Business mushroom farm. Can you see the mushrooms growing? (Ready-made business plan with reports of reports). Growing mushrooms and business: tips

At Rest of the Rocks The growth of business on the cultivation of clay in Siberia was rich, but there was no stable growth, so there was none. Let's try to figure out why the river is here.

For good reason, it is necessary to clearly distinguish between different equal organizations of the mushroom business. Growing in the garden for the summer a few kilos of mushrooms - the crown of amateur mushrooms. On the approaching level - we call it a family farm - the harvest can reach five tons of mushrooms for a month. Such obsyagi as a whole can really grow on a special obіyst by the forces of one sіm'ї. Sometimes it is called 1 ton of mushrooms per month. However, for a family farm it is already rich, but in order to get an additional working force, it is not enough. Dosvіd to confirm that the rіven of industrial bezbitkovy mushroom production starts from 3 tons of mushrooms per month. Unfortunately, there is often no reason to understand that the transition from one level to another cannot be smooth, but rather requires a reorganization of the entire technological process. The illusions of simplicity, the glimmering of glitch and the trouble-freeness of її zbutu, are suddenly rising. Enthusiasm for "young" mushroom pickers is usually reached for 3-4 months, maximum for the first time. Dali for a change of euphoria come tom, roses, sparks of abuse, outstanding loans and other negative. In order to further discredit the very idea of ​​fungi, we need to think about systematizing the causes of failures. I'll try to find out, relying on the authorities' quarterly mushroom-growing report and in my order about the camp of inquiries to the Russian mushroom industry.

For the first time, mushroom growers need to be aware of the most important problems, among the lower listed ones.

1. Variety of substrate. The essence of the problem is the choice of syrovini (straw, husk, flax, thyrso toshcho) and the method of preparation (hot water or steam, soft pasteurization or zhorstka sterilization).

2.Microclimate. The essence of the problem is the optimization of ventilation modes, thermoregulation and heating.

3. Quarantine regime. The essence of the problem is the control of pathogenic micro-organisms and coma - shkіdniki.

4. Pre-sale preparation and organization of mushroom harvesting. The essence of the problem is cooling the shvidka, packing and saving mushrooms; rozrobka system zbutu mushrooms, scho vrakhovu znachnі znachennі kolivanija drink on them.

5. Organizational and legal nutrition. The essence of the problem is the minimization of risks associated with the lease of accommodation, the withdrawal of credits, and the lack of understanding among the participants in the project.

Mustaches of nutrition may have equal economic significance. It was understood that on a filthy substrate you do not take away the high yield, but on a good substrate the yield will be low with an unsatisfactory microclimate. Harvest can be stocked by coma - shkіdniki in case of unscheduled sanitary-zahishnyh visits. Zamikaє tekhnologichny lanzyuzhok pre-sale preparation of mushrooms. It’s covered, if at this stage the mushrooms - red, wear out a commercial look - sigh, crackle, transform into a “bast”. And, obviously, “If you don’t have a good time in your comrades, then you don’t go right on the right ...”, so it’s just like on the squares that they rent. Renting is also a tricky basis for mushrooming, because. to invest pennies in the reconstruction of that technical equipment of the facility that is rented is already risky, and without good technical equipment it is impossible to ensure stable growth of mushrooms. Having dared to take up the cultivation of clay, do not check for manna from heaven, but get serious about the work, and then you are simply condemned ... for success.

The time for mushrooms has not yet come, but at once, like me, the thought of those who create a man-made mushroom plantation at home, at the basement falls into a chant country house. And from the idea to її vіlennya, as it seems, at hand! Aje is fallow in the form of mushrooms in the skin and the power to create a mushroom farm with your own hands.

Today is not a problem in shops for summer residents and specialty firms to bring mycelium (tobto mycelium), which will be the grain, which will bring your dream into reality. Moreover, it is the grain of the direct meaning of the word. Adzhe multiply the mycelium, sound on our wheat.

