Komakhi-skidniki: garden beetles. Komakhi-shkidniki - the current scourge of cultural roslyns

A number of sickness beetles-shkidniki in the garden and the city are in charge of plantings strong, sometimes wrong Skoda. Roslini languish, pinch the brunkotvorennya, fruits dry and rot. If you don’t see the weeds and don’t get used to other entries in the fight, the garden beetles-shkidniki bliskavichically spread along the litter, threatening to destroy the whole plant. To know the "heaven", which is called, "in the guise" is necessary for the skin city dweller. Familiarize yourself with the description of beetles-shkidnikiv roslin and their photographs.

Garden shkіdnik crossflower

I see sprats of cross-flowered blotches that grow everywhere.

These small bugs, like on the leaves of the cross-flowered roslins, vibrate the upper ball, and as a result, they show frills and frills. Particularly suffer in the rose garden and young growths, when the stink points are damaged by beetles, the points of growth can die.

Planting a seedling in early terms sprinkle more swedish sprout, and develop the development of roslin. In addition, tse pіykіst pіykіst poshkodzhennya.

Also, during the period of the mass appearance of the beetle-shkidnik, it is possible to carry out the processing of roslin with a tyutyunov saw in the sum of the ash 2-3 times with an interval of a few days.

Beetle-shkidnik to the city of dark lusk

This beetle-shkidnik of the city is a brown-black beetle with red-brown tangs, the dozhina does not exceed 1 cm.

At the sight of other beetles, when thrown onto the back, a dark clattering in the air tumbles. When you see it, you see a sound similar to a clatter, which gave it its name.

Look at the photo: This beetle produces thin, long (up to 4 cm) smooth cylindrical larvae.

At the cob stage, the stench smells like transparency, then a yellow-brown blush appears. The development of larvae is observed for 3-5 years.

The wintering of beetles pass near the upper ball of the ground at a depth of up to 15 cm, the stars of the stench appear in the spring during the period of cherry blossoms.

As you can see in the photo, these bugs-shkidniks in the garden live on nirks, flowers and leaves of trees, then move on to the buds of fruits, open deep in them.

After 10 days, after the cherry blossoms, the females of the trumpet worm begin to lay eggs in the pulp of the eggs, curling open with excrement. Through the day, larvae come out of the eggs, and they make their way to the brush and see the middle. After a month, the larva will cross over to the ground, de vodbuvaєtsya її lyalkuvannya. There she loses her winter.

To fight with the cherry pipe-roller, it is necessary to defeat the fruit of picking up and undermining.

Like all komakhi-shkidniki, these beetles are “afraid” of fluffing up and digging up the soil of white trees, which causes a decrease in population.

Garden shkіdnik beetle-kvіtkoїd

Beetle-quitcoid - tse coma of black color with bluish and brown legs, the length of the body becomes 2.5 mm.

Show respect in the photo: tsі shkіdniki beetles to the city are depositing white-siri, covered with black warts larvae.

Ripakovy kvіtkoїd poshkodzhuє radish, turnip, daikon, watercress, horseradish and various varieties of cabbage.

Wintering beetles pass under singed leaves, on tall trellises, as well as near chagars.

The beetles appear hanging on the flowers of some kind of herbaceous growths. At the time of the establishment of buds on cabbage dews, a rіpakovy kvіtkoїd moves to them and begins to eat the internal parts of the bud and saw blades. The laying of the eggs of the female is laid in the buds, which have not yet blossomed, after 10 days the larvae emerge, which the flowers are eating.

After 3 tyzhnі larvae of cich beetles-shkidnikіv roslin go over to the soil, deviate from lialkuvannya. The red-linden beetles appear already in the new generation.

The follow-up is carried out 2 times per week. 1 day before the date of picking, I give birth to the work, it is necessary to add it.

Bazhano visajuvati grew in the soil of the yakomoga earlier, so that the stench bloomed until the females were ready to lay eggs in the flower buds.

Beetle-skidnik in the garden and in the city

This shkіdnik is a small bug, shkodzhuє radish, ripu, ripak, radish, turnip, daikon, watercress, cabbage, horseradish.

Wintering of ripakovy bugs pass under scorched leaves and other growths. On the surface you can see the stench on the cob of worms. The females start laying eggs on the stems, leafing through the pods of the roslins.

Poshkodzhene tsim leafing yellow like a beetle, they are covered with whips that they die. Young people may die. The ties and the flowers fall off.

To fight with the rіpakovym bug, it is recommended to carry out the application of roslin with infusion of luspinnya tsibuli. For yoga preparation, it is necessary to pour 2 bottles of trimmed lushpinnya tsibuli 10 liters of okrop, pour 1 doby with a stretch. The application of the infusion should be carried out 2 times a day with a break of 5 days. I give birth to the next harvest 3 days before picking.

Tsey shkіdnik garden ushkodzhuє more important than a pear. In appearance, the pear-shaped mead is similar to the apple tree, gazing at it with darker infestations and smaller sizes. Pear midyanitsa - comacha of a greenish - brown or yellow - brown color with orange smugs on the back. With a spring, even before the opening of the brunok, the females of the pear honeysuckle start laying eggs. After a week, the larvae sprout and begin to actively soak up the juices from young pagons, brunnocks, leaves and flower buds. If the larvae transform into nymphs, the stench of the leaves, pagons and other fruits, like black ones, fall off. With mass reproduction of the pear tree, the trees are clearly covered with honey dew.

