Likar, such a rejoicing animal. The great doctor is a good person, and a veterinarian is a person. Theory and practice of the world of creatures

From time immemorial, the people of victorious people grew like faces. Thousands of dovіdnikіv with exact statements were issued: if they pick, how to dry, with some ailments, vicorate, how to brew and take. And about the miraculous for the health of people, the power creatures dosі know, it seems, not much. Tim is an hour and a half of medicine. animal therapy (pet therapy).

Thousands of facts to talk about those creatures that have a marvelous gift of healing people. Hі, not only with their products - honey, rubbing, propolis, kumis, antlers, fat. As it appeared, the creatures can rejoice with their animal ... soul.

This kind of jubilation is called animal therapy (from the Latin word animal - a creature), or zootherapy, and maє on uvazі such a system of likuvannya, if the order of the faces of the sick is punished with splintering with creatures. Tsya science is not yet fully official, but the adherents of non-traditional therapy continue to pick up facts, remembering those that all knowledge was not like this.

Aja exultation for the help of the creatures yagaє to the roots of old. The Palestinians and the youth, for example, rejoiced at the fuses of the fuses for the help of the birds: they stumbled up to them with their guards, trying to pass on the ailment to them, and such. psychological reception helping to dress.

The ancient Babylonians, Assyrians, Egyptians, and the three Hellenes and Romans of the past were already engaged in “prevention” of sickness and planted creatures in their booths, building, for the future, to protect and vilіkuvati in bronchitis, tuberculosis, tuberculosis Nirk deficiency. The baggers of the steppes and the desert have long rejoiced at the vines: they put the snake in the ailment of the place, so that the twigs rotted away the twigs.

Tsikavo, look at the energy of living organisms of ancient Indians in a marvelous rank, they perekukuyutsya from modern ones. In Ayurveda, the cause of a person’s illness was considered to be “extinguishing the energetic fire” in any channel: at the heart, the extinguishing of an ischemic illness; at the canal, which unite nirks, balins and sich mikhur, - ailing organs, etc.

Deyakі doslidniki vbachayut butt vzaєmozv'yazku biopolіv people and creatures in the texts of the Gospel. For example, there, it is said about the “vicarious bisiv” by Christ, it is said that the blame was straightened “ evil spirit to a herd of pigs. Doslednikіv є all pіdstav vvazhat, scho so Іsus likuvav mentally ill. And the pigs, having taken on the ailment, all rushed out into the sea.

Truthfully, Serednyovichchi cooled the European faith in such a way of improving people's health. But in India, zootherapy survived and was saved. And in the XVIII century it turned to England, expanding in її colonies — Australia and Ireland. The very first attempts at the scientific understanding of animal therapy were tried by the Great Britain. Here science was propagated, exclaimed, and right there the dossi flourished.

So those that domestic creatures can make special jubilant splashes on the rulers have been set in antiquity. The rest of the foreign studies brought it experimentally: it turned out that the owners of cats and dogs live with the average 4-5 years old. Medicine is also in a state of depression, if contact with a dog, gut or bird is the only way to help sick people.

Without a doubt, the miraculous worm became the first "doctor". turnout, - Similar to a small snake, a snake was born. And yet, all the representatives of this motherland, for some reason, always instilled in people an unseen fear. Prote, everything in the world has its own recognition, and among the peeps it is especially, unimaginable. This is a hut of a special kind, a kind of “animal” cob pleases for the benefit of the health of its victims, and medicine can also win the specialty.

From this I bring the French teachings and lіkar I. Polenier, who is alive in the 19th century, saying this: “Appearances are the blessing of the worldless, wholesome, if the stench zastosovuyutsya sensibly and know well.” And the first reports about the number of appearances for medical purposes are known to us in Ancient Egypt. Medicine at its dawn succumbed to a panacea, zasіb mayzhe in case of ailments.

At the Skhodі, the great teachings and healer Ibn Sina (Avicenna) appeared with appearances, who consecrated to them at his book "Science of Likuvannya" a cilium. At Ancient Rome, the famous doctor Claudius Galen exulted with people's appearances. Vikoristovuvali p'yavok i in Ancient Greece. Gretsky im'ya appearances "giruda" was saved by the donin - in modern medicine, the exaltation of appearances is called "appearances" hirudotherapy.

