Chakra at the base of the spine. The chakri of the people and their correct description of Pain across the yak chakra

I am majestic strength that awakens arrogance. Hotcha skin chakra tied up with her sovereign light, all chakri pour one on one, i equal, balance chakri deposit and other chakras. The development of the pleasure of all seven chakras- Long way to perfection. The proportions and harmony of the wrapper wheels are the mover that opens up the borderless. Chakri connected with areas of the head and dorsal the brain, which controls the endocrine system - ridges.


Panuє natural vіdbіr that prihovan (otherwise obvious) competition and struggle for "the best part". Tse fire chakra, tied from internal heat. Without it, it is impossible to show independence, individuality, self-worth. She herself speaks for ... the element of the Invisible, about which the greater number of authors forget, like a stressed susilla swearing on all questions. Aje, strictly seeming, i chakras zovsim not sim. І not nine. And not twelve, but a lot of hundreds. And analogies with planets - less intelligence, ...

Not on the surface of the body, but in the middle, but not too deep. Channels pass through the back of the body, vzdovzh back nebi lie on your shoulders, and come out of the body in the dilyantsi nirok. We hear the exit points of the channels, then we hear them all over the body. And the dovkola of the body along the perimeter of the cocoon got narrower and swept over you, protecting you. Activation hour chakras, Crimea is flooded with a different color, you can change a different mantry in a different tone. When you focus on colors, ...


Centers of the first stake, responsible for the regeneration of the interspinal discs and the functioning of the secondary segments dorsal brain. persha chakra projected in the area II – III of the Sheiny Ridges and control of the Sheiny Ridge. ... "pіdnalashtuvannya" that regeneration). From the other side, passing the center of the head dorsal stench is injected into the brain on all functional systems of the body (shroti). Before speech, skin chakra another stake, projecting onto the surface of the physical body, making two...

... : language. 26. Psychically: sound up to the breath, sigh and sigh to the sound. Link from the cervical ganglia. 27. Gossip: dorsal brain, throat, gourd. 28. Zalіza: vplyaє on the thyroid zoloza. 29. Sensory aspect (5p): spryyattya, assimilation and integration of the satellite organs. 34. Physical dysfunction: thyroid disease, larynx, throat pain, chakra 5p. back chakra 5z invigorates the neck pains in the area of ​​the commissary cyst. 35. Keruyucha planet: Jupiter (Mercury-for other...


Turn in blocks at the rear zone 4z. 35. Physical dysfunctions: ailments dichal system, emphysema, asthma. Pain in back Which region is affected by the problems of Anahati chakri 4z (back flap). Pain in the middle of the breasts or heaviness in the heart hangs damaged in the anterior chakras 4p. The effect of working with Anahata: Nabuttya rule over your “I”, wisdom and inner strength; brought to jealousy.


The same is true of those who look spontaneous and ill-conceived. Nasampered, їy subordering all the laws of the empty heart, is already given chakra- for such functions of the body: the motility of the intestinal tract, the sechovivid system, and for all exchange processes ... energy and all information that comes, for the rahunok zv'yazku z Nadsvіdomistyu. Zavdyaki why somu chakra name more chakra, but over- chakra. Itself її її vodpomogoyu vіdbuvaєtsya podklyuchennya zagalnoy іnformatsiynogo іnformatsіynoy field zemlі ta Vsesvitu. ...


All life will be unsteady, otherwise it’s worse, worse, worse, to be called. Swathistana (sexy) chakra) Friend chakra in the energy system of people. Rostashovana on chotiri centimeters below the navel. The function of the svatkhistan: - vindicate for... human style; - through sahasrara the spirit can leave the physical body; - through soma chakra lower chakri pov'yazuyutsya s divine. Characteristics of somy chakri: - may color gold, violet; - sound - OM; - note - СІ; - taste - ...

In the organisms of the skin people there are energy centers, which, for the manifestation of quiet chi and other vitality, may have a great impact on life, sensitive to that emotional sphere of specialness.

As if one of the chakras is closed, otherwise it’s rottenly blamed, a person can’t be realized in any sphere of life, but in an emotional plan, so you don’t get enough rice, like richly someone writes off to character.

In fact, the chakras of a person can be stimulated by knowing their specialties and methods of their discovery. Can you rob simple methods in domestic minds, and you can develop chakri for additional meditation, mantras and other practices. At the article, it is easy to find and find ways.

Meaning of the word chakra

The life of the physical body is supported by energy. The cream of the visible and intelligible smart, the skin is quiet, who is alive, may be more energetic. Yogo fold:

  • chakri (energetic whirlwinds of singing localization and frequency);
  • nadі (channels for moving the main energy flows);
  • aura (a field of energy that permeates the physical body).

The word "chakra" is derived from Sanskrit, de meaning "wheel, colo".

Bioenergetics depicts chakras at the sight of disks, which are constantly wrapped around, or funnels, filled with energies of different vibrations high frequency. Directly flow of energy flows at the susіdnіh chakras of the proliferative region. You can look at the kirlian photographs with the most obvious physical sight, which fix the electromagnetic field of living organisms.

Energetic chakri in the body of a person

These crumbling clumps of energy, like antennas, serve two main functions:

  • hoot, tame, transform the energy of the extravagant space of that very individual;
  • redefine and change the energy of the physical body, spirit, mind and emotions.

In the Hindu traditions, energy sanctuaries depict lotus flowers of a different variety with a different number of pellusts. Vidpovidno up to the frequency of energy vibrations, they turn on the colors of the rainbow spectrum - from red (first, lower) to violet (soma, upper chakra).

The first five chakras are connected with five basic elements:

  • earth (chervona, muladhara);
  • water (pomarancheva, svadkhistana);
  • fire (zhovta, manipura);
  • repeat (green, anahata);
  • ether (blakitna, vishudha).

The activity of the quiet chi іnshih chakras signifies temperament, character, zdіbnosti special, palette of yoga feelings. Activation of the singing energy center increases the potential of yoga opportunities, often brings new, non-traditional vibes - Siddhi (Skt.)

By projecting the ethereal body on the physical, one can say that the chakras are growing up in the spine. Between yourself and the other side of the sushumna - the single energy channel, the projection of which on the earthly plane is the ridge.

Deyakі z yogіchnyh directly harden the links of chakras with endocrine deposits and plexuses of nerves. Henceforth, the station of these energetic whirlwinds without intermediary flows into the brain and spinal cord, as a sign of the work of the endocrine system.

Vіk, if the functioning of the chakras starts

The function of the skin is determined from the seven fundamental chakras different aspects human realization. Imbalance їх lead to illness, yakі z vyavlyayutsya on the physical plane. It seems that all thin bodies of people perebuvayut at the indistinct link from the physical.

I have a thought about the last opening of the chakras for a century. Vihodyachi z tsogo,

  • Muladhar starts functioning for 7 years;
  • svadhistana z 14;
  • manipura s 21;
  • Anahata from 28 years.

The trio of lower energy whirlwinds secures the physical and ethereal body of the individual, nourishes his instincts and materialistic aspirations.

The upper ones, beginning with vishuddhi, make an uninterrupted connection with the astral body of a person. The energy frequency of their vibrations fluctuates from the lower boundary of the body.

Power of the chakras

The word "chakra" in translation from Sanskrit means literally "wheel, colo". The chakra is balanced with a flower, which can have its own color, with a richness of pelyusts. The flower may be squeezed, closed, bent into a bud, or it may open and open wide. The chakra can be burnt, scarlet and strong, or maybe small and unmarked.

Chakri is a kind of antenna that receives and transmits power to its energy. The energy flow from the Earth through the lower chakras reaches the highest. At once, with the flow of the Earth, for the singing minds of my building, through the upper chakra, receive the energy flow to the Cosmos, which flows to the lower chakras.

Chakri is the one that develops in everyone. At wonderful people the stench peresbuvayut at the passive camp, prote mayut, as if alive, the tendency to develop and step by step become more active. Є impersonal special practices that have the right, yakі priyat swedish rosette and activation of the chakras.

  1. In a healthy person, the chakri should begin to work on the intake of energy.
  2. In an ailing person in a critical situation, stench can be applied to wiki energy.

Concepts about chakras are the basis of many schools of extrasensory perception, but there may be some left from a little-studied region, among different schools there are a lot of differences due to this drive.

  • With the chakras, it is connected with the special power of human specialty and behavior, which is positive negative drawings character, different yogo health, activation of quiet and other organs of the senses.
  • The chakras are without intermediary with the singing physical organs of a person, therefore the skin of the chakras is characterized by a singing influx on the burning camp of a person.
  • The chakri is connected with the areas of the brain and the spinal cord, which are treated by the endocrine system - by the folds of internal secretion, which vibrate the hormones.
  • When the body is in a singing mood, the skin hormone elicits the appearance of urges of its type.

The main functions of the chakras are: supplying the physical body with energy, linking with the vital thin bodies, and also, with the vital Plans of the Butt, psychological interaction between the human being and the middle, vykonannya with the human being who has taken upon himself the task.

See that description of the chakras

Zagalom people have 7 main energy centers. Їх schematically roztashuvannya shows a little one.

