How to remove the damage and turn it to the guide. How to turn a love spell to someone who has grown. To suck the deadly infusion of black magic

The skin of a person can become the object of a negative infusion, so you don’t suspect about it, leading a great way of life and not thinking about the supernatural speech. The one who has sown the negative, can hide the best for you.

It is important to immediately recognize the psuvannya, do not check until the situation gets worse, but start singing songs, Directed at the turn of the psuvanna of the unkind, believing that the magic of the language will help you. With whom you will not need to be supplemented by effective rites and thoughts, presented in this article.

Signs of what is on you

Raptom, without any objective reasons, a person who was previously happy and healthy begins to become healthier, or those illnesses are sharply aggravated, as if they had long ago lost their past. Sleeplessness may appear, confusion of thoughts and other ailments. People start to feel bad, they have a lack of energy, depression, like other great inaccuracies, it’s hard to start doing yoga.

If there are lists below you, then you should have created a negative program. Magic is the only exit from a similar situation. At such a time, you need to swear: take a negative program from your own energy, or try to send it back to someone who has become the culprit of your treachery.

It is necessary to go to the choice of choice. On the right, in the fact that magicians have been told not to work through the reason, that in such a rank you give a blow to a kind person, as if you were hurting through ignorance or your ardor, and that means - repair a sin. Negatively pompously respectfully, and the axis in a rank - you are guilty of virishit independently.

How to recognize, who himself has slandered you?

There are three ways, for the help of which you can take away information about the people, as you sent. The first way is to transfer the reading of a special mind. The magic is done in such a rank that a person will come before you.

In another way, you can call the spirits, so that the stench will bring you a chaklun or a chaklunka. And you can use your powerful ritual actions to turn before you at the booths to gain respect for yourself for the whole person, so that by the time you get married.

Ritual of flowers

You need a special flower. Kill the yogi of your home, white of the threshold, adding:

“Whoever zіpsuvav me and naughty, I call flowers. If you don’t come in three days, then you’ll go to the grave through the fire.”

These simple, but effective words have all the magic. Nezabar check on the guests of your enemy.

Vilivannya wax

You need to stock up on such speeches, first read below:

  • a bowl filled with bottled or filtered water;
  • bjoliny vіsk (it is not possible to vicorate the replacement of new paraffin).

Melt the whiskey in a water bath. Gently, with a thin flower, lace yoga into the homeland, moving the zmovu. It's important not to say anything that rotten who is to blame for your inaccuracies, but concentrate on the ritual itself, so that the magic is activated:

"I'm pouring water, I'm waving the enemy."

Vіsk is guilty of nabuti shaping like a figure, її it is necessary to vitlumachiti correctly, having given all your intuition and respect. If you shake a ticket, moon, a figure of a unknowing woman, then a woman’s spying has brought you. Її nav_v cholovіk, yakshcho z'yavlyayutsya such symbols like a tiger, witch, borіv, raven, rhombus or square.

You can wind, having reported the singing zusils from your side, look at the clear image of your enemy, which “gifted” you an eye, at the miniature. The result is already very fast, but if you didn’t have mercy, repeat this ritual again.

The call of entities

Conducting this ceremony, you go to the aid of the devils, here is black magic. Obov'yazkovo zazdalegіd znaydіt sіm sіm old keys. Pour boiling water into the room, and throw the keys into it, having sung the call:

"Whoever is the slave (your name) of the Skoda, the devil will bring him tomorrow."

The vranci of the coming day, the people will come before you.

The process of turning a blind eye

If you didn’t follow the previous rite, then you’ll become a special memorial as your helper, as if it’s independent of the one you know who sent the prayer to you. Bazhano, at the time of the ritual, there were twenty soma months of doba. Tizhden before him, in order to make it easier for you to go back to the right place, it is recommended not to eat meat, ribs, not to get used to alcoholic drinks. Practice meditation, do not speak slanderously and do your best to work on your spiritual purity.

Do not add a lot of respect to the splintering, look like negative emotions, shards all the same aura. To work like this, as you think is right for yourself - it’s possible, you can pray for a thought of recession, or listen to classical music - do not resist it. Only in any direction you are guaranteed to take the negativity out of yourself.

After the winter fast, take up to the hands the pieces of orphan meat and move away:

“At the place of the dead, tears do not shed, do not know the tightness, do not mourn and do not suffer! Dead place! Take your own damage to the Servant of God (im'ya) yourself, forgive me for the hardship of that suffering, all sorts of illnesses! Amen!

Repeat the magic words of two. If anyone wants to go to the crossroads - the place is energetically stronger - and bury the meat in the ground. Turning the psuvannya may rise. You may not turn around on the wrong path - at any other time, do not allow that you will almost win over yourself!

Before you leave, throw a coin over your left shoulder with the words:

"Everything is paid!".

It’s better to go to the temple the next day to light a candle for your health and, as if you didn’t want to, for your health, “heaping” you with psuvanni. For the bazhannya you can make a donation to the church. If anything, soon you won’t praise anymore, how to take away the damage.

Now your request, "How to turn the psuvannya back?" May be higher. Obov'yazkovo perekonaytes, before him, as if to read a zmov, so that the unacceptable legacy from the one who її navіv will disappear. For the obviousness of faith in the power of magic, your winding will be crowned with success, and it will no longer make you turbulent.

