If you plant melisa on a rose garden. Lemon melisa - I can feel the green healer's buds. Visitation planted at the vіdkritiy ґrunt

The most popular medicinal herbs, which grow in the field, are popular with mint and melissa. Tea made from cimi roslins is always becoming popular. And how it is right to viroshchuvat and zastosovuvat, krіm tea - we can look at the article. Krіm moreover, we'll figure it out exuberant power stench mayut and how to zastosovuvat at group plantings.

Peculiarities of growing m'yati

Tsya nevibagly roslin may be seen, but for the gusts and lustful power, valued pepper mint.Її the most and most voroshchuyut gorodniks. Subtle, licorice relish, with a rich minty aroma - the very same vipadok, if relish and greed increase.

Myata is an unviable roslin. Vaughn can grow yak on chernozems, as well as on food and clay soils. Smut - tse watering. Do not forget to water, especially on spicy days. To diversify sleepy territories can be mastered by the growth. Ale, it’s necessary to take care of pivtin. And the axis of stasis vology is contraindications. Root rot can bring plantings to death. Mint breeds:

  • Rozpodilom bush (rhizomes). For this one in the countryside, or on the cob of grass, it is necessary to dig up a sprat of young pagons with rhizomes and plant it on a seedling. Such manipulations can be carried out for example sickle.
  • Live bait of reproduction should be carried out as follows: open the needles, with a length of 7-8 cm, put them near the water and check the appearance of roots. Visajuvati in the ground, if the crown length is not less than 2 cm.
  • Last. This way is the most complicated and laborious. The similarity is low, a lot of trouble if you look around. To that, for amateurs-pochatkivtsiv, the first two ways are more appropriate. With flowers in bloom, self-sowing, when young, they grow on their own good, you can safely replant them, if the height reaches 5 cm.

Mint features:

  • Stronger growth of rhizomes. That's why it's necessary to prepare until the mass occupancy of the territory. Just like the empty space, then it’s only a plus. And the axis for the open spaces is a problem. Ale vihіd є: hanging from the great mountaineers to build a fence. For this, in the soil, on a depth of 10-15 cm, the intermediate pieces (cloths for slate, metal leaves, or other shmats for the mineral material) are hammered.
  • Vіdmіnna kuschistіst, if you often break off old pagons. Tsya rice will help with a small number of bushes and harvest a side of harvesting for the winter and the whole season to grow fresh crops before tea. When reaching the stems at a height of 15 cm, it is necessary to grow tops, with a length of 5 cm - 7 cm. And at the reach of 10 cm, tsikh vіdrostkіv, zіrvati їх, having filled 5 cm for new roses. Checks for flowers of m'yati are not varto. Leaves become firmer, and bushiness decreases.
  • Masovy zrіz pagonіv. If the length of the stalk is up to 15-20 cm, you can carry out a massive selection of syrovin. For which, with scissors, all the stalks of m'yati are cut, covering the ground with pagons, curls of 5 cm.

Peculiarities of cultivation of melissa

Melisa has a low folk name: lemon mint, bjolin mint, mead, lemon grass. And all to the fact that the delicate aroma of the rose line is guessing the sum of the mint from the citrus zest. And the flowers are with the help of honey plants, adding the aroma of bjil. And yet, it is necessary to prepare a decent amount of syrovin, even if it is allowed to bloom - it is not necessary.

If you are talking about the cultivation of melіsya on the garden plot or in the garden, then take care of yourself at the next moment:

  • It is better to propagate the roslin under the bush, or live bait. It's hard for us to grow up. If you want, it’s good to multiply by self-sowing. It is fashionable to transplant young plants if the stench reaches a height of 5 cm.
  • Melisi growth is not as strong as m'yati. There is more striman, and the root system is trimmed no more than bush.
  • It is recommended to see the syrovina, the world has a height of up to 15-20 cm.
  • Yaskravih dormouse mist melisa not to love. Napіvtin - tse її darling of the place. Wanting to walk more quietly, lower the sleepy woods.
  • Die indulgence. Without yaskravih contrasts, that peresyhannya is re-released.
  • Until the choice of Gruntu - not vibagliv.

Knowing the peculiarities of the cultivation of melissa, you can not be afraid and boldly grow this fragrant brown culture on your own farm.

Zastosuvannya that likarski authorities m'yati

If you hear about mint, tea and mojito cocktail will immediately come up. And the axis is like a seasoning - this grass does not bend. If you want, cut meat and vegetables, seasonings, ground into powder, dry leaves of mint, you can already have a pleasant relish and a delicate aroma. And fresh leaves can be added to vegetable and fruit salads.

The medical authorities of m'yati:

  • When the leaves and the stalk of the m'yati zastosovuetsya at:
  1. head bіl;
  2. migraine;
  3. nudity;
  4. heaviness in the shlunk;
  5. nervousness;
  6. flatulence;
  7. sleeplessness;
  8. yak zhovchoginny zasib.
  • In a complex with other herbs, mint vicorizes when:
  1. colds;
  2. cardiovascular;
  3. spasm of the schlub;
  4. as an anti-solar protection.
  • Fresh leaves vicorate at:
  1. Migraines and headaches. Rub the temples or apply leaves.
  2. Sverbіzh shkіri in bites of lumps.
  3. In case of an unacceptable smell from the mouth, it is recommended to chew a leaf of mint.

Golovne, remember, what's in domestic minds, without the recognition of a doctor, it is necessary to vicorist mint tea and infusions for preventive purposes. During the period of acute illness, it is necessary to go to the doctor.

Zastosuvannya and medical power of melisi

Melissa is stagnant in cooking, as a seasoning for summer salads, soups with mushrooms and peas, meat herbs. Efirnі olії zastosovuyutsya in aromatherapy, perfumery.

Melisa may, yak and mint, calm, spasmolytic dia. To that, tea and infusions of roselin are taken when:

  • head bіl;
  • nervous awakening;
  • nudity;
  • sleeplessness;
  • low appetite;
  • allergic dermatitis;
  • bad poisoning.

With sleeplessness and headache, you can drink tea with mint and melisi. Such tea is also suitable for difficult pickling.

