The filthy camp after that, how I kissed the sky. You can kiss the deceased at the funeral on the forehead and the reasons for the tradition. Why is it impossible to kiss the dead, who was previously stricken with serious illnesses

There are impersonal traditions associated with the funeral, one of them is kissing the sky on the forehead for goodbye. However, not all of them follow traditions, so that people are afraid to be afraid of sickness, dead people, or get a share of life and misfortune. Obov'yazkovo tsіluvati died in the forehead chi can be done without tsgogo zvicha rozpovіli clergymen. Physicians also hung their thought from the first drive.

Chi varto kiss the sky on the forehead when saying goodbye

If a person is dead and kissed by a cholo, it is considered a symbol of the release of sins. In this rank, people ask the one who is calm for all the bodi and tasks of the yoma bіl for life. Priests to please not just hang around the forehead of the deceased, but talk to him, think, talk to him. Tse help not only the deceased, but we live for people, our friends, our relatives know.

Vtіm, kiss the dead on the forehead is not obov'yazykovym ritual. If a person is aware of the fear of the heavenly people, or giddiness, then you can just stand there for the trouble and say goodbye to the dead. You can also kiss the icon, which will stand in order.

For children, it’s better not to take them with you to the funeral. Vtіm, as if a child does not sound restless and does not show a sense of fear of a dead person, then you can kiss the deceased goodbye. However, you can only do so if all your relatives go through the ritual.

Chi you can kiss the sky on the forehead when saying goodbye, thought of medicine

Apparently to the medical point of dawn, kissing a sky is not recommended. In a first way, it’s not hygienic, but in a different way, it’s a real majestic risk of overcoming the disease of the dead.

So, even after 9 years after the death of a person, an irrevocable process of tissue destruction begins in the body. You can help them for a certain hour, but don’t worry about them. In addition, at the dead people, some bacteria begin to conduct active activity, infecting the walls of the dust, clothes of the dead and making a place, in which the sky is known.

If it’s like a cadaveric bacterium to consume on a slime or a human’s skin, then you won’t bring strong shoddy - it’s obviously rotten. However, if a person, for life, suffered from serious illnesses (tuberculosis, meningitis, hepatitis, pneumonia and other serious illnesses), then the consequences for a healthy person will be even more important.

The death of oncology saves a great deal. The exultation of such people is seen in closed places, from a high level of prominence. After death, the celestials calmly say to their relatives, wanting to hang around their bare body is fenced. To go out, dear, deceased relative, perebubayuchi in a living booth for a trival hour, can become a biological smash and oppose people with it.

Kudi correctly kiss the dead goodbye

Vidpovidno to the sound of the Orthodox Church, kissing the sky on the forehead is an important part of the funeral ritual. At the moment of kissing the dead man on the forehead (the place of the placement of the third eye), the amount of life that saves is erased. The soul is reborn, to turn again to the earth.

Fear for your health is not a varto, shards to kiss the dead are necessary at a special vinochok, which is put on the head of the deceased. On this line, the faces of such saints can be roamed: Lord, phrases of the Most Holy Song, Mother of God, or John the Baptist.

At the edge of lonely vipadkah, kiss the sky at the lips (as a rule, so repair the witches and chakluni, as if they were hurting their ailments and passing them on to the dead). So, sometimes kiss the hands of the deceased.

Well, if a person can’t hurt himself, go to hell and kiss a sky, then it’s not necessary to force him to work. It’s better to just stand for the dead and pray for the rest of the soul and say goodbye to him.

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I use the impersonal rіznіh potlіnkіv, moreover, the skin of them may have its own special meaning for the person. Since ancient times, the theory of occultism has witnessed that some building construction works miracles and resurrects a person, but others, on the other hand, could destroy. And the most negative for a healthy person is a kiss on the forehead, for which there have long been a lot of legends and myths.

For the cob, let's look at the meaning of the main widest types of kisses: kiss on the hand, cheek, kill it on the forehead.

Kiss in shock

Otzhe, a kiss at the cheek. So ring out kissing friends and close relatives. For the help of such a help, you can diagnose, a person of rank will come to you. As if, after kissing, you felt a little fear, or you just couldn’t see it, then the person didn’t suit you. And as soon as it appeared to me, a little bit, luckily - then this person is spiritually dear to you.

This method of diagnostics is especially corrosive on the cob of vіdnosin, for example, at the first acquaintance, or at the time of the cob of spivrobіtnitsva in any sphere. (So ​​the titles of a business kiss are a vital kiss)

For help, a kiss in the shock, and you can also see quiet people who have been placed before you, with whom you have not bothered for a long time.

However, be careful and do not break the hasty whiskers, like a person, like kissing you, being in constant contact with you. In any case, they can be pardoned. For example, after welding with a kimos from relatives, there was no attempt at reconciliation, it was pronounced with a kiss at the cheek, it could be unacceptable. It remains to be explained in full by negative emotions that you try, as they may be left behind after welding.

Kiss on the hand

A kiss on the hand is respected as a symbol of worship and honor, directing energy down the hill. To this very thing, in the middle of the night, it was instituted that a man should kiss a woman's hand.

Kiss on the mouth

At the lips, as a rule, kissing zakokhani. So at the lips, friends and relatives can simply smack their lips. Have some kind of vipadku, tsey kiss can be just colossal energy. Alternately, two energy centers are in the same goal, people are tuned in to one wave with an one-hour exchange of energy. Just as all other kisses only transmit the energy of a kiss to a kiss, then such a kiss transfers itself to a mutual transmission one to one. If kissing zakohani, vіdbuvaєtsya vikid majestic number of special energy, to that people step by step approach and become relatives one to one, nibi blaming the energy of a partner.