As you know for sure that you have become a victim of scandals, drinking, a dissolute way of life, do not hurry to turn to chakluniv and psychics. We recommend that you try a miraculous old technique, so that you turn evil to the one who sent yoga.

Zyattya damage to the trigger

On the falling month, it is necessary to buy a vipatran trigger in the shops or in the market. It is not possible to bargain and take a loan at the same time. The size of the trigger is not important, it is necessary to protege it, so that the number of krill is small (it’s not the fault of buti rozriviv on the screen and cyanotic patches).

Carry the cock home, wash the carcass under a jet of running water. For the help of a sharp knife, chop the krill, then plant it on a fork. Light up a church candle, bring a fork with wings to the half-moon and scorch evenly turning at it.

On the skin back of the fork, say the following incantation: “The Legion of the Fives is calling for the Twelve, followed by the Cohort of the Nine. Now - Twelve at the exchange of Pentagrams, all rati in the name of the Lord's glory!

If the meat becomes already ruddy, take yoga s videlki and put the middle of the trigger. The last opening was sewn up with a gypsy head, a black thread was threaded into the yak.

How to sew up, chant the words of such a spell: “I am sewing up, I am dying with a black crock. By the names of Michael, Urdariel, Samaniel, Rafaniel, Nathanael, another, I put Latin. On this and on this border, on black, on white, on every diabolical right. Amen."

Just finish sewing, do not cut the thread, but insert the head into the trigger. When you say these words: “Take away the steel kіl, prophetic throne! In the name of Christ the Savior, psuvannya amen. Trichy amen!

In the evening, at sunset, you need to throw the trigger at the crossroads with these words: “You, carrion-bird, do not fly without krills, but slaves (im'ya) with the Lord's power to perebuvat. Vidteper and dovіku, today, ordered!”. Turn over your left shoulder and go home.

Seeing the victors, as victorious in rituals, it is necessary to have fun. For whom it is necessary to stand on a sweater, light up the tables, put cloth in black and tie a little tightness to them. Then go to the closest view of your house with a water bowl and put the forks in the water (throw it with your left hand over your right shoulder). It is not necessary to speak at any time. Psuvannya to defeat the one who її having created.

How to turn psuvannya to your creator

First way

In order to turn the call to your creator, try to read the coming sound:

"On the head of light,
Straight on the back
We live by the legs,
On the handles of the swan,
We will tighten behind the heart,
On the body white.
Brood, that ailment rides on (fire, egg, vine, etc.) is picked up.
I take vu dumb to cry,
Who sent її to turn around,
Who zmusiv girl (lady, child ...) to suffer,
Let him himself, in the presence of an ailment, curl up with an evil jug.

Under the hour of reading, you can wield such manipulations: run a candle over the body, wiggle with an egg, wipe the body with a washcloth. Items that you victorious, vikinte on the smitnik.

Another way

To turn the energetic negative "zlipache" you can speed up in such a way. Pour boiled water into a flask, and let the water stand on the floor in the night of the new moon. Before you read the "Lord's Prayer" - "Our Father", and the next zmov:

“Evil people’s eyes are vipal (ignite the siren and throw it near the water).
Evil people's eyes, I'll sip (throw salt at the water).
I will kill an evil person with a knife (cut through the water with a knife).
I will shrug off all evil and turn it back.

The water from the bottle is splashed over the top.

Third way

Let's look at one more way that allows you to get hurt yourself and correct it to the one who fired it at you. Open all the apartments at your booth. Stand right in the middle of the room and loudly and aloud read the zmovu:

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Having said the words, cross 12 times. For 12 times psuvannya go to your creator.

In this article, we’ll talk about those, how to turn back the psuvannya to someone who is zrobiv. People who have the honor to send a psuvannya on a person should be forgotten by those who have magic understanding of a back blow. Tse inevitably a fee for the zapodiyane for the help of Chaklunsky rituals evil. Let's find out how to pretend to send a message and direct yoga to a person, as if he was the culprit of such an injection.

People who have been violating their enemy for additional magic need to remember those who, if there were any negative forces, will obov'yazkovo turn back. Tse vіdbuvaєtsya zavdyaki law of conservation of energy chi karmi. As a rule, a person who wants to bring a psuvannya, turns for help to the magician. And that one, not bazhayuchi rizikuvati yourself, to transfer the blow from the guard to the deputy. Now you yourself are a leader, and not a magician, we bear all the responsibility for your deeds.

As if the victim was suspected of being unkind and trying to turn it around for the help of special rites, check the negative at the three-time rosemary for the deputy. It’s worth noting that, on which it was directly poured in, it was like a bula of yogo strength, that by sending a psuvannya threaten ailments, self-esteem, problems in work, or cause death.

In any case, the deputy sufferer suffers more in his case, lower the victim, as if, obviously, magical infusion take it at once.

If you want to induce negativity, you yourself will always turn to the head of the government, you also use impersonal rituals of turning the trap.

If you suspect that you were given a magical blow, it is necessary to act negligently. In order to ward off the negative infusion and turn yoga to the deputy, special rites can be performed.