Remember! A large number of herbs, in the period of acute illness, are contraindicated.

Peppermint and melissa in group plantings

As a method of viroshchuvannya, it’s not less than jubilant power of these roslins, but also decorativeness, it’s necessary to vrahuvat:

  • Mint can be hung on the flower beds near the great containers. Melisa does not like the borders of space. It is necessary to hang out less at Grunt.
  • As a growing plant, you need only for decorative purposes, you can hang them in the center of the flower beds and shape the temples, flower bushes.
  • Mint can be planted on the edge of the kvtnik, constantly shaving long stems, in such a rank, ground cover bushes emerge. Melisa will not grow much, that її kuschiki will be even edible, but small.
  • Planting in the garden, among the trees, is due to buti zroblen z urakhuvannya that m'yati and melisi is necessary for a year of sleepy light for a day.
  • M'yata can be planted in the borders, or rather in the long run stalks. For beautiful bushes, constant watering is necessary.

For their aroma and calming effect, melissa and mint, by right, lead among other medicinal herbs, on summer cottages. Having mastered the clumsy principles of growing tsikh roslin, you can please yourself and your loved ones with brown teas, fragrant herbs, and your flower beds with original compositions.

Vіdstan mіzh roslinami m'yati and melіsi may be but not less than 30-50 cm.

De better to plant grass on the city and on country house? The best place for planting, I’ll become sleepy, well-supplied with elements of life, water, and also clean from the wind and protected from the cold wind, so that I don’t freeze through the wintering of the village. The cultures of qi are even more capable of clarification and are short-lived to produce a sharp decrease in the yield of leaves and instead of menthol. Mint and melissa endure short-term flooding and can be roztashovuvatisya on flood fields.

The cultures of mint and melisi are not viable until warm and break down at rіst, already at 3-5 ° C. The optimum temperature for growth is 18-20°C. The rhizomes can be frosted to -13°C, and go down and m'yati endure temperatures down to -8°C. When sprouting, the rhizomes lose frost resistance and can die in cold weather when they turn.

Qi cultures give priority to mild winters and sufficient snow cover. The soil is guilty of a light mechanical warehouse with the reaction of the soil medium RN-5-7.

For now

Mint and melissa can be grown from us. Ale varto vrakhovuvati, that the peppermint is even brighter in color, but it may not make the present, just like the melissa miraculously reproduces on its own. In whatever mood, nasіnnya m'yati and melisi are practically sold at all garden centers and stores.

  1. You can plant it at home, at the nursery boxes, at the period of fierce weather in the greenhouse, after warming up the soil. For now, mint and melisi are even more dry, so it is not recommended to lay them deep in the ground.
  2. When planting in a container, you can spread them on the surface of the soil and cover the container with a fold or a package, so the seedlings grow more quickly.
  3. When sіvbі in greenhouses, or in the case of wet soil, it is easy to stick to the earth.


Planting a rose garden of m'yati and melisi is planted in a well-heated soil, on the beds, from a vіdstannya between roses of 30 to 50 cm. vіdkritiy ґrunt when approved 3-5 pairs of the right leaf. Hanging roses are carried out with a lump of earth, after which it is clearly watered.


The life of the mint and the melis can be carried out by stretching through the growing season:

For more swedish roots, you can vicorate growth stimulants "Kornevin" or "Heteroauxin". The planting of live bait near the soil must be completed a month before the first frost, so that the young growth could make it possible to finish the root system for wintering. After transplantation, light watering is required.

Podilom bush

The widest way of planting, like m'yati, so and melisi - planting with rhizomes. Planting with rhizomes is carried out like in autumn, so in spring. In areas with snowless winters, mint and melissa often freeze with low temperatures, so it is recommended to plant early in the spring. When digging, it is necessary to add compost, which is good for retransfer, or else for adding complex mineral fertilizer.

  1. The rhizomes for rozpodіlu stubble and rozproizhennya vykopyut without intermediary before planting. Do not varto vikoristovuvati for planting lyavi, that they have spent turgor, that the rhizome is swamped by a storm. With their victorious plantings, roslins appear spicy and low-yielding.
  2. Melisya rhizomes hang on a depth of 8 to 10 cm, and mint rhizomes on a depth of 10-12 cm.

The spring planting of mint and melіsi is started when the soil is warmed up. The autumn term for planting chalk is not later than the 15th of April, and the planting of mint can be carried out at the stretched term, and at the period from harvest to leaf fall. Obov'yazkovoy umovoy after planting rhizomes є ryasny watering. At one place, mint and melissa can be harvested no less than 3-4 years.

Peculiarities of growing a booth in one container

You can grow mint and melissa not only in the garden, but at home, on the balcony. Tse may buti bring light to the world, oskolki bright day for these crops may become no less than 7 years.

You can visit mint and melissa not only in the neighborhood of mountaineers, but in one scorching place.:

  1. Obviously, a mountaineer for such a landing can be significant larger size. Stand between the roses of m'yati and the melisi in the miner is not guilty of being less than 10 cm, because the m'yata may grow in power greatly.
  2. Vіdstan vіd roslini to the edge of the mountaineer schonaymenshe 5 divas.
  3. The depth of the container for planting may be sufficient for the development of the root system of roslin (not less than 20 cm), even if there is a larger area of ​​​​living roslin, then a larger yield of leaves and leaves can be taken.
  4. When the mint is cultivated, that finesse in the home minds requires partial watering, the world needs a soil, and also the complex fertilizers after the skin mass glare of greenery.

How to look after?

To increase the yield during the growing season, carry out revitalization and 3-4 times watering, especially in dry periods. Starting from another fate of the life of Roslin, it is possible to carry out early spring refreshments with ammonium nitrate or nitrophoska. The main shkіdnikami m'yati and melіsi є:

For the fight against the popelice and ticks, it is possible to carry out a 2-fold spraying with a 3% variety of a rare mil. Against shkіdnikіv listogriz you can beat the tyutyunov saw.

The main ailment is like m'yati so and melisi - tse irzha.. At the end of the day, the sickness can become outside the leaf oscillating, and the leaf is the smallest part, for the sake of which the qi of culture are swirling. Good zasib against іrzhi - Bordeaux native land. Apply 1% spray 3-4 times per season. All chemical preparations due but not completed less than a month before the date of harvest.

