Nevigadan story of the “terrible shaman. Shaman's disease is an important gift of the spirits of Chakluni and shamans of terrible history

Before the revolution, there were a lot of shamans in Yakutia - there was only one average shaman in the great leather village. After the revolution, "obscurantists" began to be followed and there were few shamans. But it doesn’t mean that all the stinks were born or were charlatans - the shamans just went to hell, began to grab their own vibes and strangle show their gift.

One of the quiet shamans, who knew on his own the persecution from the side of the new power, lives near the Vilyuisk Ulus and was a good peasant. If the Stalinist collectivization reached a critical level, it became clear that all the good in the new one would be taken away in such and such a way, having voluntarily handed over the state to the collective state school, and he himself should live in a fox - having awakened his own hut and zaslyuvavsya. Without entering into contact with Mayzha, he still had one young relative, who periodically indulged in yoga - bringing zhu that drink, having spread the rest of the news.

The shaman insistently recommending that you come before the new vrantsі chi in the day - saying, in the evening at the new one there "do your own thing". Relatives sound like this and repaired, but once you got very zapіznivsya (you got lost, you just got stuck) and came to the hut in the forest after the sunset. On the right, there was a vletka - in Yakutia, at the right time, the fate of the night would stand, so that everything could be clear. Zaishov guest at the hut - no one. Zdivuvavsya, where did the person look at nothing. Viyshov back and feeling for the hut at the fox's voice. Yomu felt uneasy - a dense fox, self-sufficient bagman - with whom can one conduct a rozmov here? Having strangled fear, you still wonder.

If the voices have become closer, they are sensible, that no less than three or three different people can speak, moreover, one voice seems to be lying to the shaman himself. Basically, the shaman was talking, and other, more loud voices were sometimes inserted and pidtakuvali. The guest began to listen. The dialogue is about to come...

Shaman: And if I do no harm to people, then why am I punished like that? Tell me, is it fair?
Other voices: H!
Shaman: They took everything good, drove it to the fox, like an indecent old dog - tell me, why should I tolerate such an evil image?
Other voices: H! Hi! Hi!
Shaman: Why should I work, to restore my good name and turn the honor of an honest people? What is the way?
Other voices: Є!

Zvichayno, the voices were not friendly in chorus, they sang, the other one was not so unambiguous, but the person didn’t remember the exact phrases. Zlyakavshis, Vіn not becoming far from hearing about what happened and quickly pіshov back. Turning around, standing up, vaguely waggling, like a shaman, sitting on a stump, shaping his head, and squirming around like a long-stemmed dark silhouette, no less than two and a half meters tall. Look at their faults without becoming and giving a tear.

If the relative of the prince came to the hut anew and rose to the shaman, what a night in the evening, he became categorically re-challenge everything: "Well, you felt like it, singly. I'm here alone, can I talk to you here? You need to drink less!"

History closes about those who far away to that shaman effectively turn their good. Ale, guess what, sing-song ...

The fame about the shaman Timir Charapchilai - Zalizny Kozirk, about his great gift, spread throughout all uluses and taxes.

And people slowly began to arrive before the new in the territory of Bertha with different traps. Once before the new day, glory to Yogo from Vilyuy came at once from the blue one rich Golovasty Tekut to the prize. The stench, hurrying, tied the horses to the serge and carefully led them to the yurt of the great shaman. The owner, an old grey-haired old man, sitting on his arm with his back to entrance doors. Vіn, do not hover and do not turn to the guests in person, saying to your old man: “People came from afar, weary and hungry, please make them happy.” The guests had a drink, the old shaman was left to sit, de sit.

The tadpole flow, having eaten, having begun the rozmov himself:

Old man, singsongly, you already know, for some reason we came to you, having passed such a long way. This lad, my son, having made friends with that fate, brought a squad from the other ulus. Ale, unfortunately, the life of the young did not work out. Having come to our hut, the young woman began to dry up and fade away, and in spite of everything she slandered and lost her memory.

The axis is already the third rіk won not be brought out of bed. We asked for different shamans before her, the stench, having spoken, it seems that the great and strong abaasi poured on my soul, with which the stench cannot fight.

Axis sensed about your great gift, why don't you come with us? We can’t get enough of the borg, apparently, how to fit, that one came at once not with empty hands.

Zalizniy Kozirok, having heard the words honoso and at the same time, uttered the following words:

You really came from afar for a reason with great grief. But I can’t go with you to Vilyuy: my glance is not leathery, I can see it, I’m afraid that my path will be strewn with corpses, so I don’t leave the house for so long. Sometimes you want to go somewhere and grow up. Ale, don’t be embarrassed, I will help you with my booth. You lie down, sleep, and at night, if everyone is alive to sleep before the onset of the wound, I come to you, to the Middle Vilyuy, too, if you roll over, your young will be healthy ...

With such words, and the little gnats with the wondrous behavior of the great shaman, the guests went to bed. Aleson did not come, and the stench, covered with rugs, watched over the old man's deeds. Having ordered the squad to bring a cebro with water and put Yogo on the back.

I want to look around the whole region of three Vilyuivs until the very day. Stara, if I stop squishing water with my hands, to wash my cold visor and immediately close it ...

