How easy it is to make a zhachka from natural materials. How to grow virib - zhachka from yalina cones and pine cones with your own hands: Pokrokov photo-instruction and video master-class. For the middle group kindergarten

Good afternoon. In this article you will find a great treasure chest of ideas for the creation of the ZHIN collection. Here are selected ideas, which are suitable for children at the kindergarten of that school. We will practice with our own hands in different techniques. Glues їzhachkіv from paper and cardboard, robiti vibrіb їzhachok іz natural material. I will show you the most beautiful appliqués with a hedgehog for some techniques. Mi shitimemo їzhachkіv z felt and valyatimemo z povstі. Embroider zhachkiv in a cross. V'yazati їzhachkіv gachkom and richly іnshoy. And I also share my favorite products of zhachkiv - apples and mushrooms. You can create an apple for your zhzhachka, or an application-mushroom.

What do you know about this article.

Virobi zhachki

For little children

(Vik 3-4 years).

At the youngest group nursery children only learn the techniques of application from paper. Babies of the 3rd rokіv still can't be brushed with scissors - and now it's just glued with glue already ready, wiping with the hands of the whirler the details of the appliqué as needed. It’s already too late to milk a foldable robot, as it’s not easy for small children. Curve with an impenetrable penzle, apply evenly spread sticky glue along paper details. And stick all the details on the right place, without mixing anything up and not turning your feet upside down.

Axis of handy applique for children 3-4 years old. A simple cute plump zhachok for children - in the photo below. Yogo is easy and simple to do with your own hands. We glue the thorns on the back, then we put the detail of the belly on them and lay out the paws and the ear. Yakraz for 15 quills - stiles are three times a job for a child nursery in the 2nd young group.

And the axis on whichever option is lower, the children are given the back of the zhachka from cardboard. I paper contours of the head, paws. Girls can try a bow. Put an apple on the back with a lad. Rather, let your eyes and mouth be painted on your muzzle behind the back of the wielder himself (the sheep in the child’s hands are torn wet like paper glue, and the felt-tip pen can be used in a kalyushka with glue-pva and stop writing).

One more task is more feasible for children virib-zhachok. Here a prickly back is glued on an apple from a cardboard, then a muzzle is already on the beast, then on its eyes, cheeks, nose. It looks like a folding vibr - ale simple and accessible to children 3-4 years old.

And the axis is even lower - de їzhachok hugs the apple. The children are more likely to embrace the fact itself. Important note - Do not give the children the handles of the zhachka far behind. The stench will hurry up and glue them to the stomach earlier, lower the apple - and cry that your zhachok does not hug the apple.

On the back, let's glue the apple to the belly of the zhachka, and let someone who got in, give the handles of the zhak.

And the axis of the task is already on the other pіvrіchchya young group. Here it is important to correctly stick the thorns on the zhachka - so, schob gostry kut marveling at the next bek view of the muzzle of a hedgehog. Keys can be seen not only from the great colored paper. It’s even better to cut the thorns from the lining of the colored paper - so the stench will look different with the bright inclusions of the vizierunka. And the papyrus is protected, and the linings are not thrown away. І їzhak to go out the holy day.

Virib Zhachok

For the middle group kindergarten

Vіk 4-5 roіv.

In the middle group of a kindergarten, children already begin to recover cut with scissors. The stinks start їх correctly trim and work in the line of CHIK-CHIK, not straining the fingers (follow it, so that the child’s fingers did not twist in the process of the chik-chik in the strain). Let wine learn how to calmly work this rush.

The first task of cutting with scissors for children is the simplest. As a rule, the price is grass-fringe. In this technique of fringe fringing, it is possible to grow and vibrate in the look of a zhzhachka. Children are given a wide oval (rectangle with rounded edges). І task of the child: pump up the oval on the rose by the stake (like a little one lower). You can paint the lines of future roses on the skin oval in advance with olive oil. So the child will have a clear reference point for reporting a knife.