If that yak zbirati vrozhay?

Three plantings, as if they laid down a bush early in the spring, you can choose to grow already in the first river, during the autumn plantings, or planting the last ones - starting from another fate of life, the growth. The shortest hour for picking I give birth - the phase of budding - the cob of blooming growth. During the season, you can pick 2-3 green masi.

The little ones of m'yati and the melis zrіzayut at once from the tickets even there there is a large number of people ethereal olii. Choose from sleepy and dry weather. After the opening of the bunting, they tie at the bunches and move them on the bobbins for a long dry. Drying must be carried out in a dark place, which is well ventilated.

To grow mint and melissa in the garden, or on the pіdvіkonnі, it's easy to finish. These are the most popular and practically all favorite stocks and medicinal herbs. Having mastered the clumsy technique of growing these crops, you can silence yourself and your loved ones with fragrant, but more heady brown tea, not less than a vlіtka, but a narrow one.

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A modest sack of the middle smoky melissa, known to the people like lemon mint, honey, bjolin grass - culture to finish the house. Greens and leaves with a refreshing lemon aroma are widely vicorated as a piquant seasoning for preparing various herbs, preserving vegetables and adding a special aroma to liqueurs and infusions, and a cup of tea brewed on melissa is not equal to anything. Korisn_ authority roslini rich rockiv vikorivuyutsya in folk medicine for likuvannya bagatioh zahvoryuvan, as well as melissa to enter the warehouse of richly vodomih medical supplies.

The melissa is miraculously attached to the cultivation of the bright soil, which can grow brown and fragrant greens independently on the garden plot. A dekilka of brown recommendations will help you to get more pardons and win a harvest.

Processing of a plot for landing

In natural minds, melissa settles with forest galyavins and schilas of muddy springs, so on a garden plot for її cultivation, one can see a place in a pіvtinі near the gospodar's buds or under the crowns of fruit trees. Thicker soils for it are fluffy, rich on humus loam or sandy loam with a pH value of 4.5 to 7.8.

For example, in the fall, the lot is resolutely dug up, mechanically processed with weeding and calmly filling the soil with mineral fertilizers and organic matter. If the earth is on a vineyard, it is recommended to bring in a sprat of buckets of river sand for an hour of digging.

In the spring, when it starts to snow and the soil warms up well, low ridges are formed, raking the soil with a rake and smashing the big breasts of the earth.

Viroshchuvannya melisi іz nasіnnya

The most laborious and most effective method of raising chalk is the most laborious and most effective of all essentials. The bushes of our days grow more tense and life-giving, they grow resistant to unacceptable climatic influxes. After sowing, you can plant directly into the ground or grow a seedling from them for an offensive transplant to a garden bed.

Until the sowing of today, the melissa for the rose garden is planted in the other half of the birch. As a landing place, a low plastic container, and the soil for planting can be taken from tiєї beds, where it is planned to transfer the stubble bushes. Important! Before planting, the garden soil must be disinfected - fried in an oven, or spilled with hot water. At the time of purchase of the purchased groud sum thermal treatment do not care. Successive works are carried out in the next sequence:

  • At the container, they sip the preparations of the soil, lightly tamp it down with your hands and water it peacefully.
  • On the surface of the substrate, furrows are formed with a depth of about 1 cm, in the yak_ they hang small fines with an interval of 5-7 cm.
  • Sow the seeds with a thin ball of soil, and the container is covered with grub and placed on a warm, well-lit pidvіkonnі.
  • Melisa sprouts for a long time - up to 20 days. For a few hours, the greenhouse is regularly aired, the surface of the substrate is treated with a spray bottle and removed from the spitting dripping condensate.
  • After the appearance of gatherings of supernaturally thick plantings, they grow and grow with nitrogen fertilizer for a shorter growth.
  • Before being transferred to the garden, the rose garden will be ready in 40-45 days. Transplantation is carried out according to the scheme: stand between bushes - about 40-50 cm for a width between rows of 55-65 cm.

Recipe for good luck::

With dry sowing Melisi are finished in an offensive order:

  • It is necessary for us to designate a month for sowing, so that when sprouting, even thin parosts do not perish among the weeds. With the help of the method of today's fines, you can replace the old crops (radishes, lettuce).
  • Before the cob, it works on the surface of the beds to spread and water it clearly.
  • Today they hang at the furrow with a depth of 1-2 cm on a stand of 40-45 cm, one in one, I cover it with a ball of old peat or humus. The optimal width of the inter-row is about 60 div.

In the first turn of life, the melissa, grown from birth, adapts in new minds and blooms rarely, during the coming season, the color is bright and clear.

Other breeding methods

As for the growth of melissa, you can expand the plantation of fallow grass by the following methods:

  • Undergrowth has grown- The biggest strained bush, which is the reach of a century of 3-5 years, wilting, crushing the roots of the earth, after which they are divided into sprat parts. An important mind - on the skin of a new growth, there may be a sprat of young pagons from nirkami. Dіlyanki rozsadzhuyut at a shallow hole and water it clearly. The best hour for the procedure is the middle of spring and the end of summer.
  • Vіdvodkam- a sprat of young stalkers of 10-15 cm bend down to the ground and fix it in some handy way. The ground is stuck with a ball of soil and clearly healed. After 2-3 days, if the rooting is established, they are cut into the mother's bush with a knife or a pruner and hang on the bed.
  • Root live bait- Not the most popular, but effective way. Before the cob of vegetation, a mature bush of melisi is forked. With a gostre knife, they streak the sprig of the roots of the plant close to 10 cm, as they place it near the watery soil. After planting on root live bait, appendage nirk actively develops, which is why young shoots appear for a sprat of tizhniv. The mother's hut hangs on a large field, de vin continue their growth.

