

When using the buddying method, your company varto cherishes with the following principles:

To create a situation of trust, to understand, to consume one of one;

Do not impose your thought;

To try to communicate interactively, providing nutrition, and not propagating information for the sake of it;

From the very cob, stay on the cob in a mutual pot;

Take care of yourself, as often you will interact and for a long time support this process.

In Russia there are training companies that use technology to create and support the buddying system. In our country, she has been victorious in the trainings of special growth, de training will be on the knowledge of the people of that, like wine pouring on others, who in yoga behavior conquer the reach of their goals. The very buddy (participant of the same training) to tell you about it through a turnaround - honestly, openly, objectively, do everything, so that your partner, changing your internal settings, victorious tasks, like setting yourself in front of you. At the same time, technologies are transferred to the middle of organizations and, consequently, it is more successful. In the opinion of experts, from a financial point of view, the process of learning more truths for newcomers, lower for more accurate reports.

Often you can think a little, "Now read the spivrobitnikov, so that the stench will go to our company"? If people are zatsіkavlenі in robots, if they smell the stench about themselves of the company’s company, if they stink, if the company is zatsіkavlena at the advanced lighting of the world, then it would be better to serve as an argument for those letters of instillation in robots. For this reason, the mind is: the company spends money on yoga education, and the light is on those who are left with people for all life.

If the spіvrobіtniki of the company are not clogged with their robots and do not like її, then even though they didn’t take the salary of the stench, stink all the same to go with the company. And, firstly, as a clerk if you want, so that your company has given all the powers of the day, your supporters are guilty of being not compliant, but yogo partners. Even partners can become less well-lit and prepared people.

Also, in order to educate the staff, it is necessary to solve the following problems:

The need for training (how much the company needs to learn spivrobitnikiv, as a result of the company’s follow-up and the possibility of their reach for help training spivrobitnikiv);

Why should you learn (to be taught by topics that are most relevant);

Whom to teach (the need to choose the most adventitious for training with those of a specialist);

How to learn (choose the method of training, choose an individual, how to pay for this training, if possible, the organization or the spivrobitnik himself);

Among the many options for training, the organization chooses the most optimal solution for a specific skin condition. Tse maє on uvazі those that for the training of spіvrobіtnikіv can be chosen absolutely different methods. The most expensive way of learning is less possible.

1.3. Equal professional training

1 Training and retraining of workers.

The training of new workers is the most important professional training, as before there were no small working specialties.

Training of qualified workers is carried out at vocational and technical schools, as well as at primary schools and directly at the vocational school.

The training of new workers is carried out at the undertakings for individual, group and course forms of training. The stench includes both the training and the development of the theoretical course, which will ensure the development of professional skills, the basic qualifications, the necessary minds of mechanized and automated production. The terms of such training should be established for 3 months depending on the complexity of the profession and specialty. The apprenticeship to the qualifications of a qualified sleeper and the assignment to a worker of a single tariff category will be completed.

With an individual form of leather training, who is trained, attaches to a highly qualified worker, a master or other fahivtsya, or is included in the brigade warehouse, de yogo as a general tutor, the brigade leader or the other member of the brigade. Theoretical course of individual training is taught to students independently. In case of a group form, the students are united at the head of the brigade and work together with the head of the program under the head of the brigadiers-instructors. The number warehouse of the senior groups is established in a fall due to the complexity of the profession, which is known, and the minds of the minds.

The course form of preparation of victors is for the training of workers in especially flexible professions, which require a significant obligation of theoretical knowledge of a different kind of work, which is impossible to denigrate a non-working field.

Theoretically, training in this case is carried out at the beginning-course combines, at courses that are constantly running, organized by the Galuze ministries, as well as at the evening vocational schools (for contracts for the salary of the enterprise). The terms of training of new workers are determined by normative documents and do not take a short time, for the sake of a fault, like a technical education. Theoretical employment and practical training are carried out at the borders of the trivality of the working day.

Retraining - otrimanna new spetsialnosti at the warehouse osib, maly work profession satisfies the needs of the place and the market of practice given spetsialnosti.

Let's take a look at the specifics of the organization of the process of retraining for the enterprise. It is most widely practiced at enterprises, orienting its personnel policy on the power of the working force. The need for retrainers calls for such processes, as a change in the practice of workers, and the in-house manufacturing process.

