How to curse the psyche of a person. Joe OwenYak manage people. Methods for otochyuchih. Psychological stability and thought

Good day, new readers! I want more than that, but all my life is poured into other people. Chi will be under the control of you, lie down only in the view of your bazhanya. I use a simple technique to infuse, as it will help you to reach bagan for the minimum amount. Today I would like to talk about myself. Psychology of people: how to manage people.

Why is it necessary to manage people

Good managers in great companies undergo numerical training and practical training to train people. Sob bugatomilyonna corporation worked like a year old, the authorities can take care of people. Ale tsi newcomers can help simple dwellers in pobutovyh situations.

I'll give you a simple example. If you want a squad, if a person is guilty of death. Won to follow him and fast it seems: vikin smіtya, vikin smіtya, vikin smіtya. At the result, it’s so far away that you’re going crazy, the stench is barking and as a result, you’ll be left in your own place, and your friends won’t make up a few days. On the side of the squad, it would be more reasonable to work in a different way, know a couple of technicians behind the injection.

In the meantime, you can become a good person not only in the professional sphere, but also in a special life, if you interact with a partner, friend or father. Bagatioh conflict situations you could easily get lost, hurry up with one of the methods of management.

We often want other people to repair it the way we need it, but don’t know how to reach it. The practice of psychology will help the mother with the necessary mechanisms, which will work on you and help you not to sip the blues with soothing.

Vlada vymagaє vіdpovіdalnostі

When cultivating the technique, it is necessary for me to keep in mind the viability. You can’t just slander people and don’t take on yourself for the sake of it. A simple manipulation will be a little less than a reasonable result.

Remember that your injection on another person imposes your wit on your life. Here it is important to remember about the balance.

You are guilty of taking the benefit of the camp, you are not guilty of suffering psychological and physical discomfort, you are not guilty of belittling human dignity.

Managing people does not mean messing around with them. A person is a leader of goiter to respect another person, to value their freedom of choice and not to try to take control of their own. It is even more important to take note of the techniques for all participants in the process.

Bad and good manipulations

And the people, as if in defense of their own, are ready to go over their heads, remember the mustache and do not call on anyone. Tse filthy manipulations. If there is no respect for people, one's own vigoda should be put on the first place - tse zhadіbnіst, yak can be misfortune with one wrong Russia.

A good manipulation is in the fact that you take the best result and, with the choice of the participants, take the benefit for yourself from the situation. As a minimum, we can dorimuvatisya rules "not nashkod." If another person does not reject anything brown, then at least they are not guilty of negativity.

If you reach your blood to mark the blood of other people, then the manipulation is filthy and you can’t seem to notice about the evidence, honesty and goodness.

Healthy communication will be based on mutual vigilance. By such a rank you yourself can achieve great success.

Dekіlka tekhnіk

Otzhe, we went to the next. I will propagate your respectful ways, so that you can more easily and more easily reach the desired result. I’m sorry, for those of us, it’s better, but it’s like that, for example, it’s possible to read a long hour.

Change of retail. People are smarter and have more vіdmіnnosti in objects, yakі obviously vіrіznyayutsya.

I will bring you simple mindful butt. If I learned psychology in vlivu, whose principle became one of my kokhans, I victoriously practiced yoga in a practical way.

As if I came to a friend and asked for a thousand dollars, having sent for a term payment for a loan. Zvіsno, vіn vіdmoviv, even though it's nice. Then I asked them to put my player at the entrance. Vіn with a wide chuckle that gladly pressed me with his gadget at the timchas' courtroom.

Really, I don’t need a thousand dollars, my method is yoga player. Ale, I knew how a lad was put up to such speeches. Vіn nіkoli nіkоmо nіchо nоtіchаv їхної technics. I just tried to test this principle out loud. If you have given me a greater service (thousands of dollars), then it is easy to wait for a smaller service.

One more butt butt. I asked the man to go to the storeroom. Outside is already dark and cold. Well, I’ve been inspired. Just like other less serious bastards, it was the fault of death. On scho vin shvidko wait a while.

Remember that by this principle you cannot be evil. Too big a scam obviously looks stupidly. Get ready ahead of time, beforehand, in case of which a person will definitely be inspired, otherwise there will be no overworld swindlers.

Service for service. Lyudina, as she took it off, obov'yazkovo want to pay with that coin. We don’t like to be unfamiliar in the eyes of otochyuchih.