Green apple tree. Tsey shkіdnik ushkodzhuє apple tree, gіd, pear, quince, gorobina, dogwood. Particularly great damage to the popelitsa is given to young trees. The body of the popelitsy is up to 3 mm thick, yellowish-green in color with a black or yellow head and a yellow-green cherevtsy. Mature coma hibernates in cracks of measles, passages of coroids and under scorched leaves. In early spring, the larvae penetrate into the middle of the nirok, which have not yet blossomed. The larvae in the process of development are transformed into females of the mother, as a stretch of the season they produce up to 40 larvae. After 10-15 days, such a skin larva itself can vibrate offspring. The number of generations of coma in the pivdennih districts is 11 - 13 per season.

apple tree. That lingering spring is cold, sprying the growth and development of the apple-tree honeysuckle. Dovzhina has grown to be 3 mm thick, there can be 2 pairs of clear-cut krills and 10 thread-like whiskers. Infestation of the body of the mead on the cob is bright - green, later - strawy - yellow, and until autumn it is brown - yellow and carmine - reddish. In winter, the apple tree is at the stage of larvae; Under the hour of swelling and opening of the nirok from the eggs, the larvae are reborn, as if they are getting on the tops of the nirok, which are opening up. The stench is hard-fed, viscous juices from buds and leaves that have not yet blossomed. At the same time, the larvae of the honeysuckle see copper dew, as if gluing the inner parts of the nirok, changing their normal development. The larvae that have passed into the stage of the nymph also give rise to the trees of the non-abyak shkodi. The stench is forced to eat buds of apple color and young leaves.

Shields. Shchitivki - a group of coma, close to popelitsy, the body of which is covered with a wax shield. The female tsієї komakhi sings and lays eggs under her shield. From them, the larvae grow up, as they smooch up to the roslin and sap from them. This improves the normal development of roslin, weakens them, reduces the quantity and quality of the fruit harvest. Only the larvae grow for the help of birds in that wind; The fight against them is made more difficult by virtue of the small roses and the non-violence of the individuals that have looked at them, as well as the mimicry and color of the measles of the affected trees. The largest wide apple tree coma and acacia shield. The stench of shkodi apple trees, pears, apricots, dogwoods, glods, currants, teren, vines. With the mass reproduction of the shields, the pagons are succumbingly, calling for the death of the trees, and even the whole tree of the bush.

pear mite. Tsej shkіdnik garden ushkodzhuє pear leaves. The new one has a worm-like body and 2 pairs of endings. Mature mites overwinter under the brunok strips. After they are released, the clods move to the leaves and wiggle sik out of them. As a result, small puffs are settling on the leaf, and from the side of the gate - open the thorns, through like pliers they climb into the middle of the leaf. Then, on the leaves, stormy speckles appear, the leaves are black and out of the blue.

Glid. Glіd zavdaє vіdchutnoї shkodi apple-trees, pears, plums, quince, cherries, sweet cherries, apricots, gorobins, glods. Krill thogo panicle white color with a mesh of dark veins. Juvenile caterpillars are grayish-brown with a dark head. Grown-up caterpillars are perked up by 2 brown-orange and 3 black smugs on the back. These nests are dried leaves that hang on a tree and are entwined with cobwebs. A skin caterpillar in such a nest is found in an okremy stingy cocoon. Hinged caterpillars roll over and jump on young brunki, see them, and then move on to flowers and young leaves. With mass reproduction, mature caterpillars often bare the whole tree. On the cob of the worm, the caterpillars of the larvae and on the 2nd day zavmirayut on the backs of trees and chagarniks. Skin female for 2 tyzhnі єї short life can take up to 500 eggs. Praying caterpillars that have appeared from the eggs of the colony, more and more cover the leaves and prepare winter nests for themselves.

Kіlchasti shovkoprya. This shkіdnik garden poshkodzhuє nasіnnya that kistochkovі fruit trees and chagarniki, as well as oak, lіshchina and gіd. Panicle of brownish-yellow infestation with a pair of transverse dark smudges on skin krill. The hind wings of the spiny moth are light behind the front ones. In the range of the krill, the female is 40 mm. Panicle eggs are laid on young chicks. In the world of growth, that leaf is given, the caterpillars establish new spider nests at the forks of the groves. During the day the stinks linger with them, and at night they rise up on the tree and gnaw at the leaves. After lyalkuvannya, after 2 days, blizzards wriggle from cocoons, as if at once they start laying eggs.

unpaired seamworm. Unpaired shovkodzhuє raznі breeds of fruit trees and chagarnikіv. As a result, the trees are damaged by the shovelworm, the leaves are consumed, the harvest and the attack of the second shkіdniki. Females of the gypsy moth are large panicles with a wingspan of up to 80 mm, with yellowish white wings, covered with a fringed fringe. Females are smaller - 45 mm at the wingspan of the krill - with a thin cuticle and siro - brown krill with fringe. The eggs of the unpaired shovelworm are laid on stovburs, stumps and bark of trees, crooking the masonry brown-yellow. The caterpillars of this shkіdnik eat nirks on the cob, and then they pick up leaves, buds and buds. Caterpillars are especially careless. At the red stench, they roam and after 2 days from the cocoons the panicles wag, the buildings mate and lay eggs anew.

apple moth. The apple moth attacks the apple tree. Panicles of the shkіdnik can be brightly - white krill with 3 rows of black yatok on the front pair. The length of the body of the panicle is only 8 mm, and that of the krill is 19 mm. The moth lays eggs on young pagons in batches, up to 100 pieces on the skin, curling them with mucus, which catches and turns into its own shield. Hanging from the eggs, the caterpillars vibrate with a brudno-cream color with a black head and black patches on the back. Large colonies of caterpillars burrow into the middle of a young leaf and hover there for up to 10 days. Poshkodzhen leafing out a handful of reds, then we start drilling. The caterpillars move all over the colony on the new nearest leaves, covering their cobwebs. Spider nests become commemorative of the midst of birds in the world of their growth. At the red caterpillars, blizzards bloom and after 2 days from cocoons blizzards wiggle, like new eggs.

leaf rollers. Great shkoda to fruitful trees are planted by such shkіdniki in the garden, like leaflets. The most wide-ranging ones are nirkova twirl, rosanna leaflet, borax, omnivore, currant leaflet and leaflet - part. Juvenile caterpillars of leaflets hibernate on stovburs of trees, and the hanging caterpillars grow sprats of young leaves near the breast and eat them. The stench of the ear buds, kill that young ovary, and the fruit of the cherry see the pulp. The caterpillars of the leaflets are more brisk - when the nests of the stench are opened, they fall and hang on the cobwebs.