Slid mothers on uvazі, scho retraining is not only for workers, who wilt, but also work forces in the formation of low professions of a wide profile. In this way, retraining can be closely associated with the professional qualifications of workers, and the main form is the price of training for other professions.

The peculiarity of the retraining of personnel is the contingent of workers who are out of their minds. For the most part, the workers of the middle and older centuries, as they practiced the singing hour for the singing profession, which impose their own specifics on the training.

Management of the process of retraining practitioners in broadcasting:

Determining the scale of retraining and factors that should be injected into it;

selection of forms of retraining with the improvement of the achievement of the necessary result with the minimization of expenses for її conducting;

Carrying out sociological studies among the contingent of practitioners that are vibrating.

The structure of vacancies working positions and їх in order to qualify the work force, as well as the structure of the working ones, which vary, for equal qualifications and determine the nature of retraining. Retraining of personnel is carried out for the cost of expenses, which is related to the compatibility of products. In case of cost recovery, the necessary retraining of personnel, one is responsible for the retraining process itself, and the material security of practitioners during the process of retraining. |

2. Training of workers in other professions.

Navchannya other professions - the training of workers, yakі already mayut profession with the main duty with the method of otrimanna dodatkovo z pochatkovy equal qualifications for this structural podrozdil. Training in other professions is organized to expand one's professional profile, training to work in the minds of progressive forms of organization and payment for work.

Training for other professions is organized to promote the professional skills of workers, expand their professional profile, prepare to work at the minds of the brigade and other collective forms of organization of work, and navigate by different professions. Previously, the training of workers in other professions was respected by one of the forms of advancement of qualifications. However, the organization of the initial process and the replacement of victorious initial documentation does not matter in any way in the form of retraining. The difference was less in the fact that after retraining, the worker began to practice for a new profession, continuing to practice for the most basic one. Before that, in practice, after mastering another profession, I often chimed in on it.

In such a rank, similarly, the separation is a little formal.

Promotion of equal qualifications for another profession is applied for workers in the main profession at the general economics courses. The term of mastering another profession of the minimum level is guilty of revisiting 3 months, it is not allowed to take a short course of a special course of protection of work.

3. Promotion of qualifications of workers.

Advancement of qualifications, as well as new knowledge, skill and understanding, is the result of the self-productive activity.

Raising the qualifications of workers - the price of training, directing to the last thorough professional knowledge, reducing that skill of mastery for obvious professions.

The system of promotion of qualifications, which was formed on the selection, includes:

1. general and technical courses;

2. course of target recognition;

3. schools of advanced methods and methods of practice;

4. courses of foremen;

5. independently

Virobnicho-technical courses, as the largest mass form, are created with the method of improving the virobnicheskimi and technical knowledge of workers to the level necessary for them to learn, with the method of advancing the qualifications of roboticists at the boundaries of special professions.

The number of students in the group is 5 to 30. Triviality of the skin navchalnoy group is restored individually no more than three months (with the introduction of the disease) to six (without the introduction of the disease). Navchannya virobnicho-technical courses will end with folding experience.

Courses of purposeful recognition are created without intermediary on the development of new technology, establishment, technology, safety technology, progressive forms of organization of practice. Їhnє zavdannya - a short-term training of new recruits for the undertaking of qualified workers in order that, during the first month, the workers in the undertaking could acquire the special features of technological processes.

The training is carried out at the initial groups of numbers from 5 to 30 cases for the initial senior programs of the training, as a rule, up to 3 months. Courses will end with a drink.

Schools of advanced principles and methods of practice are created with the method of mass mastering by employees of adopting and developing methods of advanced workers and innovators in the field of work, teams of teams that have achieved high technical and economic performance, among colleagues from the practice.

The training includes practical work in the workplace, which is carried out by tax workers, as well as theoretical work, which is carried out by trade officers.

Trivality of scales from 30 to 100 years, including 15-25% of an hour for theoretical preparation, and not less than 6 years. Schools will end with the carrying out of a sub-bag lesson with the additional support of a school manager and a consultant about the achieved results.