This principle is often used by trade representatives. They will give you small souvenirs from the gifts, and then we will advise you to issue a personal subscription or get goods at a special price. You see yourself goiter for a souvenir and sign.

At the same time, the principle can be vindicated in a different way. You give people a small service, and if you ask for a deed from a leader, then you will come in handy already with a greater imovirnistyu.

Social proof. The person called to look around at others. If we want to fix something like that, then we allow ourselves to fix it.

This principle can be easily remembered on curts. If a person doesn’t know that you can smoke here and don’t get the hot smoke right away, then get out a cigarette with a small distance. And if you want to commemorate wine in one order, then I will immediately remove a pack of intestines.

You can win this principle for yourself in different situations. For example, as if your friend got nasty on the street, and you don’t have a phone with you and not a penny. Just ring up some kind of passerby and say: phone in a shvidka. Ask another passer-by for a driver. It is necessary to begin to show respect and action for the principle of social proof. You won’t be able to look around, like a bunch of dozens of helpers will show up.

In addition, a person for the joy of consecrating a service for someone who often praises. Compliments can do great service in managing people, do not ignore them. You can commemorate, behind the face of your companion, how to add praise to your new one.

Deficit. The strongest principle is inflow, as if the undertakings are rooted. The stench is constantly ruling over stocks from the fringed number of goods. A person wants a mother to be unique and special. If I leave a can of wine at the police station, then I’ll take it for all the wine.

You can manipulate your hour by saying that you have it out of the way. If it was necessary to come to the boss, then the boss would say “I don’t have enough time, so I’ll just do it right.” It’s worth the hour of the boss to cherish such zustrіchs. Golovnya, that such a phrase was not seen by a stranger.

Tse far from all ways of cheruvannya by people. Bagato brown ta practical pleasures you know from the book Roberta Chaldini "Psychology in vlivu". If you don't have time to read, you can always know the audiobook version.

Remember that cheruvannya people rich, yak vimagaє in your great vіdpovіdalnosti. Do not varto manipulate your loved ones.

At the article "" I tell about the possibility of inacceptability, connected with the bajans close people under your zhorstky control.

Chi є you have your tehnіk vplivu on people? By what rank do you reach the bagan? What kind of techniques are you wondering? Do you mark such a splash on yourself from the side of the otochyuchih?

Remember about the viability for your influx on others!

Successful may be less than that kerivnik, which may be a song of business, professional, and also personal identity. All the stinks in the totality give the opportunity to optimize business processes, improve productivity and raise the level of sales as needed. However, knowing what to do with people is no less ugly everyday life. Even the main techniques are practiced with skin people, regardless of their social status, state of that age.

Yakim maє buti kerivnik

A good fakhіvtsem can only be that person, ya can sanctuary that expert knowledge. So, the key skills of a sales manager are the knowledge of advanced strategies for reaching the target audience and competence in their field of activity. Not less important will be іnshi yakosі:

  • erudition, exercise of professional growth;
  • vminnya assess the situation critically;
  • search for new methods and forms of work, building development efficiency managerial decisions;
  • planning, which is transferring as a management of the high hour, and setting priorities, coordinating the work, arranging the layout of one’s own and related.

Created image

Forming the specialty of the stone worker, it is necessary to protect rich aspects. One of them is the image of a businesslike person. Before the yoga of the main warehouses, you can see:

  1. Health, about saving what a lot of businessmen forget, even if people are sick, they call out to those who feel less sorry.
  2. Zovnіshnіy look, as well as vminnya pick up yakіsny and stylish clothes.
  3. Looking at what kind of leather kerivnik can be, one cannot but say about the garni of manners. Without them, neither the work of the team nor the conduct of negotiations can do.
  4. Vminnya is available to display information and professionalism.
  5. The efficiency of the adopted managerial decisions of the internal world is also infused. For the achievement of success, it is important to read the public and moral positions, as well as the correct setting up to your place in the world.

Іmіdzh - tsukupnіst sane looking, vchinkiv that manner. Emphasizing more importantly, correctly setting up to a svіvrozmovnik, you form a positive position for yourself.

The peculiarity of the kerіvnik is shown in the case of the case with the right, with the help of the courts, or to call the salesmen in such a way, that is the best business partners. In any case, it’s important to take back your own slang words and common people’s words. Having inadvertently sprung up during the hour of a business conversation, such phrases were created seriously to build a reputation and know other special features of a manager.

