An effective exhibit in landscape design is a chestnut tree. Fruit chestnut - peas. Exalted power and stagnation Description of the chestnut tree for small children

At the white sarafan

With hustinki in the intestines,

With garnii clasps,

Іz green earrings.

(A. Prokofiev)

The birch itself is respected as a symbol of our country. From a long time ago, about the whole tree, they folded songs, verses:

There was a birch near the field,

The curly hair stood by the floor.

There was a birch under my window

She covered herself with snow, instead of falling,

On fluffy heels with a snowy glare

The tufts of white fringe blossomed.

(S. Yesenin)

Birch is not viable, grows on dry sands, and on swampy soils. You can see in forests, in fields, and in parks.

Provesnoy, if nirks swell on the trees, on the birch there are flowers - small-sized earrings. Intense stench is looming, melting brown. At the skin of mature earrings, there are hundreds of dribbling incrustations. And with a zagalom of a mature tree in fruitful rocks, they can ripen up to a few millions. Most of the fruitlets, similar to the arc of a small blizzard with wide wings, spread in the wind in the great weather and the coming spring, germinate on the ground. The axis of why birch is one of the first borrowings of free land plots.

Bіla birch bark - birch bark - wreak havoc and protect the tree from overheating.

For a long time ago, birch bark was harvested for the preparation of butt sap. Sirovina was harvested by hanging. At this hour, "the birch bark is shedding", so that it is freely watered in the sight of the village. The syrovina was dried in the shade and smoothed under pressure. From birch bark they made tuyeski, kitchens, bread boxes, boxes and other items. From the inner part of the measles of the birch - the face - weaved legs, baskets, bauli.

If people still didn’t get the papier to work, they wrote on birch bark. Birch bark letters, yakim 700-800 years old, have been preserved to this day.

Birch and in our days bring measles. From її villages they make furniture. Birch nirks are for the purpose of power, they are vicarious for the preparation of likings.

sticky brunki,

green leaves,

With white bark,

Stand over the mountain.


Oak plank and wind

Let's not be afraid.

Who said what to oak

Scared to get cold?

Age until late autumn

I stand green.

So, I'm vitrival,

So, zagartovy.

Oak is a stronger, more majestic tree. Stovbur tovsty, covered with brown-gray bark with winding cracks. The older the tree, the more glibsha crack. Oak vvazhayut specialization of the heroic power. In Greece, the oak tree was a symbol of strength, power and nobility. The oak was dedicated to the patron saint of mysteries - the god Apollo. In Ancient Rome, acorns were valued as divine fruits. Pliny the Elder, an old Roman scholar, wrote about oaks like this: “Not broken by centuries, one century with the all-world, the stench opposes its immortal share, like a majestic wonder of the world.”

Oak vvazhali sacred tree that word, yogo, was assigned to the god of glitter and thunder - Perun.

Oak is the king of trees,

May have a great role.

(I. Goryunova)

There are no trees near the middle smoothie, as if they would turn the oaks with roses. Oaks live 400-500 years. One by one, the specimens reach the vіku close to the second thousand rokіv. The most recent oak growth near Nimechchina. Yogo vіk - about 1400 years.

Oak is a light-loving tree. Did you turn your respect to the oak tree? The stench of bagatorazov bent, twisted, old oaks may have chimeric virgins. On the right, in the fact that the chicks constantly reach out to the sun, light. Axis and change straight ahead increase the fallow in the light.

Oak trees bloom at the herb. Fruits - acorns - ripen in autumn. Love with acorns to love a lot of fox bags: wild boars, deer, field bears, jays.

Oak has a valuable wood: thin, hard, a stone with a beautiful texture. Її vicorist for shipbuilding, furniture, carpentry manufacturing.

I'm from krihti-barrels wiliz,

Root let out and virіs,

I became high and mighty,

I'm not afraid of neither thunderstorms nor gloom.

I yearn for pigs and protein -

Nothing, plaid my creid.


Whose smooth box

Bronze color

Zahokhovy small oak

The coming lit.


The sun rose early

Looked up to the hut.

The chestnut blossomed

Behind my window.

Birds are sleeping

Close, close here

Mean it's here

Golden summer.

(G. Boyka)

Kinsky chestnut is a majestic tree with a spread, narrow, even high crown. Stovbur near mature trees is narrower, ring straight. The height of the tree is 25-30 meters.

The Kinsky chestnut is deservedly crowned with the glory of one of the most beautiful park trees. Yogos often visit parks and gardens, near houses and dachas. Hanging on the chestnuts are large sticky greenish-royal nirks. After a few days, they show an original large leaf, divided into 5-7 leaves.