Golovnya, about what it is necessary to remember when trying to turn the escort to the deputy, - in any case, you will not try to catch evil on him for the help of magical infusions from the guardian. Otherwise, you will not have the same viability for your work, just like wine.

How to imagine the psuvannya when podkladі

The role of the pilgrimage can be played by objects: soil, strength, vugillya, droplets of wax, heads, nezrozumіlі gortka chi rіdina. It's just that the stench doesn't sound like that. If you remembered such a suspected speech on your threshold, do not hang around. It is necessary to carefully pick them up with a wreath and burn them, or else they were thrown into the grave and filed into the booth.

Now it’s necessary to remove the damage and turn it back to the right man, to wind it up until you don’t have anything turbulent and life continues to go like a dream. If you don’t react negatively to the deposit, then you can be pizno.

Having seen the suspected objects of the entrance door or the wind, it is necessary to cross one twelve times and say:

Having read the call, you can tidy up the treasure, not sticking up to the new and not bringing in the living. All the objects that you were sticking around with yoga, it is also necessary to throw away or burn.

The ritual of ryatuvannya vіd pіdkladu for help vіnik

Sound zastosovuєtsya at the vapadki, if you have picked up a suspicious object, walking out of the house. You need a vіnik, salty water or a real budyak.

Under the hour of the ritual, diet in this order:

  • Trembling with your left hand, read the words of the move:

Hello to you, bida-mother. I’m fixing your gate, but you can’t get in to your hut. So, I'm not nice to you.

  • See the street and close behind you entrance doors or a cold. Take a deposit for help of a vine and burn it or bury it in a wasteland.
  • Turning back home, start cleaning the life. Take a good look at the application for other suspicious speeches, even if there may be more than one.
  • Heat the water and add power to it. Rozchin may be more like salted potatoes. You can also vicorate for this rite herbal infusions, for example, budyaki, thyme or sprinkling.
  • Walk around the whole house for the year's arrow, sprinkles with salty roses on the walls, leather tufts and doors, reading with such a sound:

Under the hour of carrying out this ritual of the night, that door may be wide open, so that negative energy could easily fill the houses.

How to turn the psuvannya, point the sill with pepper

Even more often unkind people go to the piss, crushed on the strength of that pepper. At this time, the victim can know the white of his doors and in special speeches and the attributes of a magical rite. It is necessary to take such a psuvannya yaknaishvidshe, until the child starts to get out. To turn back, to conduct such a ceremony.

For the ritual, it is necessary to collect water from three dzherel, for example, rivers, lakes and wells. But just don't vicorate the water from the common stagnant waters. So take a stone and eat in this order:

  • Place the selected water in one bowl and throw a small fireplace in there.
  • Then we need to light a candle and read this sound:
  • It is necessary to wash the place with zamovlenoe water, for they knew the treasure. The stone with which it is necessary for three days to leave the white of its doors. It is not possible to tidy up for a month for a stretch of yoga.
  • Three days later, it is necessary to place a small stone on those places, devi yogo knew. Now the damage has been inflicted; now there is no power over you and you can turn to your leader.

How to turn the psuvannya, how do you know the right man

If you are sure that you are sure that a particular person has sent a curse on you, you can turn to help such a rite.

  • Prepare a fresh homemade egg.
  • Wrap the whole body with an egg after the year's arrow, reading with such a call: “I’m taking the piss, I’m putting it in an egg! I’ll turn it around, I’ll forget it!”
  • After that, it is necessary to lay an egg under the door, which sent a psuvannya. You can also come up with another way, how to work so that the keeper of the psuvannya steps over the egg. Golovnya, don’t let this baby grow innocent, someone from your relatives you know.
  • After which egg it is necessary to break it and throw it into the toilet. Negative action for every pide to your own leader.

When vikonannі ritualіv pіslа pіslаnnіnі psuvannya nebhіdnі іnbіvnіnі svіvnenіm, hto іt's guilty іѕ vplіvі. If you turn the psuvanna of an innocent person, then you yourself will become a keeper of the psuvanya and you will confess evil for the zapodiya.

Before the vicons of the rite, it’s a good idea to try your falsehood, strangle that hatred in your soul to a new level, rightfully avenge it not to think of evil.

If you are definitely not inspired, who has sprung on you, it is better to bring in negative energy from your biofield and deprive the most powerful forces of judgment. It's better for you to know to whom the won is recognized.

Find out more about the rotation of the psuvannya, which made it easier for you to help the video:

Wait a minute, if you are talking, what if, unhappy that inacceptability, what is psuet of our life - on the right is man-made, it is covered more painfully. Lyudina, shaking and timid, thinks how to turn the witch's damage, punish her for evil. Chi varto zim to do? Is it necessary to change the psuvannya on the platform? Let's take a look.

It's easy to turn around, really, it's easy. Let's take a closer look at a more powerful and effective ritual. Ale, for the cob, let's calm down, as if we were paying attention to life. If there is a negative in the aura, then it looks like this:

  1. If you succeed in killing the victim, nothing will come out of these people.
  2. Vidnist becomes a constant companion, sticks like a bann leaf. It is simply impossible to earn a penny.
  3. Ailments follow yoga for heels. Mitzny us before the body constantly gives trouble.
  4. The soul is panned by nervousness, that panic. The world starts to frown, angry, aggressive.