Tsіkavo, scho from a glance of esoteric sexology, the partners feel the maximum pleasure only in that moment, as at the moment of ecstasy the stink is tied up like state organs, so it is a potion.

Tse secure absolutely no cost as their physical bodies, and showers, or rather, the maximum mutual energy exchange. The rest allows the partners to become angry again, breaking up one in one, foreshadowing the neumovirny effect of satisfaction.

Significance of a kiss on the forehead, that prehistory of yoga appeared

And the axis of the kiss at the forehead has a special mystical meaning. It is important that on the forehead of a person there is one of the most powerful energy chakras (“third eye”), as if it were superficially and miraculously absorbing energy information. To that, it’s unbearable, so that someone stuck his lips to the chola. Vignyatkom є less than a mother, so as not to pass on his child's negative energy. Before that, the skin of the body opened up to people - it was an exhausting release of energy, both positive and negative. And the human mouth is one of the biggest such openings. Therefore, with a kiss on the forehead, a clear focusing of energy is brought to the center of the head chakra. The price to navite at the spiel is stronger energetically, the lower kiss is from the lip. Therefore, such a kiss is even more intimate.

And yet, it has long been appreciated that a kiss at the forehead is a kind of ritual. In Ancient Russia, such a bula was tied to the people's funerals and lived up to the hand-handed virok.

The tradition of kissing the deceased on the forehead has been preserved in our days. Ale, what kind of sensation is there in you? It is obvious that the energy of the deceased is worthless.

Moreover, I believe, for some kind of contacts with the deceased, they can be minimal. It is not possible to take the speeches of the deceased from the funeral - lest you take away death from them all at once. So it is impossible to leave your speeches at the grave, so that the hell does not take you from itself. Ale, as if to guess, that the culture of ancient words had been vandalized to the ancestors, everything remains in its place.

Kissing the deceased in the cholo, you see it for those who wanted it, but they didn’t catch it for life. A kiss on the forehead of the deceased is a sign of honor to the rest, the rest is a posthumous danina.

Tsіkavo, scho all other vidi potsіlunkіv actually fenced. So, for example, to induce a dream, in which a person kisses the deceased on the lips, is respected by the messenger of death.

The picture is coming out: naughty twins, having transferred their negative energy to him, you can no longer, and the axis of the lack of food is full.

As if kissing a living person on the forehead, remember when you step on it: all your emotions will be thrown at him with a colossal infusion. Moreover, be there any kind of emotions and, navit, on whom the stench is directed.

Not only that, you can zavdat shkodi unseen, as if kissing proassociated yourself with the mertz.

Goodbye Nikieva Lyudmila

24. Dehto guides or be afraid to kiss the deceased for goodbye. How is it before which rite is put?

After a permissive prayer, whoever prays, ring out the candles and go up to the dead to say goodbye to him. The moment has come to honor your remaining honors. You don’t see the dead directly, ring out kissing the icon, I’ll put the white of my left hand (if you put a cross), or a wine, so you don’t have to be “nekhtuvat”. On the right in another way: rozuminnі chi unreasonable essence itself the rest of the kiss.

Tse even stronger is that truly human form of expression of feelings. Our parting with the dead, even though it is Timchasov, we owe it to the resurrection of the dead, prote zavzhd and for all it is summation. Tsіluvannya - the deepest need of the soul, as the Orthodox Church knows, by virtue of the powerful spirit of love to the human race.

As if to remind N. Vasiliades, ring out the kiss of bov vіdomy already in the era of persecution of Christians. It seems, for example, that Origen gave the Christian martyrs a kiss before their torments. Rising up later, sound the kiss after death. Starting from the IV–V century, sound the kiss for me Inherited funeral, as usual today.

Saint Simeon of Thessalonica respects that the rest of the kiss is naked on the sleepiness and unity of the believers, the living and the dead. Shards of the War The Church on earth is inextricably tied to the Church, like a saint in Heaven, we briefly say goodbye one to one, for physical separation. Kiluvannya, how to celebrate St. Simeon is given "for the transition of that awakening to that life, and also to the sign of our unity that day, more mi, even if we die, we are not divided one by one." All of us, continuing the wines, walk along the same path, so that we can reach the place, where we will never be separated, because there let's be with the Lord(1 Thess. 4:17). In such a rite, kissing "means the union of the living with Christ with the dead."

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No sooner was it accepted that the man died in a dream. Say, what is the change of the weather. And why do you kiss the sky with the sky, embrace that sweetheart? It appears that the darkness lies in the nuances of that detail of the astral contact. Yakshcho saw a dotik of cold lips to chola - meaning one thing, to schok - zovsіm іnshe. Let's make a report about how far you can kiss the sky, so you can understand what will be in reality in the next hour.

Significance of special features of dead people

Tlumachs find it easier to sort out options for plots. And all in one voice stverdzhuyut, scho decryption to lie in the form of the deceased person. For the cob, it is necessary to find out who this person was a relative, we know that an unknown person. Tse sled vrakhovuvati, if you try to understand, to what extent you can kiss the sky. Relatives sound the forecast. That's how grandma seems. As soon as the sky appears in a dream, it means the weather will change.

On top of that, years old, people are known, they are wondering what the soul, what went, needs to be guessed. The stench is glad to buy malt and give it to colleagues, to the courts and to the children at the yard. Tsey folk sound trimmed for old hours. And we should not forget the traditions. The ignorant died, what to nurse a young girl, obіtsya ї ї ї ї ї ї ї y zlo і zlo, zaleno vіd that, where he fell yogo cold kiss. For people, such an astral plot tells about the fate of unacceptability. Like a friend of a relative, like a ninth being in a sweaty world, next to get ready for welding at the family. A close person specially came from that world, to get ahead, to protect.