To understand why it is necessary to expand the chakras, it is necessary to know the recognition of the skin energy center. Briefly, let's talk about the significance of skin diseases, and about those, if you need to know.

Muladhara stuns you to survive

Physical body is the whole created nature. The body is connected with the earth, and the function of the first chakri is survival. Muladhari has chosen primogeniture instincts: fast, dress up, shrug off, shy away. The state of the potyag on the same river is primitive - the bazhanya of the continuation of the family, like the creatures.

The reddened mulakhara helps to connect with the earth at the global meaning of the word. As you come to a new place and see strong energy, it means that the place charges you, and you will take even more energy. Іsnuyut mіstsya, yakі pick up energy. Їх is required to be unique.

How to understand, what is the root chakra?

  1. As if you are constantly aware of the insecurity, it is the first sign of imbalance.
  2. The threat of spending daha over your head, obmezhennya in eating chi odyas - those who are embarrassed by muladhara manifest themselves so strongly that you can’t think about anything else.
  3. If you are very hungry, you will not be enough, if you love the grass, you will see great satisfaction.
  4. The axis of the first chakra is strong - it vimikaє all your whims, so you survived.

The nervousness of the first chakri is the fear that is constantly generated, the marriage of the life of important speeches. As long as you work on your fear, you can forget about the work on other chakras. It is impossible to think about music if the boat is empty.

Neskіchenni jokes of safety - tse vihіd. Aje, before the speech, the very same tse mi robimo - constantly shukayemo safety. You can stock up even a few months in advance, buy a road signalization, protect the cost to the point of absurdity. If you want to go beyond the reasonable, you can be inspired - your fear is covered by you.

The daily calls of the zakhist will not help you calm your fear. It is necessary to practice with the knowledge that you are under the protection of the greatest forces. Reach out to him with a hint of inner peace, prayer, meditation. Faith is in those that you are conquered by things of strength, no matter what, the floorings are okrylyu, that you will calm down internally and you can work further.

Svadhishthana navchaє satisfaction

Another orange chakra - jokes on salt. Won cheruє bazhannami podbatis, pіdtremuvat its privablіvі, vіdchuvati that experience a range of emotions. Almost - її professional sphere.

If the muladhara is focused on the maintenance of life, then the svadhishthan vimagai, so that more and more with this satisfaction they took away.

If there is no jealousy in the chakra, you will not only try to bring the coris, but you will try to see what will ruin you.

  • It is not safe for that svadhishthana is eternally hungry. Vaughn is insatiable, but at the same time you are out of her.
  • The red chakra has fear, the orange chakra has hatred.
  • You will easily cross the fine line from love to chivalry, and sour even into gluttony and greed.

Poryatunok - in the management of malt. Get bogged down in contentment, to get over them, pick up on the salt of the skin of the body, otherwise you can pretend to be deadly fallow. If the chakra is vrіvnovazhen, whether it be some kind of dosvіd transform into a feeling of malt, and then, it’s more likely to slip.

Svadhishthana - the place of fallows. It is impossible to fight against them, but it is impossible to put up with them, otherwise it is total ruination. Meditation allows you to accept the ruins of your mind completely.

One of the pastures of fallow land is insufficiency. Nasoloda without something will make you feel bliss, sleep, you don’t want to choose anything. You don’t know if you’ve received a lot of evidence, but if you don’t become a slave, you’ll soon get to know him in singing.

If you become your other chakra of neuro-innovation, then you will always be satisfied, or else the big will not end, to the one you will not reach meti - vodchuttya. Problems with the superworldly muddy ruins of speeches chi diy zavzhdit about the imbalance of svadhishthani.

Overworldly expressiveness and ardor from negative consequences for oneself and overwhelming - another manifestation of imbalance.

Manipura empowers

The third chakra is the place where the principles of reconciliation are being popularized. With this help, strength is accumulated on oneself, those of others in the singing key of life. The same manipura seems to be "ne" chi "so", as if you were prone to a new decision. The unpredictability of the moment to wait is a sign of the neuron-importance of the chakri.

  • Having poured in the serenity of the serenity, the ale, the manipura has been devastated and protects you from aggressiveness. For the guilty will, you will not be led by the quiet, who will make you feel compelled.
  • The development of self-control is the main goal directly with the yellow chakra. If you lie down, you can see in the malt and you can live like a specialty in the minds of a vice.

The imbalance of manipuri threatens either the supra-mundane victories of their strength, or their weakness.

  1. At the first moment, you put yourself in the framework of constant combat readiness, looking at the life of a new trick.
  2. For another, follow the lead in others, through which you will use your power of guidance.

For the yellow chakra, it is not safe for adrenaline stagnation, if you are constantly self-assertive, you reach other aggressive powers and generate a constant rush of adrenaline. The hormone calls for an exhausting surge of energy and you can't do without some doping. At times, people close to you are suffering, and you yourself cannot know your place in life, while you are fighting with your nervous self for energy.


Anger - those with whom you happen to be your mother on the right. You will often visit your friends and try to get in touch.

  1. As for the other extreme point of imbalance - weakness - then the role of the victim is also fatal.
  2. You constantly feel guilty, you can’t make up your mind, you succumb to the lonely, so that you can settle down in your own place.
  3. Feel the lack of joy in your lives, and with such baggage, goals cannot be realized.
  4. If you want for everyone and always be kind, then you need to improve your third chakra.

To know this subtle jealousy between supernaturally strong will that її povnoy vіdsutnіstyu is possible only in the middle of yourself. Listen to your heart, if you need to understand, what you need to push and pull - lower the reins. If you are spiritual on logical principles, then have a pasta. Nothing can tell you how right it is in the middle.

Anahata ask you kohati

Dosi, on equal footing of three chakras, we realized our own self-worth. The people of the material world, the desire to be satisfied with the will, to bend, in the sense term, your life line. On the level of the green chakri of the kohanny, we can see the unity with the light.

Kokhannya is a destructive force, as if directing a person to the obsession of what was conceived. Just as soon as you overcome fear and allow love to twist with your mind, you can reach meti.

  • If you dare to know the balance on the fourth chakri, you should also take into account the material and spiritual aspects of your life.
  • Anahata is a place for the raising of collective awareness and special.

There is nothing ugly in a right kohanna, for a mother’s love to a child - everything is allowed and not forgot about natomist. Awakening anahata allows you to give pleasure, providing you great.


If you are ruining the mess, you don’t fight anymore in the wrong enemies, you don’t defend yourself any more, but joke about spivtvorchosti.

  1. Signs of imbalance of the fourth chakri - sentimentalism.
  2. For such people, just break the heart, but it’s all right.
  3. There is no jealousy and in the pragmatic vіddavati, secretly bazhayuchi good vіdnoshennia natomist.

If love is transformed into a need, you forgot about the sweat of the dzherelo kokhannya and started shukati yoga in others. Ale, the way is nowhere. Let all people tell the world about their love before you, and all the same you will be left hungry, because only in the middle you can eat.

You can get out of the green chakra through meditation, or marvel at just a few situations to bring you into balance. To play with you on sympathies, to rage at you, to spend trust, to leave your heart. Passing through the testing and not being embittered - all the way to the jealousy in the heart chakri.

Vishuddha kazhe: to create

The sky-black chakra teaches creativity. Neobov'yazkovo be an artist, or show your life in show business, in order to reveal the original potential in yourself. You can be a machinist, but in a loving way to a robot, you can add something new and obov'yazkovo important to it - make a little vodkrittya.

Tse way to spread the light about your self and to reveal yoga. But nothing is impossible to reach, so you will lock down your own uniqueness.

  • Always use the fifth chakra to bring energy to stagnation and destroy all potential. Anxiety, nervousness, lack of control - all the concurrent officials of the distribution of energy for nothing.
  • Creation - tse vminnya osidlat energy and manifest yourself in a piece of clay. As you can see, it's wonderful, you've got it. If you cope with the flow of energy, you will feel inspired, and All Light will write books through you, play music, improve the life of the planet, and not in order to make life safer, but to that it is good.

Get creative here. Thoughts, ideas - everything hangs right over you at the same time and only checks, if you gather and materialize at the garne. Ale tsіl p'yatoї chakri not only in the creation for the sake of satisfaction, but in the creation of other works of the quantum stribka of lightness. If you show the butt, you infect people the same way. Collective svіdomіst collapses krіz Cosmos on the way of its development itself in such small croques, if you try to garne.


The axis of why the robot is not happy with the birth of misfortune. You are not following your own path, you are not victorious by those who would like to, to what extent you are arguing. Tse yours I will speak to you, that the hour has come to turn on the road I need.

  1. The neuron-importance of the fifth chakri is a burden to the weary, if it is necessary to work the coming rock.
  2. Tse pokіrna zgoda with the father, if you are punished by a lawyer, and you secretly dream of writing verses.
  3. It is necessary for you to understand that you can and that the All-World will not deprive you without encouragement, as if you will follow your path, so terrible at first glance, untrampled and, perhaps, unsafe, but that’s what it belongs to.

Ajna knows what magic is

The blue chakra can't wait for the gray reality. Vaughn to succumb to all the creative potential, you know, some amazing things are being done for a long time and you are constantly guessing about it. The imbalance is read at the bazhannі pіti near the world of dreams, reaching the heights not in this reality, having blinded the material world without sight.

