Who is the most beautiful blonde or brunette in the mind of a person. A simple test, which allows you to understand, what can you do to be a whitewash. Test joke on the right blonde

In the minds of a wide choice cosmetic products, modern woman do not miss the opportunity to show off to yourself, changing your style, especially the color of the hair. Psychologists argue that the very soulful state of a woman’s woman can be attributed to the color of her hair, while people have long had stereotypes of skin color.

What do you choose: be a brunette or a blonde? And can be ore?

warm type

Shkіra: smug and light shkіri made of gold or peach color.

Eyes: brown, honey, blue and green.

Hair: dark blond, chestnut or medium curls in nature.

The warm type is divided into contrasting and non-contrasting colorotypes.

Contrasting warm colorotype (autumn)

Day: skin of a warm eye - yellow or golden, plus dark eyes - brown, black, dark blue, dark green.

Choice of hair colors: so dark and thicker hair colors - chestnut, chocolate, brown and black. So the ore and dark rusyavі tones with medium and golden shades look so harmoniously. With such a colorotype, do not choose blond, golden color, or light orange, so that the skin looks unnatural and spends natural privablivіst.

Non-contrasting warm colors (spring)

Day: a coat with a warm tint - yellow or golden, scarlet when not smart, plus bright eyes - blue, green, pea, amber.

The choice of color is hairy: for women of this kind, it is ideal to go golden and midny blond, midny and bright-rudy colors. Ale here varto vrahuvati, scho light-rudiy, navpak, not pidide, to that scho to break your disguise we are looking for. Also, girls with a non-contrasting color type do not get cold white and platinum tones. The colors will be too cold and irritate the lady in the literal meaning of the word “unfriendly”. The black color is also not pidide, vin to give the image of inconspicuousness.

cold type- all volodarki have light or horn-colored skins in common with sirimi, black, black, brown and gray-green eyes and hair of cold colors in the form of pale blond to cold black.

The cold type so itself lends itself to contrasting and non-contrasting colorotypes.

Contrasting cold colorotype (winter)

Day: cold color skin with a black or erysipelous tint, plus light or dark eyes of blue, gray, black, brown colors.

Choose the color of the hair: if you have such a color type, then you are recommended a dark rusy color with a hint of color. Warm and golden blond at tsyomu vipadu is not good. For ladies of such a day, a black color scheme, and to add extravagance to the image, you can add a blue color or a thin red skein.

Non-contrasting cold colorotype (letto)

Day: skin of a light, blackite or horny tone, plus light eyes of a gray or blackite color.

Choice of hair color: women of this color type are suitable for pale rusyavі and platinum tones, as well as blond with cool colors. Dark tones of hair do not go to the color type. It is not recommended for hairdressers to wear hair with a natural blush, farbuvati hair in tone with erysipelas; So it’s up to the hairdressers of the light shkir and bright eyes to go with light brown-haired eyes, but it’s necessary to heal, that there are a lot of dark eyes, on the spot, don’t go, that old man stinks.

Vybirayuchy hair color is necessary to wear, that and make-up and the standard of the shkiri are guilty, but even more, even too light, the colors of the hair are reinforced by all the shortfalls of the hair, and to that, the color of the wool is ideal. And, axis, when dressed in a dark color, hair, hairdressers in the nature of a bright eye will need a podbat about the brightness of the brows and viy.

We were worried about the eternal superechok about the privatility of blondes with brunettes and virishi energize people: girls with such a color hair stink in order to win. Mikhailo Teriokhin, Kolya Serga and Otari Gogiberidze took the part in the experiment. Read, what a stink stink!

Who is who

Blondes make a reputation for not being tight-fitting with a seductive mind, lower doors, prote sluts are not a breach: devils are found in a quiet virus. In practice, for an hour, blondes appear feisty, smart to the point of analytical understanding and the exact sciences. Irrespective of those who are the most foolish anecdotes attributed to the hairdressers of fair hair, a lot of gentlemen declare that blondes will be allowed. Here, pevne, pratsyuє law, scho be some kind of PR screwed respect.

It’s important that brunettes are exactly the same as blondes, fatally beautiful, like a building’s evil of any kind of person. The stench is namingly intelligent and charismatic. This theory is being actively developed by the Hollywood cinematographer for nothing: we guess the shy dark-haired beautiful princesses of Disney.

