If you want to love more, you want to buti at once. The lad no longer wants to be at once. Compromise and correct setting before the new

Most of the lists, how to write me, end with the words "to help understand who is a minus, and who is a plus", moreover, the list is described as an unambiguous minus (pluses are rarely written, hiba scho minus is a team (person) like a shkoda throw).

Below is a type sheet of this kind. The woman describes how a person is straightforwardly and clearly guided by the stosunkiv from her, but sings "and who is a plus?" Well, who, who? Whoever is watching, obviously, that is a plus.

Be kind, if you are encouraged, it’s all the same, like explaining and shedding tears when you shed, like words when you are warm, don’t doubt that in front of you is a plus. It may be a default (offending pluses), as you need a wine that is not needed, or an imbalance (plus or minus), as you need a wine.

Nikoli minus don’t go with the first, yourself. If you have been persecuted for a long time and tortured for a long time, then you need to torment clearly, painfully, and not just if you don’t give a little bit to you. In outstanding moods, it’s like a minus ide, vin is not a minus. Maybe earlier, or maybe not.

And the axis of the word tsey plus can say yaki forever. Praise, dyakuvati, (“love, nudguє, cherish, want” (c)) and you can kiss your feet and shed tears, you can lie down only at the level of yogic spontaneity and equal anxiety.

Give respect to the main pardon of a woman. Wrote inseparable regular sms (shortly, uh, u pevneniy), even though the person strayed herself (wouldn’t it be vague? її would help a little bit, navpaki). She made contact herself. Vimagala specifics pіd hour rozmovi. Asked for sex, waiting for friendship. Tse way at a deep minus. Tobto still plus more to say "oh, zvichano, I want sex, but for friendship," so to be put to the minus of good, then we'll say "before you see me" z rozdratuvannyam.

Do not stray, be kind, building from below with a dem'yanov yushka! Under construction from the bottom - give those that you want, that are definitely acceptable, and give in order to raise your own price and give obov'yazkovo distance, as if there is no change of vіdnosin. Tizhden pіdstroyuvannya - tse already rich! But then again, you can't be proud of a dem'yanov's yushka. Tobto showed the person that you want the distance, especially as you directly said, so you don’t need to write “for good, dear” and “good morning, my dear” is not required. Tse yushka! Dem'yanova. Minus your growth, like on a dry skin spoon. Under construction from the bottom, only fight on bazhanyh and comfortable minds for people. That’s why a person has already (!) flowed in, no way before her. Do not need yoga distavati. Podlashtuvatisya is possible, only for the time being, for the time being, for the time being, you can consume it, if you have vines, obviously. The axis of the same can be trohi and pіdlashtuvatisya, only beautifully, not Skoda, but farther on obov'yazkovo distanced, schob vіn vіg vіg vіg vіg vіg raznitsyu (!). Changes to the imbalance are not due to the hour of construction, but less at the stage of notification of retail, and for which it is necessary to be rehabilitated. But in this situation (below), nothing like this could be. One day pіdstroyuvannya, to the fact that the person asked for a distance. And if you ask for a plus, you need to vikonuvati. Exactly more. Asking for a distance is a requirement to give a distance plus a little more. Even so, you can turn around, so as not to intrude.

The good for the minus is modesty, reasoning, that if you don’t want to do something - you don’t want to do it, you can then want to, but you don’t need to get away. Modest people may never be minuses, but they seem to be rapt, vibrating the balance, more modestly entering, as if they were asked or pushed on.

And sex from friendship, especially requests for a minus, after stosunkiv, is not self-drowning in a deadly space. Don't work like that. Especially if you are a woman. There is nothing unsafe for your self-esteem, but the main minus is your obov'yazkovo verosta. Chi do not ask for sex, more sex for friendship.

Reshtu yourself, you can add a lot of moments there. Tilki prohannya - do not rush with joy to the author. The author of the sheet is writing me, not writing. And you can write your thoughts to me. What do you think, what did you think of those ideas. Ta th delicately, be kind. It dawned on us that the imbalance is trying to create everything, everything works out differently, talk about the varto, but for the sake of it. Skin from us at an imbalance - such a self. Zavdannya - don’t go there to eat chi shvidko to come. And to get out, you need to try to look "on the side".