Bukarka. This gardener eats nibs and leaves of apple, pear, cherry, plum, blackthorn, wild cherry, viburnum, hunger and other garden crops. A mature beetle reaches 2-3 mm at a dozhin, may have a wide overlay of a bright blue color with a metal eye and a long proboscis. Winters bukarka in the soil. Hanging beetles trample on trees, pierce nirks and buds, see chicks, queens, prick a flower, after which the buds are pripinyaetsya. For example, flower beetles start laying eggs, and when they do, they also leave leaves of trees. The female lays 1 egg each in the middle vein of the skin sheet, zіkoblyuyuchi at the same z new skin. The larvae, which bred through the day, grow channels in the middle vein and petiole, after which the leaves in the 'yane, storm and fall off.

Apple kvitkoid. The apple-tree flower is the leader of the great shkod to the buds of the apple-tree and the pear. The beetle with a body of about 4.5 mm, ovoid in shape, brown-brown, with a transverse light-gray smoky coat on the elytra and a long proboscis on the head. This shkіdnik garden winters in measles cracks, fallen leaves, garden smіtі and in the soil. Hanging at positive temperatures, beetles emerge from their nests and call on trees. The stench pierce the nirks and buds, vismoktuyuchi sik from them. When the temperature rises again, the females bore the buds with their noses, which were bare at that hour, and lay eggs near the skins. One female can lay up to 100 eggs. Poshkodzhenі them, the buds do not open, but the storms dry up.

goose. The goose gives birth to apple trees, cherries, plums, cherries, blackthorns, apricots, peaches, ear-drinking nirka, buds, flowers and fruits that develop. The body of the beetle is 6 - 10 mm long, cover with hairs. Nadkryl gold - reddish - bronze color with green metal tint; head, nose and whiskers are violet. Young beetles, older than larvae, hibernate near the surface ball of soil, fallen leaves, under the bark of trees. The hung goose is forced to eat hard to reach state maturity. The beetles pierce the burrs of the foundation, and the result is that the stench withers and falls off. After the leaves are released, schoolchildren prick up leaves, buds, flowers, see them in their place and grow a flower. With the appearance of fruits, the goose begins to eat them. The female predicts the chamber in the fetus, where she lays 1 egg. On the back, the beetle lays eggs on a plum, a cherry and a cherry, and then on an apple tree. Pear goose do not be naughty.

Apple tree fruit. Tsya komakha ushkodzhuє apple tree, pear, apricot, plum and other fruits of the tree. Panicle panicles reach 188 mm at the wingspan of the krill. Creela lowered, dark gray color with numerous transverse wispy lines and a bronze eye on the edges of the front par. Mature caterpillars of codling sprouts hibernate under the bark in the lower part of the stem in thin shovkopodіbnyh cocoons. Under the hour of blossoming, the stench begins to bloom, the blizzards hover around the period of fall of the superfluous bud. The stench actively flies after sunset, and in the daytime the stench sits unruly on the stovburs and in the crowns of trees.

Apple Sawyer. This shkіdnik ushkodzhuє fruits of the apple tree. The coma is similar to a fly, the length of the body becomes 6-7 mm. The lower part of the yogo is covered with a yellow color, and the upper part is brown-black. The caterpillar, which has spawned, grows under the skin of the fruit, go and then move on to the next plaid. Vaughn makes her way to our cell and constantly sees it, flooding the rusty storm of excrement. For 20 - 30 days of its development, the caterpillar ushkozhu 2-3 fruits. The larvae of the sawfly call to finish their development at the time the caterpillars of the codling sprout appear. The largest harvests of apple sawy are planted in early varieties of apple trees.

Tree dot odorous. Komakha ushkodzhuє apple, pear, plum, wild cherry and other fruit - yagidni tree. Rozmir panicle of a tree in the range of krill dosygaє 90 mm. The forewings are gray-brown in color with dark specks of that patches. Juvenile caterpillars have an erysipelas color, mature ones have a brown-red back and a black head. After the first winter, the skin caterpillar robs the village with its furrows, one of the names of which are called. After another winter, the caterpillars pop up at the exit and hatch there. Trees attacked by tree larvae are greatly weakened and scalable to fungal and other diseases.

cherry moth. Komakha ushkodzhu cherries, sweet cherries, plums and other stone species of trees. The panicle of the ovnishny moth is small, at the wingspan of krill - 10-21 mm. Cherry moth poshkodzhuє nirki, crying out їhnє vіdmirannya or the indulgence of leaf blades. Poshkodzhenі fruit brunki also die. Navіt like a fruit nirka, poshkodzhen by a shkіdnik, widow succulent, її buds do not develop and shvidko dry out. Far away the caterpillars penetrate the buds, see the chicks, the ovaries of the flower, the creaking pellus of the cobweb. As a result, the zamіst zav'yazі is left with a small breast of a spider. For example, grass caterpillars go near the ground and grow up to the end of the wormwood. Panicles writhe from cocoons and on the cob of spring they lay eggs under the patches of nirok or cracks of measles that overwinter them.