And he was immediately quiet, who, having come, having watched a deep sleep, did not smell anything more and did not spit. Before the hour of the morning tea, the shaman, so sitting with his back, rose to his guests, that he had visited Vilyu at night, having woken, that at once from a young woman three years ago, abaasi had come before them, who had become attached to her yet, if she lived in іnshіy. mistevity. Vіn through jealousy, that the maiden came to the zamіzh, having begun to bring її, to live in the world.

Zalizny Kozirok of the zher tsgogo abaasi, having healed the lean woman for a little while, soon you will get up from the bed, and everything will be good, you will see life to your own kolії.

And what else did the old man have to drink at our missions? - We greeted the garish star of the guest.

I didn’t drink anything good there, I don’t want to talk about it, - a good shaman. - In two hundred years there will be a flood of a ditch, through which a lot of thinness and people will get water ...

Guests, do not particularly swear by these words, if there will be more! - they rushed back on the road, especially hurrying a young man, who could not bear to keep his squad healthy. It’s true, Zalizny Kozirok didn’t cheat: before his arrival on Vilyuy, the young woman was already on her feet. Axis scho won rozpovіla cholovіkovі that father-in-law:

As if at night, if I was still living in my father’s mother’s house, one black-pre-black scary old abaasi came to me, yak, hurting me by the hair, threw me into the cradle. I don’t know how long I lay there, not in a twirl, turning around and crying, I felt like a raptom, like a man’s voice, saying to a coma: “It has become terrible to eat the food! The great shaman Ortho Doidu himself (the middle earth, the land of people) has fixed his fiery gaze on us! Stara, don't chip the woman anymore! Get it back!

Feeling these words, the dreadful old woman snatched me by the hair and pulled me back from the bed. I didn’t catch the sham, as if I stumbled in my native yurt, as if step by step I filled up with water. And along this water, a gray-haired old man approached me, like a sіv beat my knot and said: “Don’t fight, touom (child), wash yourself with this water, maybe, you haven’t rebuked your face with water for a long time.”

With these words, the old one helped me to get in touch. After that, the water began to change. I became more easily and calmly. In parting, the old man said: “Me, however, the time has come to hurry up, soon to see each other, the people-animals will spill over ... Like to cheer me, buti bіdі.

Tukaam *, soon you will be dressed up, everything in you will be good. And if you see it again, if you see that black old man with a slick coli, you don’t fight and shout: “Didusya Zalizny Kozirok, help me, lie!” . And if at that hour I won’t be in this world, all the same my єr * will come before you to help this world.
* * *
Axis helped people so much one of the great shamans, as if they came to this Middle Earth, - Khangala Timir Charapchylaakh. Dopomagav, not leaving the vlasnoy yurt.

Once from Olekminsky land, from Tokki, until the last time, the Tungus bai arrived. Bai, not knowing the details about the shaman, was terribly surprised that the master did not get up from his arm, sit with his back turned to the guests. Prote dozhe gostinny and balakuchy.

After the evening, bye shared with the master, as if it was famously prompted him to set off in such a long way.

The grief has become great in my homeland. The axis already kotriy rіk does not give life to the hirsky abaasi, having tormented us. Soon to come to us Khara Bekir (literally - black and thin) abaasi and do not let you sleep, zdrigaє z oronіv on pіdlogu.

Sometime before one o'clock in the evening, the stars do not rise, the black hand appears and steals the meat from the boiler. Evil spirits already devoured both my blues, the stench died one by one. The daughter became fit and ice unbearable, hitting the old one with paralysis, and I became a damp cloud. I’m afraid that I’ll soon go for the blues, having left my daughter and the old one for granted. Take pity on me and help me, give me a treat, as if you would take care of me abaasi! - rozpov_v Tunguska bai with tears in the eyes.

Feeling these words, Zalіzniy Kozirok vіdpovіv:

What can I say, you suffered a heavy grief. Girsky abaasi is a strong abaasi, it is more like a wine to look at the human eye. It’s important to overcome yoga, ale, scho robiti, happen to be beaten.

Start this axis: get home early, and just as soon as you arrive, dismiss the hamnachchitiv *, close the thinness at the khoton, take the dog into the yurt, start all the good windows and doors and lie down to sleep. At night, there will be a terrible noise on the underside - do not turn on your respect, ale, as soon as you feel the terrible cry of a raven, I will, tie up your eyes with a harshness and see the overhead. Falsely, look around the podvir'ya, as you know, show the old daughter obov'yazkovo.

Tunguska bai, having arrived home, viskon with a mustache, like youmu was punished. At night, you can’t fall asleep in a moment, lying, listening to the sounds. At this hour, the doors, which were fastened shut by him, opened wide, and the great Khangala shaman himself stepped into the yurt with a cane in his hands and a visor on his eyes. "Nohoo, get up, throw some wood at the fireplace, often fire with a piece of meat and lie back!" - having said wine and sign, why didn’t it happen.

The man huddled together from the bed and checked the doors - the stench was closed. Vіn vikonav said by the shaman i lіg. Raptom with the edge of the eye, as if from behind the fireplace, Hara Bekir abaasi and jumped over the door. And once on the street, having lulled an unselfish cry, and screaming a raven.

