How to prepare virmensky lavash at home. Homemade pita bread stuffed with crab sticks. Recipes with photos. How to make pita bread at home minds without yeast

Lavash in Asia, just like a loaf of bread in the European part of Russia, is popular with a thin worker shortbread, which is popular, and the recipe for lavash basically includes only water, but more strength. The most important thing for this kind of bread products is given to those who try to survive. yeast test And even more lavash vicorista for cooking (se and home-made shawarma, se and different meat snacks with lavash, se and pies with lavash, all rolls, and navit khachapuri with lavash with cheese).

You can buy lavash in our hour in grocery stores, and in kiosks with a spicy, but if you want to try lavash in your home minds independently, in fact, in this publication, we will tell you about how to cook lavash in your home minds, guessing the recipes lavashіv, tse i virmenska, і georgian, і uzbec. Having read our tip, you will know how to cook budinki and tovstii and thin lavash without any special efforts from handy products.

Basic rules for brewing lavash at home

The traditional culinary tradition has a thin (virmenian-style), like arkush paperu, lavash is baked from fresh dough, and lavash is baked with sour-milk yeast chi on rozpushuvachi and offended by the tandir. Hocha is modern by-butov technique Propose your own version of the replacement of the legendary hide tandir.

The basic recipe for lavash is simple: borosno, water (milk milkwort, kefir - options for toasted shortbread) are strong. The dry variant of lavash is transferred to the pasta in a warm place for at least 1 year, and if it is not enough, keep it for an hour. In the spring, it feels like 20 quills for the swelling of gluten, so that the dough becomes elastic and soft for a thin yogo rozkochuvannya.

The preparation of fresh dough is made in the form of a sour-milk yogo variant, tim, if only that water is victorious, then it will be so cool, until you stop taking it boroughly, in another case you will fall behind the rules of the yeast dough, so that it looks like such a thing , so that when brewing, the shortbread of tovstoy lavash rose.

Virmensky recipe for lavash at home

In order to prepare thin pita bread according to the Vrmensky recipe in your home minds, you need only three ingredients, which you start by hand. And the ready-made lavash in the package can be stored at the refrigerator until three or two days, which gives you the opportunity to prepare it for a long time.

Vrakhovuychi, that the diameter of the finished lavash can be 25-30 centimeters, the size of the frying pan can be different. For mixing thick dough, you can vicorate the mixer with water nozzles at the sight of the spiral.


  • boar wheat - 300 grams;
  • drinking water - 170 grams;
  • sil kitchen - 0.5 teaspoon.

Thin pita bread according to the Virmenian recipe is prepared as follows:

  1. Boil water in the spring, cool it down with no more than 5 strands.
  2. Prosіyane borosno vsipati at the great deep bowl and dig into it in the center of the burial.
  3. Pour hot water into the hole while stirring with a mixer. First of all, it’s too much, and the breasts are too dry, and then after 5 minutes of the robotic mixer, it’s not gargantly uneven, but it’s thicker, it needs to be housed on small board hands.
  4. The pastry that came out on the pіvgodini, crooked with plіvkoy, let's wait and cook until the yogіsny yogo for the rise of thin pita bread.
  5. Ready to neatly decorate with cowbass, divide into equal parts, thinly decorate the skin with a round cake.
  6. Brush thin cakes on a roasted frying pan without the participation of olives from both sides. When the temperature of the heating of the frying pan is due to such a thing, that the cake did not burn at high temperature and did not dry out and crumble at insufficient temperature.
  7. The skin of the ready-made pita bread should be laid at the water (not wet) towel abo (fabric servlet), so that the stench reached the laid middle, and did not dry out to the camp of a thin cake, which would crumble.

If lavash is cooled in a towel, it will become thin and plastic, but save shortcakes that are left out, it is necessary in a bag and in the refrigerator.

Georgian lavash recipe at home

Georgian-style lavash tastes like lavash in a modern way with its softness and pishnistyu, as well as spicy salty relish. The process of preparing for this recipe is cheaply folded, and it is prepared as dry as fresh drizzle.


  • boar wheat - 300 grams;
  • tsukrovy pіsok - 1 teaspoon;
  • drinking water - 200 ml.

