Write three non-union folding propositions. Bezspіlkovі folding propositions. Uzagalnyuuche word with the same members of the speech

Fallen in the meaning, meaningful words between simple words in the unfortunate folding words, there are such different signs: coma, speck with coma, dvokrapka, dash. To reconsider the meaning of a non-successful collapsible proposition, one can use synonymous constructions of colloquial or colloquial sentences.

Coma in bezspіlkovom folding rechennі put at times, as simple as propositions pov'yazanі vіdnosinami pererakhuvannya (one-hour and sequence). Between simple propositions, you can insert a split that.

SR: Zaviryuha did not smell, the sky did not clear up(Pushkin). - Zaviryukha did not smell, and the sky did not clear up; Potyag pishov swidko, yogo fire soon woke up, through the fluff there was no more noise(Chekhiv). - The train was fast, and the fires soon appeared, and there was not a bit of noise for the whiling.

Krapka with a coma in a bezspіlkovom folding speech, it should be put in a slump, as if the propositions are simple, they are connected with the refractions, but in the distance one is one after the other, or it is significantly wider:

Livoruch black glyboka gorge; / 1 behind him and in front of us, the dark blue peaks of the gir, smeared with balls of snow, painted on the bleak sky, which still takes the rest of the dawn/ 2 (Lermontov).

Dvokrapka in the unionlessfolding

1. Another simple proposition explains the difference of the first (see the blue explanation). Before another proposition, you can put the words but yourself, tobto.

SR: A terrible thought blew in my mind: I revealed it in the hands of robbers(Pushkin). - A terrible thought passed through my mind, and to myself: I found myself in the hands of robbers.

Get respect!

Dvokrapka is put obov'yazkovo, as in the first word without spelling folding propositions є words so, such, such, one and so on, a specific example of which is revealed by another person.

Sound like this: signed, so get off your shoulders(Griboyedov); I'll tell you only one thing: you can't sit with your hands clasped(Chekhiv).

2. Another simple proposition is to supplement the first one (additional blue). A conjunction can be inserted before another proposition.

SR: I know: the blow of the share does not hurt me(Lermontov). - I knew that the blow of the share did not hurt me.

Get respect!

Other words for the first person look, look around, listen that in.; word formation raise your eyes, raise your head that іn, scho ahead about the distant contribution. In this way, between the parts of the union-free speech, you can insert not just the union sho, but the following words: i pobachiv, scho; I feel, what; and guess what etc.

SR: I looked from the wagon: all bulo haze and whirlwind (Pushkin). - I looked out of the wagon and shook my head, that everything was cloudy and whirlwind; Vіn thinking, sniffing: smell of honey(Chekhiv). - Vіn thinking, sniffing and guess what smell like honey.

3. Another simple proposition indicates the reason for going to the first word (reasons for blue). A causal conjunction may be inserted before another proposition.

SR: Now everyone is at home mali suvoriy viraz: earthworm boov no good(Tinyan). - Now everyone is in the house of Mali Suvori Viraz, for the earth coward is not up to good; Birds didn’t feel a bit: the stench doesn’t sleep at the age of speck(Turgenev). - Birds didn’t feel a bit, because the stench doesn’t sleep at the age of speck.

Tyri to the unskilledfoldingwords to be placed in such vipadkas:

1. Another simple proposition is to avenge the failure to arrive, to change the order to change it. Before another proposition, you can insert the words і raptom, і unmatched, і raptovo, і once:

Sir vipav - bula shahrika taka with him(Kriliv). - Sir vipav, and the shahraystvo taka was not born with him; Blowing the wind - everything shuddered, came to life, laughed(M. Gorky). - The wind blew, and at once everything shuddered, came to life, laughed.

2. In another speech, the collapsible proposition is expressed in opposition. Mіzh simple propositions can be inserted a, ale.

SR: Serve b radium - serve tediously(Griboyedov). - Serve b radium, but serve is tedious; Vin guest - I am the master(Bagritsky). - Vin is a guest, and I am a master.

3. Another proposition is to revenge the consequence, result, visnovok. Between parts you can insert words to that, also, as a result.

SR: I'm dying - I'm dumb to what nonsense(Turgenev). - I'm dying, I'm dumb to what lies; I would have liotchiki pishov - let me teach you(Mayakovsky). - I’d like to help the liotchik pishov, so let me teach you.

Note. Even though the meaning of the consequence is not pronounced intonation, instead of a dash, put a coma, for example: People are not stupid, we know(Chekhiv).

4. Wash the first hour of the hour. Before the first part, you can put splits if, for example.

SR: The intestines grimace - the mice are privileged (adjective). - if the intestines are gritting, the mice are privilya; If there will be wood, there will be fungi (Pushkin). - If there will be wood, there will be fungi.

Note Like a friend of a proposition in a bezspіlkovіy foldable speech starts in part so that a coma is put instead of a dash, for example: Give it to the skin on the throat, so it will soon happen to go hungry(Pushkin).

5. At another rechennі mіstsya pіvnyannya. Mіzh simple propositions can put spіlki nachebto.

SR: Promote the word - the nightingale sleeps(Lermontov). - Speak the word, nibi nightingale sleeps.

6. Another proposition for a folding unfortunate speech may have an added value and start with words so, so, so:

Order є order - so yogo was swung(Vorobyov).

Another proposition may have additional meaning and before it you can put the word tse (another word tse є in the proposition itself):

Plan for the analysis of an allied collapsible proposition

  1. Specify the type of folding proposition (bezspіlkova folding proposition).
  2. Tell me, from several parts, a folding proposition is formed (see the grammatical foundations).
  3. Indicate the meaning (meanings in blue) between the parts of the non-split proposition. Ground the setting of the rozdіlovy sign (coma, speck with coma, double speck, dash).
  4. Encourage the scheme of a bezstupnikovo foldable proposition.

Zrazok razboru

Oak trimming - the reed fell to the ground(Kriliv).

Bezspіlkova folding proposition; consists of two simple parts: 1) oak trim; 2) the reed fell to the ground; grammar basics: 1) oak trim; 2) the reed fell. Another proposition can be replaced by a proposition (between parts you can insert a union a: The oak is trimming, and the reed has fallen to the ground). Therefore, a dash should be put between parts of the collapsible proposition.

- .

Lipetsk region

Rozdіlovі signs at the folding union.

Didactic material

I. Staging a coma and a speck with a coma

Coma to be put in an unionless collapsible river for a subdivision of parts, closely tied one to one (between them you can put an alliance і ) i signify at once chi consecutively that the subdivisions are observed.

Rolling cores, whistling coolies, hanging cold bagnets. (A.Pushkin)

Krapka with a coma put at times, if the parts of the union-free folding speech are smaller than each other (because of the difference and intonation the stench is close to independent speeches), and if the parts are already wider (mayut Komi) they are grouped behind the change (at the time of living the Komi by the jointless folding parts proposition is a missing sign).

Wound of miracles; it is cold outside; the sun is low.(I. Goncharov) The pale-gray sky was light, cold, blue; the stars now shone with a weak light, now they shone; the earth woke up, the leaves were sweaty, de-no-de the lunatics began to live sounds, voices. (I.Turgenev)

Head 1. Read the text. Watch out for the intonation, stylistic features of the unfortunate folding propositions, wrap around the living of Komi and specks with whom.

It's fun 2 to make your way 6 along the narrow 6 roads 6 between two high walls 3 lives. Colossus quietly beats you 1 in appearance, the hairs are chipping 6, 2 by the legs, the quail screams in front of you, kіn live lazily 2 rice. Axis and lіs. Silence and silence. Articles 5 osiks stick high 6 above you 3; dovgі hanging gіlki birіz lіdvі vіd 6; the mighty oak stand, like a fighter, white garnoy linden 4, 7.


Respect! Parts of the unionless collapsible speech, which are scattered in a speck with a coma, appear in a lowered voice to the end of the part (mayzhe yak at points) and significant pauses between parts. Promote the tempo in such speeches to sound uplifting.

Reading the text of I.Turgenev in a different way, prepare to read differently. Look out for the mood, which the author conveys.

    Vznachte, yaki movnі zasobi the variety of vikoristani in the rest of the proposition.