It seems that a leech, close to the skin of a person or a creature, has an analgesic and hemorrhagic effect and vismoktuє approximately up to 10-15 ml. The axis of bloodletting for the help of leeches and was respected for the universal zasib of likuvannya. Yogo was victorious in cases of ailments of the heart, liver, leg, slug, eyes, tuberculosis and other ailments.

Nadalі z'yasuvalosya, scho on the right is not in the fact that the p'appearance of the troch of the blood of the ailing, but in the fact that the slut її, as if swallowed into the body of a person, may be uniquely powerful. Vaughn to take revenge on over 60 biologically active speeches, like buildings to come back from serious illnesses. In Russia, the appearances were valued richly more for the rich likings, here, having flourished the appearances, the "production" of which was exported.

Vіdomy Russian doctor Pirogov during the hour of the Crimean war of 1854, placing 100 to 300 hits on wounded soldiers near Sevastopol. The stinks were pained, the wounds began to cry, they felt inflamed. It's a pity that the accumulations of the past due to the appearances of today's obsessions, and the current reports about them are so fragmentary that hirudotherapy, in fact, is changing again "on the cob". And the axis is not varto to engage in self-admiration, since there are close to 400 species of leeches in the world, but only one species is adventitious - a medical leech.

Already, over thousands of years, “wonder dogs” appeared to people - naked Peruvian, Mexican and least - Chinese forelock dog. They can successfully relieve asthma attacks, normalize the heart rhythm and blood pressure, relieve allergies and some serious illnesses, and can also improve oncological processes.

The “juicy dominance” of these dogs is explained by the often elevated temperature of their body - 40.5 ° C. Such (normally) temperatures are much higher in any other creature in the world. It has been practically brought to light that the biofield of these dogs harmonizes nervous system, beneficially pouring into the liver and organ etching. Vzagali kozhna breed of dogs can have their own “high school of jubilant specialization”.

To that, I do not love you like, for example, the spaniels themselves. The stench is ideal for nerve stress. Dogs that live at the booth are miraculous, soft and fluffy faces for children. The stench is not only positively injected into the molding of the special features of the child, but it also helps to inspire spiritual zeal after family welding. It appeared that a third of the children, grinning, turned around for a cheer to their vikhovants.

However, the confirmation of the effectiveness of the child-dog interaction has already been eliminated: in children with epilepsy, the number of attacks decreases. They were afraid to get into trouble, if children with poor coordination of the hands (for the diagnosis of "infantile cerebral palsy") got up from the wheelchair.

And foreign to the needs and attitudes of people, golden retrievers often “practice” at liquoreries, booths for people of a frail age and sanatoriums like “juicy dogs”. The hairy paw is stretched out in a friendly way and the velvety muzzle on the knees can truly bewitching healing power!

Mustache breed dogs, zmushuyuchi gospodarіv news active image life, help to recover after a stroke and take weight off. But it’s necessary to be put up to such healers for a long time: it’s been marked for a long time, it’s like being embarrassed by the physiology of dogs, like they’re spending their masters, - the stench ceases to be, to lead a rickety way of life and often die, like people, in grief.

Unperfected "therapists" are horses. Haircuts, watering, walks on the tops, practicality and virility - the first thing that falls on the thought when thinking about this beautiful creature. Few people think about those who throw - the same unique living simulator and psychotherapist.

Rolling on it helps people with mental disorders. Lіkuvalna riding їzda, or therapy, has become one of the effective ways in the rehabilitation of the disabled, especially children (they believed it because, as a famous Danish athlete, she had a high horse riding in the face of poliomyelitis).

The secret of therapy is simple: to put a child on a horse, and the height and the nest, the camp of the mittevo awakens in him the instinct of self-saving and the need to live with the necessary light. Horses successfully help children with such serious illnesses as infantile cerebral palsy, myopathy, autism.

Therapy gives the child a complex injection, improving not only his physical state, but also beneficially influencing the psycho-emotional sphere. The child is stroking the horse, sorting through its mane, observing the warmth of that dovira creature.

Already closed children, as if they suffer from autism, through the intercourse with the horse step by step, open up and start intercourse with people. Vіd l_kuvalnoї ї іzkul'tura іterapija vіdrіznyaєє tim, scho vаn zdatna viklikati і іn strong raznospravovanіu motivаіu. From one side, the child is afraid of the great strong creature, she is not impressed in herself, but from the other side, the child learns to wiggle the horse, ride the tops. Tse bajannya helps him to overcome fear and boost self-esteem.