Lavash for the Georgian recipe prepared like this:

  1. Zmіshati borosno, what you ask, with the help of dry ingredients and the death in the center of the burial.
  2. Pour water up to 45 degrees while stirring in the burial in the boron and knead it to an elastic mill until it stops sticking to the hands.
  3. Cover the dough with a bowl, cover it with a towel, and deprive it for 1 year for yoga pidyoma.
  4. Quietly, as soon as it happened, stretch it at the stake shape with your hands without a rocking chair. Colo, as it happened, put it on oiled with deco oil and open it in the center with your finger, so that the biscuit will disappear under the hour of the boil.

Place deco with Georgian lavash in the oven for boiling at 220 degrees until ready. Lavash, which is baked, lay it on a baking papyr, cover it with a towel until it reaches it, including a zhorstka zest.

Uzbek recipe for lavash at home

It is recommended to cook Uzbek lavash by boiling it in a frying pan with a lid, which allows you to take the product out of the water and in such a way that it does not crumble. Before the recipe of yoga dough, there are yeasts and brewing wines from the oven.

Let's add those that such Uzbek lavash will be delicious and soft, homemade substitute for bread. Come out shortbread of medium rosemary.


  • borosno wheat - 250 grams;
  • drinking water - 80 grams;
  • fresh milk - 80 grams;
  • oliya - 2 spoons;
  • chicken egg - 1 piece;
  • dry drizzle - 1 teaspoon;
  • sesame - for the lead;
  • strength for relish.

per Uzbek recipe cook pita bread at the oven like this:

  1. Borosno ask, zmishati mustache dry products.
  2. Mix water with milk, add dry sum and mix it up, add oil until the end of the mix.
  3. Whom dough, what viyshov, put in a bowl smeared with oil, put it in a warm bowl, crooked with a servlet, on pіvgodini.
  4. Rozm'yakshene is softly molded with hands into the shape of a shortbread with a thin center and sweaty edges.
  5. Cover the bottom of the pan with foil and put a shortbread on it, beat the center of it with a gostroy saw, cover the pan with a towel and let it brew with a pivgodini.
  6. In front of the vipіchka, it’s dabile, so that you don’t lower the pie of the shortbread, smear the top with a beaten fresh chicken egg, sip with sesame seeds.
  7. Cover the frying pan with lavash with a lid and place it in a hot oven up to +200 ° C for 15 chills, after which the frying pan from the oven should be well.

As soon as the shortbread is not baked enough, then it is not enough to take the frying pan in the oven without a lid, stretching 1-2 quills. I’m ready to take the shortcake out of the frying pan and under the towel to give it and sweat it with a stretch of 15-20 quills.

A simple recipe for thin pita bread at home

For such a recipe, dry thin pita bread is prepared for the fate of olії, like baked in a frying pan with cakes of the same size.


  • borosno wheat - 400 grams;
  • drinking water - 200 grams;
  • drіzhdzhi - 7 grams;
  • sil kitchen - 1 teaspoon;
  • oliya vershkove or fat margarine - 50 grams.

per simple recipe thin lavash is boiled at home in the mind like this:

  1. At the pіdіgrіtіy vіdі raschinit sіl, drіzhdzhі, razmіsha 1 flask borosna i give the dough 10 strands in a warm place.
  2. You need a small amount of rosemary, to give it a chill, put it into the dough and mix everything until the mass is homogeneous.
  3. Vsipati reshtu boroshna, vimіsiti tіsto, as it is necessary to vitrimati with a stretch of winter near the warm mist, we will cripple a servlet.
  4. After a few years, form a kosbaska from the dough, divide it into 7 even parts, so that it is easier to roll the pita bread of the same size, and stand still at the sight of seven bags with a stretch of 10 additional quills.
  5. Once again, roll the bags on the most thin round leaves and cut them on a dry frying pan from both sides.

Ready lavash shortcakes are laid one on one on a flat grass, covered with a paper towel, crookedly with a fabric towel, under the stink of a guilty one, go cold, passing dry. Fresh pita bread is served to the table, shortbreads, which are left out, you can save a little in a bag in the refrigerator.

Recipe for thin pita bread on kefir

From the test for this recipe, you can cook cakes of two different types: without oil on a dry frying pan - pita bread a la virmensky, and on a top-bottomed or olive oil - ruddy and savory shortbread.


  • borosno wheat;
  • kefir - 1 bottle;
  • oliya - 1 tablespoon;
  • soda - 1 teaspoon;
  • sil - 1 teaspoon.