    Choose a synonym for the word stannі.

    Indicate a type of one-word speech. What is the role of the text?

Manager 2. Read collapsible propositions without explanation and learn the grammatical foundations in them. Verishit, in some folding propositions between parts it is necessary to put someone, and in some - a speck with a coma. Round your choice.

Write down the speech, placing the signs. Insert the missing letters, open the arches.

1) In the middle of the night, it approached and grew like a gloomy haze, it was given up at once in the evening pairs, the sounds rose and swayed (h) the heights poured dark. 2) Everything was swishy black and smelled, only the quail screamed. 3) Already I (difficultly) roaring around the surrounding objects, the field is unclearly white (behind) it (skin mitt, putting on majestic clubs, having a gloomy haze). 4) One sloping hump was replaced by another. 5) Great drops blushed with the change of brazkaltsy, draw me nazustrіch clean and clear, and compress the wounds (n, nn) ​​її the sounds of kolya came in the cold. 6) The wind, having fallen like a wing, was angry and froze with a nightly winter warmth, it blew in the air of the earth. 7) At night, it was important and syro shoved me into a rose (n, nn) ​​disguise, it was prepared for the black gloom of growth, and the bachachi poured across the sky with its own swollen throat.


1) Tim for an hour approached and grew, like a thundercloud; it was given, at once from the evening pairs the sound rose and navit from the heights the darkness poured. 2) Everything around was swishy black and smelled, some quails were screaming. 3) Already I have carefully distinguished objects in the distance; the field was unclear; behind him, with a skin mitt, puffed up with majestic clubs, raising a gloomy haze. 4) One gently sloping hump changed to another, the fields inexorably dragged behind the fields, bushes of nibi rose raptly from the ground in front of my nose. 5) Great drops of dew swarmed around here with interchangeable diamonds; less nazustrіch, pure and clear, then you also swept it with a cold chill, the sounds of ringing filled up. 6) The wind fell, then it screeched, and it stopped; nightly warmth wafted from the earth. 7) Nothing important and syro smelled of me in a fiery disguise; a thunderstorm was building, preparing; black gloom grew and flew across the sky, perhaps changing their dark outlines.


Manager 3. (Formulation of the current ones, remove those punctuation skills.) Continue the propositions in such a way that they become collapsible without union: a) with whom; b) with a point with a coma.

1) The sky is starting to get dark.
2) Fires lit up in the evening streets.
3) Bliskavka shone uninterruptedly for Mayzha ...
4) The river was in full bloom ...
5) Behind the village, grim grim ...
6) All nature breathes freshness.
7) Look cleaner and clearer ...

Head office 4. Prepare to read the text in a different way, with great respect for intonation and choice of different signs in speeches.

Chi know you, yake nasoloda hang up to dawn? You go to the ganok... On dark syrim sky de-no-de flash stars; water wind zrіdka nabіgaє light sickness; you can feel streaming, indistinct whisper night; trees make little noise, douse the mud ... Behind the mud, by the garden, peacefully croaking watchman; skin sound nibi do not pass. Axis of vi power; the horses destroyed at once, loudly caught the vіzi ... You are cold crumbs, comir overcoat; to you sleep... Ale axis vy vіd'їkhali versti chotiri... The edge of the sky red; jackdaws are passing by the birch trees; gorobtsі tsvіrіnkayut bіla dark skirts. Lights see, you can see the road, clear the sky, white clouds, green fields. At the huts with red fire burn splinter, behind the gate chutni fall asleep vote. And at the same time the dawn roar; the axis is already golden smuga stretched out across the sky, in the yards swirl bets; larks sleep well, predsvitankovy blowing wind - and quietly spitting scarlet sun. It's so light and the hell is a stream; your heart tremble, like a bird. Fresh, fun, love! Sun Shvidko rise; the sky is clearer ... You climbed the mountain ... What a sight! River get in about ten versts, dark blue crimson fog; behind her water green bows; for bows gently sloping slopes; in the distance chibisi with a cry get in above swamp; A sudden glimmer of water, spills in the window, the distance clearly stands out ... How freely the chest breathes, how badioro collapse members, yak mіtsnіє the whole person, choking fresh spirit of spring!


    Head the text, choose the main idea.

    How many paragraphs can you see in which text?

    What is the role of bezspoluchnikov folding words in the text?

    What is the explanation for the eminence in the production of rozdilovyh signs (komi and specks with coma) between parts of unlucky folded speech?

    How can the author distinguish the viability of vikoristani?

    Explain with spelling in the seen words.

    Fold a small text, victorious folding propositions with whom and with a dot with whom, on one of the upcoming topics:

1. Before a thunderstorm.
2. Early morning.
3. Summer evening.
4. Zaviruha.
5. Leaf fall.

II. Setting up a two-pack

dvokrapka between parts of the unionless folding proposition to be placed in such situations:

1. As between parts of the causal blue (another proposition indicates the reason for going to the first river), in which case you can put splits in front of the other part so what, shards .

Unknowing people should never boast: ignorance is powerlessness.(N. Chernishevsky)

2. As between the parts of the explanatory blue (the other part is explained, concretized the thought of the first part), in which case, in front of the other part, you can put the explanatory-adjunctive splits but yourself, tobto .

Weather bula zhakhliva: stormy wind roars from the night, it rains like a rain from the wind. (I. Goncharov)

3. As another part, add the first part, expanding one of the її members (sound the award). In the first part, in the first part, you can insert the words of the movie, thoughts, feelings, thoughts ( feel, feel, feel and similar). Converting splits: what yak .

Vіn pіdvіv head: krіz thin pair shone gold Vedmeditsya.

Head 1. Read the speech. State non-union collapsible propositions, some others have a part
a) indicate the reason for going to the first part;
b) rozkryvaє, explaining the change of the first;
c) additional change of the first part.

1) I moved in at the hut: two benches and a table and a majestic screen of a stove were stacked all the furniture. 2) I didn’t fall asleep in a moment: in front of me at the darkness, a boy from big eyes kept spinning. 3) I moved and looked at the window: something suddenly passed through the sky and the sign God knows where. 4) We looked one at one: we were struck by the same suspicion. 5) I lifted my eyes: on the back of my hut stood a girl in swarthy cloth, with loose braids, a right mermaid. 6) There was a bula harn: tall, thin, black eyes, like a girskaya serka, so they looked up to your soul. 7) I am mindless creations: I don’t forget anything. 8) Grushnitsky nabuv taєmnichego looking: to walk, throwing his hands behind his back, and do not know anyone. 9) For a long time, a tremor ran through my veins at the sound of that sweet voice; she marveled at me in her deep and calm eyes: they showed distrust and looked like a zakid. 10) For one thing, it was wonderful for me: I never tried to be a slave of a kohan woman; Navpaki, I’ve been strumming over their will and heart of an unbearable power, I don’t mind about it. 11) It’s not at fault to confess the wickedness, that one repents: I can see the guilt of the more wicked. 12) Oh, I ask you: do not torment me, like before, with empty bags and coldness. 13) I am laughing at everything in the world, especially at the thought: why do you start lying. 14) I looked at her and sneered: її rebuke showed a deep roar, tears vibrated in my eyes. 15) Our Rozmova began to be slanderous: I began to sort out the present and daily of our acquaintances, a handful of funny ones, and then the filthy side of them. 16) If such a people are already sick: to know everything. 17) I’m angry and went to the window: I’m not smartly counting the window, allowing me to drink and hear their words. 18) Mind my axis: you are publicly aware of your slander and ask me for forgiveness. 19) About one thing I ask you: shoot more shvidshe. 20) Everything is made even more beautifully: the body was brought in ... the sack from the breasts was viinated. 21) A rich hour passed from that hour: I penetrated into the moustache of the secret chambers of your soul. 22) I do not love anyone else: my soul has laid on you all its treasures, its tears and hopes. 23) I took from the table ... an ace of hearts and threw an eel: everyone's breath was rattling. 24) I opened the hut and approached the fatal wind: my heart was beating strongly. 25) I love to doubt everything: I don’t care about a strong character. 26) There are two people in me: one is alive in a fully understood word, otherwise to think and judge yoga.

    From what creation were the rows taken? Name the author.