Give special respect to children , Scho, if we stick the necks of the zhachka on the paper background, we can glue TILKI HEART of the back - I cut the fringe DO NOT MAKE GLUE in the fire. And then, after gluing the fringe on the olive, it will burn out with your hands.

Under the hour of preparation until the silhouette of the body of the zhachka is busy, you can paint with a black marker on the arch paper - and the whole sheet replicate on xerox. It is necessary to show the silhouettes of the body of the zhachkiv in such a way that it does not create marker lines. The task of the child will be to bend the cuff of the handle and head forward. And so that the head of the zhachka washed the top of the line of the head of the zhak’s head - do not forget to infuse them.

І axis one more virіb at tekhnіtsі BACHROMA(cut with scissors) - for children of the middle group, kindergarten = at the look of a hedgehog.

Children are younger it’s already ready, the base of the body of the hedgehog is bent . Older children themselves fold the wife's wife wide into the shape of a KRAPL.

Then it will be necessary for you to teach children to do good with scissors: trim your hand with scissors straight - change straight cut without turning your hands with scissors, but turning the arch of paper (the technique of cutting is correct)

І axis if children are caught by technology, you can give them the task of zigzagging the prickly silhouette of a hedgehog coat (like in the photo below). Tse already zavdannya on the other half of the middle group of the child nursery.

It is possible to propagate to children the axis of such a virib їzhachok (like in the photo below).

On the leaves of the color boom, there is a small silhouette of a hedgehog. On the new one in advance, rob it with a forest (children are not pierced by scissors themselves). And the head of the child will be vizating the entire zhachka painted on cardboard along the contour and squeezing with his fingers.


virobi with zhachki

in the children's garden.

If the children get used to drawing along the contour, you can give them cardboard cards, on which the contours of fruits (pear and apples) will be painted. And deyakі children take off the contours of the head skin of the zhachka.

And then you can create such a COLLECTIVE variety of fruits in the nursery at the nursery. The skin of a child takes its fate, wields its part of the viroba - and then, for example, we will take all the details together with the child's picker from the virobi.

So you can give out cards to children with the outline of an autumn leaf (maple, oak) painted on them. 1st day autumn leaves we choose it into a garland, like a trimming, weaving from cardboard.

Childish virib Zhachok

I glue that newspaper.

You can make a zhachka from a non-standard material - a bagato-ball newsprint cardboard. Beremo white arkush paperu smear yoga with PVA glue- I shvidko, while the glue is not dry, lay it on a new pieces of narvana newspaper. I renew the beast to smear this sheet with glue - and re-arrange the newspaper shmatochki at the places, uncovered by the newspaper. Sushimo tsei bagato-ball newsprint cardboard. Tse first busy for children. Prodovzhennya virobu on another job.

After hanging all the balls we put the beast silhouette-template zhachka- Outlined in black marker. I have to come out harvesting for another occupation from the children. On the new stench, the silhouette of a little zhachka can be seen from the inscriptions. Let's sweat the paper on the arkush - on the glue - weaklast the dry leaves. Glue the silhouette of a zhachka to the beast. On scraps of newsprint cardboard (which were left behind after the wiping of a zhachka) there is a small apple and a leaf. Farbuyemo їх at the red and green watercolor. Sushimo. Virizaemo. I stick an apple on the back of the hedgehog.


for children of the senior group

at technіtsі ВЄЄР.

Arkush of colored paper is folded into an accordion (like a breeze). Z dvoh kіntsіv tsієї folded ї harmonica robimo KOSIY ZRІZ with scissors (zavdyaki why a jagged edge appeared at the vial).

Now the harmonica is pereginaemo navpil in the middle - folded її. I straighten the blades with one half of the accordion and with the other half of the accordion. And now it’s too much to glue the muzzle of the zhachka. Simple varib zhachok for children senior group child garden.

Virobi-pіdvіski vіkno

In the form of a zhachka.