The ore-haired girls become less than 2 hundred of people, so the deacons in the chnі vvazhayut such a color of hair mutation, before that, the ore is most often peopled with extraordinary strengths, talents and special features. Rudikh girls are taken in by sensible and cunning persons. At the Serednyovichchi they were spitting on the bagatti! Ale, all the trouble: according to British scientists, they show that women with fire-colored hair do not look like other representatives of the woman's status in IQ nutrition.

There are thousands of thoughts and hundreds of calls, but the skin of a girl is individual in her own way, and you can’t lie in the color of your hair. Like having vvazhav spіvak Freddy Mercury, it is not necessary to try to understand, to guess and analyze the woman, otherwise it will be important to enjoy her. What do other people care about, z'yasuvav TOPBEAUTY.

Type of person

Zirkova dumka

Mikhailo Teriokhin,

showman, actor, fitness model

My bula is low, like garnih blondes, which I, perhaps, love. I'm always addicted to brunettes, but rudenki are just cuties!

Kolya Serga ,

musician, actor, host of the television program "Heads and Tails"

The fox girls are like me, to that, like a fox girl is beautiful, she will be beautiful with whatever hair: white, black, gray, raspberry and so on.

And in the light of the latest technologies it is easy to trust the color and hair of the woman. You don’t know for a moment that it’s really out under these farby balls.

Otari Gogiberidze,

plastic surgeon, person of TV presenter Yani Laputina

Marveling at my squad, Yana Laputin, you know the answer to food about the best hair color. Good and brunettes, and Russians. What matters is what's in the soul.

"The color of the hair does not add to the rosy quality, or to the character, or to the beauty of the ladies. No difference, what color is your hair, smut, so that it suits you and your wild style."

"I'm most attracted to girls with natural color hair, maybe a little bit of farbowed kinchiki."

"Brunettes - stench are biased, blondes - lower, rudi - zaderikuvati".

"It seems that the brunette fashion is at the same time. Honestly, I don’t have a good idea about it. Like more other people. I doubt that you often chula compliments to your address from the series:" Wow! You have such fashion color hair!" And as a chula, the same kind of person, then, better for everything, your stylist!"

"What color she has hair, it's not so important. Golovna, so that it was healthier and more beautiful."

"Brunettes are pleasant and cicavi. And blondes are less cicavi, ale effective."

Who is better - brunettes or blondes? Tse nourishment is the outer stone of the irreconcilable woman's struggle. “Gentlemen give priority to blondes, but they make friends with brunettes” - this is a famous phrase in the home of a rich man. Ale chi tse so true? The skin from the side can have its own advantage.

Advantages of blondes:

  1. The stinks are more likely to chime in, to turn respect to themselves.
  2. Blondes are not stupid. Among them, it’s just like that, like and among the girls, with be-yakim іnshimi color hair, they are smart and sensible, and bad.
  3. The stinks call out to the strangers.
  4. With blondes it is often easier to get to know each other, they have a lot of friends and charmers.
  5. In order to look bright, blondes don't need to do a lot of work. Light make-up and beautifully laid hair - and the blonde catch on your own choke, look at the people! To become sexy, it’s enough to fill your lips with red lipstick, put on clothes that are tight, and stand on the pickup.
  6. Blondes look younger than brunettes, but only in that mood, like light color the woman's hair is deed.
  7. With light colors, people's hair is associated with softness, tenderness, femininity, kindness and life.
  8. Good vihovani blondes quickly and easily turn people to themselves.
  9. It is easier to remember a blonde from NATO.
  10. The blonde is a symbol of female sexuality. Guess Marilyn Monroe, Pamela Anderson, Sharon Stone.

Advantages of brunettes:

  1. Don't talk bad things about them, and people don't stereotypically take brunettes like blondes.
  2. Brunettes look smart and intelligent.
  3. It’s easier for a blonde to get stoks, to fight for a brunette’s heart.
  4. Brunettes are by nature biased, specious, intelligent, stylish, bitchy, mysterious and guilty.
  5. Brunettes make a sharp contrasting tone.
  6. The stench can squirm with a bright make-up and not look vulgar at the same time.
  7. Brunettes have less stubborn shanubils and obscene propositions on the side of people.
  8. They are more likely to be suspected of zrada, and later - to rule the stage of jealousy less.
  9. It is easier for brunettes to perish among people, but it is necessary for others.
  10. Brunettes have beautiful and naturally shining hair, which calls out the zazdrіst of otochuyuchy women.

And vzagali, the woman's choice to lie down in the presence of the gentleman himself. The color of the hair is not important, to that z'yasovuvati, who is more beautiful - brunettes or blondes, there is no sensation. Golovna - it’s not worth knowing your person, who is loved and appreciated by you not for the color of your hair, but for those that you are in a new one, such a special and unity.