    How to explain more often the placement of a special borrower I in these propositions?

    Give a complete punctuation description of 10 propositions.

    Cross the speech scheme 9.

Manager 2. Read. Vyznachte smyslovі vіdnosinі mіzh parts foldable propositions bezspіlkovyh. Write down the speech, placing the different signs, supporting the grammatical foundations, in the offensive sequence:

1) another proposition points to the reason why the first person should be told;
2) a friend of the speech reveals, explaining the difference of the first;
3) another speech, supplement the first speech.

1) In the world, such happy individuals marvel at them, skin like, just like the stink of warming you or stroking you. 2) Not only spicy beauty spilled in every way thin body grafted me out, її my soul became like me. 3) It was not my legs that carried me, not the chauffeur carried me, they lifted me like wide strong wings. 4) Raptoma I smell me htos cry. 5) My head was going around in circles, then a lot of hostility surged up in her at once. 6) Vіn loving її prejudicedly and nіkola nothing їy not having hindered the guilt from the soul, having respected himself in front of her wine.


Manager 3. Continue the propositions in such a way that they would look like collapsible non-union propositions with a two-fold. Vyznachte smyslovі vіdnosinі mіzh parts.

1. Roslins refresh again: ...
2. Lis vplivaє on the temperature again: ...
3. Love nature: ...
4. Read the book by V. Kaverin "Two captains": ...
5. I looked at the sky: ...
6. I'm happy: ...
7. About one thing I ask you: ...

III. Setting a dash

Dash be placed between parts of the unionless folding proposition in such situations:

Legs to wear - hands to wear. (Subsliv'ya)

2. As in the first part, it is indicated for an hour, or I will think about what to go to the other part. Turning splits: an hour - if , mind - yakscho .

1) The evening will come - the stars will light up in the sky. 2) If you like to ride - love to carry that sled.(Subsliv'ya)

3. Like another part, to take revenge on your own whiskers for the traces of what happened to the first part. Colors of blue can be crossed with splits so what, that .

The ball of darkness was too thin - the sun shone brightly.(K. Paustovsky)

4. As a part of an unfortunate collapsible speech, the value of the match may be lost. Converting splits: nibi nibi yak.

To marvel - I will give a karbovanets. (Subsliv'ya)

5. Like parts of a bezsp_lkovy folding river, they paint a shvidka change under it.

Sir vipav - bula shahrika taka with him. (I.Krilov)

6. Like a part of a bezsluchnikovy collapsible speech tied with step-by-step waters. Converting splits: wanting, no matter what .

I told the truth - they did not believe me. (M. Lermontov)

Head 1. Read the speech. What are the meanings of the blue are shown by the dash sign in these unfortunate folded words? With what kind of splits can you transcend? Cross the intonation schemes of the 1st, 2nd, 8th words. Write down the words with the seen letters, explain their spelling.

1) I buv g about to love the whole world - m e nya n і who is (not) sensible. 2) Vin (not) r a waving his hands is a sign of deakoy's secret nature. 3) I repeat about riv pr і vote - vin n і what (not) vіdpovіd. 4) Vd a chi in і all drank - Azamat sk a feces per l і hom Karagese. 5) Sprob about shaft go p e shkom - my legs one before about silis. 6) Postril r a zdavsya - dim napovniv kimn a that. 7) Gіrske oz e ro sv e rkaє in the sun - shimmer with all colors e there in about charming chrysta l. 8) Mist of Ra ss e I all - at e shini know z a St. e grumbled on the sun. 9) I'm modest - m e nya obv і hired in cibuli in stvo.

(M. Lermontov)

Manager 2. Write, zgrupuvavshi prislіv'ya for smyslovymi vіdnosinami їх parts. Insert the missing letters, see that spelling in these words.

1) Summer is attributed - winter is given. 2) Temryava light not to love - not to endure the evil of the good. 3) Go ahead - they don’t zh_lyut in_los. 4) Dzherelo calms the spragu - a good word revives the heart. 5) On the eye, turn_sh_ - crookedly measured_sh_. 6) Courageous people win - fearful people die. 7) Do not shout to yourself - let others quietly say about you. 8) Science does not die for nothing - science works by practice. 9) Abetka to start - for the whole hut kr_chat. 10) Having finished on the right - walk boldly. 11) Є patience - will be і vminnya. 12) Right hour - fun year. 13) Pratsya people feed_t - molting port_t. 14) Better zorish - more bread to take. 15) The red sun has fallen - goodbye, bright month. 16) A person without a fatherland is a nightingale without a garden. 17) Zі svіtu on the thread - naked shirt. 18) Eyes to be afraid - hands to shy. 19) Look at the Altin - don't look at the ruble. 20) Wagon fell - you don’t know. 21) A white pen is a black soul. 22) To be fooled by fools is a fool himself. 23) Talk wisely - take a drink. 24) With a friend to weld - an enemy in_z_lit_sya. 25) Wave your club without help - your post. 26) The root of the vchennya is hot - yogo licorice. 27) Teachings without practice - bjola without honey. 28) After reading a good book - chat with a friend. 29) Together for the right, take hold - the wasteland will bloom. 30) Mova one, vuha pair - once say, two p_listen. 31) Don't fool a friend without a dog - you'll be left alone. 32) Come and ailments, and bidi - the sounds are left forever. 33) Happy mumbling about success - unhappy crying loudly about your unhappiness. 34) Hissing a word to the ailing one with love - turning youmu half of his health. 35) The rich man at the herd does not know the heifer - the rest of the heifer was taken from the beggar. 36) Do not pozhovti prats, do not fill up - in the flower vreshti-resht the key is twirled. 37) The first stone is crooked into the ground - the whole wall went upside down. 38) Form a friend - lie down with a stone word. 39) A sensible head of a hundred heads of years is thin and one is not good. 40) Melt day until evening - hear nothing. 41) If you read books, you will know everything. 42) An enemy of a pidtakuє - a friend of a dispute_t. 43) Don't stand up - the day is gone. 44) Khv_stun and tell the truth - no one can believe you.

    Indicate propositions, such as those based on the living of antonyms.

    Name the synonyms for the suffix.

IV. Exercise right

Head 1. Read the speech. Folding rows and folding propositions can be reworked into folding without union. Write down, placing signs.

1) Sending those orders to the letter, and to the mind and a little bit invested in them for the purpose of the book. (M. Gorky) 2) With feet, a person is guilty of growing into the land of his fatherland, but don’t let your eyes look around the whole world. (J. Santayana) 3) It is popularly believed that bliskavits “dawn bread” that they hang at night. That's why bread is poured shvidshe. (For K. Paustovsky) 4) Small stones of life pick up the mind, and great ones rise. (Leonardo Da Vinci) 5) When you choose to love someone, learn to forgive on the cob. (A.Vampilov) 6) Not only did you take the books, but the books took you. (V. Shklovsky) 7) If you want to be rich, don’t think to increase your own, but only change your greed. (K.Gelvetsky)

    Appreciate the main idea of ​​the adjectives (propositions 8, 9, 10). It's a pleasure to take revenge in the last days Read not rozmirkovuyuchi - scho є not rezhovuyuchi?

Manager 2. Write down the propositions, put up the different signs, circle your choice. Support the grammatical foundations of speech.