Lavash on kefir in homemade minds for grandmother's recipe is cooked like this:

  1. In case of need, pour in kefir, add soda and stir. Then let's introduce strength and oliyu, rozmіshati.
  2. Vsipati step by step while mixing borosno, what you ask, so that you can keep it cool until I become non-sticky yogo to the hands.
  3. Shorstke it’s as simple as it was, take 30 strands of bread under the grub.
  4. After that, divide the dough into 5-6 parts, download the koloboks, cover them with sour cream, so that they do not dry out, and according to the thickness, rozkochuvat into a thin shortbread and pekti in a frying pan on both sides with butter or without it.

Lavash on kefir, which was sintered without olive, was twisted with a towel until it was fully achieved. After all, the shortbreads are dry, you can twist and turn them with elasticity, curving with thin servets.

Homemade recipe for thin pita bread at the oven

If you need a large area of ​​pita bread for preparing fresh bread (rizny rolls, shaurmi thinly), then you can turn off the oven, deco how to make a great one, and you can’t imagine the recipe for dough for thin pita bread to be especially foldable.


  • borosno wheat - 350 grams;
  • drinking water - 150 ml;
  • oliya - 3 spoons;
  • sil kitchen - 1 teaspoon.

For a home-made recipe, thin pita bread is cooked at the oven as follows:

  1. Ask for flour|boroshno| and divide it into two parts.
  2. Strength and oil | oil | rozm_shati near the water and on the tsіy sumіshі, step by step adding | add | flour|boroshno|, spread dough and knead yoga cool. Smite it with a spit and insist on a pivgodini stretch.
  3. Through qі pіvgodini divide elastically thinly on the vіdpovіdnі parts for vipіcannya on the sounding board, thinly roll them.
  4. Rozkotenі korzhі vipіkati on cherzі in the oven at a temperature of +180 With a stretch of 2-3 strands.
  5. The skin is ready shortbread after being taken out of the oven and soaked in a way that is convenient for you near the water, right up to the touch under the jet of water from the tap.
  6. Fold the lavash cakes into a glass of water, twisted with a towel, sweat them in such a position with a pivgodini, so that the stench becomes elastic.

Such a thin lavash, which is boiled in ovens, can be vicorated for the preparation of various rolls and leafy herbs. The shape of lavash, which is necessary for cutting, can be cut with a knife or culinary scissors according to the configuration and size.

If, when mixing dough for thin pita bread in the home minds, you can beat the milk milk, then we will accept the relish of the finished shortbread. The originality of the taste of lavash and its saltiness. That is not the reason to change the prescription amount of salt.

Tovsty pita bread will be richly savory, as if before a vipichkoy, smear cakes with water and sip on sesame seeds or on them / peas. For the presence of a large frying pan, you can speed up a smaller one, and spread the edges of the shortbread on the її sides, wanting the middle to be baked more ruddy, lower edges. Significantly improve the taste and aroma of tovstoy lavash vershkov oil. Tse sposіb dopomozhe and when overdrying the shortbread in the oven.

Boroshno for lavash, but not obov'yazkovo only wheat, homemade recipe you can turn on your life borosno, vrakhovuchi, so that you don’t take revenge on gluten and introduce її z ієї causes can be up to 40%. It’s also like chalky wine or whiskey, with which you can also sip on the surface of the lavash shortcake before brewing.

Lavash or, as they call it, “similar bread” present in rich countries of similar cuisine. Recipes for lavash were quickly mastered by fast food, so it’s easy to cook yogo shvidko with affordable and inexpensive ingredients.

To help everyone get ready to love shawarma, Mexican burritos, various roles with stuffing. And you can also serve yoga, as a miraculous addition to the first and other stravas, shashliks and salads.

It is easy to master the preparation of lavash at home, but even after recipes, lavash is simply wonky.

Lavash recipes at home

Cooking lavash budinka includes sprats of vipichka options, in fallowness in the form of meti, for which you will yogo vikoristovuvat. The main types of lavash are: virmensky (thin, not more than 2-4 mm) and Georgian (food, 2-4 cm).

Thin virmensky lavash

You can drink such pita bread on the deck and in the oven, but it’s better to beat the frying pan with non-stick coatings - it’s easier, easier and more swedish to come out.

We need:

  • Wheat borosno (3 bottles);
  • Hot water (1 flask);
  • Strength (0.5 tsp).


