Deciphering the terms of appurtenance on foreign cosmetics. Tips&Tricks: An explanation of the terms of the applicability of cosmetic products - The secret world of a shopaholic on maternity leave.

Often, buyers of cosmetics blame plutanin with the term product attachment. Especially ce vіdbuvaєtsya when buying goods over the cordon or cosmetic products on the Internet because of the cordon.

In the United States, that Europe’s standard of care does not specify the term attached to a cosmetic product on packaging, i.e., it will change 30 months.

With the help of statistics, you know how and for which code you can assign the term of admissibility of cosmetics.

Behind the barcode, you can designate the country-virbnik, pіdpriєmstvo-virobnik and product code

Among the beautiful half of the population of Russia (even the women themselves make up the bulk of the cosmetic products), the idea has been expanded that the term appurtenance can be assigned to a barcode. Ale tse pardon.

The barcode allows you to recognize the following information:

  1. The edge of the virobnik.
  2. Pіdpriєmstvo-virobnika
  3. Product code.

Behind the 13-digit barcode, you can tell if the cosmetics are original.

You can recreate the original product in the form of refills with the help of such rozrachunkiv:

  1. Add up the numbers so that you can find the guy's serial number (friend, fourth, sixth).
  2. Multiply the amount by three.
  3. Add all the digits from unpaired positions, around the thirteenth.
  4. Add to the other sumi the previous result, which is more than an hour of multiplication.
  5. For a double-digit number, whichever happened, enter the first digit.
  6. Leave vodnіmit іd 10.
  7. You can enter a number from 1 to 9. Match it with the remaining number on the barcode. If the stench escapes, then this is the original product, and not a copy.

The term admissibility of cosmetics can be recognized by the so-called batch code. Below we will tell you, as if you were growing.

Significant term of applicability

The batch code is placed on the bottles with cosmetics, after it you can assign the term of product attachment

The batch code or the batch code (like the English batch code) is placed on the bottles with cosmetics. Tse not spozhivcha іnformatsіya, її vykoristovuyut less virobniks and sellers. There is no unified system for changing the batch code. There are only a handful of outrageous rules:

  1. Only Latin letters and Arabic numerals wink. Letters can be both great and small.
  2. The number of symbols - from two to ten.

Party code brown information: pochinayuchi vіd roku, mіsyatsya, and an hour і days the preparation of the goods і zakіnchuyuchi robochoyu zmіnoyu, cosmetics were vibrated in the yaku.

The mustache is shattered in that, to forgive the life of the virobnik. For example, if a product turns out to be defective, you may be able to sell the entire product line, and settle down only to a specific batch.

The batch code still needs to be decrypted. Tse can be robiti trom in the following ways:

  1. Ask the seller for a decryption table certified by a cosmetics specialist. This method is used for small houses and small brands.
  2. Turn around without a hitch to the virobnik. Most often, on official sites, form a return call, telephone and email addresses. Please enter the name of the product, including the batch code. Call the company to follow your customers.
  3. Use tables with algorithms for decrypting batch codes, which are available to free access in the least or by special programs, which can independently explain the meaning of the batch code. International companies collect data. Let's make a report on them.

Decryption tables and thematic resources

Use decoder programs for mobile devices, for the help of which you can define the term of cosmetics applicability

Middle of the table to finish a popular resource. Vіn proponuє deciphering the codes in the batch of a dozen dozens of brands.

An alternative option is decryption sites. Use them simply: you enter the name of the brand, the code of the partії і as a result, you will omit the termіn belonging to the product.

The largest available resources:

  1. is the most popular resource for determining the term of cosmetics. Crash site on English language. To avenge the majestic choice of virobnik companies, as well as ask forgiveness for them. I immediately indicate the date of completion of the term of applicability.
  2. is an English site with a very simple interface. May one more important thing: show me, de і yak know the code of the partії on the packaging of this product. If you see the date of the selection of the goods, then the end of this term is attached to you, you will have to rozrakhovuvati independently.
  3. is an English service. On the new one, there are few virobniks, but the deacons of rare brandy are dragged along. Before the new sensation, you didn’t know how to buy a brand of cosmetics on the front resources.
  4. - Russian version of the above-described The only brand identity - no swedish branding. It’s not so easy, because in the database of the site there are no names of picks, which can be brought to a halt for a long time.