Dali on the right behind the small one: to be identified with the type of mushrooms fallow like yours, minds at the base or on the dilyantsi, obviousness to the substrate. Admittedly, you have recently uprooted a sprat of old fruit trees, cut them up, but do not consume them in firewood. It is possible to vikoristovuvat splits for growing openkіv or gliv. Abo you have є pіdpіllya, in yakіy protyazh horny rock zberіgaetsya warmly. Todі take on the selection of commodity ovens. And if your dacha comes close to the forest and on the birch or birch trees, then you will be engaged in the cultivation of white mushrooms.

When the mushrooms grow, it becomes clear that the mushrooms themselves are the fruits of the body of the mycelium, as if, like the roots of the growth, they tangle the entire tovshu substrate and scatter the life of the speech.

Only in minds, close to ideal, the mycelium quickly grows and enters at the time of fruiting. І for a skin type of fungus and mind will be different. So, for stoves, light is not needed, but living soil is needed, and yogo water is needed. And the axis of the row in the temryava is not growing. For porcini mushroom necessary mental there will be a presence of mature trees, from the roots of some kind of mycelium, to establish an inextricable link.

One of the distant options for beginners will be growing gleevy in ready-made packages with a substrate and sowed mycelium.

Oyster mushrooms on a white background

Raztashovuyut packages at the vіdpovіdny mіstsі, shatter nadrіzi and obraskut so that the substrate zavzhd buv vlogomu stanі, but not wet. Nezabar mycelium becomes visible through the opening of the polyethylene, but it means that you are doing everything right. The first mushrooms appear in the openings already in two days.

Porada: the cultivation of the soil after the growth of mushrooms is good for summer and home growths. Also, you can make yogo up to compost, so you can become a planting maidan for rich cultivated mushrooms.

For plantation bake pіdіyde lоkh аbо pіdval, dо саn аn increase thе temperature vіd 12 tо 18 і the water content is close to 70%. The living substrate is piled up in flat boxes, then placed on racks to save money. For the development of the stove, light is not needed: the stench is good to grow and bear fruit in the darkness.

From the spring of the oven, the stoves turn and in to the critical soil for example at tіni fruit trees. In this type of planting, it is necessary to cover it with water, so that we protect the mycelium as if it were drying out, and so it was being resurrected.

The thinning soil for growing ovens is kіnsky gnіy. It is possible to vicorate and rotten cows, adding to the new one approximately 20-30% of straw, leaves, potato or tomato badill. The preparation of the substrate begins with the laying of the buy: up to 50 kg of pus add 12-13 kg of gypsum, 12-13 kg of vape and 1.5 kg of sechovin. Irrigate the kupa, strengthen it with a splash. Substrate preparation takes 15-20 days.

Viroshchuvannya rows seems to be about the same, like a stove. However, it’s still busy with singing knowledge and it’s more suitable for those who already have good knowledge. Ryadivka satisfies the fruit body, if the temperature of the outside wind falls below 15˚. The shortest hour for laying culture - grass, but in principle, you can start growing that autumn. In the garden, її roam on the beds, near the boxes, chi bears, installed in the shade of trees and chagarniks.

Like when rozvedennі pecherits, after planting in the soil, the substrate is covered with a spit and it will be safe for you high water. The mycelium of the row develops more quickly at temperatures close to 20˚. After 2-3 days, the substrate overgrows with purple mycelium. Now apply the earth to the Volog with a 5 cm ball and twist the culture. Go crazy to get stuck for the ovens. After 2-3 days the mycelium will appear on the surface soil. Approximately after 3 days after clotting at a temperature of 10 to 15, the first fruits of the body (mushrooms) are established, and the cover is removed. Approximately after 3 months of cultivation, the substrate is worn out; yogo can be vikoristovuvati for polypshennia structure of the soil, especially clay or food.

Hidden lover - mushroom shiitake- can grow on various living materials: straw, thyrsus, dormouse husks.

For opening to choose fresh-spilled wooden stovburi, as if to make a white shady side of a booth.

Armillaria mellea in natural habitat autumn season

No matter what they took away - stoves, shiitake, mushrooms or glivi - smut, follow the technology and show respect and patience before your landings. Then your work will not be deprived without a well-deserved reward.

And the axis of viroshchuvat so called mycorrhizal fungi, to which white mushroom, hard to finish.

So it was clear, mycorrhiza is a kind of spivdruzhnist mycelium and the root of trees. And without friendship, forest mushrooms cannot grow. The only possibility of their “tame” is the strength of their white trees (birch, wasp, yelina and pine), like growing on your hundred square meters, which adjoin to the fox and the fox.