Dіlovі yakosti

Vivchayuchi how to properly manage the team, I especially respect the varto to add to the peculiarities of the character of the person. Deyakі iz them zdatnі kompensuvati navіt to dosit humble dosvіd chi vіdsutnіst profіlії osviti. Important special features of the ceramics worker, for us, for the purpose of organizing the work of undertakings and quickly resolving difficulties.

For whom the effectiveness of managerial decisions to lie in the systemic approach to work. Leather successful kerivnik is guilty of organizing as a collection of elements that are mutually related to each other. The skin component (people, technologies, managers, organizational structure) is directly related to the achievement of various goals. That is why the manager's key skills are allowed to smartly organize the work in such a way that all the elements work well.

In addition, it is necessary to remember about the need to develop such qualities:

  • exercise to take a leadership position in all situations;
  • ambition that vmіnnya to show his thought;
  • also, the effectiveness of managerial decisions is rich in why to lie down in the mind, roztashovuvat yourself and reconsider the spivrozmovniki;
  • acceptability;
  • flexibility in virishhenni working problems;
  • hard self-control and strimanity;
  • the specialty of the worker of the goiter is to understand correctly the division of the work processes between them;
  • industnist fear of innovation.

Psychological stability and thought

One of the key features, domineering kindly cheruyuchim - tse psychological stability and positive thought. How to learn how to be smart with people, that person, how not to be afraid of doubts and fears and not to tighten negative emotions. Vіn upevneniy at sobі, as well as at tih goods chi services, yakі yomu needs to be realized. It’s important to control emotions and positive attitude to help such a clerk to quickly change customers and achieve their trust.

No less important aspect for the effectiveness of management decisions is customer orientation and the establishment of the right strategies for working with them. Adzhe in the number of satisfied customers to lay a lot of good for the company. A good kerіvnik is more respectful to people, while listening to them, and also can be a little sensitive.

In addition, it is important that the leader of the mind show patience and indulgence in terms of getting to the right, partners with clients. However, with all the vins, I can be extremely careful, so that the yogis do not look overly intrusive.

Not to do without the efficiency of managerial decisions is also smart to reconsider. A good specialist needs to constantly develop his practice, supplementing it with new tools. great value in the implementation of the novice, there may be a change in the understanding of the psychological characteristics of the person.

Kerivnik's look

Є impersonal methods, yakі pіdkazuyut, yak cheruvati collective chi zahistiti in іd manіpulyatsіy otochuyuchih. To the highest technical varto to be seen:

  • It’s good to put food out of tact in sharpened people, it’s necessary to look in the eyes of these people so, you don’t want to say anything, but with whom you speak.
  • The peculiarity of the goiter's worker is taught to have a penetrating, daring look, which stuns you and looks at you and on the basis of equal bachiti you have a strong people. It is necessary to marvel at the spy in the eyes, but not on the surface, but mute them, marveling right into the soul.
  • Insanely, by the methods of how cherubate people can be aware, that no one can be so reluctant, bazhayuchi to reach the set goal. For example, if a person is staring at you, you do not need to accept these rules. It is necessary to simply marvel at you right in the eyes, and then laugh, for the sake of understanding, that you looked at the remarks. If anything, demonstrate what you can do by looking at other objects.

Beginners, masters in the field of management

  1. If a person is active and emotionally encouraging, roaring, that you don’t want to enter into conflict with her, it’s not necessary to tone it down. To endure a pause, kindly roaring the speaker until the continuation of the call. Navit if you speak more calmly, movchit just nod.
  2. Another trick that improves the effectiveness of managerial decisions is to lift the negative attitude to unacceptable people. If it is disgusting, scandalous specialty before you, then show it like a child. Children behave badly, if the stench is broken, embittered and unhappy. Tse dopomozhe vіdchuti svіvchuttya to svіvrozmovnik and dezzbroїti yogo.
  3. How can a person repair a vice, so that you understand that it was impossible for you to stumble - ask: “Will you squeeze on me?”. After similar food, more opponents become ruined.
  4. For an individual ker_vnik, it’s worthwhile to remember, if they are manipulated by their relatives. In case of any good, it is necessary to be shy without explanation, that is true.
  5. Do not ruin your rightness with a great number of arguments. For example, if you suggest some kind of argument, stand up for yourself.