The skin woman asked herself more than once: “Who is the most beautiful woman or brunette?” Blondes talk about their insane sexuality, and brunettes take it as the main argument that they stink, speak, are smart. So we shy away from independent experts and find out if they have a lot of thoughts.

In fact, the skin has matured, people know that the light of the schile is up to the permanent changes, and the people’s troubles are quickly changing. Such a visnovka has been spread by the British schools, as they have established, that the long-standing love for blondes subsides, and brunettes occupy their place with great vanity.

Who is the most beautiful woman or brunette? And maybe get excited?

Why "Indian Express" published the results of the report. The beauty of the girls and their other strengths were appreciated by the people. The fate of 1000 people took the fate of the dosledzhenny. 54% of the respondents appreciated that brunettes talk more about domestic dominance, they are more ready to fight for their zvnishnistyu. In my opinion, stink more openly in intimate life, ready to experiment in bed and successfully violate everyday financial nutrition. For the same reasons, they would have taken the brunette herself for the squad.

How strong are the centuries, on this day 62% of rich people can be trivaly family blue from dark-haired women. No one can deny the fact that blondes are more sexy, attractive and terribly beautiful. Ale, in this rating, stench took off only 16%. Bulo naked, scho voted for them hangers-on "old look".

Such a choice of stench was smashed, to that which is firmly instilled - blondes, ce etalon beauty, and so it will be forever. If it costs 30% to decide, then the stinks are lost in their own thoughts - the color of the hair of their design does not have a special meaning. It is absolutely baiduzhe, up to some kind of "statistical class" there is a yoga companion of life. Ale, in a be-like mood, be-like a girl will be more beautiful and happy, like fresh bouquets of flowers to please you if you want just for a day.

Blondes and brunettes

The company "Garnier" conducted its research on the topic: "blonds and brunettes" and announced the results of the experiment. It turned out that 81% of the participants consider more brunettes, less blondes. And the axis, 76% of those who are sick, is convinced that the stench is not only Chesnish, but reasonable. From our experience, 60% praised the dark-haired women, denoting their stress resistance. Unfortunately, most psychologists are also not on the sidelines.

To the thought of psychologist Stefan Lermer: “The color of the hair defines the character of the person, the beautiful blondes in the greater vipadkiv can improve self-esteem. That's why the stench is so powerful and primal". With such assertions, one can wait, the shards of the clergy carried out a relativistic analysis. The stench from across the ridges collected information to produce such visnovkiv. And yet, all the same, it is necessary to ask for food, who is beautiful for a blonde or a brunette, it is unfinished. Navіdnі buttocks only zbivayut z pantelik. Age, the statistics show one thing, but really another.

Obviously, the brunette without make-up speaks of a feeling of separation from the important “deer eyes” and long shovky hair. The prote blonde is immediately associated with purity, innocence, bezmidstyu. The privatility of blondes is unchangeable. Especially perekonuєsh at tsoma, if you marvel at the thin, lower skin and bright eyes. The soul is filled with such warmth that one understands why people are so afraid to defend their dear whites in the light of grief. It’s like a woman to bring money from early childhood, if you’re hooting leather by її white coachmen and heavenly eyes. There is only one minus - the stench is automatically transmitted from the mature woman's life.

Trohi of history, who is the most beautiful woman and brunette

Blondes were in fashion from old times. In ancient Rome and Greece, women tried to hang their curls. And nature gave them shards to dark hairs, then in the past they went be-like cunning. For example, the stinks smeared the skein after skein with goat fat (ass-cutting, ashes) and for years they sat under the scorching drowsy promines. Maybe there are a lot of fairytale princesses, famous film actresses, sleepers and, what to add here, “the head woman of the world” Bogomatir Madonna is an angelic blonde. Possibly, the only argument against the greediness of the white-haired women, otherwise the stinks let go of their hands.

More than anything, the blondes were spoiled by the hour and the “epoch”, which gave them impersonal privileges, which were due to them by right. Ale tsi perevagi rozpetili our blondes. Possibly, the stinks have spent their pilnist, and the reasonable brunettes have knocked them down from the throne. If there are brunettes, then everything is exactly the same.

From the old, long ago, they were taken into honor by chaklunks, witches, and approaching istots, which were spat on bagats. So, the stench took away the zhorstka zagartuvannya, as it gave them to the present hours of serenity, hospitable intelligence and cunning - as a cost to them, to live. Today, such fires do not grow, but dark-haired dams, according to the legend, are carried by the flocks, it is not safe.