Use mobile programs similar to other named services. The stench of all operating systems. Prote, vrakhovuyte, scho all sites-decoders vikoristovuyut vodkrit data, yakі can become old, that can be done to death.

Stitched products cannot be coristuvatisya. The truth is great, everyone can see. The term adjunctiveness in a reasonable form is used on foodstuffs, drinks, but it is not clear on packages and jars of cosmetic products. Even though the cosmetics of the house are not only negatively signified on the level of privablivostі її svyasnitsa, but also the manager of a serious bad health. How can you secure your own vipadka?

In this article, it is about those how to designate and de-verify the term of applicability of cosmetics according to the batch code, how you can recognize it by the barcode, how to work at the time of purchase, stitching and how to properly take care of your cosmetic bags.

Is the term of appurtenance more commonly used?

Literally, you knew the old lipstick more than once, but you were your own mothers, grandmothers in an absolutely unchangeable state. For the most part, these terms are needed, but the richness of the cost effectively never changes with the hour: the carcass is so black, the olive leaves a straight line, and the foundation still smears imperfections. Can all the steps of marketers, how they make us buy new cosmetics over and over again?

Really, everything is not as it seems. What is the difference between our cosmetic bags, if the term of appurtenance reaches a logical conclusion?

Chemical warehouse knows significant changes:

  • Changes in acidity.
  • Active speeches are collapsing.
  • It is necessary to rozsharuvannya (singingly you have mentioned more than once, like a jar with a product sumish pours on oil that water).

All tserobit our cosmetics ineffectual. Vaughn becomes unsteady, it is more superimposed and extinguished.

But still not the scariest. Stitched cosmetic products begin to multiply bacteria.

On the right, in what, in any case, recognized for our transformation, there is a song, even if it is small, a part of organic speeches. And the stench is an ideal medium for the reproduction of microorganism, building nastiness will become our shkir and healthy zahal. It is very important to do the same for the terms of vikoristannya.

It is significant that not only cosmetics, but sponges, brushes, and brushes are worth wearing. It is necessary to regularly clean and replace the tools with new ones regularly.

One more moment is needed. After that, as you put a zapovіtny tube and vіdkryli yogo, becoming a contact together with repeats, but directly ingested in the new microorganism. On the other hand, this part is absolutely not sloppy, but in the world of that, as the end of the term victorious is approaching, the army is at the reach of neimovirnyh rozmiriv.

Yakby and I looked around at the microscope under a microscope, then they wondered at the speed of reproduction of unsafe microbes. The most widespread disease-causing bacteria, which are found in cosmetics, are streptococcus, staphylococcus aureus and intestinal coli.

Defining the term for the appurtenance of cosmetics: why is it necessary to use the stitching?

The upper ball of the skin is called the epidermis. This particularity lies in the fact that wine can build up to clean up everything that is put on it, like a sponge. Shkіrnі vіdrazu vіdrazu signal about those, scho mi vikoristovuєmo neakіsny product. It is most often manifested in the appearance of visips, visips of vugs, teasing, and changes in pigmentation of okremyh raspberries.

It should be noted that the igniting process, calling out the presence of microorganisms in the body, has begun. Potim vin stimulates the activation of the client's immunity - our defense.

Even more often the signs of inflammation do not show themselves for a long time. Mustache processes are accumulating, coming from attached forms. Really, it’s even more shkidlivish. Aja ill will be given as signs only once, if the organism cannot resist it. As a result, we take away chronic ailment, it is practically impossible to get sick. It is important for the very same to follow the terms of vikoristanny of all cosmetic benefits. Adzhe stink is guilty of pіdkreslyuvati your beauty, but chi don't choose її.

