Recipe for dough for pies naismachnishe

I to the computer!!

Margarine - 150 g
Borosno wheat - 3 bottles.
Eggs - 1 pc.
Zukor - 2 tbsp. l.
Strength 1h/l
Dry pressed - 25g or dry - 2 tsp.

Grind the egg with zucr in a glass and add cold water to the full volume. Add strength, drіzhdzhі that troch is borosna, mix it up and add it. Have flour | borosno | add margarine and rub it with your hands into a crumble.
Postupovo on boroshno with margarine viliti rіdku warehouse. Zamisiti m'yaké is more elastic. Light up a package of chi towel and place it in the freezer for 30 quills.
And they gave everything like a dream:
We take the dough, we take the stuffing, we stick the patties, we put them on the deco and let them stand for 20-25 quills, smeared with an egg.
Vipkaєmo in the rose oven 20 hvilin|minutes| at 200*C degrees (until ready and ruddy).

Today's smeared patties for the recipe.

One more miraculously quiet:

Milk (warm) - 200ml
Dried dry 7g (pressed 20g)
Boroshno - 500 g r
Oliya abo margarine-200g
Eggs - 2pcs Sil - ½ ch

Cooking method
1. Put yeast in milk. Add 2 tablespoons of zucru to the milk, and a teaspoon of salt. Cheer up, so that the zukor and the strong have broken up, and the yeasts have mixed with milk. Add 2 tbsp. Put a bowl with dough in a warm place for 10-15 quills. We need to take off the dry-hat. Sift borosno at the bowl. Take 200 g of soft butter or margarine, for example, you zazdalegіd zіgrili. Oliya with borosho hands resolutely turn into a dribna crichta. Tim was given a hat for an hour. 2 eggs are added to a borosno with olive oil. Take milk with yeast and pour yogo into a bowl. Mix everything. Tisto can be finished with a bite. Put the dough in the refrigerator for 3:00. Sweaty, take out the offal of the dough and cut the pies, and keep the dough in the refrigerator for a while, otherwise it will be broken. Pirіzhki on the deck are not rozstoyyuєmo - once in the oven, they poured it. As it is strictly required by the term, then we DO NOT add eggs to the butter-boroshkov krycht, and we put it in the cold only on the pivgodini.

This recipe for rozrakhovaniya on quiet, yakі th pirіzhki love and don't want to worry about the dough.

Borosno - 4 thin bottles approx. 640g
Zukor - 2 tbsp
Sil - ½ tsp.
Oliya - 2 tbsp. l.
Milk - 500 ml. milk
Drіzhdzhі - 20g pressed or a package of dry drіzhdzhіv 11 gr. Cooking:
Stage 1. Reduce all ingredients to homogeneous mass. Fold the otriman masu bag and put it in the refrigerator for 2 years.
Step 2. After two years, you take the dough out of the refrigerator, lightly crush in boroshn and stick pies with whatever filling.
Quietly soft, does not stick to the hands, sticky, the pies stick together well. It is possible to vicorate for any kind of pies, greased, biscuits, and pies.

This photo is not mine from tirnet

  • Cooking hour: 1 year. 50 min.;
  • Servings: 11-30 app.;
  • Kcal: 115.7;
  • Proteins / Fats / Carbohydrates: 6.4 g / 1.1 g / 48.1 g.

It’s good for someone who cares that cooking dry food can be less than homemade gifts. It’s not important to cook healthy pies with dough on dry-dry, just follow the instructions carefully and don’t be afraid to practice with the dough. Stuffings for pies can be beaten differently. First, proceed to the vipіchka, it is necessary to get acquainted with the views yeast test and in the ways of yoga preparation.

Drijdzhove dough for pies

Preparation of dough on yeasts includes the use of fresh, dry or pressed yeasts. With the interaction of carbon dioxide, which is vibrated by living yeasts, and boars grow bulbs, which rise in warmth and silence.

Drіzhdzhovoe tіsto is served on bread and comfort. For the preparation of pirіzhkіv vicorist it is more comfortable.

Use the method of kilka kіlka kіlka zamіsu tіsta on drіzhdzhakh: oparny (whenever, first lower zmіshati іngredієnti, let the dough infuse) and safe (ingredієnti zmіshuyut odrazu).