On the cob grass chestnut flowers. The flowers of the new arc are beautiful - pyramidal hairs up to 30 centimeters high, which are made up of great white flowers with yellow or red drops of juice. Kviti, who make candles on a new tree, give a tree a unique look. Chestnut fruits also look attractive: green, with numerous thorns, clumps of boxes, 1-3 blisks, dark brown in the skin.

In the pivdennih districts, the growth of the chestnut is a noble nobility. The vines are so strongly permeated by the chestnut of Kinsky, that they can be brought to different families. The stench is similar only to the sound, in both species it is gleaming, brown, differently polished peas, the same shells are laid in the mayzha, only in the natural vain a borax with thorns, and in the Kinsky chestnut - bright green with humps. It’s easy to say why the chestnut was called kіnsky. Use two versions. Behind one of them, after the fall of the leaf on the place where the petiole is attached to the nail, a scar is left, which predicts the trace of the kіnskoy pіdkovi. From the other side, on the dark brown surface of the fruit, there is a sulfur flame, similar to the wand of the Kinsk kopit.

1. In Geneva, already in the 2nd century, there is a tradition by a special decree to deafen the coming spring, if the first leaf is released on the “official chestnut”, which grows under the viknam of the cantonal order. According to the statistics, most of the spring was stunned at the birch, although often earlier, and in 2002, the chestnut tree and zovsim blossomed on the 29th of December. The most paradoxical fate of the year 2006: early spring was bared at the birch tree, and then again at the yellow one, for the tree bloomed again without success.

2. In 1969, the coat of arms of Kiev became a chestnut tree - through those that were accepted at a glance, and the leaves of that flower were small in a clearly ordered form.

3. In Sicily, the growth is the oldest and the same tree in the world. Chestnut records in the Guinness book with a stake of the trunk 57.9 m and yogo vіk vіd 2000 to 4000 years.

Chestnut is the only mountain with vitamin C.

4. Spiders never weave cobwebs from chestnut trees. The axis of why so many European castles were built from vicarious chestnut beams.

Like a vipadku with popcorn, the middle chestnut shkaralupi avenge the Vologda. If the wine heats up, the vologer can use the power to tear the shell (which sounds like a characteristic sound), then it’s necessary to tear the chestnut shell, so that a couple enters, otherwise it will become a small vib.

5. Chestnut peas rich in carbohydrates and shvidsche guess potatoes, lower peas. Through a high vmіst starch, chestnuts are ideal for grinding in the borosno.

6. Chestnut trees live for 500 years and more. The stench was founded from prehistoric hours. Up to 378 r. BC the Romans actively cultivated chestnuts and ground peas into borosno for boiling bread.

Kashtani was called "rice that grows on trees" for a quiet feast, as their lives of power appeared supernaturally similar to brown rice.

The Chinese give 40% of the dried chestnuts to the world. The stench zapіkayut їх at the hot pisk, quench and cook at the soups.

7. Near France on Rіzdvota New river serve a special meal - candied chestnuts, which are called marron glace

Yakshcho mi zvikli prepared for the Great Day paska and farbovani chicken eggs, then the Corsicans consecrate chestnuts at the church.

At folk medicine vydvar іz dry chestnuts vykorovuyut for the exhilaration of a cold, I carry that as a sechoginny zasіb when brining. Pour the peas with water in the proportion of 1:10 and boil them for a year, let them cool down and process. Take 2 tbsp. spoons 3-5 times a day.

Botanical name: Kіnsky chestnut, shlunnik, aesculus (Aesculus), genus of the Sapindov family.

Batkivshchyna of Kinsky chestnut: Greece.

Lighting: light-loving, shade-vitrifying.

Priming: fluff, rodyucha, globok, clayey, supishchan, pomіrno vologa.

Watering: died.

Maximum tree height: 25 m

The average life of a tree: 300 years.

Landing: nasіnyam, live bait and vіdvedennyami.

Tree kіnsky chestnut: description of that budova

Deciduous tree, height up to 25 m-code, deciduous forms grow near looking chagars, reach 1.5-2m. The chestnut leaf is large, folded, with five to seven palms, with a long petiole. By leafing the chestnut tree, I establish an open crown. Quotes of calls, both articles, asymmetric, incorrect, fragrant.

Autumn chestnut leaves are yellow, brown, purple, crimson in color. Sutsvittya - large, pyramidal, upright cysts. Axis succulent and pubescent. The flower cover is made up of a green cup with 5 growing bases of sepals and a whitish base with an erysipelatous base of 5 white pellets, one of them is mixed with 3 and 4 sepals, dribny, and sometimes zovsim per day. 7 eggs with long and bent threads. The queen bee consists of 3 carpels.