How to recognize the term of admissibility of cosmetics by code: batches, calculator, programs and other methods

I have a few options, so they can help us figure it out, more often than not, we can win that chi more zasib by reading the batch code.

What is a batch code?

Він є set lіter і digits, yakі roztashovanі on the packing product. Do not confuse with a barcode (the designated term for the attachment of vins is not black). As a rule, vin is written a troch lower.

The very code of the party and to remove all the information about the pickers and the terms of the accessory to the cost. It is important to read yoga and todi, no bacteria and ailments are not terrible for you.

Let's look at the main ways of decryption

Take advice from the seller

You can directly turn to the consultant in the store and ask him to help you. As a rule, stinks can access databases and easily give you the service.

Speed ​​up with tables and appendices

Great brandy is the easiest to digest through the Internet. Zrobiti tse can be kіlkom ways:

  • Tables-calculators

Behind them, the designation of the term of appurtenance behind the code does not become anything collapsible.
I use anonymous lists, in which the brand is indicated, the product code and its report decryption. You can marvel at how it works.
An example of such a table of representations in the photo.

  • Website for decryption

It's easier here. Even the special algorithm of the rozrahunka is already incorporated in their program.
Let's take a look at the best maidans for re-verification:

The program is written in English. Ale do it all wisely, adzhe folding lines there is nothing here. You can enter the name of the virobnik so you can easily know yoga. On the site you can not only know if the cosmetics were prepared, but you can also help with different products of the different groups. Plus є nayavnistnost mobile version so you will be even more rewarding for the quality of the products.

Language of the interface is also English. Vіd usіh vіdrіznyaє zruchnym servіsom, which helps to know the code on the package. As soon as you enter yoga at a special window, the program will show you a photograph, on which it will be depicted, the descriptors of this brand will change the party code. The minus is the lack of free navigation on the website. Come and ask for those things that you need, having spent a lot of time.

Include few brands to your base. You cannot automatically unravel the product applicability term. On the site, you can only find out the date of the selection. Qiu program can be said on the phone from the look of the program for Android.

Even more similar to Checkcosmetic, but there is no swedish trick for brands.

Information about the brand on the sites can be found, so do not ask and look for the necessary brand on the other squares.

Get an addendum on the phone

Even more carefully stitch for yakistyu, without reporting any particular zusil.

If you have Android, then download these programs:

"Change your makeup"

"Cosmetic wizard"

For IOS:

"Cosmetic bag"

Forgive me that zruchne addition to my Russian mine. Allowing you to revise terms by code, and create a list of cosmetics prices. Tse dopomogaє kontrolvati camp usіh nayavnyh koshtіv.

Get in touch with virobniki

Go to the website of your company and enter into a dialogue with the recruiters through the form of a call. Managers, call, promptly provide food to clients.

How to revise the term admissibility of cosmetics: other ways

Keep track of the hour

It is important to remember, if you have pridbali tsey zasіb i began to zastosovuvati. Golovne, take to respect those that the skin type of cosmetics can have their own term perebuvannya with your cosmetics.

  • Foundation and powder - no more than 12 months.
  • Rum'yana ta tinі - no more than 24 months.
  • Lipstick and eyeliner - from 6 to 10 months.
  • Carcass - approximately 4 months.
  • Varnish for nails - troch more than 2 months.

Change the term of appurtenance at a glance

Such a way is also possible. It is important to carefully look at the skin tube, to remember the different changes. For example, in rare textures, and the appearance of flecks of vology, which often traples with stitched lipstick, that wrinkle can be seen, for example, in shadows.

Kindly remember similar changes not only on the rugs at your beauticians. Give respect to samplers in stores, don’t beat them up, as you have long spent a commodity look. The stench can be infected with bacteria and viruses.

