Komakhi-shkidniki are the current scourge of cultural roslins. The most wide-spread nurseries of gardens and cities Komakhi nurseries of gardens

In the days of spring, nature and all the growths are thrown, and at the same time from them, the clumps of shkіdniki in the garden and the fox. It is impossible to see the presence of this presence again, the process is under control.

The list of shkіdnikіv dosit trivaly: richly someone threatens trees, chagars and grassy dews, most of them are spineless. And also parts of the shkidniki grizuna, which lie down to the ridges, to rule the majestic shkoda of the garden and city plantings.

Shkіdnіkіv gardіv i st can be divided into groups:

  • Komakhi;
  • Grizuni;
  • Birds;

Komakh, in his own room, can be divided in fallow land according to the nature of eating: mushrooms and smoky.

Komakhi, which can be seen as mushroom type

Poshkodzhuyut and ruin the inner, outer fabrics and organs of growth.



Beetles are gardeners, you can often tangle nests with cobwebs on trees. In such nests, caterpillars of the sawfly settle down, like living greenery. Cherry cultures are most often affected, de pomits are characteristic of ear berries, cherries have a thick pulp, and the tassel is filled with sticky mucus.

Methods of struggle and prevention

  • To fight with sawyers, chemical preparations are put in place;
  • Picking from the farther downfalls of fallen fruits;



Snowstorms p'yadenitsі - shkіdniki garden and city.

Methods of struggle and prevention

  • From p'anitsі to fight for help pasta on the basis of pheromones, also great value moth comahoidni birds, like a great number of caterpillars.
  • Installation on trees of hunting belts;
  • Coating with chemical preparations of trees and stovburov kіl;


Stable scoop

Panicles of scoops are shkіdniki in the garden and the city, active at daytime and at night, іsnuіє impersonal rіznovidіv scoops, yakі poshkodzhuyut practically all the growths, especially not safe scoops - gorodnya and cabbage. The stench of shkіdniki khrestotsvitih, lettuce and impersonal other roslins. The caterpillars of the scoop cover the greenery of the roslin, which can significantly impair the quality of the harvest.

Methods of struggle and prevention

  • The fight against blizzards, scoops and caterpillars can be carried out both with chemical methods, and with various infusions and waters, for example, with a polyna or tansy.

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Komakhi, what to carry

Juices from the growth grow, which, with the massive accumulation of such shkіdniki, lead to extinction and death of some parts of the growth, or lead to complete death.


Krykhitnі zelenі komahi skіdniki garden, yakі zhavyutsya kіtinnymi juices of roslin. Popelitsy can serve as carriers of various ailments of roslins, for example, fungi and viruses, as well as many defences, call out anomalies in roslins in roslins.

Methods of struggle and prevention

  • The fight against the popelyce can be carried out for the help of "pastor herbs", for example, chamomile perethrum;
  • Fertilization with chemical preparations is carried out in early spring at least three times, the first time - at the first hour of the rush of the sap of the bushes, then two days later (until the bloom), and the third time after the bloom. A month before the picking, I give birth to an appointment, it is necessary to pin it down;



Garden shkіdniki - drosophila, dribnі flies, yakі are eating the juice of roslin. They can tolerate superworts of rot from damaged fruits on health, also in the zone of risk of fruit and yagidni cultures.

Methods of struggle and prevention

  • Coating trees and soil with special preparations;

Komakh shkіdnikіv, scho vrazhayut sіlskogospodarski cultures, so it is possible to divide into vidi: straight-cryl and rіvnokrіl.

For example, up to straight-crowned clods of the fungus type, saran, kapustyanka, yakі plant the largest shkodi vegetable and yagіdnim crops.


Practically all-pervasive growing skidnik eats in a row, in a row, attacks vineyards, cereal fields, orchards and foxes.

Methods of struggle and prevention

  • Zdebіlhogo is carried out by chemical methods;



Vedmedki - komakhi and garden. Head shkodi, vrazhayuchy nasinnya, scho sprout, overgrow the stems, the root and underground parts of the roslin. Roslini is found in the growth, which negatively affects the yield. With a great poshkodzhennі roslini can perish.

Methods of struggle and prevention

  • In the fight against kapustyanka, they stagnate like folk remedies, and chemical preparations, like "Grizzly", "Bankol", Medvetoks.

Up to rіvnokrylih one can see small clods with a prickly - oral organ, which is wet, yakі settle in great groups. The most common representatives of this group are psyllids, bugs, scutes, popelits, thrips.