Allows you to see the windless camp of the spirit of birds chirping near the park, foxes, fields. Navit tamed pigeons, closed in tight yard pigeons, to their cooing to bring peace to the rebellious soul of the ruler. And children, as if fighting with pigeons, grow non-aggressive and do not suffer from depression.

It’s important to believe, but it’s been brought up that daddies feel better at the heart, and also “rejoice” overwhelm, neurodermatitis and neurosis. And looking at the fish relieves colds, sleeplessness, psoriasis and neurodermatitis. Navit so, it would have been used, little-receptive creatures, as if they were blind, to bring people mischief: stinks help ailments on neurosis and those who have problems with snowdrifts.

On this day, zootherapy is proven and scientifically confirmed in the rich countries of the world. Bagatioh children with disabilities to be taken to Russia, Israel and the USA, supported by help doctors-dolphins. As early as 1962, John Lilli's book "The Man and the Dolphins" swayed the light. The American scholars, having established data on the possibilities of dolphins, and on their basis, determined the areas in which the stench can bring mischief to people.

The Americans have not been confirmed for an hour, but the dolphins have not lost their status as the smartest creature. And having crossed from the branches of the military departments to the doctors, the stench made a great contribution to science. "Dolphin Therapy" we are aimed at helping children. It turned out that close contact with these creatures called out a different positive effect on the human body.

There is a growing mood, a camp, there is a decrease in stressful anxiety, after traumas. Measles in the form of dolphin therapy is indicated by doctors and may be all the fathers of the sick. Golovne - children from mental disorders mend otherwise take care navkolishniy svit. The stinks become active at the splinter.

It’s rich who is quiet, since the fathers couldn’t achieve that word in the septenary, now it’s hard to ask for a visit to the “fish” and check the skin occupation. Apparently, dolphins see not only strange sounds, but also ultrasounds. It’s smart to think that for the help of ultrasound, these creatures rejoice in their relatives. Why can't stench delight children?

And in the Murmansk Oceanarium there is a lot of know-how. A sprig of orphaned seals and one sea hare live there, like children rejoicing at their mental and intellectual development. And healthy seal children just help to lift moods.

Various creatures rejoice in various ailments. Ale was recognized as the right record holder-doctor gut. We have long been aware of the friendly infusion of guts on children who are ill with autism. It was established a direct fallow between the participation of the intestines in the treatment of ailments for schizophrenia and the stability of positive results of treatment.

Summer people, partners of such creatures, live longer, are less ill and not so important, like their peers, let the cat's turbo and respect. The guardianship of the lover of intestines, the doctor for fach, Gennady Petrakov, showed that biodia of intestines is strongest for cats.

The intestines "more beautifully" rejoice in the ailment of the nervous system, internal organs. Cats are miracle healers of osteochondrosis, radiculitis, arthrosis. “Domeshnі tigers” with old wool (Persian, Angora, Birman, Ragdolly, Siberian and other) excellent neuropathologists - I feel depressed, filthy dream, dramatization.

Intestines and cats with a short plush coat (British and exotic shorthair) "specialize" in heart disease. Representatives of short-haired and hairless breeds (Siamese, Oriental, Sphynx and other). Liver ailments, nirok, gastritis, colitis rejoice.

Tsіlyuscha dіya zdіysnyuєtsya then, if a person strokes and cherishes his lovers, then through the fingers, palms. Chotirinogі healers bezpomilkovo vyznachayut ailment mistse, namagayutsya huddle up to the new or lie down on the new, after which it was better to hear and it becomes easier for the ailing. Tse zdaєtsya is unreasonable, the protégés of bioenergetics vvazhayut that the intestines have more intense extrasensory vibes: the intestines saturate the aura of a human being, and in times of consumption zdatna її "vilikuvati".

It seems that a long time ago a person stole guts, not only for the sake of catching bears. Recently, I saw a new direction in medicine. feline therapy, tobto likuvannya for help guts. You can talk about intestines for a long time: stench and stress are known, blood pressure is normalized, neutralized head bіl, and already in UK pharmacies, special liquor intestines are sold.