We will continue to pray to God, whom we don’t have, but if we grow out of a fanatical indulgence, then blame the peroxide and the axis of you now serve God not.

The main task of the day is to discipline the spiritual will. For some reason, it is similar to the development of will on the third chakri, but there you work from the material world, and here - from the spiritual.

Spiritual will is the building of curiosity for action. You materialize the bazhan yourself on the same level, with the best materials. Vmіti direct your creative energy mentally - great is the art, tse magic is right.

For the greater number of people, this is a powerful sight - a right enemy, even more unsafe. You yourself sing-songly know what the hell is behind a good language, even if all the programs, like you launch your own creative energy.

Reaching the development of the third eye, you are embracing reality. Do not think that it is already inaccessible, it is only unseen, but for everyone in this other world. So from, volodyuchi with strength, but suffering from fears, you can earn peace.

Sahasrara - pure spirituality

The soma chakra is the cosmic energy, the name of the incarnation.

Nebezpeka nev_vnovazhennosti ruin people's minds. It seems that enlightened people, like they stumbled, that they suddenly wanted to achieve results, they go to psychiatric doctors. It’s all about bringing up what the need is progressively collapsing, listening to the heart and the Greater mind, and not its power.

  • Having reached the balance on the level of your chakri, you can have a little bit of God in the middle of yourself, but always and purely you have the right attitudes, fearlessness and the right path.
  • Talk about the development of the qієї chakri, but there is no sense, reaching the balance of the sahasrari is in the vrіvnovazhennі poperednіh six chakras.

Later, the chakri of the people of that їх razkrittya that cleansing - not only meditation and reading mantras, but also work with life situations, self-development, skin new make a decision. The better you understand your everyday life, the calmer you become internally.

How to understand that the chakri is closed

Really, how do you know about a person from clogged energy flows? Most of the stench is closed in people who are caught up in negative emotions. Find out about the camp with your own body, indicative of lower nutrition, which indicates the recognition of the skin chakri. Vіdpovіli "so" - energy center pracyuє, "nі" - vіn closing.

Muladhara - lower, root. In the physical body - the area of ​​the crotch in men, the cervix - in women. The chervonim is designated.

Closed chakra Muladhara

  1. Are you aware of your own need for physical activity and health?
  2. Do you feel more strongly about life?
  3. Do you love your body? Do you value yogo as the greatest belongings?
  4. Ti energy and smart people?

Svadhisthana is sacred. For the physical body - krizhov gossip. It is indicated by a gold-chervonim (orange) color.

  1. Can you name your health status?
  2. Do you see yourself as a husband/woman? Sexy/sexy?
  3. Can you express yourself sexually? Can you give and take away satisfaction?

Closed chakra Manipura

Manipura is sleepy gossip. The physical body is located behind the navel. It is signified by a yellow color.

  1. Do you know your bag? Chi spromozhny їh vysloviti?
  2. Do you want to take a decision and take a decision?
  3. Can you hear your emotions? Can you control them?
  4. You emotional investment?

Anahata - heart. At the physical body, it is stashed near the heart. Appointed green color.

  1. Do you love yourself? Friends? Relatives?
  2. Can you accept other of their nedolіmi?

Closed chakra Vishudha

Vishudha - throat. The physical body has the middle of the throat. It is indicated by a blue (black) color.

  1. Is it easy for you to voice your thoughts?
  2. Do you see specific goals for achieving health, happiness, success?
  3. Do you defend your life?

Ajna is the third eye. At the physical tіlі - the top of the ridge stovp. Bezbarvna or srіlyasto-sіra.

  1. Can you create creative ideas and implement them?
  2. Do you set realistic, realistic goals?

Sahasrara is the crown. The physical style has a top. It is signified by a white color.

  1. Do you feel honorable to the extent of what is great and good?
  2. Do you see a connection with God/All Light?
  3. Do you have specific goals in your life?

Did you take away a lot of negative opinions? The hour of resurrection of food, like opening the chakri independently in the minds of the home.

Robot with chakras for lazy people

To activate and purify energy thin body, sharpen yourself with singing objects-symbols and make a belief in your mind that the stench can really clean the building and charge it with energy. You can call it a placebo effect or self-guided - a smut result.

The method is ideal for helping lines, obov'yazkovo stimulating their rozpochati process from the introduction of changes to the sound world. Even if a person can create something like a building, so swear the energy of the worldly world and the most important objects of everyday life. Let's do it!


Carry monophonic speech in the colors of chakri and symbolic images. Today is not obov'yazkovo. You can just prepare a large wardrobe for doing yoga and meditation.


Remind the houses with objects that are associated with chakras, enlightenment, life force - paintings, dream catchers, mandalas, receiving fabrics, kilims.


The skin chakra is its own stone, which gives color and energy.

  • Persha chakra - jasper;
  • friend - carnelian;
  • the third is the tiger's eye;
  • fourth - malachite;
  • p'yata - aquamarine;
  • shosta - amethyst;
  • soma - girsky krishtal.

How the body does not accept the crystal - tse meeting of the unsatisfactory work of the energy center.

Sacred images

Babies with henna, which depict similar symbols, allow you to get closer to peace, to work on inner thoughts, feelings, pardons.

You can draw them on your own, ask for help from your friends, or apply the symbols of the chakras with special stamps.


It is impossible to open up all the energy centers of a person without the right food, building up the right energy. The vegetarian diet of Indian Chents is the best way to cleansing.


Refine yourself with odors, buy a lamp for aromatic oils, special sticks.

Choose fragrances according to the energy centers that are being tested:

  1. persha chakra - carnation, yalivets;
  2. friend-patchouli, sandalwood;
  3. third - lemon, chamomile;
  4. fourth - geranium, troyanda;
  5. p'yata - rosemary, shavlіya (pharmacy faces, yakim doctors rejoice in sore throats);
  6. shosta - jasmine, mint;
  7. soma - lotus, incense.


You can bring it to the objects of the interior and the method of aromatherapy, but I brought it to the other category through the presence of fire in them. Incendiary under an hour of reflection and half-moon meditation will bring peace, rekindle with new forces and become a symbol of work with chakras.


Listening to the monotonous music, it would be easier to break the trance and the sound of thoughts at the camps.

You can also record mantras with chants, the sound of a shaman's tambourine, singing metal bowls, or else a melody, as it helps to liberate yourself from the material world, to see deep feelings.

Vіdkrittya chakri for additional meditation and practice

How to open the chakri independently for the help of pranayav

How to tease you, how to open the chakri on your own, pranayamas will be beautiful for you. Tse spetsіalnі dikhalnі have the right to practice yoga. This particularity lies in the fact that the stench is directed not only on the physical, but also on the thin, energetic body of a person.

Before working with the chakras, square pranayama is traditionally practiced.

  • Vihіdne position - the position of the lotus, napіvlotos, sitting in Turkish or Siddhasana.
  • Dihati is necessary for our yogic breaths, on chotiri rahunki - inhale, on chotiri rahunka - zatrimka breath on breath, on chotiri rahunki - I saw, immediately after the new new go inhale.
  • On the skin from the energy centers falls on one dichal cycle. To the right, trichs are repeated.

Starting from the lower energy center, the Muladhara chakri should concentrate energy at the higher points. When it is necessary to observe in the upper eyelid, which induces activation and skin resurfacing of them:

  1. Muladhara - warm, sometimes light heat.
  2. Svadkhistan - you can describe how people work over Svadkhistan skin people in their own way. Sometimes it just feels warm, and sometimes it feels like a sexual awakening.
  3. Manipura - pulsation, similar to the pulse.
  4. Anahata - the pulsation of the heart becomes more and more vigorous and vivacious.
  5. Vishuddha - warmth and pulsation.
  6. Ajna - pulsation behind the frontal cyst, visible expansion.
  7. Sahasrara - pulsation at the top of the skull.

The quadratic pranayama can be practiced in a complex with other yogic rights, for example, let's clear the breath and the bagatma іnshimi. Singing peace with all pranayama positively pour into the camp of energy, like the greater yogic techniques, the stench is directed not only to the development of the physical body. Yoga for the development of the chakras is right for the body and spirit.

Vіdkrittya chakras z vikoristany yantras

One of the answers to the question about how to harmonize the chakri and accept the new spirit, can become a yantri. The skin energy center of the people is given a singing yantra - a sacred geometric symbol. Yantris are beaten by Buddhists in meditation.

  1. It’s easy to get used to them - you can open an image on a computer, or you can make yoga, or buy an image of a higher quality in an esoteric store.
  2. Nearly 15 minutes later to look at the chakra symbolism, having been inspired by outside thoughts.
  3. You can work with yantras with dihal rights.

The skin chakra reveals the same problems in life, and by looking at the yantri, you can wake up. The Muladhari Yantra will help you to overcome fear, restlessness and paranoiac brilliance. Krіm tsgogo, it awakens the energy of Kundalіnі and it beneficially pours into other points of energy.