Copperhead pear

Orchard shkіdniki - apple and pear medyanitsі (leaf blobs) - dribnі komakhi, yakі vmіyut stribati, their larvae eat the juices of a young leaf and flowers, as a result of damage to the leaves, dribnіє, the buds develop, the flowers dry and fall off. As a result of the damage, the tree ceases to bear fruit with the stretch of many years.

Methods of struggle and prevention

  • Roslyn folk secrets(nastіy shag and wood, or the rose of the master's sweet and wood ash);
  • When processing chemical methods, vicorist: "Metaphos", "Phosfamide", "Karbofos".


green bug

Poshkodzhuyut various growths, pierce the proboscis with a proboscis on the surface of the leaf blade or pagony, viscous from them. Poshkodzhenі mіstsya are covered with bright flames, fabrics step by step fade, fall, open the door open.

Methods of struggle and prevention

  • With a large crowd of bugs, one plant will be sprayed with insecticides.


Ignore various thrips, for example tyutyunovy and greenhouse thrips, which affect vegetable crops in closed soil. Grown-up individuals and larvae grub on the back of the leaves, when they grow up they turn into fleas, then they turn into dirks, the stems are deformed.

Methods of struggle and prevention

  • Anti-thrips should be treated with the following preparations: "Vermitek", "Fitoverm", "Agravertin;

characteristic characteristic of rice rіvnokrylih, at the sight of fungus, scho grubging, the stench does not vibrate the damage and the damage to the integrity of the crooked that organіv roslin.

Ale, sippin' juice, gardeners in the garden and the city can call for a change of zabarvlennya, drying out, wiping out the leaves, the green bushes of garden dews.


Before the group, there are savts: hares, squints, mice. Tsі shkіdniki in charge of such ushkodzhen:

    • drench the root, the bark of the nirka and the gulka;
    • ob'їdayat that subterranean parts of cibulin cultures;
    • glazing the bark on stovburs, young pagons, tree chaffs and chagarniks;
    • ushkodzhuyut that zhishchuyut harvest;


Birdie with a yagidka

The main eating of most birds is fruits and berries of country crops. Proteza for justice should designate that it is not possible to unequivocally vvazhat birds. Komakhoydnі ptakhy znischyuet colossal number of comakh shkіdnikіv, scho zavadut shkodi garden and town villages.

I troch about secrets ...

Have you ever seen the unbearable pain in the swamps? You don't know a little about what is:

  • impossibility to move easily and comfortably;
  • discomfort during descents and descents;
  • unacceptable crunch, clattering not behind the vlasnym bazhanny;
  • bіl pid hour chi after physical rights;
  • inflamed in the dilyantsі suglobіv and swelling;
  • causeless and sometimes unbearable pain in the swamps.

And now give me a reply to the question: do you care about the government? Can you recognize such a bil? And how many pennies did you already get angry at the ineffectual glee? That's right - an hour іz tsim kіnchati! What are you? For the very same reason, we wrote to publish exclusively interview with professor Dikul, in which I have revealed the secrets of the order in the form of pain in the globules, arthritis and arthrosis.

Video: All about shkіdniki coniferous trees near the garden

Bagato komakh, eat different parts cultural roslins that reduce the harvest. The stench is to form a group of coma-shkidniki in the rural areas of Russia. Having survived the peculiarities of the way of life of representatives of this group, you can choose ways to fight them.

In the middle of the coma, there were few sights that should be given to shkodi cultural roslins.

Even more unsafe shkіdnik єAsian, or migratory sarana (6) . Vaughn is spreading near the pivdennih regions of the European part of Russia. Sarana is built to multiply among the majestic kіlkosti. The arrival of the sarani is similar to the elemental dash. In the wake of the invasion, the fields are left with a bare land with surpluses of roslins. The main breeding grounds for the Saran are the overgrowths of the great spring rivers. In the other half of the year, the female saran lays eggs. The stench is found in the stony homeland, yak, having hardened at once from the particles of the earth,shirt . In the spring, larvae hatch. Pіdrostayuchi stench zbirayutsya from the enemy. After the 4-5th molt, krill appear in the larvae.The number of saran periodically (once per year) increases sharply. She will unite with the enemy and fly on the majestic countryside.

Popelitsy - Tse komakhi, who vymoktuyut sіk roslyn and in such a rank despise their developments. Popelitsycan carry viruses call sickness roslin.