How can the creatures get out? What is the principle of the їkhny infusion? Vcheni have long been established that if a living organism has a biofield, it is formed from the biofields of all yogo organs. The camp of a healthy organism is seen at the sight of the field - for ailments it will be weakened and succumbed. Shards of the work of all organs of the ssavtsiv, including people, are controlled by the brain, the main interest is to become sick, which makes them vipable.

Tse those that in medicine are called bioenergetic rhythms of the brain, and in life, by the power of specialness, or "mental magnetism." Chantly, everyone noted that in the case of healthy, strong people one feels more lifted and fresh, and nearby there are ailments and a deep tone that stings, miraculously decreases. This is the result of the interplay of biopolies.

So the axis, deyakі vchenі vvazhayut, scho podіbny contact polіv є mizh people and creatures. In the process of fusion, the bioenergetic aura of a person is in resonance with the bioenergetic field of a healthy creature. And the shards of the savts can live the life of the internal organs, similar to the human one, then the stench can live with its energy our ailments of the organs. On such glances, modern zootherapy is conceived.

Fakhіvtsі stverdzhuyut, scho likuvannya for help splkuvannya z brіvіnі vіdomo rich stіlіt tо thаt. Self-supporting method zoo- or animal therapy became in the middle of the XX century.

In rich countries, special organizations and centers have been created, in which zootherapy is carried out. Collaboration with creatures helps in the delight of people, as they suffer from physical or mental illness. The beneficial effect of living things on our body is recognized by the All-World Health Organization (WHO).

Let me remind you that self-reliance on additional zootherapy cannot replace specialized medical assistance. This method of building performance is like a supplementary way of healing.

What is zootherapy?

Zootherapy- a kind of jubilation, in which the right creatures of their symbols, for example, the toys of the little ones, are victorious. At the specialized centers of the Crimea, the creatures themselves take the part of doctors, psychologists and social practitioners in the process of jubilation. Varto signify that for this type of exaltation fahivtsі vikoristovuyut specially trained creatures, and not vikhovantsіv patient.

It is wrong to think that zootherapy is only available in great centers. A positive impact on the body of humans and domestic creatures. Vcheni confirmed that people, like pacifying creatures, are more ill, live longer and are less able to stress and depression.

Creatures are truly subtle psychologists. The stench will signify our mood, and inspire those times, de zesseredzheno bil, - explains psychologist Natalia Morozova. - Zootherapy- a method to achieve an effective one, although it is still unknown until the end, with some paths a jubilant effect is reached. I have a theory - if a person is tormented by creatures, an energy exchange occurs, and the creature will breathe out the negative energy of a person, making the body healthy. Surely, it is similar to mysticism. From a professional point of view one can say that creatures are one of the best psychotherapists. The stench, at the sight of rich people, can hear, not sue and understand. Everything is very important for a person, especially for someone who has a lot of psychological problems.

Zootherapy is wonderful because there is no counter-indication, maybe, there is an allergy to the wool of animals. Doctors mean that it is also an absolutely natural, non-drug way of healing, which does not have side effects. Until then, this method of brilliance does not require great material gains and special powers, which are accessible to the skin of a person.

What creatures rejoice at us?


These creatures do not only lift moods, but help relieve stress and exult in sleeplessness. It is especially important to trim the guts of people at home, as they suffer from heart and vascular diseases. Fahіvtsі stverdzhuyut, that when the arterial pressure is advanced, it is necessary to stroke the intestines and the pressure to decrease.

Sometimes the intestines of the building are to change the order from the ailment of the people of the year. All this is added to by the "energetics of sickness", and the creature easily recognizes the place, like the energy of the vipprominyu.

Intestines are not only miraculous diagnostics, but may be physiotherapeutic accessories. Vcheni z'yasuvali, scho kotyache murkotannya can zagoyuvalny diyu, I go with jubilant ultrasound in the range of 20-50 hertz.

The British, choking on cat's ribs, sell white juicy guts in pharmacies. Before speech, fahіvtsі vvazhayut that the intestines and cats may have different therapeutic profiles. So, the intestines specialize in diseases of the nervous system and internal organs. And cats are profiled for osteochondrosis, radiculitis and arthrosis.


First, gentlemen, dogs are protected from hypodynamia and її nasledkіv. Regular walks with your chotirilapy friend will allow you to reduce the symptoms of cardiovascular disease and improve your immunity.

The dog at the booth is a zahist of the human nervous system. In the history of medical cases, there are depressions, if as a result of direct extortion for the help of dogs ( canisters), children with important forms of autism were treated. Also, dogs help to overcome hysteria, neurasthenia, psychasthenia and neurosis.