1) Whoever goes on the road and needs to go on his own, take his own book as a companion, there is no better companion than її ailments and sufferers, let him take a book to help him in the world, there is no more likіv її stronger. (Long-standing wisdom) 2) To love a book will help you grow into a string of swindlers of thoughts and teach you how to respect a person. (M. Gorky) 3) Vaughn [the book] brings people to life and the struggle of other people gives the opportunity to understand their experiences, their thoughts, their pragnennya, it gives the opportunity to sort out the necessary things and transform yoga. (N.Krupska) 4) Be led with a word, it is necessary honestly, it is the greatest gift of a person. (M. Gorky) 5) There is no need for science to love people, more than hard, that is possible, lower science. (M. Gorky) 6) And my prohannya pogogaє in the attack to protect our language. (I.Turgenev) 7) I marveled at the heart of me, sadly sadly, at night I went to the peasant's hut. (I.Turgenev) 8) The knot of the stitch led between the bushes to the steepness of the skel’s, the skels became tricky blocks of natural gatherings, squealing behind the bushes, they began to fight. (M. Lermontov) 9) The head of Mashuk dimila became smoky, like a tar-skip extinguishment; all around Yogo hovered and called, like snakes, sir klaptiki gloomy, zatrimani at their pragnia and nibi clasped behind yogo prickly chagarnik. (M. Lermontov) 10) The axis of the new people gathered from the fortresses of the wines [Kazbich], without noticing anyone, stood and talked and went back, I paid a lot of money for the rams of the wines without shackling them. (M. Lermontov) 11) Pechorin listlessly carry your suffering madly chasing guilt for life, joking around everywhere, loudly ringing guilt at your pardons. (V.Belinsky) 12) Water to all pan drive and fire is afraid. (Subsliv'ya) 13) Do not fall into another hole yourself . (Subsliv'ya) 14) Do not bark not cleanly in your mouth. (Subsliv'ya) 15) Kobila competed for one tail and mane was lost. (Subsliv'ya) 16) In the midst of the noisy attack of the unknown, the sounds of the mind of me were guessed by the power of the miraculous stench of my whole heart. (A. Fet) 17) The little boy streaks of color at the yard in front of me, this little boy has not yet been beaten. (G. Vieru) 18) At the skin, remove the smell of specialties from the bakery smell of pastry and health. Call the joiner's shop with a smell of shavings and a fresh wood. (J. Rodari) 19) You just need to work well, work hard, then laugh and cry for the happiness of our mothers. (O. Shestinskiy) 20) There is nothing saintly and unkindly loving mother, every pretense, every love, every passion is weak and self-righteous against her. (V.Belinsky)

    Indicate propositions that support the approaching schemes:

– ; – .


    Show the unfortunate folding proposition, see the blues between the parts that are causal-inherited.

    Illustrate with such spelling butts from propositions:

1) -yes, -tysya in the words: ...

2) n, n suffixes of different part movie: ...

3) not with different parts of the movie: ...

4) the root of the vowels that are cursed: ...

5) unvoiced voices that are distorted in a voice: ...

    For the help of a gloomy dictionary, explain the meaning of the seen word.

    Write down the words, budova yakikh vіdpovidaє schemes:

    Indicate parts of the mov from the 17th speech.

Manager 3. Read the passages of literary works. Indicate the author, name the creator, name the genre.

Hurry up, inserting missing letters, setting up different signs.

1) One bad mother did not sleep. Vaughn crouched down to the vigoliv'ya of her dear blues, which lay in order. Vaughn blew them with her wet breasts, she blew them up, and only for one mile to shake them in front of her. My blue my blue my dear, what will be with you, what checks on you, she said, and the tears bulged in the wrinkles, they changed it, if it was a beautiful disguise.

2) Sweetheart of the good old woman
Do not be friends with sad thoughts
Listen to the harmonica I will lower
I will tell about my life.

3) Do not leave mothers alone
The stench of selfishness is getting old.
Middle turbot zakohanih (n, nn) ​​and books
Don't forget to be kind to them.

4) I know a lot about the exploits of women, they carried the wounded soldiers from the battlefield, they worked for the people, they gave their shelter to the children, they went along the Siberian paths for their people. I never thought that everything is worth it to my mother. To the quiet litter of the irritating everyday oz_boche (n, n) oh just feed us at the same time ...
Now I look back at my life and I'm out of here through it all. I'm running out of zapiznennyam. Ale, I'm running.

5) You became the heart of Suvori
Be kind to her children.
B_r_gite Mati in the form of an evil word
Know the children to hurt all the hospitals!
... Mother will die and not smooth out the scars.
Mother will die and do not take pain.
I swear to protect my mother
Children save the world Mother!

6) Friend my brother my comrade my
how s_vit you mother
Rush to her with your heart. Sp_shi.
Rush to her in the very winged rocket.
Skin to wear on account. Be smarter lower sound
and what is light.
Sleeping in the dorozi do not vibachesh yourself forever.
Ah, mother's commandment, what do you have in the world of the wise?
You bring us to the dawn at the dark night of the deaf.
I'll be strong in the world few filthy mothers!
Why is there more evil on earth?
І stink selfishness? I dry hearts stinginess?
Adzhe yak on the swimmer would work light for people
Yakby of all their mothers were heard by offspring.

7) Give me a great soul
Good heart
Eye (not) dream
Hands mіtsnі (not) spiteful
Very important mother buti!

(N. Gogol. “Taras Bulba”; S. Yesenin. “Snow stop crushing and splintering”; A. Dementiev, Yu. Yakovlev. “Heart of the Earth”; R. Gamzatov. “Take care of mothers”; S. Islands. "Mother"; A. Yashin. "Mother's prayer.)

    Create schemes of folding non-split propositions, show their grammatical foundations.

    For the help of a gloomy dictionary, explain the meaning of the words of the chair.

Head office 4. Prepare for a better reading of the text.

The constant presence of the mother is angry with my skin condition. Її the image indistinctly moves with my reasons ... I sometimes lie at the forgetfulness, as if in the middle I become sleepy and untiring: the pulse may stop beating, the breathing was so weak that they applied a mirror to my lips, to recognize that I was alive; Doctors and all of them condemned me to death a long time ago: doctors - for flawless medical signs, and suddenly - for flawless filthy marks. It is impossible to describe the suffering of my mother, but the presence of the spirit is buried and the hope of vryatuvati their child was not deprived. “Mother Sophia Mykolayivno,” she said more than once, as if I myself felt a relative far away in my soul, “stop torturing your child; even though the doctor, and the priest, having told you that you are not a swindler. Submit to the will of God: put the child under the image, light a candle and let the angelic soul go out of the body in peace. And you only care about it and turbuєsh її, but you can’t help ... ”Ale, with anger, my mother chimed in such a way and confirmed that while the spark of life is glimmering in me, she won’t stop doing everything you can, for my brother, - I put me again in a hot tub, poured Rhinewein or broth into my mouth, rubbed my chest and back with bare hands for a year, and even if it didn’t help, then reminded my legends of my breath - and I, after a deep zithana, started a stronger breath , nibi prokidavsya to life, otrimuvav svіdomіst, stav їsti i speak і navit ozhuvav deyaky hour. So it happened more than once ... I attributed my order to the unfailing watchful eye, unflagging options, boundless respect for my mother. Respect and pikluvannya was like an axis: constantly demanding pennies, interrupting, as it seems, from a penny to a penny, my mother took out an old rhine at Kazan, perhaps for five hundred miles, for an incomparable price. The city of Ufa didn’t have the same titles of French white bread - and a lot, that’s leather mail, mail, generous wine, bringing three white bread from Kazan. I said about it for the butt; so the very dotrimuvalosa at vsomu. My mother did not let the lamp of life go out in me, which burned out; Having begun to vanish, she is small with the magnetic twist of her life, her breath.

(S.T. Aksakov)

    Formulate and write down the topic and the main idea of ​​the text. (The mother’s self-sufficiency for the life of her child is the theme of the text. The text’s sense is deep: while Mother is on earth, it’s not scary for people, they’ll heat up the fire in the middle of the haze of the night, don’t let it go astray and abyss, help, close the air, wake the soul, vryatu, turn to life.)

    Explain the setting of different signs in the text.

    Indicate folding propositions in the text.

    Attach the scheme of the third speech, give it a description.

    Guess the spelling "literary n і nn in the words of different parts of the mov”, illustrate with butts from the text.

    Fill in the table with butts from the text:

    Get ready to write down the text for dictation.

Head office 5. Read the text. Write down, having placed the signs, circle your choice.

You bought a new book ... You can get it in a hard card (n, nn) calico I will cover with a hard card (n, nn) ​​about (paper) palette or in a soft paper cloud. The book is new clean and crooked. Do you want to save її in such a look? Remember

Books to be afraid of 1 sleepy changes (not) read 6 їх on a clear sun. 7

Books to be afraid of orphanhood (not) read them under the board.

Books to be afraid of ford and fatty beaches (not) read them (hour) and (not) take them with your hands.

Books to be afraid of a saw clear 2, 3 їх with a saw.