Features of sight

A lot of gardeners are kindly reminded that after planting melissa, it can grow like a weed, without requiring a look. Prote impossibly culture for a good self-feeling will still require a few basic entries:

  • Timely and literate watering - in the baked melisa, water the skin for two days, in cold, gloomy weather - two days. Zastіy zayvoї volologi prizvodnya to rotting root, to that peresvolozhennja a trace of uniqueness.
  • One-time rejuvenation - spring on the cob of vegetation under the skin of the bush to bring in the wind of the cow's yak with the addition of nitrogen fertilizer. Nadali for pіdtrimki zhivnosti ґruntu and zberezhennya vologii root zone of the growths mulch with humus or old peat.
  • The skin of 3-5 rock bushes is rejuvenated with a path to the bottom, otherwise the leaves are coarse and dry, and the yield of the growth gradually decreases.
  • To protect the melissa from the winter winter, for example, fall high in the fall, cutting the above-ground part in front, after which they cover it with a ball of scorched leaves.

With a competent eye, melissa actively increases the vegetative mass and bright colors.

Melisi Melisalіkarska (lemon mint) is a rich herbaceous roslina with a glaucous stalk. The aroma of melisi gives a unique relish to soups, other herbs, compotes and drinks.

Home gentlemen zastosovuyut tsyu roslina while canning tomatoes, ogirkіv and patissoniv. Leaving to take revenge on the great number of vitamins. The jubilant power of the melisi in the house is still from the old hours.

Melisa tincture may be sweaty, sechoginous, anti-painful, anti-allergic and stimulating, and melisi extract is good for the work of the slug. Green tea with melissa miraculously tones up and improves self-feeling, and also calmly pours into the nervous system. For now, let me allow you to grow melisi in your home minds, in the first river of your mother's good rozvinenі, fluffy growth. They hang from the container, for example, birch, burying them by 0.5 cm.

For planting a vicorist, a life-giving sum is made from the addition of a river dog. Water it down, cover it with water and set it up for germination in a warm place. If you come first, go, take a bath and carry the container in a light place.

Melisa is not viable, so for the growth of the їy, you should think of the zvichaynі room. Watering may be regular, but we will calm down.

Roslini hang out near the open ground like grass. Melisa winters well in our climate, scarlet autumn її next mulch with thyrso, or sing the leaves with peat. Flowering begins at the lime tree and continues until spring.


In domestic minds , at the open-minded soil. For the sake of a well-lit place, or maybe grow up in pivtin

How to grow melissa

Melisa is a herbaceous bagatorichnik, more sensitive to temperature changes, moisture, soil. The current finesse is more dry and may have low similarity, germinates at a temperature of more than 10 degrees for about 1 month.

Calling on the tse, it is important for the wealthy hairdressers of the garden plots to spread the crown of the rose. That scho robiti in tsomu vipadka?

Soil for chalk

First, let’s understand that melissa does not tolerate sour and important clay soils. The soil is not to blame, but it is strongly waterlogged, to the fact that in this season, melissa is attacked by fungal ailments and hyena.

For this present day, the chalk and lighthouse growths are mixed in a proportion of 2: 1 and hang in one furrow. At that hour, if the melisa zіyde, the lighthouse growths are already ripe, and they can be carefully seen at once from the root. Thirdly, melissa can be grown through rose garden (peat peat miners).

There is no need to pick melisa. When the first reference leaf appears, thin out. After 40 days, the melissa can be hung on the bed. At the first river of life, the growth of melisi establishes a rosette of basal leaves.

On the other river, the melissa gives greenery and blooms to the rich. The harvest is taken to another river until the bloom of the growth.

Rules for the cultivation of melіsya by the mountaineers on the pіdvіkonnі

Melisa is good for growing in the culture of a mountaineer yak room roslina. The bushes in the room minds do not grow tall (on the vіdmіnu vіd vіlichnykh kuschiv), but with the systematic pruning of young melissa trees, it’s good to sprout and quiet the eye of your writing.

I have fresh vicarious leaves and young pagons of mint-lemon relish in prepared salads, soups, m'yasnih fears, for a drink. Melisa can be visadzhuvati in the mountaineers for vyroshchuvannya on pіdvіkonnі whether it's time to rock.

If you want to plant її awnings more quickly, to that the sight of the roslina in this vipadka is simple and foreseeing the minimum vitrates, and to quieten your own greenery bushes will be 3-4 years old (melissa - bagatorichna roslina). They gave the bush a new (fresh) land and transplanted it from the miner with a new (fresh) land. The collection of melissa without dosvіtlennya is not lost. The bushes will give greenery to the growth, although they will not be the beds of food and light. The quality of the leaves of the melisi (їх lower and juicy relish) is to be deposited in the amount of watering (we can clarify) and sufficient moisture in the air (systematic spraying with water from a spray bottle).

Reproduction of Melisi.

Melisa reproduces by rozpodіl bush, vіdvedennya, live bait, nasіnnyam. Podilom bush it is possible to multiply melissa for growing її in a mountain worker on a subway, as you have melissa growth in the city at your dacha. It is good to carry out the procedure on a hinged surface, if the winding station of green pagons is only starting.

Vykovyut succulent melisi, after wintering, crush the roots in the ground and carefully cut the succulent into sprat bushes of a smaller size. Cut the rhizomes on the part in such a way that the skin part has a sprat (if only one) of pagons with nirkami. After a couple of tyzhnіv bushes, you will gain strength and new young trees, which have grown up, will be ready to live.

Vіdvodkam propagate melіsa for growing in a miner manually, as if you have a mature bush of melіsi, but you don’t want to extract yogo for any reason. In this vipadka, the frogs are rooted right on the bush.

Tsyu procedure is carried out in the first half of the summer, to the cob of honeymelon bloom. Pagons, which have reached a height of 10-15 cm, bend down to the ground, fix with a bow, or with a small horn they sizzle with the earth. Through a sprat of tyzhniv, roots are established on the hoarse knots pressed to the ground.

A new young stubble is cut with a pruner from a mature bush and transplanted by a mountaineer. The miner is put in the shade for a few days. For a sprat of tizhniv to start growing new young people.

Zhyvtsami you can multiply melissa for growing її in miners, as the first two ways are not suitable. Idemo to the bazaar or to the supermarket, buy a bunch of (obov'yazkovo fresh!) melissa, weed the upper parts of the pagons and put them near the water. After 7-10 days, rooted pagons can be planted in a mountain planter.