Sheet text:

Good day Evolution.

I read you mayzhe rik, I learned a lot of important things for myself. Thank you.
but in my situation - my life is important - I got lost.
I love very much. I want to tell the whole situation. children in their own special interests, and yogo. I want to create a bunch of harmonies, and then we'll do it. At the same time, a person does not look happy, but when he has given me a treat, he begins to drink a litter of blessings and joy.

if you have the ability, the hour, the strength of that bazhannya - I will be more than happy to you.
yakscho nі - vibachte for being uneasy.
________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ___________

man. 27 years.
orderly, kind and kind - accepted as a fact. practice. hyper vidpovіdalnіst.
having survived the second fate, an important rise of stosunkiv, health and joy on the side of the woman.

woman. 29 years.
in the anamnesis - an important development, depression 12 years. exaltation at the end of psychotherapy - successful. renewed self-esteem. more or less stable. bula chastkova frustration to vіdnosin pri principі.

after acquaintance - active, brightly outstretched, turbota, demonstration of serious intentions. getting to know each other with the best friends. with fathers. syayav i buv happy.
from the side of the woman - no more than a straight line, but a sigh of relief that dovira. were singing sumniv, but the stench passed. vinik inject fear. ale controlled. without hysterics and scandals.
everything was good. on the right went to the bed. the blues were recognized clearly - at once. dvichi starting a language about the sleep of life.

then I trapilas in a new crisis - internal. having said, what is it like. what you need to be alone, everything will pass and you will be good.
dragged on for a long time. mayzhe without calling.
a woman from her side - trying to help - wrote all sorts of SMS without a rozrahunka for advice. svіdomleno zrobila such a choice, schob vіn buv nіy.

at the same time, the best friend of yours will go out and call the woman at the party as a photographer on the first day of the day and as a guest at the banquet. more cry. with her, the first person and knowing her, the shards of the outside are a close and old friend. the fun is ready at once, even a rich woman helps friends. girlfriend keeps the person in the course (we potim z'yasuvalosya).

in the world the situation is not clear. and man and woman - no specific feelings are shown. the woman through - got nervous and over-praised strongly.
but the man is constantly crowdedly raising the significance of the woman - guessing in rozmovi from outside all sorts of moments from the past, and directly it seems that the woman is even more significant - that only a little can you calm down and just can, it’s possible without such a lot of fun at the value). allows (radially) stroking yoga and calming down, if it’s already not true and winding up like roses on hvilyuyuchi yoga those. at parting - the favor of kissing. (Written off to alcohol)

calling the next day. Rozmov didn’t stick to the tune. the woman asked for specifics, the man said that we should talk about it all the time.
for a stretch of the month, sometimes they corresponded - with the initiative of the woman. there was no clarity.

stretching out for an hour in rozlutsі (mayzhe rіk) - if a person called - blatantly on the significance, importance of the podtrimka, the importance of the woman herself, dividing in the dark - chim not dilivsya vzagali nі z kim nikoli. I noticed the pretentiousness of that bazhannya splintering. a little stronger. without winning borrowers of the type /mine/. ale buv kind, respectful, worried. іnіtsіyuvav zustrіch, yak zіrvalas not yogo blame.

a month later, after the wedding, I came across a serious rozmova. buv duzhe emotional, very worried.
after the fact, having said more offensively - I love you more (specially clarified - like a person like a woman) - there was no fury between - obviously like a woman, like otherwise.
more important, happy, what is in yoga life, spend it for whatever you don’t want. buv wildly zakokhany, also / dakh vomited /.
but there will be no more stosunkiv. I want to splurge, fight, and so on - ale like friends.
the reason is too much respect for the woman’s side, too much good words and everything is the same.

instead of scandal, tears and hysteria - the woman calmly, even whimpering, spoke, asked questions. sho b z'yasuvati, chi hoche vіn її - asked for help in terms of sex - you really want to / what is the truth /, but you can’t start an affair, kohantsa, you can’t have a vivacious person - you don’t want to sing for a long time, but without trust you don’t want to love. and you want yoga.
buv duzhe radium, ale Zdivovaniya. bursting with enthusiasm. having said that the nearest weekend is yours. ale pіdkresliv, scho everything is within the framework of friendship. the woman confirmed - flies are okay, cutlets are okay.
zvіdsi zrobleno vysnovok - what you want.