First of all, as a trace of memory, entering the graveyard - fix your new camp. For example, raise those that are only allowed to leaders: to praise an important decision, give orders, or ask for help for additional ones. And if you want to enter a new role, then there is more confidence that your rights will be exchanged.

In this article, you will be presented with low recommendations - yak learn how to deal with people on robots yakі can vikoristovuvat, sob to help you robit the transition to the kerіvnu posada less anxious. I do not claim to be a helper in the operation of the day by day, but looking at it, it is not less than a plan that will help you through the process of setting goals and managing personnel. So breathe deep and deep!

Yak keruvati people

"How to bully people? - No more, no more to motivate other people."

Understand what it means to manage

Those who deliberately inspire managers, tse vіdkhіd vіd kontsії, vіdomoї yak “special contribution”. Zdebіlshoy, managers є the contribution of okremih people. Tse means that you cannot pay for the work of others; your success lies in the fact that you will burn your management. Now you are bearing vidpovidalnist, more work, lower you could have worked independently (div. divided the front). You can't fix all the problems yourself - don't bother yourself, it's not your job.

Prepare for the transition

Tse bude vyprobuvannyam zbentezhennya that rozcharuvannya - maybe not at once, but managers often buvayut "important" at a few straight lines.

  • Mentor's prompt: Not your middle-of-the-road boss, but your manager with a great fortune. Yogo needs to be nourished, as it will make your transition easier. This is an important tool.
  • Show maturity: Make contacts, ask other managers and clerks about the city clubs, they stink. It is necessary to have more contacts and acquaintances in your area.
  • Read literature: Drink up to the task of personnel and ask for books, or programs for learning, which you can use to help you. Read the trochs about being a manager. Burn literature on this topic. The largest vіdomi on this topic. (“Manager on the hvilina” and “ This sign of effective people is basic for a manager).
  • Helping your staff to win її: It is possible that people who used to be colleagues before, your new settlement will be the cause of condolences (you can imagine) that rubbish. You can't get away with it, but you can trim the lines of the link with vodkritimi, so that you can reduce the problems. Tim is not less, you are guilty of memory, now it’s more, but you are not guilty, allow yourself to win the honors of old comrades. So you yourself weren’t colleagues, having taken off a new settlement, you made others nervous. Let them know what your plans are. Install your own link with the helpers of the yaknaishvidshe.
  • Don't hate your homeland: your squads and your children, even if you stink, that friends, like before, will demand your respect, like it was earlier. It dawned on you that you will have more speeches at the university at once. Rethink your priorities. You don't want to deprive your career of keeping your women in your homeland (God forbid, what happens).
  • Don't worry about your health: Good, you have shown that it’s really fun. Robot tsіkava, you work more than a year, it’s possible, navit work at home, lie early, lie late in the evening, work a great work. Do you sleep enough? Whom are you in charge of?

Designate your goals

How specifically are your goals important? Chi є you have a plan for the day chi day? What can you say about your new goals, how to improve the productivity of practice? Write it down and remember it with a special rank. (to marvel at the spread of Poradi). Tse will be your control transfer. At the link with the cim vie owe buti protection, tse may be a dynamic document, with the hour the words change. Deyakі zalyshayutsya same, like and rіvnі service, but otherwise can change in fallow in vіd strategіy, like vyznachayut upper rіvnі. Look over your list, often with a critical eye, when necessary.

Know your people

You need to know the strengths and weaknesses of the other team members. One works even more quickly, but inkoli ignores some details. The other may have problems with the obsyago work, which is vikonu. The third may be chomping with clients, but if you can’t say “no” to clients, then the same as the fourth may be technically trained, but not with close friends with people. You need to know about these moments better, better. You will win over knowledge to balance the productivity of your people.

Assign vidpovidny zavdnya to your spivrobitnikam

Vykoristovyte the information, as you have chosen from the front lines, to recognize the best orders to the best practitioners. Victory your strengths and try not to recognize them as a task, in which you suffer because of your weaknesses. If you can, put the work on people with a set of additional skills.