Deyakikh gospodarok praise food: you can freeze dough on yeast in the refrigerator. You can save in the freezer by putting it in polyethylene. Deyakim the structure of the frozen dough should be more.


The main ingredients, like vicorist for the preparation of dough, however. They cook the dough on water, mud and dryness. Depending on the peculiarity of the test, the ingredients can be replaced, milk, kefir, sil, tsukor, fat can be added to it see different fillings.

Warehouse of ingredients for yeast cakes:

  1. Milk - 150 ml;
  2. Boroshno - 650 rubles;
  3. Dry yeast - 9 g;
  4. Eggs - 1 pc.;
  5. Tsukrovy pіsok - 3 tbsp.
  6. Strength - 1 tsp;
  7. Sonyashnikova Oliya - 50 ml.

Drіzhdzhovі pirіzhki are the best vipіkati at the oven.

The best dry dough for pastries at the oven

It’s good to give sweetness and softness to pies. This variant is one of the best homemade recipes, the topping is poached, and the filling can be cooked to your liking. Dobre pіdіyde ovocheva, fruit and cheese filling.

How to cook Pokrokovo pies:

  1. The milk is sizzling dry. Give the sumishi to stand until the pinna hat is settled.
  2. Break the eggs into the bowl of the glebok. Give them strength and zukor.
  3. Add an ole.
  4. Vitality in єmnіst drіzhdzhovu sumіsh. Mix it up resolutely.
  5. Give it rough. Mіsity it is so, until it is not sticky to the hands and becomes soft.
  6. Keep the heat away from the heat. Vono may go vdvichi.
  7. Prepare your chosen filling. The stuffing is not guilty of being rare.
  8. Put the pirіzhki in the oven at a temperature of 110 degrees. Vipіkati khvilin 10-10, until appetizing blush.

The recipe is even easier to prepare. The dough looks like a lower one, and the spirit cakes are savory.

M'yaki buns from yeast dough in the oven

Savory buns made from yeast dough can be served on dry yeast bread.

To make a swede dry on olive oil, you need to mix borosna flasks, a bag of drіzhdzhiv, 1 tbsp. l. zucru and a troch of salt. Pidgriti 1 tbsp. l. an inch of butter | mastila |, 1/3 bottle of milk, pour everything into a sumish with a bowl. Beat with a blender the whilini 1-3. After that, you need to mix it up with a boar, and let it stand for 10 hvilin. 11 buns from the finished dough.

You can experiment with the dough, and you can give the buns a different shape and look. Whom to the soul is zvichayna round shape, deakim - figured. In order to give it a special look at the process of molding, you can tightly twist it into the form of a comb, sonechka, twist it into a looking pussy, etc.

Obrobka healthy dough- Tsіle mystetstvo. Methods for molding buns and pies are basically impersonal, craftsmanship can be achieved in practice.

Viklasti ready figurki on the masked form for vip_cannya. Sob the buns were delicious, it’s necessary to cover them with hot water and the dates are lifted with a stretch of the year.

Baking buns for 180 degrees, stretching 15-10 quills.

Ready buns to spread with butter | oil |. You can embellish them to your own discretion. For example, you can prepare a savory cream from sour cream, or sprinkle it with tsukr and tsukrovy powder.

Drіzhdzhové tіsto pіdіyde for preparing biscuit pirіzhkіv and buns. Vipіchka come out savory like from self-made, so from purchased dough. Golovne - know the secrets of the creation of the lower and written structure, so that making pies and buns will be easy and fast. Like robiti fillings, slid virishuvati vikhodyachi zі smokovih likened to the motherland. Garni, tsukrovi, savory buns will delight the household and guests.

Drіzhdzhove dough for pirіzhkіv pokrokovo.


for the base:

  • borosno - 3 tablespoons;
  • roslinna oliya (sonyashnikova) - 3 tablespoons;
  • tsukor pіsok - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon.

For yeast dough:

  • 1 bottle of warm water;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 1.5 teaspoons of dry yeast;
  • 4-5 flasks of borosna (deposit in the form of gluten).

The best dough for pirіzhkіv. Pokrokovy recipe

I’ll start brewing softly.