First I prepare the place for landing. For the stovbur of a tree, it is necessary to shovel the upper globe of the earth (10-20 cm zavtovshki) in such a way as to take a bare yard with a diameter of up to 2 m with a tree near the center.

  • Let's put either compost on the bare plot, or put soil with high peat, 1 to 2 cm thick, and put small pieces of mycelium of white mushrooms on the beast.
  • If mycelium is not far away, there is one more option: to bring planting material from the forest.
  • Take close to 10-15 drops of the largest porcini mushrooms, place them near a bucket of water (rather than wood) and leave them to get wet. After pouring the mushrooms into the mushrooms with your hands right by the wind. Guilty to come homogeneous mass. Now pass through a sieve or tissue with rare pores. M'yakush, don't let it go. You will also need to plant. In this rank, you took away the rozchin with spores and the very mushroom tissue.
  • Pour over the peat substrate with a small amount of rosemary, and then cover the soil with it, which you have taken on the cob itself.
  • For the help of a watering can or a hose with a sawing, water the landing site. It is important not to loosen the soil. One tree needs 2 to 3 buckets of water.
  • And the beast is planted with a ball of straw 20–40 cm.
  • The first mushrooms appear for the river after the mycelium takes root.
  • White mushrooms at the dacha will keep you quiet until 5 years old.

Ale, why don't we say goodbye to you, come in again!

Mushrooms are always rooted in popularity, regardless of the time of the year. Some people love to pick them up from the locals on their own, others - to buy at the shops and in the markets. Growing mushrooms at home or at the dacha can become even more of a kind of business. Yogo profitability reaches 40%, and business input does not require special knowledge and great capital investments.

How to grow mushrooms?

It is necessary for us to be appointed to this, like the very mushrooms you plan to grow. You can see a few cost-effective options:

  • white mushroom- one of the most valuable on the mushroom market. From the new cook soups, sauces, salads. May high drink. Ale at the same hour, the growth of white mushrooms is a little stink on the right, for the best stench to grow in the gardens was the root of the trees. When growing in greenhouses, it is necessary to create minds similar to those of nature.
  • Gleavy- The simplest type of fungus in growing. Due to the small area for planting, and the monthly harvest from one square meter can reach 14 kg. First mushrooms can be harvested already a month before. Clay is covered with great drink, shards avenge the mass of living speeches, vitamins B, PP, C and H and amino acids.
  • Pecheritsy- this type of mushroom is considered one of the most expensive. Vymagaє compost, which is easy to prepare in home minds, so I will have to spend money on it.

Design for business

It is necessary to take the following documents in order to legally allow the sale of mushrooms:

  • Dovіdka about registration as IP. KVED code - A.01.12.31. (Viroshuvannya mushrooms and mushrooms). Like the mode of submission, select YESHN.
  • Dovіdka about the decree on oblіk to the pension fund that tax service.
  • I received that certificate from CEC.
  • Visnovok Ross was at a glance.
  • Protocol of radiology.
  • Quality certificate, withdrawn from Rosstandart.
  • Warehouses and approved rules for the storage and transportation of mushrooms and the removal of products from them.

Catch the respect that the certificates taken in the laboratory are less likely to do, but you grow fungi on the same substrate. When changing the substrate, it is necessary to go through the laboratory again.

Choose a destination

You can grow mushrooms both on the garden plot, and at the host. Another thing is relevant in that moment, as you are planning to open a mushroom farm and take care of the harvest regularly, and not just in the heat of the time of fate. Pіdіyde yak pіdval, so warehouse, greenhouse and navіt zvichayna living room.

For the cultivation of mushrooms, it is necessary to dry it cleanly, with a garnoy ventilation. In the cold season, it is necessary to install additional furnaces or radiators to support the thermal regime.

Varto pay respect and for water, as it is guilty to reach 80-90% fallow in the form of mushrooms that grow. For її pіdtrimki nebhіdno vstanovit near the prism_shchennі єmnostі, napovnenі cold water.

Irrespective of those that mushrooms do not like bright light, it is still necessary to provide short-hour piece lighting. It will be necessary for the hour of ripening I give birth.