It is believed that dogs develop the development of communicative skills in their masters and promote the self-esteem of a person. Your home doctor can be of any breed, smut, so that the creature was not aggressive with a stable psyche.


Itherapy, otherwise, for the help of splintering with the stones, maє on the horseback ride. As a matter of fact, physical culture is purposeful, as far as efficiency can be brought.

From the middle of the last century, doctors began to develop this method of healing in case of neurological and mental illnesses. Today, centers of jubilant horseback riding are practiced in 50 countries of the world. There is also such a center in Omsk. Organization "Joy" to conduct occupational therapy for all those who need help.

We are having fun at the park on the 30th anniversary of the Komsomol with a protracted rock, - the head of the film club "Karusel", the director of the public organization "Radovist" Olena Koryabina. - Well, we marvel at the wedding. Not all children, for example, can be rehabilitated in the cold, and also, they cannot take a course of therapy. Basically, we are borrowing from children up to 17-18 years old, grown up tezh, but not rich. The main diagnosis of people who seek help is cerebral palsy and autism.

The last fate at the therapy is small for a hundred people, whose fate is close to one hundred and twenty. Nasampered, itherapy - tse psychological injection, on a horse, the rider will feel better, it is especially important for children not to walk. For autistic children, a kin is an intermediary, a wordless vin, it is easier to talk to him. Kіn give zrozumіti, how to collapse correctly. Child, as if changing the tops, otrimu this stereotype of the rush, in children with cerebral palsy develops jealousy, from the stench of the horse to carry the rozuminnya correctly trim yourself to the ground. It has not yet been created an appropriate technical connection, as if it would allow to imitate the mechanisms of movement, as if a child could be acquired in the process of therapy.

Fahіvtsі rady vikoristovuvaty therapy with damage to the musculoskeletal apparatus, poliomyelitis, scoliosis, infantile cerebral palsy, rosacea and other illnesses. It has been brought to light that the connection with the films forms a positive emotional background, which in itself is healing.

Aquarium fish

A small island to the ocean in an apartment has a positive effect on the psyche. Watch out for the fish swimming in the aquarium, stress. Those creatures are most suitable for those who are constantly suffering from depression and suffering from neurosis. Therapeutic effect is achieved after 15 minutes spent in front of the aquarium. The maximum trivality of the procedure is the second time.

Podijde aquarium sim'yam, de growth of a little child. Rybky help youma get better at it. It appears that stench can move the intellectual rive of a person.

In addition, the presence of an aquarium in a booth forms a special favorable microclimate. Water, which is steamed, should be allowed to repeat, in order to allow asthma and colds to disappear. Vzagali yaskraviy akvarium yelled at yogo hospodarіv joy that almost good-natured. And for deakim tributes, win the spriya zmіtsnennya family vіdnosin.

and other creatures

The Grizuni will help those who may have problems communicating with people. The stench help their masters to overcome their own innocence, to develop complexes and isolation. Like fahivtsy zapevnyayut, bіlі squints are profiled on likuvanni neuroses. And rabbits and hamsters rejoice at the sickness of the snow.

Domestic birds encourage creativity and practicality of people. Papugi can relieve pain in the heart, increase the severity of that neurosis. The spiv of the canaries also calms the nerves and raises the mood.

Reptiles are doctors of the human nervous system. Seeing the terarium gives a positive impact on the sick to neurasthenia or bewilderment. Fahіvtsі ahead - likuvalno splіkuvannya with cold-blooded creatures can't avoid physical contact, for a medical effect to achieve visual interaction with amphibians.

Truly, everything is alive and well. The difference is less at the level of efficiency of the second injection and the period of the patient's residence. So, for example, in some lands, the world for zootherapy is sown with chickens, kiz, llamas and donkeys. In Africa, they rejoice for the help of elephants and crocodiles, in Australia for the help of kangaroos. It’s a smut to remember that zootherapy in case of serious disorders of health is to be accompanied by special medical treatment, and not to replace yoga.