  1. I heat water from the sill.
  2. Boroshno nasypaєmo girkoy on steel, robimo in the middle of the funnel and giblets pour in water.
  3. Zamіshuєmo quietly to uniformity, so that it could be seen in the hands.
  4. Wrap it up with a water towel or a servlet and let’s stand close to pivdini.
  5. The frying pan is lightly brushed with olive oil and heated on medium heat.
  6. Vіd tіsta vіdshpuєmo shmatochki (size z chicken egg), rozkochuєmo skin in a thin shortbread.
  7. We put the shortbread in the frying pan and grease it until dark bulbs and plyami appear on the surface.
  8. After that, we turn the pita bread on the next side and lubricate it for another 30 seconds.
  9. The finished shortbread is placed on a dry wooden board and lightly sprinkled with cold water.
  10. Similarly, offensive lavash is vipkaєmo. We fold them one by one in a glass, like milk.

Lavash seems to be more thin and elastic, so you can beat them for making rolls with filling or shawarma.

Homemade lavash on kefir

Such lavash is more rich for the consistency of the same stuff, lower on the water.

We need:

  • Kefir (1 bottle);
  • Borosno wheat (2.5 bottles);
  • Sil (1/2 teaspoon);
  • Roslinna oliya (1 tablespoon);
  • Soda (1/2 teaspoon).


  1. Kefir (room temperature) is poured into a deep bowl.
  2. Dodaemo to the new soda, strong and olive.
  3. Prosіyane ahead, borosno giblets add to the decision of the ingredients and mix it up.
  4. Quietly, it can be strong, after which it is crooked with a towel and given 30 quills.
  5. Quietly, what was lifted, it is good to crush. Rosemary on small pieces.
  6. From the skin shmatochka it is possible to make a shortbread with a thickness of not more than 1 mm.
  7. A frying pan (without additional oil) is heated over medium heat.
  8. Weep pita bread from the skin side for 10-15 seconds.

Lavash on kefir is good to beat for stuffing with fillings for the upcoming scallops at the oven.

Homemade lavash on drizhdzhakh (Georgian)

This variant of lavash is more similar to food bread and is served until the end of life.

We need:

  • Drіzhdzhi dry (1 tbsp.
  • Borosno wheat (600 g);
  • Heat water (350ml);
  • Sil (1 teaspoon);
  • Oliya (3 tablespoons);
  • Zukor (1 teaspoon).


  1. Rozchinyaemo drіzhdzhi near warm water. We give them strength and tsukor.
  2. The giblets are all borosno, what is asked, and it is stale.
  3. It is tightly covered with grub and a towel, placed near a warm place.
  4. Approximately after 40 hvilin, it is quiet pіdіyde.
  5. Soak in olії, with your hands, vimіshuєmo tіsto sche 5-7 quills. I again clean up yoga in a warm place for 20 quills.
  6. Deco is well smeared with rose oil. Take it softly, kindly vivalyuyemo yogo from the sides in oil and form a bun, gently push it down.
  7. Then we lightly flatten the dough, giving it the shape of lavash. We form the sides.
  8. We’ll fill it up for the whilina “Vdpochiti”.
  9. We wet the surface of the pita bread with water with our hands and put it into the oven, heating up to 200 degrees.
  10. Lavash is brewed until golden brown close to pivgodini.

Lavash comes out from the bottom, with a crispy crust and rubbed with m'yakush.

  • When preparing lavash, let the dough rest, then it will rise and become elastic.
  • For even frying of lavash in a frying pan, press the dough down to the frying pan with a wooden spatula so that it does not swell.
  • The stuffing for lavash can be: meat, mushrooms, Korean carrot, cheese with a teapot, vegetables with a brinza, lightly salted rib, caviar, etc. Possibly, you have your own version of the preparation of the filling for pita bread.
  • Lavash rolls can be served as cold as they are in the oven. From thin lavash you can make leaf pies and snack cakes.

Lavash - a good option for picnics and snacks, for Christmas table that swedish lunch chi evening.

And for gusto, and at a glance look like a thin Virmensky twin. Georgian lavash - mova, obviously, about new! Tsya national country is a kind of visit to the Caucasus. In spite of the preparations, Georgian lavash comes out with food and tovstim, with a crispy taste and fragrant m'yakush. Shall we try?