Dream: kissing the sky at the lips

Let's move on to the analysis of more specific behaviors. Unfortunately, the dream doesn’t promise anything positive. A particularly unfriendly dream for financiers and entrepreneurs. Seriously spend in front, like a plot. It is necessary to bring in a copy of the skin, recheck the documents once again, for the next hour, put in the certificates of spivrobitnikiv, whose certificate is not certified.

Uvі snі z nebіzhchik tsіluvatisya in the lips for the woman tezh nasty. As a rule, tse obіtsyaє spend, but not so grandiose, like the masters of business. The girl can be robbed in the store, the girls charge a sum for the purchase of a bank account, or simply steal the gamanets from the transport from her. It is necessary to use a saw, so as not to shed tears from beautiful eyes. For students and schoolchildren, the plot is worthy of bad signs and signs of vikladachiv. And for people of a frail age, go to the doctor: when things go wrong in the body, don’t go in for prevention. Tlumachennya for all, like the deceased, studded at the edge of Morpheus, being a relative: a grandiose scandal is brewing at home. But yoga can be hidden, as if diligently smoothing out kuti, not reacting to criticism, figurative words, rude shouts thinly.

Pomerliy kissed the Shia

Such a plot of tlumachs is related to the special lives of people. You are not satisfied with Yogo, you call out to the dark, for an hour you are not aware of your dissatisfaction. The negative is accumulated in the middle and it is not a problem to be called a sharp chirp or a word. Imovirno, if you will consider the benefits of a close person, you won’t understand why the viklikana is such a wonderful behavior. It is necessary to grow up in yourself, to understand what the soul is doing. Yakshcho vіdpovіli vіdpіvі snі on the kiss of the deceased, fight for your health. Such a plot is about an illness, with which you happen to be beaten by doctors. Hugging and kissing u vі snі z nebіzhchik - a vice at will. Like a person bazhaє pіdkorit you sobі, primogtisa unrestricted vikonannya yogo bazhan. Sleep recommends repairing an opir. If you don’t see freedom, you don’t realize it as specialism. To endure the old fates of enduring despotism, to give up one's own strength, not to take away from the vidpovid neither podiaki nor nasolody.

Sky kiss in cheek

Tlumachs vvazhayut such a plot as a guide to success for everyone. Maidens of self-sufficient women of wines are declared a noble cavalier. Also, please, I myself had a chance to kiss the heavenly man in such a rite. Nezabarom vіrne, mutually, calmly and happily see your own life. Tim, who has quarreled with friends, the plot also promises goodness. We can’t talk about those that all super-accuracies will not be difficult to close, stosunki will be renewed. About the number of tears and the image of nothing more to think about.

Let's take a dream in the distance for an operation, good, a good idea, what a better chance for business. It is only necessary not to be afraid of yourself, but to marvel at all sides, so as not to miss the moment. As if in a dream, a dead relative has died, who kisses on the cheek, check for the vikonanny of the sacred dream without a hitch. The soul of this human being helps you in heaven. There you go, so that you should cross over to the path until you are happy.

Kiss at the Vicchi

Such a plot is rightfully considered the most positive. Tse sign of the Zahistu burn. Problems can be seen without a hitch, you see that some kind of vantage has fallen from the shoulders. In addition, the dreamer can understand who is his right friend, and who is not to be trusted. Angel of heaven vіdkrіє yomu іstu, look at the situation under the other hood. Axis to what dotik cold lips to the eyes of bachiti uvі snі. Kiluvatisya with a heavenly person for an independent woman - until marriage, a girl - until her betrothed, family ladies - until an increase in the number of relatives. Tim, who cares about continuing to read, if there are gifts, such a chance will burn. The child will appear even more talented, cheerful and communicative, a right lover of the lot.

Kiss on the forehead

At the meeting, it is important that such a plot is about the forgiveness of sin, as if a relative had died in a new figure. Tse good news from the subtle world. If evil is created, or if the image is created, it will no longer be wrapped around your soul. The one to whom the bula was inflicted, having understood everything and having worked through it, seems to be similar from the heavenly sight, indifference to yoga lowering - to become active in real life. You yourself for the day of chi tyzhden see a surge of strength. Nache krila roared behind his back. The whole story seems to be that the hour has come to get the well-deserved honor of the city that exile. Improve a little more, and remember and appreciate your efforts. Take a look at them yourself, about what you dreamed about.

Kiss of the hand

Such a plot is interpreted by the famous in two ways. We can't talk about open roads, will and freedom. However, the reach does not fall at the hands of oneself. To be able to fight with perishkods, to pay the fortunes of pastures, to swindle the share of the day. As if you kissed the hand of the deceased relative of the protileous state, look at the light of the fire. No matter what the time was, be singing, you can show everything. Pomoga early chi pizno lean in your gut. Girls say such a story hard man. To be afraid of it, to be afraid of it, to make it into a tyrant. Less than a little bit of wisdom, that a person should love and work everything for happiness.

It is important that the body of a dead person already after 6 years begins to see a cadaverous corpse, it is not a bad idea to hang around and kiss a sky.

Ale, when saying goodbye to a person dear to us, in front of him, how to cry out the lid of a truni, it is customary to say goodbye to him with a kiss on the forehead at the vines.

