How to make a zachіska with a donut on a long hair. How to make a bundle for an additional donut: a pokrokovy master-class from a photo. Short hair

At the word bagel, the greater number of women will spit and reveal themselves a soft and savory gingerbread with a middle opening. And it’s not enough for Volodarka’s long hair to be a porous gum for dressing up the big zachіska. Mi rozpovimo, like a bunch of bundles for help donuts: cover instruction, the photo will help you create a stylish image.

What is a bagel

A bagel is an ideal gum for folding a bundle on hair. Vaughn took away her name from a zavdyak likeness to a beloved confectionery viroba. The structure of the gumka looks like a sponge - softness is necessary for the finest rose under the hair on top of an additional accessory. Bubbles are presented in a different color assortment, prote all stench as close as possible to natural hair. More shortly, as your bagel is not disharmonious with the hair: in which way the hair and the naked surface will be unremarkable and not respectful.

It is important to be sure that the bagel does not tie into the kshtalt gumki. Vіn dress up for the ready, behind the back of the formations of the tail.

Plus a zachіsok with a bagel

The bundles formed behind the help of a donut, may have a low non-transverse edge. Let's take a look:

  • Zastosuvannya porous gumki zbіshuє hair density allowing to formulate an ob'єmnu zachіska.
  • The hair is firmly attached to the head, for rahunok garnoi fixation trim the shape of a whole day.
  • Possibility to create impersonal zachіsok: from weekdays to Christmas and spring.

Obviously what Volodarki and cotton short haircuts can't make a bunch of donuts. Like your hair middle age abo to across, then you ideal candidate for installation of volumes. With this, the density of the hair cannot be of any significance - work a bunch with thick or thin hair you will look amazing.

Perucari recommend that Volodarka do not make a bunch of hair for a long time for a donut after a hairy mitt. With this mindset, it will be richer folding with hair. Robіt zachіsku on the hair, remember ahead of time, but don't let the bunch look like a wanderer.

Tools and accessories

Regardless of those that the beam is already a simple comb, for preparation need a sprat of additional elements. If you do not dry your hair with a natural way, then the first thing you need is a hair dryer. It is necessary to use, electric tongs: for the help of these tools, you can create marvelous zachіski. So prask will be needed for girls with curly hair. bunch on a bagel. In a different direction old look zachіski will be zipsovaniyah bezpalny curls.

About the viscous objects of the creation of a bulk beam:

  • Dekіlka invisible pіd color hair
  • Comb with great teeth and massage brush
  • Dekilka of thin "penny" humoks
  • Bagel

To embellish the zachіska, use the accessories. The most popular: stilettos, bows, bobby pins with pearl heads, piece kvity.

How to choose the right bagel

The most important accessory for the beam is a donut, which has a different structure. Take a look at the video material, so that you can sign up, like a m'yaku varto buy yourself.

Bagel Alternative

Why work, if you really want to get a zachistka, but don’t have a bagel under your hand? Meister - class show you some lessons in the creation of credits from handicrafts. Before them one can see:

  • Shkarpetka- The most popular alternative to swearing in. Zrіzhte finger and p'yatkovu part: burn the old tunnel, like viyshov, into a single lump. Note that the protruding part of the inversion was found at the inner part of the scribble-gum. More shortly, like a shkarpet will be terry.
  • Part of the towel. Bring the wife of a necessary rosemary into an uncommon towel. Sew the edges, otrimavshi zbіlshene Kolo. Vykoristovyte zamіst gumki.
  • Be-yak tovsta gumka. For an insufficient obligation, win a sprat of pieces.

Classical bunch with donuts

To be perfect, use the instructions below. Vaughn describes as accurately as possible the process of making a standard zachіska, as it looks ideally like on a walk, as well as at an evening polished.