We put the miner for a couple of days at the shadow. After 2-3 days, new juveniles will begin to appear. For now melissa grows more and more clopiter.

Ale, if you stock up on patience, then kusch, growing from us, will be more long-term, lower kusch, growing in other ways. the first gatherings, yakі z'yavlyayutsya in a warm place in 10-15 days. To plant land near a good vologist, not forgetting about drainage. you can drink it at a large container, or you can put it in a small container (peat cups, disposable 100-gram cups) with an offensive pick in a regular container. An hour later, after 2-4 right leaves of melissa appear, I plant them in a small container, pick at the big) miners. Pick into the miners (containers), with a volume of 1?2 liters. The height of the mountaineer is to blame but at least 15 cm.

Watch for the melissa at the pidvіkonnі.

For the cultivation of melіsya, the mountaineers on the pіdvіkonnі more likely to choose the yakіsny (roduchy) earthen substrate. Kindly yakscho tse will sum up biohumus and coconut fiber (1 part of biohumus and 2 parts of coco fiber). Melisa is a light-loving rose.

For her, it’s important to choose a sleepy pіdvіkonnya. Wanting to grow in case of lack of lightening, the bush does not grow, the trochs grow into a rosette and the dark green leaves pass over from the light green ones. Melisa is a vologodny roslina.

Water systematically and regularly, especially during the summer period. Transfer the watering (wonderful days) to the dead. Resettlement of the soil without sleepy light can lead to such illnesses of fines, like dew.

Also, stagnant water in the soil will be fatal for her. Kushch zaneduzhuє i gyna. Therefore, drainage when planting bushes is obov'yazkovim. Melisa is sensitive to moisture all the time, especially in the summer period.

During the day, spend a couple of hours with a spray gun, then the leaf in the melisi becomes more juice and lower. Parts of the trimmings go fine to the crust. The systematic pruning of young pagons is maximally applicable to the terms of the flower bush (with a flowering leaf of melisi rude). The optimum temperature for the growth and development of melissa is 18-20?C.

Melisa endure like a decrease in temperature, and bake. Wanting for the quality of the arkush (juiciness and lowness) of the sintered spic, lower cold. There's a good growth on the glazed balconies and verandas.

After serving the yakomog for a long time, don’t forget about rejuvenation. Apply one or two times a month to do yoga (a teaspoon agrolife at the top globe of the earth, or watering Rostom- 1 bucket per 2 liters of water, or a supplement to biohumus in a mountaineer 1 time per month). Articles on the topic:

Melisa: landing, growing

Lemon melisa is loved by gardeners for its unique aroma and power. Melisa is a bagatorichna roslina, which came to us from Pivdenny Europe. The very same won't ever survive our Suvora winter.

And in the Pivnichno-Zakhidny climate, melissa can perish in the water and the unfortunate sun. You won't tolerate sour and important soils. The name "Melissa" in Greek translation means "honey bjoli".

The nectar of flowers Melisi will love bjoli. Watching for lemon balm is even simpler - Tsya Roslin does not have great respect for itself. Not only that, once you grow a slab of melіs, then one day you can flood your garden, like a Buryan.

Ale axis її nasіnnya not be famous for high similarity, and rich gardeners do not have to go out virosity її in the most famous way. Until then, the stench is even more dry and sometimes just “spoiled” for an hour of weeding.

    Take care that the last fine sprout at t ° = not lower than 10 ° C and an hour on their germination should be harvested for a long time, close to the month. To that very thing, the fines will melt invisible: even until this hour, more than one generation of weeds will grow up.

    Cicava porada was given to the old wind calendar: shine melisu with a culture, like a swedish growth: lettuce chi radish. So until the moment when the next melissa comes down, lettuce or radish ripen and you, carefully smirking them, you can save the bottom melissa. It is possible to plant culture and melіsu in one furrow, changing the present 2:1 or different furrows, but even closer.

    Melisa can be grown manually in a separate way in containers, greenhouses, or on pіdvіkonnі. Like only the first pair of right leaves appear. sprouting grow, covering 3 cm between them, and after 35-40 days they grow on a post-mist.

    You can hang the melis early in the bush, on the birch on the cob, or before winter in the leaf fall. In the fall of the leaves, you need a garne of mulch.

    Melisa grows and in pivtіnі, і on the sleepy area. Choose for melisi a place without stagnation of water: it’s better to survive on dry land, lower perezvolozhennia.

    During the first season, melissa grows only a rosette from a basal leaf, and the axis of an advancing one grows numerically from leaves. I choose to give birth to melisi and start from another fate during the period of the cob opening of the first flowers.

    After the zirzannya melissa is good, it is good to blow with nitrogen-potassium fertilizers. But cook with a chicken afterbirth, diluted with water (1:10) or gnaw (1:6). It is possible to repeat the seasoning until the beginning of autumn, approximately 2-3 times. Seemingly, fill with about 10 cm of growth above the soil.

    Nadalі, multiply melіsu the best by rotting the bush: so more prorіdzhuєte thickened bushes. For whom 5-row growth is suitable. The bush is forked and divided into three parts, cutting the blades in the wind. Reproduction of melis can be done and for example grass, and for example sickle-cob spring.

    Sob melіsa, growing up, did not grow other crops, grow in її okremikh containers (for example, in old car tires) or fence the place of її growing, digging into the ground on 30-40 cm of leafy hollow, slicing yogo on swarms.

If you add melisa to the yakus chi tea, then it’s better to do it if the herb is ready, and the tea is already brewed. Otherwise, efirnі olії, yakі є in tsіy roslini are boiled at boiling. Tea with melissa miraculously inspires good sleep and knowing the anxiety (for example, before sleeping or going to the dentist); to help with disorders of etching, with a cold, you can reduce the blood pressure.

Drink tea with melissa under the hour of migraine attacks and as a preventive measure in case of heart disease. If you put melissa in the refrigerator, then save it in a new receiving aroma, and unacceptable smells will appear. Burn dry leaves in a handkerchief or gauze and put the refrigerator door on the police. Bjoli adore melissa, that її can be planted close to the roslin, yakі require bjolozapilennya. dorіzhok. The aroma of lemon balm is no longer suitable for mosquitoes.