Kissing the icon, which is lying by the string and wine, it is necessary to ask for a thought from a dead person for life, image and probachit yogo, like wine from a friend, it is wine.

Other zabobons and zabobons like the third eye on the forehead thinly, just add sin.

As a minimum, it is not hygienic, they hang a line on the forehead of the sky, as a symbol of the crown of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Mabut only in the forehead of a dead person and it is accepted to kiss. In this rank, people say goodbye to a close person in front of the funeral. Navit the priest to speak about those who can say goodbye to the deceased and kiss Yogo on the forehead.

Ale, don’t worry, you don’t stick it out, there’s a special bandage on your forehead (I don’t remember how it’s called), through it everything is in the air and kiss.

Like me it was given, on the forehead they kiss the dead themselves. Skilki razіv in old films bachiled the stage.

Ale, for example, I'm just afraid to go to them, not seeming already about kissing.

Simply, tse shvidshe for everything, tied with some kind of zabobons. As if you are afraid of something, rather than start kissing, but stroke your hands, stand on an order, think about this person.

Aje shvidshe for everything, dead people respectfully about those who you think about her, who guess at the moment, and not those who kissed you on the forehead.

I'm lying in the hospital from the burnt leg.

More than 50 people at the funeral, more than 4 kissed on the forehead at the vines, and all the next day, two snarled very importantly.

Varto make up your mind. I hurt very rarely, and in one of us, the splitting of the bullets did not help for a month

So mother and sister, being in the other country, not coming to the funeral, also became very ill after 2 days.

It's amazing. Else nobody is sick

It is important that after death a corpse is seen, and you can get sick and fall ill. One should simply be afraid of kissing the nebіzhchikov through those who have read zhahіv. It’s better to kiss on the forehead through a special paper, which is glued at the farewell ceremony. However, even if they were strong, they would forget about everything and kiss the sky, not thinking about the fence.

Do you ever want to kiss a dead person? Meni, for example, it would be terribly tse robiti, navіt like a person next to me. I don’t know, maybe you look cool in films, if everyone throws kisses at the dead man, but really, turn, I don’t know.

Tilki axis navpaki, kissing a dead person on the forehead .. this is the tradition.

Itself so and shy at parting - kiss the forehead of the deceased. Ale, even if the person died and її slyly saw the cadaverous excrement, before that, most of the time she died, she suffered from being ill - and it’s a treasury for a healthy day of hygienic microscopy.

In the sight of a cadaverous corpse, no one has yet died. Not everyone sticks around the corpse only in mittens. But to kiss the dead on the forehead, to bring on the soul of a loved one, all the same, it’s not hygienic. I don't need it. It’s more than a tradition, it’s not obov’yazkovo to dorimuvatisya.

A dead person is not only kissed, but it is not recommended to chop with bare hands. After death, a cadaveric rot begins to be seen, through the pores it is found on the entire surface of the body of the corpse. That’s why it’s ok, and for that, more lips are more beautiful than unique.

I’ll understand these traditions to sleep with a string in one room and kiss a sky, but I won’t judge who to rob like that.

Why can't you kiss the nebіzhchikov and bring in the bones to the funeral?

The profession of a master of ceremonies (people who swear for the funeral and mourning) is right in Russia. Do not creak the halls of farewell to the dead, and do not hide yourself as servants of funeral booths. 34 millions of people started to live in the countryside and say goodbye to their loved ones at the Morse's private booth.

Tse is not good and bad. Less than 25% of people can work in the sphere of ritual services, forensic experts, in hospices - that's where life ends. All professions, in which people can be of an exceptionally mature soul. Tse tі, hto having died richly once, richly once changed, whom death does not cherish. "Children of the soul" to be afraid to talk about death.

Sound the master of ceremonies pratsyu until vіdspіvuvannya. Prote buvayut vinyatka, like, for example, the priest hurry up. Before the speech, as a preacher at the funeral, he speaks not as much as a wine, but as an organizer of urochistas. Yoga itself helps people to learn lessons from the life they have lived.

Skin death carried a lesson, and the funeral master can pick up a code for the mourners, so that you could evaluate your path in a different way, understand, the stench came from the light.

The master of ceremonies can also give a psychotherapeutic service: the language can be like this, so that a person, as if he were at the stage of acute grief, quickly survived this moment. The mournful may come back with grief for three months, as if nothing happens, then people already need medical assistance. My metaphor is so strong that the grief is changed by the feelings of the memory.

The culmination of the mourning walk is the rest of 100 meters. It's time to carry a string and an urn. At this moment, people, like they came to the funeral, change their lives.

For a low average salary (30–35 thousand rubles), the work of a master of ceremonies is rather awkward. Understand, we don't care. It’s just that we have a special space for reasons.

In advance of the farewell ceremony, the master of ceremonies call the relatives of the deceased - specify the facts of his biography, and then insert them in his promo. As a rule, it is precisely marked the features that will cause a colossal effect on the guests.

For example, not long ago I saw the funeral of the director of one enterprise, and I didn’t have any information about my relatives. I selected a bunch of unproblematic phrases: “I won’t be vindictive”, “having taken into account that a person can’t be formed, if she won’t be formed herself.”

Complaining mova rozpovidaє and about drіbnitsі - for example, as if we want a 90-year-old grandmother, I need to say more about those who won her onukiv, and those who went through an impersonal transformation, who fell to the lot of Russia. You can navit rozpovisti, as if she was poking around with the phone, she bobbed the first TV thinly.