Only the first, visible effects and traces of psuvannya. Oh, well, a lot more. Ale is now irrelevant. It is important to note that the knowledge of the psuvannya automatically turns the victims of this natural, prescribed before the national share. You may not be like that, as you imagine, but richly received and radiant, lower those reasons, filled with grief and suffering, which the witch has provided for you.

Fundamental moment of life

It is important that the negative energy gives rise to similar thoughts in the soul. The stench is tedious, conducive, terrible and dark. The victim of the psuvannya of all dovkol suspects in the filthy, do not trust anyone, you cannot love him openly and openly. Tsya people are so very far from God (or nature), like the devil in hell.

If vіn pragne turn vіdmі psuvannya, podkoryayuchisya first wave, dіє for zvichkoyu. Yogo thoughts are still known under the influx of psuvannya, so that they are accompanied by anger, an image, a suffering from that other negative. Come out what:

  1. Under the breath, the field of sacrifice will be filled with dark energy.
  2. After knowing the negative, the next hour pours into the specialty.
  3. Turn the vidmi psuvannya - that means, multiply the dark flame in the aura. Tse decision under the infusion of the same chaklunka, as if the people were afraid to wake up.

How do you care what to expect next? The energy industry is becoming more expensive with light, multiplying at a geometric progression. From the sacrifice to the night, then back and so on. Vaughn to multiply the thoughts and sufferings of people who are tied up with fiery persons who have a terrible tragedy. Chi is necessary for the one whom the knowledge of the psuvannya cleared from the negative? Think for yourself.

How to turn the psuvannya vіdmi

Let's move on to practice. We have already looked at you, what is such a psuvanya, how її pozbutisya. Sound the ruining negative program, neutralize it. Let’s see the deputy, turn, licorice doesn’t look like it. Youmu in a be-yaku vipadka to come back. The mechanics of the process is as follows:

  1. Psuvannya pov'yazuє victim with a singing dark egregor (abo dekilkoma), like a vismoktuy yogo field.
  2. Znyattya negative programs ruining the channels of life.
  3. Egregory vysuvayut claims zamovnik, vymagayut in the new underestimated energy.

Razumієte, psuvannya zavzhd ієyu chi іnshoy іroy turn to the deputy. І specially її redirect no need. And if you really want to, then just do it. The rite is carried out three days after the rest of the vychitka. If you know the deputy, prepare your photo. If you can’t understand who brought you the bidi, then you will know the aspen field or the chicken. It is recommended to have some kind of a fluke zupinyatisya on another option, sob not to have mercy.

On the day of the ritual, lies cannot be taken. It is allowed to drink more clean water with additional consecrated water at the church.

  1. Opivdni close the doors of that window.
  2. Photo or polyno put on the table.
  3. Put a small mirror in front of him.
  4. Light a church candle.
  5. Read the prayer "Our Father" trichi.
  6. If so, it is necessary to clearly and clearly follow the formula (below).
  7. Take the polyno at the door and throw it on the bag of smitta (tear the photo into pieces).
  8. Close up the mirror so that the street behind the window opens next to him. You can glue yoga to the old wall of the booth.

Say the words like this:

“Bidi that misfortune, evil days of the scoundrels, I take it from the back of the mirror, I’ll fix it again. The caress of the sun does not get tired, the light does not show mercy. What you gave me - take it. Take back your black gift! Amen!

Work results

The induced ritual is enough, so that the egregores, who used to eat your energy earlier, were redirected to the deputy. I’m trying to find out nothing. And then we will already be brought to justice for the evil done. In order to turn the pressure, it is not obligatory to make contact with the chaklun, which is inducing. That one, without clear evidence, is no good. The momentum of pardon is great. And for the help of a mirror with an aspen field, the negative is automatically redirected to the author.

Far from everyone knows what it is to take away the damage that is like a child, so that you don’t take it away again. Share this information with your friends (social media icons below). Please them with the uniqueness of wide pardons. Together we can make the world pure and happy. How do you guess?

Same report description: strong prayer turnaround psuvannya - for our readers and prepayers.

How to turn the psuvannya to the one who її zrobiv? Tse nutrition praises the rich heart of the victims of black magic. Nobody wants to stick with magic. The very same turn to negativity is the widest manifestation. Vikonovets zavzhda zamagaєtsya zіpsuvati zhittya іnshої people. That is why it is necessary for you to turn the negative back. Let yourself live with it, what you want for others.

How to turn the psuvannya to the one who її zrobiv

To turn around, the damage you have caused and how strong it is to turn around - ts and rich other food are taken from the article. Similar information will be in favor of people, as if they were so stumbled into unacceptable life situations, suspecting that magic itself can participate in them.

How to understand, what is wrong with you?

You can turn the vroki - it’s really so, but at the back of your mind you should clearly understand that it’s the very reason for your deyaky inaccuracies. It’s easier to live the necessary visits, then we will suffer and suffer in the wake of the past. Let's take a look at the widest signs that people can have "problems" in:

  • for no reason, a person can sharply start to get sick, wanting to be recently known to be alive and happy;
  • thoughts stray, sleeplessness appears;
  • do not get energy, people are resting in an uninterrupted depressive state.