Bai shvidenko blindfolded his eyes, swung overhead and swayed, like a majestic raven ganyaetsya for abaasi and pecks at the head. He rushed to the sprawling old modrina, who was standing nearby, and hid in the middle of the leaves. The raven knocked against a tree on the move and screamed again unselfishly. Cієї mitі having struck a terrible grіm, a glitter flashed - and the tree burned at the fire.

Seeing fear, be unpretentious and shamenuvsya vrantsі on your own defense. The vranci knew at the yard I burned the modrina, and I beat her willow-hook with trioma, tied up with the kinsky hairs. Having dreamed an old yogo, a gray-haired old man came to her and told him to put a pillow under the pillow, minyayuchis with his daughter, moving, then smell the stench.

So it happened: the old woman got up from her bed, and the daughter dressed herself again.


Tukaam - a child (zvernennya).
Hamnachchit is a laborer.

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This wonderful story became with me in my youth. We, with a group of girls, made love to each other to occultism and other mysticism, organized a trip to the most mysterious shamanic place of the planet, to Altai.

On the way, it showed up as a thickened one, we saw a little garnih mist, they visited the Bilukha mountain, they made a bath in the river Akkem, and the most splendid thing was the acquaintance with the mischievous shaman.

In one of the Altai forces, we were told a legend about these ancient guides in other realities and were told that in the evening we would be asked for one of the rites.

If the days descended to the earth, a small group of people took a trip to the galyavin, with a view of the unimaginable beauty of the local nature. We drank, drank tea, and shared hostility.

The shaman appeared raptom. On a new bov, a wondrous robe, like a pir'ya, a hutra, a skin of creatures. Individuals of Yogo could not be looked at under an important headdress that flattened their eyes. In the hands of the vins there was a bubo, on which chimeras veserunki flaunted.

The mustache slumped down and began to watch over him.

Vіn pіdіyshov to the fire and began to cook on the fire. At the cauldrons, the roots were broken, the grass was dry and fragrant, and the other ingredients, which did not tell the earth a little. Burning us with a welcoming, spicy, relaxing aroma, then we were forced to taste this miracle vodvar.

The lads, one by one, drank from an earthenware bowl and passed it by stake.

If the devil reached me, out of satisfaction I poured out a mysterious drink. Vіn appearing tart, troch rіkuvatim for relish. After the first carpet, I thought, as if on my body I had a whiff of speck, but in general it was already pleasant to wind.

Having caught the shaman at the bubo, everyone grew stronger and abandoned their thoughts. I closed my eyes. If you sounded his voice, it seemed that wine penetrated the skin cell of my body, continuing to vibrate with her. And like on American guitars, I was carried away by the whiffs of guessing, I couldn’t get it, so I wanted to analyze it.

Raptom, everything rumbled and I leaned in a deserted place, I dared myself to sit under a majestic oak tree, and the white of my legs was a crystal-clear glass. Mistevist bula did not know me before.

In the distance, I rapped a group of people dressed in white clothes and straight ahead of me. If the stench came, I could already look at them. All these people were about the same century, similar to each other. One of them spoke to me.

- “I give you, our daughter, the bait of a great family. For the sake of you bachiti! - I felt a sonorous voice, low timbre.

“Know that all our strength, the strength of the family, is in your charge. Guess what strength and it will appear more often in you. We stand behind your back and help you. Shanuy your family, wake up the family memory in yourselves. Take care and pass on the knowledge to your brushes!

I bumped into me, and I felt such an all-season love and peace. Such is the day with these people. Vіdchula itself їhnoy part.

Rapto far away, I felt the shaman's sleep, the sound of his voice was growing and approaching. I already started spinning the axis anew and suffered a whiff.

I flattened my eyes and leaned on the same galyavin, the shaman, having sung his song, people from my group were still dazed in their thoughts, the deacons were crying. I thought that the skin of them had been shriveled, and that your own was more expensive.

The shaman completed his ritual and siv iz us at the colo. Vіn dovgo movchav, and after an hour saying, what is the best, what can be with a person on earth, zeustrich zі your homeland, zі your kind. The first ceremony was a yoga gift to us.

If the wines were gone, we wandered along the marks and could not sleep for a long time. We didn’t discuss this information with ourselves, that’s right, it’s special, intimate.

From the moment of tsієї more expensive, I shohvilini look behind my back on my shoulder that strength of my ancestors.

(Il. by the artist Zhuravlyova Olga.)

History of the region

Shamanic viruvannya in the valley of the river Barguzin may old history. For this reason, the cultures of several peoples have been thrust into the development of the region. On the cob I yew. not. on the entire majestic territory from Lake Baikal to the Vitima plateau lived the ancestors of the Evenks, the Moyagiri.

People's memory has robbed less of the rіdkіsnі, uriv part of the riddles about them in legends and legends. Navitelnіshi rozpituvannya old-timers did not give us a clear statement about the mayzhe forgotten tribe. Dostemenno vіdomo, scho in the middle of I yew. n. moyagiri buli zmushenі pіti z habitable mіsts under the onslaught of the well-organized Evenk tribe kіndіgіrіv. Vytisnivshi moogiriv, kіndigіri stumbled with the need to protect their right to stay in the Barguzin valley, as at that hour the Mongolian nomads of the Barguti settled.