For materials

Those who are domestic favorites: intestines, dogs, papules and hamsters, deliver joy to their masters, raise moods, help to get rid of squeaky little sounds, for example, nights, do not hesitate. And yet it appears that “our little brothers” are still rejoicing in various illnesses, on which their masters suffer. Axis, for example, a rabbit. The rabbit hides from the cold. I'm true.
There is no hotter for a rabbit. Bagato who at once trims at home all the fluffy ones. If you have a cold, you are cold, and your chest hurts like a cough, put yourself on the chest of a rabbit. 15 hvilin for a day - and it was like a hand, and clothes were better. And if you dare to seduce love lying on your back, on the level of your shoulder blades, the cough will subside. Jubilation is not better for any physiotherapy, but the smut is absolutely free of cost.

Hamsters are simply necessary for children. First, trim the little fluffy breast in the palms of the legs, it’s nice and crisp. Tse develops the hand. And if you give a hamster a beat, presenting first one, then the other hand and fingering it with your fingers, small motor skills develop well. Hamsters help little youngsters to develop memory and respect. Good care for their lives for people of a frail age - a guard against sclerosis and rozsiyanosti.

Obviously, you don’t often shoot people, like you keep a pig at home. If you want to go to Sunset, mini-pigs (small, but big right-handed pigs) are also fashionable domestic favorites. Great amateur tsikh mily zvіryat - Hollywood actor George Clooney. Tim hour mini-pigs - tse right walking first aid kit. The very pig presence at the booth improves self-esteem in meteorological people, exhilarating disorder of the nervous system, reducing the frequency of attacks in ailments on gastritis, pancreatitis and the tube of the drain. If you love hugging your pig and wallowing with it on kilims, you will forget about osteochondrosis, pain in the swamps and ridges.

BUT sea ​​pig tezh likarka, that yak!
So terrible is that nasty disease of the disease, like polyarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis, they come, like stroking a guinea pig on the back. This little animal will help to relieve the attack on the hypertonicity of the uterus, as if the woman is laying her body on her life. In addition, sounds that look like a guinea pig, if she is pleased, are beneficially injected into the nervous system, attack teasing and anxiety.

A dog in a booth is not just a good friend. Schoden walks two or three times a day, come what may, discipline, improve immunity, wake up from gloomy thoughts, charge energy. If you got hurt, or if you clogged more painfully, let your friend lick the wound. A natural antibiotic that can be found in the dog's skin, it can have an antibacterial and blood spinal effect, induce microcirculation of the blood in the area of ​​inflammation, aggravate the blood and spray tissue renewal.

Vіvcharki and huskies help with the treatment of the musculoskeletal apparatus, and deyakі breed, for example, spaniels and setters, zdatnі vyavity at the master of oncological illness at the early stages. Well, and of course, waggling your tail wagging, barking and heather, if you turn home, your dear friend, you will be spared whether you are depressed, you want to be a smut.

Without a doubt, first of all, among the chotyri-footed healers, it is right to sow intestines. Stink, one might say, golovlіkarі among our vihovantsіv-drіkіrіv. Independently from the breed, all without a blame of stink help with migraine, pain in the cervical spine, hypertension and dystonia, rejoice at heart disease and the legacy of ischemic stroke. To finish stroking Murka or Barsik once a day - more spatimet, you will forever be filled with anxious thoughts and you will forget about cheap preparations and about antidepressants. It has been proven that the intestines help to improve the immune system and the endocrine system and to vilify the state of powerlessness in people, and the women will be without help. Tim, who gets into the robot, helps the intestines to renew strength, and Tim, who cannot easily cross, help to increase the voltage. Moreover, for whom it is not necessary to hang around the “mustachioed-dark-skinned” doctor, to finish just chatting with him in one room.

In a word, if you want to be healthy - get yourself a hairy doctor!

Text: Anastasia Pivovarova

Medicine trims on creatures: tse chi ne befits us, but they themselves revise new research methods of therapy, first of all, the results of studies in people. Tissues and cells of creatures are vicarious, so that they expand faces, and in alternative medicine they plant leeches, snakes and bdzhil.

In the rest of the hour, we talk more and more often about creatures like a dzherelo emotional support - we talk about Hamlet's piglet's Instagram, which helps the master to endure epilepsy. Reach and comical situations: in the fall of the past fate, a US Airways flight took a passenger, a therapeutic pig that began to walk in the passenger compartment. Rozpovіdaєmo about the best zastosuvannya creatures in medicine - pet-therapy, for which creatures do not suffer, but people become easier.