  1. Dip borosno into a bowl, bury it and pour it into a new olive, add zukor and strength. Pour everything with 1 bottle of sprinkles and mix well. Pochekati, docks oholone.

Robimo drіzhdzhove hard.

  1. Add to the chilled sumish (from point 1) a bottle of warm water, a zhovtka, dry yeast and a boar (a lot of borosna is stale in the form of її yakost). Zamіsiti іsto (shob not sticky to the hands).
  2. Dates to stand for 30 minutes until the year and you can start tasting pirіzhki.

It appears that not all gentlemen (navit dosvіdcheni) know how to make pies correctly. It’s really easy to do everything, just like knowing a bunch of secrets of work with a test.

The rule is ahead. Vіdmіnniy nastrіy: tіsto vіdchuvaє your hands and your mood, as if nothing, you can't find anything from the most recent recipe for the test. Before the commission, you need to start only in the spirit of the government (how to do it - the choice is yours)

Another rule. Boroshna may buti stіlki, so that it does not stick tightly to the hands. Yakscho vy got lost - it means that they didn’t work like that. Porada from the chef: sip boroughly on the table with hot water, bury the grave, add all the warehouses and start mixing. If the masa stops sticking to your hands, it's ready.

Rule of thirds. Shake hands with olive - and it’s not sticky!

They made the storehouses - they prepared dough for pirozhkіv: light, povіtryane, not sticky to the hands.

The next stage: we start drinking pies. Do you want to share a secret, how to make them beautiful? We work on the back of the head with a testa cowbaska with a diameter of 5 centimeters, we divide it on equal parts (with a knife or with a finger). Another secret: it is worth loving only dotik hands, to that: not rіzhemo - but vіdshpuєmo; not rocking with a rocking chair - but with hands.

Oval patties(Classic form). Rozim'yati dough in a biscuit shortcake about a centimeter. Put the filling at the center, pinch the edges with a pivmіsyatsem. Slightly rumpled, put on the seam when poking.

Round pies(As a rule, there are whites and chickens). Zrobiti a shortbread, put the filling in the center. Raise the edges, make a small bag. Take the ledge in the middle (stitch after it, so that the ledge is not too great, otherwise it’s bad to get oiled).

Tricot pies(Traditional form for rosettes). Rozim'yati dough in a shortbread, spread the filling on all surfaces (leave the left edge). Cover the edge with cold water, and from the two upper kutіv make a "strelka". Raise the bottom edge and hem, pinching the seams.

Embossed pies. Thoroughly rozim'yati in an oval-shaped cake, put the filling, pulling it all the way through "cowbas". Tighten the top and bottom edges by about ¼ of the length of the shortbread. Let's take the upper edge by the tips and put them one on one over the filling. Take the dough from both sides of the shortbread and lay it crosswise. Hello, scho you "spit" a shortbread. For one pie, you need 4-5 spawns.

Rules for sipping cakes at the spirits.

Otzhe, they chose the form they needed, they poured pirozhkiv. What did you give?

We turn on the oven to heat up, and for the whole hour we bake pirіzhki (put on a sheet) with grub plіvka, smeared with olive oil. Khvilin in 15 times will rise and pies will become 2 times bigger. It will be necessary to smear them with milk or an egg (for the preparation of a ready-to-eat ruddy and lustrous smear) and correct it.

If you want to lubricate them, you can work not only in a frying pan. Hurry up with one more joy: take a deep dish (a stewpan or a wide saucepan), pour dewy olive insoles, so that the patties will be covered by about 1 centimeter, dip the patties into the baked olive and smear them under the lid from two sides. With this method, the patties are well smeared, thinner, dryer, softer.

Testka from yeast test. Pokrokovy recipe

  1. We prepare the filling (I want to spread it, as it is especially popular with my homeland). Z rozrahunka for 1 pie: a tablespoon with hot water mashed potatoes(I cook yoga on mayonnaise, without adding cibuli), half of a sausage and 2-3 pieces of salted ogirk.
  2. We put mashed potatoes in the middle, put half of the sausage on the side, and the top - a roll of ogirkiv. You can make traditional oval patties, or better yet pinch them like chebureks and take the troch.
  3. Smazhimo at the great kіlkostі dewy olії, under the krishkoy (to marvel more).
  4. The stuffing can be vikoristovuvat tsyu or be-yaku іnsh, to your liking and fallow according to your imagination.
  5. I, so be it, “for a snack”, I want to propagate you a recipe for another original filling for lubricated pies.