Catch up with your team members

Carry out regular individual calls, sound even more important for proper management. Tsі zustrіchі moyut sprat tsіley

  • Give a return call about the success of your function: Discuss the numbers of the early winter, including those that have gone well, in some area the stench can grow in the coming times and as a reduction can be taken away. Tse bring up to:
  • Namіtiti tsіlі for the upcoming zustrіchі:їх are called “dієві come in” and will be the basis for revisiting the coming day.
  • Vivchennya meals, pov'yazanih іz staff: You choose a little bit of posture by contact with the staff, now you are responsible for reason. The only way to get in the know about nutrition, like to add to the productivity of your people (and, of course, your work), is to listen to your practitioners!
  • Motivation: The best workers know the ways to build up their supporters with motivation, to do their work with pride and kindness. Victory these sessions to find out what motivates your spivrobitnikiv, and vikorist this turning link in order to improve your contribution.

Be visible

In another time, you are not guilty of giving an injury, because you are a bagman with an elephant's brush. If members of your team don't beat their leader, anarchy will break out. Just do it right, it's bad for you. You should know that you are leading the staff far away, it is necessary to switch over, so that the stench "feels" your presence. As a change deck, conduct tours of all changes on a regular basis.

Documentation of group activities

Evaluation of your activity, based on a significant world on the productivity of your people, then trim the magazine about the problems of that reach. Tse will be especially important, as if blaming serious problems.


Tse does not mean pennies. Vision is richly effective. If you have power, so that you can grow, you can guarantee, for example, an additional day off for the same wine. If you are giving a bonus, let yourself know. (Nagorodzhennya in the audience).


There will be inevitable moments, if you need to, to correct the same patterns of behavior. Find out how to do it right. If you do everything right, you can achieve the results you want. Even if you do it wrong, speeches can turn out to be really bad for you.

Video: How to cheat people. Injection into psychocomplexes when managing people

The art of keruvati by people

Check back and update the art of managing people expound new wisdom on the most important principles and methods of creating positive work.

  • Post numbers: When publishing your goals, change your mind, you remember the stench. Your team can look back at any hour. “Increase in the level of services by 5% at the onset of 6 months” is not a mystery. Show the goals if they become available.
  • Praise your spivrobitnikiv: Tell someone that they really stink garnu robot, let your practitioners know that the stench is highly valued.
  • Talk, talk and talk! Your people will feel impressed, so you let them know what to expect. Usі want to bachiti "the savage situation".
  • I know for sure: There will be moments, if it is necessary to get used to entering a disciplinary contract and to instill a connection. Tse mozhe buty namovіrno smoothly navіt dosvіdchenih managers. How to punish the practitioners? Tsya topic to go beyond the borders of the articles, but there are a lot of good messages.
  • Wikiquote As you have є vіddіl cadіrіv, vіn now your new and best friend. Tse resource, which can be vikoristati. The stench can help with the cities, with the entrances of a disciplinary infusion, they can help you get rid of the problem because of the law and the bosses are like them, they know them.
  • Give an example: the worker is guilty of being concerned about all aspects of his work. Be a butt for your colleagues - you give a positive result. Spivchutya, rozuminnya and povaga, let me be angry at your tasks, so that you can be in command and make your own right.
  • Hire a coach: Okrim a mentor, hire a coach (as you have the ability to do so). A mentor can be a great help. The coach works professionally and helps you develop your own, authentic management style.


  • Don't bother doing a job for your people. An old order: "If you want to do good, do it yourself." Forget about it. See it from your mind. Tse to cause reversal results. If you want to do good, know right people that motivate your spіvrobіtnikіv. If you try to help everyone, then you can no longer do anything good. Your robot is to guide.
  • Take care of the confidentiality of your spivrobitnikiv (as far as possible): at certain moments it’s not possible (for example, food, connected with people’s resources), but if you want to come to you with a problem, be more protective with your secrets. Only you will be rewarded for ruining your reputation.
  • You are guilty buti ready to work for more than an hour-tse fact. Now you are hired, and you work, what is necessary, to work the robot, how to work. The authorities do not get bonuses and wins like the workers, but instead, they get additional shoes.
  • Don't swear by the speaker in public.

It is rich who cares that managerial priyomi will become less fortunate, whose profession is connected with managers. Really tse nabrіr tekhnіk, yakі can zastosuvat in any sphere of life, de є sotsіum.

Don't give in to the provocations of the old shuffled loan, correct blue with children, make contact with non-acceptable relatives and spivrobitnikami, it’s safe, it’s smart to sell the cottage and build a sofa on Avito.