On the mainland of the European part, in the central regions of Russia it is widenedVedmedka (1) . Vaughn live underground parts of roslin. The female, at a depth of 20-30 cm, lays a numerical walk, builds a nest and lays a nest near a new egg.

Spend strong support culturesburyakovy dogonosik (Yogo larvae eat beet roots).The larvae of the larvalbeetle - apple flower . Unsafe shkidnik єcolorado potato beetle (4) . At once, from the potato, brought from America, won (due to the presence of natural enemies) even quickly spread throughout Eurasia. During the summer, two or three generations of beetles develop. It is secured that the grown-up beetle and yoga larvae of the building cost 100 yew. bushes of potatoes.

Great Skoda garden trees and pine plantingsKhrushchi . Their careless larvae feed on the roots of young pines and garden trees, while the mature beetle itself eats leaves and plums, cherries and other garden crops. Larvae beetles і beetles-vusakiv , eating the bark of that tree, foretelling dovgі walk at the stovburakh, easing the tree.

We will ripen the fruits of wheat for a great time, and we will grow barleygrain beetle , sho bagging at the black earth smoothness of the European part of Russia. A mature beetle eats grains. It’s safe to say that one beetle can drive in an average of 9-10 spikelets in its life. The larvae of the bread beetle eat dry roots.

Live in Russiabug-turtle (3) . VinI pierce with a proboscis the grains are not ripe yetvismoktuє instead of grains of cereals, through which we instill similarity. Boroshno nabuvaet hot relish.

On the whole territory of Russia, the Crimean brewery districts are growingmeadow blizzard . The caterpillars of this unsafe shkіdnik roam the fields of succulent beetroots, hemp, dormouse, tomatoes, and grasshoppers.

Skoda cabbage plant caterpillarscabbage white , like cabbage leaves. Caterpillarsapple codling razvivayutsya have apples, chim psuyu fruit. Caterpillarsgypsy moth , who eat the leaves of rich roslins, they can plant pure shkoda not only for garden trees and chagars, but also for roslin foxes. Great Skoda pines are run by caterpillarspine threadworm . In certain places, after the attack of the caterpillars of the seaworm caterpillars on the pines and the tree, the needles and the needles are allowed to die. Metelik caterpillarsfire pit to live with muci and eat it, get lost in її visions, what and psyut її. Caterpillarsclothes moth psyut vorobi from the outside.

Everywhere zustrіchaєtsyacabbage scoop (5) . Її caterpillars see around the leaves of cabbage leaves, beetroot, lettuce.

Larvae cabbage fly (2) to head the shkodi with a rich cross-blossom. At the cabbage, the stench of the ears has roots and stumps, vigrizayuchi characteristic of the inside walk. Such growths are trimmed at growth and die.

So it goes, poshkozhyuyuchi root crops of carrots, parsley, selery, larvae grubcarrot flies .

Shkіdnik currant ta aґrusuvial currant (1) . The caterpillars of this blizzard, gnawing at the nirka, are eating their core. Poshkodzhen rotting core, nirks wither and dry up.

Caterpillars agrus nodule (2) to win at nirkah and leaves, and open small currants.

raspberry beetle (3) those yogo larvae are eating buds, leafing that raspberry fruit.

Larvae of deyaky sawfliesє shkidnikami trees and chagarnikov. Yes, maggotsconiferous sawyers often I will ob'їdayat the needles of trees. Larvaehorntails they eat wood, they eat wood.

The fight against komakhs-skidniks

On the territory of Russia, there are close to 700 sightings of comas, like unsafe shkіdniks of the rural state.

The study of biology comakh shkіdnіv allowed the following methods to fight against it:agrotechnical, biological, mechanical (physical) і chemistry .

Before physical (mechanical) methods include choosing (and lowering further) caterpillars, or yayets komakh and catching ground coma (for example,beet weevil or pishoi sarani ) for help viritih at the gruntі trapping grooves. The larvae of malarial mosquitoes roam, spilling on the surface with water and extinguish, which clogs the dichal tubules of the larvae, and the stink dies.

Reduce shkіdlivih komah іnоdі іchemical methods. So, the growths for the poor shkіdnikіv, who linger on them, are sprayed with otrutochemicals. Ingredients and other periods of reproduction of larvae of room flies are sprayed with chlorine vape. The cockroaches live with various otters. However, at the coma-shkidniks, individuals appear to be shvidko, as if they have grown insensitivity to the point of blasting speech. In addition, through the zastosuvannya otrutokhіmіkatіv to die rich brown clods, as well as birds, yakі z'їli otruєnih clods.