From the cardboard, you can see the outline of the zhachka with a great dirka pierced in the middle. From the back side on the adhesive tape krіpimo shmatok polyethylene slinky.І it is laid on PVA glue on dry leaves. Viribly vіshuєmo on vikno - the light beautifully shines through the leaves, and on the sun the leaves shine like an autumn lamp. Such a variant of a zhachok is more appropriate for children - the stench is to love pratsyuvati with natural material. And lower in the same article, I will have a lot of zhachkiv from natural material.

And on such a frame in the form of a zhachka, you can stick shmatki. Paper Servettes with colorful visor. Servetka can also shine on the sun, if you bring your child's vibrancy to the window.

If the edges of the cardboard frames of a look-alike zhachka are pierced with openings (for the help of a splitter), then you can choose with lacing. Through the lace at the world weave weave namistini, or paper leaves. Such a virіb їzhachok for older children pіdіyde - schoolchildren, more lacing on the right is long.

Do-it-yourself zipper

at the “valley” technique

And the axis of sprats of virobivs, in which vikoristos are born, the silhouettes of childish arms. For the smallest children, the axis is such a vibrancy, when it is necessary to apply brown palms on the already painted outline of the zhachka - a sprat of times.

Also, you can add 2 lessons to the nursery. At the first lesson of the child, to rob 3-4 different-colored leaves of the tree on a white arch paper. On the other side of the bus, you can see the beats and stick on the back of the zhachka, which is visible on the cardboard.

It is possible to create a collective sleep vibrancy in a child's cage, to rob a child's skin and then we will vibrate the wedges of the palm and then all the wedges will be glued on a little zhachka from a colorful paper - the shape of a yoga thorn.

You can do without farb. Just circle the palms of the child with olive oil on the arch of the colored paper. Then let's look at the work around the application with a puffy nose-cone of a paper hedgehog (as in the photo below). A simple collective choice for a child nursery.

Applications ZHIK

3 colored paper.

The axis of a sprig of ideas of simple beautiful appliqués from a paper on a zhzhachok. At a child cage, you can make such an applique with your own hands, as if for a long time, you want to see half of the details. Children for one occupation (a long time of 20 hvilin) ​​it will be important to look at mushrooms and leaves and zhak. Let the details of the wines be taken off in preparation.

And the axis of the virtual application is based on a disposable paper plate. It’s not scary that you don’t have any plates. You can take an excellent sheet of white cardboard, put it on a new plate, circle it. Look round. І on one half of the round, paint teeth-heads.

The task of the child will be simpler - virіzati cloves along the contour. Embellish the kruglyash for two colors - scallop half of the stake with brown, round the half in green colors. Let's glue the muzzle and paws, mushrooms and leaves.

And I knew the axis garnu leaflet with a zhachk, crushed with my own hands. This is also a garna idea for a bagatospheric application. Here the prickly back of the zhachka is folded into four toothed shanks of cardboard. In some, it is necessary to bend the cloves and stick them in tiers one by one, starting from the back of the hedgehog. Virib decorate with leaves and berries.

And the axis is one more application for children. Here the fur coat of the zhachka was folded over the disks with a jagged edge. The more chairs you win in the appliqué - the more your hedgehog will be. Following the same principle, it is possible to grow a bulk fungus and a haze. Ale for a child's garden - tse zanadto. Therefore, to stitch one volumetric element at the technіtsi shovel.



Packing corrugated cardboard is a cheap and cheap material for children's hands. As on the details from the cardboard, cut through with scissors - then you can dress the details one by one. I take into account the total variation.

I painted the axis with deformity scratches on the details, so that they could be correctly selected into a pretty cardboard hedgehog. Beautiful children virobi. It is necessary to protect that corrugated cardboard is a tovshchina, so it is necessary to work wide - like a hole. These details are easy to dress one on one.

And you can also expand your own fantasies and create a foldable bag with packing cardboard. Part of the cardboard material needs to be fermented at black farb.

