Haircut malet cholovіcha zachіska: photo of a woman, cut short hair, scheme. Gavrosh haircut or zachіska malet on the middle and long hair - like a haircut.

A male haircut is a zachіska, with some curls it is cut short in front, as well as in the skronevy part, and in the tilichny part - more. It is unique that it allows you to create like a business, so an evening cibula.

A haircut is malet for a man and a woman. History of її tsіkava. Vaughn was popular in the old days.

Zachіska under the name "mallet" may be English pohodzhennya, so they called the mullet - a sea fish fish. In the 19th century, it was respected by a man, її were worn by fishermen from America.

At the peak of popularity, the human malet was in the 70s of the XX century. About tse note the photographs of the most popular stars of that hour.

The 80th fates brought changes - the hair began to be chalked up, and from that hour the malet became also a woman's hair (divine photo).

Who is eligible

Haircut has a lot of variations:

  • govrosh;
  • squint tail;
  • baulet;
  • skeleton;
  • zhachok.

The classic version of the transfer of the hair is 9 centimeters long. Most often її rob the victors of important music, which make an extraordinary light-gazer.

The best option for a male is still human - it’s noticeable in the photo. She gives the men a brutal, masculine look.

Proper laying down is less likely to be in the hands of a professional. Vin can take all the vibes.

A woman's haircut is malet to fight like a short one, so a dovge hairy. The impersonal options allow the curls to kick in such a way as to vimagatima the image. Walk under the form of a disguise.

Vikonanny scheme

The technology of human haircuts is more favorable to the underwear. The won is formed in short and long parts. Let's figure out how to cut hair:

  1. Wet curls combed with a comb with coarse teeth, divided into 5 parts: 2 skronev, 2 potilichni - vertically extended, and 1 thyme.
  2. Repair the haircut from the coat, for additional molding of a straight contour (skein on skein).
  3. After the potilice go to the hide. Zavdyaki obliquely prolong, which starts from the crown hillock and ends with a white wuha, a thin curl grows up. Shave with a razor. Give 2 more curls the same way. Turn around the crown, don’t curl the wuha with curls.
  4. The skein that you have lost, on the cloaks, acquire the same technique, like a skein on a skein, pull your elbows up to the face.
  5. The temporal part: here the curls should be streaked like a dozhini, as if it were a better control sash, and a little more stretched to the dome.
  6. The curls of the potile part are seen with a horizontal extension and cut, pulling them up at the dark.
  7. The zachіska is completed with a thinning in the tim'yanіy part and on the folds.

Marvel at the video-lesson of a woman's haircut.

Laying options

With such a zachіskoy, the girls can do more than a swedish coat. It will be noticed by him that after the head of the head is dried with a hair dryer, looking creative, zaderikovato.

  1. The zachіsku is transformed, like a spear of a chubok: straight, looking like a wife or asymmetric.
  2. An extravagant haircut with a short forelock, practical root. Coloring, meliruvannya, bright streaks are always relevant.
  3. With a malet, a popular scurry tail or a skeleton. At the skeleton, the head is shaken by the typewriter "pіd zero", and the back is left with long curls.

Zachіska malet pіdіyde for zhіnok, yaki zbirayutsya at the entrance and do not want to spend an hour on packing. The model does not mean zusil, so that you can trim it to a decent look:

  • її rob stars and musicians, creative specialties. For an additional haircut, you can always see the NATO;
  • to work a zachіska, as if you were going to the sea more expensive, they will protect you from the cold. At the front part, the hair is shortened, which is not important for working processes;
  • light stars, rock musicians, hockey players - only a few are quiet, who can do such a good job. Vaughn is popular at sunset, but the vitchiznian stars also have a small haircut.
beauty salon

How about you?

You won’t take an hour for a quick look at the zachіska:

  • wash your curls with shampoo, dry with a hairdryer. To create volume - to dry them, shaking your head down;
  • as the haircut is cut by a professional, varnishes for strong fixation are not needed;
  • take a mus or a light gel, fluff out the ends of the curls, so that the stench looked skuyovdzhenimi;
  • for folding styling, take varnish, pin for hair, apply them on wet curls. You need a hair dryer and a comb. Create a non-balance effect. Like a forelock, work on a new pile and fix it with varnish.

Today's haircut is not so popular. At the end of the 2017 malet, changes were made - it became the original, so bring the photo below.

With a young man, the man becomes mysterious and brutal, and the woman looks young. It fits in at the right angles, and the Vlasniks feel comfortable.

today, about 16:34

Zachіska malet

Zachіska malet - this type of haircut, especially those that have hair cut especially short in front and from the sides, and the axis on the ceiling of the skein takes on a long look, giving haircuts more mystery and uniqueness. The Americans have changed, that the chic of this haircut is in reality: in front it looks businesslike, and the axis in the back is ideal for creating an evening look. Like it or not, ale Malet is considered to be a safe option for women, so it is for people, so it’s not like fashion trends, always falling on the crest of the wheeze.