Cherry slime obpiluvach. Tse shkidnik ushkodzhu cherries, sweet cherries, plums, apricots, thorns, peaches, and sometimes pear. The coma has grown up with a body of black color and a length of 5-7 mm, sklopodіbno - the opening of the wing. The larvae have matured in an earthen cocoon in the ground under the crowns of trees. The females drink the "guts" from the pulp of the leaves and lay eggs there. On this part, on the surface of the sheet, the skin is slightly inflated. Tsya bulbashka bursts at the exit of the larvae from the eggs. The larvae of the sawfly actively grub, starting from the beginning of the herb. The stench spreads out on the upper side of the leaves and skeletalizes on the back of the small cob, covering the veins. The larva has matured more and more, covering up the pulp on the leaf plates, covering the veins less and less. Trimatis larvae on trees until the middle of spring, and then we go to the soil for the winter.

cherry elephant. Komakha ushkodzhuє buds, fruits and fruits of cherries, cherries, plums, peaches and apricots. The body of the beetle of the cherry elephant of golden color with raspberry or green is striking, cover with gray hairs. Beetles and larvae of the shkіdnik hibernate in the soil - in the earthen colossus. Hanging beetles vipovzayut on the surface and start eating nirami. Then we stink on the young leaves, and then we squeeze the ears with cherry buds, drain those others. fruit crops. Poshkodzhenі zavyazі do not develop chi to give fruitful fruits. Elephant females lay eggs during the formation of ovaries. The female opens the proboscis, sees the flesh to the tassel, lays an egg on the surface. The fruits of poshkodzhenі during oviposition spend their shape and gusto.

Zlivova codling. Zlivova codling shed is not only a plum, but also a black thorn and an apricot. The dovzhina of the body of the panicle is 7 mm, at the wingspan of the krill is 17 mm. Behind the way of life, that development of plum codling is rich in why it is similar to an apple tree. Mature caterpillars hibernate in cocoons of cocoons, in measles holes, on stovburs of trees. The blizzards will blow in the middle of the summer, at the hour of the lightening of the buds. Panicles lay eggs on young green fruits, sometimes on leaves. After 5-8 days, the caterpillars sprout, as they bite into the fruit and eat meat. The stinks see the stove brushes all around, filling them with excrement. The fruits are covered with purple flames, gum flows from the wound, then the fruits fall off.

Gardeners and city dwellers constantly report zusil in order to grow a high harvest. Ale їkhnіm diligence can make a sprig of officials. One of them is komakhi-shkidniki. How do you dare to bring them to a minimum of the results of their activity?

, . It looks like small unfamiliar blizzards with gray-brown wings. The female lays eggs on the leaves and in the fruit of the roslin. The larva, developing, sees the middle of the fruit, flooding the products of its life there. The plaid falls to the ground at once from the larva, as if it fills it and climbs along the trunk to another. During its life cycle, the larva can bear close to five fruits. So, as the larvae become rich, sometimes the whole crop falls off.

A similar mechanism is used to fight sawyers. The stench is refreshed for the skin type (plum, currant, grape), but only one characteristic feature- Long proboscis.

Popelits are small, close to 1 mm of the head, coma. Only Europe has close to 1,000 sights of this shkidnik. Part of the grown-up individuals litter the krill, from which stench other growths fly. Eggs start laying in autumn. Then the young larvae, passing through all the stages of development, transform on mature clods with wings and fly through the trees.

Popelits are not safe comakhs, like young pagons of chagars, trees, urban crops.

Especially love the stench of viburnum. It’s not safe to grow larvae, like in large clumps they accumulate on the tips of young pagons and young leaves. Whispering from them sіk, stinks produce to the point that the leaves are twisted. The stench cannot take care of the eating of the stalk, and the vines wither. Crimean popelitsy endure illness, as if causing ablution on the leaves of galovyh growths. The stench will loosen the roslin.

Spryat rozvedenny on roslins zvichaynі murakhi. The stench can be transferred to new territories, settling in there in order to eat licorice paddy later, which is seen by the popelets. Birds (gorobtsі, chickadees, robins, linnets) can destroy the popelitsy. The stinks are fond of their little birds. Rising popelitsy and other comakhs: golden eyes, sonechka, Deyaki see os. Ale, sing їх buvaє is not enough to fight with the popelets.

You can buy golden eye larvae in special installations. Let them out by the garden, and the stench themselves know the fox and despise them. But it’s impossible to stop a chemical treatment, whether it’s a kind of insecticide after all. Adzhe at once from shkіdniki otruta iznischit і pіdselenikh komakh. You can fight with popelytsya, zmivayuchi їх water under the onslaught, saturate with a variety of nicotinic acid. 50 tablets are diluted in 10 liters of water, then a liter of water is poured into water. Water the root of the roslin with roses. Prevention of pestilence of the popelits - the distance of the bur'yaniv, the progeny of the bushes of the roslin. Kіntsі young hіlok cherries, attacked by popelyce, you can sprout a vlіtka, after ripening I give birth, and burn at once from shkіdniki.

The Colorado potato beetle is one of the safest shkidniks of pastlon. Potatoes, tyutyun, and wild nightshade suffer the most. Information about how the Colorado potato beetle can eat leaves and derezi. Yogo Batkivshchyna is the pioneer of Mexico, the stars of wine penetrated Pivnichnu America, and the nineteenth century - to Europe. Early in the middle, the strikes were quickly eliminated, but at the beginning of the First Light War, they settled in France, the stars began to spread throughout Eurasia. 3 2000 dosyag Primorsky Krai.

The mature Colorado potato beetle is a coma with a length of up to 12 mm and a width of up to 8 mm. Yogo vіdmіnnoy rice є 5 black late males on skin krіli. The pronotum is orange with black patches.

At your development to pass, like all coma, 4 stages.

Persha, eggs of a yellow color, do not threaten the growth with anything. You can see them on the lower side of the leaf of the female coma, just after that, like badilla potatoes, or a garden of tomatoes, eggplants hanging in the ground. For sprats of eggs, larvae appear. The stench begins to munch on the leaves of the solanaceous leaves, bubbling bright orange or erysipelas in color and gaining weight. Colir should be deposited as carotene, which is accumulated in the body of the larvae without over-pickling. The head of the larva is black, the same dots are stitched later on the back in two rows.