  • Looking at the Svadhistani yantri gives me the ability to fix problems in the sexual sphere on a subtle level. Ale does not mean that you will get rid of them again.
  • Yantra Manipuri charges energy and tones the body. Її korisno vikoristati before folding ceremonies, yakі require a great amount of energy. This yantra helps to fight against illnesses with the forces of the body, to adapt to the folding work and promote practicality.
  • Yantra Anahati helps in the development of prosperity to bestow and receive love. Vaughn salutarily pours into this point, cleansing it and opening it. It helps to take the light of a lesser fortune, and also learn to deal with people, otrimuyuchi in the form of contentment.
  • Yantra Vishudhi develops creative vibes, and there is not only about self-expression through the art. It may be an innovative business idea or a new solution in the management of the home state. Krym tsyogo, Vishuddhi, like looking at the yantra, learn to clearly express your thoughts and awake harmony with the All-light.

  • Shri Yantra is decorated with a mutual cross-cloth of trikutniks at two straight lines: chotiri peaks uphill, symbolizing the human principle, that five peaks down, symbolizing the feminine principle.
  • Gazing Yantri Ajni can reveal buildings to clairvoyance. People can’t do without it, they are addicted to the development of spirituality and dream of becoming psychics. Yantra beneficially flows like on the camp of Ajni, and in the energy system of people with a blast.
  • Use the Shri Yantra, as it is important for the universal work with energy. The symbols and colors of all the energy centers of the people are hidden in the image. Looking at the flow of yantri beneficially pours into the thin body and the energy flows of the people.

Yak rozkriti chakri - a robot over himself

Few people know how to harmonize chakras without similar attributes, meditations and yoga techniques. You can do it, just work on yourself, use the power of the shortfalls and relieve psychological problems.

  • Traditionally, the work on energy recovery starts with bottom point, Muladhar.
  • Only after you finish the job, you can move on to the offensive energy center, which is better known.

As a rule, a total work with one chakra takes the least amount of time.

Muladhar blocks fear. In order to lose the block, it is necessary to look at your fear in the eyes and overcome yoga. Figure out your fears and let them in.

Svadkhistan blocks a bit of a fault. Listen to yourself, and you will know that you are almost hooked. Analyze yoga, understand, your fault is connected with any situation. Think about the situation, vibatch it to yourself and allow it to be inappropriate for you.

Manipura is blocked by advances. Analyze your skygazer and say goodbye to them.

Anahata vimagaє positive mindset, instilling love for people, the development of kindness and cordiality.

Vishuddha is blocked by nonsense. Get used to telling the truth, do not deceive yourself those other people. Tse does not mean that you are guilty of sharing your secrets. You can learn to talk about what you want to save in the dungeon. Abo movchite, or tell the truth.

Ajna is blocked as a result of life by illusions that it does not accept itself, or whatever situations that have become in your life. Learn to correctly evaluate yourself that your ability. Take light like this, without creating illusions.

Sahasrara is blocked by the lure of pretentiousness to the material. Ale does not mean that you are guilty of vikinut all speeches and virushiti to the monastery.

  1. If you have lost your way to speech and value, let it in with the light.
  2. It is not necessary to fall into depression through a broken phone or a penny waste.
  3. Think about how the BV could get away with this in the future, do not concentrate on the negative.

How to unblock the chakri with meditation

Otzhe, how to open the chakri for additional meditation and energy rights?

  1. First, who happens to learn - sound of internal dialogue. Tsya newcomer to come from practice.
  2. Another - ce visualization, without any on the cob stages it is even more difficult to work with energy flows. Practice more quickly with one energy point, after you solve problems with it, go to another.

The simplest way to work with the chakras of a person and their openings is to direct energy to the chakra for your growth and healing. Tse rush at the process of meditation. Take a good posture and show the flow of energy in the area, de є problems.

If you have problems because of the reserve of special forces, you need Manipura, you need more energy.

  • For believing people who may be directly related to a Christian egregor, the church is the best way to go.
  • Meditate in the church as a whole is real, reshta present to say that you read a prayer to yourself.
  • From whom it is necessary to ask for energy for the healing of that growth of chakras from God.
  • You can destroy in another place of strength, as you can but the bank of the river, lіs that other place that shouts sympathy from you. And here it is necessary to ask for help from the forces of nature.

Dumkova Rozmova with a chakra - this is the same kind of meditation. Take a handy position and visualize the energy vuzol, with which you will understand. Try yoga vodchuti. Vіn may be warm or slightly cold, sometimes you feel vibrations, sometimes you feel like a smut, if you stink boulli. Tell the chakras about your future, plan for the future. Put more positive emotions into your monologue.

Under the hour of meditation, you can sing and hear mantris. Use special mantras for the chakras, as they help in their purification and rozkritti. Tse tsilyuschі sounds, yakі positively pour into the self-perception of people at the subtle plane.

The stones that aroma, which exude the skin chakra, will also be brown memorials, it is not necessary to underestimate them. Music for the harmonization of the chakras, as fahivts mean, does not help such meditations.

Asani for opening the chakras

The skin chakra has its own particular asana.

Beginners in the world of yoga often learn to know special for opening the chakri. In fact, all asanas and pranayamas saturate the development of the subtle body of a person. Yoga is aimed at improving the development of both the physical body and the energy structure and inspire the growth of spirituality.

At the same time, all the same, they learn asani, as if they are giving people seven chakras. Їx win strictly according to the instructions written by the author with a great reputation. Under the hour of victoring such asanas, it is necessary to maintain respect for the chakras, as they stink:

  1. Muladhara - Bandrasana, or the pose of a snowstorm.
  2. Svadhisthana - Paschimotasana.
  3. Manipura - Navasana, or vivishuvannya.
  4. Anahata - Gomukhasana, or cow pose.
  5. Vishudha - Ushtrasana.
  6. Ajna - Matsiendrasana.
  7. Sahasrara - Shirshasana, or headstand.

Bazhano vykonuvati asanas for opening the chakras in the complex with other yoga asanas and pranayamas. Іsnuє rich complexes, folded by dosvіdchenimi yogis. The stench is paid for at a different level of health and the same period of physical training.

Cleansing the chakras independently - dobrka methods

Purification of the chakras independently for the help of hands can be carried out at the same time, as you already have a similar knowledge. Call healers and psychics using such methods. It is your responsibility to take into account the energy industry with your hands, it is practical for everyone to come from the dosvidom. In order to clean the chakri, you need to see the area with your hands, to know the negative, and to sing yoga, roaring in the air or sending it to the ground.

Vkray popular cleansing the chakra with runes. The method is evidently simple, the shards of vimagaє vminnya bachiti auri chi to see the energy of the people. And then there is the knowledge of robots with runes, and besides, the most victorious runes in magic, and chi are not bewitched by them.

Runic becoming "Chakrovy stovp" to finish off quickly and softly know the blocks from the chakras - as if they were made by the person herself, so and so, that appeared as a result of the application of those other magic tricks. Ale є і nedolіk - tsey becoming pribere і zahist, yakscho yogo was set, as well as pouring in other stavіv, recently conducted rites and richly іnshoy.

How to use runes to cleanse the chakras?

  1. You can put it on with a plaster on the chakra area and paint it with a marker with henna.
  2. You can put a rune on a photo of a person, as you need to cleanse the chakras.
  3. Even if the hour of cleansing is unacceptable physical symptoms, it means that there are serious blocks in the chakras.
  4. These symptoms are not to blame, the stench is about the ear of purification and the unblocking of energy centers.

Zagalom development of the chakras of accessible skin people. This process is not vimagatime for you great zusils. Learn techniques developed by Indian yogis and sages to help you achieve progress. In order to get rid of blocks, the chakri must be cleansed using additional runes or other methods. Cleansing and opening the chakras are necessary as a magician-pochatkivtsyu, so zvichaynіy people, what kind of yoga is energetically healthy

Revitalization of the chakras

For people healthy chakri mayut great value Therefore, when the stench is bad, they will require a binding of the tongue and an hour to wind up the rejoicing. Remember what is important.

  • Stand up in disguise, relax, focus on your breath.
  • Paint this picture on your head: your body is sharpened with an energetic cocoon from two openings - from below to the beast.
  • Paint in your eyes an energetic promise to enter through the bottom and penetrate into the body through the feet, praying Muladhari. Zupinіt, feel the warmth of that pulsation in her.
  • Be aware - the energy rises uphill, sing on the skin center and activate your thoughts.
  • Energetic promin is guilty of undermining all the blocks that are going down the path.
  • Give respect to your sight, see how the energy flows from the body, warmly over the skin of the organ.

Your task is to transfer energy without interruption to Sahasrari itself. A lot of people paint pictures in their heads, so move, zayvih objects, spying on them as if they were the problem of failure. Reveal that all the negativity is ruining the energy promin.

Have the right to open the chakras, cleansing and harmonizing them with positive light, health, stamina of the psyche, building up the difficulty, without ruining yourself. But all it is possible is less with victorious perverted techniques and the majestic bazhanni to know oneself and shukati their way.

duje just test I will become your chakras for re-verification.

Protest the camp of your chakras, to understand why in life it doesn’t turn out the way you wanted to.

A lot of people already know at once what the energy sector is imperceptibly pov'yazano with material prosperity, luck, health, mіtsnimi stosunki nіy, swedish car'ernim growth.