To fight against the sіlskogospodarskim shkіdniks vicoristagrotechnical methods. When sowing is practiced, the planting of roslins with such a rosewood, so that the stench caught the stench for an hour, the appearance of shkidnikov; a retelne sbirannya of watering (it will help even larvae of shkidlivy coma); the exiles of the deaky bourgeois, on which the clods multiply, and then attack the polov and urban cultures.

Bagato komakh є shkіdniki silskogopodarskih roslyn and forest statehood. Living with different parts of the growth, the stench can drastically reduce the harvest, or the head of the great delyanka fox.

A number of sickness beetles-shkidniki in the garden and the city are in charge of plantings strong, sometimes wrong Skoda. Roslini languish, pinch the brunkotvorennya, fruits dry and rot. Just don’t spit out the weeds and don’t get used to other entries in the struggle, garden beetles bliskavichically spreading by a dilyanka, threatening the death of all I bring. To know the "heaven", which is called, "in the guise" is necessary for the skin city dweller. Familiarize yourself with the description of beetles-shkidnikiv roslin and their photographs.

Garden shkіdnik crossflower

I see sprats of cross-flowered blotches that grow everywhere.

These small bugs, like on the leaves of the cross-flowered roslins, vibrate the upper ball, and as a result, they show frills and frills. Particularly suffer in the rose garden and young growths, when the stink points are damaged by beetles, the points of growth can die.

Planting a seedling in early terms sprinkle more swedish sprout, and develop the development of roslin. In addition, tse pіykіst pіykіst poshkodzhennya.

Also, during the period of the mass appearance of the beetle-shkidnik, it is possible to carry out the processing of roslin with a tyutyunov saw in the sum of the ash 2-3 times with an interval of a few days.

Beetle-shkidnik to the city of dark lusk

This beetle-shkidnik of the city is a brown-black beetle with red-brown tangs, the dozhina does not exceed 1 cm.

At the sight of other beetles, when thrown onto the back, a dark clattering in the air tumbles. When you see it, you see a sound similar to a clatter, which gave it its name.

Look at the photo: This beetle produces thin, long (up to 4 cm) smooth cylindrical larvae.

At the cob stage, the stench smells like transparency, then a yellow-brown blush appears. The development of larvae is observed for 3-5 years.

The wintering of beetles pass near the upper ball of the ground at a depth of up to 15 cm, the stars of the stench appear in the spring during the period of cherry blossoms.

As you can see in the photo, these bugs-shkidniks in the garden live on nirks, flowers and leaves of trees, then move on to the buds of fruits, open deep in them.

After 10 days, after the cherry blossoms, the females of the trumpet worm begin to lay eggs in the pulp of the eggs, curling open with excrement. Through the day, larvae come out of the eggs, and they make their way to the brush and see the middle. After a month, the larva will cross over to the ground, de vodbuvaєtsya її lyalkuvannya. There she loses her winter.

To fight with the cherry pipe-roller, it is necessary to defeat the fruit of picking up and undermining.

Like all komakhi-shkidniki, these beetles are “afraid” of fluffing up and digging up the soil of white trees, which causes a decrease in population.

Garden shkіdnik beetle-kvіtkoїd

Beetle-quitcoid - tse coma of black color with bluish and brown legs, the length of the body becomes 2.5 mm.

Show respect in the photo: tsі shkіdniki beetles to the city are depositing white-siri, covered with black warts larvae.

Ripakovy kvіtkoїd poshkodzhuє radish, turnip, daikon, watercress, horseradish and various varieties of cabbage.

Wintering beetles pass under singed leaves, on tall trellises, as well as near chagars.

The beetles appear hanging on the flowers of some kind of herbaceous growths. At the time of the establishment of buds on cabbage dews, a rіpakovy kvіtkoїd moves to them and begins to eat the internal parts of the bud and saw blades. The laying of the eggs of the female is laid in the buds, which have not yet blossomed, after 10 days the larvae emerge, which the flowers are eating.

After 3 tyzhnі larvae of cich beetles-shkidnikіv roslin go over to the soil, deviate from lialkuvannya. The red-linden beetles appear already in the new generation.

The follow-up is carried out 2 times per week. 1 day before the date of picking, I give birth to the work, it is necessary to add it.

Bazhano visajuvati grew in the soil of the yakomoga earlier, so that the stench bloomed until the females were ready to lay eggs in the flower buds.