The definition of the term for the applicability of cosmetics behind the code: what work, what is already stitched?

Don't brag. Vіdpovіdno to the law “On the protection of the rights of spozhivachіv”, you can return the purchase to the store, de you either return the pennies, or exchange the goods for a yakіsny.

Most of the time, people don't turn to the shops, because they wonder what the salesperson should tell them at the door. Vіn may tse right only in that moment, if you put on cosmetics with the normal term of applicability and you want to replace it through those that you don’t need to look at, or you’ll be safe.

All commodities with the term vikoristannya, which, having passed, must be turned around, because you don’t want to worry about the drive of well-paid koshtіv.

How to take care of cosmetics correctly?

First, what you need to bless, think, how to be different for different types of cosmetic benefits.

Mascara and lipstick should be taken away from the warm weather. And the shadows and the foundation do not varto roztashovuvat in the hands, where they sip a sleepy light on them.

Know such a place, in which there will be no moisture, increased temperature, no sleepy changes. So you will save all the products at the government station.

Another, what is necessary to fight - why should you save. There are a lot of options here:

  • Casey

They rejoice at the arrogance and impenetrability. Vіdminne solution not only for professional make-up artists, but also for amateurs.

  • Space for cosmetic bags

Standard place for taking jars and tubes. Bazhano choose a little more, less needed. Tse save a lot of bottles from the trash.

  • boxes

The ideal accessory for the home victoria: inexpensive and practical. You can pick up a sprat of containers, so that you can save all cosmetic items. How beautifully decorate such a box, you can add a beautiful detail to the interior.

  • Containers

Do not take a lot of time and do not let the water pass and drink. Even more functional, it allows you to beat them like a house, and every hour of travel.

  • Cases

It is wonderful to cope with the function of zahistu okremih zasobiv. Bring such an attachment for lipstick or powder. So you can wear cosmetics on your own, so don't be afraid to mess up and seal the bottom of your purse.

  • Valiza

If you have a lot of cosmetics, then this is the best option. At the same time, different virobniks are prepared by their special departments and police. You will take care of everything and do not harm them at the more expensive fares.

Now you know how to recognize the terms of the applicability of cosmetic products for the batch code, save lipstick, mascara, foundation and shade, which work with already purchased stitching.
Let's hope that this knowledge will become for you a right-handed wand-viruchalochka, as if you could allow yourself to be beautiful and healthy forever!

Good afternoon doby dear clients, friends and guests side =) For the sake of all bachiti and want to tell about those, what term of appurtenance in perfumery, skilki perfume bottle« for special vipadkіv ”you can stand without zіpsuvavsya.

First you want to mean, that all aromas can be different term attachment, may be 6 months and 10-15 years.
How to recognize, How many extras have you already bought perfumes and how can you not buy stitching perfumes?

— On the skin bottle and on the skin box in the bottle, є code , in which the term of applicability and the date of preparation is encrypted. Vin is calledbatch code(don't mess with Ref. code!)

Same batch code ( batch code) original Chi perfume You have added a replica.

Where to know the code? - ring out the code engraved on the bottom of the bottle or on the side.
І at original perfume the same code is on the box.
Tobto yakscho qi two kodi(On the box and on the bottle) you can order - better for everything You brought the original.
Yes, you can revise(pierce) whole code and decipher, tse can zrobiti for example
Photo - Primerbatch code on the original bottle:

Important addition! The original testers are not the fault of the rules for rechecking batch codes.
If the tester is original (but not original testers), then on a new t just like that standard version vials for sale є code and stench may zbіgatisya. For example, like on the original tester armand basi in ed.