Books are afraid of mechanical pardons (do not) bend 2 їх (not) fold (in) them such objects, re-burning 2 take up the shape of the sheet and (do not) shed your finger. 7

Speed ​​with the light of your youth 3 books 1 will be continued 4 .

(3 calendars)

    Text title. Take yoga's main idea.

    Explain the meaning of the seen word.

    Vykonayte indicated vidi rasborіv.

    Pick one-root to the bottom book, reading.

Head office 6. Let's say that the two-pointers in the butts can be seen up to three different punctograms. Why does the intonation of all speech have a similarity to making a double-dip?

1) I, having sprung a crock and indefatigably zmusheniya buv zupinitysya: kіn my knitting, I don’t succumb to nothing. (I.Turgenev) 2) Pratsya spare us the sight of three great evils: nudga, vice, consume. (Voltaire) 3) I marveled around: the tract and regally stood nіch. (I.Turgenev) 4) V.G. Belinsky Stverdzhuvav: "Literature is the knowledge of the people, the color of that plaid of spiritual life." 5) Knowledge is rooted in three speeches: it is necessary to richly bachiti, richly read and richly suffer. (W. Foscolo)

Head office 7. Read. Explain the setting of the two-box in the text.



In the autumn the wheat was wet by the ants: the stench was dried. The hungry grandmother asked them for food. Goosebumps said: "Why didn't you take food?" Vaughn said: “It wasn’t a long time: I was asleep.” The stinks laughed and seemed to say: “It’s like a grail, a bribe is dancing.”

(L.N. Tolstoy)

    Formulate and write down two meals before the tale.

Zavdannya 8. Please indicate where the dash was placed: b) in an incorrect proposition; c) in front of an ominous word; d) in the unfortunate folding proposition; e) in a folded-out speech.

1) Pishov dry snig - and raptom knocked down with plastics. (A.Pushkin) 2) Understand your fault to the end - the axis of power of the sage is that courage. 3) You can see the birds by the feast, and the people by the promos. (Subsliv'ya) 4) Splkuvannya with a book - this is the indispensable form of the intellectual development of a person. 5) We descended into the ravine, the wind died down to a mile - peace strikes clearly reached my ears. (I.Turgenev) 7) Read a book - improve your memory, constantly learn new things.

Head office 9. Find out "Third Zayve". Round your choice.

I. 1) One should attack thoughts for additional thoughts: for ideas, do not fire from towels. (A.Rivarol) 2) Vaughn raised her eyes to the Zusillas and immediately saw them: Gogol, marveling at her, laughing. (K. Paustovsky) 3) Batkivshchyna is made up of specific and visible speeches: hut, strength, river, song, kazok, pictorial and architectural beauty. (V. Soloukhin)

II. 1) I am alive, I bov - for everything in the world I shake my head. (O. Tvardrovsky) 2) Don't waste your patience - this is the last key that opens the door. (A. de Saint-Exupery) 3) Remember the guilt of self-esteem and take it away from the new contentment - a great gift. (B. Shaw)

III. 1) Do not sleep, beauty, with me the song of Georgia is sumptuous: they will tell me wines in my life and the distant shore. (A.Pushkin) 2) It’s time for the bazhan to come: love and friendship will come to you, close the gloom. (A.Pushkin) 3) I give up the place for you: for me it’s time to smolder, for you to bloom. (A.Pushkin)

Zavdannya 10. Spishit, arranging split signs, inserting missing letters, arranging arches.

1) Learn all the same scho weep (for) the flow, zupinivsya on the whilina and you were blown (on) the ass. 2) Engage in wounds on the white sky of gold, the blaze of the flat is fresh and the wind is worth more. (N. Gogol) 3) For everything that exists in nature, water across the sky, seeing the sun, woods, whites, rivers, and lakes, bows, watering, colors, and grasses in Russian language, impersonal good words and names. (K. Paustovsky) 4) The word is the key and the heart is open. (Subsliv'ya) 5) In the autumn of the first cob, it is short and marvelous about the whole day to stand like a bi-crystal and change in the evening. (F. Tyutchev) 6) If a person is to fall in the nature, then it’s out in the nature to lie in it, it’s robbed wine and reworks. (A. France) 7) Give people all the blessings of life, but if you leave this rosy sense of life on earth, you will be unfortunate. (K.Ushinsky) 8) An evil person is similar to a mountaineer, it is easy to break ale (prace) sticks together; (Indian folk wisdom) 9) All the same, happy people should be in their rightful love. (Vl. Nemirovich-Danchenko) 10) The closeness of the Russian people is closely connected with the reasons for the growth of life. The perishing of Roslin will inevitably famously threaten people. (K. Timiryazev) 11) Wealth of other people (not varto varto to see the stink they gave it at the same price, as we sacrificed for the sake of the new one, for the sake of our health, honorable conscience. For this expensive (s, s) deal brought (bi) us more churn. (J. Labruière) 12). (O. Lunacharsky) 13) It’s too great an hour to slacken a person (not) attached to the market (not) to walk with evil zlotki there you need a change (n, nn) ​​a mine especially dribnitsa. (N. Chamfort)

    Show folding propositions without union, cross their schemes.

Zavdannya 11. Read. Guess riddles. Write, arranging rozdіlovі signs.

1) One llє 1 the other is the third growth. 2) One seems to be beaten, 6 the second seems to be 6 constantly, the third seems to be kidnapped, kidnapped. 3) Little black dog 6 curled up 2 lie down, don’t bark, don’t bite, but don’t let them into the booths. 4) 2 rivers flow 6 we lie down. Lіd na rіchtsі mi bizhimo 4 .

    Tell parts of the language from the first word.

    Watch out for the analysis.

Zavdannya 12. Read the text. Explain the rozdashuvannya rozdilovyh signs and seen orthograms. Get ready to write the text under dictation.

Summer, sticky wound! Yak vtishno br about kids on z a re! Green rice l about live following your nig on p about systems, e livi grass. Wee ra h dvin e tі wet kusch - you are so і obdas nak about warm, scho drinking, zap a home of the night; repeat the whole nap about wine with fresh hot water about lines, honey gr e sneezes and porridge; wda what a wall about it oak lіs i bl e stit i a lїє on co l no; more St. e and about, hello already chu inє transport I'm close to speck. G about l about va languidly circle transport I see too much a G about hoots. Chagarnik is dumb to about no... De- de hiba wda chi w e ltie posp e ro and, y h kim p about glossy red gr e sneeze. Axis zaskr і slept t e lega; crochet samples і raj transport I'm a man, put the horse in the rear in the dark ... Vee p about zd about fought with him, about yishli - sound ch uy la h g to about Sir a zd a e transport I'm behind you. The sun is getting bigger and bigger. Shvidko dry e t grass. The axis has already become hot ... Crisis thick bushes about solver, p e R e puta nn 2 chipped grass, descent e te 2 wi to the bottom about the enemy... Under yourself about eyebrow t a syaє ch geek; oak bush eagerly h throwing over the water their paw parts such b I; great e R e bristi bulbashki, up to about go wild, pid і toil from the bottom, covered with dry barch a dark moss 4 ... You are in the dark, you are quiet і type n a senior sir about stu; you x about R about sho 3 ... Ale sho tse? Wind outside e suddenly n a l e tіl i mumchav; the air suddenly shuddered: why don’t we make up? .. Ale axis weakly e bliskavka glared... E, that tse gr about per! How much more brightly shine the sun: about want b still possible. Ale hmara r a steth: front її edge vityag і to be sleeved, on about nya transport I'm squealing. Grass, bushes, all raptom pet e changed... Hurry! he seems transport I'm in і days transport I am nn oh z a paradise... hurry up! Wee ext e sorry, in about ishli ... What kind of plank? like glitter? Dehto-de crisis about broken nn shii dah water dripped on the fallow field... Ale the axis of the sun began to shine again. Thunderstorm Ave about yishla; you left і ti. My God, how fun it is to see everything around, how to show the world and 3 and rare, like a smell e 2 mlyanikoyu and mushrooms!

(For I. Turgenevim)

    How can you name the text?

    How many paragraphs can you see? Yaki? Try to fold the text to the plan.