  1. Spread on the head. I think it might be high, the middle one is low. The main task that you need to reach - smooth the skein to the head as much as possible. Pivnі, scho look, zroblyat zachіsku neohaynoy. Unique їх. Like hair in the face of nature, then vikoristovyte kick, to close the hairs that vibrated on the hairline.
  2. Close the tail with a thin, penny gum. As if hair was longer than long and long, vikoristovyte a sprat of gumok, sob to hide the decay of the tail.
  3. Dress the bagel on the tip of the tail. Ideally, as in the case of vikonannі tsієї procedures, you trim the tail straight vertically. Tse to ensure the best fit of the hair to the foam gum.
  4. Twist the beast's hair down. Follow along, so that when the hair was wound on a donut, the empty ones did not settle down. Twisting the hair is twisted by the method of waving a donut navivvorit and back.
  5. Bring the volume bundle as close as possible to the surface of the head. Fasten with hairpins. If necessary, straighten the hair on the rubber bands and straighten it so that the hair was hurting the donut on the outside.
  6. Spray with varnish to fix the result. Decorate with your favorite accessories.

Bundle with pussies

The Danish version of the beam has more than an hour of fantasy, but the result is naked. With simple steps, you can make a haircut for Christmas and look like a rightful princess. Let's take a look at the cover instruction from the video:

  1. Zrobіt khvist and zakrіpit yogo for the help of a thin gum. Dress up the bagel, like pershu gumka, strongly squeezing yoga to the head.
  2. Hair from the tail close the foam gum. You are to blame for a neat bundle, I will close the hair and fasten it with a thin gum. The hair from the tail is guilty to fall from the head, for the purpose of re-fixing.
  3. Braid these falling skeins, whether it’s a pussy or twist a tourniquet. Wrap around the bundle.
  4. To fix the curls that wobbled with invisibility., brush the comb with varnish.

Sufficiently foldable zachіska for independent vikonannya. After a few sessions of training, out, without a hitch, you don’t seem to be worse, you have lower percussion. Carefully read the instructions, first proceed before the end:

  1. Vikoite di, similar to point 1 of the instruction for folding the bundle with braids. The bagel can lie flat up to the head.
  2. Seen from the tail is not necessary to skewer and twist at the harness. Ready jgut to wrap around the future bundle, turning the tip to the cob of wattle. Close.
  3. Zrobіt those same with usіma advancing dzhgutami. Stash them in parallel one to one directly or under the cheek.

Іsnuє foldable way, which conveys the presence of invisibles. Good Tim, you won't be able to wear a full day on your head. In this way, the bundle wraps the bagel, and, when turned to the cob point, shovels forward. In such a rank, the whole weaving is three dots, the docks will not end with hair.

Bagel with a scythe in the center

Miraculous zachіska, as if it would be a pre-river in the everyday variant and not to waste privability in the svyatkovіy situation. You can do a clean-up of the video and a detailed description:

  1. Wrap up the standard tail shaping and bunning the donut. Follow along, so that the foam rubber accessory will equally cover the hair.
  2. Start weaving mowing from the upper skeins.. Along the way down, add a skein that has leaned from the sides of the beam.
  3. At the process of weaving, you will dance, that the scythe, on the ear of the spikelet, will curl the bagel on the surface. Finish yoga. The Vilniy edge of the hair was closed under a bunch, or wrapped around it.

Bagel with a scythe for girls

As a young mother, you just need to please your child and send her to school with a beautiful donut, braided with pussies. Read report instruction and watch the video to understand the process:

  1. Put the bagel as close to the head as possible. Create a standard beam, leaving the central sash with it. She's gone to pussy.
  2. Braid a lot of wild pussies from a free hair. Close on all the number of donuts, if possible, do not suffocate the free space.
  3. Close the pussies with a wrapper around the start or invisible. At the other end, fasten the free edges in groups - just change the number of invisibility at the head.

A bagel is a universal zasib for giving a bunch of obyagu. Wine is suitable for our young princesses, for young girls or business woman. Let’s hope that our article, how to make a bundle for an additional donut, that pokrokov’s instruction with a photo helped you learn how to work beautifully zachіski independently.