The Mongol legends and chronicles suggest that on the cob of the Great conquests of Genghis Khan in the 13th century of the earth, roztashovanie between the Barguzin and Ikat ridges, they were even more distant, they called them Bargudzhin-Tokum (Bargudzhin-tÿhÿm). "The edge of the world". The Mongols went to the ulus of Jochi near Transbaikalia, including the Barguzin valley from the Great Mongol state. Vіdteper the whole land near Baikal began to be called Ara mongol dayda. Before her, Bargudzhin-Tokum had gone with the valleys of the Onon and Kherlen rivers (the quiet land of the mother of Genghis Khan Oelun-udzhin, which resembled the olkhunut family, which was sacking near the Barguzin valley) and Mongolzhin - the left bank of the Selenga river.

The Mongolian influx lasted three hundred years, although until the 17th century the Evenks were more important than the Meshkants of the valley. Within an hour, the Buryat tribes migrated from the Onon steppes and Central Mongolia to Bargudzhin-Tokum, and already in the 18th century, the Evenks occupied only the pivnichnaya part of the Barguzin valley. During this period, Buddhism was actively penetrated into the Transbaikalian Lamaists.

Zreshtoy, after the century of veneration and mythology of the region, the Tungus-Manchurian, Mongolian, Buryat and Tibetan traditions were removed. I explain why there is a lot of evidence that modern Buryat shamanism is based on, there is such a great number of changes with the religious cults of other peoples of Central Asia, Northern Siberia and Transbaikalia.

Mythology to shamanism

Burkhanism, the cult of worshiping deities, is the undisputed champion of shamanism. Zgіdno with Buryat mythology, the progenitor of all gods Yehe-Burkhan founded the back. The first people appeared on the earth. Vaughn gave birth to two daughters: good Manzan Gurma from Sontsya and evil Mayas Khara (“Black Mіsyats”) from Mіsyatsya. The daughters of Yehehe-Burkhan are respected as the ancestors of the ten heavenly ones, who share, in their own hands, on the evil and the good. The Buryats are aware that the land (Ulgen Ehe) can change less than the hearts of the activity of good Burkhans.

Unforgettably, the earth was cremated in the sky, after which the fire blazed and made a gap, from which it appeared human world at what looks like a small hillock. Whose hump, having become tall, and turned into a square earth, kuti, as if exactly showing in the light. Altan Gadas ("Golden Kil") or Altan Serge ("Gold horse-hunting") is the center of the universe.

So three parts of the light appeared: the upper light, inhabited by good deities, the middle one, in which people linger, and the lower one, where the dark power of grandmother Mayas Khara knew. Similar cosmogonical myths can be found in Evenkiv, where there are three worlds of the engdekit river, in the tributaries of which live numerous perfumes.

In the world of development of shamanism, the entire pantheon of deities has a clear hierarchy. At the upper world (Deede Zambi) at once from their families, children and onuks linger 99 . Mustache stink like a human being. They see 55 good (zahіdnyh) and 44 bad (skhіdnyh) tengri. Among the rest, one of the greatest shamans is Asaran Arban gurban-tengri - the head of all black shamans.

Tengri at once to resist one to one. With this kind of goodness, the forces often go to the magical zbroї - gleams of the heavenly stone Zada-shuluun (meteorite), which is brought down on the heads of similar deities by those helpers, which bring ailments and misfortune. That Zada-shulun is respected by the wearer of a charіvny gift, tied with a consecrated person by a shaman.

Buryat myths say that in the middle (terrestrial) world (Teeli zambi) 90 high mountains were rolled out - 50 western mountains from Khaan Shargay and 40 descending ones, lower Dokhshon noyon, as well as 33 valleys, which together add Ara Mongol dayda. The great-grandfather of all Evenki canopies Tarilan Eren Buha and the earthly patron of black shamans Boro Sharga linger here. Below the camp of the middle of the deities of this world is occupied by the rulers of the okremikh gir - Khaan-hati-zaarini. The names of the gods can be respected by them -, i.

The hierarchy of earthly deities is clearly shown, closely tied to the manifestations of the Earth like a richly tiered mountain. Zakrema, at the hour of the rites of the chanting of the young women, a pyramid of stones will be built, which symbolizes a high mountain. Such a pyramid was made for me by an old-fashioned obό on the top of Mount Baragkhan.

The rest, lower world (Doodo Zambi) is inhabited by various spirits (, etc.) under the wire of Yerlen Khan - the ruler of the underground world. The Buryats ascribe to him the role of the head of the evil descendant khans (kings), who will judge the world of the dead and live on a crooked hedgehog.

It is especially important to stand in the middle of the gods - like snakes that protect the water element. The stinks live deep in the day and do not appear to people who want to lead a similar way of life. At the Barguzin valley with a great water system (Barguzin with tributaries - the rivers of Argada and Ina, numerous lakes, channels,) near the rich water reservoirs є their own, the day of a special shanuvannya of these is called Lusin buudal.