In other words, the recruitment of technicians will be practiced absolutely with the help of people, independently of their status, of that social position.

Why hang out with people in the stone settlements and entrepreneurs? Obviously, it’s not enough just to add chips, gleaned from other sites.

For the master's management of people, a new set of technicians is required and to bring about changes in the light-gazer.

Ale about tse I rozpovіm pіznіshe, and at the same time - 10 ways, how to become you in good luck in career and in life.

1. The right look

A special look that stuns people to call on you, recognize you as a strong opponent on equal footing.

Tsey glance can stand in good luck in be-yakіy sprіnіy situation, if you want to declare that you're getting excited about it and decide here you can.

It is necessary to marvel at the vіchі, but not on the surface of the eye, but nibi krіz it, looking into the soul. A penetrating glance comes out, which declares about your decisive mood. I people think.

2. Energetic pause

In order to reach the goal, people indulge in the method of non-tactful nutrition among other people. On the one hand, you without a vagan were moved to confess, or to speak negatively, but in public you were ruined, and you can wait, or if you don’t give in to the greedy, keep quiet and so on.

In order not to spend a lot of time on the wudka, you can beat the energy pause method. You marvel at other people like that, you don’t pick up evidence. You are ready to accept your confession, but you don’t.

You continue to marvel at the new, but say nothing. It’s ruined to look at you, and then you start talking about something else. After such a vipadku vіn no longer zamagatimetsya zmusit you to prove in front of people.

3. Pause that zahochennya

Sometimes people try to increase their strength, relying exclusively on the intensity of their strength. That is a person in principle razumіє, її vomoga є bezpіdstavnoy, і v tse razumієte.

Tim is not less than guilty actively and even more emotionally motivated, roaring, what you give up, fearing a conflict. If you keep up this tone, or if you start to rethink it, a conflict will arise.

Take a break for a moment and greet the people in a friendly way to continue Rozmov. Look at the tone, people stop getting hot, speak more calmly.

And then, after all, don’t pinch the movchannya, nod, and want to speak further. The person should explain more often, then we will be true, and, nareshti, vibachat.

4. Zakhist at a glance

Zvichayno, if you accept and zastosovuєte not only you and not less than svіdomo. Buvay, scho people unknowingly think, how to do it, to reach the bad, and behave like that.

How did you commemorate sawy look svіvrozmovnika, vіn can zastosovuvat to you like a psihospіchіchnogo infusion, baiduzhe, svіdomo chi nі.

Remember: don't goiter with him at the divalka, accepting the rules of yoga gri. Marvel at you in your eyes, laugh, giving you an understanding that you remember Yogo's look and you are all the same and marvel at other objects.

5. Podolat divination

Life often sticks with us from unacceptable people, with whom we are simply embarrassed to talk and save good money.

In order to promote normal intercourse, or to take it away from other people, to bring the hostility to her right. And not just by pulling on a false laugh, but by adopting spontaneity and kindness.

How tse robiti, how is this scandalous vile type in front of you?

Reveal Yogo as a little child. Like a child, it’s bad for yourself, which means that she’s embittered, unhappy, or scribbled. Have some kind of vipadka in tsoma vinna the middle of the chisel.

In principle, it's true, you can't fool yourself. If you treat a person like a child, you won’t be able to be angry with her, and people will always feel kindness, that kindness, and that’s why they’ll be harmless.

6. Vice

A lot of people for the otrimannya bazhany to fix a vice on their spіvrobіtnikіv, relatives and friends. As you look from your side: Bagatora's repetition of the silence themselves could not - sometimes mildly, sometimes zhorstka, then hard-nosed and emotional, then hateful.

Golovna meta to the vice - spare you hope for those who can be lost.

Lyudina gives you an understanding that you simply cannot afford to work in a different way, we stand on our own until the end.

What can you do from cym? Good help to call speeches by their own names. For example, you can immediately wake up a person: “Are you embossing on me?”. As a rule, a person gets involved after a lot. Not less important є th umіnnya firmly say "nі".

7. Remember to say “Ni”

You are guilty of learning to say “nі”, you need to fight against different kinds of manipulators, among them not only obnoxious partners can appear, but also your friends or relatives.

You must learn to say the very word - "nі". Chi is not “don’t see”, chi “I don’t know”, chi is “better”, but the most firm is “nі”.