Stuffing from kvass. 100 g of lard are thoroughly pored and melted in a frying pan (do not clean the greaves), add 1 bottle of white kvass there (cook in salted water until soft). Shuffle and add | add | in qiu sumish the details of the watchmaker. Salt for relish, cool and you can start pirіzhki.

They baked the dough, baked the most delicious pies - you can click to the table of the household. With tea, milk and compote - whoever likes it - pirіzhki on yeast testі pіdut for a sweet soul. We only want to praise them: and the pies themselves, and the hands of the hostess, who prepared them. The site “I love to cook” offers you a good appetite and a check for the living room for new recipes. I give respect to i.

The recipe for yeast dough is rich. Forgive me. For licorice pies and pies with a "serious" filling. Ale, these recipes have one shortcoming: as if it wasn’t a savory fresh veggie, it quickly absorbs its aroma and pissnist, and then it’s stale.

However, there is a recipe for which the quality of pies is left at the height of a sprat of days. І vіn dosit forgiveness. Behind him, it is possible to inspire the mister-pochatkіvets. Ale shob wiyshli side pies, you need to know the kіlka cunning and do not cheat with them in the process of preparation.

For such non-stale pies, special preparations are made brewed dry dough.

I got this recipe from my grandmother, and it’s already been over ten years of vines for me. All my girlfriends cook buns-curls in a different way, go out to all, and all just praise.

So let's do it. Guessing, I want the result - we all work for technology
We need:

3 eggs;
- 0.5 liters of milk + pivsklyanka for pouring drіzhdzhіv;
- 200 g margarine;
- 50 g of dried fruits;
- borosno;
- sil, tsukor, oliya.

Boroshno treba obov'yazkovo pass through a sieve. Margarine is taken out of the refrigerator, so that it reaches room temperature. Drіzhdzhi zmіshuєmo іz pіpkoy zukra and pour half a flask of warm milk. It's too much, schobs have risen.

In an enameled pan, we pour approximately borosna beer and pour small portions of refined oliya. Let's move on. Masa may be creamy, without breasts.

For the time being, we are pouring borosto with olive oil, milk is warming on the stove. As soon as it boiled, in portions it was poured into a sum of borosna that olії. They poured a portion, mixed it up. They poured it again - they mixed it up.

We give strength. Generously. We scoop up the strength of the dolonka, approximately two phalanxes of the fingers. Don't fight, it's not rich, beat a teaspoon. Potim dodaemo tsukor, it requires approximately pivsklyanki or 2/3, no more. Let's move on.

Now we’re waving in qiu sumish (not hot) drіzhdzhi. Let's move on.

It's time for margarine. Vіn maє buti room temperature, what is softer in consistency, then shorter. Added, mixed.

Eggs are introduced at the sumish one by one, relatively spreading.

Let's sweat in small portions boroughly, spread with a spoon. As soon as the masa became thicker for sour cream, the dough is ready.

Leave it for a couple of years in a warm place. Approximately for the next five years, you will need to reverify. Yakshcho Opara was kindly raised - hug. In a deaky hour, if I rise again, embrace again. Were you robbed?

Now the hour has come to add more flour, so that it will already be right. Let's give offal, no more than half a bottle. They finished it - they mixed it up. And so a sprat of times. So it is not necessary to mix it with your hands. We use a spoon. It will be important to turn the spoon, otherwise it will measure the correct dough. Like only a spoon does not check the dough and you want to start brushing it with your hands, stop! Boroshna is no longer needed. At the same time, it can be soft, and you can wind the trochs stick to your hands.

Once again we put it in a warm place, so it went down. I hvilin in 20-30 you have a miraculously quiet.

Fillings for pies from this dough can be different: meat, ribn, licorice, vegetable, sirn. You can work like great closed pies, so you can open them or close them with gates. Abo small pies, cheesecakes, rolls.