    Appreciate the artistic idea of ​​the text. Designate the things that allow you to grow.

    How to make an interphrasal link with a vicorist I.S. Turgenev?

    Indicate parts of the mov in the rest of the proposition.

    Create schemes of folding non-split propositions. Reinforcing the grammatical foundations of folding speechless words.

    Give a complete punctuation description of the fourth sentence.

    Watch out for the analysis.

Zavdannya 13. Prepare for a better reading of the text. Explain the placement of the rose signs, the spelling of the seen words. Get ready to write down the text for dictation.

I remember for a long time: heat, suffocation, fury on the hairline, methane in napіvmarennya: important child's illness. I raptom hello, just from the other world, pouring it's gloomy, soft, cooler and stroke the forehead, water in, and lower the heat; and come to sleep - mitzny good sleep clothes...

Mother's hands. I remember their lives, the children have fates, - garni, s long fingers. I know them present... I also know: chi hit unsupported bida, chi hurt the soul, chi spend yourself chi love, first hand, stretched on additional help be the hand of the mother.

Truth, sometimes we appreciate it too much piznoі delayed we use quotations vikupiti my callousness, disrespect, and inodі - those who quarreled chomus talk about kohannya. For life.

By different there were their shares, the shares of our mothers. Look at the number of hands: instead of the hacks of an old tree, summarily drain stink on the knee. The Rocks have lost their traces on them: with deep paths assigned spend, grief, vtom, lack of sleep, puffed up, nache strings in povin, overworked veni... dawn until evening, went to the hanok, sighed, sat down on the warm gatherings, folding her hands on her knees. Check chogos? Maybe like this: sina, sho for a long time not buv at a party, donka, what grew up indefatigably, onukiv. Axis vdadutsya - bake out їх, be rozpovidat dovgu a fairy tale to sleep a song, sorting out children curls...

Contribute mother's hands at their own, lift, approach to your own appearance, marvel at wrinkled with wrinkles fingers. pong prick boules gnuchki and spritni, soft and equal. Ale yakim would not stink - young and old, smooth chi "with vuzliks", nothing more beautiful than they are, and you cannot be in the world.

(For O. Kuzmina)

    Turn your mind to the problem that is broken in this text, in a small creative work. Lighten up on the food:

2) how can we pay, give mum for її love, carry, mov a candle, what to burn, through all the rocks of її life? for sleepless nights, spending the life of our little one, at the fight against enemies and ailments, which often fall to the lot of children? for a penny, a penny, what three rivers at rivers, and at the same time such an incomprehensible work around the house, according to the state?

(For O.Volodimirovim)

Vykoristovyte, if possible, to express your thoughts folding propositions.

Zavdannya 14. Read the speech. Try to name the author, TV, genre. Spishit, arranging rozdilovі signs.

1) Raptom Sirny spirit Lisitsyu zupiniv Lisitsya bachit sir Lisitsyu sir captivated. 2) The crow croaked at the top of its throat sir vipav after him bula shahrika taka. 3) I know the secret and I will show you a little chest in the Mechanism and I am worth a lot. 4) Axis for the Casket, taking the vins to twist yoga from the sides and laming your head. 5) Neviglasi judging exactly like that, what’s the point of not thinking that everything is rubbish with them. 6) "I'm angry for nothing, I can't allow you to drink kalamutiti yoma." 7) You marvel at the dilka іnshoy trouble throwing you marveling at all the vins zdaєsya zі shkіri torn that only all forward does not move like a squirrel in the wheel. 8) The toad on the puddle bobbed the Ox itself corpulence Behind him, there’s a boisterous bula. 9) With the Palladium of my Orestes, only the clappers up the hill fly, forcibly they poured water on them. 10) I am your old matchmaker and godfather come to reconcile before you zovsі not for the sake of welding will be forgotten in the past fret! 11) Everything has passed in the cold winter, the need for hunger has set in. Grandmother doesn’t sleep anymore and who would ever think to go to bed hungry! 12) The bridge [bridge] looks like it is simple and simple, but the power is wondrous, the liar can’t go through the new one, it’s not possible to fall half way and fall into the water. 13) Tse Pike tobi science forward rozumnіsha buti and do not go after the bears. 14) The man has small windings, he knows the melancholy in Bulat. 15) Axis scho about those I feel sideways dry before Komaru, having shown anger, Leo evil took Komaru, and did not endure, climbing Komaru on Leva in war. 16) Here the Nightingale manifests its magic, becoming a blot, whistling in a thousand ways, pulling overflowing. 17) The world does not like such examples to recognize someone in satire.

    Explain the distribution of rose marks. Create schemes of folding non-split propositions.

    Give a complete punctuation description of words 5, 7, 9, 11, 12.

    Appreciate the meaning of seeing words.

    In which meaning the word is implanted dry at the 15th river? Take it to the next synonymy.

    Guess the rule "Spelling -yes, -tysya in the words” and illustrate with the butts of these words.

    Watch out for the analysis.

    Indicate parts of the mov from the 9th speech.

    To continue the formulation of the visnovka: “Tales of I. Krylov to revenge on your own ...”.

    What are the appearances, wadi inflict on the host I.Krilov in his tales?

Zavdannya 15. Read the speech. What sort of signs should be placed in them? Explain your choice. Save table.

1) The day I saw the slyota zranku pishov wet snow was ahead of the plank ... (B.Mozhaev) 2) Fomich, looking at his old tarpaulin shoes and tying them with orphan belts, the road to Tikhanov is long. (B.Mozhaev) 3) The day of cold milky bіlі rozpatlanі gloomy hmari rose to the sky in the black sky between the bugs. (V.Nabokov) 4) Vaughn marveled at herself in the looking-glass: the appearance was blіdіshim vіd zvuchaynogo. (V.Nabokov) 5) In the shape of yoga, the borsukov’s was pulled forward with a blunt appearance with black whiskers and a white beard with bevels, a low forehead and a gray stubble, which is slick to lie flat. short hair. (B.Mozhaev) 6) Winter has passed for good reason, it’s time for spring to knock at the windows and my wife from the yard. (F. Tyutchev) 7) Zhovten has already set in already, and the rest of the leaves are crushed from their bare throats. (A.Pushkin) 8) Over the humpbacks in a clean year, it smoked again, carrying a hot, intoxicating smell of dry polynu, distant voices sounded clearly, the birds shouted, what do you see. (V.Rasputin) 9) I was very thin, my mother came to the city on spring and snarled for me. (V.Rasputin) 10) Nastenka, stunned by the elk, marveled at the snake, the viper, like before, lay curled up in a circle by the warm change of the sun. (M. Prishvin) 11) The Axis is already starting the evenings again and everything is getting colder. (M. Prishvin) 12) The road freezes in the autumn cold. (A.Pushkin) 13) So it happened in them all the misfortunes fell on their own on Froliv day. (B.Mozhaev) 14) Repair of a buv bi death for a booth is not possible to galvanize old zadubili brushes. (V.Belov) 15) I remember miraculous mit you appeared before me. (A.Pushkin) 16) Freedom and freedom are understood by one and the same way. (Quintilian) 17) Teaching will require three speeches, the gift of science is right. (Aristotle)

    What propositions did you write down? Why?

    Which columns of the tables are missing? Capture them with your butts: store up your words and write from literary works.

Distributed: Russian language

lesson type: the development of a new material and the primary yoga consolidation.

Objectives of the lesson:

  • Illumination: recognition of learning with the main signs of unfortunate folding propositions and different signs in them; molding vminnya rozstavlyat rozdilov_ signs in the BSP.
  • Developing: the development of cognitional wisdom and rozum’s habits, verbal and written language of learning, spelling and punctuation through practical activity.
  • Vikhovna: translating love into native language from the butt of artistic texts by M. Rubtsov, A.S. Pushkin and other classics of Russian literature; moving love to the native place, the native land.


  • molding vminnya signifies the meanings of the vіdnosiny between the parts of the unfortunate folding speech;
  • molding of the beginning of the transformation of the BSP in the folding and folding propositions on the basis of the syllability of the meaning;
  • a concoction of minds that helps develop the communicative competence of students through work in pairs;
  • development in the mind to analyze the current material, conduct self-control and self-assessment, formulate the power of visnovki.