How to cook according to the rules?

The correct Georgian lavash is boiled by the oven, which sounds like “tone”. Tsya spetsialna pich is a majestic miner of clay, whole lining and stoking, it was down about thirty degrees. Tone ring out to spit with thyrsus. At the process of cooking, the fire is constantly lit. Lavash, wilting from the dough, roztashovuєtsya (adheres) to the back wall of the oven and vpikaєtsya about ten strands. To take away the crunch of the bacon, it is necessary to have pita bread, which is ready, to sprinkle it with water. Spravzhnіy Georgian lavash - just delicious! Yogo is taken freshly prepared with syrup, milk, herbs, wine. Sob the bread is not weathered, wrap it around a towel - so wine is more saved. Lavash in Georgian can be vicorated as a basis for other herbs. For example, bake with meat and cheese filling - it will be even tastier! Before the speech, deyakі Georgians respect the very word "lavash" in the virmenian and respect for the better name the national shortbreads "puri" (tonis puri), which in Georgian means "bread".

Georgian lavash at home minds

Zvichaynno Well, the best at the yard of a private booth sporudit pіch tane for fear. And if you live in a richly-covered area, don't be embarrassed: good bread can be found in the oven, and in the electric mini-bakery. It is not enough to correctly set the temperature and adjust the temperature and the zapikannya mode.

Georgian lavash: a recipe for cooking

In order to mix it up, take a pivkilogram borosna, about half a bottle of water, 30 g of fresh yeast, strength, zucor.

Drіzhdzhi rozchinyaєmo by warm water, add a little boar and tsukra, let's stand, let's go. zmіshuєmo її s sіllyu ta drіzhdzhami. Zamіshuєmo uniformly thick (like on pirіzhki). Curve it tightly with a kitchen towel and let it go to pivgodini. The oven is heated up to 220 degrees. Deco posipaemo boroshnoy. Z ta rokochuemo shortcakes characteristic form, put on a sheet and vipkaєmo in the oven for 20 to 30 strands until ready. Hot lavash is sprinkled with water, curled into a towel, sob weeding the troch and becoming soft.

With corn borosh

How to cook Georgian lavash with an egg? We will need: a kilo of wheat boar, five large spoons of corn, 80 g of dried yeast, two small spoons of salt, one egg, an olive.

Lavash Georgian (the recipe is in front of you) is prepared for cooking borosna and mixing yoga with sill. Let's talk about drіzhdzhі about pіv lіtra teploї vody, let's їm troch stand. Z'ednuemo drіzhdzhi that borosno. Zamіshuєmo softly. We put yoga in a warm place on pivgodini. Tim, for an hour, warm up the oven, smear the leaves with oil. Formed shortbreads, lightly rolled them in a corn boar, expanded to the required size (the stench comes out hot and dry). The egg is beaten Oliya(better take an olive) and zukr. We'll take the lavash with the washed sum. We put it on the deck in the oven. Shortbreads are boiled 15-20 strands on the top in the oven until ready. Dekilka razіv pіd hour prigotuvannya brizkuemo lavash with water. So the vein is fragile, but not hard.

old recipe

How to cook Georgian lavash (recipe without yeast)? Ancient Georgian shortbreads were prepared, insanely, without stoking the product. Yak and without eggs. Vykoristovuvali like a leaven so rank old it is, like it was left out of the front zamіsіv and sour. Yogo bakers and added in a new, well prepared. Otzhe, nothing, the cream is boroshna, salt and water! All the piquancy still belongs to the method of preparation in a special oven (or tone).


This variety of Georgian lavash is a deep ruddy, golden-brown cake. From one side the shortbread is round and sweating. From the other side - the thin one is zagostrena. When preparing the dough, the yeast is not vicorated: boar, strong and water. This type of lavash dbaє duzhe shvidko (tri-chotiri hvilini). Variants of Madauri are traversed in different regions of Georgia. Possibly vikoristannya yaєts that dewy olive. Vykoristovuetsya shortcake with olive, sour cream, herbs, syrup.


This word can be translated literally: syrian bread. There is no single-manship in the preparation of the line. Megrelian - round, covered with the beast Adjarian - in the form of a chovnik, filled with an egg for the beast. Rachinsky - with kvass. The classic of the filling is Imeretin sir. The dough is vikoristovuetsya, cooked on yogurt or kefir (de yeast is replaced by a lactic acid product). Lubricate khachapuri on a frying pan or boil it at the oven.