What is the cost of the perfume (the very perfume) of Chanel No. 5 is the same as the butt of perfumes, so you can’t think of the term of appurtenance. For washing the right way to save the stench of eternity.On the vials, as if the term of applicability is possible, you will hear the indications in the format of the axis of such an icon.(tse means that the aroma is adventitious for 36 months)

For replicas (copies, analogues ) aromativ zazvichay tsі two codi raznі, otherwise they run away (the rest of the hour more often), ALE when deciphering such a code, You can write, that the term of applicability of the vial is past. Tse zovsim does not mean, scho so out th є. The essence of the replica is that, what is the copy of the original. Vidpovidno just your bottle with a replica of copies from the bottle of the original for which term has ended - it’s worth it only sane looking- Bottle design, fonts and write.

Now let's talk about those, how to grow so that the bottle of perfumes is not closed and without spending your own aroma - about saving.
Axis of Vi became a happy volunteer of the sacred bulb. When I come home, what do I have to do?) Soundly unpacked! І wikidaєmo box - a darma!
Save your favorite perfumes from the factory box - you don’t let the light in, and the light is most perniciously poured onto the molecules of the aroma, so leave out a bottle of perfumes at the end of the day for a long time, You can easily remember the decrease in yogo resistance or change the smell.
The next option for the wrong choice is the bath of the room. Adje mi girls, most often we bring beauty there. well, it is welcome to send the soul of the loved one to the aroma on a clean sheet of paper, ale vology also captures your fragrance.

Well, at the end of the day, don’t save your perfumes in the room, where the temperature drops, constant changes in temperature will lead to the fact that the aroma lingers.

The best option would be to take a bottle of perfumes at a room temperature of 18-23 degrees, in a dark place (for example, a wardrobe), in a factory box, then the aroma will delight you for a long time, and you will be quiet to yourself and beautiful perfume.

Continuing the theme of the term "applicability of cosmetics", today we have a small settlement about those, how to designate yoga for the party code. Tse vminnya can become in good fortune in dekilkoh vipadkah.

First, the swindler with the term of appurtenance can be blamed when buying cosmetics abroad. That is why the term for it does not start. For example, American and European scribes do not legislate to indicate the date of termination of the term of attachment to a closed eye, which means that the wine will exceed 30 months. (2.5 rocks). For such cases, the date of selection (i, vіdpovіdno, the term of attachment to a closed look) can often be assigned only after the batch code.

In another way, we won’t use the term of applicability of instructions on the packaging, instead of being marked with the batch code. Most often, on import cosmetics, Russian distributors indicate the date of completion of the term of attachment on a sticker with a translation. It's a pity, if the agreement between the term of applicability of the distributor and the factory one for the batch code shows that the stench does not always run out.

Before that, the sticker with the term will sound on the box or on the top packaging of the cellophane case. At the result, figuring out the packaging, we also include the date of completion of the term of applicability. The batch code sounds not only on the box, but also on the bottle/jar/tube itself.

Therefore, the batch code is the best way to find out about the date of manufacture of cosmetics. I only lost the ability to learn to shrug it off.

What is the batch code

This is an alphanumeric code, which is applied by a virobnik on the package. Anglomovna name batch code or lot number.

It is important not to confuse the batch code with the barcode.

The batch code is indicated only by letters and numbers, without any graphic symbols. Vin can be entered from 2 to 10 digits, as well as great and great letters.

The batch code is for service information, and not for information. There is no single coding rule for that. The skin of the virobnik of vikoristovu vlasnі, zruchnі that nebnіbnі yomu znachennja.

The cream of the batch number itself in the code can be “shovans” the number of the change, which released її, the factory, when it was broken, etc.

The code allows the maker to identify the batch, in which case the product was chosen, shob, for example, at the time of displaying the product, the sale of not the entire lіnіyu of cosmetics, but only the first batch.

Still, we can still take service information for the purpose of arranging, adzhe, krіm usogo іnshoy, code obov'yazkovo maє mіsti rіk, mіsyats, іnkоl і day of preparation of this party.

3 ways to decipher the batch code

For those wines and code ☺, which can take this information, including the date of the selection, it is impossible without a forward decryption.

Method 1. Request from the seller

Ask the seller for an official confirmation of the decryption of the code values. The best way to work with small brands.