The whole pantheon of the Buryat deities pans over the majestic territory of the Ara Mongol Daida and roams on both sides of the world yak Zuun haad - right away from the brewery at once, Naran tala - from the pivdnya that Baruun haad - from the sunset. For the correct implementation of the rite, the shaman is guilty of calling on the new of all the head and other celestials, which requires deep knowledge. Most often, the call is made in this order: ongoni-ancestors, rulers of the moon, rulers of the gir, stars, Month, the Sun and the rulers of the High Heaven.

Deities of Bargudzhin-Tokum

Buryatia has a sprinkling of mystic creatures, like high celestials. One of them is Bargudzhin-Tokum. Її gospodar, Khazhar-Sagaan-noyon, enter up to thirteen blue tengri, who descended to Teeli zambi. Behind the mountain slopes, the wines linger on the Baragkhan mountains, one of the numerous peaks of the Barguzinsky ridge. If you want to draw a straight line through it from the approach of Skhid, you will definitely divide the Barguzin valley.

The Girsky ridge near the Baragkhan region does not have direct access to Baikal, so there are no such strained winds here, like a haze of Kurumkanu and Alli. The Buryat old-timers from the village of Baragkhan believe that the power of Khazhar-Sagaan-noyon does not let the wind blow into the valley, like the force Gurban Khalkhin-tengri (“Troma tengri of the windy wind”).

Irrespective of those that Khazhar-Sagaan-Noyon is a similar (evil) deity, the locals call Yogo "Bilim pan". So im'ya is given as angry, and kind to noyons. Tim himself is encouraged by his heavenly adventure. The affiliation of Bargudzhin-Tokum to the evil deity of the Buryats is not benign. The stench vvozhayut, scho be-yak unkindly nalashtovannoy strength can be turned to yourself, giving signs of respect and respect. The ritual of the shanuvan of Khazhar-Sagaan-noyon is carried out at the grassy place of Baragkhan: the shamans swear especially the kamlanya, and the Buddhist llamas conjure. On this day, people from the mouths of the valley are getting bogged down, on the yak.

Bargudzhin-Tokum mentally pod_lyayat on pіvnіchnu and pіvdennu parts. The first step is to the Dzherginsky reserve, where the Barguzinsky and Ikatsky ridges converge, to the villages of Kurumkan and Khonkhino. Lords of the tsієї, most importantly the Evenki, half - Ezhen Allinsky gorge. Evenk shamans tell that three rulers linger in the gorge: Alla Volodye river female spirit, and by the very gorge and other territories of the pivnochi - a man and a woman-ezhen. Until the main part, where the white of the village of Barguzin ends, one can see the Kuytunsky steppe, the river I and the numerical channels of the river Barguzin. Vladika tsієї teritoryї - the spirit of the stone Buhe-Shuluun. The cult of bukh (“bika”) is widely widened in the Baikal region, especially in the Tunkinsky and Zakamensky districts, and is not so typical for Transbaikalia, so the shanuvannya of the bika in Bargudzhin-Tokum is more common.

Most of our companions said that every night and day they serve Khazhar-Sagaan-Noyon and recognize yoga panuvannya.

A special role is played by the territory of Shene Galzhin, where Buryat shamans have long been known. The won was stashed at the exit of the Kuitunsky steppe, beating the bottom of the Argadinsky ridge. The spirit that lives there is seen among other people, that it binds with the souls of dead shamans, and can give additional help (or zavazhat) during the customary rituals and rituals. Tsey vpliv nastіlki great, scho deyakі shamans pіvnі Bargudzhin-Tokum turn on the spirit to ob'yazkovyh characters in their calls.

Forgive the Buryats intermingle with the shanuvans of the most popular Burkhans and the roadside ones. Tell them to tell you that a lot of people in Bargudzhin-Tokum, especially the bridging of the Barguzin-Kurumkan road, were placed on the site of shaman graves. Such sacred places we bachiled the strength of Galgatai and Baragkhan.

Bargudzhin-Tokum there are legends about Genghis Khan, who specially came here to worship the real mountain peaks. For a long time I was tired of posting, and the cult of the commander himself woke up near Buryatia until the end XVIII century, zgasnuvshi under the grip of Buddhism. A lot of tribal rebukes did not save the specific names of the day, to clarify the buildings, de same in the valley of the wines of the moment. In the Mongolian historical chronicle of the 17th century “Altan Tobchi” (“Golden Indication”), we were able to know an account of those who in 1202, the commander Ong Khan, at the order of Genghis Khan, violated the military campaign against the tribe over 700 km. Otzhe, the Mongolian military went even less to the area of ​​the modern village of Barguzin. Five years later, near the same places, the elder son of Genghis Khan Jochi appeared, a kind of deyshov, ymovirno, to the Argadin ridge. However, we have not revealed any recent historical records of Genghis Khan himself living in the Barguzin Valley.

Shaman's Way

Ancient beliefs say that it is impossible to become a shaman for vlasniy bazhannyam. For whom it is necessary for the people of the mother to have special inclinations, such as the people of the will of the ancestors are given even in the womb. These inclinations are called uthe or shamanic root and include the building of likuvannya, magic, divination, clairvoyance, etc. The power of any kind of shamanic family is used to preserve safety during the transfer of comfort. At the most important vipadkiv, the successor whispers among the children that they were born behind a human line. With the help of the three remaining centuries at Buryatia, we overcome human shamanism, wanting on the cob І yew. not. the situation was reversed. Varto signify that in the Buryat language the word "b" is used to designate a shaman, and "udagan" for a shaman.