8. Do not explain your opinion

Tsezh great vminnya, like getting it with the right. As if you urged a comrade, said your firm “no”, mind to do without explanation and more without telling the truth.

In case of this, it is impossible to feel sorry for those who you act without explanation. People take into account the inner mood, and if you are in the middle of yourself, then you will get comments and, it is possible, to entice.

And I’m starting again, don’t start the war without explanation, but there are fluctuations, if necessary.

9. Position without evidence

In negotiations, proof often plays a negative role. Righteousness - tse camp, which is transmitted only on equal terms. You prove that you are right, that other people will do well with you.

If you start to bring your position with arguments, you can strengthen the rightness.

It's permissible, you suggest one argument, and your spymaster simply yogo. If you bring another argument, it means that you will wait for it, that the first letter is not far off, and that the loss of one’s position is not good enough to believe one’s rightness.

10. Fix a new role

As soon as you enter into a new role - the chief of the officer, the captain of the team chi yakus іnshu - it is necessary to immediately fix it, having recognized your honor. It is better to grow in a new role those who could not grow into a big one.

Give a message of order, praise the decision, ask for advice in case of good ones, and so on. The more you gravitate towards entering a new role, the more they can curtail your rights.

There are ways to taunt people and not let yourself be manipulated by only a small part of all the techniques of managerial art, which change not only your style of intercourse, but the light-gazer himself. And you can learn yoga by learning from professionals.

Management department and new svetoglyad

A large-scale program of 40 online seminars on management science will be revealed in the beginning of the year 2015.

For a period of 10 months, once a day, we will hold a seminar while watching online broadcasts all over the world, on which business coach will spread different techniques, select the individual experiences of the participants and help them create their own strong philosophy.

Coaching consists not only of basic practices and techniques, which can become good, but also of work with participants, with specific people and those problems.

Until then, the program is suitable for start-ups, and for advanced entrepreneurs.

You know, there were a lot of pardons in the administration, so you can’t repeat them any more.

As you choose to be snarky by people, you just need a solid philosophy, firmness of character and knowledge of various psychological tricks. You will find everything you need in the program of Volodymyr Tarasov. It's time to sign up.

1. Be aware that the boss is going to rule over separation. Assess the situation. If the boss has already taken the decision to rob you himself with a dagger, then it’s better to be quick with your claims and try to transfer the rozmov to those, as you can correct everything. If you actively repair the opir, then the chief will see you in a rage at the pragnenn and put you on the spot. Don't give the youmu such a foul. You need to point out the problem and draw the speaker into discussing the problem (and not your stupidity): it turned out to be the same, it’s like this. "Do you care?" Tse allow me to translate the dialogue from the emotional sphere into the sphere of logic and in such a way to extinguish the fire. And besides, if you go to the top of the problem, put up one block of barricades and spread the difference.

2. You were caught on a robot, and a scandal is brewing at home. Do not try to compensate for the return of a gift - it would mean even more suspicions. Conquer the forward way - to unite at the top of the problem. Discuss the food approximately like this: “I can not work, why do you prepare me to eat? Pratsyuvati pissed me off. If you want, I'll go to the conflict, but we won't take the prize. Aje, I am trying for a penny for all my motherland.

3. You need to bring a partner to you in negotiations or a robot on a freelance chat. Even if an hour is not enough, sing the “anchors” (in psychology, this is what “buttons” are called, pressing on yak you take away the reaction points): friendly chuckles, exchange of fresh positive news, a cup of tea chi cavi, which allows the situation. As soon as an hour is enough, you can try to lead a person to Rozmov, which allows you to take a look at life (for example, by proponing to guess the story of someone else's life). And then let's add the values ​​of your spymaster, saying what you think you would have done it yourself, like wine, and so on.

4. I want to bring people to the door of Rozmov. It is possible to reach the door, having seen Rozmov's name "the boss is a supporter", so that you can take it on equal terms. Or shift it to another logical line: "Let's talk about this life situation", "Let's talk like a woman with a woman", "Let's talk to the soul." You can tell your nibito “terrible” secret (understandably, inventions) and complete with these words: “I told you my secret, from your side I would like to take the door open.” You can win over the same technique from a person.