History of the winery

It seems that the zachіska malet vinikla sche in Old Egypt or Scandinavia. A few hours later, we knew the first riddles about a good haircut in American legends. Ale, on the vіdmіnu vіd suchasnyh fashion trends, then there was a share of the fishermen, as such a rank protected their own neck in the light wind and cold. The very fact that caused the accusation - malet, which means "kahel". Particularly popular Danish view haircuts became the 70s of the last century. However, at the Vikonanna's zachіska, the zachіska seemed to be the presence of short skeins.

Through the sprat of rocks, the trochs trembled on the ceiling. A special rodzinka was given an extravagant streak, as if they were celebrating the effect of neohainosti and splendidness. Tі, hto, having given priority to their haircuts, inherited their own particular style, which cannot be confused with other lines. Not only the people of the population have become fashionable, so such a haircut has migrated from an enviable swedishness and into a woman’s trend. However, those who found the skein reached the shoulders were respected by the mother of the woman's hair. The haircut is small, similar to the popular Gavroche.

In the SRSR, the zachіska fell to the relish of the popular same Viktor Tsoi. At the same time, this haircut is changed at the favorite of the zavdyaka to the one who himself, having gained the upper hand, the spivak Dima Bilan. At the same time, there may be no choice of options, but, without being surprised at the price, the most classic haircut becomes incredibly popular. Analogues vvazhayutsya a la squinting tail, trunk, and also the skeleton.


Classical zachіska malet vіdrіznyaєє tim, scho conveying the presence of hair, as if not exceeding 9 centimeters. As a rule, the victors of punk rock, as well as hard rock, who admire the original relish and “their own” light-gazer, become the masters of such innovative art. Like a bi woman did not jump to reach a human fashion, best option for її wear, people are left, if they want to save their hair for a long time, but if you don’t spend a lot of time on those, to bring yourself into harmony. Vіdminnimi riceє brutality, masculinity and mystery of the zachіski.

Such a haircut is ideal for any type of appearance. However, literacy and accuracy can only be found in terms of qualifications and certification of the master. With this, a haircut allows you to attach dribni vadi guise. You can create such a glamorous luxury for both long and short hair. A rich variation allows you to style your hair in such a way that the style and atmosphere influence. This parameter tells you the right flight of fantasy, because you don’t know the boundary. Zachіska malet ideally suits these women, yakі, virushayuchi at the entrance, do not want to spend a lot of time on laying that watch.

Tsіy zachіstsі more and more show the preeminence of tі, whose diyalnіst po'yazana іz vіlennyam creative zdіbnosti. Mallet is a miraculous way to be seen from a gray mass behind the help of a brutal detail to the image.

Mallet- a different type of human haircut, about the journey of a great super-girl. Some styles respect the date of birth in the middle of the 70s, if the fashion was meliruvannya that palatity. Іnshі, s upevnіstyu vіdnosit її up to XIX century, signifying as a check for fishermen and workers. Third and zovsim roam to the root of the Egyptian civilization. De and yak showed up tsya haircut, not so important. Enriched with those who, in spite of all our thoughts and vipads, have її bіk, they continue to live, and, perhaps, without a hitch, I’ll go back into fashion.

Like looking a malet

A haircut is simple and simple. There are 2 styles in the base - the top is shortened and the temples are cut at the old hair. On the vіdmіnu vіd "squinting ponytail", where there is no more than one sash in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe coat, the haircut may be on the vіdminu vіd vіd vіd vіvka and along the entire "perimeter" of the potilice.

The sheared part can be very dry. To marvel at Viktor Tsoi's zachіsku - it's a classic malet to finish the old thyme and skronevy area. And the axis of Terry Hulk Hogan's head is practically a fox - a skeleton, a different kind of male. But in that and in the next moment, I can write and keep my hair for a long time.

In order to properly cut the hair under the male, it is necessary to see the zone. The back of the head is cut off, that frontal-thim'yana part, so that we can smoothly cross over to the tiling. The traditional variant of the zachiska transfers the invisible "drabinka" and the thinning of the kinks.

Modern interpretation of the famous haircut

Today, if a shocking haircut requires creativity and an extraordinary approach, the malet has changed. It was especially worthy of women, even if it was so handy to have a short haircut in one situation and long hair in another. At the peak of popularity, a zachіsk with a slanting forelock, folded equal cuts and a “iroquois” on a makіvtsі. Longer sashes on the ceiling should be better arranged for an additional, unsafe razor, adding a gostra to the tips, a troch equal shape.