be in love. nudguє. want sex. Want to talk. cherish.
ale, in plain text, having said at what bula a pardon - asking not to work more. but having said that there will not be more than a few stosunkiv.
apparently so, having said it on purpose - what would I have pinned. and gave them the opportunity to take the initiative.
at the kohanna zіznavsya - vpershe. at the hour of parting.
I’ve said a few times, that other women are dumb and don’t talk, it’s good to be alone, wanting not to be against the opposition in general.
categorically vyslovivshi formulary, scho zhіnka schos zіpsuvala. just like that and it seems - didn’t write anything.

from the side of the woman - self-esteem for the whole river grew up, almost like the power of the significance of the same. the spontaneity of his spontaneity appeared - and objectively it became a lot of shanuvalniks toshcho. z'appeared vpeevnіst, self-sufficiency and self-sufficiency. staleness is, but not as strong. Never once did I want to cry, etc. navpaki - vіdchuvayu vpevnіnіst і in nоmu, і in sobі. apparently, that everything is good and everything / follows the plan /, as required - on an intuitive level.
the stagnation was saved and changed on the equal footing almost. with an assessment of the partner’s capacity and the prospects for the development of wines.
the fear of being thrown behind the scars (following the opium) is known. development was taken away by creative projects - painting, illustration, photography, and professional successes were serious.
A person has devoted all the time to robots, careers, development of internal spiritual aspects. well, and talking with friends. zhіnok not bulo (about sex, it seems that it didn’t bulo, but to be cunning, I think. I’d say it rather hotly, I didn’t feed it myself).

I try to understand - who is a minus / plus.
it came to mind that the people did not give those that were necessary for me.

At the same time, I plan not to work anything (naturally, as they already directly stated), to act from the position - well, everything is so spent.
save those closeness - let's talk, show yourself from the other side, independent and instilled - since I have become like that. deshcho distakuёtsya. Prote to give sex - you can (in terms of technology) good. the plan of emotions is bright, radiant, bright. marvel at the whole splendor of months.
so, hand over the initiative to the other hand. even more wine to love to help - right out of the joy of that suffocation - give you the opportunity, ask softly, but don’t push - no way. almost from the most unobtrusive and small.

but don’t talk about the feeling, don’t demonstrate that and don’t / cool down /, don’t get away. but do not show any initiative.

Potim - fallow in the situation - or else to pin it and sex splkuvannya and that's it. otherwise continue like this, as if you can see the blue begin to develop "

    don't want to? if you love, then everything else is already a fodder of life.

    I think so, maybe there are a lot of reasons

    like me at once ... okay ... everything is not to fight for better ... and it’s overturned ...

    steel-odnomanіtnіst tezh іnоdі priїdaєtsya

    I will help my heart and myself.
    like I’m miraculously wise, that I can’t be with a human being ... it means you need to joke more happily ... you need to try, collapse from a dead center ...
    I’m sorry, that people with my love .. but I myself will be tormented ... even if the flour is wonderful, or even less until the singing period.

    Well, don’t ask me to tell you about your SMS, you can do your own thing with someone else. Just if you both have an hour, go for a walk. From whom everything starts.

    audition:DDDDDDDDDD Have the fucks gone wild?

    If you don't like yoga, you'll need something else. She fell out of love to mean, and those who are still up to the new vіdchuvaєsh - tse zvichka. You sounded that you are in order, and that’s okay. In my opinion, girls with the first lad do not feel sensation. Then, only more painfully, you will be separated.

    I want ... Є th other option. Forget about all the restless ones, and she will be deprived of the true yoga. Wikinut your thoughts about other lads.

    Vtim, what is closer to you, then choose.

Buvay, it is so important for women to accept the truth, that their partner should not be loved, that they stink behind obvious signs, they are made to understand.

At that very hour, the stench constantly whispers the signs of a kokhannya and, as you know, come up with. The more you know about your erysipelas eyepieces and understands that the kohanna has gone or it didn’t, then you will be more happy in the kohanna, let it not be with this man, so with others. Ale, for whom it is necessary to whisper not the signs of a kohanny, but to seriously marvel at the signs of dislike.