Beetle-skidnik in the garden and in the city

This shkіdnik is a small bug, shkodzhuє radish, ripu, ripak, radish, turnip, daikon, watercress, cabbage, horseradish.

Wintering of ripakovy bugs pass under scorched leaves and other growths. On the surface you can see the stench on the cob of worms. The females start laying eggs on the stems, leafing through the pods of the roslins.

Poshkodzhene tsim leafing yellow like a beetle, they are covered with whips that they die. Young people may die. The ties and the flowers fall off.

To fight with the rіpakovym bug, it is recommended to carry out the application of roslin with infusion of luspinnya tsibuli. For yoga preparation, it is necessary to pour 2 bottles of trimmed lushpinnya tsibuli 10 liters of okrop, pour 1 doby with a stretch. The application of the infusion should be carried out 2 times a day with a break of 5 days. I give birth to the next harvest 3 days before picking.

Axis and it’s warm, it’s time for fate, and we’ll start to worry about a healthy harvest in the garden. I call you not to forget about garden shkіdniki, with which it is necessary to trim the air warmly in early spring.

Shkidniki trees

Let's take a look at how gardeners grow up.

Apple blossoms are activated during the period of swelling of apple trees.

The beetles of the apple blossom and the other shkіdniks are strewed onto the tarpaulin or the plіvka is depleted.

Wrap this process with old poles, burnt on the edges of tarpaulin or linen, so as not to damage the needles and nirks of trees.

The work of crushing the apple-tree flower will sound in the early years, if the temperature drops below +10 degrees and the beetles are not so active.

During this period, trapping belts are put on the boles of trees, treated with 10% karbofos rosemary, and after the flowers they are known and burned at once with beetles.

Aphids are one of the most safe shkіdnikі in a young leaf garden. When the leaves are unleashed, the popels settle on them, to taste the fresh juice, drink yoga and see the dust, calling out to them the death of a young leaf.

Apple honeybees can be seen up to the family of leaf blotches, which are only apple trees.

Eggs of the blueberry hibernate on the bark of 3x-5 year old pagons of trees. The larvae of the honeysuckle sprout during the swelling period and penetrate them from the moment of their opening.

In such a rite, after the opening of the brunok, the larvae of the medyanitsa clung to the flowers and petioles of the leaves, drinking from them with the sik, and in the rest of the century they pass to the underside of the leaf, de okrylyayutsya.

As a result, the Skoda with an apple-tree mead, as it turns out, is colossal. Nirks, leaves are underdeveloped, buds are sagging, crop yield is rapidly shortening and the formation of nirks, which bear fruit, changes for the future season.

The fruit shed is one of the widest garden shkidniks, which is attacked by the fruits of apple trees, plums, pears and peaches. As a result of infection, the fruit immediately fall off the tree and give a significantly smaller crop.

Apple codling larvae are well known to all of us. These are the famous worms, yakі іnоdі you can eat in apples. Although it would seem that such worms cannot be planted in apples, like a lot of chemicals, all the same, it is necessary to practice this least perebuvannya in fruits.

Against the apple codling sprout, it is important to use insecticidal preparations, which are used to spray the trees.

The golden-tailed tree overwhelmed the trees and bushes in the open landscape, as well as fruit tree at the gardens.

Often reaching a social occasion, with such a rank, the golden tail looks like a serious gardening mischief-maker.

Goldentails hibernate in groups, roblyaches themselves from light cobwebs of nests like a few leaves. Such nests can be planted on trees in the garden. This is the first sign that it is necessary for them to grow, otherwise the golden-tailed canopy can not grow the yield of fruit trees.

Chim is not safe golden tail.

The panicle of the goldentail buv bi is not so unsafe for a person, as if the larvae vibrate on the tip of the hairs in the brittle speech, and if they get on the skin of a person, they can lead to allergic reactions and can lead to skin dermatitis.


Particularly great shkodi to lead the mass reproduction of the rock. Panicles of seamweeds on young pagons lay eggs, gluing them with a tar-brown motherland and making masonry look like a ring. In one clade they winter up to 300-400 eggs.

Skoda run the caterpillars, as they come out of the hinged eggs, during the period of swelling and opening of the rows. The stinks of nirkami and young leaves are gagging. It takes about 40 days to eat and drink, and then the stench burrows into cocoons. Panicles flutter around the linden tree.

Come fight with the seamworm:

manual selection and spalling of wintering eggs in autumn after leaf fall and wintering; the choice of that low caterpillar, like a vranci, is roamed in bunches in the forks of the main knots on the sleepy side; spraying with chlorophos before flowers (20 g per 10 l of water).