To prepare yoga, you need: 300 g of borosna, a bottle of water, 10 g of fresh yeast, a spoonful of honey (molasses is possible), strength, olive oil.

Molasses with drizzles are separated by warm water. We add two large spoons of borosna and add it to a warm place for 15 strands. Boroshno zadnuєmo іz sіllu ta zmіshuєmo s molasses and drіzhdzhami. I'm revisiting it for 10 minutes. Zamyshuemo dough with olive oil. If it is tightly packed in an obsyaz approximately twice, the shape is small batons, rolling them at the top and winding edges. Placed on a sheet, covered with paper for vaping. It is brizkuєmo with water and let's stand up to the big obyagu. Zapikaemo at the good heated spirits 15 khvilin. Before the introduction of the trochs, we sip pita bread with boroshn. You can replace the divine milk, olive oil.

Try to cook this savory Georgian bread with stuffing or without it for one of the overdone recipes - and you will definitely be deprived of the Caucasian cuisine shanuvalnik forever! Good appetite for everyone!

Tasty, tempting, shawarma, what is in your mouth, so you want to cook it at home. Ale is not a skin prihilnik tsієї snacks you know, like zrobiti pita bread for shawarmi. In fact, there is nothing coherent, all manipulations are made in the home minds from the available components. Today, we will present you with recipes for syringa, gyrchichny, virmensky, tomato, yeast, yeast-free and other variations of lavash. Try and enjoy!

Lavash for shawarmi: "classic"

  • drіzhdzhi - 7 gr.
  • borosno - 720 gr.
  • tsukrovy pіsok, sіl - 8 gr.
  • water - 240 ml.
  • oliya roslinna - 50 ml.

We will write it on the back, as the base (thisto) is being prepared, and lower it is significant, like the very vipkati lavash.

1. Otzhe, let’s add heat to the filtered water squeaky squeak I sill, we introduce drіzhdzhi.

2. Please borosno into the container, pour in earlier prepared water sum and oil | oil |, mix it up at once.

3. If the mass is thick and uniform, does not stick to the hands, it is necessary to cover it with a light towel and stop it from “reaching” for a third of the year. Then you can proceed to the brewing.

Lavash for shawarmi without yeast

  • borosno - 720 gr.
  • water (can be replaced with milk syrup) - 240 ml.
  • sil - 8 gr.

1. Like water, it is necessary to warm it up to 35 degrees in advance. Bring milk milkweed to room temperature.

2. Change the homeland from the village, enter it boroughly, as you ask for a few times, in small portions. Mix it up.

3. Kіntseve is not guilty of tearing, for that, before vipіkannyam, yoga needs to be strongly stretched. Zamis is carried out until the end of the elastic base.

4. Cooking a cake without yeast is easy, just like making pita bread for shawarmi according to the classic scheme. After the zamis, let the preparations stand in the minds of the home close to the gods.

Lavash with drizhami

  • borosno (please) - 480 gr.
  • drіzhdzhi - 7 gr.
  • dairy milkweed - 230 ml.

1. Pick up the yeast with a boroshnoy, drink a pinch of salt. Afterward, warm up the milkweed, pour it in until the effervescent ingredients.

2. Conduct mixing, then divide the entire volume into bags with a diameter of about 6 cm.

Sirn lavash for shawarmi

  • hard cheese (grated) - 90 gr.
  • borosno - 240 gr.
  • tsukrovy pіsok - 15 gr.
  • Vershkov butter - 60 gr.
  • water - 130 ml.
  • drіzhdzhi - 9-10 gr.
  • sil - 7 gr.

1. Start warming up the water for the recipe with the bloody squeak and yeast. Vsipte strength, sirn shavings, pros_yane 2-3 times borosno. Melt butter | oil | and enter yoga here.

2. Mix the ingredients to a homogeneous state, after which they are divided into sprats of equal parts. It is better to split the bag into bags of 5 cm in diameter.

3. Hang 10-15 strands. Let's remember again, proceed until the cakes are roasted and further boiled (the technology will be described below).

Virmensky lavash from vodka

  • eggs - 1 pc.
  • borosno - 950 gr.
  • oliya sonyashnikova - 50 ml.
  • sil - 10 gr.
  • water - 300-320 ml.
  • burner - 25 ml.