The sequence of beam folding is as follows:

  1. Let go and hang your hair well. Don’t be afraid of the unforgiving zasobi, which you are tightening - with them it’s necessary to trim it badly.
  2. Nahilіtsya forward and dry the hair in a straight line in the roof. Wake up, get scared and straighten your hair, get sick again and repeat the procedure. The more you repeat yourself, the more you will trim the nachis - the hair can be written more.
  3. Take the hair in a tail, from a distance of 15-20 centimeters, apply varnish on the hair to save it.
  4. Divide the hair into a skein sprat and comb it, a vicarious comb with a thin tip and partly rounded teeth, so as not to cut the hair.
  5. Twist the combed skein at the bun and put it at the looking bun. Fix with hairpins, invisible and hairspray.
  6. In order to get rid of the nachos, use your head with a large amount of water and air conditioner to smooth it out, carefully skewer your fingers. Do not beat the comb - the hair in the water is too tenditne, yoga is easy to mess up.

Bulk bundle behind additional hairpins

Even if the way to get started is not up to your soul, you can speed up with other options.

Shoranka, be it a beauty, is inspired by the creation of a unique image of that beautiful style. And then there are moments, if you don’t want to give in to some kind of manipulation, kick not so much as it is necessary, and the force is strong for the hour and the forces.

Do you want to find out a simple way to create a fashionable and attractive haircut for a long time and thick hair? Innovative solutions for rich fashionistas and women, like dressing up for official style, є zachіski for an additional donut for hair.

What a miracle bagel, de yogo pridbati?

A donut is also called a donut, with a thick foam rubber attached to the eye of the ring with a small opening in the middle, hair stretching out like a guilt. On this day, there is a large number of different types of bagels, the stench of different varieties, the diameter of which is the color, which picks up the color of your hair.

Benefits of a bundle with a donut:

  • simplicity;
  • universality;
  • neatness;
  • availability;
  • diversity;
  • zhіnocha cunning (for example, to inspire people to think not a recession, that you spent 2 credits on a haircut, or, for example, that your hair was not the first freshness).

You can practically buy this attribute for hair in any Peruvian salon, in shops with gums and hairpins, and visit some cosmetic products. At the same time, it is popular to buy all kinds of accessories and accessories for hair online stores. And now we teach you how to make a donut for your hair and create an individual, unperfected look.

It didn’t sound strange, but for the creation of that neat bunch with a donut, you need only 5-7 min.

What can be needed when making a comb with a bagel for hair:

  • comb,
  • 2nd spring gumki (bazhano under the color of the hair);
  • sprat of invisible hairpins;
  • a bagel (in the same roller, in the same donut);
  • fixing zasib (lacquer, gel, wax or mus medium fixation);
  • be sure to make decorations: hairpins, bows, stitches, quilts, trims and more.

As a rule, everything is done by the girls at hand. Now it’s good to comb your hair and choose for yourself a bunch of hair with a donut for the mood or go.

Classic, smooth beam option

Regardless of the simplicity of the classic bun, it’s a miracle-working pidide to the bottom of life.

Otzhe, like a bunch of donuts:

  1. Choose good combed hair in the chinese tail closer to the top, clean up extended and pivnі. Close the tail with a thin tight gum.
  2. Insert the tail at the inner opening of the bagel.
  3. Shake your head forward so that you can spread all the curls with your hands along the entire surface of the bagel, smut, so that yoga is not visible from the hair.
  4. Close the result by putting another thin gum on the animal on the bagel (for good, if only a thin silicone gum will be).
  5. Kіnchiki, scho are left out, shove a bunch under the beam and fasten it with invisibility.
  6. If the hair was too rich, then carefully wrap the base of the bundle with them.
  7. Fix the result with hairpins or invisibility, brush the comb with varnish of medium fixation or with a special spray for giving shine.