Plant a booth in front of the gank, you yourself will make annoying coma. You can calm your nerves with a snuff against a mosquito bite with a leaf of melissa: just rub the bite.

Why is melisi melancholy? How to grow melissa in the country house

Melisa is more like a korisna spicy roslin. Її it is possible to vicorate like a medicinal one, or to enhance the relish of certain herbs. In this article, we can tell why the greed is melisi and how її verosity in the country house. Why is melisi melancholy?

Melisa is widely zastosovuyut in folk medicine. Tsya Roslin to take revenge on his own large number of ethereal oliy, as if to help the body to get into trouble with some ailments.

Zavdyaki to such speeches from melisi to suffocate the preparations, as they may calm, vatrogon and spasmolytic powers. Melisa is good for the slug. It normalizes the etching and helps the hose to seal the experimental sleeve.

The motility of the hose, when it hits a new melіsi, is strengthened. What is positively signified on the process, what to pass at the new. The cream of that spicy grass is lowering arterial vice, improving the heart rhythm and function of the heart. So it goes, melissa helps with ailments.

Fungal infection, acne vulgaris, eczema, and operating lichen rejoice at the help of herbs. In case of boils that are inflamed, it is necessary to infuse infusion with melisi. For whom 2 tbsp. spoons of trimmed leaves are poured with 2 flasks of okrop. It is necessary to fill up the least of the year.

If the procedure is to get rid of the mass, then it will stop like a compressor. After a few days, boils stagnate. The sight of illness is clear, additionally rinsing with tincture of melіsi. Melisa tincture can be taken with back pain and sleeplessness.

So the infusion itself and the mixture of melisi are used to replenish the brain, the liver and to stimulate the whole organism, boosting the immune system. How to grow melissa in your country house. Melisa grows wild, but you can plant it on a summer cottage.

For whom, great bushes of spicy herbs are forged. Їх vykopyut in early spring, or for example sickle. Divide the mother's bush into sprats of parts so that at the skin plot there were at least 4 pagons from the roots. Melisa does not love the close roztashuvannya water.

As large trees and chagarniki will throw a shadow on the melisa, then it will be nastyly grown and instead of ethereal oliy it will be minimal. Between bushes of melissa can be no less than 30 cm.

Kushch tsієї roslini can be on one place up to 10 years. Digging up a hanging bed to a depth of 20 cm. Apply nitrogen fertilizer from it.

In the spekotny period, melissa obov'yazkovo needs to be watered. than in young growth, the old bushes of obov'yazkovo need to be extended. Cream of reproduction by the method of under the bushes of melissa can be propagated by us. It's bad to go.

To that, at the vіdkritiy ґrunt їх it is better not to plant. Most of the melisi hang out at a special screen on the window. Landing depth can be revisited by 1 div.

After the descent of sіyantsі melіsi it is necessary to discharge. To transfer sіyantsі melіsі vіdkritiy ґrunt vіtsі 1-1.5 months. Melisi tea recipe. Take 1.5 bottles of water, 1 teaspoon of black tea, 1 teaspoon of melisi.

About those, how to make tea, we already wrote. How to speak briefly, then teapot rinsed with dill, the ingredients sizzle with it. If it is necessary to pour okrip and pour 10-12 quills. Such tea has an original astringency and a savory spicy smell of melissa.

Vіn calm the nerves, help with sleeplessness and elevated arterial pressure.

Other articles on the topic:

Melisa our family grew up in the garden, we love the fragrant korisnu roslin. (Melissa officinalis) native to the Mediterranean. Kushch may be strongly decomposed, choti-grained pagons, tall (80-120 cm). Melisa leaves are similar to nettles - with a wrinkled surface, serrated edges, covered with thick hairs.

Drіbnі kvіtki bіli аbо rozhevі, roztashovanі on kіlka pieces near the axils of the upper leaf. Flower of melissa in linden-serpni.

Melisi varieties

Nameless varieties of melissa from green leaves have been bred, which are distinguished by the shape and height of the bush, the intensity of leaf infestation, the intoxication of flowers and the term flower, the strength of that lower lemon aroma, winter hardiness. For example, "Erfurtskaya upright", "Kvedlinburzka creep", "Lime", "Quadrille", "Isidora", "Svіzhіst", "Dose", "Pearl", "Tsaritsinska SEMKO", "Lemon aroma". Even more decorative varieties of melіsya, with such presence of golden tones: - “Pure Gold” - from golden-yellow leaves, more flowers become pale buzkovy with an hour; - "Golden", or "Strokata" - dark green leaves with a golden streaked little one. In the eyes of Russian lovers of roslin, in European countries, melissa is cut even more widely, and not only in the garden, but also on the balcony. With such a rank to spread melissa on your own territory, for such minds you won’t win, and what do you call not to love. I am happy with my permission to breed honey with readers Gardenia.ru

Sow nasіnnya melisi and vmist planted

More small things are more precious, they take care of the similarity 2-3 years. You can try to plant a melisa hanging right next to the wet soil (the soil can be dried no deeper than 1.5 cm), but on the right it is rizikovan.

If you still want to grow up without a trace in the garden, melissa z nasinnya, then in the first river do not check for her flowers. The best way is to hang melisi into the garden with a rose garden. For whom, approximately like a birch, hang it in cups or a shukhlyadka and put it on a window light.

Rejoice that our melisi has a low similarity. If it’s a greenhouse, then you can plant some new melissa for a rose garden in a greenhouse. Then go and be friendly.

Discharge the growths that have appeared, so that between them there will be room for growth, otherwise the stench will make it possible for one to develop normally. Mіzh parostami melіsi may buti promyzhki close to 5cm. Small sіyantsі melіsi vamagayut rich light.

Treat the screen with roses on the brightest window, and on warm sleepy days take it to the balcony. Let's not add a little nitrogen fertilizer for the best development.

Choose the preparation of the dish for the melisi

For planting melisi, take a place in the garden. Melisa - dosit nevibagly roslin, but with amiable minds growth and looking especially kind.