The upper trinature ovary, in the skin nest there are 2 ovules: one is straight up, the other down. Stovpchik dovgy. Flowers bloom from grass to black. At the nectar of the flowers, the chestnut tree has a lot of sucrose. Kinsky chestnut with terry flowers has daily nectar. In addition, de flower the chestnut, lay down the form and rosemary of the yogo flower. On pіvdnі chestnut color chervonim, white, beige and erysipelas color. Flowers have a strong, welcoming aroma. Photo of chestnut leaves:

Plіd - a kulyasta green box (gorіkh), 6-8 cm long, with three chairs that open up, planted with prickly thorns. The fruits have 1-4 naps. Chestnut fruits ripen near spring - yellow. The fructification of the kіnsky chestnut begins in 15-25 years. Roslin is a miraculous honey plant. May have decorative value. Winter-hardy chestnut, but young individuals in the minds of harsh winters can freeze. Sensitive to dryness. Letting the leaves suffer from the supernatural sinter and dryness, fall or dry up.

Photo of a tree kіnsky chestnut.

Where is the color of chestnut?

In natural minds, the chestnut tree of Kіnsk grows in Pivdennіy Evropi, in pivnіchі Іndії, near Сkhіdnіy Аzії, Pіvnіchnіy Ameritsі. Vіddaє perevag pomirnomu climate, fresh, fluffy, fertile soil. At wild nature zustrіchaєtsya at the forests of the Balkan Pivostrov, at the pіvnоchi of Greece, Albania, Serbia and Bulgaria. Cultivated in Europe, China, Japan, Pivnichny America. There are close to 15 species of growing trees. Russia has up to 13 species.

First, the Kinsky chestnut appeared at Constantinople (1557), then we were transported to Vidnya (1588). On this day, the whole tree is wider throughout Europe. Vykoristovuetsya in single and group plantings, near parks, squares and gardens. Russia cultivates in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other great places.

Kіnskі chestnuts are kindly endured by the middle of the world, but for the minds of strong gas pollution they can be suffocated. The first 10 years will grow more regularly. Intensive growth is observed in the age of 10-25 years.

Landing that sight

Reproduce roslina for us. The similarity is still high. Hanging out of the spring period, the end of the day, the ear of the grass. Planting depth is up to 8 cm. 40 pieces of paper hang per 1 running meter. In the first 10 years of syance, it is enough to grow properly, so in such a place it is better to transplant from a breast of the earth. After planting the obov'yazkovy ryasny watering, then the growth will take root well. Vіdstan between trees can become close to 6 m. At sour soil, it is added vapno. It is necessary to bring in a good spring: cows and sechovin, rose by the water. Autumn zastosovuetsya kindly nitroamofosku. In a dry period, roslin will require regular watering. When weeding, the soil should be fluffed up. Pristovburne kolo mulch with wooden triska or peat compost. Periodically clean the tree from dzigovikh pagonіv and dry woods.

Decorative forms of the kіnsk chestnut are propagated with baits, introductions, splits and live bait. The most important way of reproduction is the simplest.

In ornamental gardening, the most popular are the forms of the Kinsky chestnut, which are propagated by a vegetative path: pyramidal, low-growing, weeping, column-like, ripple-leaved, umbrella-like, a form with terry flowers.

Shkidniki and ailments of the tree

The most safe shkіdnik of chestnut kіnskogo vvazhєєє tsіsch. For prophylaxis, the skin tree is treated with karbofos and fitover. Fighting against the shkіdniki roslin help with the borscht of rose and black bleak. To let the flames on the tree shatter yoga with a Bordeaux homeland or foundationazole. To zabіgannya poshkodzhennyam young persons with severe frosts for the winter period, the root neck of the roslin is crooked to the singed leaves. The first two years after planting, the headquarters of the splintered trees will be wrapped with burlap. When frost cracks appear, they are covered with an antiseptic and garden var.

Nasіnnya kіnskogo chestnut

Fresh chestnut of the Kinsky bagate mixed with water and starch. Vykorivuyutsya for the preparation of natural mil. A small number of people go to feed the great thinness, the shards have a specific relish, they look like they are furrowed, which they sip on food, or they are happy with root crops. They also use technical starch and printing glue.

Stovbur and tree husks make tannins of speech, glycoside esculin, saponin escin. To the very same, prepare to avenge the kіnsk chestnut in your warehouse, reduce blood pharynx, tighten the walls of the veins, prevent that clotting of blood clots in blood-bearing vessels.

Chim rich leaf chestnut autumn?

Chestnut paste is stuck in folk medicine. Chestnut leaf is rich in vitamins C and B. Flowers and bark of this tree are used as an anti-spasm and vegetative disease. The bark is antipyretic. Fresh sіk and vіdvar measles rejoice at the sickness of the shkіri. Їх vikoristovuyut at looking baths and compresses.