The reasons for the failures, of course, may be of a psychological nature. Ale and psychological reasons for that bezporeddno pov'yazanі zі camp auri and chakras of a person.

Otzhe, turn the camp of your chakras, And I will help you to understand the reasons for your success and rozcharuvan.

Give a shout out!


Test for the camp of the first chakri: ask yourself what it means to you materially, pennies, speech?

If you shimmy to the point of "everything" - the chakra is hyperactive, if "nothing" - the chakra is blocked.

How do you begin to roam, what are the tools, how to give us impersonal possibilities - the chakra is closer to the norm.


Those same nourishment, only about pleasure, contentment, sexuality - you love to treat yourself with different "receptions" - something like a hedgehog, rozvazhi chi corpulent satisfaction - the chakra is hyperactive.

Whenever you start your own mind in your own mind, you can face impersonal fences and problems from the body and sexual topics - the chakra is blocked.

So you honor your body and your right to take away satisfaction from a healthy population, and also have a normal sexual life - the chakra is normal!


A simple test for determining the function of the third chakri is to measure the temperature of the body.

If you constantly feel cold, you get cold, you wrap up, your temperature sounds low and doesn’t move when you have a cold, which means that your third chakra is closed and functions poorly.

If you constantly feel the heat near the body, if you overheat - you indicate the transcendental size of the chakri, the superfluous exchange of speech and the presence of fires inflamed near the body.


Test for anahata chakra - Buteyk's test for dihannia. Take a light breath, then see it and catch it as far as you can.

If it is only 20-30 seconds, then you have a clear deficiency of the fourth chakra.

If you can zatrimati dhannya for khvilina and more, then you have a chakra that works good.

On the thought of Buteyk, Candidate of Medical Sciences, the very test for zatrimka dihannya helps to determine the life of a person.


You can assign the function of the fifth chakri to the voice. It’s like wine to sound timidly, weak, people don’t speak words, to speak to themselves, it’s fear of expressing thoughts, it means that the chakra is closed.

Well, just like that, superficially vіdkrita, then the person is not right to show himself, his own thoughts and do not feel others. The voice becomes supernaturally strong, the person opposes himself to others, often boils thin.

The test for auditory memory is also a test for the function of the fifth chakri. Even if a person seems to have a good auditory memory, then her chakra is deranged in her. As if, as it seems, to you “the witch stepped on the vuho”, then the center functions poorly.


Ask someone to write five two-digit numbers, for example

35, 42, 17, 26, 51 .

Look at the price number series 5 seconds, and then repeat yogo for a riddle.

The skin correctly written number gives 20%, for 80% - the chakri robot is good, everything is bad with it.

If you write less than 20%, then the chakri robot is already filthy and blocked.


The function of the Sahasrara Chakri can be determined from nasal breathing.

If you are equally able to treat insults to the nostrils, it means that the insults to half of the brain are normal.

Otzhe, what are your chakras?

Unobvious causes of women's illnesses

Back, across

Often blamed at the back of the woman, if she is afraid to trust, let control.

Otrimanya zhіnkoy bazhany vіdbuvaєtsya through the energy of relaxation and calmness, so that you can give up and accept everything, obv'yazkovo trust yourself, your family, consider the support of the family, heal the injuries, that you should respect your support.

Pain and heaviness at the legs, at the knees- Tse zv'yazok іz Kin, іz the earth, purification of ancestral programs, programs of pride and humility, and if we don't get humility from the Kin, then knees hurt. Legs, feet are the ones with which we stand on the earth, our connection with the land of that Rod, our life stability, fears for our life.

Goosebumps, tingling, liver, scab, puffiness, tearfulness, spitting.

So the work of the channels is observed from the purification of the energy channels in our body, the stench is often clogged and blocked by the "energy waste", and if the stench is cleared, the energies begin to pass through our body more quickly. These same things are blamed on us in these places. Tsі vіdchuttya need to be accepted with vdjachnistyu and give them a leave from the body with calm and acceptance.

Heaviness and inability to feel in the shoulders, shoulders

Purifying the programs of transcendental viability, we sometimes sit down on our necks, we take too much on ourselves, we take on someone else’s viability, it’s important to consider, if you should come, and start practicing over cym. Especially often tse buvay in Childbirth, de strong women, like a lot of pulling on your own.

The most common thing is to hurt your shoulders, if a person takes the position of a “rjativnik”, taking away the strength of other people. It is necessary to understand and catch yourself in those moments, if we start to take away the vitality of another person, to understand that at that moment we want to be unseen, significant, necessary. Accept it.

Seeing in the area of ​​the chakras

1 chakra.

If the first chakra is cleansed, then there is also heaviness in the legs, heart and liver in the legs, it may pull the stomach itself, it may be unacceptable in the groin. They can merge fears, pictures of that spogad z childishness, de bulo spent dovira to the light, de vіdbulisya like podії, sho vplinuli on the viability of life and resilience. These pictures are not varto afraid, boldly marveling there, for that fear, which there slayed viishov from the body.

2 chakri.

If another chakra is cleansed, then you may experience pain and heaviness in the area of ​​​​the uterus and ovaries, you may come a month earlier or come 2 times per cycle, you may pull across, you can merge negative attitudes with the drive of wet sexuality and intimacy with people, motherhood programs, in the form of satisfaction in life.

There may also be an unacceptable sight due to an unacceptable smell. This process of purification, which can be accepted, is a great resource for women with vilification of attitudes from the 2nd chakra. Resources can be: inner sexuality, relaxation, love for yourself, that acceptance of your feminine nature.

3 chakris.

If the third chakra is cleared, then you may feel unacceptable in the abdomen, you may blame the stomach disorder, you may become ill with slunic-intestinal diseases, you may also speak on the topic of self-pity, on the topic of pennies, success, and feel joy.

4 chakris.

If the fourth chakra is cleansed, then there can be a noticeable heaviness in the breasts, pain in the heart, stone in the breasts. Likewise, you can go through tears, through the bazhannya, probachit and ask for forgiveness, through seeing love and opening the heart center, you can imagine moments of heart pain and disappointment. At the heart chakra, negative emotions are observed: images, anger, pride, fears.

If the 4 chakras can be more pronounced from the right side, the heart has shifted to the right side. If a woman has 4 chakras, it is important to ground herself: sports, dancing, yoga, tantra. It is even more important to get rid of contacts with the body. Because if a woman has a strong 4 chakri, there is no grounding, then such a woman is considered a friend as a man, spiritual mentor and not identified as a woman.

5 chakri.

If the five chakras are cleared, you may have a sore throat, cough, you may get sick in your throat, you may not speak a word to someone, you may want to sleep.

6 chakri.

If the 6 chakras are cleansed, then they blanch in the head, in the area of ​​the third eye; You can get better, that the head has become important, it becomes more important to think, get angry at the Chomus.

7 chakri.

If the 7th chakri is cleared, then you can see the pulsations on the Makivtsi, see the link with God.


As soon as the undead were littered, then they were cleansed from not crying tears, think, de vie didn’t cry enough. Chi tse birth tears so walk. Have any of these vipadkіv give tsim visions a break. Z [quietly and with acceptance.


Unacceptable attention in the hands - tse purification of communications, equal intercourse and interaction with other people. You often write to me that your hands are numb so much that you will then hurt them more and it’s impossible to break them, especially when you meditate on the pumping of the chakras.

At this moment, marvel at what is your right confession, why do you work effectively at the same time those that suit you? what did you realize enough for yourself in society?

If it hurts, it's livoruch it means that the woman’s part of you and the woman’s line of the Family are being cleansed, on the right - cholovicha.

Feeling the heat- to come, if the negative is spitting among us, so many channels canalize the fiery nature, as if the fire can try to cleanse the fire. Reach out to them, trusting yourself more with your body.

Feeling the cold- tse opratsyuvannya zvyazku z relatives, scho pіshli. So opratsovuyutsya glibokі birth trauma. published

It is possible, you don’t know, but all the problems, difficulties and inaccuracies, as we have to experience, are directly related to the camp of energy centers, tobto. Why does it feel like this, like an illness, reveals an imbalance in robots and other chakras, we know about this material. Here, a table of chakri and their ailments is propagated, as to help you signify that you are not right in your life.

You can recognize from these tables general information about the connection of the skin chakri with the activity of the body:

First chakra. She is reminiscent of a person with life force, signifying the belonging of a person to a specific family. The main meta is the survival of the physical body. Reminds me of the energy of goodness and commitment.

Manifest the sickness of the chakri muladhara in tili:

  1. Blame obesity (all stages).
  2. The work of the intestines is disrupted (a person suffers from constipation, hemorrhoids).
  3. Such ailments can develop, like ishias є transverse-crown radiculitis.
  4. People have prostate problems.
  5. For no apparent reason, people start to feel tight, become depressive, they become so tired, they become drastic, physically weak.
  6. Not a lot of physical and moral strength.
  7. People are powerfully aware of instability and anxiety for no apparent reason (out, ring out, wait for the future).
  8. People are treated with unimaginable fears and phobias.