5. Install the dovira for help and mova gestures. Use the classic technique of mirroring gestures. It is acceptable, your spymaster to sit at the end of a closed position - arms and legs are crossed. On the back, step by step, it is necessary to step up to the posture of the speaker, to the rhythm of breathing. Do not swear mavpuvati, but robiti tse incomprehensibly, at a sprat of etapiv. If you don’t see it the first time, then try 2-3 more. And then start step by step to take a bigger posture. As if the “sticking” of the “sticker” was out, then after you the spivrezmovnik will also open up more often. The axis can now be repaired, say about the right.

6. If you want to know, tell you the truth and fool around. Call the people, see the eyes. This is such a law: if a person thinks - sounds, imagine - then his eyes miraculously collapse to the left, or uphill to the left (there will be a hundredfold to the right). Yakshcho skladє chi vigaduє - right-handed. Turning the eyes to the left down means that the person is conducting an internal dialogue, to the right down - gazing at the sights (for example, watching hatred, aggression, or having seen one’s fault and being ashamed). Apparently, if your spy is to tell the truth, then his eyes are tumbling to the left and uphill. Yakshcho Breshe and vigaduє on the go - right-handed and uphill. This is true for right-handers. With shulgas all on the spot.

7. If you want to demonstrate your own innocence, not varto get used to the promo phrases in kshtalt: “I think”, “I'm going to”, etc. This is the “rule of paws” - putting a group of people on authority. If you want to reconsider someone who is right, you don’t need to rely on yourself. Tse rude pardon. Such a situation is immediately blamed for the usual food: “Who are you?” Ask for authority. Let's say: "Famous artists, authoritative vchenі made such a thought." Abo: “This is such an arrogant view of the problem ... And you don’t fit in with the thought of the great scientists? And who are you?

8. If life will disturb you intrusive thoughts and worries, it is necessary to switch further, “kill” the internal dialogue with another strong signal. For example, take a shower, go to the gym, take care of the general cleaning at home, turn on a movie with a breathtaking plot.

9. Like strimati cry, do you want to cry? As if you were depicted or belittled before the mustache, but you don’t want to show that you are strongly hooked, it’s necessary to try to convert the energy into anger. Meta falsehood - to form. So, you don't need to show it. Try to get angry, or try to laugh at yourself at your own expense - for example, you can joke about being funny at the ranks of the head of the falsehood, or you can guess, like wine yourself, if you shoot at the Kalyuzh.

10. What is the right way to ask about the posture, so that they didn’t move? For whom it is necessary to try as little as possible to give significance to your scum. Ask nibi mizh іnhim: “I took my bag this year and forgot to shift the hamanets (or a card). Why don't you put a small sum on obid? If you too much concentrate your respect on your prohanni, encouragement, as it is important for you (“I’m so hungry, but pennies have been lost in me, can’t you reach your salary?”), then the chances are less. The main psychological law: the more significant you give your shit, the more doubtful is the one from whom you ask.

11. How not to make a fool out of anger? Required to jump sharply and release a couple. For example, walk through the street, break a plate, shout out the edge, etc. You can make three deep breaths and three breaths, and then you can properly get up to 10. After all, you can marvel at the situation with our eyes.

12. How to find out who your friends sympathize with. And a simple secret: if a group of people is smitten with smіkh, then sound the skin and throw a glance at the one who is more attractive to you. Tsey phenomenon of light minds. If people speak up, they will appreciate the soundness, and then - the inner light of one of one. If the information is given to someone funny, then you will be amazed, and if you share it fun, you are a pretty person, who are gaining their values.

13. How can you not boast, how can you be important? A universal trick is to be overwhelmed by the distance. Show yourself the most terrible picture of the way, so that you can get angry to the maximum. And if you come, that lakaє you, come, then the emotions at that hour of the present will be spent, burn out. Otzhe, it will be easier for you to go to hell.

14. How do you feel like working hard for yourself, why don’t you want to? Well, I know, give yourself a nightmare in the future, reveal that there will be traces, as you don’t see your “borg”. Sometimes it’s better to “get tormented”, lower the delay and make the situation easier.

15. How not to shout at a child? As if you were aware that you scream axis-axis, try to sharply cut off your argument and start discussing the situation: “Your behavior immediately embarrassed me. Do you want to hear them shouting at you and crying at you?” “Mirkuvannya” is turned on, and the left ventricle of the brain is activated (for emotions, in accordance with the right). And after an hour, analyze the situation, so that you can understand what it was that overwhelmed such your reaction, turned out to be a trigger. Knowing what kind of analysis will help you to improve your vision.

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