Such a handy and practical option for everyday life. If you want to give a clean retro style, put on a base of a bunch of namysto, a satin stitch, a bow or a thin chiffon chiffon or a scarf. Believe me, such an image cannot be left unmarked. For a urochist vipadka, embellish the bundle with hairpins with rhinestones or pearls.

Romantic zachіska for help donut

To give the image a romantic, mysterious look, you can go to some tricks when folding the beam. For example, work it on the side or from the bottom, with which algorithm it will be like in the past version, but on the back the tail is guilty of buti fixings there, de maєtsya on the beam. Another way to create an original bun and make your kohan and otochyuchikh, tse yogo with a French braid.

  1. Shake your head down and begin to weave a French braid, starting at the base of the hair and approximately to the middle of the head.
  2. hair, What is Lost, pick it up in a ponytail and close it with a gum.
  3. Dali put a bagel on the tail and form a classic bun.

It is better to weave a braid not tight, so the pіdіyde wyverny kіska or a spikelet from 4 skeins. It’s not enough to have a bunch of robes, too smooth and slick, it’s not enough to wash the curls, to rob the image more beautifully. Before the river, you will be decorating the zachіska with the lower quilts or the bandage on the rubber bands.

Zachіski with a donut on a hairy dovge

Long haired hair, it’s easier to experiment with your hair, creating new original haircuts. We will command you a sprinkling of options, how to make a bun for the help of a donut, unique and such that you can see it from the NATO.

The first option is to decorate a bunch of faceless pussies. For this, after that, how the tail was spun, pick from a new sprat of thin sacks and weave pussies, fasten them with unfamiliar small silicone gums. Abo, after that, as soon as you pull the tail from the bagel, weave 6-8 small kis. Nadali, the algorithm doesn’t look much different from the classic bunch behind the other donut, but if you spread hair on the surface of the “doughnut”, small pussies are equally spread along the entire bunch.

More foldable, but more stylish variation of the zachіski - the whole bunch of jgutikov. Pochatkovі dії you already know: robimo kinsky tail, dressed on a new basis of foam rubber. We sweat from the tail, we can see the middle of the comrade's strand and twist it into a jgutik until the very end. Let's wrap this around the bagel around the donut so that the yogo kіchik is hooked with a ponytail and again wilіz at the opening. Supplement this kіnchik with a new strand and problyaєmo the same. Lay the flagella one by one, closely one to one, until the hair runs out and the whole bagel is covered with them. For ts_єї zachіski may buti dosit long and thick hair. Sobbiti zachіsku with a bagel and jgutiki for more than an hour, but turn around, hundreds of zachopleny looking at you for safety.

Not a lot of women's cunning, how to work a bundle with a bagel to perfection:

  • choose a bagel for the color as close as possible to your hair;
  • if you have coachmen, if you really want to grow a classic bun, then straighten your hair in front of you;
  • for the longest i thick hair bundles with variously attractive pussies will come, for which you can pick up zayviy volume;
  • well hair, now, not in writing, you can start ahead with a deaky skein in the tail;
  • do not be afraid to experiment with the height of the beam, so you will understand which image is closest to you;
  • embellish the bun with different accessories, with new studs, all kinds of studs and bows, the comb looks different today.

How to rob a donut on your head, richly know, but if a bundle can be a bed of different people, not everyone knows. Fantasize, experiment, and create your own unique, individual comb. In total, troch zusil and 5-10 hvilin an hour and you look nakedly, effectively, she looks at you.

How do you have a miraculous way, how to raise a cone for an additional bagel, to impress those who stand out with your rank, share it with comments.

Robіt tsey svіt kraschim!

The creation of the bundle is suitable for a long or medium hair. Chim pasma dove, tim ob'єmnіshe go out of bed.

Zachіska bunch, perevagi:

  • Practicality and versatility.
  • Shvidkіst and ease of creation.
  • A whole day is passing by.
  • For whatever type of hair.
  • For active image life.
  • You can grab some hair.