Advancement of qualifications in connection with singing vitrates as undertakings, so as a practitioner. Tse vytrati for payment to vacancies, rent of accommodation, supply of materials toshcho. Тому підвищення кваліфікації та навчання з відривом від виробництва, внаслідок чого підприємство зазнає тимчасових труднощів, має бути організовано таким чином, щоб результат від цього – більш високий рівень продуктивності праці, якість продукції внаслідок освоєння нових технологій, обладнання, прийомів та методів праці – перекривав витрати .

Підвищення розрядів насамперед проводиться робітникам, у яких більш високий рівень теоретичних знань та професійний досвід, які освоїли другі та суміжні професії, застосовують раціональну організацію праці на своєму робочому місці, пройшли навчання на виробничо-економічних курсах, мають встановлене для даної професії та розряду загальну освіту or they study at technical schools, institutes; to know well the technological process of robots, the rules of technical operation, installation, and the norms of energy consumption.

The enlightenment of spivrobitnikiv can be seen on a large scale.

The first day is the beginning of the company’s core managers and top managers, and then it’s about changing the company’s strategy and about serious innovations, as it will be possible after the company’s core warehouse is started and a new company is taken away by them.

Coming rіven: navchennya managers in different lanka, beginning in the middle of lanka and ending with young managers. This river also brings innovation to the company, the stars set the company a new rhythm of work, give new knowledge and technologies to the workers, as they can help in the competitive fight. Until then, sled vrahuvati, that the company, as it teaches its spivrobitnikov, has a lower staffing rate. Young managers for this day already have only one salary to pay, to sing their heads off with career gatherings, and they can learn something new.

Based on the data of the experiment conducted in the fall of 2005 in 136 companies in Moscow, it was stated that one of the largest articles on the exhibition of the company is corporate training.

Axis yakі danny buli otrimani pіd h dolіdzhennya:

79% of companies organize the training of top managers and young specialists.

17% of the company conducts the training of service personnel.

20-40% of the total HR budget goes to another company to train managers in the Middle East and specialists.

20% of the HR-budget goes to 47% of companies for the training of top managers, and 42% of companies spend on the goal of 20 to 40%.

75% of firms spend less than 20% on the HR budget,

the insoles are stained and the training of the employees of the service workers. The training of young specialists is less expensive for companies.

Up to 80% of the main part of the cost of training to pay for the regular training services.

Up to 11% is spent on the organization of internal training.

Up to 27% of all expenses for education are occupied by other educational services: studies for the MBA program and courses for the improvement of English language.

42% of companies indicated that they should develop a system for evaluating the effectiveness of their training services.

29% of companies have such a system for evaluating internal training.

How much does it cost for a company to train one spivrobitnik on different equals?

Appointment of a top manager: at business schools in Moscow, an apprenticeship for two years for the MBA program costs from 6 to 25 thousand dollars. The average variant of the program is 10 thousand dollars. Chi rich tse chi little? All deposited in the same assessment, with which suits me for illuminating. The graduates of the MBA themselves are aware that the training at the business school has already given them a lot of new beginnings, and a new look at the business. Another important aspect is that they make connections, as if they were victorious, the MBA graduates will prolong their lives. Before that, the specialties that are taught in business schools are the most promising for business: the art of being a leader, strategic modeling, management and marketing of successful peers, psychology, and corporate management. Lack, Mikola Mikolav, General Director of Lukoil-Nizhzelzolzolzolzolzknafta, Vyazh, ShO Yakshcho Buschta Overnot of Yakosti I can bring real a core of compani, Todi Voston for the Businessman of the VSID, the manager of the Yogo Zya .

How to become a manager of the Middle Lanka: how can you get a manager in a company, and how much will it cost? Read best at short-term trainings and seminars. If you send a recruiter for a month or two, then you’ll be better suited for small companies, and send a recruiter for training, which is three days or two, really. Seminars, as a rule, last one day.

The training is carried out in such a way: a coach from the company is requested, so that he can provide such services, that he will deal with that problem, that he has developed in the company, and then we will recommend that another training. On this day, Moscow has no personal consulting and training companies that provide services.

How to choose the best? It is possible on the Internet, to the fact that the lighting market for today's day in Moscow has already been celebrated, and the main gravity has already been appointed, the stench is already working more than one river on the market and can finish a great assortment of different trainings. You can see one of the lighting exhibitions, which are constantly held in Moscow and, as a rule, a lot of training companies with their own trainings are represented.