Father, your man does not love you, like:

Vіn about tse to speak in direct text chi indirectly. A person can say to you: "Don't die in me yet," and it means that you yourself don't die and don't plan to die before you. You can also talk about those who, having already fallen in love with their own, cannot fall in love. You can say: "I feel the least respect for you." The axis is not all about kohannya, and don’t worry about it, if it comes up. Likewise, you love yoga and it is important for you, so that love was mutual, go through it.

Vіn zrajuє you. Most of the people in the hundreds of women from the kohan woman are monogamous. You have nothing to change, like to love you. Win and not marvel at the others, because among the others there is no other such kohanoi. It is important for men to have sex with women, it is important for them to take sex away from women. When tsimu stench can kohati alone. But such people, in a way, are few, in a different way, they often stink directly about their love to rich women and inspire them to pronounce free stosunki, for such insults, partners could take stosunki on the side. Todі vzhe vzhe you virishuvati, chi you need the cohanna of such a person. If your loves will change you into the fact that all people are polygamous, do not try to change it. Go, I won't love you.

Your girls are trying to get close, but still they haven’t switched from the sex-only format to the format without goiter. Often women think that the stench of the hundred-soons, at that hour, is just sex for a new one. Navіt yakscho vy zustrіchaєtesya not only for the sake of sex, but regularly go with him to the cinema and restaurants, from the yogo side there can be more than a woman without goiter. Haven't you been seen in the kohanna yet? Chi do not want to live with you at once? Why don’t you know with your children in front of the sky and don’t try to get to know yours? If you are not ruled by the sex-only format, go out of your way.

To be put up to you is not a problem. Your man can tell you how much he loves you, but if he does not tell you about your safety, if you are engaged in anal sex. Or you can say a little more about your beloved work. But to talk to you about other women, especially if you are compared with them, not to your selfishness. And since, as you said, it’s unacceptable for you to do yoga, you continue to shy, seemingly: “Probach, well, I’m so thin, I can’t overdo it anymore. But I love you!” Do not love, do not quiet yourself with illusions.

Don't call you. How can a person not call you, if you are at the emergency, do not know the stretch of the day to call you for an hour, to indulge a "good morning" or "on a good day", or go back about your self-feeling, if you have been told that you are unwell, do not really forget your forgetfulness employment. A loving person, if you are busy, do not forget to call.

Do not stream obitsyanok. Even if the wines professed to work for you and not having done it, then it is not important for you. Don’t wart the truth about this deceit and believe in those who are guilty of employment, forgetting that you can’t. If you forget regularly, or you can't, it means that you just can't love you. Break out of a man, for whom you don’t have a lot of money, to turn your words into bells and whistles.

Chi does not make your life easier. A person, who loves, asks not to ask for help, I’ll ask you myself, you don’t have to talk about the problem. Love is the only thing. Lyudina, how to love, you can not talk about love, but about її it’s better to say її vchinki. A loving person will help you in nutritious food, in a penny, in a job, and in the care of your children.

Chi do not rob you of propositions, wanting to know what you want for a new zamіzh. Like a person on all your tensions, it seems that the stamp on your passport is not a smut, even if you live together already a sprat of rock, go out into the new. To win like a wine, having loved you on the cob of hundreds of dollars, at the same time, this kohanna has died out, and I have a voice for you.

Chi does not have sex with you. If your person doesn’t burn your bazhannyam you bachiti without a bіzni regularly, it’s not important, what’s the robot’s energy, what’s in the new season, what’s more computer games. Yakby vin loving you, vin bi, as if solving this problem. And so wins just not to love you, like before. Yes, men, like to love and want their wives to prosper rich fates. To whom, insanely, the merit is great and the women who built the fire of the kohanny at the centurions. And yet, as a rule, the fire of the fire is starting to go out, as a rule, the need for a person to have sex with his partner is extinguished.

Vin is not your man. Like you change into a love tricutnik, a person of friends and do not unique friends, do not lie in yoga love. Win not to love you floorings, to sacrifice your comfort. Go.