I'm still a mullet human haircut! In the face of stereotypes and having become overwhelmed by such creativity, a strong half of the people sang their favorite images. This is how the malet was born on the basis, on the top of the box (maydanchiki), undercut and on the beaver ... it is important in these haircuts, so that not only did the dove hair on the cloak, but it was clearly textured skein.

Wondering at the movie stars and rock musicians, it turns out that the “mullet” haircut didn’t go anywhere. Vaughn changed her mind and adapted to the new technologies of haircuts, appearing new and original. Chi uvіyde malet znovu in fashion? And the shit came out...

Mallet - strong chic abo new fashion , 1.0 out of 5 based on 2 ratings

The mullet goes up to quiet haircuts, like a long-term historical and cultural train. Vіn drag z Ancient Egypt(to take a look at the sculpture of the Great Sphinx) that middle Scandinavian, where the Vikings lived. Tsyu zachіsku, the head sign of which is short on the folds and macivtsі and long after the hair, willed in different hours so different social groups, like English fishermen, stars of Canadian hockey and glam-rock dancers. Who has a secret? Let's try to get to know each other.

The history of the popularity of haircuts

Ignoring a long-standing haircut, її the name “malet” - mullet - came from the English language, where the word є I will call the mullet - promissory sea ​​ribey. Similar zachіski were worn by American fishermen of the 19th century. At about the same hour, the word began to enter into vzhitku. So, mullet-headed viraz is used in Mark Twain's "Huckleberry Finn's Fields".

Tsіkava form of haircut spawned in English language impersonal such metaphorical names, like "whiteness of the skin", "Kentucky waterfall", "beaver tail" and іn.

A new splash of popularity fell on the 1970s. About tse to tell, for example, a photo of the Beatles, David Bowie and a lot of other celebrities of those times.

In the 1980s, in the 1980s, the zachіska nabula was wide-width in different versions of the sospіlstva - from office workers and politicians to musicians and actors. At the same time, the haircut nabula characteristically written, began to move with meliruvannyam and moved into the unisex category, women began to wear it.

Mallett mastered the Canadian hockey game, which, perhaps, gained the ability to show the spectators a part of their hair, no matter how hard it was. Stepwise, this haircut became professional;

Varto respect that the malet is often strayed from the “squinting tail”, when it is behind, only a long sash of hair is left behind. It also has such a variety of maletu, like a skeleton (from the English Skull - “skull”). You can see the shins of the skull, the frames behind and on the sides of long hair. People from such a zachіskoy can often be caught in America. Zdebіlgo tse dosit zrіlі cholovіki, yakі love to irritate otochyuyuchih.

In the USSR, the male haircut became one of the first signs of protest against the Puritan old-fashioned look radian people. Її were worn by Viktor Tsoi, Kostyantin Kinchev and many other famous musicians. At the rocky perebudov, the popularity of the male became gaudy: її it was possible to dance on all - men, women, pidlets. It seems to me that this haircut was a litmus papyrus of processes, as it seemed to us at that hour.

At the same time, the little one is not worried best hours(adopted from the Russian perforation fashion). The big haircut is an unsavory anachronism. Prote in America won't take its position in the other stakes (like in the hockey middle), but it means that there are chances for the next round of renewal.

Vision technology

Features dual nature cієї haircuts: there’s more business (short part) and creative (long part) image. Robbing the little ones with such a rank.

  1. Vologa hair is distinguished by a comb with rare teeth and divided into five parts: two skronev, two potilich, divided by a vertical extension, and one thyme.
  2. Haircut malet, like a lot of others, start from the tiling part, vikoristovuyuchi method "skein on skein" and forming a straight contour.
  3. After the processing of the potilice, go to the hide. For the help of a slanting prolongation, which starts from the crown hillock and ends with a white wind, watering a thin sash. Її trimmed with a razor. So itself roble more with two skeins. If so, they are engaged in edging the crown. Wuho, with whom, it is not guilty to pretend to be hairy.
  4. Reshtu of the skronevy zone is processed for the help of the technique of "skein on skein", pulling hair under the host's kut to the face.
  5. Then proceed to the thyme zone. The hair is cut along the length of the first control skein from the bottom at the top.
  6. The pasma of the tiling zone is seen behind the additional horizontal extensions and sheared, lifting up the hill to the tim'yanikh.
  7. Finishing the haircut is the thinning of the hair in thym'yanoї and skronevy areas.

Regardless of those who have a haircut, a malet today cannot be called fashionable, not varto categorically act like it. You can make such changes to the cleanup that it looks fresh and original (div. video below).


In our time, everything is new and new, retro haircuts are becoming popular, which gained popularity in the last century. One of them is original, and one might say extravagant haircut Gavroche chi Mallet.

The history of the Gavroche haircut

The likeness of a haircut is not familiar to me. Fans are stverzhuyut, sho , as well as in Gaul and Scandinavia.