One of the main tasks when looking after the Roslins is the fight against the schoolchildren in the garden and the city. Aje stinks, like nothing else, to give the roslins the unfriendly. old look sometimes to reach a total collapse. The fight against the shkіdnikami is a complicated task for professionals, and for gardeners-pochatkіvtsіv it can be a nightmare. On the other hand, the most important thing is the possibility of choosing the optimal option for defending on the basis of knowledge and knowledge of work in this region. About all the details rozpovimo gave.

Shkіdnikami for selskogospodarskih roslin vvazhayutsya rich species in clods, hrobakіv, grizunіv, shkіdlivih mikroorganіzmіv and buryanіv. For zabіgannya їх lip infusion Nasampered, it is necessary periodically to look carefully at the leaves, stems, fruits and flowers. Zavdyaki tsomu can mother vyavlennya about nayavny shkіdnikіv or quiet, yakі potenziyno mozhlivі. Most of the non-professional gardeners will pay less attention to the obvious ushkodzhennya, if it’s already pizno ryatuvat vrazh. So, come on, come in and fight against these shkidniks, the city needs to be carried out hourly:

  1. If it’s too late, it’s necessary to start cleansing the garden from ailing chicks, fruits that rot, and dead growths. On the right, in that stench can be a good medium for the development of health workers in certain ailments.
  2. If you start to swell the nirks, you should start fighting against the dovetails. So that the beetles, which hibernate at the old fallen leaf, did not penetrate the crown, pasta with glue is in the lower part of the trunk of the tree.
  3. At grassy growths, they are trimmed in order to prevent the appearance of an infusion of “barrow dew”.
  4. Scab bugs also hibernate at the disgraced leaf. To prevent this disease of the fruits of the tree, they are sprayed with fungicides.
  5. The trees may be cut off during the period from the opening of the brunok to the establishment of buds. Tse zabіgaє the width of the shovkoprya, apple moth, leafy and hunger.

Biological methods of fighting


Today, biologically active people are actively getting used to it. The Danish method works against the infection of brown microorganisms and creatures. They are grafted from cages independently or bought from pickers. Zocrema gardeners are engaged in the production of microbiological diseases, as well as the reproduction of certain entomophages that eat shkidlivy coma. In addition, in order to improve the effectiveness of the fight against pesticides, vicorous biopreparations are used in combination with pesticides.

Biological (bacterial) preparations and є zahisnimi zasobami roslin vіd shkіdnіv. The stench vibrates on the basis of various microbes and products of their life. Specific speeches, which are found on shkіdnikіv, є at the warehouse of insecticidal roslin.

Natural protection against pesticides can be such a problem:

  1. Low varity.
  2. Safer for people on the ground.
  3. Arrangement of growing vіdvarіv and roslin vіdbuvaєtsya shvidshe.
  4. They can be used to grow the growth of a short time before the picking of fruits.
  5. You can beat the fight against the soft shkіdniks.

With the method of developing environmentally friendly products, gardeners grow vicor in such a way as nature itself gives:

  1. Korisnі komakhi and mikroorganizmi, scho usuvayut skіdnіv.
  2. Bar'eri and pasta.
  3. Birds eat shkidlivikh coma.
  4. Infusions and infusions of insecticidal roslins.

In order to improve the efficiency of biological methods of combating mosquitoes, we should carry out a correct inspection of the soil. Tse fight for the help of fresh food, compost and mulch. The springs of the drip irrigation system can supply water directly to the root system, and it allows you to change the transfer of viruses, bacteria and fungi at the same time from the water. With this method, disinfection of garden tools is carried out.

How do such bones work

Nastoї and vіdvari are preparing, for example, s:

  • chamomile,
  • calendula,
  • hellebore,
  • Polina Girkogo,
  • needles,
  • purity of the great,
  • horsetail,
  • the tree of the splendid,
  • watchmaker,
  • lushpinnya tsibuli.