The best funeral for drug addicts

The biggest funeral is for drug addicts. It's wonderful, but stinks are the most important participants in the funeral process. Drug addicts are aware that the end of the end is coming soon, - don’t say anything, it’s more movchannya, and then we’ll already be among ourselves (after the ceremony) for a long time. Tse spіvtovaristvo, like tremaєtsya one for one. Under the hour of plaintive speech, all the fallows nod their heads, listen respectfully, like a master of ceremonies appreciating the life of the deceased. The meisterny master is trying to find out the meaning of the aimlessly lived life. You can always say that a person (let’s go and a drug addict) practiced here, worked, started to start ... I, if the master of ceremonies knows the fate of the deceased, the denunciation of yoga friends shine. The lads know that if the stink dies, they are also appreciated in this hall.

The SRSR had a miraculous culture of farewell, dozens of human evils were valued, they talked about yaks at the funeral: he was a fighter for peace, a rationalizer, a fair one, and so on.

Today, people do not know how to help in order to evaluate the one who is good. Now in the first place of the middle of the estimated words - "kind". And yet the vocabulary is desemantized - any specifics, even if all people are kind. Tsya phrase n_yak does not come out of the souls of the quiet, who sit there for the trouble. To a friend, about what to talk about close, - "Vin buv good ... dad, dad, blue" thinly. Far away, it seems like a person practiced - “practical”, “successful”, “good picker”, and about yoga hobi (“fisherman”, “gardener”).

"You're being shot." Taboo on speaking

At the hour of the funeral, a colossal exchange of energy is seen with combustibles. Vcheni seem that there is no real sense, but those that people are aware of when they receive information about death. Tse richer, lower kohannya.

The moment of a call and then a blow to the recognition of the dead can be equal to an orgasm (the same is “microdeath”). At the bed of kohantsi they throw off the majestic amount of information one on one - the very same in farewell whilin to shy away mournful. Flammable vivalyuyut majestic flow of negative information, as if I could help. The dead in terms of energy is safe, but the living is not. Be sure to think that their cross shines and exclaims negativity, atheist - to reveal that a fire burns in their breasts, which is all that drives everything.

The master of ceremonies can take care of himself. I will teach them. For example, women should wear hairpins made of soft metals and plastics. The stench will pick up the negative, and you can clean up the embellishments. At the same time it is not possible to wear diamanti - these precious stones, as they absorb colossal energy. Mova master tezh vikonuє zahisnu function. Vaughn can be nebaiduzhoy, ale is sided. And then you can find negativity because of what you see. Ideal English intonation: the first word is stressed, the step is less and the same more, and then once - a sharp fall in the voice down. Okremi words mi viriznyaemo three pauses. People in complaints otherwise - they need to “roztlemachuvat” everything.

Rules for a VIP funeral and music "for a prayer"

I would like to ask for a photo of a film about the deceased, which will be shown at the hour of the urochistas (the line costs 3.5 thousand rubles). Variety of work and master of ceremonies - 1.5-2 thousand. ruble Vzagali, die at once cheaply - 15-20 yew. (tse without excesses).

Classical music ceased to sound (all funerals are celebrated). People began to sing sonic svіtskі songs. The absolute leader is the song "Nizhnist" by the Viconan Ganni Herman. So, for example, they say “Like a charm in Russia in the evening” and “Clean rates”.

As if I had spent the funeral of the head of the budіvelnoї kompanії, on which there were more than a lot of people. None of them crying, navіt zagodyachi to the hall of furnaces. After the cremation of the dead stink, they could go through a long corridor. I watched for him what was going on, and asked for protection to put on the passage the song “So I want to live.”

The music played. I stood on the corridor, while mourners passed behind me. The stinks screamed. It takes one song to pull the trigger of sorrow.

There are no cultures of plaintive clothing today. Mourning in Russia is black and white (for children and girls). Classics - cement matt, no glints, gold.

How many times I marveled at the funeral (as you say about those who come to say goodbye to people), I can say that, for example, Alla Pugachova does not know the mournful etiquette - the bed is bigger than the knee, the hair is loosened without a cap, the make-up is bright. Ale to the fact that no one tells people about those who need it. However, a good example is Naina Yeltsin: everything at the funeral of a person was like a requirement, the Crimean color of the Khustka (vin mav buti on the vіdspіvuvanni bіlim).

Until the dress of the master of ceremonies, it is possible, that the wine will be unique. Tobto were in no element, as if they were not present in the great smell. Well, the funeral master could not finish the job and the system would not be in the public transport. Everything needs to be done at the work station. Representatives of various religious denominations ask other masters of ceremonies to add a special element to the costume: Muslims - green (bow chi pov'yazku on the arm), Jews throw on fakhivtsya talit (better curvature with husbands).

Don't kiss the sky

The dead body saw the gas that they were suffocating, as if there had not been a rooting procedure (autoxia). And here at the edge of the winery is a vice, like a car cover (2.5 atmospheres). Through the dead bodies vibrate - I tell the teachings about the causes of this. It is not safe, if people throw themselves on a string, press a body on a dead body - gassies can come out.

Corpses of mothers are also deadly bruised. Until the 1st hour of the ceremony, the master is guilty of stalking, so that the body was disinfected. From the mouth, having opened (at that number of eyes) winding water, brain tissue, legends, sperm, feces and cutting. If there is no force majeure, then from the mortuary it was necessary to go to thanatopractice - sewing up the body, disinfecting it, doing make-up. Tilki potim - until the master of ceremonies.

Before the ceremony, the farewell hall, all vіdkritі vіdkritі vіdkritі vіdlіanki tіla poіyynogo, truna obroblyayutsya by the master of ceremonies and the staff of the funeral booth preparations. Then the rest is sent to the refrigerator (if you put the chemical on the robot, you need a sprat of a year), after that - before thanatropractic, for make-up.