How is the imbalance in the social plan manifested:

  1. Nervousness develops, a person does not feel impressed with his abilities and vibes.
  2. If the chakra works, now, it is overactive, then the person in the middle suffers because of arrogance, his centrism, greed and greed.
  3. More characteristic is the appearance of financial instability - people are looking for a lack of money. People “happiness” are constantly leaning in such a state, if they are fooled by a penny, or they will take less for an obitsia.
  4. The appearance of stinginess is characteristic of his egoism, which manifests itself without any particular substantiation.


Performing 2 chakras. The chakra endows a person with sexual energy, controls the process of the continuation of the family, punishes addiction, creative vibes, emotional zeal.

If the whole energy center is working badly, then the person does not have a special life. Vіn suffering from pathologies of the sechostatic organs.

In addition, how badly the chakra works, people will get stuck with such inaccuracies:

  1. It is important for women to blame the child.
  2. Possibly wikidnia, people of dead children. It also does not include the appearance of children in the world, as they may have calculus and genetic pathologies.
  3. People, who have broken the work of weddings, suffer from impotence, infertility, not being able to continue their work.
  4. Among slaves, such people often suffer from diseases, mothers can get venereal disease.
  5. It is characteristic that they are placed before sex, otherwise, on the contrary, a person starts up “in a serious situation”, suffers from sexual liberation.
  6. About those that the robot's chakri is broken, tell me if it's sexually disturbing (they can get psychic discord).

If the marriage is rotten, people will not be happy in a special life: they don’t dare to make friends with people, or make friends with girls. And if it’s still legal to take one’s stosunki, then they separate quickly. Call the experience of such amateur splits from 3 years. You can also dream of a sprat of times, to go black: zamіzhzhya - separation.

In times of energetic imbalance of the chakri, a person becomes drastic, falls down, and imaginativeness rises.

If the energy of marriage is rich, then the people show aggression, despotism, tyranny.


Controlling the reach of social success, reminiscent of a person who is worthy of himself, almost like his own goodness and prosperity. The chakra flows into the organ and the herbal tract.

If the manipuri robot breaks down, the person suffers from such pathologies:

  1. Various duct-intestinal pathologies.
  2. Circular diabetes.
  3. Disorders of food behavior (it can develop like bulimia - an unhealthy overly poignant їzhі, and anorexia (a loss of appetite).) You constantly want to "zaїdat" your intolerance.
  4. Alcohol addiction.
  5. Takozh characteristic mark Become depressive - a person is smart to call herself at all the filthy things that happened to her, engage in self-flagellation.
  6. Disrespect appears, it becomes easy to concentrate your respect on various speeches.
  7. It is possible for thoughts about self-destruction to appear, and especially for zanedbannyh vapadki people blame suicide.
  8. Krym tsgogo, diagnosing the broken robot of manipuri to help the manifestation of such mental disorders: kleptomania - the need to steal, dromomania - the practice of leading a vagrant life, pyromania - the basis of stubbing.
  9. A person’s instinct of self-preservation is destroyed: their reactions can decrease (weakening of the instinct), otherwise, on the contrary, the person sticks with a constant lack of confidence to the point of withdrawal (strengthening of the instinct).

People do not want to win over whether they are children, regardless of those who are in a normal physical form. There is a decrease in the overall tone of the body. Often people are drinking conflict situations on robots.

In certain situations, the interest to the whole world is more often used. Lyudina is not good at showing initiative, it’s even more difficult to reach any goals. So the wine is constantly being rebuked at the dissatisfied, dissatisfied become.

If manipura generates more energy, it is not necessary, - a person goes headlong into the robot, spending all his life energy on it. There is a rise in power, shkidlivist.

If the chakra is not good enough to work, a person cannot believe in his own strength, suffers from fearfulness and indolence.


Vіdpovidaє for love and for the unity of the reality.

The disruption of work is manifested in such pathologies:

  1. Damage to the heart activity.
  2. Movement of chi movement of bloody vice.
  3. Panic attacks.
  4. Legens and bronchi suffer.
  5. A person is constantly turbulent about the future of the future, feels emotionally depressed, cannot fully enjoy his life.
  6. Start "digging" at your past deeds, you should not know pardons in them, ringing to yourself at the bottom. Perhaps, for the most part, shift the blame onto your honed strength.

Those particularities, in which the activity of the heart chakra is broken, reveal hisism, callousness, the stench cannot sympathize with lonely people, with whom they perceive themselves as the truth in the rest of the instance. From the negative feelings of the stench, they send a hello, vengeance, skhilni releasing a bit about the otochyuyuchih.

Somewhere along them, a camp of aggression accumulates, the stench becomes angry, aggressive, sumuyut chi sumuyut. If you see a lot of energy, such people show increased primality, vigor, dominance.

If the energy center is not enough to provide energy, such a person with all his might can help other people, while putting his own interests lower than the interests of others.


- Speak with the 5th chakra, the inner voice of a person. Vishuddha helps to introduce different ideas and thoughts into life. Krіm tsgogo, vishuddha vіdpovіdalna promo, allows people vіlno splkuvatsya z otochyuchimi people, self-expression.

On the level of emotions, the energy center creates new ideas, ensuring that mutual understanding is achieved. Vidkrita chakra, good practice, calm Rozum's activity, promote faith.

About those that the functioning of the chakri is broken can be attributed to such signs:

  1. Often angina, rhinitis are blamed.
  2. A person suffers in the face of some kind of current discord: zaїkaєtsya, speak too loudly and too quietly, quite chi too quickly, speak too much information, too many times repeating one and the same warehouse.
  3. Discords are developing, as if they are being provoked by the broken robotic measles of the brain: people can easily remember names, get lost in the names of objects, do not understand the correct spelling of words and different phrases.
  4. Becoming infantile rozumovo and physically (insufficiently visualized psychologically).

If the energy of vishuddhi is rich, such qualities of character appear as self-confidence, pride, dogma and dominion.

However, on the contrary, the chakra does not work strong enough, the individuality of a person is weak, you often tell a lie, you cannot swear by it.


- є 6 chakra, yak secures high intuition, awareness, granting wisdom.

Ajna is the control of the human mind, which controls the function of its own key center, which controls the work of other chakras. It helps to develop the will, internal speeches, endowing a person with intuitive vigor, wisdom, inspiration, clairvoyance, understanding.

If there are stagnant manifestations in the chakra, the person begins to get colder, the person suffers from headaches, sinusitis, problems from the ears. Through the descriptions of more physical illnesses, a person sticks to sleeplessness, nightmares. Obsessive thoughts are constantly spinning at the head, the person becomes mentally unstable, unstable, nervous.

Quiet people, who have such an energy center of prosperity for the world, show pride, authoritarianism, dominance and dogmatism.

If the center of work is no better, then the people are constantly afraid, suffering from rubbish and shyness and unhappyness.


– є 7 that remains in the Hindu tradition energy center. Tsya chakra pov'yazuє people from the cosmos with the greater spiritual plans. Vaughn allows you to reach enlightenment.

Sprinkle the wholeness of specialness, rob a person with a high spirituality and without a grudge. If the energy center is open again, people will understand the nature of speeches.

Sahasrara is found to function normally in a small number of people, so there are no symptoms for it. Most people just don't work out.

Take a look at the same video on this topic, to know even more brown information about the link of chakras from ailments

Now, knowing the chakri and ailments, as if they are blaming their lack of work, it will be easier for you to understand, which energy center of the varto should be given more respect. Aje, be it ailments, it is easier to go to the bud stage more easily, not allowing any further progress.


the basis of the spinal stovp
Muladhara (“root” and “basis”, or “foundation”)
Number of petals:
purity, hope, joy, self-discipline, unity, thoroughness, integrity, vihovannia
confusion, hopelessness, confusion, chaos
drum, scoreboard (a pair of small hand-made Indian drums)
diamond, pearl, zircon, girsky crystal

Our convergence originates from the lower level - the level of the energy center, guided by the chakra of the base of the ridge, the chakra of the base. Її the name is to resemble the roztashuvannya of the base of the ridge, but it is also the basis of our inner and outer development. Through this chakra, we have access to life force, as it revives us physically and spiritually. Tsya energy is by the power of the Spirit fixed in our physical bodies.
The base chakra is a point through which our connection with the physical
light, nature dovkillam. Why the balance of energy in this chakra is fundamentally important for our activities in the physical world to be practical and efficient. With a harmonic victorious purity, that gracious energy of the foundation chakri can bestow us with hope, joy, self-discipline and integrity. In marriage, with the chakra of the soul, the chakra of the foundation gives birth to the same way to the creation of offspring.
Tsei energy center ta yoga white color povyazanі z planning, pragnennyam to perfection, іz vіlennyam vіlennyam vіshіshnіh models і Divine geometry і zvnіshnіh forms. The base chakra is also associated with manifestation purity, harmony, thoroughness, symmetry, orderі association in areas like music, painting, sculpture, architecture, technologyі maths.
One of the reasons, through which the first energy center is the main one, lies in the fact that this health and vitality is injected into all other chakras. In addition, as my victorious energy, I put in the chakras of the foundation, stale, so that the potential of our other chakras will be lost, or we will fall asleep again.
Deyakі z us mayut greater mastery with the volodіnі energies of the chakra of the foundation, lower, but on the same level, all call me to learn singing lessons.