Now ask the creatures
about help

Delight with creatures, or pet therapy, is one of the methods for rehabilitation and psychotherapy. In 1961, Boris Levinson became a serious development directly: the doctor respected that the presence of a dog helps to establish contact with a child with autism. It seems that the creatures help not be afraid of children, as they check ill procedures for kshtalt injections. To build a small aquarium near the hospital of the polyclinic or the medical center can already muffle fear a little.

Yak can help pigs
that intestines

Vcheni while z'yasovuyut, as the very practice pet-therapy and how much it is effective. Behind the data of some achievements, while being careful for creatures, the activity of prefrontal measles of the great brain tumors is increasing - this region takes part in the adoption of a decision and support for social interaction. In contact with creatures, endorphins are seen in our body - like when doing sports, taking care of the receptions. Endorphins have an analgesic effect, so pet therapy seems to reduce the severity of pain syndromes, for example, with. These speeches reduce stress and anxiety, calm and raise mood. Contacts with creatures, maybe, through those hormones, normalize progress arterial vice and improve the work of the cardiovascular system.

It is impossible to say that one creature helps to exult a particular ailment. All the animals are stunned by the patients with a zagal: the robots with the creatures of the patients are more happy (mabut, a good company has a likuvati tsіkavіshe), have more positive emotions, relax and try to get drunk more. Watch out for the creatures in case of problems and help to switch. Contact with the creatures - tse splkuvannya, as a help to fight with the sense of isolation of patients from the mental characteristics of that ryatuє in the self-sufficiency of people of a frail age.

Ale zootherapy may and efekti, yakі lie in a particular creature. For example, therapy - exultation for help riding a horse - is recommended for such neurological damage, like cerebral palsy. Sob to ride on the horse and caress her, you need physical strength, almost equal strength, coordination - and riding a horse helps to develop all the skills. In addition, the kin is a creature with character, and it is necessary to mate with it, to build sedentary tops, which helps to develop social skills. Accept those who promote self-esteem - literally, the person who appears "on horseback". All at once I turn therapy into an instrument of socialization.

Approximately the same goes for dolphin therapy for people. Rukh at the water, that contact with a rational creature develop physically and emotionally, help people collapse, vikonuvat non-standard actions. And felinoterapiya, so that splintering with the intestines, is recommended for relieving stress: vibrations like murkotannya and watchfulness for the soft fluff of the intestines help to relax. When choosing creatures, build their character. People with ruins, who deserve to collapse, pick up calm, phlegmatic creatures as companions. Patients who need to be motivated, help to get into depression and fear, become active animals.

Chi can buy a dog
and see

All the same, it sounds calm and calls out the question: why can’t you replace the faces of the splurge with the creatures? It would be wonderful to have a hamster and get rid of bipolar disorder, and after stroking the intestines, say goodbye to child injuries. Ale, by itself, is a creature - not a pill, not a diploma fahіvets. The creature does not know how and whom it is necessary to exult (in spite of the widening myths about the special sensitivity of cats). Therefore, it is necessary to practice with vikhovantsy, as the therapeutic effect itself is needed, it is necessary at the same time from the fakhivtsy. Pet-therapy does not sound like vicorist itself, because it is part of a complex lure.

Obviously, with the singing world of a creature, you can improve your healthy life with just your presence - it is called "non-directed pet-therapy." For example, the very fact that a person has got a dog imposes a low goitre on her: it is necessary to walk the dog, so that you take the lead and walk around the streets. Tse physical urge, that is the most important activity, and in the case of dogs, who especially love walks, have more chances to save their health, so they don’t go in for sports. In addition, dogs sometimes function as not a psychotherapist, but as a trusted individual: speeches, like patients, do not care about other people’s opinions, dogs can.

Anna, a patient with neurosis in one of the psychiatric clinics, said: “I had two illnesses: I suffered from depression and panic attacks. I was afraid to go out of the house through a panic, but I was afraid to open the door after fixing it. Even though it wasn’t scary, it was just nasty, I could lie for a whole day in bed, or not brush my teeth for a few days. At the hour of jubilation, I showed up a guinea pig. I had to get up from bed wanting to clean the cage, get to the store, buy food and vegetables - I didn’t hurt anything, the hungry creature started whistling piercingly for nothing. The skin went out to the street as a feat, these feats helped me - even if I could take care of the beast, then I already did it. Tse bula was a good win. Until then, the pig is soft, warm and smells of thyrsus.

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