As if you mark such phenomena behind you, it’s a sense to pity for them, so that you can turn the fake falsehood back. Obviously, you can ask the professionals to just take the “curse” for you, or you can punish the evil people - turn the negative back.

Rituals on the turn of a strong support of the building are like a viconate of professionals, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t get into trouble on your own. Mayuchi enough of the virus and all the necessary components, you come into contact with the diet.

The appointment of the ritual is an important moment

In order to turn back psuvannya, it is necessary to understand who is the right one to bring. Do not check for a moment, if the situation gets worse, and your self-feeling will get worse. Turn the psuvannya to the one who її sent є obov'yazkovoy umovoy in order to enrich his camp. Golovne believe in the power of magic, and those who are there to help you. In this situation, it is necessary to clean up to take care of the rotation. A magical love spell, perhaps, by navіv your close friend, who carried more negative favors to your address. Some people trapleyaetsya so that the curse on people navіv native person after flash welding. Most often, it is accepted to win the pіdklad. Adzhe pіdklad naivazhche shukati at the booth. Like similar attributes, a dead cock or a rusty fork is victorious.

As soon as you start to remember that a negative was sent to you, think about it and make one or two decisions. First of all, I believe in the fact that the unacceptable magic will appear again. The other one is to carry out the ritual of removing corruption from the turn.

Turn psuvannya to someone who її zrobiv dosit easily. For whom it is necessary to know the way, which is the most beautiful way for you to understand. For example, turn the piping on the kitchen sill or other options. You can either independently conduct a ritual in your home minds, which allows you to turn the wind up, or know a specialist who will do everything for you. It is important to remember the fact that it is necessary to earn a resolutely shukati chaklun, even if you can drink on a shakhrai, which cannot be paid to the deputy, but rather take a penny for a non-vikonan robot.

If you believe it to professionals, then the turnaround is considered a great sin. You become nothing more than that who will bring negative things on you. So you yourself go to the aid of black magic, as if you have a negative influence on you. It is easy to turn the psuvannya to the one who has grown up, and the axis will show up more importantly. Ale, from the other side, knowing that turn of a strong psuvannya - different understanding: you are guilty clearly for yourself, you are ready to take such a sin on your soul.

To name the one who sent magic on you, you can speed up by a lot of methods. The first one is in the fact that it is necessary to read the song of the call. Yogo's power to allow himself to be conquered. Another way is to rely on the vikliks of the sweating forces. The spirits themselves will bring you the blame of the situation, and you will be able to take it back. Isnuє great kіlkіst powerful zooms vіd psuvannya іz povernennymi. You need less to choose the one that suits you best.

First, before proceeding with the ritual, think carefully and understand the problem. Are you ready to punish your opponent with such a rite and give him everything back? How can you give an opinion on such a ritual and naskolki vin safe for loved ones? Chi is not successful in your homeland after the ceremony?

Ritual on flowers

Such a rite has long been especially popular among the quiet, who have long since consecrated their lives to magic. Why is it unique and why is it special? Can you perform the ritual on your own? How to turn the psuvannya back, vikoristovuyuchi flowers? Yakshcho you tsіkavit tse pitanya, you are on the right path. To call back, take flowers, and read a special slander on the new one.

“Whoever beat me to death, I ask you to forgive me back. I don’t need black magic, even if it ruins my life. I, the servant of God (im'ya), vicorous flowers for turning the folly of the enemy. on the great people they sent a curse, and I ask you to turn this hoax. I am a victim who was given an undeserved negative. The one who sent yoga, let him take it back. The Lord created us with equal rights. And I turn the candles on the negative. Only the guards will see those who have sent me. Let me know on whom I direct the blame. Let the negativity turn to the Lord, which is chaklue on me. You know, Lord, I pray that a return blow would instantly defeat the forces of evil. I want to cleanse myself, and turn my life around. Amen."

Given the words mayut great power, that next hour you can see the psuvannya vikonavtsyu. No one thinks who they are exercising, but the energy sector is being bullied. Navit vorogov not warto avenge magic. Keep the need for memory, that there are two sides of the coin. How to think correctly is the decision of the one who is stuck with such a problem. Punish magicians chi spodіvatisya those scho, scho, if anything, the magician will be punished? Here virishuvati is less for you.

Ritual, like a victorious victor

On food, how to turn back the psuvannya, it’s easy to do it. You need to prepare a sprat of ingredients.

  1. Utensils, in which it is necessary to collect clean water. Do not boil the water from the faucet. Bude more beautifully, as if victorious, there is holy water.
  2. Visk. Farrowed vikoristovuvaty paraffin. Maє buti vіsk have a clean look.

It is possible to get rid of the negative injection and turn yoga to the locker in a simple way. Persh for everything, I will rise to the vіsk until I become rare. Pour yoga into the water with a small amount. When it comes to language, it is appropriate to read such a call:

“I wiggle my spirit from one method. I believe that the corruption turned to the one who is on me, the servant of God (im'ya), sent. I don't want the negative to be present in my life. Vin only psuє її. I pray to take away the damage and see it with a goddamn boomerang. My blow to lure the forces of evil. I am the one who cannot be depicted without traces. Toby, chaklune, I turn the blow, and I am trying to take it from myself. Amen."