Melisa soil is the best for fluffy, loamy or suppyshchany soil, fertilized. Don’t varto settle small pieces of melis near the water - tsia roslina will prevail over dry places, and in the presence of a large number of waters you can fall ill and perish. Melisa love the sleepy place, which is important for its aromaticity. If you plant melissa in the shade of trees, then you will, obviously, live, and the smell of leaves will be less intense.

In case of lack of sun, less ethereal oil is established in the leaves, and the most important component of melissa. Those її kuschiki will not be so good. For the fermentation of the melіsa, the whole pіdіyde svіtla pіvtin.

When choosing a place for planting chalk, swear it, so that the roslin is long-lived - for friendly minds, the bush can grow in one place up to ten years! , we are ready for autumn. We dig the soil to a depth of up to 20cm, see the roots of weeds, and fertilize with pus.

Melisi growing in the garden

The rose garden of melisi mi sing visajujemo at the vіdkritiy ґrunt at vіtsі 1-1.5 months. Little bushes are afraid of the cold, then visadge them, if the turning frosts have passed. In the garden, we place small saplings on a 30 cm stand, one kind of one, and there are more two rows in the middle.

Bring watering the growth, if the summer seems to be more dry. Melisa love pіdzhivlennya. Ale, as it is necessary to pick up the present, do not wait for the rose in front of the flowers, so as to make the present vigil at once. I make a rich gracious bush.

At landscape design such bushes can be beaten like a border. Melissa successfully winters with a sufficient amount of snow. However, the winter hardiness of the bushes of melis older than 5 years is greatly reduced, so the value of varieties should be regularly expanded and grown. In autumn, for the best, we wintered the melissa, so that the rhizomes did not freeze, we mulch the earth with scorched leaves of trees.

Vegetative reproduction of Melisa

If you already have one bunch of melіsya, scarlet is not enough, then you can propagate roslina vegetatively, without going into sowing today. Knock down a sprat of melissa to the ground, pin it down and sip it with the earth - let the stink root out.

This procedure was carried out on the cob of lea. Do not forget to regularly water the soil around the growth, so that sticking buds could take root. And the curtains will need to be cultivated by their types of uterine bush and planted on a standing place. Melisa can be propagated at least three times in a century with a rose under the bush.

Robiti is more beautiful in early spring, if the growth has only a few young pagons, or, for example, sickles. Rіzhemo mother's bush on a part approximately equal to the size, so that the skin follicle had no less than 4 pagons from the roots.

Vikoristannya melisi

Melisa has long been victorious in culinary and medicine. From the leaves of the tsієї splint, a wonderful herbal tea emerges, even fragrant and brown. Fresh leaves of melіsi protyag garden season we go with all salads.

Dried leaves can be added in the sun, and the powder from the leaves can be sifted with meat and fish grass. We obov'yazkovo vikoristovuyemo melisu when preparing and decorating stuffed pike. Zastosovuєmo tsyu roslin not only like spices, but can take on a lemon smell.

Melisa is a kind honey plant. Leaving melisi calmly breathe on bdzhil. To this, the hour of the birth of bdzholina sim'ї zazdalegіd pіdvіshuєmo fresh pagon melіsi on the tree trunks.

So we do not treat young bjolin sim'yu - the smell of melissa attracts bdzhil. Melisa in our homeland is also victorious at the preparation of bath viniki. Trees of various trees (lime, birch, oak, gorobini), young chicks of melissa and sprinklings are knitted at once, - and then there is a receiving aroma in the lazna. I wish the gardeners good health, good soul growth and body for successful work in the garden-city! (Republic of Mari El, village Kozhlaier)

In natural minds, melissa growth in forest tracts, rotting in the middle smoothies of Russia. Tse widely zastosovuєtsya in medicine with the treatment of bugs infecting the medicinal plant among the people may be called:

  • medical treatment;
  • bjolin grass;
  • lemon mint;
  • beekeeper;
  • censer;
  • m'yatochnik;
  • bjolina m'yata.

From an agronomic point of view, melissa is a grass that can be brought to the segment bagatorichnyh roslins. Contamination of the leaf part of the roslin to fall in specific varieties - it can be like green, so it can be bright.

Note. Melisa planting and sightseeing near the open ground may have specific features, which are able to stand up for support of a special camp of the ground, and also those who are melissa є honey-bearing growth, which the wives of the people are called crazy.

Melisa is in the warehouse of a great quantity of medicinal preparations. However, the cream of medical zastosuvannya, leafing that pagony tsієї herbs, which can smell the lemon aroma, vicarious in the preparation of various culinary varieties:

  • spices for strav;
  • additive to canned vegetables;
  • reduction of the taste of liqueurs;
  • tea brewing.


Invisibility to the sight allows you to grow melissa in the minds of the hardened soil.


At the borders of the garden plot, melissa should be hung in a fluffy, good drainage, suppurating soil, or in loamy soil, enriched with humus and ensured sufficient growth of the growth, - and increased penetration. The head umovoy, as it is possible to grow melissa, so that it gave a rich harvest, it ensures the average indicator of the pH index, which can become 5.5 in the average.

As a material, to prepare proper drainage, you can use:

  • chain bit;
  • rubble.

The indicator of the level of water content in the soil is guilty of perebuvati on the level of the higher ground for the average. Viroshuvati melіsu slid on the brightly illuminated vіdkritіy dilyantsі.

Important! Irrespective of resistance to cold weather, the garden culture should be planted from the pivden side of the life of life - to help it to sink into the influx of strong winds.

Ways of vegetative propagation of Melisa

By the method of bush rozpodіlu

Sufficient growth of bushes, to rob them with appendages for the podіl, is completed in 4 years after the hanging. The length of bushy plantings is the best in one of the following periods:

  • grass in the provinces;
  • in the province of sickle.

Ways of vegetative propagation of Melisa

Steps to the process of rozpodіlu in a bushy way:

  1. Vikopati Melisovy bush;
  2. Distribute plantings on equal parts, which are composed of 4 pagons and fragments of the root system;
  3. Visadity of water-reinforced parts of the soil;
  4. Bring a dilyanka;
  5. Take care of dead watering.