In lonely situations, a shaman can be born in the form of a human being-bisa: looking at you like that, like me, but also a father is a spirit. Mother such a child, as a rule, would sibilate under a self-made tree or a skeleton. Behind the Buryat faiths, passing over into the open space, the spirits love to wander in such places. If a girl sleeps there, the spirit can enter with her at the sexual link. When any girl has an erotic dream, who has to come to her handsome man and calm її. The great-grandmother of one of our spіvrozmovniki after a call with the spirit gave birth like an egg, like relatives in sin gave a river, “so that nothing happened.”

If it didn’t happen there, first to become a shaman, it’s necessary to get sick on a shaman’s ailment (Ongon daralga), at the hour when one experiences a camp that is close to death. Before the opposite, the souls of the dead shamans come and for a stretch of a thriving hour they roll yoga, cut the body into shmatki, twist the brushes and refurbish them, drink the blood and pour it into the court again. In the course of these great trials, the ancestors pass on to their successor a secret language that they victorious for conversing with the deities. Under the hour of ailment, as if it were possible to take it from many months to many years, the shaman does not have anything that is practically not needed. One Evenki shaman told us that in an hour we could test it after spending over 30 kg of wool. Healing is at that moment, if the ailments of the mind need to become a shaman. How to repair the will of the ancestors, their anger falls on the heads of your relatives and friends: the stench is very important, otherwise they will die. At the time of the uncompromising support, the ongons drive in yoga.

If the Ongon daralga ends successfully, it is necessary for the newly minted to know a spirit-servant, which will help you in the rituals. The specialty of a shaman is rich in what they signify, what spirit of wines they take away. Vihodyachi from this, shamans divide into "white" and "black" brushes. The first to serve good and closely po'yazan z. Stink to wear a white shovkovy robe and ride on white horses. Others are vicious, aggressive vdacha. Like such a shaman, you can marry forces, you can engage in vampirism, drawing energy into other people.

The first spirit that helps the shaman is weak and small. Vіn is similar to a new-born one, he is revered for milk. Goduvannya is not varto spriymati literally. As a rule, it’s wrong that milk is poured into a cup and giblets breeze from the wind or onto the ground. All the action is accompanied by animals until the ancestors who came. The more you try to please the spirit, the more powerfully you grow up, the strength of that reconciliation. Between a shaman, that spirit is mutually vigoda: the spirit helps the shaman to win over the people's travail, possessing languor that vihovannia.

In the world, the growing spirit is becoming deficient in one milk crab. Then the trigger is sacrificed. More able servants need even more їzhі, and for the new one slaughter a ram. The spirit that eats a lot of sheep is called anda and can take dominion over the shaman. Coming for the strength of the spirit - Rown. Vіn tsіlkom panuє over the shaman and vimagaє great sacrifice at the sight of the horse. Rawnee floorings can, that they can drive people in and support their will. The bloodthirstiness grows with the skin day: we were spitting out depressions, if the spirits were magnified on the floor, that the blood of a child was screaming.

Being unable to take care of the rhoun on their own, the shamans seek help from the rhoun. Yakshto that dosit strong, to carry out a special ritual of zvilnennya. This is a superbly unsafe busyness: in case of an unfortunate result, the spirit of the building is left to fill up the lama, and the shaman.

For the “white” shamanism, it is also necessary to enlist support for the spirit, which helps the shaman in exchange for food. True, whirling spirits, "bіlі" shamans do not make crooked sacrifices to them: milk, malt, alcohol and smoke (cow's rot serve as arable land). All sacrificial creatures are assigned to the deities, and not slain: after a special ritual, different-coloured clavicles of fabric are woven into wool, and until the end of life, the stench is not torn. We didn’t joke around, we didn’t get to know other powers between “black” and “white” shamanism. Come on, more "black" rituals are carried out only at night. How much do you make protracted thoughts (syn of one of the “black” shamans, having given us the words, like a vin chuv like a father: “Only children believe, don’t sleep evil during the day”).

The shaman is dedicated to protyag life (vіd 9 to 12). Shamans, yaks took 9-12 dedications, even less in Mongolia; in Buryatia, the 8th rіven is still important. Naipershe is dedicated to giving the shaman the right to deprive one of his kind for the spryannya ongoniv.

One can dedicate to another for three years. For whom the rite of Ugaal is celebrated: bathing by the water, taking from nine dzherel (with additional goat blood), boiled nine rozіyma to a red stone from the river of tієї mіstsevosti, de born a shaman. Now you can bring a white ram as a sacrifice to the wives, zayans and other gods.

After three years, you can take a third dedication, which shows the possibility of interfacing with the ongons of the clan, the Burkhans of the valley and the land tribes who live near the valley.

Mayuchi is dedicated to the fourth, you can talk to the Volodarians of the valley, be it equal.

P'yate dedicate allows me to turn to the deities of Teeli Zambi, to work more seeing the sacrifice, to enter the camp of trance ongo, to lick the fire of that stone.

Mayuchi shone consecration, the shaman can perform sacrifice with a beak or a horse (up to nine heads of thinness at once), and also perform great prayers.