This recipe is shared by those who do not know how to make the right virmensky lavash for shaurmi. In professional bakeries and home minds, yoga is traditionally brewed from the dough on the gore.

1. Mishayte oliyu from silly, pour tsyu sumish near the water. Put the saucepan on the stove, bring to the first bulbs.

2. Okremo ask for a sprat once, make a hole in the mast and break an egg there. Pour in the burner, whisk until uniform without breasts.

3. Now at the boroshnyan base, pour in the warehouse from the saucepan. Mix up at once. If the mass is often chilled, carry out the task with your hands.

4. Download the sack, wrap it in a plait and dry it for 1.5 years. By stretching this term it is necessary to embrace it 1 time.

5. If the tasks reach the end of the hour, divide the entire volume into sacks with a chicken egg. Rozkotіt, get ready to vypіkannya.

Lavash with tomato juice

  • drіzhdzhi - 8 gr.
  • borosno - 450 gr.
  • tomato juice - 200 ml.
  • spices - for taste

1. Even though it’s not salty, season it with spices to your liking. Introduce drіzhdzhі, check out the rations and insipte boroughly in small portions.

2. Vymіshayte vmіst, soak in the warmth on pіvgodini. Let's remember at the boroshni, divide into sprats of parts with a tenisnu kul. Close another quarter of the year and rejoice.

Girchichny lavash for shawarmi

  • gіrchitsya - 30 gr.
  • borosno - 250 gr.
  • oliya - 50 ml.
  • water - 240 ml.
  • strength, dried herbs - at your discretion

So how to make pita bread for shawarmi is easy to finish, follow the simple instructions from your home minds.

1. Spread mustard, a pinch of salt and olive oil near the water. Send uniform mass on the fire, check the boil. With the first appearance of the bulbs, pour the motherland into a bowl with a boar.

2. Seriously mix the components and check the cooling. After that, boldly roll the yakomog thinner. As a result, you have a cake, which is only baked.

Technology of brewing lavash for shawarmi

1. Razdіlіt is ready to divide the dough into portioned pieces. Roll out blanks in thin cakes. Under the hour of such manipulation, do not forget to sip generously with flour. The thickness of the shortbread is due to become close to 2 mm.

3. Sprinkle the ready-made pita bread with water from a spray bottle, or cover it with damp gauze. In this way, cakes preserve softness. Like only lavash okholone, put yogo in a bag so that it does not dry.

Having learned all the recipes, having become familiar with the technology of brewing, it is awkward to understand, like a lavash. Such shortbread is ideal for shawarma and cooking other rolls at home minds.

I like to cook snacks from thin pita bread in the oven, but don’t ever go out to buy fresh, that price bites the troch. Because of this, I learned how to cook yoga in my home minds and it turned out to be simpler than simple. Today, at once, from “Duzhe savory” I want to spread, like a thin (virmensky) lavash. Yogo can be made with stuffing, for example minced meat. And from such a pita bread you can cook savory pie. Experiment together with us!


  • borosno - 1.5 bottles;
  • water - 0.5 bottles;
  • sonyashnikova oliya - 2 tablespoons;
  • sil - 0.3 teaspoons.

Thin pita bread at the oven. Pokrokovy recipe

  1. At the prayer, add strength, oil, water, mix coolly.
  2. Transfer to a plastic bag and vitrimat 30-40 quills.
  3. Dilimo dough on a piece of rosemary from a small egg.
  4. Cut thinly the skin part and transfer it to the sheet for additional rocking chairs.
  5. Weeping in the oven at 180-200 degrees is about a sprat of wheezing. Beware, just as soon as you blush, the pita bread is ready.
  6. Put the shortbread on a wet towel, sprinkle it with water and cover it with another part of the towel. Tse zrobit pita bread soft, elastic.
  7. In the same way, make the dough itself, after laying the pita bread in a pile and placing it in a plastic bag with openings for circulation again.

The axis is so easy and crispy, we made fresh-tempered lavash without any additives. Also, for brewing, you can vicorate a dry frying pan: cook on a medium fire along the pivkhvilin from the skin side. Now you can boldly vicorate them for shawarmi, snacks, to replace bread. I'm enthralled, your homeland stink to the point of relish - it's been distorted in my opinion! "Duzhe savory" gives you a good appetite! Forward time obov'yazkovo try

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