And a couple more secrets: pirіzhki before planting in the oven, you need to smear | smear | a beaten sum of egg yolk with milk. І obov'yazkovo give them ten hvilin. Sweat - at the fire of the oven. Shvidko pies are sipped - 10-15 quills.

They come more quickly. It's universally quiet, it's more tasty, it suits everyone. There is no one to say that it’s better to make it tastier for the best stuffing. Maybe that pies from the new one are not stale?

Until the speech, it’s miraculously saved on the upper police of the refrigerator for 4-5 days. Bring your friends!

> 8 themselves best recipes delicious dough

Koristuvalnicky Poshuk

8 best recipes for savory dough

1. Kefirne tіsto іz syrom

warehouse: 1 cup kefir.
1 cup grated syrah
0.5 teaspoon salt
2/3 teaspoon soda
1 teaspoon zucru
2 flasks of boroshna If you rub sir on the great third, then you will see miraculous shortbreads and sausages in the dough, and if on the dribniy - you will see a garnet of tisto for the other drіbnoy vypіchka, for example bagels, etc.

2. Fresh dough on sour cream

warehouse: 1 bottle of sour cream
2 flasks of borosna
2 tablespoons zucru
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon soda
1 egg
100 g milk
50 g melted margarine
The skin booth will have products for this test. That's why it's especially popular. From the new one, you can cook shortbread before tea, or you can have pies with whatever filling.

3. Drijdzhové dough on kefir

warehouse: 1 bottle of kefir
0.5 bottles of dewy ole
1 tablespoon zucru
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon dry dried (50 g wet)
2.5 flasks of boroshna It is not greasy, fluffy, it is good for non-licorice wine, but for wine, you will lubricate it in olive oil. It is determined by drіzhdzhi at kefir at room temperature. Let's add other ingredients and mix it up. Leave for a year-repeat for pidyoma.

4. Poured tisto on kefir (p'yatikhvilinka)

warehouse: 2 eggs
0.5 teaspoon salt
1 flask borosna
1 bottle of kefir
1 teaspoon of soda Soda quench with kefir, add eggs, strength, mix thoroughly and relatively. Ready. The dough is lighter, fluffy and smutty, without a drop of fat. You can cook with him, whether it’s a pie or a pizza. Only the stuffing is not to blame but the water.

5. Safe and healthy dryness

warehouse: 300 ml syrovatka (you can use milk or kefir)
drіzhdzhi (50 gr fresh or 1 teaspoon dry)
250 g margarine
0.5 teaspoon salt
0.5 bottles of tsukru
4-5 flasks of borosna
3 eggs Melt margarine. Mix it up with all the ingredients and put it in the refrigerator. It’s not easy to work hard, to that you’ve caught margarine in the refrigerator. The best yoga work for nothing. Vrantsі can rozpochinati vipіchku. It’s better for us, that we’ve got it better to lie by the refrigerator, it’s better. Pratsyuvati from him alone is satisfied. It is suitable for both licorice and non-licorice vodka.

6. Safe Dry Dry

warehouse: 0.5 l milk
1 egg
0.5 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon zucru
1/3 bottle of olive oil
4-5 bottles of borosna
30 g wet drizzle We work hard. At the warm milk, it is different drіzhdzhі, we give strength, tsukor, olіyu and borosno. Everything is relatively moved, put in a bag and tied to the beast, leaving room for food and in the refrigerator for the night. And lies can be smeared with something that your soul cares about. It is more simple and good to go for lubrication in oil, ale and for brewing tezh vіdmіnno. From the new one, you can just grease the shortbread before tea. Take away from the refrigerator for a few days.

7. Drіzhdzhovе іsto (with soda), yak nіkola nіkola nіdvodvat

warehouse: 2 eggs
150 g margarine
200 g sour cream
1 bottle of tsukru
0.5 packs of wet yeast (50 g)
0.5 teaspoon soda
4 bottles of boroshn (approx.)
0.5 teaspoon of salt Dissolve yeast in 50 g of warm water, add melted margarine, beat eggs with zucr, sour cream with soda and that strength. Relatively mix it up and sip it boroughly. Tisto is not guilty, but we are twisting. Leave for 10 credits. Robit from a new pie or pie, roll it with a towel for 40 quills. After 40 khvilin you can pekti. It’s not necessary for licorice as it is, just don’t add zukor, for example, for a meat pie.