Practically daily programs, which are related to the training of personnel with the highest qualifications (management work), the implementation of the problems of quality, productivity, and the promotion of motivation of workers. The presence of a well-qualified and qualified control over the work of the workers and the lack of professionalism of the staff led the rest of the hour to the lowest of the largest man-made disasters.

Professional training at the rich galuzyah of the industry can not be improved in a proper professional knowledge of that vmіnnya, but rather take away the chergovy tariff range, increase the tariff rate after the simplification of formal certification procedures. When underestimating the real rіven maisternostі, vіd kogo to lay yakіst pratsі and social protection prаtsіvnіkіv. There is a clear trend towards the development of functional illiteracy of personnel, although for market opportunities there is a trend towards the development of a practice market focused on highly qualified practice.

When choosing a training, you need to take into account the needs of the company. The trainings are based on the most advanced skills: the trainings for sales, and the time of talking with the client by phone, and the different marketing technologies. What is the approximate cost of training? Seminar for one day for a group of 6-10 persons will cost about 5 thousand rubles. Training for one - three days, for a group of 10 persons, approximately cost is 20 to 60 thousand rubles. The price varies depending on the number of errors in the group, the severity of training, and those training.

Є rule: the bigger the group, the bigger the reduction. As the company becomes a permanent client of the training company, it can also offer different discounts. More importantly, you can change the training without intermediary according to the specifics of your company.

1.4. Personnel certification

As if it were a training, trainings will require an assessment of efficiency. In the classic way of assessing the effectiveness of training today, it is important to proponate in 1975. Donald Kirkpatrick's model, which is composed of several equals:

1 - assessment of the reaction of students;

2 - assessment of equal knowledge;

3 - assessment of behavior in the workplace;

4 - assessment of the impact on business results.

We note on the rest of the day that, apparently, the most important displays, which indicate the positive impact of the company’s robot displays on the bag:

improving the efficiency of practice;

Shvidke wider knowledge (і, yak naslіdok, for example, quicker way out of the product market);

Insufficiency of knowledge to the staff, a secret, a single understanding of the main nutrition, which is blamed on the side of the deputy (what is for the company, what is engaged in sales, is an additional competitive advantage);

Appointment of competency profiles for personnel and the possibility of carrying out attestation (short examination of the work of incompetent practitioners).

Why should the process of training blame the need for certification of personnel?

The system of certification of fahivtsiv is in use in the whole world for about a hundred years. For different types of activities, professional standards are broken down ( planting instructions); During the certification process, there are real indicators of the quality of the practitioner in a specific professional activity with the improvement of yoga knowledge, skills, and habits.

It is necessary to state that, first of all, our comprehensive support at the final stage of training promotes the effectiveness of the initial process and compensates for the material costs by the greater world, leading to the organization of training. Krіm tsgogo, skorochuyutsya timchasovo spend, po'yazan z navchannyam and certificatsiєyu staff for rahunok chastkovy podednannya tsikh processes. That and at the end of these two processes, the task of assessing knowledge is an assessment of the practitioner's professional abilities.

In another way, the obvious results of the certification for the organization's (robot seller) will be:

practitioner's competence;

Possibility of planning the career of a practitioner;

Concretization of the vіdpovіdalnostі and the importance of the practitioner;

Steps of the practitioner to the culinary process;

Hope that obsyag dovir to the new;

The prospect of enlightening the practitioner;

Structural staff changes;

Recruiting that selection to the staff.

Третім позитивним моментом комплексного підходу стає факт наявності у працівника сертифікату відповідності, що, без сумніву, підвищує престиж організації, дозволяє їй брати участь у спільних міжнародних проектах (тендерах), що в кінцевому підсумку сприяє підвищенню конкурентоспроможності продукції та підприємства в цілому.

It is especially important when the activity of businesses in the minds of the market is visible and the visibility of the market of labor force, in the minds of the functioning of organizations and businesses in the single economic space of the Light trade organization.