The Danish rite is not only to confuse the psuvannya piti to the one who її navіv, but also to the ritual. You can rotate the horogovі negative, the axis is only just the same and does not in any way see the new winding. You can try to be smarter, and not stoop to the level of your enemy.

How to reveal a falsehood to yourself after the ritual? There is no unequivocal evidence on the food chain. All lie down in addition to the fact that the magician has brought a lot of insights. The skin reacts to the facts in a different way: the deacons come straight to the booth, otherwise they torment them with twinkles. Everything that comes before them is too painful. So people are ready to drink for anything, abi will be afraid of negative action, they themselves have brought it on.

The call of the sweating forces

A rather unsafe ritual. Especially for the quiet, who stick with magic first. Doing yoga independently is not recommended. Here it is necessary to clearly know the sequence of deeds and subtleties of the rite. Trapplyaetsya so that after the call of the sweating forces, the stench is overflowing in our world, which is already a filthy sign. The Danish rite is to allow you to recognize, how to turn the vroki to the one who lied. Tsey ritual of foundations on what to call the devils. The stench themselves act as pomіchniki, which allow them to purge. You are guilty of preparing the old keys. Boil water and throw in it prepare the keys. Now it is necessary to read a special language.

“Who is on me, the servant of God (im'ya), sent to the vault, to that mother on the right with sweaty forces. I hope to see my next dream - like karma always turns back. I need to turn back my health, and don’t waste any more. Whoever you potoibichchi force to hug at once, from that high all the negativity and know. Amen."

The ritual can help to bring on the inflicted obesity. Most often for the adoption of a supergirl, women force negativity on her, like a pseudo old look. The stench vvazhayut that such a rank can turn a man into a kohanka. If you turn it around, then it is necessary to remember about your own vlasny zakhist. If you go as far as black magic, then the consequences will be negative. To that very person, before him, as if to pass on the accusation, it is important to put on yourself a defense against the sweating forces. So you don’t just minimize the imovirnіst of energy shkoda, but rather strengthen the rite itself, even if your energy will be more powerful.

Turning to the negative for the monthly phase

Bagatioh squawk food, like a scrooge, so that the psuvannya turned to the deputy. Everything is simple. Prepare monthly calendar in which case it is twenty-seven months a day. It is important to note that the knowledge of the psuvannya іz the turn іmаgaє the singing training. You are guilty of remembrance, that it is not varto this day before the ritual is carried out, to get used to alcohol and meat products. If you don’t wait for the help, then the moon will not see the evil of the deputy, even if you ignored the help. For the understanding of psuvannya, it is necessary for you to turn, so that your aura is clean. You are not guilty of accustoming profanity, even having a lot of squabbling with people, seeing intolerable emotions and putting negatively before everything. All these factors will only cast a light on your energy, which will negatively affect the results.

After that, as you clean the pestle, take the meat and read the slander:

“No one knew how to say goodbye to negativity. І axis at that moment, all forces virishi relieved me of suffering. The dead will never shed tears, and they will never hurt for the cause. Let the dead take on the whole nagativ, like a letter of messages on me, the servant of God (im'ya). All ailments filth self-feeling let them call, and no one will turn around. For a long time I was joking about how to see the negative, and I knew it. I finished my fasting fast, and I ask you to help me for a month at the end of my life to win back. Amen."

It is necessary to read zmovu dvіchі. If this meat is to be buried at the crossroads, it is necessary. After a few days, go to the church, and put a candle on the healthy person who will send you to hell. So, it will be unacceptable, but the ritual of this vimagaє. Tsey way to allow you to swiftly return the negative back to the deputy.

Order through force

Vee, singsongly, chuli, what a strong maє deyakі magical diї. Prinymni її often zastosovuyut at magic. This rite was performed by Natalia Stepanova herself. In order to turn the psuvannya through the force, it is necessary to win the offensive rite. It is necessary to smear it in a frying pan close to the fire. After that, the strength hangs under the first tree. Gave you the guilt to marvel at the night sky and pick up twenty one stars. Turn up to heaven, so that the stench will help you to convey the urge to the one who lied. Strength is taken into account in the most effective way in order to purify the energy.

Now the food is about those, how to turn the negative, or how to see the superimposition of the psuvannya can be reversed. Tatar ways to help you get drunk on the magic splash for a long time. For the help of a photo, it’s easy to take the chaklunstvo, inflicted on you, even if it’s necessary to use the terms to recognize the energy of the victim. In a different situation, you can suffer greatly, so that you can’t instill a prayer. It is necessary to understand not only the fact on whom to fight against, but also those on whom you will turn.

Be ready for everything. For the sake of the Romanian medium. - site of a professional priest that master


Magical diya zavzhdi threaten the bagatma with unacceptable traces. Deyak vykonavtsi zazdalegіd think over the mustache of their vchinki, shchobi minimizuvat sbitka. Persh, lower turn terribly backwards - think about the odds and call everything for and against. You don’t need to think about those who have done evil to you, you, turning this falsehood, equalize your rakhunks. Whether evil is punished and, first of all, work such a crook, it is necessary to think well and swear, it’s important for you, so move, take revenge. Obviously, there is no other way to take a negative magic injection, but then you simply don’t have a choice. Whether it’s magically vtruchannya vvazhaetsya sin, which is necessary to confuse. After the rite, go to the church and vibate in front of the icons. It is not necessary to think that you have inspired justice. Really, be it evil to be punished.