Deyakі souls turn to the Earth, schobe schchos to dorobit. Also, sometimes children die. They haven't learned anything yet, but they're already suffering - through and through. The stinks turned around. So it was necessary. If a person didn’t overcome the problem in one life, then in the next life, it will be even more foldable. As if the soul rose from the earth, it became a part of the cosmos - there is no more life in it.

It is possible and necessary to kiss the sky at the funeral

Thoughts about kissing the sky are being shared: some talk about the rite, as if it were past traditions, others rely on an unprimed bad risk of health.

What to say about the rite of kissing the sky?

People often do not think about their own affairs, if they see off the dead in the rest of the way, often through human afflictions, often to what is so accepted in the court. However, why is it really so important and necessary to kiss a dead person at a funeral? If you don’t take to respect the various zaboboni and tales, then kiss the dead man only from the aesthetic and hygienic point of dawn. Obviously, at this moment, the relatives of the deceased have little thought about the aesthetic aspect, and then more about hygiene - people are more and more tired of wasting people close to them. Ale and forget about the risk of zapodіyannya shkodi your health tezh not varto.

Phone tsіlodobovo!

✓ We know exactly what we can do to help you.

◦ ◦ ◦

Dotrimannya to the ritual of farewell by European bagmen

At the sight of the words of the yansk people, the suspense of the past looks at the whole ritual negatively, wanting to blame them. Due to medical reasons, tissue breakdown occurs after death in 6-7 years. It is possible to improve this process - for which vicory there are special chemical varieties, or simply the body’s thinning at a low temperature. Turning off tissue decay is simply impossible. And to that, close contact with the body of the deceased gives a chance for bacteria to expand freely around, sticking out not only too sharp, but living people, as if they came to say goodbye to the dead.

Why is it impossible to kiss the dead, who was previously stricken with serious illnesses?

It is especially unsafe to contact with the dead, who had previously been treated for liquor, for example, oncological diseases. People who are ill with oncology are far away from the suspense, in case of death, I would like to freely give the bodies to relatives in order to say goodbye before the funeral. To come out, a daily dose of radiation has been taken off for a lifetime, and the hour of the procedure is low. With whom relatives, heartbroken, not only die in one place, but they drink yoga, wash and kiss.

І if there is a heavy ailment, varto razumiti:

Such a body, good for life important ailmentsє spravzhnyoy bomb povіlnoї dії. I realized that after seeing the deceased in the rest of the way, no one should think about the disinfection of the place.

Psychological factor of kissing a sky

Do not start a farewell kiss before the river. For example, as in this case, it is customary to say goodbye to relatives in such a rite, children and especially people of different ranks should rather spare the ritual of vikonannya - there may be a psychological trauma. Adzhe not tsedіystvo є miril kokhannya that pain inflict. It is quite possible, from a purely psychological point of view, to say goodbye in such a rank to the deceased person is simply not ready, as she did not like yoga very much for her life.

Where is the right way to kiss the dead?

Remain kissing - otherwise the kiss of the deceased on the forehead may be a direct link from the funeral ritual. Tsіluvannya vіdbuvaєtsya in the region of placement of the third eye - zgіdno z vіruvannyami, pozіnok on the forehead erases the memory of vibrating, scho passed in life before it, like a soul reborn on earth. If so, the ranks of the remainder of the order are placed in a special wedding, placements on the head of the deceased. As another option, you can kiss the icon, how to put the white of your left hand, or on the chest, at this time the Orthodox cross is placed in left hand deceased.

On the lines, placed on the neck of a sky for kissing, the following image can be applied:

  1. Jesus Christ.
  2. phrases of the Holy Song.
  3. Mother of God.
  4. John the Baptist.

Deyakі zvichaї allow tsіluvannya hands or lips of the dead, prote practically traplyayetsya taka seldom. As an option, you can just sit on the arm of the string, trembling the hand of the deceased, touch your leg, shake it off for everything and say goodbye.


Note: Do not take small children to funerals.

In a first place, it's a place for a child, in a different way, you can stay with a little one and appreciate the farewell "sunset". In the Muslim community, a “farewell kiss” is granted to the deceased in the same way - by bumping the lips of the chola chi is simply a denunciation. Tse viraz great love chi povagi to the deceased person. Todiyak Jews vvozhayut blasphemy turbuvat body and soul of the deceased. According to the rules that live in the Jewish community, the remains of the deceased are not shown, and the lid of the trunk is tightly closed. Otzhe, tsіluvati and vsіlyakо chіpati pokiynika not be brought - іdеї say goodbye to the dead in thought, or bumping into the krіni krіni.

Chi can you kiss a dead type of cancer

if I marvel at the dead - it is "seen" that people in the dark are dumb (I don’t know what to understand) why kiss the baby

the order is with you, but I can smell the paper's line in the future.

rіk that hovala at once from the friends of his great martyr, there were a lot of people at the funeral,

so many people kissed, lads .. but I didn’t .. I just bumped over my shoulder when everyone said goodbye,

in front of them, like they dug.

papirets-vinochok-tse if you sing in the church, or just bring the stars

vzagali at the vіnochok, in my opinion, and it is obligatory to kiss

and a month ago they took care of my grandmother, I kissed her on the forehead and held her hand (I didn’t want to let her in). .