Why are these lessons dedicated to?
How can one learn to cherubate with the flow of energy through the entire center?

Ideas, which we have shared with you, represent your own springboard, whichever way you see it. Your well thoughtful acceptance of these concepts, in the world of that, as you everyday life, to destroy your understanding, how to speed up, balance and purify the energy of your first chakri, so that the greater world will hang your inner strength.

We cannot develop spiritually without building a superior physical platform. Those іnshe go plіch-о-plіch. Sometimes, after our religious education, we respectfully remember that the Spirit is good, and matter is bad, but spiritual speech is good, and the body is evil. Truly and spiritually, and materially in their divine form, manifestations of the Divine.
Word matter look like a latin word mater What does "mother" mean? Physical light and mother, shards of matter - the whole bosom of the cup, where the Spirit descends. Matter is the sign of the Spirit. Vaughn allows the Spirit to express itself. Matter is like a flute, but the Spirit is like a breath. Without our flute, our physical instrument, the Spirit cannot sing its song through us. And the skin of us carries in our own unique song, like a check, we smelled it.
There is a sharper glance at the speech, a kind of affirmation that we should be spiritually pragmatic, it is necessary to flow into the world of necessity. But the right spirituality is not in the fact that you deprive the physical light behind your back, but in the fact that to saturate this physical world with the Spirit. Tse means to be a part of this world, but not to distinguish yourself from the material ones, so don’t forget who we are and for what it is necessary on earth (so that we hang our spirituality from a practical life, helping our unique life to help us). In other words, stand firmly on the ground and be practical - there is no part of spirituality.
On the level of the chakri, it is necessary to intervene with the world in the most significant way possible. Initiation on this eve of the vimage in front of us is lowly pissed off about those for whom we are worthy of support, and do not disobey our own obsession with the hundredth of others under this drive, which is pragnemo spirituality.
Indeed, our spirituality will help us to enter the physical arena, to unite spiritually and materially. Ramana Maharshi , one of the great spiritual teachers of today's India, once having finished teaching, who wants to leave the work of this family to serve God. Vin said:

“The word does not mean to give up your money, or to deprive the houses.
Nі, who is truly called, that one is really angry with the world
and stretch out your kohanna wide, so that the whole world will be covered with it.

Tse guess the bike Aesop about an astronomer, like a little bluk in the mist, looming the sky. Once, marveling at heaven, I fell down at a deep well. Susid, like, zreshtoyu, sensing Yogo’s cries, respecting: “Navisho reach the heavens, if you don’t win, what’s in you under your feet?”.

The next lesson, which we take on equal chakri foundations, is similar to those who mother a positive look at the body’s body and encourage normal business with him. If we can be healthy to the physical light and to our wet physical body, we are the best partner for the Spirit. If we want to see our unique mission in life, then we can be strong on the romatic, emotional, spiritual and physical level.
God wants me to think about my body - listened to what we shouldn't talk about ourselves, and realized what it would be necessary for you. We have different needs for our skin. Possibly, your best friend, in case of an offence, has a more delicious dessert, but the same dessert can lay you down for the whole day. And your girlfriend will open up at night, but you will not be at home anymore.
As you can see to yourself, cultivating a positive attitude to your body, leading the hour to eat properly, physically right that necessary repair, corrosive, when necessary, by the orders of doctors and specialists in health improvement, will help your spiritual development.
On the energy level, the reason, through how important it is to respect the physical, lies in the fact that the camp of our body often squirts into those, how much energy we can subdue. If you insert a floor lamp, 120 V socket, a 240 V socket, the lamp will burn out. In a similar rank, God will not allow if the light passed through you at 240 V, as if the vessel of your body was built to receive only a charge of light at 120 V.

Our turbota about physicality can be worth not less than our body, but our physical foundation. Our house and working middle is the continuation of that reflection of our soul, the crucibles, in which we are melted to the right of our life. “Trying about the budinok, at which we live, - it’s like a psychotherapist that writer Thomas Moore , - Mi dbaєmo about the power of the soul. Regardless of our tightness in the gates, we can as a whole see how much beauty is important in our house. What is more than that spiritual pidyom, which we see as the rahunok of the navkolishny middle, the greater is our building up to creativity and self-realization.

More lessons about our energy centers related to nutrition balance. If we want to appreciate the material world as a way to specifically express our spirituality, it is also necessary to have a strong predilection to the physical, it can be easy for us to fall into materialism. І tsya spokusa can appear thin, lower it is allowed. Navit the rest of the day can become a materialist, as if superciliously whistling for food about those who can’t, or can’t, and be overwhelmed by the drive quietly, who can be bigger, lower wine. Lao chi viv:

"To know that you can do enough means to be rich."

Tse "sufficient" skin from us understands in its own way.
One famous Polish rabin revealing the truth of the tourists, as if zdivuvavsya, chirping that the rabbi is alive near one of the kіmnati. He had a bunch of anonymous books, but only lava that steel. “Where is your furniture?”, - having asked the questioner.
"And where is yours?" - vіdparuvav rabin.
The tourist, having lowered his shoulders and said that the furniture he has with him, obviously, no, the shards of wine here are no more than a timchasovy guest.
"I am tezh", - vidpoviv rabin.
Rabin knowing that all the guests on the planet Earth. If not the end point of ours is more expensive, why should we tie ourselves to earthly baggage?
From the other side, deyakі people vvazhayut that spirituality and prosperity is insane. To lay everything down, as we see prosperity and as our setting before our speeches. Why do we look at our speech and bones like a viraz chi are the tools of our spirituality?
Indian spiritual leader of the XX century Sri Aurobindo having taken a penny in return, which is a trace of victoriousness for resurrecting us from our Divine Dzherel. Vіn vchiv, that it’s not obov’yazkovo povnіst I’ll give pennies, just like that, we’ll tie them to them:

“All wealth belongs to the Divine,
and those who have wealth are less pikluvalniki, and not vlasniki,
Today it's out in their hands, tomorrow in someone else's...
Koristuyuchi penniless in their special purposes,
marvel at everything that you make, or you take, or you bring,
like on those who belong to the (Divine) Mother ...
Be sure to look at those that are shove to your hands,
how to lie down їy, and not to you ...
Do not judge people from their wealth and do not allow
so that Yogo looked at you, vlada chi poured in.

In the world, with the energies of the chakri, the foundations are from the sickness to the evil form, we pass to the lucid inner essence. Appealingness to the ovnishnoi form is otherwise called idolatry. idolatry- tse vіddacha your єї trust the judge, to avenge the Spirit, instead of the one to honor the spiritual fire, which burns in the midst of the judge. If we’re talking about the kimos more, why do we judge about the qyu person on the basis of that, like looking out there and dressed on it, why are we looking at those inner strengths, like looking at the outside?
Barry і Joyce Wissel direct a yaskra butt to this at your book “Heart for Two”:
Moses Mendelssohn, father of a well-known German composer, is far from blushing. Vіn not only not seen in the morning, but still maw contemptuous hump. Once I came to a trader from Hamburg, like a mother of a beautiful daughter on im'ya Frumtha. Moses hopelessly succumbed to the young lady. Ale, sorry, that bula was hot in the face of yoga. Now the time has come to say goodbye. Moses, plucking up his courage, went up to the Frumthe rock. That bula was isolated by the heavenly beauty, but plunged Yogo into deep confusion, having moved to marvel at the new one. After a few tries, Moses timidly asked: "Do you believe that whores are in heaven?"
"So," said the girl, still wondering at the pidlog. "And you?"
“I also think so, - vіdpovіv vin. - Chee bachite, in heaven with the people of the skin boy, the Lord deafens: Whose boy is friends with such and such a girl. If I was born, my future name was given to me, and then the Lord said: Alya your name will be humpbacked.
At the same hour I yelled: Oh Lord! The humpbacked woman is a tragedy. Be kind, Lord, let my hump show up in me, and she will be beautiful.
The next Frumthe looked at Yogo's eyes, as if struck by the deep spirit. Vona extended her hand to Mendelssohn, and soon became a youmu. by the squad". Then the maiden dazzled the inner day, chained behind the outer shell.
Idolatry and yogic eternal companions - transcendental stagnation and spontaneity (a special kind of pathological staleness in the behavior of other people, typical, for example, for the squads of alcoholics), create especially serious problems for the alcoholics. With healthy relationships, the skin partner is firmly on his feet. It is necessary that the partners could change roles, supporting one another. If one of them doesn’t zoom in on the hairy mіtsnogo root, then it’s not like a partnership.
Kahlil Gibran having spoken promoly to the truth, if he wrote about the school:

“Ale, let there be a free space for your day ...
sing and dance together and be happy,
but let one alone be alone,
aje and skin of the lute strings by itself,
I want only the stench to sound at the same melody...
Be instructed, but not too close:
Bo th colony of the temple to stand okremo,
and oak, and cypress do not grow at the same one alone.