And from two sheets of cardboard you can make volume vibr-lamp in the form of a zhachka. On the cardboard silhouettes, tricot nadrizi squirm - soothing barbs. We glue two silhouettes in the area of ​​the spout and in the back of the back of the zhachka. Let the glue dry and then pink the middle of the silhouettes ubik - inserting in the middle damn the jar with a candle-tablet in the middle. Light a candle at the bottom of the jar with the old spaghetti-macaroni - it’s miraculous to burn brightly and evenly, like a long-term sirnik.

Cardboard can be beaten not only leafy, and th pobutovy, which mi sound wikidaemo - cardboard bushings like toilet paper, cardboard packaging vіd yaєts.

Virib їzhachok for children - from a roll like a toilet paper.

If you have a brown-colored double-sided papier and a roll like a toilet paper, then you can make a simple one with your children, that swedish veil in a looking zhachka.

On the arkush paper, I’m very prickly fur coat їzhachka. A roll of toilet paper troch shortly with scissors in height, schob vin buv lower. Malyuєmo on the new eye, nіs, mouth and paws of a zhachka. The upper part of the roll is flattened and sealed with a stapler. The back of the roll is smeared with glue and a prickly fur coat is glued on a colored paper. The top of the fur coat is folded forward - the forelock of the zhachka comes out, which hangs.

Do-it-yourself spring from the box from the egg - master-class in photos .

For help, a knife is used to cut the chest of the box one kind of one, the skin of the chest is cut into pellets. Tse will be the spines of the zhachka. One middle is filled with cilia - it will be the muzzle of a hedgehog.

Scraps that were left out, and the lid of the package is filled with okrop. Let's stand and swell Vidzhimaemo with our hands and stick with the fluffy mass of the tricot cone - the basis of the body of the hedgehog. Let's prepare this goodness and dry it on the sun. Abo dry in the oven.

Kozhen's father does not know a bit about those, how often children go to school, or the kindergarten needs to work. The whole creative process, which often transforms into a bedroom right. At one time, the procedure for the creation of such virobivs is not guilty of lying on the shoulders of the fathers.

And just like an hour spent in children, they develop a little skill and intelligence, zocrema, fine motor skills, fantasy, creativity. It’s even easier to get out of the cones and zhachok, so it’s possible for a child to come out of them and independently.

One of the most popular ways, yakі often shy children at schools and kindergartens, є їzhachok іz bumps. How to do it, you can think of it yourself, but the master-class reports will help you to get out of the zavdannya and pick up the necessary materials.

From the yalina cones, the zhachok is more likely to fight, to that її stripes to put on figures of volume, setting up the necks on the back of the zhachok. Pine cones are ideal for such a viroba. Tsey sposіb primіtny tim, scho here perebachaєtsya and lіlennya іz plastilіnu, yak itself also develops the motility of the child's hands, fosters the development of fantasy, the mind of that thought.

Need the following materials:

  • pine cones (one zhachok - one cone);
  • plasticine of different colors: black, red, white, green, brown;
  • board for robots made of plasticine.

  1. Vіdrіzaєmo a small piece of plasticine brown color. Rosemary shmatka can be close to 1/3 of the cone itself.
  2. From plasticine, a bag rolls and attaches to the tail of the cone.
  3. With your fingers, it is necessary to smooth the bag from one side in such a rank, so that it becomes a continuation of the bump.
  4. From the other side, the Vilny edge is left, from which it is necessary to shape the muzzle of a zhachka.
  5. As you can see that the muzzle is too big and looks disproportionate to the toe, then you just need to pinch the piece of plasticine and work it out again.
  6. Then take black plasticine and download yoga in a small bag. Spout їzhachka, scho wiyshov, attach to the muzzle.
  7. Divide a piece of brown plasticine into two equal parts.
  8. Download small cowboys from them, to serve as paws for the creature.
  9. Turn the zhachka on its back and attach the paws. Chipped paws allow the figures to stand.
  10. Give white plasticine. From the new it is necessary to download small bags for vіchka.
  11. Bіl_ bags need to be supplemented with black specks. great expansion, like to cling to the beast on the white plasticine, so that the right eyes appeared.
  12. For the folding of the mouth, we fasten one small piece of plasticine right under the muzzle.
  13. You can decorate the zhachka by planting a new apple made of red plasticine on a new apple. Garno here you can see the bumps of the wild.