For a man, this is a viklik, for someone who tidies up a woman with such strained energy, arrogance and passion means taking away mighty power. Take care of the world of skins with them, the axis of what they want to hire for a job, take them for a squad and mothers of naschadkiv. The head clerk of the natural butt did not succumb to anyone - he survives the strongest. Such women purposefully reach their own, the axis is the star of the car, pennies and success.

Brunettes and blondes are all the fault of hormones

This is a vagomic argument, for which it became clear why blondes and brunettes are so different in their behavior and life position. Vcheni in one voice stverdzhuyut, that the color of the hair is poured into our hormones. For example, in blondes, estrogen is greater in the body, and in brunettes, the "human hormone" is testosterone. The very wine gives the dark-haired woman a deaky human character. Axis why їх so praise for more active activity,

stress resistance, rіshuchіst, nezalezhnіst - these are all human qualities. Blondes have more of a “female pidkhid” in their line, so the stench is often passively dealt with. I did not understand the aggressiveness and warlikeness. People get "estrogen" women, so they are so attracted to fair-haired ladies. Ale life is blowing the stink of the land to lead from the dark-haired, more active position, intelligence, communication allow you to live in your bedroom “under the sun” and “in partnership”, on the equal future.

Changing the image - beautiful blondes today, fatal brunettes tomorrow

If on the right to stand for the title, then there is nothing to be done just to over-farb. The current market of cosmetic products promotes a wide variety of farb for hair. You can get some henna. But it is necessary to lie one factor, which is why you have become a blonde, then it is likely that a lot of people will be put differently before you. Do not be surprised, as if you were taken into account by the weak, the lower, the defenseless - you look like that. Learn to accept gifts, compliments on tickets. People will begin to give you respect, catch

look what makes you romantic. So do not waste your head and remember that you have a light boot in your position. In order for the stench to think in a different way, show a correct character. On a daily basis, there will be more and more compliments to your address, so you will have to call to the hell out of supergirls. The skin needs to take your place.

Do not varto gruntuvatisya on statistical data, who is beautiful for a blonde or a brunette. Naygolovnіshe, as you befit your own person. And if you have become a brunette, then get ready to dodatkovo ї vіdpovіdalnosti, so that the words of these women are practically always taken seriously. People start to care for you better, but such a good image can help you to control the work. Forget about the image of the “wandering unicorn”. If you become a brunette, then you will shy away from NATO, because the world has the widest affliction. For this, many thanks to China, Africans and India stench made a contribution to our Svetobudov. Before the global globalization in Europe, the stench was a rare phenomenon.

Unsafe brunettes

The brunettes were respected by mythical, unsafe, harmonious folds, as if they were endowed with secret powers. The stench of the building is to transform any kind of person into their own slave, or zhalugidne worthlessness. And the best varto to sing to the gypsies and Jews, yakі in Pivnіchnіy Єvropі for a long time, they were practically the same brunettes. The stinks wore marvelous shati, prayed to the ignorant gods, to which they were overgrown with myths, like living donins. The words of the dark-haired girl marked the character of the untidy, expressive "woman-vamp". As modernity came closer to gothic culture, brunettes became popular. The skin blonde at least once dreamed of becoming a brunette, mother dovge, shovkovist and lustrous hair. At the sight of light hair, it really shines and shimmers like an advertisement.

Navіt having indicated a sprat of thousands of non-peripheral scientific facts who is beautiful or a brunette. Chi all the same? To this reason, sensible women are coveted with privileges and quiet, and others, hour after hour changing their image. Change the image of a different color, even the color of the hair can change the break of your life. Not a trace of cardinal changes, but in some cases you lead to a change. Smutty memory, which by nature always looks more striking to you, even if your native color, in which you look the most harmonious and in which you can be as comfortable as possible.

The information was given by a garna blonde

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Opposition to the white and black, which has already been three decades. No woman can share the same thought, who is the best among them - blondes or brunettes. Carried out various follow-ups, tests, reparations. And all for the sake of giving good advice on such a poor diet. At the same time, the representatives of the beautiful state actively show the color of their hair, respecting it the best. І tsya superechka does not stick and contagiously.