Bazhano divide the application into sprat zones, depending on the main stages:

  1. For preparation and storage of the substrate.
  2. For hanging mushrooms.
  3. For sprouting mycelium.
  4. For uninterrupted cultivation, that selection of mushrooms.
  5. For processing and storage of finished products.

When choosing a place, it is necessary to apply a disinfectant in advance and then clean the walls.

Purchase of mycelium

Mycelium is a mycelium that looks like thin light threads of a zavtovshka 10 microns and less. After the visit, the growth of mushrooms begins. When choosing a mycelium, we should pay attention to the variety, type and term of ripening of mushrooms, their resistance to ailments of a different kind.

Obov'yazkovo revise the terms of attachment to mycelium, their color and smell. The seller may have a license for the goods.

Buy a small trial batch in advance.


For the proper organization of a business on a mushroom farm, it is important to have such a possession of glass materials, such as:

  • polyethylene bags for hanging mushrooms;
  • refrigerator and cold chambers;
  • heating;
  • happy-chewers;
  • shelving;
  • packing container;
  • I bring in boxes for picking.


As you have made serious work on an industrial scale, you should acquire assistants. For robotic mushroom farm you need:

  • technologist;
  • picker and packer for the harvest;
  • versatile;
  • sales manager.

In view of the expansion of the farm, I promise to lay down a handful of practitioners.

How to grow white mushroom

Technology to fallow depending on how de vie grow mushrooms:

On the vіdkritіy dilyantsі

It is necessary to prepare a special recipe for this recipe: break up the droplets of an overgrown mushroom and soak yogo in cold water. Then we will need to take the upper ball of turf in the middle of the field near the trees and water the cleared place with infusion of fungus spores.

Hanging mushrooms varto like grass - on the cob of wormwood, as you know in the pivdennih regions, in the middle smoothness of the term hanging fall on the end of the sickle - the ear of spring.

For accelerated growth, you can add mycelium of white mushrooms. Yogo is visadzhuyut at a small pit, with a depth of about 20-30 cm. How the substrate can act:

  • dry leaves of trees;
  • bark;
  • various sums of money.

The tovshchina of the ball reaches 7-10 cm. Then we put another ball, which is built up with humus or great earth, mycelium is laid on the new one, then one more ball of life-giving sumish tovshchina 3 cm.

At the greenhouse

Now it is necessary to hang in boxes and place them on the shelves. For planting vicory, special compost is used, which is made up of:

  • dry trimmed straw;
  • tirsi;
  • lushpinnya dormouse;
  • kreydi or gypsum in small kіlkostі.

How good can act as chicken, cow'yachiy or kinsky last. Otriman sumish is filled with hot water and infused for 2-3 days. At the same time, the compost is shaken and watered. Then the compost is added to mycelium and laid out in boxes.

At the place of residence, it is necessary to organize dim lighting, a high level of moisture and ensure ventilation.

Viroschuvannya gliv

There are two options for growing these mushrooms:

First option

Before preparing the substrate, before which it should enter:

  • trimmed that soaked straw;
  • thyrsus;
  • Fresh Sonyashnikov's Lushpinnya.

Sumish podrіbnyuєtsya and is filled with hot water. After cooling, it is placed at the polypropylene bear. Slid the ball to the substrate and the ball to the mycelium. With this mycelium, make 3-5% of the weight of the bear. For polyethylene, open buti for ventilation with a diameter of about 2 cm.

The first month is harvested in a closed dark place with a moisture content of 90% and a temperature of about 25 degrees. After the end of the designated term, everything moves to a more cold place with a temperature regime of 12-18 degrees, de mushrooms look.

The first mushrooms can be taken away already for a sprat of tizhniv, with which the stench grows like a whiff. With a new skin disorder, I give birth to a smaller number of chosen ones.

Another option

May on the uvazi vikoristannya of the village and pnіv for viroshchuvannya I give birth:

  1. Take the stumps of deciduous trees, young bergamot, as they are not infected with other fungi. It is also possible to vikoristovuvaty in front of the planted trees from the trunks of the trees.
  2. Pnі and vіdrubki infect with mycelium and vitreous with the rise of moisture, until the stench is overgrown with mycelium.
  3. Let's sweat them out from the ground, to secure permanent water.