The extract of this real fruit is used by cosmetologists for the removal of streaks on the faces. Chestnut honey is more corrosive in case of cold ailments, it has a rare consistency, sour taste, crispy crystallization, no color. In the middle century, sniffing tyutyun was robbed from the fruits of the Kinsky chestnut. The chestnut wood of the Kinsky can grow low in quality, so do not become any value in craftsmanship.

The fruit of the kіnskogo chestnut

For the old hours, the fruits of the Kinsky chestnut were dried, ground into borosno and mixed with galloon. In this rank, palіturniki otrimuvali special, palіturny glue. Books bound with the help of such glue were saved for a long time. The wood of this tree served as a material for the preparation musical instruments, vzuttya prosthetics. Zavdyaki її softness and lightness in the form of it vibrated objects of home stuffing, boxes for storing tyutyun and cigars, turning mills. The fishermen vicorated the powder of the fruits of the Kinsky chestnut, which in stagnant water called out the blight of ribs.

It is not recommended for people to live the fruit of the Kіnsk chestnut. Vіdomі vіpadki important debauchery of children and their creatures, scho z'їli fruits. The wooden saw and thyrsus of the tree of the building for the prevention of allergic reactions.

Selecting and harvesting syrovini and a chestnut leaf

For the preparation of medicinal products, infusions and infusions, fruits, leaves, flowers, bark and chestnut trees are used. Select measles for the spring season. Divide the bark into pieces, dry it on open air, and then let it dry at the place where it is aired. Tickets are prepared for spring. On the first day, let them dry in the sun, then under a canopy. Leaves are harvested from grass to spring. Dry on a fresh floor under an overhang, or apply, which is well ventilated, spread out in a thin ball. The fruits are harvested more mature. Dry under hood or in the room at temperatures up to 25 degrees.

Kinsky wild chestnut: description and photo

Leaves tree, species of the genus Horse chestnut, family Konskokashtanovі. Height reaches close to 36 m-code.

Stovbur regular cylindrical shape. The bark is dark brown lamellar.

The root system is strained, with a shearing head root and bichny roots. Young pagons and great radiance.

Nirks are large, sticky, red-brown in color. The crown is wide, dense.

The leaves are opposite, petiolate, palmately folded, rounded, up to 25 cm in diameter.

The cards were white or light rosy, selected from the flower.

The fruits of the chestnut of the Kinsky Zvichayny are rounded boxes (peas). At ripening, three stools open up. They ripen in sickle - faith. This is great, flatten.

De roste chestnut kіnskiy wild

Growth is more important in mountainous forests in the Balkans, pivnochi Greece, Albania, Serbia and Bulgaria. Wild chestnut settles near leafy forests at once from wilkha, hornbeam, linden, oak and other trees. Yak cultural roslina widely wider in subtropical and dead zones of Pivnichnoi pivkul. Russia has a virosta Pivdni middle line. Vykoristovuetsya as a decorative tree for landscaping parks, gardens, squares. Kinskiy chestnut For friendly minds, you can live up to 300 years. Not skhilny to shkіdnikіv i ailment. Grown up individuals are good to endure the transplant. Tenevity. Vіddaє perevagu puffy, deep, calmly watery soils. It is filthy to endure transcendental waters and salty grunts. Sensitive to hot winds - dry, leaves like yellow, wither and fall. Winterproof. Juveniles hatch in severe frosts.

Nasіnnya chestnut kіnskogo zvichayny

Today's flowers of growing are similar to those of a natural chestnut tree. It has a rounded, dovgast shape, up to 5 cm in diameter. The chestnut tree is used in medicine.

When chestnut blossoms

The flower of the chestnut of the Kinsky zvichayny planted grass. Blossom the tree after the opening of the leaves. The flowers are filled with yellow fleas on the feathers, after adding the sight to the nectar, they change the color to bright-chervony. During this period, the coma ceases to sip the tickets.

Viroshchuvannya roslini zvichayny and wild chestnut

Chestnut kіnsky zvichayny hangs in the ground sumish, to avenge the deren, rotten that sand. Vіdstan mіzh trees during planting may become no less than 5-6 m. At the planting pit, add slaked water (100-200 g), crush the drainage ball from crushed stone (10-20 cm). Provesnoy carried out pіdzhivlennya growing. Like a kind warehouse, it comes from cows, sechovin and amino nitrate, rose by the water. Autumn vikoristovuyut nitroamofoski. When planting and coming 4 days of obov'yazkovy regular and regular watering. It is good to endure a tree on dry land, but in dry periods, young individuals need a lot of watering. Razpushuvannya obov'yazkove vydalennya bur'yanіv i sistchennya soil sour. Periodically carried out trimming of the dry and loose heels, cleaning of the stovbur from the pagons. Mulching the stem stake with peat, peat compost and wood cod.