Evaluation of the level of professional training of practitioners for training and certification of their staff to help the organization’s engineer (robot vendor):

1. Estimate the real value of the specialist of the borrowed plantation (number of shackled shoes).

2. Namititi the prospect of economic development with the improvement of the evident potential of the practitioners and the development of structural (staff) changes in the prospect of development.

3. Appreciate the prospect of professional growth of a particular practitioner from the yogo maximum achievement in the managerial activity of the enterprise.

4. Activate management processes for the benefit of development.

The ages are obvious, in the same certificate of procedures for the certificate of Vitrati of PidniMaty on the organizing internal law, the certificate of the same to the certificate of the yogo pydgotyvikov.

1.5. Officials, what to add to the training of staff

In our hour of high speed, many companies have begun to ask about the training of staff and the promotion of the professionalism of spivrobitnikov. In the situation of minds, which are changing rapidly, the increase in the dissemination of information in the various closets of society, there has clearly appeared an inevitable need to train personnel for new technologies and methods in various types of activities, with the help of a rapid adjustment to the situation.

Teaching staff that quick adaptation in new minds is an effective way to successful development of the company and promotion of competitiveness, which, of course, has its own strength, obviously, investment. First of all, as it shows, the most effective and appropriate is the training of staff. young vіku without permission to work, as one hopes to be trained without a middle for a fah. These companies, ignoring the training of the staff, continue to slander fakhivtsiv-charivniks, who simply do not exist in nature, through inadequate protection of those illusory powers, they are naively surprised: “Why is the company employed by the staff and not less than ten personnel agencies can you know the golden fahіvtsya???”. Zvіdsi and filthy glory of recruitment agencies.

Training for staff is an indispensable contribution for the best, effective results of work. Young, well-trained staff is more built up to zastosuvannya, mastered and promoted from knowledge and skills.

The training for the staff is the ability to bring forth its own fruit, that melancholy, which inspires the current forces of the economy and the market. The pace of manifestation of the new in our life is high, and to that staff, this regular development is filled with an urgent problem for today.

Important factors, which are added to the strategy of any organization, are the inner and outer middle ground.

To the inner core - an organizational culture is brought in, as if the approach is correct, it will bring together all the spivrobitniks that will lead to an effective vision of the strategic tasks of the enterprise. Depending on the installation of the company's infrastructure to human resources, the personnel are considered either as a vitrati, that they are quick, or as a promotion of a profit, as it is necessary to develop.

Particular respect must be given to the manifestation of trends and changes in the medium. Among the main factors are as follows:

Economical (inflation rate, tax rate, employment rate of the population in the sun and behind the curtains, payment efficiency of organizations);

Political (mitni rules, obezhennya otrimannya credits, zagalna politichna situation);

Markets (demographic mind, income income of the population, capacity of the market, yogo part, how the organization borrows);

Legal (legislation of the country and її changes, normative acts of the authorities of the government of the central order, legal regulation economy);

Competitive (mark, strategies and weaknesses of supercompanies, potential threats from their side, the level of competition at the gallery).

Ступінь впливу окремих компонентів зовнішнього середовища різна залежно від виду діяльності, розміру організації, форми власності і т. д. Для дослідження впливу макросередовища на підприємство має бути створена спеціальна система аналізу, що включає проведення спостережень, соціологічних опитувань, вивчення матеріалів, опублікованих у періодичній пресі , scientific literature.

The company cannot survive on the market without improving competition. Zgіdno z opituvannyam, we will conduct a hundred kerіvnіkіv іv іn іndustries in the field of manufacturing and sale of the products of the people's state, the stink of the competitive factor is the most important.

In this way, the integration of strategic personnel management and the organization and the development of a modern company, allows you to actively invest in the line mill and dovgostrokovі prospects, while maximizing the profit and development of labor potential.

Part 2. Personnel training at the company teleperformance

Teleperformance occupies a special place in the midst of the so-called call-center through those that are an international company and have been in the hot-lain market for more than 10 years. The specifics of the work of the company is the transfer of constant updating of data, as well as the non-intermediate training of personnel.

The training of personnel here is done gradually, but at the end of the stage.

The first stage of the appointments of a blame for new spivrobitnikiv is mentoring or training a spivrobitnik on a working job. When hiring a specialist, a project is assigned, on which basis of practice, depending on the specialist, they learn the specifics of the project, guiding it to the operator, which works on a new one. Tse allow to look at the situation on the spot, which is blamed on the project, and to advance the level of business review.