8. Sirne tisto

more savory tisto And it’s easy to cook, and it’s easy, and you can work with a little bakery and gingerbread, ale, and pies, and the basis for a raspberry pie. Virobi z th test come out even softer and lower. warehouse: 2 bottles (250 ml) borosna
200 g syrah
100 g soft olive oil
2/3 teaspoon soda
0.5 teaspoon salt
1 egg
100 g of zucru We mix it with soda. Okremo zbivaemo butter | oil | z|iz| tsukrom, add | add | cheese, eggs and good mix. Visipaemo boroshnyanu sumish and zamishuemo tіsto. You can cook something new right away.

Always add starch to the dough of potato starches - rolls and pies will be food and soft inspire the coming day. Golovna Umova savory pies- it’s better, it’s good, it’s good: it’s necessary to ask for a test: outside houses are seen from the new one, and it’s getting sour.

In case of dough (cream dumplings, leafy, custard, pisochny), then dough for pies, mlints, bread, pancakes - on pіvlіtra rіdini, add a “handful” (about a tablespoon with hot water) semolina. The nuns taught: "Earlier, the best bread was cooked from grains. We haven’t hung out for a long time and we’ve been writing. There’s no grains at once. Now add a handful of semolina and you’ll be garna vipіchka." The axis is such a priceless joy.

Dodavati in the dough, okrіm milk pіvsklyanki mineral water. To dissolve 1 tsp. sodi in 1/2 tbsp. drive that lightly put out її citric acid or otstom.

Vipіchka is right to come out super. Navit scho lost the coming day, pishnenko.

At the adopted, de work it out quietly, it’s not guilty to stretch it out: I’ll spriya the approved arc of a strong mote on pyrosis.

When mixing yeast dough, all products should be warm or at room temperature, products from the refrigerator should be added to the test

For yeast virobiv, the homeland can always grow up to 30 - 35? Z, shards of yeast fungi in the countryside, which can lower or higher temperature, spend their activity

If you knead it hard, your hands will be dry.

Before that, put the virobi in the oven, pronounce it to you with a stretch of 15 - 20 hvilin. Before testing the test, let it stand again. With an inconsistent vistoyuvannya, it’s filthy to rise and the pies do not bake for a long time.

Vipkati pies on the deck on medium fire, so that the filling does not dry out.

In dry (dry and fresh-healthy) it is best to add unheated Vershkov oil, shards of melted butter aggravate the structure of the dough

Pies prepared with milk, savory and fragrant, spicy after the spicy bliskucha with a garnish of color.

Drіzhdzhі for tіsta povinnі buti fresh, іz priєmny alcoholic smell. Reverse the drіzhdzhi zazdalegіd. For whom, prepare a small portion of the dough and drink it with a bowl of borosna. If after 30 quills cracks do not appear, then the quality of the yeast is filthy.

If there is too much zucru in the pastry, the pies will quickly “brown up” and start to burn. The broth of yeast dough is getting better, and the pies come out less nutritious.

Fat, softened to the density of sour cream, add, for example, mixing the dough or yogo obminannya, in the wake of the wandering, the dough is full.

So that the pies were ready, the lower ones and the smaller ones, put only the yellows in the dough.

High pies are boiled on a weak fire, so that the stench was drunk evenly.

The dough for the pie, which is boiled on the sounding board, grows thinner yakomoga, so that the taste of the filling is well perceived.

So that the bottom part of the pie is dry, lightly sip the bottom layer of the pie with starch, and then add the filling.

Neither the dough nor the dough should be allowed to change, the shards of the same vibrated the worsening of the quality of the dough. Sufficient 3 years, ale obov'yazkovo in warmth.

Pies made from yeast dough can be smeared with milk, and for the bazhannya you can sip the animal sill, poppy seeds, and cumin.

Close the pies before boiling with a beaten egg, milk, tsukrovy water. Zavdyaki tsyoma on the finished chovni is an appetizing gloss. The best glare comes out when oiled with zhovtki.

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