Leaves of the Kinsky chestnut

Mist tannins and pectin speech, vitamin K, glycosides. Vykorivuyutsya in folk medicine for the preparation of infusions and infusions, like zastosovuyutsya with internal bleeding. Harvest the leaves of the kіnskogo chestnut from grass to spring. Dry them on the mountains, or in a dark place, which is good for ventilation. Lay out in a thin ball. The sirovina is ready, it has a pleasant aroma and a dark green infusion.

Shkidniki and ailments of the chestnut of Kіnsk zvichayny

To the most safe shkіdnіv tsієї roslina lie down. Tree ailments: dirchasta plamyst, black plemy.

The fruit of the kіnskogo chestnut

Chestnut peas have long been known for their wholesome powers. France, Japan, and China have a brighter, darker brown vicory like a vishukan, an addition to the grass. Chestnut plaid is sealed, extinguished and lubricated.

Excellent kіnsky chestnut with the correct processing of їstіvny i korisny, rich in fats, proteins, carotene, starch and vitamins. In vіdvarakh and infusions prepared from the fruits of this tree, saponins, coumarins and baringtogenols are washed away. Unripe fruits were given saline, malic, citric, lactic acids, calcium and lecithin. Pea kernels are protected by zinc, barium, chromium, boron, silver, iodine, nickel.

I have a thought that the fruits of chestnut change the pain in case of rheumatism of the globules, to carry 2-3 fruits with them.

Zastosuvannya pea chestnut kіnskogo zvichayny

Roslina chestnut has a decorative value, vikoristovuetsya for landscaping the streets, making alleys, parks and squares. Awakened by a thick, spreading, beautiful crown and visceral great leaves. Particularly pleasing at the time of flowering, during this period, the crown is embellished with numerically erect flowers, which are predicted by the shape of a candle. Bloom brightly on knots, lawns and in single plantings.

Plid chestnut - hot vikoristovuetsya preparation of women's embellishments.

From now on chestnuts are used medicinal preparations that can venotonic, antithrombotic dia, and also medical care that zastosovuetsya with venous congestion and dilated veins.

Gorіh chestnut is not an adjunct for zhі, it's hot and bruised. When living in, you can take away food poisoning. For some creatures, the fruits of the chestnut of the Kіnsk zvichayny serve as food.

The wood of the tree does not have a commercial value, but it exudes a lightness and lightness, so it vibrates homemade stuffing, boxes and souvenirs. At the bark of cієї the tannins of speech are hidden. Leaves bagata on vitamins C and B.

Honey-bearing bjoli get nectar from the chestnut leaves from the high vmіstom zukra and files, hanging - glue (propolis). Previously, the famous chestnut of Kinsky zvichayny, rich in saponins, vicory was used for hemp, flax, seam and outside.

The wood of this tree is already a mitzna, which is often victorious in the carpentry's work, like an array that looks like veneer. Budova chestnut kososharov, the tree itself is siruvata. Bud_vlya chestnut nagaduє oak, alée in rosettes on vіdmіnu like a massive tree, not maє characteristic glare.

The chestnut tree is naturally stagnant with the furniture being made, it is good to sharpen and cut, it is easy to be like a workman. Yogo m'yaka the wood can be equal in strength, well polished, polished and drowned. Vіrobi, vykonanі from oak and chestnut are ventilated more than behind the vaga, it is important to vіdіznіt with vіdpovіdny tonuvannі and podborі structures.

Zastosuvannya chestnut kіnskogo zvichayny in culinary

Forever growing vicorist like surrogate kava. Toxins wiggle before them, now they hang and droop. Alecia process uses a lot of minerals, vitamins and brown microelements. Ready for the day to be smeared.

Nasіnnya chestnut kіnskogo zvichaynogo vengeance water, starch, protein and toxic saponins, like a fork in the front, for non-shedding living in a hedgehog. For this pea, it is enough to scorch, cut into pieces, put it near a cloth bag and wash it for 2-5 days in running water. But after such a strapping, it is not recommended to live in a great number of chestnut trees.

Zastosuvannya leaf of chestnut kіnskogo zvichaynogo in folk medicine

Roslin's chestnut kіnskiy zvichayny vikoristovuєtsya in medicine as a disease-smooth, protizapalny and astringent zasіb. Preparations from tsієї dews sound blood-bearing judges, increase the pressure, zagoyuyut wounds.

The bark of the Kinsk chestnut has a sechoginal, tonic, early healing, antipyretic effect. Vykoristovuetsya for the jubilation of the court ill, varicose veins veins of the lower veins, hemorrhoids and frostbite.