If you don’t like people, it’s necessary to go, as only you realize that you are unloved. I have a fluency, which is boring for you, and my love flares up with great strength, or more, as if it was not enough. Prodovzhuyuchi perebuvati stosunki, those who do not love you, not varto spodіvatisya, scho more likely to appear from the whimsicalness of that zvichka. Three stars may come less than the next.

Nutrition for a psychologist:

Good afternoon. I am writing here, because the people are needed, to help everyone grow up.

Men 19, lads 22, it began more and more to that fate, we immediately began to chat, everything was good, I was not jealous of the cob of hundred, but on the right in the fact that the lad had a comradely friend, the new one had a bunch of girlfriends, men, Out of the blue, on the right, ale vin showing that you have less than a friend, that you have long been with them and do not stop, showing that you don’t divide friends into lads and girls, showing that I don’t need anything, krim me.

Before the speech, for the entire period of hundreds of years, I have not lied, not zradzhuvav, less confusing, but I have understood more than once, if I have spent it.

For all yogo rocks, I mav the 3rd girl in terms of stosunkiv. On the right, in the fact that I showed it, that I hadn’t curled up with a human being, so that I wouldn’t have hooked up the flooring, it’s possible.

Kazav, who loved me more, loved someone earlier. Saying that I wanted to poov'yazati my life. Do you know what? I am convinced that I really wanted to, because I didn’t have a sense of lies on such topics.

Ale on the right in the fact that I’m already jealous, I was jealous of Yogo to everyone, with them to spread a couple of phrases on the streets, especially to the beautiful ones (me, to the speech, saying that I’m beautiful and the best in the world). It didn’t cost much to you, welding began through the pіvroku stosunkіv, if you didn’t have the strength to endure.

So, at weldings, we were worn up to 3 sickles of that fate, saying that I should love, but I didn’t want a hundred hearts more, that I didn’t suit my unsupported jealousy (before speech, talking only on the Internet, not walking kim navіt, okrіm quiet, navchavsya), it was not befitting those that I didn’t give you an hour to spend with friends, more than you want to.

At once I will understand that I am guilty of this, that, wondering back, I will guess that bring my bulls, well, they will start, at once I think, well, we will cooperate, even if I am a friend in me, with which I am still good at schools.

At the same time, we’re talking with him, that’s where we started, we’re kindly talking, we’re walking together, we walk by the hand, we’re kissing, we’re catching, we’re going to take me to the cinema, god, swear, maybe like that, like a hundred hours, less than an hour , more with friends - lads, bachimosya once every 3 days, sometimes more often. It seems that you feel better, that I'm not jealous, that you can spend more than an hour with friends.

But it’s also like, scho to love, but it’s like, I’m slowly realizing, I don’t want to stand a hundred, I want to be deprived of friends without respect for those who love.

I want to say that sometimes I still present it to you, I will be angry, and then, if you see it, write nice words yourself, cry out loud.

To torment me is more than one food: how can we restore our stosunki? What is the chance for such a reversal?

The psychologist Vasilyeva Yuliya Volodimirivna is on the supply.

Hello Caterino!

Depending on your request: what can your dreams look like with a young man, if anything, I want to say that everything is possible, everything can be deposited in view of your mutual decision. Ale, I’m not a rajah for you “to be in the dark”, to that you are guilty of understanding, that it is necessary to take a hundred, but it means to practice and report zusil. Vіdnosini - not only walks by the hand, lower kisses, words that miraculous sex, patience, forbearance, forgiveness, sacrifice, tobto kokhannya, in which a person cannot change you. Grounded on your roses, I can say that your stature was lost on equal stagnation, as it did not overgrow into a kohannya, which changed your sleepy idiom that day of maturity. Maturity may be on the verge of being yourself, for your decision and the people, for which you show your life. Your mind is motivated by some other words, for example: a love for sex, fashionable women, a joke of thieves, a dream for self-assertion. Katerino, your young man is still only on the sidelines of the word, until you are still not ripe for serious and serious decisions. Yogo friends, the way of life and rozvagi for a given moment to stand on the first place, and stosunki with yogo tskavlyayut ostilki oskilki, smut, so that stosunki yogo did not strain. Tse i є manifesting hisism. A man, who is ready for a hundred years from a woman, ready to take a voucher for її life, that security is zahist. Vіn is ready to give in, to sacrifice his interests, for an hour, to the one who values ​​​​stosunki with a kohan woman high and put them more than stosunki from friends and hoards. To that, if you will be with a man, pay attention not to the side of the word, but to the toppings, for the sake of you.