Method 2. Tables and additional decryption

For great international brands, you can tweet data about party codes from the Internet. Such information is provided by dekilcom in ways.

Tables of decryption algorithms

For example, it is written in detail what exactly that chi, other letter, and number of the code of the song brand means.

Table example:

Special decryption websites

Everything is simpler with them. On such sites, decryption algorithms are embedded in the program. You only need to select a brand and enter a code.

A short look at the sites for the definition of the term of applicability

Services can be adjusted to a number of available brands. If you don't know if you need a brand on one of the sites, try searching on others.

Programs for rechecking the term of applicability

In addition, in our blessed era of gadgets and the Internet ☺ we can click the code of the party like a pot, having added an addendum for a smartphone in Google Play and the AppStore. In this rank, code will always be handy and help you promptly review the terms of appurtenance right in the store.

For example, for android you can hack with the following programs:

For iOS:

And what is especially welcome - all the descriptions of the programs are cost-free. ☺

When vikoristanny tables, services and programs for decryption, remember that the stench of vikoristovuyut data. Therefore, there may be some inaccuracies.

Method 3. Turn back straight to the virobnik

Even if you didn’t know the information about how to decipher the batch code in more significant ways, you can try to contact representatives of the brand directly. For example, through the form on the official website of the company, or by email, after stating the name, you will be asked for the batch number so that you can be called. On my confirmation, more virobniks should go on a daily basis and report back promptly and report back. Ale buvayut and vinnyatki.

Axis, maybe, and everything that is worth the code of the party and the assigned term of appurtenance. If you have lost your food - put it in the comments, I will obov'yazkovo on them.

Do you review your cosmetics by code? What kind of servants do you earn?

Read LaraBarBlog, upgrade your cosmetic skills and be beautiful. ♥

Who, say, without a moment’s notice, shine from the handbags with Lancome lipstick, Dior mascara, and, throwing a glance at the mirror on the powder box, go past the girlfriend, drinking the aroma of the unforgettable Chanel No. 5? You can create your own dream on the websites of cosmetics and perfumes.

However, here it is also necessary to be on the alert - nerіdkі vipadki vyyavlennya at the request of the goods are not pershoї svіzhostі. As you can see, the use of stitched cosmetics can make you healthy, not less, or even stitched skin. How to reverse the term of cosmetics appurtenance behind the code in order to become the first victim of beauty?

How much do you save cosmetics?

- Closed packaging.

The term saving more closed profits, with right mind savings to become 36 months (3 years). For cosmetics that are considered to be natural and organic, the savings term can be less.

I sent a break.

How to define the term of admissibility of cosmetics after opening the package, we look at the table.

How to check the date of preparation and the term of applicability of cosmetics online?

A different format for the date of preparation and the term of applicability of products purchased overseas, or on the Internet, it is called as a vowel to us: date / month / date. At this time, the date of preparation can be determined by the code (English - batch code), which is made up of Latin letters and numbers, which are put on the skin of your goods. You can find this code in the lower part of the container: bottle, tube, etc. it is also indicated on the packaging of the product. On the top of the barcode and other numbers on the label, the batch code is applied in a dotted way over the already overlaid packaging, so you know there are no particular problems. Decal applied batch code on Guerlain and Bourjois lip glosses:

Deciphering the term of admissibility of cosmetics is carried out for the help of a cosmetic calculator, posted on one of the thematic sites. Axis find them:


English language:

Everything is simple here - you just need to choose a brand from about 200 submissions, enter the product code (batch code) and press the “Open” button. The site is visible report result- the date of the selection of the cost, the term of attachment, how many hours have passed since the date of selection, the balance has left the rest, in the light, the term itself of the attachment of the cost.

Axis and all the secrets of re-verification of the term of applicability of cosmetics and perfumery, advertised in online stores. Be respectful when choosing cosmetic products and obov'yazkovo reverify the term of їхної appurtenance before vikoristannyam!

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