Zhivtsyuvannya method

Instructions on how to breed with live bait:

  1. In the spring, cut the top livestock from young shoots;
  2. Put near the water;

Note. You can add a growth stimulator to the water for living creatures.

  1. After 2 days, when the first root appears, place the planting material in a container with fluffy soil;
  2. Visadity near the open ground on the city.

Reproduction of melisi introduced

In order to grow a melіsovy kusch with the help of the method, it is necessary:

  1. Bend down to the surface of the ground a sprig of green parostkiv, Middle dozhina to become 14 centimeters;
  2. Fix be-yakim іz іsnuyuchih sposobіv;
  3. Apply a thin ball to the soil area of ​​\u200b\u200bzіtknennya;
  4. Carry out a clear watering;
  5. After 2 days after rooting, it is necessary to cut the main bush for an additional pruner or a sharply sharpened knife;
  6. Hanging on the spot.

Reproduction of melisi introduced

Sowing melisi in a natural way

Tsyu lіkarsku roslina can be shined by stretching the autumn spring and summer seasons, until the very end of the season.

The cultivation of lemon balm by the most popular method is considered to be the most labor-intensive among the other essential technologies of cultivation. However, this way, how to plant melissa at your dacha for today, is the most effective knowledge. This hardening is due to the fact that bushy plantings of melissa, taken away as a result of new sprouting, grow stronger, and also more life-giving. An important priority of roslins, grown from us, є steadiness to unfriendly weather splashes. The planting material can be planted like in the mind of a wet soil, and in a capacity for sprouting a seedling, which can also hang on a dry ridge.

Important! It is possible to carry out the necessary disinfection of the garden soil in front of it, as if to grow on it, by heating the oven and placing material for planting in it, or by spilling the earth with boiled water.

Note. Ready ґruntova sumіsh, pridbana in the store, without the need for thermal processing.

The process of visajuvannya nasinnyam

Today, it is reminiscent of a drіbnim rozmіr and saves building to similarity, after that, as a result of the development of the їkhnіy siv, stretching 2 rokіv.

Features, how to plant melissa at the sight of the original material:

  • near the soil of the house, after planting until the end of the grass, in the wash over the heated soil, with warm weather;
  • the depth of visajuvannya becomes 1.5 centimeters;
  • form small furrows;
  • watering planting soil;
  • sow our own material at the death of the kilkost;
  • stick to the ground;
  • after 4 days after that, how to plant our melissa, and if you come, go, take them for a distance of 20 cm.

The process of visajuvannya nasinnyam

The grass is so indestructible to the watchful eye, like melissa, growing from the earth, which is also not a warehouse of difficulties, it is easy to take root in the building, with all the necessary agricultural technology, be it a garden-city dilyantsi.

How to watch the gatherings

Watching for young roslins with growing finesse polyagaє in the step:

  1. It is necessary to provide access for dormouse vision to landings;
  2. It is clear to water in spekotnu weather;
  3. see excess greenery;
  4. Make the necessary good.

Features of the process of visageance

A rose garden of medicinal herbs, lemon-planted melons, and a watchful eye for some kind of vmagaє dotrimanny agrotechnical recommendations, under a tree.

Melisi rose garden

Prote landing territory may be darkened, and the use of direct sleepy changes is also unacceptable. Ideal mind - pivtin. Soil for planting ts_єї culture is prepared behind the back:

  1. In autumn, the ridge needs to be dug up;
  2. Vidality from the ground all the growth;
  3. Vityagti fragments of the root system;
  4. make fertilizer on a mineral basis;
  5. Fertilize the soil with a cow's yak, which is retransferred;
  6. For acidic soil, carry out drainage work;

Get respect! The ridge for planting melіsi may be high.

  1. For clay soil, dilute the soil with sand;
  2. Hanging to see the weeds;
  3. Expand the soil;
  4. Reconciliation between rows and dotrimanns 32-centimeter wide.

The planting of a seedling is carried out in check order for a maximum of 35-centimeter distance between plantings.

How to look after melisa

Firmly, nibi melisa can grow in power, like the storms, and it’s not necessary to look after the tsієyu rosly, pardon.

However, a healthy development of a melissa planting is possible with a low mindset:

  • Irrigation should be carried out next to the skin in smoky weather, and on the day - in gloomy weather. When the stagnation of the root is established, the processes of rot begin in the sphere of the root system;
  • From the ear of the skin spring season, during the transition to the vegetative stage, under the skin planting, it is necessary to add a cebrorozin, to the warehouse of which cows'yak and azotovmіsnі dobriva enter. Mulching from stagnation of humus or old peat to help save the necessary water level and mineral storage of soil;
  • The height of the throat before the end of the autumn season is better for the winter wintering of the melissa chagar. Before this, the above-ground part should be cut and covered with a ball of fallen leaves.

Get respect! Through the skin 4 rocks, after that, how to grow the melissa from the raw material or plant, bushes need to be extended with the method of rejuvenation. Vіdmova vіd such a procedure, like picking, led to roughening of that change in leaf growth, as well as to a decrease in yield.

How to choose and save your birth

Melisovy bush, including home, blooms up to the middle of the wormwood. Flowers, which are opened in the axils of the leaf part, can be turned into one of the flowers, characteristic of the rose line:

  • white;
  • buzzy;
  • erysipelas.

Porada. It is recommended to plant a medicinal bush of melisia near fruit and berry trees.

Leaves should be sprouted until the blooming of the chagarnika, or it will be an hour before the transition to the th stage. One bushy planting of lemon balm is to give birth to fresh fragrant greens for 3 harvests in one season. To dry the leaves, the melissa is laid out in a thin ball near the shade. Preservation of medicinal herbs is recommended at good closing capacity of glass and tin material. Such a quantity of grass to stick out until the end of winter.

Tsya fragrant likarskaya roslina zdatna growth on be-yakіy prisadibnіy dіlyantsі. Yakshcho Nearns, Posaditi to Makels correctly (he can, can Visajuvati Melis in a bolder of an alarmist on Pidvonkonni, on the dachi nasynnya abed by Vygudi Rodsadi), Dotrimvati Khovita Knoshchychi, important specialized pri. regularly harvest a good harvest of miraculous culture, like a contagion, decorate a garden.

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