Stronger prayers for psuvannya and chaklunstvo

Psuvannya on vіdmіnu vіd pristіtu - tse tsіlespryatvovanie negative vpliv. Tobto in this vipadka the enemy wants to harm you in a right way. Knowing about obov'yazkovo, otherwise it is so negative that you can seriously damage your health. І for whom different methods can be victorious.

Prayer in the form of a dream is to protect a person from whatever it is, to inspire the strongest negativity sent by a professional magician. As a rule, she should start to hurry up all those who suspect that all the inaccuracies in life are connected with my heart, as if I didn’t get far away.

You can lead with prayer until the next Saints. With what you need to be generous, what other forces will help to overcome the negative and restore the energy balance. As a supplementary prayer, when the prayer is taken, it is always recommended to read “Our Father”.

You can remove spells and remove damage by reading special prayers for psuvannia and chaklunstva, it’s really rich. To that it is possible to sing like a defender in the face of negativity, be it from them, to smut її words with a wide faith in the soul.

Insanely, the most effective are prayers in the form of psuvanya and chaklunstvo, read in the temple. Ale, they will help stench to believers, as if they could read them in their home minds.

Rules for reading prayers

In the skin of us, life can begin to have a misfortune, if the inability to go one by one. And in such a situation, a person will always think about those who have become a victim of a scourge. The best way to clear the aura from negative energy is to read prayers.

In order for the prayer in the form of psuvannia and chaklunstva to be effective, it is necessary to correctly practice it. Under the hour of the beast to God, or the Holy One, one cannot think about it any other way, it is necessary to be as angry as possible with words.

Importantly, there is faith in the soul, the smallest doubts lead to the fact that the prayer will be just a mark. Vishishniy chuє prokhannya schiro vіruyuchih people. Do not obligatory light the candles at the hour of prayer, but remember that the stench allows you to create a special atmosphere and adjust correctly.

Prayer is strong, as it is directed at znyatya psuvanya, it can also be victorious for zakhistu in the negative. A believing person can not be afraid of the induction of a psuvannya, as if they were going to turn a sprat of prayers and read them fast. For the most human being, prayers are not short-lived on the vіdmіnu in the form of magic rituals for the sake of psuvannya, as if it were always possible to turn around. In addition, the trace of the nobility is that it is not possible to victorious prayers of those black book rites at once. Take a day, you can head the shkodita and the strength to induce a psuvannya.

Like a defender, be like a prayer, like a prayer, give to people, like asking for help, spiritual strength, and also I’m more confident in my strength. Such prayers are kindly inspired by the negative alien infusion of the human energy field. If a person is sent to himself for the help of prayers, then he will be completely protected from the outside negativity.

The most victorious prayers

If you bring a prayer, you can be different, it is recommended that you choose a prayer individually. Ale, with tsomu є universal prayers and tse persh for everything, we all know the prayer "Our Father". A little time is spoken on its own, it won’t bring relief to the right, the oskilki її words of the building are negative. In case of a right prayer, or a strong attachment, a prayer was given for the prayer to be read early in the evening for 40 days.

With the help of our other prayers, which are victorious in the form of psuvanya, these are:

  • 90 Psalm, "Alive at the help of Cherry";
  • Prayer to the Life-Giving Cross;
  • Prayer to Saint Cyprian.

The texts of the higher-named prayers are better taken from the first, so you can achieve greater effectiveness of the words, which is even more important with a strong psuvannya.

Prayer to Jesus Christ

Even with strong prayers, we are sent to Jesus Christ. Having redeemed the sins of everyone who lives on the planet, let him help those who ask and suffer. Prayers are especially effective, as they avenge the death to Jesus Christ and to the Holy Mother of God.

The words of one of the prayers sound like this:

You need to pray diligently. The more often you are robitimete, the more you shvidt yourself into a negative program.

To suck the deadly infusion of black magic

This prayer allows you to suck in the evil infusion of black magic. In order to strengthen її diyu, it is necessary to read її in special circumstances. In addition, with such a rite you can put a superb barrier against negativity, which you can’t break through yourself stronger psuvannya.

Prayer-zmova on the well

Magic propagates methods and zahistu of chaklunstvo, which are based on victorious spelled water. Ale, for additional prayer, you can speak a well, after which, vicarious water, you can raise the defense of a negative influx on a flat river.

You can sanctify the water in the well with such a prayer:

Assistance Matrona of Moscow

If you suspect that you have spent a lot of foolishness, you can turn around for the help of the Matrona of Moscow. For whom it is necessary to vikonati a special ritual. The first part of the prayer needs to be done at the temple, and in front of it, light three candles of the icons of Jesus Christ, Mykoli the Wonderworker and the Blessed Old Lady Matrona of Moscow.

Zupinivsya white of the remaining icon, next read the following prayer:

If it is necessary to pray, diligently cross over. Obov'yazkovo slid a note about a prayer for good health. Before that, as if to drink from the temple, it is necessary to bring 36 candles and fortune-telling icons.