Tsej sposіb vіdrіznyaєtsya low proizvodstіnіstі and vikoristovuєtsya seldom.

You can learn about the real evidence of the growth of such mushrooms in the video:

Viroshchuvannya pecheritsy vvazhetsya folding process. First of all, it is connected with the fact that for them they need special compost or a substrate, in other words, it is necessary to take care of the microclimate.

The substrate can be prepared independently. For new take:

  • fresh dry straw - 12 kg;
  • fresh chicken pasta or cow's or kinsky rot - 8 kg;
  • gypsum or creid - 0.5-1 kg;
  • ammonium sulfate - 200-250 g.

Everything is laid in balls, then for a stretch of the month they pour, watering every day, once every 6-7 days it is necessary to shake it. Significantly, chi is ready to sumish before planting to help the presence of a characteristic ammonia smell. As only we know, you can add compost to the ground and grow mycelium.

The temperature regime for ovens is not less than 15 degrees, the best is 20-25. Riven water content is not more - 70-80%.

The mycelium germinates in two seasons, and the first harvest can be taken in 2-3 months.

Zbut mushrooms

Ready products need to be carefully checked, or specially processed for safe storage. Fresh mushrooms can be sold:

  • selling to restaurants and distant ones;
  • tap on markets and in shops, supermarkets;
  • sell to individual buyers.

Surplus products can be conserved or dried.

In the period of Great Lent, that on holy days, the vartist will drink on mushrooms growing.

How many pennies is needed for business?

We suggest a smart business plan for vitrates:

  1. Rent a room 40-60 sq.m. - 7000 rubles.
  2. Purchase of mycelium and mycelium - 10,000 rubles.
  3. Purchase of substrate and compost - 20,000 rubles.
  4. 500 pieces of rozrahunka bags - 5,000 rubles.
  5. Plastic boxes, 10 pieces - 1000 rubles.
  6. Registration in the microclimate organization - 15,000 rubles.
  7. Refrigerators and refrigerators - 40,000-60,000 rubles.
  8. Transport vitrati - 15000.
  9. Registration and registration of all papers - 20,000 rubles.
  10. Utility payments - 30,000 rubles per month.

For business, on average, 183 thousand rubles are needed. Accurate statya vitrat lie down in obsiagu virobnitstva that region.

Plus business

The main advantages of the mushroom business lie:

  • mushrooms are not viable at the watcher;
  • no special training is needed for newcomers;
  • selection of simple and accessible materials;
  • high drink and stable income.

For the cob, it’s better to try the mushrooms on a small scale, for yourself. As soon as you figure out the process of cultivation, you can expand the mushroom farm and go to the market.

Under an hour of work with mushrooms - planting, picking - gauze dressings, shards of mushroom superwort can cause allergic reactions.

Video: Mushrooms - idea for private business

For more details about growing mushrooms and organizing the mushroom business, you can learn from the video below:

Growing mushrooms - to achieve a profitable and simple form of business. Vіn vіmagає manifestness of special knowledge. The profitability of yoga is 40%, and it pays off with a stretch of fate.

Since then, since the first windows-telephones came out, I played in one small game and started my own small business - writing a program for windows-telephones and motivating them to sell. From that hour, a rich hour passed and from a non-negotiable hobby, my business step by step changed into an even more non-negotiable hobby (the market of windows-smartphones was not reachable, it seems, 4%). I actively threw out new versions of the programs, but as a diva, the total number of my programs’ interests came close to pivmillion and 200-300-400 dollars of income began to come to the rahunok. Dribnitsa is welcome. Well, that was acceptable, until the dawn of the month came, and I didn’t have a chance to think about gifts. Figs with him, what is the minimum turbotax, which can come into play with my situation (houses and business) costing 109 dollars, if I don’t change anything. Ale and three nights of life, as if I were already vitrativ on the back of that motherfucker of all gifts, even if I didn’t turn around. As a result, I became angry and drastically.
The only thing that ryatuє svіt vіd moreover, schob I've driven in usіh dovkola - tse dosch. You don't want to go out of the house. And home is good. Like I am radium, I do not live and work in the great stone vein in the great city. I like my little Duval, all the farmland and programmers. You marvel at the window - and there the color of evil. At the susides - deer bushes are torn off. Quiet on the streets, driving cars - not part of the guests. Rarely, if you feel that you are stupid for a window - and there, ba, the inhabitants of the city go somewhere. Buvay.