Until the end of the lesson, learn the duties

  • nobility: signs of unfortunate folding propositions;
  • remember: know BSP in texts, learn BSP in other types of folded speech; to establish meanings between the parts of the BSP, to place signs of separation.

Recurrence: signs of folding and folding propositions, see the link in the SPP with the number of rows.

Ownership: computer, handouts for students, reference table "Punctuation marks in BSP"

Winners of the COR: slide, test.

Forms of activity of students: individual, pair.


1 stage. Organizational moment. Motivation for initial activity

Lads, A.P. Chekhov, when he said: “Knowledge only the same knowledge, if it’s naboute zusilly your thoughts, and not the memory of» ( Presentation, slide number 1).
- How do you understand the words of a famous writer?
- The truth of the words of A.P. Chekhov mi and reveriemo this year at the lesson: at once rozmirkovuvatimemo, analizuvatimememo, doslidzhuvatimememo, stavlyatimememo.

Tasks for children: vodkriti zoshit, sign the number.

Children, beast-bearing up to one s A.P. Chekhov's vislovluvan: "Rich signs, but the skin may have its own meaning that place"(Slide #2)
- About yak_ signs to be found at vyslovlennі?
- Are you good for these firms?
- And the other great classic of Russian literature, A.S. Pushkin, speaking about different signs like this: “Stink, to see the thought, bring the words in the correct spelling and give the phrase lightness and correct sound” ( slide number 3)
- The correctness of the judgment of A.S. Pushkin and A.P. Chekhov can also be brought to the lesson.

2. Actualization of basic knowledge. Repetition of the material covered

Target: repetition of knowledge about seeing folding words: SSP and SPP.

Guys, have you already become familiar with some folding propositions?
Henceforth, as always, first of all, we will be able to repeat the training, so that we can successfully prepare for the under-bag attestation.

1. Theoretical warm-up "Virno - wrong"(Slide number 4)

1) NGN has parts of the wrong order (one sub-order is ordered)
2) In SPP, the propositions appear to be less than the help of the splits.
3) The SSP has offended parts of equal rights.
4) At the SSP, a coma is put in front of the union I.
5) Union and union words are not members of the speech.
6) The SPP has a proposition for the first time after the head one.

Suggestions: 1 - so, 2 - nі, 3 - so, 4 - nі, 5 - nі, 6 - nі. (Checking the opinions of the couples; the note is put on the score sheet) (slide No. 5)

Why 2, 4, 5 and 6 are false? (Vіdpovidіdі children)
- Whoever has scored 6 balls - raise your hands!
- Whoever has done a warm-up for 5 balls - will shine in the valley!
- Well, I’ll have a chance to do some extra work!
- Father, lads, such propositions are called foldable?
- What propositions are called folding?
- I'm impressed that at the same time you can show your knowledge about the SSP and SPP in practice when you are vikonannі test zavdan.

2. Test task. Group manager (Slide number 6)

1 option. Indicate the numbers of folding propositions;
2 option. Specify the numbers of folding propositions ( Addendum 1)

In addition, learn to blame to say who, among the famous Russian poets, should lie in rows of verses, with such stinks to practice.

The re-verification of the vikonan work is carried out in couples (learners are changed by zoshita) (slide No. 7)

Quantity of balls should be recorded to the score sheet.

Who could know the SSP on the "vіdminno", on the "good"?
- Who hasn't had mercy on the Vkazіvtsі SPP?
- Well done!

Father, who was the author of the miraculous rows, did you work with them?
Well, it’s obvious that the rows lie with the famous Russian poet, our fellow countryman Mikoli Mikhailovich Rubtsov (slide No. 8). Mykola Rubtsov, A.Yashin, O. Fokina, O. Romanov and many other poets and writers described the beauty of our land in their poetic creations, and our miracle countrymen-artists, composers in paintings and in music.

3 stage. Homework revision

Do you guys love your native land? Read the speech with distinction syntactic constructions(simply and folded), in some way they spoke about the native place, the Vologda region. (Vіdpovidі uchnіv)
- Let's turn to the test task. Why did the 1st and 3rd groups of vi not show in types 3, 5, 8 and 11 propositions? (Proposition 5 is simple, others are collapsible with a non-split link).
- Why do you care that 3, 8 and 11 propositions are associated with non-union collapsible propositions? Behind what signs did you designate?
- Father , the topic of our today's lesson “Unionless collapsible propositions. Rozdіlovі signs in bezspoluchnikovіy foldable propositions"(Recorded by zoshit)

4. Goal setting and task for the lesson. Motivation for initial activity

What are the goals that we set before ourselves today on the lesson? What are you guilty of learning before the end of the lesson? (Slide number 10)
- Tsіl_ set, pragnimemo to їх vikonannya.

5. Development of new material. (Slide number 12)

Caution over the current material (texts of the layout of the leather party)

1) What are the propositions in front of you? Describe them. Designate type supplementary propositions at SPP. Replace allied (SSP and SPP) propositions with non-split collapsible propositions (usually) How are the meanings of allied and non-splilk propositions expressed at the same time? Pardon the intonation. Under the hour of preparation until the end of the vicarious season, the assistant on the side 94-95

A) If it’s early, we’ll break on the road. (additional hour)
B) The words of Pechorin ran into a riddle, for the first time I felt such speeches from a twenty-type people. (additional reasons)
C) We are convinced that the victory will be ours. (additional explanation)
E) Summer is stored, and winter is eating. (SSP from the opposite union)
G) It darkened in my eyes, and my head was spinning. (SSP and good luck)

Later, we have made a synonymous replacement: we have replaced collapsible allied propositions with non-union propositions. What has changed? How do BSS look like SSP and SPP?

Robimo Wisnovok. allied forces(Slide number 13)

What became the propositions? (Dynamic BSP, less bulky and important, lower SPP. The stench is rejuvenated by brilliance, lightness, simplicity, thinness, as well as mnistyu, zdatnistyu zabarvlyuvaty vyslovlyuvannya with additional notes of meaning)
M.V. Lomonosov « Short Help to redness" declares that the change in the number of splits will work for the language of “important and miracle” (slide No. 14)
“Unions are nothing else, how to make sure that ideas unite; henceforth, similar stench to flowers or glue, like parts of such a colossus are folded or glued together. I like those mahinis, in some less glue and flowers you can see, even more beautiful looking may, lower you, in some calm and glued richly, so the word is more important and more wonderful, lower in a new union less "

2) What are the same meanings in allied and non-union speeches?

The sensational blues of the allied and unlucky folded words are expressed in different ways. Unions take the fate of allied propositions. That's why the meaning of the stosunki here is singing, reading. In non-union propositions, the meanings of the blue are less clearly expressed. Don't start differentiating. Sensational blues in the BSP lie in the light of simple propositions, which enter before them, and turn into a moving intonation, and on the sheets of them they help to show different disparate signs.

Manager: Two simple propositions are given: Fox to cut. Try to fly. Fold different propositions of different syntactic constructions on the basis of these simple propositions.


A) Foxes cut - triska fly.
B) If foxes chop, triska fly.
C) If the foxes cut, then the trills fly.
D) Foxes cut, and triska fly.
E) Under the hour of slashing the fox to fly.

Later, after analyzing the propositions that appear, we can’t help but think that one and the same meaning can be conveyed by different syntactic constructions, like, regardless of the meaning of proximity, one looks like one. At the SSP, it is simple to enter the folding warehouse, equally; union І pіdkreslyuyut sledіvnіst podіy, scho vіdbuvayutsya;
In SPP, there is a smut and a pidryadne, to what extent we put the meaning of nutrition in the head proposition.
In the BSP, simple propositions are connected one by one with an invisible link, for additional intonation: lowering the voice in speeches with a dash, with a raised voice in speeches with a two-fold, and with intonation, reframing in speeches with a coma and a dash with a coma.
Once again, we make visnovok, that the BSP is reborn in the light of the allied ones with lightness, zhvavistyu, simplicity.
- What kind of rozdilov signs should be placed in the unfortunate folding proposition? І in view of what should the choice of the branch sign be deposited in the BSP? (slide No. 15) To help you, I developed the table “Punctuation marks in the BSP”. Koristaytes it in the classroom.