Sirovina sounds prepared in dry weather, after which it is dried, it boils up. Dali vіdvar cools down and gets angry. Potim rozchin obov'yazkovo protsidzhuєtsya. When preparing the infusion, the sirovina is then poured with warm water and drained for about ten days, after which it is irritated and filtered. Get ready to rozpriskuyat on roslini. If there is a need, then the procedure is repeated for a day. It should be said that zastosovuvati vіdvari іnsecticidal roslins sіd so very carefully, like і chemical preparations. I would like to pay special attention to the following works on the number of vicorous zasobu, which is for the skin culture of its own. So, vitrata of a rare vіdvar for appropriation, sound like this:

  1. For fruit trees - from 2 to 10 liters.
  2. For yagіdnih bushes - vіd 1 to 1.3 l.
  3. For a sunnitsa - 1.5 liters per 10 square meters. meters

Vіdvari z rosliny, scho vykorostovuyutsya against shkіdnіv, can be unsafe for coris living creatures in the garden. Therefore, it is recommended to stop them only for already infected crops. Moreover, the zapilyuvachs didn’t die, they needed to work early, or at the evening hour.

Also, such a group of biopreparations, like pheromones, is used for irradiation of brown microorganism and birds for the fight against scabies and their larvae. So, for example, such clods, like chalcidi and nazniki zastosovuyutsya for the adoption of caterpillars. Sonechok is screwed to the garden with a landing path folded flower roslin. They vikoristovuyut in the fight against ticks, popelitsy and white-crowned. For the lure of the golden eye, the aistring and the wooden splendid are hanging. Tsі komakhi and їhnі larvae eat popelitsі. Bagat'okh shkіdnikі in the garden roams the praying mantis. For yoga, you can see a special maidanchik in the city.

As soon as there are coma-like birds, then before them one can see, for example, orioles, woodpeckers and humpbacked ones. In addition, protect sadzhantsi from shkіdnikіv, especially from coma that fly, you can use special cases.

Chemical methods of fighting


Fruit cultures can be grown without victorious chemical production, but you can also reduce the yield and quantity of the crop. Roslins "without chemistries" become simply unsustainable for an hour of active reproduction of children. There are few differences in the choice of chemical methods. Prote stink dosi vvazhayutsya nadіynishimi. However, such preparations will be effective only if they are used correctly.

Insufficient observation of this infection of roslin is easily revealed behind some serious symptoms. Before them, one can see the streak of roots, the yellowing of that leaf fall, the weakness of the pagons. It is wrong to victorize the chemical speech, it can lead to death brown organisms, the destruction of people, as well as the confusion of the soil.

Sound chemical and biological ways to fight against these shkіdniki together with each other. So stinks become safe. Complex of entrances to this particular type consists of the next steps:

  1. Vybіr ta preparation of workers for growing roslyn.
  2. Correct processing of the soil.
  3. Preparing the soil for planting roslin.
  4. Vikoristannya planted that high quality.
  5. At the same time, the removal of non-yakіsnyh i plodіv, scho v'yanut, as well as dry herbs.
  6. Installed pasta.

See chemical preparations

Chemical preparations, which are used to fight against pests, are called pesticides. In some vipadkas without them, it is simply impossible to vryatuvate and save the birth. Most of the time, with pretreatment instructions, toxic otrutochemicals are practically not consumed in in the middle and bear fruit yourself.

Establish the following methods for injecting pesticides:

  1. Obpriskuvannya. Allows you to secure more even application of a chemical preparation for small vitrates. Zavdyaks in this way can be carried out as one, as well as in a few ways.
  2. Sawing. The Danish method is recognized by a significantly larger amount of chemical preparations. That is why, when the area is cultivated, the cats can be consumed for the borders of the plots, including those near the water basin.
  3. Introduced to the ground or on the surface of the preparations in the form of radiny, powder or granules.
  4. Breaking the bait.

Come fight against the thieves

Now let's look at the widest shkіdnikі in our minds, as well as ways to fight them.

The fight against the popelets

Vaughn is eating roslin juice, which is the head of shkodi plantings. It is also unsafe for them, which can be a carrier of fungal infections and viruses, yak, with their blackness, call anomalies to the development of Roslin. Z popelitsy cope successfully sonechka. Naygolovnіshe, samostіyno not znischuvat tsikh brown clods. Against the popelitsa, it is also an effective chemical test, as it is carried out at least three times on the river. The first stage is spent in the spring period, after the cob of ruhu juice in roslins. The harvest is coming in two days, but at the same time it doesn’t bloom at the same time. The next time you need to process the growths is necessary after the flowers.

In addition, sometimes chamomile Perethrum stagnates to fight the popelets. Її visadzhuyut instruct іz ovochevimi ta fruit crops. Chamomile Pіretrum, before speech, will also help other shkidniks in the garden.

Fight against earth ants

With the appearance of a popelits, earth ants also develop in order, as they help to protect the larvae. That is why they also need to fight. In my right hand, it is also good to help chemical processing.