Virobnitstvo "zhachok z cones" looks presentable and cіkavo. Tsya kazkova istota can be embellished not only if you like an exhibition lighting install, and th home police.

Zhachka z cones and plasticine lipit simply and quickly, but smut, for which you don’t need a lot of materials.

Springer made of natural materials

An offensive method of creating a zhachka from cones transferring victoria to other natural materials. For the figurine's circle, droplets from acorns, nasinnya, roslin-thorn are needed. From stationery accessories - PVA glue.

From the cones that have sprung up, they vibrate for the moment, for their viability for virobu pidide and the great black peppercorns. It is necessary to prepare droplets from acorns, the stench to serve as the basis for the muzzle of a zhachka.

  1. Clearly smeared with glue and firmly pressed down to the thorn.
  2. Manually spread the thorns on the dishes, so as not to stab yourself. Victory for whom you can dance or a glass.
  3. In the air, two little strips are seen and glued to the head of the zhachka.
  4. For help, we are working for the creature's eyes.
  5. For greater durability of the figurine, you can trim three thorns from below.

Bucket with clay and bumps

The buds of the cones are rooted in the great popularity of the seed of simplicity and the fact that the cones can know the skin of the park or the house. If you want to collect additional materials, you can create copies of them. For example, vikoristovuyuchi polymer clay, you can create a cute and cheerful hedgehog. It is possible to vikoristovuvat and plasticine, ale polymer clay is more beautiful, to the fact that when baked it is harder and takes its shape for a long time.

It is necessary to glue a large piece of clay on the ghul, to create a cone from it. The hind legs of the great rosemary are thicker, the front legs are smaller. From the clay of the black color, grow the nose and eyes. For an additional tool for clay, you should push your mouth.

In order to give the image of a zhachka a playfulness and a positive, you can not work with plastic eyes, but buy it ready in the store.

Zhachok from a bowl

From the plastic plate, a wonderful version of the virobu appears at the look of the zhachka. A faceless dance can be found in a skin booth, it doesn’t matter to him to know everything required materials for the creation of this option.

It is necessary to take a dance and glue it with plasticine, then attach bumps to the dance. It's true, the procedure is not the simplest, it takes a lot of strength, because stench is not easy to attach to plasticine. Another way to attach small pieces of cones to the dance is to wrap the dance with pantyhose and sew the cones to the dance with additional thread and needles.

Good day, dear friends, I want to share with you the original idea of ​​making a zhachka with my own hands from our own. Such a miraculously pidide like at the cages and to school and not to deprive anyone of the canoe. The holy autumns have already passed, but there will be stinks and you will have a miraculous ability to prepare such a hedgehog, but if you can’t wait, then you can make it for yourself. The author of this master class of preparing a zhachka is Lyudmila Finova and її syn Arseniy.

To prepare a zhachka, we need:
* Foil.
* Plasticine.
* Last.
* Leg-split.
* PVA glue.
* Acorns.
* Leaves.

How to prepare a zhachka:
To prepare the zhak, we take foil on the cob, you can beat the foil for example from a chocolate bar. We take the foil and start to crush the breast, and from the other piece of foil we create the muzzle of our zhachok. To close the muzzle with a tulub, cover two blanks with a large piece of foil and take the result as in the photograph.

The shape of the zhachka is ready, now it is covered with plasticine. The body is covered with black plasticine, and the muzzle is brown.

We will decorate the muzzle for additional twine, take a little bit of twine and smear it with PVA glue and then glue it. The very foundation needs to be covered with glue and then we wind the twine. The best twine is applied from the spout. If the muzzle is ready and dried up, then you can proceed to the preparation of the body, we will build it in the checker order so that the plasticine is not visible. Plasticine is better to vikoristovuvaty behind the black color, it will not be visible.