After seeing the grandmother, the priest said (you are guilty of saying goodbye kissing on the forehead, so you don’t mean it doesn’t matter) I don’t sue me, but the phrase didn’t even fit ((I respect that it’s my fault to say goodbye as I can trunі pіdіti, even people of all raznі for whom farewell, just be sure not to stick around the dead.

so I was shocked at the sight of yogo sliv ((((

we can see later, I don’t want to depict anyone: flower:

and rіch u viri, traditions u nіy, reading by those who are a child at a funeral

having kissed a grandfather, a grandmother, and so on.

I'm from the point of view of hygiene, call for another third, etc. day after death,

but like a cadaver otruta. 001: From the other side of the mind, God forbid, if some of my fathers died, relatives are close people, maybe I would especially kiss,

ale child b singly 5 river did not take, but to go nowhere and wine there, would not let her kiss: 008: but she would b,

on herbs-quotes, otherwise, how could Bіlosnіzhka have fallen asleep, without a gloomy

Ale tse so, not in a good way.

And vzagali, zovsіm neobov'yazkovo little child to take to the funeral.

I kissed the dead at the cholo, we’ll cut the tribute to the dead, and I myself in a line on my forehead, I didn’t see a strong hostility, it was a little scary. I look at the tsvintar of Khoja, I look behind the graves, wanting to travel 1000 km and I’m still new in love and honor to my relatives, but still, I think I’m left with a little more after death, I don’t really know that.

I somehow came to the church, I say I'm a Muslim

and vіn i hear me without becoming-chur on you. like you could. and learn to speak without becoming

And what do youmu tell you about? You also need to go to the mosque, and not to the church. hiba ni? :008:

It's normal. Ale є th takі, such as we described. sorry. :005:

I somehow came to the church, I say I'm a Muslim

and vіn i hear me without becoming-chur on you. like you could. and learn to speak without becoming

we can see later, I don’t want to depict anyone: flower:

and rіch u viri, traditions u nіy, reading by those who are a child at a funeral

having kissed a grandfather, a grandmother, and so on.

I'm from the point of view of hygiene, call for another third, etc. day after death,

but like a cadaver otruta. 001: From the other side of the mind, God forbid, if some of my fathers died, relatives are close people, maybe I would especially kiss,

ale child b singly 5 river did not take, but to go nowhere and wine there, would not let her kiss: 008: but she would b,

on herbs-quotes, otherwise, how could Bіlosnіzhka have fallen asleep, without a gloomy

I set up normally. Yakscho died close people, which you have kissed so many times for life, why don’t you kill it the last time, stand up. Mustaches, obviously, experience grief in a different way, for those who go to trouble in the face of grief, they don’t pull strength. Ale axis about the cadaverous garbage at this moment to think: it’s more, with a kiss with a cadaverous garbage, it’s impossible to get it.

About children - marveling at the children's fates. I would not have taken my 2nd birthday to the funeral. I don’t think that she can understand what she should be doing and behaving adequately. And the older child, accept school age, I would have taken obov'yazkovo, and without "fairy tales about Bіlosnizhok". IMHO, you need to speak with children, and on this topic

I couldn't get to the bottom of it. I just couldn't get through the rope with the body just like that. I wanted to hug him and not let him in. it’s more like it, if you’re smart with your brain, what else to think - and more NIKOL you don’t get to the point of people, but your mind is in the mind of faith. 🙁 I kissed on the forehead, stroked on the cheek, let's say "lyalka".

I write and cry again.

I remember the little bula, and the person died, so everyone went on through the sky and kissed in the trunks, and my mother told me to go for a walk. you do not need.

Vzimku my donka was on the vіdspіvіvannі vіdspіvіvannі nayomoї іvchinki. I її slept, as if I said goodbye to her, said goodbye, what I kissed, because everyone kissed. She herself did not cry out for the shock. It’s like the fact that I try to give the children the most calm setting before death.

And do women go to the mosque? :008:

Behind the topic - she kissed her grandmother, even її kohala. In others, it was only for the string.

Meni 28 rec. Everything is like that. They took care of me. I take care of my children until the last.

I care about what is smut, what is in your heart, in your thoughts, in your soul. Didus died 4 years ago, my friend-2 years ago. I didn’t go to the funeral, I prepared a wake. I live in my memory, and not shells in strings. All IMHO.

Walking, walking, they have their own "Viddilennya" there 🙂

And what, for example, is food for an Orthodox grandmother? "Whoever is not with us, then against us." 005:

Vlasne me zdivuvali і vіdpovіd і nutrition of the author of the post.

And since that hour, maybe 2 thousand years have passed. Look, the world has already changed.

And since that hour, maybe 2 thousand years have passed. Look, the world has already changed. Um. Who? Christians? Ni. As soon as "look" at the Christians "arguably" change - they automatically stop smelling like Christians. Maybe we shouldn't offtopit here?;)

I go to Catholic churches, and I went to the synagogue, to the mosque, still, not.

I also respect that God is one and it is absolutely the same for me in every way from Yogo home to the New World.

And with those meals - it’s even easier for me to kiss a wine. I shy away faint-heartedly - because I don’t kiss anyone, I respect myself the right not to shy away, because I don’t identify the body with a person, as she left us.

Like kissing a moustache - I don’t portray people with my position - also I’m going to kiss.

I had a rich bula at the funeral, but I didn’t come up to the trouble and didn’t run, like throwing earth, so it seems to me that people just went for a long time.

I’m batting at someone else’s score, but I don’t mark it at my own deck. I would have definitely figured it out. :)

Likewise, people were closer to those children with leukemia, who were treated for LP. "Come, lady, stop kissing." Whose heart wanted it.

My mother said that I didn’t approach and didn’t kiss (but you know I’m scared 🙁)

That is why my fathers protect me.