My most popular add-on is called the GPS Calculator and a lot of yogo koristuvachiv - help American farmers, like vikoristovuyut my program for the motherfucking area of ​​their watering. I even respect the farmers for their work and respect that the work on the earth is one of the most important rights, so you can work.
Long gone is the hour of the gigantic, ruthless, who have ruined the whole nature of farms for themselves. According to Washington State statistics, the number of American farmers is growing, successful farmers are becoming younger, the Daedalus leather farm is smaller than the world ( average expansion in Qing Prefecture (10 acres), they specialize in rare crops, large variety varieties, organic farming, working in maximum harmony with nature, reduced watering and dobriv, and products ideal for the local climate. The Daedals are more intelligent than people, who richly accept, lower Mexican or Californian tasteless cider - mistse, native, vegetables, root crops, berries and salads.
Abo, for example, mushrooms. Sound the mushrooms, I’m buying it like this - I’m writing a reminder to the farmer (who lives with me in one place) on Facebook, I ask you to bring it. Today, you want to work so much, but the farmer said that today you have been busy on the farm and have gone strong. Tom had a chance to go to the new one. Do you want to know and marvel at how to live and practice as American mushroom farmers in these wonderful little places? Then marvel.

The farm is located in Duval at 315 avenue. Not far from my booth, and yet at the back of the city, that 315 avenue is heavily leafed and not paved. Axis like that.

We turn to 315 Avenue left to the first booth. Axis here. Bachimo car, sakura and farmer's booths. For a moment there is silence and no one, but it’s not scary - the farmer at once works with a robot and in order to drink it, it’s necessary to pass without a middle on the back door. A row from a garden house and daffodils bloom in the Kaluga.

And the axis and the rear are the underbelly of that state. Tractor, tirsa, hover.

The axis of this machine is green - for chopping the heads and any smittya into the thyrsus. The farmer buys from the harvesters lіsorubіv usі vіvі lumps vіd osіn, yalinok i thuj, the tractor zapaєєєєх in the car, the car recycles all the same smіttya into thyrsus and packs thyrsus in liter polythene bags (from corn plastic, which is composted).

This terrible device (similar to the one from the series Lost) is designed to turn water into hot steam (under a great vise).

And the axis is the master himself. Mushroom farm vіn vіdkriv vіdkriv vіdkriv vіdіvаl two years ago, and till thіѕ three rіki lives near Izu Prefecture near Japan, wіkladav there English language at school and having been caught by love to mushrooms. Pratsyuє z tyrsoy on the fresh air is less common than when you are on Facebook. Social services(and blogs) is an extremely important tool for all farmers I know. None of the blogs are kept. Ale, for example, I don’t know, now I can save someone for the thought of subscribing to some Coca-Cola Twitter. Zovsіm іnsha rіch - dіbnі farmers. From the Facebook of the baker Sean, yogo readers recognize what kind of mood this year has and what kind of drive we’ve got bread (or we’ve not seen it). The mushroom farm publishes photographs of mushrooms and toads. The farmers signed on their readers to find out about the interests and relish of the buyers of their products, to add the assortment. To leave zovsіm іnshiy, іndivіdualny, rіven service.

The most holy place of Fermi - here the mushrooms only begin to grow. To fight like this, all the policemen will be rushed into the house with packets of fresh thyrsos. The houses are closed and let in a stream of hot steam, which sterilizes the thyrsus against the fungus and bacteria. Let's take a leather bag and gently plant super mushrooms. Mushrooms are regularly watered with clean water (dzherelnoy nahoditsya directly on the farm), the thyrsus repair rot and splash (and through those that rot in the middle of the closed bags, the bags get very hot).

If the first mushrooms begin to grow out of the rain, they will endure another, sudidny, budinochok, which is called the “growing budinka”. The axis of the gentleman fermi that yoga partner at that booth grows, behind the robot (with a constant robot with mushrooms, you need a guard for the legs).