Robimo visnovok: Choose a rozdilovogo sign to lie in the form of meanings, yak vrazhaє іntonatsіya, and you can change it by way of setting splits and replacing them with synonymous constructions of SPP and SSP. (slide №16-17)
- De, how do you care, the BSP is the most victorious? (Mostly in the Russian roman language, ale stinks are widely used in the Russian artistic language).
The students were encouraged to conduct a follow-up: A.S.

Notes: Having read a number of the poet's works, I went through a visnovka, which A.S. In old Russian texts, for example, in the “Word about the death of Igor”, there are a lot of different signs. The dot became the ancestor of Russian punctuation. Vaughn is heard at the monuments of old Russian writing of the 11th century. At the 15th century, a coma and a speck with a coma appeared, at the 16th century - a double speck power sign, at 18 Art. - oklichny, which was called marvelous, and bagatokrapka. The dash is one of the first among the Russian literature victorist N.M. Karamzin. Today we honor you with the “Rules of Spelling and Punctuation”, praising the 1953 rock.

6. Stage of primary consolidation of knowledge. Control know that vmin

And now the time has come to put theoretical knowledge into practice. Slide #18

1 option. Try to set up the necessary signs in quiet, folding, non-split words, with which we already practiced, if you replaced SPP and SSP with non-split ones (slide number) and round your choice.

2 option. Arrange rozdіlovі signs in unfortunate folded speeches, circle your choice. Tell me, who should lay rows?

3 option. Text work.

Manager: Open the arches, insert the missing letters and signs. Assign the type and style to the text. How do you see the stitch wickedness in the text is that kind of role?

The type of the text is a description with an element of description, the style is artistic. Stitches - epithet, povnyannya, metaphors. BSP - 1) - shvidka change under; 4) - Umov; 5) - explanation.

Revision (slide №19-21)

How to fix it test tasks with new topics (on slides)

Suggestions: 1-3, 2-3, 3-2, 4-2, 5-2, 6-2 (slide #24-29)


1) Ex. 214 or 215 (optional) slide №22
2) Be creative. Write down 10 unfortunate folded speeches from the novel by A.S.

Delivery of pidbags. Reflection(Slide number 23)

Otzhe, the time has come to pick up the bag for the lesson. Chi Zumіli mi with you vykonati tіli lesson? What did you learn before the end of the lesson?
- Yaku wins the role of our movі skladnі unionless propositions? (They give the opportunity to convey the different meanings of the intellect more succinctly; help to overcome the interest of the text in splits)
I'm guessing that in the coming lessons we'll develop foldable propositions, so that we don't miss the union, we will succumb and slay knowledge, like you took away today at the lesson. Treat the number of balls. Dyakuyu for the lesson!

Bezspіlkova foldable proposition - foldable proposition, parts of which are linked for additional intonation. On the sheet of propositions at the warehouse, the BSP can be cremated with a clod, a speck with a coma, a dash or a two-fold. Statement of rozdіlovih signs at the bezspіlkovom folding river sound to lie in the value and spіvvіdnoshnja yogo parts.

table Rozdіlovі signs at the folding union.

Rozdіlovy sign What time to put With such splits and allied words you can twist Apply propositions
Coma Parts of the BSP due to the refurbishment orders (one-hour sequences) і There was a big booth on the porch, where the owner's dog was sleeping.
Krapka with a coma Parts of the BSP are wider and wider behind a zmist і Zhovte leaves were seen from the trees; the wind hastily puffed them up on the fly, throwing deaks on the stitch, down to the river.
dvokrapka Another proposition may mean a reason because Anya had a chance to intervene at work: they phoned at the door.
Another proposition explains pershu

(+ as in the first part the words are embedded so, such, such, one)

tobto, but myself Vіn pomitiv tsіkavu rіch: in all the pictures there is only one and the same budinok.
Another proposition supplementing the first what Masha virishila: tomorrow she won’t be late for sure
Dash Parts of the BSP are shown behind the screen a, ale Planting spring - picking autumn.
The first proposition points to the hour of my mind when, how Get out of the zavdannyam shvidshe - you can drink earlier.
BSP has a line nibi nibi Scream - grіm in the sky vibuhne.
Another proposition points to a consequence so what, after what, to that Vitya forgot the way - the lads had a chance to focus on the sun.
Another proposition may have additional meaning such, so, such, tse(sound vicorist at the other part) It’s necessary to revise what is written - that’s how we were taught at school.
Another proposition points to an unsubstantiated change і raptovo, і unmatched, і once, і raptom Katya made a vіkno - at the kіmnatu zaletіv skuyovdzheniya gorobets.
Coma with dash Yakscho in the BSP with a dash in front of the other part, the introductory word is implanted Stars shine brightly, as a rule, until good weather.

Distinguish punctuation in the BSP with the values ​​of the reconciliation and the BSP with the values ​​of the unmatched change. As a promotion, it moves with the intonation of pererahuvannya, it is written with a coma. As if intonation between parts of the BSP, there is a pause, it is written with a dash. Apply: Bliskavka hit an old oak, and the tree fell off. Bliskavka hit an old oak tree - and the tree fell off with a rap.

At school, the signs in the unfortunate proposition are twisted from the 9th grade.

Bezspіlková foldable proposition (BSP) - tse foldable proposition, parts of which are mixed intonation without the help of splits and allied words. The BSP is often used in fairy tales, in the artistic and roman language, in the middle of the syllables and orders.

Bezspіlkovі folding propositions vіdrіznyayutsya vіd allied tim, scho syntactic link of parts of the collapsible speech expressed in them without the help of splits and allied words. The syntactic link is expressed in some intonations. Intonation also helps to determine the meaning of propositions, like, posture by context, can often be distinguished in different ways.

In collapsible non-split propositions, there is a special connection between the propositions-parts of the BSP є:

  • intonation;
  • order of distribution of propositions at the BSP warehouse;
  • spіvvіdnoshennya mind that hour of disbelief in rechennyah.

Cim BSP are considered in the form of foldable and foldable propositions, in which the role is played by splics.

Unsuccessful propositions can be made up of two or more simple or folding propositions, between which, in fallacy, a coma, a double, a dash, or a speck with a coma can be placed.

The teacher fell ill, the lesson was postponed.

(succession dіy)

The teacher fell ill: the lesson was postponed.


The teacher fell ill - the lesson was postponed.

(causal-hereditary connection)

Unfortunate folding propositions are taken to mean the BSP.

Classification of unlucky propositions

The widest classification of unsuccessful collapsible propositions is the classification for meanings.

1. BSP with meanings of sequence:

A strong and sharp wind blew, the sky was overcast with gloom.

2. BSP 3 meanings explanation:

It seems to me that I am unreasonable: I am turbulent for no reason.

  1. Such propositions may have ideas of substitutions union and myself. Another proposition explains pershu

3. BSP 3 additional values:

I went to the booth: it was clean and cold there.

  1. Another proposition is complementary to pershu, there is no way to avenge additional information.

4. BSP zі meaning causes:

    I formed myself into a new one: I am guilty before me.

    Another proposition names the reason for the first. In the first proposition, can you put food for what?

5. BSP with meanings:

    I want - everything will be on my mind.

    The first proposition to avenge the mind, maybe a union yakscho.

6. BSP to the meaning of the effect:

    Proyshov ice planks - there were few trees.

    Another proposition is to avenge the last few, about how to find it in the first part. Before another proposition, you can add spіlki after what or so what.

7. BSP 3 significant hours:

    When they stopped, the children died overhead.

    The first proposition may have a union if.

8. BSP to the values ​​of the statement:

    Have a good hour every other year.

    A friend's proposition may have a union a.

Apply BSP schemes:

[ ... ], [ ... ] - bezspіlkova folding proposition, for example:

The evening warmed up, / the toads croaked near the garden.

[ ... ] - [... ] - unionless folding proposition, for example:

I went up to the third one on top and went to the door - unstoppable through it, having sunk a wild dog's bark.

[ ... ] : [ ... ] - bezspіlkova folding proposition, for example:

Feeling the noise, I lowered my eyes: / Directly in front of me, a bugger passed.

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