Tea with the measles of the kіnskogo chestnut is drunk for dysentery, for the treatment of the dog and dermatitis. Tea from chestnut leaves is used to treat fever and cough.

Nasіnnya є vіdkharkuvalnym, protinabryachnym and tonіzuyuchim way.

Olієyu, scho otrimuєtsya z nasіnnya tsієї roslini, exult rheumatism.

It is not recommended to live in the present chestnut of Kinsky Zvichayny in case of ailments of the liver and nirok.

From this chestnut tree, starch is obtained, which is added at the time of prana for the fabric of the fabric of hardness.

From measles of chestnut kіnskogo zvichayny obsessed with a yellow natural barvnik. Quercetin - a yellow barvnik-antioxidant.

Souvenirs are made from villages in the village of vugillya.

From the history of chestnut

Formerly, the most unusual, beautiful tree was brought to Europe in the 15th century by the botanist Charles de Lucluse from Istanbul. A handful of yoga was grown at Vіdnі іz nasіnnya. A few hours later, the tree became popular with all European powers. Vikoristovuvalosya for landscaping streets and gardens. The fruits served as food for thinness. Jubilant authorities tsієї roslini was revealed in the 20th century.

About the chestnut, there are a few examples and zabobonivs. It is important to wear a chestnut with you for back pain, rheumatism, arthritis, asthma and problems with the breasts. If you carry three chestnuts with you - it will help you to get rid of a headache and confusion.

Tetyana Khizhnyak

"Wonder tree - chestnut"

Depending on the FGT, the organization of the spiritual-lighting process is carried out through the system to occupy, and also through other forms of lighting work with children of the preschool age.

For the reach of the tsayli ilctic outer, the same izhnereti in the ethy is hidden by the snakes of the evasive galuzі “pirnannya”, and the rope of the pyznaboval-doslіdnitsye (constructive), the formature of the forefront, and such Tsei directly without intermediary po'yazaniya z ecological vihovannyam preschoolers.

One of the most effective innovative technologies is the project method. This method gives children the opportunity to experiment, synthesize knowledge, develop creativity and communicative skills.

Ecological enlightenment of the child is necessary to begin with knowledge of the objects of nature of the nearest sharpening, with which the child is stuck today.

Chestnut - growth on the distance of our herd, plantings of spring rock. The place is spacious, well-lit. In order not to break the sadzhanets, they put Yogo in a color wheel, as if serving Yoma with a parkan. And so it became for the little, weak tree the infamous respect of our group.

Strings, high, zapashnі, p'yanі, and so korisnі. When the chestnut blossoms, it is an unforgettable sight. I for virobiv can become in good fortune. Why do children like chestnuts so much? Chestnuts chirp under the tree, fill up the guts and bring a miracle of nature from a walk home. The selection of chestnuts is the same as the selection of smooth sea stones. Stink just take it to the dotik. And yet it’s such an example that a person, as a rule, wear chestnuts from him, no matter how much your head hurts.

Relevance: We do not often give respect to trees, as if to grow in order with dreams. Trees say do not mind, stink to stand, as if buried, but still they stink alive and we can learn a lot about their life. This project allows you to learn at once from children's history, to carry out research, to fold the tree's passport, to honor it with respect and turbo. And also get to know the signs, tied with a tree (chestnut, works of poets, scribes, learn to respect and appreciate the work of people and bring mischief to the society themselves).

Target: Forming the cob of ecological culture in children in the preschool age.

manager: 1 Expand the statement about the tree - chestnut, the meaning of yoga in the life of a person.

2 Vihovuvati emotsіynu chuynіst, love to the nature of the native land, dbaylivogo setting up to her.

3 Sharpen a tree (chestnut) in the garden of a child's garden with care and respect, develop the children's long-term interest.

Transfer result:

1. Promotion of ecological culture in children of all ages.

2. The development of children's awareness of interest in the objects of nature, the nearest sharpening, the growth of trees.

3. Development of long-term, practical activities in the course of the project "Wonderful Chestnut Tree".

4. Reimbursement of spіvpratsі batkіv іz child nursery.

I stage-preparatory

Implementation strings (worm).

Meta - expanding the knowledge of shaping cob ambush ecological culture in preschoolers 5-6 years old

1 Vivchennya of methodical aids for the program "Childhood": "Plan-program of lighting and spiritual work in nursery»Pid ed. N. V. Goncharova, “The program for the development and development of children in a nursery,” ed. V.I. Loginova, T. I. Babaeva.

2. Education of the basis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the nutrition of environmental education for preschoolers (FGT, San PINi)

3 Detailed analysis The programs “Childhood” distributed “Knowing the Otochyuchy”, “Knowing the Nature”, showing the possibilities of accumulation.