Volumetric bundle for additional hairpins and humok

In contact with

Pokrokov kerіvnitstvo, how to build a volumetric bundle:

  • A classic bun can be elegant and sporty.
  • To create a suvor image, you can straighten your hair with prasko on the back. So the yarn will be more lustrous and smooth.
  • Deyakim podobayetsya more non-baliy option. Vіn vykonuєtsya tezh for the help of the tail and that gumki, but they burn when you can be free. Protect also the character of your hair. How much stench is strong fluffing up during the day? Chi good stink to mold the form?

If you want to keep busy in the gym, for additional bumps on your head you can clean up your hair, so that it doesn’t matter. Are you wondering if the structure will fall apart? Then do not twist the tail at the jgut, but braid the yogo into a braid. Let's wrap the pussy around the gum and close it. For confidence, you can put one more gum on the beast.

Attachment for folding the beam

Bagel and yoga variations

A bagel, a roller, a donut, a donut - all the same, name one and the same or even similar ones for folding the beam. The smell of stench is like a soft sponge for washing dishes from the light in the middle.

A roller is prepared, as a rule, from foam rubber and nets and other synthetic materials. Colors and colors can be different.

Іsnuyut bagels from piece skeins. Vikoristovuyuchi їх, you can easily create the appearance of a chic bump on a short hair.

  1. Take curls into the kіnsky tail.
  2. Pull the bagel on the tail like that, nibi tse one more gumka.
  3. Step by step wrap the hair around the donut.
  4. To fix the skein in such a position, to put a thin gum on the beast.
  5. Kіnchiki hairy zahuyte under the beam, scho wiyshov. Strands to wash, clean up the base.
  6. For confidence, pin up curls.
  7. Brush the top of the comb with hairspray.

If you need a low bump, do not raise your hair high.

Bundle of scribbles

You can replace a donut with a big one. And in deyakih vipadkah girls vikoristovuyut sock. Prystosuvannya new to fight like this:

  1. Open the front part of the toe (there, where the fingers are ruffled).
  2. Fold the sock at the kilka once, or roll it up so that you make a bagel. At the center, the new one will have an opening for hair.
  3. Wipe the bundle for the help of the scarf for the same scheme, which bundle is from the donat.


Sofista-twista was a great popularity among the 90s. However, її і at the same time you can use the Internet. Zovnishno sofista-twista is the husband of oxamite with a lapel in the middle. Along the perimeter, there are stitchings in the fabric, making it easy to bend.

Cleaning the bunch for the help of sophistry-twisting is done like this:

  1. Skip the tips of the hair in the opening.
  2. Twist the sophist-twist uphill.
  3. Round off the attachment so that a large bundle is visible.

A sophist-twist can be fixed on the head on an even tiling, the uppers are a bit more richly lower, whitening the neck itself. You will lift a hairpin on a height, and there a bunch will be ruffled.

For riches sophist-twist є a good knowledge. For help, you can easily and easily pick up your hair, if you are at home.


The heagami hairpin was broken up in America. Vaughn universally looks not only at the thick, scarlet and thin hair, as if it were important to lay down. For additional heags, you can pick up different zachіski, but the simplest of them is a chain bundle.

How do you create a volume beam from these pristosuvannyam?

  1. Take the hair from the tail.
  2. Open with heags and place the tail between the parts.
  3. Split the skein by heags.
  4. Now pull the attachment down to the knchiks. Okremi pasma is not guilty of vibivatisya.
  5. Squeeze the ends of the hairpins with your fingers and twist the hair down.
  6. Zvedіt kіntsi hairpins at once.

The advantage of heagami hairpins is that they do not injure the hair, saving its shine and elasticity. Fixing for help її nadіyne, but do not blame anything head bіl. The blood circulation of the scalp of the head is also not broken.

Different bundles with hairpin heags - video:

The process of folding the bundle on the head takes up three more than two hairs.