In its development, the larva goes through 4 stages, molting after the skin. At the first stage, the stench is choking on a part of the leaf below, on the other, the whole leaf is covered, filling the veins. Let's sweat the stench to climb other stalks and bushes near the bushes of hedgehogs. After 2 days, the larvae burrow into the ground to a depth of up to 10 cm. A new cycle of reproduction and development is beginning. In the fallow climate, there can be three such cycles. The less pіvnіchnіshe region, the lesser generation z'yavlyayut protya rock. In winter, the grown-up Colorado potato beetle or lyalechka near the ground. Chi is not afraid of frost. You can fall into a diapause, without dying, as if you are unfriendly to the new one.

A horde of larvae practically does not deprive the paslons of the chances of survival. Therefore, it is necessary to fight with him regularly:

  • The most important is the treatment of roslin with insecticides. Fight with them, laying out pasta and picking up mature beetles, and then you can larvae, like potatoes on a couple of acres. Ale, unprepared furnishing can make a few days sleep. What hour will be enough for the beetles and larvae to cover all the badilla. Beetles are taken from deep dishes from a small amount of salt or gas. Tse already unacceptably busy.
  • For a day before the harvest of potatoes, to please the sight of the badilla. Young larvae can die without eating. Ale, it will become less then, if the order does not appear їzhі - tomatoes, eggplants. At such a time, all the stench will migrate to them, leaving leaves, fruits, stems. Particularly nasty are those who sprayed with chemicals a bunch of tomatoes richly folded, lower badilla potatoes. Adzhe fruit to drink without intermediary pіd vpliv wipe off.
  • The deputy of chemical preparations is better than Vikoristovuvaty "Fitoverm". Tse biological preparation of intestinal contact. Vono lie down to the third class of insecurity. The fruit after harvesting can be harvested after 2 days. And the beetles perish for tyzhden. Yakscho for a price mine hour doshch, then the effect of "Fitoverma" stosuvannya will significantly decrease.
  • For pre-planting bulb vicorist, use an insecticide of prolonged form di, for example, Prestige. Before yoga, the warehouse also includes a growth stimulant. Ale, the drug itself is not safe for health, but the work with it will take care of all the rules of work with otrutochemicals. The next stages of observation after the cuts are made mechanically, not by hand.
  • It is possible to grow tomatoes and eggplants for the most lasting period by lowering the roots of the plant for 2 years on the “Aktori” plant. The package of the drug (2 g) is divided into 2 liters of water. Beetles, slashing the leaves of such roslins, quickly bend. The effectiveness of the method can be evidenced by the corpses of coma, which cover the surface of the earth like a roslin. Leafing in vіdrostati, that especially shkodi growing beetles are not sure. A serious attack may start as early as autumn, as many generations reach three.

Come in for prevention - do not hang out in paslonovі kіlka rokіv pospіl odnієyu dilyantsі. It will take an hour for the grown-up beetles to fly to a new lot. Ale, it doesn’t hurt, because the Colorado potato beetle can fly 8 km a year on Trival. To the point, beetles, with whom your neighbors do not fight, you can easily become beetles.

- whole larva of the Luskun beetle. In appearance, the stench is similar to the pieces of a honey dart with a length of about 2 cm. Mostly live on sour soils, as you can recognize for the presence of a pyria. Drіt not to bring such a shkodi, like the Colorado potato beetle. You can grow potatoes and other root crops that have grown, flooding them with water. After all, the stench becomes unsuitable for saving. Bringing up the roots of the young, those other roslins, grown from the present. Tse can bring to їхної death.

It’s good to use dartweed beans - hanging on soy, peas, kvass, commensales, and additionally significantly change their number on this one.

Come preventive measures - vapnuvannya ґruntu. Make dolomite borosno or quench vapno. From the farmer's house there was a piriya, and with it, a dartweed. Vaping should be carried out every 3-7 weeks. There are a lot of darts on the lot, you can catch them on baits - little pieces of old root crops. Burying them near the ground signifies the month.

You can tie shmatki to the hairline. Once for a few days, the baits fly and they see the shkіdnikіv. I repeat the procedure until I give birth. Before hanging, you can hang in the holes or spill yoga with potassium permanganate. Sufficient 5 g of potassium permanganate per water.

The larvae of the cabbage blister can destroy the beds of cabbage or other crossflowers. Panicles are ablaze with wings of white color with black veins. Edges kril black. There are 2 black dots on the front wings. Creel wingspan up to 6 div.

Nezabara after that, as the stench began to dance in the city or in the meadow, the larvae appeared next. The laying of eggs is easy to mitigate, the stench is small, and for the color it is not especially seen on the cabbage arch. The length of one troch egg is more than 1 mm.

Caterpillars with 16 legs of yellow-green color grow up to 3.5 cm, passing through 5 stages.

Close the body with fine hairs. In individuals of the fifth stage of life, the backs are swathed in yellow and green colors with a large number of black warts of various sizes. The caterpillars are bad at tolerating elevated temperatures (over 26°C) and dry conditions.

For vіdlyakuvannya blizzards to please:

  1. Hang the halves of egg shells with a dish. Blizzards, thinking that this is a competitor, flew away.
  2. Vykoristovuyuchi chemical and biological insecticides, next add to them sticky. Aja leaves of cabbage are more slimy, and drops of speech often cannot catch hold of them, rushing to the ground.
  3. Diyuchim is a way to fight with belan for help trichograms.
  4. To fight with caterpillars, vicorist, tansy, wood,.

- Tse tezh komakh, ale is great. The dozhin has a reach of 8 cm. E krila, ale even weak. The color is brown. Live near the earth, satisfying the needs of the soil of communication. Warm up the roots of the roslin, to ensure the maximum temperature for the offspring, which come from light brown eggs, similar to eggs.

Vedmedki hibernate in places where pus is accumulated, or humus, bringing yoga into the ground, it is necessary to take steps, so that the shkidniks do not waste it.