4 Changes in the development of the medium of the problem: giving money and assistance, photographs, leaflets.

5 Diagnosis of environmental development from the scientific and methodological aid "Monitoring at a kindergarten", Ed. T. I. Babaeva, A. G. Gogoberidze, M. V. Krulekht.

6 Reveal a focus on nature, show interest in natural objects and work with them, recognize the need to follow the rules and norms of humane interaction with roslins.

Stage II - (practical).

Implementation strings (linden)

Meta - Vihovuvati a little bit of love and love to native nature

1 Expand the system to take the learning cycle.

Complex activity "Chestnut National Day"

Hand-practiced "Jackets for chestnuts"

Rozmov "Charming chestnut"

Collective application from a chestnut leaf.

The design of the “Chestnut Passport”: name, century, height, width, place of significance, number of chicks, little measles and leaves, wash dovkil…”.

Reviewing illustrations, solving riddles about trees.

Reading tales, fairy tales, legends. (Chinese fairy tale "Chestnut", Dubinina A. "Tale about chestnut" etc.)

Learning verses about chestnut, orders.

2 Expand and expand thematically planned didactic, weekly, crumbling and theatrical games, and expand the children's awareness of chestnut.

Nastіlna gra Memo. Bingo. tree.

Choice of puzzles. Chestnut. Birch. Gorobina.

Igrova right "Who knows better chestnut, birch, poplar"

Word game "Describe, I guess"

Gra "Find a chestnut leaf", "Sho pochatku, sho sweat". Thematically planning Igor is right.

3 Expand and implement the system of cohabitation of children with fathers.

Cyclical watch for chestnut.

Warehouse storage of "The Tale of the Chestnut"

Painting "Such a marvelous tree - chestnut"

A word about the project for the fathers "Stinggazeta"

Stage III - final.

Implementation terms - (serpen)

Meta - reversing the efficiency of a fragmented system.

1 Showing equal development of children.

2 Creation of a photo album for the implementation of the project.

Addendum to the project.

Diagnostic tasks with the method of revealing the peculiarities of the high status to nature in the judgments and behavior of children.

Diagnosis of environmental development from the scientific and methodological aid "Monitoring at a kindergarten" Ed. T. I. Babaeva, A. G. Gogoberidze, M. V. Krulekht

B - high rіven - a child without mercy and correctly rob the diagnostic task.

C- middle rіven - the child cannot be vikonati diagnostic zavdannya, give no evidence, not be able to advise on supplementary nutrition.

N-low - the child is impromptu to become a diagnostician, important to nutrition, may have a weak appearance, allow a lot of pardons, is impromptu to ground her own diagnosis.

Np-cob of project activity

Kp - end of project activity

1) Besida with food.

2) Chatting for pictures.

3) Diagnostic verbal situation.

4) Diagnostic practical situation.

Rivni Cob project

high 10%

middle 50%

low 40%

End of the project

high 45%

middle 50%

Moving up the ranks of moral and ecological culture, seeing the adoption of ecological material.

Handmade "Chestnut hedgehogs"

The children watch and talk about the tree.

Application from chestnut leaves.

Chestnut National Day.

We make a passport for a chestnut tree.


Exhibition of children's robots from fathers.

Pryadikhina Nataliya Yuriivna

Lighting galleys: knowledge (formation of a whole picture of the world, communication, artistic creativity (application).


Vihovuvati love to the nature of the native land;

expand the knowledge of children about chestnut;

expanding and popovnyuvati word stock;

develop an aesthetic taste.


remember the beauty of the fluffy chestnut tree, the vicarious riddles and verses, looking at the tree in the pictures and on the territory of the DPR.

vchiti dbaily put up to roslin,

set in the light of prikmetnikov,

know the meaning of the word alea,

read it correctly and carefully glue the finished details of the chestnut bush.


Photo of the alleys of the Luhansk city, chestnut flowers, virizan details for appliqué, arch paper A4 (frontally stuffed with children in black color, PVA glue, penzliks).

Hid busy.

Vihovatel: Boys, at weekends, you walk with your fathers in parks, squares, just walk along the street. Have you remembered how many trees there are? Guess what the deeds of them are called (showing demo pictures).

Children name trees.

Vihovatel: The trees are visadzhuyut in groups of chi rows. The road, lined with trees on both sides, is called an alley. For alleys, the same conifers and leaves of a tree should be planted. We have poplars, maples, lindens, acacias, chestnut trees near Lugansk (show the photo of Luhanska alleys).


And now I’m naming, from some trees of the avenue, and you say, how it’s called. Alley with poplar?

Children: poplar.

Vihovatel: Alley z maple (maple); avenue of chestnuts (chestnut); avenue of willows (verbova); avenue of oaks (oak); avenue of ash trees (yasenova); avenue of birches (birch); alley z osik (aspen); alley z gorobin (gorobinna); avenue of lindens (lipova).