Jacks love to grow upside down.

Mushrooms are a traditional ingredient of a great number of countries rich in cuisines of the world. It’s a pity, lіsіv, when in season you can take up quiet watering and stock up on cim brown product for the whole river, like the great places become less Daedalus. Therefore, the greenhouse cultivation of mushrooms is a promising and promising business. Will drink forever, but the competition is not great.

Yakі mushrooms vibrati for breeding

In order for the business to be stable and prosperous, it is necessary to approach it scrupulously before it is created. Selecting the type of mushrooms for cultivation, next turn to statistics. The tributes for the rest of the year clearly show that the most popular mushrooms in Russia are pecheritsy and glivi, in that order. Otzhe, from them i need to choose.

Champignon is the most popular, regardless of those that the price of yoga is. At the first glance, you can give up, that you can grow your tongue more. Really, it's not like that. In the first place, do it just to go through the outlets to understand that the competition among the pickers is great. Qi mushrooms are sold in a leather store, like a packaged look, so for vaga. Gleave for sale is less, but drink on them є.

In a different way, business from growing ovens makes significantly larger financial contributions. To finish saying that the mycelium (nasinnya) of this mushroom is 4-5 times more expensive, lower glivi.

Thirdly, the glivi are significantly less primkhlivy, lower pecheritsy. To master the technology and the subtlety of growing more beautifully on them.

Mushroom farm: the main distribution of the business plan

The first step is to start a business, it is necessary to put together a detailed plan, in which all expenses and transfer income will be insured. This document can be allowed not only to support the necessary investments, but also to determine the order of the day, which is necessary for a successful start.

If you want to go about a small mushroom farm, call on you to take care of your needs and pay off for the sale of surpluses, you can safely see if it is an empty place, follow the basic rules for growing and purchasing mycelium. For the organization of a serious business, that pidhid may be serious.


Growing clay is not a laborious process, with a lot of it you can turn on your own or for help from members of the family. Naiman's workforce is not needed for apparently small starting commitments. The only spіvrobіtnik, which is very badly pіdshukati, is an additional technologist. Aje practical information is always valuable, lower theoretical information, as you can know from other sources. It’s a pity, you don’t have to worry about hiring such a fahivtsa. In this case, it is necessary to start an independent cultivation of the technology of growing mushrooms.


For a mushroom farm pidide, it’s practical to be an empty place. You can also leave a warehouse, a farm, a basement, a bomb shelter, or a factory workshop. Suitable for those old rural houses or sizable sheds on garden plots. Vlasna unruliness in this situation is the best. Rented premises all the same will have to have additional ventilation systems, scorching and watering. Bagato elementіv tsikh systems in case of rozirvannі agreement of the lease will be more easily dismantled and transported to a new place.

Don’t varto buy or rent a place, as if you are far away from the great places - the head market is zbutu. It is important to increase transport costs, reducing income. The optimal distance is no more than 30 kilometers.

Mycelium and stained glass materials

Mycelium for growing clay at the cob stage is docily cupped in certified states. For sale, there are ready-made blocks, as well as grain mycelium for their independent preparation. Bezperechno, robiti blocks themselves are much more visible. For this cream, mycelium needs a substrate and bears. As a substrate, straw, dormouse, sino, wood shavings and thyrsus can be vikoristovuvatisya. Advanced technologists recommend adding fertilizer to the substrate: either as a humus, or as a package for the promotion of industrial production. It is necessary for the future Vlasnik of Fermi to know the superior post-workers of the skin component.


Mushrooms are a product that is quickly sold, it is necessary to sell them on the day of collection. Therefore, homeliness with purchases may be reached far behind. You can propagate the upcoming harvest:

  • Great Trade Merezhi. As a rule, they take the goods for sale and pay for the next sale. Unsold surpluses are turned to the picker. But for such a scheme, the price is for a small thing, lower when selling for cooking.
  • Lay the bulk of the food. Cafes and restaurants will always require the supply of fresh products, so that homeownership with them will bring a steady income.
  • Private traders on the markets. Pay for the preparation and the price, but try to beat the price. It is practically impossible to achieve great obsyagiv vrobnitstva pratsyuvati without intermediary z impersonality of private enterprises. It is much more convenient to rent a place on the nearest wholesale market and independently import products there.
  • For apparently small deals, the choice of the implementation method is the power of trade outlets on the local markets. Navit z urahuvannyam pay the market fee and the salary of the seller to go out visibly.
  • It’s too bad to think over an alternative plan for a vipadok, as if you didn’t manage to sell it. You may also have a smaller selection of canned goods such as a freezer. Canned and frozen mushrooms can be sold for a few months.