You can fight with the cabbage, throwing a special bait in front of the orange. After that, as soon as they appeared in the city, and the growths began to grow over them, you can dig the earth on the ground, fill nests with eggs, and go (there were two nests) to fill in water with adding speech with an unpleasant smell.

Having been on duty 15-20 hvilin, you can catch the appearance of cabbage, as it is necessary to use a hot shovel. It is noted that the cabbage girls do not live on the plots, where the moles live. Ale and the moles themselves bring chimalo turbot. To that, get them to the lot to fight with the cabbage, hardly chi varto.

More information can be found in the video:

Vidpovidalny gardeners put a lot of effort into looking after their plot. Ale, for an hour, the stench wafts out that their harvest is zipped with clods. About those, like komakhi-shkidniki, they talk about it more often, how to fight with them, the article’s rose.

Fields, towns, garden plots, and also room roslini. It is important to fight against them at all times. Otherwise, the clods will quickly breed, and you will see them richer. It’s like the nobility, like shkіdniki attacking the strong cultures of the country, like the stench look and like the huts of the buildings of the factory.

Polovі shkіdniki roslyn

Fallow in addition, yakі plantings and parts of roslin vrazhayut, buvayut tі, yakі:

  • Ruin the root system.
  • Psuyut the above-ground part.
  • Rushing down that leaf.
  • Head shkodi sіyantsyam and gatherings.

For the type of eating, stench is subdivided into rich, low-fat cereals and leguminous crops. In the midst of hard work, the quality of fruits and grains suffer, and the entire crop often disappears. The most wide-ranging are such coma-shkidniks of watering, like a deserted saran, green horses, lusk, broad-breasted lingering owl, a scoop call and alfalfa scoop. So often zustrіchayutsya panicle corn, archery.

Garden shkidniki roslyn

Іsnuyut different komakhi-shkidniki to the city, and especially the great shkodi are in charge of popelitsya, the Colorado potato beetle, slimaks, kapustyanka, caterpillars of leafy grass. The pope population is the most safe. From the її tіltsya one can see a sticky motherland, like a leaf and blocking access to the sour. As a result, ideal minds are created in the development of fungal infections. Roslini, attacked by the pope, quickly die.

Sadovі komakhi-shkidniki cultural roslin

Vіdomі also komakhi-shkidniki cultivated roslin, yakі vrazhayut plantings in the garden. For example, the Luskun beetle loves flowers. Often plant shkodi gladiolus, poppies and tulips. Widened out everywhere. Ale, the best way to overcome watery soils.

Food, like the Colorado potato beetle, torment rich summer residents. Bags of wine are important on solanaceous crops. Eats roslin leaves. It manifests itself most actively in the spring-summer period. To endure the cold calmly. Yogo trivality of life sagaє three fates.

Іsnuyut different folk methods to fight against the Colorado potato beetle, but not all stinks give good results. The best help is to use a specialty pasta. Nearby plantations of potatoes are simmering peeled potatoes. They get angry at them. Їх podpalyuyut. Learn from the article:.

How will the slimaks mess up?

Slimaks eat juice leaves. Vidchutnu Skoda stench in charge of the great roslins. And the axis of the sadzhantsi and the growth of the slimaks of the building is worthless. Ushkodzhuyut stink of cabbage, root crops, ogirki, sunnitsa. Particularly active at night.

There is a struggle between the slimaks for the help of the Bur'yanivs. It also helps superphosphate, vapno, tyutyunovy drank that strength of potassium. Chemical preparations are soldered on the soil in the evening. Efficiently slimakiv and ready factory made. Among them is Meta that Thunderstorm.

By the wild folk method, watering the slimaks with hot water at a temperature of about +40 degrees. Shkіdnik vіd such a soul is just a guinea. And the axis of growth does not suffer with tsoma. Such a struggle is carried out with slimaks in days.

How to tidy up a darter from the city?

Among the surviving shkіdnikіv chimalu it’s not safe to become a dartweed and it’s hard to fight with it.

Tse larva of the Luskun beetle. In other larvae, it looks like a glittering cover. Drotnik led his ruinous activity under the earth. The stench is eating root crops and bulbs. The darter is especially unsafe for another river of life.

Let's look at it, like a dartweed will quickly and forever. In whom, acaricidal and insecticidal preparations can be added. Aktellik, Decis, Dokhlos, Force and Karate brought their effectiveness. In spring and autumn, it is recommended to dig up the soil. Korisno dorimuvatisya sіozmіni. For example, potatoes followed visajuvati instead of peas and kvassoli. Bazhano viroshchuvat order green manure, yakі mayut vіdlyakuvalnu diyu on drotyanіv. Lupins, alfalfa, gyrchitsya and vіka lie before such.

How does the fight against dog noses work?

Before that, how to get rid of the old-timers, you need to be educated in how the stench looks. Tse beetles, dozhinoyu up to 5 mm. Wash the dark brown back. Their wings are not perfect, so there is no need to tell the coma. Ale, unimportantly on such a landfill, it’s easy to finish the land quickly and expand the territory. At one time, the female lays close to 200 eggs. Often dovgonosiki wind up near the apartment. Especially stench often linger in the kitchen.

Those, how to get rid of dovgonosiks in the kitchen, are described below:

Near the garden, such commies-shkіdniki of the selskogo state can be znischenі for the help of a cibulny and private vіdvar. We will dig up the earth for a few trees and bushes, and we will cover the crown with a prepared one. Such a procedure is carried out quickly. Іsnuyut and special preparations. Before them lie Fitoverm, Agravertin and Iskra-bio.

What methods are effective against spider mites?

Іsnuyut different ways moreover, how the bugs will appear at the dacha: ready to make those folk methods.

Good efficiency was shown by insectoacaricidal sprays, sprays, powders and aerosols. Before them lie Taran, Force Site, Sipaz-super, Acarocide, Acaritox. All are strong chemicals. І working with them, it is necessary to read the instructions clearly.