The control of the start at this stage is carried out without interruption by the same operator, who has started the interviewer and the supervisor of the project.

Another stage of learning appointments for spivrobitnikiv, as soon as they started to work. At this stage, the specialist will undergo low training, on which they will learn the techniques of business management, the principles of work in this office.

The control of acquired information at this stage is carried out gradually by listening to the voice of the interviewer and warnings for this behavior without intermediary by the supervisor.

The third stage of appointments for spivrobitnikov, who have been working with the company for a long time. At what stage to go through the development of new projects, foreign languages. At the first two stages, for which you must first pass through the middle of the company, this stage can go through as the middle of the company, so after it. The specialist can apply for recruitment in another place, or for an internship in another company, or apply for a civil investigation.

Control at this stage is carried out by the project coordinator at the company, the manager of the quality control of the robot and the supervisor.

Without a doubt, despite the great vitrates on the side of the company, but without regard for the whole thing, nevertheless, carry out the training of a skin specialist at all three stages.

If you evaluate the training from the side of the spokesman, then I can determine what kind of specific work and organization is appropriate for me - I wonder what to value the spokesmen, I want to work with them. The training of personnel with the help of the recruitment of spivrobitnikov from your company.


American companies are looking for 8-10% surpluses for recruitment of spivrobnitniks, but that’s a billion dollars! That stink first. Russian artisans seem to say: "I can't spend a penny on training the staff, because I don't earn so well." Ale is the truth of the protilege: it’s easy to make good money, not seeing the bones of your spivrobitniks.

Іsnuyu organіzatsії, yakі vyroshayut svіvrobіtnіv іn the first position zіzediny, іnshі volіyut hirаt fahivtsіv s side. Which of these methods is the most typical for enterprises in Russia, and which of them is effective for the company as a whole?

Wounded Bagaato Organizatyi from Bilshosti Vipadkiv recruited SPIVROTIVIVIV on the Suits, Ale Syogodni Velikodniytiye Shzhahniy: There is a munition of SPIVROTIVIVIVIVIVIVIVISHICE ORIMARIA, I Chim Kvalifovannih. Aje, be it to inspire a good fakhіvtsyu, which came to the side, all the same, it will take an hour to adapt and join the team, and it’s not a fact that you can become a part of this team.

The method of recruiting a spіvrobіtnik z svobistih zv'yazkіv in rosіyskih organіzatsіyah zhiv itself. If you are talking about commercial structures, then the method of special communications is irrelevant today. The market for straightening out at once, first for everything, for a quick one, but it means that a quick one dictates your mind, and you need to be satisfied with the mind, otherwise the company checks the ruble. That is why the main officials in the process of pracevlashtuvanni, insanely, є knowledge, dosvіd that special characteristics, but not a zv'yazku. Spivrobitniki who start with the company kar'erny way from the very bottom, it is most easier to become a team, lower is a sprig of “unlimited stars”. Today, those core managers and top managers, as if looking ahead, are obv'yazkovo engaged in the training of their potential successors - either in the middle of the company, or on the outer level.

Якщо розглянути практику навчання співробітників «всередині» компанії через призму довгострокової перспективи, виявляється, що компанії заощаджують великі гроші, оскільки автоматично відпадають такі питання, як: пошуки нових співробітників, їхня орієнтація в компанії, адаптації до існуючої корпоративної культури та технологічних процесів; do not suffer and reward the work of the team.

Otzhe, the effectiveness of the training of personnel has been brought. In a way and new way to train the staff - a solution, to lay only in the organization's core. There is no such thing as universal practitioners who are called “super specialized specialists”. Maybe, chi varto turn respect for the quiet, who already works in the organization?

List of literature:

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3. Buddying, shadowing and other new methods of staff training//Doctor of personnel management", -2006. - No. 1

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Don't forget about training. Kadri viruyut everything / Zhur. Technologies and dosvid, - 2006. - No. 5.

T.V. Volkova How does the stage of development of the organization go to the personnel policy? What is the obov'yazkovoyu succesful development of the company?// Dovidnik z personnel management// - 2005. - №11.

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