Vihovatel: Well done! Today we are talking about one tree. You know about yak, if you guess a riddle.

Leafing, like your valley,

The fingers are pink.

Two hanging candles

Mabut - invisible. (chestnut)

Physical culture.

There is a chestnut tree on the subway.

There is a chestnut in the yard,

Like a majestic whistleblower.

A handful of poplar grows with him,

Linden will bloom soon.

The wind is strong,

The mustache of the tree is broken.

Gіlki bend here and there,

The wind hits you, gnat.

Navit tovstі trunks

Healed to the ground.

Vіn їх twist, vіn їх twist.

But when will there be reparations?

Vihovatel: The first chestnuts appeared at Lugansk on the cob of the 70s. Sadzhantsi bathed at the springs of the Luhansk and Donetsk regions.

Chestnut is a beautiful tree, especially at the time of bloom, if you give the tree a wild, Christmas-like look.

Listen to the verse about the chestnut.

Anton Risakov


Waking up, chestnuts!

The white candles have a food camp

Somehow it's your birthday cake

Abo candelabra is old.

Take the wind

Don't light the candles anymore.

And the autumn year will come -

You will delight us again:

Z zhovtih galok to fly

Zgrayki little zhats.

Vihovatel: We have a kіnsky chestnut in Lugansk growth. Kіnsk wines of names with the method of invigoration of yogo unsustainable fruits in the form of the fruits of the right (virtual) chestnut tree similar to them.

Kіnsky chestnut is a decorative leafy tree that reaches 25-30m in height.

Leafing large, folded 5-7 - palmate, guessing the palm with rosy fingers.

The color of the kіnsky chestnut in grass-chervni white, sometimes with erysipelas, erect cone-like branches. On the white cards there are small yellow patches, which become chervonim after the fact that the flowers stop seeing nectar. Changing the color of the flowers is a signal for coma - zapilyuvachiv and the stench ceases to come to the flowers.

And now come to me and respectfully look at the bough of the chestnut tree.

Vihovatel: Guess the riddle.

Autumn on the hills

Children grow up

All without eyes, without hands,

Without nizhok -

Leather yak green zhzhachok. (Kashtani)

Vihovatel: That's right, chestnut fruits are also called chestnuts.

Plid chestnut - a rounded bright-green box covered with thorns. In the middle of the box one, or rather two - three on the line.

The fruit of a natural chestnut is rich in carbohydrates and proteins, they are lubricated and baked, added to borosno and confectionery bread.

Flowers, fruits, and the bark of the Kinsky chestnut are zastosovyvayutsya for the exaltation of the court, hepatic ailments, bronchitis. Faces, embossed on the kіnsky chestnut tree, are protizapalny, krovospinnі, early war and bactericidal dominance.

Roslin is valued as an early honey plant. Chestnut honey is rare, prosory and soundless.

The wood of the kіnsk chestnut tree can be used for the preparation of furniture and door panels, for lathes and carvings. For the old hours, the palette-makers vicorated the dried fruit of the Kinsky chestnut, for the preparation of a special palette glue.

Chestnut can predict the weather. people's prikmeta: As if on the leaves of the kіnsk chestnut "slozi" appeared (sticky droplets of juice, then through the doba or two woods there will be

Vihovatel: And at once, let's zrobimo application "Kvitucha gіlka chestnut."

The vikhovator shows a ready-made sling.

The children lay the virizan details on the arch, and they glue them on.

Vihovatel: Children, listen to the verse.

G. Boyka

The sun rose early

Looked up to the hut.

The chestnut blossomed

Behind my window.

Birds are sleeping

Close, close here

Mean it's here

Golden summer.

Lads, in a few days it will be summer. Do not break the tree, do not shave the leaves from the trees, even if the stench is cleansed again from the shkidlivyh speeches and give us shade in the smoky days. Like we do not take care of the tree, we do not only grow, but for ourselves.

After the end of the exhibition robit.

Publications on the topic:

In the past two years, I have been actively cultivating that vicorous in practice with children of the preschool age of non-traditional forms in the figurative art.

Summary of the lesson "Music and poetry of the native place""Music and Poetry of the Native Place" (Until the Anniversary of the Native Town of Novokuybishevsk) For children - preparing for school group Tsіl: Vikhovannia.

"Move along the streets of the native city." Rozvaga until the Day of the city"Move along the streets of the native city." Rozvagi until the Day of the Mist Preparatory group "Neposidi" Vihovateli: Ionova Irina Oleksiivna,.

Bezposeredno osvіtnya diyalnіst: application "Kvіtucha gіlka" ( preparation group) Meta: development of creative activity.

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