Sound summer residents do not like to bring otrutochemicals to the lot. That is why it is actively zastosovuyut perevіrenі hour narodnі zasobi. On the missions of the settlement of ticks, it is recommended to use boric acid and soda. Recipes prepared on the basis of wild herbs are good ways to fight spider mites and when available. For example, citrus juice does a good job. By the water, add fresh juice of lemon and orange and sprinkle the entire garden.

There is a fight against spider mites near the greenhouse for additional herbal infusions and essential oils. Spray from shawli, geraniums, chamomile and chamomile powder with a spray gun. Garniy effect showed essential oils m'yati that rosemary. First, dilute it with water and make a dilyanka.

In such a manner, the gardening business to become a non-abyak is not safe for the peacock mite: come in to fight that prevention of yoga rich in what to lie down in the degree of damage of the territory and the strength of the summer resident himself. Some choose folk methods, and others - strong chemicals.

How to find a cherry fly?

Let's go and fight the cherry fly with insecticidal preparations. Enough close to two orobok, shob pozbutisya flies forever. Above the greenery plantings are covered with special fences, if the temperature rises to +18 degrees. And suddenly - for two days. Good results give the cost of Actor, Spark, Bliskavka and Karate. Yakshcho chemistry fights do not go, vikoristovuyut folk methods.

What are the options to fight against the dvovostok?

Let's look at how the two-tails will get away quickly and forever. Such a coma to love the cold and the cold weather. Therefore, it would be better not to allow high water in the distance. Shkidnik cannot tolerate strong smells. So drive away yoga to help the infusion of the watchmaker and that cibul. Obpriskuvannya spend two days with an interval for a day. Effektivnі takozh takozh vydvari z polyna, tansy, wood. Before the present, it’s better to add the goodness of the lord’s sweetheart, or save dishes for the mitt.

You can also make baits based on boric acid. Prepare them in such a way. Take acid close to 50 g and mix її with one egg. They form bags, hang them and lay them out at the places where children live. The stench makes the lassosh and the nevdovz die.

How to fix whitewash?

Yakscho on country house a white-crowned one appeared, and the fight against it does not give scoring results;

Even if the defense is not strong, you can get by with a milestone. For whom it is less good to be good. As a preventive measure, vicorist preparations based on avermectin are often used. Tse Fitoverm, Vertimek and Akarin.

Goodness showed itself the struggle with the white-crown for the help of Buton and Zav'yazi. These are natural stimulants for the establishment of fruits, which in turn increase the resistance of growing plants to stress. Breeding them in the water is a good idea to follow the instructions and carry out the application. Suitable preparations based on fipronil. Processing should be carried out frequently, with an interval of 5 days;

Yak pozbutisya worm'yak boroshnisty?

The majestic Skoda is the head of the borowy bug: come in to fight the difference, to be efficient. From folk methods, having kindly revealed a miles of differences. Zastosovuyut at the time of the green nice chi gospodarske. Take 15 grams and mix with a liter of water. Cover the roselins with such a rose. The interval between cuts becomes daily. Three procedures are enough. In order to enhance the effect, in total you need to add two tablespoons of burner or alcohol.

As if settling on the beds of a bog-worm: the struggle can be successfully carried out for the help of medicinal herbs. Pidide powder of horsetail chi calendula. Pour 100 g of roslin with a liter of water and pour. If you sum up the okholone, grow it with it. Olive oil, spread by the water, also gives bad results.

How to fix a cross-colored plaque?

Carry out preventive measures during the season. In the autumn they dig up the earth, the hangings see the weeds. For vіdlyakuvannya, I entrusted coriander, krіp and potatoes. From the chemical preparations, choose Aktellik, Bankol and Inta-vira. Ale zastosovuyut їx less in extreme depression, if the struggle with the cross-colored plaque folk methods does not give a significant effect. Carry out corisco with infusion of ash, herbal teas. Not to love that cold water.

Methods of relief from wasps

Let's look at how the wasp will wake up at the dacha or in the garden. Sound from the center of the vicorist bait. Ale, I will blame the shkidniks for not seeing such a rank. Prote їх the number of things will change. At the jar, honey and brew are laid out, and green plantings are placed. From ready-made preparations, Rubit and Intavir do well to help. Chlorine, Domestos and Dichlorvos can give bad results.

Visnovki about what was said more information

In the days of spring, nature and all the growths are thrown, and at the same time from them, the clumps of shkіdniki in the garden and the fox. It is impossible to see the presence of this presence again, the process is under control.

The list of shkіdnikіv dosit trivaly: richly someone threatens trees, chagars and grassy dews, most of them are spineless. And also parts of the shkidniki grizuna, which lie down to the ridges, to rule the majestic shkoda of the garden and city plantings.

Shkіdnіkіv gardіv i st can be divided into groups:

  • Komakhi;
  • Grizuni;
  • Birds;

Komakh, in his own room, can be divided in fallow land according to the nature of eating: mushrooms and smoky.

Komakhi, which can be seen as mushroom type

Poshkodzhuyut and ruin the inner, outer fabrics and organs of growth.



Beetles are gardeners, you can often tangle nests with cobwebs on trees. In such nests, caterpillars of the sawfly settle down, like living greenery. Cherry cultures are most often affected, de pomits are characteristic of ear berries, cherries have a thick pulp, and the tassel is filled with sticky mucus.

Methods of struggle and prevention

  • To fight with sawyers, chemical preparations are put in place;
  • Picking from the farther downfalls of fallen fruits;



Snowstorms p'yadenitsі - shkіdniki garden and city.

Methods of struggle and prevention

  • From p'anitsі to fight for help pasta on the basis of pheromones, also great value moth comahoidni birds, like a great number of caterpillars.
  • Installation on trees of hunting belts;
  • Coating with chemical preparations of trees and stovburov kіl;


Stable scoop

Panicles of scoops are shkіdniki in the garden and the city, active in the daytime and at night, and are silently different scoops, like practically all the growths, especially unsafe scoops - gorodnya and cabbage. The stench of shkіdniki khrestotsvitih, lettuce and impersonal other roslins. The caterpillars of the scoop cover the greenery of the roslin, which can significantly impair the quality of the harvest.