Bundle of nachos

Zachіska tuft with nachos is suitable for hairdressers of thin and sparse hair. Sequence of vikonanny:

  1. Hang your hair with a hair dryer so that it appears volume.
  2. To build up the beginning of the shield, but not the root itself, but a little more.
  3. Spawn from curls tail.
  4. Shake the skein with varnish to enhance the writing.
  5. Twist the curls into a bundle and put the gum around the corner.
  6. Secure the bundle with hairpins.

Under the hour of vykonannya zachіska turn on vikoristannya zasobіv for hair, which are tight and not worn. With them, you will begin to be nedovgovichny.

In order to turn the hair of the colossal sight, it is necessary to shake the head with a large portion of the healing balm. Pasma slid gently untangled with fingers. Grebіntsi with whom it's better not to let them go, the shards of it just virve a great amount of hair. Wrath, if there is a sufficient injury to the elbows, it is not necessary to work such a comb today.

A sensitive French bunch is a wonderful option for an evening party at the light. Yogo can be dressed up with luxurious cloth, high trims and elegant embellishments.

Such a class has a French chic. Vaughn povіtryana, rukhliva, trohi nedbala, but at the same time mіtsno fixated. Tse reach tim, scho hair in the literal meaning is stitched with a thread. Zavdyaki this method also creates the effect of easy splintering.

Better take a plastic head. As you have chosen the slit of the neck, beat it as carefully as possible. The thread can be 100% with the hair color. Choose one that will not tear you for tension.

  • Like vinyatok, you can vicorate gold, or you can sew a thread, like your choice of a different color.

Pokrokov french beam wicking technique in the middle dovge hairy:

  • If the design is not suitable for you, use the additional fittings for fixation: a hairpin, a crab for hair, and so on.
  • You know that the cleansing was unrealistically voluminous - to work great in the struggle between stibkami. So that the zachіska looked beautiful and structured, tighten the loops more tightly.

Other types of bundles

Bulk bundle-bow

Tse bunch on the dovge hair: the garni is elegant. On yoga creation you have about 15 quills. How to make a bulky bunch-bow?

  1. Make a pasmo on your forehead and do yoga. Vaughn is needed for the meeting of the swearing.
  2. Take the hair from the tail, stretching it through the gumka not to the end.
  3. You can make a loop: divide it into two parts. Tse bow.
  4. Twist the hair tips in the middle.
  5. Sob the bow did not bovtavsya, to fix it with invisible foundations.
  6. Straighten your hair as you need.
  7. Put a pasmo bіla chola.
  8. Shake the comb with varnish.

Dekіlka vid_v puchіv, including - a bow with hair, video:

If you want a great bow, then a loop of hair can also be great. Krіm tsgogo, zagalny looking zachіski lie down in the density of hair. In this occasion, if I don’t have enough curls, I can’t fix it for an additional roller.

Oval bunch abo mushli

Tsomu ukladannyu tezh pritamanny French chic. Її versatility lies in the fact that she looks miraculously in the office at the evening urochistost. How to make a bunch of hair on a dove, I’ll call it a turtle:

  1. Vimite that hang skein.
  2. Vіdokremte part of the hair from the chola to the top with crab.
  3. curls, which are lost, podіlіt for additional vertical extension. Vin is guilty of passing from the top to the top.
  4. Razcheshіt two parts of the hair, what happened, and light up yoga nazustrich one to one.
  5. Pin the curls with hairpins.
  6. Comb the upper part of the hair to the sweatshirt, shave the nachis and burn the coachmen.
  7. Brush the entire comb with varnish.

Zvichayna mushli, as a rule, bursts into one beep.

Bundle of braids

Choosing a bunch of braids, be ready before you spend more than an hour on this creation.

How to make a bulky bundle from braids?

  1. Grow a tight tail on the towel.
  2. Podіlіt skein by 3-4 parts or more.
  3. From the skin braid the natural pussy.
  4. Wrap the braids around the tail.
  5. Fix them with hairpins.
  6. Kіnchiki shove in the base.