What is the cost of jealousy? Why is the person jealous and what is it?

First of all, the innocence of oneself. You don't like yourself, you spend the whole hour drinking to your shortcomings, respect other girls as beautiful and intelligent. Therefore, it is important for you to accept love for yourself, you do not believe that you can be loved and accepted as you really are. A partner in this state of mind will have to change you all the time and bring your kohannya, in the course of the year you are straining and the vines of turmoil in such cases. You, Katerino, need to learn to accept and love yourself as you are. It is necessary to develop one's self-esteem, for example, to take up art for help: music, painting, dance lessons.

In another way, you should trust your person. You believe in Yoma, but for the whole hour you suspect something and doubt in Yogo's breadth. In some cases, this kind of child can be seen by their relatives, and the nevdovz, having become grown up, copying, endure already at their own blue with a protilege status. If you can’t trust, then you can’t stosunkiv. It is impossible to be blamed for those empty truths. Better yet, tear up the studs, lower yourself torturing yourself and your partner. Confidence is the basis of love, there’s a cry, that requires wisdom to save it.

Thirdly, hisism. Egoism vimagaє tsіlkovitoї respect for oneself, and less for oneself. Hour, rozvagi, lower words that іn. owe belongs to you less. Egoism blocking the freedom of another person, she will be allowed to have free space and become a slave of her partner. Zavzhivannya zavzhdy lead to ruin. Sob lnitis in hisism, you need to correct yourself in the service of your neighbors. Forbearance, forbearance, building up of life, in order to cover you with love, forgiveness and trust are laid in a child from childhood in yoga sim'ї on the butt of fathers. It is the person's responsibility to understand that there are other people in this world who also need respect, turbota, kohannya, forgiveness, etc. You can try to set yourself up like a volunteer at a child's booth, or with disabled children, or old ones. You see, as in the place of hisism, good things will come, as they will help you in life.

Women often paint their own unrealistic pictures, and I really don’t make the best of my man’s behavior any better, but I don’t see the daily routine.

Psychologist Ganna Vasilenko is convinced that human behavior has specific “little twinks”, as it seems that hundred-soon women have no more cohanna.

The choloviki do not sing grati. Vіn chi love, chi nі. And how a woman can still work everything so that a person does not suspect, that they are almost extinguished - a person does not go out like that. More than that, if the kohanna is gone, his behavior will immediately change, - Ganna is uplifted.

Vin don't think about your feelings

A man, who loves a woman, helps himself to grow his life in such a way that his life is as comfortable as possible.

If you don’t know anything, then think about it. Obviously, the man is not a telepath, and you can’t guess what to tell you. However, if you already understand the guilt, then try not to catch your feelings.

A loving man takes care of his wife a little. If it’s vin and to rob if it’s unacceptable, then so, so that she didn’t know it at all.

Vin don't want to spend an hour with you

Loving people want to spend a sleepy hour. Well, don’t wait 100% for an hour, but try to beat it all at once.

If your person is unique to you, it will lead you to think.

Loving people want to drink kava at once or watch the series, and sometimes they just sing at the same time. If your half is unique to you, it means that youmu (їй) is simply instructed.

Winning for you

It is normal for a man to spend money on his wife. In this rank, the wine shows its position, as well as to rob the deposit at the blue.

Tse does not mean that it is necessary to put the person to the ATM, or to know that you are guilty of goiter. Tse means that people want to invest pennies in the one who loves wine. Like a woman, I want to prepare a delicious supper for you, for example.

A man of creations in order to give turbota, zahist, pennies. If a person does, you will feel like a person. If a person saves on you, there are two options: either you don’t care, or you are greedy.

Vіn not pragne make your life easier

People are powerful in such a way that they need to talk about someone who is weak. Tobto about a woman. And as before, for the sake of beautiful ladies, people fought with enemies, today the stench of roiling the life of their lungs.

If your person doesn’t make your life easier (in the skin pair it manifests itself in its own way), it’s better, you don’t love wine.

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