Call me to love, honor that spirit, which expresses itself through other people. And yet we create our own idol with our partner, we heal our spiritual path, which helps us to form our own special ties with God forever and ever. The whole single link, which no one can replace it with zmist. If you try to put someone on God's plate, on the equal footing you will be obsessed with the spirit of love. If your butt has a special place, you can only change it, only God.
If we fetishize be-scho - it doesn’t matter, a person like a caller of words, for a wink of the spiritual side of life, God can give us a signal to jump in. These people can be selected from us for a certain hour, so that we can focus our energy on what is most contagious for our spiritual growth. Just as we have restored balance, those who have been chosen often turn before us so that we can re-include yoga in our lives.

One more way to improve the connection with the Spirit on the equal chakri of the base lies in zmіtsnennі our zv'yazku z matіr'yu-nature. For whom we have our brothers - american indians - can teach us a lot of things. Indian leader Luther the Standing Witch saying that the natives of America should sit or kick on the ground with a feeling that they stink to “motherly strength”:

"The old Indian is still sitting on the ground,
instead of getting up
and fight against її forces that give life,
to that in which case wine is building
and more warmly, and more warmly.

Work on earth, with roslins and creatures, pushes our sensitivity to life. Let's look at those who need to grow, to bloom. What is enough to take away sleepy light, what can I need a lot of water, what is the reason for living speeches in the soil? We can zastosovuvat chiu itself chuynist and in turbot about other people. Aje stinks also require pikluvannya and respect. Їm, schob rozkvitati, tezh need optimal mind.
In the bagatiohs, the children had special stature with nature. Having become mature, we spend an hour learning about unity with mother-nature, otherwise we forget that she can teach us a lot. Take, for example, Suzanne.
In 41 fate, she realized what she had family life And the robots can go wrong, as if it were clear. Susanna kept ringing to herself. Vaughn overcame herself, what was going on with her on a deep, fundamental level.
Once, after a robot, she would take a walk near the booth, asking why it was so rare for her to quarrel. Summer reached the end, and again it was badyorim and fresh. The tops of the trees, rising in the wind, sang their song. Uzdovzh stitches prot_kav strumok i, roaring, hugging kamіntsі. Everything looked enchanting - from the crying caterpillar to the rosy oaks.
“How wonderful is everything that God creates!” Vaughn thought. Sweat, like a rapt, a light sleeping light, while the truth pierced through the middle of it like a moon: “God created me. Father, I am also, in my own way, a miracle. Tse chaklunstvo є i in me.
At the same time, she patted herself at the new prospects. Їy treba was now zmіtsnyuvatisya in tsmu vidіnі, but nature has already given їy priceless lesson, like a new month and roka її stanovlennu.

The energy of the base chakri is also called "mother's light". The spiritual-symbolic sensi has a physical all-light, which is tied to the foundation chakra, to the female (or maternal) principle of God. Spiritual omniscience represents the human (or batkiv) principle.
Most of us grew, looming with less frequent manifestations of God. We have learned a lot about the human aspect of the Divine world - about God the Father, God Sin - about that aspect, which protects and deplores, establishes the norms and strengthens the environment. Ale, how to introduce us to the internal traditions of worldly religions, there is another side of the Divine - woman, or Mother God. Tsya side is twisted, navchaє that pіdtremuє. Vaughn is a sacred energy, as it inspires that healing. The chakra is the foundation for every aspect of life.
The concept of the Divine Mother of the Vyznaє and at once turn over all religions. At Judaism the female aspect of God is called " Shekhina ”, literally “Divine Presence”. At Hinduism won't be yak Shakti , in Buddhism - yak Prazhnaparamita , and in Egyptian tradition tse Izida . Some texts Old Testament and apocrypha, the female aspect of the Deity is called Wisdom, similarly before, like Christian Gnostics called її Sofia or Pistis Sophia (which means "Vira-Wisdom").
Tsі otoblennya zhіnochogo cob for his suttya є goddesses, which need to be worshiped. The stench instills the woman's attributes of God, who teaches us on the butts of how we can realize our power woman's potential. Kozhen can take a side with us. Vaughn is sensitive, intuitive and creative. This is our side, as it develops and exalts the blue. Vaughn to live, tolerant and radiant. A healthy woman’s side is not far away, but such that she’s going, Vlasnitsky or more important.
Supporting health and balancing the flow of energy through the base chakra, we can hang such a quality of Divine femininity, like turbota. We also become sensitive to the needs of other people.
I am revisiting the analogy with nature. Roslin, if you need a driver, you can’t talk to us and tell us about your help. It's just that the soil dries up, leaves to heal down and, nareshti, fall off. So the very people, yakі demand our turboti, often shut up their problems. My fault is to indulge in signs of illness and understand what the stench really means. Frowning disguise, do not forget to say that it is not appropriate for someone to me. It can mean that the person needs it, so that we remember what is wrong. If we are “motherly” put before life, we are behind the outer shell, which is really seen in the middle.
More knowledge of whom came to me a little bit of fate, if I was in Rome and stood in front of Peter. Pondering over the great rank of Mary, who is trembling on the knees of her crucified son, I realized that the “mother” in the middle of the skin of us called out to help the unfortunate, Tim, who needs our crazy love and support. Sooner or later, we all feel guilty in similar environments, and for some moment of the skin of us, the viscons have the role of the mother.
On the level of the chakri, the foundations of me are also goiter analyze our thoughts with women, with the feminine aspect of ourselves and with our soul. Can you say, what do we think that we respect women? Navit perebuvayuchi at the forefront of the business world, chi mi (independantly in the state) vyslovlyuёm his wife's side? Chi tsіnuєmo quiet people, hto vmіє tse robiti? Chi know the hour to vihovuvati yourself?
If in childhood you were separated from your mother, or if you didn’t have small ties with her, it might be important for you to repent yourself and come to the understanding of the right needs of your soul. Just remember: the right food for the soul is not less important, the right food for the body.
What to make you happy? What inspires you in twisting quilt? Music? Poetry? Garny romance? Is it possible, if you like to practice with your hands - to engage in pottery chi shiti? Busy meditating? Chi tse garna probіzhka, busy at the gymnastic hall? What gives you these charming moments of happiness?
Tse mozhe buti zovsіm simple: buy once a day living tickets and put them on your working table or hour after hour frame a new picture and hang it on the wall. And you can dedicate an hour to the gris with a child, or take a walk with a fox stitch.

What does "save" energy mean?

Today we take a portion of spiritual energy from our Dzherel. Tsya energy gives us the power to think, to be vigilant, to speak that child. As I said earlier, we can have free will to choose how to manage our energy. Through our love and our spiritual practice, we can raise this holy fire, so that we can fill our souls with the greater strength of the spirit.
From the other side, we can spend our energy through our chakras with a path of low neuroinnovation, as if nothing of value is added to our spiritual growth. The stench can be as if they were - in spallahіv anger to zayvoї balakuchostі, hisism, chicanery, tiles, fury, nebzhannya forgiveness, worrying about transcendental sexual activity, jealousy, speech, sorry for myself, digging into the past, the constant probation of the may. Pіdіb'єmo pіdbags: we see the priceless Divine energy, directing її on such diї, yakі do not help our spiritual growth, - dії, yakі po'yazyuyut our energy, instead of giving їy tekti. The best criterion is to ask yourself: how can you help those that I can grow up, realize my spiritual nature with the greater world? Can you help me bring spirituality into everyday life? Chi allow me to help others?
If we save energy ( Kundalina ), to rise at the chakra of the base of the ridge, it rises by a natural order, to live the reshta of our centers, activating new spiritual vigilance in the middle of us.
As we spend energy, otherwise we don’t let it rise higher, two speeches can become.
(1) First, we soon have a lot of energy, which rises through other chakras, and in such a rite, myriad of these chakras are filled with non-vikoristane.
(2) In a different way, even if we are only focused on the physical and not more, then the energy can be accumulated on the equal base chakra. If there is too much energy settling (creating) there, then it will begin to shukati out. Some people show anger in their spalahs, zhorstokom caused by evil sexual energy.
Yak is the foundation chakra, and the chakra is the seat of the soul, connected with sexuality. We can create an imbalance in our base chakra, so that we have a strong respect for sexual activity, or we are superhumanly afraid of sexuality. A wealth of spiritual traditions to start, that sexual activity is normal, balanced and included in the correct context, is a healthy being. Sex- tse exchange of sacred energy (s-e-x - s ecred e nergy e x change. - Ed.). Sacred sexuality is our connection with God and Divine energy, as it is in us and our partner. For this reason, it is important to look at our stosunki like sacred ones and not to enter at the blue with the method of a simple hour.
If we enter into a kimos near the blue, we invest our dear energy in the blue, and we allow our partner to take a position of opposite polarity with this exchange of energy. We want to be convinced that our energy is wisely victorious. It is worth pursuing whether there are mutually beneficial partnerships. Some people are ready to enter into an unhealthy relationship, friendship and partnership in order to be better. Prote stink did not create a vacuum and did not force their own magnet of light, building to get to them that partner, which they really need. Knowing about the power of spiritual integrity, we automatically attract the necessary partners.
Why we sing, what we take more strength in our life, we can use more energy in our order for active manifestations of physical, emotional and spiritual health. If we don’t save our energy, we can’t get enough internal resources to make up for the everyday troubles of life, and even less respect, we can add more serious problems to our spiritual growth.

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