Garniy bunch with braids - video:

Basically, the hour is going to pletinnya kіs. The more kіs, the more time you spend on folding the bed.

glamorous bun

Tse fashionable bun in the middle is hairy or on dovge. Vіn is also similar to the French version, to the one that conveys non-balance and skein, which vibrated. Ale vіdminnіst in those who do not need to sew a glamorous bunch with a thread.

  1. Check out the collection of the classic technology. Only the tail is not necessary to be twisted into a harness.
  2. Pochatku podіlit yogo on kіlka skein. Then, curl the skin on a curling iron and wrap around the gum.
  3. Curly kіnchiki zalishte freely hanging. For consumption winkowte invisibility.

Otzhe, there are a lot of options for the bunting of the beam: with a vicarious roller, with a nachos, with a sophisto-twisted, with a braid and so on.

Judging by the fashion shows, it is one of the widest zachіsok at a time. The women of the older generation also remember that a bunch of widenings in 60-year-olds. Tse once again to bring that fashion is understandable cyclically.

What can be more beautiful than loose hair? Only stylish and fashionable bun! Please fill up your arsenal with a new recipe. Find out how to make a bundle for an additional donut, then experiment with your style.

What is needed for the top bunches?

Believe it or not, but for the creation of this stylish style you need only a few pieces of thinness and a minimum number of tools. It's just an ideal solution for early evening gatherings for a party.

Otzhe, you need to know:

  • Comb for hair;
  • 2 thin elastic gums;
  • Invisibles;
  • Sophist-twist (wine twister), bagel (wine roller), heagami or a very thin scarpet - on the vibir;
  • Varnish medium fixation;
  • hairpins;
  • Strings, bows, trims, patches of kitties and other decor.

A bunch for an additional roller or a scarf - option 1

Tsey variant є without a hit of two the rest of the seasons. How to twist yogo correctly and why is the sock here? Everything is simple. The simplest thin sock can easily replace the purchases of a bagel - the effect of the very same, then save money!

  1. Cut a scarf on equal heels.
  2. Vivertaemo virib navivorit.
  3. Zgortaёmo yogo in a tight and slit roller.
  4. Hair is different and we choose yoga in a tail. Low chi high? All lie down like a long hair and like yours.
  5. We place a roller on the support of the tail of the beast Gumka.
  6. The hair is straightened as it is, as shown in the photo.
  7. Fix the bundle with a thin gum.
  8. From the vіlnyh kіntsіv weave two pussies - neat chi nedbali, classic chi french.
  9. The skin pussy is wrapped around our bundle and fastened with hairpins and invisible.
  10. Carefully correct all wadis.
  11. Would you like to earn a strict bunch for an additional bagel? Splatter yoga with polish. For an artistic, fretless, loosen the deyakі pasma with an olive, or with another thin instrument.

Set up ready!

Option 2

You can create a bunch of hair and troch іnakshe. You will need the materials themselves, only the procedure will look different.

Yak robiti:

  1. Hairy hair is different and yoga is taken from a high ponytail.
  2. Lift the tail to the angle and push the yogo kіnchik to our bagel.
  3. Let's start vivertati bagel doti, the docks of the wines can't reach the tail.
  4. We correct the shortfalls at the looking glades or stags, which piled up one on one.
  5. Fixatively laid with studs and varnish.

How to make a bun (video):

Option 3

This is a miraculous way to take the pasture of the middle dozhina into a bun.

Krok 1. Differently hair and choose yoga in a tail.

Krok 2. Put on a bagel or a sock on the base of the tail.

Krok 3. Vіdokremlyuєmo is not too thick, it is distinguished by a thick comb for reaching maximum smoothness. You can vikoristovuvati mus, pink or gel.

Krok 4. Zagortaemo skewer around the scarpet, neatly hovering the tips in the middle (under the base of the scarpet). We fix everything with invisibility.

Krok 5. Repeat the whole procedure with a hairline.