It is also important to commend zbut of the practiced blocks. You can sell them cheaply to farmers and to the vlasniks of homestead states like dobriva.

Vimogi to mushroom fermi

It is necessary to lay down an area for a mushroom farm in the field of transferring crops. It turns out that 4 blocks can be placed on one square meter.

Technology transferring the presence of a large number of applications:

  • a chamber for preparing the substrate, in which case there is a container for pasteurization and a small transport mechanism (hoist);
  • germinating chamber;
  • main application;
  • packing chamber and storage of finished products.

Wash for glyvi

For the obsession with garny, I give birth to mushrooms, it is important to take care of the correct climatic mind in the recipients. Only at pre-trimannian singing temperatures and moisture can you make a good harvest with garnished savory flavors and a marketable look.


Keeping the constant temperature at the occupant - obov'yazkova Umov. Clay can not endure neither sinter nor cold. At the chamber, the growth can be 14-16 degrees, at the chamber, the growth is 16-18.

Water content

The application can be owned by the system of scaling, building up the water at a rate of 90%. When it is important, the vologa was fed by the looking fog. Drops, which did not consume the fruit body, can initiate the process of rotting.


At the germination chamber, post-lighting is not needed, but in the main workshop, the fruit body is deformed, it is light, but not less than 12 years in production.


Good tide-ventilation is one of the main factors for growing clay. On the right, in the process of growth, mushrooms see even more CO₂. During this stagnation, the shape of the fruiting body changes, and with time it dies.

Vitrati on obshtuvannya mushroom fermi

It is impossible to kill the universal rozrahunok for the obstruction of the mushroom fermi. It’s even richer to lay down for a long time, the price for rent and the purchase of indestructibility from your region, the availability of the substrate, and a lot more. Such a rose is necessary to work independently in a specific skin condition, healing:

  • varty orendi chi purchase of non-violent;
  • the need to install additional climatic conditions and the same price;
  • variety of communal services;
  • payment for the cost of hiring workers;
  • transport costs for the delivery of goods to retail outlets;
  • price of mycelium, substrate, dobriv, bags;
  • dodatkove obladnannya (replacement for pasteurization, hoist, racks, boxes).

Dohіd vіd mushroom farm

The profitable part of the business plan is rich in what to lay down in order to how successfully you can manage to sell your products. They are insured income from:

  • sales of mushrooms;
  • sales of manufactured blocks.

According to fakhіvtsiv estimates, the net income from the mushroom farm is 650 rubles per square meter per month. Well, for the understanding of the correct organization of the technological process.

Typical pardons for growing glivi

If you didn’t get to know a certified technologist who would build the manufacturing process on his own, give back the pardons of the entrepreneurs-pochatkivtsiv.

  • Don't skimp on pasteurization. It is not enough just to fill the substrate with hot water, it is necessary to boil it. Tilki tse allow pozbutis shkіdlivih mikroorganіzmіv.
  • Buy mycelium less from certified post-employees. When buying, carefully look at the packages, they are not to blame for the flames of green or gray color.
  • Before laying in briquettes, let the substrate cool down to 30 °C. The laying of mycelium in the hot middle was brought to its death.
  • As mycelium is taken from the refrigerator, before laying it, it is necessary to properly warm it up at room temperature.
  • Do not let the mushrooms overripe, especially when used with wooden elements. Choose to breed until the moment when the active wiki starts up. Otherwise, after one hour, you will see the crown on wooden beams perekrittіv that racks. All for nothing, but clay is a natural utilizer of the village, it just splits the fiber of the village.
  • After skin rozvantazhennya vіdpratsovanyh blokіv relatively disinfect the place.

With all the rules and scrupulous folding of a special business plan, the mushroom farm will become for you a great source of income and an excellent way of self-realization.

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