To accept this, dedicate the shaman from the yurt through the dimar, after which they sit on the bіlu povst, wash the blood of the ore horse and arshan, boil it on the baked fireplace from Lake Baikal. Nine dances dangle on the youmu's head. After the procedure of vin gaining the right to consecrate the shamans of the pochatkivtsiv and call the tengri. Yogo is an attribute of staє maibhashi - a metal crown with horns.

Dedicated to the Eight is the possibility of calling the woods and snow, as well as calling the deities of the three worlds (Deede zambi, Teeli zambi ta Doodo zambi).

The nine (more, in the thought of the deacons) are dedicated to allowing you to see all three worlds in the camp, litati and spread in the sky, call out a storm, snow and hail.

We were not able to find out, by what rank the dedications are made: all the spiritualists unanimously affirmed that there are no people in Buryatia who perform ceremonies of such equal. Lamy, yaks visited Mongolia (for example, Puntsog-Lama), they did not perform such rituals. By force we still could know the people, like a chula from their ancestors about the peculiarities of the twelfth initiation. Vono, nachebto, allows the shaman to be in different places at once and rise from the body behind the bajans. Like a wine, it represents a “black” brush, it becomes a stingy demon, which the wrathful deities of the Buddhist pantheon can call up ( , ).

The Buryats believe that the right force of a mighty shaman manifests itself immediately after death, as it is accompanied by different banners: belts, landslides, earth cowards, strong thunderstorms, hurricane winds and gigantic fires. Among the Buryats and evenkivs, ritual events are distinguished, which are carried out with the body of a shaman after his death. If the Buryats used to make a shaman in the ground, or tied a tree to a stovbur, then according to the Evenk traditions, the body was cut into pieces and lulled to fellow tribesmen like a priceless relic.

Kіnets way of life mean outside knowledge from the middle world. The soul of a shaman can become one of the mystical burhans, or it can fly into a bird (an eagle or a raven). The cult of the eagle may be even more ancient. In Buryat mythology, the bald-headed eagle (Burkhan Shubuun) was the first to take away the shamanic gift from his father Ute Babay, the ruler of the island of Olkhon. Tell me to tell you that a person who has driven a yak or hurt an eagle can die without a hitch.

At Bargudzhin-Tokum, it is important that the souls of shamans protect their burial. Indeed, having visited one of the graves near the Kuytunsky steppe, we soared such a number of eagles and other hut birds, which we did not watch in the other place of the valley. Possibly, it is connected with a great number of wild rodents, although I do not want to include other explanations. Dosі mіstsevі inhabitants try to bypass the side of shaman's tsvintarі, and they stumble around nearby, obov'yazkovo zdіysnyuyut be some kind of rite of shanuvannya ongonіv. It seems that today no one remembers anything, like a shaman's brush, "black" or "white", buried in that other place. For this, it’s better to enlist the help of your ancestors for every change and appease the incorporeal souls.

“The first time to become a shaman, a person who has long been ill, and it’s up to you that the souls of dead shamans, yogo “utkha” (ancestors), come and start. . None of the third-party їx do not succumb. Sometimes one comes, sometimes a sprat, richly, maybe all the shamans who died, come.

(Commented by Mikhail Stepanov from the book by G.V. Ksenofontov “Legends and legends among the Yakuts, Buryats and Tungus”).

“One hundred and fifty years ago, Buryats on the name of Aldir-Areev are alive at the 4th Haranutovsky family of the Kudinsky administration. Vіn stretching for fifteen fates of sickness, divine will, health. At the winter hour, the golyak has five miles of big. Then we already know yogo utkha Baruunai (from Khondogor-Shosholok). (Utha seems to youmu) - Why are you fooling around? You don't know us, you be a shaman, lie in front of us - utha! Fit?" - Wait a minute.

(Certificate of Bulagat Bukhasheev from Prince G.V. Ksenofontov).

Yak bachimo, in sickness, the role of playing utkha, “the spirits of dead shamans”, is significant. In the Buryat tradition, utkha is tied up with a root, the blood right to become a model. If the family in the people has strong shamans, it means that they are vin and utha, that the spirits can propagate to you a difficult share of what the spirits have taken. In the proponated urivka, Utkha stands as a personification phenomenon, which turns up to the consecration. Most of the vipadkivs of Utkha inquire about the bad weather and the new roll, and also about those who are guilty of the work of the last one, so that they can safely pass the path of Initiation.

Such a setting to the shamanic illness is importantly connected with stingy dreams. The depth of the earth and the realism are hostile. For example, 90s rock. XX Art. Bulo described the onset of the upsurge. Two spirits of Mongolian shamans began to appear before the Buryat woman. The bachelors were shivering: the hands of the woman were followed, the palms. The dream is mixed up with the action. Once, after a black nightmare, the woman leaned over, flattened her eyes ... And until her fever, she swayed over her own arms, as if they were chirping more than ever in a dream. Only after the cry of the heat that the light of the family, incinerated by the relatives, appeared in the room. The tragedy of the woman was similar to those who did not know the Buryat language. And Utkha roamed with her Buryat herself. Obranka simply did not understand what the spirits of their ancestors wanted in her.