The fight against the sawyer

Sometimes it is possible to watch out for cherry berries with pulp and unacceptable mucus, which looks like brushes. This is a sign that such a shkidnik is a sawyer here. Eggs have matured individuals of this shkіdnik can lay on all parts of the roslin. If you don't fight them, the larvae can destroy up to 60% of the crop in a year. On the right, in the fact that one larva is able to eat one sprat of fruits. And if you lie, that the female herself will hatch close to 75-80 eggs, then the consequences of going to fight with the sawfly can be catastrophic for the whole birth.

With the method of fighting against them, vicorous chemical preparations are made. The stench is applied like an obskuvannya. Other methods are less effective. The first harvesting is carried out in the spring before the flowers begin to bloom. Under the hour of color, it is not possible to process chemistry. Therefore, you can repeat the procedure after the color. For that other type of work, the work should be done early in the evening. When you do not forget about winning special services for the protection of eyes and wild ways. Yakshcho є opalі fruits, їх obov'yazkovo is necessary for the sake of brothers and wretchedness.

The fight for the p'yadechku

The caterpillars of the ears are like grassy, ​​and garden and urban cultures. The world of fighting with them is a good dekilka. So, for tsієї meti vikoristovuyutsya special preparations and pastes. Moreover, in order to fight them, they lure birds to the garden. Vzagali, as the caterpillars are not rich, it can be treated with chemical preparations, tk. zі shkіdniki vіdminno vporayutsya birds.

To save the mass appearance of caterpillars, it is necessary to clean up the territory of the garden from the fallen leaves. Itself in them lyalechki tsikh shkіdnikiv hibernate. Another way to fight them is to use trapping belts, which are to be worn in such a rank:

  1. In the autumn, a newspaper sheet is superimposed on the trunk so that the veins shove the trunk along the width.
  2. Then the newspaper will be tied up with some material, for example, a skein.
  3. Hinged panniers fall off and wear down at the waist, which znіmaєtsya that spit.

As if the fruits of the tree are planned to be sprayed with shkidnikiv with chemical preparations, before this, it is necessary to clean up the leaves near the trunk zone, and water the earth in this place. Under the hour of appropriation, next to work if the tree and stovburi. One of the obov'yazkovykh zahodіv fight z p'yadechku vzvaєtsya mowed grass.

Fight with an owl

The scoop lie down to the night skids. Vaughn practically eats all the growth in the garden, which is even more unsafe for the future birth. Okremo it is necessary to see the cabbage scoop, as it is easy to tease it: the caterpillar is smooth green colors. To fight with them, they victorious like chemical, and natural products. For example, between rows of roslins you can plant decorative vidi Polina and tansy. The pungent smell of the shkidniks.

In order to reduce the risk to a minimum, it is necessary to prevent the development of scoops after wintering, so that the space for which was left on the farm. So, most of the time, skids winter near the hollows of trees. That is why it is necessary to watch the tree obov'yazkovo and, when a burying place appears, it is necessary to lay it. In an indescribable way to fight with the night skyscrapers, the number of electric light bulbs, where the coma-shkidniks of cultural growths are lit up at night. Instructing sticky strings to flash with light bulbs, and shkidniks to stick to them.

Fight against Drosophila

Tsі shkіdniki є fruit flies, yakі zazvichay z'yavlyayutsya in the other half of the litas. The stench gorchuyutsya important juice roslin, ale shkodyat tim, scho є carriers of rot from a sick fetus to health. Tse zreshtoyu to bring to yogo infection rot. To kill the fruit rot of the tree, spray it with special preparations. In addition, it is necessary to tidy up all the fruits that have fallen, trim the ailments of the old chicks and carry out the crowning. In order to prevent a massive influx of flies, it is necessary to clean up your own dewlands, for example, the fruits that have fallen, and the vegetables have rotted. Come in, you can save the appearance of not only drosophila, but other shkіdnikіv and fungal ailments.

Fight against slimaks and ravliks

Tsі shkіdniki often vrazhayut radish, radish, cabbage, horseradish, turnip. Birds and various amphibians help to fight them. For example, toads and toads. In addition, effective vaporizers of sumish and ash are effective against them. Before them, you can add more chalking of capsicum hot pepper or tyutyunov saw. Denmark helps to help not only to reduce shkidnikiv, but also to prevent the development of fungal infections and the growth of the soil is less sour. Krim slimakiv and ravlikiv often on vegetable crops are blotches and bugs, which also threaten the future crop.

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