Pіznіshe pro zachіski type "Mallet" the last ones knew riddles in American legends, but with yak fishermen zachіski dovge volossa on politsi, schob not to chill shii. The very fact and becoming the cause of the blame for the extraordinary haircut was a malet (from the English mullet - “mullet”).

The peak of popularity of such zachisok fell on the 70-80s of the XX century.

In the 70s, the malet haircut was worn on short hair.

In the 80s, rock-viconists began to wear such a zachіska - it significantly shrank in the area of ​​​​the ceiling and, in the current fashion for znebarvlennya hair with skeins, managed to achieve a grotesque effect.

Together with the increasing popularity of the famous rock musician David Bowie, the man's haircut gavrosh became more and more wide and swept into fashion.

In the SRSR, Kostyantin Kinchev and Viktor Tsoi wore this haircut. And in the present hour, the zachіska nabula popularity Zavdyaka Russian spivakov Dmitry Bilan.

Like a woman’s version of the gavrosh haircut of the 80s of the last century

In our country, in the 60s and 70s of the last century, the women's haircut Gavrosh was even more popular. There are few important characteristics - short-haired skeins of the skronevo-tim'yanoy part of the head and tops and long skeins on the tiling, yak went down to the shoulders. Behind the description, you can tell that Gavroche guessed Mallet. Marvel at the image of evil - the haircut itself looked like this in the 80s of the past century.

In addition to what has been said, you have already realized that a haircut of the malet type is suitable not only for men, but for women. With all the hair on the frontal zone and two folded ones, they are cut short, and the skeins of the tiling area are left long - the stench beautifully kicks on the shoulders of the other (traditionally, the length of the hair on the tiling is 8-10 cm).

Modern gavrosh in the photo

Zachіska with a touch of retro may have two clear accents. and long haired sweats.

Obsyag that retro zavzhdy in fashion, but what about zh'ednati? Viide is an up-to-date, stylish and empty image.

Sometimes we want to not only change the tone, but try something new. With the help of the method, it is ideally pidide the current version of the gavrosh haircut.

A new form of haircut has changed: it’s good to go with a thinned forelock, while modeling you can’t do without modern perucarian methods, such as slicing or pointing.

Ale, the main signs of a large haircut for a woman's gavrosh are lost - the volume at the frontal zone and the long sash of the coat. Zachіska is easily transformed into your bajannya. New ways of styling will help you change your image and make it individual and fashionable.

How to cut gavrosh - schemes and descriptions of technology

In the distance, a combination of Perucarian methods will allow us to create a bazhan haircut shape, ideal for fineness. This operation is the application of a skein to a skein, and, obviously, the most popular at times is thinning.

I present to you a master class for cutting gavrosh on the hair of the middle dozhini.

Podіl hairline of the head on the zone

Use a comber with rare teeth to comb the clean hair of the curls and to file the entire surface of the head into the zone.

For this purpose, draw an arcuate section from one ear to the other through the dome - so you will create a frontal zone from the right side.

The frontal sector, for the help of two folded extensions, is divided into 3 parts - a thyme zone and two folded sections.

І in the rest of the city, with a vertical extension, add a tiled zone to the two equal halves.

Gavrosh haircut technique

  1. Repair a haircut from the political zone. Ruhayuchis in between the growth of the hair, horizontally extend the skein, pulling it vertically downwards (cut the tie down to 0 degrees), cut in a straight line for the help of the technique of applying the skein to the skein. At the result, you will designate the cutting line of the tiling zone - the shape of the “square” contour.
  1. Now go to . As we go along, to pass through the crown ledge up to the ear, we make a thin sash and work it with a razor. In the same rank, he extended two more skeins. Then, with scissors, cut the edging of the fold, and open the top of the ear.
  1. Continue the haircut of the skronevo-bichnoy zone, water-creaming small skeins with oblique lines (parallel to the first one). Pull your hair up to the face and practice in the technique of applying a skein to a skein. Zreshtoy contour line of the crown will stretch under the hood from the middle of the eye to the ear. The other cover is made in the same way.
  1. As a result of the haircut of the tim'yanoї zone, that hide is cut off, - the wine is cut with scissors. - hair is drawn perpendicular to the head.
  1. Proceeding to the tiling zone, start the work from the right part of the head. Strengthen the strands with horizontal parallel extensions and pull them up to the previously shortened hair of the thyme zone. So shear the left side of the poticle itself.

  1. I turn again to the frontal-tim'yanoy zone. Pull hair uphill and profile yoga using the “pointing” method.
  1. The 1st final touch is to cut the hair of the skroneval-thim'yano zone to the appearance and process it using the "pointcut" method

Read these articles and learn about other human haircuts:

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