Tato and all relatives from yoga side with the same difficulties. Seems like a phobia that is transmitted from downfalls.

I had a rich bula at the funeral, but I didn’t come up to the trouble and didn’t run, like throwing earth, so it seems to me that people just went for a long time.

Pokhodzhennya tradition to sleep with a string of mind - where would it be to walk the string earlier in villages without a mortuary. At the same time, however, we don’t know what to do.

And all of us were wondering about a lot of American zhahivs, all associations already sounded. How can you dotorknutis, tim more fall asleep order. And with a raptom we’ll get tired and we’ll be. 001:

Well, our native land, close people! How can you be afraid? How can you think about a new one and wipe out all the evil spirits of a corpse?

And since we are uniquely able to inspire thoughts about death, we don’t know anywhere

And all of us were wondering about a lot of American zhahivs, all associations already sounded. How can you dotorknutis, tim more fall asleep order.

The only moment, according to which the thought is firm in me is that you don’t need to take children to the funeral. Rockiv up to 8 for sure. Well, I don’t impose my thoughts on anyone.

Axis just got colder, then the cold, which came out of them. remembered forever

Children obviously don’t need all the goodness, but they have more kisses.

The child couldn't.

There were no such thoughts.

And only if my beloved titon died, I calmly kissed her and said goodbye.

And what about Voronezh? And in other places, de trunu thrive?

Our friends had a string for 3 days (according to tradition) in a booth. 010:

O! That de vin mav stand?

That y vzagali I richly de chula, scho tronu zalishayut at home before the funeral, especially in the rural mіstsevosti, where are the morgues?

Otzhe, all lie down in the spring. Whom zhah-zhah, but they don’t understand, how can you be otherwise?

By topic. Before tradition, I put myself calmly. That old woman kissed the grandmother without any thought. And if you loved your classmate, you were afraid to be amazed.

At St. Petersburg, I stumbled on the skids, died lying by the morse until the day of the funeral. In the same place, they say goodbye to him in morse, but they gave him either to the crematorium or to the tsvintary at once from those who want to be present.

Grandmother left the grandfather at home. It's the end of the day, the infamous season is not over, they embalmed themselves so much, it was necessary to renew the mask on the face. The rest of the night, with the opening of the night, the appearance was swollen. It was greedy: 001::001: They carried it out of the apartment - there was a narrow turn from the door, the string was carried almost vertically. My mother and I were terrified. I already loved my grandfather, I was a terrible and most beloved granddaughter, but I still remember this funeral to the details and twist it. And back to back so just dreaming. To that, my mother and I were far away virish - as if we were to lie down at the funeral, then only the morgue!

Near Tomsk (near Siberia) for relatives' bajans.

I more. at night, don't sleep in the sky's hut. otherwise, it was like a jahittya, they wrote "sleep in order with a string" and so on.

Tobto. to sleep, of course, but damn it in other rooms.

But for three days at home, do not go out. I don’t have to go out all the same at Morse. To a friend at home, and on the third day to hove.

Tse call for young people, if it is necessary to roztin to determine the cause of death. The old, not self-sufficient ones sounded the procedure of mine My history, however, they all died because of the reasons: one grandmother died, the rest of the 2 old ones lay in a room, the grandfather died in the hands of a shvidka, connections to the ECG apparatus.

The last fate of a man's grandmother died (near Gatchina). They took him to the morgue, they roztinali. 90 years old Bulo. didn’t get sick with anything. Ale mi її y hovali potіm іz the morgue.

Well, the sounds are clear that they didn’t ring out. A man's witch died at the hospital, as a cancer, a legen - the mother-in-law asked not to open yoga - they said to the morse that they didn’t break it, only the people whispered in the ear that they had cracked it, to that one. goiter for the rules. My mother also died due to a clear diagnosis - breast cancer, it would be better to reveal it again and everything is clear, ale. regulations. I don’t know what their rules are, but I’m told that they reveal practically everything, they just don’t tell relatives about it.

I don’t want anything nasty and terrible in this day.

I don’t know about all the lands, but in Moldavia, for example, it is customary to kiss not a cholo, but an icon, which lies in the hands of the dead. After the opening ceremony, the icon is given to the youngest member of the family.

And about ours, everyone is simply shocked. Vaughn did not turn to the hospital in any way. It was not possible to send cards (at Gatchina, 10 years were delayed). They singly sang it, so they didn’t overwhelm the old 90th with me. :((((((((((((

I lived in Bulgaria until the age of 19, at the same time often until my father's day

The axis of autumn had a chance to wilt in order not to roar sinovі,

what is the price for the closet or the front door box: 010:

Mene from childhood and dosi remembrance in view of the fact that someone is dying,

the lid is tucked away and the wooden cross with them is tucked up to the front door before the funeral, and at the same time the dead man is at the booth

the axis at our leaf fall died there susid, I didn’t take my son out for a walk, until they cleaned up the dissimilarity

schob not eating something like that .. but even worse, obituaries, from 40 days hang a photo of the deceased

the death to the dead, well, who can help, and hang on the skin tree on that wall

in all places: 001:

The stinks took yogo, a zinc string.

The unfortunate widow sat and embraced, kissed those who had lost their lives due to cancer of the liver.

Here, do you notice how the sky smells like a snail, after cancer of the liver and how it is drawn from a zinc tube?

I didn’t think what it was like that.

I write and cry again.

But everything is different. to live in one country, in one country. Vtim, the country is great!

Youmu didn't want that.

Tato died at home - they took him to the mortuary to the likarni im. Lenina. Chi was not revealed.

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