Methods of struggle and prevention

  • The fight against blizzards, scoops and caterpillars can be carried out both with chemical methods, and with various infusions and waters, for example, with a polyna or tansy.

Shanovni vіdvіduvachi, save tsyu statyu in social measures. We will publish more detailed stats, which will help you with your reference. Share! Emboss!

Komakhi, what to carry

The juices from the growth are viscous, which, in the case of a massive accumulation of such shkіdniki, lead to extinction and extinction of some parts of the growth, or to bring them to complete death.


Krykhitnі zelenі komahi skіdniki garden, yakі zhavyutsya kіtinnymi juices of roslin. Popelitsy can serve as carriers of various ailments of roslins, for example, fungi and viruses, as well as many defences, call out anomalies in roslins in roslins.

Methods of struggle and prevention

  • The fight against the popelyce can be carried out for the help of "pastor herbs", for example, chamomile perethrum;
  • Fertilization with chemical preparations is carried out in early spring at least three times, the first time - at the first hour of the rush of the sap of the bushes, then two days later (until the bloom), and the third time after the bloom. A month before the picking, I give birth to an appointment, it is necessary to pin it down;



Gardeners- drosophila, dribnі flies, yakі grub roslin juice. They can tolerate superworts of rot from damaged fruits on health, also in the zone of risk of fruit and yagidni cultures.

Methods of struggle and prevention

  • Coating trees and soil with special preparations;

Komakh shkіdnikіv, scho vrazhayut sіlskogospodarski cultures, so it is possible to divide into vidi: straight-cryl and rіvnokrіl.

For example, up to straight-crowned clods of the fungus type, saran, kapustyanka, yakі plant the largest shkodi vegetable and yagіdnim crops.


Practically all-pervasive growing skidnik eats in a row, in a row, attacks vineyards, cereal fields, orchards and foxes.

Methods of struggle and prevention

  • Zdebіlhogo is carried out by chemical methods;



Vedmedki - komakhi and garden. Head shkodi, vrazhayuchy nasinnya, scho sprout, overgrow the stems, the root and underground parts of the roslin. Roslini is found in the growth, which negatively affects the yield. With a great poshkodzhennі roslini can perish.

Methods of struggle and prevention

  • In the fight against kapustyanka, they stagnate like folk remedies, and chemical preparations, like "Grizzly", "Bankol", Medvetoks.

Up to rіvnokrylih one can see small clods with a prickly - oral organ, which is wet, yakі settle in great groups. The most common representatives of this group are psyllids, bugs, scutes, popelits, thrips.


Copperhead pear

Orchard shkіdniki - apple and pear medyanitsі (leaf blobs) - dribnі komakhi, yakі vmіyut stribati, their larvae eat the juices of a young leaf and flowers, as a result of damage to the leaves, dribnіє, the buds develop, the flowers dry and fall off. As a result of the damage, the tree ceases to bear fruit with the stretch of many years.

Methods of struggle and prevention

  • Roslyn folk secrets(nastіy shag and wood, or the rose of the master's sweet and wood ash);
  • When processing chemical methods, vicorist: "Metaphos", "Phosfamide", "Karbofos".


green bug

Poshkodzhuyut various growths, pierce the proboscis with a proboscis on the surface of the leaf blade or pagony, viscous from them. Poshkodzhenі mіstsya are covered with bright flames, fabrics step by step fade, fall, open the door open.

Methods of struggle and prevention

  • With a large crowd of bugs, one plant will be sprayed with insecticides.


Ignore various thrips, for example tyutyunovy and greenhouse thrips, which affect vegetable crops in closed soil. Grown-up individuals and larvae grub on the back of the leaves, when they grow up they turn into fleas, then they transform into dirks, the stems are deformed.

Methods of struggle and prevention

  • Anti-thrips should be treated with the following preparations: "Vermitek", "Fitoverm", "Agravertin;

characteristic characteristic of rice rіvnokrylih, at the sight of fungus, scho grubging, the stench does not vibrate the damage and the damage to the integrity of the crooked that organіv roslin.

Ale, sippin' juice, gardeners in the garden and the city can call for a change of zabarvlennya, drying out, wiping out the leaves, the green bushes of garden dews.


Before the group, there are savts: hares, squints, mice. Tsі shkіdniki in charge of such ushkodzhen:

    • drench the root, the bark of the nirka and the gulka;
    • ob'їdayat that subterranean parts of cibulin cultures;
    • glazing the bark on stovburs, young pagons, tree chaffs and chagarniks;
    • ushkodzhuyut that zhishchuyut harvest;


Birdie with a yagidka

The main eating of most birds is fruits and berries of country crops. Proteza for justice should designate that it is not possible to unequivocally vvazhat birds. Komakhoydnі ptakhi znischyuet colossal number of comakh shkіdnіv, scho zavadut shkodi garden-city villages.

I troch about secrets ...

Have you ever seen the unbearable pain in the swamps? You don't know a little about what is:

  • impossibility to move easily and comfortably;
  • discomfort during descents and descents;
  • unacceptable crunch, clattering not behind the vlasnym bazhanny;
  • bіl pid hour chi after physical rights;
  • inflamed in the dilyantsі suglobіv and swelling;
  • causeless and sometimes unbearable pain in the swamps.

And now give me a reply to the question: do you care about the government? Can you recognize such a bil? And how many pennies did you already get angry at the ineffectual glee? That's right - an hour іz tsim kіnchati! What are you? For the very same reason, we wrote to publish exclusively interview with professor Dikul, in which I have revealed the secrets of the order in the form of pain in the globules, arthritis and arthrosis.

Video: All about shkіdniki coniferous trees near the garden

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