In a word, shamanic disease is a sacred phenomenon, which, naturally, has its own mythology. Apparitions about those that the world is inhabited by spirits, for which it is significant to lie down the life of the family, they fight for quiet hours, if the person was defenseless before the forces of nature. Lyudina was especially keenly amazed and listened to navkolishniy svit, Having developed those qualities and organs of sensitivity, they gave you a wind that allowed you to live. Obviously, this is the same viniklo perekonannya: the spirits linger on behalf of the people, but not all people can їх bachiti. Tsya zdatnіst vlastiva vozmozhny, scho at the process of initiation, shaman's ailment.

“As long as a person has not yet become a shaman, take your soul (amin) utkha (those shaman spirits, look like a shaman) from the “Saaytani suulgande” (suulga - pick it up right away) to heaven and start there. If you finish the meal, cook meat and yogo, so that you can sleep. They cooked for the old hours of the old shamans, so that they knew the stench of the shaman's letter<...>

(It's time) the dead shaman is lying down. When the wine is lying dead, the relatives get up, they sing songs: “Our shaman will be alive, we will be viruchim!” Babies do not come, only men.”

For the Siberian peoples, there is a place to learn, to finish enough. Tse may be the sky, and may be the lower world. One can talk about those who seem to have a shaman's color: a white worker. The scarlet shaman is not the same shaman, who calls out to people, he just tries to help the spirits of the lower world. Axis fragment of a view of Spiridon Gerasimov, a Yakut shaman:

“If I was lying at the same position, they began to pull to the left for transferring with a latch. I lifted my head, my eyes, like before, took away the building of bachiti. It seemed that I was lying in the arm of a crooked river with a plywood ahead and back ... From the rivers, they scooped up water and gave me a drink, then, having made a wheezing noise, they put it in earthenware ... and they said: “You became a famous shaman, what can I crooked rise". They threw a piece of caked blood the size of a pillow, put me in a new one, and said: “Be famous among the evil shamans from crooked dreams.” I repeated these words, I myself don’t know why. They put a noose around the neck with a hank and led it far and wide. (V.M. Basilov. Obrantsi spirits. - M.: Politvidav, 1984).

Yak Bachimo, we have a description of the shamanic ailment of the "evil" chi of the "black" shaman. Putting respect on the image of the Krivava river, as it gave examples of the name of the famous shaman, may the crooked day. The bed of the river is roaring, creating the image of a tree. For this sensi, water, like a symbol of Chaos, becomes the shaman's main guide in the Lower world. In such a rank, go, crazy, about the Light Tree, which gets the Upper, Middle and Lower light. Girlo - an ear of a river, a point, a tree with a growth. That Spiridon is worth the bіla of the tree, like vin maє namіr vikoristati for more expensive to other worlds. In the Yakut tradition, the souls of not yet popular shamans were seen at the nests in the "cradles" of the light tree. Similar statements were made to the Tamans, perhaps, to the Buryats. Zakrema, in the materials of Zhamtsarano, in the description of the dedication of a shaman, one thinks about three bird nests on the “mother tree” and one on the top of the “Old Tree”.

Not less important is the symbolism of suffering. The first time to become an exemplar of the applicant's spirits, the spirits were boiled in a cauldron, killed ... Perhaps, the very steps of torment that fell on the consecrated one, signified his future strength:

“Now we’ll cut your meat, let’s make sure you sleep. You lie dead, (and your m'yaso) is applied back and you will revive, pretend to be a shaman. You don’t have to cook meat alone, (that requires you) to know your own meat. If it is applied by a stranger, then foolishness will be seen!

(certificate of Bulagat Bukhashev)

Behind other dzherels, the brushes of the future shamans' perfumes were refurbished. If they needed a lot, then the “healthy” person instantly became a shaman, if not, the person died. It was respected, a garnoy sign, as the shaman has more brushes, lower great people. Tse bulo sign yoga power. To this, the Buryats sang six-fingered shamans, as a little biological inspiration. Vidomy Olkhonsky shaman Valentin Khagdaev may have six fingers on one hand.

So in other words, the sense of shaman's illness is the death of a great person, that people of a shaman. Such people have the same minds - the result of the call of the people by the spirits of the ancestors. True, it’s true, if they became shamans anyway:

“At the Bulagatsky khoshun, ten years ago, a black shaman (hara buo) died on the name of Miliksen Baltaevsky. If you tried to be a shaman, having given your comfort to seventy people from your relatives. A new one didn’t have his own comfort, he couldn’t be a shaman... He climbed up in strength, taking someone else’s comfort... Through this, they punished him... seventy people stole and became a shaman.

(certificate of Bulagat Bukhashev)

“Buryat Miliksen gave his soul to his relatives seventy people to become a shaman. There was no earlier in the new Utha, but with seventy people a new Utha was created. The shaman, who maє utkha, is not guilty of giving.

(testimony of Buina Bulagatov and Bagduy Bashilkhanov)

It remains a mystery how the shaman survived the shaman's ailment, as if not maw utkha, by what rank youmu managed to make contact with the spirits, having won the right to be a sample. What does 70 people mean, the lives of such wines will be paid off? Chi became ceremonial, having retraced all of his life, chi vin symbolically sacrificed his relatives and spared them the zahist, more pure.

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