From plasticine, we will cut the eyes and nose of our zhachku.

Let's give our zhachka a fungus from acorns and plasticine, add a leaf and decorate the back of the zhachka.

Marvel at what a cute and comedy wiyshov їzhachok, I think that the author of this selection will borrow a day from the competition.

It's time for autumn - the hour of tsіkavih and creative ideas for virobіv. Variations can be the most manipulative, from solitary creatures to fantasy places. Today, we will show you how to create the symbol of 2018 fate for the word yansky calendar. zhachka from hand-me-down materials.

Golovne at the statue

Pokrokov's instructions for making a zhachka from yalina cones with your own hands

One of the largest simple ways create an original version - tse majstruvat їzhachka z yalin cones, zavdyakovy їх specific "holly" texture.


  • cones;
  • Plasticine.

Process HID:

How to make a zhachka from pine cones in stages?


  • Plasticine;
  • Cones.

Hid diy:

  1. Download the bag with rosemary from the bottom.
  2. In one place, twist a cone - it will be a muzzle.
  3. Download one bag of small rosemary - for the nose, two - for the eyes and two smaller ones - for the eyes.
  4. Attach your body parts of the body.
  5. Further fix the cones of a small size, evenly spreading them all over the body.
  6. Download small chotiri cowbass for paws, fix on the laces.
  7. Decorate the back of the creature with mushrooms and apples from plasticine.

Meister-class for preparing a zhachka for a cone near the cages


  • Salone tisto;
  • cones;
  • Farby.

Process HID:

  1. Download a small bag.
  2. In one place, win the trochs a cone - for the muzzle.
  3. Download the smaller bag, and attach it.
  4. Break up a bump, wiymayuchi small pieces.
  5. Insert the small pieces into the body of the future hedgehog, directing their muzzles.
  6. Download small bags for the eyes and fix them.
  7. Let the viroba dry.
  8. For help, farb, rozfarbuy nis that eyes.

Osinny virib їzhachok іz cones before school: pokrokovo s photo


  • polymer clay;
  • Farba for clay;
  • Pine cone;
  • Clay tool.


Virib їzhachok z cones and chestnuts


  • Chestani;
  • cones;
  • Glue;
  • Black peppercorns.


  1. Cover the strips of the cone with glue and fix the prickly chestnut shell. The base of the cone will be a muzzle, which needs to be glued to the end part of the cone.
  2. Stick peas on your place.
  3. Decorate the back of the zhachka with leaves and fruits from plasticine.

How to make a zhachka from plasticine and a bump?

  1. In order to make a hedgehog with plasticine and a cone, it is necessary to download from the first body and fix it on a new cone.
  2. It is also possible to vicorate the cone as if it is ready for the body. And glue the muzzle with plasticine, adding other parts of the body.
  3. The third option is to win the smallest cones, fixing them along the entire perimeter of the back and sides of the creature.

"Zhachok іz sіna ta cone"


  • Sino;
  • Ochі ta nіs;
  • cones;
  • Jgut;
  • Glue gun;
  • Scotch;
  • Tree gills.


  1. Raise from the necks the skeleton of a possible creature in a sitting position.
  2. Fix them with tape.
  3. Wrap yoga with sinom and seal it with a jig and glue.
  4. On the back of the creature, for the help of a pistol with glue, glue the cones - the stink will play the role of the heads.
  5. Glue the eyes and nis.
  6. Decorate the zhachka with a gorobina and mushrooms.

Original varib zhachok from a plastic plate with cones


  • Plastic plate liter;
  • Black plasticine;
  • Kapron sock;
  • Eyes;
  • cones;
  • Clay Moment.


More ideas for experiments plastic discs know.

How to rob the great zhachka for cones and pine heads?


  • Cone;
  • Plasticine - beige and black;
  • Pine heads;
  • Glue.