Suspіlstvo povnyuєtsya all sorts of stereotypes, and our statements about blondes and brunettes in their most nothing else, like a myth. Get the idea that blondes are bad. So, they have a light color hair. I what? There is no connection between the brain and this functionality. And let's carry out skilki invariably a lot of tests and doslidiv, the result will be the same - there is no link. Wanting for an hour to shy away the color to finish the unstained visnovki. Recently, after reading the results of one of the studies. It appears, as if a person is collaborating with a whitewash, guilty of bad guts. To go out, if I mate with dekilkom blondes, then I will become a fool? Lighthouse. Tsikavo, how did the stench carry out the examination and kill the intellect of a person? Adje tsey stereotype of bezporedny po'yazaniya z mozhlivistyu otrimati teplenke vacant place. So, robot giver, through a pardon, take on a robot a more brunette, a lower blonde. Across the ocean, they are specially prepared for dark colors before spivbesidoy. And all to the fact that brunettes are in vazhayutsya vіdpovіdnіshoy, sensible and purposeful. Tobto pratsіvnik-brunette is more beautiful (I am aware of the stereotype that I am famous for). Axis and let the blondes spin, sob and sobі to double the place under the sun. And all through the zabobons, that the blondes are bad, and the dark hair is a sign of the mind.

Abo take the right love. Here the whites may be clearly overwhelmed. Axis de precisely cholov_ki vol_yut blondes. Ale is a paradox: women with bright hair are successfully cured, and in family life happy women with dark ones. I know, after all, stereotypes are to blame for everything. In the presence of a man, a blonde has a biased, noble, such a small hut, a sweetheart of a man's heart. To that, before them, people and tyagne, like a cat to valerian. Ale only within the framework of non-serious stosunkiv. For this person, a less emotional, calm woman is needed. Like a brunette, like she seems to be a gospodar, a lover, and a noble one. Well, I’m starting to get tired of thinking at the same time. Axis and go out, that through the vast oman people love blondes, but they make friends with brunettes. Izrozumilo only, the stars blame such thoughts.

Judging by that, the blondes were placed well, not in a pleasant light: they stink bad, they can’t drive a car, and you can’t afford it for them - a maximum of a kohanka. A few imaginative anecdotes about them are not given to the motherfuckers. On this earth, brunettes are simply ideal women. Ale tse less in words. In life, everything is known differently. And in tsoma I perekonavsya, having nourished the well-known people for their worries. As I let it go, everything started from banal stereotypes. At the sight of one more word "blonde" the people came to life, showing interest. On a deep thought, the blonde has a greater choice of people, to those who are more likely to know about her. She is always seen at the NATO, it’s simply impossible not to succumb. But all psuє thought about non-seriousness, lightness and lightness. As far as brunettes are concerned, people spoke about them with lowliness and seemed to be in awe. Just as the blondes took beauty, the brunettes captivated the inner beauty. How it appeared, to look at the ladies with dark hair suvoro and to make it smarter (to be honest, without having lost respect). More than that, and trust more brunettes (why not?). Obviously, the thought is subjective, but all the same, it gives a statement about the thoughts of people of some brunettes and blondes.

It would have been possible to put a spot on such a “social experience”. Ale don't know. We try to sing a super girl between "white" and "black" ones, and then completely forget about other "participants". So, I'm talking about brown-haired women and rudi. Go live yourselves calmly, don't chip anyone. And the loud noise will make your life better. Їm i do not know how to sort out blondes and brunettes. Quietly adopted shorter capacity, conquer people. Moreover, the stink can be carried out in the court as usual - there are no stereotypes about them. As usual, brown-haired women are brunettes with blondes' rice, and rudi are blondes with brunettes' rice. Judge for yourself. Those brown-haired women may be greatly popular among people, even if they stink like a mystery, and be a kind of person to love them. Calling to blondes and brunettes, a person becomes so and gravitates towards the new and unknown. Brown-haired women swear by their beauty and intelligence. Don’t forget those who are the main “postman” of brunettes and blondes and brown-haired women. I want a lot of them, so they talked about them, so they go to such a rock. For the life of a brown-haired woman, I am softer for brunettes, with whom I am not deprived of addiction to blondes. Well, rudh, then here everything is confused. Vrakhovuchi їх small kіlkіst, іnteres to їхної persona forever goes off scale. For people, ruda is a girl's passion, fire, a constant drive. The color itself screams like that about a half-moist nature. In fact, it won't. It's just a thermonuclear sumish to make people mad. Passion is so bad. The wild nature of the blonde is the soul of the brunette to cheer on anyone.

Blondes and brunettes - so much food is left without help. Here a mustache is left to lie in the presence of the one who believes in the new one. I guessed, there will be no single thought here. There will be stereotypes, there will be supergirls, there will be devilish testis and achievements. Another river, that at the opposite side of the two sides, the third side wins ...

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