Krok 6. From the middle skein we form a ticket. We fix the bundle with varnish.

Option 4

How to pack with a donut for an evening out at the light? There is nothing simple!

  1. Razchisuєmo hair and choose yoga in the chinese tail.
  2. We put the roller on the base of the ponytail.
  3. Rozpodіlyaєmo hair like a donut and smooth yoga from the sides.
  4. From above we dress a thin gum.
  5. The pasma, which is lost, is divided into two equal parts.
  6. One of them is patched into a pussy, wrapped around it on the right side, and it is fixed with invisibility.
  7. From the other part of the robimo bow. We divide it into three parts. Extremely lightly bouffant hair and twisted into a ringlet. We fix it with an invisibility in the middle and straighten it.
  8. The middle part is patched into the pussy and wrapped around the other side of the bundle. It is fixed with invisibility or with a hairpin.
  9. Brushed with varnish and decorated with rhinestones or garnier hairpins.

Winickly food? Watch the video:

Invisible bunch from scarpets

Zvichayny bunches caught up with you? Urnomaniate your purse with pussies. This variant looks even more beautiful, but it looks simpler, but it is a classic variant.

Krok 1. Rozchіsuєmo skein and zav'yazuєmo їh at a high tail.

Krok 2. Putting a bagel on the tail support.

Croc 3

Krok 4. Weave not like a tovst lock and weave a pussy from it - a sizable, ribbed or rib tail.

Krok 5. Turn it around the scarpet. You don't need to work too hard.

Krok 6. The tail, which is full of pussy, comes to the offensive skein. Weave a braid to a friend and wrap it again around the scarp.

Krok 7. We repeat this algorithm with a hairline.

Krok 8. The rest of the scythe is tied with a gum and wrapped around the scarf, the style is loose, it is necessary, so that it can be shoved.

Krok 9. We stretch the wattle so that the mows close the scarf. Z'єdnuєmo їх stilettos among themselves.

Krok 10. Embellish the bundle with a stitch, a bow or a decorative hairpin.

Bundle with twisted skeins

One more evening, laying down, for which it is not shameful to ruin a romantic dinner.

1. Separate hair and divide it horizontally into two parts.

2. Tie a low tail to a friend.

3. Pull the roller onto the base of the hair.

4. Robimo is easier to nachіsuvannya.

5. Rozpodіlyaєmo hair like a donut and put on a thin gumk to the beast.

6. The upper part of the hair is divided into three thin skeins. The skin from them is twisted into a jgut.

7. Close the base of the tail with invisibility.

8. Hair, which is left out of the bundle, twist one more bundle and wrap it around the bundle.

9. Fix with varnish.

Twister - a good alternative to a donut

Twister - a foam pin with a hole in the middle and a thin core in the middle. Vіdoma sche sovkovyh chasіv, won bula unfairly forgotten richly rokіv. Now the twister has turned back to modi. Let's try and make a side bunch with it.

1. Razchisuєmo hair and choose yogo in the tail on the spot where the bun is roztashovuvatim.

2. We sell the end of the tail in the opening of the hairpin and the hair is burned straight down to the very foundation.

3. Install the hairpin horizontally and bend it so that the base of the tail closes completely.

4. Rozpodіlyaєmo mane around twister. Zachіska is ready!

Heagami for stylish bunches

Heagams are called attachments from two plates, creaked only from one side. Hurrying up to the tsim, you will take the skein into a bundle without any special zusil.

  1. Razchіsuєmo skein and choose them from the tail.
  2. We press the tips between the plates.
  3. We wrap the hairpin, clapping the whole hair behind it, right up to the tuck in of the tail.
  4. Zvodimo together kіntsi heags.

A bunch of heags does not look so good, but natural. And yet I don’t tighten my hair, so sing-songly evaluate the Volodarki of a long and thick mane.

On which we finish the theoretical part of our master class. The hour has come to proceed to the її practical division. Far away to you images of those garnih bunches!

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