  1. Download a plastic bag, in one place, twist it with your hands into a cone-shaped shape.
  2. Fix on the basis of the cones, so that the stripes marveled at the muzzle.
  3. Download from black plasticine a small bag - nіs і two less - ochі.
  4. Fix them on the mist.
  5. Apply glue to the tip of the pine head and fix it between the strips.
  6. Wrap those same ones with smaller goals, evenly spreading them along the entire back of the zhachka.
  7. You can put a maple leaf on the heads for embellishment.

Virib zhachok z cone and leaf

  • Plyashka;
  • Eyes;
  • Jgut;
  • Jute bear;
  • A black thread is tied;
  • cones;
  • Glue;
  • Cardboard;
  • Autumn leaves.


  1. Tighten the dance with a bear and fix it.
  2. Cover the lid with glue and wrap it with black thread.
  3. Cover the surface of the plate and fix the cones evenly along the entire body of the hedgehog.
  4. Glue on the eyes.
  5. Cover the cardboard with glue and fix the sheet.
  6. Place the hedgehog on the cardboard with the sheets.
  7. If possible, decorate the zhachka with flowers, gorobina and fruits.

VIDEO: how do you grow a cicada virib zhachok from cones?

Zhachki - one of the simplest types. You can work with any kind of handy materials, and especially in autumn. The process of creating a gum creature is not only simple, but also cicavia. Receive your child from the world of miraculous vitvorivs. Show how you can create a name that is more beautiful with your hands.

Usim great hello!

Boys, that girls, and also their fathers, Shkola I will ask you again to the creative master! Let's let our hands enjoy the creative process and find out how to get a charming little bug out of a cone and plasticine. She is not alone, but the whole team! And then let's go for a walk.

Let's start from the fact that we prepare everything we need.

We need:

  1. Pine cones (yalinovі tezh pіdіdut, ale from pine їzhachki pіydut prickly).
  2. Plasticine is wonderful.

We hung in front and hung our bumps, and then, with the help of a thick penzlik, covered them with acrylic varnish. Ale tse zovsim neobov'yazkovo. Just if the cones are filled, the stench looks beautiful.

How to rob a zhachku muzzle? Kind of simple. Take a small piece of plasticine and close the cone, and then the tip of the cone (probable nose) lightly raise the hill. Then glue the muzzle to a blunt bump.

And on this photo it is shown how to grow a little. Just download two small but same cowboys and stick them there, de zhak will have a tummy.

From the same plasticine, like a muzzle, make two small shortbreads. Tse will be a vushka. Attach them to the head of the hedgehog. The eyes can be filled with namistin, small pieces of cardboard or buckwheat groats. Mi for chikogo vikoristovuvali peas of black pepper.

Zhak ready! Side view. One word: "Handsome!!!"

It's hard to live alone. That is why we killed our friends. Viyshla whole team!

As you can see, the hedgehogs are a people of pracovitia. All the time you can wear it on your necks. And what about ours? Added spices with mushrooms and apples. One day it became more fun! And to us, and prickly fox bags.

Already in autumn, birch knots lay on the balcony. We knew them at the park, they tried to take them home. Thought: "Raptom nadoblyaetsya." Axis i got to know) Tse knots for us, but for zhachkіv right logs!

Z'ednuemo tsipki one by one. It sounds like a white thread.

We decorate the deck with leaves, spikelets, gorobini berries. At the same time, there are threads, with which they tied them.

We send our prickly team for a walk! We sit on decks. І Done!

Such a virіb is not shameful and can be brought to school, if it is necessary to argue from natural material.

Spodіvaєmosya, our master-class fell to your soul. And you will also try to spawn these miracle creatures. Golovne robіt all pokrokovo, і then obov'yazkovo viyde!

Schob evil nathnennya, take a look at the good old cartoon)

And you can also work with plasticine!

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We thank you for the acceptance of creativity and virushaemo work of new virobi!

Good luck to you!

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