Budinki of the same day at the fine evening hour, it is necessary to set up, light 12 candles and put a charge from them and icons and cursed decanters filled with holy water. Under the next hour, repeat the words of the home prayer “Our Father”. Then, turning to the image of the Blessed Old Lady Matrona of Moscow, we should drink a bowl of holy water, cross ourselves and whisper bagatoraz whispers, while the candles are burning, come prayer rows.

Sound like this:

Let's drink water again. In such a rank, it is necessary to put a defense on the vіd psuvannya and pristrіtu for a stretch of three days sleep.

Short and effective prayers

Establish short prayers, which are even more popular with to the current world. So before leaving the house for the zahistu vіd psuvannya follow such a prayer.

To protect yourself from negativity in serious negotiations, prayer is more helpful, straightened to the Holy Mother of God:

Before any initiative, let's pray a prayer, straightened to Jesus Christ:

Stronger prayers for psuvannya

In certain situations, in order to increase the effectiveness of prayers, it is necessary to conduct a special ceremony and create a special situation. Zakrema, when reading an offensive prayer in the wake of a prayer, it is necessary to sit in the surrounding room and light the candles. Remember that you can be in the spirit of a calm camp. It is not possible to read this prayer at times, as anger is vibrating in your soul.

An example of strong prayer

One of the strongest is the lower prayer. Vaughn to finish the dovg, but read in full self with the burning of a church candle, helping to get rid of any inaccuracies and inspire spiritual zeal.

Prayer to the Life-Giving Cross

Prayer to the Life-Giving Cross is also important. It is necessary to read early in the evening.

The words of the prayer sound like this:

Prayers can be read like in the church, so in the minds of the home. To strengthen the effectiveness of prayers in the evenings, they should be read at the burning of a church candle. If you meet at the temple, then before the entrance, you should light a candle for good health. Good help in the form of a prayer brought on you and your loved ones, a memorial service, prayed at the temple. Obov'yazkovo at the skin vіdvіduvannі temple next put a candle after the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. So it’s necessary to say enough words from the prohannyam about the defender and the order against the negative. Going out of the temple, it is necessary to collect a little bit of holy water, as a vicorist for the mivannya.

For ceremonial events, it is necessary to vicorate a cup, filled with pure water from the neck. The back of the head should cross.

Let's cross the cup and remember these words:

After that, next to the water, lower three small vugills and read the words of the sound:

After the promotion of the words, it is necessary to sit for a while in silence and listen to the damp self-perception. As if you suddenly noticed drowsiness and began to calm down, it’s a sign that the negative is overwhelming you and your energy field is being cleared. If so, it is necessary to take in the washed water from the cup. And yet, after such a ritual ritual, nothing happened with the prayerful slyness, all your divine marny. Tobto tse, svidshe for everything, means that your trash is self-consciously viklikane for other reasons, and not for excuses.

Purification of the mind by prayer on oneself

There is one more powerful prayer in the form of a prayer. Ale її singularity polagaє in the fact that її can be read only on yourself.

It sounds like this:

Such a prayer is recommended to read a schoranka. Obov'yazkovo should follow your self-confidence, it will tell you if the negative is taken. Navkolishnіy svіt to get lost in the bright colors and you will want to live a better life again.

Prayer to Mykola the Wonderworker

If you have been diagnosed with a stronger spell, then the crime of different magical deeds, like professional magicians pronounce, next victorious prayer-turning to the holy martyr Mykoli the Wonderworker. Prayer is even stronger, as it strengthens the deed of various magical rituals, directing them to take a bath. She is strong, which helps in quiet depressions, if other prayers do not work. With help, you can reduce the number of strong proclions, but it’s also effective in the opposite way and against the extreme suspense.

Accompany takі dії prayer words:

Having crossed the next day, you can break home. Before leaving the temple, it is necessary to collect some holy water and buy twelve candles, as well as the icon of St. Nicholas.

On the same evening, it is necessary to sit in a clean place, sit at the table and light the candles brought from the temple. Place an icon in front of you, that cup with holy water. Then you can proceed to the vіdmalyuvannya psuvannya or pristrіtu special prayer.

The words її sound like this:

After the prayer, the next to cross over and drink some of the holy water. Put out the candles, turn off the underdrinks, and clean up the icon from the table. Holy water is required to be drunk from some kind of drink and to give giblets to drink to all members of this family. The ritual can be repeated for two days. It’s more important to understand that with prayer it’s impossible to ask for revenge, after reading it, you need to humbly check for healing.

Be it an Orthodox prayer in the wake of the prayer and the devil. These are safe ways, directing on the outside of the exuberance and renewal of the energy field.

For a believer, prayer is even more important. Like praying every day, you can signifi- cantly raise your defense against the evil negative. In addition, you can pray not only for yourself, but also for your loved ones. In such a way, one can create a strained defense against the negative for the entire motherland. The next thing to remember is that our life is savvy and even more often we forget about the smut - talk to God. Prayer to allow zabіgti nebezpekam and ailments. In addition, it’s important to positively put yourself in the right light and don’t take anger at other people in your soul, so that the stench has caused you evil.

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